Fulano also says “One of the other documents that Rafael posted is a "Certificate of no liens." This document is issued
by the local county registrar for Mulege County in Santa Rosalia. This document shows that Rafael's ownership of the property has been a matter of
public record in Mulege since at least 1999.”
“The relevant part of the document says:
Que bajo a la partida 259 del tomo 67 de la seccion primera de esta dependencia aparece inscrito titulo de propiedad No. 51829, de fecha 17 de Enero
de 1984 y registrado 23 de febrero de 1999, relativo a un lote de terreno denominado la tinaja de Armenta ubicado en el municipio de Mulege estado de
BCS, contando con una superficie total de 378.7912 hectares. Que la Secretaria de la Reforma Agraria expide al C. Rafael Muñoz Martínez.
Igualmente se hace constar que en la Partida de referencia no obran anotaciones marginales de que dicho inmueble este gravado o hipotecado por lo que
se encuentra libre de gravamen.
That under heading 259 of volume 67 of the first section of this county is inscribed deed No. 51829, dated January 17, 1984 and recorded February 23,
1999, on a plot of land called la tinaja de Armenta located in the municipality of Mulege, Baja California Sur, with a total area of 378.7912
hectares, that the Secretary of Agrarian Reform issued to C. Rafael Muñoz Martinez.
May it also be noted that in the reference system there are no marginal annotations that show said property is encumbered or mortgaged and this
property is free of liens.”