
Glad to see that Newbie Lon2768752 got banned on his first post

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bezzell - 6-28-2015 at 10:26 AM

Quote: Originally posted by norte  
Man you got to get your nose out of your CHit.
are you a true vegen or do you eat living, breathing fish?

Ever heard of a spell checker? helps people who never made it out of the 4th grade.

yea, vegetarians are blowing it!
wtg Happy Guy. You're learnin' !! ;D

bezzell - 6-28-2015 at 10:33 AM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
There would be more meat to eat, and a greater variety, if we would get over our cultural taboos and start enjoying other meats like horse, dog, cat, whale, dolphin, porpoise, etc.

Goat brings up an excellent point here, in a backdoor kinda way.
It's really pathetic these folks saving dogs and cats from slaughter, while billions of others get zero voice.
So lame.

bezzell - 6-28-2015 at 10:36 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Cliffy  

Just had the best prime rib I have ever had 2 nights ago at Lawry's in Vegas and it didn't even need ketchup on it!

So no salt / spices etc were used in the prep of that dead cow? That awesome flavor musta been those meat juices. You know, blood and lymph.
What's the main role of lymph? oh yea, to transport waste products.
Urine-flavored dead cow! Now I gotta get me some of that! Sounds yuuuuuumy :lol::lol::lol:

norte - 6-28-2015 at 10:45 AM

If you would have take your head out of your arse and your nose out of your chit, you would have noticed I posted an article that counters your colon bs. or maybe you have problems reading as well.

bezzell - 6-28-2015 at 10:51 AM

Quote: Originally posted by norte  
If you would have take your head out of your arse and your nose out of your chit, you would have noticed I posted an article that counters your colon bs. or maybe you have problems reading as well.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: you are in desperate need of a nomenclature lesson. But due to your past 'behaviour' ... nothing pleases me more than to have you wallow in your ingnorance.
it warms the c-ckles of me heart! :D

bezzell - 6-28-2015 at 10:58 AM

Being on the road, and having had a coffee this am for the first time in a LONG time ... sure enuf ... my body recognises this neurotoxin, and again... time to go take a fruity norte!
Have fun!

[Edited on 6-28-2015 by bezzell]

SFandH - 6-28-2015 at 10:58 AM

From the article norte posted:

"Within the study, the incidence of all cancers combined was lower among vegetarians than among meat eaters, but the incidence of colorectal cancer was higher in vegetarians than in meat eaters," they added."

"The researchers said their findings pointed to the need for more research in this area, especially given the rather surprising finding about higher colorectal cancer rates among the non meat eaters."

"Red meat has been associated with higher rates of colorectal cancer."

"It is possible that the people in this study were not necessarily representative of the population as a whole"

norte - 6-28-2015 at 11:15 AM

Sf and H... could be. or could be the claim that red meat causes cancer was never backed up by studies. They concluded more study needed.

As I thought buzzell. can't spell and can't read. Maybe too many drugs. who knows? But definitely no coherent conversation. On too more intelligent threads.

bezzell - 6-28-2015 at 11:21 AM

Quote: Originally posted by norte  
On too more intelligent threads.

ooooooh, the irony! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

vgabndo - 6-28-2015 at 11:59 AM

I've been looking for any scientific evidence that a vegan diet results in people developing a false sense of superiority. No luck so far. My guess is that what we are seeing here has nothing to do with diet and is simply a personality problem. From my personal experience, my vegetarian friends are kind, considerate, accepting people with no ax to grind. I'd add that this ongoing insulting meatless rant has had no effect whatever on my food choices though I am willing to listen to the opinions of a more well adjusted source on the subject.:no:

SFandH - 6-28-2015 at 12:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by vgabndo  
I am willing to listen to the opinions of a more well adjusted source on the subject.:no:

If you're really interested read about it. There's tons of info about veganism and vegetarianism on the Internet. The ethical beliefs that are the foundation of veganism are debated in depth. Try some YouTube videos to start with.

Personally, I believe the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness applies to all animals. That eliminates the option of killing and eating them.

chuckie - 6-28-2015 at 02:29 PM

Are you suggesting that we eat them without killing them? Big ones might be hard to chew.....

May as well...

BajaBreak - 6-28-2015 at 05:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by bezzell  
Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
There would be more meat to eat, and a greater variety, if we would get over our cultural taboos and start enjoying other meats like horse, dog, cat, whale, dolphin, porpoise, etc.

So lame.

The above comment sums up B's maturity. I spent enough time reading this passionate buffoonery, figured I may as well add a post.

Bezzell reminds me of a friend who tried to convince me of the same thing after watching some 'raw food only' videos. Not a coincidence this wasn't much past high school. Dangleberry Bezzell needs to get over themself.

Bezzell, my best guess would be you saw some thought provoking youtube videos, went to an amazing motivational seminar, and decided it was time to go Vegan and off your meds. While I do not disagree with everything you have said, may god have mercy on your soul. Please save some animals for all of us evil meat eaters.

vgabndo - 6-28-2015 at 07:07 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  
Quote: Originally posted by vgabndo  
I am willing to listen to the opinions of a more well adjusted source on the subject.:no:

If you're really interested read about it. There's tons of info about veganism and vegetarianism on the Internet. The ethical beliefs that are the foundation of veganism are debated in depth. Try some YouTube videos to start with.

Personally, I believe the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness applies to all animals. That eliminates the option of killing and eating them.

Clearly you have the option of not eating animals, I have never said otherwise. My "beef" is with the self-important, superior, mis-informed and frequently insulting rant by Bezzell. Your personal beliefs are of no real importance to me. A predator/prey relationship has existed among many kinds of creatures for a very long time. Good luck in your effort to change evolution, but realize that is a VERY slow process.

BajaBreak - 6-28-2015 at 08:24 PM

If done properly I commend anyone who chooses to eat less, or no, meat. I am sure I and many others could realize some health benefits from it. I do wonder if some people are a bit out of touch with cultural norms, and the fact that they are on a Baja forum, as I have never had the feeling that vegans, etc. are popular in Mexican culture.

It is entertaining to see how strongly some people feel about it (with all due respect to those that are somewhat rational about it). I reckon people who seem to feel morally superior by avoiding animal products, driving vehicles or riding on hippie buses that run on used veg oil, may be forgetting that most of that oil was used to deep fry, hold it now, MEAT...!

vgabndo - 6-29-2015 at 01:08 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaBreak  
If done properly I commend anyone who chooses to eat less, or no, meat. I am sure I and many others could realize some health benefits from it. I do wonder if some people are a bit out of touch with cultural norms, and the fact that they are on a Baja forum, as I have never had the feeling that vegans, etc. are popular in Mexican culture.

It is entertaining to see how strongly some people feel about it (with all due respect to those that are somewhat rational about it). I reckon people who seem to feel morally superior by avoiding animal products, driving vehicles or riding on hippie buses that run on used veg oil, may be forgetting that most of that oil was used to deep fry, hold it now, MEAT...!


bezzell - 6-29-2015 at 07:38 AM

Quote: Originally posted by vgabndo  
A predator/prey relationship has existed among many kinds of creatures for a very long time. Good luck in your effort to change evolution, but realize that is a VERY slow process.

:lol::lol::lol: YES, and said predators ALL have these long sharp canines, and CLAWS, and jaws operating in an up-down motion only, and stomach juices up to 100x more acidic than us plant-eaters, and short intestinal tracts , and the list goes on and on !!

YES, there's been times where we've been able to 'eat off the backs' of others, and it's allowed us to get through scarce times. We're very successful scavengers. Doesn't mean it's a good idea to utilise this practice on a regular basis.

Ya gots FOOLED, is all. Sorry to be the one to break it to ya. But you know what's so AWESOME about ignorance? It's just like when you're at your lowest point in life .... there's only one direction you can go! ;D

There's nothing omnivorous about the human organism. Fact.

Here ya go ... I DARE you ...

ps: the most unbelievable thing that happens when you go vegan (properly, that is) ... is what happens to your skin (the largest organ in the body)
It's a real mindBLEEP !! ;D;D

I see where the singer Beyonce just made the transition ... talked about her skin, yadda yadda yadda. And sure enuf, upon further research ... she is getting excellent advice.

Wake up. Or don't ... it's your right. (But there's also the rights of others to consider too, as an added bonus.)

[Edited on 6-29-2015 by bezzell]

[Edited on 6-29-2015 by bezzell]

bezzell - 6-29-2015 at 07:47 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaBreak  
Quote: Originally posted by bezzell  
Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
There would be more meat to eat, and a greater variety, if we would get over our cultural taboos and start enjoying other meats like horse, dog, cat, whale, dolphin, porpoise, etc.

So lame.

The above comment sums up B's maturity. I spent enough time reading this passionate buffoonery, figured I may as well add a post.

Bezzell reminds me of a friend who tried to convince me of the same thing after watching some 'raw food only' videos. Not a coincidence this wasn't much past high school. Dangleberry Bezzell needs to get over themself.

Bezzell, my best guess would be you saw some thought provoking youtube videos, went to an amazing motivational seminar, and decided it was time to go Vegan and off your meds. While I do not disagree with everything you have said, may god have mercy on your soul. Please save some animals for all of us evil meat eaters.

like, dude. That is sooo random! :lol::lol:
meds? I haven't seen a doctor in over 35 years. ' Whatchou talkin' bout Willis'??
And what's this talk about some supernatural skydaddy having mercy?? are you serious???:(

bezzell - 6-29-2015 at 08:32 AM

when you put chitty gasoline in an engine ... it runs like crap. Coughs / splutters / smoke comin' out the exhaust. You MIGHT still BE ABLE TO get from point A to B ... but things ARE JUST not operating at full capacity. You keep utilising chitty gas, and you'll find yaself visiting the doct... I mean mechanic over & over again !;D

You start putting the CORRECT / CLEAN gas in said engine, and not only does it start to perk up, run right, fire on all cylinders ... but the engine also starts to clean house internally !!

Exactly the same process happens with your own personal engine.

Translation: as soon as you get out of the body's way ... what seem like miracles begin to happen. BUT, there's no 'miracles' happenning (insert organ music :lol::lol:) ... it's just the natural order of the evolutionary process. The body, in it's infinite wisdom to survive after 100's of thousands (actually millions) of years of evolution, has self-maintenance functioning. Ya just gotta get the hell outta the way.

(Now, if you're of the creationist bent ... well, I can't help ya! ;D)

Animal products, by default, are bad gasoline.

BajaBreak - 6-29-2015 at 08:34 AM

Quote: Originally posted by bezzell  

I haven't seen a doctor in over 35 years.

I wasn't serious, and as much as I think it is often best to avoid doctors, I'd say that it would be best for you to have a long talk with one, after seeing how you choose to communicate your opinions to people online despite having been alive for at least 35 years. I'm guessing you do not have any friends without asparagus sticking out of their donky holes. I'm inclined to believe you have some cyclical hormonal issues.

I hardly ever post, but your ranting was so over the top I had to. I actually agree with some of what you said, to some degree, but I certainly am not going to spend time discussing it with you.

While amusing, I am done with this exchange of opinions.:smug:

[Edited on 6-29-2015 by BajaBreak]

[Edited on 6-29-2015 by BajaBreak]

[Edited on 6-29-2015 by BajaBreak]

bezzell - 6-29-2015 at 09:33 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaBreak  
While amusing, I am done with this exchange of opinions.:smug:

nonsense! you'll be back.
no opinions, just the facts ma'am !

(You see, one of the major blockages of folks being abe to see the truth ... is tied to Mommy Dearest. "WHAT, are you implying that my Momma, pouring all that love into all those meals, was actually going about it the wrong way!?? HOW DARE YOU!!! "

;D Yep, true. But go easy on Momma Bear , she also was just taught wrong)

You know who are the WORST when it comes to nutrition? Doctors & Nutritionists. Through no fault of their own. They're just taught wrong. Drs are taught how to treat symptons and NOT causes.
"What's the problem dear patient? ... oh well, do we have the drug for you! (which will line the pockets of me and Big Pharma!) It's a joke.
Did you know that through the course of medical studies (7 yrs?) doctors receive nutritional tuition for a matter of hours / days ? Not years / or months / or weeks ... but hours. WTF? THE most influential variable (exponentially) re longterm health (diet) , and they get a matter of hours of diet tuition (albeit wrong tuition) Craziness.
There's no profit in a healthy population.

Now, a sidenote. I'm just having fun here, with facts. Knowledge is power yadda yadda. Make no mistake, it is not lost on me one iota, what an absolute exercise-in-futility it is, to even attempt to re-educate folks that have held false beliefs for decades. (kinda like religion :() This is why when it comes to the older generation ... it's like, don't waste too much energy. Let 'em go.
But I can assure you ... there is an incredible turnaround happenning amongst the young, and it's spreading like wildfire due to the information age etc.

Like I said, this board's been kinda boring lately. Even the deserved DK bashing is getting old! HA! I'm willing to take some of the punches for a while. No problemo amigo.
Come at me brahs !! You got nothin' !! :lol::lol:

Plants for the win!! Period

[Edited on 6-29-2015 by bezzell]

jbcoug - 6-29-2015 at 10:38 AM


What exactly is your relationship to Joejustjoe?

vgabndo - 6-29-2015 at 03:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by bezzell  
Quote: Originally posted by vgabndo  
A predator/prey relationship has existed among many kinds of creatures for a very long time. Good luck in your effort to change evolution, but realize that is a VERY slow process.

:lol::lol::lol: YES, and said predators ALL have these long sharp canines, and CLAWS, and jaws operating in an up-down motion only, and stomach juices up to 100x more acidic than us plant-eaters, and short intestinal tracts , and the list goes on and on !!

YES, there's been times where we've been able to 'eat off the backs' of others, and it's allowed us to get through scarce times. We're very successful scavengers. Doesn't mean it's a good idea to utilise this practice on a regular basis.

Ya gots FOOLED, is all. Sorry to be the one to break it to ya. But you know what's so AWESOME about ignorance? It's just like when you're at your lowest point in life .... there's only one direction you can go! ;D

There's nothing omnivorous about the human organism. Fact.

Here ya go ... I DARE you ...

ps: the most unbelievable thing that happens when you go vegan (properly, that is) ... is what happens to your skin (the largest organ in the body)
It's a real mindBLEEP !! ;D;D

I see where the singer Beyonce just made the transition ... talked about her skin, yadda yadda yadda. And sure enuf, upon further research ... she is getting excellent advice.

Wake up. Or don't ... it's your right. (But there's also the rights of others to consider too, as an added bonus.)

[Edited on 6-29-2015 by bezzell]

[Edited on 6-29-2015 by bezzell]

Here you go I dare you!!! OK I took the dare... I listened to him whine for a while then Googled his name and immediately found this out of McGill University:

"Every video either spoke about the benefits of some plant component in the diet or the harm caused by some chemical in animal products. It turns out that Dr. Greger has swallowed the vegan philosophy hook, line and sinker; not that there’s anything wrong with that. He promotes veganism with religious fervour and has forged a career speaking on health issues, including guesting on the ( fully discredited, my note) Dr. Oz Show. Surely that is the ultimate recognition of scientific expertise!"

This quote if from a blog out of the McGill University Office for Science and Society, sub-titled: "Separating sense from non-sense."

If you have anything even vaguely resembling objective in support of your claim that humans are not omnivores by nature, feel free to bring it on at any time.

Oh, and before you call me ignorant again. If ALL predators have claws, please show me some representative samples of predatory snakes and fishes with claws. Forgive me if I don't hold my breath. While I'm waiting you might look on the ends of your fingers and see if you find anything that looks and functions like a claw.

[Edited on 6-29-2015 by vgabndo]

chuckie - 6-29-2015 at 03:44 PM

Is there a Used Land Rover dealer on Mt. Shasta?????

SFandH - 6-29-2015 at 03:56 PM

Quote: Originally posted by chuckie  
Is there a Used Land Rover dealer on Mt. Shasta?????

I'm glad you asked, I was wondering too. But, I think Land Cruisers are the ticket. Depends I guess if you want to rove or cruise around when seeking a pizza joint to buy a vegetarian pizza with double cheese and triple pepperoni.

So vagabndo, waddya think? You going to show up at the next vegan town meeting? :D

[Edited on 6-29-2015 by SFandH]

bajabuddha - 6-29-2015 at 04:01 PM

Personally, I think veganism is a vague form of cannibalism.... :smug:

Really, no offense, eat what you like, and like what you eat. Martinis right now; that's made of veggies, right? Gotta be good for me.

SFandH - 6-29-2015 at 04:05 PM

Martinis are good, of course I prefer mine with TWO large Spanish olives.

veggies ya know.

vgabndo - 6-29-2015 at 05:11 PM

Geez man I'm old and tired, I have no idea what the Land Rover connection might be. We've got lots of places to buy magic crystals though, and a fringe religion that believes in ET's, ascended masters, Jesus, and giant three eyed people who live inside the mountain. Naturally there are plenty of people ready to shame someone for eating meat. I have no problem with what anyone eats, but I enjoy wasting time trying to educate people with an agenda who spout BS about evolution and biology. Oh, and we have one decent mom n pop pizza joint. The rest are franchise imitations.

chuckie - 6-29-2015 at 05:15 PM

Go back to the first post on this mess...You might figure it out.....

SFandH - 6-29-2015 at 05:22 PM

bezzell was just trolling and he hooked up a couple of times. It's easy though with veg / non-veg topic. People are very sensitive and get uptight when it comes to food and diet, on both sides of the debate.

Go Veg!!!! :cool:

SFandH - 6-29-2015 at 05:36 PM

Quote: Originally posted by vgabndo  
We've got lots of places to buy magic crystals though, and a fringe religion that believes in ET's, ascended masters, Jesus, and giant three eyed people who live inside the mountain.

This is an example of something that bothers me. I'm a hard core vegan. But I'm also a retired guy that worked for 32 years on government contracts as an engineer in the San Diego defense business after obtaining a MS degree from San Diego State. You know, security clearance, shirt, tie, jacket, office, meetings in DC briefing colonels, generals, the whole bit. All sorts of people are vegans, not just the stereotypical mystic sorts, who are fine people too.

[Edited on 6-30-2015 by SFandH]

vgabndo - 6-29-2015 at 05:52 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  
Quote: Originally posted by vgabndo  
We've got lots of places to buy magic crystals though, and a fringe religion that believes in ET's, ascended masters, Jesus, and giant three eyed people who live inside the mountain.

This is an example of something that bothers me. I'm a hard core vegan. But I'm also a retired guy that worked for 32 years on government contracts as an engineer in the San Diego defense business after obtaining a MS degree from San Diego State. You know, security clearance, shirt, tie, jacket, office, meetings in DC briefing colonels, generals, the whole bit. All sorts of people are vegans, not just the stereotypical mystic sorts, who are fine people too.

[Edited on 6-30-2015 by SFandH]

I REALLY don't have a problem with what anybody eats, really. But let's not start on the Military Industrial Complex. :lol::lol::lol:

SFandH - 6-29-2015 at 05:56 PM

It's lucrative, that's for sure. Hey this is a free for all thread, let's go here.

Sir, yes sir, cost plus, sole source contracts only!!

[Edited on 6-30-2015 by SFandH]

norte - 6-29-2015 at 07:18 PM

suckin off the bloated military teet... lots of others do...sole source...there you competition...all profit.

bajabuddha - 6-29-2015 at 07:36 PM

Quote: Originally posted by norte  
suckin off the bloated military teet... lots of others do...sole source...there you competition...all profit.

Speaking of trolling for MEAT, I prefer a 5/8 0z blue/silver mackerel Luhr-Jensen Krokodile...... :cool:

(p.s. Perry, the title of this fiasco of Nomania was the guy selling cars that got booted before 7 pages of hilarious mayhem ensued.....)

vgabndo - 6-29-2015 at 09:33 PM

Yeah I got it BB. I just morphed over to recreational free for all.:lol:

bezzell - 6-29-2015 at 11:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by vgabndo  
If you have anything even vaguely resembling objective in support of your claim that humans are not omnivores by nature, feel free to bring it on at any time.

Omnivores. do. not. succumb. to. atherosclerosis.
Any questions!? ;D

(it had been previously requested that you take that baton and run with it, but apparently this escapes you)

vgabndo - 6-30-2015 at 12:26 AM

You sir are blithering, and truly a waste of my time. If you could organize your thoughts and create a challenging argument in support of your claim that humans are not omnivores, this might have been mildly interesting. No mas!

bezzell - 6-30-2015 at 06:20 AM

snake?? wtf
I would love to see you slithering along the ground with your arms by your side and feeding a la snake! (go-pro that chit, that'd go viral for sure!! :lol:

and why are you comparing yourself to a fish?

and what are you meaning re fingernails? Are you implying that my fingernails devolved from claws?? 'Cause I gotta tell ya .... if I's to go running thru a field of cows, with my flesh-ripping teeth (cough cough) .... and my fingernails!! ... and I ran and pounced on the back of a cow with a " rraaaaaaaaaah you're mine SUCKER" :O:O:O ... I have a sneaking suspicion that not only my victim, but the whole herd of cows would probably break out in mass hysterics !!!

just sayin'

bezzell - 6-30-2015 at 06:38 AM

Quote: Originally posted by chuckie  
Is there a Used Land Rover dealer on Mt. Shasta?????

chuckie cheeze-wizz! maybe instead of the Rover, maybe a hike instead could be beneficial. If you went vegan properly, I guarantee within 18-24 months, you'd be able to look down and see you-know-who for the first time in how many decades? True story!
Being morbidly obese does NOT make anyone a bad person. But the fix is so simple.

cheese / eggs / all oils ... THE worst 'foods' to be putting inside ya. WORST.

Think of how brilliantly brainwashed we all got, being convinced that the result of a bird's menstruation (sp) was healthy food. They got us when we were knee-high. That egg exits the same orifice as the bird's pi$$, chit and vaginal fluids!
Now THAT's some effective propaganda !! :lol::lol:

chuckie - 6-30-2015 at 06:40 AM

The number of Vegans in the US increased by 76.4% when Hillary Clinton announced global warming...or was it cooling?

bezzell - 6-30-2015 at 06:48 AM

Was on a long power-walk couple of days ago and came across one of those cure-for-cancer events. Thought I'd take a stroll through. Saw a bunch of booths selling items like cheese-pepperoni pizza / hotdogs etc


ohhh, the irony

durrelllrobert - 6-30-2015 at 08:14 AM

Quote: Originally posted by chuckie  
The number of Vegans in the US increased by 76.4% when Hillary Clinton announced global warming...or was it cooling?

Is it true that Vegans use condiments for protection while having sex?

BajaRat - 6-30-2015 at 10:13 AM

In time the thread returns to its original complaint.
Everyone has something to sell, the trouble starts when we're not on the bandwagon.
I love my veggies, nuts and grains too but do you have to belittle folks for enjoying some steamed clams, lobster tails and lenguado steaks on the beach with cold beer and cool friends.
I'm fairly certain that those clam middens on the beach were created by man and I don't think they were after the shells.
The problem isn't man is dieing to young, it's mans living to long, so enjoy some bacon and make some room for the new crowd :biggrin:

Enough is enough

durrelllrobert - 6-30-2015 at 10:53 AM

come on guys lets kill this tread. Never expected more than 1 or 2 replies and now it's up to 8 pages, 5334 views with 144 replies. JJJ is getting upset because his Baja hate sites thread only stands at 9 pages, 1613 vies and 167 replies:bounce::bounce:

let it die

AKgringo - 6-30-2015 at 11:50 AM

Bob, like you, I tired of this thread pages ago, but you know it can only end with Bezzell getting the last word in (and probably doing a victory dance). So maybe he can end with this question that begs an answer: What do vegan mommies feed their newborns? I am sure we will get some disgusting descriptions of mammary glands now!

Edit; I'm done!

[Edited on 6-30-2015 by AKgringo]

[Edited on 6-30-2015 by AKgringo]

SFandH - 6-30-2015 at 12:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AKgringo  
So maybe it can end with this question that begs an answer: What do vegan mommies feed their newborns?

You want to end a thread by asking a question? Hmmm

The answer is: The same food all herbivores/carnivores/omnivores feed their newborns. Mother's milk.

A fluid produced by the mammary gland.

That's fine, of course. No animals were killed and eaten to produce it. That's the point veganism.

[Edited on 6-30-2015 by SFandH]

chuckie - 6-30-2015 at 01:01 PM

Thanks for the mammaries, Adieu!

bezzell - 6-30-2015 at 02:42 PM

Please, you guys aren't going anywhere.
The 'ignorance' reference was s'pose to be a positive. My bad.
I love, love, LOVE me some ignorance ... because it's the opportunity to learn.

Did you know the chicken menstruation industry is prevented by federal law to utilise certain words like 'nutritious' in their advertising, due to the science that proves just how unhealthy that 'food' :O is? True story.

The human body produces ALL the cholesteral it needs, all by itself.
Consuming extra from animal products is a bad idea for health.

bajabuddha - 6-30-2015 at 03:36 PM

Beezwax proved his Troll status on his first few posts, with his faux-'Teaching America' tricks and flat out goading, taunting and insulting any and everyone who isn't a narcissistic egotist like himself. Wild statements, no backing, and the inevitable "smileys'' and "have a nice day" at the ends, haha, funny, just trying to be friendly. My azz. His whole shtick is belligerent confrontation, infuriation, negative reinforcement, self-aggrandizement and classic internet trolling. Radical whack-job. Ain't no conversing with that. All he wants is a negative rise out of people, and succeeded.

I've abstained from any directed posts to Mr. Hummus until now; Bezzell, since you're a relative new member, a 'friendly' suggestion; go to top-of-page, right-hand corner, click on 'back to home' (little house). Then click on 'FORUMS' tab, scroll down and click on 'OFF-TOPIC', add in 'over18' in the password box, and have a ball. Your status will be greatly elevated, and your presence i'm sure appreciated.

Your peers await you.

Ha-ha!!! :lol: :lol: just kidding !!! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: Buddy-pal!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: Jus' try'n 2 help !!! :lol: :lol:

I agree with AKGringo:

Quote: Originally posted by AKgringo  
Bob, like you, I tired of this thread pages ago, but you know it can only end with Bezzell getting the last word in (and probably doing a victory dance).
I'm done!

DITTO. OK, Mr. B, your turn. Buh-Bye.

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