
Turtle bust

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ramuma53 - 11-11-2009 at 09:00 AM

Why people think that problems go away just by looking the other way; to correct a problem, you have to act every day.
You want to see the problem, just look how many kids on your block are consuming drugs every day and how it affects their lives?
We are just stopping a little bit here, but most will arrive to your home town and will continue to do so untill you convince people that you have to act, with a little act but act, not just look the other way like you propose.
Here you can not find employees free of drugs, fisherman sell their day catch for drugs while their families stave; drug dealers kill people to protect their business, extort and kidnapp; those are the side effects of a traffic that bring drugs to the USA, but who cares? what would have happened if in Chicago people like you, had their way?

Alan - 11-11-2009 at 09:25 AM

Originally posted by Skipjack Joe
"As the World Turns"
"As My Stomach Turns" :lol:

David K - 11-11-2009 at 03:45 PM

Originally posted by ramuma53
Olivia was caught by the Army with 10 Kilos of Cocaine but released just 2 days after the event; ...

Yah, that's believable.. NOT! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Pescador - 11-11-2009 at 04:49 PM

Well, I knew when I got back down here and was able to talk to some of my friends who are pretty much in the know about what goes on in Bahia Concepcion, that I would get pretty much the correct picture and I am afraid that the majority are not totally in agreement with El Mano Negro and had some pretty derogatory things to say about his character and ways of doing business. So I guess that no matter how many times you try to brand someone with a negative paint brush, it just does not always come out the way that you want.
And now we hear that she is getting friendly with all the powers that matter which makes her extremely smart or something.

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-11-2009 at 05:04 PM

[Edited on 11-13-2009 by ELINVESTI8]

bajamigo - 11-11-2009 at 05:18 PM

Originally posted by ELINVESTI8
Rafael thank you for your update.

Do you have a little applet that posts this message every so often? Seems obsequious, especially since the contents of ramuma's posts seem to come up a little short in the reality department.

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-11-2009 at 05:45 PM

I must admit that I had to look up the word obsequious and after reading the definition I must tell you if you knew me you would not have asked that question using that word. I am my own man and do as I please as long as it is legal and I have the money to do it. Since neither of us knows who is telling the truth in this matter I elect to thank the purveyor of the update and will continue to do so to both sides until one side or the other is proven to be a liar. Thank you for your understanding.



1. characterized by or showing servile complaisance or deference; fawning: an obsequious bow.

2. servilely compliant or deferential: obsequious servants.

3. obedient; dutiful.

1. sycophantic, flattering. 2. cringing, submissive. See servile.

JESSE - 11-11-2009 at 06:11 PM

Originally posted by ELINVESTI8
Since neither of us knows who is telling the truth in this matter

Probably the only one who doesn't know whats going on, is you Investi.:lol:

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-11-2009 at 08:06 PM

Jesse since I do not want to get into a war of words with you or anyone else for that matter as to which party is telling the truth and which is not, I will just say that the only people who actually know the truth are the parties involved and not us which includes you and others. So why don’t you just let it alone where I am concerned and allow me to think as I choose to think without your comments to what I know and what I don’t know and I will continue to thank the parties involved when they make an update. I think that is fair don’t you? Thank you!

Diver - 11-12-2009 at 04:57 AM

Sorry David but some/many of us think you are whacked.
Ramuna is obviously an alarmist liar; obviously !

Onsequious = "suck-up".

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-12-2009 at 05:35 AM

Now that is funny Diver. Call me whacked, but I still maintain that none of us know the truth. I am not willing to go along with a lynch mob to besmirch someone’s character without proof. It's that simple. I do not know any of the parties and only know what I have read here. If what has been written here and in the on-line reporting is the truths you hold on to, God help us all.

Skipjack Joe - 11-12-2009 at 06:27 AM


It's true that none of us know the truth.

But what we're seeing here month after month is one party bashing another without us knowing the truth. This is't an argument between two parties. This is one man attempting to destroy an individual online and boasting about it.

And then you post periodically "thank you ramuma for an update".

Can you understand how pathetic this thread is?

bajamigo - 11-12-2009 at 08:06 AM

And never a question about the factuality of any single item in ramuma's posts. Simple stuff, like "how do you know that, ramuma," or "where did that information come from, ramuma." Any investigator worth his salt would raise some very basic issues, rather than function as an apologist for ramuma with a mindless refrain of "thank you for the update."

David, I'm sure you are a successful and competent investigator. This thread presents excellent opportunities for you to demonstrate that. Please do.

David K - 11-12-2009 at 09:36 AM


I have met the two people that ramuma53 is trying to destroy... I also talk to others in the Bahia Concepcion/ Mulege area... Mark and Olivia are victims of harassment, and more... None of the claims made by ramuma53 are true... There was no navy ship anchored off the beach, either... It is really laughable.

It is one day's drive from El Rosario to Bahia Concepcion... go there, meet Mark and Olivia... You won't meet ramuma53 because he isn't there when he says he is. If you do meet him at his Tijuana office or where ever, I bet you would realize all the things Jesse say are correct.

Go ahead, do some investi8'ing and I think you will stop feeding this human shark...

tu amigo,

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-12-2009 at 10:28 AM

Just know I thank both sides for their updates and have never taken the side of Rafael, Olivia or Mark. I think my posts will bear that out.

Now, if what Rafael said is untrue with respect to his written statement on Baja Nomad: "Olivia was caught by the Army with 10 Kilos of Cocaine but released just 2 days after the event..." then Olivia has legal standing to file libel charges against Rafael in Mexico, or am I mistaken. If what Rafael said here pans out to be untrue then as far as I am concerned everything he has said to date or in the future holds no credibility. That goes for Olivia and Mark too if anything they have said in the past is untrue. Now as for me investigating this matter well, it’s obvious I cannot since I am not a Mexican police detective and I am not assigned the case. Rest assured if I was I would conduct a thorough and unbiased investigation to get to the bottom of things. Since I can do nothing I will continue to be impartial in this matter until the truth is found out and hopefully revealed here.

bajaguy - 11-12-2009 at 10:35 AM

David....based on my 34 years in law enforcement, I find it hard to believe that if anyone was caught with large quantities of cocaine in Mexico by the army or the police they would be out of jail anytime soon after the seizure......I'm sorry, but his story doesn't wash.......

comitan - 11-12-2009 at 10:40 AM

(Since I can do nothing I will continue to be impartial in this matter until the truth is found out and hopefully revealed here)

David since you can do absolutely nothing about this situation, why do you continue to prompting their posting. Why not let it die the horrible death it deserves.

[Edited on 11-12-2009 by comitan]

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-12-2009 at 10:54 AM

Originally posted by ELINVESTI8
Rafael thank you for your update.

Ok so I guess I am a bad man in your eyes for stating the above when one of the parties gives an update, well then so be it.

I will continue saying thank you when one of the parties gives us an update. I thank you in advance for your patience.

David K - 11-12-2009 at 10:58 AM

Update? A myth or lie shouldn't count or get any recognition as a factual update, should it?

No navy ship, no unloading drugs nightly way down a dead end bay in front of countless Nomads who live and camp along there, and no arrest and release 2 days later...

Turtles live a long time...

Dave - 11-12-2009 at 11:03 AM

And I expect this thread will outlive most. :rolleyes:

DENNIS - 11-12-2009 at 11:06 AM

Originally posted by David K
A myth or lie shouldn't count or get any recognition as a factual update, should it?

Jeeeezo...Are we back to that calendar picture again?

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-12-2009 at 11:07 AM

David then if it is a lie it will be revealed and he of course will lose all credibility. There is no going back on what he said. I admit the release business does seem farfetched but we all know weirder things have happened.

If you all go back and check my posts I have never browbeat anyone of you who have taken sides. I just choose not to take a side because nothing has been proven. I think that is fair.

vivaloha - 11-12-2009 at 11:13 AM

buenas a todos nomados -

i was just interested in a thread that has lasted 62 pages and has this many hits...

somehow i knew it was not going to be about Turtle Meat anymore...but hijacking a thread

is quite normal in these parts...62 pages, how does the soap opera end, which side will win,

i'm curious in the final chapter of "Turtle Bust" will end - Telenovela Stuff right here and we

are all part of it...look how many views this thread has...anyways, we'll be looking for either a

resolution, a refutation, or a complete meltdown...y que le vayas bien tambien!

David K - 11-12-2009 at 11:27 AM

Originally posted by ELINVESTI8
David then if it is a lie it will be revealed and he of course will lose all credibility. There is no going back on what he said. I admit the release business does seem farfetched but we all know weirder things have happened.

If you all go back and check my posts I have never browbeat anyone of you who have taken sides. I just choose not to take a side because nothing has been proven. I think that is fair.

The release story is more believable than the navy ship or nightly drug off-loadings... Isn't the credibility of other Bahia Concepcion residents or visitors in what they say about Mark or Olivia count?

Do you know anyone who has anything good to say about 'R' or validates any of his wild claims?

I am only taking time on this thread because I met Mark and Olivia... Just nice folks who don't bring up this war against them unless asked... I stand up for people who are in business in Baja doing good, servicing visitors, helping people... it is a tough world already. They don't need a land grabbing person of hate to add to their misery.

If someone started posting the same kind of junk about Mama Espinoza (who you met), would you continue to validate the other person the way you continue to validate 'R' here?

Go and meet Mark/ Olivia... in your profession you should be able to tell honesty and character, correct?

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-12-2009 at 11:33 AM

David K. I have not validated Rafael's claims, nor have I validated anything Olivia and Mark have said. Thanking someone for an update is not validation. Just so you know, I will never go down there and ask even one question because the PGR would cart me off to jail for being a dumb gabacho conducting an illegal investigation. So that will not be happening anytime soon. As far as Mama Espinoza is concerned if someone wants to lodge an allegation about her please be my guest.

David K - 11-12-2009 at 11:44 AM

You can visit with people and not be part of a police investigation, can't you? You're a Nomad as am I... vacationing in Baja... no difference.

You met the Espinoza's and thus know their character and can say without much question that if someone came onto Nomad and made claims that she served turtle steaks, moved drugs, or that the feds were parked out front watching her... YOU would know how far-fetched that is and wouldn't keep thanking the hateful person for adding more false claims here. That's waht I mean by 'validating'...

Okay amigo?

[Edited on 11-12-2009 by David K]

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-12-2009 at 12:06 PM

David all I can say is let's agree to disagree. There is no harm in saying thank you to either party when they make an update. I will continue to be impartial and not take sides until the truth is known. I cannot be any fairer or clearer than that.

pacside - 11-12-2009 at 12:10 PM

ELINVESTI8 thank you for your update.

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-12-2009 at 12:14 PM

You're welcome Pacside!

pacside - 11-12-2009 at 12:16 PM

Originally posted by ELINVESTI8
You're welcome Pacside!

my tongue in cheek says de nada.

David K - 11-12-2009 at 12:18 PM

Thank you David... Remember, you are welcome in my home anytime! Baja Books, Maps, Movies and XX on tap!

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-12-2009 at 12:23 PM

David I think I already knew that, but I thank you for saying it.

comitan - 11-12-2009 at 12:26 PM

Rename this thread David loves David.:O:O

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-12-2009 at 12:29 PM

And don't forget Comitan, David loves you too.

comitan - 11-12-2009 at 12:42 PM


David K - 11-12-2009 at 12:47 PM

Group hug, anyone???;D

BMG - 11-12-2009 at 12:47 PM

Originally posted by David K
Thank you David... Remember, you are welcome in my home anytime! Baja Books, Maps, Movies and XX on tap!

You'll get more visitors if you make just a minor little change in your invite.

Thank you David... Remember, you are welcome in my home anytime! Baja Books, Maps, XXX Movies and XX on tap!

David K - 11-12-2009 at 12:54 PM

No, no tres equis :lol:... just Dos Equis Lager Especial (next best thing to Pacifico, which I haven't found available by the keg up here... yet)!

Also, I don't necessarily want 'more visitors'... just Baja loving folks! Many Nomads have already been here and know!

DENNIS - 11-12-2009 at 12:56 PM

David...Is it raining up there?

When you're gonna hijack, go big.

David K - 11-12-2009 at 01:07 PM

No... some high clouds is all... wet at Punta Banda today?

DENNIS - 11-12-2009 at 01:08 PM

Originally posted by David K
No... some high clouds is all... wet at Punta Banda today?

No. Not yet. Lots of wind out of the south though.

[Edited on 11-12-2009 by DENNIS]

David K - 11-12-2009 at 01:23 PM

So is our comparing the weather, 130 miles apart, a good hijack Dennis?

(It is looking like a storm approaching)

DENNIS - 11-12-2009 at 01:25 PM

Originally posted by David K
So is our comparing the weather, 130 miles apart, a good hijack Dennis?

(It is looking like a storm approaching)

Any hijack on this thread is good.

bajamigo - 11-12-2009 at 02:19 PM

Dennis, thank you for your hijack. When will it rain in Punta Banda? Thank you, again, in advance for hijacking this thread with your answer to this question.

comitan - 11-12-2009 at 02:47 PM

I have to tell you that in La Paz now we are having fantastic weather but that's normal for this time of the year.:saint::saint:

tripledigitken - 11-12-2009 at 02:51 PM

Let's summarize what we have learned:

Threatening clouds north of the border
Nice weather in La Paz
Lots of wind from the south
No xxx movies at DK's

David K - 11-12-2009 at 02:58 PM

I think you got it right Ken!

Santiago - 11-12-2009 at 03:18 PM

I have a question I've never felt comfortable asking as it would expose my ignorance but since jeans most likely won't read this thread here goes:
What's the difference between a X rated, a XX rated and an XXX rated movie?
Please keep it as clean as you can in esplaining it to me.

dtbushpilot - 11-12-2009 at 03:25 PM

Originally posted by Santiago
I have a question I've never felt comfortable asking as it would expose my ignorance but since jeans most likely won't read this thread here goes:
What's the difference between a X rated, a XX rated and an XXX rated movie?
Please keep it as clean as you can in esplaining it to me.

About 8 bucks.:lol::lol::lol:......dt

JESSE - 11-12-2009 at 04:29 PM

Originally posted by tripledigitken
Let's summarize what we have learned:

Threatening clouds north of the border
Nice weather in La Paz
Lots of wind from the south
No xxx movies at DK's

Love your post's.:lol:

tripledigitken - 11-12-2009 at 05:56 PM

Originally posted by JESSE
Originally posted by tripledigitken
Let's summarize what we have learned:

Threatening clouds north of the border
Nice weather in La Paz
Lots of wind from the south
No xxx movies at DK's

Love your post's.:lol:

Back at ya, Soup N-zi!

DENNIS - 11-12-2009 at 06:06 PM

Originally posted by bajamigo
When will it rain in Punta Banda?

Soon. Very soon. A brain-heavy Mensan told me so.

As the Sewer Churns....

OLIGUACOMOLE - 11-12-2009 at 06:17 PM

As the SEWER CHURNS.....Que pasa at Buenaventura?
Eddie(Munoz’z Employee) quit Munoz and Buenaventura. Wrote letters of confession to Olivia and made complete confessions to the government about Munoz. Eddie now works for the city in Mulege.

Munoz hires new guy(Fernando) from somewhere else(Mexican) in Mexico, claims he is here to kill Eddie. Twice Eddie punched Fernando out, once at the hotel when Eddie returned from La Paz giving testimony against Rafael Munoz Martinez. He was asking for his belongings and Fernando told him to leave. Second time at the Pemex station outside Mulege. Fernando approached with a bat telling Eddie he was going to kill him. Eddie seems to be a scrapper, whipped him again according to the guys who work the Pemex pumps. Mulege police showed at Pemex and detained Fernando. Fernando who shaves his head like James Russell Hicks walks around half the time with no clothes on or just wears white underwear? WTF ..We really don’t know his purpose here, but he likes to build fires. Nearly every night there is a glow and smell if fire and burning plastics. Builds fires in the driveway and in the center of the hotel.

The hotel has been without power and water since July. Rooms a rarely rented. Regularly tourist come here and ask if anyone is there in the hotel. If there is a rental in the hotel people will show and claim they are staying in the hotel. Tourists tell us similar stories that the water is out because they were told the generator is out of order, but the power will be on in the early evening which does not happen. Poor tourists can’t even get their money back if they try. Real embarrassing for us. HOTEL(HELL) MUNOZ The entrance has been blocked with a wood log. Betty or Elizabeth Durazo tells people they block the entrance because of us unloading drugs at our public launch ramp. -Elizabeth and Eddie’s 9x12 picture is still on the board at the checkpoint north of Loreto with bags of cocaine in front of them. Munoz has not made a public appearance in Mulege since two days before the turtle bust. Munoz should return to the hotel and make sure he visits local officials too! Lots of people would like to see him.

James Russell Hicks is still here in the Baja. Hicks walking around naked when first arriving. peeing at will outside one of the houses he occupies in front of anyone. Apparently has had run in’s with some of the Americans living next to him.—Who wants a naked convict next door? Have no idea what the deal is with bringing this convict from Florida except to use him to harass the Americans living there. James Russell Hicks jeep Cherokee is not driven by him anymore. Betty and Fernando seem to be the only ones driving the older model jeep. Hicks told the Marine guy they wont let him drive his vehicle anymore and they are using some kind of money he gets from somewhere to survive. Betty confirmed this with the Marine. Weird!

We are still being charged with the turtle possession. The charges have not been dropped as of yet. Even though it is a obvious set up. We have been asked to plead guilty receiving a fine and a year of probation, but this is not right and we plan to go through with the case. We want to expose some of these officials responsible. For us, this is important. These officials are as guilty as Munoz.

We hope this mess is over soon and this Munoz will return to his staring roll in “As the Sewer Churns” somewhere else besides Mulege.

Eddie, formerly known as Munoz’z man, has been asking to have his letter published on the turtle bust thread of the Nomad. Eddie told me he was very upset about Munoz using his name on the thread. I have told him it would be done if it was still active. It was not. Now that it is back active I am posting on the post after this. Also there is a copy posted in our restaurant. It is in Spanish.....

Eddie's letter to Olivia

OLIGUACOMOLE - 11-12-2009 at 06:19 PM

Dia 8 Septiembre 2009-Mulege B.C.S.
Playa Buenaventura

El Diario de un Sonador un Mexicano
Hoy mas que agradecido por vivir, y aqui en el paraiso, porcion del mismo amanecer en Playa Buenaventura, lugar donde ya varios anos tengo un sueno queriendo alcanzar y ya son 5 anos de trabajar duro y como testigos de lo que hablo son todos los proveedores y hasta vecinos. Aunque desde que llegue tenian ya pleitos juridicos y legales con quien me dio el trabajo Rafael Munoz Martinez alias Mano Negra, pero de algunos meses hasta hoy, que mas proximo es iniciar con el proyecto de engrandecer el Paraiso o por los menos ese fue el proposito de mi sociedad con Munoz Martinez Rafael y en 5 anos todo marchaba bien, hasta que aproximadamente 3 mesas atras me pidio que buscara a alguien para mandar matar a quien le estorbara, para llevar a cabo su plan, quizo que contratara a quien esto hiciera por dinero, ante mi negativa, se relaciono con el Gobierno y algunos de las Fuerzas Armadas, a quienes extorciono, pago y manipulo para que les implantaran drogas y tortugas, queriendonos implicar, pues nunca estuvo cerca siquiera de Buenaventura, lo mando hacer como acostumbra, y le hicieron el favor a cambio de dinero y cooperar (balconear) a gente conocida o buscada por problemas de narcotrafico y drogas. Escribiendo por internet, su especialidad, que yo colabore en esto y que fue mi plan, cosa absurda, pero al no obtener los resultados que esperaba y al yo molestarme y reclamarle porque como yo aqui vivo y eso significa o se traduce exponer mi integridad y el beneficiandose porque asi mataba 2 pajaros de un tiro, se desharia de los vecinos y de mi para no pagarme el a mi ni al grupo de inversionistas que represento. Solo por telefono sabia de el atravez de Elizabeth Espinoza Montano, quien vive en amasiato conmigo desde hace 5 anos, pero socia de Rafael y prestanombres del mismo desde hace 12 anos, fraguaron un plan que exije denuncia y atencion pues mandaron traer de Estados Unidos a un americano llamado Jims Hitch con enfermedades contagiosas y venereas y con sexualidad con animales y todo respaldado medicamente por el Dr. Romo asesor del Presidente Municipal Che Murillo y yo preocupado, pues involucra mi salud y la de quien alrededor de mi estan. Todo para quererse deshacer de todos, pero me previne con medidas sanitarias que evitan el contagio, y ante la negativa de presentarse pues ya se dieron cuenta, amenazo a mi persona si hablaba de esto y que me va a mandar deaparecer pero aqui sigue Jims Hitch y queria exponer la salud no solo de nosotros, ademas de quienes nos visitan pues es un hotel y no se vale, yo le digo que son estupideses y el se molesta, pero ya cuando me entere de su acceso al Gobierno y al Procurador y al Gobernador y sus Secretarios atravez de prometer Titulos de la Secretaria Agraria, de forma impune, matando gente atravez de enfermedades contagiosas, solo cuidense y abran los ojos y aqui tengo todas las pruebas que no he permitido que se vayan para que a quien le compete lo corrobore, y yo solo pido por ser escuchado y por mi seguridad y mi trabajo. Pues soy orgullosamente quien escribe el Diario de un Sonador, un Mexicano. Para preguntas Playa Buenaventura y con Eduardo Israel V. Arellano.

DENNIS - 11-12-2009 at 06:21 PM

I'm not sure I have time for all this. Maybe I'll just re-read War 'n Peace.

mulegemichael - 11-12-2009 at 08:57 PM

i can't seem to find my spanish dictionary just right now...wanna gimme the "short version"????

docsmom - 11-12-2009 at 10:56 PM

No rain in the forecast for Tucson.

BajaNuts - 11-12-2009 at 11:57 PM

short version of War and Peace is sounding good....

Dennis~ can you send me the clif notes????~~~

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-13-2009 at 04:54 AM

[Edited on 11-13-2009 by ELINVESTI8]

bajamigo - 11-13-2009 at 08:25 AM

Thank you for another unctuous message.

David K - 11-13-2009 at 08:42 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
David...Is it raining up there?

When you're gonna hijack, go big.

Dennis, are you up yet? Have you had a Pacifico yet (+ lime for vitamin C)... IT HAS STARTED RAINING (a few drops) at 7:37 am here! Should I stock up on supplies in case the roads wash out?

Edit: BIG DROPS NOW! 7:42 am!

comitan - 11-13-2009 at 08:47 AM

The Pineapple express is way north of us today, it looks as if Asuncion might get some rain. We sure don't want it to rain on the Turtle Parade.:barf::barf:

David K - 11-13-2009 at 08:53 AM

What are the best weather months in La Paz? Some people book out ASAP from May to October, right?

Diver - 11-13-2009 at 08:54 AM

Originally posted by bajamigo
Thank you for another unctuous message.

unc·tu·ous (ngkch-s)
1. Characterized by affected, exaggerated, or insincere earnestness.
2. Having the quality or characteristics of oil or ointment;slippery.

shari - 11-13-2009 at 09:24 AM

thanks for the word of the day....unctuous...sounds icky and I've probably been accused of that....I remember all my roomates hated me because I woke up sooo dang when you are truly earnest but there's always someone who thinks you are insincere...what a weird too cerebral and slippery.

on another note...yes, it's pineapple express time...sounds like a happy hour special...hmm...sounds like a good's blowing 15-20 already this morning and some pretty ominous looking clouds.

DENNIS - 11-13-2009 at 09:44 AM

There's more to "unctuous." It is / was a ritual, in fact a sacrament of the Catholic Church in which a sick person, presumably near death, is blessed with oil...I supose to lubricate a smooth slide into the after-life.
I guess, if it's all that is available, the cura could use lard...WD 40, maybe. I don't know.

[Edited on 11-13-2009 by DENNIS]

tripledigitken - 11-13-2009 at 09:54 AM

There is more to unctuous................

It could be used to describe a well prepared braised pork belly!

But then I'm really into pork fat.:cool::lol::cool:

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-13-2009 at 09:59 AM

Originally posted by bajamigo
Thank you for another unctuous message.

You are very welcome Bajamigo!

Originally posted by Diver

unc•tu•ous (ngkch-s)
1. Characterized by affected, exaggerated, or insincere earnestness.
2. Having the quality or characteristics of oil or ointment;slippery.

Diver, thank you for the definition. Now I do not need to consult the dictionary.

Originally posted by shari
...I remember all my roommates hated me because I woke up sooo dang when you are truly earnest but there's always someone who thinks you are insincere...

As usual Shari, thank you for your great spirit!

Originally posted by DENNIS
…“unctuous" It is/was a ritual in fact a sacrament of the Catholic Church in which a sick person, presumably near death, is blessed with oil. I suppose to lubricate a smooth slide into the after-life. I guess, if it's all that is available, the cura could use lard...WD 40, maybe. I don't know…

Dennis thanks I need a little lube to slide me into the afterlife when my time comes.

Originally posted by tripledigitken
There is more to unctuous................
It could be used to describe a well prepared braised pork belly!
But then I'm really into pork fat.:cool::lol::cool:

Thanks Ken now I am hungry for some bacon!

Have a beautiful day everyone!

David Elinvesti8 M.

[Edited on 11-14-2009 by ELINVESTI8]

Sharksbaja - 11-13-2009 at 11:53 AM

Isn't Thanksgiving in 2 more weeks??:P

KAT54 - 11-13-2009 at 03:45 PM

Real estate
Land disputes
Is Mulege normal for Mexico?

DENNIS - 11-13-2009 at 04:23 PM

Originally posted by KAT54

Is Mulege normal for Mexico?

Why would they be different?

BajaNuts - 11-13-2009 at 10:20 PM

Originally posted by Sharksbaja
Isn't Thanksgiving in 2 more weeks??:P

I'm already seeing Christmas shopping commercials!!!!

They're not even waiting until the Thanksgiving buying frenzy.

But any day alive to appreciate everything on this great green (or brown or blue) earth is a good day to be alive.

ps-pork fat rules!

[Edited on 11-14-2009 by BajaNuts]

arrowhead - 11-13-2009 at 10:59 PM

Originally posted by mulegemichael
i can't seem to find my spanish dictionary just right now...wanna gimme the "short version"????

The Reader's digest version of Eddie's letter:

1. Eddie worked for Munoz for 5 years and got screwed by Munoz.
2. Munoz tried to get Eddie to hire somebody to kill Mark and Olivia.
3. Jim Hicks came back. He has venereal disease and is having carnal knowledge with animals.

ramuma53 - 11-25-2009 at 01:04 AM

Well, now you know this Eddy who started to write under my name here and for who he works, Olivia Higuera Aguilar.
He has never worked for me, he was the sissy boy driver for the lady who rent the hotel from me and who is now living with a homosexual in Mulege.
Remember that I told here, that he was a harmless pot head, well it looks like he is not that harmless and he was working for Olivia from the start.
But, what we know about Eduardo Villa Arellano or Eddy? well he says that he is a relative of the Arellano Family in Tijuana the famous CAF, that he is a killer from Nayarit and that he killed somebody in Nayarit under the name Israel, because it looks like he have several names, the difficult part is to believe a pot head and an accepted drug addict, who has been a coward all his life, but the police will sort this out very soon because they are already looking in to those facts in Nayarit, so let’s wait for this to come out from official sources in a short time.
But, if he is a drug addict, he know very well who sell drugs in Mulege and he was working with the military a few months ago, showing them where those places were, he also was leaving with the PGR guys to show them places too and he was bragging about that then; when the Marines where at the hotel, he was leaving with them every day and some nights and obviously he knew of all their activities.
But, why now he came back to Olivia? Is he a whistle blower for the military and PGR? He certainly acted like that in April???
But why it looks like he is working for the Narcs again now????
Well, looks like not only him changed coats, the Marine Commander too, changed coats, now the Navy commander at Mulege is working for the narcs and protecting Olivia, so Eddy changed with them.
Then, Eddy is just one of the local military whistle blowers that change coats with them.
The only problem for him will be that, we have exposed the marine Commander activities to all the high level Federal authorities and he will be changed in a short time, if he is lucky to just be changed.
That commander, Maestre Simon Valencia, threatened our employees a few days ago and yesterday he raided the hotel, without a judicial order, he opened the rooms and entered their dogs without finding anything illegal of course and he will be federally prosecuted because of that.
One way or the other, he will be gone in a few days and what will happen then with the famous Eddy? because the new Marine commander will not be able to go to the dark side this time, since he will be under a very focused spot light; then Eddy will be left alone to the sharks, because he has worked for the military showing drug sales points and now is back being buddy with the narcs, but those guys do not forgive whistle blowers, so a low dark place under a rock will be nice place for him from now on.
That means that as soon as the new commander arrive in Mulege, the famous Eddy who’s real name is Israel, will have leave running from police, military and narcs.
About his accusations that I tried to hire him to kill Olivia, I deny that categorically and are laughable, because he is a big mouth drug addict, very well known by everybody as a pot head who was happy with being under a palm tree and an openly homosexual, know by everybody; would you hire a guy like that for killing Olivia? and if he now says that he is part of the Arellano family and that he killed somebody in Nayarit, then he is really a killer, then that is his business, killing people, then why as he say now, didn’t want to kill Olivia??? Well, there are only a few real facts about this guy, but most likely he is full of hot air:
He started to write here under my name until I caught him and forbid him to do that again.
He was born in Nayarit and his mother and father do not want to know anything about him, because as they said, he has been a drug addict all his life and had problems with the police in Nayarit.
He came from Nayarit in a hurry because the police was looking for him by his own words.
He was hiding in a drug rehabilitation center in Tijuana where Betty found him and hired him as his driver.
He has worked as a finger for the military and PGR showing them where the sales points were in Mulege as he himself bragged about in April.
He was caught with cocaine by the military and he declared himself a drug addict to go out, his photo is still at the military check point.
When he was caught, he told the soldiers he was working for the military.
Now he is working for Olivia Higuera Aguilar and supposedly whistle blowing NOW on us.
Then it is clear, he is a whistle blower for every person who give him drugs and who better than Olivia to do that.
Well, I will give a new update as soon as things start to happen in a few days, but you can expect an end to this soap opera soon, a very real soap opera where the real actors are showing for whom they were working now and very soon we will see who will land in jail.
An update on Narc Jerome Burbey, he was caught falsifying documents and is now under police investigation again.

JESSE - 11-25-2009 at 01:35 AM

Count Dracula Returns........!!!!

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-25-2009 at 04:06 AM

Diver - 11-25-2009 at 06:20 AM

Thank you for another inane (insane ?) post. :P

monoloco - 11-25-2009 at 06:38 AM

I think that ramuna53 is really John Lovitt from Saturday Night Live. Remember his character the compulsive liar? That's the ticket, yeah.

woody with a view - 11-25-2009 at 06:40 AM

maybe eddy/isreal needs some of his own medicine.... a long sleep with the fishes?

Count Dracula Returns

Howard - 11-25-2009 at 07:49 AM

I think that Count Dracula would be highly insulted at the comparison.

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-25-2009 at 08:25 AM

arrowhead - 11-25-2009 at 11:13 AM

Originally posted by monoloco
I think that ramuna53 is really John Lovitt from Saturday Night Live. Remember his character the compulsive liar? That's the ticket, yeah.

Munoz' posts are an interesting window into the mind of a psychopath, if you are a student of psychology. There is no cure for psychopathy.


Psychopathy is a personality disorder whose hallmark is a lack of empathy. Robert Hare, a researcher in the field describes psychopaths as "intraspecies predators who use charm, manipulation, intimidation, sex and violence to control others and to satisfy their own selfish needs. Lacking in conscience and empathy, they take what they want and do as they please, violating social norms and expectations without guilt or remorse". "What is missing, in other words, are the very qualities that allow a human being to live in social harmony."

Psychopaths are glib and superficially charming, and many psychopaths are excellent mimics of normal human emotion; some psychopaths can blend in, undetected, in a variety of surroundings, including corporate environments. There is neither a cure nor any effective treatment for psychopathy; there are no medications or other techniques which can instill empathy, and psychopaths who undergo traditional talk therapy only become more adept at manipulating others. The consensus among researchers is that psychopathy stems from a specific neurological disorder which is biological in origin and present from birth. It is estimated that one percent of the general population are psychopaths.

The best thing you can do is to stay far away from him.

tripledigitken - 11-25-2009 at 11:48 AM

Thanks for the update Arrowhead.

KAT54 - 11-25-2009 at 03:55 PM

Now there is a gay community in Mulege?
This story gets better and better
Who is writing the movie script?

DENNIS - 11-25-2009 at 05:10 PM

Originally posted by KAT54
Now there is a gay community in Mulege?

I would bet that it's larger than you can imagine.

JESSE - 11-25-2009 at 05:20 PM

Apparently, Santa Rosalia is THE San Francisco of Baja Sur.

DENNIS - 11-25-2009 at 06:06 PM

Originally posted by JESSE
Apparently, Santa Rosalia is THE San Francisco of Baja Sur.

Nothing new about Sta. Rosalia, actually. On a trip through in the sixties, the hotel was alive with pranceing poodles.
Coming from California, I was amazed that the gay culture had found this isolated place.
It was pretty isolated then, relative to today.

Skipjack Joe - 11-25-2009 at 06:14 PM

Can hardly wait for Santa Rosalia's Gay Parade.

DENNIS - 11-25-2009 at 06:20 PM

Originally posted by Skipjack Joe
Can hardly wait for Santa Rosalia's Gay Parade.

Kinda makes you not want to think about it. Not quite the Baja I have in mind.

ramuma53 - 11-25-2009 at 09:22 PM

True is better than lies, because you can corroborate everything while the liar cannot and get exposed, just ask the liar who used to be called Jesse.

This soap opera gets better and better, this Eddy that I considered just a harmless pot head who just wanted to live under a palm tree, is becoming very interesting character only we don’t know if a guy or a gay.

I started investigating him and guess what? Some of the things he was bragging about are true facts.

His name is now in doubt, because he has several birth certificates: ?????
1.- Tijuana B.C. September 12, 1973 under the name Israel Velazco Arellano.
2.- Pimientillo Nayarit, December 12, 1974 under the same name.
3.- and another under the name Eduardo Villa Arellano born in Tijuana September 12 1973 and this is the one he is using now, the others are hot.

Our investigation in Nayarit, specifically the city of Pimientillo, turned out a true fact, this guy was there and in a fight for money, he killed the son of the Pimientillo Major and he is wanted for murder there.:o

Since his very young age, he is gay and has lived in several homosexual relationships like the one he has now, with the hot dog guy in Mulege.
He was secluded in the Colonia Obrera drugs rehabilitation center by his mother, because he became paranoid, became violent and was injuring his own mother, because he was consuming a lot of crack and one time almost killed one of his brothers, his drug addict name was Jasson, he escaped a few years back and that is when Betty picked him up without knowing his past and started living from her, she is 52 and he is now 35 or 36 depending on what papers you pick, he is married to a hooker in Tijuana and has 2 daughters, but they do not receive anything from him, 15 and 14 years old, his mother pays for their school, they live in a popular poor neighborhood in Tijuana, his whole family do not want to know from him, they even deny he exist.
Looks like he went to the USA for a while and got involved in the drug traffic and had to escape back to Mexico, because he stole from the narcs, but it may be possible he is wanted in the USA too.
Looks like he was proposing to Nark Jerome Burbey to share the money from the drugs being unloaded at Olivia´s restaurant every 3 weeks, offering to kill me and control Betty, in fact bring her too, to Olivias side, but he never thought that Betty had integrity and didn´t cooperate with him and she simply threw him out and of course he went right away to his or maybe her drug master Olivia.
He was making plans with Olivia and Mark to take over the Hotel and we have a witness that he was looking for a killer to take care of me, because he is a coward and was unable to alone take care of me, even from behind.

On his claims that he has beaten our actual employee Fernando two times, he is in this case lying, because witnesses stated that he came after Fernando from behind while he was making a phone call, trying to hit him over the head with a pipe, but was unable to hit him and he was kicked in the groin and ran in to the gas station office and at that time, the ministerial police was right there in 30 seconds to protect him, isn´t that odd? They cannot catch a thieve or a drug dealer even if you tell them where they are, but they are there to protect Eddy in 30 seconds. The other time he was kicked and punched so many times that he was purple for 2 weeks and that is undeniable, everybody saw him while Fernando had not even a bruise.

So this guy, has been working for Olivia for a lot of time, stealing papers and many other things and bringing everything to Olivia and Narc and when Betty threw him out, he just became what in Mexico is known as ARDIDO, he was unable to control Betty as he promised in exchange to became Olivia´s partner, Betty being 52 years old and he only 35-36 old, looks like he was unable to absorb his failure, his whole plan was going down and went down with his life style, we at the same time also discovered his trips to Olivas Restaurant a 3 AM to pick up drugs and beer and he was thrown out.
Since he is bothering a lot of people with his whistle blowing about his whistle blowing activities with the PGR and military, they are sharing information on him too, like:
He put the finger on Eli and Paco, his pot suppliers and el Gordo´s relatives, he even brought them to a meeting with the PGR to try to make them whistle blowers too.
He put the finger on Baltazar, his pot supplier and lover.
He put the finger on Tato and Jaime as his suppliers and that is why they were being stopped by the military so often.
It turned out that he was doing all that on Olivia´s orders to try to eliminate the other drugs suppliers on the area.
To all the people following this real soap opera, be advised that the next chapter will be published in the newspapers in La Paz, where a lot of information will be uncovered by very reputable sources, so watch for it and there you will see who was telling the true facts about this soap opera.
Also, the turtles are fighting back and giving a good fight, Olivia thought that she would be able to buy her way out, but so much publicity is making her friends nervous, so we will have to expect a lot of her friends in the police forces and judicial system to be fired (if they are lucky to be just fired) soon and I think they already know it at this time.
I bet that a lot of guys here thought that cleaning a little Mexico was impossible, just watch the next chapter on this channel.

JESSE - 11-25-2009 at 09:41 PM

motoged - 11-25-2009 at 10:08 PM

Originally posted by ramuma53
<snip.... this Eddy that I considered just a harmless pot head who just wanted to live under a palm tree, is becoming very interesting <snip.....>and we have a witness that he was <snip> unable to alone take care of me, even from behind.

Ramona, are pretty interested in this guy, huh? Upset because he was unable to take care of you from behind???

Que lastima !

DENNIS - 11-25-2009 at 10:16 PM

Originally posted by motoged are pretty interested in this guy, huh? Upset because he was unable to take care of you from behind???

Que lastima !

Help is on the way, -ged. A gal named giveittomefrombehindwillyou is on her way down to soothe this savage beast. An angel in need she is. :lol:

BajaGringo - 11-25-2009 at 10:23 PM

Thank you all for the updates. Feliz dia del pavo!

arrowhead - 11-26-2009 at 01:17 AM

Originally posted by ramuma53
This soap opera gets better and better...

Oy vey.

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-26-2009 at 06:16 AM

KAT54 - 11-26-2009 at 12:28 PM

There is a GAY "hot dog" vendor in Mulege?:lol:

monoloco - 11-26-2009 at 02:36 PM

Oh my God please tell me which one as I wouldn't want my hot dog handled by someone who is gay.

dtbushpilot - 11-26-2009 at 02:40 PM

Originally posted by monoloco
Oh my God please tell me which one as I wouldn't want my hot dog handled by someone who is gay.

Who better equipped to "handle" a hot dog?:lol::lol:..dt

motoged - 11-26-2009 at 03:00 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Help is on the way, -ged. A gal named giveittomefrombehindwillyou is on her way down to soothe this savage beast. An angel in need she is. :lol:

Yeah, that sure looks like a troll to me:no:

But....WTF do I know????:?::?::?:

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