
Death in Baja Part III

Pescador - 3-15-2014 at 01:11 PM

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I,_____________________________________herewith want to make my wishes known, should I die in Baja California Sur, Mexico, (print your full name). I was born at_______________________________ on____________________. My father's name is/was:_________________________________, my mother's name is/was: ________________________________, my husband's or wife's name is/was: _________________________________. These instructions concern only the disposition of the remains of my body and shall not displace my legal will and testament should there be one in existence. As soon after my death as possible, I wish: (initial whichever applies) ____My body to be buried in Mexico at the cemetery at__________________________________. ____My body to be cremated in Mexico and my ashes given to_____________________________ or____________________________at__________________________________________________. ____My body transported out of Mexico to_____________________________________________. I have transportation insurance as follows:__________________________________________. In the event of my death, please notify the people listed below and on the back of this page (name, phone number,email address, etc.) Signature:___________________________________________________Date___________________ Witness_____________________________________Witness________________________________ Passport No./expiration date/place of issuance (attach copy of passport if possible) ________________________ __________________________________ _____________________ Instructions: Leave as many copies of this document as you wish with close friends, neighbors, your family here and up north, your landlord, etc. Remember, not everybody is here all the time, so cover the eventualities. You may send a copy to the U.S. Consulate in Tijuana or via the Consular Warden. The Trustee of my estate is: (name, phone number,email address, etc.)_______________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ The following persons who are authorized to act in my name are: ___________________________ ______________________________________________________Other Responsible persons who know me are: (name, phone number,email address, etc.)
See back of this page
TESTAMENTO A QUIEN CORRESPONDA: Yo, __________________________________________quiero hacerles saber mis deseos, en caso de que fallezca en Baja California Sur, Mx. (imprima su nombre). Mi lugar exacto de nacimiento, la fecha de nacimiento, _____________________________, ______________________________ nombre de mi padre: ____________________________________, nombre de mi madre:_____________________________________nombre de mi esposo o esposa:______________________________________. Estas instrucciones solo aplican a la disposicion de los restos de mi cuerpo y no cambiaran nada de mi testamento legal si hay uno o varios existen. Deseo inmediatamente, después de mi muerte: (firme con sus iniciales donde corresponda) _____Mi cuerpo debe ser sepultado en Mexico en el cementerio en _____________________________. _____Mi cuerpo debe ser cremado en Mexico y mis cenizas dadas a______________________________ o____________________________________en_____________________________________________. _____Mi cuerpo debe ser transportado de Mexico a_____________________________________. Tengo seguro de transportación, como siguiente:_____________________________________________ En caso de mi muerte, por favor notifique a la gente puesta en esta lista abajo y al reverso de esta página (nombre, numero de teléfono, dirección de correo electrónico, etc.) Firma: ___________________________________ Fecha: ______________________________________ Testigos ________________________________y_____________________________________________ Numero del Pasaporte ____________________ (encluye la copia del pasaporte si es posible) Fecha de caducidad ________________________ lugar de expedición____________________________ Administrador de mis bienes: ____________________________________________________________ Las siguientes personas que están autorizadas para actuar en mi nombre son:_____________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Otras Personas responsables que me conocen (nombre, número de teléfono, dirección de correo electrónico, etc) Al dorso para mas nombres

LINKS ALL PARTS of this series

David K - 3-15-2014 at 05:01 PM

Over time, without links to the next part, it may become difficult to quickly find them to read through, this being made up of several separate posts. Here are the parts:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4: