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mtgoat666 - 5-11-2019 at 09:17 AM
Given the story that she disappeared hiking at diablo cyn trailhead with multiple people besides the husband, it is surprising neither the dog nor
lady were found. It seems that they either ran away or were taken/hidden. The husband may be alibi-ed by the fact that other people were on the hike
and documented her disappearance?
Given the report of pot farms in the area, i suspect that pot farmers may have disappeared her after she walked into the wrong place. I suspect pot
farmers are unlikely to tolerate reveal of their activities.
Done in by a Pot-Spot Farmer Juan ?
MrBillM - 5-11-2019 at 01:35 PM
IF that is the case, it's not likely the remains will be found. Bodies well-buried deep enough are rarely discovered even in well-traveled territory.
Whatever the cause, the disappearance serves as a reminder that one is NEVER really as safe as one assumes.
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