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DENNIS - 10-26-2012 at 02:39 PM

Originally posted by David K
Just saw this sad news... I hadn't read it so I must say how sad it is when we lose a 'good one' Vaya Con Dios... sorry we never met. See you on the other side!

You're kidding.....right? After six pages you're just hearing what happened?
I thought you paid attention to all these threads.

To Stan...

bajadogs - 10-26-2012 at 02:44 PM

...and Shari and Juan and everyone in or on their way to Asuncion. I can't tell you how much I would love to be there for you all. Hugs all around.

4Stan.jpg - 30kB

rts551 - 10-26-2012 at 03:35 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by David K
Just saw this sad news... I hadn't read it so I must say how sad it is when we lose a 'good one' Vaya Con Dios... sorry we never met. See you on the other side!

You're kidding.....right? After six pages you're just hearing what happened?
I thought you paid attention to all these threads.


woody with a view - 10-26-2012 at 03:38 PM

only if maps are involved.

Sorry for the 'jack, Stan!

DENNIS - 10-26-2012 at 03:41 PM

Originally posted by woody with a view

Sorry for the 'jack, Stan!

I'm sure he wouldn't mind. :lol:

willardguy - 10-26-2012 at 03:53 PM

Originally posted by woody with a view
maybe, as a "sign" of respect, one of the BA street signs which currently say S/N (sin nombre) could be renamed to "Stan"?
I dont know, calle stan kind of sounds like an unfriendly mid east country!:?:

DENNIS - 10-26-2012 at 04:33 PM

Originally posted by willardguy
I dont know, calle stan kind of sounds like an unfriendly mid east country!:?:


Mulegena - 10-26-2012 at 04:35 PM

Originally posted by shari
Juan just called and Stan is now making his last trip over the potholed road and will be here in a couple of hours...all is ready for his arrival. My heart is heavy with grief.
Well, I darn well hope they popped a few Road Sodas for the man while Creedence was blasting!

Many smiles and deep feelings... am blessed to have been Stan's neighbor in Asuncion. A better neighbor than Stan never was had.

Will treasure our shared birthday party a couple years ago when we got our faces simultaneously planted in the cake!

Will treasure his memory always.

With you all in spirit this weekend, Shari and friends.

BajaNomad - 10-26-2012 at 07:08 PM

Originally posted by Mulegena
Originally posted by shari
Juan just called and Stan is now making his last trip over the potholed road and will be here in a couple of hours...all is ready for his arrival. My heart is heavy with grief.
Well, I darn well hope they popped a few Road Sodas for the man while Creedence was blasting!

willardguy - 10-26-2012 at 07:14 PM

Originally posted by bajadogs
...and Shari and Juan and everyone in or on their way to Asuncion. I can't tell you how much I would love to be there for you all. Hugs all around.
would it be rude to ask about the tecate can?

thebajarunner - 10-26-2012 at 07:18 PM

"only the good die young"


acadist - 10-26-2012 at 07:45 PM

We loved ya, man!

bajadogs - 10-26-2012 at 08:02 PM

Originally posted by willardguy
would it be rude to ask about the tecate can?

Not rude. They've been showing up here in San Diego. Retro from the 40's. It tastes the same.

willardguy - 10-26-2012 at 08:06 PM

Originally posted by bajadogs
Originally posted by willard guy
would it be rude to ask about the tecate can?

Not rude. They've been showing up here in San Diego. Retro from the 40's. It tastes the same.
thanks! gotta be careful everyone's a little on edge today. the devil winds aren't helping!:o

bajadogs - 10-26-2012 at 09:16 PM

Can of Tecate -
About 11 months ago Stan was out fishing in Bahia Asuncion (duh). He had already caught his limit of yellowtail and finished a can of Tecate. He tore the can in half and threw it into the water. He watched it sink with glittering flashes of sunlight for a long time while curious sea lions zipped by it in the depths of the clear water. He watched it until it finally faded away. Stan described this to me with a child-like enthusiasm the next day as I was slowly packing up my motorcycle to head north. That was when he told me he was living in paradise. He was truly happy.

edit: lame typos

[Edited on 10-27-2012 by bajadogs]

Stan's Memorial

tipper - 10-27-2012 at 06:52 AM

For all that cared for Stan, his velorio last night was just wonderful. I had the honor of being there for a few hours. Mexican, American and Canadian friends were there. There was a visual tribute of pictures of his life. His best friend and daughter came down, as did his sister and various friends. The atmosphere was a combination of respect, silence, and memories and laughter. Shari and others couldn't have done a more loving job to get this all together.

bajadock - 10-27-2012 at 07:27 AM

This first visit for me to Bahia Asuncion is a sad one. Saw family and friends gather at a very nice vigil here. Heard a few Stan stories, though I did not know him.

We stayed for a bit, but, let the family/friends/community handle their grief, memories,...

Finally met Shari, after 6 years of posting on Nomad. Shari, family and friends worked very hard to organize the scene for Stan's memorial.

David K - 10-27-2012 at 08:09 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by David K
Just saw this sad news... I hadn't read it so I must say how sad it is when we lose a 'good one' Vaya Con Dios... sorry we never met. See you on the other side!

You're kidding.....right? After six pages you're just hearing what happened?
I thought you paid attention to all these threads.

Nope... maybe if the threat title said more than just his name it woukd have me look. Sorry for not opening it a day or two sooner.

mtgoat666 - 10-27-2012 at 08:36 AM

Originally posted by bajadogs
Can of Tecate -
About 11 months ago Stan was out fishing in Bahia Asuncion (duh). He had already caught his limit of yellowtail and finished a can of Tecate. He tore the can in half and threw it into the water. He watched it sink with glittering flashes of sunlight for a long time while curious sea lions zipped by it in the depths of the clear water.

perplexed. why would someone who apparently liked the ocean trash the ocean?

DENNIS - 10-27-2012 at 09:12 AM

Originally posted by mtgoat666
perplexed. why would someone who apparently liked the ocean trash the ocean?

Aluminum is the next thing to biodegradable.

Here's a bumper sticker I'm having made....three million of them.

"On land, sea or in the air, you can't litter aluminum."

woody with a view - 10-27-2012 at 09:27 AM

same reason why anyone who loves the earth would use an outhouse. Goat loves the ocean but flushes his toilet and where does it end up?

Stan was enjoying his life the way he wanted to. Who cares? Who's perfect, Goat?

tiotomasbcs - 10-27-2012 at 09:37 AM

Fly like an Eagle, Stan. I don't know why but I've always thot the departed circle around with the Angels a few days to observe their earthly existence?! Free as a bird. Let's Celebrate a life and a new Angel looking out for all of us. Good job Asuncionites and friends. Tio

boe4fun - 10-27-2012 at 10:37 AM

I remember one time going out with Stan and Juan to get some Jurel for Juan's relatives who were having a big family reunion. After the first fish was caught, Stan turned to Juan and said "That looks like a Tecate fish" and pulls out some cold Tecates and hands them out to Juan and myself (and one for Stan - of course). If you ask any of my friends in Bahia Asuncion they'll tell you that I'm certainly no stranger to having a cold brew, but it was around 8 AM in the morning! None the less I was immediately and happily swept up in the moment. It turned out to be one of those banner days. Go with God my friend.

acadist - 10-27-2012 at 05:45 PM

I have been trying ti figure out why this man that I had such limited contact with had such an effect on me. Was it the fact that he was genuine and down to earth? Was it that he treated my young boys warmly and showed them a day that they will not forget Thier whole lives? And then it hit me why.... All you have to do is read this thread and the answer is here.
Thank you Shari and Juan and everyone else down n Asuncion for taking care of this the hardest part of life. I wish I could be there with you to pay my respects.
Stan, I will stop by soon to pour a Tecate in your sand and say goodbye.

Stan's Man Purse

Mulegena - 10-27-2012 at 06:34 PM

I remember one afternoon we all got together out at Shari's little beach house in San Roque.

When Stan arrived he was carrying a big long padded pouch slung over his shoulder about 2 feet tall by 5 feet long, all tricked out with a full-length zipper and very sturdy handle made of the same durable green canvas. Strange, we watched him climb out of his truck, let the dogs out and sling that huge bag over his shoulder... What the heck??

My husband thought he was toting a shotgun.
I thought he was carrying a big-a@@ fish, but why?
Turns out we were both wrong.

Stan stepped up onto the porch and simply smiled and said, "Its my Man Purse."
He then smiled, unzipped the thing and low and behold, turns out he was toting
an insulated fish bag chock full of Tecates, kept ice cold all the way from town!

Shari's got a picture of this somewhere in her files, I think.

woody with a view - 10-27-2012 at 06:49 PM

Originally posted by boe4fun
I remember one time going out with Stan and Juan to get some Jurel for Juan's relatives who were having a big family reunion. After the first fish was caught, Stan turned to Juan and said "That looks like a Tecate fish" and pulls out some cold Tecates and hands them out to Juan and myself (and one for Stan - of course). If you ask any of my friends in Bahia Asuncion they'll tell you that I'm certainly no stranger to having a cold brew, but it was around 8 AM in the morning! None the less I was immediately and happily swept up in the moment. It turned out to be one of those banner days. Go with God my friend.

Here's Paul at 9:45am calling out the tuna. Forget the lures, this is how real Bajaphiles scare up some fish. TKT, Corona or your favorite magic elixir from NOB. The fish don't mind and it don't matter...... RIP Calle Stan! :cool:

[Edited on 10-28-2012 by BajaNomad]

BajaRat - 10-27-2012 at 06:57 PM

Wood..... You know how this happens. Ask The man. Fish love Cerveza !

Thanks to all for seeing to our Amigo.
Stan I hope you will join us fishn Forever!
I'll always be crackin a Tecate at 0800 for the strike.............. 60% of the time it works every time. :yes:

Love you Mr. :cool:

shari - 10-28-2012 at 08:09 AM

Thanks everyone for posting your fond memories & photos of Stan...just when you think you have no more tears, they begin to leak out again when I see more photos and hear more stan stories...I had forgotton the man purse moment but now remember how we laughed...

The funeral service and wake was was the full Monty of funerals....a truly memorable coming together of cultures to honour a man bigger than life. His family and friends who attended were pleased. The green wreath in front is from Baja Nomads.

We accompanied him from the entrance to town to the camp where he was laid out under the Tecate tent where the townfolk came and went throughout the night to pay their respects. At first light a group from the church came to perform a Rosario ceremony and play music.

The priest performed a lovely ceremony then there was a long procession of cars that joined us as we took Stan for a cruise past many of his favorite fishing spots before heading up to the cemetery overlooking the ocean...I think this was the hardest part for me.

Stan is the first expat to be laid to rest here and at last nights celebration of his life there were many ideas of what his gravesite was going to be like including benches for sitting under a palapa.

Mil gracias to all of you here who helped make Stan's farewell a beautiful one.

[Edited on 10-28-2012 by shari]

Terry28 - 10-28-2012 at 10:51 AM

You guys are a class act...I feel honored to be a nomad...

DENNIS - 10-28-2012 at 11:15 AM

Originally posted by shari

I was hoping to see a casket made from his panga. :light:

woody with a view - 10-28-2012 at 11:20 AM

That is very cool. We should all be so lucky!

Hook - 10-28-2012 at 04:43 PM

A Tecate tent. Perfect!!!!

Burial in Baja. The most permanent ex-pat experience. Cool!. BA always seemed like it was gonna be his forever home. Now, it is.

Very touching, Shari. Thank you for posting this.

redmesa - 10-28-2012 at 06:04 PM

This is just so sureal. Iknew stan and like him most of the time but...i refuse to romantizie death by excess. He had talents and skills that could have benefitted many so i am very torn with grief and anger at that hard and large living hombre.

willardguy - 10-28-2012 at 08:16 PM

full monty of funerals. now there's a couple terms you don't usually find together!:o

Bajaboy - 10-28-2012 at 09:05 PM

Stan and I have been neighbors now for some time. We always waved to one another but respected each others' space. It was never a huge production. Sooner or later I would head over his way or vice versus. Often times, we would meet at Miguel's house to admire the catch of the day.

One thing we had in common was great San Diego beer. I knew how much Stan appreciated a good beer and would offer up a nice bomber his way. It always felt good sharing my treasure with him. He always would come back with fish or something else to make the exchange complete...not because he had to but it was just the type of guy he was.

Stan, I bought one of your favorites...a Ballast Point Sculpin IPA and look forward to sharing it with you when I come down for Thanksgiving. You were a good's going to take some time for me to adjust not having you in the hood.


Hook - 10-29-2012 at 05:48 AM

Crying in your beer will certainly be excused at that time, Bajaboy. Thanks for the story.
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