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BajaBlanca - 11-11-2010 at 04:08 PM

Antonio - thanks for the update .... please let us know when you can how short we are - it helps so much 'cause you feel the energy of making the number reach the total we want, need, will get !!

Itzel will have the time of her life on that plane and God will watch over her so she can fly back home real soon for part 2 of her "vacations".

This is the part of our community I most appreciate. Coming together and making a huge difference in Itzel's life. Maybe she'll become a heart surgeon after all this. Or maybe a pilot.

David K - 11-12-2010 at 08:11 AM

Thanks Antonio... :light:

BajaBlanca - 11-12-2010 at 06:02 PM

safe travels to our little one, mom, doc and Antonio ... keeping you in my prayers Itzel.

Thanks, Nomads

woody with a view - 11-12-2010 at 07:15 PM

2 years ago (God, it seems like a decade already!) our beautiful sister Elsa Aguilar Gerardo was killed by the senseless cartel violence at her taco stand "La Mijita" in El Rosario. we last saw her 3 weeks before that fateful morning and her beautiful, smiling face still shines in our memories. so many of you dug deep and raised around $1000 for the family of Elsa, with Doug and Antonio's help!

now, a little beacon of hope is waiting for her chance at a long, healthy life in El Rosario. sweet little Itzel, almost sounds like Elsa, dontcha think?:light: she wants to grow up, get married, and see her kids enjoy a full life. she will probably never know most of you, but as she grows up she will put a face to each of you in her dreams and thank you as she falls asleep.

what more could you ask for?

Bia and i just doubled up our donation. Buena Suerte, Itzel!!!

[Edited on 11-13-2010 by woody with a view]

Nappo - 11-12-2010 at 08:04 PM

I agree with Shari's statement. The "new" great surf fisherman of Asuncion just added to the total. I know we'll get info about the upcoming dinner. Thx to all.

Las Vegas...

BajaCactus - 11-15-2010 at 01:17 PM

Dear friends,

Itzel and her mom are already in Las Vegas... Andy and I came along to help and support in anyway we can.

Dr. Rothman will see Itzel in a couple of hours to make sure she is ready for the operation... and if everything goes well, Itzel should be operated on tomorrow, November 16th, 2010, around 10:00am.

Before I forget... so far, the total amount of money, us BajaNomads, have donated for Itzel's operation was a little over $ 2,000 dlls.

Andy was also able to get donations from other sources and together, with previous donations Commitment had received and some additional funds pledged or expected, we raised around $6,000 dlls towards Itzel's operation.

After the operation and once we are back home, I will ask Andy to help us with some more accurate numbers.

We gave Itzel a huge push towards her operation my friends!!!... We should be proud... but we are not done yet... the operation is tomorrow and then we will need to pay for her recovery expenses, including medications, tests, trips to the doctor, etc... so there is still time to make a donation if you have not done so yet.

I will be back soon with some pictures and more info.

Hugs and thank you so much for helping Itzel.

Antonio M.

Final Check Up...

BajaCactus - 11-15-2010 at 04:42 PM

Nov 15th, 2010 / 3:37pm.... We have just returned from Dr. Rothman's office... he made a final examination of Itzel and besides clearing her for the operation, also gave a full explanation to her mom about the procedure that will take place tomorrow Nov. 16th, around 10:00am.

There are some risks... but Dr. Rothman assured the mother they will do their best to minimized them.

We will have an update for you tomorrow as soon as we have more information.

Thanks for all your support.

Antonio M.

Final_Checkup.jpg - 49kB

Keri - 11-15-2010 at 04:52 PM

Our prayers are with you all. God bless,k

DianaT - 11-15-2010 at 08:08 PM

Thinking lots of positive thoughts----glad she is ready to go, and just know it will all go well.

BAJACAT - 11-15-2010 at 09:03 PM

Gracias Antonio, good luck to Itzel we are praying for you...

Sharrone - 11-15-2010 at 10:08 PM

Prayers for her and her family.

BajaNomad - 11-15-2010 at 10:39 PM

Originally posted by DianaT
...just know it will all go well.
We're feeling the same way.

tripledigitken - 11-16-2010 at 12:12 AM

Lots of folks pulling for you Itzel!

woody with a view - 11-16-2010 at 07:20 AM

Best 'o luck, Itzel!:saint:

DENNIS - 11-16-2010 at 08:15 AM

She's in good hands.

This is it...!!!

BajaCactus - 11-16-2010 at 11:52 AM

Dear friends,

Nov 16th, 2010 / 10:40am... Itzel just went into the operating room... Now everything is in the hands of God and the doctors... They estimate aroun 3 to 4 hours for the procedure.

I will post as soon as I have any news.

Antonio M.

shari - 11-16-2010 at 12:04 PM

mil gracias Antonio...estamos pendientes y orando fuerte por su operacion.

ckiefer - 11-16-2010 at 01:18 PM

Our hearts are all with you and your family, and with all the little angels in the hospital today!

sanquintinsince73 - 11-16-2010 at 05:09 PM

Any news???

BajaBlanca - 11-16-2010 at 09:20 PM

Just said another prayer. Can never be too many ....


BajaCactus - 11-17-2010 at 12:30 AM

With great pleasure I inform all of you that Itzel's operation was a success...!!!

Itzel's aorta measures around 13mm... the coartation resulted to be of 2mm... it was really a miracle that she lasted this long.

Through the use of a ballon and a stent, Dr. Rothman was able to expand that coartation area to a size of 9mm... almost five times the size... wow!!!

She came out of the operation room around 2:00pm and it took her well over 4 hours to clear most the anesthesia on her body.

Itzel was on the recovery room until 9:00pm, then she went back to the hotel practically walking!!!

There are still some follow ups to do, Dr. Rothman wants to see Itzel in a day or so to do a check up... then some medication for six months, a couple of visits to the doctor in a few months and some other little details.

I will let Andy post more details and some pictures of this whole adventure.

For now, feel very, very proud... we have managed to give Itzel the gift of life... literally.

A big thank you and a huge hug to everyone.

Antonio M.

[Edited on 11-17-2010 by BajaCactus]

David K - 11-17-2010 at 12:43 AM


Thank you Antonio!!

Sharrone - 11-17-2010 at 01:06 AM

Wonderful news. Thank God!

ckiefer - 11-17-2010 at 01:13 AM

Wonderful news indeed!!

tripledigitken - 11-17-2010 at 07:13 AM


Jack Swords - 11-17-2010 at 07:14 AM

Great news Antonio, please keep us posted.

BajaHombre - 11-17-2010 at 07:40 AM

This is wonderful news to wake up to!

Skipjack Joe - 11-17-2010 at 07:51 AM

Good news, indeed.

It's the first thing I read this morning.

DENNIS - 11-17-2010 at 07:53 AM

Thank God....and a great doctor.

Santiago - 11-17-2010 at 07:59 AM


shari - 11-17-2010 at 08:05 AM

what a fanastic thread to start our day...congraduations to all who helped out and to Itzel for being so brave.

Lauriboats - 11-17-2010 at 08:11 AM

Great news!

DianaT - 11-17-2010 at 08:32 AM

Keep the great updates coming, and we hope the rest of the money is forthcoming, soon!

Look forward to seeing a photo of her back home living life to the fullest.

desertcpl - 11-17-2010 at 09:04 AM

what wonderful news

BajaBlanca - 11-17-2010 at 10:50 AM


Bob H - 11-17-2010 at 11:32 AM

Fantastic news! :tumble::spingrin::bounce:

toneart - 11-17-2010 at 11:54 AM

Atta girl, Itzel! :saint: What a wonderful thing, the gift of life! It is these kind of actions that contribute to the pool of positive hope for the future of the world. Congratulations all!!!:yes:

sanquintinsince73 - 11-17-2010 at 12:14 PM

Amen. You just made this hard charger's eye tear up.

[Edited on 11-17-2010 by sanquintinsince73]

DENNIS - 11-17-2010 at 12:25 PM

OK...So, now what happens? Is Disneyland in the plans?

desertcpl - 11-17-2010 at 05:46 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
OK...So, now what happens? Is Disneyland in the plans?

what an idea,, when would she be able to do that?

DENNIS - 11-17-2010 at 05:57 PM

Originally posted by desertcpl
Originally posted by DENNIS
OK...So, now what happens? Is Disneyland in the plans?

what an idea,, when would she be able to do that?

Don't know, but I'll throw in two hundred bucks toward the day. That should cover parking.

desertcpl - 11-17-2010 at 06:14 PM

we are in

DENNIS - 11-17-2010 at 06:41 PM

Originally posted by desertcpl
we are in

Cool...........I don't know what to do with this at this point. Anybody NOB have any suggestions? Every kid in the world should see Disneyland at least once.

BajaBlanca - 11-17-2010 at 07:45 PM

maybe someone can get freebies to get into Disneyland ??? Or a house for them to stay at ?

woody with a view - 11-17-2010 at 07:58 PM

Bia works for Vons. they offer discounted tix. heck, i'll spring for the tix for Itzel and mom.

tripledigitken - 11-17-2010 at 09:10 PM

Lets not forget that her medical expenses still have not been covered.

David K - 11-18-2010 at 12:06 AM

Umm... after that, don't think her doctor would okay any dizzy-land rides.

Better to have a nice day at the San Diego Zoo...

While in Vegas, go to Circus-Circus... or any of the super hotels... the Bellagio water show at night is wonderful... Just easier stuff after a heart procedure, I think.

DENNIS - 11-18-2010 at 08:24 AM

Well, I wasn't suggesting Bungee-Jumping or anything like that. I just thought that, since she was so close to the place, and not knowing if her border crossing privileges were forever, it might just be a convenient treat to top off the trauma she's been through.
Probably a good idea with bad timing.

woody with a view - 11-18-2010 at 08:45 AM

even if she just rode the teacups, and met snow white and mickey mouse she would be STOKED!

DENNIS - 11-18-2010 at 10:09 AM

Originally posted by David K
Better to have a nice day at the San Diego Zoo...

That's a good idea too.

Skipjack Joe - 11-18-2010 at 01:58 PM

How is her postop going, BajaCactus?

Any news would be welcome.

desertcpl - 11-18-2010 at 02:08 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by desertcpl
we are in

Cool...........I don't know what to do with this at this point. Anybody NOB have any suggestions? Every kid in the world should see Disneyland at least once.

I agree Disneyland

BajaNomad - 11-18-2010 at 07:27 PM

Originally posted by tripledigitken
Lets not forget that her medical expenses still have not been covered.


BajaNomad - 11-18-2010 at 07:32 PM

Originally posted by woody with a view
even if she just rode the teacups, and met snow white and mickey mouse she would be STOKED!

David K - 11-18-2010 at 07:37 PM

... and she would want to go on some rides.. but couldn't... that wouldn't be nice..

Would you set an ice cream cone 12 inches from a kid's mouth and say you can only look, but not taste?

if you even can, take her somewhere special that she can participate the same as everyone around her can... The USA is full of such places.

Maybe take her and her friends to Disneyland, in the future, when she can go on the rides!!??

desertcpl - 11-18-2010 at 07:46 PM

Originally posted by David K

Maybe take her and her friends to Disneyland, in the future, when she can go on the rides!!?? [/quote

I can go along with that, thats a good idea DK

woody with a view - 11-18-2010 at 07:52 PM

the verdict is in.....

why doesn't BC ask her doctor about DLand? with her normally functioning heart, i'll be the little girl is gonna be a whirlwind of energy.... maybe her mom should be the next candidate for charity as she won't be able to keep up with Itzel.

hey DonKay, let's get mom one of these!

DENNIS - 11-18-2010 at 07:57 PM

Originally posted by BajaNomad
Originally posted by tripledigitken
Lets not forget that her medical expenses still have not been covered.


Ken's statement implys a debt that we have ignored.
I take offense to the suggestion that we have been slack in our efforts to assist in the success of this operation.
Those who could...did. Those who couldn't give the green, gave their best thoughts. That means a lot.

BajaBlanca - 11-18-2010 at 08:07 PM

I hope she is having some fun recuperating...Vegas is a wonderful place to wander - even for a kid. Let's wait to see if her heart can handle a trip to LA or San Diego. I didnt take offense to the mentioning of the debt - at all - but I sure am interested in knowing how short we are so we can perhaps remedy that too.

David K - 11-18-2010 at 08:20 PM

Originally posted by desertcpl
Originally posted by David K

Maybe take her and her friends to Disneyland, in the future, when she can go on the rides!!??

I can go along with that, thats a good idea DK

I will be happy to help coordinate with Antonio with any future trip north to any Southern California attraction of her desire if at all possible... as much as I am able.

Lets just hope her recovery continues and she can lead a normal life from now on!

Dear Nomads:

a-commit - 11-19-2010 at 12:01 AM

I have returned from Las Vegas. Itzel, her mom and Antonio are due to come back on Friday.

As reported by Antonio, the operation went very well. Dr. Rothman is pleased. The stent opened Itzel’s aorta from 2mm to 9mm. Dr. Rothman did not want to go further for fear of rupturing the aorta. He would like to do a new procedure on Itzel in about 5 years when she is older and the aorta has fully adjusted to the stent. At that time, he will enlarge the aorta to about 14mm.

Itzel’s body will now begin a serious adjustment as the reality of her body has changed dramatically. The blood pressure difference between her arms and legs is already within the range expected. Her blood pressure in a resting state is already close to normal. It is when she is awake and active that it is still a little high. She is taking medication to help her adjust. Itzel will quickly learn to accept that having a heart beating gently and strongly is vastly superior to one that has been pounding.

Dr. Rothman confirmed that Itzel was running a tremendous risk of an aneurism. That threat along with a stroke, heart attack would have grown with each passing year. Any complications from diet, a cold, flu or other disease could have proved fatal. Dr. Rothman believes that we caught this in time, without Itzel incurring major permanent damage.

Below I will post some pictures that say it all...

Commitment gives its sincere thanks to Dr. Abraham Rothman for performing this operation. His entire staff was gracious, caring, helpful and informative throughout the process. We also wish to thank Dra. Azucena Murillo from Hospital Del Prado. She did the initial examination that revealed that Itzel could be saved. She and Dr. Rothman have worked together often.

Commitment also thanks all the donors who have come forward to help this lovely girl. Your thoughts and prayers have helped make a difference. A special thanks to Antonio Munoz for asking Commitment to try and help.

Special wishes for a happy and fulfilling life to Itzel, her mother Isela and her entire family. Isela needs to be commended. She never gave up hope, she persisted. She didn’t give up and when we found about Itzel, neither could we.

On behalf of Commitment, Thanks to all of you.

[Edited on 11-19-2010 by a-commit]

A wonderful girl alone with her thoughts before the operation.

a-commit - 11-19-2010 at 12:03 AM

Wonderful girl before.jpg - 48kB

David K - 11-19-2010 at 12:05 AM

Thank you for the update... a wonderful report!!

Izel's aorta before the operation.

a-commit - 11-19-2010 at 12:05 AM

Aorta before.jpg - 46kB

Itzel's aorta after the operation

a-commit - 11-19-2010 at 12:07 AM

Aorta after.jpg - 44kB

David K - 11-19-2010 at 12:08 AM

wow... thanks Andy!!

The location of the stent.

a-commit - 11-19-2010 at 12:10 AM

Stent location.jpg - 47kB

A moment awake... the monitor tells the story.

a-commit - 11-19-2010 at 12:13 AM

[Edited on 11-19-2010 by a-commit]

Monitor telling story.jpg - 50kB

bigjohn - 11-19-2010 at 12:27 AM

Those are some incredible pictures! :yes:

Update... and hold that tought...

BajaCactus - 11-19-2010 at 12:57 AM

Itzel, her mom and myself are still in Las Vegas, we are to leave tomorrow Friday at 1:00pm to San Diego.

Itzel is recovering very well... in order to put the ballon and stent into her aorta, Dr. Rothman needed to insert them through the femoral artery, which left a circular wound about 4-5 mm in diameter in Itzel's right thigh. Because of the location and size, no stitches were able to be done, so that wound needs to close and heal by itself.

According to the doctor, the total recovery for that wound should be between 7-10 days... in the meantime she needs to take it easy, not much walking nor sudden movements.

This is why we decided to stay a couple of days after the operation, so Itzel's body could get a little bit stronger for the trip.

Regarding Disneyland... that is a wonderful idea...!!!... Today I asked Itzel if she would like to go and she just looked and me and said: What is Disneyland?... When I explained that is where the Princesses have their home, she was more than excited to go... you are all right... every kid should go to Disneyland at least once.

I would suggest to hold that wonderful thought and give her that beautiful gift on her next trip to San Diego, which should be for the fundraising and dinner event on her honor, in December.

That will give Itzel the opportunity to fully heal and adjust to her "new heart", so she can fully enjoy Disney... I will jump in with the transportation to and back from Disney.

Now, I will leave you with you a conversation that happened earlier today:

Itzel: Mommy...

Itzel's Mom: What is it baby?

Itzel: my feet hurt!!!

Itzel's Mom: Which one?

Itzel: both mommy.

Itzel's Mom: Antonio!!!... there might be something wrong... Itzel is complaining about her feet.

Antonio: Which feet does it hurt Itzel?

Itzel: Both Antonio...

Antonio: mmmm... What do you mean by pain?... What do you feel?

Itzel: in the tip of my fingers I feel wosshh... wosshh... wosshh...

Antonio: What do you mean wossh... wosshh... like something beating?...

Itzel: Yes!!!... like something is beating!!!

Antonio: Sweetheart... that is your heart pumping blood to your feet... it is normal...

Itzel: It is?... I never felt it before.

Antonio: Yes... your heart is cured now and is sending more strength to your legs and feet.

Itzel: Does this mean that now I will be able to play along with my friends?

Antonio: yes... you will be able to play all you want with your friends now.

Itzel: Does this means I will also be able to eat chocolate cake now?

Antonio: Yes honey... you can eat chocolate cake also.

Itzel: ooooohhhh.... thank you Antonio... Thank you for curing me!!! (then she gave me a huge hug and a kiss).


[Edited on 11-19-2010 by BajaCactus]

sanquintinsince73 - 11-19-2010 at 02:36 AM

What a bunch of wonderful people I have the privilege of "nomading" with on this site. God bless you all....even the non-believers.

desertcpl - 11-19-2010 at 08:38 AM

well that did it for me,, I started to cry.

again count us in for disney land

BajaNomad - 11-19-2010 at 08:38 AM

Originally posted by BajaCactus

Itzel: Does this mean that now I will be able to play along with my friends?

Antonio: yes... you will be able to play all you want with your friends now.

Itzel: Does this means I will also be able to eat chocolate cake now?

Antonio: Yes honey... you can eat chocolate cake also.

Itzel: ooooohhhh.... thank you Antonio... Thank you for curing me!!! (then she gave me a huge hug and a kiss).

BajaNomad - 11-19-2010 at 08:52 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
I take offense to the suggestion that we have been slack in our efforts to assist in the success of this operation.
Those who could...did. Those who couldn't give the green, gave their best thoughts. That means a lot.
Dennis, you - and others Nomads - have been fantastic in your support here, monetarily and/or through their positive thoughts and prayers. Since it can't be said enough, I'll say it again: FANTASTIC!

While you've perceived Ken's note in a not-so-supportive way, I on the other hand take it as a positive note reminding people there's still a reason to get involved if/where/when possible. Written communication can be so challenging to interpret sometimes.

Hope you're doing well sir. I enjoy and appreciate your recent positive "vibe".



[Edited on 11-19-2010 by BajaNomad]

DianaT - 11-19-2010 at 09:06 AM

Originally posted by desertcpl
well that did it for me,, I started to cry.

:yes::yes: that conversation did it!

So great to hear all the wonderful news. And Antonio, to stick by Itzel and Mom throughout all of this, you truly are her guardian angel.

[Edited on 11-19-2010 by DianaT]

ckiefer - 11-19-2010 at 09:07 AM

It got me here:
"What's Disneyland?"

Nothing like a good cry first thing in the morning to cleanse the soul....

We were relieved to hear the operation was a success, but the comprehensive report, dialog and pictures....well that was HUGE bonus!

All I can say is WOW!!! AND Thank you so very much!!!

DENNIS - 11-19-2010 at 09:22 AM

Originally posted by BajaNomad
While you've perceived Ken's note in a not-so-supportive way, I on the other hand take it as a positive note reminding people there's still a reason to get involved if/where/when possible. Written communication can be so challenging to interpret sometimes.

I agree. Sorry, Ken. I shouldn't have fired on you. [actually, it wasn't me. It was the other Dennis]

I see the need to concentrate on the unpaid portion of the bill. I know for a fact that there's still one check in the mail.
We'll just keep plugging away at it.

BajaBlanca - 11-19-2010 at 09:40 AM

How wonderful !!! the pictures are incredible, to say the least.

Please give more details on the fundraiser and dinner in December in San diego so we can plan to be there !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A miracle just happened. :bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce:

David K - 11-19-2010 at 09:43 AM


woody with a view - 11-19-2010 at 09:51 AM

thanks to all of you Nomadic ones, even DK!

CaboMagic - 11-19-2010 at 10:06 AM

Thanks A&A for the updates and truly heart warming photos.

Have posted on our website hoping to inspire others to participate .

Thanks 2 Doug and Dennis, for the eloquent reminder that positive thoughts & prayers are important too.

All best wishes.

DianaT - 11-20-2010 at 11:56 AM

Just a quick bump since they said not all the bills are paid yet.

DENNIS - 11-20-2010 at 12:14 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by DENNIS

Originally posted by a-commit
You can find Commitment, Inc. on the web at: (Best if you use Google and key in Commitment, Inc.)... here is the hyperlink for you: Commitment, Inc

Commitment started in 2005 and is a 501(C) 3 Non-Profit Organization recognized by the IRS. A letter from the IRS is on the site. We can provide tax deductible receipts.

The site shows a picture of Itzel and describes her condition. She is 5 years old and was badly misdiagnosed, given little medication, treatment or hope. In a word, malpractice.

Commitment has worked with Hospital Del Prado in Tijuana on 4 successful heart operations already. We are negotiating with them as well as a U.S. hospital to the get the best possible combination of treatment and price for Itzel.

The website also mentions a heart operation done recently for a guide from the Sierra de San Francisco named Santos. We are still doing follow up work with him and he will likely need to come back to Tijuana early next year for another checkup. The “Completed Projects” shows the 15 surgeries that Commitment has played a major part in.

Some individuals have asked about the Shriners Hospital in Los Angeles. The Shriners only do orthopedic work, which Itzel does not need. Commitment has done some projects with the Shriners already.

Commitment is hoping that you will want to help Itzel with her operation. You can remit funds via paypal or by check:

If by Paypal you may use this link: Commitment at PayPal, or you can also use our PayPal e-mail address:

By Check, made payable and sent to:

Commitment, Inc.
PO Box 178309
San Diego, CA 92177

We thank you for your consideration. Together we can make a difference!!!

Andy Schouten

Good idea, Diane. We'll put this up as well.

shari - 11-21-2010 at 07:42 AM

what a great sunday morning read about Itzel's feet tingling!!! How about we focus now on the fundraiser...offer prizes for a raffle at the dinner maybe??

Nappo - 11-21-2010 at 10:44 PM

As a 3rd year Asuncion visitor I always consider Shari's posts some of the best. I know where her heart is after all she went through with her daughter - Does any one else notice how quickly Shari has moved from her own family's crisis and moved on to others? What a great lady! She spent days in Guerrero Negro and helped another USA guy get home with medical problems and now she is helping another. I guess I just post this as I am so impressed with her dedication to "help". So, dig down in your hearts and help these young kids...Thanksgiving is coming and what a better way to honor your family than by giving to others.

shari - 11-22-2010 at 07:02 AM

a gracious thank you Nappo...this is something very valuable I have learned living in mexico. We ALL need help at some time or other and shouldnt be ashamed of asking for it or giving it.

People who have very little always have enough to help someone in need in some way or other so my idea is to try to motivate more here...especially the lurkers who are perhaps too shy to post but hopefully might donate a few dollares or prize to raffle off to this most worthy cause.

woody with a view - 11-22-2010 at 07:19 AM

we all love Shari, at least all who have met her.... and most who haven't!

a-commit - 11-22-2010 at 09:41 PM

Dear Nomads:
I have been unable to connect with a particular restaurant manager. I have sent him an email. We want to have the thank you party on Saturday, December 11, 2010 from 5:00PM to 8:00PM. The restaurant we are considering is south of Del Mar. We hope to make the official announcement in a day or so.
Commitment, Inc.

woody with a view - 11-22-2010 at 09:47 PM

we'd love to attend, on ANY other eve. our Xmas party is downtown 7pm. hopefully, this manager runs a place close by......

if not, give a hug to Itxzel and her mom for Bia and i.

tripledigitken - 11-24-2010 at 09:29 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by BajaNomad
Originally posted by tripledigitken
Lets not forget that her medical expenses still have not been covered.


Ken's statement implys a debt that we have ignored.
I take offense to the suggestion that we have been slack in our efforts to assist in the success of this operation.
Those who could...did. Those who couldn't give the green, gave their best thoughts. That means a lot.


How do you read my message as anyway denegrating Nomads? Just like your "bumps" I was communicating that our efforts are still needed for Itzel. All of the expenses, when Andy last posted the amounts, where not covered. Raising money for a trip to Disneyland, while a great idea, is secondary to paying back all the generous folks that have covered her bills to date. Dennis your problem with me shouldn't taint this thread, take to U2U if you must.


DianaT - 11-24-2010 at 09:53 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by BajaNomad
While you've perceived Ken's note in a not-so-supportive way, I on the other hand take it as a positive note reminding people there's still a reason to get involved if/where/when possible. Written communication can be so challenging to interpret sometimes.

I agree. Sorry, Ken. I shouldn't have fired on you. [actually, it wasn't me. It was the other Dennis]

I see the need to concentrate on the unpaid portion of the bill. I know for a fact that there's still one check in the mail.
We'll just keep plugging away at it.

Maybe you missed this post---After a post of Doug's, Dennis posted the above.

Hope lots of money is raised to pay the rest of the bills--- that is the first concern----then off to Disneyland. :biggrin:

[Edited on 11-24-2010 by DianaT]

tripledigitken - 11-24-2010 at 10:03 AM

Yes Diane I didn't see that, thanks for posting. Dennis I retract what I said. I have been off the grid for a week and missed your apology when I reviewed this thread.


DENNIS - 11-25-2010 at 10:22 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS

Originally posted by a-commit
You can find Commitment, Inc. on the web at: (Best if you use Google and key in Commitment, Inc.)... here is the hyperlink for you: Commitment, Inc

Commitment started in 2005 and is a 501(C) 3 Non-Profit Organization recognized by the IRS. A letter from the IRS is on the site. We can provide tax deductible receipts.

The site shows a picture of Itzel and describes her condition. She is 5 years old and was badly misdiagnosed, given little medication, treatment or hope. In a word, malpractice.

Commitment has worked with Hospital Del Prado in Tijuana on 4 successful heart operations already. We are negotiating with them as well as a U.S. hospital to the get the best possible combination of treatment and price for Itzel.

The website also mentions a heart operation done recently for a guide from the Sierra de San Francisco named Santos. We are still doing follow up work with him and he will likely need to come back to Tijuana early next year for another checkup. The “Completed Projects” shows the 15 surgeries that Commitment has played a major part in.

Some individuals have asked about the Shriners Hospital in Los Angeles. The Shriners only do orthopedic work, which Itzel does not need. Commitment has done some projects with the Shriners already.

Commitment is hoping that you will want to help Itzel with her operation. You can remit funds via paypal or by check:

If by Paypal you may use this link: Commitment at PayPal, or you can also use our PayPal e-mail address:

By Check, made payable and sent to:

Commitment, Inc.
PO Box 178309
San Diego, CA 92177

We thank you for your consideration. Together we can make a difference!!!

Andy Schouten

John M - 11-25-2010 at 03:43 PM

Andy and Antonio,

I would like some information on Itzel"s family. Is she an only child? Is there anything she needs for school or a special gift of a toy.

Thank you Mrs M

BajaHombre - 11-27-2010 at 11:12 AM


I just made a donation to Commitment to help with the bills

BajaBlanca - 11-27-2010 at 02:14 PM

Welcome BajaHombre to Baja Nomads and thanx for the donation ... together we all make a difference.

desertcpl - 11-28-2010 at 11:53 AM

we just made another donation for the bills and hopefully Disney Land

desertcpl - 11-28-2010 at 11:55 AM

can some one give us an update on how Itzel is doing, is she back home now

a-commit - 11-29-2010 at 02:07 PM

To the nomads:
I am asking Antonio to give a more recent update. I do know that she was seen by a doctor before she went back to Mexico and all the reading were heading in a positive direction. It will take up to a month for Itzel's body to adjust to the improved blood circulation. Itzel used to have trouble sleeping due to upper chest congestion caused by high blood pressure. This is now significantly better. She is playing with friends doing things she previously was restricted from doing due to lack of strength and lack of blood to her leg muscles. Her mother's worries have also diminished as her daughter can better function without her and other family members can take of her while she if off to work. At the December 11 party, Itzel, her brother and her mother will all be there.

Andy - party?

John M - 11-29-2010 at 03:34 PM

Andy, can we assume the date of the 11th is still on, then?

We need to make hotel reservations.

John M

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