Originally posted by David K
Here is one of the possible routes for Sunday:
Nuevo Mazatlan or Bahia Santa Maria:
Go to Hwy. 5 and to dirt road heading west near Km. 32 marker, just north of Nuevo Mazatlan road/ south of Mayma Rd. Set trip odometer to 0.0
4.3 Old Puertecitos Rd., turn south.
5.7 Azufre Wash (Caņada el Parral) Rd., turn west
6.4 Fork, go right for Valle Chico
30.3 Valle Chico Rd., left for Matomi, go right for Agua Caliente Canyon or Berrendo Canyon
33.8 Carricitos Jcn. (left for Berrendo 4.4 mi.), go right for Agua Caliente.
39.4 Agua Caliente ejido (Plan Nacional Agrario), turn left.
41.3 Enter Agua Caliente Canyon
45.2 Agua Caliente Hot Springs... Some hiking if road not through to springs.
Now, to go to Matomi and back to Hwy. 5:
Back track to Mile 30.3 above, and continue south to Matomi
60.1 Azufre Wash Jcn/ Valle Chico Rd.
68.6 Arroyo Matomi, turn right.
73.8 Rancho Matomi. Waterfall, pool down path from far side of corral.
Take Arroyo Matomi east all the way to Hwy. 5...
106 Hwy. 5, 10 mi. north of Puertecitos.
124 Nuevo Mazatlan.
If you don't go to Agua Caliente, subtract 30 miles.