Wishing you all merry, merry holidays ... have not heard anything at all about our missing Gary Patton, nothing from our PI. I do want to clarify
based on the discussion here that our PI is not the actual person doing the work down there, he has a team of folks of which most are from Baja, and
it is a team of good-hearted people who just make it their business to try to find and rescue people. According to him, none of us gringos have any
idea how many folks go missing down there, even here in the States, how we at large are truly ignorant of the prevalence of this hardship that goes on
every day.
May I ask you all to try not to bash each other over prior comments or sideways conversations that soon will comments from "last year," and we can
move on to more helpful outlooks in 2015. Clearly, most of you as well as Gary's family have given up, and that is the far easier thing to do, and for
some, a must-do for children' sake. Pack it in and move on with life. Well, I will not do that, it is not my personality to walk away when there is no
proof of anything in terms of foul play. This is one of the reasonings the detective gave me, no evidence or suggestion of foul play, simply an
abandoned vehicle completely found in tact is not a suggestion of the worst. He stated many weird and unfathomable things cause Americanos to get lost
and yes, years can go by until they are found. And even Mexicanos experience these issues down there, it is the terrain and the life.
I would rather use my energy worrying about how it will be when Gary is found, how we will live our lives again. While you all are spending time with
your loved ones or doing what you love, just think of the many things about your life you can and should be grateful for, and say a little prayer for
me, that we will resolve "missing Gary Patton." Best to all... |