
Care to give Baja Nomad a little something?

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DianaT - 9-27-2008 at 11:23 AM

Originally posted by longlegsinlapaz
Originally posted by David K
Long legs in La Paz and Cabo Ron... I too sometimes have 'selective reading' issues, but I did write this earlier in this fun filled thread (you missed?):

"Frankly, if you think there is no cost or value to maintain this site, then why waste your time here? I find it the most valuable of all the Internet Baja web sites... because it is live interaction with people who have just returned from Baja or who are in Baja right now... and in far greater numbers in one or two days than the other Baja forums see all year!"

>>> The part that says '...or who are in Baja right now...' is refering to you guys who live full or part time in Baja.
Since you brought up "selective reading issues", I can't & won't assume to speak for CaboRon, but I didn't miss it, I read & absorbed what you wrote immediately upon reading it. You musta skimmed over the words "majority of his posts" in my post.

Now, for a lot of you: shame on you! You use or abuse this site and then complain when a member SUGGESTS voluntary contributions be mailed in, IF you would like to TIP the host for his hard work and EXPENSE to provide a forum for all of us to SHARE Baja experiences and information.

In the voice of Gomer Pyle: SHAME SHAME SHAME!:light::rolleyes:
David, what right do you have to stand in judgment of the rest of the members here; painting us all with the same brush simply because it's YOUR brush (thought/idea/feeling/experience/OPINION). Well guess what, we ALL have our own personal thoughts/feelings/ideas/experiences/OPINIONS & because they don't parallel yours, that doesn't make any of the rest of us pond scum (MY words for how you make me feel, NOT implying YOU have ever used those words!), it doesn't reduce the value of our individual contributions. You have a bad habit, IMO, of overusing the terms "we" & us" when stating YOUR opinions. Please stop assuming that you have some inalienable right to speak for the masses; the masses have individual voices & can speak for themselves/myself if they so desire.

For those of you who have u2u'd me support for my action, many thanks... Having a lot to share about Baja shouldn't make those who share less jealous... I am not competing with you. I suggest you just enjoy what is offered on Nomad or move to a different thread. Taking all the time to bad mouth me or my style is just so childish and adds NOTHING to help other Baja travelers (or residents)!

Bernie says Nomad is about 'People Helping People'... What I am trying to do, and hope other Nomads do as well.
You couldn't be further from the truth in YOUR OPINION that I'm speaking from a position of jealousy. I've yet to read anything in your posts for me to be jealous of. Childish? Stating my thoughts/feelings/OPINIONS is childish? Did you actually say that with a straight face?

Wise words from "hope other Nomads do as well":?: David, what planet are you living on? Have you missed the point of this entire site? According to that logic, you only acknowledge your own input as having any value. Wake up & smell the coffee! This is not "the DK site", there are a lot of fine & generous people here who give of their time, knowledge, experience in many ways....for you to belittle someone or their actions because you may not be personally aware of it is the height of hypocrisy! I've personally helped a lot of Nomads off-line, and I know many, many others who have as well. Because I/they choose to do it out of the public eye for varying reasons, does NOT make my/their value to Baja Nomad any less than yours because you choose to publicize all your good deeds.

David, before you blast off a whiny response, please do at least you & I a favor....get off your high horse & reread my words several times to see if you and find ANY grains of personal truth in them. Before you classify this as just another "personal attack" the phrase constructive criticism in your vocabulary?

Do you want to do a quantity comparison of how many U2U's we each received in favor of our individual posts?:lol:

In my opinion, your post is a very good one---but that is just my OPINION. Others might disagree and that is their OPINION.

You know a lot about many things in Baja and yes, you do help a lot of people with your information. But, IMHO, when you present opinions as facts, and present it all as if you speak for everyone ---well, then come what you call personal attacks.

And please, stop sticking in your personal political opinions as if they are some sort of facts---and the idea that you would shame others? Gees, I found that really difficult to believe you would do that---it is one of those, how dare you things.

Now, besides the U2Us, can we collect and put together the e-mails? :lol::lol:

Then again, it is not a popularity contest----just a forum with lots of different minded people.



oxxo - 9-27-2008 at 11:25 AM

Originally posted by longlegsinlapaz
it was to point out again that many Nomads live here year-round & permanently;

Has it ever been determined how many Nomads are year round and permanent? I know I am :yes:. I wonder how many others?

longlegsinlapaz - 9-27-2008 at 11:50 AM

Seek & yea shall find!;)
Originally posted by oxxo
Originally posted by longlegsinlapaz
it was to point out again that many Nomads live here year-round & permanently;

Has it ever been determined how many Nomads are year round and permanent? I know I am :yes:. I wonder how many others?

comitan - 9-27-2008 at 12:13 PM

Well you who have done such a great job of analyzing and making suggestions for DK have gotten your answer, he just posted a loaded picture post to spite you in my opinion. Nothing you can say will make any difference on his omnipotence on this board.

Diver - 9-27-2008 at 12:53 PM

Originally posted by longlegsinlapaz
....get off your high horse ......

Originally posted by comitan
Nothing you can say will make any difference on his omnipotence on this board.

Either the horse is too tall or the legs are too short ! :lol::lol::lol:

[Edited on 9-27-2008 by Diver]

Diver - 9-27-2008 at 12:55 PM

.......and I was doing so well at aroma therapy and keeping out of this thread ! :saint:
Darn !! :lol::lol::lol:

BajaGringo - 9-27-2008 at 01:07 PM

About time for another group hug...

comitan - 9-27-2008 at 01:09 PM

I really tried.:bounce::bounce:

Diver - 9-27-2008 at 02:50 PM

Originally posted by BajaGringo
About time for another group hug...

You guys from the TJ jail are all the same ! :lol:


ELINVESTIG8R - 9-27-2008 at 04:10 PM

[Edited on 9-28-2008 by ELINVESTI8]

CaboRon - 9-27-2008 at 04:37 PM


He brings it on himself ....

And us "enviros" think he is a selfish pig ....

And what happened to you , you started out good, and then was born again or something, now you just throw up the company line??

Disapointing, to say the least.


BajaGringo - 9-27-2008 at 04:46 PM

Originally posted by Diver
Originally posted by BajaGringo
About time for another group hug...

You guys from the TJ jail are all the same ! :lol:

I am touched that you remember our "special" time that we shared together...


[Edited on 9-27-2008 by BajaGringo]

ELINVESTIG8R - 9-27-2008 at 05:40 PM


He brings it on himself ....

And us "enviros" think he is a selfish pig ....

And what happened to you , you started out good, and then was born again or something, now you just throw up the company line??

Disapointing, to say the least.


Ay CaboRon mi buen amigo...There is still an A.H. that lurks just under my skin with regards to elitists. I am just not going to go there is all. I do not think it needs to surface on this issue. I just do not see what people in here are seeing about David K. He seems to me to be a good human being and an enthusiastic Baja explorer. I think he may have hit a nerve with some in here who are, to put it kindly "Frugal." That said he has a right to post in here and not be brow beaten to death.

Oh and Ron, don't think the "Ellenvest18" went over my head. I caught your drift.

[Edited on 9-28-2008 by ELINVESTI8]

comitan - 9-27-2008 at 06:20 PM

1. I don't want to be included in Ron's( us.)
2.Dk makes some good picture posts for newbies.
3. He always has to show a picture of himself.:fire:
4. He's always bragging about how long and all the past people and functions he's been to. If you have been on this forum for awhile it gets tiresome.\
5. He does post like he owns this forum.
If you cannot see the above, you just give him a hug and tell him he's great.
I'm sure there are other people that could make many more examples.
This is just an explanation of where I'm coming from.

fishbuck - 9-27-2008 at 06:33 PM

Dead horse, dead horse!
Why beat a dead horse, dead horse

Because it's fun ofcourse, ofcourse!!!
That's why we beat a dead horse, dead horse.

So everybody beat a dead horse, dead horse!
It's just so much fun ofcourse, ofcourse

Does anyone know where to find a dead horse, dead horse?
Well right here ofcourse, ofcourse!

So let's all beat a dead horse, dead horse!

[Edited on 9-28-2008 by fishbuck]

comitan - 9-27-2008 at 06:40 PM


Do you want it to die because you don't want to accept all the good:lol:things we are saying in reference to DK. Accept reality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes there's nothing on TV I want to watch.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

[Edited on 9-28-2008 by comitan]

oxxo - 9-27-2008 at 06:57 PM

Originally posted by CaboRon
And us "enviros" think he is a selfish pig ....

You mean you "enviros" that drive the polluting cars in Baja? Oink Oink, Oink! I should never post after I've had a couple of Cuba Libres .:lol::lol::lol: Hey Ron, when are we going to get together for an American breakfast at Casa de Oxxo? It is Sunday tomorrow.

oxxo - 9-27-2008 at 07:26 PM

Originally posted by comitan
5. He does post like he owns this forum.

DK thinks of himself as MINI-ME(ans) We love ya DK, just limit yourself to the trip reports. If you're in the area, we have American breakfast at Casa de Oxxo tomorrow morning.

[Edited on 9-28-2008 by oxxo]

cabobaja - 9-27-2008 at 08:15 PM

Yes Sr. Buck...this is a dead horse. But, there are those that have nothing better to do but post negative bull****! DK is the ultimate Baja information amigo. Love him are not, his heart and Baja Angel's heart are in Baja. I appreciate all the information he provides and the time he spends helping others with questions and concerns about living or visiting Baja. I have not seen another Nomad that gives more time, nor more positive info with regards to Baja. DO YOU!!??

Alot of you have nothing better to do but comment on just about every damn post. Really, do you have a life? If you do not have something positive to contribute, please, not contribute. You want to come after me now...please DO!!

BajaNomad is about Baja. It is not about your petty sh#*!

LancairDriver - 9-27-2008 at 08:58 PM

Originally posted by cabobaja
Yes Sr. Buck...this is a dead horse. But, there are those that have nothing better to do but post negative bull****! DK is the ultimate Baja information amigo. Love him are not, his heart and Baja Angel's heart are in Baja. I appreciate all the information he provides and the time he spends helping others with questions and concerns about living or visiting Baja. I have not seen another Nomad that gives more time, nor more positive info with regards to Baja. DO YOU!!??

Alot of you have nothing better to do but comment on just about every damn post. Really, do you have a life? If you do not have something positive to contribute, please, not contribute. You want to come after me now...please DO!!

BajaNomad is about Baja. It is not about your petty sh#*!

Agree 100%. DK is definitely a class act and doesn't deserve the flack he is getting. NO ONE CONTRIBUTES MORE TO THIS BOARD. It is disgusting to see the petty attacks begin anytime anyone posts anything.

cabobaja - 9-27-2008 at 09:08 PM

Fishbuck, I apologize, when I said, "I have not seen another Nomad that gives more time, nor more positive info with regards to Baja. Do you!!??. " This statement was not directed to you, but the general Nomad contributors. Again, I am sorry. I really appreciate your posts. They are always positive.

Please fly down to Cabo San Lucas airport and pick me up. Lets go fishing with Juan at Asuncion.

DianaT - 9-27-2008 at 09:24 PM

Originally posted by cabobaja
Yes Sr. Buck...this is a dead horse. But, there are those that have nothing better to do but post negative bull****! DK is the ultimate Baja information amigo. Love him are not, his heart and Baja Angel's heart are in Baja. I appreciate all the information he provides and the time he spends helping others with questions and concerns about living or visiting Baja. I have not seen another Nomad that gives more time, nor more positive info with regards to Baja. DO YOU!!??

Alot of you have nothing better to do but comment on just about every damn post. Really, do you have a life? If you do not have something positive to contribute, please, not contribute. You want to come after me now...please DO!!

BajaNomad is about Baja. It is not about your petty sh#*!

You are definitely entitled to your opinions---and so are others. Everyone has a different opinion as to what is positive and what is negative.

You have your reasons for your opinions, and so do others. So maybe instead of inviting people to "come after you."maybe you could just agree to disagree with others.


fishbuck - 9-27-2008 at 09:36 PM

Originally posted by jdtrotter
Originally posted by cabobaja
Yes Sr. Buck...this is a dead horse. But, there are those that have nothing better to do but post negative bull****! DK is the ultimate Baja information amigo. Love him are not, his heart and Baja Angel's heart are in Baja. I appreciate all the information he provides and the time he spends helping others with questions and concerns about living or visiting Baja. I have not seen another Nomad that gives more time, nor more positive info with regards to Baja. DO YOU!!??

Alot of you have nothing better to do but comment on just about every damn post. Really, do you have a life? If you do not have something positive to contribute, please, not contribute. You want to come after me now...please DO!!

BajaNomad is about Baja. It is not about your petty sh#*!

You are definitely entitled to your opinions---and so are others. Everyone has a different opinion as to what is positive and what is negative.

You have your reasons for your opinions, and so do others. So maybe instead of inviting people to "come after you."maybe you could just agree to disagree with others.


o?pin?ion ?? (-pnyn) KEY ?


A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof:

a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.

a belief not based on absolute certainty or positive knowledge but on what seems true, valid, or probable to one's own mind;

[Edited on 9-28-2008 by fishbuck]

cabobaja - 9-27-2008 at 10:13 PM

Thank you Buck & Diane. Yes, of couse it is all opinions. But, it is 12:08am here in Elias Callas and my 10 year old wants to go surfing in the morning. So do I need to go to bed. Buck, please fly into Cabo and pick me up. The YT are biting in Asuncion! Good night..sweet dreams!!

comitan - 9-28-2008 at 06:51 AM

I have one thing more to say, one thing that should and could be enforced is DK's posting of political views, they should only posted in the off topic. I think these postings that were not removed lead some of us to believe this forum was politically bias.

David K - 9-28-2008 at 08:49 AM

Originally posted by comitan
1. I don't want to be included in Ron's( us.)
2.Dk makes some good picture posts for newbies.
3. He always has to show a picture of himself.:fire:
4. He's always bragging about how long and all the past people and functions he's been to. If you have been on this forum for awhile it gets tiresome.\
5. He does post like he owns this forum.
If you cannot see the above, you just give him a hug and tell him he's great.
I'm sure there are other people that could make many more examples.
This is just an explanation of where I'm coming from.

Hi Comitan,

How are you today? Fine, I hope... I really don't want you to have any sad days... I mean you live in near paradise... You should be happy! I want you to be happy... I want all Nomads to be happy! Since you listed why you are unhappy let me try to offer something...

I checked, and I don't always post a picture of myself... not always.:o::lol:

Actually, I just show stuff because a picture is often worth a thousand words... so instead of so much yak, yak... I post photos of Baja or people in Baja. Since I am Baja a lot during my trips... I am included... often with Baja Angel (do you like seeing her picture?)...;D

Those functions I post photos of... well, many were MY functions (Viva Baja parties, Matomi 1 & 2, El Rosario Tours) I created so that ALL Baja Internet people could have a chance to meet in person and in doing so, could further their friendships and increase our knowledge of Baja which helps the people in Baja. Sorry you didn't make it to any!

How does one post "like he owns the forum"? How does that differ from a post "like he doesn't own the forum"? Sure, I post a lot... often to share some Baja travel or history details... sometimes just to interact with a conversation... and unfotunately to defend myself for the few times people like to do nothing but complain about what I post. Well, I may not change your thoughts about me here or if we meet in person, but please know that I just love the peninsula and the people who also love Baja I have found to be mostly a great group of people... If I can help any of you, I will... That is just who I am... Look back, you see a lot of posts I have started... They are mostly there to help someone have a great Baja experience by showing what is out there or how to find it... The reason people originally come to Nomad.

Instead of complaining, how about contributing? Give something back for the hours of entertainment this site provides you... If not a financial donation, then some good trip or other Baja stories. I mean, after all... THAT is the reason people come to this site... to read about BAJA!!!

Now, have a great day be it in paradise or some other place!

comitan - 9-28-2008 at 09:26 AM

DK Are you saying I don't contribute to this forum? I would say the majority of my posts are trying to help someone with their Baja trip. You wrote a lot in your previous post but you did not answer to the political posts that you make, which is in my thinking the only thing that you actually doing wrong. Also since Doug has not answered anyone as to weather the site is in financial trouble, I think it is just all your doing and if so what gives you the right, the number of posts? And yes you have a nice day I know I will because I do live in Paradise.

Diver - 9-28-2008 at 09:38 AM

Originally posted by David K
Instead of complaining, how about contributing? Give something back for the hours of entertainment this site provides you...

Comitan DEFINITELY contributes and has for many years !!
He normally offers factual information based on his many years of experience vacationing and living in Baja. I have met the man and he is the real-deal; also a very nice, generous person as is his wife.

David K - 9-28-2008 at 12:32 PM

Originally posted by comitan
DK Are you saying I don't contribute to this forum? I would say the majority of my posts are trying to help someone with their Baja trip. You wrote a lot in your previous post but you did not answer to the political posts that you make, which is in my thinking the only thing that you actually doing wrong. Also since Doug has not answered anyone as to weather the site is in financial trouble, I think it is just all your doing and if so what gives you the right, the number of posts? And yes you have a nice day I know I will because I do live in Paradise.

No, of course I didn't say 'you' don't... I am speaking to everyone. Maybe that is the problem with the way I write... I don't specify enough... I thought you know my intentions well enough ... having been here that long...

Gee, I don't know... perhaps I have the 'right' as long as I am doing something good for Baja Nomad instead of complaining? Say something good or give something good... why spend the time to do otherwise... How would that help Baja or Nomad?

After I posted the SUGGESTION... I asked Doug for an address he wants checks mailed to... and he gave it to me. Isn't that proof enough it is a good thing for this site? Don't you want this site to do well... ?

Have a great day!

comitan - 9-28-2008 at 12:56 PM

I guess they were right the horse died!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BAJACAT - 9-28-2008 at 04:25 PM


comitan - 9-28-2008 at 04:52 PM

Someone brought the horse back to life, DK the folling post is by Longlegslapaz


Bob and Susan & oldlady speak from experiences that you don't want to a search here for SEMERNAT, PROFEPA and/or EIS for a lot of information in English....or take oldlady's advice & look at the SEMERNAT website if you're fluent in Espanol.

I'm roughly 1 mile from the Bay & my property required a full EIS; I followed the law to the letter & it still took 6 months for final approval!:no::no:

Don't believe builders!! They will generally tell you what you want to hear so they can start making money sooner! Get information from SEMERNAT & get it in writing over a signature! YOU are held liable, the builder is not responsible for any fines, penalties or all falls on the property owner.

How do you rate your posts compared to this type of post, seriously.

BajaGringo - 9-28-2008 at 05:06 PM

This thread hasn't died a natural death yet???

Diver - 9-28-2008 at 06:23 PM

Originally posted by David K
No, of course I didn't say 'you' don't... I am speaking to everyone. Maybe that is the problem with the way I write... I don't specify enough... I thought you know my intentions well enough ... having been here that long...

Liar liar pants on fire ! :P
Here is your post to Comitan; it is definitely directed at him !

Originally posted by David K
Hi Comitan,
Instead of complaining, how about contributing? Give something back for the hours of entertainment this site provides you... If not a financial donation, then some good trip or other Baja stories....

Either stand by what you say and defend it or don't say it or apologize when you're wrong. This is the same thing I am trying to teach my 7 year old !!


David K - 9-28-2008 at 07:01 PM

Originally posted by Diver
Originally posted by David K
No, of course I didn't say 'you' don't... I am speaking to everyone. Maybe that is the problem with the way I write... I don't specify enough... I thought you know my intentions well enough ... having been here that long...

Liar liar pants on fire ! :P
Here is your post to Comitan; it is definitely directed at him !

Originally posted by David K
Hi Comitan,
Instead of complaining, how about contributing? Give something back for the hours of entertainment this site provides you... If not a financial donation, then some good trip or other Baja stories....

Either stand by what you say and defend it or don't say it or apologize when you're wrong. This is the same thing I am trying to teach my 7 year old !!


Is Sunday a normal high drinking day or what? LOL (just a joke ladies)...

Yes, I did say "instead of complaining, why not..." Mr. Diver... I did NOT say Comitan (personally) doesn't contribute... this was to everyone who complains. Please note the obvious... I am for positive Baja Nomad posts... period. I even said to Comitan he has posted lots of good stuff so he would be clear of my meaning.

I am saying to ALL YOU COMPLAINERS: stop messing up Nomad with these repeated complaints... If you don't like a topic, then find one you do. Because you don't like seeing my reprorts, photos or 'opinion'/ facts doesn't mean others don't as well. This kindergarten fussing is not helping... The thread was my suggestion to give Nomad a tip for good service... THAT'S ALL.

Isn't it amazing how you had nothing better to do than tear this suggestion up because little old me made it, if that is the reason? So, I am wondering is it me, the reason for you 'anti-DKers' to post negative replies here... or is it that anyone who suggests Doug desrves a little reward for this site would get pounced upon???

I wonder.... hmmmmm???:?::lol:

Have a nice evening ladies!

Natalie Ann - 9-28-2008 at 07:09 PM

shees! David, you are really a pizza work.:lol:

Natalie Ann

mtgoat666 - 9-28-2008 at 07:10 PM

Originally posted by David K
So, I am wondering is it me, the reason for you 'anti-DKers' to post negative replies here... or is it that anyone who suggests Doug desrves a little reward for this site would get pounced upon???

it's you.

DK, you need to be more tolerant, and less sanctimonious -- and remember you don't always need to have the last word

comitan - 9-28-2008 at 07:15 PM

DK What kind if derogatory remark is that calling us ladies.

[Edited on 9-29-2008 by comitan]

[Edited on 9-29-2008 by comitan]

Diver - 9-28-2008 at 07:21 PM

Originally posted by David K
I did NOT say Comitan (personally) doesn't contribute... this was to everyone who complains.

Like I said, A LIAR and a JUSTIFIER.

YOU have been much of the reason that this horse has not died; YOU don't let it.
And you still didn't apologize to Comitan you liar.

Your further attempts at justifying your LIE and attaching me will only serve to show others why some of us get very irritated with you at times.

Ladies ?? You are such a child.
Don't YOU have anything better to do child ?
And no, my post has nothing to do with your original topic as you never answered my simple questions on page 1.

I sure wish JR was still around !

DianaT - 9-28-2008 at 07:32 PM

Originally posted by mtgoat666
Originally posted by David K
So, I am wondering is it me, the reason for you 'anti-DKers' to post negative replies here... or is it that anyone who suggests Doug desrves a little reward for this site would get pounced upon???

it's you.

DK, you need to be more tolerant, and less sanctimonious -- and remember you don't always need to have the last word

Oh yes he ALWAYS does---twisted and or political as it may be. :lol::lol::lol:


David K - 9-28-2008 at 07:41 PM

Originally posted by Diver
Originally posted by David K
I did NOT say Comitan (personally) doesn't contribute... this was to everyone who complains.

Like I said, A LIAR and a JUSTIFIER.

YOU have been much of the reason that this horse has not died; YOU don't let it.
And you still didn't apologize to Comitan you liar.

Your further attempts at justifying your LIE and attaching me will only serve to show others why some of us get very irritated with you at times.

Ladies ?? You are such a child.
Don't YOU have anything better to do child ?
And no, my post has nothing to do with your original topic as you never answered my simple questions on page 1.

I sure wish JR was still around !

Yup, JR and I had some great laughs about some of you who take yourselves way too seriously here... like a post was life or death and a deleted post caused you to get so mad you left Nomad forever... funny stuff. Those who thought making Mexico more like America being a good thing was really 'rich' to JR as well!

Better to do.. here on Nomad?: My first love is to write travel reports/ trip stories... my second is to help Baja Nomads (Amigos before) to meet and exchange friendship... my hird is just to enjoy open discussion about Baja or other travels. Is that really childish? Okay, than so be it.

Your original question has been answered many times in many ways... but I guess that still wan't enough times? See my opening post... it is here in the SUGGESTIONS forum. I posted a suggestion to give something back to Baja Nomad and Doug gave me an address link to post for anyone who would like to give a tip.

Good night ladies (and gentlemen)!:light:;D

Oh, to Comitan, Diver, Natalie Ann, MtGoat666, jdtrotter and any other members of the 'anti DK club': I am sorry!... I still love you all and know you too will see the light of goodness and begin posting good and useful things about Baja without posting bad things about fellow Nomads will come one day!:light::bounce::biggrin:

oxxo - 9-28-2008 at 07:56 PM

Originally posted by David K
I still love you all and know you too will see the light of goodness and begin posting good and useful things about Baja without posting bad things about fellow Nomads will come one day!

SKEET, is that you? Anon the preacher? :lol:

Diver - 9-28-2008 at 08:03 PM

Still a liar; still sanctimonious (thanks for the good word); still prolonging the thread; still trying to justify his lies; still blaming everyone else; still attacking others; still a child; still a child.

You don't love me and I don't love you.
And how about YOU seeing the light ?
Now that's funny, huh Child ??

Diver - 9-28-2008 at 08:06 PM

And don't try to act like a buddy of JR.
He never attacked me but you were his regular target for the same reasons you have been questioned in this thread and for the same childish behavior.

This is rich.

Chris Holmstead - 9-28-2008 at 08:24 PM

Two of the biggest complainers on newbie abuse here posting jiberish and garbage nonstop. David posts what many want here and you two marooons post just to read your own posts. Give it a rest and go to bed Diver and Comitan and stop being hypocrites.

David K - 9-28-2008 at 08:28 PM

Diver, I knew JR, JR was a friend of mine... you are no JR Baja!

Seriously, please stop the hate... If you don't like it here and dislike someone for helping Nomad, why stay miserable... find a happy place for you... I hope you decide to be nice and hang around, however...

Witnesses to jrbaja and I being friends in this photo include Baja Nomad, Baja Bernie, Jesse, BajaCactus... and yes, I was at his and Carol's place more than once...

[Edited on 9-29-2008 by David K]

P1010021r.JPG - 47kB

Diver - 9-28-2008 at 08:33 PM

Originally posted by Chris Holmstead
Two of the biggest complainers on newbie abuse ...

You MUST have me confused with someone else.
And I don't recall Comitan being the very vocal about newbie offenses or anyone else's.
Maybe you enjoyed the posts by Nobullchit and Wetbobo ??

And I do not go around calling people I do not even know "marooon".
Are you another mud-slinging "child" ???

Chris Holmstead - 9-28-2008 at 08:46 PM

Originally posted by Diver
Originally posted by Chris Holmstead
Two of the biggest complainers on newbie abuse ...

You MUST have me confused with someone else.
And I don't recall Comitan being the very vocal about newbie offenses or anyone else's.
Maybe you enjoyed the posts by Nobullchit and Wetbobo ??

And I do not go around calling people I do not even know "marooon".
Are you another mud-slinging "child" ???

I am hardly a newbie. Check my signup date marooon. I just do not have to post non stop like you seem to do. Its called having a life.

Diver - 9-28-2008 at 08:46 PM

Originally posted by David K
... you are no JR Baja!

Never said I was, never wanted to be JR; I like me just fine.

You just keep telling yourself that JR liked you. :lol:

"Hate" ? I don't hate children; I try to teach children; some won't learn.

Leave Nomad because of YOU ? :lol::lol::lol:

I am already in my happy place, Child.

Now when are you going to stop your LIES and JUSTIFICATIONS ??

Maybe another last word from the Child ?? :lol::lol::lol:


Diver - 9-28-2008 at 08:50 PM

Originally posted by Chris Holmstead
I am hardly a newbie. Check my signup date marooon.

Starting to sound like DK now.
Where did I call you a newbie ?
Getting defensive and offensive at the same time ? :biggrin:

And you call me a marooon again ?
I will certainly NOT buy you a beer in future ! :lol:

Ah, you have a life but here you are giving me grief for what ? :lol:

[Edited on 9-29-2008 by Diver]

fishbuck - 9-28-2008 at 08:55 PM

" Hello, Guiness Book of Record?. This is fishbuck over at Baja Nomad
We have 8 pages of dead horse beating. Is that a record? No huh, well keep working on it.
We have some champion dead horse beaters here at Nomad. These people never quit.
I'll call back when we have a few more pages"

Sharksbaja - 9-28-2008 at 09:02 PM

So big whoop, 35 posts in 5 years> WOW, you really are big part of this place.:lol: Lurker would suit your title, no? That's not a bad word I don't think . It just says something about you. You stopped posting when JR croaked. Por que?:?:

David, you ain't no Lloyd Benson either.:no: Please stop with the politics . It may seem funny to you but when you talk down your nose it demeans and detracts.

Sharksbaja - 9-28-2008 at 09:03 PM

Hey Fishbuck, my screen says 4 pages. Shoot, I better get busy!:bounce:

longlegsinlapaz - 9-28-2008 at 09:18 PM

DK, are you honestly this obtuse, or could you sincerely have a reading comprehension problem?

I know this is a waste of my time, but I'll try to get through to one last time (Wiley, you're authorized to shoot me if I ever try to get through his thick skull ever again!)

DK, IMO, you have an uncanny ability to not read the words people write to you. You appear to selectively pick & choose at your convenience. I don't believe that there is an "anti-dk club". I do believe there are some people who are willing to speak out when you post outrageous comments or ideas. Why can't you simply accept that as feedback? Feedback is something that comes back to you because of what you originally said or how you said it. A lot of people accept feedback as constructive criticism. When several people give you similar feedback, over time most people eventually come to the realization:light: that there might possibly be a reason all these people have made similar comments to them & listen to the comments & look back at what they've written & look within themselves to see if maybe, just maybe, they're bringing negative responses on themselves through their words & how they express themselves.

For example, you DID address that message to comitan & you DID say "Instead of complaining, how about contributing?" so you were saying that to comitan. If you meant all Nomads, then you should have said all Nomads. Clarification after the fact is a little late & it comes across to me as an excuse! You DO owe comitan an Diver has brought to your attention in not one, but TWO subsequent posts, and you continue to try to explain your original words away rather than admitting your mistake like a man & apologizing, you repeatedly come back with more childish excuses for what you meant to say!

When reading through your last response, I suddenly had an OMG:light: moment!!
Oh, to Comitan, Diver, Natalie Ann, MtGoat666, jdtrotter and any other members of the 'anti DK club': I am sorry!... I still love you all and know you too will see the light of goodness and begin posting good and useful things about Baja without posting bad things about fellow Nomads will come one day!:light::bounce::biggrin:
For starters, I was crushed to be left out of the "lineup"!:lol::no: But it dawned on me that in your mind there is an honest to gawd correlation between calling you on something you post & their overall value of contributions to the Board as a whole. They can respond positively to hundreds of threads, they can help perfect strangers just because they ask for information or help....but once they criticize you, that in some way in your mind diminishes all their other contributions to the Board??:o:O:o That's a totally ludicrous thought process, yet that's what your words conveyed to me.

So even though you didn't address the question to me by name, yes, it's you. It's how you phrase things, it's how you can insult without ever apologizing, you bring it on yourself & you escalate it because you resort to childish name calling & excuses to avoid simply swallowing your pride, admitting you were wrong & offering an honest apology.

You started this thread, you got negative responses, rather than accepting how others felt, you came back with lectures & attempting to shame people who didn't agree with you. And you don't expect people to respond in like??

I don't care about your trip reports, but I DO care when you kick into immature mode & attempt to invalidate, minimize or belittle other people's contributions to this board through your tit-for-tat responses when anyone has a differing opinion or calls you on something you've written.

Read the words David, I'm sincerely trying to be honest & get through to you that you bring on the grief you get through your own words. This is NOT an attack, it's my final attempt at constructive criticism; my final attempt to get you to understand your wound is self-inflicted. Mine will be inflicted by Wiley if I address you again!:lol:

Diver - 9-28-2008 at 09:29 PM

LL, you are wise beyond your leg length. :yes:
You have expressed it all very well.
Many of us have tried before but I wish you luck in your attempt.
And thank you for trying.

Maybe Wiley would agree to a 2'fer for me too ? :lol:

DianaT - 9-28-2008 at 09:52 PM

Originally posted by David K

Oh, to Comitan, Diver, Natalie Ann, MtGoat666, jdtrotter and any other members of the 'anti DK club': I am sorry!... I still love you all and know you too will see the light of goodness and begin posting good and useful things about Baja without posting bad things about fellow Nomads will come one day!:light::bounce::biggrin:


Please tell when I have ever posted "bad things"about you or any other nomad?? Yes, I have disagreed with you on a number of things and that you seem to have a difficult time accepting.

Sorry DK, but you really remind me of a little boy I knew once named Mark. His family moved out of our neighborhood because the other boys, including my two, were picking on him. Mind you, Mark was only 9 years old and it was the sixth neighborhood they had to leave for the same reason. They just didn't get it.

As I have said many times, you help people in lots of ways----but,,,, oh well, here I go with the bad thing---you just don't get it.


[Edited on 9-29-2008 by jdtrotter]

Natalie Ann - 9-28-2008 at 10:14 PM

Originally posted by Diver
LL, you are wise beyond your leg length. :yes:
You have expressed it all very well.
Many of us have tried before but I wish you luck in your attempt.
And thank you for trying.

Maybe Wiley would agree to a 2'fer for me too ? :lol:

What Diver said.:yes:....
except for that last part. I won't make promises I may not be able to keep.:no:
I will sign up for that aromatherapy class which seems to have been so helpful to Diver.:lol:


One big family, not neccesarily happy.

rogerj1 - 9-28-2008 at 11:16 PM

Wow! It's pretty much all out there. Lot's of frustration, weariness, anger. These aren't great times; violence in Baja, people losing money, banks closing. DK, I think you're a bit of a lightning rod for people to vent here, so don't take it too personally.

David, you know I'm a big fan of yours. You won't get any grief from me. I'm compelled to comment because of LL's finely measured comments which I've quoted below.

Originally posted by longlegsinlapaz

DK, IMO, you have an uncanny ability to not read the words people write to you. You appear to selectively pick & choose at your convenience. I don't believe that there is an "anti-dk club". I do believe there are some people who are willing to speak out when you post outrageous comments or ideas. Why can't you simply accept that as feedback? Feedback is something that comes back to you because of what you originally said or how you said it. A lot of people accept feedback as constructive criticism. When several people give you similar feedback, over time most people eventually come to the realization:light: that there might possibly be a reason all these people have made similar comments to them & listen to the comments & look back at what they've written & look within themselves to see if maybe, just maybe, they're bringing negative responses on themselves through their words & how they express themselves.

You started this thread, you got negative responses, rather than accepting how others felt, you came back with lectures & attempting to shame people who didn't agree with you. And you don't expect people to respond in like??

Read the words David, I'm sincerely trying to be honest & get through to you that you bring on the grief you get through your own words. This is NOT an attack, it's my final attempt at constructive criticism; my final attempt to get you to understand your wound is self-inflicted. Mine will be inflicted by Wiley if I address you again!:lol:

People pay lot's of money to get good coaching like this! So set aside the thoughtless criticism's, name calling, and baiting from others but grasp onto a glimmer of insight when it's thrown your way. I'm just as stubborn as you are. If someone comes at me full force, I fight back and just like you, I want to win! I'm not very good at accepting criticism unless it's delivered with a velvet glove. How powerful though to truly know yourself as others see you! You can come away from this a wiser stronger person.

Now, getting back to your original, great idea, let's have a party and help support the board that means so much to so many of us. A great excuse for a get together!

Skipjack Joe - 9-28-2008 at 11:24 PM

Originally posted by David K

Better to do.. here on Nomad?: My first love is to write travel reports/ trip stories... my second is to help Baja Nomads (Amigos before) to meet and exchange friendship... my hird is just to enjoy open discussion about Baja or other travels. Is that really childish? Okay, than so be it.


You like to portray yourself as a happy baja lover. I don't see you that way. I've been reading these kind of threads for over 5 years now and I see nothing to be particularly happy about. I just can't imagine you getting any pleasure from this either

I see you as a tragic figure. One who just can't seem to break out this vicious cycle.

The problem is that you strive to be a leader but simply lack leadership qualities.

This thread is a case in point. You had an idea you wanted nomads to embrace and act upon and when they didn't you berated them for it. That wasn't smart. It's not how a politician behaves (and you are very political, make no mistake about that). Imagine senator McCain reprimanding voters for not supporting his agenda. It would be disastrous to his own ambitions.

But getting back to happiness. Every one has things they are better at than others. The unhappy ones are those that continually strive at what they're not particularly good at. It's really that simple.

It's not about winning or losing. Or getting the last jab in. There are no 'DK haters'. You need to accept responsibility for your own actions. In the end you are in control of yourself.

Diver - 9-28-2008 at 11:32 PM

Originally posted by Chris Holmstead
Attrition will get this board cleaned up

What you may not understand is that this board is populated by both travelers, partial and full-time residents. Many of us are the folks who offer consistent help to those looking for campgrounds, border-crossing directions and the like. Many offer their experiences about homebuilding or homeowning or where to get your whatever fixed. These are nice folks that love Baja and want to help others enjoy and live in Baja. They are not nasty folks and they do not look for confrontation. They do have normal human sensitivity and a desire to be treated with respect; no more or less than anyone else.

I do not fault you for defending DK; he has helped many. Even I enjoy looking at some of his photos.
I understand your feelings; I just do not agree.

[Edited on 9-29-2008 by Diver]

fishbuck - 9-29-2008 at 12:49 AM

" Hello Guiness Book? It's fishbuck again. We are at 9 pages. Still not enough? Okay.
We'll work on it!"

I truly do not understand the animosity directed at David K. I have meet David a few times and hope to meet up with him in Baja again. He has answered several of my questions when I have asked him. When I look at his photos I see a nice smiling guy enjoying Baja. What could be better?
His request to contribute to the board seems as harmless as asking your neighbors to help clean the park or repair playground equipment.
Why would anyone object to something like that? But I'm sure someone will so let the dead horse beating continue.
The people at the Guiness Book are waiting.

[Edited on 9-29-2008 by fishbuck]

Crips.. er I mean Chris

Sharksbaja - 9-29-2008 at 01:16 AM


You and some of the other abusers of this board manipulate it as a geriatric social club and when you are not whining about the most minor events in your petty lives, you put down the others who use this board for useful info.

You really seem aggresive towards anyone who happens to love Mulege, whether that be on the rio or not.

Your flaming of Tony was typical of your wanton meanderings. You've lurked for five years and now you are going to comment on my contributions here. Go for it!
I guess you are a bad lurker who did not do his homework, You should get busy and read some of those thousands of posts I've made. You might might have an epiphany. Nah...:lol:

That way you wouldn't appear to have two feet in your mouth when you make such sweeping statements. I'm not much to toot my own horn but I can if the need warrants it.
It not an ego thing like you suggest, rather the desire and consequent rewards for doing stuff for this group has faded with the addition of lurkers/flamers like you joining the fray for some unbeknownst reason :?:

Should I quote some of your past childish rants? The percentage of crap you post runs about 90% imho.:o

I give this place a wee bit of my energy, so what, so sorry you think it's more. Why don't you make a post that has some Baja relevance rather than to act so profound because what you.........what, live in Loreto? :lol::lol:

Look, if you can show you've contributed anythang to BN worthy I'd love to hear it otherwise STFU.

[Edited on 9-29-2008 by Sharksbaja]

dao45 - 9-29-2008 at 07:07 AM

david from my first post on this board you were polite supportive and kind.I dont know what kind of problems other people think they have with you but as far as Im concerned No problem amigo you keep on rocking

comitan - 9-29-2008 at 07:26 AM

Since it hasn't died yet, I have to say there have been many posts that were well thought out and well written and to the point without being abusive, I think our quest is all for nil, but I have to say the comments on this subject have for the most part been constructive without name calling, if nothing else this thread is a good example that it can be done.

The Sculpin - 9-29-2008 at 08:00 AM

I'm gone for a wee bit and the $h!t hits the fan! Not surprised DK is in the thick of it. A few observations:
1) Unless I missed it, Doug never did respond, did he? So the original query to DK was never fully veted,
2) I think DK listens to too much talk radio,
3) I'm sure in the time i has taken DK to defend himself and to try to extract his foot from his mouth, he could have finished 3 jobs. At $2K to $4K per job, that's $6K to $12K!!! He could have let this whole thing pass and been the richer (and wiser) man for it.

Now don't get me wrong - this isn't a slam on DK. I really love the guy! He's quite a character - but he kinda reminds me of a guy I used to know in rougher days - the guy who just wouldn't let it rest and ended up getting all his buddies involved in a bar fight. Those were memorable saturday nights, but they're in the past (whew!)

So come on everybody - the coals went out a long time ago - all the beer is gone - and the sun is rising. Time to go to bed, or go surfing...

Ciao, baby!

cabobaja - 9-29-2008 at 08:36 AM


Hook - 9-29-2008 at 09:22 AM

Originally posted by Skipjack Joe

I see you as a tragic figure. One who just can't seem to break out this vicious cycle.

King Lear comes to mind.


David K - 9-29-2008 at 09:33 AM

Wow, such passion and such vile all together here...

LongLegs in La Paz: Thank you for your concern. All I suggested is that if anyone here would like to help Nomad with a financial tip, to send it in... and Doug gave me an address. I did not ask for feedback or socio-psycho help for the way I read or reply on Nomad. Yes, it is a public forum... but because I was the one who suggested it, it would seem that gave carte blanche to the anti-DKers to use this moment to vent. Anyway, your last reply was very deep... and it took you time to write it... without the name calling... very nice.

Comitan: One more time, I am sorry for typing unclearly... You have contributed here many times with good posts, and I never meant it to read that you didn't... I was thinking of all Nomads when I said 'instead of complaing...' etc.

Diver: ... do I owe you an apology or is it the other way around? I am 51, and if I seem childish... then maybe I will have a long life? I actually intended this to be a short thread and would have been thrilled if others gave support to Doug... if not financially, then verbally... So much energy going to NOT helping Nomad is very sad... very unappreciative, I think... How else would it be seen?

Diane or John Trotter: You have a worse habbit of selective reading than I apparently do... but I hope we can be friends anyway. You have posted one of the best trip reports ever... and I enjoy them the most.

Despite what has been posted about me by others, I don't care how you write, who you are voting for, or where you live. I do care about helping Baja Nomad, seeing as many trip reports as possible and helping Nomads meet and become friends or friendlier.

Thanks to those of you who do see things the way I do... that sharing travel information is the attraction here and not political correctness or tearing apart my simple attempt to get Doug some additional operating capital!

Viva Baja Nomad!

[Edited on 9-29-2008 by David K]

DianaT - 9-29-2008 at 09:39 AM

Originally posted by jdtrotter
Originally posted by mtgoat666
Originally posted by David K
So, I am wondering is it me, the reason for you 'anti-DKers' to post negative replies here... or is it that anyone who suggests Doug desrves a little reward for this site would get pounced upon???

it's you.

DK, you need to be more tolerant, and less sanctimonious -- and remember you don't always need to have the last word

Oh yes he ALWAYS does---twisted and or political as it may be. :lol::lol::lol:



Going shopping now--yes, for Baja

bajaguy - 9-29-2008 at 09:47 AM

Originally posted by David K
........ Maybe it is because of the election and they are getting worried? ...... I don't care .....who you are voting for......
Viva Baja Nomad!

And this adds to your post in a positive way??????

It would be nice if we could keep politics in the off-topic swamp where it belongs

Natalie Ann - 9-29-2008 at 09:50 AM

Originally posted by David K
.... Maybe it is because of the election and they are getting worried?

As Ralph Kramden used to say, "One of these days, Alice...... " :P


David K - 9-29-2008 at 09:54 AM

Actually, I wanted it to be clear that politics DOESN'T motivate me here... I can edit if you think they are that hyper-sensitive?

David K - 9-29-2008 at 09:55 AM

Well... I gues you are right... I will edit and hope it ends the feedback.

tripledigitken - 9-29-2008 at 10:25 AM

Originally posted by tripledigitken
OK now that DK has floated the idea of donating money to BN, why not some words from Doug? I do believe he is the sole owner of BN and should come forward to explain his thoughts on the topic.

If the situation is at the point that the site would go down without some infusion of cash we should all know. Would hate to see it disappear without some input from all of us.


This was back on page 3, still no comment from Doug. Just alot of posts about DK!


vandenberg - 9-29-2008 at 10:28 AM

Check is in the mail.(Mexican:P), with the stipulation: "redeem within 10 days":biggrin:

comitan - 9-29-2008 at 10:35 AM

DK you have to realize we are contributing right now, the number of posts on this forum equal money to Doug; so we are helping in our own little way, as you are too.:lol::lol: We probably shouldn't discuss this but when you click on an advertiser it generates more income.(cheating)?

[Edited on 9-29-2008 by comitan]

CaboRon - 9-29-2008 at 12:24 PM

Originally posted by soulpatch
I notice a general trend here that I find interesting: that people think that other people might care about their criticisms and or opinions.
I think that only applies to folks that you spend a lot of time with..... like maybe sharing a bed or something equivalent.
This is not to say that I have never pontificated and am even doing so now.
You just gotta let a lot of stuff roll of your back thru life.


David K - 9-29-2008 at 12:46 PM

Originally posted by comitan
DK you have to realize we are contributing right now, the number of posts on this forum equal money to Doug; so we are helping in our own little way, as you are too.:lol::lol: We probably shouldn't discuss this but when you click on an advertiser it generates more income.(cheating)?

[Edited on 9-29-2008 by comitan]

Yes, but clicking on the Google ads and taking a quick look at them is better... Just reading the forum doesn't help except show the activity Nomad gets... and the only banner ad here is Geoff's

David K - 9-29-2008 at 12:54 PM

Originally posted by tripledigitken
Originally posted by tripledigitken
OK now that DK has floated the idea of donating money to BN, why not some words from Doug? I do believe he is the sole owner of BN and should come forward to explain his thoughts on the topic.

If the situation is at the point that the site would go down without some infusion of cash we should all know. Would hate to see it disappear without some input from all of us.


This was back on page 3, still no comment from Doug. Just alot of posts about DK!


Ken, no... it has been stated so many times that I suggested Doug get some additional reward (tip, donation, contribution) for his great efforts and service here to keep Nomad alive and well... The added revenue for some contributions would allow improvements and perhaps ordering the really big shirt sizes some here have been waiting for. Nomad doesn't make enough money for Doug to live off of (he works)... and it doesn't make a profit that would help Doug add to the Tienda or do much more than what we have got now.

In my opinion, when someone receives a tip for good service, it inspires them to continue to give good or better service. From the beginning, I have said this is a tip for Doug. With all the garbage and none-important discussion going on in this and some other threads, I just didn't want Doug to say the heck with you all... and shut the site down. Giving Doug a little financial thanks (and maybe some verbal thanks too) would really help make up for all the kindergarten activity here... in my opinion.

tripledigitken - 9-29-2008 at 01:34 PM




I just didn't want Doug to say the heck with you all... and shut the site down. Giving Doug a little financial thanks (and maybe some verbal thanks too) would really help make up for all the kindergarten activity here... in my opinion.


You being very friendly with Doug, I trust you know his feelings as well as anyone. What you just said above is the site is at risk without additional revenue coming in. So that would be a yes from my original question. Thanks for answering, albeit you also said no in the same post.:?:


Bajaboy - 9-29-2008 at 02:18 PM

This thread is comparable to reading the, I think I'd rather read the dictionary at least that way I'll learn something. Let this thread die....


mtgoat666 - 9-29-2008 at 02:18 PM

Originally posted by comitan
DK you have to realize we are contributing right now, the number of posts on this forum equal money to Doug; so we are helping in our own little way, as you are too.:lol::lol: We probably shouldn't discuss this but when you click on an advertiser it generates more income.(cheating)?

maybe DK should get paid for every post he creates. and given that each Dk post cause 10 additional posts to counter DK, if DK were also paid for every related post, DK would be rich :lol::lol:

Bruce R Leech - 9-29-2008 at 02:30 PM

Originally posted by Bajaboy
This thread is comparable to reading the, I think I'd rather read the dictionary at least that way I'll learn something. Let this thread die....


you can learn allot about some of the folks here at Baja Nomad from a thread like this :lol:

David K - 9-29-2008 at 04:23 PM

You can sure tell who reads/ replies with facts vs. who reads/ replies with emotions!


Doug, if you are not going to add anything or correct anything posted here... how about closing this thread?:yes:

Diver - 9-29-2008 at 04:35 PM

Originally posted by David K
You can sure tell who reads/ replies with facts vs. who reads/ replies with emotions!

Yes YOU do, child.

I had a highschool girlfriend once that, when I told her that I didn't like something she had done, she responded "Why do you hate me ?"

Sounds just like you, child.

BajaGringo - 9-29-2008 at 04:47 PM

OK, how about if I have the last word???


Now that we have that taken care of, I see a horse being carried by angels into heaven...


David K - 9-29-2008 at 05:00 PM

Diver, I can't be any nicer to you than I have with all the name calling you have done... Let it go, you don't like me, no matter what... that's your only responce or reaction to call names... instead of letting this end? If you are too cheap to tip Nomad for all this free 'fun' you find here, then I don't understand your need to advertise that by all the negativity you post ..

Abe Lincoln might say: You can't please all the people all the time and DK can't please Diver most anytime! :biggrin:

Bon Voyage

Diver - 9-29-2008 at 05:41 PM

Originally posted by David K
If you are too cheap to tip Nomad for all this free 'fun' you find here...

So anyone who doesn't agree with the child to give money to Doug is cheap ?
Make sense to me, child.

Always responding with an insult - the CHILD's way. :lol:

Just like I said " He hates me .... " :lol:
Just becasue I don't like the way you have handled this post does not mean that I am cheap or that I do not contribute.

You DARE accuse Trotters of misreading ...? :lol:
Accept some of your own judgement, CHILD; it had been offered by many.

Too bad gringo, it was a nice thought but will never happen with the child.

oxxo - 9-29-2008 at 06:07 PM

Okay, DK, now it's your turn again.

rts551 - 9-29-2008 at 07:37 PM

In trying to figure out just how destitute Mr Means was and how much he needed in donations to keep this site running, I looked up the web host, Q87 International, on Google. (looking for costs etc).

Its hard to figure out just how much trouble this web site is in since it is one of a couple of affiliate sites (affiliated with Q87 International) and is used by Q87 International as an example client (promoting the web hosting business).

Seems Mr Means not only owns Baja Nomad, but he owns the web hosting business, Q87 International as well as at least one other Baja related web site.

Please help me understand just how much I need to help Mr Means out.

For more info see

surfer jim - 9-29-2008 at 08:01 PM

OK donkeys.....just send ME some money and I will make good use of it and be your friend....:o

Bajabus - 9-29-2008 at 08:41 PM

Originally posted by rts551
In trying to figure out just how destitute Mr Means was and how much he needed in donations to keep this site running, I looked up the web host, Q87 International, on Google. (looking for costs etc).

Its hard to figure out just how much trouble this web site is in since it is one of a couple of affiliate sites (affiliated with Q87 International) and is used by Q87 International as an example client (promoting the web hosting business).

Seems Mr Means not only owns Baja Nomad, but he owns the web hosting business, Q87 International as well as at least one other Baja related web site.

Please help me understand just how much I need to help Mr Means out.

For more info see

Great hosting site. Doug runs a nice hosting environment and he is always helpful when you have questions, I have hosted many sites over many years with Doug.

I believe in supporting small businesses.

Thats how I support. It's the capitalist in me. Mind you I am not a capitalist in the Milton Friedman Chicago university mold. I do believe in some regulation...more in the Keynesian mold. The Freidmanistas are freaking delusional.

Doug is a good fisherman, I buy his fish.....if you know what I mean.

lizard lips - 9-29-2008 at 08:48 PM

Yes Doug.....Good job my friend.

I believe DK knew this post was going to turn into what it is. Just something to read, night, after night, after night, after night, blah, blah, blah, blah!!!!!!

Diver - 9-29-2008 at 09:38 PM

Originally posted by BAJACAT
No wonder BN is all screw up, On page 7 of this thread I post it a picture of Senor COCO,that I meet in Ensenada this week end, where I stated it what his needs are and what happends, nothing not a simple reply about the subjet.I don't undestand you guys...I think is more fun to make fun of people and triying to destrou each other,Im out of here...

Sorry dude; no offense but I didn't think this was a good place for your post.
Also, many of us already donated to the Coco wheelchair fund which is now being used for his support in Ensenada.

[Edited on 9-30-2008 by Diver]

BAJACAT - 9-29-2008 at 09:44 PM

Originally posted by Diver
Originally posted by BAJACAT
No wonder BN is all screw up, On page 7 of this thread I post it a picture of Senor COCO,that I meet in Ensenada this week end, where I stated it what his needs are and what happends, nothing not a simple reply about the subjet.I don't undestand you guys...I think is more fun to make fun of people and triying to destrou each other,Im out of here...

Sorry dude; no offense but I didn't think this was a good place for your post.
Also, many of us already donated to the Coco wheelchair fund which is now being used for his support in Ensenada.

[Edited on 9-30-2008 by Diver]
Don't worry Diver I already deleted the whole think, I don't what to steal your precious space in BN, now you can go on with this worthless thread(no ofence DK), like the ones posted in BN Lately..

Diver - 9-29-2008 at 10:00 PM


Sorry you decided to go away mad.
Coco is a good cause but your attempt to redirect this thread with his photo was bound to fail.
It really has nothing to do with Dk's original post, does it ?

This has nothing to do with 'precious space" so don't get your panties bunched up.
Seems that you may be taking reading comprehension lessons from DK. :lol:
Also his habits of removing posts when he feels challenged even though you were not.
Make a new post of the thread and you will likely get a better response.
Are you taking the money or where does it go ?
How about some REAL info ?

capt. mike - 9-30-2008 at 06:40 AM

"Seems Mr Means not only owns Baja Nomad, but he owns the web hosting business, Q87 International as well as at least one other Baja related web site."

thot so. figures. no wonder Means never chimed in here with a plea to help him with a bailout.
he has the good sense to not push it. he's doing fine and this is a nice little enterprise kicker.
just as i postured from the get go.
but hey....if you want to DONATE $$ to a obviously solvent going concern please carry on!:lol::lol::lol:

David K - 9-30-2008 at 10:02 AM

Golly you guys sure can twist up my post! LOL

Doug is not in a financial crisis I am aware of. The SUGGESTION I made was to give the guy a tip for good service and encourage hime to keep the site online. Show your appreciation... that's all.

With some extra cash, I added that he may be able to get those big tee shirt sizes many of you asked for, etc.

No plea, no bailout, where do get this stuff?:rolleyes:

Have a nice day... and if you get good service, it is a custom to tip the server. Waiting tables usually is a minimum wage job and they do get taxed at 15% of the bill rather you tip or not. Doug's income from this site is probably like the waitress getting minimum wage... keeps the site online, but nothing extra for Doug's good service... and not enough to invest in buying more Nomad stuff for the Tienda.

Are we understanding this amigos?:o

rts551 - 9-30-2008 at 10:12 AM

Originally posted by David K
Originally posted by shari
this is kind of interesting from my perspective....because here many mexican would NEVER ask for donations or help of any kind.....BUT...sure appreciate the kind gesture of appreciation for a job well done. I dont find it odd at all that Doug hasnt' chimed in here as he probably is a nice humble man who wouldn't dream of asking for many here...they would never ask for a tip or help BUT could certainly use the help. Thanks for pointing this out David.

In the mexican culture it is really hard to figure out what to do as they wont' ever TELL you what they need or want...only living here for a long time helps undertstand this. So I GET IT.....probably Doug is too proud to ask for help and his amigo David loves him enough to put it out there to us what he might need.....

I agree with fishbuck....lets have a good time fundraising and talking about it amongst us who care and we will help out how we can in a baja spirited way....those of you who dont want to ......welll.....whatever modo
I do like it that it is a free site as lots of people join up....mostly good people ....if there was a fee...lots of these good folks might not tune in. We who have been here awhile know the value...and I'm sure are willing to help keep our nomad community alive.


Thanks Shari... as one who understands the Baja way, I appreciate you confirming what I thought was common knowledge to those on this forum who claim to all love Baja and its people!

OH. I am sorry. I guess I read this wrong. (this ailment is spreading).

David K - 9-30-2008 at 10:16 AM

Perhaps, but my Bingo was that Shari posts how Baja people do not ask for TIPS... " many here...they would never ask for a tip..."

Sorry if that was not clear... a tip for Doug.

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