
Insults to BajaNomads on City Data Forum

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DENNIS - 3-9-2014 at 03:14 PM

Originally posted by JoeJustJoe

Dennis you're as pathetic as the other cult followers they have over there if you believe anything coming from that "hate site."

Jes tellin you what he said, Joe. Don't be shootin' the messenger.
Instead of wasting precious time here, Joe, you should be waddling to the Proctologist to get your air-hole sewn shut. It's your only hope for salvation. Otherwise Chuckie's gonna lead a parade of evil right up there and you'll never get rid of them.

ELINVESTIG8R - 3-9-2014 at 03:29 PM

I give Fulano a lot of credit. He was a man and met when I had a serious problem with him and we were able to iron out the problem. Unlike another I know who hid behind their wife's skirt and contacted the police when someone fought back. I have no use for that kind of person. Yes I spoke to the Detective the individual sent my way!

ELINVESTIG8R - 3-9-2014 at 03:35 PM

JoeJustJoe - 3-9-2014 at 03:44 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by JoeJustJoe

Dennis you're as pathetic as the other cult followers they have over there if you believe anything coming from that "hate site."

Jes tellin you what he said, Joe. Don't be shootin' the messenger.
Instead of wasting precious time here, Joe, you should be waddling to the Proctologist to get your air-hole sewn shut. It's your only hope for salvation. Otherwise Chuckie's gonna lead a parade of evil right up there and you'll never get rid of them.

Dennis I'm sorry, I though you were Chuck, aka Fulano's delivery boy.

I'm wasting time here? Have you looked at your post count Dennis? I'm actually on hiatus from this forum, especially the OT. But I just couldn't pass up this thread. What's your excuse Dennis?

EnsenadaDr - 3-9-2014 at 03:51 PM

Actually I am quite surprised that Dennis has been reading NoMas and even talking about it on the main board. He had sworn off that site if I remember correctly. He also seems to have viciously attacked Joe from behind, pardon the pun. What did you say to Dennis, Joe, that caused him such Fuhrer?
Originally posted by JoeJustJoe
Now that it is mentioned, there has been a few Nomad members in good standing that have ventured over there to that insane bigoted cult site, and I'm sorry to say things didn't work out too well to these wayward Nomad members that though it would be fun going over there and becoming part of the insane gang.

Isn' t that right Dennis and EnsenadaDr?

The thing is the cult leader over there runs a tight ship and demands obedience and doesn't take dissension very well. And so a few of these wayward Nomad members have been either banned, censored, and even outed for not showing strict obedience to the cult leader.

In other words they engage in cannibalism and eat their own there.

DENNIS - 3-9-2014 at 03:52 PM

Originally posted by JoeJustJoe
What's your excuse Dennis?

I'm retired.

Zapotec - 3-9-2014 at 03:59 PM

WhoTF spends their retired life on forums?

Anyway, who believes Fulano? Only stupid people. I mean he has said I am Crafty, Craft'ys husband, JoeJustJoe and Tila! Who believes this stuff? Only fools. Fulano has been saying hes got something on JoeJustJoe, who they call Jhihad over there for a while now. More made up stuff.

EnsenadaDr - 3-9-2014 at 04:03 PM

I can't deny the fact that it would be interesting to know who the real players are behind the facade. I understand the reason why some prefer to not reveal their true persona, as they have said they "want to protect their families." I say, if you can't stand the heat get out of cyberlandia.

DENNIS - 3-9-2014 at 04:05 PM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
Actually I am quite surprised that Dennis has been reading NoMas and even talking about it on the main board. He had sworn off that site if I remember correctly.

Sioux City Sue had this to say on the matter:

The full quote is:

"Know thy enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles, you will never be defeated. When you are ignorant of the enemy but know yourself, your chances of winning or losing are equal. If ignorant both of your enemy and of yourself, you are sure to be defeated in every battle."


He also seems to have viciously attacked Joe from behind, pardon the pun. What did you say to Dennis, Joe, that caused him such Fuhrer?

What kind of Freudian gaffe was that?
It's "FUROR."
Talking about your nemesis has you all discombooberated.

ohhh...I'm not attacking Joe.

EnsenadaDr - 3-9-2014 at 04:13 PM

you aren't? Why did you tell him to sew up certain orifices? It certainly appeared as you were attacking him, Mein Fuhrer.

EnsenadaDr - 3-9-2014 at 04:19 PM

I see a vicious streak towards Dennis in Zapotec in this thread. Is it because he refused to allow her to be called Mrs. D? That is the only reason I can think of for such unwarranted vitriol.
Originally posted by Zapotec
WhoTF spends their retired life on forums?

Anyway, who believes Fulano? Only stupid people. I mean he has said I am Crafty, Craft'ys husband, JoeJustJoe and Tila! Who believes this stuff? Only fools. Fulano has been saying hes got something on JoeJustJoe, who they call Jhihad over there for a while now. More made up stuff.

basautter - 3-9-2014 at 04:26 PM

I have not been a Nomad for very long, but have gotten some really good information and advice. Not sure who the wierdos and perverts are that the nasty lady referenced (ok, there is bound to be a few). Keep up the good posts!

DENNIS - 3-9-2014 at 04:29 PM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
you aren't? Why did you tell him to sew up certain orifices? It certainly appeared as you were attacking him, Mein Fuhrer.

You have to follow the bouncing ball if you intend to keep up here.

EnsenadaDr - 3-9-2014 at 04:32 PM

I did not see an all out attack on you Dennis by Joe, could you fill in the blanks I am missing?

greengoes - 3-9-2014 at 04:39 PM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
I did not see an all out attack on you Dennis by Joe, could you fill in the blanks I am missing?

I so tried to be civil today, no such luck.

vgabndo - 3-9-2014 at 04:43 PM

Seems like you whack jobs could have done this whole thing on u2u. Just looking for attention? Plenty of new ammo for the F person.:no:

EnsenadaDr - 3-9-2014 at 04:43 PM

Glad to see the airplane had some leftover hardware Greengoes!
Originally posted by greengoes
Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
I did not see an all out attack on you Dennis by Joe, could you fill in the blanks I am missing?

I so tried to be civil today, no such luck.

ELINVESTIG8R - 3-9-2014 at 04:56 PM

Semper Fi Brother!

Zapotec - 3-9-2014 at 06:01 PM

EnsinadaDr: you ain't even know my gender. Moot point anyway, I am married. Hey, for all you know, I may even be RuPaul's cousin.:lol::lol:

We need to dump this topic back to Off Topics

mcfez - 3-9-2014 at 10:55 PM

Official picture of this Fulano guy

EnsenadaDr - 3-10-2014 at 01:51 AM

McFez, don't you think more people need to be aware of the Feud on both sides of the Baja Battle? I loved Dennis' analogy that if we are knowledgeable of both sides, we will be more prepared.

ELINVESTIG8R - 3-10-2014 at 04:05 AM

It's unfortunate that some here have lied about their past and when confronted with the lie they lie about others and involve their families. You know who you are and you know you have been exposed. People call Fulano names but he is a much more honorable man than some of those who attack him! If you have a beef with Fulano you should go to his web site and duke it out with him and not in OT!

vgabndo - 3-10-2014 at 08:15 AM

Originally posted by ELINVESTIG8R

It's unfortunate that some here have lied about their past and when confronted with the lie they lie about others and involve their families. You know who you are and you know you have been exposed. People call Fulano names but he is a much more honorable man than some of those who attack him! If you have a beef with Fulano you should go to his web site and duke it out with
him and not in OT!

NO!, YOU WHACK JOBS SHOULD TAKE YOUR CONTINUING JUVENILE peeING CONTEST TO OFF TOPIC. The off topic protects us (the VAST majority of Nomads) from the curious "reasoning" that pervades the posts of people just like you.

I have never lied about my past on this forum, and I know for a fact that Fulano, who has never met me, went to the trouble of inventing lies about me on his forum. That's all I need to know. As for honorable...I doubt I'll live long enough to ever teach you anything about honor. Clearly the Marine Corps couldn't. are now advertising your membership in a secret handshake Christian cult. I'd be REALLY interested to know how many of the rest of the people who infest your sordid world hold the same belief in magic. Take it some place else! I promise to not follow you anywhere. I'm pretty darn sure I'm not alone in my offer. Just GO!

ELINVESTIG8R - 3-10-2014 at 08:34 AM

I'm sorry you feel that way about me. My fight is justifiable so I will continue without your approval. Thank you for letting me know how you feel.

DENNIS - 3-10-2014 at 09:17 AM

There ya go, TJSue........See what you started???

This thread deteriorated faster than a BigMac in a septic tank. :lol::lol:


[Edited on 3-10-2014 by DENNIS]

ELINVESTIG8R - 3-10-2014 at 09:44 AM

Vgabndo for the record I was not talking about you. I consider you a Brother Marine.

tjsue - 3-10-2014 at 10:00 AM

I may have started it, but it was information only. Everyone else continued it.

CortezBlue - 3-10-2014 at 10:20 AM

I'm sure, statistically speaking, they are correct!

It's not like there is an interview required to join this forum.

It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes,

"I'm not sure that I would want to join a club that would have me as a member!"

vgabndo - 3-10-2014 at 10:25 AM

You may not be talking about me, but you are still talking AT me and the rest of the Nomads who mostly wouldn't even know that Fulano existed were it not for you guys dragging that nastiness from Off Topic into the forum occupied by people who love Baja California and it's people.

On that subject, Juan Arce told me this morning that there are still Yellow Tail to about 8-10 kilos at San Roque, and bigger ones off of Chorros. Today the fog burned-off too late to be a good fishing day. I suspect that information is pretty irrelevant to most folks posting to this thread! That's why there is an OFF TOPIC forum. Right?

DENNIS - 3-10-2014 at 10:42 AM

Originally posted by tjsue
I may have started it, but it was information only. Everyone else continued it.

Try to hang on to your sense of humor. I was just kiddin'. :saint::biggrin:

DENNIS - 3-10-2014 at 10:46 AM

Originally posted by vgabndo
. I suspect that information is pretty irrelevant to most folks posting to this thread! That's why there is an OFF TOPIC forum. Right?

Yellow tail? Irrelevant?? Not on your life. My neighbor's cat likes to eat too.
"Bring 'em back...dead or alive."

greengoes - 3-10-2014 at 10:59 AM

Originally posted by vgabndo
..........but you are still talking AT me and the rest of the Nomads who mostly wouldn't even know that Fulano existed were it not for you guys dragging that nastiness from Off Topic into the forum..........

There seems to be a problem with the electric locks on the doors to the OT, we are looking into this problem and hope to have it resolved soon.

If you see anyone without an official pass out of there please call security.

JoeJustJoe - 3-10-2014 at 11:23 AM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
Actually I am quite surprised that Dennis has been reading NoMas and even talking about it on the main board. He had sworn off that site if I remember correctly. He also seems to have viciously attacked Joe from behind, pardon the pun. What did you say to Dennis, Joe, that caused him such Fuhrer?

EnsenadaDr why do you ask me what I did to Dennis to make him attack me?

Dennis is just being Dennis, but as I told you before there is so history between us from the time Fulano had his blog the "FulanoFiles" a few years ago. I had make the mistake of actually making a few comments there when Fulano had no rules. They all believed I was Mexicorn, a Mexican-American on Baja Nomad" who later Fulano viciously attacked and tried to ruin his reputation. The racism and bigotry was off the rails on that blog, and I just thought Fulano, Pierce, Bancodo, and even Dennis were unabashedly racist bigots!

Fulano quickly tried to ban me under the guise( lie) that I had threatened Dennis life, which was a lie, but Dennis believed Fulano, but it was pure BS, because I don't make those kind of threats and leave paper trails like that. Of course I wasn't exactly innocent, because I know how to insult people too, and I did some of my best work over there. However, when Fulano started his new forum, I didn't want any part of it, because I rather see it die a slow death, like what is going on now.

Dennis didn't like when I came to Baja Nomad" and even threatened to quit "BN" if the likes of me was allowed to stay among the good people of "BN." Dennis also said I was dangerous, but Dennis never went thought his threat to quit, and I stayed here, where I have been for three years.

Dennis then had a falling out with those nuts over there on Fulano's, although Dennis felt they were on the right track about Mexico, but he didn't like their delivery, he didn't like them hiding behind second handles to deliver that content, and he didn't seem to like the way they insulted and "outed" others like they did. ( If you're not on the same page with the cult leader, somebody is going to have to leave the forum, and Dennis was put in the dog house, and censored. Later Dennis just left on his own. )

I pretty much stayed out of Dennis hair because he stayed mostly on the main forum, and I stayed mostly in the OT, and as long as Dennis quit hanging with those idiots, I was happy, and Dennis does have good trolling skills, and really made good insults towards those nuts over there on the "hate site."

For some reason, both you Janene, and Tila thought Dennis was my good friend like Deno is, and that was behind Tila visiting Dennis, because she thought Dennis was my good friend, and anything she did, was her thinking my friend needed help. ( Tila has a real big heart) I think I told you both Janene and Tila, that I don't even really like Dennis, but I wish him no ill will, especially if he is no longer over there with those insane idiots. But Dennis is an ultra conservative, and he pretty much agrees with what Fulano, Maggie, and Woooosh say about Mexico without ever saying one good thing about Mexico. So I'm always going to have trouble with those types, but I don't make it personal with Dennis like I do with some of the others.

Dennis also seems to believes he is the final arbitrator on "BN" and he alone decides when a thread has gone off track, when someone should quit posting, and even when a thread should be stopped or sent to the OT. Clearly Dennis thinks to highly of himself.

[Edited on 3-10-2014 by JoeJustJoe]

motoged - 3-10-2014 at 11:53 AM

Was poking around the internet and came up with a recent Fulano post regarding me and my recent experience of recovering my stolen moto...


While a bit accurate, the spin put on the story is interesting...:lol:

Sure, the bike was stolen because I didn't lock it up when I went into a panaderia to buy a donut...yep....MY fault...:biggrin:

All-in was worth the reward to get the bike back...and all sort of speculation can be thrown around....with the usual peanut gallery comments.

A ransom? No, I offered the reward out of good intentions regrets for that.

I have had friends had their stuff stolen from their driveway, so I do not see the theft as a Mexico issue....but, as a theft issue.

So....thanks Fulano for the reference:?: :cool:....But your spin is is this post for me :biggrin:

Just keepin' it real :saint:

[Edited on 3-10-2014 by BajaNomad]

mtgoat666 - 3-10-2014 at 11:56 AM

Originally posted by JoeJustJoe
Clearly Dennis thinks to highly of himself.

don't we all?

wessongroup - 3-10-2014 at 11:57 AM

Moto ... glad ya got it back ... nice ride and I know you love to "ride" .. something I used to do and loved too ... :):)

Had a Triumph 650 stolen ... I didn't get it back ... even with a reward

[Edited on 3-10-2014 by wessongroup]

Timo1 - 3-10-2014 at 11:58 AM

I wonder what a class of psychology students would think of this thread

mtgoat666 - 3-10-2014 at 12:04 PM

Originally posted by Timo1
I wonder what a class of psychology students would think of this thread

they would realize they have seen the same thing a million times before in the intertubes, and they would change the channel to do something more interesting, like watch reruns of gilligans island, trim their toe nails, clean the cat litter box, etc.

motoged - 3-10-2014 at 12:06 PM

As with all students in a psych class...they get some diagnostic labels and go nuts with applying them to everyone...:lol:

We are all a bit crazy, so no worries about that.:saint:

I was in Vernon last and Barb aren't missing anything.:coolup:

DianaT - 3-10-2014 at 12:16 PM

Originally posted by motoged

So....thanks Fulano for the reference:?: :cool:....But your spin is is this post for me :biggrin:

Just keepin' it real :saint:

That does seem to be the reality of ALL internet forums and ALL participants. :dudette::yes:

EnsenadaDr - 3-10-2014 at 12:19 PM

No Joe, you are wrong, I never thought you and Dennis were good friends. Actually Dennis never said anything bad about you when we were discussing the forum in person. He probably has a neutral stance to you as well and probably believes the same way about you on OT as you feel about him on the main topic board. That being said, I didn't understand the radical surgical request to you, seems like a drastic comment, but according to Dennis he meant no ill will. Joe tell me, can you be friends with a person if they have any conservatism beliefs? Maybe that is your ax you are grinding with Dennis and the other conservatives. Just another day on BajaNomads where no one knows your name and everyone wants to stay on topic.
Originally posted by JoeJustJoe
Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
Actually I am quite surprised that Dennis has been reading NoMas and even talking about it on the main board. He had sworn off that site if I remember correctly. He also seems to have viciously attacked Joe from behind, pardon the pun. What did you say to Dennis, Joe, that caused him such Fuhrer?

EnsenadaDr why do you ask me what I did to Dennis to make him attack me?

Dennis is just being Dennis, but as I told you before there is so history between us from the time Fulano had his blog the "FulanoFiles" a few years ago. I had make the mistake of actually making a few comments there when Fulano had no rules. They all believed I was Mexicorn, a Mexican-American on Baja Nomad" who later Fulano viciously attacked and tried to ruin his reputation. The racism and bigotry was off the rails on that blog, and I just thought Fulano, Pierce, Bancodo, and even Dennis were unabashedly racist bigots!

Fulano quickly tried to ban me under the guise( lie) that I had threatened Dennis life, which was a lie, but Dennis believed Fulano, but it was pure BS, because I don't make those kind of threats and leave paper trails like that. Of course I wasn't exactly innocent, because I know how to insult people too, and I did some of my best work over there. However, when Fulano started his new forum, I didn't want any part of it, because I rather see it die a slow death, like what is going on now.

Dennis didn't like when I came to Baja Nomad" and even threatened to quit "BN" if the likes of me was allowed to stay among the good people of "BN." Dennis also said I was dangerous, but Dennis never went thought his threat to quit, and I stayed here, where I have been for three years.

Dennis then had a falling out with those nuts over there on Fulano's, although Dennis felt they were on the right track about Mexico, but he didn't like their delivery, he didn't like them hiding behind second handles to deliver that content, and he didn't seem to like the way they insulted and "outed" others like they did. ( If you're not on the same page with the cult leader, somebody is going to have to leave the forum, and Dennis was put in the dog house, and censored. Later Dennis just left on his own. )

I pretty much stayed out of Dennis hair because he stayed mostly on the main forum, and I stayed mostly in the OT, and as long as Dennis quit hanging with those idiots, I was happy, and Dennis does have good trolling skills, and really made good insults towards those nuts over there on the "hate site."

For some reason, both you Janene, and Tila thought Dennis was my good friend like Deno is, and that was behind Tila visiting Dennis, because she thought Dennis was my good friend, and anything she did, was her thinking my friend needed help. ( Tila has a real big heart) I think I told you both Janene and Tila, that I don't even really like Dennis, but I wish him no ill will, especially if he is no longer over there with those insane idiots. But Dennis is an ultra conservative, and he pretty much agrees with what Fulano, Maggie, and Woooosh say about Mexico without ever saying one good thing about Mexico. So I'm always going to have trouble with those types, but I don't make it personal with Dennis like I do with some of the others.

Dennis also seems to believes he is the final arbitrator on "BN" and he alone decides when a thread has gone off track, when someone should quit posting, and even when a thread should be stopped or sent to the OT. Clearly Dennis thinks to highly of himself.

[Edited on 3-10-2014 by JoeJustJoe]

wessongroup - 3-10-2014 at 12:21 PM

Hey Dennis ... Sharkey's in the North East ... :biggrin::biggrin:

watch that "black ice" ... and that isn't racist :lol::lol:

EnsenadaDr - 3-10-2014 at 12:25 PM

Didn't you see Woooosh waving to Dennis from inside the place? It's cold in them there hills!!! BRRRRRR!!! Cute photo Wiley.
Originally posted by wessongroup
Hey Dennis ... Sharkey's in the North East ... :biggrin::biggrin:

watch that "black ice" ... and that isn't racist :lol::lol:

DENNIS - 3-10-2014 at 12:37 PM

Originally posted by Timo1
I wonder what a class of psychology students would think of this thread

They would blame it on our mothers, of course. :lol:

JoeJustJoe - 3-10-2014 at 12:49 PM

Originally posted by tjsue
I may have started it, but it was information only. Everyone else continued it.

Tjsue wrote: Insults to BajaNomads on City Data Forum This person on the City-Data Forum (Mexico) seems to have a problem with the nomads.

I've copied and pasted her post here.

Yes you only posted information what you read, and I bet you're a little bit sorry for the can of worms you have opened?

I'm sorry to report that Tjsue has now been attacked and her past and past writings have been looked into with a fine tooth comb by Fulano!

What exactly is Tisue crime?

She posted stuff she found over on the "City Data" forum Mexico that had some negative stuff about "Baja Nomad" and where that stuff came from. It came from Fulano, and in turn put Fulano and his tiny forum in a bad light, and for that Fulano will spend many hours trying to find "dirt" on TJsue.

Fulano does seem to spend 18 hours a day in front of the computer, taking time out to only sleep.

I don't know how much information Fulano got right about Tjsue, because automatically I just assume it's pure BS because Fulano makes up so much BS about others, although at times there will be bits of truth in what he is saying.

But I do know Fulano's MO, and what he will usually do, is find a few true facts about someone, usually what those people have said about themselves on forums or on FACEBOOK, and I understand that Tjsue has a long track record on forums, and so no doubt Fulano found a few true facts about Tjsue.

But here is where the smoke and mirrors come in, from those few true facts Fulano might find, he will spin the other facts and outright lie and make up false things about other people like Tjsue. At least that is what he has done with me, where maybe Fulano gets about 10 percent of what he says about me correct, and then he spins or just flat out lies about the other 90 percent of the things he says.

The way Fulano controls his cult followers, is that they believe he has magical powers, or has some kind of crystal ball to find the dirt on others, and then to make his detractors go crawl back under the rock where they came from.

There are no special crystal balls over there, but there is just time consuming searches of ones own past posts, Google searches, and public and private search services on government sites, and private sites if you want to spend a few dollars. I know how to do these type of searches and found information on a few "hate site" members with long criminal and civil records, bankruptcies, and one member being involved with the hells angels in Canada and things involving drugs, snitching, and lots of money for being a government witness.

[Edited on 3-10-2014 by JoeJustJoe]

JoeJustJoe - 3-10-2014 at 01:22 PM

quote Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
No Joe, you are wrong, I never thought you and Dennis were good friends. Actually Dennis never said anything bad about you when we were discussing the forum in person. He probably has a neutral stance to you as well and probably believes the same way about you on OT as you feel about him on the main topic board. That being said, I didn't understand the radical surgical request to you, seems like a drastic comment, but according to Dennis he meant no ill will. Joe tell me, can you be friends with a person if they have any conservatism beliefs? Maybe that is your ax you are grinding with Dennis and the other conservatives. Just another day on BajaNomads where no one knows your name and everyone wants to stay on topic.

Yes Janene, I could be friends with conservatives, and in fact some of my best friends are conservatives, and I have always enjoyed the banter and arguing with conservatives, and always felt the best political discussions were when you had both liberals and conservatives at the same table.

But the "hate site" members aren't just ultra conservatives, there is one over there that has admitted he is a white supremacist, and said he is also a forum member of those types of white nationalist forums at other places, but he also said , don't include the other members of that white supremacist group. But I'm sorry I bet to differ with this individual, because in my opinion content here matches what you will find in places like "Stormfront" except over at "Stormfront" they don't try to "out" others they don't agree with. and there are actually forum rules over at Stormfront."

DianaT - 3-10-2014 at 02:19 PM

Originally posted by JoeJustJoe
The way Fulano controls his cult followers, is that they believe he has magical powers, or has some kind of crystal ball to find the dirt on others, and then to make his detractors go crawl back under the rock where they came from.....

The nomad cult leaders just use different tactics. :biggrin:

JoeJustJoe - 3-10-2014 at 03:02 PM

Originally posted by DianaT
Originally posted by JoeJustJoe
The way Fulano controls his cult followers, is that they believe he has magical powers, or has some kind of crystal ball to find the dirt on others, and then to make his detractors go crawl back under the rock where they came from.....

The nomad cult leaders just use different tactics. :biggrin:

Really cult leaders on Baja Nomad?

You have been their queen over there DianaT the last few days, and this last post by you is going to make them put out the red carpet for you to join them, since they have no women there, since the departure of EnsenadaDr and Mormongirl. However you should know it didn't end well for either of these women.( they have a member there by the handle of Electra, but clearly it's a dude with a dress, and no doubt also a second handle)

If there is still interest in this thread. I'll respond to the drama queen Woooosh, and his allegations about a "BN death squad" perhaps tomorrow. If there is no interest, I won't even talk about it, because it's something I already covered in the OT, and it's pretty much pure BS by Woooosh, but I'm glad he left Rosarito and Mexico, and is back living somewhere in the US.

[Edited on 3-10-2014 by JoeJustJoe]

DianaT - 3-10-2014 at 03:35 PM

Originally posted by JoeJustJoe
You have been their queen over there DianaT the last few days, and this last post by you is going to make them put out the red carpet for you to join them.....

I don't think so -- not going to happen.

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