
DENNIS is in the hospital.

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Mulegena - 6-21-2012 at 10:27 PM

Hugs to you, Sallysouth, and a gentle smile in understanding of your innate goodness that even in your own darkest hour you find the capacity for giving comfort to another in need. I'm deeply touched by the generosity of your heart.

JoeJustJoe - 6-22-2012 at 01:36 AM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
Turns out it was a positive ID for Tila Ortiz, Woooosh's nemesis on OT..she was cuddling up to him (in his words lying all over him) and inviting him to go to her house for "Rehab" at Canyon Lake...until Dennis reported her to the Doctor.

Tila Ortiz did visit Dennis on a brief visit back to the states on behalf of JoeJustJoe( me) and McFez. She wanted to make sure Dennis was well treated in the hospital by the doctors, nurses, and anyone else. She also wanted to leave Dennis with a few books to read during his recovery.

Tila has a big heart and it went out to Dennis during her visit, and she stayed longer than she had first originally wanted too, but felt Dennis wanted the company and needed a little help and attention. I think she said she was Dennis' personal assistant, but later told the nurses she was just Dennis' s new friend.

Tila did say that Dennis' mind is very alert, and the nurses say he is very good patient. I'll leave the details about his medical condition to others, because it's really a personal privacy matter. Tila did say Dennis was in a lot of pain at times, but didn't want to bother the nurses, and felt he was fiercely independent.

That's all I will say on the matter in the regular forum, but I might have a few other comments on the matter in the "OT" later.

Again Tila Ortiz has a very big heart, she reads "Baja Nomad' everyday, and probably from the recent posts in the OT thought Dennis, McFez, and JoeJustJoe were all good friends, and Tila wanted to help out.

Later I got word out to Tila that Dennis and JoeJustJoe are anything but good friends, but like when Reagan was shot. Reagan told the surgeons, " I hope you're all Republicans?" And the operating surgeon turned and told Reagan, "Today Mr President, we're all Republicans." I feel the same way, and only wish Dennis the best, until he starts posting his garbage again. I'm really happy Tila took the time out and visited Dennis on behalf of JoeJustJoe and McFez.

mtgoat666 - 6-22-2012 at 06:04 AM

Originally posted by JoeJustJoe
Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
Turns out it was a positive ID for Tila Ortiz, Woooosh's nemesis on OT..she was cuddling up to him (in his words lying all over him) and inviting him to go to her house for "Rehab" at Canyon Lake...until Dennis reported her to the Doctor.

Tila Ortiz did visit Dennis on a brief visit back to the states on behalf of JoeJustJoe( me) and McFez. She wanted to make sure Dennis was well treated in the hospital by the doctors, nurses, and anyone else. She also wanted to leave Dennis with a few books to read during his recovery.

Tila has a big heart and it went out to Dennis during her visit, and she stayed longer than she had first originally wanted too, but felt Dennis wanted the company and needed a little help and attention. I think she said she was Dennis' personal assistant, but later told the nurses she was just Dennis' s new friend.

Tila did say that Dennis' mind is very alert, and the nurses say he is very good patient. I'll leave the details about his medical condition to others, because it's really a personal privacy matter. Tila did say Dennis was in a lot of pain at times, but didn't want to bother the nurses, and felt he was fiercely independent.

That's all I will say on the matter in the regular forum, but I might have a few other comments on the matter in the "OT" later.

Again Tila Ortiz has a very big heart, she reads "Baja Nomad' everyday, and probably from the recent posts in the OT thought Dennis, McFez, and JoeJustJoe were all good friends, and Tila wanted to help out.

Later I got word out to Tila that Dennis and JoeJustJoe are anything but good friends, but like when Reagan was shot. Reagan told the surgeons, " I hope you're all Republicans?" And the operating surgeon turned and told Reagan, "Today Mr President, we're all Republicans." I feel the same way, and only wish Dennis the best, until he starts posting his garbage again. I'm really happy Tila took the time out and visited Dennis on behalf of JoeJustJoe and McFez.

the problem with second-hand information is that it is hearsay, eh? we may have to wait for dennis and tila to post their first-hand versions.

p.s. get well soon dennis!

Udo - 6-22-2012 at 06:33 AM

I have some cup holders that i can attach to the walkers. I'll make sure they are on the right side, Terry.

Originally posted by bajaguy
Good on ya, Udo!!!!!....hey, do either one a them walkers have a holder for a Pacifico????

Originally posted by Udo

I just picked up two walkers. Each has two different wheels on them (a 2" and a 4") because it is hard to tell which DENNIS will like. Plus each has a different fold-up mechanism.

I don't think you will be out before the July 15 Baja CC Fiesta, so I'll bring them to the Fiesta. If you are out of the hospital before then, I'll make a trip down your way and drop them at your house.

bajadock - 6-22-2012 at 07:41 AM

Dennis is helping people from his hospital bed. Here is yesterday's warm story.

Yesterday, approx 400 meters west of Dennis' house, I spotted friends' car on side of road(carr' La Bufadora) with 3 people hovering at rear wheel.

Stopped to inspect and saw my friend struggling to get spare wheel/tire on to replace flat. Simple task, right? Well, I got in and we both saw that the lug bolts would not catch their threads due to different design of spare wheel.

I had just met Dennis' worker Vicente(an excellent mechanic) Tuesday at Cardiomed hospital in Ensenada. So, I rolled down the hill to see if Vicente was around. He enthusiastically greeted me and we jumped into his SUV including all of his tools and returned to the "how many gringos does it take to change a flat tire?" scene.

After 10 minutes of struggling, Vicente confirmed that the new wheel's design would not allow the bolts to catch. As the original wheel and tire were worthless, he suggested that we put the trashed wheel/tire back on and limp down the hill to Dennis' house to get the car off the street.

Friend took care of Vicente for his time and car rested there under watch of Dennis' dog Lulu last night.

We were not successful finding a 17" wheel in Ensenada last night at 7PM, but, we'll leave that drama to my friends to engage this morning.

Thanks for the assistance Vicente, the "Green Angel" of carretera La Bufadora! Cheers Dennis and hope his visitors today let him know this story.

woody with a view - 6-22-2012 at 07:44 AM

:lol::lol::lol::lol:so what was the final tally? how many gringos and HOW LONG?:lol::lol::lol::lol:


EnsenadaDr - 6-22-2012 at 07:50 AM

I must comment. Vicente is true blue, loyal, and honest to Dennis, I must say to a fault. I am trying to get the house ready for Dennis' return and Vicente refused to do anything to help me saying he wanted to wait till Dennis comes home. I am sorry, but this does not sit well with me at all. I am a nervous wreck here wondering how I am going to get a 200 lb semi-paralyzed man in and out of a regular bed, thus, we need the hospital bed. But Vicente doesn't want to help me move the old bed out. I don't think he is a bad guy. I think he wants the old Dennis back, and so do his friends. But we have to put aside the sentiment and deal with the here and now. And that is, at this point Dennis and Vicente can't be continuing to build the guesthouse together at this point in time, and Dennis can't get out of his bed by himself. This type of personal resistance and volleying for control makes my job extremely difficult. Let Vicente stick to his job as an excellent mechanic and handyman, and let me do what I know best, over 20 years working with stroke and disabled patients.
Originally posted by bajadock
Dennis is helping people from his hospital bed. Here is yesterday's warm story.

Yesterday, approx 400 meters west of Dennis' house, I spotted friends' car on side of road(carr' La Bufadora) with 3 people hovering at rear wheel.

Stopped to inspect and saw my friend struggling to get spare wheel/tire on to replace flat. Simple task, right? Well, I got in and we both saw that the lug bolts would not catch their threads due to different design of spare wheel.

I had just met Dennis' worker Vicente(an excellent mechanic) Tuesday at Cardiomed hospital in Ensenada. So, I rolled down the hill to see if Vicente was around. He enthusiastically greeted me and we jumped into his SUV including all of his tools and returned to the "how many gringos does it take to change a flat tire?" scene.

After 10 minutes of struggling, Vicente confirmed that the new wheel's design would not allow the bolts to catch. As the original wheel and tire were worthless, he suggested that we put the trashed wheel/tire back on and limp down the hill to Dennis' house to get the car off the street.

Friend took care of Vicente for his time and car rested there under watch of Dennis' dog Lulu last night.

We were not successful finding a 17" wheel in Ensenada last night at 7PM, but, we'll leave that drama to my friends to engage this morning.

Thanks for the assistance Vicente, the "Green Angel" of carretera La Bufadora! Cheers Dennis and hope his visitors today let him know this story.

[Edited on 6-22-2012 by EnsenadaDr]

woody with a view - 6-22-2012 at 08:09 AM

i see it as Vicente wants to do what his patron wants him to do and not get in trouble for doing otherwise.

it's not that he doesn't want to help.

Mulegena - 6-22-2012 at 08:12 AM

I hear you, Doctora.

You're a seasoned professional and a darned good friend to step up proactively to help out. I know your time is limited by your own professional and personal responsibilities and by your training time schedule and future plans which will be taking you elsewhere.

Might Dennis give instructions for assistance in his home or would the doctor in attendance issue a directive in writing to get this moving?

Assistance in the home..

EnsenadaDr - 6-22-2012 at 08:32 AM

The VA or Kaiser will not pay for help in the home in Mexico. Dennis has sufficient funds to cover 24 hour help in Mexico. They won't even deliver a hospital bed to Mexico. It's not the money that worries me. It's training the workers to do the job right. Case in point: Dennis' bill for one day at Cardiomed was $1300 American. When I got there at 6:30 a.m. to meet the ambulance people that were going to take him to the US, Dennis was in terrible pain. He has bad arthritis, and being a stroke patient he cannot move from side to side to relieve the pressure. I asked the night nurse was she turning him every 2 hours as is the stroke protocol. Vicente had spent the whole night there and never thought about turning him. I told the nurse that she could have asked Vicente to help because her excuse was that she didn't have help. I am going to talk to Dr. Sussarrey who owns Cardiomed. $1300 American dollars for one day in Mexico with no emergency services is quite a bit of money for lousy nursing care. The bottom line is we will try all we can to keep Dennis in his home. But if it isn't possible, he has long term VA coverage to stay in a long term facility in the States.
Originally posted by Mulegena
I hear you, Doctora.

You're a seasoned professional and a darned good friend to step up proactively to help out. I know your time is limited by your own professional and personal responsibilities and by your training time schedule and future plans which will be taking you elsewhere.

Might Dennis give instructions for assistance in his home or would the doctor in attendance issue a directive in writing to get this moving?

DavidE - 6-22-2012 at 08:35 AM

A hospital bed is a super idea. Does it have to come down through Aduana? It is within the realm of reality to get a motorized wheelchair for Dennis? Or start the process for something like a "Hoveround"? Dammit, I wish I was somewhere around there to volunteer to help. It sounds like you need troops Ensenada Dr., not Generals. Anybody have a used intercom laying around? Shouting sucks when you are bedridden. I lay in bed last night and had a hard time getting to sleep. I know what Dennis is going through, and I think I know some of the thoughts running through his head at the moment. Can someone tell Dennis that some of the folks, Nomads are pretty physically screwed up, and can at least appreciate what he is going through and what he is facing?

Even though I have actually met few Nomads in person, I believe I can safely say things are going to work themselves out, Ensenada Dr. I am a hard-case SOB and I recovered by myself, and the hired help on a starvation budget. Don't overlook his mind, it is too damned easy to become cynical as hell when faced with a really high hurdle. I don't know about Dennis, but I did not, and I do not want sympathy. it sucks. I needed suggestions, and helpers. I had to make a piece of plywood and have galvanized nails pounded in it to slam down a chunk of meat so I could cut it using one hand. I wanted every damned way in the book to be able to get out of bed and not just lay there. He may or may not want a memory foam topper for his bed. Hospital bed mattresses are normally awful. If he is a reader he may or may not appreciate a bunch of books on tape of his choosing. He may or may not want to have a keyoard-less voice actuated program to type and participate in forums.

When he feels up to it, he needs a source of ideas and suggestions. Something he can access when he wants to.

OK my two cents worth is up. A bunch of words, some help that was, huh?...

Hospital Bed

EnsenadaDr - 6-22-2012 at 08:39 AM

Kaiser/VA will not deliver or even finance a hospital bed going to Mexico. Their rental agreements don't allow for it. I have found a hospital bed through Dianamed, the local Medical supply facility in Ensenada...which is $700 American. So when the times comes, I will get it set up in the house.
Originally posted by DavidE
A hospital bed is a super idea. Does it have to come down through Aduana? It is within the realm of reality to get a motorized wheelchair for Dennis? Or start the process for something like a "Hoveround"? Dammit, I wish I was somewhere around there to volunteer to help. It sounds like you need troops Ensenada Dr., not Generals. Anybody have a used intercom laying around? Shouting sucks when you are bedridden. I lay in bed last night and had a hard time getting to sleep. I know what Dennis is going through, and I think I know some of the thoughts running through his head at the moment. Can someone tell Dennis that some of the folks, Nomads are pretty physically screwed up, and can at least appreciate what he is going through and what he is facing?

Even though I have actually met few Nomads in person, I believe I can safely say things are going to work themselves out, Ensenada Dr. I am a hard-case SOB and I recovered by myself, and the hired help on a starvation budget. Don't overlook his mind, it is too damned easy to become cynical as hell when faced with a really high hurdle. I don't know about Dennis, but I did not, and I do not want sympathy. it sucks. I needed suggestions, and helpers. I had to make a piece of plywood and have galvanized nails pounded in it to slam down a chunk of meat so I could cut it using one hand. I wanted every damned way in the book to be able to get out of bed and not just lay there. He may or may not want a memory foam topper for his bed. Hospital bed mattresses are normally awful. If he is a reader he may or may not appreciate a bunch of books on tape of his choosing. He may or may not want to have a keyoard-less voice actuated program to type and participate in forums.

When he feels up to it, he needs a source of ideas and suggestions. Something he can access when he wants to.

OK my two cents worth is up. A bunch of words, some help that was, huh?...

Lindalou - 6-22-2012 at 08:41 AM

Pam, just came and took pictures of Lulu to send over with friends that are going to visit him. I talked to him yesterday, and he has no speech problems what ever.

Vincente will not do work on Dennis' place without Dennis. He said Dennis has a certain way he wants things done and Vincente will do them no other way or hes worried Dennis will be upset and he probably would. So he is not working against anyone he is loyal to Dennis. Bless his heart he is a good man.

bajadock - 6-22-2012 at 08:55 AM

Dr J,
Did not intend to distract your efforts during my 20 minute Vicente tire change drama.

Your expertise and assistance have been magical in getting care for Dennis, our favorite curmudgeon.

Any ideas on how I might help welcomed with enthusiasm.

I just l these Monday morning quarterbacks.

EnsenadaDr - 6-22-2012 at 08:59 AM

Yes he still slurrs his words. But he needs a hospital bed, and Pam agreed on that fact. Dennis told me that he didn't need a bed, that he could coast around on his computer chair. He is in denial, which is normal. My job is to give him as much independence as necessary without jeopardizing his safety. The difference between Vicente and I is that I do what is right for the patient. Correct me if I am wrong, but Vicente could not pick Dennis up off the floor and had to call the paramedics. A good man just doesn't cut it right now, competence does. I am resentful of the fact that people are giving me so much resistance and attitudes.
Originally posted by Lindalou
Pam, just came and took pictures of Lulu to send over with friends that are going to visit him. I talked to him yesterday, and he has no speech problems what ever.

Vincente will not do work on Dennis' place without Dennis. He said Dennis has a certain way he wants things done and Vincente will do them no other way or hes worried Dennis will be upset and he probably would. So he is not working against anyone he is loyal to Dennis. Bless his heart he is a good man.

Lindalou - 6-22-2012 at 09:07 AM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
Yes he still slurrs his words. But he needs a hospital bed, and Pam agreed on that fact. Dennis told me that he didn't need a bed, that he could coast around on his computer chair. He is in denial, which is normal. My job is to give him as much independence as necessary without jeopardizing his safety. The difference between Vicente and I is that I do what is right for the patient. Correct me if I am wrong, but Vicente could not pick Dennis up off the floor and had to call the paramedics. A good man just doesn't cut it right now, competence does. I am resentful of the fact that people are giving me so much resistance and attitudes.
Originally posted by Lindalou Janene, sorry if you fell offened
Pam, just came and took pictures of Lulu to send over with friends that are going to visit him. I talked to him yesterday, and he has no speech problems what ever.

Vincente will not do work on Dennis' place without Dennis. He said Dennis has a certain way he wants things done and Vincente will do them no other way or hes worried Dennis will be upset and he probably would. So he is not working against anyone he is loyal to Dennis. Bless his heart he is a good man.
Janene, sorry if you feel offended but a good man does cut it and always will. He finished his job yesterday and I doubt he will be back. If Dennis wants him back to do something for him he will contact Pam. He is in no way trying to upsurp(?) you.

DavidE - 6-22-2012 at 09:13 AM

Two ears and a tail for all your hard work EnsenadaDr !

Dennis is truly fortunate to have someone helping that knows what they are doing.

Denial, can also be seen as a way of fighting back. Not giving in. This is a hard thing to explain and a harder thing for someone else to understand. I am truly impressed that you understand the challenges.

I'll never forget at age 10 what my uncle told me in Montana after my first attempt at stacking hay collapsed.

"Sonny, you have to be smarter than the problem".

I clutched at that wisdom. I remembered it as I fought the latest challenge and maybe it can help others. I don't moan at what I cannot do. I revel in what I can do, and push myself as hard as I can. From reading Dennis' on this forum I think he has the toughness in him to believe in himself.

God Speed


J.P. - 6-22-2012 at 09:17 AM

As a outside observer I think someone that is close to this situation should talk to Dennis as to who and what has access to his Property . There is a on site property manager where his house is. To me it looks like it would be in Dennis best intrest if the property was secured to prevent good intentioned people from entering the property. and making changes he is not aware of or doesnt want.

EnsenadaDr - 6-22-2012 at 09:19 AM

Oh really since Pam told me she wasn't going back on the property until Dennis came home.
Originally posted by Lindalou
Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
Yes he still slurrs his words. But he needs a hospital bed, and Pam agreed on that fact. Dennis told me that he didn't need a bed, that he could coast around on his computer chair. He is in denial, which is normal. My job is to give him as much independence as necessary without jeopardizing his safety. The difference between Vicente and I is that I do what is right for the patient. Correct me if I am wrong, but Vicente could not pick Dennis up off the floor and had to call the paramedics. A good man just doesn't cut it right now, competence does. I am resentful of the fact that people are giving me so much resistance and attitudes.
Originally posted by Lindalou Janene, sorry if you fell offened
Pam, just came and took pictures of Lulu to send over with friends that are going to visit him. I talked to him yesterday, and he has no speech problems what ever.

Vincente will not do work on Dennis' place without Dennis. He said Dennis has a certain way he wants things done and Vincente will do them no other way or hes worried Dennis will be upset and he probably would. So he is not working against anyone he is loyal to Dennis. Bless his heart he is a good man.
Janene, sorry if you feel offended but a good man does cut it and always will. He finished his job yesterday and I doubt he will be back. If Dennis wants him back to do something for him he will contact Pam. He is in no way trying to upsurp(?) you.

woody with a view - 6-22-2012 at 09:22 AM

here we go! where's the popcorn?

Lindalou - 6-22-2012 at 09:25 AM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
Oh really since Pam told me she wasn't going back on the property until Dennis came home.
Originally posted by Lindalou
Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
Yes he still slurrs his words. But he needs a hospital bed, and Pam agreed on that fact. Dennis told me that he didn't need a bed, that he could coast around on his computer chair. He is in denial, which is normal. My job is to give him as much independence as necessary without jeopardizing his safety. The difference between Vicente and I is that I do what is right for the patient. Correct me if I am wrong, but Vicente could not pick Dennis up off the floor and had to call the paramedics. A good man just doesn't cut it right now, competence does. I am resentful of the fact that people are giving me so much resistance and attitudes.
Originally posted by Lindalou Janene, sorry if you fell offened
Pam, just came and took pictures of Lulu to send over with friends that are going to visit him. I talked to him yesterday, and he has no speech problems what ever.

Vincente will not do work on Dennis' place without Dennis. He said Dennis has a certain way he wants things done and Vincente will do them no other way or hes worried Dennis will be upset and he probably would. So he is not working against anyone he is loyal to Dennis. Bless his heart he is a good man.
Janene, sorry if you feel offended but a good man does cut it and always will. He finished his job yesterday and I doubt he will be back. If Dennis wants him back to do something for him he will contact Pam. He is in no way trying to upsurp(?) you.
Pam was not on his property, she was on mine. She is always welcome on my property just as you are. I don't want to keep bickering on this forum. Hoping to see you this afternoon. Just so everyone will know Dennis told Pam to give Janene keys.

EnsenadaDr - 6-22-2012 at 09:27 AM

Thanks Linda. I don't want to bicker either. I know you are trying to help.

luv2fish - 6-22-2012 at 10:00 AM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
Thanks Linda. I don't want to bicker either. I know you are trying to help.

Doctora, I never met Mr. Dennis but always enjoy reading his comments. I just wanted to thank you for your humanity, I know that doing the right thing is not always easy especially in a situation like this.
God Bless you Doctora stay the course.....

Hook - 6-22-2012 at 10:01 AM

Well, I intended to post this last night, but thought better of it, as I was pretty sure I would be castigated for it.


From the good "doctor":

"Just doing my part in letting everyone know that one of the Nomads notified me that......"

"I will do this as a public service as I would do for any other patient. If I hear anything else I will let you know."

"No, Dick my involvement in this ends at the professional level."

Giving all the details you have about Dennis on a public message board, WELL before he could have approved of it, is "professional"?..................Is something you would do for "any other patient"?.................Is part of "doing your part"?

What about patient privacy, Doc???

Did anyone ask Dennis if he consented to having his medical condition trotted out before all of us on Nomads BEFORE it was............well, trotted out?

Man, if I had been afflicted with something life threatening, I would certainly want to have been given the opportunity to approve of it becoming public. Everyone should have that right. Even if they choose to forego it.

Now, there is supposedly this stalker. Is it possible this person learned about his whereabouts on the board? Seems pretty likely to me. This person knew what hotel, what room, etc. Probably just dropped his name and in she goes. It was pretty easy for her to find him.

NOW, EnsenadaDr seems to be making decisions on Dennis' behalf about what devices he does or doesnt need, cash or no cash, how his house will have to be changed, what hospitals he should check into, that bothersome catheter and "nail up his burro", the purported estrangement of his entire blood relatives, who will take care of him, the disposition of his handyman, the type of insurance he has..........etc., etc.

Jeez, Louise. Does the board REALLY need to know all this? Are you authorized to decide this for him, on this board?

I'm feeling Dennis has no chance at any kind of doctor/patient privilege. It's being co-opted. Is this REALLY how he wants this to go down????????

If he has been asked and is OK with it, fine. I'll STFU.

Doctor, I am sure your intentions are good. You've done a great service in assisting him in his physical needs. You deserve the accolades you've received here.

But there is the question of privacy, here, right? Is Dennis on board with this hourly update on ALL aspects of his life (present and past) and the refereeing of the aid that Nomads are trying to give him?

I know it might mean less information goes out to his brethren on Nomads. This post might end up being a cold shower on all this admirable outpouring of support for Dennis. I hope not.

But there is the question of privacy, right? And the PATIENT has the first right to approve of information going public, right?

EnsenadaDr - 6-22-2012 at 10:16 AM

No Hook, it's ok. I understand. I am sure you have read the not so complementary posts of me from Dennis. So then you do understand why I was ambivalent about taking over. Yes, he has all his friends on Nomads but no one willing to arrange the care for him when he got home in a qualified manner. I know Dennis' setup and all his personal information. No Hook this was not an easy thing for me to decide to do either. Did you ever tell your wife or even think about getting a divorce and then get over your anger? I am sure you have had this situation with friends as well, or parents. I HATE this person, I never want to see them again. Maybe you've been lucky, I don't know. You see, unlike you Hook, I am not ashamed of my ambivalency. Everyone is ambivalent about something. Dennis is aware I am posting. I know the last thing he would want is his friends to worry about him. Maybe the Tila incident was bad due to posting information but look how many people turned up to see him. I think this post is helpful in many ways and serves as education for expats in Mexico about their own healthcare. Dennis loves hearing updates about the posts and I am sure what he considers his extended family here love to hear about him. After all, I know they miss him dearly and its a way for them to stay connected to him as well.
Originally posted by Hook
Well, I intended to post this last night, but thought better of it, as I was pretty sure I would be castigated for it.


From the good "doctor":

"Just doing my part in letting everyone know that one of the Nomads notified me that......"

"I will do this as a public service as I would do for any other patient. If I hear anything else I will let you know."

"No, Dick my involvement in this ends at the professional level."

Giving all the details you have about Dennis on a public message board, WELL before he could have approved of it, is "professional"?..................Is something you would do for "any other patient"?.................Is part of "doing your part"?

What about patient privacy, Doc???

Did anyone ask Dennis if he consented to having his medical condition trotted out before all of us on Nomads BEFORE it was............well, trotted out?

Man, if I had been afflicted with something life threatening, I would certainly want to have been given the opportunity to approve of it becoming public. Everyone should have that right. Even if they choose to forego it.

Now, there is supposedly this stalker. Is it possible this person learned about his whereabouts on the board? Seems pretty likely to me. This person knew what hotel, what room, etc. Probably just dropped his name and in she goes. It was pretty easy for her to find him.

NOW, EnsenadaDr seems to be making decisions on Dennis' behalf about what devices he does or doesnt need, cash or no cash, how his house will have to be changed, what hospitals he should check into, that bothersome catheter and "nail up his burro", the purported estrangement of his entire blood relatives, who will take care of him, the disposition of his handyman, the type of insurance he has..........etc., etc.

Jeez, Louise. Does the board REALLY need to know all this? Are you authorized to decide this for him, on this board?

I'm feeling Dennis has no chance at any kind of doctor/patient privilege. It's being co-opted. Is this REALLY how he wants this to go down????????

If he has been asked and is OK with it, fine. I'll STFU.

Doctor, I am sure your intentions are good. You've done a great service in assisting him in his physical needs. You deserve the accolades you've received here.

But there is the question of privacy, here, right? Is Dennis on board with this hourly update on ALL aspects of his life (present and past) and the refereeing of the aid that Nomads are trying to give him?

I know it might mean less information goes out to his brethren on Nomads. This post might end up being a cold shower on all this admirable outpouring of support for Dennis. I hope not.

But there is the question of privacy, right? And the PATIENT has the first right to approve of information going public, right?

EnsenadaDr - 6-22-2012 at 10:22 AM

Patient confidentiality...I am not yet a Doctor in the US and only in Mexico. I am not Dennis' treating physician. Therefore, Dennis in not my patient, and we do not have an official Patient/Physician relationship. Plus he is aware of my posts.

edm1 - 6-22-2012 at 10:54 AM

Hook, good post, I have the same sentiments about this thread. I don't know if others agree but I believe the thread has some appearance of impropriety.

Originally posted by Hook
Well, I intended to post this last night, but thought better of it, as I was pretty sure I would be castigated for it.


From the good "doctor":

"Just doing my part in letting everyone know that one of the Nomads notified me that......"

"I will do this as a public service as I would do for any other patient. If I hear anything else I will let you know."

"No, Dick my involvement in this ends at the professional level."

Giving all the details you have about Dennis on a public message board, WELL before he could have approved of it, is "professional"?..................Is something you would do for "any other patient"?.................Is part of "doing your part"?

What about patient privacy, Doc???

Did anyone ask Dennis if he consented to having his medical condition trotted out before all of us on Nomads BEFORE it was............well, trotted out?

Man, if I had been afflicted with something life threatening, I would certainly want to have been given the opportunity to approve of it becoming public. Everyone should have that right. Even if they choose to forego it.

Now, there is supposedly this stalker. Is it possible this person learned about his whereabouts on the board? Seems pretty likely to me. This person knew what hotel, what room, etc. Probably just dropped his name and in she goes. It was pretty easy for her to find him.

NOW, EnsenadaDr seems to be making decisions on Dennis' behalf about what devices he does or doesnt need, cash or no cash, how his house will have to be changed, what hospitals he should check into, that bothersome catheter and "nail up his burro", the purported estrangement of his entire blood relatives, who will take care of him, the disposition of his handyman, the type of insurance he has..........etc., etc.

Jeez, Louise. Does the board REALLY need to know all this? Are you authorized to decide this for him, on this board?

I'm feeling Dennis has no chance at any kind of doctor/patient privilege. It's being co-opted. Is this REALLY how he wants this to go down????????

If he has been asked and is OK with it, fine. I'll STFU.

Doctor, I am sure your intentions are good. You've done a great service in assisting him in his physical needs. You deserve the accolades you've received here.

But there is the question of privacy, here, right? Is Dennis on board with this hourly update on ALL aspects of his life (present and past) and the refereeing of the aid that Nomads are trying to give him?

I know it might mean less information goes out to his brethren on Nomads. This post might end up being a cold shower on all this admirable outpouring of support for Dennis. I hope not.

But there is the question of privacy, right? And the PATIENT has the first right to approve of information going public, right?

noserider - 6-22-2012 at 11:17 AM

This thread is reminiscent of the the way everybody came together to help and discuss the solutions when Baja Gringo, and Mike Younghusband were in trouble, and that is exactly why I joined the Nomad forum, this is like a family and some times feelings get hurt,but everyone is trying to help in the best way they can,it literally brings tears to My eyes to see so many come together to help and send best wishes for Dennis even though some have never met Him.

fandango - 6-22-2012 at 11:21 AM

Originally posted by edm1
Hook, good post, I have the same sentiments about this thread. I don't know if others agree but I believe the thread has some appearance of impropriety.

Originally posted by Hook

But this is getting out of hand
What about patient privacy, Doc???

Jeez, Louise. Does the board REALLY need to know all this?

But there is the question of privacy, here, right?

i agree hook.
i also agree edm1. way, way to much personal information.

it all needs to get done, but not everything needs to be in public and on the board.

work hard dennis, get well.

[Edited on 6-22-2012 by fandango]

jeans - 6-22-2012 at 11:32 AM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
I am sure Kaiser will be giving him walkers..but the thought is well appreciated...

Kaiser charges $85 for a walker :o

Eli - 6-22-2012 at 11:33 AM

Dennis, When You get a chance to read this please know I wish you well and a speedy recovery.
I am sure this is a major milstone marking a profound change in your life style. Be that as it may, I hope that life will continue to offer you many more opportunities to laugh at it.

EnsenadaDr - 6-22-2012 at 11:33 AM

Just spoke to DENNIS and told him that Hook and some others were saying the posts rung with impropriety, and he told me to ignore the negativity. The good news is the Doctor almost fell over when DENNIS could move his left arm above his head!!!

EnsenadaDr - 6-22-2012 at 11:37 AM

WOW, maybe the VA will eat it!!
Originally posted by jeans
Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
I am sure Kaiser will be giving him walkers..but the thought is well appreciated...

Kaiser charges $85 for a walker :o

bajaguy - 6-22-2012 at 11:37 AM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
The good news is the Doctor almost fell over when DENNIS could move his left arm above his head!!!

That is known as a voluntary Pacifico reaction.....:lol:

wessongroup - 6-22-2012 at 11:48 AM

Good to hear he is moving ... that is a good sign, this early ... hope he doesn't lose his mobility that is a bummer ...

Sharkey's might have to add a ramp ...

EnsenadaDr - 6-22-2012 at 11:53 AM

DENNIS is getting out of the hospital today and going to rehab...

Obviously after the last fiasco, I am not going to say where he is going, any Nomads that want to know please U2U me...evidently, this woman had actual marriage license papers made up fraudulently and presented them in the Emergency Room when Dennis first arrived in the ambulance from Mexico from what the discharge planner told me just now. Incredible!!

[Edited on 6-22-2012 by EnsenadaDr]

Lindalou - 6-22-2012 at 12:00 PM

Originally posted by jeans
Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
I am sure Kaiser will be giving him walkers..but the thought is well appreciated...

Kaiser charges $85 for a walker :o
Kaiser combined with Medicare charges $9.99 or else it would be $199.00

Hook - 6-22-2012 at 12:04 PM

Well, in light of Dennis' purported reaction to my post, I hereby STFU.

Just wanted to make sure he was on board with all the details of his personal life being out there for Nomads to read.

jeans - 6-22-2012 at 12:05 PM

Mexico is hard to navigate when you have mobilityy issues. Steps are irregular in heigth, handrails/bannisters are often non-existant as are ramps.

Originally posted by wessongroup
Good to hear he is moving ... that is a good sign, this early ... hope he doesn't lose his mobility that is a bummer ...

Sharkey's might have to add a ramp ...

[Edited on 6-22-2012 by jeans]

Cypress - 6-22-2012 at 12:16 PM

Glad someone close to Dennis's situation can keep Nomads informed.
Dennis, If you can raise your left arm, you're on the fast tract to recovery. It's sounding better all the time. Get well soon. Can't wait to hear your take on all this.:D

edm1 - 6-22-2012 at 12:16 PM

Originally posted by Hook
Well, in light of Dennis' purported reaction to my post, I hereby STFU.

Just wanted to make sure he was on board with all the details of his personal life being out there for Nomads to read.

Hook, the purported reaction is their private conversation and business, and shouldn't change how we truly feel and think, what is right and what is wrong.

[Edited on 6-22-2012 by edm1]

Hook - 6-22-2012 at 12:22 PM

Oh, I still have my opinion of what was right and wrong in all this. It was very glaring. And not surprising, really.

But Dennis is the boss on this, assuming he is given the chance to BE his own boss.

Maybe you need a legal refresher..Edm1

EnsenadaDr - 6-22-2012 at 12:23 PM

Patient information made public with the patient's consent is not a violation of privacy...Just sayin'
Originally posted by edm1
Originally posted by Hook
Well, in light of Dennis' purported reaction to my post, I hereby STFU.

Just wanted to make sure he was on board with all the details of his personal life being out there for Nomads to read.

Hook, the purported reaction is their private conversation and business, and shouldn't change how we truly feel and think, what is right and what is wrong.

[Edited on 6-22-2012 by edm1]

edm1 - 6-22-2012 at 12:31 PM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
Patient information made public with the patient's consent is not a violation of privacy...Just sayin'
Originally posted by edm1
Originally posted by Hook
Well, in light of Dennis' purported reaction to my post, I hereby STFU.

Just wanted to make sure he was on board with all the details of his personal life being out there for Nomads to read.

Hook, the purported reaction is their private conversation and business, and shouldn't change how we truly feel and think, what is right and what is wrong.

[Edited on 6-22-2012 by edm1]

No thank you. I have proper sources of legal info.

[Edited on 6-22-2012 by edm1]

wiltonh - 6-22-2012 at 01:05 PM

If he knows that everyone is talking about him, it might give him a good goal to come back here and tell us how things really are.

Skipjack Joe - 6-22-2012 at 01:05 PM

Originally posted by Hook
Oh, I still have my opinion of what was right and wrong in all this. It was very glaring. And not surprising, really.

But Dennis is the boss on this, assuming he is given the chance to BE his own boss.

And that's a point that bothers me a bit.

It seems that things are being done for his own good over his objections. That is someone knows more about what's good for him than he does himself. In my opinion that is the way to kill a patient's spirit. One of the worst things about being hospitalized is a sense of loss of power. A sense of your life now being run by others. Many of the comments he has made and were posted suggest that that is a struggle for him. A struggle to remain in charge of his life.

So I like Vicente's attitude. Don't change anything without D's desire and consent. This should not be a power struggle.

Hook - 6-22-2012 at 01:07 PM

Give it up, EDM1. It's all about attention..............

Dennis, sorry for the dramatic asides. I hope you will understand that a person can be concerned with more than your PHYSICAL well-being. That was my deal. I wouldnt want all that personal stuff coming out while I was lying incapacitated.

And, you, with no Pacifico, either. The horror................the horror..............

edm1 - 6-22-2012 at 01:13 PM

Originally posted by Hook
Give it up, EDM1. It's all about attention..............And, you, with no Pacifico, either. The horror................the horror..............


Yeah, I wish Dennis the best.

danaeb - 6-22-2012 at 01:20 PM

Originally posted by edm1
Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
Patient information made public with the patient's consent is not a violation of privacy...Just sayin'
Originally posted by edm1
Originally posted by Hook
Well, in light of Dennis' purported reaction to my post, I hereby STFU.

Just wanted to make sure he was on board with all the details of his personal life being out there for Nomads to read.

Hook, the purported reaction is their private conversation and business, and shouldn't change how we truly feel and think, what is right and what is wrong.

[Edited on 6-22-2012 by edm1]

No thank you. I have proper sources of legal info.

[Edited on 6-22-2012 by edm1]

I was so concerned with this issue that I contacted Doug directly by email. My issue is with Dennis' self-appointed spokesperson divulging private medical information. I experienced the same phenomenon after a serious medical procedure, when I began receiving unsolicited emails from total strangers (friends of friends, etc) wanting to discuss my 'condition', cures, prayers etc.

I don't know Dennis, but it's obvious that that the outpouring of love and offers to help is what this forum is all about. So please, don't misread this. My only issue is with the dissemination of private medical information, and respect for such.

rts551 - 6-22-2012 at 02:16 PM

fake marriage certificates
fighting over who is the caregiver (and probably who takes care of his finances)
private info on the internet (hopefully doesn't lead to illegal activity)

looks like Nomads is on a new low. I sure hope Dennis gets well soon and can speak for himself.

toneart - 6-22-2012 at 02:31 PM

I don't know Dennis or DrEnsenada personally, but I do know their select identity that they wish to present here on this public forum, and other forums.

I have commended Janene on her willingness to put aside the widely publicized animosity and take charge as a medical overseer. However, I agree with Hook that Dennis' wishes be honored. How do we know what his wishes are? Well, it is none of our business, other than our concern for his well being.

In my opinion, Janene is talking too much online. How does she find the time, given that she is a busy Nurse/Doctora in Mexico, and now she has taken on the Dennis project (reluctantly). She would be much more effective by quietly focusing on her tasks and just update us on his medical progress...period.

I am distrustful of people who have that kind of vehemence (like Rumana and some of the other people in Off Topic and some other forums. It consumes their time and becomes their life. It is an addiction and that is unhealthy. Online forums are a great outlet to connect with others, to toss around ideas and especially information on Baja, as on The BajaNomad. But putting Dennis' huge traumatic life changing event in perspective, we are way down the list of priorities. We want information of his well being, but we do not need to know all the details of his personal life going forward.

I am stuck in Northern California and currently having Chemotherapy treatment, or I would come down there to do the following:

Talk to the Hospital Management, or maybe the volunteer staff would know, but a certified Ombudsman needs to witness the agreement between Dennis and Janene, make an assessment, and follow up on how much "take charge" power he wants her to have. That could all change or blow up in an instant, given their emotional history and expressed resentment. The Ombudsman needs to be physically present in the room with the two of them. After setting this up, I would then Butt Out!!

This is NOT a personal indictment by me of Janene. I do not know her, and she seems to be doing a great thing for Dennis. But...given all the bad blood history that had been previously aired here in public, I am uncomfortable and it raises questions about her motivation. It is only a question. She is probably a very honorable person.

Another thing that complicates all of this is the recent huge change in Dennis' health. It is still too new. He can't realize all the future needs. As Janene says, "he is in denial".

So, other than the Ombudsman assessment, Dennis needs to rest and recuperate. No stress!!! Let Dennis reach out to the people he wishes to visit him and on his schedule. He can make phone calls, I presume. He can ask friends to get him phone numbers of people whose numbers he doesn't have with him right now. In my opinion, all the well meaning Nomad visitors are overwhelming him and interfering with his rest and opportunity to heal. It is all too soon!

Granted, Janene is the only one who is stepping up. Maybe someone else will step up and relieve her from the difficult commitment of following through and setting up his house for his return, (with Dennis' permission). Janene is giving mixed signals about wanting to have to do this. She presents it as a necessary task that must be done (which it is).

That is my opinion. Hopefully this is all going the best way possible, with Janene's help and my skepticism is unfounded and unnecessary.

I still look forward to invading Shari's compound with Dennis, he with his bongos and me with my trumpet. Be careful what you wish for, Shari.:o:lol:

Dennis, get well, Amigo!

woody with a view - 6-22-2012 at 02:38 PM

we'll all be there for that FIESTA, Tony!:light:

durrelllrobert - 6-22-2012 at 03:01 PM

Even though I am DENNIS's other neighbor and the BN that first notified EnsenadaDr I have stayed off this thread mainly because I am in Canada now and only know what I read on this board. However, when persons start posting about the impropriety of giving out personal information on this subject I must refer them to all of the posts by certain hate mongers about Janens personal life on the OT board. :fire::fire::fire:

TMW - 6-22-2012 at 04:19 PM

Originally posted by toneart

I am stuck in Northern California and currently having Chemotherapy treatment

I still look forward to invading Shari's compound with Dennis, he with his bongos and me with my trumpet. Be careful what you wish for, Shari.:o:lol:

Dennis, get well, Amigo!

Tony here is wishing you the best too so you and Dennis can upset Shari's world.


SFandH - 6-22-2012 at 04:30 PM

Originally posted by toneart
Granted, Janene is the only one who is stepping up. Tony

A poster named FDT has visited DENNIS if I remember his post correctly.

Best of luck to you and DENNIS.

[Edited on 6-22-2012 by SFandH]

David K - 6-22-2012 at 04:49 PM

That is 'Ferna de Tijuana'/ FDT (Fernando). Didn't Doug go too ('BajaNomad')?

Lindalou - 6-22-2012 at 05:53 PM

quite a few people have gone to visit, not all Nomads.

EnsenadaDr - 6-22-2012 at 06:02 PM

Just spoke to DENNIS, he says the new rehab is like a graveyard...I joked with him and told him the only difference between Gordos and the rehab is that the patients don't have a beer in their hands...anyway he wants me to bring the charger up for his KINDLE, he says his right hand is maybe he will post something in the next few days....

BajaBlanca - 6-22-2012 at 06:07 PM

Dennis, glad you will be reading all this LATER. Holy smokes, Batman. What a lot of strife.


GET BETTER SOON !! then no one has to make decisions on your behalf at all.


David K - 6-22-2012 at 06:14 PM

Good for you Dennis!

Get back here on Nomad so I don't get too far ahead of you in the post count battle!!:lol::lol::lol:;)

luv2fish - 6-22-2012 at 07:09 PM

Thanks for hanging tough and staying the course Doc. despite some negativity.

shari - 6-22-2012 at 07:25 PM

I for one really appreciate the updates on Dennis's recovery....and of course the juicy gossip is always interesting and what makes this board tick.

I'm overjoyed that you are out of the hospital big D and working on getting better every day...could someone please sneak a set of bongos into wherever he is....he will need it for therapy!

Dennis...did you ever think you would attract sooooo much loving attention dude? you rock my world D!

BajaNomad - 6-22-2012 at 08:28 PM

Originally posted by SFandH
Originally posted by toneart
Granted, Janene is the only one who is stepping up. Tony

A poster named FDT has visited DENNIS if I remember his post correctly.

This has more to do with just visiting with him - there's the concern about decisions with his personal affairs at home (and otherwise) that's alluded to here.

I visited with him on Tuesday and Wednesday - as did FDT (and there were quite a few other people that came by as well) - but I'm certainly not involved with anything going on at home. Kudos to those who have made a commitment to help with anything that may be needed there.

I was going to go visit him at the hospital today, but read that he was moving today - so didn't go by Kaiser. Janene - I'd be interested in knowing his whereabouts if you wouldn't mind sending them via u2u please. Thank you.


Ateo - 6-22-2012 at 08:50 PM

I don't know much, but I wish DENNIS the best. Sounds like he's making progress. That is a good thing. Good luck dude!

Paulina - 6-23-2012 at 09:01 AM


Checking in on you from Texas. Keep up the good work.

Love you,


Construction Planning

MrBillM - 6-23-2012 at 09:11 AM

Those who are coordinating the various proposals for Wheelchair Ramps, Guardrails, Toilet access and the like might also consider construction of an appropriate Invalid Bar Stool in place of the aforementioned reserved spot so that, during the recovery period, there will be minimum tavern use inconvenience.

Just a constructive thought.

EnsenadaDr - 6-23-2012 at 11:25 AM

I have interviewed and filled all shifts for Dennisīcare with the best nurses in Ensenada. He will have quality 24 hour care.

DavidE - 6-23-2012 at 11:39 AM


What does a nurse charge? This is for my own information. If this is not appropriate for public viewing please U2U me. Thank you.

Fishmagician - 6-23-2012 at 11:49 AM

Volunteering to remodel ones home is a noble thing under the circumstances. However, I believe that it should be undertaken with Dennis, his design and input. Sometime in an effort to help we run down the road too far ahead of problem and the real needs are not met. You don't want to leave Dennis behind he may feel overwhelmed, overtaken.

Nurses charge

EnsenadaDr - 6-23-2012 at 11:51 AM

Letīs just say David that you can get a nurse for a whole week in Ensenada for the price of what they would charge for a day in the US. And these are young, strong male nurses who can lift a patient and turn them and they all have diplomas and are extremely competent. I have watched them personally on the job for almost a year and they are wonderful. One was Ron Hoffīs nurse last year during his hospitalization. Does someone you know need a nurse?
Originally posted by DavidE

What does a nurse charge? This is for my own information. If this is not appropriate for public viewing please U2U me. Thank you.

BajaNomad - 6-23-2012 at 12:26 PM

Originally posted by BajaNomad

Janene - I'd be interested in knowing his whereabouts if you wouldn't mind sending them via u2u please. Thank you.


woody with a view - 6-23-2012 at 01:33 PM

third time's a charm!:?:

J.P. - 6-23-2012 at 02:13 PM

Cathy Bates Is Alive in Punta Banda :wow::wow::wow:

Hook - 6-23-2012 at 02:14 PM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
He will have quality 24 hour care.

Great. :rolleyes:

How's anyone supposed to smuggle Pacificos in to him??

On second thought.............can you tell us when the shift change is? :spingrin:

woody with a view - 6-23-2012 at 02:20 PM

i dunno Hook. i say we wait and see.....

nurse-costumes.jpg - 34kB

luv2fish - 6-23-2012 at 02:42 PM

Originally posted by woody with a view
i dunno Hook. i say we wait and see.....

Don't think it a good idea to show the images of these beauties to any stroke victim..:lol::lol::P

woody with a view - 6-23-2012 at 03:23 PM

maybe something might come up?:yes:

edit: sorry, i'm just a man. shallow, hollow and boring if i do say so myself....:P

[Edited on 6-23-2012 by woody with a view]

prorader - 6-23-2012 at 06:36 PM

all it is, is 0's and 1's, binary code is easy, 0000- 1 sorry Mexican keyboard

[Edited on 6-24-2012 by prorader]

EnsenadaDr - 6-23-2012 at 07:19 PM

Hi Everyone,

I just got back from seeing Dennis. He was sitting up in his bed, but his left arm is weak and he still cannot move his left leg. The Doctor was in telling him he had a grueling few weeks of rehab and he asked me to tell all the well-wishers that their thoughts are well appreciated but at this time he would like to concentrate 100% on his rehab, because any visitation at this point would take away energy from his rehab. So at this point his location will be kept private. He said after the rehab period he will receive visitors and would like to see all his friends.

BajaGringo - 6-23-2012 at 07:27 PM

Thanks for sharing that and please send Dennis my regards. We will keep praying for him and a 100% recovery...

EnsenadaDr - 6-23-2012 at 07:32 PM

Thanks Ron. I will tell him. He will appreciate your concern and well wishes.

Barbareno - 6-23-2012 at 09:04 PM

Originally posted by Leo
Dennis, please get better. You are the one who has made me laugh the most on this forum.

No kidding! Its not quite the same with out you Dennis. Your wit and charm are missed.

If I wanna good belly laugh...I will look for a post of yours.

To the point.

bajadock - 6-23-2012 at 11:46 PM

CHEERS, Dennis. Gave you some love at Punta Banda/Col' Puerto Escondido wine party tonight. Snuck in 2 Pacificos("vino ambar") in your honor. yum

EnsenadaDr - 6-24-2012 at 01:48 AM

You are a cool dude, Doc. Let's have the first annual Lomas Del Mar Pacifico party (with Dennis' consent of course) to celebrate his return to Punta Banda. Once he gets past this hurdle he will want to relax and enjoy, I am sure.

edm1 - 6-24-2012 at 06:05 AM

Originally posted by rts551
fake marriage certificates
fighting over who is the caregiver (and probably who takes care of his finances)
private info on the internet (hopefully doesn't lead to illegal activity)

looks like Nomads is on a new low. . . .

Yeah, it had the potential. . . But

It looks like it's going to a new high - more restraint, less info being given out, limiting visitors, etc. Kudos!,

In my experience, if this happened to my immediate family, after profusely thanking a visitor for the visit, every visitor will be screened, given instructions what they can say and cannot say, examples to say and do, etc.. . Comply or they will be escorted out. In my opinion, a stroke victim is too vulnerable and it's too dangerous to take chances. It could easily cause a 2nd stroke.
Of course, absolutely no telephone calls.

Mulegena - 6-24-2012 at 08:10 AM

A good Sunday morning to Dennis and all of us Nomads who wish him the best of recovery and send curmudgeonly (is this a word?) hugs and kisses.

The flurry of well-intentioned suggestions for his care is very nice, but I'm reminded of the story told among the southern Blues musicians about one of their own and the craft they'd chosen.

Goes like this: Lightnin' Hopkins was rehearsing with a pick-up band for an upcoming gig. A pick-up band is a loose collection of semi-pro local musicians that a headliner will hire for a one-night gig. The young inexperienced rhythm guitar player couldn't keep up with Lightnin' and ventured to say, "uhh, Mr. Hopkins this music is in 4/4 time and the changes come at the end of each measure." Well, old Lightnin' was an originator of American Blues music, had no formal musical education. He simply played from the heart. Lightnin' turned to the young man and fixed him with a glare that probably cut right through his soul. He simply replied, "Lightnin' change when lightnin' wont to change!" and turned away and continued strumming his old guitar in his inimitable style.

Methinks our own DENNIS is cut from just about the same cloth as Lightnin' Hopkins...

DENNIS gonna do wot DENNIS wont to do!

EnsenadaDr - 6-24-2012 at 03:20 PM

I am announcing a welcome home party for DENNIS at his home in Punta Banda that I have asked Doc to organize. I 'd like to have live entertainment...anyone up for a gig??

Lindalou - 6-24-2012 at 04:23 PM

Janene said Dennis may be reading our posts right now. That should wear him out!

comitan - 6-24-2012 at 05:13 PM


Are you not getting ahead of yourself. You have been preaching rest,rest,rest. I hope this looking into the future hopefully when he can fully enjoy something like this. It just seems like we should all be just rooting for his recovery right now.

EnsenadaDr - 6-24-2012 at 07:06 PM

I just had the idea of everyone greeting him when he came home. I think it would be nice, for a day. Yes, he told me he is starting to read the posts from the beginning, little by little, and is overwhelmed and extremely grateful by the concern and caring he is getting from Nomads. He also said he might post something. As we all know, Dennis is unpredictable!!!

bajadock - 6-24-2012 at 08:17 PM

DENNIS, what is new since your foggy visit with me last Wednesday???

mcfez - 6-24-2012 at 08:58 PM

Same here...............I would like to visit when he transfers
Originally posted by BajaNomad
Originally posted by BajaNomad

Janene - I'd be interested in knowing his whereabouts if you wouldn't mind sending them via u2u please. Thank you.


You're kidding, right?

danaeb - 6-24-2012 at 09:56 PM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
I am announcing a welcome home party for DENNIS at his home in Punta Banda that I have asked Doc to organize. I 'd like to have live entertainment...anyone up for a gig??

He's coming home from the hospital after a serious medical problem and you're inviting everyone and the 'gig' to show up? I'm at a loss to understand your motives.

tiotomasbcs - 6-25-2012 at 06:31 AM

Speedy recovery, Amigo. It's gotta be a b-tch but we all seem to rise up to overtake our obstacles! Banned, 86d, deleted; it's boring without you and the rest of the colorful characters here in our Nomad Familia. Hope you're feeling better soon. Tio

Marc - 6-25-2012 at 07:03 AM

Originally posted by danaeb
Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
I am announcing a welcome home party for DENNIS at his home in Punta Banda that I have asked Doc to organize. I 'd like to have live entertainment...anyone up for a gig??

He's coming home from the hospital after a serious medical problem and you're inviting everyone and the 'gig' to show up? I'm at a loss to understand your motives.

Right! Give him some time. I hope for a speedy and full recovery.

Iflyfish - 6-25-2012 at 08:10 AM

Get your burro back here! Poco e poco. Celebrate the small things!

Seems like a pretty extreme way to get attention don't you. How about just falling off your stool next time.


Udo - 6-25-2012 at 08:57 AM

Hopefully I will get to visit with DENNIS during the Golf For Los Niņos event.

We will be staying locally and very close to his house.

DanO - 6-25-2012 at 11:26 AM

Well, crap. I check out for a week and then get to read this unfortunate news on my return. Hope the rehab goes well, Dennis. Your perspective is sorely missed.

Sharkys Counterpart Pub says it all..

Pompano - 6-25-2012 at 12:32 PM

Lindalou - 6-25-2012 at 01:08 PM

Originally posted by Pompano
I hope he sees this. Has he ever been to Jungla Jims?
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