
Turtle bust

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BajaNuts - 8-3-2009 at 08:59 PM

jmho....the post from "Jimmy" was not written by the 64 year old English speaking strung out drug addict the post has depicted.

Written by an educated ...English as a 2nd language ........person.

Will wait for verification.....

JESSE - 8-4-2009 at 12:46 AM

LOL!!! if this bozo thinks the Governor of Baja sur is going to want to be seen helping a convicted Cocaine trafficker while the federal goverment is currently investigating his attorney general for protecting criminals.

JESSE - 8-4-2009 at 12:49 AM

Originally posted by ramuma53
Take your case with Jimmy, he is at the Hotel Buenaventura in Mulege, but he does not speak a word of spanish and I didnīt want to correct a word

Does Immigration know that a convicted Cocaine trafficker who cannot legally come to this country, is at your Hotel?

Pescador - 8-4-2009 at 09:18 AM

Originally posted by JESSE

Does Immigration know that a convicted Cocaine trafficker who cannot legally come to this country, is at your Hotel?

And staying for 8 months at a time when the FMT only allows 6 months. :o

ramuma53 - 8-4-2009 at 12:12 PM

Obviously he dictated it to somebody, because as I know, he became dyslexic after the beating, but I am in Tijuana and he is in Mulege and I do not know who wrote it for him, but as a precaution we taped the conversation and I am going to publish the movie as soon as we solve some technical problems because of the size in Mb, I do it because I knew you will keep questioning word by word up to the end of the word, also you being an expert linguist, will notice it is not my writing also, so how it is written and presented is Jimmy responsibility only.
But dont be surprised for those words, he is like that, a rough man and then can speak beautiful sentences, it was a surprice for me then too and if anyone of you has the cahnce to know him, you will see that he did not deserve what they did to him.
My question to you is this, why you keep questioning details and forget about the main question? How is it possible that the criminals who did this, and there is no question about they doing it, they are still free, how is it possible that a guest for all Baja be beaten almost to death and there are no legal repercussions.
I know from other opinions, that Jimmy is an obnoxious guy, but a well intentioned one, he drink a lot like a lot of retired people, he is argumentative like a lot of Americans I know, but he had the bad luck to do it in Oliviaīs place where he was not suspecting where he was at the time, where they think that they are above the law and can do everything they like, it may have really happened to any American traveling Baja, just think about that, how will you respond if in a restaurant, they did not want to serve your guests and call them dirty Mexicans.
That is the main question, how is it possible that after two years and a jail sentence without consequences, after being caught by the Marines and fisheries with sea Turtle stew for sale in a restaurant, after having 8 criminal cases open for 6 years and one standing order for their arrest by the Judicial Police, after being caught with 3 Kg of Cocaine by the army, they are still committing more and more crimes and having lots of people trying to defend them here.
That restaurant is a trap and an explosive waiting to explode in someoneīs face, just hope is not yours.

ramuma53 - 8-4-2009 at 12:16 PM

No problem with asking him to answer those questions as soon as they go to Mulege and call me.
I can also arrange a time for him to be in Mulege in a telephone line so anybody may call him and he can answer them himself.

ELINVESTIG8R - 8-4-2009 at 12:30 PM

Rafael fair enough!

ramuma53 - 8-4-2009 at 12:37 PM

Have you by any chance look at your Agrarian court case against me? I know you are not very bright, but you must have noticed that the EJIDO DROPED HIS CASE AGAINST ME and that MY TITLE HAS BEEN DECLARED VALID AND ANY MOTION TO VOID IT DISMISSED, or you do not bother to read your own case?
I am really not against Olivia, she is an extremely small fish like you, I am against the system that allow her and you Narc, to keep committing crimes and not being punished for them, because that made you bold and you keep committing crimes against any who you can.
I am behind all the criminal cases you have in criminal court, I do not deny it, because those wer filed under my name, but the Turtle stew you, were selling it to my guests for years, only this time you were caught with it on Oliviaīs hands, because you were tipped by a guy 2 Km north of the hotel on the highway, also you were taken by the Army a couple of weeks ago and spent time in jail and I did not have anything to do with it; if I had anything to do with it, you would not be walking the streets now, I would have taken care that everything went right and they would have not taken your money to avoid jail, but it was not my doing, more likely somebody want you to think I did it, because I did knew you were selling sea turtle in Oliviaīs restaurant for years and nor I or any of my people made the call, you deserve it, but we didnīt, we should have, but we didnīt, because I had no telephone at that time at the hotel and I was not there myself.
what I do, I tell you in advance, I know you have a standing order for Oliviaīs arrest and I will press the Estate District attorney until he execute it, I will press them until they make justice to Jimmy and I will press until I get justice for all the crimes you have committed against my property.
I donīt have to win my property, it is, at this time, beyond any legal doubt or jeopardy, just take the time and read your own court case, the ejido just recognized they had no case against me.
Also do not blame everything on me, you commit the crimes, you will have to face the time in jail; I know about your mafia friends and of course partners in the drug business, but I have other kind of friends too, it is only a matter of time for you and also that I have a little more time to press harder on the proper authorities.

ramuma53 - 8-4-2009 at 12:47 PM

Lyar who used to be known as JESSE
Do you understand that we know you are some sort of Olivaīs admiror and that your words have been demostrated lies several times.
First Jimmy have never been a drug traffiker, what you see on that web page is a traffic offense, a DUI, not drug traffic, learn to read so you can speak some true from time to time.
DUI is driving under the influence, I know you do not undertand many thing so it is [manejar borracho]

ramuma53 - 8-4-2009 at 12:50 PM

Lyar who was known as JESSE
The Mexican Inmigration office, and the American consulate know he is there, also the Inmigration officers know Narc Jerome Burbey is at Oliviaīs restaurant and they have been notified by the district attorney that he is a thief for your peace of mind and I mean formally in writing.

ELINVESTIG8R - 8-4-2009 at 01:08 PM

Rafael I think Jesse is right on this one. I will access the Florida Department of Corrections site to see if I can print the screen. It shows a James R. Hicks as having been imprisoned for trafficking cocaine. Hang on.

vandenberg - 8-4-2009 at 01:17 PM

Originally posted by ramuma53

Obviously he dictated it to somebody, because as I know, he became dyslexic after the beating, but I am in Tijuana and he is in Mulege and I do not know who wrote it for him, but as a precaution we taped the conversation and I am going to publish the movie as soon as we solve some technical problems .

May I suggest to let Disney do the worldwide promotion.
Too valuable to try to do it yourself.
And since the restaurant folks are part of the cast, be careful and be up front with diviing up the proceeds.:biggrin:

ELINVESTIG8R - 8-4-2009 at 01:27 PM

Rafael this is the best I could do with my limited software. Is this the James Russell Hicks you know?

DENNIS - 8-4-2009 at 01:32 PM

This drama seems to be going in circles. Can we give it some dirrection, please? Onward...upward....somewhere.

tripledigitken - 8-4-2009 at 01:38 PM

That mugshot looks familar. But I'm not going back through this thread to check.:tumble:;D:smug:

Frankly the photo looks like most of the afternoon customers at the Jungle in Mulege.:lol:


DENNIS - 8-4-2009 at 01:40 PM

Originally posted by tripledigitken
That mugshot looks familar.

You saw it here first.

JESSE - 8-4-2009 at 01:54 PM

Originally posted by ramuma53
Lyar who used to be known as JESSE
Do you understand that we know you are some sort of Olivaīs admiror and that your words have been demostrated lies several times.
First Jimmy have never been a drug traffiker, what you see on that web page is a traffic offense, a DUI, not drug traffic, learn to read so you can speak some true from time to time.
DUI is driving under the influence, I know you do not undertand many thing so it is [manejar borracho]


JESSE - 8-4-2009 at 01:59 PM

Originally posted by ELINVESTI8
Rafael I think Jesse is right on this one. I will access the Florida Department of Corrections site to see if I can print the screen. It shows a James R. Hicks as having been imprisoned for trafficking cocaine. Hang on.

He missed the 1st Cocaine link Investi, its going to be a lot of fun to see how la plumaloca explains a FACT about his friend.

ELINVESTIG8R - 8-4-2009 at 02:19 PM

Everyone, to be fair, I have seen convicted felons stop the madness and lead a good everyday boring life. Some people can be redeemed. Maybe it is the case here. I don't know.

tripledigitken - 8-4-2009 at 02:27 PM

Originally posted by ELINVESTI8
Everyone, to be fair, I have seen convicted felons stop the madness and lead a good everyday boring life. Some people can be redeemed. Maybe it is the case here. I don't know.


From your experience what percentage of Felons actually turnaround and lead a crime free life? I'm going to guess less than 20%.


ELINVESTIG8R - 8-4-2009 at 02:37 PM

Originally posted by tripledigitken

From your experience what percentage of Felons actually turnaround and lead a crime free life? I'm going to guess less than 20%.


Ken I have no hard facts to back up the following and admittedly I am shooting from the hip but I would make an educated guess and say that less than 10 percent get their act together.

LisaR. - 8-4-2009 at 03:33 PM

Originally posted by ramuma53
Obviously he dictated it to somebody, because as I know, he became dyslexic after the beating, but I am in Tijuana and he is in Mulege and I do not know who wrote it for him, but as a precaution we taped the conversation and I am going to publish the movie as soon as we solve some technical problems because of the size in Mb, I do it because I knew you will keep questioning word by word up to the end of the word, also you being an expert linguist,

First, let me say that I never claimed to be an "expert linguist." I claim to be a teacher who is trained in teaching and assessing ELD. We have to go through stacks of paper several times a year for each student, looking for evidence of the exact type of linguistic issues I quoted. If it sounded like I was bragging about my skills, I apologize. Other California teachers out there (not sure about other states...) can back me up on this, that's just part of what we do now. We ALL have to be "linguistic experts" to be in compliance with state ELD standards.

Now, back to the main event...

I'm certainly not judge and jury here. I don't know what the truth is, and I sure don't expect to see it solved on this forum. Hopefully, it can be solved in court.

I do have opinions, though, and they aren't based on having a good hamburger. Following the story on this forum and others, ramuma53, I notice that you have not consistently been honest with your identity, and that makes you a little hard to believe. Mark and Olivia, on the other hand, have always identified themselves.

(side note to OLIGUACAMOLE--to be fair, as norte noted a few pages back, it has recently been a little confusing as to who is posting under your user name. Do you think you could sign off after a post, i.e., --Mark, or --Olivia, or --Anonymous Third Party Who Has Yet To Identify Him/Herself? Even initials would be good--M., O., or ATPWHYTIH/H?)

Also, ramuma53, all of the accusations have been coming from you, and they have pretty much just tried to defend themselves. And every accusation has been more scandalous and dramatic than the last. Come on, turtle soup, to drugs, to attempted murder? What's next?

I have to ask myself: Who is trying to gain something here? As I understand it, you are interested in "making a deal" with Mark and Olivia about the restaurant and beach concession. They have said that they are willing to discuss it, but only if you bring a realistic offer, and show them the actual money.

Do you see how this might look like you are trying to drive them off the land, so you will not have to pay them what it is worth? Kind-of looks that way to me...

I'm sure that there is blame to be shared all around in this situation, but I did notice that in Mark's very first post, he admitted to making mistakes and being involved in some bad situations. To me, that sort-of adds to his credibility.

Ramuma53, you do not have to respond to this. As I have said, I am not judge and jury, and I do not expect to see it resolved on this forum. Basically, what I, or any of the other readers of this thread, think doesn't matter. It either will or will not get resolved in court. It isn't a matter of public opinion.

I don't plan to post again, but I will certainly keep reading, as I (like so many others) am a Turtle Bust junkie, and I am curious to see how it all turns out!

mtgoat666 - 8-4-2009 at 04:29 PM

Originally posted by LisaR.
It either will or will not get resolved in court. It isn't a matter of public opinion.

The most important public opinion is will public want to visit either establishment after reading the stories?
Why are biz owners posting their nonsense on this thread for their potential customers? Do they think they are marketing or damaging themselves?

ramuma53 - 8-4-2009 at 05:28 PM

I didnīt say you were misrepresenting something but you clearly know about linguistic facts and that is enough for this forum, because I accepted and respected your opinion.
The first participations in this forum, a guy named Jesse, used my name and started writing here then I told him not to use my account anymore and he just quit using it; from that point I have never written under other name, I cleared that with the forum webmaster and he accepted it.
I am not trying to make a deal with them, they are not in my property or affect my land in other way than the crimes they continually commit; I believe you would not like to have a neighbor who beat up your guests, drug offenders or not, much less rob or do damages and sell drugs next door and every accusation is true and have solid grounds:
They have 8 criminal investigations on the Estate District attorney’s office.
They have now 2 Federal investigations and are being subjected to 2 Federal criminal trials, one for the Turtle stew and one for the recent cocaine bust where they were detained 72 hours.
Olivia at this time has an order for her arrest by the Estate Judicial police.
She was convicted with her ex husband of stealing from an American couple; they were sentenced to pay back the stolen money and never paid back.
She sell alcoholic beverages in Federal zone without a Federal permit.
She rent a house in Federal zone being that act forbidden by law.
None of those accusations is false and have solid grounds
I do not agree with you on the fact that this forum does not matter, because I think that several issues have been clarified here and much more people read than write, in fact a lot of people have called me to answer; if you notice, sometimes I just do not show up for weeks but then so many people call me to answer that I finally come back.
At first they described me as a drug dealer and a felon who was trying through falsified documents to steal their property, those facts are now clear, I am the legal land owner and they only have a Federal Zone concession, they own nothing.
Even pranks like JESSE have something to share some times, even if most of the time they just say what they want other people to believe or just donīt have anything to say but say it anyway, they are just like the salt on this forum, it make it fun sometimes.
Also you must have noticed how from time to time shadowy people enter the forum trying at any cost to discredit me and they are banned right away, but it show the heavy interest that those people have and at what extremes they are willing to go to do it while they have never been able to discredit any accusation I have made against Olivia and Narc.
Concerning marketing, it is worst to let Olivia and Nark say that my hotel is closed and just let them say all the lies they want unchalenged.

dtbushpilot - 8-4-2009 at 05:28 PM

Originally posted by tripledigitken
That mugshot looks familar. But I'm not going back through this thread to check.:tumble:;D:smug:

Frankly the photo looks like most of the afternoon customers at the Jungle in Mulege.:lol:


I still think he looks like that "bushpilot" dude....only older....and not nearly as ruggedly handsome:lol::lol::lol:...dt

[Edited on 8-5-2009 by dtbushpilot]

[Edited on 8-5-2009 by dtbushpilot]

ramuma53 - 8-4-2009 at 05:35 PM

You other picture was better even if your feet looked big, you look nervous in this one.
Tomorrow I will have the data you asked from Jimmy, he didnīt go to Mulege today but I sent him the questions.

Oliguacamole, why donīt you go and say hi to Jimmy, you know he love you:light:

CaboRon - 8-4-2009 at 05:42 PM

Originally posted by mtgoat666
Originally posted by LisaR.
It either will or will not get resolved in court. It isn't a matter of public opinion.

The most important public opinion is will public want to visit either establishment after reading the stories?
Why are biz owners posting their nonsense on this thread for their potential customers? Do they think they are marketing or damaging themselves?

I wouldn't be caught within a hundred miles of either of these places ......

mulegemichael - 8-4-2009 at 05:56 PM'd say he looks about the same age...and maybe a bit more handsome....ask jill

BajaNomad - 8-4-2009 at 06:01 PM

Originally posted by ramuma53
I cleared that with the forum webmaster and he accepted it.

Sr. Muņoz, just out of curiosity - which one of the forum webmasters here had you had that communication with? Thank you for your assistance.


[Edited on 8-5-2009 by BajaNomad]

JESSE - 8-4-2009 at 07:13 PM

Well, it seems to me, Olivia and Marc owned the Hotel and made a living out of it until they where invaded. Muņoz seems to have other incomes and does not care about the property making money since i think its been established that his goal is to sell this 17 million dollar project.

From my perspective, Muņoz is acomplishing his goal, and that is not to "win" anything in court or on the court of public opinion, his goal is to strangle the other side financially because money talks, and the side with less money always has the pressure to settle.

Muņos seems dumb (if you read his nonsense), but now i understand why somebody uses him as muscle to pressure people.

ELINVESTIG8R - 8-4-2009 at 07:19 PM

Originally posted by ramuma53
You other picture was better even if your feet looked big, you look nervous in this one.
Tomorrow I will have the data you asked from Jimmy, he didnīt go to Mulege today but I sent him the questions.

Rafael I'm sorry I do not understand the above statement. "Feet" "Nervous." Forgive me but can you clarify.

Thanks David

BajaNomad - 8-4-2009 at 07:38 PM

Originally posted by ELINVESTI8
Originally posted by ramuma53
You other picture was better even if your feet looked big, you look nervous in this one.
Tomorrow I will have the data you asked from Jimmy, he didnīt go to Mulege today but I sent him the questions.

Rafael I'm sorry I do not understand the above statement. "Feet" "Nervous." Forgive me but can you clarify.

Thanks David


I believe he's referring to your change in avatars. ;)


DENNIS - 8-4-2009 at 07:38 PM

Seems like all of our fradulent pastimes are coming to an end. First, "5 o'clock Charlie" and now, Muņoz.
Funny how that happens but, I wont miss either one of them. AMFs

ELINVESTIG8R - 8-4-2009 at 07:44 PM

Originally posted by BajaNomad
Originally posted by ELINVESTI8
Originally posted by ramuma53
You other picture was better even if your feet looked big, you look nervous in this one.
Tomorrow I will have the data you asked from Jimmy, he didnīt go to Mulege today but I sent him the questions.

Rafael I'm sorry I do not understand the above statement. "Feet" "Nervous." Forgive me but can you clarify.

Thanks David


I believe he's referring to your change in avatars. ;)


Hahahahahaha, geeesh there are days I just don't get stuff. Thanks Baja Nomad for the clarification.

Rafael never mind...

dtbushpilot - 8-4-2009 at 08:11 PM

Originally posted by mulegemichael'd say he looks about the same age...and maybe a bit more handsome....ask jill

OUCH!!! OK mike, I'll ask may be right....dt

cabobaja - 8-4-2009 at 08:23 PM

caboron, You do not want to be caught within 100 miles of either of these places? Good, stay in Vegas. Are you feeling better now that you have AC?

David K - 8-4-2009 at 09:37 PM

Originally posted by BajaNomad
Originally posted by ramuma53
I cleared that with the forum webmaster and he accepted it.

Sr. Muņoz, just out of curiosity - which one of the forum webmasters here had you had that communication with? Thank you for your assistance.


[Edited on 8-5-2009 by BajaNomad]

Good reply Doug (the only Baja Nomad 'webmaster')!

Folks, there is nothing truthful/ honest/ or sensible from the other (Muņoz) side... Go meet Mark and Olivia... they are real, they live there, and see as I did that they are the good people and are not letting this bully chase them from what is righfully theirs.

dtbushpilot - 8-4-2009 at 10:17 PM

I've never met Munos. I do know Marc and Olivia.

I stayed in the Motel when Olivia ran it and it was OK....a long time ago.

I haven't stayed there under Munos.....I don't know how to put the little thing over the N.....sorry.

I know Marc and Olivia, I think they are nice folks just trying to make a living

I haven't met Munos (sorry again about the thing over the N)

I would like to meet him some day and maybe that "Jimmy" guy too.

I know that Marc and Olivia are OK, I like them and their resturant/bar.

I have known Stan Valentine (resident of Buenaventura) for 15 years.....not like a personal friend but someone that you would stop and say "HI" to when you were in the neighborhood. He ran an extention cord out to my camper so that I could run a fan in the heat of a July evening once......thanks again Stan.

In the years I've known Olivia and Marc, they have always been friendly and accomodating. I look forward to visiting them on our return trip.

I really would like to meet ramu, it would help me make this whole saga come full circle....

ramu, please bring your "A" game, I have known Marc and Olivia for some time now, I would like to meet you......dt

BajaNomad - 8-5-2009 at 06:22 AM

Originally posted by David K
Originally posted by BajaNomad
Originally posted by ramuma53
I cleared that with the forum webmaster and he accepted it.

Sr. Muņoz, just out of curiosity - which one of the forum webmasters here had you had that communication with? Thank you for your assistance.


[Edited on 8-5-2009 by BajaNomad]

Good reply Doug (the only Baja Nomad 'webmaster')!

Folks, there is nothing truthful/ honest/ or sensible from the other (Muņoz) side... Go meet Mark and Olivia... they are real, they live there, and see as I did that they are the good people and are not letting this bully chase them from what is righfully theirs.
I was asking the way I did in case Sr. Muņoz had that communication with someone else by chance. I've now heard from a third-party letting me know that Sr. Muņoz might be referring to a communication he had had with them.


DENNIS - 8-5-2009 at 08:51 AM

Originally posted by dtbushpilot
.....I don't know how to put the little thing over the N.....sorry.

Just hold down the ALT key and push the corresponding number on the keyboard pad to the right....not the row of numbers at the top.

Á ALT+0193
É ALT+0201
Í ALT+0205
Ó ALT+0211
Ú ALT+0218
Ņ ALT+0209
Ü ALT+0220

á ALT+0225
é ALT+0233
í ALT+0237
ó ALT+0243
ú ALT+0250
ņ ALT+0241
ü ALT+0252

larryC - 8-5-2009 at 02:54 PM

Tháņks Déņņís góód íņfó
it works.

dtbushpilot - 8-5-2009 at 02:57 PM

I only have numbers at the top of my keyboard. Is there another way to do it?.....dt

BajaNuts - 8-5-2009 at 03:50 PM

I have a keyboard like dt, been playing around with the direction, but haven't been able to get it to work, tried NumberLock etc.

This is good information, might I suggest posting it under a new thread so others may see it and it doesn't get lost in all the turtle blather?

[Edited on 8-5-2009 by BajaNuts]

DENNIS - 8-5-2009 at 03:50 PM

Originally posted by dtbushpilot
I only have numbers at the top of my keyboard. Is there another way to do it?.....dt

Sure...Get in your car, back outta the driveway, head for....never mind. I don'know. Must be a way.

DENNIS - 8-5-2009 at 03:54 PM

Originally posted by BajaNuts
This is good information, might I suggest posting it under a new thread so others may see it and it doesn't get lose in all the turtle blather?

We've had "ALT Codes" threads in the past. Everything on Nomad is cyclical. The threads you see today, you'll see again in the future. [with the exception of the Turtle thread which will seemingly go on uninterupted forever]

BajaGringo - 8-5-2009 at 04:14 PM

Two possible solutions for those of you using notebook PC's without a numeric keypad:

1. Copy and paste the letters you need (ņ for example) from online sources into a notepad text file and store it on your desktop.

2. Run the Windows charmap program where you will find all of these special characters and more.

Just insert the special letters by copy and paste into your post / document.

ELINVESTIG8R - 8-5-2009 at 04:41 PM

BajaGringo - 8-5-2009 at 04:45 PM

Who, me????


ELINVESTIG8R - 8-5-2009 at 04:49 PM

All of you gall darn ņ varmints:lol:

BajaGringo - 8-5-2009 at 04:55 PM

But did you see that website with the Sports Illustrated swimming suit models taking self photos???


ELINVESTIG8R - 8-5-2009 at 04:58 PM

I was thinking more on the lines of a brief interlude at Adelitas in Tijuana's Zona Norte. Wooo Hooo!!

Edit to say: I have never been there of course. ;)

Edit again to say: Yes I saw It Ron. Wooo Hooo:lol:

[Edited on 8-6-2009 by ELINVESTI8]

BajaGringo - 8-5-2009 at 05:06 PM


A minor little hijack on a thread that has proven to have staying power can't be that bad...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

ELINVESTIG8R - 8-5-2009 at 05:12 PM

Of course you know I was joking… I think?:o

JESSE - 8-5-2009 at 05:15 PM

Maybe we should call this the incredible shirnking thread:spingrin:

larryC - 8-5-2009 at 05:21 PM

Is it just me, seems to be about 5 days of posts missing. THANK YOU!!!!!

BajaGringo - 8-5-2009 at 05:32 PM

They disappeared and came back!!!

ramuma53 - 8-6-2009 at 08:09 AM

You asked for it, and here it is
YOUtube Jimmy
Please consider that Jimmy, even if the liar formely known as JESSE demostrated has a previous record, that does not mean that a 62 year old american alone in a bar i Baja, can be beaten almost to death.
Several here are quetioning the victim, but I have not read a question to Oligiacamole or Vaquea or Oliva and Narc about why a group of Americans from El Coyote motivated by her problems, beaten a lonely 62 year old American in her restaurant and why are they not in jail as in any other place in the world.
My friends, when this happen in other parts of the world, you send the marines and here you are deffending the drug deales and users and sea turtle stew eaters who did it, why? that is my question???????????????

ramuma53 - 8-6-2009 at 08:37 AM

Elinvest8 you look better in your avatar today, you looked nervous.

Also and for all
The liar formerly known as JESSE put here the Jimmyīs previous record and for him that is just cause for Olivia and Narc to beat a 62 year old then American nearly to death in her restaurant helped by 6 to 8 other Americans, using sticks and machetes, ok I will show you here the previous record of Narc Jerome Burbey as thief reported to Inmigration office by the district attorney

[Edited on 8-6-2009 by ramuma53]

tripledigitken - 8-6-2009 at 08:43 AM

Originally posted by ramuma53
......and why are they not in jail as in any other place in the world.......why? that is my question???????????????

Maybe, just maybe, they arn't in in jail because......................they aren't guilty.

Just a thought.

ramuma53 - 8-6-2009 at 08:51 AM

just look at Jimmy to see if they are guilty or not, those injuries are not child play, he acused Olivia and Narc, they paid one their emplyees to say he was guilty alone and he was sentenced to 6 years in jail but never served a day in jail; the judge returned the case for Olivia and narc to be subjected to trial for his injuries but the District attorney has neglected to send them to trial up till today, and this is 2 years latter.
They are not even denying that he was beaten in their restaurant, my question is why you keep defending them?

Diver - 8-6-2009 at 09:01 AM

Pretty interesting that Jimmy says that "everyone" in the restaurant attacked him.
I guess the decision was unanimous !! :O :smug:
I wonder what he did to pee them all off at once ?? :lol:

[Edited on 8-6-2009 by Diver]

arrowhead - 8-6-2009 at 09:09 AM

Albert Einstein: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

ELINVESTIG8R - 8-6-2009 at 09:25 AM

Originally posted by ramuma53
Elinvest8 you look better in your avatar today, you looked nervous.

Jajajajajaja. Rafael este caricatura era en honor del terremoto que paso en Baja California

ELINVESTIG8R - 8-6-2009 at 09:39 AM

Well that video is the conclusive proof that James Russell Hicks exists and made the statement. No further proof of identity is needed by me. Now it will be up to the Mexican judicial system to decide who is telling the truth and take appropriate action.

ramuma53 - 8-6-2009 at 09:44 AM

That is the problem, since the judicial system is unable to find them inocent, they are just delaying the trial to see if it goes ayay, the same is happening with the turtle stew, the 3K of cocaine and 8 criminal cases I have against them.
The only answer is that I know Olivia has a standing order for her arrest, but the funny thing is that nobody is arresting her.
finally that is the problem, not them but the judicial system that do not act even when the felon is proved guilty.
That is what we are trying to change

ramuma53 - 8-6-2009 at 09:55 AM

maybe you were not good at physics, but Albert Ainstain is being proven right even today after his death and his General and Special theory of relativity keep predicting right things, that not even him thought were predictable or right.

So your comment mean you will join in the beating of a lonely 62 year old guy with pool sticks and machetes just because you didnīt like what he said, where do you live, North Corea?
Why question the victim, question the attackers.

BajaNuts - 8-6-2009 at 09:59 AM

In America and Canada, businesses have these signs- "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone." Meaning... they do not HAVE to serve someone if they do not want to. Is this the case in Mexico? Do businesses have the right to refuse service? Is it against the law to refuse to serve someone?

It sounds like the restaurant owners exercised their right to refuse service to someone, the hotel employees.

American Mr Hicks didn't like what he saw as discrimination.
Mr. Hicks said..."I went back to ask them why, one thing led to another, they got rude, so I got rude..."

HOW did Mr. Hicks ask them "why"...did he say "Please tell me why you won't serve these nice workers from the hotel?" or did he say "WTF is wrong with you people? I'm buying dinner and you kick out my friends?!?"

Seems like Mr. Hicks confirms the story told by the restaurant owner. What Mr Hicks didn't tell was if he had been drinking, and if so, how much had he had to drink.

Thank you for sharing Mr. Hicks's side of the story. As always, I'm sure there is even more to the story.

ramuma53 - 8-6-2009 at 10:31 AM

Yes my friend, but not in a Mexican Federal Zone, that is public property and only allow Olivia to sell small stuff with no permanent constructions in Federal zone, just try to forbid something to somebody in a Mexican beach in front of federal authorities to see what will happen to you.
In Federal zone everybody is free to enter and go by law you CAN NOT forbid anybody to enter or do anything and if he does something not allowed by law, the police is there for that, just ask Elinvest8 for his opinion.
They did not exercise their right to deny service; they denied the other people right to stay in Federal Zone that is free for all.
So you also mean that if somebody ask you in a not very polite way, after you wrongfully kick out his friends, you have the right to attack him and beat him to death? Just analyze what you are saying and try that in America.
I do not care how much he was drinking, he was in a public property place and nobody had the right to beat him to death, also I remember Jimmy said that he only drank a few beer and was not drunk at all, he was annoyed because his friends were not served in a Federal Zone, that is Mexicoīs property and was attacked by a bunch of drug dealers, only criminals do that and the ones responsible are people like you, who condone it, but you are right, let see more about the story.

Diver - 8-6-2009 at 10:42 AM

Originally posted by ramuma53
So your comment mean you will join in the beating of a lonely 62 year old guy with pool sticks and machetes just because you didnīt like what he said, where do you live, North Corea?
Why question the victim, question the attackers.

What an idiotic interpertation of my comments !!!

No, not many folks would start or finish a fight without a very, very good reason.
Especially retired gringos against another older gringo !
I wonder what was their very, very good reason ??
How many made this unanimous desicion ? 7, 8, 9 ? per Jimmy.

I don't know Ramuna, maybe you have experience walking into an establishment and getting beaten for no reason by a bunch of retired guys; I don't.
I can't think of a reason that I would consider such action except if someone insulted or put my family in danger.
What did Jimmy do ??? :light:

ELINVESTIG8R - 8-6-2009 at 11:02 AM

Originally posted by ramuma53
That is the problem, since the judicial system is unable to find them inocent, they are just delaying the trial to see if it goes ayay, the same is happening with the turtle stew, the 3K of cocaine and 8 criminal cases I have against them.
The only answer is that I know Olivia has a standing order for her arrest, but the funny thing is that nobody is arresting her.
finally that is the problem, not them but the judicial system that do not act even when the felon is proved guilty.
That is what we are trying to change

I state the following with this caveat: I am not accusing either side of any wrongdoing.

Rafael Therein lies the rub. If the Mexican judicial system will not properly do their job of prosecuting complaints brought to them, by either side because of corruption or ineptitude then neither side will have justice. What a way to live. I must say it angers me beyond belief to think of the possibility that when I go visit my Mama in El Rosario and someone kills me or tries to kill me that nothing will be done by the system. I do have relatives there who would avenge me though but I would prefer they didn’t but they would because they love me. I only express my anger to the extent of “What if it happens to me.” I guess self defense is all I have going for me but even that can go against a person if the other side is connected and I’m not. It’s a damn Catch-22 situation.

If this alleged attempted murder of Jimmy an American Citizen is true and was perpetrated by other American Citizens and Mexican Citizens then I would suggest that Jimmy report the incident to the FBI who with the assistance of the PGR will conduct an investigation into the matter. If they deem the incident credible they will file with the U.S. Attorney’s Office for further evaluation and prosecution. An attempted extradition will be made of the U.S. Citizens if prosecutions are deemed appropriate. Also consider taking a confirmatory polygraph to bolster your claim if it really happened. If it did not happen don’t take the confirmatory polygraph because you will be in deep S H
(You know what goes here) T if you lie. The FBI can do confirmatory polygraphs but just remember lying to the FBI is a federal crime. Although polygraphs are not admissible in court unless both sides agree to make it admissible it will at least show if someone is lying or not. I have used confirmatory polygraphs as an investigative tool before and they work great.

Rafael as you say even old felons like Jimmy can be a victim.

Good luck to both sides and may the person with the truth behind them win.

Diver - 8-6-2009 at 11:10 AM

Originally posted by ELINVESTI8
If this alleged attempted murder of Jimmy an American Citizen is true and was perpetrated by other American Citizens and Mexican Citizens then I would suggest that Jimmy report the incident to the FBI who with the assistance of the PGR will conduct an investigation into the matter.

Old felons like Jimmy can't report anything to the Mexican authorities when they are in the country illegally to begin with.

I like the polygraph idea !!! :lol::lol::lol:

ramuma53 - 8-6-2009 at 11:19 AM

You are right, no one will let go his friends and then alone start a fight, and that is because he did not came back to fight, he came back to ask why? to similarly looking old gringos.
I am only looking at the consequences of what you say and it means that: Then you will be very happy and just turn your back and go in to the night, after your friends are insulted and kicked wrongfully out of Federal Zone, where it is their lawful right to be at any time, let them try that with me even if they are 8 and with pool sticks.
He came back because he thought he was among old Americans who supposed to be like him, not dangerous but big mouthed only and he thought they will join in defending some poor Mexicans, he did not start the fight when he had his friends there to help him and had the advantage, he came back ALONE to reason and try to understand why, I do not think he imagined that every old gringo there, will join in beating him to death and that is because he didn’t knew then, that all those gringos, were the drug partners of Oliva and Narc, they were from El Coyote and if you see where the Marines went after they saw the drug unloading, it was to El Coyote, curiously where the only other launch ramp is in Bahia Concepcion.
I would understand one well placed slap by one other old gringo but not 8 joining in when a 62 year old is being beaten on the floor with machetes and pool sticks by young guys, also the employee who said it was him alone who hit Jimmy, is a 30 years old guy and attacked him from the back without giving him the smallest chance to defend himself and only as a reference, he is now working with the local mafia guy and his name is Amancio, who has a 6 year jail sentence waiting to be served by him, but curiously and by mistake, the police has had for 2 years forgotten to tell him, he has to serve it in jail not with the mafia chieftain.

ramuma53 - 8-6-2009 at 11:25 AM

Sorry diver but even an illegal alien has rights and if you do not know, Americans have a free stay in Baja without papers, they only need them when they will saty for a long period and I do not mean in the hospital because somebody beat you to death.
Where do you dive, North Corea Also?

ramuma53 - 8-6-2009 at 11:38 AM

I do not think a person may win or lose this, but it may happen that every American who live in Baja as a consequence, may live more secure if justice start to put people who break the law behind bars.
Baja make a lot of money because of old gringos and the worst business for all Mexican businessmen is that people start beating to death old gringos just because thei did not like what they had to say and I mean ex felons or not, we donīt know who has a record or not to be able to know who to beat to death and who not to.
I donīt think they knew Jimmy was an ex felon when they beat him and left him for death, they just did it because they knew there would be no consequences to their unlawful actions, but they will be wrong.
Also I had a very hard time convincing Jimmy not to get his revenge aginst Olivia and Narc, I am the one trying to make him do it the right way, even if we are failing to date, but we still have a way to go.
Also, Jimmy went to the American Consulate in Tijuana to ask for advise and they told him to just go back to the USA, that most of the Baja Police is crooked and he would not have justice anyway. What do you think that make us feel as Mexicans, and the most difficult part is to know they are right till today, because we have tomorrow to be decided.

DENNIS - 8-6-2009 at 12:13 PM

Originally posted by ramuma53
if you do not know, Americans have a free stay in Baja without papers, they only need them when they will saty for a long period and I do not mean in the hospital because somebody beat you to death.

Nobody but nobody knows whar's going on down there. That includes you, ramuma. Your statement up there boggles the mind.

BajaNuts - 8-6-2009 at 12:13 PM

Watch the video, read the story-
Each person is telling the story their way to show their side of it. That is to be expected. ramuma is making many statements as if they were fact and he was an eye-wittness, but he wasn't even there!

Take each story for what it is, that person's personal testimony. Add the two together, and somewhere in the middle is the truth. Jimmy doesn't say anything about having a knife or pepper spray from Mark.

YOUtube Jimmy

Originally posted by OLIGUACOMOLE

This man then walked to the hotel and evidently made arrangements to stay there. This man was Jimmy(James Russell Hicks) of Florida. Evidently he quickly made friends with the persons in the hotel. At the time Munoz offered free tequila out of a barrel. I think Jimmy took advantage of this opportunity.

---I would like to say that I think the only reason free tequila was offered to persons was cause problems for the restaurant. Before the Hicks incident a least two patrons of the Hotel were asked to leave the restaurant because they were so drunk from drinking the free tequila at the hotel.

Jimmy Hicks came over the first evening with an employee of the hotel sitting at a far away table in the restaurant. He approached the bar where 5 Americans are sitting. Mark is behind the bar. Jimmy is obviously very drunk. Being loud and obnoxious he says he wants to buy everyone a shot of tequila. Everyone declined the offer!---Don't see this happen too much!-- I then asked him to please sit with me at the table with the young Mexican man who was a worker in the hotel. I explained we did not want any problems with him bringing a worker from the hotel. The young mexican man was very nervous. Jimmy kept asking for beer and more tequila which I denied more service. Finally after Olivia sat and talked with the Young Mexican man explaining that since he worked in the hotel we would appreciate the distance and to please respect us due to the conflict with Munoz. JImmy and the young man left. Fifteen to thirty minutes passes and James Russell Hicks shows at the bar. His shirt is now off and he is screaming at what a terrible place this is. Again I am asking him to please leave. Jimmy insults the men and soon the women are off the bar stools in Jimmy's face! Jimmy then reaches into his pocket and pulls a lock blade knife out of his pocket and opens it. At this time I go to the house and get some special seasoning pepper spray. By the time I return Jimmy was yelling "give me back my knife"! What had happened was that Jimmy tried to stab one person in the chest. The knife was knocked out of his hand with a stick called a cue. Hicks then tried to throw an employee through the window, which he was unsuccessful with. He then was subdued. He might have hit his head on the floor. When I came in I told him to leave now or I would season him. He screamed he wanted his knife back which was on the floor. I told him he could get it back from the police. He took a step towards me and he got seasoned. He did leave then, walking back to the hotel. Olivia then calls the Mulege police and they say they will come manana. She pleads with them to come now but they say they do not have gas. We clean up a bit but leave the knife where it lay. Later that night two state police show up and say Hicks was kind of beat up and smelled like pepper. We showed them the knife which they picked up and put in a plastic bag we gave them. Told the state police the story and we had five witnesses who were at the bar. We are asked to go to Mulege the next day with the witnesses. We agreed and showed at the Ministero Publico the next day with all the witnesses. James Russell Hicks is there very drunk with Eddie from the hotel. James Russell Hicks was sitting in a chair pretending he was shooting a rifle at us again and again in front of the authorities. I ask the police how can they allow him to testify in a drunken state. They shrug their shoulders and tell me it is the DA's decision. She is going to allow. They finally did make him turn in the chair and face the wall. Now we have had real problems with this one DA. She is there in person trying to get testimony that Mark and Olivia were the ones causing harm. Nearly all the reports Munoz has made against us comes from this one DA. Maybe some of you know her. Overweight lady that travels with her mother. Appears to drive a new truck every year. For some reason this DA does not like us. She asked one of our employees to just say that Olivia and Mark were behind it. We all gave our testimony which is suppose to be free but were instructed to pay 100 dollars for each testimony because there was paper work. Four testimonies costs us 400 dlls. I tried to ask questions about the charge for testimony, but everyone had the creeps and wanted to just get out.

Jimmy Hicks stayed at the hotel for months. He shriveled up into this scrawny man apparently from drinking and other things. Finally after maybe six months he was gone. Munoz and employees were saying Jimmy had died and we had killed him, but it appears he is very much alive living in Florida getting DUI's for drugs and alcohol shows proof that he is alive!.

JESSE - 8-6-2009 at 02:09 PM

Originally posted by ramuma53
That is the problem, since the judicial system is unable to find them inocent, they are just delaying the trial to see if it goes ayay, the same is happening with the turtle stew, the 3K of cocaine and 8 criminal cases I have against them.
The only answer is that I know Olivia has a standing order for her arrest, but the funny thing is that nobody is arresting her.
finally that is the problem, not them but the judicial system that do not act even when the felon is proved guilty.
That is what we are trying to change

Could it possibly be that the courts know your harrasing them and making up a whole bunch of bogus charges and they donīt care anymore? could it also be possible the judicial system knows you and your history and since you donīt have political clout down here, they are ignoring you?

Just a few things to ponder.

JESSE - 8-6-2009 at 02:16 PM

Originally posted by ramuma53
Elinvest8 you look better in your avatar today, you looked nervous.

Also and for all
The liar formerly known as JESSE put here the Jimmyīs previous record and for him that is just cause for Olivia and Narc to beat a 62 year old then American nearly to death in her restaurant helped by 6 to 8 other Americans, using sticks and machetes, ok I will show you here the previous record of Narc Jerome Burbey as thief reported to Inmigration office by the district attorney

[Edited on 8-6-2009 by ramuma53]

Again making up stories and saying things about others that are not true.

I NEVER SAID anything remotely similar to justifying the beating of Jimmy. All i said, is that Jimmy was a convicted Cocaine trafficker (wich you have strangely ignored).

ramuma53 - 8-6-2009 at 02:19 PM

You are right, the only difference is that I read the court declarations of each party and I know what Jimmy said the very first time he rendered declarations, when he was still in shock and covered in blood and I always give credit to first declarations, they do not have yet the time or calm to think lies and that is why I believe Jimmy, also he clearly say the same that the people who rescued him, all of them say they heard Olivia say to Narc Kill him fast, but it was too late, their problem was that Jimmy was alive to accuse them, they thought he was dead when they threw him to the water and only a criminal mind dispose of the body of evidence; the legal way would have been to call the police and leave him where he was, also the knife they said Jimmy had, was found in the middle of the restaurant 2 days latter; the floor was completely cleaned but the knife was in the middle and supposedly nobody had seen it before and that is what Olivia and Narc told to the police to try to justify beating him up.
Also you must know that Olivia and Narc have been convicted of lying to the police and judicial authorities and it happened because they told a story first and then changed everything in writing.

[Edited on 8-6-2009 by ramuma53]

JESSE - 8-6-2009 at 02:29 PM

Ramuma whats your problem?

It is obviously clear you switch your passions with ease as long as they have to do with hurting Marc and Olivia. I don't know about others, but i find it troubling to say the least, that you started out as a friend of the turtles, and when that didnīt work, you switched to an ally of president Calderon in his war against drugs. When that didnīt work, now your a defender of the ex con elderly community?

Do you actually think we are dumb enough not to see this? i mean, i know 99% of all americans living in Baja are not going to speak their minds out and get into the middle of this peeing contest with two Mexicans. But do you honestly think that their silence equals stupidity? are you too blind to see that they know, and your not fooling them.


ramuma53 - 8-6-2009 at 02:39 PM

Liar who used to be called Jesse,
I am not harassing any court of law yet, but I will, to make them provide justice.
Those are not bogus charges, and that is why they have not been able to declare them not guilty after 6 years in court, because in most of the charges they admit on doing what they are charged with, like robbing my property signs or destroying my gate, robbing and destroying a hotel vehicle and robbing a whole gate, they candidly said that they did it because they thought it was not my property and to enter their house and you know that legally in any case that would have been taking the law in their own hands, but every petition they have made legally has been denied because they have no property right, while I have proved beyond doubt that I am the legal owner.
Also, political clout in La Paz you will see when we go and talk with the Governor and the District attorney and that will happen in a couple of weeks.
On your second comment, I said I was wrong, but you still will be called a liar because you were caught lying and your words demonstrated to be lies here, I didnīt knew what you had posted, but when I saw it, I recognized at Elinvest8 encouragement, that you were right on that as you sometimes are, rarely but sometimes you are.

JESSE - 8-6-2009 at 02:51 PM

Originally posted by ramuma53
Liar who used to be called Jesse,
I am not harassing any court of law yet, but I will, to make them provide justice.
Those are not bogus charges, and that is why they have not been able to declare them not guilty after 6 years in court, because in most of the charges they admit on doing what they are charged with, like robbing my property signs or destroying my gate, robbing and destroying a hotel vehicle and robbing a whole gate, they candidly said that they did it because they thought it was not my property and to enter their house and you know that legally in any case that would have been taking the law in their own hands, but every petition they have made legally has been denied because they have no property right, while I have proved beyond doubt that I am the legal owner.
Also, political clout in La Paz you will see when we go and talk with the Governor and the District attorney and that will happen in a couple of weeks.
On your second comment, I said I was wrong, but you still will be called a liar because you were caught lying and your words demonstrated to be lies here, I didnīt knew what you had posted, but when I saw it, I recognized at Elinvest8 encouragement, that you were right on that as you sometimes are, rarely but sometimes you are.

Funny, your going to talk to the governor and the district attorney, but all the state goverment media keeps bashing you and calling your tactics a DESPOJO.

Good luck with that.

[Edited on 8-6-2009 by JESSE]

dtbushpilot - 8-6-2009 at 02:53 PM

Originally posted by BajaNuts
In America and Canada, businesses have these signs- "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone." Meaning... they do not HAVE to serve someone if they do not want to. Is this the case in Mexico? Do businesses have the right to refuse service? Is it against the law to refuse to serve someone?

It sounds like the restaurant owners exercised their right to refuse service to someone, the hotel employees.

American Mr Hicks didn't like what he saw as discrimination.
Mr. Hicks said..."I went back to ask them why, one thing led to another, they got rude, so I got rude..."

HOW did Mr. Hicks ask them "why"...did he say "Please tell me why you won't serve these nice workers from the hotel?" or did he say "WTF is wrong with you people? I'm buying dinner and you kick out my friends?!?"

Seems like Mr. Hicks confirms the story told by the restaurant owner. What Mr Hicks didn't tell was if he had been drinking, and if so, how much had he had to drink.

Thank you for sharing Mr. Hicks's side of the story. As always, I'm sure there is even more to the story.

I don't recall a sign posted at Buenaventura stating that they "reserve the right to refuse service" but it is universally understood that you don't have to serve someone if you don't want to.

Does that mean that you can attack the culprit and cause bodily harm to him instead of serving him?

Just playing "devils advocate" here, not taking sides. I'm sure the truth lies somewhere in the middle.....dt

ramuma53 - 8-6-2009 at 02:56 PM

Liar who used to be called Jesse
I am not switching issues, I am still against the people who were caught selling sea turtle stew and also beat up almost to dead a 62 year old American, I am just demonstrating that they are usual criminals in every aspect, they are drug addicts, they are drug dealers, they sell sea turtle and also they beat lonely 62 year Americans together with 8 other Americans; even if you do not notice, this is the same issue, I am against the system that allow those criminals to keep committing crimes, being selling sea turtle, selling drugs or beating old Americans.
Also have you noticed that you are one of the most irrational defenders? You are ggod at raising questions, but not to provide any answers or even saying why are you not against drug dealing or killing sea turtle or even beating old Americans.
You are just here to irrationally defend criminals and that is it, it is also clear for everyone here and clear because they are not fools and have interest, why we, you and me are writing in English and not in Spanish, this is a public interest issue and the issue is justice providing in Baja and how at this time it allow criminals to harm people and turtles with no consequences.
It is said that there are 3 kinds of people:
Those who make things happen, those who see things happen and those that do not care what happen, which one you think you are?.

JESSE - 8-6-2009 at 05:37 PM

Originally posted by ramuma53
Liar who used to be called Jesse
I am not switching issues, I am still against the people who were caught selling sea turtle stew and also beat up almost to dead a 62 year old American, I am just demonstrating that they are usual criminals in every aspect, they are drug addicts, they are drug dealers, they sell sea turtle and also they beat lonely 62 year Americans together with 8 other Americans; even if you do not notice, this is the same issue, I am against the system that allow those criminals to keep committing crimes, being selling sea turtle, selling drugs or beating old Americans.
Also have you noticed that you are one of the most irrational defenders? You are ggod at raising questions, but not to provide any answers or even saying why are you not against drug dealing or killing sea turtle or even beating old Americans.
You are just here to irrationally defend criminals and that is it, it is also clear for everyone here and clear because they are not fools and have interest, why we, you and me are writing in English and not in Spanish, this is a public interest issue and the issue is justice providing in Baja and how at this time it allow criminals to harm people and turtles with no consequences.
It is said that there are 3 kinds of people:
Those who make things happen, those who see things happen and those that do not care what happen, which one you think you are?.


Theres several problems with your statements.

1.-You have a pretty shady past.
2.-So far, besides your comments, there has been nothing officially or even mediawise that has supported your case.
3.-You push too much too hard, something doesnīt seem right.
4.-You question why i defend (alleged)drug dealers, while you defend one (twice convicted) yourself.
5.-You keep putting words into the mouths of those that question your motives.
6.-This is not the first time you are involved in similar situations, and its not the first time you use the same tactics to get things to go your way.
7.-You keep thinking all our info comes from what you and marc try to feed us, and fail to ignore we have many sources because this is a small and tight community.

I want to repeat that i donīt know much about marc and olivia. Mainly because they have decided (wisely i think), to not spew everything to everybody online. You have put yourself in this situation where everybody is suspicious of you, and everybody has googled as much as they can about you and your people. And the stuff that has been found seems like a pattern or a style of dealing with rivals in these land grabs.

I donīt have much high hopes for a clear, point by point response to my questions, wich explains my scepticism.

BajaNuts - 8-6-2009 at 06:48 PM

Originally posted by dtbushpilot
I don't recall a sign posted at Buenaventura stating that they "reserve the right to refuse service" but it is universally understood that you don't have to serve someone if you don't want to.

Does that mean that you can attack the culprit and cause bodily harm to him instead of serving him?

Just playing "devils advocate" here, not taking sides. I'm sure the truth lies somewhere in the middle.....dt

roger, dt, 'devil's advocate" is good-

As far as refusing service to someone, according to ramuma, if you have a business in the federal zone you cannot refuse service to anyone... even if they are a knife-wielding drunk threatening yourself and other patrons! (that is one person's witness story, not my personal opinion)

Maybe that's why the authorities are not pressing charges? ramuma was not there the day after the incident, noone has offered another story as to how the testimony at the police station went down. Was Mr. Hicks drunk and acting like he was shooting the witnesses?

And according to Mark's story, it was the patrons who hit Mr. Hicks as he was wielding the knife, threatening the patrons and their families. Are the patrons wrong for defending their families?

I am sorry that Mr. Hicks sustained such injuries. Aside from the immediate skin injuries that required stitches, the resulting bone infections and removal of a broken rib due to infection (I think he said he fell outside the restaurant on something?)...anyway, any subsequent infections and damages to joints are not the fault of anyone involved in the original fight. It is the result of improper medical care. Once Mr. Hicks was under a doctor's care, there is no excuse for full body infections. And it is definitely not the fault of the restaurant owners that he did not receive proper medical care!

I can only take the stories for what they are as told by those who were there at the time.

It is well-known that victims of traumatic happenings do not remember things accurately, add in any alcohol factor and it calls things into question.

Does all this hullabaloo matter to me? Other than information about how things work in Mexico, I couldn't give a crap. I do have a hard time holding my tongue when someone is blathering the same one-sided nonsense.

All we have been presented with for evidence is one Florida rap sheet and 2 personal testimonies.

The only losers I see are the businesses which will be losing what business they may have gotten from members of this forum. For those businesses and the families they affect, I am sorry.

Howard - 8-6-2009 at 07:02 PM

Dear Saint Ramuma

I want to thank you for trying to save mankind. You are the true keeper of the planet earth with all your energy into saving turtles and trying to have “drug dealers” prosecuted. You are to be commended for being so focused on the poor turtles and the Mexican judicial system.

As a suggestion Saint Ramuma, perhaps you can take the time to do some of the following. Jeeze, if you tackled these problems with the same energy as you are using throughout this thread , I would certainly try and get you elevated from Saint Ramuma to at the minimum of Bishop or even Cardinal!

Here we go for my suggestions. Any other Nomads can join in with their suggestions.

How about all of the graph in your government?
How about a better school system for the children of Mexico ?
How about not letting fishing trawlers in Mexican waters rape the oceans until there will be nothing left for your future generations?

I realize that the above is just a start but I did not want to burden you with to much to start with.

I am certain that you used even some of the same energy and hot air that you have demonstrated, the above can be accomplish in a quick and orderly manner.

As a fellow member of mother earth, I thank you

snowcat5 - 8-6-2009 at 08:30 PM

HI Jesse, Next time I head South, can I buy you a Beer? It seems you spend every hour glued to your laptop helping us all understand the complexities of this thread (and you may be severely dehydrated). Thanks! Reading back thru all 55 pages, I've realized that two things are true: (1) I GOTTA GET A LIFE! (2) Don't turn your back on St. Ramuma! :lol:

JESSE - 8-7-2009 at 02:59 AM

Amen brother, amen.

Thank You Howard

CaboRon - 8-7-2009 at 08:06 AM

Originally posted by Howard
Dear Saint Ramuma

I want to thank you for trying to save mankind. You are the true keeper of the planet earth with all your energy into saving turtles and trying to have “drug dealers” prosecuted. You are to be commended for being so focused on the poor turtles and the Mexican judicial system.

As a suggestion Saint Ramuma, perhaps you can take the time to do some of the following. Jeeze, if you tackled these problems with the same energy as you are using throughout this thread , I would certainly try and get you elevated from Saint Ramuma to at the minimum of Bishop or even Cardinal!

Here we go for my suggestions. Any other Nomads can join in with their suggestions.

How about all of the graph in your government?
How about a better school system for the children of Mexico ?
How about not letting fishing trawlers in Mexican waters rape the oceans until there will be nothing left for your future generations?

I realize that the above is just a start but I did not want to burden you with to much to start with.

I am certain that you used even some of the same energy and hot air that you have demonstrated, the above can be accomplish in a quick and orderly manner.

As a fellow member of mother earth, I thank you

ramuma53 - 8-7-2009 at 09:32 AM

Liar who used to be called JESSY
If you keep repeating what the newspapers said you will keep saying lies even if tose were not originally yours to invent.
Let me explain you something about newspapers, and I know because I used to own one. specially like El Sol or El SudCaliforniano that are what you call Amarillistas; on publications like that, they just say that they printed what the source said in this case Olivia, they do not even check if it is true and we all did the same only some of us with more ethics, what cost is where you put it; if you notice, what I have said in that newspaper and they have printed everything I told them, is where they print it, if you pay they print it in a visible place, if you do not pay, it will be in a very not visible place and obviously they paid a lot of money to print that in the first page 8 columns, also that newspaper is also a Estate government spokesman and obviously the Estate government or at least the Estate Social issues office had a say too, but the Estate government is now aware of the true estate of legality so the publications stopped.
They donīt even pretend to say something true, because they received from me all my documents but just ignore them.
Sorry liar who used to be called JESSY but I have a very clear past, At 18 I was giving classes at the National Army military academy, I have 2 black belts in Lima Lama and Kung do Lama, National champion for inter technologic schools, I studied Physics and Mathematics, then Industrial engineering, then finished civil engineering and much later studied law, my motherīs goodfather was President Card##as, my aunt was Federal district judge, my father was ĻPagador General de la NacionĻ my mother was professional Social worker, my cousin was a Estate congresswoman and Tijuana councilwoman [Aida Baltazar Martinez] and she is remembered because she founded several of the Tijuana colonias, like Obrera, 5 de mayo, Sepanal and a lot of others, my nice was a Federal Congresswoman, Estate congresswoman and councilwoman for Tijuana, I am the representative for Nueva Republica in Baja California and representative for congressman Porfirio Muņoz Ledo in Baja and I was a Federal Congressman candidate in the 2000 elections, past president for and founder for the Tijuana to Ensenada land owners Counsel , Founder and first past president of the Workers party in Rosarito and I put in the council the only councilman that party have had since then, I owned 50% of the ABC newspaper and I published during 10 years Ļ La verdadera Historia de RosaritoĻ, so my life has been an open book as many here said and an open book is not a shady past.
Sorry liar, but I have provided a lot of official documents to support my claims, like my Private property title issued by the Federal government.
Sorry liar, but you should know, you are pushing the other way and what is needed is that many push in the way of the law, criminals should not be allowed to walk Bajaīs beaches, or sell sea turtle stew freely, or beat 62 year old because you didnīt like what they said, or sell drugs, or commit robbery and make damages in other peopleīs property with no consequences.
You are defending drug dealers, turtle stew sellers, 62 year old beaters, thief and vandals who are actually and continually committing those crimes, Jimmy did his mistakes but to this day he is clear and never have anybody seen him commit a crime after his come back from criminal ways, he paid his debt to society while the people you are defending have not paid for their crimes, Jimmy is no longer a criminal, Olivia and >nark are at this time.
Yes I admit I have been in similar situations and I say it with pride, I have defended the Popotla inhabitants in Rosarito, I have defended the Mercado de Artesanias Benito Juares in Rosarito, I have defended the Union of mobile merchants in Rosarito and of course all the small land owners in the strip of Rosarito Ensenada, what have you done my liar friend.
Why donīt you share true information from your small community? Why only lies?
That is why we have a police force, so you do not have to take the law in your own hands and beat lonely 62 year old gringos almost to death, just because you do not like what they have to say.
Sorry bajanuts, the authorities did pressed charges for their robberies, damages, lye to the authorities, selling sea turtle stew and having 3K cocaine possession and of course for Jimmyīs injuries, their employee is already convicted of that crime while they are still in court pending to be convicted of all those crimes that they themselves accepted having committed before the District attorney.
No Bajanuts, they threw him to the stale water outside the restaurant thinking he was death, that is why the infection, from there is where other people rescued him and he was too badly beat and bleeding to be able to walk outside, all this are on the official declarations by all witnesses.
That is the problem Bajanuts, Jimmy do remember everything, he was not drunk, he was beaten almost to death, but saw who did it and what Olivia was saying, Kill him fast.
Do you know why these things are called public matter and why the Public district attorney prosecutes them? Because it affects society as a whole, it affects your security if you come to Baja and remove those bad apples are everybodyīs business, that is why I said the phrase Ļthere are people who donīt even care what is happening, do that apply to you?
No the losers will be the next people who receive drugs in America, the next 62 year old gringo who will be beaten to death there, the people who will not see the sea turtles because they sold them all as stew.

Diver - 8-7-2009 at 09:44 AM

Doesn't it seem that Jimmy has a record of making bad choices. :light:

Felonies, misdemeanors, illegal entry to Mexico (didn't disclose that he was a felone, did he ?), illegal drug sales and use, bar fights .......
and making friends with ramuna !!!!
Priceless !!! :lol::lol::lol:

And ramuna's intelligent choices include "running with a known felone and druggie" ..... :light: :lol:

Where ya gunna go?

OLIGUACOMOLE - 8-7-2009 at 09:50 AM

James Russell Hicks is here at Buenaventura. Wow! he just had a DUI for alcohol or drugs in Florida 7-11-09. His case must have been thrown out or something...or could it be he would be fleeing prosecution?
Munoz apparently has J.R.H. living in one of the american homes illegally. He is from Florida but is driving a cherokee with Tennessee plates 297-RJY.
Does anyone out there know where to start reporting? Checking persons that are here illegally? Helpful hints would be appreciated.

Diver - 8-7-2009 at 10:18 AM

And Olivia's choices include, NOT hanging with ramuna or Jimmy.
Seems a bit more rational to me.

Hola policia ...... :lol::lol::lol:

ramuma53 - 8-7-2009 at 01:34 PM

Olivia, donīt laugh too loud, you are a felon also, with a pending order for your arrest and a drug dealer and donīt tell me you did not crash while driving intoxicated, because the signs are on your face and we have seen you trashing around completely under unknown substance effects.
You can check, Jimmy has no order for his arrest and you certainly do, but we are looking in to it, donīt be jealous, you soon will have a lot of photos like that.

diver, your ideas are not that normal also, you will look better diving in North Corean waters, they would love to have you there as a master.

JESSE - 8-7-2009 at 01:42 PM

Originally posted by ramuma53
Liar who used to be called JESSY
If you keep repeating what the newspapers said you will keep saying lies even if tose were not originally yours to invent.
Let me explain you something about newspapers, and I know because I used to own one. specially like El Sol or El SudCaliforniano that are what you call Amarillistas; on publications like that, they just say that they printed what the source said in this case Olivia, they do not even check if it is true and we all did the same only some of us with more ethics, what cost is where you put it; if you notice, what I have said in that newspaper and they have printed everything I told them, is where they print it, if you pay they print it in a visible place, if you do not pay, it will be in a very not visible place and obviously they paid a lot of money to print that in the first page 8 columns, also that newspaper is also a Estate government spokesman and obviously the Estate government or at least the Estate Social issues office had a say too, but the Estate government is now aware of the true estate of legality so the publications stopped.
They donīt even pretend to say something true, because they received from me all my documents but just ignore them.
Sorry liar who used to be called JESSY but I have a very clear past, At 18 I was giving classes at the National Army military academy, I have 2 black belts in Lima Lama and Kung do Lama, National champion for inter technologic schools, I studied Physics and Mathematics, then Industrial engineering, then finished civil engineering and much later studied law, my motherīs goodfather was President Card##as, my aunt was Federal district judge, my father was ĻPagador General de la NacionĻ my mother was professional Social worker, my cousin was a Estate congresswoman and Tijuana councilwoman [Aida Baltazar Martinez] and she is remembered because she founded several of the Tijuana colonias, like Obrera, 5 de mayo, Sepanal and a lot of others, my nice was a Federal Congresswoman, Estate congresswoman and councilwoman for Tijuana, I am the representative for Nueva Republica in Baja California and representative for congressman Porfirio Muņoz Ledo in Baja and I was a Federal Congressman candidate in the 2000 elections, past president for and founder for the Tijuana to Ensenada land owners Counsel , Founder and first past president of the Workers party in Rosarito and I put in the council the only councilman that party have had since then, I owned 50% of the ABC newspaper and I published during 10 years Ļ La verdadera Historia de RosaritoĻ, so my life has been an open book as many here said and an open book is not a shady past.
Sorry liar, but I have provided a lot of official documents to support my claims, like my Private property title issued by the Federal government.
Sorry liar, but you should know, you are pushing the other way and what is needed is that many push in the way of the law, criminals should not be allowed to walk Bajaīs beaches, or sell sea turtle stew freely, or beat 62 year old because you didnīt like what they said, or sell drugs, or commit robbery and make damages in other peopleīs property with no consequences.
You are defending drug dealers, turtle stew sellers, 62 year old beaters, thief and vandals who are actually and continually committing those crimes, Jimmy did his mistakes but to this day he is clear and never have anybody seen him commit a crime after his come back from criminal ways, he paid his debt to society while the people you are defending have not paid for their crimes, Jimmy is no longer a criminal, Olivia and >nark are at this time.
Yes I admit I have been in similar situations and I say it with pride, I have defended the Popotla inhabitants in Rosarito, I have defended the Mercado de Artesanias Benito Juares in Rosarito, I have defended the Union of mobile merchants in Rosarito and of course all the small land owners in the strip of Rosarito Ensenada, what have you done my liar friend.
Why donīt you share true information from your small community? Why only lies?
That is why we have a police force, so you do not have to take the law in your own hands and beat lonely 62 year old gringos almost to death, just because you do not like what they have to say.
Sorry bajanuts, the authorities did pressed charges for their robberies, damages, lye to the authorities, selling sea turtle stew and having 3K cocaine possession and of course for Jimmyīs injuries, their employee is already convicted of that crime while they are still in court pending to be convicted of all those crimes that they themselves accepted having committed before the District attorney.
No Bajanuts, they threw him to the stale water outside the restaurant thinking he was death, that is why the infection, from there is where other people rescued him and he was too badly beat and bleeding to be able to walk outside, all this are on the official declarations by all witnesses.
That is the problem Bajanuts, Jimmy do remember everything, he was not drunk, he was beaten almost to death, but saw who did it and what Olivia was saying, Kill him fast.
Do you know why these things are called public matter and why the Public district attorney prosecutes them? Because it affects society as a whole, it affects your security if you come to Baja and remove those bad apples are everybodyīs business, that is why I said the phrase Ļthere are people who donīt even care what is happening, do that apply to you?
No the losers will be the next people who receive drugs in America, the next 62 year old gringo who will be beaten to death there, the people who will not see the sea turtles because they sold them all as stew.

I rest my case, this guy is beyond repair.

ramuma53 - 8-7-2009 at 01:45 PM

Thank you for saying where you are, because the Judicial Police has an order for your arrest issued by the Santa Rosalia Judge, they were saying they were not able to find you, but now they have a proof of where you are, let see who the police take, you or Jimmy???????????????

Sharksbaja - 8-7-2009 at 02:04 PM


JESSE - 8-7-2009 at 02:26 PM

I started a company called Vandelay industries, my good friend and lawyer jackie helped me with the paperwork. I also hired my good friend Bob Sacamano and the well known money man H.E. Pennypacker to get things done. back in the days i helped out Lloyd Braun to get into goverment. And togheter with Jack Klompus we created an organization to help the dying fish of the Rodriguez dam.

Thats my story and i am sticking to it.

BajaNuts - 8-7-2009 at 02:39 PM

Originally posted by ramuma53
....they threw him to the stale water outside the restaurant thinking he was death, that is why the infection, from there is where other people rescued him and he was too badly beat and bleeding to be able to walk outside, all this are on the official declarations by all witnesses.

According to both testimonies, Mr. Hicks left the restaurant on his own power. The people in the restaurant did not "haul him outside and throw him into the ocean/stale water/stream". According to Mr. Hicks's video, he staggered out of the restaurant and fell into a culvert which was when he hurt his ribs. ( Mr. Hicks says he was staggering because of the cue stick to the head, the other story says he was staggering because of alcohol).

The other story posted by someone who claimed to be Mr. Hicks says..."Right after the beating, they threw me out into a stream of water close to the beach... (not according to Mr. Hicks's video)... and again my ribs were in a nasty pain. I yelled for help, people from the hotel heard me and came over, they themselves also heard how the woman was yelling “kill him, kill him”. They rescued me and took me to the hospital right away. Doctors did stitches on my injuries. I was taken to several doctors." The other "post" spells out the names of the restaurant people PERFECTLY and Mr. Hicks couldn't remember their names on the video.

The hotel people got him to medical care that night. Poor medical care from whoever took care of him that night and in the following days/weeks is the cause for the infections, not stagnant water. A person can fall into a cesspool with open wounds and if the wounds are properly cleaned and dressed, they will heal without complications. Stop blaming the restaurant people for Mr. Hicks' poor medical care!

ramuma is making statements that are not supported by and are contradicted by the video HE POSTED! If he won't even accept the story on the video he posted when Mr Hicks's words contradict what ramuma has been spouting, well, how can we trust anything he says?

ramuma wasn't there, his story has been twisted from the start and Mr. Hicks's video just proved it. Mr. Hicks' version and the restaurant people's version are the only ones that matter. Both sides leave out certain details. As I've said before, the truth is somewhere in the middle.

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