
Turtle bust

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DENNIS - 7-30-2009 at 05:08 PM

GAWWWWDAMMMMMMM RAMUMA......I asked you, seems like two freakin months ago.........don't you have a job? Seems like your participation here is full time. Surely, someone with your importance and business interests will have other things to do. No??????????????????????

maspacifico - 7-30-2009 at 05:32 PM

Eiee! Can't believe this is still happening.....I gave up on page 5. Just finished reading a John Grisham "novel" that I really just skipped to the end of to relieve me the pain of finishing the whole thing. We need an end to this too! Where is the stake or the silver bullets! Garlic!! Dr. Kevorkian!!

JESSE - 7-30-2009 at 05:45 PM

ramuma53 - 7-30-2009 at 05:54 PM

Wait, the Jimmy story is coming, just get your soda and popcorn

JESSE - 7-30-2009 at 06:20 PM

DENNIS - 7-30-2009 at 06:28 PM

Originally posted by JESSE

Well, since that's not the cover of your menu :spingrin:, I'll see it as an evaluation of Ramuma and his blathering nonsense here.
Actually...I have no idea who's right here. One minute one side is credible, the next minute the other.

Screw 'em both. Just stay out of my neighborhood.

Howard - 7-30-2009 at 06:29 PM

What once was an entertaining thread (unfortunately at the expense of other people) has turned into a real who gives a sh-t. I just hope that the full truth comes out and anyone guilty is punished to the full extent of the law.

I do not know where the truth lies but I sure hope it is with Mark and Olivia rather than the pampas idiot who must fancy himself as the next King or Emperor and the savior of Mexico. This has turned into that kids game (I think it was clue) about a who-did-it and I say it was Ramura in the hotel with a candlestick.

All I can say Mr. Ramura, get a life, let the courts settle everything (you are a lawyer and believe in the justice system, don’t you?) and concentrate on more positive things in life rather than whine like a little boy and try and win everyone over with your blabbering repetitive BS.

In summation, get a life, move on and think happy thoughts. Isn’t that what life should be all about? You do know how to do that, correct?

Let this forum move on to what it is intended for. Oh sh-t, I forgot, what is it intended for? (Just kidding)

Howard - 7-30-2009 at 06:32 PM

I was so wrapped up in my own BS, scratch the word pampas and use Pompous

JESSE - 7-30-2009 at 06:37 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by JESSE

Well, since that's not the cover of your menu :spingrin:, I'll see it as an evaluation of Ramuma and his blathering nonsense here.
Actually...I have no idea who's right here. One minute one side is credible, the next minute the other.

Screw 'em both. Just stay out of my neighborhood.


DENNIS - 7-30-2009 at 06:41 PM

Originally posted by Howard
In summation, get a life, move on and think happy thoughts. Isn’t that what life should be all about?, Howie my man. Life is about drama and the more intense the drama, the more intense the feeling and the more intense your life.
I mean....doncha freakin feel it? This is human interaction at it's best. You won't get this stuff at your local Weinerschnitzel.
Chilidogs arn't a bad alternative though.

ELINVESTIG8R - 7-30-2009 at 06:46 PM

Rafael I am looking forward to hearing from Jimmy.

DENNIS - 7-30-2009 at 06:52 PM

Originally posted by ELINVESTI8
Rafael I am looking forward to hearing from Jimmy.

We all are. He has a lot to explain.

OK.....My bet. He won't show up.

dtbushpilot - 7-30-2009 at 07:06 PM

Any newbee can be Jimmy, how do we know we have the "real Jimmy"?

I can't imagine why anybody would want this thread to go away. It has been great fun for me.....dt

ELINVESTIG8R - 7-30-2009 at 07:14 PM

I'm sure there are people in here who know him. We'll see how it plays out.

DENNIS - 7-30-2009 at 07:21 PM

I think Pescador said it, We need Bruce Leech. He knows all about Jimmy.

KAT54 - 7-30-2009 at 07:37 PM

Jesse. I hope Jimmy is wearing his shoes

JESSE - 7-30-2009 at 09:13 PM

I bet Jimmy learned english in the same school and same teacher than ramuma.

OLIGUACOMOLE - 7-30-2009 at 09:29 PM

Munoz's.............James Russell Hicks

Hook - 7-30-2009 at 09:37 PM

Jimmy posting his story wont cut it for me. I am a Doubting Tomas. I need to see his wounds; to "virtually" FEEL them for me to become a believer.

Oh, and could he show a tattoo or two, too?

arrowhead - 7-30-2009 at 09:56 PM

Originally posted by OLIGUACOMOLE
Munoz's.............James Russell Hicks

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Like I said a couple of months ago. There are no good guys in this sage. It's all bad.

JESSE - 7-30-2009 at 10:00 PM

Originally posted by OLIGUACOMOLE
Munoz's.............James Russell Hicks

Well, we got our first confirmed drug trafficker of this story.

BajaNuts - 7-30-2009 at 10:04 PM

Originally posted by arrowhead
Originally posted by CaboRon
How about some pictures of the navy gunship ?


hey...psssst....howiedude..... got any of that pompous grass you could share with the rest of us?!?

I hear there's a landing strip just off shore of the buenaventura complex that an accomplished BUSHPILOT could navigate.................

BajaNuts - 7-30-2009 at 10:28 PM


still waiting for the real-life Navy gunship photos.

Can't believe a Navy gun ship could be stationed in a controversial area such as the subject of this post.............and NO ONE has a post or picture to support or corroborate the claims of a gun ship in the harbor.

There have been 2 nomad posters who have recently been to this area and neither have made reference to the Navy ship anchored off the boat launch. Coincidence that the Navy boat wasn't there.....????? Possibly...........anyone else have any news about the Navy gunship?

LisaR. - 7-31-2009 at 12:16 AM

Mark and I kayaked out from the beach in front of the restaurant at Buenaventura around the corner to Requeson around noon on Saturday, July 18. There was no Navy gunship there at that time.

Unless? ...Maybe they were hiding behing the island? Or on their lunch break? That would have been an awfully long lunch, because we kayaked back a couple of hours later!

[Edited on 7-31-2009 by LisaR.]

dtbushpilot - 7-31-2009 at 08:29 AM

I thought everybody was afraid of and intimidated by "Jimmy the bad ass", someone that ram-u imported to do his dirty work......hey ram-u, next time you hire a heavy hitter check his age first.....Jimmy is 64 years old.....

He kinda looks like that "bushpilot" dude.....dt

tripledigitken - 7-31-2009 at 08:49 AM

It's a submarine, that's what ramu told me.

ELINVESTIG8R - 7-31-2009 at 09:15 AM

Rafael even if Jimmy has been to prison before I still would like to hear from him on in this thread if he is willing to do so with respect to what happened at the restaurant.

KAT54 - 7-31-2009 at 09:26 AM

Was "Narc" and his lady in jail
for 3 days for posession of 6 POUNDS of coke?
"NARC" has not answered this question.
Is "Mano Negro" LIEING?
What do you think Jesse?
If Benaventura is such a drug trafficing location,
then why has no one seen drugs?
Or boats unloading and loading at 3AM?
Now Jimmy, the "old drug man"
was he almost killed with a machete?
Where is he now?
Is he comming for revenge?
Why would he return?
Is there money in it for him?
Does "Mano Negro" really have a FAKE title?
Is "Vaquero" all coked up today?
Will Olivia get the hotel back soon?
Will there be a "hostile take over"?
Should vacationers stop by and visit?
I sure want to come down and see for myself.
What a place!

larryC - 7-31-2009 at 09:47 AM

well I think I just qualified for the dumbchit of the year award. Since it is too hot for me in BoLA, I am up here in San Diego, and obviously I have no life cause I just sat here and read all 47 pages of this saga and have to admit I have no idea who the good guys or the bad guys are. Probably as arrowead says there are no good guys in this story. way too much smoke for there not to be any fire.
Until LisaR posted the pictures of the place I had no idea where all his was taking place. Now that I see the pics I realize that I stayed there once, I think it was '97. Met Mike, who used to be a Pheonix firefighter, and we talked about some people we both knew on he PFD. I stayed in my camper that night but I used the camps shower, Mike had told me to just push a button in the shower room when I wanted hot water. I thought that was kinda cool that they had some sort of solinoid valve that opened to let hot water thru. After I pushed the button but no hot water, I pushed it again and again, probably 20 times before someone came down from the kitchen and told me to stop with the button. It seems that it is not a valve as I had imagined but just a buzzer that let them know to light the water heater. Needless to say Mike yelled at me by the time I got back into the bar. Fun times.

This thread has been copyrighted by me.

JESSE - 7-31-2009 at 11:37 AM

I beat you all to it.:lol:

LisaR. - 7-31-2009 at 11:46 AM

OK, Jesse. That's fine, but we all want signed copies of the book and opening night tickets to the movie when they come out. Invitations to the cast party would be nice, too...

KAT54 - 7-31-2009 at 12:05 PM

Too late Jess
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JESSE - 7-31-2009 at 12:22 PM

Originally posted by KAT54
Too late Jess
2. The materials used and displayed on the Service and the Sites, including but not limited to text, software, photographs, graphics, illustrations and artwork, video, music and sound, and names, logos, trademarks and service marks, are the property of Q87 International or its affiliates or licensors and are protected by copyright, trademark and other laws.
Any such content may be displayed solely for your personal, non-commercial use. You agree not to modify, reproduce, retransmit, distribute, disseminate, sell, publish, broadcast or circulate any such material without the written permission of Q87 International or the appropriate affiliate.

My lawyers are talking to Dougs lawyers as we speak;D

Cypress - 7-31-2009 at 12:27 PM

Jeez, Now we have a senior citizen, 64 yr. old Jimmy trying to help this black hand dude. Gotta be real scary. Black Hand is recruiting help from the old folks home.:lol::lol: Ought to be a law against that.;)

The cast

JESSE - 7-31-2009 at 12:42 PM

Marc & Olivia

Mano Negra


arrowhead - 7-31-2009 at 03:44 PM

A little more like these guys:

KAT54 - 7-31-2009 at 04:05 PM

We should get back on track.
"Vaquera" (Olivia) and her "cooker" are going to jail for 25 yrars for preparing turtle soup.
Narc (Mark) is going to jail for either drug trafficing or
slicing the head of "Jimmy" like a melon with a machete.
Munoz (Mano Negro) is losing his hotel.
He is hiring all sorts of criminals to accomplish his goals.
Old "Jimmy" is coming back for "revenge".
I wonder if he will have a new machete with him.
The big boat with the big guns and big lights has "left the building".
Are there elephants on that beach?
Where is the Edijo when you need them?
I wonder when the next spark will burn.
One place already burned.
The generator is smoking like a barbarque.
The lights may go out sooner than we think.
Where will you be?

KAT54 - 7-31-2009 at 04:15 PM

I just read in another thread,
Narc is going "fishing" tomorrow.
I wonder if Mano Negro will be "with" him.
"Blanket Party"?
I sure hope he has a fishing license.
Is not the fine for no license 40 years hard labor?
What is Narc really bring back?
Hopefully he will tell us tomorrow.

JESSE - 7-31-2009 at 04:31 PM

toneart - 7-31-2009 at 04:46 PM

Originally posted by arrowhead
A little more like these guys:

Hiiiiiijole! :rolleyes::lol:

DENNIS - 7-31-2009 at 04:50 PM

Originally posted by JESSE

I thought Archie Bunker lived in New York.....

ramuma53 - 7-31-2009 at 10:24 PM

I saw what Olivia posted to discredit Jimmy Russell and it is only a DUI infraction, no drugs or anything and nobody dispute that Jimmy like to drink, he almost finished my tequila barrel by himself last time he was there.
Jimmy is coming back to see the Baja Governor together with the USA Consul to see why justice has not been served in his case, he is inviting me and I will go with him.
Jimmy is not a dangerous looking guy, even if he is tall, over 6 ft. but he is old and fragile; he was hit from behind by Narc with a machete and almost bleed to death and nobody deserves that and nobody who do that, deserves to be walking our beaches, that is the point, he was a normal guest to the hotel, he paid for his room then, he is retired and has fixed income, so he do not need anything from anybody and he is not asking for favors from anybody, he only want justice and in that aspect, he is exactly like a lot of people here and the classic Baja guest.
Jimmy is writing his story at this minute, he will register tomorrow, giving his full address and name, not like some pranks here and will answer any question asked with respect.
I just checked the court case and Mr. Amancio, ex Olivia´s employee, was sentenced to 6 years in jail over a year ago, he has not served a minute in jail because the court has not notified him, he has to start serving his jail sentence and there are no plans on notifying him in the near future, of course if nobody does something soon.
The judge did not accept the district attorney´s arguments that Olivia and Nark were not responsible because several witnesses identified them, Jimmy in his first declaration to police told that Narc stroke him from behind and named Olivia as instigator and participant in hitting him when he was on the floor and as the ones that carried him to the sea and Olivia the one who told Mark ¨Kill him fast¨, so the case was returned to the district attorney to complete the investigation against Olivia and Narc and return the case with them as accused party to be subjected to criminal trial for Jimmy´s life threatening injuries.
since Narc and Olivia already are in criminal court for 8 criminal acts, they should not be allowed to post bail, only 3 bail bonds are allowed by law, also, the judge will be notified that Olivia is being subjected to Federal criminal trial for the turtle bust and legally, there is no way she be allowed to post bail, so she must be sent to jail for both trials. This is according to the law, let’s see how things really work and if corruption starts as usual, we will be there to make them follow the law, or at least we will try.
Many of you make a joke of this, but the objective here is not to put Olivia and Nark in jail, the objective here is to change all that system of corruption that has allowed them to keep committing crimes for years without putting them in jail and one thing is sure, Olivia is putting a lot of those corrupt officials in serious problems, by just evading jail for her crimes.

Howard - 7-31-2009 at 10:34 PM

Ramura, you just don't get it. This is not a joke and I seriously doubt that any of us feel that the actions are a joke but your actions have turned it into a funfest. As much as I would hate to have this entertainment go away, why do you not simply stop posting until you have hard cold facts from the courts to back up your claims. It just seems like you are trying to hard to win all of us over and you are doing the oppiste, pushing us away from you stories. Just get back to us when the courts settle everything. Why are you trying so hard to win us over?

OLIGUACOMOLE - 7-31-2009 at 10:48 PM

Paranoid Schizophrenia

Signs and Symptoms
Schizophrenia is a mental illness that usually strikes in late adolescence or early adulthood, but can strike at any time in life. The signs and symptoms vary from individual to individual, but all people with the disorder show one or more of the following symptoms:

1. Delusions: These are beliefs that are not true, such as feeling people are following or trying to hurt them, believing other people can read their minds, or beliefs that they have special powers or abilities.
2. Hallucinations: This usually takes the form of hearing voices that are not there, but people with schizophrenia may also see, smell, taste, and feel things that are not there.
3. Bizarre behavior: This can be expressed in many different ways. In short, the individual behaves in ways that seem inappropriate or strange to other people.
4. Disorganized speech: The individual speaks in ways that are hard to understand. For instance, sentences might not make sense, or topic of conversation changes with little or no connection between sentences. Sometimes speech is completely incomprehensible.
5. "Negative symptoms": This includes lack of motivation or interest, diminished cognitive functioning, and decreased emotional expression. Individuals may lose interest in attending to their own personal hygiene, have little interest in interacting with others, and rarely seem to feel or express strong emotions.

In addition to these above symptoms, people with schizophrenia suffer a decline in their level of functioning; for instance, they may not be able to work at a job that requires the same level of skill or concentration as the job they held before they became ill required, or they may lose all ability to withstand the pressures of the working world. They may show a decline in their ability to attend to household chores or all the demands of raising their children, and/or they may not be able to have a full social life anymore.

Sometimes schizophrenia is a chronic condition, and the individual afflicted is constantly experiencing hallucinations or other symptoms of the disorder. Other people have periods of time when they are relatively symptom-free but have periods of more acute psychosis. Every individual is different, and every person with schizophrenia experiences the disease in a different way.

arrowhead - 8-1-2009 at 12:53 AM

With a rap sheet like that, Jimmy Russell shouldn't even qualify for a tourist visa into Mexico.

JESSE - 8-1-2009 at 01:04 AM

Originally posted by arrowhead
With a rap sheet like that, Jimmy Russell shouldn't even qualify for a tourist visa into Mexico.

Your 100% correct. A conviction like that makes him inmediately a target for deportation.

BajaNomad - 8-1-2009 at 04:52 AM

Originally posted by JESSE
Here's what should be a better, working link:

OLIGUACOMOLE - 8-1-2009 at 06:52 AM

Inmate Release Information Detail

(This information was current as of 11/11/2002)

DC Number: 085362
Eye Color: BLUE
Height: 6'02''
Weight: 236 lbs.
Birth Date: 09/06/1944
Release Facility: WAKULLA C.I.
Custody: MEDIUM
Release Date: 11/11/2002

Stated Residence Upon Release:
PANAMA CITY BCH, FL 32413 32413


Current Prison Sentence History:
Offense Date Offense Sentence Date County Case No. Prison Sentence Length

Note: The offense descriptions are truncated and do not necessarily reflect the crime of conviction. Please refer to the court documents or the Florida Statutes for further information or definition.

Incarceration History:
Date In-Custody Date Out-of-Custody
08/06/1982 10/30/1984
12/08/2000 11/11/2002

Prior Prison History: (Note: Data reflected covers periods of incarceration with the Florida Dept.of Corrections since January of 1983)
Offense Date Offense Sentence Date County Case No. Prison Sentence Length
02/15/1973 CONSTRUCTIVE POSSESSION 11/16/1973 PASCO 5Y 0M 0D

Hey.....don't one of you peckerwoods want to hear the real story of James Russell Hicks?????????
----Gone fishin

KAT54 - 8-1-2009 at 07:35 AM

Narc, Is a "peckerwood" something you use for fishing?
Narc, what are you going to unload when you return?
Will you unload it at 3AM?
Is someone there to take pictures at 3AM tonight?
Is the big navy boat really gone?
Mano Negro, now you hang with convicted drug felons?
Are you the drug trafficer?
Looks that way at this point.
Why would Jimmy come back to baja after almost getting killed?
Mano Negro, are you paying Jimmy to come back?
Is he on your payroll?
What do you pay him with?
White stuff?

ELINVESTIG8R - 8-1-2009 at 07:41 AM

I'm still waiting to hear the story from Jimmy Hicks himself prison or not. If he does in fact tell his side of the story we still need to verify it is him.

Is his name James Russell Hicks? James Russell Hicks Jr. II III? What's the name of his ex-wife(s)? What city and state does he currently live in? Etc. There might be a couple of more questions with respect to Mr. Hicks' identity just to verify it is him.

You rock

flyfishinPam - 8-1-2009 at 09:31 AM

Originally posted by arrowhead
A little more like these guys:

that's funny as hell

DENNIS - 8-1-2009 at 05:06 PM

Reminds me of an episode on Mash when a Japanese fighter plane would appear in the late afternnon to strafe parts of the compound, hitting nothing of importance.
Wish I could recall what the G.I.s called him.. Something like, five oclock Ace.

In that memory, I'm honored.

backninedan - 8-1-2009 at 05:22 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Reminds me of an episode on Mash when a Japanese fighter plane would appear in the late afternnon to strafe parts of the compound, hitting nothing of importance.
Wish I could recall what the G.I.s called him.. Something like, five oclock Ace.

In that memory, I'm honored.

I am pretty sure it was "Five oclock Charlie"

[Edited on 8-2-2009 by backninedan]

David K - 8-1-2009 at 05:23 PM

North Korean (not Japanese)... I recall the scene... was it 5 o'clock Charlie?

DENNIS - 8-1-2009 at 05:40 PM

Originally posted by David K
North Korean (not Japanese)... I recall the scene... was it 5 o'clock Charlie?

Oh yeah....wrong war. Thanks David. Charlie it was.

You too, Dan....thanks

[Edited on 8-2-2009 by DENNIS]


ELINVESTIG8R - 8-1-2009 at 06:52 PM

ELINVESTIG8R - 8-1-2009 at 07:43 PM

Hey Larry, unfortunately I'm not that talented nor do I have the correct software to make them. I can manipulate them somewhat as I have done here.

rts551 - 8-1-2009 at 08:54 PM

I do believe Doug needs to start charging admission for this one. hey maybe a per post charge.... for all posts!

toneart - 8-1-2009 at 08:58 PM

Originally posted by rts551
I do believe Doug needs to start charging admission for this one. hey maybe a per post charge.... for all posts!

That'll be $100.00 please. You can send it to me. I will be sure that it gets to Doug. I just volunteered to be his bookkeeper. ;)

rts551 - 8-1-2009 at 09:02 PM

Toeart... if you spent much time in BCS you might have met this troll. and would recognize his demeanor....

mulegemichael - 8-1-2009 at 10:07 PM

whatta great topic...sorry marcus and olivia...this is fabulous entertainment!...

toneart - 8-1-2009 at 10:11 PM

Originally posted by rts551
Toeart... if you spent much time in BCS you might have met this troll. and would recognize his demeanor....

We think so! :) I have a pretty good idea. What is confusing is that, face to face people tend not to act out their inner tendencies, unless they are drunk.

When hiding behind an avatar and many different pseudonyms online, those with sociopathic tendencies take shelter in being anonymous and act out as cowards.
. :yawn:

Sudden thought: Do you know who it is?

[Edited on 8-2-2009 by toneart]

[Edited on 8-2-2009 by toneart]

BajaNuts - 8-1-2009 at 10:11 PM

Originally posted by rts551
I do believe Doug needs to start charging admission for this one. hey maybe a per post charge.... for all posts!

naw... not per post! Charge per view.... a penny a peep................

At this posting it's #2 all-time at 55,480.

$554.80.......that might keep the lights on for a few days in Nomadlandia. Add a few stinkybaits now and then and it could compost for eternity!

The other option would be to charge by the word. Even at 4-words-per-penny.........the coffers would be looking at a couple grand on this thread! Consider the penchant for "quoting" large blocks of text without editing out the blather to get to the one sentence the Quoter is referring to. :lol::lol::lol: can you say CASHCOW?

[Edited on 8-2-2009 by BajaNuts]

JESSE - 8-1-2009 at 11:52 PM

Do you guys realize tree out of five all time threads are Mulege related? whats up with those people?:lol:

[Edited on 8-2-2009 by JESSE]

Sharksbaja - 8-2-2009 at 02:01 AM

Originally posted by JESSE
Do you guys realize tree out of five all time threads are Mulege related? whats up with those people?:lol:

Yea.....who ARE those guys!?:lol: :lol:

Are you serious Jesse, tree out of five?:wow:

DENNIS - 8-2-2009 at 04:33 AM

Top 5 most viewed topics:
Tropical Storm John (65240)
Turtle bust (55587)
The loss of JR, our good friend (52215)
Duane Curtis; Playa Armenta killing - WAS: Crime in Mulege... (39672)
mulege status - just got this (33627)

Top 5 most replied to topics:
What constitutes hijacking a thread? (1019)
Turtle bust (974)
Tropical Storm John (557)
Norbert (361)
loreto bay, again (359)

airmech - 8-2-2009 at 09:52 AM

How do you know what the post counts are if the personal counters don't change? Is something goofy?

DENNIS - 8-2-2009 at 09:59 AM

Originally posted by airmech
How do you know what the post counts are if the personal counters don't change? Is something goofy?

Lost me on that one. Anyway, if you want to know the live numbers, click on STATS above.

airmech - 8-2-2009 at 10:01 AM

Read the post count under your name it's always the same. Or does it update all the previous ones?

DENNIS - 8-2-2009 at 10:04 AM

Originally posted by airmech
Read the post count under your name it's always the same. Or does it update all the previous ones?

It goes up each time you post.

airmech - 8-2-2009 at 10:05 AM

Got it. It updates all the prevoius ones too.

DianaT - 8-2-2009 at 10:08 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Top 5 most viewed topics:
Tropical Storm John (65240)
Turtle bust (55587)
The loss of JR, our good friend (52215)
Duane Curtis; Playa Armenta killing - WAS: Crime in Mulege... (39672)
mulege status - just got this (33627)

Top 5 most replied to topics:
What constitutes hijacking a thread? (1019)
Turtle bust (974)
Tropical Storm John (557)
Norbert (361)
loreto bay, again (359)

What constitutes hijacking a thread would surely qualify for the most fun thread.

This thread surely qualifies for the most drama and maybe Doug should start charging admission. :yes:

BajaNuts - 8-2-2009 at 11:13 AM

I think we should revive the hijacking thread to keep this mudslinging soap opera out of first place.

Hmmmm, hijacking seems to be closed.

What happens to the post count if I post a post and then delete it?

I'm gonna try it and then edit this post to show what happened.

here goes...

[Edited on 8-2-2009 by BajaNuts]

post count was 982, I did a sample post, count went up to 983, deleted sample post and count went back down to 982.

We could keep hijacking in first place by deleting a bunch of our old posts to reduce the overall post count.

[Edited on 8-2-2009 by BajaNuts]

[Edited on 8-2-2009 by BajaNuts]

DENNIS - 8-2-2009 at 11:52 AM

Originally posted by BajaNuts
We could keep hijacking in first place by deleting a bunch of our old posts to reduce the overall post count.

Doping not allowed. Let the best horse win.

ELINVESTIG8R - 8-2-2009 at 02:43 PM

Rafael any idea when James (Jimmy) Russell Hicks will come on here and tell his side of the story?

As you may or may not know, someone identifying themself as Jimmy Hicks Jr. (See Below) came into the thread yesterday, 8/1/2009 but, was subsequently banned by Baja Nomad. It was obvious the person was an imposter. If you have contact with Jimmy Hicks please let him know we are interested in his story. Also let him know that we need verification as to his identity and a few questions may be asked of him to verify who he is. Thank you. David

jimmyhicksjr Banned Miami, Florida 8-1-2009


OLIGUACOMOLE - 8-2-2009 at 03:34 PM

How come none of you carne asada's don't want to hear what really happened with Hicks here at Buenaventura?
Maybe there is the side with the ones who were here.

ELINVESTIG8R - 8-2-2009 at 03:42 PM

Mark and Olivia. I want to hear both sides. I have stated before that I have not taken sides because I do not know the truth. I think that is fair.

Guess which black-gloved entrepreneur was running this scam

arrowhead - 8-2-2009 at 05:05 PM

Working link:

Anybody want to invest $17 million with him?

You're going to have to copy and paste the entire link into your browser window, I can't stop it from breaking up at the "+" character.

[Edited on 8-3-2009 by arrowhead]

[Edited on 8-3-2009 by BajaNomad]

JESSE - 8-2-2009 at 06:08 PM

Originally posted by arrowhead

Anybody want to invest $17 million with him?

You're going to have to copy and paste the entire link into your browser window, I can't stop it from breaking up at the "+" character.

[Edited on 8-3-2009 by arrowhead]

I specially love this one:


The rights to use the land was given by legal contract to "Baja Paradise Ventures Limited Liability Company" for a period of 50 years, renewable automatically for another 50 years; the land owner is our C.E.O. he is Mexican, and partner in the company; he undersigns the company with his personal properties; even his name is a collateral, he is a very well known Civil Engineer and attorney at law; he was nominated to serve as a Republic senator for Baja California on the 2000 elections; he is a Director for the ABC Newspaper, president of the Binational Committee of private proprietors in Rosarito B.C. with a very long history of successful business administrations



JESSE - 8-2-2009 at 06:12 PM

300 peso website for a 17 million dollar deal:rolleyes:

Seems Muñoz also fakes his own reviews:


[Edited on 8-3-2009 by JESSE]

norte - 8-2-2009 at 07:16 PM

Blah... Just because you made the same mistake. What you leased too long on the gulf side.. and then bought way over priced on the pacific side . what an idiot

OLIGUACOMOLE - 8-3-2009 at 11:41 AM

I do not know the whole story of Jimmy Hicks(James Russell Hicks), But I know what happened here.
Apparently Hicks came here with his girlfriend. They first ended up at Coyote Beach with this nice RV. From what I have heard, from the people that were there Hicks and his girlfriend or another woman were at Coyote for a few days. A persons house which I will not name had Hicks come in and Hicks apparently drunk and threatened them with death. The next day the woman and Hicks left Coyote Beach and drove down the road to Buenaventura. They were here for a day or two and parked in a large modern RV. I believe on the second day a Mexican couple who knew Olivia were staying in the hotel. They walked to our restaurant in the morning telling us there was this woman screaming through the window of the RV at man outside all the while throwing clothes and such out the window at the man. The woman driving the RV with Florida plates then drove off not to be seen here again.

This man then walked to the hotel and evidently made arrangements to stay there. This man was Jimmy(James Russell Hicks) of Florida. Evidently he quickly made friends with the persons in the hotel. At the time Munoz offered free tequila out of a barrel. I think Jimmy took advantage of this opportunity.

---I would like to say that I think the only reason free tequila was offered to persons was cause problems for the restaurant. Before the Hicks incident a least two patrons of the Hotel were asked to leave the restaurant because they were so drunk from drinking the free tequila at the hotel.

Jimmy Hicks came over the first evening with an employee of the hotel sitting at a far away table in the restaurant. He approached the bar where 5 Americans are sitting. Mark is behind the bar. Jimmy is obviously very drunk. Being loud and obnoxious he says he wants to buy everyone a shot of tequila. Everyone declined the offer!---Don't see this happen too much!-- I then asked him to please sit with me at the table with the young Mexican man who was a worker in the hotel. I explained we did not want any problems with him bringing a worker from the hotel. The young mexican man was very nervous. Jimmy kept asking for beer and more tequila which I denied more service. Finally after Olivia sat and talked with the Young Mexican man explaining that since he worked in the hotel we would appreciate the distance and to please respect us due to the conflict with Munoz. JImmy and the young man left. Fifteen to thirty minutes passes and James Russell Hicks shows at the bar. His shirt is now off and he is screaming at what a terrible place this is. Again I am asking him to please leave. Jimmy insults the men and soon the women are off the bar stools in Jimmy's face! Jimmy then reaches into his pocket and pulls a lock blade knife out of his pocket and opens it. At this time I go to the house and get some special seasoning pepper spray. By the time I return Jimmy was yelling "give me back my knife"! What had happened was that Jimmy tried to stab one person in the chest. The knife was knocked out of his hand with a stick called a cue. Hicks then tried to throw an employee through the window, which he was unsuccessful with. He then was subdued. He might have hit his head on the floor. When I came in I told him to leave now or I would season him. He screamed he wanted his knife back which was on the floor. I told him he could get it back from the police. He took a step towards me and he got seasoned. He did leave then, walking back to the hotel. Olivia then calls the Mulege police and they say they will come manana. She pleads with them to come now but they say they do not have gas. We clean up a bit but leave the knife where it lay. Later that night two state police show up and say Hicks was kind of beat up and smelled like pepper. We showed them the knife which they picked up and put in a plastic bag we gave them. Told the state police the story and we had five witnesses who were at the bar. We are asked to go to Mulege the next day with the witnesses. We agreed and showed at the Ministero Publico the next day with all the witnesses. James Russell Hicks is there very drunk with Eddie from the hotel. James Russell Hicks was sitting in a chair pretending he was shooting a rifle at us again and again in front of the authorities. I ask the police how can they allow him to testify in a drunken state. They shrug their shoulders and tell me it is the DA's decision. She is going to allow. They finally did make him turn in the chair and face the wall. Now we have had real problems with this one DA. She is there in person trying to get testimony that Mark and Olivia were the ones causing harm. Nearly all the reports Munoz has made against us comes from this one DA. Maybe some of you know her. Overweight lady that travels with her mother. Appears to drive a new truck every year. For some reason this DA does not like us. She asked one of our employees to just say that Olivia and Mark were behind it. We all gave our testimony which is suppose to be free but were instructed to pay 100 dollars for each testimony because there was paper work. Four testimonies costs us 400 dlls. I tried to ask questions about the charge for testimony, but everyone had the creeps and wanted to just get out.

Jimmy Hicks stayed at the hotel for months. He shriveled up into this scrawny man apparently from drinking and other things. Finally after maybe six months he was gone. Munoz and employees were saying Jimmy had died and we had killed him, but it appears he is very much alive living in Florida getting DUI's for drugs and alcohol shows proof that he is alive!.

ELINVESTIG8R - 8-3-2009 at 12:13 PM

Mark and Olivia thank you for your side of the story.

Now let's see if Jimmy Hicks come in and explains his side of the story.

mulegemichael - 8-3-2009 at 12:19 PM

Mark...wouldn't you be surprised if mr. hicks ever showed up again down there?...i would..just in case, i'd have another can of seasoning ready...and what about the machete?'s fishing?..

DENNIS - 8-3-2009 at 01:08 PM

Originally posted by ELINVESTI8
Now let's see if Jimmy Hicks come in and explains his side of the story.

Yeah :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Let's see.

Sharksbaja - 8-3-2009 at 01:14 PM

I hate to say it but this just gets betta all the time. Probably should start casting now for the premier!:yes:

DENNIS - 8-3-2009 at 01:17 PM

Originally posted by Sharksbaja
I hate to say it but this just gets betta all the time. Probably should start casting now for the premier!:yes:

Or the sequel. [Gawd forbid]

vandenberg - 8-3-2009 at 01:23 PM

Originally posted by Sharksbaja
I hate to say it but this just gets betta all the time. Probably should start casting now for the premier!:yes:

I can recommend a few caracters who could play the Jimmy Hicks part.:biggrin::biggrin:

ramuma53 - 8-3-2009 at 07:34 PM

I am allowing Mr, Jimmy Rusell Hicks to write:

Mr. James Russell Hicks and the Incident at Olivia’s Restaurant Otober, 2006
My name is James Russell Hicks, I was born in Chattanwoa, Tennessee, I am 64 years old and a veteran. My girlfriend and I were travelling to Baja in Mexico and enjoying vacations. We saw the hotel on the way going south and saw the beauty surrounding of the place, so we decided to stop. The hotel’s name was San Buenaventura. I believe the date we stopped at this place was on October the 20th or the 22nd in 2006.
We were staying for a couple of days when because I was treated with excellence, I invited three of the employees with me to eat supper. We walked over the restaurant and I was drinking beer but was not drunk. We went into the restaurant, but we were not served because I was accompanied by people that worked in the hotel and they were called dirty Mexicans. I asked why? “ I am paying for the service”. At this point, the workers from the hotel left and I stood there because I wanted to know the reason why we were not served. They started to conduct in a nasty attitude and said “I do not need your money”. Arguments started, and then the people from the restaurant began to threaten me. I was still inside the restaurant and there were 7 to 8 people inside as well, one of them was a woman, another was a Mexican and the rest were Americans. I believe the woman was the owner of the restaurant and one of them seems to be her husband which was an American too. Several of them attacked me, punches came from all over, heard the woman’s voice saying “kill him, kill him several times. At first, I just saw the same amount of people that were in the restaurant (7-8), they surrounded me; the Mexican guy was behind me and hit me with a pool stick. He hit me twice then the pool stick broke. Right after the Mexican guy hit me, several of the other people started to hit aand kik me on the floor. I could not defend myself because I was unable to see; my face and my eyes were full of blood. I learned later that the restaurant’s employee was the one who hit me and the owner’s husband a tall well fit American guy was carrying a large knife weapon (machete type), but do not recalled if he hit me because they were all punching me at the same time but I had several large cuts from a machete. The woman kept saying “kill him, kill him” many times. I also learned she was also the owner of the restaurant. I also learned later that I had several cuts in my head that were not done by a pool stick and a machete. I think the name of the owner is Maria Olivia, Higuera Aguilar and her husband Mark jerome Burbey, and yes they were involved actively. This people kept saying nasty words to me while hitting me. The women continued to yelling “kill him, kill him”. When the punching was going on, I heard them saying to me a lot of threats but also to Mr. Muñoz liife, but do not remember exactly what was specifically said. I thought they were going to kill me. I could not defend myself, was not able to see from the blood all over my eyes, face, and head. They were killing me. After a while, I thought I heard one of the Americans saying “Stop, we are going to kill him”. I was hit by a pool stick, but rememebr Mark attacked me several times with the big knife (machete) while on the floor. The only thing I knew later was that I have three scars in my head and face; one scar three inches long on the right side of my head, another scar one inch long on the left side of my head, and a one inch long scar above right side of my eyebrow. Later, I also noticed that my ribs hurt badly, I could not move, every part of my body was in real pain. They injured my head, face, and ribs. Right after the beating, they threw me out into a stream of water close to the beach and again my ribs were in a nasty pain. I yelled for help, people from the hotel heard me and came over, they themselves also heard how the woman was yelling “kill him, kill him”. They rescued me and took me to the hospital right away. Doctors did stitches on my injuries. I was taken to several doctors. After I was treated for the injuries we went to the authorities to report the incident, and then went back to the hotel. The people from here let me stay to heal up. While healing up I got very sick, went out of balance many times until the people from the hotel had to take me to the Sta. Rosalia hospital. Here, I stood for two or three weeks until my family got me flown to the USA hospital. I was diagnosed with infected ribs as well as the whole body. A rib was removed from me. I thought my life was in real danger with this people. Because I needed to be treated first I had to go with the authorities after the hospital and doctors assistance. I made a report and asked to be handcuff because I was afraid what I might do. The restaurant owners, the employee, and two other Americans from the fight were present at the police station. I made a lawsuit to this people, the owner of the hotel Mr. Rafael Munoz Martinez helped me finding Mexican lawyer’s assistance. Since my stay in the hotel to heal up, I was never called to testify and as of now have not been in court. Mr. Rafael Munoz Martinez always had contact with me and my family. Since that time, consequences have appeared on my body. My ribs were infected, as well as all my body. I had major surgery and a rib was removed. I stay in the USA hospital for two months, bills were up to $200,000 Dlls. Overall, I stood at the hotel for eight months for free after the incident.
Anyone who want to hear this story from me, can do it, I will be at the San Buenaventura Hotel for a couple of months and I will see that justice is done with the help of the American Embasy.
During those events, Mr. Muñoz was not at the hotel, I met him at a later date but by phone he ordered his employees to help me in every way possible with no regard to cost and they did certainly.

Udo - 8-3-2009 at 07:38 PM

What does this have to do with a turtle bust?

ramuma53 - 8-3-2009 at 07:44 PM

Anyone who want to contact Jimmy to verify his story, can do it at the Hotel Buenaventura in Bahia Concepcion Mulege; he is also going to send me his story recorded on video, but the video is too big to be posted here, but we will get some pictures from the movie to be posted, but I do not think that now, anybody doubt Jimmy´s story.
We are making arrangements to see the Governor and the Estate District attorney to see that Jimmy´s case is given the just treatment and also the criminals involved be prosecuted the right way.
I do not think that any people here would like to be in Jimmy´s place, drunk or not drunk, the viciousness of those people is evident

vandenberg - 8-3-2009 at 07:47 PM

Unbelievable report, written in "fair" Spanglish.:biggrin:

Ramuma :?:did you dictate.:?::biggrin:

[Edited on 8-4-2009 by vandenberg]

ramuma53 - 8-3-2009 at 07:47 PM

That the same criminals are involved in this crime and were not prosecuted as is happening with the turtle bust and 8 other criminal cases that are opened against Maria Olivia Higuerta Aguilar and Mark jerome Burbey

ramuma53 - 8-3-2009 at 07:52 PM

Take your case with Jimmy, he is at the Hotel Buenaventura in Mulege, but he does not speak a word of spanish and I didn´t want to correct a word

LisaR. - 8-3-2009 at 08:12 PM

We are not hearing from a native English speaker, although the writer is obviously educated. The spelling and vocabulary are excellent, but there are several issues with verb conjugation and the use of idioms, prepositions, and abbreviations.

Some examples:

“My girlfriend and I were travelling to Baja in Mexico and enjoying vacations.”

“saw the beauty surrounding of the place”

“We were staying for a couple of days when because I was treated with excellence,”

“They started to conduct in a nasty attitude”

“one of them seems to be her husband which was an American too.”

“the Sta. Rosalia hospital”

“bills were up to $200,000 Dlls.”

I could go on, there are many of these... (yes, I’m a teacher, and I teach ELD daily).

edited to add: ELD is English Language Development. It is geared to non-native speakers. Most of the English Language Learners in my district are from Mexico, so that is the focus of most of our Professional Development.

[Edited on 8-4-2009 by LisaR.]

soulpatch - 8-3-2009 at 08:32 PM

Why do you need to allow Jimmy to tell his story?
This is all such weak bullchit.
What a fun time.

norte - 8-3-2009 at 08:32 PM

You can say the same thing about Quacks post. sure is not an American Mark.

Why do you people keep taking sides in wha is obviously a cluster.

ELINVESTIG8R - 8-3-2009 at 08:42 PM

Rafael, obviously people will need proof that James Russell Hicks wrote the statement you have provided here. May I suggest that James Russell Hicks provide answers to the following questions:

#1 In what city and state did you last live?
#2 What are the names of your children?
#3 Is your father still alive?
#4. If so, how old is he.
#5. Where does he live? City and State.
#6. Can you log onto a computer and answer questions here in this forum?

That is all for now. We may need some additional questions answered.

Thank you.

OLIGUACOMOLE - 8-3-2009 at 08:45 PM

Munoz I just don't get it with you.

How do you think you will ever get Buenaventura?

Let's just hint that maybe you or someone you know were behind the turtle soup here. Let's just hint that maybe you or someone you know are behind putting drugs in our business. Let's just suspect that maybe you are behind these anonymous phone calls reporting drug unloading bringing in the military on a wild goose chase. Lets say for sure you are behind all the complaints to the Ministero Publico.

How do you think you could ever obtain and keep Buenaventura. Even if Olivia and Mark were not here you still would not get the property from the Ejido. What would you even do if you had it like a business. Just look at the shambles the hotel is in. The place is a mess around the hotel and the houses too. You have broken into some of the homes and ransacked. You would not be able to sell because of your reputation, so what is the deal with you? How would you run it as a business? With your reputation here and north baja, how could you get investors?

Please explain how with your two different titles from different states you could even obtain Buenaventura. Please explain your reasoning, because after all these years I just don't get it with you.

I wish you had something. Some kind of paperwork that I could believe in. That would make it more believable for me and for others.

You seem so possessed with this place.

Please explain how with all these mischievous things you do to us you could obtain and keep Buenaventura.

norte - 8-3-2009 at 08:57 PM


How many different people use your sign on name? some posts in spanglish. some in third person. You are going to "season" people in one post and in the last post you are obviously referring to the situation in third person.

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