
Planted drugs at check point

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BajaGringo - 8-21-2018 at 08:52 PM

So many misrepresentations and outright lies on this thread I don't know where even to begin. Probably making a big mistake even trying but I just cannot remain silent against so much BS...

First of all, I never intended for TalkBaja to "compete" with Nomad nor is there any reason why one needs to choose one over the other. Nomad and Talk Baja are both valuable online resources but built using different platforms; one accessed primarily via PC's and the other via mobile devices with very different demographics.

It's not even an apple-orange comparison, probably more like comparing an apple to a jar of peanut butter.

Talk Baja has grown very quickly, largely due to the popularity of social media and with that growth has come a dramatic increase in user activity. On any given day we average well over 1500 posts and a single shared thread can take that post's view count over 100K in just a couple of hours.

That difference is why I have made this one of our core rules:

Share Only Verified Information
Talk Baja is an online resource used by thousands of Baja residents and travelers daily seeking up to date, accurate information. We strongly discourage the sharing of posts with unconfirmed inflammatory content that does not include the name(s) and/or the source - origin of the information.

To understand why I made this policy, think about how you access Nomad: most likely via your PC sitting at home where you can follow and participate in a thread for hours and days. The topic begins on Nomad, is discussed on Nomad, stays and ends here on Nomad.

Over 80% of the users on Talk Baja access our group via a mobile device. If you don't use a smart phone, then this may not make much sense to you. For those of you who do routinely use your phones to go online, think about how you use that device when out and about, on the road / traveling. You often are not even looking to dive into an online discussion but simply looking for the latest, accurate information at that moment for any specific topic and continue on.

Because nearly all of our hot topic threads are shared multiple times, even hundreds and at times into the thousands when tracked all the way out through their multiple shares and re-shares across social media, we lose complete control of the original post discussion at that point.

The post referenced here on Nomad is expanded in content and detail from what was originally shared on TalkBaja. The post that was shared in our group did not include a single name, a date, link, group, organization or any other kind of source to the story.

Neither Mike or Punta Chivato were mentioned in the post to our group - just sharing a post from another page that was somebody telling a story "they had heard...".

If that original post is largely discredited later via followup comments, I have absolutely no way to chase down all the countless threads that were launched via sharing and re-sharing across all of social media to set the record straight.

All they will see is the original shared post and none of the follow up discussion on Talk Baja. It seems irresponsible on our part to not at the very least require some minimum level of ownership for the information posted. Otherwise it will all fall back on Talk Baja and ultimately on me.

Sorry if that bothers some of you but it is a call I made, based on the way our platform is used as it seemed to be the best way to assure we provide the best possible, reliable information.

As far as other comments made about our group, moderators and myself personally, you really have no clue and are largely, if not completely off the mark. But it does underscore a growing distance I have felt from many in this forum and why this will be my very last post here on Nomad.

Stay safe and see you on the other side amigos...

[Edited on 8-22-2018 by BajaGringo]

chumlee57 - 8-21-2018 at 09:08 PM

I've been following this post and would agree completley with DaliDali, this board is to pass on good info, helpful info. The trolls who bombed this are simply wrong, and are the same fools who feel inclined to run a negitive spin on just about everything that does not fit there agenda. Seasoned Baja travelers who are familiar with the SI stop, feel the vibe there ( at times ) Those of us who have places in PC know that this is legit, and I thank Russ for posting. Mike's been quite, and understandably so, no need to battle with dumb asses

JoeJustJoe - 8-21-2018 at 09:11 PM

Russ wrote: I'm forwarding this notice by request and hope you all will watch carefully as you are stopped.


Homeowners and Residents of Punta Chivato,

Concerned for our safety,

Mike Bowers
President Homeowners Association of Punta Chivato
JJJ comments:

The one who should be forwarding this alleged incident is not rts551 , it should be Mike Bowers, if he indeed wrote this complaint.

This is so weird, but it's a question that should be asked.

Did Mike Bowers, write a first hand account anywhere, or is this all 3rd party only?

If the writer is so concerned about the safety of others, why did he leave it to 3rd parties to forward the alleged incident?

Chupacabra - 8-22-2018 at 05:27 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Rumrunner  
Planted drugs at check point

Considering that personal amounts of drugs are completely legal in Mexico, I would question this.

Planting drugs would be like planting a pencil.

DawnPatrol - 8-22-2018 at 07:51 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Chupacabra  
Quote: Originally posted by Rumrunner  
Planted drugs at check point

Considering that personal amounts of drugs are completely legal in Mexico, I would question this.

Planting drugs would be like planting a pencil.

I agree, thanks for the link
BTW the pot limit is 5G..... less than a fifth of an ounce... A couple joints worth?

watizname - 8-22-2018 at 08:03 AM

Quote: Originally posted by bajabuddha  
nobody asked.

DaliDali - 8-22-2018 at 08:08 AM

Quote: Originally posted by DawnPatrol  
Quote: Originally posted by Chupacabra  
Quote: Originally posted by Rumrunner  
Planted drugs at check point

Considering that personal amounts of drugs are completely legal in Mexico, I would question this.

Planting drugs would be like planting a pencil.

I agree, thanks for the link
BTW the pot limit is 5G..... less than a fifth of an ounce... A couple joints worth?

Are you willing to take those two joints out of your shirt pocket at a military checkpoint to verify it's good to go?

JoeJustJoe - 8-22-2018 at 08:40 AM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
This is mexico. Why are any of you surprised that cops or military are crooked, thugs, or running scams.

The law enforcement and military are rotten to the core.

Never trust law enforcement or military. One day they may help you, the next they may rob you.

On the topic of crooked cops,.... Do you watch Narcos on Netflix? Eagerly awaiting season 4 which takes place in Mexico.

This is the same way I feel about cops, and military in the US, and while many Mexican cops are corrupt, they usually don't kill, unarmed citizens, or unarmed civilians like US cops, and the US military do around the world.

Given, the fact many if not most Nomad members, American ex-pats, and American tourists, feel exactly like you Goat.

It begs the question, why get your panties in a bunch, over the fact, "Talk Baja" pulled an alleged 3rd party incident report, where the original writer, can't be bothered to put up his own incident reports, on "Talk Baja" or any other Baja sites?

Isn't this already known by most everybody? Do we really need another alleged incident report, and a 3rd party report to boot?

I know when I'm pulled over or cop by a Mexican cop, I go on red alert, and watch him very carefully. I don't need an incident report, telling me Mexican cops are shaking down people in the area.

In the US, I just put my hands on the steering wheel, praying I don't get shot while going for my ID.

Hook - 8-22-2018 at 08:47 AM

Quote: Originally posted by JoeJustJoe  
Russ wrote: I'm forwarding this notice by request and hope you all will watch carefully as you are stopped.


Homeowners and Residents of Punta Chivato,

Concerned for our safety,

Mike Bowers
President Homeowners Association of Punta Chivato
JJJ comments:

The one who should be forwarding this alleged incident is not rts551 , it should be Mike Bowers, if he indeed wrote this complaint.

This is so weird, but it's a question that should be asked.

Did Mike Bowers, write a first hand account anywhere, or is this all 3rd party only?

If the writer is so concerned about the safety of others, why did he leave it to 3rd parties to forward the alleged incident?

Maybe he/she isnt a user of social media? Maybe he/she is a retired person of a certain age that just doesnt go on Facebook or Nomads? Maybe he/she instructed persons, whom they know use social media, to post it because they felt the word should get out, due to the seriousness of it.

Or, maybe it's a nefarious scheme by surfers to reduce competition for waves? Or maybe right-wingers in a scheme to continue to put Mexico in a bad light?

Which seems more likely to you, Joe?

Hook - 8-22-2018 at 08:56 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Chupacabra  
Quote: Originally posted by Rumrunner  
Planted drugs at check point

Considering that personal amounts of drugs are completely legal in Mexico, I would question this.

Planting drugs would be like planting a pencil.

There is the letter of the law in Mexico. And then there is the law that authorities decide to enforce in Mexico.

Often, the two are not the same.

JoeJustJoe - 8-22-2018 at 09:10 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Hook  

Maybe he/she isnt a user of social media? Maybe he/she is a retired person of a certain age that just doesnt go on Facebook or Nomads? Maybe he/she instructed persons, whom they know use social media, to post it because they felt the word should get out, due to the seriousness of it.

Or, maybe it's a nefarious scheme by surfers to reduce competition for waves? Or maybe right-wingers in a scheme to continue to put Mexico in a bad light?

Which seems more likely to you, Joe?

According to Mike Bowers's, 3rd party alleged incident report, he is both a teacher, and President of an HOA, so I expect him to be on the ball, and to still have most of his marbles. I also expect him to know his way around a computer, and social media, seeing that he deals with children everyday.

You would think that because so many people said Mike Bowers, is beyond reproach, here on "Baja Nomad" and "Talk Baja" word would have got back to Mike, that his 3rd party report is causing problems and hurt feelings, and he would take the time to post his own report and make his own complaint to the Mexican authorities.

I don't know about nefarious scheme by surfers to reduce competition for waves, but just yesterday, some bot, opened up a thread on 'Baja Nomad" that was four years old, and the OP wanted scary stories about the Mexican cartel to reduce competition, so that report was indeed nefarious.

I don't know if Mike Bowers, story is true or not, but I do know there are lots of false stories out there from people with an agenda, or ax to grind against Mexico.

If Mike Bowers, doesn't have the balls, to put up his own story, I'm not going to think too much about his alleged story.

elgatoloco - 8-22-2018 at 09:35 AM

I like peanut butter on a slice of apple. Makes for good snack. :saint:

Rumrunner - 8-22-2018 at 09:56 AM

Ok, first person accounts. Some of my
Experiences over the last 40 years.
The vast majority of trips I have had no issues
With local police, federal police, or military.
I have had police follow me for miles, pull me over
And tell me I need to pay a fine for driving
Too slow. Didn’t pay. I’ve been pulled over
For not having a red flag on my propeller. Didn’t
Pay that one either.
Been pulled over for running a stop sign that was
Hidden in a tree branch. Saw it as I rolled through
And knew I was gonna pay. $20. I don’t like to
Drive to the station towing a boat with a tower
On it. I have witnessed boats pulling down
Wires and it’s just not worth it.
I was fishing in Dan Felipe years ago and
A young man asked to help carry my gear for
Something to eat. I gave him a sandwich.
He then asked me if I wanted some drugs.
I told him no thanks. He tried again. Told him
No. He then walked down the malecon to a
Police officer and shrugged his shoulders
And pointed back towards me.
It’s very possible they were
working together. Later that evening my wife and
I were eating dinner on the Malecon.
Same guy very intoxicated
came up and said You are under arrest.
I told him to get lost. He then leaned in to my wife
And said something unintelligible
I told him that I he didn’t leave immediately he was
Going to the hospital and I was going to jail
He left.
I can live with the Mordita here and there.
It’s not going away.
I will have to think hard about taking my $100,000+
Rig If drugs indeed are being planted. I don’t know if
This account in San Ignacio is true or not
I would like to hear it from the person that said it happened.
Maybe I just buy a beater truck and go back
To panga fishing like I did in the 70s

DaliDali - 8-22-2018 at 10:10 AM

Quote: Originally posted by JoeJustJoe  
Quote: Originally posted by Hook  

Maybe he/she isnt a user of social media? Maybe he/she is a retired person of a certain age that just doesnt go on Facebook or Nomads? Maybe he/she instructed persons, whom they know use social media, to post it because they felt the word should get out, due to the seriousness of it.

Or, maybe it's a nefarious scheme by surfers to reduce competition for waves? Or maybe right-wingers in a scheme to continue to put Mexico in a bad light?

Which seems more likely to you, Joe?

According to Mike Bowers's, 3rd party alleged incident report, he is both a teacher, and President of an HOA, so I expect him to be on the ball, and to still have most of his marbles. I also expect him to know his way around a computer, and social media, seeing that he deals with children everyday.

You would think that because so many people said Mike Bowers, is beyond reproach, here on "Baja Nomad" and "Talk Baja" word would have got back to Mike, that his 3rd party report is causing problems and hurt feelings, and he would take the time to post his own report and make his own complaint to the Mexican authorities.

I don't know about nefarious scheme by surfers to reduce competition for waves, but just yesterday, some bot, opened up a thread on 'Baja Nomad" that was four years old, and the OP wanted scary stories about the Mexican cartel to reduce competition, so that report was indeed nefarious.

I don't know if Mike Bowers, story is true or not, but I do know there are lots of false stories out there from people with an agenda, or ax to grind against Mexico.

If Mike Bowers, doesn't have the balls, to put up his own story, I'm not going to think too much about his alleged story.

Russ, of Punta Chivato sunrise photos fame, relayed the original incident from one of his neighbors at Punta Chivato....
This neighbor happens to be the HOA jefe there
I don't know if Russ is part of the HOA or not but feel confident he is pals with him.

Mr Bowers may have taken a "don't get involved" posture and just let it lie, other than passing the incident details to Russ.
Many people don't feel comfortable with spreading incidents they have been involved in and that in NO WAY makes them "stoneless"
It's highly insulting to claim a lack of stones, when you are totally clueless who the man is.

Do you really feel that Russ, with his stellar creds on this site, would relay what he felt as hyperbole and a sham story to stir hate and discontent within this site?

Without a doubt, Russ has light years more creds than you Joe.

Your opinion is yours...take off the Joe Friday suit and rant on about how the establishment keeps their jackboots on your neck.

[Edited on 8-22-2018 by DaliDali]

motoged - 8-22-2018 at 10:13 AM

Quote: Originally posted by elgatoloco  
I like peanut butter on a slice of apple. Makes for good snack. :saint:

Yes....and if you want a real treat....try almond or cashew butter....

YUM :light:

bajabuddha - 8-22-2018 at 10:19 AM

Quote: Originally posted by motoged  
Quote: Originally posted by elgatoloco  
I like peanut butter on a slice of apple. Makes for good snack. :saint:

Yes....and if you want a real treat....try almond or cashew butter....

YUM :light:


Rumrunner - 8-22-2018 at 10:23 AM

I believe that if your vehicle is impounded
For drugs your insurance is void. Anyone
Confirm this?

AKgringo - 8-22-2018 at 10:29 AM

Nutella = palm oil! Not really a drug that will be a problem at a check point, but this thread went off the rails a long time ago.

elgatoloco - 8-22-2018 at 10:51 AM

Back on track. Sort of. My father once had drugs planted. Not SI but Rosarito.


JoeJustJoe - 8-22-2018 at 11:29 AM

Quote: Originally posted by DaliDali  

Russ, of Punta Chivato sunrise photos fame, relayed the original incident from one of his neighbors at Punta Chivato....
This neighbor happens to be the HOA jefe there
I don't know if Russ is part of the HOA or not but feel confident he is pals with him.

Mr Bowers may have taken a "don't get involved" posture and just let it lie, other than passing the incident details to Russ.
Many people don't feel comfortable with spreading incidents they have been involved in and that in NO WAY makes them "stoneless"
It's highly insulting to claim a lack of stones, when you are totally clueless who the man is.

Do you really feel that Russ, with his stellar creds on this site, would relay what he felt as hyperbole and a sham story to stir hate and discontent within this site?

Without a doubt, Russ has light years more creds than you Joe.

Your opinion is yours...take off the Joe Friday suit and rant on about how the establishment keeps their jackboots on your neck.

[Edited on 8-22-2018 by DaliDali]

Once again this is not about Russ. Russ may have impeccable credentials beyond reproach, but Russ didn't write the alleged incident report, Mike Bowers, did.

I don't know Russ, but at least I could look at Russ's other posts, and see if he is posting with a full deck or not, but with Mike Bowers, I know nothing about him, and have never seen any of his writings, and I can't question him about some of his claims about his alleged incident.

I think it's too much to ask members of group sites and forums, to believe Mike Bowers, is also beyond reproach, because Russ, and others, know their neighbor, and say, "trust me, he is a good guy, and what he said was indeed accurate. ( try that line in a court of law)

How well do you really know your neighbors or fellow forum members? I know a handful of members and ex-members of " Baja Nomad" have met each other at group activities, and some of you thought those people were just wonderful, then later you learned some of these people were truly insane, bi-polar, or dangerous ex-cons.

If Mr Bowers may have taken a "don't get involved" posture, then we should not get involved in his alleged incident, just because a Facebook, site, didn't consider his alleged incident newsworthy, because the alleged incident was only provided by 3rd party.

So next time a Tijuana corrupt cop, harasses me, or asks or gets a bribe from me. I'm going to U2U the Goat, my HOA secretary, or you DaliDali, and send you all my incident report, so you can re-post on "BN" and "TB," and tell them, to believe you because JJJ has impeccable credentials, that are beyond reproach.

Mr Bowers, write your own story and post it yourself.

DaliDali - 8-22-2018 at 11:53 AM

Quote: Originally posted by JoeJustJoe  
Quote: Originally posted by DaliDali  

Russ, of Punta Chivato sunrise photos fame, relayed the original incident from one of his neighbors at Punta Chivato....
This neighbor happens to be the HOA jefe there
I don't know if Russ is part of the HOA or not but feel confident he is pals with him.

Mr Bowers may have taken a "don't get involved" posture and just let it lie, other than passing the incident details to Russ.
Many people don't feel comfortable with spreading incidents they have been involved in and that in NO WAY makes them "stoneless"
It's highly insulting to claim a lack of stones, when you are totally clueless who the man is.

Do you really feel that Russ, with his stellar creds on this site, would relay what he felt as hyperbole and a sham story to stir hate and discontent within this site?

Without a doubt, Russ has light years more creds than you Joe.

Your opinion is yours...take off the Joe Friday suit and rant on about how the establishment keeps their jackboots on your neck.

[Edited on 8-22-2018 by DaliDali]

If Mr Bowers may have taken a "don't get involved" posture, then we should not get involved in his alleged incident

Yet here you are....involved up to your eyeballs in this incident.


mtgoat666 - 8-22-2018 at 12:49 PM

If the victims are smart, they would ignore the internet critics and trolls.
Why does anyone here think the victim is obligated to post here?

norte - 8-22-2018 at 02:39 PM

This site is so funny sometimes (always good for a laugh). I am beginning to wonder about any credentials just because your a long-term member here...Seems to work in the reverse... People here get so personal with people they do not know on one of the most impersonal of items a keyboard and monitor (or smart phone)

Lee - 8-22-2018 at 10:03 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JoeJustJoe  

One of the biggest whoppers members tell on forums, is that they were ex-LE, and most of the time we find out it's not true.

I've been posting here awhile and haven't seen any whoppers. Who are you referring to Joe? How would you know someone wasn't LE? Why would nomads lie about that?

As far as check points planting drugs, I expect it. I've been accused, at the infamous checkpoint, of having cannabis, which I didn't have. I was sick, had a sick dog, windows rolled up, and had a couple pounds of roasted coffee in burlap sacks. Guess that smells like pot. They spent a long time going through everything before giving up. They told my friend in a car behind me they smelled pot but couldn't find it.

[Edited on 8-23-2018 by BajaNomad]

JoeJustJoe - 8-23-2018 at 12:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Lee  

I've been posting here awhile and haven't seen any whoppers. Who are you referring to Joe? How would you know someone wasn't LE? Why would nomads lie about that?

As far as check points planting drugs, I expect it. I've been accused, at the infamous checkpoint, of having cannabis, which I didn't have. I was sick, had a sick dog, windows rolled up, and had a couple pounds of roasted coffee in burlap sacks. Guess that smells like pot. They spent a long time going through everything before giving up. They told my friend in a car behind me they smelled pot but couldn't find it.

You got to be kidding Lee, that you haven't seen any whoppers!

I'm not going to embarrass any member in the main area on "BN," but I could usually tell the BS from a mile away. One member of BN use to claim he was ex-LE, but seemed to have no idea when a cop could use deadly force, but seem to know what probably cause was, however he was about clueless reasonable suspicion, where cops often use to justify searches, but the public is usually unaware about reasonable suspicion.

It goes without saying Military Posers, are an epidemic, so much so, they tried to pass a "stolen valor" law a few years backs, only to have it overturned on free speech grounds, by the Supreme Court.

Please don't ask why would Nomads lie about that. I see this type of question a lot, and my answer is always, they make up stories about themselves for various reasons, and since the internet is largely anonymous, they can claim anything.

Here is a headline, about military posers, and believe me, you see LE posers on forums, and group sites all the time. You also see when when a debate is taking place, sometimes members claim special status of working in the certain field where the debate is taking's like they are saying, "stand back, I'm the expert here."

Military Posers Are 'An Epidemic,' Says Soldier Who Outs Them

So Lee, when you pass a check point you expect them to plant something on you? That sounds a little paranoid, however, I don't expect things to be planted on me, but I'm always on high alert, and always watching my belongings and them.

So I really don't need to hear alleged stories online.

DaliDali - 8-23-2018 at 12:35 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JoeJustJoe  
Quote: Originally posted by Lee  

I've been posting here awhile and haven't seen any whoppers. Who are you referring to Joe? How would you know someone wasn't LE? Why would nomads lie about that?

As far as check points planting drugs, I expect it. I've been accused, at the infamous checkpoint, of having cannabis, which I didn't have. I was sick, had a sick dog, windows rolled up, and had a couple pounds of roasted coffee in burlap sacks. Guess that smells like pot. They spent a long time going through everything before giving up. They told my friend in a car behind me they smelled pot but couldn't find it.

So I really don't need to hear alleged stories online.

And yet several days later, after the original're STILL here sucking it all in.

Just resign from us all a favor.
Now you beating up the Vets......major assumptions about some stolen valor and reasonable suspicion......a full Joe Friday detective you make Joe.

What a pimp......

SFandH - 8-23-2018 at 12:44 PM

Michael Bowers, one of the victims, has posted a report of the incident on TalkBaja.

The difference between the post and the one that was taken down a couple of days ago is that this post comes directly from one of the victims. The original was relayed to and posted by someone else and had all names removed.

Bowers is responding to questions.

[Edited on 8-23-2018 by SFandH]

JoeJustJoe - 8-23-2018 at 12:59 PM

Yeah what happened, Mike Bowers, posted his alleged report on the "Punta Chivato,site on Facebook, However, I don't see where Mike Bowers, is answering anyone's question, other than just posting the alleged incident. ( Oh I see he now answered two questions)

It looks like Kathleen and others asked Mike Bowers, to post his own report on "Talk Baja" because Ron, wanted a first hand report, and not a 3rd party report.

Hopefully, JoeJustJoe, helped shaming Mike Bowers, to actually post his own report, and you members on "Baja Nomad" made Ron, think twice of adding this alleged incident report, so much so, that Ron, pinned this report to always show up first for awhile anyway.

Sadly, panic is now going over at "Talk Baja" over this alleged incident, told by Mike Bowers, oh well.
From Punta Chivato, Facebook site.

"Kathleen Flick Mike, can you please post this on Talk Baja page as Ron Hoff asked me if you would after I messaged him about your experience? Thanks, Kathleen Flick.."

Ron's post: ( let me throw up)

"Thanks Mike, I really appreciate you taking the time to share your report here with us. We all need to take precautions and be prepared. Don't let them distract you, stay close to your vehicle and make a point to let them know you are watching them closely when searching your vehicle. Seems like that checkpoint in particular is a big problem..."

[Edited on 8-23-2018 by JoeJustJoe]

JoeJustJoe - 8-23-2018 at 01:29 PM

After reading panicking posts, including a sexual battery allegation, at other Mexican check points, Ralph, finally asks a good question of Mike Bowers:

Ralph Schoneman Michael Bowers Can you tell us why you did not report this? The number is right there in front of you on the board.
Mike's answer:"Ralph, I'm not sure why you think I should explain myself to you. I've explained this in the post. Also I'm not sure the tone doesn't imply we did something wrong, which we didn't. Now we are home safely, we have reported it. Is that not enough?
JJJ says no it's not enough, and why are you defensive? Who did you report it to, and what did they say, and do you have a copy of your report?

Mike did not explain it in the original story, like he told Ralph, or on the follow up questions at TB.

motoged - 8-23-2018 at 01:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by DaliDali  

.... Now you beating up the Vets......major assumptions about some stolen valor and reasonable suspicion......a full Joe Friday detective you make Joe.
What a pimp......

I don't see JJJ attacking vets....but outing posers (stolen valour).

Fake news....
Witch-hunting JJJ?


DaliDali - 8-23-2018 at 03:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by motoged  
Quote: Originally posted by DaliDali  

.... Now you beating up the Vets......major assumptions about some stolen valor and reasonable suspicion......a full Joe Friday detective you make Joe.
What a pimp......

I don't see JJJ attacking vets....but outing posers (stolen valour).

Fake news....
Witch-hunting JJJ?


"It goes without saying Military Posers, are an epidemic, so much so, they tried to pass a "stolen valor" law a few years backs, only to have it overturned on free speech grounds, by the Supreme Court"

Vets/military an epidemic of posers?
Don't know what world your from Ged, but that is a direct slam at every Vet, who must all be involved in a "epidemic" of false stories according the Joe.

Very sad you missed that....:(:(

joerover - 8-23-2018 at 04:06 PM

This check point sounds like it is maned with meth amphetamine addicts.

What became of the guy from Oregon with the broken arm and the 16 year old daughter? Attacked at the check point.

Were the above problems at night?

JoeJustJoe - 8-23-2018 at 04:14 PM

Nice try DaliDali, to try to get the "Baja Nomad" Military Veterans, to dislike JoeJustJoe.

As it is, I don't think I'm too popular with the veterans anyway, however, my post was about "Military Posers, and perhaps, you DailDali, do not know the meaning of the word, Poser."

I'm talking about people, who claim, they were in the US Military, and they usually claim they were in some type of special forces, like the Navy Seals, when in fact they really were not in the military at all, or if they were in the military they embellished their status, and in some cases doctored their DD-214.

I'm pretty sure, real military veterans, dislike military posers, who steal valor, as much as me. Believe it or not, but military posers, and fake LE(cops) are everywhere, including forums.

Maybe this will help you DD:

Military Posers Are 'An Epidemic,' Says Soldier Who Outs Them

Obama Signs New Stolen Valor Act( however later it was overturned)

President Obama on Monday signed into law the latest version of the Stolen Valor Act, which makes it a federal crime for people to pass themselves off as war heroes by wearing medals they didn't rightfully earn.

[Edited on 8-23-2018 by JoeJustJoe]

John Harper - 8-23-2018 at 04:41 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JoeJustJoe  
fake LE(cops) are everywhere

I hate people who buy old cop cars and don't repaint them. Highway Terrorists!!!!


motoged - 8-23-2018 at 04:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by DaliDali  
Quote: Originally posted by motoged  
Quote: Originally posted by DaliDali  

.... Now you beating up the Vets......major assumptions about some stolen valor and reasonable suspicion......a full Joe Friday detective you make Joe.
What a pimp......

I don't see JJJ attacking vets....but outing posers (stolen valour).

Fake news....
Witch-hunting JJJ?


"It goes without saying Military Posers, are an epidemic, so much so, they tried to pass a "stolen valor" law a few years backs, only to have it overturned on free speech grounds, by the Supreme Court"

Vets/military an epidemic of posers?
Don't know what world your from Ged, but that is a direct slam at every Vet, who must all be involved in a "epidemic" of false stories according the Joe.

Very sad you missed that....:(:(

Okay....I will type a bit slower for you....the posers are those who "falsely claim to have served when they have not....and/or falsely represent their service"....not those serving and presenting themselves respectfully.

I am in no way trying to discredit vets or those in the forces....stop mis-editing or twisting my words to suit your swill. :fire:

grizzlyfsh95 - 8-23-2018 at 04:56 PM

Snowflake central

bajabuddha - 8-23-2018 at 05:03 PM

Vet posers do exist..... those of us who did serve run into them all the time. A few well-placed Q's with 47 year's experience flushes 'em out purty EZ. REMF's, usually. We have a doozy here at our VFW... the guy is also former LE (part-timer on our tiny force of a few) and also a sadistic big-bad-bully that loves to intimidate people. Sounds kinda like.....


DaliDali - 8-23-2018 at 05:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by motoged  
Quote: Originally posted by DaliDali  
Quote: Originally posted by motoged  
Quote: Originally posted by DaliDali  

.... Now you beating up the Vets......major assumptions about some stolen valor and reasonable suspicion......a full Joe Friday detective you make Joe.
What a pimp......

I don't see JJJ attacking vets....but outing posers (stolen valour).

Fake news....
Witch-hunting JJJ?


"It goes without saying Military Posers, are an epidemic, so much so, they tried to pass a "stolen valor" law a few years backs, only to have it overturned on free speech grounds, by the Supreme Court"

Vets/military an epidemic of posers?
Don't know what world your from Ged, but that is a direct slam at every Vet, who must all be involved in a "epidemic" of false stories according the Joe.

Very sad you missed that....:(:(

Okay....I will type a bit slower for you....the posers are those who "falsely claim to have served when they have not....and/or falsely represent their service"....not those serving and presenting themselves respectfully.

I am in no way trying to discredit vets or those in the forces....stop mis-editing or twisting my words to suit your swill. :fire:

What does "epidemic" mean you to Ged?
All inclusive.....wide spread.....rampant?

I am completely stunned that you....a reasoned traveler.....would stick up for anything Joe has to say.

Truly sad, that in this instance you have...:(:(

motoged - 8-23-2018 at 05:16 PM

Thank you for acknowledging that I am a "reasoned" traveler....

And the word "epidemic" really isn't the main issue here now, is it....

Poor attempt to walk back your criticism....

DaliDali - 8-23-2018 at 05:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by motoged  
Thank you for acknowledging that I am a "reasoned" traveler....

And the word "epidemic" really isn't the main issue here now, is it....

Poor attempt to walk back your criticism....

Consult with Joe......the originator of "epidemic" on that.

joerover - 8-23-2018 at 05:40 PM

First time for everything.
Never agreed with JJJ before.
Military poser. Call it what you want, don't do it.

I once saw I guy get his neck broken for attempting to steal a Korean war medal. A red and black medal with (F R M), as the description, 1 medal issued.

With no enemy to fight most of the army was on leave, well not the scout. As usual, he went out at night to locate the enemy. He found them.

He walked into the enemy camp, killed the Colonel, put his uniform on, and stole the radio. He had to kill three more guys, and wrap the radio in one of their coats.

He alerted the US army. "This is Frank, there are approximately one million enemy soldiers here, do you understand this number 1,000,000." He estimated them to be 48 hours out. They made the march 18 hours.

Think about this while you are pretending to be a hero. Frank went back into the enemy camp to kill the General. Impersonating a colonel he made like something was wrong with his neck and tried to get the General to walk over to him. Didn't work. As he ran off into the woods he heard the general yell, "do not pursue."

Frank climbed down a cliff. He said they fired so many bullets down the cliff, they cut all the vines. He had to hide in the river for 3 days.
"Another couple of minutes and it got light out," almost caught. He lived to tell the tale.

The poser guy talks about how bad to the bone he is.
The guy that spent 2/3 of his time in Korea behind enemy lines, is soft spoken and mild mannered.
Frank worked for the Secret Service until November 26 1963, then worked as a 6th grade school teacher for over 20 years, and a forest ranger in the summer.

None of his friends or work mates ever knew he killed the enemy 349 times with his hands, not a gun or knife. Silence is life giving.

Next time you visit Yellowstone park, take a look at the old bearded rangers steal blue eyes.

Don't try to steal his war medal.

JoeJustJoe - 8-23-2018 at 05:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by John Harper  

I hate people who buy old cop cars and don't repaint them. Highway Terrorists!!!!


See, I knew people knew what I was talking about.

Yes, the LE posers, buy old Ford Crown Victoria, cars that were retired as fleet officer cars, and then they ride around terrorizing the public because their cars look exactly like cop cars from the rear view mirror.

Since this is a Baja forum, Mexican fake cops sometimes ride around in unmarked cars, or even stop you on the street with their fake badges to get a bribe, although I wouldn't call them LE posers, more like opportunists criminals looking for victims.

DaliDali - 8-23-2018 at 05:54 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JoeJustJoe  

Nice try DaliDali, to try to get the "Baja Nomad" Military Veterans, to dislike JoeJustJoe.

Take heed don't need any help for people to dislike you, Vets or not.

BajaTed - 8-23-2018 at 05:59 PM

That is why I always carry an expired drivers license.
First question back to a crooked cop is if he is married???
Then you recite the phone number of the local Sindictura
(public corruption agency phone number you should know)
Then ask the officer how his wife will treat him if he gets fired.
They throw my license in my face every time ( twice in 25 years)

wessongroup - 8-23-2018 at 06:00 PM

Haven't been down in 10 years ... just about

The potential of something like this happening can not be ruled out, at this time.

Given the level of corruption which in fact occurs in Mexico within LE at all levels ... Which is a fact, sadly.

Police corruption in Mexico

I wish it wasn't this way .... but, it is ... at this time

For some of us old timers ... These problems didn't exist 50 + years ago at the current level ... times change and so do people ... some good some bad

However, it is up to the individual to assess the risk and make their own decision ... my brother in law and his wife are going to be retiring next year and plan on moving down to live in Mexico on the main land and buying a house ... They will rent for a year to check it out

They used to go down every year south of Mulegé a bit and didn't have any problems for 20 years ... and my brother in law took a pistol the entire time ... kept it under the front seat

I've been lucky too ... never a problem with LE ... in many, many years while in Mexico and/or Baja ... I didn't take a gun though, too risky for me :biggrin::biggrin:

[Edited on 8-24-2018 by wessongroup]

Crooked is a Relative Concept

MrBillM - 8-23-2018 at 06:52 PM

I've NEVER met a CROOKED Cop.

While I've often contributed various amounts to Mexican Border personnel for their cooperation in facilitating my importation of goods and there have been a number of occasions in which I was able to enlist law enforcement to assume responsibility for paying any fines incurred as a result of a legitimate traffic infraction, I have never encountered an official or officer that I would refer to as CROOKED !

Entrepreneurial, perhaps.

On ONE occasion there was a difference of opinion with an officer over whether 40MPH was a violation of the 60KPH shown on that road. MY position was that areas with Dual Signage (which it was not) indicated 60KPH/40MPH. His position was that 60KPH translated to 36MPH. Given his insistence that his position was correct, I acquiesced and he agreed (at my request) to transport my payment for the violation.

A service which I have often wished was available in the U.S. given that it includes NO record-keeping and associated insurance penalty.

mtgoat666 - 8-23-2018 at 07:26 PM

If the soldier inspectors are giving out free drugs to inspectees, I will definitely stop by for inspection!

Hook - 8-24-2018 at 02:05 PM

I saw a news article on Mexico Daily News, I believe, that was quoting the incoming "Security Chief" as being in favor of the legalization of marijuana for recreational and medicinal purposes.

And a Mexico City judge just ruled that Mexico City's LOCAL law that allows medicinal use is legal.

Based on these two stories, I'd say that marijuana, even in small amounts, may not be legal.

JoeJustJoe - 8-24-2018 at 03:17 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Hook  
I saw a news article on Mexico Daily News, I believe, that was quoting the incoming "Security Chief" as being in favor of the legalization of marijuana for recreational and medicinal purposes.

And a Mexico City judge just ruled that Mexico City's LOCAL law that allows medicinal use is legal.

Based on these two stories, I'd say that marijuana, even in small amounts, may not be legal.

But Marijuana is decriminalized in Mexico, starting in 2009.

Just like in the US 13 states have decriminalized marijuana, but not legalized it.

That's a big difference, and gives cops room to mess with you, although courts aren't suppose to convict you with a small amount of marijuana, and instead they are suppose to refer you for diversion programs.

John Harper - 8-24-2018 at 04:16 PM

I saw the best old poser cop car the other day. Some young girl was driving, had stickers all over the back of it.

Her license was YHCRANA. Did not really notice till I got in front of her. Classic!!! Gave her a big thumbs up!!! Gotta love the creativity.


DaliDali - 8-24-2018 at 04:41 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Hook  

Based on these two stories, I'd say that marijuana, even in small amounts, may not be legal.

Therein lies the rub......maybe or maybe not.

Maybe it's just me....but in any case, it would be extremely foolish to "test" the young soldiers at a checkpoint on how he sees it all.

mtgoat666 - 8-24-2018 at 05:33 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JoeJustJoe  
Quote: Originally posted by Hook  
I saw a news article on Mexico Daily News, I believe, that was quoting the incoming "Security Chief" as being in favor of the legalization of marijuana for recreational and medicinal purposes.

And a Mexico City judge just ruled that Mexico City's LOCAL law that allows medicinal use is legal.

Based on these two stories, I'd say that marijuana, even in small amounts, may not be legal.

But Marijuana is decriminalized in Mexico, starting in 2009.

Just like in the US 13 states have decriminalized marijuana, but not legalized it.

That's a big difference, and gives cops room to mess with you, although courts aren't suppose to convict you with a small amount of marijuana, and instead they are suppose to refer you for diversion programs.

Even if they legalize pot in Mexico, the gringo cash cow stoner will still be threatened with arrest — soldiers Gotta eat!

bajabuddha - 8-24-2018 at 07:08 PM

An old employer back in the 90's used to fly in clients to the old San Ignacio airport for cave trips with anthropologist / archaeologist guides to the northern caves. Right after the military takeover of the aeropuetro and newly established SI checkpoint he was shaken down for mordida. Being fluent in Spanish (raised by a Mexican nanny, silver-spooner) he protested. The Officer In Charge proceeded to pull his pistola and shoved it up his nose, leaned into and over him and said,

"Tiene Armas, Tiene Poder".

My former boss paid the fine. :no:

JoeJustJoe - 8-25-2018 at 05:06 PM

Quote: Originally posted by DaliDali  
Quote: Originally posted by Hook  

Based on these two stories, I'd say that marijuana, even in small amounts, may not be legal.

Therein lies the rub......maybe or maybe not.

Maybe it's just me....but in any case, it would be extremely foolish to "test" the young soldiers at a checkpoint on how he sees it all.

DaliDali, where are your stones?

What's the young soldiers going to do with you at the checkpoint if they find less than 5 grams of marijuana on you?

Are they going to call the police to arrest you and take you in front of the judge, who will only suspend any sentence and let you go or tell you to enter a diversion program.

You have about a 95% chance of not even going before a judge, because it would be a waste of time of the military, cop, and judge, since carry a small amount of illegal drugs for personal use has been decriminalized.

The only possible value you have for the military or cop, is to scare you, and maybe take you for a ride and tour of the desert in hopes you give in and give them what they really want, but that's if they are corrupt. Hang tough, and I bet they let you go.

Now I do hear the judges have wide discretion when it comes to the law, especially this law involving personal of a small amount of drugs like marijuana, meth, and coke. But while we hear lots of complaints about corrupt Mexican cops, I don't even too many complaints about Mexican judges.

Now Mexico did legalized medical marijuana, and if that's what you have, you will fare even better, however, I hear this is very tricky, and the THC in Mexico, has to be very weak, to go the medical marijuana route.

But with Canada, legalizing recreational Marijuana, in a couple of month, and the US, and Mexico, right behind Canada. I think in a few years, smoking marijuana won't be a problem anywhere in the Americas.

gnukid - 8-25-2018 at 07:52 PM

Personal use of small quantities of marijuana is decriminalized in Mexico, (while not the case throughout US) though most Mexican cops and military don't understand since there is little reporting about it, or they can't read, of course few criminal cases go anywhere in Mexico so threats from cops or military are just hype.

Possession of small quantities is considered a delito de salud or health infraction and if you are observed and caught you are given a suggestion for an appointment with a psychologist who is a usually a woman and there you talk about stress in your life and relationships with family if you decide to attend.

There have been Supreme Court cases which decided Mexicans (people in Mexico) have the right to grow and use marijuana, though the impact of the decision is unclear.

AMLO has suggested radical changes will occur to reduce negative impact of cartel and gangs distribution of marijauna and the drugs and further legalize personal use of marijuana.

The problem today is opioids, meth, crystal, and synthetic drugs that are at the core of cartel violence in US/Mexico.

Most of the distribution is apparently done with complicity of Mexican and US government, military, banking, policing and prisons.

North Americans may recall under Democratic National Party Leadership our highest legal officer Attorney General Eric Holder resigned due to "obstruction of justice" and unwillingness to testify about the Obama administrations direct support of cartel violence and drug distribution under the policies known as Gun Walking and Fast and Furious that shipped illegal high power weapons to cartels and those weapons are the ones used today to create the most violent murder rate in the world in Baja. In 2009 the DEA met with and struck deals with cartels. Today still there is a huge problem with corruption of homeland security and CBP due to its history.

Previously, under Republican Party leadership Regan "I didn't know" he supported massive drug distribution in the US for profit to support gun running to Nicaragua when we supported Noriega before we didn't anymore. US government complicity in creating a criminal network to profit from drugs distribution and destabilization should be common knowledge for anyone who can read though somehow US government involvement in the octopus of drugs/arms/money/policing/prisons/ corruption is always forgotten because it's just a easy "mistake that got out of control' ...

[Edited on 8-26-2018 by gnukid]

BajaMama - 8-26-2018 at 07:12 AM

So much testosterone, such little time.

BTW, try some banana with that cashew butter, delicious combination.

8knots - 8-26-2018 at 08:16 AM

No, this is beyond any impact of testosterone. Small minded and self-centered folks who love to bully via internet....taking up space, sucking the air out of that space and offering nothing constructive.

motoged - 8-26-2018 at 11:08 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaMama  
So much testosterone, such little time.

BTW, try some banana with that cashew butter, delicious combination.

Yep....and some avocado and sprouts.....yum:light:

JoeJustJoe - 8-26-2018 at 01:14 PM

I'm actually in agreement with much of what Gunkid, said, before he went off the deep end with Fast and Furious, some of his conspiracy theories, and those dubious right-wing, dubious links he supports himself with.

Yes, marijuana is decriminalized, although it's loosely regulated on some kind of health basis. Gunkkid, really didn't have to say the Mexican military doesn't know how to read, although having the Military as a local police force, does have it's drawbacks, and not knowing the law is one of them.

The Mexican Supreme Court, did grant four Mexicans the right to grow marijuana for personal use, but Mexico, hasn't caught on with legal precedents, so it's unclear what it means for others who grow marijuana for personal use, although it's legal for the four Mexicans in the court case.

AMLO, does pose radical changes to the drug laws, so in the future there probably won't be any gray areas, and most people in Mexico, will be free to smoke, eat or inject their favorite drug of their choice in their bodies, provided it's a small quantity of drugs for personal use.

We do know for sure Reagan, had the CIA, supplying places like South Central LA, with meth, but for the other conspiracy theories it's mostly speculation, and hype, but with probably a little truth to some of the rumors.

Fast and Furious, was a mistake, mostly a moral mistake, that went on too long, however, it at least confirmed what most of us already knew, that most of the weapons arming the Mexican cartel, was coming from the US. Before Fast and Furious, the GOP, and their followers, blamed all other countries like Russia, and central America, for the weapons except they never blamed the US, and the US lax gun laws.

Eric Holder, didn't resign over Obstruction of Justice, the GOP, tried to hang him with. Obama, had Eric Holders, back, and although there was some pressure on Holder to resign, Eric Holder went out when he wanted to retire.

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
Personal use of small quantities of marijuana is decriminalized in Mexico, (while not the case throughout US) though most Mexican cops and military don't understand since there is little reporting about it, or they can't read, of course few criminal cases go anywhere in Mexico so threats from cops or military are just hype.

Possession of small quantities is considered a delito de salud or health infraction and if you are observed and caught you are given a suggestion for an appointment with a psychologist who is a usually a woman and there you talk about stress in your life and relationships with family if you decide to attend.

There have been Supreme Court cases which decided Mexicans (people in Mexico) have the right to grow and use marijuana, though the impact of the decision is unclear.

AMLO has suggested radical changes will occur to reduce negative impact of cartel and gangs distribution of marijauna and the drugs and further legalize personal use of marijuana.

The problem today is opioids, meth, crystal, and synthetic drugs that are at the core of cartel violence in US/Mexico.

Most of the distribution is apparently done with complicity of Mexican and US government, military, banking, policing and prisons.

North Americans may recall under Democratic National Party Leadership our highest legal officer Attorney General Eric Holder resigned due to "obstruction of justice" and unwillingness to testify about the Obama administrations direct support of cartel violence and drug distribution under the policies known as Gun Walking and Fast and Furious that shipped illegal high power weapons to cartels and those weapons are the ones used today to create the most violent murder rate in the world in Baja. In 2009 the DEA met with and struck deals with cartels. Today still there is a huge problem with corruption of homeland security and CBP due to its history.

Previously, under Republican Party leadership Regan "I didn't know" he supported massive drug distribution in the US for profit to support gun running to Nicaragua when we supported Noriega before we didn't anymore. US government complicity in creating a criminal network to profit from drugs distribution and destabilization should be common knowledge for anyone who can read though somehow US government involvement in the octopus of drugs/arms/money/policing/prisons/ corruption is always forgotten because it's just a easy "mistake that got out of control' ...

DaliDali - 8-26-2018 at 02:25 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JoeJustJoe  

Eric Holder, didn't resign over Obstruction of Justice, the GOP, tried to hang him with. Obama, had Eric Holders, back, and although there was some pressure on Holder to resign, Eric Holder went out when he wanted to retire.

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  

To set the record straight on Eric...

For the first time in history, the House on Thursday held a Cabinet member in contempt of Congress, bringing to a head an epic clash between House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) and Attorney General Eric Holder and paving the way for a protracted court battle over whether the Justice Department can shield internal documents under executive privilege.

The 255-67 vote was particularly lopsided because dozens of Democrats, led by Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.), Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (Md.) and the Congressional Black Caucus, walked off the floor, refusing to participate in what they called an “illegitimate” charade.

Seventeen Democrats joined Republicans in voting to hold Holder in contempt. It was a repudiation by members of his own party and a sign of the political stakes of a vote the National Rifle Association will score. Two Republicans voted against contempt, Reps. Scott Rigell (Va.) and Steven LaTourette (Ohio). Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-Ill.) voted present.

charliemanson - 8-27-2018 at 09:21 AM

FYI, just got back from mini vacation along pacific. Passed SI check point twice and not even a problem. Completely normal and respectful conversation with them. Granted we were driving our Mexican plated vehicle, not one with SD plates like the one truck had going north that was getting check throughly ...I do suppose they know that the majority of gringos are probably not from SD.

Maybe some military at the check point are getting tired of having cars pass when they know people with SD plates are just trying to get around the Mexican system of properly licensing their rides for a whopping 300 pesos a year and its their way of getting back at cheap gringos who don't want to conform to their laws.

Now back to the cheesy politics

Why SD plates?

AKgringo - 8-27-2018 at 10:01 AM

I suspect that avoiding dealing with the California DMV is a major incentive for a SD address! Also, unless I got it wrong, a vehicle older than 9 years is not eligible to be imported, and they have to be registered somewhere. about those check points?

willardguy - 8-27-2018 at 10:16 AM

Quote: Originally posted by charliemanson  
FYI, just got back from mini vacation along pacific. Passed SI check point twice and not even a problem. Completely normal and respectful conversation with them. Granted we were driving our Mexican plated vehicle, not one with SD plates like the one truck had going north that was getting check throughly ...I do suppose they know that the majority of gringos are probably not from SD.

Maybe some military at the check point are getting tired of having cars pass when they know people with SD plates are just trying to get around the Mexican system of properly licensing their rides for a whopping 300 pesos a year and its their way of getting back at cheap gringos who don't want to conform to their laws.

Now back to the cheesy politics

:lol:...I think you're really on to something there hotrod!

charliemanson - 8-27-2018 at 11:15 AM

I suspect that avoiding dealing with the California DMV is a major incentive for a SD address! Also, unless I got it wrong, a vehicle older than 9 years is not eligible to be imported, and they have to be registered somewhere.

Very true. The answer is just buy a vehicle down here. Easy. Legal,plated, help the local economy, help pay for the roads everybody complains about but doesn't want to support.

If you can afford to spend multiple months, own or rent a home down here, just try and help out instead of trying to get away with it.

Back to the check points.

Per discussion with my (educated) Mexican wife on this topic during our little trip through the check points , whose brother is a Policia estatal here in BCS, it is becoming clear that law enforcement is getting tired of people cheating their system. They are not stupid as many gringos want to believe. He and other Policia do in fact target gringos who do try and " beat" the system and it will be getting worse. His thought are " if they ( gringos) feel they can just come down and not respect OUR rules, we can try and make them think about it a little more"...hense possibly the reason more searches at check points or (of topic) more people with illegitimate plates get targeted more than other gringos.

Personally we are glad they are stepping up and trying to make Mexico a better place and maybe get rid of those who just want to come down and use and abuse. Mexico that is

paranewbi - 8-27-2018 at 11:27 AM

"If you can afford to spend multiple months, own or rent a home down here, just try and help out instead of trying to get away with it.
Back to the checkpoints.
Per discussion with my (educated) Mexican wife on this topic during our little trip through the checkpoints, whose brother is a Policia estatal here in BCS"

OR at least marry a cop's (educated) sister!
No bennies there.

BajaTed - 8-27-2018 at 11:33 AM

Over half of the SD registered vehicles couldn't pass Cali smog tests, there "check engine light" is ON and has been for years.

gnukid - 8-27-2018 at 11:40 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaTed  
Over half of the SD registered vehicles couldn't pass Cali smog tests, there "check engine light" is ON and has been for years.

CA DMV registered cars located at residences south of TJ, or Tecate are smog exempt.

JoeJustJoe - 8-27-2018 at 11:52 AM

See this post is an example of somebody claiming expert knowledge, his educated wife, whose brother is a Mexico Policia, and Charlie, here as also claimed he is a retired orthopedic surgeon, as well has his nationalized wife, is also an orthopedic surgeon in another post.

Charlie Manson wrote: "as a retired orthopedic surgeon"

And I don't mean to pick up poor Charlie, here, but the topic of not believing everything you read on the internet came up in this thread, as the topic of somebody claiming special knowledge, as if to say to others to STFU and let the expert talk here.

Charlie, has also made attacking posts on others, so I don't feel bad, and very likely he will have choice words for me, although if he does, he makes it even more unlikely that he really is an orthopedic surgeon.

Personally, I don't think those lowly paid Military soldiers or Baja cops, care who passes in the car at the check points, and I doubt they discussed it with anybody.

Quote: Originally posted by charliemanson  

I suspect that avoiding dealing with the California DMV is a major incentive for a SD address! Also, unless I got it wrong, a vehicle older than 9 years is not eligible to be imported, and they have to be registered somewhere.

Very true. The answer is just buy a vehicle down here. Easy. Legal,plated, help the local economy, help pay for the roads everybody complains about but doesn't want to support.

If you can afford to spend multiple months, own or rent a home down here, just try and help out instead of trying to get away with it.

Back to the check points.

Per discussion with my (educated) Mexican wife on this topic during our little trip through the check points , whose brother is a Policia estatal here in BCS, it is becoming clear that law enforcement is getting tired of people cheating their system. They are not stupid as many gringos want to believe. He and other Policia do in fact target gringos who do try and " beat" the system and it will be getting worse. His thought are " if they ( gringos) feel they can just come down and not respect OUR rules, we can try and make them think about it a little more"...hense possibly the reason more searches at check points or (of topic) more people with illegitimate plates get targeted more than other gringos.

Personally we are glad they are stepping up and trying to make Mexico a better place and maybe get rid of those who just want to come down and use and abuse. Mexico that is

[Edited on 8-27-2018 by JoeJustJoe]

charliemanson - 8-27-2018 at 12:30 PM

OK, so sorry that we are somewhat educated. for that I will apologize.

All I am saying is that we had no problems what so ever crossing the checkpoints. My brother in laws job had nothing to do with it and frankly we publicly don't mention that is not something you do down here paranewbe.
Just saying that there might be a reason some are being searched more than others and sharing that insight, which Iam sure is completely wrong.

Joe, yes I have beaten up a few people here because they have derseved it, especially the ones calling their orthopedic surgeons incompetent. Sorry that does hit a nerve coming from people asking for money to support them.

If one does what is expected of them in a foreign country they will probably get hassled less than if they are trying to scam the system :light:.

TedZark - 8-27-2018 at 01:43 PM

I've got SD plates, for none of the reasons supposed above, and have NEVER been hassled, except once trying to smuggle in a huge amount of dog food for a local shelter. I quite doubt the checkpoint people care one way or the other.

I was, the other day when on my moto (SD plate), stopped at a military checkpoint and asked if I wanted to bring guns - and I couldn't help but laugh - so he sent me on my way.

Most of these guys are quite decent if you treat them with the respect they deserve. Personally, I never give someone with a gun a lot of sh*t.

Bajavanadu - 8-27-2018 at 02:14 PM

I'm curious if anyone has seen a k9 at any of the military checkpoints? Besides the k9s at southbound crossing, I've only seen a k9 at the Santo Tomas CP south of ensenada one time.

AKgringo - 8-27-2018 at 02:27 PM

I have twice been approached by a soldier with a dog, but both times they cancelled the search when they saw my large dog in the car.

She actually seemed eager to meet those bad boys, but it would be hard to find anything where they would probably want to sniff!

woody with a view - 8-27-2018 at 03:46 PM

El Rosario had a scrawny mutt a few weeks ago. I’ be surprised if the dogs are legit.

[Edited on 8-28-2018 by woody with a view]

bajatrailrider - 8-29-2018 at 03:29 PM

I use SD plates on all my US trucks and dirt bikes pee on CA robbers.

John Harper - 8-29-2018 at 04:03 PM

Quote: Originally posted by charliemanson  
Joe, yes I have beaten up a few people here because they have derseved it, especially the ones calling their orthopedic surgeons incompetent. Sorry that does hit a nerve coming from people asking for money to support them.

Orthopedic surgeons get abuse? Take a look at the abuse heaped on public school teachers. It's amazing how ungrateful some are for the ability to read, write, and spew bullchit on a website as adults. Thank a teacher. If I knew they were going to grow up to be little turds, I would have made sure they repeated grades. Definitely candidates for corporal punishment.


[Edited on 8-29-2018 by John Harper]

Lee - 8-30-2018 at 10:38 AM

Personally, I wouldn't question anyone's story about check points as it doesn't matter to me. I've never had drugs planted but as I've written, I expect it. I don't like check points. Kids with guns. Some of them are thieves. Keeping an eye on my stuff so it doesn't get stolen puts me on edge. I deal with it.

That said, I hide everything that has value and can be pocketed while searching my car. Nothing in the glove compartment or center console. Someone starts going through my personal stuff, lingering, I call them on it. I'm up for stopping the search and calling the commandante over to supervise a search. I have time.

I expect shake downs in Tecate, Ciudad, SI check points, La Paz. I expect cannabis to be planted though it hasn't happened. Just the way it is and my expectation.

Check points profile gringoes. Only idiots would smuggle guns/drugs through at these check points. And these items would be hidden and not found.

Interesting fact for me. I travel with a big rocket box on top my SUV. I've never been asked to open it. Room for a dozen AK's but no one has interest. Maybe because it's not easily accessed without a step ladder of sorts. Still.

AKgringo - 8-30-2018 at 11:50 AM

I travel in Baja with a large dog in a soft top SUV. Even with the top on it is a dusty car, so to protect fragile items from dust, water, and the dog I store them in a military style ammo can. Surprisingly, no one has ever asked me to open the can!

SFandH - 8-30-2018 at 02:06 PM

Just don't put any contraband in a cooler. Never fails, they always look inside coolers. I should rig up a jack-in-the-box cooler, perhaps with Agent Orange popping out. :D

wessongroup - 8-30-2018 at 02:22 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AKgringo  
I travel in Baja with a large dog in a soft top SUV. Even with the top on it is a dusty car, so to protect fragile items from dust, water, and the dog I store them in a military style ammo can. Surprisingly, no one has ever asked me to open the can!

A dirty car and occupants used to be an indicator that you in fact had been down in Baja and past the paved road .. South of Ensenada .... :):)

[Edited on 8-30-2018 by wessongroup]

Beagle - 8-30-2018 at 03:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by charliemanson  

Per discussion with my (educated) Mexican wife on this topic during our little trip through the check points , whose brother is a Policia estatal here in BCS, it is becoming clear that law enforcement is getting tired of people cheating their system.They are not stupid as many gringos want to believe. He and other Policia do in fact target gringos who do try and " beat" the system and it will be getting worse. His thought are " if they ( gringos) feel they can just come down and not respect OUR rules, we can try and make them think about it a little more"...hense possibly the reason more searches at check points or (of topic) more people with illegitimate plates get targeted more than other gringos.

Personally we are glad they are stepping up and trying to make Mexico a better place and maybe get rid of those who just want to come down and use and abuse. Mexico that is

Ok I rarely chime in on these threads that dissolve into this level but this one...this one..

Wait, do you actually live or spend time in Mexico? Other than the family connection... Are you serious? This quote especially ""it is becoming clear that law enforcement is getting tired of people cheating their system." Dude, do you really in all honesty with a straight face believe that the Mexican legal sector and especially the police at the municiple and state level.... "cracks down" on things because of their passion for the law and jurisprudence? At the very most, they would be cracking down on someone gaming the system if they thought they could get a piece of the action. That's at the most. And I'm all for it, they don't get paid squat.

If they "want gringos to think a little more" they'd write tickets and send them to the station. It's an op for a money grab. Period.

A lot of them are hard working and good folks but lets please not jump over the moon and say that bribe set ups and random pull overs are because of some romantic idea that they're tired of people "breaking the law". That's a joke. We know it and you can ask any other Mexican on your way back to the border the same question. Other than your wife, obviously or her brother.

You can't throw a rock in Mexico with out hitting someone or something "breaking a law".

I guess they'll be rounding up all the Narcos then the week after next...I mean, if the gringos annoy them with their license plate game...imagine what wanton(edit) executions of fellow citizens must make them feel like.

Please don't take offense but that's just total BS.


[Edited on 8-31-2018 by Beagle]

JohnGaltSpeaking - 8-30-2018 at 03:54 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Beagle  
Quote: Originally posted by charliemanson  

Per discussion with my (educated) Mexican wife on this topic during our little trip through the check points , whose brother is a Policia estatal here in BCS, it is becoming clear that law enforcement is getting tired of people cheating their system.They are not stupid as many gringos want to believe. He and other Policia do in fact target gringos who do try and " beat" the system and it will be getting worse. His thought are " if they ( gringos) feel they can just come down and not respect OUR rules, we can try and make them think about it a little more"...hense possibly the reason more searches at check points or (of topic) more people with illegitimate plates get targeted more than other gringos.

Personally we are glad they are stepping up and trying to make Mexico a better place and maybe get rid of those who just want to come down and use and abuse. Mexico that is

Ok I rarely chime in on these threads that dissolve into this level but this one...this one..

Wait, do you actually live or spend time in Mexico? Other than the family connection... Are you serious? This quote especially ""it is becoming clear that law enforcement is getting tired of people cheating their system." Dude, do you really in all honesty with a straight face believe that the Mexican legal sector and especially the police at the municiple and state level.... "cracks down" on things because of their passion for the law and jurisprudence? At the very most, they would be cracking down on someone gaming the system if they thought they could get a piece of the action. That's at the most. And I'm all for it, they don't get paid squat.

If they "want gringos to think a little more" they'd write tickets and send them to the station. It's an op for a money grab. Period.

A lot of them are hard working and good folks but lets please not jump over the moon and say that bribe set ups and random pull overs are because of some romantic idea that they're tired of people "breaking the law". That's a joke. We know it and you can ask any other Mexican on your way back to the border the same question. Other than your wife, obviously or her brother.

You can't throw a rock in Mexico with out hitting someone or something "breaking a law".

I guess they'll be rounding up all the Narcos then the week after next...I mean, if the gringos annoy them with their license plate game...imagine what wonton executions of fellow citizens must make them feel like.

Please don't take offense but that's just total BS.

glad you decided to chime in, especially with the truth.

Chinese Food bugging Mexican Law Enforcement ?

MrBillM - 8-30-2018 at 05:34 PM

" ...... imagine what wonton executions of fellow citizens must make them feel like ........"

Beagle - 8-30-2018 at 05:56 PM

Quote: Originally posted by MrBillM  
" ...... imagine what wonton executions of fellow citizens must make them feel like ........"

That's something I would think they'd be more inclined to take action against.

Thanks, Bill. fixed it. Guess I'm hungry.

JoeJustJoe - 8-31-2018 at 08:18 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Mike Bowers  

On August 8 we were stopped and moved to Secondary Inspection at the Federal check station just outside of San Ignacio. During the search before being sent to Secondary checking the soldier said and I quote “You Americans are bad. You bring drugs into our country and hurt our children.” Also said and I quote what Don Arnold told me, “American’s are bad people”. It got worse from there.

For some reason the federal check people are mad at Americans.

Regarding this alleged incident from Mike Bowers, that I still think is over exaggerated and I doubt it was reported to any Mexican authorities is this part of the incident, where a Mexican Military berated him and Don Arnold, for being bad people.

Many Americans in Baja, and I personally have heard that same thing over the years, on Tijuana, from corrupt Mexican cops, telling you how bad Americans are for coming to Mexico, to do drugs and other vices that you don't do back home, and so you disrespect Mexico.......blah blah blah.....

But if you ask me, it's just an act, and I doubt, the Mexicans cops, military, or the Mexican citizens, are really mad at Americans, like Mike claims, although I'm sure there is no love lost towards Americans.

If anything, if you ever hear this, mostly likely it's just a corrupt official, usually a cop, just looking for a bribe, and just wants to scare you, so you give him what he really wants.

[Edited on 8-31-2018 by JoeJustJoe]

DaliDali - 8-31-2018 at 08:50 AM

Quote: Originally posted by JoeJustJoe  
Quote: Originally posted by Mike Bowers  

On August 8 we were stopped and moved to Secondary Inspection at the Federal check station just outside of San Ignacio. During the search before being sent to Secondary checking the soldier said and I quote “You Americans are bad. You bring drugs into our country and hurt our children.” Also said and I quote what Don Arnold told me, “American’s are bad people”. It got worse from there.

For some reason the federal check people are mad at Americans.

But if you ask me, it's just an act

[Edited on 8-31-2018 by JoeJustJoe]

Like it's been said before Joe.....NO ONE is asking you.

JoeJustJoe - 8-31-2018 at 09:05 AM

Quote: Originally posted by DaliDali  

Like it's been said before Joe.....NO ONE is asking you.

I don't recall asking for permission to express my opinion, and so I will say what I want, and will continue to express my views when I feel like it.

DaliDali - 8-31-2018 at 09:22 AM

Quote: Originally posted by JoeJustJoe  
Quote: Originally posted by DaliDali  

Like it's been said before Joe.....NO ONE is asking you.

I don't recall asking for permission to express my opinion, and so I will say what I want, and will continue to express my views when I feel like it.

No problem Joe......have at it.

Just be prepared from someone to call you out on that opinion now and again and debunk it as nonsense.

It one is asking for your do quite well in offering your own versions on a daily basis......and many instances of multi daily offerings of Joes version of right and wrong.

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