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DavidE - 10-11-2013 at 05:34 PM

"Chases drug dealers off her street with a paint brush".

Why do I detect a "Hmmm things may not be as reported" in all this? To pre-judge sometimes can be a fatal error. Mexican law allows the incarceration of a "suspect" for 72 hours while information is presented to the ministerio publico. Mexico is not the United States. Never was, never will be. When I explain this to gringos they become indignant. I would have thought they would have felt fortunate to have grown up in a free society. Ever stop to think about why you get upset when an "American" is treated the exact same way as a Mexican ciudadano? And not ponder for a microsecond the plight of 115,000,000 Mexicans? It's like the uproar in the sixties when a CHP officer pulled over a German citizen and handcuffed him when the man got a little indignant about being cited for doing exactly 101 miles per hour on the bayshore freeway. "Look at the sign" the man said pointing at the US101 sign. This was followed by hundreds of letters from indignant Germans threatening to never set foot in the USA over police harassment.

Mexicans smirk and growl near Valentine's day when the cops are out collecting a little extra money on the side. Even repeat visitors never bother to ask about Mexican laws or customs. Smack with a military vehicle even slightly and you will find yourself behind bars - no matter who is at fault. Not your fault and your adjuster is prompt and competent you will be sprung quickly. Same for colliding with a wealthy person's vehicle or an influential person's vehicle. You get a lesson in reality whether you like it or not.

We know better than go head-to-head with a U.S. Customs Inspector, right? But somehow some U.S. citizens feel they can dump on a Mexican cop. I know I cannot dump on either - that's life. Screaming at a cop, embarrassing him in front of co-workers or the public is a sure way to go to the slammer for 72 hours. I am stunned this "individual" claims to be "Baja this" or "Baja that" yet is completely ignorant of how Mexico works. I would be surprised if INM did not get a judge to issue a 10-year suspended prison sentence and have her blacklisted. I did not say I would approve of it, this is where some of you get all screwed-up, I said I would be surprised if it did not happen. "Dog The Bounty Hunter" found out how vindictive an outraged legal and INM system can be. Not only did he snatch someone without greasing official wheels, he engaged in "Lucrative Activity" while on an FMT permit.

Mexico is different. Everyone from the citizenry to the legislative branch is sick and tired of Americans thinking they are somehow immune to Mexican law. A lot of laws are unjust and the Napoleonic System is bass-ackward as far as I am concerned, but it is useless to stay ignorant of how it works.

DENNIS - 10-11-2013 at 05:43 PM

Originally posted by BajaLuna
Bi-polar people can be good witnesses ya know, they can tell the truth from THEIR perspective, l!

What??? ............."OUR" perspective?
What might that be?
Are we deformed? Are we in need of guidance?.....assistance??
Are we in need of your tolerance? Your understanding?

Is our perspective different from "normal" clear thinking persons, such as you and the people you address here on this board?

I have been medicated...hospitalized well as restrained for my mind activities, but they were never dangerous to anyone other than myself.
My mind is as clear as I want it to be and I feel I conduct myself on this board with a modicum of coherence.

So....why in hell do you come off with this condescending crap about Bi-Polar people's ability to function on a normal we're f-in'g damaged but functional , and it's OK with you?


[Edited on 10-12-2013 by DENNIS]

[Edited on 10-12-2013 by BajaNomad]

BajaLuna - 10-11-2013 at 06:05 PM

if you re read, I said something to the effect of, what does it matter if someone is bi-polar or not. She isn't any less credible in my opinion. I don't see how her being bi-polar is a factor in any of this like some people eluded to and I was speaking to that. She's not damaged.

Marla Daily - 10-11-2013 at 06:05 PM

Regardless of the specifics of this incident as reported by Tall Artist, WHO on this board would leave for a walk at 9 AM, barefoot, AND IN THEIR "PAJAMAS" with a cup of coffee down a very public beach?
[9:35 tape #1].

As the well-respected behavioral sociologist, Erving Goffman would say, THAT is an exhibition of "occult behavior" —something out of the range of expected human behavior.

shari - 10-11-2013 at 06:31 PM

pajamas can mean many things...but really, sweat pants and a t-shirt are PJ's for some people...I dont think she was parading down the beach in baby-dolls..kidding kidding....and walking the beach barefoot is NOT out of the ordinary for many folks.

Also back to the suspect in the photo of him, we dont see his calves and I know some surfers who have bellies like that here in baja. Those probably arent the clothes he had on at the beach.

Isnt there some kind of human rights office in Rosarito...maybe as part of DIF?

Marla Daily - 10-11-2013 at 06:41 PM

No Mexican woman would walk on the beach in pajamas—ever. (The murder seems to have been triggered by alleged indecent exposure.)

I can only quote that Tall Artist described herself as wearing "her pajamas" when she went for her walk down the beach. She didn't say she was wearing sweat pants. She didn't say she was wearing a warm-up outfit. She said she was wearing her pajamas.

She is also wearing pajamas or a nightgown in her 4-part interview.

Just observations that caught my attention.

DENNIS - 10-11-2013 at 06:53 PM

You folks are micro-analyzing things too much.

DENNIS - 10-11-2013 at 07:04 PM

Originally posted by BajaLuna
if you read,

I also read...very well.

JoeJustJoe - 10-11-2013 at 08:09 PM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
Wow and she is a Christian artist. Well, BajaRat I never claimed to be a devout Christian but I don't think I would say what Joe quoted her saying here, I come from the East Coast and my Dad was from Brooklyn so I did pick up some favorite East Coast quotes, but never did say that even to any man I was mad at. From what I understand she is around 40 years old, I guess Joe considers that "old". She also considers herself beautiful and able to go from rugged to formal in a moment's notice.

Here is her web page:

I wasn't going to mention it, but I also briefly looked into what a Google search brings up on Grechen's background and that too raised a few red flags in my mind.

She presents herself as a beautiful and creative young woman with some of her pictures that clearly must be at least 10 years old. And she also says weird things like she chased away drug dealers with only her paint brush.

Clearly her Youtube video is more like this woman really is in real life than the picture she tries to paint of herself on her many websites, and if don't have time to watch the whole four part video set, you should at the very least see part 4 at the very end of the video where she says she was let out of jail, but suddenly she becomes very agitated and creepy and looks like she is going into another bi-polar rage before the video ends. But it's also here where she mentions what the Mexican judge told her about not fighting anymore, and then she goes off how she will always fight, etc etc.......It makes be believe this woman might have been going off the rails during most of her visit in the Rosarito jail within the 72 time period the judge probably had the legal right to keep her before finally letting her go.

Of course this could also be nothing, because a lot of people present themselves on the Internet how they would like to be seen by others, but they usually fall short when you see the real person, and learn a little about them in real life.

bajacalifornian - 10-11-2013 at 08:28 PM

Filmed like The Blair Witch Project. Interesting.

JoeJustJoe - 10-11-2013 at 08:28 PM

Originally posted by tripledigitken
It appears to me that some posters here are enjoying tearing this woman down. Her only sin was fighting with police whose credibiliy is questioned by most anyone who follows the history of that organization.

Anyone with half a brain knows that these posts are potentially forever on the internet. I quess you wouldn't mind your grandkids reading some of this.
Rant over.


Well it also seems to me some people enjoy tearing Mexico, and Mexicans down for their own enjoyment or their vein attempts at keeping other Americans from Mexico, because they had a bad experience in Mexico. I would love to give a few examples, but those examples are better said in the OT, where I mentioned them many times before.

This woman Gretchen may be 100 percent right with her account of how things went down, or she could also be a bi-polar mess with an ax to grind because the Rosarito police didn't jump to attention when she told them that she is a very important person. ( she told them that)

If you bash Mexico, Baja, and Mexicans, there are some people including Mexicans that are going to take a close look at those bashing Mexico, and turn them upside down, and shake them, and see what falls out. This women made a public YouTube video, that could have a negative impact on Mexican, Baja, and Rosarito tourism. This women if she is willing to do this, should be ready to be scrutinized closely by others who at the very least try to see both sides of the story.

Personally, I always try to leave last names out when giving on online opinions because I also do respect the privacy of others while I'm turning over the rocks and looking at what lies beneath.

BajaLuna - 10-11-2013 at 08:48 PM

I took what she said about chasing drug dealers away with paint brushes is that in the community she lives in she teaches art classes and/or organizes art gatherings on the beach, therefore helps to provide an alternative, a creative outlet for those who are troubled.

monoloco - 10-11-2013 at 10:03 PM

Well it also seems to me some people enjoy tearing Mexico, and Mexicans down for their own enjoyment or their vein attempts at keeping other Americans from Mexico, because they had a bad experience in Mexico. I would love to give a few examples, but those examples are better said in the OT, where I mentioned them many times before.

This woman Gretchen may be 100 percent right with her account of how things went down, or she could also be a bi-polar mess with an ax to grind because the Rosarito police didn't jump to attention when she told them that she is a very important person. ( she told them that)

If you bash Mexico, Baja, and Mexicans, there are some people including Mexicans that are going to take a close look at those bashing Mexico, and turn them upside down, and shake them, and see what falls out. This women made a public YouTube video, that could have a negative impact on Mexican, Baja, and Rosarito tourism. This women if she is willing to do this, should be ready to be scrutinized closely by others who at the very least try to see both sides of the story.

Personally, I always try to leave last names out when giving on online opinions because I also do respect the privacy of others while I'm turning over the rocks and looking at what lies beneath.
Joe, You are one sick puppy to dump on this woman after what she's been through.

mulegemichael - 10-11-2013 at 10:51 PM

yeah....she's been through a lot....but from what i see, she NEVER gets out of her pajamas; from her walk on the beach, through ALL of her 4 interviews...she's ALWAYS in her does that say about her mental state???...i dunno; just an open question....does she own a pair of jeans?

Skipjack Joe - 10-11-2013 at 11:02 PM

What a sobering video. It makes you think twice about retiring in baja.

Could have been worse...

durrelllrobert - 10-12-2013 at 09:07 AM

Originally posted by Marla Daily
No Mexican woman would walk on the beach in pajamas—ever. (The murder seems to have been triggered by alleged indecent exposure.)

I can only quote that Tall Artist described herself as wearing "her pajamas" when she went for her walk down the beach. She didn't say she was wearing sweat pants. She didn't say she was wearing a warm-up outfit. She said she was wearing her pajamas.

She is also wearing pajamas or a nightgown in her 4-part interview.

Just observations that caught my attention.

Here's another one of her 223 YouTube videos...

durrelllrobert - 10-12-2013 at 09:20 AM

Originally posted by JoeJustJoe

If you bash Mexico, Baja, and Mexicans, there are some people including Mexicans that are going to take a close look at those bashing Mexico, and turn them upside down, and shake them, and see what falls out. This women made a public YouTube video, that could have a negative impact on Mexican, Baja, and Rosarito tourism. This women if she is willing to do this, should be ready to be scrutinized closely by others who at the very least try to see both sides of the story.

bajagrouper - 10-12-2013 at 09:26 AM

Seems to me if this had happened to me there would be a follow up video reporting a trip to the US Consulate, after all she made it clear on the video
screaming she was an American Citizen.....

monoloco - 10-12-2013 at 10:44 AM

Originally posted by durrelllrobert
Originally posted by JoeJustJoe

If you bash Mexico, Baja, and Mexicans, there are some people including Mexicans that are going to take a close look at those bashing Mexico, and turn them upside down, and shake them, and see what falls out. This women made a public YouTube video, that could have a negative impact on Mexican, Baja, and Rosarito tourism. This women if she is willing to do this, should be ready to be scrutinized closely by others who at the very least try to see both sides of the story.
From her other videos it appears that she's a compassionate, caring person who is involved in trying to make her community a better place, rather than the misguided nutball that some here are trying to portray her as, and certainly no Mexican hating racist like Joe is making her out to be. I just hope if tragedy ever strikes me or my family, there is someone like her around, and not the people here who have questioned her motives and blamed her for her own misfortune.

DENNIS - 10-12-2013 at 10:46 AM

Has there been any recent activity on her facebook page?

monoloco - 10-12-2013 at 10:48 AM

Originally posted by mulegemichael
yeah....she's been through a lot....but from what i see, she NEVER gets out of her pajamas; from her walk on the beach, through ALL of her 4 interviews...she's ALWAYS in her does that say about her mental state???...i dunno; just an open question....does she own a pair of jeans?
What does the fact that she was wearing pajamas have to do with anything? It certainly doesn't justify the way she was treated in custody. Do you question Hugh Hefner's mental state because he has an affinity for pajamas?

wessongroup - 10-12-2013 at 11:05 AM


SF 10+

[Edited on 10-12-2013 by wessongroup]

DavidE - 10-12-2013 at 11:32 AM

Nudity, is extraordinarily offensive to MOST Mexicanos. La gente have a totally different perspective of nudity than gringos or Europeans. Simply removing a tee shirt in public downtown can provoke an outraged "GET DRESSED" from a Mexican cop.

But again and again the main point, the one that provoked the cops is being shined-on here.

You don't scream at a Mexican cop - ever. And even worse than that is to scream obscenities at a cop. Then multiply this times ten million of you do it in public, then magnify to the cube of that if all that is done in front of fellow cops of military.

Is's versus ought-to-be's is perhaps the number one reason why gringos get into trouble in Mexico and or get disgusted with the culture and bail out. I see this all the time on the mainland and keep abreast of area forums for "Everything Must Go".

The nutso antics of some gringos keep Mexicans gossiping for months.

In the case of this individual a human rights challenge will serve to point out injustices of all people who are arrested. Americans, Mexicans, Mongolians. Human rights is human rights. But that's all that is going to happen IMMHO - an issue will be raised then drift away like a cloud of smoke.


"You can't do this to me! I am an AMERICAN!"

zoesterone - 10-12-2013 at 11:43 AM

She is an active poster on Facebook.

DENNIS - 10-12-2013 at 11:53 AM

Originally posted by zoesterone
She is an active poster on Facebook.

Very recently? Thanks.

bajagrouper - 10-12-2013 at 11:54 AM

and her last post was Oct.9th of a karaoke singer at a nightclub in Rosarito...

DENNIS - 10-12-2013 at 11:56 AM

Originally posted by bajagrouper
and her last post was Oct.9th of a karaoke singer at a nightclub in Rosarito...

Thanks. I guess she's a fast healer. Good for her.

monoloco - 10-12-2013 at 11:59 AM

Originally posted by DavidE
Nudity, is extraordinarily offensive to MOST Mexicanos. La gente have a totally different perspective of nudity than gringos or Europeans. Simply removing a tee shirt in public downtown can provoke an outraged "GET DRESSED" from a Mexican cop.

But again and again the main point, the one that provoked the cops is being shined-on here.

You don't scream at a Mexican cop - ever. And even worse than that is to scream obscenities at a cop. Then multiply this times ten million of you do it in public, then magnify to the cube of that if all that is done in front of fellow cops of military.

Is's versus ought-to-be's is perhaps the number one reason why gringos get into trouble in Mexico and or get disgusted with the culture and bail out. I see this all the time on the mainland and keep abreast of area forums for "Everything Must Go".

The nutso antics of some gringos keep Mexicans gossiping for months.

In the case of this individual a human rights challenge will serve to point out injustices of all people who are arrested. Americans, Mexicans, Mongolians. Human rights is human rights. But that's all that is going to happen IMMHO - an issue will be raised then drift away like a cloud of smoke.


"You can't do this to me! I am an AMERICAN!"
Davd, The problem isn't that she was arrested, the cops had every right to arrest her, the way she was treated while detained is indefensible, Mexico is a signatory to the Vienna convention, an international treaty, which requires that foreigners be given the right to contact their embassy when arrested, the fact that she was denied that right is particularly chilling in a country where thousands disappear without a trace every year.

JoeJustJoe - 10-12-2013 at 12:43 PM

Originally posted by JoeJustJoe
Well it also seems to me some people enjoy tearing Mexico.

[/quote Originally posted by monoloco: Joe, You are one sick puppy to dump on this woman after what she's been through.

Monoloco this woman has about as much credibility as you when you are posting stuff from some convicted criminal nut who thinks he is the Brad Pitt Character, Tyler Durden, from the movie The " Fight Club."

Where do I start talking about her inconsistencies, weird statements, and over-the-top behavior at the crime scene, and at the jail?

This woman also admits to be suffering from a "Bipolar Disorder" and also admits she was without her meds in Prison. And sometimes people suffering from a bipolar disorder can also suffer from a full blown psychosis, that is often triggered by a highly emotional experience as this woman experienced.

Off the bat in the YouTube video, if you're trained like JoeJustJoe, and pay attention to the details like me, you'll know something is not right with this woman.

She is walking with her dogs, that turn out later to be not her dogs at all. She is dressed inappropriately, which suggests she stays in her pajamas 24 hours, and may be in a depressed mood. She sees the Mexican sufer suspect, and claims he is well dressed, muscular, and a weight lifter. She even claims to know how the shooter feels, he is afraid, excited, and happy all at the same time. The alleged shooter was now well dressed, or muscular, he was out of shape, and fat. Could it be the feelings the woman had for the alleged shooter, were her own bipolar feelings of being afraid, excited, and happy all at the same time?

How about those calls to her family that she asked to make? Well that's another problem, because it looks like she has no family in Rosarito with her. So who did she want to call? How do we know she wasn't granted a right to make a phone call? Why couldn't she borrow a phone from the tranny, and the two prostitutes who were in jail with her, and who were telling this American woman that the jail guards wanted to rape her?

What about the story about the Mexican Judge and cops not speaking English, and her demanding a translator because she couldn't speak Spanish, or her Spanish was very poor. How come in her other writings she says she speaks Spanish, French, and Arabic enough to get her in trouble? That sounds like passable foreign language ability to me, especially if you already know others languages, because it's easier to learn a foreign language when you already speak 2 or 3 other languages.

I'm sorry, but if you want to believe this self admitted bipolar woman, that's up to you, but I have a lot of trouble believing most of what she says, and who fights and screams at police officers, even at jail where you couldn't possibly win? The only ones I see fighting like that against cops, are the crazy ones!
From Wikipedia:

Bipolar disorder, also known as bipolar affective disorder, manic-depressive disorder, or manic depression, is a mental illness classified by psychiatry as a mood disorder. Individuals with bipolar disorder experience episodes of an elevated or agitated mood known as mania (or hypomania, depending on the severity) alternating with episodes of depression.

Mania can occur with different levels of severity. At milder levels of mania, or "hypomania", individuals appear energetic, excitable, and may be highly productive. As mania becomes more severe, individuals begin to behave erratically and impulsively, often making poor decisions due to unrealistic ideas about the future, and may have great difficulty with sleep. At the most severe level, individuals can experience very distorted beliefs about the world known as psychosis.

BajaLuna - 10-12-2013 at 01:07 PM

Perhaps you should comb through her facebook to get a glimpse of this woman and see who she REALLY is, she is a beautiful person on the inside, compassionate, brutally honest, service-oriented, giving, community-minded, works with the poor, active in her community and is well respected among her friends and colleagues in Rosarito and around the world, and is a successful artist.

monoloco - 10-12-2013 at 01:22 PM

Originally posted by JoeJustJoe
Originally posted by JoeJustJoe
Well it also seems to me some people enjoy tearing Mexico.

[/quote Originally posted by monoloco: Joe, You are one sick puppy to dump on this woman after what she's been through.

Monoloco this woman has about as much credibility as you when you are posting stuff from some convicted criminal nut who thinks he is the Brad Pitt Character, Tyler Durden, from the movie The " Fight Club."

Where do I start talking about her inconsistencies, weird statements, and over-the-top behavior at the crime scene, and at the jail?

This woman also admits to be suffering from a "Bipolar Disorder" and also admits she was without her meds in Prison. And sometimes people suffering from a bipolar disorder can also suffer from a full blown psychosis, that is often triggered by a highly emotional experience as this woman experienced.

Off the bat in the YouTube video, if you're trained like JoeJustJoe, and pay attention to the details like me, you'll know something is not right with this woman.

She is walking with her dogs, that turn out later to be not her dogs at all. She is dressed inappropriately, which suggests she stays in her pajamas 24 hours, and may be in a depressed mood. She sees the Mexican sufer suspect, and claims he is well dressed, muscular, and a weight lifter. She even claims to know how the shooter feels, he is afraid, excited, and happy all at the same time. The alleged shooter was now well dressed, or muscular, he was out of shape, and fat. Could it be the feelings the woman had for the alleged shooter, were her own bipolar feelings of being afraid, excited, and happy all at the same time?

How about those calls to her family that she asked to make? Well that's another problem, because it looks like she has no family in Rosarito with her. So who did she want to call? How do we know she wasn't granted a right to make a phone call? Why couldn't she borrow a phone from the tranny, and the two prostitutes who were in jail with her, and who were telling this American woman that the jail guards wanted to rape her?

What about the story about the Mexican Judge and cops not speaking English, and her demanding a translator because she couldn't speak Spanish, or her Spanish was very poor. How come in her other writings she says she speaks Spanish, French, and Arabic enough to get her in trouble? That sounds like passable foreign language ability to me, especially if you already know others languages, because it's easier to learn a foreign language when you already speak 2 or 3 other languages.

I'm sorry, but if you want to believe this self admitted bipolar woman, that's up to you, but I have a lot of trouble believing most of what she says, and who fights and screams at police officers, even at jail where you couldn't possibly win? The only ones I see fighting like that against cops, are the crazy ones!
It's obvious from her video that she speaks very little Spanish, and it seems pretty obvious that she wasn't allowed to contact her consular authority. If this would have happened to a Mexican in the US, you would be ranting and raving about how she was abused by racist pigs, so why are you defending the actions of the Rosarito police? If she was having a psychotic episode as you suggest, the last thing they should have done is placed her in a jail cell, incommunicado for 72 hours, with no food or water.

JoeJustJoe - 10-12-2013 at 01:24 PM

Originally posted by BajaLuna
Perhaps you should comb through her facebook to get a glimpse of this woman and see who she REALLY is, she is a beautiful person on the inside, compassionate, brutally honest, service-oriented, giving, community-minded, works with the poor, active in her community and is well respected among her friends and colleagues in Rosarito and around the world, and is a successful artist.

BajaLuna, this is according to who?

You should read my FaceBook page and see what I say about myself. I bet you'll believe everything I write about myself too.

But it does bring up another point, that if she does all this, and runs art clinics on the beach. How does she communicate with the Spanish speaking Mexicans, if she herself doesn't speak any Spanish, or speaks very poor Spanish?

BajaLuna - 10-12-2013 at 01:25 PM

I'd probably be pretty distraught too and possibly depressed and definitely taking some rightfully so self-healing time in my pajamas too...if I had just saw a man get shot, tried to get help to no avail, watch him die, and spent many days in a Mexican jail. GEEZ cut her some slack!

monoloco - 10-12-2013 at 01:42 PM

BajaLuna, this is according to who?

You should read my FaceBook page and see what I say about myself. I bet you'll believe everything I write about myself too.

Are you saying we shouldn't believe her because you lie about yourself on your Facebook page?

toneart - 10-12-2013 at 02:00 PM

I don't wear pajamas! :o:biggrin:

Nevertheless, I would do what this woman did however I were dressed! I commend her for her action and compassion. I would also try to get the police to move their cars which were impeding the ambulance's access.

But...I have been around Mexico enough to know 'la onda' (what the custom is). You never yell at anyone; clerks, civil servants and especially cops. That will get you arrested for sure. There are circumstances where our emotions will override our good sense. This was apparently one of them.

Her attire has no bearing on her willingness to try and save that poor man's life. Those of you who are judging her based on her pajamas are just trying to string together a profile in order to invalidate her credibility. Hey, if that's your game you are missing the point and wasting our time.

She acted instinctively and compassionately. Her civil rights should have been honored though, after her arrest. :fire:

Good on you, Gretchen!!!:saint: And thank you for helping Gary's family by reporting your conversation with a man whom you believe to have been him.

DavidE - 10-12-2013 at 02:04 PM

The cops are probably feeling a lot of heat right now. About her claim that they prevented her from contacting a consulate.

But this is like the argument...

Get rid of the gasoline in your garage


I have a perfect right to store gasoline in my garage. Anyway I have lots and lots of fire extinguishers.

The way Mexico USED to be was if you really badly insulted a cop the least you you expect was immediate deportation. If you did a good enough job, four cops would hold you down and they would add a bunch of chili to a bottle of Tehuacan, shake the bottle with their thumb over the opening then squirt it up your nose.

Innocent or not, if you provoke a US customs inspector bad enough the agent with the fattest fingers gets to give you a body cavity search. Who ya gonna call? Then they can mark you down as "being fed" in your cell. How ya gonna prove otherwise?

Colin Powell said it best "You don't go around stepping on Superman's cape".

Obviously this woman has issues dealing with reality - not a good trait to have south of the border.

Remember when the tyrannosaur was chasing the Jeep and Ian Malcolm remarked "I wonder if they are going to make this, part of the ride?"

I've run into folks like that woman all over Mexico. They're mixed in with retired "CIA agents, Vietnam era helicopter door gunners", Billionaires, "disguised to look like regular people", and "Olympic hopefuls". I gave up going to parties and get togethers: When I tell folks what I am not, I get looks that wordlessly say: Are you freakin' nuts?" I guess I gotta give thought to becoming "Frank Sinatra's ex bodyguard" or something.

JoeJustJoe - 10-12-2013 at 02:12 PM

Originally posted by monoloco
Originally posted by JoeJustJoe
Originally posted by JoeJustJoe
Well it also seems to me some people enjoy tearing Mexico.

[/quote Originally posted by monoloco: Joe, You are one sick puppy to dump on this woman after what she's been through.

Monoloco this woman has about as much credibility as you when you are posting stuff from some convicted criminal nut who thinks he is the Brad Pitt Character, Tyler Durden, from the movie The " Fight Club."

Where do I start talking about her inconsistencies, weird statements, and over-the-top behavior at the crime scene, and at the jail?

This woman also admits to be suffering from a "Bipolar Disorder" and also admits she was without her meds in Prison. And sometimes people suffering from a bipolar disorder can also suffer from a full blown psychosis, that is often triggered by a highly emotional experience as this woman experienced.

Off the bat in the YouTube video, if you're trained like JoeJustJoe, and pay attention to the details like me, you'll know something is not right with this woman.

She is walking with her dogs, that turn out later to be not her dogs at all. She is dressed inappropriately, which suggests she stays in her pajamas 24 hours, and may be in a depressed mood. She sees the Mexican sufer suspect, and claims he is well dressed, muscular, and a weight lifter. She even claims to know how the shooter feels, he is afraid, excited, and happy all at the same time. The alleged shooter was now well dressed, or muscular, he was out of shape, and fat. Could it be the feelings the woman had for the alleged shooter, were her own bipolar feelings of being afraid, excited, and happy all at the same time?

How about those calls to her family that she asked to make? Well that's another problem, because it looks like she has no family in Rosarito with her. So who did she want to call? How do we know she wasn't granted a right to make a phone call? Why couldn't she borrow a phone from the tranny, and the two prostitutes who were in jail with her, and who were telling this American woman that the jail guards wanted to rape her?

What about the story about the Mexican Judge and cops not speaking English, and her demanding a translator because she couldn't speak Spanish, or her Spanish was very poor. How come in her other writings she says she speaks Spanish, French, and Arabic enough to get her in trouble? That sounds like passable foreign language ability to me, especially if you already know others languages, because it's easier to learn a foreign language when you already speak 2 or 3 other languages.

I'm sorry, but if you want to believe this self admitted bipolar woman, that's up to you, but I have a lot of trouble believing most of what she says, and who fights and screams at police officers, even at jail where you couldn't possibly win? The only ones I see fighting like that against cops, are the crazy ones!
It's obvious from her video that she speaks very little Spanish, and it seems pretty obvious that she wasn't allowed to contact her consular authority. If this would have happened to a Mexican in the US, you would be ranting and raving about how she was abused by racist pigs, so why are you defending the actions of the Rosarito police? If she was having a psychotic episode as you suggest, the last thing they should have done is placed her in a jail cell, incommunicado for 72 hours, with no food or water.

What's obvious to at least me, is that she is faking not knowing how to speak Spanish, she still pops out Spanish sentences like somebody that has a passable understanding of Spanish, because if you don't truly don't speak a language, you don't even try. It's comical for her to try to claim that Judge, and Rosarito beach do not speak English, or refused to speak Spanish to her.

Yeah, I often speak out against police abuse, and I'm often stopped by the police for DWB( for driving while brown) because I like to drive my oldest son's car that he had in high school, and that I never sold. But I would never dream of acting aggressive towards a cop, and get in their face, and if I were arrested, nor would I put up a fight where it would take the cops 40 minutes to lock me up. Only a crazy person, would attempt to do that. Next time watch one of those prison cable shows, and they usually have somebody going nuts like this woman in prison.

Well, we don't know if this woman wasn't granted her call to the American consular authority as you say, but you and her could be right. That's something granted for serious alleged crimes from what I have read, and we don't know the exact charges her. She also down plays her taking to a judge, because it sure seems like she talked to at least two judges while in prison, and the last judge told her not to fight anymore. If this woman is going crazy nuts in prison, I don't see either American or Mexicans cops going to grant her Constitutional rights while she is in that state of being paranoid and combative.

The fact is both Mexico and the USA don't know how to treat people they arrest with mental illnesses very well, and they treat them as common criminals, and the more you act up in prison, the worse they seem to treat you.

The American consular doesn't do much for a person arrested in Mexico, other than making sure you're treated well, and they give you a list of Mexican lawyers you might want to call.

Yeah, good point about undocumented Mexican Aliens jailed in the USA, especially in Texas. The police in the USA don't always advise their Mexican criminal suspects they have in custody of their rights to speak to the Mexican consular, nor that the Mexican suspects have to talk to the police, admit anything, sign anything in English,or that they have a right to a Spanish interpreter. There is even a well know case in Texas where Texas gave a Mexican suspect the death penalty, and actually killed him, and never let him know about his Mexican consular rights. I think this case went to the Supreme court, but the cruel state of Texas killed the Mexican national anyway while giving a finger to the Mexican's Geneva rights.

Instead of making Youtube videos, this women should file an official complaint but I doubt her complaint will really get anywhere, just like when Mexicans complain about their treatment by American prison guards, and treatment while in the American prisons.

[Edited on 10-12-2013 by JoeJustJoe]

monoloco - 10-12-2013 at 02:14 PM

Originally posted by DavidE
The cops are probably feeling a lot of heat right now. About her claim that they prevented her from contacting a consulate.

But this is like the argument...

Get rid of the gasoline in your garage


I have a perfect right to store gasoline in my garage. Anyway I have lots and lots of fire extinguishers.

The way Mexico USED to be was if you really badly insulted a cop the least you you expect was immediate deportation. If you did a good enough job, four cops would hold you down and they would add a bunch of chili to a bottle of Tehuacan, shake the bottle with their thumb over the opening then squirt it up your nose.

Innocent or not, if you provoke a US customs inspector bad enough the agent with the fattest fingers gets to give you a body cavity search. Who ya gonna call? Then they can mark you down as "being fed" in your cell. How ya gonna prove otherwise?

Colin Powell said it best "You don't go around stepping on Superman's cape".

Obviously this woman has issues dealing with reality - not a good trait to have south of the border.

Remember when the tyrannosaur was chasing the Jeep and Ian Malcolm remarked "I wonder if they are going to make this, part of the ride?"

I've run into folks like that woman all over Mexico. They're mixed in with retired "CIA agents, Vietnam era helicopter door gunners", Billionaires, "disguised to look like regular people", and "Olympic hopefuls". I gave up going to parties and get togethers: When I tell folks what I am not, I get looks that wordlessly say: Are you freakin' nuts?" I guess I gotta give thought to becoming "Frank Sinatra's ex bodyguard" or something.
I'm sure this wasn't the first time in their career that they encountered a hysterical woman at a murder scene, seems to me like it would be fairly common with a murder rate as high as Rosarito. They should learn to deal with it better, maybe they could use a little sensitivity training.

monoloco - 10-12-2013 at 02:24 PM

What's obvious to at least me, is that she is faking not knowing how to speak Spanish, she still pops out Spanish sentences like somebody that has a passable understanding of Spanish, because if you don't truly don't speak a language, you don't even try. It's comical for her to try to claim that Judge, and Rosarito beach do not speak English, or refused to speak Spanish to her.

It's pretty obvious to me that she knows just enough Spanish to get her in trouble. Right out of the gate she keeps calling the victim a bombardier, anyone who has been in a Spanish speaking country for any length of time would know that a fireman is a bombero.

elgatoloco - 10-12-2013 at 02:46 PM

Originally posted by BajaLuna
I'd probably be pretty distraught too and possibly depressed and definitely taking some rightfully so self-healing time in my pajamas too...if I had just saw a man get shot, tried to get help to no avail, watch him die, and spent many days in a Mexican jail. GEEZ cut her some slack!

Can I get an AMEN! :saint:

wessongroup - 10-12-2013 at 02:58 PM

Amen ... :biggrin::biggrin:

durrelllrobert - 10-12-2013 at 03:13 PM

Originally posted by DavidE

I've run into folks like that woman all over Mexico. They're mixed in with retired "CIA agents, Vietnam era helicopter door gunners", Billionaires, "disguised to look like regular people", and "Olympic hopefuls". I gave up going to parties and get togethers: When I tell folks what I am not, I get looks that wordlessly say: Are you freakin' nuts?" I guess I gotta give thought to becoming "Frank Sinatra's ex bodyguard" or something.

Are you talking about "Gotta Peso" in Catavina?

DavidE - 10-12-2013 at 03:26 PM

Yeah but then too i wasn't on that beach to give interpretation to statements like: I got a little hysterical, and I'm bi-polar. Ever think she could have spent 72 hours in a cell thinking of yet more groserias to yell at the turnkey?

Pajamas, karaoke, artist, activist. Yeah I gots lots of them living all around me - NOT

Let's see, feathers, waddle, quack...valium, lithium, amitriptylene...karaoke, pajamas, abs, guns...

She normal

tripledigitken - 10-12-2013 at 03:46 PM


Who's normal, you?


willardguy - 10-12-2013 at 03:50 PM

Originally posted by tripledigitken

Who's normal, you?

your first draft was better! and closer to the mark ;D


DavidE - 10-12-2013 at 03:53 PM

willardguy - 10-12-2013 at 04:01 PM

im still on the fence, lets wait and see what mark and olivia's take on this is :rolleyes:

DENNIS - 10-12-2013 at 04:06 PM

Originally posted by DavidE
The cops are probably feeling a lot of heat right now. About her claim that they prevented her from contacting a consulate.

Really?? Prove it.

DENNIS - 10-12-2013 at 07:25 PM

Originally posted by JoeJustJoe
if it's so bad Monoloco, why don't you move back to the USA?

I absolutely hate it when people, especially those who don't live here, say things like this.

Zapotec - 10-12-2013 at 08:35 PM

And I just hate it when Americans who live in Mexico, and bad mouth Mexico, don't move back to the US, and BTW, I live in Mexico.

BajaLuna - 10-13-2013 at 01:03 AM

JoeJustJoe, I feel I'm pretty good at being able to see through people's masks they wear, and I also don't believe everything I read on facebook with people. I'm not a gullible person. I go by my gut feeling with people. You may dispute mine and others view of Gretchen because it does not vibe with yours. And some of us may disagree with yours as well. I feel she is a good, compassionate, honest, and caring person who did a good deed. Just my gut feeling on her.

If you choose to present yourself as one person on facebook and another somewhere else then hey that's how you walk your path I suppose! I guess walking a path like that works for you. Just because you are unauthentic on facebook doesn't mean Gretchen is or anyone else. Sure some people present themselves one way in social media and another in the real world, if that works for them, whatever floats their boat. I don't think that is the case with Gretchen. I think she is authentic, that's my opinion, and obviously it isn't shared by you, but oh well.

I think the Police had every right to arrest her, I have already said that. But I don't think they were professional with how they went about doing their Police business with an arrestee, nor the treatment she received AFTER she was put in jail. If you have a run-in with the Cops in Mexico things like this can happen, I get that. Heck it can happen in the U.S. as well. I wouldn't push the limits of the cops in the U.S. or Mexico, I personally wouldn't do that. I come from a law enforcement family and I have a lot of respect for Police and I don't think ya win any points with them when you are combative. Quite the contrary, eh.

We don't know that she was as combative the entire time in jail as you elude her to be and like you have pretty much summed up she was, a whacked out bi-polar woman. All I can go by is what she chose to share, and I take that as her personal truth of what happened. I think she did go off the rails upon being arrested, she admitted to that. Under the circumstances she was under, is it any wonder? And I DO also think her rights were majorly violated.

I don't agree with tearing this good citizen's character to shreds for a self-less deed in helping a dying man, in fact it's really gross to be quite honest. But hey that's my opinion.

I really hope his family never reads any of these posts, because I think they are probably pretty damn grateful for everything Gretchen did for their loved one. Trying to save him, trying to get help from somebody, anybody....and staying with him while he laid bleeding in her arms, I know I would be grateful for an angel such as her if that was my loved one.

Gretchen asked for prayers for Mar and his family, he left behind a wife and a 4 year old child. Soooo sad, so very very sad. And so very senseless.

I saw the video someone put up with photos of Mar, broke my heart to see such a vibrant guy who did such a great service for his community as a lifeguard and with the Fire Dept and at such a young age, just think how he could have done sooo much in the years to come in service to his community, obviously community work was his calling.........Rosarito lost an upstanding citizen, that's for sure!

R.I.P. Mar

Taco de Baja - 10-13-2013 at 08:42 AM

Originally posted by BajaLuna
If you [JoeJustJoe] choose to present yourself as one person on facebook and another somewhere else then hey that's how you walk your path I suppose! I guess walking a path like that works for you. Just because you are unauthentic on facebook doesn't mean Gretchen is or anyone else. Sure some people present themselves one way in social media and another in the real world, if that works for them, whatever floats their boat. I don't think that is the case with Gretchen. I think she is authentic, that's my opinion, and obviously it isn't shared by you, but oh well.

BajaLuna, joe is inauthentic for the vast majority of things he posts. He is a bully and a troll. He posts solely to get a reaction, and most of it is made up out of whole cloth with tiny nuggets of truth. If you have a strong stomach, check out his rabid posts in the OT. Over 6,000 posts since he joined and of that, only a single digit percentage have been posted someplace on the main section of Baja Nomad, likely all in a controversial topic like this. No trip reports, no offers of help, no requests for help, just attacks. The best thing to with joe is ignore him or call him out. However, when you call him on things you have to be prepared for him to turn the attack on you. It's what bullies do, just like the shooter.

EnsenadaDr - 10-13-2013 at 08:52 AM

So Bajaluna, tell me. I am not being sarcastic but honestly wanting to know your opinion. Do you feel this woman really did see and talk with Gary Patton earlier in the week as well? Seems quite a coincidence that she was involved in two sensational news events in a week's time?
Originally posted by BajaLuna
JoeJustJoe, I feel I'm pretty good at being able to see through people's masks they wear, and I also don't believe everything I read on facebook with people. I'm not a gullible person. I go by my gut feeling with people. You may dispute mine and others view of Gretchen because it does not vibe with yours. And some of us may disagree with yours as well. I feel she is a good, compassionate, honest, and caring person who did a good deed. Just my gut feeling on her.

If you choose to present yourself as one person on facebook and another somewhere else then hey that's how you walk your path I suppose! I guess walking a path like that works for you. Just because you are unauthentic on facebook doesn't mean Gretchen is or anyone else. Sure some people present themselves one way in social media and another in the real world, if that works for them, whatever floats their boat. I don't think that is the case with Gretchen. I think she is authentic, that's my opinion, and obviously it isn't shared by you, but oh well.

I think the Police had every right to arrest her, I have already said that. But I don't think they were professional with how they went about doing their Police business with an arrestee, nor the treatment she received AFTER she was put in jail. If you have a run-in with the Cops in Mexico things like this can happen, I get that. Heck it can happen in the U.S. as well. I wouldn't push the limits of the cops in the U.S. or Mexico, I personally wouldn't do that. I come from a law enforcement family and I have a lot of respect for Police and I don't think ya win any points with them when you are combative. Quite the contrary, eh.

We don't know that she was as combative the entire time in jail as you elude her to be and like you have pretty much summed up she was, a whacked out bi-polar woman. All I can go by is what she chose to share, and I take that as her personal truth of what happened. I think she did go off the rails upon being arrested, she admitted to that. Under the circumstances she was under, is it any wonder? And I DO also think her rights were majorly violated.

I don't agree with tearing this good citizen's character to shreds for a self-less deed in helping a dying man, in fact it's really gross to be quite honest. But hey that's my opinion.

I really hope his family never reads any of these posts, because I think they are probably pretty damn grateful for everything Gretchen did for their loved one. Trying to save him, trying to get help from somebody, anybody....and staying with him while he laid bleeding in her arms, I know I would be grateful for an angel such as her if that was my loved one.

Gretchen asked for prayers for Mar and his family, he left behind a wife and a 4 year old child. Soooo sad, so very very sad. And so very senseless.

I saw the video someone put up with photos of Mar, broke my heart to see such a vibrant guy who did such a great service for his community as a lifeguard and with the Fire Dept and at such a young age, just think how he could have done sooo much in the years to come in service to his community, obviously community work was his calling.........Rosarito lost an upstanding citizen, that's for sure!

R.I.P. Mar

EnsenadaDr - 10-13-2013 at 08:56 AM

I also believe not wearing a bra with thin material pajamas and being large breasted can give someone an idea of a person that they are maybe someone they are not. I noticed that on the video. I wonder if she was braless in the jail as well.
Originally posted by DavidE
Nudity, is extraordinarily offensive to MOST Mexicanos. La gente have a totally different perspective of nudity than gringos or Europeans. Simply removing a tee shirt in public downtown can provoke an outraged "GET DRESSED" from a Mexican cop.

But again and again the main point, the one that provoked the cops is being shined-on here.

You don't scream at a Mexican cop - ever. And even worse than that is to scream obscenities at a cop. Then multiply this times ten million of you do it in public, then magnify to the cube of that if all that is done in front of fellow cops of military.

Is's versus ought-to-be's is perhaps the number one reason why gringos get into trouble in Mexico and or get disgusted with the culture and bail out. I see this all the time on the mainland and keep abreast of area forums for "Everything Must Go".

The nutso antics of some gringos keep Mexicans gossiping for months.

In the case of this individual a human rights challenge will serve to point out injustices of all people who are arrested. Americans, Mexicans, Mongolians. Human rights is human rights. But that's all that is going to happen IMMHO - an issue will be raised then drift away like a cloud of smoke.


"You can't do this to me! I am an AMERICAN!"

[Edited on 10-13-2013 by EnsenadaDr]

EnsenadaDr - 10-13-2013 at 08:59 AM

I have never thought about that, but it brings up a good point. (the part about Hugh Hefner). The part about walking around Rosarito Beach, a large woman with large breasts braless in pajamas is a whole other can of worms.
Originally posted by monoloco
Originally posted by mulegemichael
yeah....she's been through a lot....but from what i see, she NEVER gets out of her pajamas; from her walk on the beach, through ALL of her 4 interviews...she's ALWAYS in her does that say about her mental state???...i dunno; just an open question....does she own a pair of jeans?
What does the fact that she was wearing pajamas have to do with anything? It certainly doesn't justify the way she was treated in custody. Do you question Hugh Hefner's mental state because he has an affinity for pajamas?

[Edited on 10-13-2013 by EnsenadaDr]

EnsenadaDr - 10-13-2013 at 09:04 AM

I don't entirely agree. I have found him to show a compassionate side to him (shown by erasing negative posts about someone he has previously written). I still would like to know who he is but I don't blame him for not revealing his true persona. The way people are viciously attacked and maligned on the internet is a very good reason not to say who you really are and he has young children.
Originally posted by Taco de Baja
Originally posted by BajaLuna
If you [JoeJustJoe] choose to present yourself as one person on facebook and another somewhere else then hey that's how you walk your path I suppose! I guess walking a path like that works for you. Just because you are unauthentic on facebook doesn't mean Gretchen is or anyone else. Sure some people present themselves one way in social media and another in the real world, if that works for them, whatever floats their boat. I don't think that is the case with Gretchen. I think she is authentic, that's my opinion, and obviously it isn't shared by you, but oh well.

BajaLuna, joe is inauthentic for the vast majority of things he posts. He is a bully and a troll. He posts solely to get a reaction, and most of it is made up out of whole cloth with tiny nuggets of truth. If you have a strong stomach, check out his rabid posts in the OT. Over 6,000 posts since he joined and of that, only a single digit percentage have been posted someplace on the main section of Baja Nomad, likely all in a controversial topic like this. No trip reports, no offers of help, no requests for help, just attacks. The best thing to with joe is ignore him or call him out. However, when you call him on things you have to be prepared for him to turn the attack on you. It's what bullies do, just like the shooter.

bajagrouper - 10-13-2013 at 09:17 AM

I'm still waiting for her next video describing her visit to the US Consulate...

monoloco - 10-13-2013 at 09:20 AM

Originally posted by Taco de Baja
Originally posted by BajaLuna
If you [JoeJustJoe] choose to present yourself as one person on facebook and another somewhere else then hey that's how you walk your path I suppose! I guess walking a path like that works for you. Just because you are unauthentic on facebook doesn't mean Gretchen is or anyone else. Sure some people present themselves one way in social media and another in the real world, if that works for them, whatever floats their boat. I don't think that is the case with Gretchen. I think she is authentic, that's my opinion, and obviously it isn't shared by you, but oh well.

BajaLuna, joe is inauthentic for the vast majority of things he posts. He is a bully and a troll. He posts solely to get a reaction, and most of it is made up out of whole cloth with tiny nuggets of truth. If you have a strong stomach, check out his rabid posts in the OT. Over 6,000 posts since he joined and of that, only a single digit percentage have been posted someplace on the main section of Baja Nomad, likely all in a controversial topic like this. No trip reports, no offers of help, no requests for help, just attacks. The best thing to with joe is ignore him or call him out. However, when you call him on things you have to be prepared for him to turn the attack on you. It's what bullies do, just like the shooter.
I agree 100%. It seems like a very strange way to entertain one's self.

[Edited on 10-13-2013 by monoloco]

BajaLuna - 10-13-2013 at 09:29 AM

Interesting, Taco de Baja! I wondered if some of what he had said was really just a reflection.

wessongroup - 10-13-2013 at 09:47 AM

Say, what color were her nails ... :spingrin:

EnsenadaDr - 10-13-2013 at 09:51 AM

you might want to ask her, she seemed to be able to describe,the well built athletic build and well dressed perpetrator. By the way it appeared to be filmed in black and white, sort of a Blair Witch Project effect, so I wouldn't know Wiley, if it was filmed in black and white what color her nails were.

greengoes - 10-13-2013 at 09:54 AM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
I also believe not wearing a bra with thin material pajamas and being large breasted can give someone an idea of a person that they are maybe someone they are not. I noticed that on the video. I wonder if she was braless in the jail as well.
[Edited on 10-13-2013 by EnsenadaDr]

G'morning Doc, taking a bit of time off from studying?

Your prurient musings of no bra in the Tijuana jail made two of the Cats fart from laughing so hard.

wessongroup - 10-13-2013 at 09:59 AM

Haven't watched the "vid" .... but, if she had them done in that "French style" ... perhaps it would show .. even in black and white ... just saying :):)

EnsenadaDr - 10-13-2013 at 10:00 AM

Greengoes, who are you by the way? I spent a lot of time in Ensenada yesterday and would have liked to meet you for a fish taco, but you don't want to give me a number or place to meet you at. I am quite tired from my trip so I am relaxing a bit this morning. That is of course if you live in Ensenada. I do make it up to North County occasionally if you feel more comfortable meeting in San Marcos. San Marcos has transformed itself into quite a nice place compared to the industrial center it was 30 years ago BTW. I would like to go up there and explore the area more since I passed through there a few weeks back and was quite impressed. BTW it was not Tijuana it was Rosarito, I think that might have been a mistake that could have been purposeful? For all we know you might be Zorro!!

EnsenadaDr - 10-13-2013 at 10:01 AM

You are right Wiley!! Please watch the videos and get back to me!!
Originally posted by wessongroup
Haven't watched the "vid" .... but, if she had them done in that "French style" ... perhaps it would show .. even in black and white ... just saying :):)

wessongroup - 10-13-2013 at 10:03 AM

Lived a year in North County ... back in 86 ... was a very nice location

Can't imagine what traffic is like on 78 ... or the 5 or 805 ... work time

EnsenadaDr - 10-13-2013 at 10:06 AM

Have to confess I had to look up the word "prurient". No I have no excessive interest in sexual matters, just that there was an argument here on what pajamas have to do with the situation? The situation could have been provoked, albeit completely unacceptable and inhumane. In fact, Gretchen does mention how she listened to an encounter in the next cell apparently a negotiation for early release. Maybe when she was groped this could have been a signal to comply for early release as well. She did not comply however, nor should she have.
Originally posted by greengoes
Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
I also believe not wearing a bra with thin material pajamas and being large breasted can give someone an idea of a person that they are maybe someone they are not. I noticed that on the video. I wonder if she was braless in the jail as well.
[Edited on 10-13-2013 by EnsenadaDr]

G'morning Doc, taking a bit of time off from studying?

Your prurient musings of no bra in the Tijuana jail made two of the Cats fart from laughing so hard.

[Edited on 10-13-2013 by EnsenadaDr]

DENNIS - 10-13-2013 at 11:25 AM

Originally posted by wessongroup
Say, what color were her nails ... :spingrin:

Blood Red if you're asking about the ones used for her crucifixion here.
If she told the truth, or totally BS'd her way through that vid, really has gone beside the point.......that of sitting defenseless in this Kangaroo Court some of you self-righteous people have put on in this thread. Those of you for whom that shoe fits are shameless.

wessongroup - 10-13-2013 at 11:25 AM

Not sure when I'll get to that "vid" ... working my way through our Blue Ray collection .... using my computer and a new monitor ... pretty cool

Avatar was great ... have just order a 3D ... Life of Pie ... and "clip on" 3D glasses

Took the wife to see the "Creature from the Black Lagoon" in 3D ... when dating ... saw it when growing up

King Kong in water .... kinda

JoeJustJoe - 10-13-2013 at 11:32 AM

Originally posted by BajaLuna
JoeJustJoe, I feel I'm pretty good at being able to see through people's masks they wear, and I also don't believe everything I read on facebook with people. I'm not a gullible person. I go by my gut feeling with people. You may dispute mine and others view of Gretchen because it does not vibe with yours. And some of us may disagree with yours as well. I feel she is a good, compassionate, honest, and caring person who did a good deed. Just my gut feeling on her.

If you choose to present yourself as one person on facebook and another somewhere else then hey that's how you walk your path I suppose! I guess walking a path like that works for you. Just because you are unauthentic on facebook doesn't mean Gretchen is or anyone else. Sure some people present themselves one way in social media and another in the real world, if that works for them, whatever floats their boat. I don't think that is the case with Gretchen. I think she is authentic, that's my opinion, and obviously it isn't shared by you, but oh well.

I think the Police had every right to arrest her, I have already said that. But I don't think they were professional with how they went about doing their Police business with an arrestee, nor the treatment she received AFTER she was put in jail. If you have a run-in with the Cops in Mexico things like this can happen, I get that. Heck it can happen in the U.S. as well. I wouldn't push the limits of the cops in the U.S. or Mexico, I personally wouldn't do that. I come from a law enforcement family and I have a lot of respect for Police and I don't think ya win any points with them when you are combative. Quite the contrary, eh.

We don't know that she was as combative the entire time in jail as you elude her to be and like you have pretty much summed up she was, a whacked out bi-polar woman. All I can go by is what she chose to share, and I take that as her personal truth of what happened. I think she did go off the rails upon being arrested, she admitted to that. Under the circumstances she was under, is it any wonder? And I DO also think her rights were majorly violated.

I don't agree with tearing this good citizen's character to shreds for a self-less deed in helping a dying man, in fact it's really gross to be quite honest. But hey that's my opinion.

I really hope his family never reads any of these posts, because I think they are probably pretty damn grateful for everything Gretchen did for their loved one. Trying to save him, trying to get help from somebody, anybody....and staying with him while he laid bleeding in her arms, I know I would be grateful for an angel such as her if that was my loved one.

Gretchen asked for prayers for Mar and his family, he left behind a wife and a 4 year old child. Soooo sad, so very very sad. And so very senseless.

I saw the video someone put up with photos of Mar, broke my heart to see such a vibrant guy who did such a great service for his community as a lifeguard and with the Fire Dept and at such a young age, just think how he could have done sooo much in the years to come in service to his community, obviously community work was his calling.........Rosarito lost an upstanding citizen, that's for sure!

R.I.P. Mar

BajaLuna thanks for the well thought out reply, but at the same time I can't help but feel you're also making a passive-aggressive shot at me, and sort of a cheap shot bringing up the victim, and his family, when I said nothing about the victim, and you have no idea how to the family feels, but it's OK, I could take it.

Regarding my Facebook, I must confess I really don't have a personal Facebook with my real name on it, and other real facts about myself. I view Facebook, like I view multinational companies like "Walmart" and I pretty much think Facebook is evil, because they don't protect the privacy of their members, and just as we are speaking, Facebook is going to roll out a new version that will get rid of the privacy option and make all users searchable. See the link below, however, I do have a Facebook, just to on a rare occasion to read other Facebook accounts, when I'm searching for information.

Yes the police had a right to arrest Gretchen, because nobody has a right to talk to police officers like she did. It seems pretty funny to me while most Nomad members are law abiding citizens in the US, and totality respect US cops who have a long history of abuse in the minority communities but that respect towards cops flies out the window when talking about Mexican police, and a women like Gretchen gets a pass for abusing cops, and resisting arrest, and resists being put in prison. It may be true that many Mexican cops are corrupt, but that doesn't excuse abusing a Mexican cop, and physically fighting with them in prison.

You Bajaluna are forgetting the facts that according to Gretchen she fought with the Rosarito police for 40 minutes before she was finally shoved in the Rosarito jail! Who does that Bajaluna? Right there the cops could charge her with resisting arrest, and assault on a police officer.

What rights does Gretchen have when she is going into a bipolar rage? What would have happened to her if she was in the US, where US cops have tasers, clubs, and rubber bullets? I have no doubt if this woman was in the US they US cops would have beat her within a inch of her life, regardless if she was in the right or not. And the women would have been in prison for a long time for verbally and physically assaulting a police officer if this happened in the states.

So Bajaluna you claim to be good at being able to see through people's masks they wear, and that you also don't believe everything you read on facebook with people, and that you're not a gullible person? Well Bajaluna, I have my doubts about you, if you really believe all the stuff Gretchen wrote about herself, and then watched the YouTube video she made about her ordeal in a Rosarito prison. Maybe she didn't have time for makeup, but if you ask me, what she writes about herself, and what we see on YouTube, doesn't seem to jive, and that's an understatement.

From Gretchen's writings about herself:

Believer, artist, curator, caregiver, missionary, world-changer, intj mastermind, self-taught, usually right, compassionate, revolutionary,

oh, and let’s not forget… …rare, elusive, creative, beautiful, 6’1”, female who can go from bathing suit to formal in 60 seconds flat. : ) I also know how to raise lobster, make coconut pie on an open fire, play roller derby and stay on a budget!

Again Gretchen is using Youtube to put out a one-sided view of the Rosarito police, and Mexico in general with all kinds of wild allegations. There are some people on three Baja sites using Gretchen's so-called first hand account to push their anti Mexico agenda, and so I take it upon myself to expose the weak spots in those augments Gretchen and the anti-Mexico crowd makes, until we hear from the Rosarito police and their version of the events.

I agree with you Bajaluna, Mar seemed like a very good guy, who enjoyed the beach, and helping other people. It's a shame he died at such a young age.

DENNIS - 10-13-2013 at 11:41 AM

Originally posted by JoeJustJoe

What rights does Gretchen have when she is going into a bipolar rage?

If there's a number less than zero, that's the amount of qualification you have to say things like this, Joe.

EnsenadaDr - 10-13-2013 at 11:50 AM

Oh really Dennis? What about your crucifixion of the owner of PBBB? Do you really think the Ensenada Rosarito race is a "ride"? How about the part on the free road to Ensenada that goes straight up the hills for 7 miles? Many seasoned riders have stated that it was a challenge. And she is only about 10 years younger than some of the retirees, she is well into her 50's. When you want to fry someone it's ok, but for anyone to point out inconsistencies in a story it is a crucifixion. When you go into a prison and you are hanging out of your clothes or half-dressed, you are going to get hit on. That is a fact, whether in the US or in Mexico. Even when you are dressed. The fact that someone was horrified that this happened especially because of the way they were dressed is not understandable. No it's not right. No, it shouldn't have happened that way. But wake up!! No one should head towards gunfire and no one should be walking on the beach in that condition unless they are looking for trouble. That's it. And someone who states they are a Christian yet swears like a sailor and says on a public video they want to bite a private part off? Well sorry the words "MELTDOWN" are flashing in my mind.
Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by wessongroup
Say, what color were her nails ... :spingrin:

Blood Red if you're asking about the ones used for her crucifixion here.
If she told the truth, or totally BS'd her way through that vid, really has gone beside the point.......that of sitting defenseless in this Kangaroo Court some of you self-righteous people have put on in this thread. Those of you for whom that shoe fits are shameless.

JoeJustJoe - 10-13-2013 at 12:26 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by JoeJustJoe

What rights does Gretchen have when she is going into a bipolar rage?

If there's a number less than zero, that's the amount of qualification you have to say things like this, Joe.

Dennis just because you fly into your own fits of bipolar rages doesn't mean you know more about this subject than I do.

BTW Dennis I have been enjoying your fake outrage over Rosarito cops incidents on other sites, where the cops sometimes gets out of line, and where you say, " Gawwwwdammmmm....who is really running this country anyway. [no question mark for obvious reasons] "

You really do need to return to the USA Dennis, and see or read about the cops behavior against citizens of the US.

It's like you never heard of Rodney King, and the hundreds, if not thousands of rogue cops incidents of beatings and killings in the USA.

Mexican cops are known for corruption, and abusing their fellow citizens in custody in order to get them to confess to a crime. Mexican cops aren't known for beating foreign tourists.

Again I say Gretchen is very lucky she didn't go off the rails in the USA, because it could have really ended badly for her if she exhibited the same behavior against US cops as she exhibited towards the Mexican cops.

[Edited on 10-13-2013 by JoeJustJoe]

vgabndo - 10-13-2013 at 01:00 PM

I would simply submit that if one has never been in the position of being unable to disconnect from a person who is in a bi-polar rage, then you have no business criticizing the police. NO ONE who isn't a trained and THICK-SKINNED professional has much chance of escaping such an interaction without some kind of damage. Ask around and PLEASE tell me if you find a way to calmly resolve a bi-polar rage.

This is a very sad "perfect storm" scenario. A person with a tenuous grasp on reality was so unfortunate as to witness a horror, and didn't have the emotional reserves to handle it.

From the point where she began to interfere with the police investigation, this is all on her and her inability to deal with her frustration given the limited tools in her tool box.

If she had fought the California Highway Patrol for 40 minutes, at BEST she'd be out on bail facing criminal charges, huge court costs, a criminal record and fines and/or imprisonment.

In my judgement there are about 5150 reasons why this woman got put in jail, and none of them lead me to believe that her imagination is going to lead anyone to Gary Patton. Sad to say.

BajaLuna - 10-13-2013 at 01:13 PM

Just mentioning a reminder (which perhaps I should have put in another post and not lumped it all into one) that there IS a victim here who has a family and a community. A Mother lost her Son, a kid lost their father, a wife lost her spouse, and in the midst of debating this, and putting someone out to slaughter, that should not be forgotten. Maybe his family is not grateful that he had a caring person by his side as he was dying, maybe you're right Joe. I recently went through 2 family deaths myself, and besides that have worked with the dying and also the terminally ill for years...I sure wouldn't have wanted my loved ones to be alone. And most families I have had the honor of being with who's family member was dying, felt the same way, but there certainly is that 1 in 10 family, who think it's unimportant if their loved one is alone while dying and certainly those who want to be alone while dying...or those who just can't be there for a family member for whatever their personal reasons are, sometimes they just can't be there, does that mean they don't love them or don't care, absolutely not, and if they're lucky they have someone who can be there, when they cannot be.

A bi-polar person has just as many rights as a non bi-polar person, IMHO. I've seen plenty of people who were not bi-polar go into a complete out of control rage. I've have also worked with many youth who were/are street-drug addicts who can flip out like you would not believe. BUT they ALL have rights! In the position the cops were in, they had every right to arrest her and detain her albeit it wasn't right to detain her for that long IMHO, and it certainly wasn't right to treat her the way they did while she was in jail. They were unprofessional! And like monoloco said, maybe they need some sensitivity training.

In my opinion she may have also been using YouTube as a way to document her experience to be able to recount and recall what happened for her own purposes. A way of journaling, so to speak, while it was all fresh in her mind.

you're entitled to have your doubts about me! Just as I am entitled to have mine! We all including me, in any situation, can get attached to our rightness, that's for sure.

you're BN mood says "mad as hell" happy Joe!

BajaLuna - 10-13-2013 at 01:25 PM

Yes Doc, I do believe she had an encounter with Gary. I don't think it was a coincidence.

BajaLuna - 10-13-2013 at 01:31 PM

what I meant to say is, her encounter with Gary happened for a reason, that's the way I see it anyways.

Wessongroup....avatar is a great movie...and the life of pi is awesome!

EnsenadaDr - 10-13-2013 at 01:34 PM

The guy had a fireman at his side, he wasn't alone. By the way, are there bomberos on the beach? I never saw them with 3 or 4 wheelers, maybe lifeguards.
Originally posted by BajaLuna
Just mentioning a reminder (which perhaps I should have put in another post and not lumped it all into one) that there IS a victim here who has a family and a community. A Mother lost her Son, a kid lost their father, a wife lost her spouse, and in the midst of debating this, and putting someone out to slaughter, that should not be forgotten. Maybe his family is not grateful that he had a caring person by his side as he was dying, maybe you're right Joe. I recently went through 2 family deaths myself, and besides that have worked with the dying and also the terminally ill for years...I sure wouldn't have wanted my loved ones to be alone. And most families I have had the honor of being with who's family member was dying, felt the same way, but there certainly is that 1 in 10 family, who think it's unimportant if their loved one is alone while dying and certainly those who want to be alone while dying...or those who just can't be there for a family member for whatever their personal reasons are, sometimes they just can't be there, does that mean they don't love them or don't care, absolutely not, and if they're lucky they have someone who can be there, when they cannot be.

A bi-polar person has just as many rights as a non bi-polar person, IMHO. I've seen plenty of people who were not bi-polar go into a complete out of control rage. I've have also worked with many youth who were/are street-drug addicts who can flip out like you would not believe. BUT they ALL have rights! In the position the cops were in, they had every right to arrest her and detain her albeit it wasn't right to detain her for that long IMHO, and it certainly wasn't right to treat her the way they did while she was in jail. They were unprofessional! And like monoloco said, maybe they need some sensitivity training.

In my opinion she may have also been using YouTube as a way to document her experience to be able to recount and recall what happened for her own purposes. A way of journaling, so to speak, while it was all fresh in her mind.

you're entitled to have your doubts about me! Just as I am entitled to have mine! We all including me, in any situation, can get attached to our rightness, that's for sure.

you're BN mood says "mad as hell" happy Joe!

BajaLuna - 10-13-2013 at 01:37 PM

I've noticed a consistent trend in your posts Joe, everyone is either fake or their actions are fake..or what they say is fake....funny how that is..seeing how you profess you do fake things too.

wessongroup - 10-13-2013 at 01:52 PM

WOW and I thought I was all alone ... :lol::lol:

vgabndo - 10-13-2013 at 01:56 PM

Luna, thanks for your insightful comments. I feel remiss in not crediting the huge humanity it took to cradle that dying man. I bless her for that. I trust that Mar's family blesses her for that. With my background it is easy to see the "two people", one who comforted a dying man, and the other who modeled a 6 foot one alley cat being forced through a cage door.

Bi-polar disorder takes a lot of forms, and the price it extracts from those with it and around it also takes many forms. I'm sorry Gretchen payed the Rosarito police, but I know that, faced with a serious mental melt-down, most people can do little more than dial 911 if they have the luxury. In California, the police would have taken her to a hospital emergency department to be detained, medicated, and evaluated. Our system is terribly broken, but Rosarito's is really from the dark ages. ...a perfect storm.

What more is known of the punk who killed Mar? Anyone?

Bajaahh - 10-13-2013 at 03:30 PM

Pretty sad to see Nomads attacking Nomads.
Not why I joined this site. Seems like everyone needs to take a deep breath or two...

DENNIS - 10-13-2013 at 03:34 PM

Originally posted by Bajaahh
Pretty sad to see Nomads attacking Nomads.
Not why I joined this site. Seems like everyone needs to take a deep breath or two...

Good thought. We have a place for this behavior, but somebody left the gate open.

redmesa - 10-13-2013 at 04:02 PM

I promised myself I would not post on this thread again but... so much for a self promise.

1. Never go on for a walk on the beach without shoes and a bra and cellphone..would a bikini and flip flops work?

2. Etiquette with Police/Emergency people.. Avoid comforting strangers, gunshots, yelling, blood contact, irrational behaviour under stress etc.

3. Jails--Always take your meds, don't forget a cellphone with contact numbers, be contrite, meek, mild and speak several languages.

4. After event---Never ever post a video in your pajamas and delete all web accounts, profiles and history.

5. Please add on...

JoeJustJoe - 10-13-2013 at 04:12 PM

Originally posted by Bajaahh
Pretty sad to see Nomads attacking Nomads.
Not why I joined this site. Seems like everyone needs to take a deep breath or two...

Which Nomad member is being attacked?

If you're talking about Tall Artist who made that one post where she claims to have seen Gary Patton. There is no evidence this is the same person who made the YouTube video, especially since "Baja Nomad" is known to attract trolls who use second handles to have a little fun.

And if it is the real Tall Artist, I certainly would like to hear more about her seeing Gary Patton, and I would certainly like her to expand a little bit more on her experiences in the Rosarito jail and exactly what state she was in during her fight with the Rosarito police while they were trying to put her in prison. She would of course have more respect if she was an actual member here.

It's also pretty sad to see Nomads attack Rosarito, Baja, and Mexico using a one-sided account from an American women who admits to be suffering from a pretty serious mental condition that could cast doubt on her eye witness account of things.

It also seems some people don't like to be challenged or their narrative and so make ad hominem on those they disagree with in a vein attempt to silence them. ( Doug Doug Doug I don't like what so and so is saying, are you going to stand for it? ) Please people we're adults here, and you can take alternative ways of looking at things.

BajaLuna - 10-13-2013 at 04:24 PM

redmesa, I would add if one doesn't speak several languages perhaps having a good Spanish dictionary app on their cell phone.

wessongroup - 10-13-2013 at 05:39 PM

The only person attacked in this event .... is the deceased IMHO

EnsenadaDr - 10-13-2013 at 06:42 PM

Wiley I did go back to the video and lo and behold, it was in color but the colors were very pale, I guess because of the lighting. Her fingernails were not painted, and looked very natural.

wessongroup - 10-13-2013 at 06:50 PM

No haven't gone back and checked it out, not sure I want to ... getting a raw deal in life ... think I could make a few video's too

I'll take your word for it .... the wife didn't have her nails done that much when down ... it's a ritual here

Just finished Ben Hur in Blue Ray ...... still a super movie IMHO

Was some great acting ... Loved it when Ben Hur, is given the "ring" from Ester ..

WOW really hot stuff, without the need for the usual T&A ... IMHO

EnsenadaDr - 10-13-2013 at 06:56 PM

Any guy that takes a woman on a first date to 3D Creature of the Black Lagoon is ok in my book Wiley!!

mulegemichael - 10-13-2013 at 07:37 PM

in all my years as a peace officer and a public servant and now as someone who welcomes over a half million folks a year to my place, i am still convinced that something is very very fishy here,....and try as you might to change my mind, we all have the right to have our opinions......and again, i will go back to this one point; when am i gonna see this person in real clothes and not in her pajamas????....sorry...that's just me..

mulegemichael - 10-13-2013 at 07:40 PM

wessongroup....we are opening an antique bookstore here in town and just this past week found two ben hurs, first edition, dusk cover, signed by the author, in our collection....we had NO idea they were there! pretty cool!!!

wessongroup - 10-13-2013 at 07:52 PM

That is really a great find ... btw "ramming speed" ... :lol::lol:

toneart - 10-13-2013 at 07:56 PM

“One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got into my pajamas I'll never know.” --Groucho Marx

willardguy - 10-13-2013 at 08:01 PM

Originally posted by mulegemichael
in all my years as a peace officer and a public servant and now as someone who welcomes over a half million folks a year to my place, i am still convinced that something is very very fishy here,....and try as you might to change my mind, we all have the right to have our opinions......and again, i will go back to this one point; when am i gonna see this person in real clothes and not in her pajamas????....sorry...that's just me..
so as a peace officer,public servant, and welcomer of millions, do find bipolarism as hilarious as dyslexia? or is that just you? :?:

[Edited on 10-14-2013 by willardguy]

tripledigitken - 10-13-2013 at 08:31 PM

Originally posted by mulegemichael
in all my years as a peace officer and a public servant and now as someone who welcomes over a half million folks a year to my place, i am still convinced that something is very very fishy here,....and try as you might to change my mind, we all have the right to have our opinions......and again, i will go back to this one point; when am i gonna see this person in real clothes and not in her pajamas????....sorry...that's just me..

It took me all of 90 seconds to find photos of her dressed in real clothes.


mtgoat666 - 10-13-2013 at 08:36 PM

Originally posted by mulegemichael
in all my years as a peace officer and a public servant and now as someone who welcomes over a half million folks a year to my place, i am still convinced that something is,...

when am i gonna see this person in real clothes and not in her pajamas????....sorry...that's just me..

You welcome >500k people per year in "your place." What are you, a walmart door greeter?

I have seen the fashion choices of nomads, most nomads are overweight and far from fashionable,... Their opinions on when to wear or not wear pajamas are meaningless!

mtgoat666 - 10-13-2013 at 08:40 PM

National wear your pajamas to work day is every year on April 16, the day after tax day.

mtgoat666 - 10-13-2013 at 08:51 PM

DavidE - 10-14-2013 at 08:51 AM

Doris Day


Doris Mary Ann Kappelhoff

Now there's a "real person" for ya.

What I want to read about is what the Rosarito cops have to say. Oh wait a minute - no I changed my mind, I want to read what the Tijuana U.S. Consulate says about it. Outrage in the U.S. Congress. Retargeting of Trident 3 missiles. No? Well how about "anything"?

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