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shari - 9-4-2009 at 01:24 PM

we spoke on the vhf with a family there that said the flooding was very bad in San Ignacio as well...not much info.

msteve1014 - 9-4-2009 at 01:30 PM

Shari, Have you spoken to anyone in La Bocana? I have not been able to get through to the few people I have phone # s for.


aldosalato - 9-4-2009 at 01:47 PM

I just spoke to family and business in Constitucion. Crew of CFE and Telmex are working full time to restore broken lines. Cell phone have been back since yesterday. Areas of town are having all their services back already. Tomorrow I will go and visit the area. Will report back. Constitucion people are known in Baja to be very hard worker and for sure they will put back the town in a short time.

San Ignacio

DianaT - 9-4-2009 at 01:47 PM

Just received an e-mail from a friend who has family in San Ignacio---he said the arroyo is running strong, food and water are becoming a problem, no electricity, but no loss of life.

Estrella - 9-4-2009 at 02:07 PM

We have a house on the north side of the river in Mulege and went thru the devastation of H. John. So now again Jimena. Please, a word of caution to those who want to rush down there. The military was on it after John and did a good job of initial aid and cleanup. Better than our government seems able to do. The next week will be chaotic. There will be no places to stay, no fuel , no electricity, and very limited food and water. Unless you can be totaly self suficient and are sure you're place is livable it would be better to wait untill things are a little more under control. The last thing they need is more people to feed and accomodate. When the basic infrastructure is back up is the time to go. We waited two weeks after John and still han no power or water but at least there was food and water avaliable and we were not in the way.
Believe me, I know how frustrating it is to be here and wait for news and not be able to do anything. This is our second time. The best thing to do now is start collecting money and donations-all of which have been mentioned here-except for gas powered pressure washers. Stuff for long term help is the most important.
If initial reports are true then we probably had 7 or 8 feet of water in our house. I would dearly like to know if our neighbor and patron, Manuel "Lito" Romero and his family are ok.

Cypress - 9-4-2009 at 02:32 PM

Estrella, Were is/was your house located on the north side? Manuels house is up on the hill. He's gonna be OK. The other house's down along the river and at the mouth of the arroyo probably got hit hard.:(

Skeet/Loreto - 9-4-2009 at 03:09 PM

San Nicholas>>

Anybody have any report on the folks at San Nicholas. Would appreciate any News.

Thank you Skeet

comitan - 9-4-2009 at 03:37 PM

No word from Los Frailes he should have Sat. internet?(San Bruno-San Lucas area)

msteve1014 - 9-4-2009 at 03:48 PM

I just got through to La Bocana. Sounds like they got more wind and rain than Asuncion, but not much. The phone lines are working.

Bajahowodd - 9-4-2009 at 04:03 PM

Don't want to be redundant, but Estrella speaks the words of experience and truth.

Estrella - 9-4-2009 at 04:03 PM

Cypress. Our house is directly below Manuels. He should be ok with flooding but we had wind also this time. His new house is pretty stout though. I too am worried about our friends houses in the arroyo. It stayed dry during John but most of the rain was up in the mountains then. We are around the corner but still get the river flooding.

Mulege Donations

EngineerMike - 9-4-2009 at 04:33 PM

A load of clothing for Mulege is being organized from Portland, OR, clothing for about 60 familias, coupla sets each. Thanks to Keri Bowden. It will be dropped off on a drive by to Loreto.

Just talked to a former Mulegina, grew up & went to school there, now living in SF, CA Bay area. She is in contact w/Pollo Cannett by his phone which is working, and hopefully Saul Davis. Per Pollo, most dire immediate need is food & water. Saul's, Yee's and Alba's are either washed out of inventory and closed for repairs, or mostly washed out of inventory & closed for repairs. Only store open in town is Pinguino across from Mely's and they are running out. This situation will change over a week or two once the roads open, however those who are wiped out can always use food and spend their money on more important repairs. So if you are going- take food & bottled water (big bottles like the 2.5gal size is best). If you leave it w/Saul you can trust it will get to those in need. Saul has held the Scholarship checkbook for a long time and we have never missed a dime. I know several folks who leave money w/Saul for exactly this purpose at the holidays and it works great, you can trust Saul. Probably best if you make up boxed care packs so he can just hand them out. Make it easy on him please.

I'm still monitoring the jungle drums for word the road will be open to trigger my departure. Hope to be part of a large caravan. Since living conditions are unpredictable, my first trip may be w/overnight in GN, then deliver freight & take assessment in Mulege, and head back immediately to GN & SD. Just a thought at this point; depends on facts not yet in evidence.

losfrailes - 9-4-2009 at 04:47 PM

Still well connected but with generator. No elec here for awhile. Many power poles down between here and Santa Rosalia which is our source for electrcity.

The bridge immediately south of Santa Rosalia took a beating, the center spans are still standing but both approach ramps are completely washed away.

Local folks here have received some disaster relief in form of government care packages.

Presently sprinkling as a reminder from Jimena that she was here. Not too much damage in the village nor at the RV park. One porchlike arrangement was destroyed, but not much obvious damage.

Sturdy village, sturdy people.

Originally posted by comitan
No word from Los Frailes he should have Sat. internet?(San Bruno-San Lucas area)

oldlady - 9-4-2009 at 04:59 PM

So glad you posted. I was worried too. Stay safe. Keep in touch.

David K - 9-4-2009 at 04:59 PM

Good to hear from you losfrailes!

EngineerMike - 9-4-2009 at 05:17 PM

Just off the phone w/Saul Davis in Mulege via a neighbor's phone. 1.3 meters of water in his store & inventory effectively a total loss (Saul had 0.2m in H.John so just over a meter more this time at his place).
"Any help anyone can bring Mulege is appreciated." Tarps, Visqueen, duct tape & rope for temp house repairs a good idea.

River water came up to the street in front of Bancomer. Photos posted by Mexrick on his real estate website (and linked earlier on this thread) show much mud in that and adjacent streets which came from the hillsides above. This is like after John & Julio but much more mud.

Most of la Fortuna wiped out; white house in front by the river is gone. Many houses there are toast w/massive structural damage. One two story there owned by Canadian woman looks structurally OK to Saul.

Orchard- river row got hammered badly, with perhaps 3 houses remaining per Saul*; one of those is the new two story (Connie & Les Scherr I believe, but that's a guess). I received photo by Marilyn Muscarolas via forwarded email of Casa 88 with only the front wall of 1st story standing, top story & balance of lower story is gone; nice paint though. Per that email Casa 95 still standing w/photo showing water line about 3 feet into 2nd story.

Per Saul- new houses along north side of river @ Manuelito's are gone or close to it including new rock house there.

*Separate email forwarded to me & quoting actual recon in the Orchard confirms 3 houses on river row standing tho one probably totaled due to foundation issues. One of those standing is new 2 story next to Garcia's (Scherr's?). Saul thought Garcia's may be wiped out, but that is based on observation from his side of the river and not confirmed.

Rafa & Antonia Cuesta are in good shape w/lots of guests; roof stayed on their house. Their phone still not working. And yes it was Raphael Cuesta Sr. that drowned, Rafa's dad.

Power is up in Santa Rosalia per Saul & his conversation w/friend in power co.

[Edited on 9-5-2009 by EngineerMike]

DENNIS - 9-4-2009 at 05:22 PM

Thanks Mike. Sad, very graphic report.

Mulege-South Side of the River

captain4tuna - 9-4-2009 at 05:32 PM

Has anyone seen the south side of the river? Anything standing?
Any word on San Ignacio Springs? Terry's in Vancouver and we can't reach Gary.
Thank you all for all your updates.

shari - 9-4-2009 at 05:34 PM would be of interest later to see what kind of construction remains standing...does it depend on the foundation? quality of blocks? amount of rebar int it? position on the river for currents hitting it? luck of the draw? the rock house is gone?? hmmmmm

thank you so much for the detailed report.

ecomujeres - 9-4-2009 at 05:36 PM

Anyone out there with photos from the Serenidad? Most specifically the rows of casitas and trailers behind the hotel along the wall?

Mud? Roof damage? Nothing left? Would much appreciate solid facts about our place there, #12


SharonT - 9-4-2009 at 06:18 PM

Originally posted by captain4tuna
Has anyone seen the south side of the river? Anything standing?
Any word on San Ignacio Springs? Terry's in Vancouver and we can't reach Gary.
Thank you all for all your updates.

The only thing I have heard/seen about the south side of the river is the most recent post on the Jimena thread from Engineer Mike about the Orchard. We are in the Oasis and I haven't seen anything posted about the Oasis yet, besides that we know it is probably very, very bad.

captain4tuna - 9-4-2009 at 06:28 PM

Thanks for your reply. I can't describe what we are feeling at the moment.

bajachris - 9-4-2009 at 06:29 PM

San Juanico

Does any one have any additional info on San Juanico? I heard that the eye passed over and there was some wind damage but I am not sure how bad.


Mulegena - 9-4-2009 at 06:31 PM

Heard this morning that most all of the houses in the Oasis Nolet have sustained damage, roof damage in particular, and some of the Oasis homes on the riverfront are gone.

News has reached one Nomad family that their riverhouse is standing, boats still there, everything dirty but intact.

I have the house with the birds under the mango tree. I don't know the damage my house has sustained and at this moment, of course would like to hear a report, but am personally focused with the health and well-being of the community. Wish I were in Mulege to assist in relief efforts, but realize that my presence would tax the limited infrastructure that is available.

Hold positive thoughts and work from here, folks. Thanks.

LancairDriver - 9-4-2009 at 06:59 PM

The Baja Bush Pilots have a virtual air force lined up ready to go. See details at Includes heavy haulers such as Citation jets and large turbine aircraft and helicopters. What is needed is delivery of goods to airports where the aircraft can be loaded. This is where Nomads can help. See details on the website.

DENNIS - 9-4-2009 at 07:02 PM

Originally posted by LancairDriver
See details on the website.

Thanks LD..Maybe you could cut 'n paste some of those details and bring them over here for more exposure.

DianaT - 9-4-2009 at 07:04 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by LancairDriver
See details on the website.

Thanks LD..Maybe you could cut 'n paste some of those details and bring them over here for more exposure.

Yes, please. I know there is information on the first page, but for those of us who are not members, there may be more information in the members forum

REALLY interested in this effort


LancairDriver - 9-4-2009 at 07:13 PM

More details concerning the airlift help.


Several issues on Hurricane Jimene - 9/4/2009

We need relief Items….

We have aircraft ready to go and we need more things to put in them. I am going down to Ciudad Constitucion in the morning to meet with the Red Cross coordinator to determine the needs and where the supplies are most needed. We will be over flying the entire mid-Baja area to determine these needs. I will be spending one or two nights there.

We have people lining up donations but we have the ability to take more. Critical right now is clothing, shelter, meds, food, and someway to purify water. The water supply and electricity is out in Mulege, Santa Rosalea, Loreto, and other villages. Major power substation are blown up and it will take weeks to rebuild them.

The people in Baja are in trouble and need help. We need all the donations we can get.

Regarding aircraft, we are set to transport relief supplies. They include:

Two Citation Jets

Three PC 12

One MU-2

10 +- piston twins

15+- singles

3 R44

1 Ranger

I am good right now with aircraft. What I need is drop-off locations where people can take their donations.

If you have space, preferably at an airport, please email me asp with your contact information, where the location is, and how people can leave items. I will be posting a list of drop-off places as soon as I can, indicate “Drop-off” in your subject line. Send to

I will be doing a full report as soon as I get back as to additional items needed as well as where items can be taken. There may be the need to go down as early as Tuesday once we work out the logistics.

And from several emails I have received from people down there now:

Dear Mr. McCormick,

My name is Rosalva Rocha Cuesta. I was born and raised in Mulege, Baja Ca. Sur. This morning I had the fortune to speak with my sister in Mulege. She related to me the devastation left behind by Hurricane Jimena. The trail of damage left by H. Jimena is far worse that H. John back in 2006. The water level was much higher(apparently 2meters over the bridge in town), than of H. John´s. Without going into further detail, I am sure you get the picture. The only store in town open for business is "´El Pinguino" near the kindergarten area. Most of the supermarkets in town had major flood problem damaging their goods and were left unable to provide for the Muleginos in need. La tienda "El Pinguino", was running out of everything this morning already.

I understand you and your colleagues had been very generous in the past, not only to Muleginos but, to the people in need in Baja California. I am sending this message to you requesting your help for my people in Mulege. Muleginos have no way to reach out at this point, but they are in desperate need of water and food. I asked a person in town to check the status of the landing strip at Serenidad-major flood there too. Another option would be the Old landing strip near, what used to be, "Hotel Mulege" in Colonia Loma Azul by the lighthouse. The third option would be Punta Chivato´s landing strip. Perhaps local fishermans could transport the goods up the river to the Town of Mulege. Just a thought.

I would love to hear back from you. Many thanks in advanced for your time and your generosity.

Best Regards,

Rosalva Rocha C.


Hello Joe Diorio here at chivato... PCH runway was in good shape until it started raining again this AM. Will need a couple of days to dry when the sun comes out.... Latest from Palo Verde / san Bruno/ Chivato bay... what ever you want to call it. It´s un usable. large boulders and river ran through the middle of it. serenidad under water .... so we should have our road graded to the highway as soon as the sun comes out and I´ve heard that the road from Palo Verde to mulege is passable.... maybe air lift to here and run in with trucks??? Let me know if i can help from here. Will walk runway as soon as rain stops...


Jack, I just talked to Loreto, there is no electricty, which they guess won´t be connected for 10 days to two weeks. No water anywhere in town for 4 days. All food sold out of markets, o e gas station running on a generator-lines over 1/2 mile, night and day.

I may go to Loreto Monday, any word on airport conditions?

Dave Perry N59046

Sent from my iPhone


DENNIS - 9-4-2009 at 07:20 PM

OK...Great. Things are on the move. Can anybody tell us of the efforts to gather commodities for transport by BBP? There are a lot of gaps in the reports.

Beachgirl - 9-4-2009 at 07:24 PM


I can't believe how amazing you are, and so helpful to everyone. Thank you SO much for all the info. We heard from Adan, our priceless worker bee that he was sorry our house was really dirty, both boats ok. I have to assume this means it is still standing. Could be that our huge steel outbuilding with the big boat in it blocked some of the brunt of the storm. We are at #54 in the Oasis. We left a message for Jimmy Christopher in Henderson, but haven't heard back yet. Rosalind and Mike Reichner

San Juanico, September 4, 2009

Juan del Rio - 9-4-2009 at 07:39 PM

From a local San Juanico resident and I quote:

"When I went down the beach and saw this on my moto the first morning, all I wanted to do is talk to the captain. Did he wait for the biggest baddest, set to come in and scream, "going to the beach mother flockers". Nothing like riding one right to the shore and feeling like life is just a barrel of fun."

I don't think anyone could have said it better...even if the words are a little "colorful"!

[Edited on 9-5-2009 by Juan del Rio]

SJ Boat.jpg - 31kB

San Juanico, September 4, 2009

Juan del Rio - 9-4-2009 at 07:45 PM

Mesqitel still flowing hard as well as the Cadeje River I'm told. No one can get in or out of San Juanico at the moment. The word is that the Purisima River is still flowing really hard as San Juanico, at the moment is an Island. Most residents are fine. They have food, water and the people are taking care of those who lost their homes. No other word on any road conditions locally at this time. Chino and Antonio are just itching to get out for a supply run when and if they can!

[Edited on 9-5-2009 by Juan del Rio]

MesqeitalX.jpg - 44kB

San Juanico September 4, 2009

Juan del Rio - 9-4-2009 at 07:57 PM

The old water tower blew down. It was no longer in use, so it's nice that it will become someone's roof, a bunch of fences, gates for the entire town or maybe someome will use it again to store water.

SJ Water Tower.JPG - 49kB

DeschutesDiva - 9-4-2009 at 08:02 PM


Our favorite hippy dippy weatherman, Geary Ritchie on Playa El Burro, has POSTED PHOTOS of both the beach and Mulege. He has also posted a narrative on his weatherunderground blog page. I'm grateful to say our palapa is still standing - at least when you look at it from the water. No idea what damage the back may have sustained. As you will see, not all structures on El Burro fared as well... Thank you Geary for getting these pics posted! Knowing the condition, whether good or bad, is better than worrying over the unknown.

Geary's blog:

The photos:

Paulina - 9-4-2009 at 08:03 PM

Sorry to jump in here, but can someone provide a link to what Jimena looks like now?



DeschutesDiva - 9-4-2009 at 08:15 PM

Try this, if you look at the satellite image you'll see that Jimena has apparently evaporated.
Now called a remnant low, the prognosticators never gave up trying to make it turn around and go back west across the Baja, while Jimena insisted on moving to the north, then north east, then south east before petering out. Check computer models and projected tracks as well.

Paulina - 9-4-2009 at 08:19 PM

I've been watching that site.

The radar and the sat shots don't show anything happening, yet the tracking shows it's right there.

I was hoping for something that will tell us where it is right now.

Or is it gone?

vgabndo - 9-4-2009 at 08:22 PM

Of all the times I've driven by El Burro, I don't recall the palapas being built RIGHT on the water, am I right that the beach "went away". So sad to see Mulege hit again so bad.
Sorry. I don't relate to the image, but I do stack rocks.
It is ALL tenuous. IMJ. :no:

Copy (3) of IMG_0193.JPG - 23kB

DeschutesDiva - 9-4-2009 at 08:25 PM

Paulina -

Do you monitor this site as well?

[Edited on 9-5-2009 by DeschutesDiva]

Estrella - 9-4-2009 at 08:26 PM

Kudos to the bushpilots. We need to regionalize to coordinate donations. We live by Sonora In Toulumne county, Calif. We have an airport here and I would be glad to hold donations untill a plane can pick them up. I know there are several people here with homes or ties to Mulege but getting in touch with them all is problematical. Nevertheless We will do what we can. I will give Jack my contact info and go from there. Contact me thru his list.
Hints: childrens clothes and shoes are hard to come by even in good times.
Winter is coming so sweatshirts and pants will be needed soon.

DENNIS - 9-4-2009 at 08:28 PM

Originally posted by Paulina

Or is it gone?

DENNIS - 9-4-2009 at 08:36 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
OK...Great. Things are on the move. Can anybody tell us of the efforts to gather commodities for transport by BBP? There are a lot of gaps in the reports.

BUMP for more info....please

BajaNuts - 9-4-2009 at 08:55 PM

bump for the bush pilots.

Getting commodities to those who need them is the first priority. Me buying tarps and duct tape and shipping them to the appropriate person for transport is only lining the coffers of UPS.

(being the practical gal that I am) I'll pay for a bunch of bleach and toilet paper if someone....... maybe a bush pilot or their family... will buy them at their local bigbox store and then hook up with the transportation network.

This seems to be a pretty efficient way for those who are not able to participate physically with relief effors to directly contribute.

We'll still be watching the donations pages also.

DENNIS - 9-4-2009 at 09:14 PM

OK...Looks like a lull in the battle so, it won't be insensitive to show some inhouse stats:

Top 5 most viewed topics:
Jimena (88317)
Turtle bust (68300)
Tropical Storm John (65380)
The loss of JR, our good friend (52365)
Duane Curtis; Playa Armenta killing - WAS: Crime in Mulege... (40107)

Top 5 most replied to topics:
Turtle bust (1209)
Jimena (1052)
What constitutes hijacking a thread? (1020)
Tropical Storm John (558)
Norbert (362)

BajaNuts - 9-4-2009 at 09:19 PM


Only took a few days to oust the 'novella! This is GOOD things happening now.

DENNIS - 9-4-2009 at 09:24 PM

Originally posted by BajaNuts

Only took a few days to oust the 'novella! This is GOOD things happening now.

Almost. A bit of work left to do but, imminant. [SP?]

EngineerMike - 9-4-2009 at 11:15 PM

Photos of parts of Orchard, Oasis & Jorge's parks

Rick has some new photos up on his real estate site taken earlier today:

Beachgirl- your house is still there, lotsa mud.
Looks like our washroom & carport and Jimmie Christopher's shop are getting together for a scrambled brick omelet, but Jimmie's house may be complete.
There are other's properties shown, not all.
Oasis Clubhouse is some kind of wreck for one.

I see various posts regarding Jimmie Christopher BTW. He has a lot on his plate right now. I'm sure we will hear from him when he gets some things handled. Till then lets see what we can do to get things moving.

BajaBruno - 9-4-2009 at 11:17 PM

Paulina, these are my humble observations: the usual clouds passing south of Baja stream east to west, or lazily clockwise. When they start to organize and turn about their center in a counterclockwise motion, they become a cyclone.

Counterclockwise is abnormal and the center of that motion marks the cyclone, regardless of where the windy/rainy convection ends up (usually eastward).

If you look carefully at the satellite photos of Jimena, you will see dim clouds rotating counterclockwise, with the center (not really a distinct center) right now moving southwestwardly from the Mulege area. That is what the NWS is calling Jimena--not the spill-off convection that attacked the state of Sonora.

Focus on that counterclockwise cloud movement.

Mulegena - 9-5-2009 at 12:30 AM

Originally posted by vgabndo
Of all the times I've driven by El Burro, I don't recall the palapas being built RIGHT on the water, am I right that the beach "went away". So sad to see Mulege hit again so bad.
Sorry. I don't relate to the image, but I do stack rocks.
It is ALL tenuous. IMJ. :no:

Life turns on a dime... and sometimes keeps the change

Donation ideas

tortuga - 9-5-2009 at 04:09 AM

Hey guys, putting out word in our area for items to collect for Baja bush pilots. Any ideas. Clothing for sure. I am thinking poly tarps, rope, duct tape.............
Please let me know your ideas.
Thanks in advance, Tortuga

shari - 9-5-2009 at 07:12 AM

i am not sure where to put this....if the strips nearest ground zero are closed...BBP can rendevous here in Asuncion and I can somehow get a truck and we can move the supplies to Mulege, San Ignacio..wherever...let me know if this is an option....also lots of room here for pilots to stay...on the house of course.

David K - 9-5-2009 at 07:15 AM

Wow Shari... really awesome offer!

Perhaps Capt. Mike or another BajaBushPilot member can post this on their (members only) forum?

From "News" Section

LaTijereta - 9-5-2009 at 07:21 AM

Late reports Friday morning via ham radio have:
Punta Chivato: major water damage to homes along shell beach
San Carlos: Several boat sank within the San Carlos harbor. River flowing through dry storage.
Santa Rosalia: all boats and persons safe.
Puerto Escondito: All boats and persons safe.
No reports of any damage to any cruisers on the Baja side during the storm.
Major damage to the old Marina at Santa Rosalia, however no looses to boats or persons. No problems at Singular marina.
As of 8am Friday. No power: Loreto, Mulegé, San Carlos, Santa Rosalia. Some cell towers working though on emergency power.

Pescador - 9-5-2009 at 08:59 AM

What about the strip at San Ignacio, it is high enough that it should be out of the water.

DENNIS - 9-5-2009 at 09:03 AM

Posted a list of needed items on the Hurricane Relief thread.

shari - 9-5-2009 at 09:19 AM

I just heard from Juanita from Casa Leree in san ignacio...the highway is now passable all the way to la paz and the air strip at san ignacio is fine. We can get the military to pick up and deliver relief supplies to the most in need.
No loss of life in san ignacio but highest flooding since 1959 and lots of damage...the new campground palapas petates are report yet on ignacio one can get to it to take photos....the village is still cut off from the highway but stores are open and everyone is OK....they do not need relief.

LancairDriver - 9-5-2009 at 09:21 AM

Originally posted by David K
Wow Shari... really awesome offer!

Perhaps Capt. Mike or another BajaBushPilot member can post this on their (members only) forum?

Shari's generous offer is posted on the Baja Bush Pilots website.

Bob H - 9-5-2009 at 09:24 AM

Wow, this is just horrible. Our good friends, Bob and T, lost their home on the river, Oasis lot #22... GONE! Words cannot express how we feel about all of this. Prayers going out to everyone who was touched by this disaster.
Bob H

[Edited on 9-5-2009 by Bob H]

Pescador - 9-5-2009 at 09:49 AM

I just got pictures from Santa Rosalia and will post them on Photobucket. It is estimated that approximately 40% of the buildings are either gone or wiped out and will need major renovation. There were over 90 cars either washed out to sea or washed into major pileups. It was estimated that at least 3 feet of water washed down the mainstreet and it was even worse on the arroyo 4 lane road that goes up the south side of town towards the phone company. The wells at Palo Verde were completely destroyed (which is where the drinking water for Palo Verde, San Bruno, San Lucas, and Santa Rosalia come from. They will have to drill new wells and replace a lot of water line. This could take upwards of 2-3 months, so drinking water will be a critical shortage for quite some time. Electricity was back on in Santa Rosalia as of around 11 a.m. yesterday. The roads in and out of town are a major disaster but they have already started cleanup. The bridge south of town was knocked out when both ramps were destroyed. The bridge is actually in good shape since it was installed on pilings.

thx George

capt. mike - 9-5-2009 at 09:51 AM

Originally posted by LancairDriver
Originally posted by David K
Wow Shari... really awesome offer!

Perhaps Capt. Mike or another BajaBushPilot member can post this on their (members only) forum?

Shari's generous offer is posted on the Baja Bush Pilots website.

logistically the planes need to be close to fuel.
for now that means GN as a source if the military will release theirs for relief which i imagine Jack will get done. Normally the only fuel for GA is San Felipe or Loreto on the peninsula between those locales. GN stopped selling to GA years ago.
They will clear the rocks and debris from paved palo verde 10 miles south of Mulege and that will be the best base until Loreto reopens.

thx for everyone's efforts here.
i got some email updates from Mulege this morning and will forward.
i'd like to hear how the most eastern river homes fared?
i assume the Jungle got wiped out?

EngineerMike - 9-5-2009 at 10:11 AM

There is a photo of La Fortuna park, taken from south side of river looking north in Mulege, in Rick Barber's photo montage at:
Its somewhere about photo 5, but if you know LF you'll recognize it, then there is another farther off view a couple slides later. These pics show a slightly rosier status than Saul Davis gave from his porch which i relayed in an earlier post.

[Edited on 9-5-2009 by EngineerMike]

Thanks Dennis

tortuga - 9-5-2009 at 10:18 AM

Donated items are coming as we speak!

Russ - 9-5-2009 at 11:32 AM

I was just informed that the runway at Palo Verde has holes and junk all over it. A helo landed while that person was there so maybe that was an advanced party to assess the damage. But as of yesterday it's unusable.
Also two reports from locals that you can get to the bridge at Santa Rosalia but no detour around it yet. That was probably from yesterday too.

[Edited on 9-5-2009 by Russ]

EngineerMike - 9-5-2009 at 12:05 PM

Per Quito Rosas, assistant fire chief Mulege, as of 08:00 9/5- the official estimate is 5 days for water & power both, so current estimate is Thursday the 10th for services.

Most phones are not working in town due to power out & most phones needing electric these days. If somebody has an old General Telephone/Western Electric two-wire phone, that will work at a lot of houses in the center of town. I just talked to a buddy who has been w/out phone from the start; he got a two-wire phone & is back on line.

In Mulege and Sta.Rosalia the photos fairly clearly show sand, gravel, and in SR rocks in the debris. Not the slimy sticky mud from H.John. That is probably due to the velocity of the runoff. Higher velocity took the fine particles out to sea and the heavier stuff remains. Not much of a consolation, but sand/gravel is easier to clean up. Again not much of a consolation, but in front of our smashed in, roof gone, rubble pile of a laundry room- the sidewalk is clean (mid Oasis). Now if I can get my carport roof out of Jimmie's yard...

Destiny - 9-5-2009 at 12:16 PM

We just wanted to let you all know that our thoughts are with you all during this time. We aren't sure what damages our trailer has sustained at Cuesta Real at this time. We will attempt to bring as many supplies down as we can when we head that way. It won't be for at least a month, maybe longer as fire season is keeping us very busy right now and there are talks of contract extension..That being said, if anyone needs anything, please email us and we will try to bring what we can to help.

Pete and Sonya

Bajahowodd - 9-5-2009 at 12:24 PM

Mike- I take your post as positive news. When I first heard reports of how high the water was, I had visions of Oasis totally washing into the sea. Whew!

Marie-Rose - 9-5-2009 at 12:27 PM

Originally posted by shari
I just heard from Juanita from Casa Leree in san ignacio...the highway is now passable all the way to la paz and the air strip at san ignacio is fine. We can get the military to pick up and deliver relief supplies to the most in need.
No loss of life in san ignacio but highest flooding since 1959 and lots of damage...the new campground palapas petates are report yet on ignacio one can get to it to take photos....the village is still cut off from the highway but stores are open and everyone is OK....they do not need relief.

This is very upsetting:no: Could someone post as soon as there is any news about Ignacio Springs... they have been working so hard to upgrade and improve. I can't imagine how disheartening it would be to have it damaged or destroyed. Keeping my fingers crossed that we soon hear some good news!!! Gary and Terry... my thoughts are with you.

Thanks Everyone

lindsay - 9-5-2009 at 12:57 PM

Appreciate everyone's updates on Mulege and relief efforts, for those of you who understand Spanish below is a message from one of my daughter's cousins and his appeal for help in, thank you for any assistance that you can provide...thanks also for any updates on relief drop off/pick up points in San Diego via the Bush pilots or others..I have clothing and can add water as well if any of you have news on SD drop off options...thanks!!

"Mulege necesita de su apoyo, con alimentos o ropa que ya no utilices, el apoyo se agradece infinitamente...muchas familias quedaron sin casas, sin comida y sin ropa mas que lo que traian puesto.... por favor NECESITAMOS DE SU AYUDA... les agredeceremos que hagan circular esta peticion. de corazon gracias. TODA y CUALQUIER AYUDA nos sera de muchisima utilidad. LES AGRADECERIAMOS nos la HICIERAN LLEGAR."

So, the message is basically appealing for help with food and clothing as there is a major need now for help and our cousin thanks you for any help we can bring to thank you again everyone for all your concerns and help!!

EngineerMike - 9-5-2009 at 01:11 PM

Howodd- Based Rick's photo montage, there are wrecked places in the Oasis, and partially wrecked places. The westerly end and river front looks beat the worst, with stuff closest to the river hammered hard.

I'd say this flood took its toll structurally on those in the way of fast moving water. Where the Orchard jutted out into the river's path, it represented an obstacle to the progression of fast moving high water, & the river removed the obstacles one by one till the water subsided; that's how the majority of the river row of Orchard houses got taken out- river trying to go straight. Same w/my laundry bldg- the road one back from the river in the Oasis takes a turn to go around my laundry rubble to continue east, but when the road became a parrallel river- the water hammered away trying to go straight.

For those trying to visualize their situation, the above should help.

Apparently Marv & Cathy (near Casa Granada) had 3-4 feet in their house, first time they got wet inside per MulegeMichael.

Russ - 9-5-2009 at 01:23 PM

Another message just received about the Palo Verde airport:
Hello All!

Here is the official report from our own crew: september 05, 10.00 hs.MST

The Chivato Bay Airport (CIB) "Palo Verde" will remain closed for operations for several days.

The Runway is damaged by the entrance to the taxi way to the tarmac. Also debri and mud all over the airport.
The access road from the main highway (1) to the airport is completly destryed. Our crew made it to the airport early yesterday by ATC from the north end of the Runway.
Today they (Arch. Arturo Peralta and Luis Omar and his Airport security crew) were able to bring a high 4X4 pick up truck by the entrance road, took a couple hours to get there.
They reorted to me an hour ago and took pictures that will circulate later when back in town. Sound like a lot of damage.
I was in contact today with the Loreto Airport Comandancia and they are aware of the critical situation. The State planes Moving the governor are in Loreto and he and his staff is traveling north by road to Mulege and Santa Rosalia evaluate damages . Arturo Peralta was told by city officials that the only alternative Airport to recieve help is the one in SAN IGNACIO, they will check runway conditions and also access to travel from Santa Rosalia north. it seems According to Santa officials that the road is open.

I will report Later again today with solid facts .

Good luck to all.

Raul Lujan
Chivato Bay Aeropuertos Co.
Chivato Bay Servicios Co.

Bajahowodd - 9-5-2009 at 01:29 PM

Thanks for the clarification, Mike.

Russ - 9-5-2009 at 01:35 PM

And another: Los Frailes (sp) just informed me he drove to the propane plant N. of Santa Rosalia in a 2x4 rig. So the road is "in fact" open to some extent from Mulége to SR.

capt. mike - 9-5-2009 at 01:48 PM

all you nomads emailing here me and with sending me PMs off nomads - thx i appreciate all but let me say please contact the BBP which is spearheading a great supplies air caravan and relief coordination. they are the coordination point of the pilot's efforts just as with John in 2006.
their info is on the main web page and in alerts - not restricted to members only - and they have email addresses.
donations pick up points are being set up all over the SW for locals to drop at airports where many members fly from or will drop in. CA, AZ, TX NM etc.

their support will be over several weeks i'm sure - they need to assess landing and fueling opportunities 1st and are doing so now.

Charise - 9-5-2009 at 02:16 PM

I spoke with my parents, marc & cathy today. They said things are very grim and confirmed that they got about 3 ft of water in the house. staying at casa granada. This is the first time they have sustained damage to the house. They are trapped by mud right now and can only get out by quad. Emotional and exhausted.

Bob H - 9-5-2009 at 02:52 PM

Originally posted by Charise
I spoke with my parents, marc & cathy today. They said things are very grim and confirmed that they got about 3 ft of water in the house. staying at casa granada. This is the first time they have sustained damage to the house. They are trapped by mud right now and can only get out by quad. Emotional and exhausted.

Thank goodness they are OK. Their place can be repaired, but loss of life is final. I am so happy that you heard from them, and that they are OK.
Bob H

Hurricane Footage from Mulege on YouTube

EngineerMike - 9-5-2009 at 03:18 PM

Complete w/sound. Hang onto your hat or it will blow away.

[Edited on 9-6-2009 by BajaNomad]

Hook - 9-5-2009 at 03:30 PM

That takes courage to drive over that bridge in those conditions.


tehag - 9-5-2009 at 04:13 PM

Local power plant up as of noon today in Loreto. Cell phones working.

Mexitron - 9-5-2009 at 04:14 PM

Amazing footage Mike....I'm in awe of Mommy Nature.

mulegemichael - 9-5-2009 at 04:53 PM

so good to hear that marv and cathy are ok...i never doubted you marv! be da man, amigo....we are thinking of you...will be down this next week with lots of "stuff"...plug us in to around a week from now....hang in there folks, mike and roz

Hook - 9-5-2009 at 05:09 PM

We are nothing short of ASTOUNDED how fast CFE mobilized in San Carlos and Guaymas. Half of San Carlos was back with power by about 10pm last night.

Water will take much, much longer. The head of our majorly dysfunctional water company is estimating 3 weeks. You can usually at least double their estimates.

BTW, alcohol sales have been banned over here until Monday.

DENNIS - 9-5-2009 at 05:18 PM

Originally posted by lencho

Hard to believe it's a government entity... :bounce:


Maybe Slim bought that too. :tumble:

Another news clip

arrowhead - 9-5-2009 at 05:20 PM

This newsclip is shot in Comondú. To summarize, it says there are 128,000 refugees from Jimena in Baja Sur. That long line of people they show in the beginning are signing up for distributions of food, water and plywood. They say it will take 10 days to get the full count of the damages. The agriculture industry was hit hard with irrigation systems and packing houses destroyed.

Donations to Mulege Rotary

Posada-BushPilot - 9-5-2009 at 05:46 PM

I am a seasonal Mulege/Posada resident serving as President of the Mulege Rotary Club with Jim Christopher as our longtime Director. Many of you may know of our community service activities ie the clinic we operate.

I was going to try and attach an email I sent out to our members this morning but can't figure out if that is doable so I'll give a summary here:

One of our immediate priorities is to do what we can to mitigate the spread of dengue (sp) fever and other deceases which often are spread via insects following a flooding event. Last year one of the clubs in the US donated a truck on which is mounted a tank and spray equipment. The needed eco-friendly chemicals were also provided. We intend to put this equipment to work ASAP as soon as the road conditions permit.

I've noticed some posts here inquiring about possibly making contributions thru our club for relief purposes. I looked into setting up a Paypal account that would directly deposit funds into the clubs bank account but this doesn't appear to be a viable option for a number of reasons not the least of which is a 3% service charge. It would be great to have the funds available to our treasurer Ramon Canett (Gallito) who is the hospital adminstator and fire chief in Mulege, for disbursement to those who need it the most. It would be much more effective to open an avenue in which folks could donate electronically rather than have checks mailed to an address in the US and then someone would have to had carry them to Mulege for deposit.
I am asking the Nomad community for suggestions here. You can respond here or U2U me or via email:

I have been pretty much a lurker for years but now hoping to graduate to contributor status, so let see if I pass the entrance exam.
Sorry this got so long and thanks in advance for your suggestions. And also thanks to Doug Means for fixing my login problems.

capt. mike - 9-5-2009 at 06:07 PM

Charise - glad to hear Marv and Cathy are ok.

was Marlin's place similarly inundated? he's trying to get word.

Bajahowodd - 9-5-2009 at 06:32 PM

Charise- Can't think of a more stable place than Casa Granada. It is a fortress. I'm so glad that your folks were able to find their way there.

On another note, the video that Mike linked is astounding. Not knowing exactly when it was shot. it does give me pause as to whether early reports were actually true about the water being three seet above the bridge.

EngineerMike - 9-5-2009 at 06:34 PM

Cell phone service is up now in Mulege; they must have generator(s). Got a call from my hermano Mexicano in Mulege 30 min. ago on his cell.

Many won't have their phones charged after several days of outage and the power still not on. Text messaging still very effective if anybody is listening (reading?).

Bob H - 9-5-2009 at 06:37 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
the video that Mike linked is astounding. Not knowing exactly when it was shot. it does give me pause as to whether early reports were actually true about the water being three seet above the bridge.

I'm pretty sure that video was taken early on, after hearing the results of the wiped out homes along the river. But, I surely see why you can think about that.

At one point in the video you can see the palm tree house by the bridge - which was almost all under water during John, but there was still lots of roof, etc. sticking up during that portion of the film.
Bob H

DENNIS - 9-5-2009 at 07:17 PM

Originally posted by lencho
but in my experience their customer service is mainly focused on things which will contribute directly to the bottom line. *Not* because a customer needs help.


Funny thing about competeing with......uh.......nobody.

vgabndo - 9-5-2009 at 07:17 PM

Howodd...look at the earlier photos of the aftermath. One from the bridge looking back up the street to the North. Look at all the trash wrapped around the power lines just below the bridge deck. The water got at least twice as deep as in the police video.

re: Video & water level @ Mulege bridge

EngineerMike - 9-5-2009 at 07:24 PM

Can't really tell what the ultimate water level was from that clip. The early part was definitely early. I'm thinking w/the hard driving rain and high runoff in all streets just from the surrounding hills, that it would have been a pure crazy fool to be near the bridge w/a camera at high water. I don't expect footage of full flood stage for that reason.

The most precise comparison I know of so far is @ Saul's store. He measured or guessed 8" during John (can't be too far off on that because a grocer has inventory at stake; much more & he'd have lost goods, much less & its only a film of water on the floor). This time he stretched a tape- 1.3 meters in the store.

That's 1.1 meters difference. 43.5", call it 4" short of 4 feet higher @ Saul's. That squares w/my recollections across the street from Saul's, where a house had 43" in John, and was up to the ceiling per Saul this time. ~4' difference there also.

Given the narrower cross section at the bridge, the difference had to be more there. Delegado said 2 meters higher than John, but that wouldn't have topped the bridge (water wasn't up to the bottom of the concrete spans in John, and the concrete is ~8 feet thick). So there are highly varying estimates of the difference at the bridge (3' over, 2' over, 2m higher than John are the 3 I've seen). The one thing we know for sure- it was higher than John at the bridge by more than a meter, maybe more than 2 meters, maybe 3 meters.

Crusoe - 9-5-2009 at 07:38 PM

Good assement Mike! They don't call you Engineer for nuffin. :biggrin::biggrin:

Charise - 9-5-2009 at 07:44 PM

Originally posted by capt. mike
Charise - glad to hear Marv and Cathy are ok.

was Marlin's place similarly inundated? he's trying to get word.

Yes, from what I could tell. my mom was soooooo emotional, it was hard to get all the info. I plan to speak with them again tomorrow morning. I was able to speak with engineermike in auburn, he is leaving the states on Thrusday. I am going to deliver supplies to him on monday. food, clothes, tarps, etc. my dad says they need cash since they have no way to access the bank. I am flying down as soon as it is safe and there is power. Probably the week after next. I will bring whatever is needed, but right now, my mom needs my love and support. It was a great relief to them to know what is happening here on this blog and what the bush pilots and other nomads are doing for support. they feel so isolated and devastated. they were not even sure if people knew how bad it was down there! Thanks for everything Mike, you have no idea how much i appreciate everything that you all are doing. whatever you need, i am here to help!

JESSE - 9-5-2009 at 08:43 PM

I know many of you wont understand, but Mexico is destroying Costa Rica 3-0 and playing superb futbol. Making qualification to the world cup almost a sure thing. Spread the word in the affected areas, it will bring a smile to Mexicans in the middle of this tragedy.

Bob H - 9-5-2009 at 08:52 PM

Any info on Jungla Jims?
Bob H

ecomujeres - 9-5-2009 at 11:28 PM

Here's another link to Mulege photos from Carlos Milon, who runs the internet across from Equipales sent to me this evening (Sep 5 @11pm)

[Edited on 9-6-2009 by BajaNomad]

arrowhead - 9-5-2009 at 11:46 PM

Originally posted by EngineerMike
Given the narrower cross section at the bridge, the difference had to be more there.

Well, that does not make any sense to me. A narrower cross section in a fluid flow would cause the velocity of the water flow to increase (Bernoulli's principle), but not much of an increase in the height of the water. If it were an inviscid fluid, I could tell you the height would not increase at all. But water does have some viscosity -- not much -- so you might get a small rise.

ecomujeres - 9-6-2009 at 12:13 AM

On the topic of water height at Saul's store. If you look at a few of the photos taken by Carlos Milon (see link in my post just above), you will see photos of the front of Saul's. One of his front door, the other of the window by the phone booth. You can easily see the water lines. I'd say from those it was a minimum of 4 ft.

Hook - 9-6-2009 at 01:47 AM

This might be an easier link to the fotos of Carlos Milon.

From this page, go into slide show mode. Be sure and turn on "show info" to see a description of the location.

Devastating fotos!! Damage looks much worse than John.

[Edited on 9-6-2009 by Hook]

austriaco - 9-6-2009 at 02:55 AM

Carlos Milon has send the following link.
It defines the present situation of Mulege and the things most needed now:

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