
Has anyone seen this girl around surfing areas?

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BajaNomad - 10-12-2011 at 04:08 PM

Originally posted by shari
I am in contact with natasha's father as well now and he just wants to find his daughter to know that she is still alive. (posted on 9-28-2011)

I spoke on the phone with Natasha's mother around the time the thread was first posted (a few days prior to Shari's note above). Natasha Middleton is/was legitimately missing (and the parents concerned about if she was still alive) - and the boyfriend she was with was from around where they live in Discovery Bay, CA if I recall correctly.


DENNIS - 10-12-2011 at 04:10 PM

Originally posted by BajaNomad
I spoke on the phone with Natasha's mother around the time the thread was first posted (a few days prior to Shari's note above). Natasha Middleton is/was legitimately missing (and the parents concerned about if she was still alive) - and the boyfriend she was with was from around where they live in Discovery Bay, CA if I recall correctly.


Have we seen this before?

Woooosh - 10-12-2011 at 04:18 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by BajaNomad
I spoke on the phone with Natasha's mother around the time the thread was first posted (a few days prior to Shari's note above). Natasha Middleton is/was legitimately missing (and the parents concerned about if she was still alive) - and the boyfriend she was with was from around where they live in Discovery Bay, CA if I recall correctly.


Have we seen this before?

I really hope they are different girls- but what are the chances with them both in Baja Sur?

SiReNiTa - 10-12-2011 at 04:39 PM's posts like the ones on the last couple of pages that make good people reluctant to try to help ANYONE...when ever we try everyone jumps down our throats for it...
My mom is trying to help the people who contacted her, she has in no way tried to put anyone in danger, she is just the messenger...why is it that most people on this board just LOVE to shoot the messenger...

Honestly...just take a moment and think how the situation would affect you if it were your daughter missing, or if YOU were trying to help someone and got bad mouthed...or maybe think about responses to this and other threads like this when you are in a spot of trouble and need help?

You rock mom, keep doing what you do!

woody with a view - 10-12-2011 at 04:53 PM

yep! what she said. ^^^^^

MMc - 10-12-2011 at 05:06 PM

Some of us really respect all that you do.
Ignore us in the nickel seats. Some hope the other-side win's and some don't play at all.

motoged - 10-12-2011 at 05:13 PM

I would imagine that the mother of the missing daughter could easily determine if the pic of the girl is her daughter....solves part of the mystery of "are they the same girl"....

However , the mystery of the "nickel seats" may never be solved :biggrin:

YAY for Sheri and Serenita for their spirit:saint:

woody with a view - 10-12-2011 at 05:19 PM

i don't think the chicks are one and the same, unless the DL is 10 years old.

Woooosh - 10-12-2011 at 05:19 PM

Originally posted by SiReNiTa's posts like the ones on the last couple of pages that make good people reluctant to try to help ANYONE...when ever we try everyone jumps down our throats for it...
My mom is trying to help the people who contacted her, she has in no way tried to put anyone in danger, she is just the messenger...why is it that most people on this board just LOVE to shoot the messenger...

Honestly...just take a moment and think how the situation would affect you if it were your daughter missing, or if YOU were trying to help someone and got bad mouthed...or maybe think about responses to this and other threads like this when you are in a spot of trouble and need help?

You rock mom, keep doing what you do!
you people put others at risk and have no shame when being called out on it. I hope it is not the same girl, but what does it matter now- the risk is over either way? Being "naive" enough to pass this off as a missing girl, then a van, then a friends van- come on take some responsibility. Maybe it was one cartel trying to find the girl for the other? If this girl is the four time narco-killer- do you think she told her parents? You act like it's still the baja of the 80's. Good intentions are just not enough these days, especially when you fabricate a cover story and mislead us post by post from Mission Control. This promotion of business over safety and the whole truth is troublesome lately and you don't even see it. That's the part I don't get.

[Edited on 10-13-2011 by Woooosh]

Oddjob - 10-12-2011 at 05:57 PM

Originally posted by Woooosh
Originally posted by SiReNiTa's posts like the ones on the last couple of pages that make good people reluctant to try to help ANYONE...when ever we try everyone jumps down our throats for it...
My mom is trying to help the people who contacted her, she has in no way tried to put anyone in danger, she is just the messenger...why is it that most people on this board just LOVE to shoot the messenger...

Honestly...just take a moment and think how the situation would affect you if it were your daughter missing, or if YOU were trying to help someone and got bad mouthed...or maybe think about responses to this and other threads like this when you are in a spot of trouble and need help?You rock mom, keep doing what you do!

you people put others at risk and have no shame when being called out on it. I hope it is not the same girl, but what does it matter now- the risk is over either way? Being "naive" enough to pass this off as a missing girl, then a van, then a friends van- come on take some responsibility. Maybe it was one cartel trying to find the girl for the other? If this girl is the four time narco-killer- do you think she told her parents? You act like it's still the baja of the 80's. Good intentions are just not enough these days, especially when you fabricate a cover story and mislead us post by post from Mission Control. This promotion of business over safety and the whole truth is troublesome lately and you don't even see it. That's the part I don't get.

[Edited on 10-13-2011 by Woooosh]

"Shoot the messenger"? It's more like the messenger might get you shot if you didn't get the real story. I totally agree with Woooosh in spite of what the other Nomads think. As far as being reluctant to "help" goes, it would have been better to tell the whole story from Shari's very first post or to have never posted about this at all.

shari - 10-12-2011 at 07:10 PM

sheesh....Natasha's ID is real, this is not the same girl...what.... there cant be 2 canadian girls in baja at the same time???

comitan - 10-12-2011 at 07:50 PM

Natasha is from Discovery bay California per her license.

Canexican - 10-12-2011 at 08:24 PM

When the pieces are put together, it seems the arrested Canadian girl grew up in the Baja, of Hotel California fame.

BajaNomad - 10-12-2011 at 08:27 PM

Just got off the phone with Natasha's father. He's heard from close family sources that Natasha is now back in California (sans boyfriend) - in/around Discovery Bay. She has not contacted her parents though.


BajaNomad - 10-12-2011 at 08:56 PM

Zoe Noel Stewart - of colonia Los Cangrejos in Cabo San Lucas - was also detained in March, 2011.. when she was driving/riding in a stolen 1990 Toyota Camry along the Todos-CSL highway.

cristina-zoe-noel-stewart-march-2011.jpg - 20kB

Woooosh - 10-12-2011 at 09:25 PM

I'm glad it wasn't her. Anyone who was looking for the missing girl but ran into her ringer twin instead would have had a very bad day.

Let's do a poll. Who believes a nomad asking for help with a missing person should disclose 100% of what they know right up front? The dramatic unveiling post after post of the whole story doesn't make sense. Why do it?Why not give 100% of the info to get 100% support. Why is it like getting your teeth drilled every time we go through this. :?:

Canexican - 10-12-2011 at 10:04 PM

Seems she hung out with the wrong crowd, and it will surely cost her. Here is her Facebook page.

dtbushpilot - 10-12-2011 at 10:20 PM

Originally posted by Woooosh
I'm glad it wasn't her. Anyone who was looking for the missing girl but ran into her ringer twin instead would have had a very bad day.

Let's do a poll. Who believes a nomad asking for help with a missing person should disclose 100% of what they know right up front? The dramatic unveiling post after post of the whole story doesn't make sense. Why do it?Why not give 100% of the info to get 100% support. Why is it like getting your teeth drilled every time we go through this. :?:

I've got a better idea, let's do a poll on how freaking pathetic this topic has become.....or how about a poll on how many Nomads are here for the original intent of the Baja Nomads web site? Or maybe I don't know what the intent of this site is any more, it sure has become tiresome reading all the negative cr@p lately. I think I'll go fishing, I haven't really learned anything here lately other than how to kick your Nomad brethren in the crotch......

Woooosh - 10-12-2011 at 10:56 PM

Originally posted by dtbushpilot
Originally posted by Woooosh
I'm glad it wasn't her. Anyone who was looking for the missing girl but ran into her ringer twin instead would have had a very bad day.

Let's do a poll. Who believes a nomad asking for help with a missing person should disclose 100% of what they know right up front? The dramatic unveiling post after post of the whole story doesn't make sense. Why do it?Why not give 100% of the info to get 100% support. Why is it like getting your teeth drilled every time we go through this. :?:

I've got a better idea, let's do a poll on how freaking pathetic this topic has become.....or how about a poll on how many Nomads are here for the original intent of the Baja Nomads web site? Or maybe I don't know what the intent of this site is any more, it sure has become tiresome reading all the negative cr@p lately. I think I'll go fishing, I haven't really learned anything here lately other than how to kick your Nomad brethren in the crotch......

I agree. Peace Love & Fish Tacos. No more America's Most wanted! It's a Mexican adventurer site.

Mengano - 10-12-2011 at 11:56 PM

Originally posted by dtbushpilot
how about a poll on how many Nomads are here for the original intent of the Baja Nomads web site?

Which is to find a girl with an armed and dangerous boyfriend who has stolen two cars, one in the US and one from Shari's friend?

But for the grace of God, this whole fiasco could have ended up a lot worse for some Nomad.

CaboRon - 10-13-2011 at 05:49 AM

Originally posted by Oddjob
Originally posted by Woooosh
Originally posted by SiReNiTa's posts like the ones on the last couple of pages that make good people reluctant to try to help ANYONE...when ever we try everyone jumps down our throats for it...
My mom is trying to help the people who contacted her, she has in no way tried to put anyone in danger, she is just the messenger...why is it that most people on this board just LOVE to shoot the messenger...

Honestly...just take a moment and think how the situation would affect you if it were your daughter missing, or if YOU were trying to help someone and got bad mouthed...or maybe think about responses to this and other threads like this when you are in a spot of trouble and need help?You rock mom, keep doing what you do!

you people put others at risk and have no shame when being called out on it. I hope it is not the same girl, but what does it matter now- the risk is over either way? Being "naive" enough to pass this off as a missing girl, then a van, then a friends van- come on take some responsibility. Maybe it was one cartel trying to find the girl for the other? If this girl is the four time narco-killer- do you think she told her parents? You act like it's still the baja of the 80's. Good intentions are just not enough these days, especially when you fabricate a cover story and mislead us post by post from Mission Control. This promotion of business over safety and the whole truth is troublesome lately and you don't even see it. That's the part I don't get.

[Edited on 10-13-2011 by Woooosh]

"Shoot the messenger"? It's more like the messenger might get you shot if you didn't get the real story. I totally agree with Woooosh in spite of what the other Nomads think. As far as being reluctant to "help" goes, it would have been better to tell the whole story from Shari's very first post or to have never posted about this at all.

Finally we have sane thinking on this subject ... and historically , this will not be the first time that good intensioned people have created negative situations.:!:

CaboRon - 10-13-2011 at 05:54 AM

Originally posted by dtbushpilot
Originally posted by Woooosh
I'm glad it wasn't her. Anyone who was looking for the missing girl but ran into her ringer twin instead would have had a very bad day.

Let's do a poll. Who believes a nomad asking for help with a missing person should disclose 100% of what they know right up front? The dramatic unveiling post after post of the whole story doesn't make sense. Why do it?Why not give 100% of the info to get 100% support. Why is it like getting your teeth drilled every time we go through this. :?:

I've got a better idea, let's do a poll on how freaking pathetic this topic has become.....or how about a poll on how many Nomads are here for the original intent of the Baja Nomads web site? Or maybe I don't know what the intent of this site is any more, it sure has become tiresome reading all the negative cr@p lately. I think I'll go fishing, I haven't really learned anything here lately other than how to kick your Nomad brethren in the crotch......

What exactly IS the "original" intent :?:

Oddjob - 10-27-2011 at 12:17 PM

Was the van ever found?

shari - 10-27-2011 at 12:55 PM

the missing girl is back in her city and she claims that someone stole the van from it has not been found.

tiotomasbcs - 10-27-2011 at 01:50 PM

I hope this girl gets a good" Spanking" from authorities & family. If she has admitted to being a part of the GN rental then she should be held accountable, too! :rolleyes: Good luck. She's probably out partying with the Tot Mom?! Kharma can be a b-tch--hopefully. Tio
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