
Shocking illegal dorado fishing documentary, Must See.

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Russ - 8-10-2009 at 09:09 AM

Originally posted by flyfishinPam
one more thing

I never said that "The Sea of Cortes is Ruined"

but its on its way there and I an doing what I can to prevent that.

I don't remember any one saying the SOC is ruined.

Barry A. - 8-10-2009 at 10:02 AM

Originally posted by Russ
Originally posted by flyfishinPam
one more thing

I never said that "The Sea of Cortes is Ruined"

but its on its way there and I an doing what I can to prevent that.

I don't remember any one saying the SOC is ruined.

-------"ruined" is a relative term-------depends on your perspective--------I don't think it is "ruined" either, but I do think that Sarah Palin IS hot!!!
(how did Sarah get involved in this anyway????) :lol:

Tin-boat fishermen are THE "reference of choice" and to listen to------just ask Gene Kira.

mtgoat666 - 8-10-2009 at 10:06 AM

Originally posted by Barry A.
but I do think that Sarah Palin IS hot!!!
(how did Sarah get involved in this anyway????) :lol:

why do you guys find nuts hot? do unbalanced irrational lunatics turn you on?

maspacifico - 8-10-2009 at 10:19 AM

I hope Sarah comes on Skeets fact finding trip! I like her glasses.

Skeet/Loreto - 8-10-2009 at 10:58 AM

I will lay you Odds that if she came on "My Trip' I would be in her Panties in 24 Hours.!!!!!
What a Babe!!

Oggie - 8-10-2009 at 11:40 AM

Sarah Palin is a quitter:spingrin::spingrin::spingrin:

Cypress - 8-10-2009 at 11:42 AM

baitcast , mulege marv, Skeet/Loreto and company, I haven't spent enough time fishing the Sea of Cortez? Tell that to flyfishingPam, Pescador and the Mexican long line fisherman.:lol: A grouper is a grouper. A snapper is a snapper. A dorado is a dorado. They're the same fish in the Atlantic as well as the Pacific. All the wise advice such as looking for birds, grass mats, tide lines, presentation? I learned that in kindergarden, at about the age of 5. Know you all mean well, but you're contributing to the problem, not the solution.

flyfishinPam - 8-10-2009 at 12:15 PM

Originally posted by djh
trying to have a civil or logical conversation or dialogue or disagreement or arguement with Skeet is....


you are correct I should have listened to you, over and out

baitcast - 8-10-2009 at 12:19 PM

:lol::lol: This is great lots of action in the fishing section........24 hrs:lol:........Tin boat fisherman rule just ask them:biggrin:

Two of my best trips have been in the last few years,BOLA and Playa Ligui "Carmen" 12" tin and porta bote always a 14" up to that time,never used a panga,like finding my own fish,many are unwilling or don,t know how and they are the ones who b-tch the loudest.

Ya its not as good as it once was but as DT said if you can,t catch a fish in the gulf better change sports.

vandenberg - 8-10-2009 at 12:21 PM

Originally posted by Skeet/Loreto
I will lay you Odds that if she came on "My Trip' I would be in her Panties in 24 Hours.!!!!!
What a Babe!!

Would that be a "Caveman " type trip with a club, you delusional old goat.:no::no::biggrin:

me too

mulege marv - 8-10-2009 at 12:31 PM

Originally posted by flyfishinPam
Originally posted by djh
trying to have a civil or logical conversation or dialogue or disagreement or arguement with Skeet is....


you are correct I should have listened to you, over and out

and i think there a couple of more you can add to the list :bounce: i think i will go back to lurker status

Cypress - 8-10-2009 at 12:38 PM

vandengerg, I'll give you a "High-5" on that post!!! Yea, there's something sorta wrong with Skeet/Loreto. His synapsis's are miss-firing.:(

Skeet/Loreto - 8-10-2009 at 01:06 PM

Oh! yu poor Babies====

It seems that the Fishing Forum has now been subject to al the Crazies who Always end up not answering questions but putting down Ole Skeet.
I am sure they get sick and cry everytime they see a picture of a Great Big Dorado/Yellowtail being displayed.

Looks as if it si time to shut this some what one sided discussion down.

Where next ?? I am still here alive and Kicking.


Don Alley - 8-10-2009 at 01:08 PM

OK....guess I'll weigh in...

One problem with trying to characterize the fishing in the SOC as "ruined" or "depleted" or "as good as ever" is that there is no single fishery. There are different fisheries for different seasons, locales, species and habitats.

Now, some of these combinations have held up well. One poster mentions the East Cape fishery. And Cabo's billfish fishery still makes magazine headlines. Why is that? First of all much of the success in those areas are from fish managed exclusively for sport-billfish and dorado. And because the yellowfin tuna in those regions are able to absorb most of the effort of the large commercial boats, they are not poaching to the extent that they are further north in the gulf, where the collapse of shrimp and other fisheries and the relative absence of tuna have left dorado vulnerable to commercial fishing under the noses of Conapesca.

Furthermore, in the East Cape region, politically powerful hotel/resort interests have restricted inshore gill netting by pangas. Restrictions on inshore gillnets have resulted in improved fisheries in many other places, so may be a reason there is better inshore results there as well.

Loreto?Mulege? Inshore, shallow water fishing is poor, IMO. But it is the kind of fishing that I favor the most, and I do get a few fish. But I do get skunked, and I've fished with local Mexican pros and seen them skunked too. But for the most part, we just have to scratch a little longer for a little less. Species that were once common staples of the SOC fishery are now a big event when they are caught.

But the dorado and billfish fishery has usually been good to great here in Loreto, in season. That's why people like Pam and her captains can sell trips. I can say that I saw some sailfish action here this year that was fabulous. But we have also seen a couple of summers this decade when the dorado fishing was poor. And maybe that's one way a decline may first manifest itself. One poor season. Then maybe two.

But what we've seen in the mid to upper gulf, beyond the regions of plentiful yellowfin tuna schools, is an enormous failure to manage any commercially caught species. Only those fish reserved for sport remain plentiful enough to provide an economically sustainable sport resource. Yellowtail? I think they are slipping, and I believe last year ArturoSport didn't have it's San Nicholas yellowtail camp. And we are beginning to hear complaints from farther north of here (Loreto) of declining dorado fishing.

Now that there is almost nothing left but reduction fisheries (baitfish, black skipjack, etc for fishmeal) for the large Guaymas fleet, Conapesca is not only turning a blind eye to poaching, but is actively seeking legalizing the commercialization of dorado and billfish. They have a fight on their hands and it will be interesting to see how it goes.

As for the inshore fishing, sport fishermen have failed to be a force to protect these habitats from severe overfishing. We have taken our share, and regardless of whether or not that share is larger, smaller, or more economically used than the commercial share, we have failed politically to protect these commons. So now new stakeholders have moved in, better organized and better funded. Fishermen, commercial and sport, may deride these environmental group stakeholders as alarmists, radicals, or whatever, but the fact of the matter is they have brought energies to the table that the sport fishermen never dreamed of, and they are bringing new ideas that often exclude sportfishing. Rejuvenated shallow water reefs, populated by renewed numbers of fish, larger fish, more species of fish, but no fishing allowed. Well, it's something, anyway, if they can pull it off. Maybe I'll help.

Don Alley - 8-10-2009 at 01:13 PM


I didn't see if Skeet answered, but his captain buddy is Alvaro Murillo, the boat is the Silvia IV, usually tied up near the parking lot. I'm sure you know him.

Joelt - 8-10-2009 at 01:14 PM

It sounds like one person is talking about fishing and the others are talking about catching. I can't remember a bad day of fishing but catching is a different story. I have only been fishing the soc for about 7 or 8 years and to tell you the truth I have been a little disappointed in the catching department. I have had great days for yellow tail and dorado and the occasional cabrilla or pargo, but overall it's not anything close to what I expected. But I still enjoy the fishing. The local Mexican fishermen must be outraged at what the commercial boats are doing to them. But what can they do? It seems that the commercial guys have the government guys in their pockets and can get away with whatever they want and the locals know this so they do nothing. Maybe if they could see this video, they will better understand the the problems and get together and figure out a way to protect their resource. The only way I see the soc continuing to be a sustainable resource in the long term is for the local people to get involved like what Pam is doing in Loreto. I applaud you for your efforts.

Cypress - 8-10-2009 at 01:16 PM

Don Alley, Appreciate your thoughts. Thanks.

Cypress - 8-10-2009 at 01:22 PM

Skeet/Loreto of "poor babies", "getting into Palin's panties", and other assorted odd stuff. Be careful, they might take your internet privledges away.:lol:

backninedan - 8-10-2009 at 01:31 PM

Originally posted by Skeet/Loreto
I will lay you Odds that if she came on "My Trip' I would be in her Panties in 24 Hours.!!!!!
What a Babe!!

Can you imagine the "mark of the beast" child that this alliance would produce???

Skeet/Loreto - 8-10-2009 at 01:55 PM

Thanks Don: That is the very best answer in this whole Discussion!!

I agree 100%, but would say concerning YellowFin that the 38 years I was there the average good Season was every 3 years. also they sometimes would only come as far as Catalana, but then the islands down south had a good Season ,loreto had none.

Don I think that part of the problem with understanding the Fishing is understanding the social things around it.

Many years ago, I think it was 1971 or 72 on one of my trips to San Nichilas, Enriques's wife had trouble sleeping as she was in a lot of pain with some very bad Teeth. They did not have the money to fix them.

So one day Erinque, Martin,his son, and I went fishing and came back a
little late:
27 Feet of YellowTail layed out side by side which sold for 171 Dollars, the most money Enrique had seen at one time.,
I made sure that the money was spend on New Teeth for his wife

I watched as Pappa Murillo slowly died of old age supported in his final days by the money from Fishing made by his sons.

I am beginning to see that there are a bunch of people who do not care about the Mexicano People, only their Future GrandChildren, How Sad

Thanks for an excellent Post


Cypress - 8-10-2009 at 02:13 PM

Joelt, Thanks. You said it well!!

Skeet/Loreto - 8-10-2009 at 02:26 PM


I wonder what would have happened if the people of Northern Calif. would have prevented the building of Ski Areas and Casino to "Save Tahoe for our Grandchildren""
Would be a beautifull place insead of a great big Car Lot parking Place.


Joelt - 8-10-2009 at 03:13 PM

Not to worry Skeet. There are plenty of groups trying to "Save the Lake". I agree with a lot of what you say but I have to believe that at the rate that the soc is being exploited that it won't last long. There has to be a happy medium somewhere. I feel that it won't happen until the people who depend on the resource are educated about how it got to where it is today and come up with ideas to make or keep it productive long term. Your friends who make a living from the sea are being put out of business.

Skeet/Loreto - 8-10-2009 at 03:27 PM

Joelt> Very well said!

There is no doubt that there contunies to be Cycles of good and many Fish and times when they are Scare,
I may be missing the fact that many of the new people in Baja are not aquinted with its past.

For your Info.
There was a time when two Japanese Ships were off of Carmen for one month, using a 5 Ft. Suction tube 24.7. They were suppose to be ftettin bottom fish only. They were caught going out of the Cortez, their catch of all kinds of fish was taken and given to the poor Folks,

It is very difficult for me to see these young people saying to the Mexican People ? Save the fish for MY Grandchildren.

It would be much better if they took their energeys to China and stop those folks from having more children.

I am awaiting 2011 to see if the cycle comes in as it did April 2008.

Time will tell.

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