
A very BAD report from Loreto!

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flyfishinPam - 6-18-2007 at 04:21 PM

Originally posted by kellychapman
well long time no a result of my computor getting some tequilla in it late one night while posting.....:( has taken 7 months to get the problem fixed.....just like the roads in Loreto....the reason why I left for sucks bigtime and now I see they have torn up the marina...for goodness sakes what on earth where they thinking????? I am embarressed to see the way they have done our beautiful town and had to leave until the streets are completed because I cannot stand all the dirt filled with crap that blows around...hope it gets completed soon so life can get back to normal in beautiful Loreto.....

Ya Loreto es diferente!

no hay pavimiento
hay mas robos
no hay sufficiente agua
casi no hay aceso a las playas
hay mucho mas drogas
no hay rampa
hay mucho polvo contaminado con caca
no hay escuelas buenas
no hay suficienta servicios medicas
no hay mercancia porque no hay tiendas buenas
hay solo un banco (esto no es diferente)
etc,... :mad:

kellychapman - 6-18-2007 at 04:24 PM

STOP STOP you making me cry......and I live there full time....:(

No need for that

Dave - 6-18-2007 at 05:27 PM

Originally posted by flyfishinPam
they will leave the very poor around so they can have their toilets cleaned

New models are self-cleaning.

Paula - 6-18-2007 at 05:52 PM

"New models are self-cleaning."

That one stubborn stain makes me a little uncomfortable...

flyfishinPam - 6-18-2007 at 06:08 PM

Dave can ya find me a self cleaning house? :lol:

Iflyfish - 6-18-2007 at 06:53 PM

At last, some clean potty humor!


tuna stick - 6-20-2007 at 12:52 PM

Noon today,they are still jackhammering the north side of the ramp!

"Ya Loreto Es Diferente"

tuna stick - 6-20-2007 at 01:02 PM

I think you have a song there Pam! Posible references to LBC? Maybe get Los Tigres?

flyfishinPam - 6-20-2007 at 05:26 PM

"Ya Loreto es diferente"

its the PAN party's slogan here in town I just figured I'd add some truth to it

backninedan - 6-21-2007 at 04:08 PM

The rebar is being wired up on the remaining top 1/3 of the ramp. Concrete is being poured tomorrow according to the builders. I hope they don't open it for the tourny. The convinience would not be equal to the potential damage done by heavy boats on green concrete. Like all things here, "we shall see".

Cypress - 6-21-2007 at 04:25 PM

Two weeks to rip out and pour a 20'x50' slab?:O No rain. No snow. No picket lines?:no: No Way!!!:spingrin:

backninedan - 6-21-2007 at 06:57 PM

We are lucky it went so smoothly, it could have been a month.....

tuna stick - 6-22-2007 at 12:33 PM

Eleven AM. this morning,they were coating rebar,and tieing. Really don't think using the ramp,with much less than 24 hr. cure,would be a wise decision,period! But then again,this is Mexico. Anything more than one panga at a time,would insure failure,IMHO. If it were my ramp,I would want an epoxy sealer,and minimum 72hr. cure. If, the powers that be, open the ramp tomorrow morning, to any and all craft,I expect to hear,within a year, mucho peeing and moaning about" what poor construction the ramp was"! Like love,you can't hurry concrete! Well,you can hurry both,but the results are uh,less than satisfactory! So,the ramp starts to fail,years of "when are you going to replace the ramp"! On the other hand,maybe this is just a temporary ramp until the "Mega-Marina" is built.

DENNIS - 6-22-2007 at 12:45 PM

On the other hand, maybe this ramp will be perfect. After all, it was built by committee, was it not?

backninedan - 6-22-2007 at 03:35 PM

Just came back from the ramp, it looks like using it tomorrow is a mute point. It doesn't look like its going to get poured for at least another day. The sign up for the governors cup fishing tourny was going well, looks like a big turnout. Even if we don't win we picked up a free T shirt and a hat, can't beat that.


kellychapman - 6-23-2007 at 09:44 PM

Originally posted by tripledigitken

Just in case.

Can you get Wasabi in Loreto?

I purchased some Wasabi at the resturant supply store next to Damiana Inn...Dali 's I think it is called...and lot's of wonderful foods....I absolutely love the place and the couple running it are the best...

I have a question?

kellychapman - 6-23-2007 at 10:00 PM

Originally posted by elizabeth
Thanks Don, I thought those were probably the distinctions to be made...I get pretty tired of the "if you're not a Mexican citizen you have no right to speak" attitude.

Now back to the ramp...what does it look like today?

[Edited on 6-15-2007 by elizabeth]
why would we have the right to be involved if we were not a citizen of any country for that matter? Am I missing something?? I really don't feel as a guest so to speak (even though I live in Loreto full time) that I deserve the right to be involved because I am not a citizen. I do not mean to sound "stupid" but why would I have the same priviledges while living here on a Visa that are equal to that of a citizen? It gets to be a bit much if every tom, dick and harry who spends a few months here is equal.

elizabeth - 6-24-2007 at 12:53 AM

Kelly, If you choose to become informed about what is going on around you, you have a right, and in some cases, an obligation to speak and to be involved in the activities that take place in whatever community that you live in, whether you are a citizen or not. Do you think that non citizen farm workers in the US who are subject to pesticide poisoning do not have a right to inform and focus public opinion on that subject?

amir - 6-24-2007 at 01:24 AM

The last two posts are talking about different things. Sort of comparing apples and oranges, and they are NOT the same thing, folks.
Priviledges and rights are two very different things.

And elizabeth, no, you do not have a right, even less of an obligation, to do something that has been specifically forbidden to you, by law. In this case, foreigners are forbidden to get involved in Mexican politics. You can get involved with issues in your community, of course, but watch out, that if it can be construed as a political issue, you can, and will be, deported. Your accuser would have no trouble proving that your activities were political in nature. So just be careful and don't go half-c-cked. Information is one thing. Political activism is a horse of a different color...


Don Alley - 6-24-2007 at 07:03 AM

I believe in the old concepts of Locke and Jefferson of the social contract. Mexican authorities have no objection to levying numerous fees and taxes, and with that comes responsibilities. "Guests" don't have to fork out hundreds, or thousands, of dollars in fees and taxes. You need a different label. ;D

No one is saying our rights are "equal" to those of a Mexican citizen.

Loreto maintains an office, and has hired a very capable person, Jesus Jaques, to facilitate discussions between expats, tourists and government officials. Only here on Baja Nomad do I see this "keep your mouth shut" attitude.

While the timing of the ramp replacement could have been better, it needed to be done. The decision to build the new ramp followed discussions initiated by expats, and facilitated by Jesus Jaques. API resisted at first, but it appears that the squeeky wheel got the grease.

So thanks to Ron Beitelspacher for his efforts to get this ramp built. Good thing he didn't believe he was "just a guest."

Marie-Rose - 6-24-2007 at 07:53 AM

Originally posted by Don Alley

Only here on Baja Nomad do I see this "keep your mouth shut" attitude.

I have heard this "attitude" verbalized in TS by gringo's and Mexicans alike. It is always
in the context that perhaps the locals would be more apt to get involved in solving their
problems if they did not know that sooner or later the gringo"s would step in and solve the problem(usually just a temporary solution!), usually by throwing money at it.
In TS we have a huge problem with the funding of our local bomberos. The gringo community have largely been funding them thru some fund raising programs. Many of the locals beleive that we should stay out of it and let La Paz take care of the funding....:?::?: maybe they are right.

wilderone - 6-25-2007 at 10:12 AM

"Your accuser would have no trouble proving that your activities were political in nature. "
The accuser would have to be federal agents, they must take you to the migra office, present the evidence, and provide transportation out of the country. Simple fingerpointing and opinions would not be adequate proof. Attending a meeting about a boat marina, or even having a heated discussion about where to launch a boat is not a political activity warranting deportation. I knew a couple people who were set up in order to get them deported. A woman encountered a political rally and hung around out of curiosity, and someone asked her to hold her sign so she could use the toilet facilities. Later in the day, her truck had been broken into and some personal documents stolen. Later still, she was contacted by federal migra, taken to the migra office, and there, they showed her photos of herself holding political signs in a group of people. That was their "proof." She was deported with the clothes on her back, air flight to McAllan TX. This was during the time of Zapatista village raids and they were clearing out all foreigners one way or another. A lot of backlash occurred after those 15 or so deportations which occurred within about 6 weeks. After a year or so they were pardoned. And there was a lot of support of Amnesty Intl, the US Embassy, senators, etc. which aided in support.

elizabeth - 6-25-2007 at 11:27 AM

Thanks, Amir, but I really don't need a lecture. I am capable of reading and interpreting law, and I never go off "half-c-cked". I always, or at least mostly (!!!!) consider the consequences of any of my actions. I have a long history of working with community based organizations both in the US and in Central America, and I think I know how and where to draw lines.

The comments made by Marie-Rose deserve some serious discussion. I have seen the dynamics of small towns in Central America seriously changed and damaged because of a few north americans or europeans who just wanted to help someone, and failed to leave their lady bountiful attitudes at home. If you don't work through local government, schools, clinics, churches, and grass roots organizations, you are interpreting need through your own lens and not the community.

This thread has done some serious morphing!!!!

wakemall - 6-25-2007 at 07:06 PM

OH BOY!!!!

I am not going to question anything with regards to how the people in Loreto repair the ramp, or the streets. Just going to work around all the issues with a smile on my face. I will find a way (with the help of Loreto people) to put the boat in the water and enjoy a good day fishing.

Don Alley - 6-25-2007 at 07:59 PM

Monday night: They say at the marina 5-6 more days until the ramp opens.

wakemall - 6-25-2007 at 10:10 PM

Thank you everyone for the updates.

flyfishinPam - 6-27-2007 at 04:49 PM

Originally posted by Don Alley
Monday night: They say at the marina 5-6 more days until the ramp opens.

why is it still closed? looks done to me

woody with a view - 6-27-2007 at 04:51 PM

concrete isn't "hard" just because you can't carve your name in it....

Don Alley - 6-28-2007 at 09:05 PM

Thursday, 6/28...

Now they say five more days, maybe ten days for larger boats.

flyfishinPam - 6-30-2007 at 07:42 PM

The launch ramp at the Loreto Marina was re-opened today. YIPPEE!! Beach launghing was fun but it appears as though this will be a better option especially for larger boats. so far no charge to use it. back to business :yes:

Don Alley - 6-30-2007 at 10:02 PM


DSC_0030.jpg - 43kB

flyfishinPam - 7-2-2007 at 06:33 PM

The photo above is when the tide had come in looks like an early afternoon shot but unfortunately the ramps base just barely touches water on a really low tide like we've been having at launch time in the mornings lately (yesterday, today, manana..) and there's a big hole at the base so your trailer tires sink into it and your trailer frame bumps and gouges the cement at the waterline. Already the cement is damaged there and this is from putting boats IN the water, just wait until the low tide occurs at take-out time. Unfortunately the old ramp was better. A few trailers have already been damaged. On these low early morning tide days, we're launching at the beach N of La Pinta then taking boats out of the water in the afternoon with the ramp on the higher tides.

I can't upload reports to my site as my main PC died but I decided to switch to Macintosh so my shop and home will go with the new platform. Machines will be shipped this week fro Cuernavaca, Morelos Mexico, then we'll be able to report again. I have video of some interesting launches upcoming.

Bob and jane - 7-4-2007 at 06:37 AM

Say it ain't so!!!!! The whole time they were redoing the rampa, we were just hoping someone was in charge that knew what they they were doing. Sad to think it's not improved. What was the friggin point, to make it look good? Yikes!!

woody with a view - 7-4-2007 at 06:52 AM

Originally posted by Bob and jane
Say it ain't so!!!!! The whole time they were redoing the rampa, we were just hoping someone was in charge that knew what they they were doing. Sad to think it's not improved. What was the friggin point, to make it look good? Yikes!!

that's mexico folks! too many indians and not enough chiefs!!!:?:

Cypress - 7-4-2007 at 11:13 AM

A ramp that ends with a drop-off is tuff to deal with.:o Maybe they could sink some marker-posts, bouy's or something at the drop-off point so people could avoid dropping off the end with their trailers. If the boat needs too much water to launch, maybe it ought to be docked somewhere?:tumble:

flyfishinPam - 7-4-2007 at 03:30 PM

the early morning tides are higher now and this isn't a problem anymore for the pangas but then there's the larger boats. even the Baja Invader had a hard time yesterday and those guys launch every day, professionals at the technique. yeah they made it look better but the problem we had before they did this work remains. sorry all just tellin' it like it is.
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