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rts551 - 4-4-2012 at 05:58 PM

Why would I be jealous when I live here and you only get to visit for short periods of time, every great once in a while. See you are quite grounded. I wouldn't trade my life for yours what so ever!

Originally posted by David K
Originally posted by rts551
Originally posted by David K
I heard it with my own ears. This is a DISCUSSION forum, and we are exchanging ideas to help Mexico... well I am, anyway... You are just taking up bandwidth to try and tarnish my character with mis-quotes and spins (again).

Honestly Ralph, why do I bother you so... too much Baja? Because I am in favor of the people being in charge and not some government agency? Please give it a rest... I don't hate you or follow you around the Internet.

Just trying to get the facts and find out how you come up with these things. Too much baja??? Another weird one. You know I I live there most of the time. How did you come up with that one.

Just cause you heard it makes it factual? All this leads me to be thankful you DO NOT carry a gun in Baja.
Why do you want to cut off the DISCUSSION?

Not at all... I want it to be about the topic and not about me, that's all. The 'too much Baja' part is my wondering if me being so much in love with Baja makes you jealous or something... I was just wondering why we couldn't be friends or friendlier here, that's all.

I am surprised you get along with Fishin' Rich... he is far far more extreme than I (and he cracks me up when we traveled and camped together, miss him not being here). I can get along with both sides of political ideas... I don't use politics to determine friendships. It is just discussion, that's all.

We all love Baja, and that should be enough to get along on a forum, shouldn't it?

[Edited on 4-5-2012 by rts551]

rts551 - 4-4-2012 at 06:00 PM

Originally posted by David K
Originally posted by rts551
Originally posted by David K
I heard it with my own ears. This is a DISCUSSION forum, and we are exchanging ideas to help Mexico... well I am, anyway... You are just taking up bandwidth to try and tarnish my character with mis-quotes and spins (again).

Honestly Ralph, why do I bother you so... too much Baja? Because I am in favor of the people being in charge and not some government agency? Please give it a rest... I don't hate you or follow you around the Internet.

Just trying to get the facts and find out how you come up with these things. Too much baja??? Another weird one. You know I I live there most of the time. How did you come up with that one.

Just cause you heard it makes it factual? All this leads me to be thankful you DO NOT carry a gun in Baja.
Why do you want to cut off the DISCUSSION?

Not at all... I want it to be about the topic and not about me, that's all. The 'too much Baja' part is my wondering if me being so much in love with Baja makes you jealous or something... I was just wondering why we couldn't be friends or friendlier here, that's all.

I am surprised you get along with Fishin' Rich... he is far far more extreme than I (and he cracks me up when we traveled and camped together, miss him not being here). I can get along with both sides of political ideas... I don't use politics to determine friendships. It is just discussion, that's all.

We all love Baja, and that should be enough to get along on a forum, shouldn't it?

Its not about you. Its about your claim that tourism would increase if tourists (GROUND TOURISTS) were able to arm themselves.

rts551 - 4-4-2012 at 06:11 PM

Originally posted by David K
Well, if the people who told me they would go to Baja or go back to Baja if they could (again) carry protection... the that IS an increase.

and how many would not go if they knew people selected people were armed?

David K - 4-4-2012 at 06:22 PM

The same people who every day carry guns for protection don't prevent anyone from leaving their homes in the USA, do they? If those same, law abiding, honest people were in other places (where other tourists are) as well, it changes nothing.

We are talking about the good guys... we already know the bad guys have guns, why do you want only them to have guns? Gun laws do NOTHING to keep guns out of their hands!!!

Bajaboy - 4-4-2012 at 06:23 PM

Originally posted by rts551
Originally posted by David K
Well, if the people who told me they would go to Baja or go back to Baja if they could (again) carry protection... the that IS an increase.

and how many would not go if they knew people selected people were armed?

And DK thinks Obama is Hitler's cousin as well....perception is reality I suppose....

rts551 - 4-4-2012 at 06:35 PM

Originally posted by David K
The same people who every day carry guns for protection don't prevent anyone from leaving their homes in the USA, do they? If those same, law abiding, honest people were in other places (where other tourists are) as well, it changes nothing.

We are talking about the good guys... we already know the bad guys have guns, why do you want only them to have guns? Gun laws do NOTHING to keep guns out of their hands!!!

Tell that to Gabrielle Giffords. There are lots of people who go to Mexico that I would not want to be around while the are armed. I can see it already, TJ...the new Tombstone.

woody with a view - 4-4-2012 at 06:42 PM

Originally posted by Bajaboy
And DK thinks Obama is Hitler's cousin as well....perception is reality I suppose....

wrong! i think you meant idi amin's cousin, no?:light:

woody with a view - 4-4-2012 at 07:02 PM

i never noticed, but now that you bring it up....

Bajaboy - 4-4-2012 at 07:38 PM

Originally posted by David K
Wow, another wild claim (as if you know what I think)... although Hitler wasn't a 'natural born' German citizen, so maybe you got something there?

More shades of Hitler... Wake UP America!....your exact words:o

Bajatripper - 4-4-2012 at 08:27 PM

Originally posted by temporarilyoutofservice

Carlos'n Charlie's in La Paz got shut down because rich guys were raping the waitresses *in* the restaurant.

That must have really sucked, since ALL of the "waitresses" I remember in that place were male. So we've got a bunch of rich kid "mayates" on the loose down here?

Bajatripper - 4-4-2012 at 08:59 PM

Originally posted by David K

You asked for a dumb idea... couldn't think of anything more stupid than re-electing a failure...

Wow, David, I didn't know you could criticize some of your own. It is rather astute of you (for a republican) to have noticed that we re-elected two of the biggest failures as presidents this nation has ever produced: Reagan, who added three trillion dollars to the national deficit, and your boy Bush, who oversaw the ruining of the national economy.

Good job, you are finally seeing the light. There's hope for you yet!

Just funny with ya. I know that you still fall for that neanderthalic "Bush president, me got lots of work, Obama gits elected president and me no too much work. Bush good and Obama bad" way of thinking. Simple minds look for simple solutions.

Bajafun777 - 4-4-2012 at 11:13 PM

First we need to get the Entry and Exit from Mexico faster, so both sides need to work on this but mainly the American side--"Let's Go Speed It UP!" Then we need to let more X-Ray Machines be used on any vehicle and person crossing back in or out of Mexico to make this experience faster.

Next, those having homes in Mexico should be allowed some form of protection at least a shotgun to give some peace of mind while living down there. Nothing like racking a shotgun to get the attention of the most dangerous crook making them into the most mild crook you can find in an unwanted crook in your home!

Getting better in line with prices on things that people know darn well are way out of line but thinking Americans will pay prices at the same level as in USA is not working. This defeats the purpose of bringing more people to Mexico for budget minded larger groups. If you can't save some monies here and there with people in your group why bother?? Family Vacations and tourists getting the best bang for their buck is what it is all about no matter what anyone says,LOL. Take Care & Travel Safe----"No Hurry, No Worry, Just FUN" bajafun777

Cypress - 4-5-2012 at 07:07 AM

Legalize pot and reduce the penalties for possession other drugs to fines.:light:

DENNIS - 4-5-2012 at 07:32 AM

Originally posted by Bajafun777
First we need to get the Entry and Exit from Mexico faster, so both sides need to work on this but mainly the American side--"Let's Go Speed It UP!"

I agree......not only agree, but feel this issue has become the main, number one reason for the discomfort of land-borne tourism into Mexico. Get it back to the thirty minute wait at the gate and the whole issue will change.

That said.......Homeland Security, that same agency that feels compelled to fondle young children at the airport, will fail to see an advantage to expedited traffic at the crossing. Our comfort just isn't part of their divine calling.

Until this changes, tourism will suffer, atrophy and wither away.

rts551 - 4-5-2012 at 07:51 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by Bajafun777
First we need to get the Entry and Exit from Mexico faster, so both sides need to work on this but mainly the American side--"Let's Go Speed It UP!"

I agree......not only agree, but feel this issue has become the main, number one reason for the discomfort of land-borne tourism into Mexico. Get it back to the thirty minute wait at the gate and the whole issue will change.

That said.......Homeland Security, that same agency that feels compelled to fondle young children at the airport, will fail to see an advantage to expedited traffic at the crossing. Our comfort just isn't part of their divine calling.

Until this changes, tourism will suffer, atrophy and wither away.

There is whole other set of people, people who have no desire to go to Mexico, who feel differently about border security. Easing passage through border crossings might be a non-player. Just ask the governor of Arizona.

DENNIS - 4-5-2012 at 07:59 AM

Originally posted by rts551
There is whole other set of people, people who have no desire to go to Mexico, who feel differently about border security. Easing passage through border crossings might be a non-player. Just ask the governor of Arizona.

I'm not suggesting less security, Ralph. Just sayin' that the current situation is killing a segment of tourism as we know it. If that's how it has to be, then that's the way it will be.
Either lower the level of scrutiny or raise it. Traffic flow will seek it's own level. One more event on or near the scale of 9-11, and our borders will be effectively shut anyway.
Isolation time. Get ready for it.

toneart - 4-5-2012 at 11:25 AM

I'm happy to see that cooler heads have finally prevailed and that this topic got back on track. :yes:

sancho - 4-5-2012 at 11:39 AM

Originally posted by Bajatripper
Bush, who oversaw the ruining of the national economy.

neanderthalic Simple minds look for simple solutions.

Bajatripper, You forgot 2 IRRESPONSIBLE, ILL TARGETED
NO WIN WARS, 10 yrs. worth, good neanderthal reference

Cypress - 4-5-2012 at 12:09 PM

Some ultra liberal had to play the "Bush's Fault" card, their answer to all the worlds problems. Works for the current prez of the US. But playing the "blame game" never solved anything.

mtgoat666 - 4-5-2012 at 12:33 PM

Originally posted by David K
Yah, this thread (I thought) was to share IDEAS for bringing tourism back... I guess only liberal approved ideas get a pass here? I just posted the one idea of allowing tourists to defend themselves with equal or greater force than the criminal already has.

[Edited on 4-5-2012 by David K]

You all are crazy as loons if you think that Mexico will relax its gun control laws to bring back tourists. Mexican politicians would be laughed out of office if they changed gun laws just to facilitate arming of gringo tourists! :lol::lol:

Can you imagine if US politicians did similar, relaxed US laws to promote tourism by armed canadians and germans? :lol::lol:

p.s. liberal-approved ideas are better than conservative-approved ideas, for example the difference in position between GOP and DEMS re a womans right to choose!

sancho - 4-5-2012 at 02:00 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
play the "Bush's Fault" card quote]

Ever heard the Term, 'whoever is standing watch gets
the credit or the blame'? Come on, take SOME responsibilty,
in case you haven't noticed, the removal of Sadamm
has the EXACT of what GW intended. Iran is
now emboldened to do as it pleases

Bajaboy - 4-5-2012 at 02:26 PM

Originally posted by David K
Yah, this thread (I thought) was to share IDEAS for bringing tourism back... I guess only liberal approved ideas get a pass here? I just posted the one idea of allowing tourists to defend themselves with equal or greater force than the criminal already has.

[Edited on 4-5-2012 by David K]

DK-your party is too interested in blowing up countries and then rebuilding party wants to build up this schools, highways, more police and fire fighters....

Heck, with all the tax cuts and now my pink slip...looks like Baja might have to wait for my tourism dollars...

paranewbi - 4-5-2012 at 02:39 PM

p.s. liberal-approved ideas are better than conservative-approved ideas, for example the difference in position between GOP and DEMS re a womans right to choose!

Oh yea, and what choices they were...50 million of them.
Only problem was they flushed them down the toilet.

Those Dems. what a hoot.

Cypress - 4-5-2012 at 02:43 PM

Bajaboy, Sorry about your pink slip. What happened to all those shovel-ready jobs "your" party created?:?:

Bajaboy - 4-5-2012 at 02:53 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
Bajaboy, Sorry about your pink slip. What happened to all those shovel-ready jobs "your" party created?:?:

Still waiting for the Bush Tax Cuts to help the economy...aren't they supposed to help the job creators and then they will create more jobs...or just take home more money.....How does Ryan plan on paying for all the new tax cuts he's proposing now......:?:

[Edited on 4-5-2012 by Bajaboy]

Bajahowodd - 4-5-2012 at 03:09 PM

As I read through the many posts, I couldn't help but totally agree with two points made by our friends here.

First, if and when an image of totally reliable, totally professional police exists, and second, clearing that border hassle so people can travel more freely.

On the first point, I have certain reservations only because even in these here United States, there are way too many folks who are itching to carry weapons, and do so partly because they mistrust our police. That said, while I have no problem with gun ownership, per se, I do believe that it ought to be to protect one's own property, and to hunt. Having people, especially with concealed handguns walking around in crowded cities is just asking for trouble.

Second. As for the border issue, y'all can blame that fiasco on Homeland Security. Guessing that the original intent was at least portrayed as security against terrorist infiltration. Yeah. And, I suppose, it somehow is going to prevent drug trafficking. Of course.

Not too many years ago, before the passport requirement, there were hundreds, if not thousands of day trippers. Many of them were spontaneous. Many San Diego conventioneers, for instance.

Ask the folks as Puerto Nuevo about that!

And, I might not be able to sleep tonight thinking that DK may be carrying.:no:

Cypress - 4-5-2012 at 03:14 PM

California has received $22,000,000,000.00+ in stimulus money from the Dem. administration. Where was it spent? The "blame Bush"card has already been played. ;D

Bajaboy - 4-5-2012 at 03:36 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
California has received $22,000,000,000.00+ in stimulus money from the Dem. administration. Where was it spent? The "blame Bush"card has already been played. ;D

Just drove on some nice, new freeways yesterday as we were heading back to San Diego from Grass Valley....

mtgoat666 - 4-5-2012 at 04:06 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
As for the border issue, y'all can blame that fiasco on Homeland Security. Guessing that the original intent was at least portrayed as security against terrorist infiltration. Yeah. And, I suppose, it somehow is going to prevent drug trafficking. Of course.

Not too many years ago, before the passport requirement, there were hundreds, if not thousands of day trippers. Many of them were spontaneous. Many San Diego conventioneers, for instance.

Ask the folks as Puerto Nuevo about that!

homeland security has had 11 years to fix the border mess by increasing staffing to handle flow of people, and they have not reduced border line waits. IT IS OBVIOUS THAT THEY ARE NEVER GOING TO FIX THE BORDER WAIT, and THEY HAVE NO INTENTION TO DO SO!!!!! HOMELAND SECURITY DOES NOT CARE ABOUT CROSS-BORDER TRADE, THEY ACTIVELY WORK TO THWART TRADE!!!

[Edited on 4-5-2012 by mtgoat666]

DENNIS - 4-5-2012 at 04:10 PM

There is no answer.

msteve1014 - 4-5-2012 at 04:19 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
There is no answer.

Then why did you stir up this pot of s**t in the first place.


Bajahowodd - 4-5-2012 at 04:21 PM

Originally posted by msteve1014
Originally posted by DENNIS
There is no answer.

Then why did you stir up this pot of s**t in the first place.

Pre and post Sharkeys.:lol::lol::lol:

[Edited on 4-5-2012 by Bajahowodd]

DENNIS - 4-5-2012 at 04:48 PM

Originally posted by msteve1014
Originally posted by DENNIS
There is no answer.

Then why did you stir up this pot of s**t in the first place.

There is no answer.

DENNIS - 4-5-2012 at 08:49 PM

Originally posted by soulpatch
How about this?
Decriminalization of all drugs in Mexico! Completo!
Advertise the hell out of it with an Amsterdam-like theme!
Talk about boosting tourism!

Great idea. Let's add another plus to the cultural fabric of Mother Mexico...........welcome with open arms all the Aztec blooded gang-bangers that infest the neighborhoods of once-wonderful America. Bring them home to Mama......regardless of what side they were spawned.
Effing garbage has ruined the America I was born into.

woody with a view - 4-5-2012 at 08:57 PM

right on, Dennis! ship 'em home. all of 'em.:biggrin:

Ateo - 4-6-2012 at 08:54 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by soulpatch
How about this?
Decriminalization of all drugs in Mexico! Completo!
Advertise the hell out of it with an Amsterdam-like theme!
Talk about boosting tourism!

Great idea. Let's add another plus to the cultural fabric of Mother Mexico...........welcome with open arms all the Aztec blooded gang-bangers that infest the neighborhoods of once-wonderful America. Bring them home to Mama......regardless of what side they were spawned.
Effing garbage has ruined the America I was born into.

I disagree about a "once wonderful America". I'd much rather take the current USA over the USA that didn't allow women to vote, saw blacks as less then human, saw homosexuality as an abomination, and now discriminates against people who look Mexican.

Cypress - 4-6-2012 at 10:13 AM

Originally posted by soulpatch
How about this?
Decriminalization of all drugs in Mexico! Completo!
Advertise the hell out of it with an Amsterdam-like theme!
Talk about boosting tourism!

Great idea!!! Who benefits from the continued illegalization of pot etc.? The drug cartels, the police, the pharmaceutical industry, the lawyers, the alcoholic beverage industry and the bail bondsmen would see a significant reduction in their profits. And they all contribute to politicians(law makers).

sancho - 4-6-2012 at 11:39 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by soulpatch
an Amsterdam-like theme!

welcome with open arms all the Aztec blooded gang-bangers that infest the neighborhoods of once-wonderful America. Bring them home to Mama......regardless of what side they were spawned.

D, What the heck have you fired up here? Soulpatch,
Amsterdam no longer allows Tourists into their 'Cafes',
I'm one of those, I prefer the term Progressive types,
but D, I have to agree with you on this one

JoeJustJoe - 4-6-2012 at 04:08 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by soulpatch
How about this?
Decriminalization of all drugs in Mexico! Completo!
Advertise the hell out of it with an Amsterdam-like theme!
Talk about boosting tourism!

Great idea. Let's add another plus to the cultural fabric of Mother Mexico...........welcome with open arms all the Aztec blooded gang-bangers that infest the neighborhoods of once-wonderful America. Bring them home to Mama......regardless of what side they were spawned.
Effing garbage has ruined the America I was born into.

In Dennis' world only Mexicans from both sides of the border do drugs and ruin neighborhoods.

Of course America with a majority of whites is the drug capital end user of the world. The Mexicans drug cartels and other drug producers are falling all over themselves trying to serve the American drug culture, and America's insatiable appetite for drugs.

DENNIS - 4-6-2012 at 04:19 PM

Originally posted by JoeJustJoe
In Dennis' world

That's pretty much my point, Joe, but you missed it.
"My world" is no longer my world. There are vast tracts of the USA that have been taken over by Hispanic gangs [and others] and it would be suicide for me to even enter these areas.
How do you think this sets with some volunteer combatants in our military, Joe? They're fighting, and dieing for people who would kill them equally dead in their own country just for walking down the street in their hood. They're giving it up for people who would prefer them dead.
Doesn't sound so right to me. How about you, Joe? Does that sound right to you?

Cypress - 4-6-2012 at 04:50 PM

DENNIS, Liberals(JoeJust Joe) don't have to answer questions, they only ask them. Conservatives for some reason or another have to come up with the answers.:biggrin:

JoeJustJoe - 4-6-2012 at 05:19 PM

I'm not even sure how to respond to Dennis. I think Dennis has been drinking or something with his weird post above.

I don't think there are too places in America that Dennis if he even walks in the area, that it would be the same as suicide, and Dennis would be killed!

I thought such talked was reserved for Mexico, and just the thought of traveling to Mexico......that you're endangering your life according to the "alarmists" around here, and Mexican blogs that cover Mexico.

I think if Dennis fears any place in the USA. I think he will just be better off staying away from the Mexican barrios that have very few white people anyway. Poverty and lack of jobs also seem related to a high crime rate in some places.

But lets not forget the white skinheads, and white drug users who also don't make their neighborhoods very friendly places. I myself am uncomfortable traveling anywhere in the south except for Texas that has a large Hispanic population.

I guess Dennis can always go live in North Idaho. I'm sure in Idaho he'll find mostly white conservative people who all look alike, think alike, and hate drugs.

Maybe Dennis could play bingo on Saturday night for fun in Idaho?

I myself rather live in a racially mixed neighborhood, and really don't care who uses drugs or not.

Cypress - 4-6-2012 at 05:24 PM

JoeJust Joe, Woopy doo for you!:biggrin:

toneart - 4-6-2012 at 06:30 PM

Hey DK! Here ya go......:o:lol:

download [DVD (NTSC)].jpg - 20kB

David K - 4-6-2012 at 09:21 PM

I hope that wasn't someone from the Secret Service!!

Bajatripper - 4-7-2012 at 09:38 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
DENNIS, Liberals(JoeJust Joe) don't have to answer questions, they only ask them. Conservatives for some reason or another have to come up with the answers.:biggrin:

Unfortunately, the answers conservatives provide are Bible-based and in denial of reality so they aren't worth the paper they're written on. But they do make good toilet paper.

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