
marlin marlin marlin

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captkw - 9-27-2012 at 07:10 PM

Originally posted by Bajafun777
Unfortunately BajaBlanca you will find or already know that the extreme ones on this board never say sorry nor that they were in fact misinformed. You have made the change in the best interest of billfishing by now requesting catch & release in the future. Keep on smiling and keep the faith as the world doesn't really revolve around strong negative people. There is a way to express your displeasure with something without being overboard causing feelings to be harmed. Take Care & Travel Safe----"No Hurry, No Worry, Just FUN" bajafun777

Bomberro - 9-27-2012 at 08:30 PM

I have fished in Baja for a long time, Bill Collector has stated the Mexican Fishng Regulations correctly! No one should kill a Marlin for fun or photos! One per boat, and that is tooooo much! I have been fishing in Baja since 1989. The Marlin are so special, they should not be killed! To post a post a photo of three dead Marlin from a boat is insane! I do not post very often, but, this just raises my hankels. My hat is off to Bill Collector and the others that have come forward to protest this post. Mike you are one great guy, thanks, supporting fishing and not killing!

willardguy - 9-27-2012 at 08:46 PM

Originally posted by bajaumpaw
In order to find out for myself and others on this board. I just called Conapesca Comision De Acuacultura in San Diego at 619-233-4324 to ask about bag and possesion limits in Baja. I spoke with Tony. He first tolde me that the rules for Baja were thae same as for all of Mexico. He refered me to their internet sit under the sme name as above. He said that the bag and possesion limits were per angler and not per boat. I told him that 3 licensed fishermen fishing on the same boat in La Bocanna each caught and brought to shore 3 Marlin. He said that "that is totally legal under their laws. He again refered me to their website and said it was per person - not per boat. Hopoefully this will clear this up. If in doubt, give Tony a call at the3 above telephone number. Nice legal catch guys.

bigmike58 - 9-27-2012 at 08:53 PM

Originally posted by Bomberro
I have fished in Baja for a long time, Bill Collector has stated the Mexican Fishng Regulations correctly! No one should kill a Marlin for fun or photos! One per boat, and that is tooooo much! I have been fishing in Baja since 1989. The Marlin are so special, they should not be killed! To post a post a photo of three dead Marlin from a boat is insane! I do not post very often, but, this just raises my hankels. My hat is off to Bill Collector and the others that have come forward to protest this post. Mike you are one great guy, thanks, supporting fishing and not killing!

wanna bet $100 that youre wrong, just like Bill Collector?

and who uses the word "hankels"?:lol:

luv2fish - 9-27-2012 at 09:09 PM

Originally posted by bigmike58
Originally posted by Bomberro
I have fished in Baja for a long time, Bill Collector has stated the Mexican Fishng Regulations correctly! No one should kill a Marlin for fun or photos! One per boat, and that is tooooo much! I have been fishing in Baja since 1989. The Marlin are so special, they should not be killed! To post a post a photo of three dead Marlin from a boat is insane! I do not post very often, but, this just raises my hankels. My hat is off to Bill Collector and the others that have come forward to protest this post. Mike you are one great guy, thanks, supporting fishing and not killing!

wanna bet $100 that youre wrong, just like Bill Collector?

and who uses the word "hankels"?:lol:

It's prolly an extremist word from 1935.:fire::fire::fire:

docvandijk - 9-27-2012 at 10:56 PM

Originally posted by luv2fish
Originally posted by bigmike58
Originally posted by Bomberro
I have fished in Baja for a long time, Bill Collector has stated the Mexican Fishng Regulations correctly! No one should kill a Marlin for fun or photos! One per boat, and that is tooooo much! I have been fishing in Baja since 1989. The Marlin are so special, they should not be killed! To post a post a photo of three dead Marlin from a boat is insane! I do not post very often, but, this just raises my hankels. My hat is off to Bill Collector and the others that have come forward to protest this post. Mike you are one great guy, thanks, supporting fishing and not killing!

wanna bet $100 that youre wrong, just like Bill Collector?

and who uses the word "hankels"?:lol:

It's prolly an extremist word from 1935.:fire::fire::fire:

I believe he mis-spoke: It his "hackles" which are on the rise. "Hankels" is not a word. Hackles are feathers on the back of the necks of poultry that twitch when the bird gets aggravated. A more common phrase from our agrarian times, when folks apparently entertained themselves by watching chicken necks twitch.

bigmike58 - 9-27-2012 at 11:19 PM

Originally posted by Bomberro
My hat is off to Bill Collector and the others that have come forward to protest this post. Mike you are one great guy, thanks, supporting fishing and not killing!

It appears your hero has some explaining to do..
But I'm sure there is some valid excuse like "it was dead already" it was going to die anyway"..

hy·poc·ri·sy   [hi-pok-ruh-see]
1. a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.


Bomberro, feel free to donate the 100 bux to any charity..

But I guess that could be a different "Bill Collector" it is possible to have two boats named the same in the same area.

[Edited on 9-28-2012 by bigmike58]

luv2fish - 9-28-2012 at 12:19 AM

Originally posted by bigmike58
Originally posted by Bomberro
My hat is off to Bill Collector and the others that have come forward to protest this post. Mike you are one great guy, thanks, supporting fishing and not killing!

It appears your hero has some explaining to do..
But I'm sure there is some valid excuse like "it was dead already" it was going to die anyway"..

hy·poc·ri·sy   [hi-pok-ruh-see]
1. a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.


Bomberro, feel free to donate the 100 bux to any charity..

But I guess that could be a different "Bill Collector" it is possible to have two boats named the same in the same area.

[Edited on 9-28-2012 by bigmike58]

[Edited on 9-28-2012 by luv2fish]

albright.jpg - 25kB

luv2fish - 9-28-2012 at 12:31 AM

Originally posted by Bill Collector
Since we are the ones that love fishing and do fish we want them left in the water .
Stupid picture

Wow, stupid picture ??? Howbout the one above ??

Bill Collector - 9-28-2012 at 06:05 AM

That FISH was dead, it was brought in for food for the area. NOT killed for a picture, guess we could have just dumped it overboard and let other fish eat it...Taken over 10 yrs ago..

YES, there are two with our same name, but this is ours......

I wasn't going to asnwer any more but needed to for this..

Bill Collector - 9-28-2012 at 06:20 AM

Also very important it's One Marlin--

tripledigitken - 9-28-2012 at 06:30 AM

Originally posted by Bajaboy
I have never been one to pack up the ice chest with fish...pretty much catch what I can eat.


Seems like I have been committing some taboo act....???

Rarely when I do go out fishing and get lucky enough I will catch the legal limit of a targeted species like yellowtail. I will fill up my ice chest, take them home and cook one fresh, freeze some and smoke the rest. All get eaten, all where caught legally.

Never thought I would have offended any fishermen.


Bajaboy - 9-28-2012 at 06:35 AM

Originally posted by tripledigitken
Originally posted by Bajaboy
I have never been one to pack up the ice chest with fish...pretty much catch what I can eat.


Seems like I have been committing some taboo act....???

Rarely when I do go out fishing and get lucky enough I will catch the legal limit of a targeted species like yellowtail. I will fill up my ice chest, take them home and cook one fresh, freeze some and smoke the rest. All get eaten, all where caught legally.

Never thought I would have offended any fishermen.


Who is offended by your actions?

tripledigitken - 9-28-2012 at 06:41 AM

Originally posted by Bajaboy
Originally posted by tripledigitken
Originally posted by Bajaboy
I have never been one to pack up the ice chest with fish...pretty much catch what I can eat.


Seems like I have been committing some taboo act....???

Rarely when I do go out fishing and get lucky enough I will catch the legal limit of a targeted species like yellowtail. I will fill up my ice chest, take them home and cook one fresh, freeze some and smoke the rest. All get eaten, all where caught legally.

Never thought I would have offended any fishermen.


Who is offended by your actions?

Good to hear you arn't. Your post seem to imply that those that kept enough fish to load an ice chest might be doing an offensive act.

Just missinterpreted your statement. No harm no foul.


woody with a view - 9-28-2012 at 07:40 AM

we will be fishing in cabo/todos santos in a couple of weeks with friends from chicago. i made them all argee that any fish with a bill/sword on it goes back into the water alive.... just my $.02

Pescador - 9-28-2012 at 07:42 AM

If you had a teacher in grade school who screamed, pulled your hair, made you sit in the front of the room with a dunce cap, and kept you after school because you had a problem learning how to spell a new word, you probably got angry and pretty much decided that you were never, ever, going to spell that word right.

Imagine that in La Bocana, there are very few Marlin that ever show up that far north and when someone gets a chance to catch a very rare fish that they have never caught before, and it is easy to imagine that the emotions of the moment take over and the first thing on your mind is to show everyone back at shore what you managed to do.

Add that to the fact that part of what makes La Bocana such a desirable place in comparison to Cabo San Lucas is the fact that it is a little more primitive and undeveloped. It has taken years to get the skippers and captains in Cabo to practice catch and release and everyone here expects that to happen because they think it might be the right way to go.

Then we have people who have come to assume that the rule is one marlin per boat but a careful reading of the regulations makes it very clear that the rule is actually one marlin per license.

Blanca was predicitably excited when she took the pics and was caught up in the excitement displayed by the fishermen. And I can assure you that all the fishermen on shore were excited to hear the stories of the catch and battle. Is this much different than reading "Old Man and the Sea"?

For those of us who fish a lot, we read fishing magazines, we talk to other fishermen, we go on long range trips, we hang out in tackle stores, we might even spend a little time on BDOutdoors, and over a long period of time we come to agree and support the idea of catch and release for marlin. But this happens on a long term basis and still exists on a continuum of those who are adamant about Catch and Release and those that still eat a Marlin once in awhile. It is interesting to note that most of the boats in Cabo as well as other places still honor the tradition that a person who catches their first Marlin gets to make the decision of whether or not to keep it. I do a weekly report for Western Outdoor News and it has taken a long time to get to an editorial position where no "dead hanging billfish" are shown. I get really upset with dragging a live fish up on the back of the deck for a photo. Real sportsmen like Bill Erhardt from Loreto makes it a point to keep the fish in the water for a photo which keeps the Marlin free from damage and slime scraping which is bad for the fish but a popular charter captain on the East Cape regularly brings fish up on the back deck for photos.


captkw - 9-28-2012 at 08:05 AM


bigmike58 - 9-28-2012 at 08:37 AM

Originally posted by Bill Collector
Also very important it's One Marlin--

Yeah, one marlin... This brings to mind a couple of other guy's that didn't follow what they preached on to others. Didn't Jim Bakker only have ONE affair? Jimmy Swaggert only ONE date with a hooker?

Lighten up Francis, You came here falsely accussing Blanca and her friends of breaking the law. Multiple people have cited the Laws of Mexico and you still maintain that your tournyment rules are above the law. I would think that most guy's might actualy man up and apologize, hell, Jimmy did "I have sinned"...... Sometimes the most vocal protest are done by the person carrying the most guilt.

willardguy - 9-28-2012 at 09:37 AM

I'm starting to think these "professional tournament" blowhards aren't the sharpest hooks in the box:rolleyes:you'll never get him to admit he's wrong. especially to clueless weekenders as he so eloquently calls the masses.

BajaRat - 9-28-2012 at 09:43 AM

Originally posted by Bill Collector
That FISH was dead, it was brought in for food for the area. NOT killed for a picture, guess we could have just dumped it overboard and let other fish eat it...Taken over 10 yrs ago..

YES, there are two with our same name, but this is ours......

I wasn't going to asnwer any more but needed to for this..

Let the truth set you free...........Wow talk about busted!
Looks like you got caught with the same "stupid picture" and worst of all you target these species who have surely died from your love of what consider sport. You say it was dead ? Was that from you playing with it like a cat for an hour with a hook in its face. There is a huge difference between those who hunt for sport and those who hunt to eat. Don't kid yourself, I'd bet you have killed more billfish than most fisherman.

Sounds like a good time for you to pack up your toys or be a man and apologize for being mean to others. :cool:

Feathers - 9-28-2012 at 10:08 AM

Originally posted by Bill Collector
That FISH was dead, it was brought in for food for the area. NOT killed for a picture, guess we could have just dumped it overboard and let other fish eat it...Taken over 10 yrs ago..

YES, there are two with our same name, but this is ours......

I wasn't going to asnwer any more but needed to for this..

The Marlin bajablanca posted were also smoked for food.

Dead or not, the Marlin pictured with you and your family(?) looks an awful lot like a trophy photograph to me...

and you look like a hypocrite. :no:

DianaT - 9-28-2012 at 10:27 AM

A few years back I posted a picture of a marlin with three very happy fishermen --- one of our local fishing guides and some family. It was not hanging because there was no where to hang it, so they were just sitting next to it. They were really excited to catch one in Asuncion.

The poop hit the fan around this forum --- anger, judgement, etc. Ni modo. The fish was consumed, the fishermen were, surprised, thrilled and proud, and as their friend, I was happy for them. Since this was a rare catch, I think the marlin are quite safe from being over-fished in our area.

There should still be plenty of marlin around for the expensive fishing tournaments.

docvandijk - 9-28-2012 at 11:38 AM

Excuse me. I'm new to this site and don't know if I'm on the right page. I was looking for fishing info. This looks like a page for getting your penis measured.

Bajaboy - 9-28-2012 at 11:43 AM

Originally posted by docvandijk
Excuse me. I'm new to this site and don't know if I'm on the right page. I was looking for fishing info. This looks like a page for getting your penis measured.


shari - 9-28-2012 at 12:14 PM

oh boy....are we ever going to enjoy THIS newbies posts...har har har

castaway$ - 9-28-2012 at 12:46 PM

Everybody always gets P O'd because the recreational fisherman catches a marlin and keeps it, most of those people are the "Elite tournament holy'er than thou crowd" and their more worried there won't be that marlin worth $1,000,000 to them at the Bisbees tournament. Anybody that is really concerned about the future of the species needs channel their energy towards the by catch in the commercial fishing industry and not the recreational fisherman that catches and EATS one occasionally. If the indiscrimate killing by the commercial fleets was stopped there would be an overabundance of marlin, sharks, tuna, turtles.....
I understand it's a lot easier to roast the recreational fisherman here on this board to try and get your point across but step up and get in the real fight if you are that passionate about saving billfish.

ILikeMex - 9-28-2012 at 04:49 PM

As long as we are offering penis jokes,

Originally posted by Bill Collector
That FISH was dead, it was brought in for food for the area. NOT killed for a picture, guess we could have just dumped it overboard and let other fish eat it...Taken over 10 yrs ago..

YES, there are two with our same name, but this is ours......

I wasn't going to asnwer any more but needed to for this..

What a dick!

bigmike58 - 9-28-2012 at 04:54 PM

Originally posted by ILikeMex
As long as we are offering penis jokes,

Originally posted by Bill Collector
That FISH was dead, it was brought in for food for the area. NOT killed for a picture, guess we could have just dumped it overboard and let other fish eat it...Taken over 10 yrs ago..

YES, there are two with our same name, but this is ours......

I wasn't going to asnwer any more but needed to for this..

What a dick!

Well said!!:lol:

straight up !!

captkw - 9-28-2012 at 05:04 PM

If the indiscrimate killing by the commercial fleets was stopped there would be an overabundance of marlin, sharks, tuna, turtles.....
I understand it's a lot easier to roast the recreational fisherman here on this board to try and get your point across but step up and get in the real fight if you are that passionate about saving billfish.

woody with a view - 9-28-2012 at 05:10 PM

Originally posted by docvandijk
Excuse me. I'm new to this site and don't know if I'm on the right page. I was looking for fishing info. This looks like a page for getting your penis measured.

to which i say, yours looks EXACTLY like a penis, only smaller!


nothing personal, just a chance to make a funny, har har!

docvandijk - 9-28-2012 at 06:19 PM

Originally posted by woody with a view
Originally posted by docvandijk
Excuse me. I'm new to this site and don't know if I'm on the right page. I was looking for fishing info. This looks like a page for getting your penis measured.

to which i say, yours looks EXACTLY like a penis, only smaller!


nothing personal, just a chance to make a funny, har har!

Nice to know there is a local expert.

BajaBlanca - 9-28-2012 at 06:58 PM

well, hello again everyone ! I thought I would post the BACK of Les's fishing license:

I did get a U2U from BILL COLLECTOR

Bill Collector is a she, BTW

and she still thinks the Mexican law is that it is one marlin per boat and not per license or fisherperson, that is why I am posting the above.

I would like to say THANKS to all of you who have posted clear concise nonjudgemental points of view. and those of you who have made me laugh out loud ....THANKS !

We are missing some folks on this thread ... Dennis ??? please say somethin !!! Roger/Pompano ??? What say thee ? Are you not out of the hospital yet ? We need your words of wisdom, no post is complete without you ! We can wait ... but be fast !

BajaBlanca - 9-28-2012 at 07:00 PM

my gosh... I super sized those photos ! what the heck ??? photobucket has me trying their new format and I guess I goofed. If it is too BIG for your monitors, let me know and I will reconfigure them.

bigmike58 - 9-28-2012 at 07:26 PM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca

Bill Collector is a she, BTW

and she still thinks the Mexican law is that it is one marlin per boat and not per license or fisherperson, that is why I am posting the above.

Well that would explain why "bill collector" never "manned" up or apologized!!:lol::lol::lol:

Hook - 9-28-2012 at 07:37 PM

Still amazed that Bill Collector and others have not acknowledged the error of his/her interpretation of the law, despite requests to document his/her interpretation from an organ of the Mexican government, NOT SOME ELITIST TOURNAMENT RULES. It is very clear. ONE PER ANGLER.

Regardless of ethics, legally it is ONE PER ANGLER. I suspect the anglers pictured dont frequent websites where the ETHICS of this are an issue.

I dont take marlin but I have to admit, there seems to be no shortage of them in the Sea, even if this was outside the Sea. These creatures range tremendously.

Bajaboy - 9-28-2012 at 08:03 PM

Mexican hunting regulations say you can have 120 dove in your possession, too. I wonder the reaction if there was a picture of three hunters with 360 dead doves on a table. Just saying.....:?::?::?:

yellowklr - 9-28-2012 at 08:04 PM

Hello Blanca and congrats on the good fishing down your way.........First yes the catch if totally LEGAL.......Do I encourage catch and release of Marlin? I sure do but there is nothing wrong with keeping one now and then.........

And yes what we should be worried about is the commercial fishing, thats what is going to kill this sport for future generations........
Heck as you know La Bocana and other coops in the area are still gill netting the area which in my opinion(and many others) are hurting some of the local fish populations.
I've watched with my own eyes over and over again all the fish unloaded from the Gill Net pangas.

luv2fish - 9-28-2012 at 08:06 PM

Originally posted by docvandijk
Originally posted by woody with a view
Originally posted by docvandijk
Excuse me. I'm new to this site and don't know if I'm on the right page. I was looking for fishing info. This looks like a page for getting your penis measured.

to which i say, yours looks EXACTLY like a penis, only smaller!


nothing personal, just a chance to make a funny, har har!

Nice to know there is a local expert.

Well now that we know that Bill Collector is an angry, elitist female, it puts things into perspective. Shame Shame Shame.:fire::O:fire::fire:

Pescador - 9-28-2012 at 08:39 PM

Originally posted by LosCabosbound

No apology coming from my for my comment... I never mentioned anything about legalities, only that 3 marlin should not be strung up. The one that she posted the day before was justifiable as the fishes stomach came out, but the three the next day is dead wrong.

Actually that is a fairly common occurence with billfish, when caught they try to escape with jumping and thrashing about on the surface of the water. If that does not work, they will purge their stomachs in an attempt to get rid of whatever is causing them the problem. When reviving the fish by pulling it in the water with your boat, you can watch the stomach return to normal.


baja09 - 9-28-2012 at 08:48 PM are so right , by the way if they dont suck it back in, you can push it back in with your hand and arm up to your shoulder,and they just swim away as if nothing has happened...I know because I have done it a few times here in so Catalina .........

BajaDanD - 9-28-2012 at 08:50 PM

My guess is,somebody has been telling her for years, that its one marlin per boat. I bet she never ever read the Regs. herself, and is now convinced she is right. How could she have been wrong all these years.
I personally would have let them go. I have no problem with someone else keeping one. or three people keeping three. I would imagine that in La Bocana they did not go to waste.
Have ever been outside of MagBay/ Thetis Bank in the fall/ Oct/Nov to see the marlin stack up? WOW!!!

willardguy - 9-29-2012 at 11:34 AM

turns out the decision as to what to keep and what to release really comes down to flavor. lucky for marlin they aren't a tasty variety:O

Bill Collector



Posts: 248
Registered: 1-13-2004
Location: Buena Vista, BCS
Member Is Offline

posted on 8-18-2010 at 12:21 AM

Release a WAHOO, that is unheard of... Dorado, tuna, marlin maybe but never, ever a WAHOO..........

luv2fish - 9-29-2012 at 11:34 AM

Originally posted by BajaDanD
My guess is,somebody has been telling her for years, that its one marlin per boat. I bet she never ever read the Regs. herself, and is now convinced she is right. How could she have been wrong all these years.
I personally would have let them go. I have no problem with someone else keeping one. or three people keeping three. I would imagine that in La Bocana they did not go to waste.
Have ever been outside of MagBay/ Thetis Bank in the fall/ Oct/Nov to see the marlin stack up? WOW!!!

It's called hypocrasy.

noun \hi-ˈpä-krə-sē also hī-\

Definition of HYPOCRISY


: a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not; especially: the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion

2: Talking crap about somebody who has caught marlin, posed for a picture and all the while using the same practice.:lol::lol::lol:

docvandijk - 9-29-2012 at 03:10 PM

Merriam-Webster has some words too:

Definition of JUDGMENTAL

1: of, relating to, or involving judgment
2: characterized by a tendency to judge harshly <judgmental prigs>

Synonyms: captious, carping, caviling (or cavilling), faultfinding, hypercritical, critical, overcritical, rejective

acadist - 9-29-2012 at 04:19 PM

Originally posted by luv2fish
Originally posted by BajaDanD
My guess is,somebody has been telling her for years, that its one marlin per boat. I bet she never ever read the Regs. herself, and is now convinced she is right. How could she have been wrong all these years.
I personally would have let them go. I have no problem with someone else keeping one. or three people keeping three. I would imagine that in La Bocana they did not go to waste.
Have ever been outside of MagBay/ Thetis Bank in the fall/ Oct/Nov to see the marlin stack up? WOW!!!

It's called hypocrasy.

noun \hi-ˈpä-krə-sē also hī-\

Definition of HYPOCRISY


: a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not; especially: the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion

2: Talking crap about somebody who has caught marlin, posed for a picture and all the while using the same practice.:lol::lol::lol:


[Edited on 9-29-2012 by acadist]

surfdoc - 9-30-2012 at 11:28 AM about some drama, Calico's, Black Sea Bass and billfish always brings the drama majors out of the closet.

I will say that "IF" I were every to score a marlin on my little panga Mojac... that puppy is going on the smoker... but hey I love Calico cerviche and my neighbors BSB ribs are very tasty!

If you want to get your panties in a wad, do it for something that is truely longlingers and superseiners..

Also glad to hear that Bill Collector dosn't have the balls to apologize..:D

BajaBlanca - 9-30-2012 at 01:00 PM


acadist - 9-30-2012 at 03:46 PM

Originally posted by surfdoc about some drama, Calico's, Black Sea Bass and billfish always brings the drama majors out of the closet.

I will say that "IF" I were every to score a marlin on my little panga Mojac... that puppy is going on the smoker... but hey I love Calico cerviche and my neighbors BSB ribs are very tasty!

If you want to get your panties in a wad, do it for something that is truely longlingers and superseiners..

Also glad to hear that Bill Collector dosn't have the balls to apologize..:D


luv2fish - 1-31-2013 at 09:13 AM

Originally posted by BajaDanD
My guess is,somebody has been telling her for years, that its one marlin per boat.

How bout 1 boat per Marlin ?? This was on A.B.C. News this morning. I never thought Marlin were soooooooo strong.

durrelllrobert - 1-31-2013 at 09:20 AM

Originally posted by luv2fish
Originally posted by BajaDanD
My guess is,somebody has been telling her for years, that its one marlin per boat.

How bout 1 boat per Marlin ?? This was on A.B.C. News this morning. I never thought Marlin were soooooooo strong.
Apparently the boat was backing up towards the marlin when the capatain slip and put it in full throttle which swamped the boat over the transome resulting in the sinking.

BajaBlanca - 1-31-2013 at 09:21 AM

luv2fish I about had a heart attack just now when I saw this at the top of threads !!

you are being summoned to the prinicpal's office RIGHT NOW !!


luv2fish - 1-31-2013 at 05:05 PM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca
luv2fish I about had a heart attack just now when I saw this at the top of threads !!

you are being summoned to the prinicpal's office RIGHT NOW !!


This is sooo bizarre. how can a fish roll the boat ???? I am not familiar with marlin, so this is why it seems so strange.

BajaBlanca - 1-31-2013 at 08:23 PM

well, I have never seen anyone catch a marlin but I hear they put up a real strong fight.

watizname - 2-1-2013 at 09:14 AM

Talk about yer "UPSET".:o:o:o:o

Go "NINERS":bounce::bounce:

Yellowtail_Fever - 2-1-2013 at 09:53 AM

I looked at the regs too on a couple of different places. They are simple regs and I found no mention of a "boat" limit versus a "license" limit. I must defer to the regs before resorting to name calling. HOWEVER...the group that I fish with has always observed a 1 bill fish per day self imposed limit. We have limited freezer space and having it all be one kind is dumb. Nice to have the choice of Dorado, Yellowtail, Marlin, or Cabrilla every time I throw the lid open.
I've found that gentel persuesion over time yields better results than name calling. Does it matter what earth I leave behind if I'm handing it over to an immoral generation? Let's work on the people first.

Just my .02

BajaBlanca - 2-1-2013 at 03:27 PM

well said YTail Fever I liked your .02 cents ! thank God the marlin being here was a total fluke and I bet they never come back 'cause Blanca really likes peace. I sure learned a lot in the end ...

welcome to the board Yellowtail Fever !

luv2fish - 2-2-2013 at 12:13 AM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca
well said YTail Fever I liked your .02 cents ! thank God the marlin being here was a total fluke and I bet they never come back 'cause Blanca really likes peace. I sure learned a lot in the end ...

welcome to the board Yellowtail Fever !

You mean no more fighting ?? Good!!!

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