
UPDATE -***FULL CIRCLE - CHIEF RESIDENT OPERATES ON UNCLE ALEX - The Little Girl Who Woluld Become a Brain Surgeon (Chapter 4...

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EngineerMike - 7-30-2010 at 07:15 PM

Here is what I know (or think I do) based on a very short meeting w/Emy when I was in Mulege last week on our annual uniform buying trip for scholarship students in Mulege.
Med school has 3 categories of cost for the purposes of this discussion.
1) Inscripcion- call it $10k/semester (all in pesos)
2) Mensualidad- tad under $40k/semester (can be paid monthly, hence the name)
3) living expenses, travel, internet & phone, clothing, rent, food, med uniforms, med materials, blah, blah, blah.

#1 & 2 are biggies, and are paid to the school, eating up about $4,000US per semester. We raised her first semester's "tuition" costs here by Nomads. This cost level is based on Emy not receiving a scholarship for these costs. According to her, 10,000 applicants take the test, 300 seats to fill. Of the 300, some get scholarship. She hoped to be one, but alas, it didn't happen.

After her first term or first year, not fully clear on the timeframe she envisions, she can apply to have her "contract" altered to pay what the public scholarship students pay. Likewise, I'm not sure what the real odds of achieving this savings are ITRW. The basic formula may make sense based on drop-out attrition opening up scholarship spots or something like that. I have an email to Emy about details for this. I'm sure she is up to her eyeballs in details of locating housing, etc. and won't get back to me for a while. We have some time to figure out the next steps, thanks to all who contributed.

And, THANKS!! to all who contributed. :spingrin:

BajaBlanca - 7-30-2010 at 08:06 PM

Engineer Mike - I am confused as to why Emy cannot apply for the Mulege scholarship that you are connected with ??? Maybe it is only for highschoolers ???

Did I understand correctly that we have paid her mensualidades and inscripcion for the whole first semester ??? So, she still needs money for rent and food etc? Is her family able to handle all that part ???

AkMaxx - do you know the answers to the above ?

U2U for you BBlanca. Cheers.

akmaxx - 8-1-2010 at 09:37 PM

Thanks KP for the ongoing support....Emilia is in Guadalajara and ready to start school

akmaxx - 8-2-2010 at 04:29 PM


A note from La Doctora

akmaxx - 8-3-2010 at 01:21 PM

The following is an excerpt from an email Emilia sent me. Sounds like med school in Mexico is a little more intense than being a freshman in the states:

"I went to the university, I am a student now, I will be going monday to friday from 7a.m. to 5p.m. and saturday from 7a.m. to 1p.m.,
so Ill have a looot to do and study...
The clases are verry interesting tho, so its all good..."

Thanks for the 1000th time everybody who helped Emilia get from Mulege to medical school. It wouldn't have happened this quick without you.


EngineerMike - 8-17-2010 at 09:41 AM

Thanks for the question. Emilia has been accepted for our scholarship, and we have pledges for the money from solid donantes (donors; when I say "solid" what I mean is a sponsor who is making a commitment in the same way as a parent, i.e. "I will make this happen for as long as she will make it happen" vs one-time or occasional donations). We are not a rich Program and we appreciate all donations, especially those that come w/commitment to go a distance. We have some of the money in hand, & I expect to see the rest for this year within 30 days. This will provide for $600/semester for the term of her major (5 years in this case), the same as for other Muleginos on our Program.

Our scholarship is not enough to send a kid thru college, unless the kid qualifies for other scholarships; e.g. room/board at the state's Casa de Estudiantes in La Paz & enrollment in a public college there gets a student close enough that cost is no longer an excuse not to complete a college degree, even w/practically nil from one's parents. Obviously w/the stratospheric cost of med-school, Emilia's trajectory is very different. For example, while other students may work some while in college, med students (see Emy's 1st semester schedule) would have to cancel sleep to get any paying work in and still do their primary job- study. So its a great thing that the Nomads have chipped in to make the inscripcion/mensualidad possible for Emy's first semester. We will have to do that again near Christmas for sure, and perhaps each semester, and I have my contributions ready.

Our Program has ~80 kids on scholarship this year, 50 in local schools receiving uniforms & school related clothes/shoes, and inscripcion (middle & high- i.e. Secundaria & CECYT), and 30 in colleges around Mexico (mostly in La Paz & at the Tecnologico in Santa Rosalia). My wife & I pay the costs of operating the Program, all our Scholarship related travel, and we donate for scholarships (i.e. the cooks eat here). Our kindly sponsors provide the rest of the scholarship money. And hopefully us Nomads will provide the rest of the rest of the money to help Emy make ends meet. "I'm all in," as they say.

Donjulio - 8-17-2010 at 09:48 AM

Phenomenal work Mike.

Thank you JH. We will probably be continuing the fundraising in the future

akmaxx - 8-17-2010 at 12:21 PM

It really depends on whether or not Emilia can secure work/study/scholarships.

I had no idea that the University of Guadalajara was such a prestigious medical school, until I looked them up online, and Emilia is lucky to be attending. There will be fierce competition for scholarships, but I would back Emilia in any fight.

If and when the need arises for more funding to keep her dreams afloat, I will be sure to make an appeal to you on Emilia's behalf.

Dreaming of the first thing I will do when I return home to Baja,


jureal - 8-17-2010 at 02:55 PM

The Univ. of Gde is indeed a prestigious school. I have had several clients send their children there from the States to study at the Medical School because it is so difficult to make the cut in the US medical schools.

BajaBlanca - 8-18-2010 at 08:22 PM

wow !!! we put her in the Univ de Guad !!!!!

Engineer Mike - this will be my project #5612345678 but I wd like to participate more in the scholarship program ... trying to get either ongoing or one time donors for the scholarships ... Do you have anything in writing that you send to possible donors ???

The bike and surf club members here in La Bocana wants to help out so we will hold a carwash or bake sale or second hand stuff sale and donate that money towards Emy.

Again - akmaxx - great job in rallying everyone together and making it happen. I roomed with a med student at UCSD - never saw him except to eat. For a whole year. But the guy aced all his tests. My roomies loved me: I worked in pizza restaurant and brought back pizza 6 nights a week. Oh to be in college and poor :)))))))))))))))))))

Posada-BushPilot - 8-19-2010 at 07:47 AM

Great News Michael

Glad to hear that Emy has been accepted into your program. Great addition to your "portfolio" of students. As I've made the rounds to several Rotary clubs up here in the US I've brought up Emy's case and have yet to get anything other than a positive response. So I envision a role for the Mulege Rotary if it is needed. I would, of course, need to pitch it to the membership and call for a vote, but with Emy's cousin being a Rotarian, I think the two of us can present a compelling case.
So, lets the three of us meet in Oct., as previously planned, and we'll figure out what the number should be.

Great job.

La Doctora in School....Check out all the skulls

akmaxx - 9-30-2010 at 11:39 PM

Hope this pictures works. Emilia with all her colleagues and skulls. She looks very happy.

La Doctora in school.jpg - 2kB

BajaGringo - 10-1-2010 at 10:30 AM

Thanks for sharing and all the work you personally provided. I am sure I speak for all that we are very glad to be able to help Emilia.

Planting seeds for Mexico's future...

Sharrone - 10-1-2010 at 08:11 PM

Thanks for the picture!

BajaBlanca - 10-1-2010 at 09:15 PM

great to see a picture of our future doctor !! Because of this, I was inspired to start a college scholarship fund for the LA BOCANA surf and bike club members ... we have one going off to college when he finishes cecyte (high school) !! Seeing that Mike made it happen gave me the inspiration to make it happen for the club kids ...

Mulege Scholarship Program

EngineerMike - 10-10-2010 at 11:30 PM

Blanca- Thanks for the compliment, but we (EngineerAnnie & I) didn't start the Program in Mulege. That honor and distinction goes to Judy Tussy of Rio Vista, CA. Judy started teaching English in the primary at Loma Azul. At some point, she noticed that two of her best students wouldn't be attending 7th grade as the familia couldn't afford uniforms. Along w/a friend, she started the Scholarship Program that year w/3 kids (1987). I didn't come along till the late '90's as a sponsor. Then when the Tussy's needed some help my wife & I hopped on board to help w/administration.

Judy & her husband Hank should be in Mulege by now, in the Oasis Rio Baja park on the south side of the river just past the big bridge, next development east of the Orchard. If anybody wants to stop by and say hola, feel free- house #M-3 right by the park Office. I received the sad news the Tussy's will list their house for sale at the end of this trip after many decades, oodles of fishing, fish fries, Pig Roasts at the Serenidad, etc. They will continue to visit from time to time, but w/their long and many contributions to the well being of one of Baja's remote & impecunious towns, this feels like the passing of an era. This thread is a great place to say thanks a million to a pair of originals (did I mention Hank did 5 landings at Normandie on D-Day driving landing crafts w/loads of G.I.'s?) for all they've done to further education for those who couldn't afford it otherwise. They have been a blessing to the 55 college graduates from our Program so far, and the families those kids support, and 100 more that might not have finished high school.

Letter from El Medico:

EngineerMike - 10-10-2010 at 11:39 PM

This in from Emilia tonight, which I'm sure goes out to all her supporters-

How are you? I hope everything is going well lately.

This month I have so much to tell you about school! first it is the best thing that ever happened to me, second- I didn't know I could be sleepless for so long!

The first week went by very lightly, some homework, a lot of reading, going to the lab one day and studying about bones, and muscles, ant tissues. this last week was my first exam week, and it was exhausting. I had an exam on every class that I take but the hardest ones where Anatomy and Histology. We were all studying so hard that we hardly sleep, the classroom smelled like coffee all day and we were reading and talking every subject when ever we had the chance.

Now most of the professors are very nice and good, but there is one who is not exactly the favorite, not even the rest of the school workers like him, still he said he really liked working with my classroom because we were always worried about learning more. later that week we had a disagreement with him and we are not his favorite class anymore, it doesn't matter we still study as hard and wish he will understand that we are there for the same reason as him learning. another difficult teacher is the anatomy one, he is not mean but he is very clear on everything and he is respected everywhere, he is writing a book about anatomy (I have read a part and it is really good), he studied to be a M.D. and to be dentist, and went L.A. California to specialize in surgery, he is a brilliant professor.

so this week was exhausting but totally worth. I had the best grades on anatomy (A) of my class and did better that I thought in most classes, I have a great feeling about how much I'm learning and what kind of doctor I'm becoming.

Not everything is beautiful and not every one really loves it, and its hard when you have to face it, the only way to go hardly eating, hardly sleeping to school is if when you get to the class you forget all that and give your best, when you know that you love so much what you are doing and that you wouldn't be doing anything else if you could. When we started the semester we where 34 for in my class, after some weeks we are only 30, 4 left and it feels sad when you see them leaving. the first one was a boy, no one really got to know him because he left the first week, the second one was a girl, really smart and nice, she wanted to be a psychiatrist, she said that it wasn't for her and she had to find her real inspiration somewhere else, the 3th one was a real shame, everybody liked her, very nice and very smart, but she said wanted to look good all the time and that not sleeping made her look bad, so she left, the 4th one left for the same reason, and because she said she couldn't handle to work so much and feel like learning so little.

This sure is not an easy profession, you will not see your friend or family a lot of times, you may miss their birthday, and holidays but is not only at school, that's forever, and that's because someone, somewhere needs you more than them.

I feel very good studying and I feel very interested in research. Thank you very much for all that you have done for me, I keep you in my heart all the time, and I promised I will work very hard everyday, and I will make you proud. Sincerely, Emilia.

Sharrone - 10-11-2010 at 12:13 AM

That is one great kid. I am so thankful that I could help her a little.

Jaybo - 10-11-2010 at 11:07 AM

What an inspiration!

EngineerMike - 12-22-2010 at 12:47 PM

December missive from Emilia:

how are you now days? I guess really Happy, now is time to be home for the Holidays! I cant wait to be in mine sharing good times with my love ones.

So, we have come to the end of the semester! it is incredible! this sure is the best experience of my life.

I read about 4000 book pages, many articles, wrote about leukemia, learn all the 206 bones, 501 muscles (according to S.) the respiratory system, the circulatory system, the urinary system, and many other systems. all about tissues, THERE ARE MANY! psychology, sociology, public health. what happens with a baby day to day, week to week until the baby is born, and so on and on...

anyway that's only a part of all that I learn in some months, many incredible things of the human body, we are so complex and so perfect and beautiful inside, all at the same time!

and I want to tell you how thankful I am and how much I appreciate that you have made possible for me to see and learn this. thank you you are amazing!

I'm in Guadalajara as I write this, but I will be home in Mulege the 23th, I cant wait to hug everybody again!

All went well, my classes were difficult and there were some very good students in my class, one of them was doing the first semester of medicine for the 3th time! he was good!

anyway I manege to be top 3 of my class, and my goal is to be top one next semester, I'm sure giving the best of me.

I hope you have a great Holiday, I'm sending you my best wishes! a big hug, and thanks with all of my heart!


"everything happens for a reason"...
""even when we are not wise enough to see it.""

sanquintinsince73 - 12-22-2010 at 01:46 PM

This really touches the heart in a good way.

The time is upon us to renew our committment to La Doctora

akmaxx - 12-22-2010 at 04:05 PM

Emy has done a perfect job keeping us informed and being the best student possible. Number three in the best medical school in the country against much more sophisticated big city kids is quite an achievement.

I was hesitant to reach out again for her tuition money until I got a better picture of her scholarship possibilities this semester.

At this time she has earned a partial scholarship which, in the way that many things in Mexico confound me, is not paid until after the semester is over in May. Therefore, Emy needs to pay for another semester which begins in January.

I am not surprised at how hard she has studied so far but I am surprised that she has held her own against students with a much greater exposure to competitive schools than Mulege has been able to offer.

My second surprise is how generous some folks have been without being asked. If you feel like contributing something to the cause before the serious fund-raising begins feel free to Paypal and have a feliz navidad y prospero ano nuevo.


[Edited on 7-12-2013 by akmaxx]

EngineerMike - 12-22-2010 at 04:28 PM

My $200 is on the way

EngineerMike - 12-22-2010 at 04:33 PM

Just as a reminder;
after filling in a donation amount on PayPal, you can choose the "Personal" tab and click "Gift" before "Sending Money" and PayPal does not charge commission. This means 100% of your donation goes to Emi's needs, not just what's left over after PayPal's modest commission.

Thank you MF, RG, PH, and RK - At this rate Emy might have a chance to enjoy her family for Christmas

akmaxx - 12-22-2010 at 06:05 PM

instead of worrying about tuition.

Anybody who suggested that they would like to be long-term contributors will be getting an appeal from me soon, but if you want to be proactive that would be much appreciated.


Lauriboats - 12-23-2010 at 08:42 AM

Just wanted to say that a lot of my friends who donated last year are not Nomads. So make sure that Emy sends a request to them via email.

Thank you LF and CL....Making this the silent fundrasier of the year

akmaxx - 12-23-2010 at 04:11 PM

I will email potential patrons when I talk to Emy a little and get the exact numbers. The first appeal brought people out of thin air, giving what support they could, to make this happen. It was joyous to see the spirit manifest itself in such manner.

I do know we haven't hit any goals yet, other than that of being better human beings for nudging a miracle along.


BajaBlanca - 12-27-2010 at 05:52 PM

I will be sending in money thru my friend Ana again - so touching that Emy did so well !!!!! You go girl !! Jeez, it feels like I am rooting for my own kid .... one of these days I wd love to meet her ....

thanks akmaxx for spearheading such a worthy cause and thanks again for the neat bike you donated waaaaaaaaaaaay back when :)))))))))))))


Posada-BushPilot - 12-28-2010 at 04:45 PM

I just "Paypal'd" the donation I committed to when I ran into you at El Candil.
Also pitched all the Rotary Club members and all the folks who live in Posada Concepcion.

Give us a progress report when you have time.

Thank you KB and JQ....This will officially kick off in the New Year, but your chance to contribute may run out

akmaxx - 12-29-2010 at 05:17 PM

thanks to all generous pre-runners. A silent fund-raiser for a very good cause.

Even on vacation Emilia is researching meds for gringos and trying to educate them on the pros and cons of different types. I know she is exhausted because the best word to describe her is "wan" from lack of sun, a student diet, and too much reading.

She has been fishing with her father so the sun is bringing back the color and the Baja food is bringing back the flesh.

In the first semester she was conducting autopsies on corpses (I have seen the video and you couldn't pay me enough to dig around in these bodies solely for education). We are getting our monies worth as her grades are as stellar as her communication with her patrons.

Thanks again y prospero ano nuevo.

-Special thanks to the Rotarians who are passing the hat in far-away places for a cause that will surely be a benefit for the greater good.

Sharrone - 12-30-2010 at 12:51 PM

Just sent mine to, hope that is still the correct email.

Thank you SE, KB, BK (CP) - The early start is helpful in keeping the main drive very, very short.

akmaxx - 1-9-2011 at 12:52 PM

The goal before Feb. 1st is $4,000 again, only because the scholarship Emilia is trying for isn't paid until after the semester is over. So, obviously, she will roll the scholarship forward into the second year of school and the remaining tuition will be that much easier to round up.

For those of you who have been following the blossoming career of La Doctora you are familiar with her stellar grades, dedication, communication of her gratitude/progress and her increasing level of confidence in the dream of becoming a neural-surgeon coming true.

Some patrons in the first round of fund-raising committed themselves for the long-term, small but continuous donations, and this is the time to re-up your commitment.

I applaud those Nomads who dream of visiting the Baja and have already tried to help its best and brightest without ever having set foot across the border. Your faith will be repaid in spades.

Many of you know how small Mulege is and how hard it is to have a very big dream when you are facing long-odds. Emilia thanks each and everyone of you from the bottom of her heart and tries to show her gratefulness by working extremely hard to attain the best grades and keeping you updated on her amazing progress.

As with the first round, if you are known to me and don't have paypal, I will accept your pledge and collect in person in Mulege.

Thanks again for your support.


[Edited on 7-12-2013 by akmaxx]

$690 and counting.......many many thanks. Emails go out tomorrow

akmaxx - 1-10-2011 at 11:15 AM

mulegemichael - 1-11-2011 at 10:09 AM

maxx....beachgirl will be sending a chunk soon..

Beachgirl - 1-11-2011 at 02:31 PM

Okey Dokey - $1000 on it's way via Paypal. Just a drop in the bucket for med school expenses, I know, but still...hope it helps a bit.

WOW!.....Thanks BG. $1,690 and counting.

akmaxx - 1-11-2011 at 03:07 PM

Seriously, $20, $50 or $100 is fine so everybody has a chance to add "Patron" to their resume and cross off "Be an Angel" on their bucket list.

Emilia will be thrilled that things are off to a big start. Letters will be going out soon and I hope you forward this link to anybody who finds that fulfilling a student's dream is really building up some fine karma.


Lauriboats - 1-11-2011 at 03:27 PM

Wow, very nice donation BeachGirl and MulegeMichael and I thought I was being generous, way to go, you guys are great!

BajaBlanca - 1-12-2011 at 03:50 PM


Way to go is right :yes:

I am still astounded that she came in third ... what an accomplishment !! Such a worthy recipient of our donations ....

BajaHombre - 1-12-2011 at 04:25 PM

Just added my donation to the cause.

BajaBlanca - 1-12-2011 at 04:31 PM

welcome to Baja Nomads, BajaHombre and way to go !!!!!

Thank you WN, RK, MA, BB we jumped to 2,050 pretty quick - I hope we can send in the tuition in a few more days....

akmaxx - 1-12-2011 at 04:52 PM

Here is the email I sent to previous patrons and I hope you cut and paste this off to people who might be interested in a very good cause. Peace.

The bad news is that Emilia hasn't had time to save the President, cure cancer, or do a brain-transplant - YET. She has been extremely diligent in her quest to excel at medical school and that takes 16 hours a day. Emilia is lucky to get in enough sleep to keep taking tests and reading until blindness sets in.

The good news is Emilia has excelled in the big city and against students from all over Mexico. Emilia is third in her class and has a chance for a scholarship that begins next semester. The Rotary is taking part in her expenses, but they take care of many students with much less ambitious and expensive schools, so can only cover a part of her schooling.

Please forward the link above to anybody who would like to be a part of the dream for Mulege's future brain surgeon.

The thread above will refresh your memory on the subject of the budding neural surgeon from the tiny pueblo of Mulege. Many of you were kind enough to request that you be counted on for your continued support of her education. The paypal link to was very effective and saved a lot of bank transfer fees, so paypal is the preferred method of donating but I will again take pledges from people I know and collect later.

On Emilia's behalf, thank you for your continuing support.

A note from Emila (sitting next to me looking thin, pale, and tired still - Vacation is a few more days and she will be ready to become first in her class)

"Hi, thank you very much for your support, I will keep you up dated in my progress, and work harder everyday. Please know that I keep you in my prayers everyday because your help is the answer to my prayers.
Thank you again." - Emy.

[Edited on 7-12-2013 by akmaxx]

Gracias DT y DS.....making a strong case for sainthood

akmaxx - 1-12-2011 at 10:39 PM

mulegemichael - 1-14-2011 at 10:10 AM

let's keep this thing going, amigos...this is one extremely bright young woman that will make a difference in the world!

Building the Momentum...Emy is going to be a the Art Show on Burro this Sunday if you would like to meet her in person.

akmaxx - 1-14-2011 at 10:40 AM

She is heading back to school early to get a jump on the other students. Her vacation is being cut short so she can get more time in at school (which is a concept most 18 year old students couldn't grasp on their best days). I know some of you know that Emilia is asking for a lot less than she really wants, or needs, to stay in school.

Help keep the momentum going and bump this post until we have hit the goal.


BajaBlanca - 1-14-2011 at 12:07 PM

How are we doing on the numbers ??????

EngineerMike - 1-14-2011 at 01:11 PM

While in Mulege on Scholarship business this week, I spent a short time with Emi discussing school and learning about her progress. Most of her classmates are sons & daughters of doctors, lawyers, engineers & other well paid professionals. As such they have grown up in a professional household with professional mentors & exemplars. One student's (recent) ancestor has his name on a plaque at the school, so he is a "legacy" who's family status comes w/deference from instructors.

And then there is adorable Emi, from a teeny town, far from large populations, where profesionistas are few, and even those professionals of Mulege are not known for keeping a schedule, maintaining regular hours, etc. In other words, where are the mentors for Mulege kids? Yet Emi has adjusted, instantaneously, to keeping her reading schedule, class schedule, study schedule, has organized a study group (this is not usual for the med school in Guadalahara) to include the best students & to drill each other to higher levels of proficiency, and is currently 3rd in her class. How'd that happen? I have no idea, but it is what it is, and its great!

Thanks to Maxx for making this happen. And thanks to Emi for your hard work & focus, I'm sure you will make us all proud(er).

Gracias Muchisimas por WS y AS..............2,430 and counting

akmaxx - 1-15-2011 at 08:55 AM

Por causualidad (by the way) everything Engineer Mike said is true........Emy has been holding the hands of overprivileged kids in school, kids you wouldn't want to be your doctor, and surprisingly not terribly frustrated about the dichotomy between the benefits of being wealthy and connected compared to her entry into school based on grades and real hard work.

She doesn't care about the circumstances that got all her classmates into the Harvard of Mexico, she just wants to kick their asses when it comes to exam time. I love the idea that we are funding her so she can concentrate on school and being the best she can be, without the connections and money that the other kids are coasting by on.

Keep it coming if you can and please forward this thread to anybody who might like the story.


2,680....Thank you DT, LL, MS, M and C A, BN, and DB

akmaxx - 1-16-2011 at 04:53 PM

Thanks go out to all the contributors who are making this happen. The goal is 4K and we are more than halfway there. The timeline is before the 25th of Jan so I think more people are just getting time to read their emails and kick in. Thanks in advance for your donations.

Several people have donated cash directly to me and I have included that in the running total and handed it straight over to Emi. I think she is a little embarrassed to be accepting money from so many different people, however she has a very big smile when she sees the tuition getting covered. Emilia will to realize that our contributions are small compared to the good she will be able to accomplish.


Mulege Rotarians

Posada-BushPilot - 1-17-2011 at 12:54 PM

I just sent contributions from two more members. This should bring us close to the goal that I set for the club but I'm working on more participation.
How'd she do at the art show?

Gracias Randy.... The idea is no less compelling this time around

akmaxx - 1-19-2011 at 01:38 PM

The only reason I can see why more donors aren't coming out of the bushes is that after one semester she isn't an interesting story. But I couldn't disagree more because our ugly duckling is becoming a swan before our eyes......She could have crashed and burned with all the competition from around the country but, instead, Emilia has gotten stellar grades, communicated with her supporters in an exemplary manner, and has reconfirmed her commitment to a long and difficult career.

Other starlets have solicited money and decided to do other things with their lives almost immediately. In contrast Emilia has doubled down and studies so hard that I am sure she will become a great success.

Only seven more days to raise the money she needs to continue the dream.

You have the power to change the future, show encouragement, and show a Mulegena the faith vested in the power of karma.


P.S. She didn't make the art-show because she was nursing the grippe and packing for travel back to school. What student is excited to get back to studying? EMILIA!

[Edited on 1-19-2011 by akmaxx]

[Edited on 1-19-2011 by akmaxx]

Ricardo - 1-19-2011 at 07:17 PM

Max can you post your email for paypal each time you post so I don't have to go back and look for it each time I donate (LOL) If it looks like we might not make it in time let us know as I will donate again if needed.

Gracias BF....2,700 now and only 5 days left.....Hmmmm? What to do

akmaxx - 1-20-2011 at 03:13 PM

Thank you for the suggestion Ricardo.

I don't know what else to do. Any ideas?

[Edited on 1-20-2011 by akmaxx]

[Edited on 7-12-2013 by akmaxx]

Ricardo - 1-20-2011 at 06:40 PM

Hey I got an idea why don't 26 nomads donate $50.00 each and that will get us to $ 4,000. or 13 @ $100 or ...

to up the ante

Mulegena - 1-20-2011 at 06:47 PM

Max, can you put together a short article we can post on our Facebook Pages with link to your donation sites, i.e. PayPal? Also suggest that when we post we ask our FB friends to share your article.

I'm sure many Nomads are active on FB.

Ricardo - 1-20-2011 at 06:53 PM

I'm not yet retired (so I can afford it)and will make it out of the snow to Baja someday so make the total 2800.00 now.

Gracias RB, LM...the total is moving up due to your generosity.

akmaxx - 1-21-2011 at 02:37 PM

Gracias Mulegena. I posted the original story on my FB page, but since I haven't written anything of that caliber again I hesitate to post a rerun. Can you imagine if she had done something amazing in addition to her great grades, study ethic, and keeping up with the patrons?

She is doing all she can and is hoping for very little help.

Please feel free to post the link to the story on nomads on your facebook page.

Thanks again,

Gracias JB and NF.....Total is 2,900 and we will break 3,000 by the weekend I hope.

akmaxx - 1-21-2011 at 06:07 PM

Spread the word....Gracias.

BajaBlanca - 1-21-2011 at 06:36 PM

BRILLIANT IDEA TO PUT ON FACEBOOK .... I did it and got one donator already :))))

Felicidades & Buena Suerte

lindsay - 1-22-2011 at 10:36 AM

Thank you for all the updates on Emilia's studies and wonderful efforts. I lived in Mulege from 1998-2000 and worked with students from CECyT, the local high school, who were in a program to be bilingual guides at the town's musuem. We had amazing adventures together at the museum, exploring the local cave art sites, whale watching in Laguna San Ignacio and many other wonderful experiences. Now, my students are in their early 30s with their careers and families so Emilia's story was so touching to read as it reminded me of all the amazing efforts many Mulege students are making to not only develop their own lives but as Emilia so exemplifies, contribute to others in their community. I wish her all the best and I will share this story with my 10 year old daughter whose father is from Mulege. I know she will be very impressed and we're looking forward to visiting Mulege visit in March. Thanks again to everyone's efforts to support Emilia and I'm off to the paypal site now :-) :yes:

Mulegena - 1-22-2011 at 12:36 PM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca
BRILLIANT IDEA TO PUT ON FACEBOOK .... I did it and got one donator already :))))
Great, Blanca
I was trying to find the "Like" button just now.
I'll copy and post on my Facebook page.
Max, repost on FB.

Mulegena - 1-22-2011 at 12:49 PM

This Thread is now my FB Status, easy peasy!

Ricardo - 1-23-2011 at 09:25 AM

Max maybe start a new post with a heading thats catches everyones eye.

3,200 AND COUNTING....Thanks everybody.

akmaxx - 1-24-2011 at 01:34 PM

mulegemichael - 1-24-2011 at 03:43 PM

max....ya got me!!!

Ricardo - 1-24-2011 at 07:44 PM

Max you sure have one wild imagination, hope it works as we are so close.
Just a few more kind, generous nomads and Emy can continue her studies.

Emy's college expenses

landrover65 - 1-24-2011 at 09:02 PM

$200 more thru Paypal to Alex

Posada-BushPilot - 1-24-2011 at 10:02 PM

Very hard to put into words how impressed I am with the response we have seen from this very worthy appeal to this community of very special people who share just one thing: and that is our love of Baja California and its people.
Where else can a person like AKmaxx appeal to an online community like bajanomads to beg for bucks to fund a young woman's dream from a very small town in central BCS.

If you sent in some money to help with this effort, you should feel pretty darn good because you have aided a truly deserving person. If you have thought about sending a contribution but have not, now is the time. Emelia is a truly deserving person and will not disapoint us, her community or her donors.

I cannot give Maxx enough credit for his hard work and the success in this endevour. Great decision Maxx!

So if you want to give a few bucks to a very worthy cause, it would be hard to find a better one than Emelia, the future brain surgeon from Mulege.!

BP....Gracias Muchisimas.....3,400 and getting close....your chance to be a part of a very exclusive club is fading. Friends of Emy

akmaxx - 1-25-2011 at 09:16 AM

Almost there.

BajaBlanca - 1-25-2011 at 01:19 PM

$600 to go to reach $4k

soooooooooooooooooooo close

time for me to re-post on fbook !!!

I loved the thread leader on this one !! very funny indeed.

mulege2001 - 1-25-2011 at 03:42 PM

akmaxx, please go to your U2U. we want to help but need info.

mulege2001 - 1-26-2011 at 07:13 AM

The would like to help Emily with the balance but we are in Mulege with pesos and can't use paypal so please reply to our tournament website above so we can get the balance, $600 equivelent to Emily. Does she have a telegraph # where we can send it. I tried to reach you on U2U but didn't get it out or get a response. at

Mulege Fishing tournament closes the fundrasier with a bang.....I am at the Shack, drinking draft Modelo Negro....Life is good and Emilia has her Tuition

akmaxx - 1-26-2011 at 04:28 PM

U2U me again, I don't see it, or stop by the Shack for the next hour.

I live in Mulege and since you are are a well known group in the area I will call this fundraiser closed and great success.

If Emy makes first in her class, or even makes it one semester, I am very proud of her and all of you for chipping in. Sleep better knowing you have made a great difference in a young doctor's life.



Most Excellent, Maxx

Mulegena - 1-26-2011 at 10:54 PM

Job Well Done... again!!

EngineerMike - 2-27-2011 at 03:00 PM

And the Beat Goes On.... Emilia's latest update:

Hi Dear Mike Fleming,

How is this year going for you?
I have started school, my second semester, and guess thanks to who?
that's right! thanks to you, I wish you know that...
I have been meaning to write to you all week but its been such a busy one!

My program this semester is:

School from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. everyday.

my favorite class so far is Molecular Biology, I like them all but this one is so interesting, and DNA is one of my favorite things in the world so to understand all about it and how it affects our body's is just amazing!

The weather in Guadalajara now is nice, it is pretty warm, 20 C*
It was great to see my friends from here after vacations, and they even organized a welcome party, it was a lot of fun.

My teachers all seem to be great and they are all very highly educated and serious, I love that.I sure miss my family and friends from Mulege, and I remember my town everyday! but I keep my self very busy so before I know it will be vacations again!

Thank you very much for trusting me and helping to get through school, I thank you with all of my heart and I keep you in my prayers.


if there is anything you want to know please e-mail me, and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible... Love.

Update Marzo for the star of Mulege - She will be a nuero-surgeon before you know it.

akmaxx - 4-10-2011 at 03:41 AM


Letter from La Doctora Emilia follows:


This month is been very busy for me, and also very tired,
first, I had a cold and felt very sick for about a week,

I was just getting better from the cold when I eat some tacos
and got food intoxicated, it was horrible! and the first time that
it happened to me, I was very dehydrated and had one exam that
very same day.

so it wasn't going very well until then, and after and during that time
I was really missing my family, maybe because every time that I have been
sick I was home and they looked after me, anyway it is not like that

In school matters is going better, for example, I got a 100 in physiology!
and 90 in immunology, and so on.
I was having a little trouble with math, I have never been really good at it,
and because of that I have to make and extra effort to understand it.
so I bought this book that my teacher recommended to me and started
practicing more so now I m faster and better at class.

because of my excellent notes in physiology, my teacher asked me, or allowed me
to go for one day to the biggest hospital in Guadalajara, it is called HospitalCivil
and is a teaching hospital, anyway I will be there next Sunday, and the service I will be
attending is E.R., which is even more exacting (if you remember I used to work at red cross),
so its not only been a bad month.

this semester is much harder that I toughed, not quite as overwhelming as the first
semester, but you really have to understand difficult thing and teachers think (don't know why)
that you already know everything, so I wont go to bed until 2:00 a.m. and wake up at 6:00 a.m

I think that is everything for right now, I will be writing again soon, to let you now how
everything goes.

Thank you very much for reading this, for helping me through school, for being there,
the truth is that you are my motivation and I feel very blessed to have you in my life,
because of you I can do this, so thank you with all my heart!


Interesting points from Emilia's update

akmaxx - 4-10-2011 at 09:50 AM

I just re-read her update letter and am wondering how many university students would be excited and looking forward to working on their only day off in the emergency room.?

She has exceeded my expectations so far and I can only wish I was that dedicated in my studies back in the day.


BajaBlanca - 4-10-2011 at 09:54 AM

How wonderful to see she is thriving .... we went to Guadalajara and I thought of her every second we were there. It is a beautiful city and I bet she hasn't even seen the little that we have - she sounds like a super busy bee.

Thanks akmaxx for giving us the chance to give someone so deserving a wonderful chance to make a difference in the world !!

and the Mulege fishing tournament really outdid itself. what a cool thing to do ...

Stay tuned for good news

akmaxx - 6-19-2011 at 11:40 PM

mulegemichael - 6-20-2011 at 06:26 AM

ok maxx, we're waiting???......

BajaBlanca - 6-20-2011 at 09:17 AM

waiting waiting waiting ...

comitan - 6-20-2011 at 10:29 AM

Emilia to me
show details Jun 17 (2 days ago)
Im sorry it has taken me soo long to write to you,
The truth is that I have been very busy and doing the same thing over and over again.
School is good, I only have one final exam this Saturday and I will be done with second semester.
This has been a good year, the only bad thing has been my health, it haven’t been excellent, first the flu, then the flu then allergy, anyway, I have been ok, and my anemia is no longer there I guess this happened because I didn’t really took care of myself last semester, that is why this one I did sleep more, and eat better, and TRY to stress less.
It was all good.

I will be sending my grades to you next week when I have them all. Biomath was the hardest, maybe because I’m not good at math, maybe because it had nothing to do with medicine, my teacher will ask me, that if a car left some specific place at some specific time, and another car left the same specific place, but at a different time……. Bla bla, and I will be thinking about bacterial infections treatment, it made it harder. No excuse, it was just hard for me.

I will be going to Mulege very soon, next week, and that makes me very very happy, I miss my family and friends a lot, I miss the sea everyday too, I want to go swimming so bad.
Thank you very much for your patient, and for keeping up with me in this the most wonderful journey of my life, medical school.

Thank you very much for you support, you are the reason why this is all possible.
God bless you.

[Edited on 6-20-2011 by comitan]

BajaBlanca - 6-20-2011 at 01:23 PM

thanks Comitan ! That is wonderful news ..she is a star and it is terrible that she had anemia ... imagine how tired she must have been ... the ocean and family and friends will do wonders for her ... she is lucky to have us but we are also lucky to have her too, eh ? I agree with her, Math was soooooooooooo hard for me too. Nothing to do with the profession I chose.

g-o-o-o-o-o Emy !!

mulegemichael - 6-20-2011 at 01:44 PM

maxx...check your u2u..m.

wilderone - 6-21-2011 at 08:30 AM

So glad she made it, and can now enjoy some much needed rest. Emilia, congratulations.

EngineerMike - 6-21-2011 at 09:11 AM

So is it time to talk next semester's tuition again? I'm ready.

Mike - When I get the details I'll let you know if tuition help is necessary

akmaxx - 6-21-2011 at 02:12 PM

That is why the news is exciting. (Hint - scholarship)


akmaxx - 6-22-2011 at 05:20 PM

When we began to help Emilia last year it was because she was not one of the 300 students picked out of 10,000 applicants for a state scholarship. After two heartbreaking attempts the third time was the charm and she passed the exam with very high numbers.

This new scholarship reduces the tuition need from 50,000 pesos to 5,000 a semester. The tuition doesn't cover living expenses, books and such. The generous support of the Mulege Bomberos Fishing Tournament and other fantastic patrons (you know who you are and how easy it is going to be for you to pass through the Pearly Gates ;D) will go a long ways to keeping Emilia in housing and Top Ramen.

Thank you everybody for your support of one of Mulege's best and brightest.

Emilia has written a letter of thanks to all of you and I will get her permission to post it here because it is a very heartfelt thank you.



A letter from La Doctora explaining the trials associated with being so damn smart

akmaxx - 6-23-2011 at 10:28 AM

Its been a year since I first wrote a letter for you, do you remember? I remember very well and I want to tell how your early support has made all the difference.

In this year many things have happened. For example I finished my first year of medical school, thanks to you and you contribution to this cause. I moved from my small hometown, Mulege to the big city of Guadalajara. I made a lot of good friends, met a lot of both good and bad people, is a life changing year for me.

I applied to a public program of medical school in one of the most prestigious schools of Mexico the University of Guadalajara and it took me three applications to be accepted. Let me explain this process better. The university of Guadalajara is one of the major medical schools and as you know it is very hard to be in their program. Every six months they accept 300 out of about 10,000 students that apply for their medical programs. The applications consider both your high school grades and the college board exam. You fill a form and they give you a date for your exam aplication and the exams seem like an easy ones, but they are not of course.

After a month, the results of the exam come out on an internet page and they tell you the results, then to know if you are "in" the program you sum your grades from high school, in my case %100 plus the exam 85.1667 and you have my total of 186.1667.

Every career has a different requirement for "points". For example nursing is 168, law school is 169, engineering school is 150 to 165 depending on the major (computers, cars, etc), but as you imagine, medicine is the one that requires the most points - at least 177.7778 points. This changes every year too according to the number of applications and how well they do on the exam, but it never changes too much is only one or two points up or down.

Now, the scholarship covers tuition, which was covered by you thanks to your contributions, 50,000.00 pesos every semester, once in the program you pay about 5,000 pesos in your first semester and less every year after. What it doesnt cover is: book, housing, food, transportation, uniform, and personal expenses. Still, having covered those 50,000.00 pesos is a great help, once you have been accepted you dont have to apply again you are there until you finish your internship.

My story is I finished high school and went to the school and take the exam but my first result was 70 on the exam and 100 on high school grades so 170.000 that is far from the 177.7778 I needed. I took the chance and started medical school anyway, thinking about applying again and getting better grades, but the second time ( last December) wasn't very different, I didn't sleep in 3 nights because I had anatomy exams and had I don't know how much coffee to stay awake the morning of my exam. The results where terrible 65.7789, even farther from the first application. I felt devastated, sad and dissapointed in myself. I felt I will never be in the program, the difference this time is that I had a whole classroom who felt the same way I did. All my friends applied and only two earned enough points to be in the program.

I decided to sleep first, cry my eyes out, and then do something about it. Because surely I was doing something wrong. The exam is about math, writing skills and they say mostly about logic. So when I got back to Guadalajara I went to extra math classes in addition to my medical school. My schedule was - go to med school from 7 a.m. in the morning to 5 p.m, then run to take the bus, go around the city and start the AVANZA ( that is where they teach extra math classes) classes until 8 p.m. Then I would take another bus and walk some blocks to my place, eat something, at 9 start reading and studying. I thought it will make it easier to pass the exam and although I was feeling very tired most of the time (from undiagnosed anemia) I learned a lot and did very well in both schools.

On May 21st I had to take my 3rd exam. I was very nervous and during the exam I felt it was a harder one then the other times with more math. When I finished my best friend was outside waiting for me and asked me how I did? I said terrible, I felt it was very hard, I went back to my place and prayed that this time will be different.

When the results came out, I was shaking but I knew I had to see them. I opened the page and saw it, there it was, my dream coming true and being even better than I thought. 85.1667 points combined with my high school grades equals 185.1667 points, which was more than the 177.7778 I needed. So now I am in the program and happier than ever.

As I told you before it only covers part of what studying in Guadalajara coasts, but it is a great help. Living in guadalajara is great but not cheap but I have to find a new place to live because the new campus I will be going to is about an hour away from where I live and that equals two hours of sleep or studying everyday which is a lot in student time. The books are expensive too, but you need them very much because you live sleep and dream about them. They become part of your life. I read about five big books every semester. This next semester I will have genetics class Pathology, Phyisiopathology, Pharmacology, Public Health, and Patient Researc, among others. I need to find a place that is near school because it is cheaper than buying a car and I can study more.

It was a little sad to see my friends faces as we all checked the results. In my class of 30, I was the only accepted into the program but the good thing is that most of them are doctors children and can afford the private level of tuition.

This is my story of an unforgettable year. I hope you stay with me, living my dream, seeing this happen. I wish you let me be part of your life still, tell you how things are going, what I learn and stumble into in the 5 years I have left for school. You will always be a great part of my life and I will always remember who helped me through the hardest and most beautiful part of my life.

Thank you so much, I really appreciate what you have done for me with every donation and in every letter you read and wrote to me. You helped me get through it and for that me and my family will always be thankful.


jbcoug - 6-23-2011 at 12:56 PM

This is absolutely fabulous news!!!!!! Great job Emilia!! You can be assured that we will continue to support you. Thank you for doing such a great job and proving you are worth every peso. You make your city proud!!


BajaBlanca - 6-23-2011 at 01:24 PM

what a story ... what an ordeal ... and how proud we can all be !!!

imagine being one out of 30 and it was that extra effort that paid off ... how utterly fantastic.

thanks for including us all in this amazing journey ... I sure hope we get to meet Emy one day. Hopefully OUTSIDE of a hospital, though ...


EngineerMike - 6-23-2011 at 01:25 PM

Another long ball, over the fence, home run w/bases loaded!! We don't see great stuff like this very often.

I spent some time w/Emi before she started in Guadalajara this last July-August going over budgets and how she would make the stretch over the several years of substantial private tuition expense. Fact is it wouldn't have worked, until...

Nomads jump in and make it a possibility, which is all we can do.
I love it, I absolutely love it, when that's all that's needed, and then pure grim, focused determination takes over in a student's heart & mind. Our faith in Emi was (and is) well placed.

I'm going to have a martini tonight. And then, maybe a second.

[Edited on 6-23-2011 by EngineerMike]

La Doctora lays it out right here

akmaxx - 8-4-2011 at 04:28 PM

How are you now days? I haven't forget about you, I have just been very busy studying for next semester and preparing to do even better.
As I informed you in the last email I made a great exam and earned a prized scholarship. I want you to enjoy this great success as much as me so I am attaching a picture of the report where it shows my score (185.1667 - Like an "A" over the 177.83 - Like an "A-") needed for the good student scholarship. I couldn't be happier with the results.
You have been the reason I believed in my dreams and are realizing them. Every year, in every little town, there are kids like me with dreams and expectations willing to go out and change the world in some way. Then comes reality (or at least what we see as such). Reality tears all those dreams apart because when you want to change the world and haven't eaten it gets hard to think.
During the very short school summer break I realized something very deep, sad, and weird - I don't know how my family can possibly keep me in rice and beans while I study all the time.

Being back home a year later and seeing everything I have always loved so much with new eyes has made me see the reality of a hard situation. There are no economical sources, there are no customers at my parents place now (Restaurant Pancho Villa's), there are very few people in Mulege, and everyone can't help but wonder what the next flood is going to take away from us. Most of my classmates from high school are pregnant, some for the second time, some are fishing and surviving, mournfully, even in my own family. When I think of the opportunity I have in front of me, to become a doctor and to be able to help them up, it gives me hope and comfort. I am meant to be very successful in order to help my family, my loved ones, and people who have dreams just like you have done for me. You have been giving me the opportunity to change the world, my world, our world, and I will not stop ever. I will not let down my family, my town, or you.
But for that to continue I still need your help. I need you to help me became the person who can help others.
My needs are the one that every student has; books, food, a place to sleep, and a bus pass.
Additional scholarships are so rare in Mexico. I have been researching every internet page for possibilities and nothing, at least nothing for me. Nothing for medical students in Mexico except for offers after you graduate. Still I need to eat, a place to sleep, and sadly my family can't give me monthly money.

I have been very lucky to have some kind sponsors like the Mulege Fishing Tournament, International Rotary, and you which allowed to win the coveted tuition scholarship but my meager living expenses still run 1,200 pesos ($110) a month short and I cannot pay the reduced scholarship tuition, books, and materials of 9,700 pesos ($890) every semester. Guadalajara is an expensive city and I am saving everywhere I can. I live on 6,800 pesos ($610) a month which is about 1,200 ($110) pesos short of the minimum to keep me in school. I hate to keep asking but until I can pay my own way I am dependent on the kindness of others.
So I am asking you again for help. In return whatever you help me with will help many others over the years. I cry to think that I have made it so far, done so well, and a few thousand pesos will put it out of my reach.

Gracias Muchisimas y God bless you,

La Doctora Emilia

P.S. The easiest and least expensive way to donate is through my sponsors Paypal account ( marked as "Gift" which it truly is. Thank you again and again.

[Edited on 7-12-2013 by akmaxx]

WOW - Fingers on the donation triggers.....Up $200 already Thanks JW and CP

akmaxx - 8-4-2011 at 04:33 PM

mulegemichael - 8-4-2011 at 06:53 PM

we'll be there for her, maxx..count on it!

GT, JW, JB, and RB shoot the total up to $650...Many thanks

akmaxx - 8-4-2011 at 06:59 PM

Lord, keep me from crying tears of joy.

Looking forward to your input Mulegemichael and sexy Beachgirl:tumble:


That's our girl...

Mulegena - 8-4-2011 at 09:59 PM

Its Thursday night, almost 11 pm:
Emelia just posted on Facebook that she's back in Guadalajara and has already hit the books-- drinking tea and studying physiology "Because I have to study a lot in order to be the great doctor I want to be, and even tho I scored a 93 out of 100 last semester in physiology I just dont think I know enough 8-) ."

I know she's going to continue to excel.

aimee76 - 8-4-2011 at 10:40 PM



Thanks to DS and RL we are moving right along with $875

akmaxx - 8-4-2011 at 10:41 PM

BajaBlanca - 8-5-2011 at 08:10 AM

$100 from me.

wsdunc - 8-5-2011 at 09:26 AM

I'm kind of dense. Remind me how to donate please.
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