
Update on Juanita

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Sallysouth - 7-14-2011 at 11:46 PM

The future is unknown for now.I took her to the ER to get her pic line bandages and connectors changed today.The girls and I sat in the waiting room for an hour and half, then to Quest for a blood draw.Long day.The South Coast farm delivered not one, but two boxes of wonderful fruit and vegis to me today, one for the girls and us, the other for Juanita and Dad.
I am very tired, but truckin on.Juanitas' sister is in (I hope) the hospital getting a DNC , as she has been hemmoraging for a month or so. That would be the sis Maalaea, that has been battling breat cancer.Geez, does it just keep getting worse?A Mothers worse nightmare.To answer Loris' Q, Dad is here in his home, Juanita is staying there, I have her girls.Dada has a caregiver.Ty will be here tomorrow.I will update when I can.

David K - 7-14-2011 at 11:54 PM

Our best hopes and prayers for you and your family, Sally!

Sallysouth - 7-15-2011 at 01:31 PM

Thank you DK! Juanita goes back in the UCI med center for another month this Wednesday.Then 7 more months of chemo after that.Its gonna be a long haul and a tough one on her organs.Keep praying and sending good energy Nomads......Peace, sally

goldhuntress - 7-15-2011 at 02:11 PM

I've been following all this and I my heart goes out to your family and of course all my good thoughts are coming your way. Stay strong.

Eli - 7-15-2011 at 02:58 PM

Yes Sally, I agree, what you describe is certainly A Mother's worse nightmare. I cannot imagine how frighting and frustrating this must be.

I know that having your granddaughters with you can in no way make up for the pain of watching your daughter's suffer, but I do hope somehow they give you comfort and you do them, I hope some good comes of all of this, a bonding with them.

What else can I say, I am sorry and will continue to pray.

Sallysouth - 7-15-2011 at 04:22 PM

Thank you goldhuntress.Sara, having the girls here with me has indeed "softened" the intensity of all of ours' situation.They are full of energy, yet soft and sweet also.Don't get me wrong, I have to be referee alot!They are spending the night with Juanita tonite at Dads.I hope it all goes well.She has been getting stronger every day since she has been "out".My other daughter, maalaea, went to the ER and they told her that because she has cancer they could not help her.So now she has to see a gyno and be referred, I guess.She is hemmoraging for C sake!!As good as our health care is here, it is also really messed up.AND, it is the weekend.....heard that one not too long ago...So for now, I don't know whats going to happen with the girls, or how Mijas health issues are going to be met.(both of them)I just try to be positive and thankful they are alive.

Don Jorge - 7-15-2011 at 04:31 PM

Hang in there Sally. Prayers, hope and one day at a time. We are pulling for you all from down here in the dirt.

Sallysouth - 7-16-2011 at 07:22 PM

Thanks Jorge! Summer delivered two boxes of fresh organic goodies yesterday, one for us and one for Juanita.Mija was so excited!I have been chowing on the fruit, spinach, brocolli, etc., and I have to tell you, I feel better!!The little girls love their "shakes" in the morning with fruit and honey and mexican cinammon.Thank you so much.Rebecca is so sweet! And Summer lives across the street from my brother and they are good friends!!Small world.Yours and Rebeccas' caring and contribution has made a difference in our lives during this difficult time.Abrazos, Sally

Sallysouth - 7-17-2011 at 10:49 PM

So Juanita goes back into UCI med center this Wednesday for another month of chemo and tests.They want to do 8 more months of chemo .Not sure how this is going to play out.I will keep ya'll updated.

Sallysouth - 8-3-2011 at 04:15 PM

The latest....She was in the hospital for a week and was doing so well they sent her home(Dads).The girls are staying with her there as is her hubby, Ty.I just talked to her and they found a perfect donor match for her platelets(rare)!!!!She has 6 more months of chemo but doesn't need to stay in the hospital the whole time.Ty and girls go back to Baja next week to get the girls ready for school and him back to work.Its all good news and once again, thank you all for offers of help and prayers and Don Jorge for arranging delivery of that fine organic produce we have received.Abrazos, Sally:bounce:

David K - 8-3-2011 at 04:27 PM

Thanks Sally for the update on Juanita... Things do sound better!

Roberto - 8-3-2011 at 08:39 PM

Originally posted by Sallysouth
The latest....She was in the hospital for a week and was doing so well they sent her home(Dads).The girls are staying with her there as is her hubby, Ty.I just talked to her and they found a perfect donor match for her platelets(rare)!!!!She has 6 more months of chemo but doesn't need to stay in the hospital the whole time.Ty and girls go back to Baja next week to get the girls ready for school and him back to work.Its all good news and once again, thank you all for offers of help and prayers and Don Jorge for arranging delivery of that fine organic produce we have received.Abrazos, Sally:bounce:

That's fantastic news, Sally. Maybe things are on the way back to where they should be?

Skipjack Joe - 8-3-2011 at 09:17 PM

two thumbs up !!

toneart - 8-3-2011 at 09:17 PM

Great news, Sally! Check your U2U.

Natalie Ann - 8-4-2011 at 07:41 AM

Excellent good news, Sally. Thanks for the update.


Eli - 8-4-2011 at 12:12 PM

Sounds like Y'all are settled in for the long haul. I am sure the next six months will be no walk thru the daisies, but still, Juanita is a strong Spirit and a brave soul, and well, what can one say, one day at a time and by next Spring hopefully, she will be well and heading home to Baja and her family, who I know are going to miss her terribly. Wishing your whole family the best of luck. Thanks for the up date. It is good to know that things are going "o.k", I mean 6 months of kimo can't be something to look forward to doing, but it is a hopeful note, so I too will take this as good news.

Sallysouth - 8-11-2011 at 07:00 PM

Here is the latest.She will be going thru chemo and a bone marrow transplant(her little sisters) and much more at UCI med center for the next six months.Her family and my Dad will be going back to Baja(which I am not too thrilled about, Dad, that is).Then she has a whole year to be at Cedar Sinai in LA going every day.I have NO idea how this can work.She has no income, and everything is so way up in the air .Her little sis is going to create a foundation for her with charity events and what else is needed to try to raise some money to help support her during this long haul.It is so overwhelming for us all.She has a 50/50 chance of surviving the bone marrow transplant and it is a very scary picture.I will give an update when I can, as I know many of you care ...abrazos, Sally

elgatoloco - 8-11-2011 at 07:42 PM

Please let us know about the foundation so we can help with more then just our good vibes and wishes and give yourself a hug from us! :dudette:

woody with a view - 8-11-2011 at 07:46 PM

HEAVY! we hope for the best and also never to have to endure it. all our hugs.

Sallysouth - 8-11-2011 at 11:16 PM

Thanks Mateo.I will .It is soo daunting right now, not knowing what can be done, where will she be staying/living for that year in LA.Her girls will be in Cabo with their Dad and MY Dad.Somehow I think this whole scenario has to change.I have my work cut out for me to make the right decisions for Dad.Then I can start working on the cause /foundation to help Juanita.Any and all input is very welcome!!

Roberto - 8-12-2011 at 08:58 AM

Have you seen this? Might be worth looking into.

Skipjack Joe - 8-12-2011 at 04:06 PM

Sally wrote:

"This is what she has.Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia"

I read the same article as Roberto in today's paper. It really sounds as though this came at just the right time for you. Perhaps there are trials she could sign up for. At least talk to your doctor.

I know this is tiring for you.

Sallysouth - 8-12-2011 at 06:23 PM

Thanks Roberto and Joe.I read the same article.Amazing breakthru and very daring to use HIV cells to create this! However, Juanita has Acute Lymphoblasitic Leukemia.Keyword here is "acute", and a totaly different type of cancer.Her cancer normally attacks children 10 yrs and under.So it is rare in adults.Good thing is, she is a fighter, has lots of love and support, and has a strong will to beat this beast and live a better life!And No, Joe, this is not tiring for me, but thanks anyway.I will be here for her as much as I can.Thats what it's all about!

Sallysouth - 8-13-2011 at 03:20 PM

Juanitas' little sister, Amy, is creating a foundation for her sis to help her thru this long painfull battle.There will be a benefit with silent auction, probably in October, first part of the month.It will be here in Dana Point.Looks like lots of great stuff will be auctioned.I will let you all know when this gets a bit more organized.We will have a website for anyone to view and read about whats going on. Till then, keep on sending Mija good energy please!! I KNOW it has helped!!!Abrazos, Sally

Eli - 8-14-2011 at 08:42 AM

Well Sally, I guess you have figured out by now that the only way you and your family can deal with this is one step in front of the other, one day at a time. Of course I will continue to hope and pray for Juanita, may her strong spirit win.
In the past we have had some luck with donating my paintings for silent auctions for a few causes here in Los Barriles. If you think this well help and there is someone who is going North and will cart it up to the silent auction, I will be happy to donate one. I don't arrive home in Baja until early Oct., but I do have someone who can access the gallery where they are and give it to who is traveling up your way. Let me know if you would want this for the Oct. auction, and we can U2U ideas on how to make this happen. The tricky part I expect will be finding a Baja Nomad going North, not South in Oct.

Sallysouth - 8-21-2011 at 11:37 PM

Thank you so much Sara.I will let you know when the foundation gets active.I will be checking out for some time, need to have some ME time, a thing I forget to do.Some not so nice family dynamics are causing mucho stress.Bessos y Abrazos, the other Sara!!;D

Mulegena - 8-22-2011 at 12:18 AM

Perhaps you are still awake.
Please let this soothe your soul and affirm all good things for you, your daughter and your family.
Peace and healing.
with heart, Maria

Sallysouth - 8-25-2011 at 01:56 PM

Thank you Maria.That was so beautiful!!
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