
Mama Espinoza's

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JESSE - 7-19-2011 at 04:01 PM

Originally posted by ELINVESTIG8R
Jesse do not get on the wrong side of me. You and I patched things up as I recall and now you are back with your slings and arrows. Ok...

I could care less about how you feel.

ELINVESTIG8R - 7-19-2011 at 04:01 PM

No sweat buddy!

BajaRat - 7-19-2011 at 04:24 PM

Originally posted by bigmike
6 of us had dinner Sunday April 17th at Mama's.
We will never eat there again!! The meals were awful.
2 had scallops so over cooked you could not hardly cut them let alone chew them. One had fish filet, so over cooked again it was dry as a bone, one had arrachera, again so over cooked it had no flavor,
one had a Mexican dish with no flavor. I had the crab soup and it was the only passable food of any of the meals.
Please see my wonderful review of Baja Cactus!!

OMG.....WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so sorry you had such a bad experience . I havnt been keepin up with the site lately. Were prepin for a big Baja trip. These folks are my families friends. Their hospitality is unrivaled. Their contributions to this world unmatched. I hope you will spare us from your reviews in the future. :barf:

Bajahowodd - 7-19-2011 at 04:26 PM

Originally posted by tripledigitken
Originally posted by drarroyo
The food there is fine.
Now, bet you can guess the physical appearance of all these gross foodies.
blimp anyone??

I don't think foodies of any body type are searching out food destinations in El Rosario.

Perhaps the greatest clarity to be found on this thread, Ken.

As I have gone on record several times as not being fan of El Rosario, in general, it does seem to me that the town does have a unique and ideal location for Baja travelers. Southbound, it's an easy day's drive from the border. Northbound, it is an absolute oasis after miles of wilderness driving.

Maybe in some small way, the town has been able to take advantage of its location, without upgrading its facilities.

And by the way, as someone who carries a bit more girth than I should, have to admit that when we travel Baja, especially when thinking overnight destinations, availability of decent grub is in the equation. Probably why we stop in San Quintin when headed South.

BajaRat - 7-19-2011 at 04:33 PM

VIVA El Rosario!!!!!!!!!!!!

Elinvestig8tr gets a pass

Dave - 7-19-2011 at 04:41 PM

Originally posted by Lee
Originally posted by ELINVESTIG8R
You are such an imbecile to suggest....

Hey dummy, here is a News Alert for you. If you don't like to eat a Mama Espinoza’s place don’t. They won’t miss you.

You don't like someone's opinion so now you're going to start name calling? You angry about something?

I remember reading his story and the telling of how Mama and the family literally saved his life.

So I could understand how he would be hyper-sensitive to any negative comments.

I would.


bajaguy - 7-19-2011 at 04:50 PM

Originally posted by BajaRat
Originally posted by bigmike
6 of us had dinner Sunday April 17th at Mama's.
We will never eat there again!! The meals were awful.
2 had scallops so over cooked you could not hardly cut them let alone chew them. One had fish filet, so over cooked again it was dry as a bone, one had arrachera, again so over cooked it had no flavor,
one had a Mexican dish with no flavor. I had the crab soup and it was the only passable food of any of the meals.
Please see my wonderful review of Baja Cactus!!

OMG.....WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so sorry you had such a bad experience . I havnt been keepin up with the site lately. Were prepin for a big Baja trip. These folks are my families friends. Their hospitality is unrivaled. Their contributions to this world unmatched. I hope you will spare us from your reviews in the future. :barf:

Why should Big Mike spare us from a report???? Just because you don't like what he has to say????

I appreciate all reports both good and bad from Nomads that travel. I'll make up my own mind on where I eat, sleep or buy gasoline based on what is contained in those reports.

Lee - 7-19-2011 at 05:57 PM


Maybe you're a literalist. While I think the comments about burning down Mama's was stupid, people sometimes write stupid things. I took the comment to be figurative. No one wants to see harm at Mama's.

So, when you get angry, you insult people on this forum by name calling -- and then justifying your inappropriate behavior? Sure looks like a carry over from OT.

my comment was clearly out of line

thebajarunner - 7-19-2011 at 06:55 PM

Originally posted by Lee

Maybe you're a literalist. While I think the comments about burning down Mama's was stupid, people sometimes write stupid things. I took the comment to be figurative. No one wants to see harm at Mama's.

So, when you get angry, you insult people on this forum by name calling -- and then justifying your inappropriate behavior? Sure looks like a carry over from OT.

and I apologize for an impetuous and improper alliteration.
sometimes frustration does that to you,
and no, I do not wish the Espinoza family any harm, economic/physical/emotional, or otherwise,
because I have too many fond memories of sitting in the old kitchen, reminiscing with Mama and her delightful stories.

and to Ellen, as usual you are so subtle and gentle in your reference to those you know, and those you do not know....

ELINVESTIG8R - 7-19-2011 at 07:09 PM

Lee I do not wish to discuss it anymore. I've said what I had to say!


doradodan - 7-19-2011 at 07:34 PM

everybody defends el rosario and the crap they sell as FOOD at espinosas. anybody remember the fisherman with his brains beaten out near el rosario, and the chief of police driving his pickup and not arrested. what a vacation spot.

David K - 7-19-2011 at 07:45 PM

Originally posted by doradodan
everybody defends el rosario and the crap they sell as FOOD at espinosas. anybody remember the fisherman with his brains beaten out near el rosario, and the chief of police driving his pickup and not arrested. what a vacation spot.

There was a murder 'near' San Diego, too... wait... LOT'S OF MURDERS... hold on, I think there were some murders 'near' Los Angeles, New York, Houston, Kansas City... TOO!

While El Rosario has a lot of nearby attractions... I don't think anyone here has called it a "vacation spot".

toneart - 7-19-2011 at 09:43 PM

Originally posted by Dave
Originally posted by Lee
Originally posted by ELINVESTIG8R
You are such an imbecile to suggest....

Hey dummy, here is a News Alert for you. If you don't like to eat a Mama Espinoza’s place don’t. They won’t miss you.

You don't like someone's opinion so now you're going to start name calling? You angry about something?

I remember reading his story and the telling of how Mama and the family literally saved his life.

So I could understand how he would be hyper-sensitive to any negative comments.

I would.

Me too! Mama Espinoza was his angel and David has a right to defend her legacy and the business that bears her name. He is still close to Mama and the family...actually, HIS family! :D

Paula - 7-19-2011 at 10:23 PM

I had the Mexican combo at Mama's last Saturday night. It was greasy, watery, and gross. Don had Carne Asada that was edible, nothing more. The chips on the table were from a bag and a bit stale. The salsa was thin and oily. I am generally forgiving of Baja meals-- I don't expect the best of Mexican cuisine. Hey, I live in Loreto :biggrin: Jesse's is an exception.
We stayed at Baja Cactus, which I like, but our room had been heavily disinfected with Lysol, which brings up long ago sad personal memories. The people at both businesses are pleasant and friendly. But after the long drive from Loreto it is worth the extra 35 miles to go to Jardines in San Quintin. The room is fresher, and the restaurant so much better.

David K - 7-20-2011 at 08:55 AM

Originally posted by Paula
I had the Mexican combo at Mama's last Saturday night. It was greasy, watery, and gross. Don had Carne Asada that was edible, nothing more. The chips on the table were from a bag and a bit stale. The salsa was thin and oily. I am generally forgiving of Baja meals-- I don't expect the best of Mexican cuisine. Hey, I live in Loreto :biggrin: Jesse's is an exception.
We stayed at Baja Cactus, which I like, but our room had been heavily disinfected with Lysol, which brings up long ago sad personal memories. The people at both businesses are pleasant and friendly. But after the long drive from Loreto it is worth the extra 35 miles to go to Jardines in San Quintin. The room is fresher, and the restaurant so much better.

Hi Paula, while it is a shame that the meal was so poor at Mama's, I do want to comment that we stayed in two different rooms at Baja Cactus (108 on July 3 & 205 on July 4), and neither one had a smell (Lysol or otherwise).. and my nose is pretty sensitive... I would have asked to see (smell) another room.

In fact, been staying at Antonio's motel countless times since 2004 and have never had a bad smell... So, it was a rare thing you experienced, so please don't write off the business... Just in case you don't want to drive past El Rosario on another trip.

We have eaten at Jardines' new place (and the older one before) and yes, very good food!

rts551 - 7-20-2011 at 11:58 AM

My experience is the same as Paula's. It's not Lysol, its Fabulosa (or what ever they call it). Every time we stay there we have to open all the widows for a while.

Curt63 - 7-20-2011 at 12:10 PM

My one experience (summer 2009) at Mama's was mediocre and notably expensive. I haven't returned.

Try visiting Ed and Yoli at Baja's Best at the east end of town.

I had a great hamburger and fries on my way south. So good, I returned on my way north.

The room was very nice (it actually seemed like a honeymoon suite) $58 for 2. It was all they had. Breakfast was great.

For dinner, we had bought a dozen huge clams from a fisherman in the 7 sisters earlier in the day and asked them to cook them empanizada. They were just ok.

Ed is a great guy. He is a former urchin and abalone diver. lots of interesting pics and shells in the restaurant.

Paula - 7-20-2011 at 10:55 PM

David, we've stayed at Baja Cactus many times. The Lysol smell was unfortunate (it was Lysol, not Fabuloso) but it is still a great hotel. We arrived late, it may have been the last room, and my guess is that someone had a bad experience at Mama's and the room needed extra care:biggrin: It wouldn't keep us from staying again.

But the lack of a good meal in El Rosario does make San Quintin a better choice for us. Ate at Baja's Best once, not so good either:no:

David K - 7-20-2011 at 11:12 PM

10-4 Paula... understand!

Sometime if you don't need a big restaurant, give Hugo's Tacos Mision a try... awesome stuffed baked potatoes and giant burritos... and Hugo's art to enjoy!

Bajahowodd - 7-21-2011 at 04:42 PM

Progress makes it no contest. I won't diss Mama's or Baja Cactus. But the simple fact is that the greater San Quintin area has experienced immense growth, and job opportunities. The money is there. So, enterprising folks have built really nice hotels and great restaurants. Probably 5 or so hotels that are worthy of a stay, and at least that many restaurants. Admittedly, i favor Jardines for both.

But, that said, old timers gotta recall when Motel Chavez, pre- renovation was just about the top place in the area. Progress.

There are serious choice to be made in the area.

On the other hand, those who seem to devise their Baja trip based sinply on milegae and time, will still stay and eat in El Rosario. Fine either way.

Oso - 7-21-2011 at 04:58 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
Progress makes it no contest. I won't diss Mama's or Baja Cactus. But the simple fact is that the greater San Quintin area has experienced immense growth, and job opportunities. The money is there. So, enterprising folks have built really nice hotels and great restaurants. Probably 5 or so hotels that are worthy of a stay, and at least that many restaurants. Admittedly, i favor Jardines for both.

But, that said, old timers gotta recall when Motel Chavez, pre- renovation was just about the top place in the area. Progress.

There are serious choice to be made in the area.

Ditto on Jardines, for those who don't HAVE to be on the beach, it's pleasant, quiet, reasonable and the restaurant is run by the people who had Viejo San Quintin. Baja Cactus is fine if it fits into your schedule and the Pemex is one of very few honest ones in Baja, but Mama's is more a nostalgic memory of the past than a good place to eat now.

On the other hand, those who seem to devise their Baja trip based sinply on milegae and time, will still stay and eat in El Rosario. Fine either way.

rts551 - 7-21-2011 at 05:13 PM

Ditto on progress. We have found a number of great choices in the Vale San Quintin to eat and sleep.

bigmike - 8-6-2011 at 07:58 PM

Baja Rat, I am sure that the people at Mama Espinosa's are very nice people as I have heard many stories about them, but that does not excuse the food that they serve after 3 trips south in the last couple of years and having the food they serve at the prices they charge, it is crap!!
I live in Baja and I know what good food is and I have every right to make my statements as to how I feel, we stayed at Baja Cactus and it was a great place, we ate at Jesse's place in La Paz and it was great along with many other place as we travelled north and south this past April, all the meals with exceptions of Mama Espinosas were very good, so what is the problem in my reporting what I feel?

DENNIS - 8-6-2011 at 08:04 PM

Originally posted by bigmike
so what is the problem in my reporting what I feel?

Never a problem, Mike. Not here. Say what's on your you did.

Bob H - 8-7-2011 at 09:30 AM

Is this thread ever going to die....??

toneart - 8-7-2011 at 09:38 AM

I think this string needs to be purged abruptly and violently as my Burritos de Jaiba were, all over the tile floors of The Baja Cactus Hotel on that fateful night.:barf:

Bob H - 8-7-2011 at 09:46 AM

Originally posted by toneart
I think this string needs to be purged abruptly and violently as my Burritos de Jaiba were, all over the tile floors of The Baja Cactus Hotel on that fateful night.:barf:


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