
Aiding and Abetting

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DENNIS - 1-2-2010 at 12:58 PM

I think it's time for me to start doing some stand-up comedy here. I've never tried it on a computer before but, it's worth a try. :tumble::spingrin::tumble:

wessongroup - 1-2-2010 at 01:12 PM

Originally posted by Skeet/Loreto

Have you seen and heard what the Liberal Nuts" have done with their Fruity deal with the Delta Smelt??

That is why there is such a larger unemployment problem this year in the Central valley.

It is unbeleivable How Nutty the Liberal Envior Nuts can be with their Hollaring about Profit Margins then they do something like the Delta Smelt and wonder "Why did those Big Corp; raise the price of Food???

3rd grade Children know and act better--Sometimes!!

Gave up on trying to balance "environmental issues vs people issues" a long time ago.. People win over fish, pelican, whales and most other species.. I glad to see other express concern, along with their efforts to "make it all work"..

Guess I'm just getting too old for it anymore.. I was working on trying to get Bush, to change his call on the "dams" so we could get fresh run Salmon back.. But we need the power, so we can all have 60" TV, ipods, iphone, the list is endless.. And how about the Salmon fishers.. They are sucking hind tit on this and the numbers continue to go down..... And the price of Salmon.. What do you think...

I would love to see them in the Stanislaus and San Joaquin Rivers again, among others.. with a fresh run of Salmon.. But.. Others seem to know better it appears on what is the fate of some important aspects of maintaining a species of fish, which can provide food for one…

Used to go with the old man, up to Westport Washington in the early 50's for Salmon.. Don’t recall it was really too hard to get a lot of fish... now... well, good luck... know you can still get some, but the poor things are just going away.. No home anymore..

An off shoot of this but tied directly to it, was what we saw happen to the best AG land in the WORLD from the early 70’s to around 2006..

They moved the diaries as people did not like the “flies”, the moved to “feed lots” as people did not like the “smells and flies”, and they curtailed crops that where pesticide applications (may negatively impact the human species and/or others) where once the greatest fields of fruit, nuts, vegetables, wheat, rice and more was taken out of production so we could have MORE TRACT HOMES… and MORE MALLS and MORE AND MORE AND…

And oh that’s right the bubble just burst… and now we have vacant houses sitting on perfectly good agricultural land, producing absolutely nothing…

And these are my facts and I’m sticking to them ….. Right now 28% of our GDP is from AG… that is call “production” in my book.. It’s not derivates, bridge loans, equity pools, and “quantitative easing” … I think you may get my drift…

toneart - 1-2-2010 at 01:16 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
I think it's time for me to start doing some stand-up comedy here. I've never tried it on a computer before but, it's worth a try. :tumble::spingrin::tumble:

Uhhhhh....ahem...Dennis! You are funny without trying to be! :P:lol: But I do look forward to your cyber-comic debut.

There were three clerics walking down the road; a Methodist Minister, A Catholic Priest and a Rabbi. They came upon a scantily clad, beautiful blond running towards them with ....Oh, never mind...:tumble: I am no good at this. I did meet that woman in real life however and I immediately came to her aid. :saint:

toneart - 1-2-2010 at 01:20 PM

Originally posted by Eugenio
Originally posted by toneart
Originally posted by Eugenio

Originally posted by toneart

Yes, civil dialog is good and you do maintain that civility, Sir! I appreciate that.:light:

Yeah - well F U too big boy - in fact ucantakeyerfrigintubaandstickitupyerfriggin...oh wait...did you mean that as a compliment?


Likewise sir and have a good New Year man.

I am not clear as to your intention in this post. Is it meant to be funny?
My statement was definitely sincere and meant to be complimentary. There is enough rancor by malcontents on this board. For me, open dialog without the crap is important. Many people here will disagree with my views but most show the courtesy to counter civilly. Some don't. I am just trying to determine in which category you belong.:?:

Edited to give you an out: Sometimes humor does not come across well in writing. It lacks the aural inflection and the visual validation of the smile or the warmth from within that is shown when looking into one's eyes. You seem to possess writing skills that are adequate enough to know this. This is why I am questioning your intent.

[Edited on 1-2-2010 by toneart]

Yeah - it was meant to be funny - sorry for the confusion - sometimes I get overly whacky - I think it's in my genes - cheers man - and thanks for the compliment.

's OK, man. Thy answer doth please. We're all whack here and the Nomad 12 step program has been a dismal, but confirming failure. :lol::lol::lol:

DENNIS - 1-2-2010 at 01:22 PM

Originally posted by toneart
....Oh, never mind...:tumble:

I'll just have to visualize the....uh......the..."punch line." :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Ohhh Gawwwdammmallllmityyyy..I just crack myself up.
Jeeeeezo...I did it again. "Crack"...."Punch".... this is really good stuff. I have to write it down.

Skeet/Loreto - 1-2-2010 at 02:11 PM

Himar Cheese Co. formerly of Hilmar Calif. moved to Dalhart Texas!
Amarillo TX has the best unemployment rate in the Country 5.5 %.

Now the Daries are moving to the Panhandle.
Hilmar is trucking Milk from Calif. to Texas to keep up with the demand for Cheese.

The Mesxcano workers are coming to Texas{Fastest growing State} and finding good work.

And meantime i still have 10 Acres of good Central Valley Land for Sale./ and a large Commercial Building for Lease/Sale in Downtown Los Banos.

wessongroup - 1-2-2010 at 02:23 PM

Skeets, Texas was forecasted to have more jobs than any other State, and it's happening.. for a lot of reasons.

And I'm glad to see the folks there in Texas doing well.. everyone likes to have a job.. I hope!!!

Sorry about your land and/or structures in California, it's going to be a while before things pickup out there...I had to sell my place in in 1992 and market shot at that time... and lost my butt.. but, so it goes.. others have to deal with it, so did I..

I'm still eating good, the roof don't leak, and beer in the refrigerator, some really nice neighbors and the Family that owns the land here likes us (think it's the wife) just fine.... here in Baja, Doctor has told me to eat more... and my BP was the lowest in 10 years... what a life... :):)

The next thing I'm going to try is that Tequilla that was suggested by Jesse, and iflyfish

Partida reposado

Casa 7 Leguas

Will have to find a bar that carries it, I know I can't drink two bottles... well, at least I don't think so...

Happy New Year to all.. and it's all good, enjoy a nice day outside if you can... I'm stuck in a bed ... and I don't like it...:):):)

will just toss in, that I met an old dairy man, on Christmas day, that knew where me and my family lived growing up, and also new a couple of the dairy men that I had grown up around.. This persons family moved their operations to TX, just 4 years ago.. no stinking permits, the people like cows and even files are not thought to be evil... just part of the environment... if it weren't for those Tornadoes.. we had thought about TX.. but, the weather... man.. my sis in AR writes me that she inside her bath tub with the "rotation" gets... well I'm sure you know what all that means.. not sure I want to find out..:):)

[Edited on 1-2-2010 by wessongroup]

[Edited on 1-2-2010 by wessongroup]

Skeet/Loreto - 1-2-2010 at 09:00 PM


But just look at Canadians and Canada!!

I would not live in that Country in a Minute. I will take mexico anytime over Canada. Just go up there an listen to the Canadians for 1/2 Hour. that should be enough time to realize that the People are controlled by their Govt.!! Completely!!

toneart - 1-2-2010 at 09:20 PM

Originally posted by Skeet/Loreto

But just look at Canadians and Canada!!

I would not live in that Country in a Minute. I will take mexico anytime over Canada. Just go up there an listen to the Canadians for 1/2 Hour. that should be enough time to realize that the People are controlled by their Govt.!! Completely!!

Government mind control, huh:?: I knew there was something strange about Canadians. :spingrin::lol::lol: They just slip it into your treatment while you are there for a Socialist checkup. Did you know they also slip in salt peter to control their population growth? :o:wow:

Bajahowodd - 1-3-2010 at 03:10 PM

However fine Skeet thinks things are in Tejas, at the end of the day, it's still Tejas!:lol:

Skeet/Loreto - 1-3-2010 at 03:49 PM

The Greatest State in the Union!!
The only State that was a Republic!!
And Boys we can still Carry our Weapoins and shoot you if you come in our Home to Rob us.!

Beef Captial of The World. Feeds a lot of People!
Good looking Blonde Cow Girls.

Hansome Cowboys
Beautifull Weather

BBQue Brisket
And good Ole Country Music at :Bad Bobs:or Gilleys!

What more could anybody want.


Packoderm - 1-3-2010 at 05:01 PM

Now this is just for fun, so don't take it personally Skeeters.

The Greatest State in the Union!!

The only State that was a Republic!!
(California was a republic for 28 days.)

And Boys we can still Carry our Weapoins and shoot you if you come in our Home to Rob us.!

Beef Capital of The World. Feeds a lot of People!
(We might be better off if Texas switched away from beef.)

Good looking Blonde Cow Girls.

Handsome Cowboys

Beautiful weather

(Which state has the worst weather in the summer? )

BBQue Brisket

And good Ole Country Music at :Bad Bobs:or Gilleys!

What more could anybody want?


Packodung Posting

MrBillM - 1-3-2010 at 05:35 PM

Packo's representation of the Average Texan could be easily upstaged by a display of the Average resident of San Fagcisco and, to a lesser extent, any other California Metro area.

As an OLD Third-Generation native Californian, I find it really sad what's happened to the Golden State.

Packoderm - 1-3-2010 at 05:48 PM

I like California just fine except for there being too many people. Our population would be static if it wasn't for you know what.

mtgoat666 - 1-3-2010 at 09:37 PM

Originally posted by MitchMan
[Mexican's] been around as long as we have and they have observed us for all the time that we have been here, so they have a great example to follow, but they have chosen, as a people, not to improve their lot.... If they collectively don't have the self respect, work ethic, the desire for standards, self discipline, the insight or the intellectuality to accomplish these things as a country or as a people collectively when they have had the opportunity of time (same amount of time over the past 400 years as we have had), then the people have to get off their collective burros and do something about it themselves for themselves. It appears to me that the people of Mexico, collectively, have had neither the collective will nor the self discipline to do it. That's not our responsibility, it's theirs.
[Edited on 12-31-2009 by MitchMan]

you bigoted cracker! sadly i am not surprised that nomads are letting your comment slip by without rebuke.

wessongroup - 1-3-2010 at 11:19 PM

Originally posted by mtgoat666
Originally posted by MitchMan
[Mexican's] been around as long as we have and they have observed us for all the time that we have been here, so they have a great example to follow, but they have chosen, as a people, not to improve their lot.... If they collectively don't have the self respect, work ethic, the desire for standards, self discipline, the insight or the intellectuality to accomplish these things as a country or as a people collectively when they have had the opportunity of time (same amount of time over the past 400 years as we have had), then the people have to get off their collective burros and do something about it themselves for themselves. It appears to me that the people of Mexico, collectively, have had neither the collective will nor the self discipline to do it. That's not our responsibility, it's theirs.
[Edited on 12-31-2009 by MitchMan]

you bigoted cracker! sadly i am not surprised that nomads are letting your comment slip by without rebuke.

Ditto's, don't know how I missed this one.. many of the Native Americans have experienced the opportunity afforded them first hand for the past, as you say 400 years.. and they have been lied to, their food killed off, bounties placed on their heads, and their "land" the good "land" was taken from them. Their cultures destroyed along with their religions ...... but, wait... this post was just a joke as no one would seriously believe this ... let's see, before the Spanish landed, it was called.. Oh, that's right Mexico ... please.. these natives have been treated as all the others... It's ours land now, you go live some place else and start acting European .... and if you don't then you are worthless as a race..

Really good to see a good "Christian" getting it off their chest, about their fellow man... you probably had relatives at Wounded Kee pulling triggers... as those folks failed to have: "they collectively don't have the self respect, work ethic, the desire for standards, self discipline, the insight or the intellectuality to accomplish these things"
using your standards..

Happy New Year... :lol::lol:

We WON. They LOST. No Apologies Needed.

MrBillM - 1-4-2010 at 10:41 AM

AND, you'll never hear any from me.

It's all worked out for the best, anyway. The Aborigines wouldn't have done anything worthwhile with the land and now, thanks to our societal collective guilt, they're turning into Casino Magnates serving up mediocre food and yesterday's talent to attract suckers thinking they're going to get lucky.

People have a RIGHT to that land which they can HOLD on to. They should have done a better job developing Technology.

arrowhead - 1-4-2010 at 10:55 AM

Originally posted by audiobaja
There are a lot that fall victim to the native genetic predisposition towards alcoholism.

Unbelieveable! I just got done reading on another thread that somebody here was complaining because that amped-out old surfer woman called Nomads racist, white supremacists. And you come out with a statement like that?

Do you happen to have any scientific studies to point to that show a genetic disposition to alcoholism? You don't think it could be environmental, Herr Goebbels?

DENNIS - 1-4-2010 at 11:06 AM

Originally posted by MrBillM
People have a RIGHT to that land which they can HOLD on to.

Jeeeezo, Bill....Did you attend Ejido University by any chance?

DENNIS - 1-4-2010 at 11:12 AM

Originally posted by arrowhead

Do you happen to have any scientific studies to point to that show a genetic disposition to alcoholism? You don't think it could be environmental, Herr Goebbels?

Yeah....How about them there house painters. Nothing genetic going on there. :no:

Genes ?

MrBillM - 1-4-2010 at 11:45 AM

Although I haven't paid any attention in the past because I simply could care less, I do remember medical discussions in which it was noted or alleged that the Aborigine genetic makeup was predisposed to difficulties with Alcohol intake.

If so, this would be true of those Mexicanos who contain those same Aborigine genes, wouldn't it ?


Bajahowodd - 1-4-2010 at 01:59 PM

I'm no anthropologist. What I do know is that alcoholism in Mexico has been a problem that generated a number of government programs. That even includes lowering the alcohol content in domestic liquor and beer. I do surmise that a certain amount of the problem was/ is situational in that it's probably ok to drink if you have money and a good job. It's the poor folks that shouldn't drink.

DENNIS - 1-4-2010 at 02:01 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
That even includes lowering the alcohol content in domestic liquor and beer.

They only did that so you would buy more.

The Dirty Little Secret of Lite Beer

Bajahowodd - 1-4-2010 at 02:38 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by Bajahowodd
That even includes lowering the alcohol content in domestic liquor and beer.

They only did that so you would buy more.

Bajahowodd - 1-4-2010 at 03:44 PM

I'll agree that one may well find an unusually high incidence of alcoholism among the indigenous people of both countries. And for all i know, there ares studies that have been done about it. But I would also suggest that there are situational factors involved as well, such as sitting around poorly educated with little wealth while watching the world fly by.

arrowhead - 1-4-2010 at 04:45 PM

Originally posted by audiobaja
There is a connection between how people metabolize sugars and they've found that a genetic predisposition towards obesity & diabetes (which killed my father in law) and a tendency towards alcoholism.

I would tell you where the breakdown in logic is in your statement, but somehow I do not think you would understand. Yes, there is a connection between obesity and diabetes. Not a connection between sugar and diabetes. Alcohol is not a sugar. Russia has a much higher rate of alcoholism than native Americans. Russians are mainly caucasians. SInce Russians belong to the samge gene pool as other Europeans, the cause of their alcoholism must be something other than genetics.

Have you ever considered that your wife has the same feelings about the indians and alcohol because she is an upper class Mexican? That would tend to show that alcoholism is an environmental issue.=, and that upper class Mexicans are very racist.

toneart - 1-4-2010 at 05:00 PM

Here is another Caucasian group with a "predisposition" towards alcoholism...and you won't catch them "lazing around idly" either:

Did you ever wonder why the Irish drink? Answer: So they will have something to do while getting drunk. :rolleyes:

Jeez, racial prejudice is fun! I never realized that. :no:

wessongroup - 1-7-2010 at 10:18 AM

Originally posted by MrBillM
AND, you'll never hear any from me.

It's all worked out for the best, anyway. The Aborigines wouldn't have done anything worthwhile with the land and now, thanks to our societal collective guilt, they're turning into Casino Magnates serving up mediocre food and yesterday's talent to attract suckers thinking they're going to get lucky.

People have a RIGHT to that land which they can HOLD on to. They should have done a better job developing Technology.

Well, then based on your position, Hitler was right, as he had better technology at the time... therefore, it was ok for his aggression to take away land that was not his.. plus the other folks living there on the land, heck they weren't using it to it full potential.. right?

How about, it the Islamic folks were able to develop a weapon which could wipe out all resistance? Are you OK with that...

And our stewardship of the "LAND" that we "took" from the native peoples is just "Cracker Jack" now isn't it...

We have had rivers catch fire, as they were so polluted, our ground water is contaminated, we have leaching of heavy metals and radioactive materials moving from old mining operations up and down the Rocky Mt., you can pay money in Butte MT to look at one of the worlds largest toxic pits, now is that the American way... we now grow genetically altered foods and animals.. and it was just released by the CDC, that with in the past four years, autism has increased in children by 57%

The list goes on with regard to the negative impact that has been achieved by the industrial world "technology"... "They should have done a better job developing Technology"

Do you mean the "technology" in our industrial society, which is operating on "funny money" that is being printed up in the name of "Quantitative Easing" which is another way of saying "We are broke" but our money is still good... now that is real "technology" at work...

Good luck and hope you have in your life time the experience of having a "superior" race of folks come by and just take EVERYTHING .... and then YOU have to deal with their: Courts, Justice System and the requirement that you can no longer be a "__________" you fill in the blank, I'm not sure what you are....

I would expect that you too would be drinking a gallon of Thunderbird a day... sitting against a building or just sitting in the dirt, with little hope.. as everything you knew and owned has just been taken away... FOREVER

Happy New Year :):):)

Another Dumbass Liberal

MrBillM - 1-8-2010 at 01:06 PM

Who travels from point A to B via X.

"Well, then based on your position, Hitler was right, as he had better technology at the time..."

If that's an example of Logic, you qualify for the Intellectual Special Olymipics.

The essential reality is that State Aggression has existed from the beginning and will ALWAYS exist. A people have the RIGHT to whatever they can DEFEND. I know that the Liberal's Live in some Fantasy land where all should be Milk, Honey and everlasting love between peoples, but that land of wonder only exists between their ears. If you have something somebody wants, somebody will try to take it. Hitler's Aggression was countered by our DEFENSE. AND, we Won.

Security comes from Strength. Nowhere else.

Who's "We"?

Bajahowodd - 1-8-2010 at 03:16 PM

Originally posted by MrBillM
Who travels from point A to B via X.

"Well, then based on your position, Hitler was right, as he had better technology at the time..."

If that's an example of Logic, you qualify for the Intellectual Special Olymipics.

The essential reality is that State Aggression has existed from the beginning and will ALWAYS exist. A people have the RIGHT to whatever they can DEFEND. I know that the Liberal's Live in some Fantasy land where all should be Milk, Honey and everlasting love between peoples, but that land of wonder only exists between their ears. If you have something somebody wants, somebody will try to take it. Hitler's Aggression was countered by our DEFENSE. AND, we Won.

Security comes from Strength. Nowhere else.

Last time I read history, the US was attacked by Japan; not Hitler. So, if went went to Europe to save Europeans, how is that defense? But seriously, that was probably the last righteous war this country engaged in.

mtgoat666 - 1-8-2010 at 03:21 PM

Originally posted by MrBillM
Another Dumbass Liberal
Who travels from point A to B via X.

some of us think the journey is more important than the destination

wessongroup - 1-8-2010 at 03:45 PM

Originally posted by MrBillM
Who travels from point A to B via X.

"Well, then based on your position, Hitler was right, as he had better technology at the time..."

If that's an example of Logic, you qualify for the Intellectual Special Olympics.

The essential reality is that State Aggression has existed from the beginning and will ALWAYS exist. A people have the RIGHT to whatever they can DEFEND. I know that the Liberal's Live in some Fantasy land where all should be Milk, Honey and everlasting love between peoples, but that land of wonder only exists between their ears. If you have something somebody wants, somebody will try to take it. Hitler's Aggression was countered by our DEFENSE. AND, we Won.

Security comes from Strength. Nowhere else.

Logic :lol::lol::lol: from Might makes Right to logic.. what's next.. darts

As for "Intellectual Special Olympics" was tying to allow you to respond, did not want to make the subject matter to difficult for you

Are we supposed to see the "logic" in your posts, as they follow the same rule that you apply to all things.. If I can take it from you, then I'm better than you... now that's some logic?

Your basic premiss is flawed, your working from a Darwinians position, of survival of the fittest.. which is not the world we operate in, at least the "civilized world" as we know it at this time...

Your position would have served you better in around the 1800's when all were taking as much of the world for their own as possible, which you think is just fine.. again because the others weren't using it the way you think it should be used.. and I believe I covered that point in my post too..

Your position is Hitlers position.. you have stated it again and again... I have read the same theme in your post before.

And I will state that I'm not a liberal nor conservative, I have no particular affiliation any longer with any "political party" as they are all bankrupt also..

I'm not presenting a new thought and people a lot smarter than I have put it out before.. Albert Einstein "It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity", somehow I think this fits you like a glove.

It's just that your position is lacks any morality, which is a position that most thinking people do not subscribe to, nor would want to subscribe to.

The point that I have attempted make is that your position is limited to only one facet... FORCE to achieve ones goal.. and that it is acceptable and anyone that falls to this FORCE is really deserving of their loss of: life, property and happiness, again that infallible logic of yours..

We won the second world war, due to many factors, not just that we had DEFENSE, as we did not.. even though people like Billy Mitchell and many others recommend it..

It's one thing to defend ones self, this was not your original point and/or statement: "The Aborigines wouldn't have done anything worthwhile with the land" and "People have a RIGHT to that land which they can HOLD on to. They should have done a better job developing Technology."

You are now attempting to take a totally different position, to support your earlier Hitler position; that being aggression and the taking away possessions from others, due to greater technology and based on a "philosophical and/or religious" thinking was acceptable as the ones losing were inferior due to their "culture/race" and their lack of proper use of LAND

That is your position, not mine, try and stick with it...


Bajahowodd - 1-8-2010 at 04:36 PM

Ike may just be spinning in his grave.

Actually Odd One ..........

MrBillM - 1-8-2010 at 05:12 PM

We went to War against Germany Because:

THEY Declared War on us.

We would have, anyway, of course.

wessongroup - 1-8-2010 at 05:28 PM

Originally posted by MrBillM
We went to War against Germany Because:

THEY Declared War on us.

We would have, anyway, of course.

Actually the WWII was not the subject of my post, but your original post which included the following and I quote..

"It's all worked out for the best, anyway. The Aborigines wouldn't have done anything worthwhile with the land and now, thanks to our societal collective guilt, they're turning into Casino Magnates serving up mediocre food and yesterday's talent to attract suckers thinking they're going to get lucky.

People have a RIGHT to that land which they can HOLD on to. They should have done a better job developing Technology."

Stick to the subject... are you changing your position on the above??

If you want to go into the factors which contributed to the "Great Game", WWI, and WWII.. go for it.. I'm breathless in anticipation of the wisdom you can impart


Had Germany won the war...

Dave - 1-8-2010 at 05:47 PM

Originally posted by wessongroup
Well, then based on your position, Hitler was right, as he had better technology at the time... therefore, it was ok for his aggression to take away land that was not his.. plus the other folks living there on the land, heck they weren't using it to it full potential.. right?

Hitler would've been right. History ain't written by losers.


MrBillM - 1-8-2010 at 05:54 PM

I'll stick to whatever subject I decide to and, at some point, I'll get back to the whole World Conquest thing as I feel motivated.

MY last response was directed at what the Odd One had written:

"Last time I read history, the US was attacked by Japan; not Hitler. So, if went went to Europe to save Europeans, how is that defense? But seriously, that was probably the last righteous war this country engaged in."

No rush

wessongroup - 1-8-2010 at 09:46 PM

Originally posted by MrBillM
I'll stick to whatever subject I decide to and, at some point, I'll get back to the whole World Conquest thing as I feel motivated.

MY last response was directed at what the Odd One had written:

"Last time I read history, the US was attacked by Japan; not Hitler. So, if went went to Europe to save Europeans, how is that defense? But seriously, that was probably the last righteous war this country engaged in."

Take your time, as I want you to respond to your original post;

"It's all worked out for the best, anyway. The Aborigines wouldn't have done anything worthwhile with the land and now, thanks to our societal collective guilt, they're turning into Casino Magnates serving up mediocre food and yesterday's talent to attract suckers thinking they're going to get lucky.

People have a RIGHT to that land which they can HOLD on to. They should have done a better job developing Technology."

and it's implications in full.

I will say that we have agreement on one issue, it was the last "war" we fought.. the rest have been "police actions" where our folks are at a complete disadvantage. as they are not "fighting" a war the way a war should be fought, they are used to draw fire... enemy supply lines are not cut, support by others for our enemies, if one must fight, then fight, but fight to win... you go for the take down.. Mac Arthur was right, as was Berry Goldwater.. any ideas what the world would look like now if he had won in 64..

No Need

MrBillM - 1-10-2010 at 10:59 AM

For ME to respond to MY Original post. I've made my position clear. There is an abounding arrogance among the members of the Leftist Legions if YOU or anyone of them feel that I have some obligation to respond to whatever YOU decide. I have no responsibility to YOU other than to spit on your grave and raise a toast.

While we can pick nits over aggression and defense in the Modern-World, there are vast differences between those and expansion of influence during the "developing world" period and NO American need apologize for the actions of Americans during that period.


[Edited on 1-10-2010 by MrBillM]

k-rico - 1-10-2010 at 12:16 PM

Originally posted by MrBillM
There is an abounding arrogance among the members of the............

Certainly you don't view arrogance as a negative, do you? :lol:

Bajahowodd - 1-10-2010 at 01:35 PM

Originally posted by MrBillM
We went to War against Germany Because:

THEY Declared War on us.

We would have, anyway, of course.

Actually, Mr. Bile, my statement was correct. Japan attacked us. Hitler may have decided to bluff us by a war declaration. But, short of a few groups of N-zi spies in the US, Germany did not attack the US first.

Liberal DF

MrBillM - 1-10-2010 at 02:32 PM

You have to give credit to Lefties for being Tenacious, if not Intelligent.

No matter how many times they are caught in false statements, they'll go through some ODD Mental Gymnastics to prove that, if when wrong, they're right.

At least Pat Buchanan (not a Liberal, of course) when caught making the same false statement, owned up to being wrong.

AND, it's unlikely that HowOdd is even correct within his narrow rationalization since the "Likely" first attack AFTER a mutual declaration of war was by one or more German Undersea Naval Vessels on U.S. Flagged ships.

But, being a worm and a weasel, HowOdd will work through that one, too.


Bajahowodd - 1-10-2010 at 02:47 PM

And I note that the charm lessons are making progress.

Happy Days for Germans

MrBillM - 1-10-2010 at 03:03 PM

The German command characterized the period during which they conducted Undersea Warfare against Allied shipping off the East coast of the U.S. in 1940-1941 as the "Happy Time". They named the period beginning in January 1942 in the same area the "Second Happy Time".

"Immediately after war was declared with the United States, Dönitz began to implement Operation Paukenschlag ("drumbeat"), requesting that 12 Type IX U-boats be made available for it. The Naval Staff in Berlin, however, insisted on retaining six of the precious Type IX boats for the Mediterranean theatre (where they could achieve little) and one of the remaining six encountered mechanical troubles. This left just five long-range submarines for the opening moves of the campaign".

U-125 (Folkers) was the first to sail on 18 Dec, 1941, followed by U-123 (Hardegen) on the 23rd and U-66 (Zapp) on the 24th, finally the last two of the Paukenschlag boats, U-130 (Kals) and U-109 (Bleichrodt) sailed together on the 27th. It would take then just over 2 weeks to reach US waters. They were under strict orders not to attack anything on the outbound cruise unless a especially attractive target was located (this meant a big warship like a cruiser, carrier or a battleship, but like Dönitz said "We never let a 10,000 tonner pass us by")."

"All the boats were to be in position on Jan 13 and begin their attacks at the same time on that date. However, U-123 sank the first ship, the SS Cyclops on the 11th and Kals in U-130 sank two ships the next two days and after that they fell more than one a day as far south as the Cape Hatteras.

The Drumbeat boats ended operations of the coast of America on Feb 6 and headed home. They sank 25 ships for a total of 156,939 tons. Hardegen (U-123) sank 9 ships for a total of 53,173 tons.

wessongroup - 1-10-2010 at 04:08 PM

Me, I'm to the right of Skeletor...

[Edited on 1-10-2010 by wessongroup]

CaboRon - 1-11-2010 at 03:21 AM

Originally posted by wessongroup
Me, I'm to the right of Skeletor...

[Edited on 1-10-2010 by wessongroup]

Didn't think there was any room to squeeze in to the right of Skeeter...

wessongroup - 1-11-2010 at 06:45 AM

Originally posted by CaboRon
Originally posted by wessongroup
Me, I'm to the right of Skeletor...

[Edited on 1-10-2010 by wessongroup]

Didn't think there was any room to squeeze in to the right of Skeeter...


wessongroup - 2-21-2010 at 01:40 PM

Originally posted by Skeet/Loreto
The Greatest State in the Union!!
The only State that was a Republic!!
And Boys we can still Carry our Weapoins and shoot you if you come in our Home to Rob us.!

Beef Captial of The World. Feeds a lot of People!
Good looking Blonde Cow Girls.

Hansome Cowboys
Beautifull Weather

BBQue Brisket
And good Ole Country Music at :Bad Bobs:or Gilleys!

What more could anybody want.



hello, anyone home?

[Edited on 2-21-2010 by wessongroup]

arrowhead - 2-21-2010 at 01:46 PM

California was a republic for a few months.
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