
Graham Mackintosh: 'Marooned' on Isla Angel de la Guarda: 6-06 PHOTOS POSTED!

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BOLABOUND - 3-14-2006 at 08:02 PM

Awesome report!


And I too have encountered some bad to the bone snakes that the hair on

the back of my neck spiked up like a dog ready fight. I was lucky to run

away from the scene but if I had to I would of killed that varmont snake.

Its all good folks!

ursidae69 - 3-14-2006 at 08:47 PM

Please pass along to Graham a thank you for going into detail and defending himself.

Suggestion for next time, David, don't try to defend people, you don't do a very good job of it.

Like I've said here and in the 2003 thread referenced, if someone really feels in danger, then by all means kill the snake. Even though Graham is a naturalist, he still felt somehow in danger, so killing it was his only option. I hope Graham takes a few trips with some herpetologists or maybe volunteers on some projects so the next time he'll be more comfortable and he'll know just how many snakes were probably closer to his tent than just this one he stumbled upon.

I'm glad Senior Mackintosh survived his trip and had a good time and I hope he continues to enjoy Baja like the rest of us do.

[Edited on 3-15-2006 by ursidae69]

David K - 3-14-2006 at 11:00 PM

Graham is reading Nomad guys... He read it today a couple times and also sent me a better copy of his responce which I posted.

urdisae69, as I was the one who made the thread and posted his letters, thus I stood in for him. Sorry I didn't do as good a job as you needed me to... I just figured most here are adults and can understand.

I am much happier that Graham is responding himself!

Let's get back to our own Baja adventures and enjoy reading them...

Can't we all just get along?:lol::lol::lol::saint::biggrin::cool:

Diver - 3-15-2006 at 04:42 AM

Originally posted by David K
... I just figured most here are adults and can understand.

Could you imagine the field day JR would have had with this one ??? :lol::lol::lol:

[Edited on 3-15-2006 by Diver]

Bob and Susan - 3-15-2006 at 05:42 AM

Soooo....OJ WAS innocent:lol:

It was a great story....."where's the BOOK"

David K - 3-15-2006 at 09:13 AM

Soooooo... You all can say anything you want about Graham (or me)... But, when I say 'boo' back it's sacriledge!

Let's agree that to some, a discussion forum is where you can say anything you want and nobody should disagree is a responce...

I offered something back until Graham could respond himself... I apologized for not doing a good enough job for some of you... I would think that you could seperate the message from the messenger...

Anyway, I am sorry that some of what Graham did or how I explained it bothered a few of you. I really do not want to make any enemies... The majority appreciated Graham's writings and that I posted them here, so I am glad I did. But, I hope those that did not like them can just let it go and post your own adventure stories here.

If there is anything else I can do ursidae69 to make ammends, please let me know... a 'got baja?' sticker, beer when we meet, GPS waypoint to a snakepit perhaps?:biggrin::saint:

Have a great day!:cool::spingrin:

ursidae69 - 3-15-2006 at 09:27 AM

Originally posted by David K
If there is anything else I can do ursidae69 to make ammends, please let me know... a 'got baja?' sticker, beer when we meet, GPS waypoint to a snakepit perhaps?:biggrin::saint:

Have a great day!:cool::spingrin:

It's all good.

Don Alley - 3-15-2006 at 10:33 AM

Originally posted by David K
Soooooo... You all can say anything you want about Graham (or me)... But, when I say 'boo' back it's sacriledge!

Let's agree that to some, a discussion forum is where you can say anything you want and nobody should disagree is a responce...

I offered something back until Graham could respond himself... I apologized for not doing a good enough job for some of you... I would think that you could seperate the message from the messenger...

Anyway, I am sorry that some of what Graham did or how I explained it bothered a few of you. I really do not want to make any enemies... The majority appreciated Graham's writings and that I posted them here, so I am glad I did. But, I hope those that did not like them can just let it go and post your own adventure stories here.

If there is anything else I can do ursidae69 to make ammends, please let me know... a 'got baja?' sticker, beer when we meet, GPS waypoint to a snakepit perhaps?:biggrin::saint:

Have a great day!:cool::spingrin:

Group Hug!?!

Ok, I'm sorry too.;D


Sharksbaja - 3-15-2006 at 10:50 AM

Originally posted by ursidae69

I'm glad Senior Mackintosh survived his trip and had a good time and I hope he continues to enjoy Baja like the rest of us do.
How old is he?:lol:;D

Bud - 3-15-2006 at 11:01 AM

I got all three of your book's Graham. Done with the first one and liked it very much. Going to start on the second one this week. Keep up the good work.


To Graham Mackintosh-----

Barry A. - 3-15-2006 at 12:59 PM

Graham----as one of the posters who expounded on your "fear" of rattlesnakes, even going as far as saying "I know" that you are afraid of rattle snakes, I apologise. Of course I did not "know", and I should not have said that.

I based that assumption on what I thought I read in your original book, tho that was many years ago. I obviously was wrong.

Your explanation of the "snake kill" incident makes perfectly good sense to me, and I have no problems with your explanation.

I applaud your adventures, hope you continue them, and hope that you are able to tell us about them in future books.


RonnieRockCod - 3-15-2006 at 03:50 PM

There's a saying "Those who ignore the lessons of history are bound to repeat them."

President Nixon. "I don'y know how those nineteen minutes of tape were erased."
President George W. Bush. "Read my lips, no new taxes.
President Clinton. "I didn't have sixx with that women... Miss Lewinsky."
Nicole Simpson to O.J. "I'm not cheating on you."
Barry Bonds and Rafael Palmiera "I haven't taken any steroids."
Graham Mackintosh to Baja Nomads "I killed a rattlesnake."

Sometimes some things are better left not said. RRC

[Edited on 3-15-2006 by RonnieRockCod]

Oso - 3-15-2006 at 05:29 PM

That was Bush the Elder, George H.W. Bush that said that.

George W. Bush said " Wait a minute, I want to finish reading "My Pet Goat."

Cypress - 3-15-2006 at 06:52 PM

Those desert rattlesnakes are usually skinny, not a lot of meat on 'em.

Skinny ?

bahiamia - 3-15-2006 at 08:10 PM

Hmmm...I beg to differ on that one. Check this dude out...

Vibora Cascabel

[Edited on 3-16-2006 by bahiamia]

Not sure I should chime in here

Sonora Wind - 3-15-2006 at 09:02 PM

AS one who has been bitten. Not Fun ( 28 days In intensive care ) I never felt it nessessery to kill the snake/Snakes that caused my time in hospist. I hiked in their land, and invaded their space. Note to self: if you enjoy the outdoors, and you come across a snake. Stand still, Watch, Marvel, Walk Away. Nothing dies.:cool:

Unless your hungery. More Omegas than Sammon.

[Edited on 3-16-2006 by Sonora Wind]

[Edited on 3-16-2006 by Sonora Wind]

gringorio - 3-15-2006 at 09:36 PM



I've run into rattlesnakes from Baja to Colorado, sometimes alone, on horseback, or with other people. Even stepped over one, realized it, then stepped back away from it only to step on another one! I was lucky and not bitten, but it made realize how much I had not been paying attention.

The times I've been alone and ran into rattlesnakes are the times I've felt most afraid, but that didn't make me decide to kill one.

The following photos are rattlesnakes I've run into. OK, the one in the water is a sidewinder from my last Baja sea kayaking trip. That one was alive and well being blown back to shore. Who know how it got into the water in the first place ? maybe foraging near the shoreline when a wave took it to sea?

Anyhow, I think this whole discussion is an important one because it highlights the different perspectives we all have when it comes to caring for the environment. We all draw the line somewhere because of our education, experience, or even judgment.

From my trips to Baja, alone and with other people, I can say that I respect what Graham does. It may seem romantic to have these kinds of experiences, but they are also difficult in many ways. However, I will also say that once you take something away, it's gone. Be it a rattlesnake, a cactus, a mangrove forest, or a whale calving lagoon, and its going will have ripple effects within its given ecosystem. Each of these things becomes even more important given today?s population increases and development pressures...

Anyway, just my two centavos


Az rattlesnake

gringorio - 3-15-2006 at 09:36 PM

Az rattlesnake

Baja sidewinder

gringorio - 3-15-2006 at 09:42 PM

Baja sidewinder


Sharksbaja - 3-15-2006 at 11:08 PM

Where on the body were you bitten? I was in the hospital three weeks. It felt like I had a stiff broken ankle afterward.
My dad said my head was as big as a basketball and my child size toes the size and look of a ripe purple plums. It took months to loosen up the ankle and recover completely.
The snake that got me was only 18' long and full of venom.

Cypress - 3-16-2006 at 09:32 AM

Those are pictures of plump snakes. Look like some of those southern diamond backs. Get the grease hot!

Skipjack Joe - 3-16-2006 at 03:36 PM

Originally posted by Sharksbaja
The snake that got me was only 18' long and full of venom.

An eighteen foot rattler?

I Was bitten on the left wrist

Sonora Wind - 3-16-2006 at 04:05 PM

I was on Spring Break 1967, and the snake most likely had just come out of hybernation. He was sheading and could not see me until I was right on him. I heard him, looked down, and he was right between my legs. My arms were bare so I placed them behind my back and did a backwards broadjump that would have brought me gold at the world games. I didn't even feel the bite. When I stood up I noticed blood running from my wrist to my elbow. When I wiped the blood I felt the swelling.

I was alone, two miles hike from camp, and about 2000 feet higher than camp. (BAD) It was a long walk out. When I got to the river a fisherman cut my wrist, sucked the wound, (BAD IDEA) and also had to be rushed to the hospital, because venom attacked his mouth and gums.

Wrist 18"
Biceps 29"
Blood transfusions X 2
Corrective surgery to make my left hand function X 2
Number of times I should of had my head exammened X 1000

[Edited on 3-16-2006 by Sonora Wind]

[Edited on 3-16-2006 by Sonora Wind]


Sharksbaja - 3-17-2006 at 12:57 AM

Originally posted by Skipjack Joe
Originally posted by Sharksbaja
The snake that got me was only 18' long and full of venom.

An eighteen foot rattler?

Yeah, you shoulda seen the BIG one!:lol::lol:

Sonora, The 18" snake that got me was also fresh outta hibernation. I was about 2 mi from home and was gonna ride my bike home. fortunately a Japanese farmer in the area heard our commotion and rushed me home. Stupid thing, took another 30 minutes to get to a hospital. Bad caca.

Maybe Graham thought THIS would happen?

Pompano - 3-17-2006 at 08:07 AM

Sorry to hear about the two posters who suffered snake fun. An old Baja amigo, Benecio, got bit in my back yard many years ago and after a stay in the Sta. Rosalia hospital, he came through okay...again...NO FUN.

Note: Graham, I don't hesitate a second to protect myself or my family from a poisonous snake....or take necessary precautions to ensure our survival.


Snakebite picture by Pompano

Cypress - 3-17-2006 at 10:07 AM

Super picture!!! Ouch!!!

Just returned from Mazatlan.....

Hook - 3-22-2006 at 04:31 PM

.....sorry for all the trouble I may have caused.

Well, not that sorry, really.....

Actually, my last post was an attempt at some literary humor and really stemmed more from David's stab at justifying Graham's actions more than chastising Graham's impulsiveness.

And then, well, some humorous scenarios of the hunter becoming the hunted crossed my mind. I believe it was somewhere between the 2nd and 3rd glass of Oberon Cab 2001, an excellent quaff and a superb value.........

I actually thought I had toned down my rhetoric considerably from my past posts on this adventure. But one can never tell with my form of humor; it tends to be rather sharp at times.

Glad all is still well in NomadTown and Graham is safely back home.

Osprey - 3-22-2006 at 06:52 PM

I used to raise rattlesnakes in Florida and Nevada. Not for profit, just for fun. I would keep them for awhile, then release them at a place they would thrive and not be a danger to humans (or vice versa). I caught a few while camping just for camp meat. Couple of times when I placed a stick on them to capture them, they would writhe about trying to bite the stick and often they would accidentally bite themselves and inject the venom into their own bodies. My pals told me if I ate them I might die. I took no chances. Took out my knife, cut two little Xs in the wound, sucked out the poison before I put em on the grill.

David K - 4-22-2006 at 08:52 AM


Save the date - Wednesday, May 31st at 7PM. Graham Mackintosh will be giving a Power Point Presentation on his 2-month stay on Guardian Angel Island in the Sea of Cortez. Don't miss this premier presentation of the latest adventures of Graham.

Place: DB office - 3089 Clairemont Drive
Cost: $3 for members; $5 for non-members

Call 800-727-2252 to save your seat.


Baja Bernie - 4-22-2006 at 07:32 PM

You, Sir , are belyond belief. Wondedrful! Tobasco?

Oso - 4-22-2006 at 07:50 PM

If you recall Osprey's wonderfully entertaining story about the squid attacks, you may realize that he is indeed a "creative" writer. Hopefully we will see his works published someday, but they will not be found in the non-fiction section. :lol:

bajalera - 4-22-2006 at 09:52 PM

Pay attention to your fans, Osprey!


Mike Humfreville - 4-22-2006 at 11:29 PM

I was tempted to make this stament in incorrect Spanish, then thought and corrected my path. But it doesn't matter much.

You have to put more words here. Tiene que poner mas palabras aqui was what I was thinking.

The Baja Peninsula seems to have it's own pronunciation and linguistic uniquenesses

Osprey captures so many invivible activities and attitudes it's amazing.

More, por favor.

amigo miguel

Roberto - 4-23-2006 at 08:20 PM

Originally posted by Braulio
David - thanks for letting us know we can pay to listen to Graham.


David K - 4-24-2006 at 07:44 AM

Well, after all the free stuff he has written us, why not? :lol::lol::lol:

Braulio and Roberto--------

Barry A. - 4-24-2006 at 02:07 PM

--------would you rather find out that you have to pay, and how much it is, AFTER you get there?????????

Strange comment, I think. I certainly like to know these things, if possible.

David K - 4-24-2006 at 07:06 PM

Well, maybe you are right Braulio...

I (for one) would like to know when a Baja author is going to do a slide/ lecture anytime it happens. I think the General board gets viewed more than the board where people try and sell boats on.

So it costs me $3 so they can keep the lights on that night or Graham can earn a few dollars to buy paper with... Big deal... A movie that may be lousey costs at least $8. Graham's shows are always excellent and fun...

If you show up on that night, I will happily buy your admission price.

Roberto - 4-24-2006 at 07:43 PM

Originally posted by Barry A.
--------would you rather find out that you have to pay, and how much it is, AFTER you get there?????????

Strange comment, I think. I certainly like to know these things, if possible.

I was going to leave this one alone, but since you bring it up ....

First of all, I was laughing at Braulio's comment, which was histerically funny, when considering the whole thread.

Second, if you follow this thing from the beginning:

1. Trip announcement!
2. Various "updates"
3. Announcement that we can go and see (hear) a presentation of the trip - for pay, of course. (are you starting to see a pattern here?)

So, outside of the scope of this board, what would you call this? A commercial, planned, etc? If you don't, I have some oceanfront property I would like you to look at.

Look, this is NOT David's personal advertisement board, regardless of how many lemmings choose to follow his "guidance" :lol::lol::lol:.

I guess you are in the latter camp, or worse.

Oso - 4-24-2006 at 08:05 PM

I first heard Graham speak at the Blythe, CA, Elks club, where I bought two books and got him to sign them. There was no admission fee but I did spend a few bucks on the "sumamente razonable" food and libations. Plus I got to meet Wayno, aka BBbait. along with my tocayo from Yuma who hasn't posted in quite a while. Later, Graham came to Yuma and was feted at the now desgraciadamente defunct Monarch's Rest brew pub. I don't consider $3 any big deal, one way or the other. But, I can see the point regarding proper placement. At any rate, I wish Graham success and will buy the next book. Hopefully, he will be coming to Yuma to peddle it in the near future.


Barry A. - 4-24-2006 at 08:14 PM

----I probably am in the "or worse" camp.

It just amazes me that some folks seem to be annoyed with the fact that David K tries to help people--------

who cares what his "motives" are---only David K knows his "motives"---------all I know is that he gives great information on subjects of great interest to me, and I appreciate that.

Oh, by the way, I have followed this "thread" from the beginning and have enjoyed it. It never occurred to me that is was a "commercial" enterprise, and I still do not think it is.

Now, about that "ocean front property"-------------my agent will contact you :spingrin:

Was just wondering........

Hook - 4-24-2006 at 10:47 PM

.........what was on the menu at Graham's slide show???

Sharksbaja - 4-24-2006 at 11:40 PM

Ten hens a cluckin'?:lol: and der attled snake of course:lol:

David K - 4-25-2006 at 07:44 AM

Don't blame Graham or Discover Baja for my post giving the details of his slide show... it was MY IDEA. I am a member of the travel club and it was an email I got from them.

I posted it in the thread (I started) about Graham's latest adventure, since the slide show is of THAT adventure...

After reading and seeing the photos, it occured to me that SOME of YOU Nomads just MIGHT want to meet Graham and hear him tell his story. My motive was to INFORM you folks.

From past experiences, snacks and drinks at the show are FREE.

[Edited on 4-25-2006 by David K]

Roberto - 4-25-2006 at 01:52 PM

Originally posted by Barry A.
----I probably am in the "or worse" camp.

It just amazes me that some folks seem to be annoyed with the fact that David K tries to help people--------

who cares what his "motives" are---only David K knows his "motives"---------all I know is that he gives great information on subjects of great interest to me, and I appreciate that.

Oh, by the way, I have followed this "thread" from the beginning and have enjoyed it. It never occurred to me that is was a "commercial" enterprise, and I still do not think it is.

Now, about that "ocean front property"-------------my agent will contact you :spingrin:

Barry, good comeback - I should reconsider that "or worse" comment :biggrin:.

However, you are making assumptions about MY motivation.


Barry A. - 4-25-2006 at 02:01 PM

You said: ---However, you are making assumptions about MY motivation. ----"

Ahhhhhh, you got me, and of course your are right. Only YOU know your "motivation".:yes:

Of course I am curious to know what that is, but probably should not ask.

Roberto - 4-25-2006 at 02:10 PM

Originally posted by Barry A.
You said: ---However, you are making assumptions about MY motivation. ----"

Ahhhhhh, you got me, and of course your are right. Only YOU know your "motivation".:yes:

Of course I am curious to know what that is, but probably should not ask.

Asking wouldn't help - that kind of discussion is not for the internet, but maybe around a campfire ...

Barry A. - 4-25-2006 at 02:16 PM

Originally posted by Roberto
Originally posted by Barry A.
You said: ---However, you are making assumptions about MY motivation. ----"

Ahhhhhh, you got me, and of course your are right. Only YOU know your "motivation".:yes:

Of course I am curious to know what that is, but probably should not ask.

Asking wouldn't help - that kind of discussion is not for the internet, but maybe around a campfire ...

Oso - 4-25-2006 at 07:00 PM

Actually it's something a gentleman like Roberto would not discuss on the internet. Others here, particularly on the Off Topic forum, have no such reservations.


Barry A. - 4-25-2006 at 08:11 PM

-----Nothing could tempt me to go to the "Off Topic" board----again.

I find it a complete waste of my time, and hard on my blood pressure. Sorry.

Oso - 4-25-2006 at 10:56 PM

Bratwurst, this is really stretching this thread and that question really ought to go to the Spanish forum. But... while we're on the subject ... One of my favorite movie lines came from Rafael Inclan in something about Albaniles. A tough guy had threatened to kill him and caught him on the street. "OK, acepto." says Inclan, "pero quiero morirme en el valle." "?Cual valle?, asks the baddie.
"?Va y chingue su madre!" shouts Inclan, flinging a handful of cement in his eyes and hauling butt.

David K - 6-6-2006 at 10:29 PM

Graham has all his island adventure photos now posted on his web site (on two pages)...
Here is the direct link:

The second page:

Here is just some of his photos (First Camp at Humbug Bay, Second Camp at Este Ton, island's colorful coastline, view towards Smith Island, one of the wild, feral cats...

[Edited on 6-7-2006 by David K]

Really interesting shots.....

Hook - 6-7-2006 at 12:14 AM

......especially that cat from a Van Helsing movie. I'd be more afraid of that than, say, a rattlesnake.

What's that on the grill in shot #1, by the way????:biggrin:

David K - 6-7-2006 at 07:20 AM

Originally posted by Hook
......especially that cat from a Van Helsing movie. I'd be more afraid of that than, say, a rattlesnake.

What's that on the grill in shot #1, by the way????:biggrin:

The cat story was pretty amazing... Graham found the body of one (pictured) which appeared recently killed, but no visible cause was seen. The fur is what amazed most in his audiance at the power point presentation... Freaky indeed.

On the grill? Probably fish...

Bruce R Leech - 6-7-2006 at 10:32 AM

thank you David K for keeping us up to date on this true Baja adventure. I have enjoyed it very much and am quit envies of mister Mackintosh's adventure. the only thing I cant understand is why he refuses to post here on this fourm? he has many supporters here and lots of nomads buy his books. so if you could get him to answer this question I and others would really appreciate it. Or better yet see if you could get him to post something.

eetdrt88 - 6-7-2006 at 02:27 PM

I feel the same as Bruce,quite envious of Grahams adventures and also amazed at how he doesnt allow anything to hold him back from getting out there!
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