
Help- Cabo cops robbed my son

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monoloco - 3-5-2013 at 01:31 PM

He'll be doubly credible after waiting a week to report it.

Lee - 3-5-2013 at 01:51 PM

I feel the pain of anyone scammed down here.

In the first story, the kid has every right to be on the streets of Cabo after midnight. Personally, I would advise against being on streets in any town down here, after midnight, but that's me.

Unfortunately, in the scooter story, it's often one person's story against another. Mexicans will probably win over a tourist.

Bad behavior from cops is inexcusable. For someone without connections down here, or willing to break out their camera phone, and note pad, and making calls to someone who can call BS on harassment, good luck.

In the first story, the scammers may or may not have been cops even if they had on uniforms and carried guns and badges. In the scooter story, I definitely think the cops were real -- and acting badly. I think that's the way it is down here.

Would a letter of apology work? Or is being heard enough?

DENNIS - 3-5-2013 at 02:06 PM

Originally posted by Lee
Would a letter of apology work? Or is being heard enough?

From the police?
There's only one thing I would rather not hear other than, "Yeah...we did it. Waddaya gonna do about it," and that's someone saying, "I'm sorry," with a grin on his face.

DavidE - 3-5-2013 at 02:55 PM

Unh Unh, this one got too hard to swallow. Too many wrong answers. Sorry. Good Luck.

DENNIS - 3-5-2013 at 03:23 PM

Originally posted by DavidE
Unh Unh, this one got too hard to swallow. Too many wrong answers. Sorry. Good Luck.

WadidIsay? Now I have to go back and reread. :?:

JoeJustJoe - 3-5-2013 at 05:17 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by TW
If I was the kid I'd report it then get out of Dodge. There are lots of great places in Baja and Baja Sur to vacation.

Report what? Who wouldn't deny it? It's the word of three Mexican police officers against that of one "had been drinking" American.
Talk about a stacked deck.

This incident that was reported wasn't just a simple shake-down. This incident is alleged to have happened at gun point, and it's very doubtful the Sindicatura( internal police) in Cabo are going to turn a blind eye of rich American tourists getting held up by gun point by their police department, or worse, some fake police with guns.

Right now Cabo is enjoying a danger free reputation of Mexican cartel activity and even our own US State department hasn't issued any kind of travel warnings in the Cabo area at all.

I'm at a lost why any Mexican police agency would allow rogue corrupt cops to pull robberies on US citizens at a point of a gun, especially when they are enjoying a pretty good reputation. I could perhaps see police higher up turning a blind eye to minor shakedown of drunk tourists, but not this.

[Edited on 3-6-2013 by JoeJustJoe]

Islandbuilder - 3-5-2013 at 06:21 PM

To summarize:
*A young man was robbed at gunpoint by people dressed like cops, and who drove a car that looked like a cop car to the young man who had just had a gun at his head.
*Some of us have provided very helpful links and suggested appropriate actions for the young man to take to report the crime, and perhaps recover his property.
* Some of us disbelieve the young mans story, and suggest that someone is lieing.
* DavidK has posted some suggestions and been slammed by RTS (so we can check that off)
* Upon deliberation the young man has elected to not report the crime for fear of reprisals, but has decided to both stay the he!! out of Cabo, and continue his vacation in Todos Santos.
* He has therefor been labeled a dillitante by at least one member of our esteemed board, for having enough money to take a vacation, regardless of how little we know about how much he might be spending on lodging and entertainment (There are accomodations in Todos that range from $200/month to over $500/day).
* We have successfully slammed a guy whose son had a harrowing experience and who came here for both help and to provide a heads up for the rest of us.

Does that about cover it?

Do you think that we always have to follow the same pattern?

Do you think that some of the angst generated in "Off Topic" seeps into the rest of the board, and, if so, do you think that the "Off Topic" area should be eliminated for the good of the order?

JoeJustJoe - 3-5-2013 at 07:06 PM

Originally posted by Islandbuilder
To summarize:
*A young man was robbed at gunpoint by people dressed like cops, and who drove a car that looked like a cop car to the young man who had just had a gun at his head.
*Some of us have provided very helpful links and suggested appropriate actions for the young man to take to report the crime, and perhaps recover his property.
* Some of us disbelieve the young mans story, and suggest that someone is lieing.
* DavidK has posted some suggestions and been slammed by RTS (so we can check that off)
* Upon deliberation the young man has elected to not report the crime for fear of reprisals, but has decided to both stay the he!! out of Cabo, and continue his vacation in Todos Santos.
* He has therefor been labeled a dillitante by at least one member of our esteemed board, for having enough money to take a vacation, regardless of how little we know about how much he might be spending on lodging and entertainment (There are accomodations in Todos that range from $200/month to over $500/day).
* We have successfully slammed a guy whose son had a harrowing experience and who came here for both help and to provide a heads up for the rest of us.

Does that about cover it?

Do you think that we always have to follow the same pattern?

Do you think that some of the angst generated in "Off Topic" seeps into the rest of the board, and, if so, do you think that the "Off Topic" area should be eliminated for the good of the order?

Islandbuilder you make it sound like they were fake cops, and not real cops. The fact is the alleged victim didn't file any kind of police report, and so we will never know.

You seem to thinks it's not a big thing over filing a complaint with the police, and you're quick to pat the OP and his son on the back for not filing a report with the authorities, because of fear of reprisals. I might understand this if the son lived, worked in or went to schools in Cabo, but from what the OP tells us, the son and his girlfriend hang out at the beach during the day, and the clubs at night. If this incident did indeed take place, this kid needs to report it, because it's very serious, and it might save other Americans from also being victims. Reporting it on some local Baja tourist board really helps nobody.

If you think I'm tough with the questions, could you imagine how tough the police on any side of the border would be to both father and son. I can't help but feel there is more to this story than the OP is telling us, or maybe he doesn't know certain facts?

You also forget to say how these unsubstantiated reports hurt tourism in Mexico, and Baja.

If something like this happened to my sons, I would report it first of all to the police, and then the Baja boards. I would have no problems with any questions, or any questions of doubt, because when you lay out exactly what happens, all the little pieces seem to fit together like a puzzle, and everything seems to makes sense.

[Edited on 3-6-2013 by JoeJustJoe]

DENNIS - 3-5-2013 at 07:38 PM

Originally posted by JoeJustJoe
If this incident did indeed take place, this kid needs to report it, because it's very serious.

He's not going to report it. Why does this haranguing continue? He's made his decision for his reasons and it's done.

Islandbuilder - 3-5-2013 at 08:55 PM

Joe, I didn't mean to imply that they were fake cops, but they're not "for sure" cops either, at least according to some who posted.

I agree with all of your points, except that the thread does no one any good. I can imagine that cautionary tales like this will remind all of us to be careful, no matter if we're in Cabo, TJ or Solana Beach.

My purpose was to try and "say back" what I've heard in this thread, partly so I can make sure I heard it right. Perhaps I didn't hear you accurately, if so, I'm sorry.

Does anyone have an opinion about the impact of the Off Topic area on the rest of the board? I have never gone there so am not sure how heated it gets, or who posts. Am I wrong about that perhaps being the source of the throat tearing that seems to erupt from time to time?

I love the threads about peoples travels, their construction projects, the birds they see, etc, and it would be a nice, even if not representative, island of calm in a media world full of arguing talking heads of all stripes.

I understand that we all have opinions, and that those of some very good people may differ with mine, but does it have to rise to the surface of every conversation? Can't our love (or is that assuming too much?) for Baja be a uniting force?

I've done more than my share of hijacking this thread, so I'll sit down and shut up.

gnukid - 3-5-2013 at 11:32 PM

The fellow asked "Help- Cabo cops robbed my son." It is possibile to prosecute a case when we have a crime, perpetrator and victim willing to testify but in this case that does not exist.

mtgoat666 - 3-5-2013 at 11:43 PM

Originally posted by Islandbuilder
To summarize:
*A young man was robbed at gunpoint by people dressed like cops, and who drove a car that looked like a cop car to the young man who had just had a gun at his head.
*Some of us have provided very helpful links and suggested appropriate actions for the young man to take to report the crime, and perhaps recover his property.
* Some of us disbelieve the young mans story, and suggest that someone is lieing.
* DavidK has posted some suggestions and been slammed by RTS (so we can check that off)
* Upon deliberation the young man has elected to not report the crime for fear of reprisals, but has decided to both stay the he!! out of Cabo, and continue his vacation in Todos Santos.
* He has therefor been labeled a dillitante by at least one member of our esteemed board, for having enough money to take a vacation, regardless of how little we know about how much he might be spending on lodging and entertainment (There are accomodations in Todos that range from $200/month to over $500/day).
* We have successfully slammed a guy whose son had a harrowing experience and who came here for both help and to provide a heads up for the rest of us.

Does that about cover it?

Do you think that we always have to follow the same pattern?

Do you think that some of the angst generated in "Off Topic" seeps into the rest of the board, and, if so, do you think that the "Off Topic" area should be eliminated for the good of the order?

What's it matter if they were real or fake cops? Cabo either has crooked cops committing armed robbery or there are fake cops roaming cabo streets committing armed robbery on tourists. No tourist cares which case is true, neither case is attractive

There is no angst in the OT, just a bunch of spirited debate and juvenile high jinks

Islandbuilder - 3-5-2013 at 11:48 PM

I see your point Goat, to the victim it doesn't matter if they're real cops, fake cops or Corgies. Robbed is robbed.

Glad you kids are playing nicely in OT! That's why I was posting my assumptions, I know from experience that I'm wrong at least as often as I"m right.

gnukid - 3-5-2013 at 11:57 PM

If there is any question-in the case where we could identify perpetrators of crimes and associates they were often successfully prosecuted in BCS.

Providing witness testimony is powerful.

watizname - 3-6-2013 at 05:42 PM

I certainly hope all the OT stuff stays there. I went there once, and felt like Freddy Kruger was going to appear. :o:o:o:o:o

Barry A. - 3-6-2013 at 06:17 PM

Originally posted by watizname
I certainly hope all the OT stuff stays there. I went there once, and felt like Freddy Kruger was going to appear. :o:o:o:o:o

------who's "freddie Kruger"??? Is he a good NOMAD??

DENNIS - 3-6-2013 at 06:43 PM

Originally posted by Barry A.

------who's "freddie Kruger"??? Is he a good NOMAD??

Here's Freddie:

desertcpl - 3-6-2013 at 06:48 PM

YUP he is a Nomand for sure

tripledigitken - 3-6-2013 at 07:16 PM

This thread disappeared last night, a cool off period I guess.


shari - 3-6-2013 at 07:16 PM

i always found it so interesting how mexicanos rarely, very very rarely go anywhere unaccompanied...perhaps a good practice in mexico.

Hook - 3-7-2013 at 07:45 AM

Originally posted by shari
i always found it so interesting how mexicanos rarely, very very rarely go anywhere unaccompanied...perhaps a good practice in mexico.

That's a good point, Shari. I've noticed that, too.

Of course, the other thing they rarely report a crime to the police. :lol: Most of our Mexican friends know that it will only make a bad situation, worse.

Probably for the same reasons that Dixon's son is giving.......

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