
Trump to Mexico!!

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Lee - 9-8-2016 at 11:37 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Quote: Originally posted by motoged  
Quote: Originally posted by David K  

.... sad there are so many sheep in America today).

Interesting that you trust Trump more than you trust 1/2 (or more) of your fellow countrymen/women....and disrespect them in that way. :no: :?:

I am expressing MY thoughts, that was what a discussion forum includes... It is not some PC or neutral thinking forum.

How is it when Mt. Goat or others insult "1/2 of the voters" they get a pass??? Only conservative (or anti-socialist) must bite their lips???

One thing is for sure, I will be glad when this election is over so we can get some freedom of speech back! Of course, there might be "hanging chads" or some other liberal ploy to thwart the people's choice!

You're entitled to your thoughts, Dave, and when it comes to politics and religion, on this forum, they are not welcomed.

Your rants insult the other 1/2 of the voters in the US and this forum. They are hate filled and have no place here.

On the other hand, OT would be perfect for your diatribes. Lots of folks there will participate and enjoy your politic views.

When you start with your blanket statements, generalizations about liberals, blaming Democrats for your failed business, then you are way off course here. I'm convinced you can't help yourself and way out of control.

So, it's your call. This forum is about Baja. I'm apolitical. I don't have anything to say about politics unless you do. You want to debate with Goat? Go to OT.

Start with your insults and I'll be jumping in.


motoged - 9-8-2016 at 11:52 AM

Trumps has a particular appeal:

(link fixed):

[Edited on 9-8-2016 by motoged]

Sweetwater - 9-8-2016 at 12:57 PM

A few facts out of an Associated Press article today. Trump continues to throw his weight around but mostly in the wrong direction. Does anyone support electing a president that admires Vladimir Putin and wants to fire all his military leadership? Even Murphy's Law convinces me that Trump has risen past his level of incompetence. There is no justification for him to be elected and his rhetoric proves that.

Trump did little to counter the criticism that he lacks detailed policy proposals, particularly regarding the Islamic State group. He both insisted he has a private blueprint for defeating the extremist group and that he would demand a plan from military leaders within 30 days of taking office.But he was also harshly critical of the military, saying America's generals have been "reduced to rubble" under Obama. Asked to square his request for military options with that criticism, Trump said simply: "They'll probably be different generals."The Republican also renewed his praise for Putin and his disdain for President Barack Obama, saying that the Russian enjoyed an 82 percent approval rating. "The man has very strong control over a country," Trump said. "It's a very different system and I don't happen to like the system, but certainly, in that system, he's been a leader, far more than our president has been a leader."

And some official reaction from Republican leadership, Trump has effectively destroyed the GOP. Most of it's leaders have abandoned him or outright oppose him for many good and legitimate reasons.

The government's most senior Republican, for one, says he does not share Trump's complimentary view of the Russian leader."Vladimir Putin is an aggressor that does not share our interests," House Speaker Paul Ryan told reporters Thursday. "It certainly appears that he is conducting state-sponsored cyber-attacks on what appears to be our political system. That is not acting in our interests."

motoged - 9-8-2016 at 04:27 PM

Did you check immigration papers for all the folks you hired when America was great?

mtgoat666 - 9-8-2016 at 05:15 PM

Quote: Originally posted by motoged  
Did you check immigration papers for all the folks you hired when America was great?

Of course he does not ask work status! does he even pay minimum wage?

DENNIS - 9-8-2016 at 05:44 PM

Slanderous bar talk.

David K - 9-8-2016 at 06:08 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
Quote: Originally posted by motoged  
Did you check immigration papers for all the folks you hired when America was great?

Of course he does not ask work status! does he even pay minimum wage?

All legal, always paid very well, and always bought them hot lunch.. we ate together as amigos... they always loved working for me. Maybe I am poorer than most because I shared the wealth more?

TMW - 9-8-2016 at 06:43 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Lee  

Sent Clinton $1,000.00 today. Anything to help her win.

Mark my word you will be sorry for sending money. You will get endless request for donations in the future.

DENNIS - 9-8-2016 at 07:04 PM

Lee's super wealthy. LongLegsinLaPaz gave him a forever bottomless credit card.

rts551 - 9-8-2016 at 08:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Hi Lee: No deal... while I prefer to talk about Baja, there is no way that the left can spew all the hate and lies about conservatives or Republicans (they are not always one in the same) and we on the right remain the 'silent majority'. Don't be afraid to make America great again, either. It's okay now, but it could be so much better for everyone, not just government employees, and unions, and people who prefer doing nothing and being rewarded fop it. Oh, and my business did not fail, it is still active and diversified. It just could be much much better and I could once again spread some wealth with others I used to hire to help with all the business I had before.

It serves the democratic party to have more people on handouts from the government, so their policies are to hurt business and deprive citizens of opportunities to not need government. It is really sick. The number of poor has doubled under Obama, as well as the number full-time employees has been cut, etc. This travesty on Americans must end and be reversed!

There is no excuse for Clinton's destroying evidence, being lax on national security, allowing our ambassador and three others to be tortured and killed, or any of the other uncountable crimes against America. Anyone else that has done far less than Hillary ends up in jail.

So, when her royal highness is treated the same as other Americans, then we can nit pic on Trump's 'respect' of Putin as a leader of Russia, or his wanting to protect America from invasion across the southern border by law breakers, etc.

[Edited on 9-8-2016 by David K]

What happened to the DavidK that said the government would not let him earn enough money to go to Baja? He left the forum and now we have one that makes money but he can not have employees? Pray tell, diversified into what? Are you in need of government? America is already great!

rts551 - 9-8-2016 at 08:36 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
Quote: Originally posted by motoged  
Did you check immigration papers for all the folks you hired when America was great?

Of course he does not ask work status! does he even pay minimum wage?

All legal, always paid very well, and always bought them hot lunch.. we ate together as amigos... they always loved working for me. Maybe I am poorer than most because I shared the wealth more?

Gave them a taco did you? Awfully good of you... SOunds like Trump.. "They love me"

rts551 - 9-8-2016 at 08:41 PM

David, Before we go off the deep end with all of many years have you been complaining about the government? How many years have you been struggling financially (I remember when your kids were small and before you remarried). So why the discourse now about making money and hiring employees?

mtgoat666 - 9-8-2016 at 08:45 PM

Quote: Originally posted by rts551  
Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
Quote: Originally posted by motoged  
Did you check immigration papers for all the folks you hired when America was great?

Of course he does not ask work status! does he even pay minimum wage?

All legal, always paid very well, and always bought them hot lunch.. we ate together as amigos... they always loved working for me. Maybe I am poorer than most because I shared the wealth more?

Gave them a taco did you? Awfully good of you... SOunds like Trump.. "They love me"

He limited them to choices on the McDonald's dollar menu.

David K - 9-8-2016 at 08:56 PM

Wow, it is just in your guys' blood to be hateful and twisted, is it? We went to sit down restaurants of their choice! You act like you know me Ralph, why is that? Oh, I am open with who I thought were my friends here... of course it is the few who never reveal themselves (no photos of their faces) and hide behind a keyboard just waiting to dream up some hate should I have the nerve to post a negative about their loved politicians. I hate McDonalds, by-the-way.

We worked 6-8 hours, they got $120/day plus a meal, all the ice water bottles they could drink, and couldn't wait to work another day with me. Is really picking on me all you got left? Sorry, but I am for freedom... what America is supposed to be about. Not more government programs, more government employees (except needed military/police/fire), higher taxes, and spending money on the religion of man-made climate change instead of the REAL threats to America.

Please move along... I am done...

mtgoat666 - 9-8-2016 at 09:06 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Wow, it is just in your guys' blood to be hateful and twisted, is it? We went to sit down restaurants of their choice! You act like you know me Ralph, why is that? Oh, I am open with who I thought were my friends here... of course it is the few who never reveal themselves (no photos of their faces) and hide behind a keyboard just waiting to dream up some hate should I have the nerve to post a negative about their loved politicians. I hate McDonalds, by-the-way.

We worked 6-8 hours, they got $120/day plus a meal, all the ice water bottles they could drink, and couldn't wait to work another day with me. Is really picking on me all you got left? Sorry, but I am for freedom... what America is supposed to be about. Not more government programs, more government employees (except needed military/police/fire), higher taxes, and spending money on the religion of man-made climate change instead of the REAL threats to America.

Please move along... I am done...

$15/hr. Did you file 1099s on them? Did you pay their SS? How did you verify their status? E-verify?

Bajahowodd - 9-9-2016 at 03:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Lee  
The only real Republican in the bunch is Kasich and I would have voted for him. How is it Trump never served, says he knows more than the Generals in the military, and his kids never served either?

Everyone in it for themselves: white, privileged, with a sense of entitlement.

Sure sounds like some of the nomads here claiming to be conservative. These louts give conservatives a bad rep.

Anyone see the commander-in-chief forum? Trump looked like a fool compared to Clinton. It's increasing difficult to believe there are so many ignorant people in the US believing his BS.

Sent Clinton $1,000.00 today. Anything to help her win.

What's next? David Duke as Ambassador?

I'll quote Bill here: A-M-F!

This is so true. Although I disagree with many of his positions, especially on women's rights, he was the only person in that clown car that had a resume that qualified him to be president.

Barry A. - 9-9-2016 at 07:51 PM

One perspective on the border: (a short video)

mtgoat666 - 9-9-2016 at 09:26 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Barry A.  

One perspective on the border: (a short video)

Well, that was a really silly interview. The interviewee was the union boss for border patrol agents.
I am mystified why public sector employees have a union,... I believe zero spewed by public sector union bosses.
Barry, you are really showing senility posting interviews with public sector union bosses as if the opinion have any meaning other than fleecing the public.
Why should government employees have any say in lobbying elected reps???? Huh? They are obviously self-interested and should not be in the room.
Overly generous public sector pensions are bad for the USA. flock the public sector unions!

Barry A. - 9-9-2016 at 09:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
Quote: Originally posted by Barry A.  

One perspective on the border: (a short video)

Well, that was a really silly interview. The interviewee was the union boss for border patrol agents.
I am mystified why public sector employees have a union,... I believe zero spewed by public sector union bosses.
Barry, you are really showing senility posting interviews with public sector union bosses as if the opinion have any meaning other than fleecing the public.
Why should government employees have any say in lobbying elected reps???? Huh? They are obviously self-interested and should not be in the room.
Overly generous public sector pensions are bad for the USA. flock the public sector unions!

LOL--------spoken like the good Socialist you always appear to be, Goat, except trashing the "public sector" is a new twist. I love all these opinions, including yours----they give perspective.

Sweetwater - 9-9-2016 at 10:23 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Wow, it is just in your guys' blood to be hateful and twisted, is it? We went to sit down restaurants of their choice! You act like you know me Ralph, why is that? Oh, I am open with who I thought were my friends here... of course it is the few who never reveal themselves (no photos of their faces) and hide behind a keyboard just waiting to dream up some hate should I have the nerve to post a negative about their loved politicians. I hate McDonalds, by-the-way.

We worked 6-8 hours, they got $120/day plus a meal, all the ice water bottles they could drink, and couldn't wait to work another day with me. Is really picking on me all you got left? Sorry, but I am for freedom... what America is supposed to be about. Not more government programs, more government employees (except needed military/police/fire), higher taxes, and spending money on the religion of man-made climate change instead of the REAL threats to America.

Please move along... I am done...

$15/hr. Did you file 1099s on them? Did you pay their SS? How did you verify their status? E-verify?

Well, that is actually why there are so many "illegals" in the USA. Many profitable businesses prefer not to dot their I's and cross their T's. As always, demand for poor compliance with the law is met with supply of labor at many levels. It's something that the Trumpster has been guilty of by his own admission as well as his bragging that he has bought influence. These are well documented in his statements. I continue to be plagued by the fact that in 7 decades, he has no record of public service and refuses any personal examination of his health or finances but continues to demand those from others. So here's something reflective of the fact that within hours of his meeting in Mexico, he was called a blatant LIAR. I'm not surprised.

Barry A. - 9-10-2016 at 10:08 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Sweetwater  
Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Wow, it is just in your guys' blood to be hateful and twisted, is it? We went to sit down restaurants of their choice! You act like you know me Ralph, why is that? Oh, I am open with who I thought were my friends here... of course it is the few who never reveal themselves (no photos of their faces) and hide behind a keyboard just waiting to dream up some hate should I have the nerve to post a negative about their loved politicians. I hate McDonalds, by-the-way.

We worked 6-8 hours, they got $120/day plus a meal, all the ice water bottles they could drink, and couldn't wait to work another day with me. Is really picking on me all you got left? Sorry, but I am for freedom... what America is supposed to be about. Not more government programs, more government employees (except needed military/police/fire), higher taxes, and spending money on the religion of man-made climate change instead of the REAL threats to America.

Please move along... I am done...

$15/hr. Did you file 1099s on them? Did you pay their SS? How did you verify their status? E-verify?

Well, that is actually why there are so many "illegals" in the USA. Many profitable businesses prefer not to dot their I's and cross their T's. As always, demand for poor compliance with the law is met with supply of labor at many levels. It's something that the Trumpster has been guilty of by his own admission as well as his bragging that he has bought influence. These are well documented in his statements. I continue to be plagued by the fact that in 7 decades, he has no record of public service and refuses any personal examination of his health or finances but continues to demand those from others. So here's something reflective of the fact that within hours of his meeting in Mexico, he was called a blatant LIAR. I'm not surprised.

Well, These comments are certainly a mixed bag!!! Yes, people & companies hire illegals because the existing law is not enforced. Many are accusing Trump of being a liar, but so far I don't see it when close scrutiny is applied-----lots of speculation as to what Trump means by the things he says------when actually he means exactly what he says when viewed in context. I admire lots of people, including some on this Board, that I do not agree with on some things if they provide some quality that is admirable. Does not mean that I endorse or support them entirely. Trump is a plain-spoken person, but some of you are appalled by that as the plain truth is scary to some--------I, and millions of others, are not "scared" or "appalled" by Trumps ramblings, we find it refreshing. The Jihadist's (etc). say nice things about Trump (if that is even true?!?!?!) because they WANT confrontation for their Holy War as it gives them martyrdom and a path to Heaven when they die, in their deranged minds.

Bottom line: Much of what scares and appalls some, is actually refreshing and exciting for other's--------finally we are getting some reality for a change.

Sweetwater - 9-10-2016 at 10:49 AM

Here's another view of reality, my only question is if the Hispanic community will show up and vote.

Barry A. - 9-10-2016 at 12:18 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Sweetwater  
Here's another view of reality, my only question is if the Hispanic community will show up and vote.

I certainly hope they do!! And, of course I hope they vote Republican. If they decide not to do that, then they get to live with the consequences, and I wish them luck with that. IMO, it won't be good for them, or any of us, long term.

rts551 - 9-10-2016 at 04:14 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Barry A.  
Quote: Originally posted by Sweetwater  
Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Wow, it is just in your guys' blood to be hateful and twisted, is it? We went to sit down restaurants of their choice! You act like you know me Ralph, why is that? Oh, I am open with who I thought were my friends here... of course it is the few who never reveal themselves (no photos of their faces) and hide behind a keyboard just waiting to dream up some hate should I have the nerve to post a negative about their loved politicians. I hate McDonalds, by-the-way.

We worked 6-8 hours, they got $120/day plus a meal, all the ice water bottles they could drink, and couldn't wait to work another day with me. Is really picking on me all you got left? Sorry, but I am for freedom... what America is supposed to be about. Not more government programs, more government employees (except needed military/police/fire), higher taxes, and spending money on the religion of man-made climate change instead of the REAL threats to America.

Please move along... I am done...

$15/hr. Did you file 1099s on them? Did you pay their SS? How did you verify their status? E-verify?

Well, that is actually why there are so many "illegals" in the USA. Many profitable businesses prefer not to dot their I's and cross their T's. As always, demand for poor compliance with the law is met with supply of labor at many levels. It's something that the Trumpster has been guilty of by his own admission as well as his bragging that he has bought influence. These are well documented in his statements. I continue to be plagued by the fact that in 7 decades, he has no record of public service and refuses any personal examination of his health or finances but continues to demand those from others. So here's something reflective of the fact that within hours of his meeting in Mexico, he was called a blatant LIAR. I'm not surprised.

Well, These comments are certainly a mixed bag!!! Yes, people & companies hire illegals because the existing law is not enforced. Many are accusing Trump of being a liar, but so far I don't see it when close scrutiny is applied-----lots of speculation as to what Trump means by the things he says------when actually he means exactly what he says when viewed in context. I admire lots of people, including some on this Board, that I do not agree with on some things if they provide some quality that is admirable. Does not mean that I endorse or support them entirely. Trump is a plain-spoken person, but some of you are appalled by that as the plain truth is scary to some--------I, and millions of others, are not "scared" or "appalled" by Trumps ramblings, we find it refreshing. The Jihadist's (etc). say nice things about Trump (if that is even true?!?!?!) because they WANT confrontation for their Holy War as it gives them martyrdom and a path to Heaven when they die, in their deranged minds.

Bottom line: Much of what scares and appalls some, is actually refreshing and exciting for other's--------finally we are getting some reality for a change.

Certainly Barry there is something to be said about taking a risk when it comes to business. I did it many times and won a few and lost a few... Just not willing to do it on a country.

elgatoloco - 9-10-2016 at 04:19 PM


Barry A. - 9-10-2016 at 06:42 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  
Since the California electoral college votes are predicted by all to go to Clinton, how California Nomads vote for prez doesn't make any difference. Especially this election. CA Democrats voting for Trump wouldn't fill a bus.

Soooooo, proposition 64 is my motivator to vote.

Looking forward to vaping some hash oil, legally, finally. It's been a long time coming.

Well, that explains A LOT.

Carry on. :rolleyes:

Bob H - 9-10-2016 at 07:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by norte  
The David needs to send his wall concerns to the Rump.

And, you most likely are voting for Killary.... lol

DENNIS - 9-11-2016 at 07:40 AM

Trump probably wont be coming to Baja any time soon:

motoged - 9-11-2016 at 09:13 AM

Not a real loss....

Barry A. - 9-11-2016 at 09:15 AM

Quote: Originally posted by DENNIS  

Trump probably wont be coming to Baja any time soon:

It would appear that the Liberal Press and Govt. establishments everywhere (?) are trying their best and will stop at nothing to block change that they see as threatening. You reap what you sew as they will find out down the line------it ALWAYS happens eventually, and it is chaotic and so counterproductive, and often destructive to almost everybody. Many intelligent people will never learn, even thought the history is there to see for those that will look and pay attention. Socialism simply does not work with advanced humans, and never has, and yet that is where we are drifting too with blinders in place.

I hope I am wrong.

Good luck with that.

motoged - 9-11-2016 at 09:23 AM

There really must be more options on the political spectrum than "conservative-socialist" . It is a shame that any political position is reduced to this simplistically dichotomous reduction....creates such divisiveness... :no:

Barry A. - 9-11-2016 at 10:10 AM

Quote: Originally posted by motoged  
There really must be more options on the political spectrum than "conservative-socialist" . It is a shame that any political position is reduced to this simplistically dichotomous reduction....creates such divisiveness... :no:

Agree on the "divisiveness", Moto, but having had KISS (keep it simple stupid) pounded into my head in Law Enforcement Training ALL my life, it is hard to agree that "simplistic" is worse than complexity when complexity almost always leads to little or no action on problems.

DENNIS - 9-11-2016 at 10:20 AM

The problem I see with initiatives such as the trump Non Grata grandstanding vote, is the governments are whipping their people into a frenzy, and the chance of it getting out of hand in Mexico is dangerous for expats.

Barry A. - 9-11-2016 at 10:42 AM

An interesting, alarming, and excellent point, Dennis, and one I did not think of.

motoged - 9-11-2016 at 11:34 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Barry A.  
Agree on the "divisiveness", Moto, but having had KISS (keep it simple stupid) pounded into my head in Law Enforcement Training ALL my life, it is hard to agree that "simplistic" is worse than complexity when complexity almost always leads to little or no action on problems.

The KISS principle is not always that simple....reactive solutions, while appearing to be the best solution, may not be be as effective as a responsive solutions that ameliorate the underlying issues.

My experience often is that effective change results from creating solutions that address the complexities....and in hindsight, I have seen the process as being "simple"....after untangling the problematic issues.

Simple is good....but not always the best framework.

Barry A. - 9-11-2016 at 11:48 AM

Quote: Originally posted by motoged  
Quote: Originally posted by Barry A.  
Agree on the "divisiveness", Moto, but having had KISS (keep it simple stupid) pounded into my head in Law Enforcement Training ALL my life, it is hard to agree that "simplistic" is worse than complexity when complexity almost always leads to little or no action on problems.

The KISS principle is not always that simple....reactive solutions, while appearing to be the best solution, may not be be as effective as a responsive solutions that ameliorate the underlying issues.

My experience often is that effective change results from creating solutions that address the complexities....and in hindsight, I have seen the process as being "simple"....after untangling the problematic issues.

Simple is good....but not always the best framework.

I respect your views, and I believe "Simple" IS good, especially when complex stymies any solutions--------Comprehensive Immigration comes to mind------no progress of any significance for decades, and the illegals continue to flood in for a variety of reasons, and ALL Presidents before the present one have said something needs to be done, and NOW (but nobody does much of anything)-------I think it is time for SIMPLE!!!! Lets get on with it!!!

Mexitron - 9-11-2016 at 12:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Barry A.  
Many intelligent people will never learn, even thought the history is there to see for those that will look and pay attention. Socialism simply does not work with advanced humans, and never has, and yet that is where we are drifting too with blinders in place.

I hope I am wrong.

Good luck with that.

Are you referring to communist style socialism? Everybody is pretty on board that it didn't work particularly well. If you are referring to modern socialism or social democracy you might take a second look at Germany, Ireland, Japan, Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Canada, and others who enjoy a good quality of life. Oh, and let's not forget our own Socialism in the US--Medicare--I tell you I don't know how many conservatives don't want the government involved in their lives and think anything the government does is bass-ackwards and would never submit to a national healthcare program but be damned sure they're accepting medicare--a national health care program-- to pay for their old age issues.

Barry A. - 9-11-2016 at 03:10 PM

Mexicon--------I was perfectly happy with my Blue Cross/Blue Shield healthcare, but when I turned 65 (I think) they did not give me any choice--------I HAD to join Medicare but my BC/BS still costs me roughly the same as before. I much prefer choices!! So far I am happy with Medicare medically-speaking, but it sure does not save me any money----in fact I am paying considerably more than before (like about $200 per month more) The real problem, however, is that I hear that Medicare as it is now will go broke down the line------wow, that is just GREAT----------then what do we do?

Mexitron - 9-11-2016 at 04:03 PM

Don't know, my mom Medicare plus supplemental and was only paying 150 a month, pretty good deal. Medicare is still funded but yes the tax rate or something else will have to rise as the boomers top weight the system...brave new world as we are living longer but not necessarily having more productive years--ie raising the retirement age to make SS more solvent.

Bajahowodd - 9-11-2016 at 04:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
Quote: Originally posted by Barry A.  

One perspective on the border: (a short video)

Well, that was a really silly interview. The interviewee was the union boss for border patrol agents.
I am mystified why public sector employees have a union,... I believe zero spewed by public sector union bosses.
Barry, you are really showing senility posting interviews with public sector union bosses as if the opinion have any meaning other than fleecing the public.
Why should government employees have any say in lobbying elected reps???? Huh? They are obviously self-interested and should not be in the room.
Overly generous public sector pensions are bad for the USA. flock the public sector unions!

Such a bunch of crap.

Barry A. - 9-11-2016 at 04:56 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bajahowodd  
Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
Quote: Originally posted by Barry A.  

One perspective on the border: (a short video)

Well, that was a really silly interview. The interviewee was the union boss for border patrol agents.
I am mystified why public sector employees have a union,... I believe zero spewed by public sector union bosses.
Barry, you are really showing senility posting interviews with public sector union bosses as if the opinion have any meaning other than fleecing the public.
Why should government employees have any say in lobbying elected reps???? Huh? They are obviously self-interested and should not be in the room.
Overly generous public sector pensions are bad for the USA. flock the public sector unions!

Such a bunch of crap.

ALARM, ALARM--- somebody might be giving an opinion that I don't agree with!!! Bash them NOW and to h-ll with the truth!!!! I repeat, "One perspective on the border". I never said I agreed with it, tho the problem is real. I have never belonged to a Union other than the Laborer's Union which I was FORCED to join, or no worky construction!!! The whole idea of "Unions" makes me very uneasy. The idea is honorable, but it all get's totally out of hand once established. Me, I went to College to earn better money!!! and paid for it myself! My "Public pension" take home is $1,640 a month (or close to that) and I get NO Social Security, but I admit that my ex-wife gets one quarter of the pension, leaving me the $1,640 net. Only my Fed. taxes and Blue Cross is withheld from the gross----I pay Medicare out of pocket every 3 months. Maybe my "senility" causes me to miss-state everything, however-----watch out!!!! :rolleyes: Gawd forbid that ANYBODY have a different opinion than the committed Lefty!!!! :O

rts551 - 9-11-2016 at 07:09 PM

Just to set the record straight Goat. Those over paid government pensioners under the Old system get no Social Security, even though they may have paid in for years, (Just like teachers under the State system). Called an Offset that Reagan pushed through to save social security.

Under the new system (since 1982) its a 401K type plan, so you contributions are what you get in retirement. The days of beating on the Public employee (from a pension standpoint) are gone.

mtgoat666 - 9-11-2016 at 07:12 PM

Quote: Originally posted by rts551  
Just to set the record straight Goat. Those over paid government pensioners under the Old system get no Social Security, even though they may have paid in for years, (Just like teachers under the State system). Called an Offset that Reagan pushed through to save social security.

Under the new system (since 1982) its a 401K type plan, so you contributions are what you get in retirement. The days of beating on the Public employee (from a pension standpoint) are gone.

Take one look at San Diego fire fighters. Lazy butts retire at age 45 with full pension, inflated by phony OT phony raises in last years of employment.
Crooks. Not heroes. Scourge on society. Leaches.

rts551 - 9-12-2016 at 07:16 AM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
Quote: Originally posted by rts551  
Just to set the record straight Goat. Those over paid government pensioners under the Old system get no Social Security, even though they may have paid in for years, (Just like teachers under the State system). Called an Offset that Reagan pushed through to save social security.

Under the new system (since 1982) its a 401K type plan, so you contributions are what you get in retirement. The days of beating on the Public employee (from a pension standpoint) are gone.

Take one look at San Diego fire fighters. Lazy butts retire at age 45 with full pension, inflated by phony OT phony raises in last years of employment.
Crooks. Not heroes. Scourge on society. Leaches.

Then take it to them instead of using them as an example for all government pensioners.

DENNIS - 9-12-2016 at 11:15 AM

DavidT - 9-12-2016 at 03:06 PM

DENNIS - 9-12-2016 at 04:36 PM


bajabuddha - 9-12-2016 at 04:51 PM

Yellowtail Martini:

Marinade 3-4 lbs Jurel in glass container (or pyrex) and one litre of Oso Negro Vodka for 24 hours with juice/rinds of 6 yellow lemons, well squeezed, refrigerated.

Discard fish, serve chilled w/ preferably Sierra San Fransisco Aceitunes.

You may smoke the Jurel afterwards, or just serve w/ the martini.

[Edited on 9-12-2016 by bajabuddha]

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