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Author: Subject: How fly fishing may save Mexico's fisheries and help boost the economy
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[*] posted on 7-8-2011 at 09:19 AM

I just showed Juan and he wondered if these contraptions work with barbed hooks too?

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[*] posted on 7-8-2011 at 09:33 AM

Originally posted by shari
I just showed Juan and he wondered if these contraptions work with barbed hooks too?

I think most of the fly fishers are using barbless hooks, because of the way they cast and for the safety of the others onboard. I've been hit by barbless hooks and they're easy to remove, they make taking them out of the fish super fast and easy too.

upon looking at this video:

Captain Francisco laughed and walked out of the room. The second fish that got de-hooked in the video, what's that left on the hook? part of the bait, or did the surgeon remove something cancerous there?
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[*] posted on 7-8-2011 at 12:30 PM

Fishing for fun, barbless hooks will work. Fishing for $$$? Don't think so.
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[*] posted on 7-8-2011 at 04:31 PM

I have tried the one that Bill uses but my new favorite that I carry in two sizes is this one. The smaller one works well for "Chicken Dorado" and the other day we kicked loose about 35 of the smaller ones that were eating our flies.

[Edited on 7-8-2011 by Pescador]

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[*] posted on 7-8-2011 at 04:58 PM

Interesting link:

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[*] posted on 7-8-2011 at 07:17 PM

Thanks for the nice post Pam.
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[*] posted on 7-8-2011 at 08:54 PM

Originally posted by shari
I just showed Juan and he wondered if these contraptions work with barbed hooks too?

The dehooker I posted works with barbed hooks.

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[*] posted on 7-9-2011 at 04:01 PM
another video, this one is a skipjack

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[*] posted on 7-10-2011 at 08:53 AM

bump, good news and heck out the "catching a skipjack on the fly from start to finish" video I shot on the same day as Doradomania.

yesterday was rough out there but under clear skies. no video because I stayed out of the wind on the lee of Carmen and Coronado where there were few fish. They're all to the south now and still thick. I hope to go out again tomorrow, clear skies, fingers crossed for no wind.
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[*] posted on 7-10-2011 at 12:55 PM
Brad Pitt story

Here's the Pitt story Pam referred to--it's about the future, what could happen around here:

How Brad Pitt Saved the Sea of Cortez

"Bobby, I'm gonna hit the beach. You ready?"
"No way. I'm down to my last two Lido patches and my skin is scalded. I better hang in the shade today." Robert T. "Bobby" Champion turned down his host's invitation to the beach, slumped down deeper into the overstuffed patio furniture. The Baja California Mexican sun can fool you in early June.

Bobby was not familiar with the scene. This was his first trip to Mexico. The year, 2042.

He'd been told. "First time? T-shirt, hat, all day. Sun block, 30 or better all over, as needed: tops of feet, knees, neck, nose."

"Cool. Chill here with Grampa Greg. Gramps, tell Bob-o the Pitt thing. Bobby, you'll dig it. Sci-fi Mexico. A trip. Later." Tony Waltham, Jr. went through the iron gate, hopped on the quad, sped off in a cloud of dust straight for the bluegreen surf.

Grampa Greg rudely shoved the small black dog off the couch with his ample hip, put his feet up on the rattan ottoman, took a swig of his Pacifico beer, grinned wickedly at the kid and said.

"Can you handle this? What grade are you in, same as Tony, nine, ten?"

"Yeah, same as Tony, tenth."

The old man queried kindly "You look awful. You want to sit in the truck? Turn on the air for a little while?"

"Naw, I'm Okay, just the fan, the fan is great." said Bobby. "What's the pit thing. Tony said you had a story about a pit, Mexico and a pit?"

"Not P I T, P I T T. Brad Pitt. The story's about some guys who saved the Sea of Cortez, he was one of em, one of the first."

"Was he one of those environmental guys? Last year, in my history class we read about some dudes who blew up nuke plants, booby-trapped forests. It was dumb stuff. I got a 2.3 for the year."

"No, he was in the movies. You want to hear the story or not?" groused the oldster.

"Yeah, I'm gamed out and I gotta stay in the shade. Shoot."

"Okay then. The story is about this little sea here, the Gulf of California, how it was dying, how it got saved in some really strange ways. The thing is big, 68,000 square miles of salt water. It's kinda trapped between Lower California, where we are now, and mainland Mexico. It's deep, very deep, in some places over a mile. At one time it was the most biodiverse body of water on the planet -- that means it had the most species of sea life, the most abundant numbers of such animals and plants, given its size, than all the other seas or bays."

Bobby took a sip of his coke, put some more cream on the backs of his hands, looked up again at the old man to indicate his continued attention.

"The way it's set up, it's like a trap. The fish that traveled all the seas, that just came to visit, swam into the mouth, down at the tip, Cabo San Lucas. As they went north to feed and spawn they were trapped, caught, netted, fished out for food, cat food, fertilizer by big fishing companies from all over the world. The Mexicans who lived along the shore, on both sides, caught the traveling fish, as well as the local fish with hook and line, nets; ate some, sold some. For almost a hundred years sport fishing was all the rage. Guys with big fishing rods, big fancy reels rented boats to go out and try a one-on-one with marlin that weighed up to 1,000 pounds or more. It was big business. Many of the big cities around here started out with just a few shacks and some boats for these old-timey guys to rent." Greg lifted his ample belly aloft, pushed off the couch, went to the kitchen for another beer, yelled out to Bobby, did he want another coke. The return trip was long and tortuous but in time Greg's butt was again at rest, beer in hand he was ready to go on.

"It didn't happen over night, there were some who tried to slow the process, set some limits on the catch but the money was too big...tens of billions of dollars each year. So, the fish had to go. Pretty soon they were almost all gone. Not nearly enough public knowledge, attention, outrage to do much about it."

Bobby kept up his end. "When does the Pitt guy jump in?"

"How'd you do in Attention Span 101? Hold tight, we're almost there. You can't go to the beach today anyway." another grouse from the old man. "You ever hear of fly fishing?" asked the old man.

"Flies? Flies? Nuh uh." is the almost unintelligible reply from the teen.

"Well, they made a movie about it, about a river and flyfishing, back in the early 1990's. This famous movie star was in it. It started a whole fad thing. The way it works is you take this real skinny, real long fishing rod, a reel that looks a squashed coffee grinder, lots of light line, whip the whole thing back and forth till the line goes out farther and farther. On the end of the line you tie on a tiny little hook you can hardly see. You wind sewing thread around the tiny hook, glue some small feathers to it so it resembles some little insects the fish like to eat."

Bobby interrupts. "The insect is a fly I bet, it looks like a fly, the hook thing."

"Mind like a proverbial steel trap, my lad. You got it. It looks like a fly. The first ones were made to look like the kinds of flies that inhabit small freshwater lakes and streams -- mayflies. The fad took off like a wildfire in a Georgia pitchy pine forest during a ten-year drought. Nobody saw it comin'. Times were changing. Men were gettin' away from all the manly tough stuff, wrestling went belly up, boxing, the rugged red-necks with the big rods and reels lookin for the big marlin, tuna started crossing over. People were becoming more sensitive, more in touch with their feelings, in touch with nature."

Another interruption. "The guys with the fly things caught fish too, just like the red-necks didn't they?"

The old man finished off his beer with a flourish. "You're right on point today kid. If this were a history class I'd be giving you a 3 something. The big difference; the fly guys did catch fish ---- they let em go, threw em back, every one of em.

Pitt wasn't the only one. A bunch of guys on T.V., you do remember T.V. I hope, guys with even longer and skinnier rods, bigger reels, big old lures made out of bird's wings started flyfishing in the ocean. Well, the fad on ocean flyfishing was wilder than the freshwater stuff.

Pitt was one of the pretty boys, skinny, with deep blue eyes, long lashes, looked like a girl. The salt water guys on T.V. were fatter but still had that girlish look about em. The manly types were being replaced by these sensitive guys. Pretty soon this whole area around here was full of guides, schools, special resorts, special tours, how-to classes. It wasn't just around here either. These new sensitive types had a world more money than the rednecks ever thought of. The fad was spreading world-wide at the same exact time we were in the center of an economic updraft. The big factory ships were dragged off to rust at the dock. Quotas were starting to be set, catch limits enforced, the sea began to have the time to heal. Mother nature will bounce back with a vengeance if you just ease up a bit."

Bobby has a chance. "The dorado, the fish we caught Tuesday, were they going away? Did he save them too?"

"They were almost all gone. Now they're back in record numbers. When Pitt died way back in the thirties they made a big deal of his death but all the publicity was about the movies; hardly a word on any of the ‘nets about what he started, what he did for this ocean and all the others." The old man added.

"I had a friend who used to flyfish. He lived over in Los Barriles. Luther Kutcher. Died eight years ago. He was the biggest, meanest looking guy you ever saw, hands like hams. Amanecer, that's Spanish for dawn, I'd go down sometimes just to watch him. A mountain dancing. That's the impression I got. All that mass, muscle and jiggle almost prancing above the water, just where it hit the sand, whipping that thin wand back and forth like the devil's whip. He didn't like the Pitt guy, the movie. Caught his share of the shore fish but he let em all go. If he wanted fish for dinner he bought it off the dock." Greg took a long sip of beer, looked out at the ocean.

Bobby's turn. "Is that it? That's the story?"

"Yeah, that's it."

Bobby wants more. "Are there any of those fly fish guys still around? Around here? Could Tony and me see em?"

"The thing's died out mostly. Occasionally I see some guy on a quad flingin the fly down by the lagoon. Still lots of roosters and jacks down there. Before you go back, you got four more days, you might run into one of them down on the beach. If you do, if you see them down there, best stay way back away from them if they're whipping those things about. They're sensitive, sometimes a little touchy. And they're proud. I guess they got good reason."

[Edited on 7-10-2011 by Osprey]
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[*] posted on 7-10-2011 at 01:19 PM

Yep, Everybody has a good reason.
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[*] posted on 7-10-2011 at 01:36 PM

Originally posted by flyfishinPam
How fly fishing may save Mexico's fisheries and help boost the economy

i agree that fly fishing is great, much more fun than live bait fishing.
but the problems are [1] most fishermen are all about blood and glory and volume (why do you think they call their fav website "bloody decks?"); (2) the most-fun places to fly fish are mangroves, and the mangroves have been destroyed or over-fished; and (3) related to item #1, fly fishing is not very popular with knuckle draggers.

fly fishing from kayak or SUP or panga in protected mangrove waters is far more fun that fishing from a big stink pot with 8 other drunks chumming for dorado :lol::lol:

p.s. i don't know if it works from a tall deck, but from a kayak or SUP, the "boga" grip works well for holding fish to remove hook.
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[*] posted on 7-10-2011 at 01:50 PM

If they don't do away with the gill nets, all the fly fishing in the world won't amount to a hill of beans. Gonna have to use those little tiny trout flies to catch those little tiny fish that pass through the gill nets. Little tiny fish.;)
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[*] posted on 7-10-2011 at 02:31 PM

I added another video and embeded both recent ones on this page of my website

here's the embed of the last one in case you don't want to a link

[Edited on 7-10-2011 by flyfishinPam]
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[*] posted on 7-10-2011 at 03:28 PM

Fly Fishing kills fish slowly. It allows the animal to fight for life in a trauma, for the fish, that usually ends in death for the hooked.
It's torture.
In rivers and streams, the adversary, your fish, yields to the pressure fairly quickly, but the salt-water variety fights at a much stronger degree and in the process, the animal is wounded to a point that it should be considered....torture.

I live my life knowing I respect all life. I step around ants. I have trouble with any effort to reach an end that requires the torture of anything and that includes fishing.

Small tackle on big fish is torture. The longer you fight, the more it suffers.

I suppose I'm speaking to the heartless deaf, but that's just me.
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[*] posted on 7-10-2011 at 03:39 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Fly Fishing kills fish slowly. It allows the animal to fight for life in a trauma, for the fish, that usually ends in death for the hooked.
It's torture.
In rivers and streams, the adversary, your fish, yields to the pressure fairly quickly, but the salt-water variety fights at a much stronger degree and in the process, the animal is wounded to a point that it should be considered....torture.

I live my life knowing I respect all life. I step around ants. I have trouble with any effort to reach an end that requires the torture of anything and that includes fishing.

Small tackle on big fish is torture. The longer you fight, the more it suffers.

I suppose I'm speaking to the heartless deaf, but that's just me.

I like heavy line, winch 'em in. Box 'em or toss 'em. Next?
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[*] posted on 7-13-2011 at 07:58 AM

Or as Nugent says "Kill em and Grill em"
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Skipjack Joe
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[*] posted on 7-13-2011 at 08:51 AM

I doubt that flyfishing will ever have any major impact on baja sportfishing.
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[*] posted on 7-13-2011 at 09:42 AM

Originally posted by Skipjack Joe
I doubt that flyfishing will ever have any major impact on baja sportfishing.

define "major."

there are a fair number of people doing salt water fly fishing, sport seems to be growing. several tour operators are making money taking groups to east cape. salt water fly fishermen (and women) also doing their own trips to mag bay, east cape, etc.
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Skipjack Joe
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[*] posted on 7-13-2011 at 10:00 AM

Major? - over 50% to monies generated by sportfishing. I doubt it will go over 10%.

I am familiar somewhat with flyfishing in baja as I belong to a club of flyfisherman and have brought groups down in the past.

It's a growing field but it's limited in it's application to baja fishing. Only a handful of species are worth pursuing this way. Requires skills that most people don't want to bother learning. Costs more to equip yourself than standard fishing. Is usually less successful in catching fish than other methods (ever try to corbina with a fly? It's a major achievement. But with fresh dead bait - no problem).

These are just some reasons.

P.S. Dennis is right that most flyfisherman exhaust their fish by not forcing the issue. I witnessed that with tuna.
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