
Who has gotten covid and survived?

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mtgoat666 - 3-1-2021 at 09:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
Here is a backgrounder

Fabian Society

Milner's Kindergarten

Round Table

Council on Foreign Relations

Agenda 21

Group of Seven

World Economic Form

Event 201

If you read it on the internet, then it must be relevant and true! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You should thank god you got your inheritance to live on, as you don’t have sense enough to hold down a job that would support you in the style you are accustomed to!

Skipjack Joe - 3-2-2021 at 01:18 AM

Quote: Originally posted by lencho  
Quote: Originally posted by Skipjack Joe  
So regardless how long the web was around for practical purposes it wasn't available until the early 90s.

I agree; what I was referring to were online communities, which were live and well at least 10 years before http and WWW browsers ever came on the scene.

What was eWorld?

eWorld was Apple's answer to AOL. AOL was big time in the 90s, of the magnitude of Tesla today, and Apple wanted a slice of the pie. It was an 'internet' that was closed to Apple users only. Rather than information contributed by independently by servers all over the world Apple would pay for that information and make the same data available to it's customers. I was a consultant for Apple for 3 years. My job was to design a database to store all the data that would be stored on Apple servers rather than all over the globe. You had sports, headline news, stock market real time values, etc. It's funny to think back on it now. We expected customers to pay for every page they clicked on.Well, the free internet blew all that away, as it did AOL. That was around 96.

I worked in the Silicon Valley from 1980 through 2015 so I personally witnessed all the changes that occurred during those years. There's a difference between what was invented and what was used. The Apple II, Lisa, Mac, and the IBM PCs that were used in the 80s and early 90s could only be connected via ethernet cables to local networks in an office facility. Home usage data transfer was done via floppy disks. Realistically, nobody communicated by way of desktops from their homes until the mid 90s.

So I have to disagree that online communities were available 10+ years before the internet. The hardware just wasn't even available then.

pacificobob - 3-2-2021 at 08:38 AM

Quote: Originally posted by John Harper  
Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  

My friends who are women on this site message me on U2U and share their concerns about posting.

What is unclear is why it is tolerated at all here, or worse encouraged, it is not hard to remove trolls and spam.

Your mom and sister are not technically "friends." They likely are stuck dealing with you.

There's nothing stopping you from leaving if you're not happy. In fact, the way you denigrate and belittle others on this site makes me wonder why you're even here in the first place.

Be gone, foul spirit, be gone.


[Edited on 3-1-2021 by John Harper]

well stated john. i feel gnu might be happier if he reconsidered his participation.. perhaps others as for example.

[Edited on 3-2-2021 by pacificobob]

gnukid - 3-2-2021 at 01:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Skipjack Joe  

So I have to disagree that online communities were available 10+ years before the internet. The hardware just wasn't even available then.

Bulliten boards existed from the start of connected computing. First with 300 baud and moving up, in kindergarten, we had a teletype to connect to BBS, later Hayes modems arrived in the early 80s and soon v.21 v.22 in mid 80s login to 1200 baud.

In my neighborhood (in silicon valley) we had terminals and modems at home in the early 70s. Games like Caves, etc brought shared environments to multiple users.

Using modem compression and compressed files we could share a great deal of news, text, and images too. Data compression was critical, as was multiple phone lines to run a Board over 1200-2400.

v.32 brought 9600 and v.32bis 14,400 which was significant in the early 90s.

Bell Labs was supportive of our efforts and I was among the first to develop BBS with shared copper lines with ISDN combining multiple 56k lines to allow multiple people to use images and graphics to create art together across the world at events like Siggraph broadcast on large multiscreens creating HD with 56k modem technology in the early 90s.

USENET supported mass transfer of news groups (in the early mornings, in the early 80s there were more than 100,000 usenet groups and fidonet for bbs mail so we had global email and news over 1200baud to BBS as kids, and as mentioned Compuserve and later Aol and many other dial services, if you were interested in that crap.

Finally, v.32 brought 28.8 and 33.6 and soon thereafter v90 Hayes modems brought 56k to everyone.

I was a volunteer editor for the IEEE, because they wanted kids t help create standards docs that were easy to read and understand, IT was common to pass all standards docs to a group of kids and homogenize technical jargon. That is why I remember the standards and speeds not to mention I spent all my savings on modems and hand built servers from car at Fries and other warehouses.

We were assigned the task of creating tons of icons at 32x32 pixels prior to the broad arrival of http since there was need for library management of file types and iconifying experiences.

First Xerox and ARPANET had an extended network of more than 300,000 computers.

Soon after came the broad access to internet with http which brought graphical ui to shared text/images to masses.

Soon Sun and SGI etc joined the backbone and boom we were connected and there was need for huge number of websites and communities.

Since that moment I hand built sites everyday at first using cgi perl, php, html etc now both open source and off the shelf - its much easier, now I build sites for the enterprise Borg that serve millions of users with personalized content, which leads us to THE POINT... of the WEF call for a planned 4th Industrial Revolution also known as the Great Reset which required a catalyst in the form of a pharma pandemic of gain of function of SARS2 called COVID to force everyone to work remotely and adopt automation, robotics, simulation and artificial intelligence and crypto currencies in order to precipitate central banking re-fuedalism.

Interesting this makes curmudgeons upset, but I guess I understand why, when here we are still using a basic text based simplified BBS called XMB -- ON THE INTERNET while we have 300/mbs fiberwire into our homes. $#@!%

Oh wait why is SkiJack mad again - darn I always forget why he is mad but he sure is mad. !#$%@!

Here is a photo of the North wind yesterday.

IMG_1795 (1).jpeg - 80kB

gnukid - 3-2-2021 at 02:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  

You should thank god you got your inheritance to live on

It's funny to make up lies and post nonsense on Baja travel boards, but, to clarify, I come from a family that is strictly against nepotism, no one in the family has ever received a a trust or cash because it is believed that perceived likelihood of future inheritance is inverse to personal drive to succeed.

During this time of COVD shutdown, I have had high productivity.

Recently I began to build my own ranch clearing the land myself to grow my own food in Baja, each step I have paid from my own pocket and hand built every piece along the way. I also help my neighbors, (gringos too), to fix their cars and build their ranches to build a working community.

In just one year I have rebuilt multiple motors and rebuilt quads and motos that were abandoned and unused. Prior to this year I had never built a motor.

IMG_3170.jpeg - 245kB IMG_3402 (3).jpeg - 196kB IXWU3909.jpeg - 157kB IMG_4690.jpeg - 188kB IMG_2973 (1).jpeg - 240kB

[Edited on 3-2-2021 by gnukid]

gnukid - 3-2-2021 at 02:18 PM

FYI Pay attention to what is happening to children

New Study Finds Masks Hurt Schoolchildren Physically, Psychologically, and Behaviorally

Oxford University adds children to AstraZeneca COVID-19 study

Oxford-AstraZeneca begins a vaccine trial for children. It’s the youngest group yet to be tested

Lobsterman - 3-2-2021 at 05:42 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
FYI Pay attention to what is happening to children

New Study Finds Masks Hurt Schoolchildren Physically, Psychologically, and Behaviorally

I appreciate your extended effort to inform others on the important "Other side of the Story" on covid. Please keep it up because I'm sure I'm not the only one who reads these informative articles. It's too bad BN is becoming a "cancel culture" like is so prevalent in politics today. Now it appears they are eating their own with Trump out of office. Go figure.

As for Goat, he's notorious at making up unkind things about others who disagree with him or who he disagrees with. I guess that's how he gets his jollies. A few years ago he doxed my KIDs and made up stuff about them as well. Just to mention a few things he said about my family. Can't get to me so he lowers himself to attach ones innocent family members. I guess it's just the type of person he is. A shame such a learned person transforms himself into a hateful lowlife.

Please keep speaking your mind and do not let a few trolls with nothing better to do silence your voice.

This is what BN trolls do with others they do not agree with. Sad!
picture upload site

[Edited on 3-3-2021 by Lobsterman]

mtgoat666 - 3-2-2021 at 08:03 PM

Quote: Originally posted by lencho  
Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
FYI Pay attention to what is happening to children

New Study Finds Masks Hurt Schoolchildren Physically, Psychologically, and Behaviorally
From the study preprint:

This study is based on a survey regarding the adverse effects of mask wearing in children. Due to multiple limitations, this study cannot demonstrate a causal relationship between mask wearing and the reported adverse effects in children. Most of the respondents were parents, and the survey was distributed preferentially in social media forums that, according to the authors, “criticize the government’s corona protection measures in principle”. The limitations of the study include sampling bias, reporting bias, and confounding bias as well as lack of a control group.

You insult us. :no:

Odd that I found my kids and so many other kids love dress up, masks and Halloween,....
My kids today even now accessorize with masks, have different colors/patterns for different outfits.
I think the only people psychologically impaired by masks are the covid-denialists, the red state trumpers (like Paul) who crazily think masks are some communist plot for mind control.

Skipjack Joe - 3-3-2021 at 07:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by lencho  
Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
FYI Pay attention to what is happening to children

New Study Finds Masks Hurt Schoolchildren Physically, Psychologically, and Behaviorally
From the study preprint:

This study is based on a survey regarding the adverse effects of mask wearing in children. Due to multiple limitations, this study cannot demonstrate a causal relationship between mask wearing and the reported adverse effects in children. Most of the respondents were parents, and the survey was distributed preferentially in social media forums that, according to the authors, “criticize the government’s corona protection measures in principle”. The limitations of the study include sampling bias, reporting bias, and confounding bias as well as lack of a control group.

You insult us. :no:

Don't point out gnukid's 'misinformation'. It's destroying Bajanomads.

Purdyd - 3-4-2021 at 08:36 AM

I find this type disinformation campaign on masks disturbing.

And I don’t understand why someone won’t believe an article from AP news but blindly believe something from the Montana daily gazette.

Frankly I don’t believe either and I am especially skeptical when something agrees with what I have as a preconceived idea.

mtgoat666 - 3-4-2021 at 09:15 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Purdyd  
I find this type disinformation campaign on masks disturbing.

And I don’t understand why someone won’t believe an article from AP news but blindly believe something from the Montana daily gazette.

Frankly I don’t believe either and I am especially skeptical when something agrees with what I have as a preconceived idea.

Go to the Montana daily gazette and read the “about” section. The paper was founded by and for conservative/religious zealots. The paper is fundamentalist loonie tunes stuff! Paul is reading crazy stuff on internet, has started to believe the fundamentalist crazies, gnukid has been radicalized

BigBearRider - 3-4-2021 at 11:23 AM

The Montana source sounds like it’s total nonsense, and not a newspaper at all. Google it.

John Harper - 3-4-2021 at 11:26 AM

I think gnukid has been out in the Baja sun too long without a hat.


Lobsterman - 3-5-2021 at 06:44 AM

Gnukid just got inserted in the back of the line on BN.
Sad day. Whose next?

[Edited on 3-5-2021 by Lobsterman]

JZ - 3-5-2021 at 07:00 AM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  

Go to the Montana daily gazette and read the “about” section. The paper was founded by and for conservative/religious zealots. The paper is fundamentalist loonie tunes stuff! Paul is reading crazy stuff on internet, has started to believe the fundamentalist crazies, gnukid has been radicalized

Maybe. The same can be said about the NY Times. It's not news at all.

gnukid - 3-5-2021 at 09:03 AM

Here is the problem

After Virus "Gain of Function" research was shut down at US Fort Deitrick, the project continued to be funded in Wuhan and apparently that funding continues today.

Recent Freedom of Information Act requests released 300 pages of Fauci WHO emails that show that all press communication were to be signed off by China, case data didn't match reported numbers and data was intentionally withheld by mutual agreement with China.

Judicial Watch: New Emails Detail WHO/NIH Accommodations to Chinese Confidentiality ‘Terms’

Fauci WHO China emails

‘RECIPE FOR DISASTER’ China got $27MILLION in US taxpayer cash for experiments including ‘human fear’ tests as pressure mounts over Wuhan lab

Dr. Fauci Backed Controversial Wuhan Lab with U.S. Dollars for Risky Coronavirus Research

The US National Institutes of Health, a government agency, awarded a $3.7million research grant to the Wuhan Institute of Virology

WHO team leader admits no 'hard facts or detailed data' received from Wuhan lab
“Exactly, but of course, as I said, we didn’t do an audit of any of these labs, so we don’t really have hard facts or detailed data on the work done,” Embarek said.

WHO Investigation into origin compromised

On W.H.O. Trip, China Refused to Hand Over Important Data
CASES COVER-UP? Wuhan Covid investigator says China refused to hand over raw data on first cases to WHO team probing how pandemic began

Note, fear, stress and toxins are primary components to "gain of function' of influenza type illness.

Controlling press and cases reporting is critical to inspiring fear to both control people with increased restrictions, surveillance and contact tracing, and to induce stress to increase illness.

How very little can be done under the spirit of fear.
—Florence Nightingale

[Edited on 3-5-2021 by gnukid]

Skipjack Joe - 3-5-2021 at 09:29 AM

Quote: Originally posted by JZ  
Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  

Go to the Montana daily gazette and read the “about” section. The paper was founded by and for conservative/religious zealots. The paper is fundamentalist loonie tunes stuff! Paul is reading crazy stuff on internet, has started to believe the fundamentalist crazies, gnukid has been radicalized

Maybe. The same can be said about the NY Times. It's not news at all.

Not the same thing but, yes, the NYT is a shadow of what it once had been.

gnukid - 3-5-2021 at 09:41 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Skipjack Joe  
Quote: Originally posted by JZ  

Maybe. The same can be said about the NY Times. It's not news at all.

Not the same thing but, yes, the NYT is a shadow of what it once had been.

Key to critical thinking is the ability to be able to read a variety of sources, including those that do not align to your biases, hold the thought, consider the issues and use your critical thinking to come to a consensus conclusion.

You can not think critically by restricting or censoring content, and rely on one source or a politically aligned sources.

Moreover, sharing sources, data, etc doesn't infer that the data reflects the views of the poster sharing the source, it is simply another source to consider in the big picture, to arrive at a truth.

Skipjack Joe - 3-5-2021 at 10:29 AM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
Quote: Originally posted by Skipjack Joe  
Quote: Originally posted by JZ  

Maybe. The same can be said about the NY Times. It's not news at all.

Not the same thing but, yes, the NYT is a shadow of what it once had been.

Key to critical thinking is the ability to be able to read a variety of sources, including those that do not align to your biases, hold the thought, consider the issues and use your critical thinking to come to a consensus conclusion.

You can not think critically by restricting or censoring content, and rely on one source or a politically aligned sources.

Moreover, sharing sources, data, etc doesn't infer that the data reflects the views of the poster sharing the source, it is simply another source to consider in the big picture, to arrive at a truth.

I know that. Don't need a lecture. You, of all people, are not an objective thinker. To tell us to not align with our biases is pretty hypocritical.

gnukid - 3-5-2021 at 11:05 AM

Interesting, that on Inauguration Day, COVID guidelines changed to no longer accept assumed or presumed infection from covid for those with symptoms, like cough, fever, etc which are common for colds and flu.

Second, guidelines changed to say that PCR RT testing should no longer be allowed with 40 or more cycles which produces false positives and every diagnosis of covid must include both a positive test with threshold in lower range close to 30 or less, and evidence of symptoms which radically reduced the number of COVID cases.

It is well admitted that PCR RT is not a test for isolation of COVID and it produces large numbers of false positives, meaning any anomaly produces positive, cold, flu, anything at all.

Now there is huge reduction of positive covid cases based on testing, and reduction in cases, to practically zero new cases.

Even those positives are associated with false positives. If you account for false positives and for lack of isolation, actual positives of COVID cases has reached zero.

See CDC Weekly covid update.

Also, we see that during high number of COVID deaths, common causes of death were radically reduced, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Cancer, Pneumonia etc. and common influenza disappeared completely.

Were common illnesses and influenza cured while covid flourished, or were those common illnesses recategorized as COVID?

Macro, overall excess deaths are equal year to year taking in account population? Meaning no increases in excess deaths overall, no evidence of pandemic illness causing excess deaths.

What evidence of COVID pandemic exists today? Is there a unique isolated virus that can be demonstrated? None.

Why has there been such extensive funding of collusion with Wuhan Infectious Diseases Laboratory and obfuscation of facts? Why doesn't there exist a sample of COVID Virus for study in USA Universities if it is so prevalent?

These revelations have led to end of restrictions and reopening of states. Many States are now completely open including Florida, Texas, Tennesee, South Dakota, Arizona is back to school, many states announced open visits with seniors and have announced no restrictions, nearly all of Mexico is Yellow meaning no restriction of activities or work on a National level, though both USA and Mexico allow for municpal decisions.

So why does this Good News about the end of COVID scare and the revelation there has been collusion with China to create fear with amplified cases and deaths make Lockdowners so angry?

Because 1) they have to go back to work. 2) they are responsible for their own health issues.

What did the Covid relief package reveal? Groups are being paid for compliance with collusion while the people receive less than 10% (close to 5%) of the support.

[Edited on 3-5-2021 by gnukid]

Skipjack Joe - 3-5-2021 at 11:56 AM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  

Also, we see that during high number of COVID deaths, common causes of death were radically reduced, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Cancer, Pneumonia etc. and common influenza disappeared completely.

Were common illnesses and influenza cured while covid flourished, or were those common illnesses recategorized as COVID?

The right would have you think so. The answer is straightforward and simple.

The pandemic restrictions that were required to curtail the virus affects ALL airborne infections. The social distancing and the usage of masks affected flus and pneumonias just as well. Why wouldn't they? The mask doesn't know what it's blocking. And all pathogens decrease in density with distance from their source. Usually the most straightforward answer is the right one. Looking for conspiracy theories may be fun but rarely gives you the right answer.

I can't answer for cancer and heart disease.

BajaNaranja - 3-5-2021 at 03:17 PM

The problem with highly-engaged wack-a-doo's and conspiracy kooks is that they barf up so much misinformation that it distracts from the purpose of the forum, runs off the reasonable crowd, and the value of the forum is diminished.

Unless the purpose of the forum ends up being a destination for those who need to vent hot gasses.

Buena suerte a todos!

gnukid - 3-6-2021 at 07:58 PM

Here is the latest report from South Carolina, that of all people tested for covid less than 5% came back positive, inline with CDC weekly National update, which is low level of community spread, though taking into account the high percentage of false positives, likely this number is closer to zero new positives.

SC drops to CDC’s low community COVID-19 spread level with latest case report

More states reopening with no restrictions nor masks required
Mississippi announces businesses free to reopen without state-imposed coronavirus rules

Texas Gov. Abbott announces plan to fully reopen businesses, end state mask mandate

Connecticut Reopens
Democrat Gov. dramatically rolls back Connecticut COVID restrictions and reopens restaurants to 100% capacity

TJ moving to Green within weeks

New Hamshire to reopen schools in March

California Reopening Baseball and Live events, schools

Malecon La Paz, BCS reopens for sports activities, walking, restaurants

Mexico City reopens cinemas, museums

Frida Khalo house reopens in DF

Utah to end mask mandate

[Edited on 3-7-2021 by gnukid]

gnukid - 3-6-2021 at 09:20 PM

China's government 'intentionally' released COVID-19

Chinese Virologist Claims China Created And Deliberately Unleashed Coronavirus

US government report assesses China intentionally concealed severity of coronavirus

China Wants to Use the Coronavirus to Take Over the World

China played leading role in spreading Covid-19 conspiracies: Investigation

A Painstakingly Planned Pandemic and Staged Panic

Dr. Fauci’s COVID-19 Treachery With Chilling Ties to the Chinese Military

Albany Times Union editorial board calls for Cuomo's resignation

COVID-19 WHO investigation slammed for being ‘complete whitewash’

[Edited on 3-7-2021 by gnukid]

JZ - 3-6-2021 at 11:14 PM

When is the Governor from Connecticut going to be called a Neanderthal?

Connecticut Reopens
Democrat Gov. dramatically rolls back Connecticut COVID restrictions and reopens restaurants to 100% capacity

Mexican consulates are offering vaccinations

AKgringo - 3-8-2021 at 09:47 AM

The Sacramento, and L.A. consulates are offering vaccinations by appointment. The target group is farm workers, seniors and people involved with child care. Proof of residency in not required.

[Edited on 3-8-2021 by AKgringo]

JZ - 3-8-2021 at 09:54 AM

The girl who cuts my hair took her mom to get vaccinated. They asked her if she wanted a shot too, and she said sure. This was about 2-3 weeks ago.

gnukid - 3-8-2021 at 10:12 AM

For entire BCS no "covid" deaths the last few days

gnukid - 3-10-2021 at 07:28 AM

Masking: A Careful Review of the Evidence

The CDC’s Mask Mandate Study: Debunked

The CDC Admission: Mask Effectiveness up in Flames

The CDC Accidentally Admits Cloth Masks Are Not Effective

CDC Admits: No Conclusive Evidence Cloth Masks Work Against COVID

COVID test kits exports began prior to first case seeded?

Wearing only one mask? You have room to improve, says the CDC

RobR77 - 4-11-2021 at 10:00 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
Reduce risk of COVID type illness
1) Clean your room, get sunshine, fresh air, exercise and eat healthy
2) Vacuum, sweep, mop, wash the corners of ceilings and floors once in while, clean window screens
Wash your sheets, feather, clothes
3) Dust, bugs, "sancrudos", mites etc are a cause of stress, allegros and infection
4) Use a simple mix of clean water, chlorine, mold cleaner to wash walls, tile floor, door knobs
5) Eat fresh fruits, smoothies, berries, bananas, oranges, limes, grapefruit, apples, kiwis etc
6) Eat fresh vegetables, broccoli, carrots, squash, etc. a broad range of colors
7) Yams are a great source of nutrition
8) Reduce refined sugar, (alcoholic beverages, sodas, processed juices)
9) Reduce flour based foods which can be high in carbohydrates
10) Make good buying decisions in grocery stores. Typical grocery stores has limited healthy nutritious products, often, while many items contain high fructose corn syrup, sugar, salt, processed foods with low nutrition, chemicals etc. choose fresh foods with high nutrition and low sugar, low fat and low carbohydrates by proportion

[Edited on 3-1-2021 by gnukid]

What about the vitamin C supplements?

gnukid - 4-12-2021 at 09:08 AM

Quote: Originally posted by RobR77  
Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
Reduce risk of COVID type illness
1) Clean your room, get sunshine, fresh air, exercise and eat healthy
2) Vacuum, sweep, mop, wash the corners of ceilings and floors once in while, clean window screens
Wash your sheets, feather, clothes
3) Dust, bugs, "sancrudos", mites etc are a cause of stress, allegros and infection
4) Use a simple mix of clean water, chlorine, mold cleaner to wash walls, tile floor, door knobs
5) Eat fresh fruits, smoothies, berries, bananas, oranges, limes, grapefruit, apples, kiwis etc
6) Eat fresh vegetables, broccoli, carrots, squash, etc. a broad range of colors
7) Yams are a great source of nutrition
8) Reduce refined sugar, (alcoholic beverages, sodas, processed juices)
9) Reduce flour based foods which can be high in carbohydrates
10) Make good buying decisions in grocery stores. Typical grocery stores has limited healthy nutritious products, often, while many items contain high fructose corn syrup, sugar, salt, processed foods with low nutrition, chemicals etc. choose fresh foods with high nutrition and low sugar, low fat and low carbohydrates by proportion

[Edited on 3-1-2021 by gnukid]

What about the vitamin C supplements?

Yes, Healthy diet to ensure 90 essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids is the best approach to health and reducing risk of illness, and daily fresh air and sunshine.

Vitamin supplements help to ensure adequate nutrition, but, unfortunately, supplements are not the same as fresh foods, all supplements have shelf life following production with deteriorating amount of useable nutrients, and the body has a harder time to integrate them. Though vitamin supplements can help to boost your vitamin levels, so, absolutely use vitamin supplements, especially when you have a hard time finding fresh sources of vitamin C, A, Zinc, B-12.

There are some complex issues, when your body has inadequate protein it can not process vitamins, so, even if you have enough you may be malnourished. You may be overweight yet malnourished due to improper and inconsistent diet and unable to process the vitamins you need, resulting in mental deficiencies and chemical imbalances that affect mood.

There is a big difference between fresh fruit picked at the optimal time of ripeness and eaten immediately versus store bought fruit that has been shipped across the world and is sitting in a box or on a shelf, try it and see if you feel the difference?

It's important to know the source of the food you eat, and its path to you.

One of the truly best things about Baja is the availability of fresh fruits, vegetables, fish and meat.

I try to eat at fresh fruits and vegetables daily and make fresh fruit smoothies a few time a week, plus supplements, and we share those together with family and friends.

It's easy for one person to prepare larger amounts of fresh foods for a group than for everyone to cook individually and it's cheaper.

motoged - 4-12-2021 at 09:31 AM

Quote: Originally posted by JZ  

When is the Governor from Connecticut going to be called a Neanderthal?

I think he is the third guy behind you in the line :lol:

gnukid - 4-12-2021 at 09:35 AM

18 Reasons I Won't Be Getting a Covid Vaccine

caj13 - 4-14-2021 at 09:19 AM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
18 Reasons I Won't Be Getting a Covid Vaccine

i have zero issues with you not getting the vaccine gnuey - kind of like darwin at work.
In the meantime - promise us you wont be whining and Kvetching when you cant attend an event or travel to a specific location because you do not have proof of vaccine.

You have every right to not get a vaccine. But their are consequences associated with that choice, and some of those consequences include you not being allowed into specific locations - I assume you are good with accepting the consequences of your decisions?

caj13 - 4-14-2021 at 09:22 AM

Quote: Originally posted by JZ  
When is the Governor from Connecticut going to be called a Neanderthal?

Connecticut Reopens
Democrat Gov. dramatically rolls back Connecticut COVID restrictions and reopens restaurants to 100% capacity

so his "lockdown" and other draconian control measured worked, so now they can safely reopen? see thats how it works!

KurtG - 4-14-2021 at 11:37 AM

Back to the original thread question. I just last week visited my cousin and his wife in Arizona. Despite using cautionary behavior the wife caught Covid and then her husband. They both described it as frightening and painful for about two weeks but were not hospitalized. They are early 70's and both otherwise in very good health, they have both since been vaccinated. They said that anyone who says that it is just like having a bit of the flu has their head up where the sun don't shine. Their words not mine.

Barry A. - 4-15-2021 at 03:11 AM

Both my wife (76) and I (83) had Covid early-Nov., caught in AZ on a road trip, probably infected at a mega-gas station near Needles, CA. Wife tested positive for Covid----I did not get tested. Both of us are healthy. For 2 weeks it was like a "bad case of the Flu", but we were up and about every day in-house. A month ago we were both tested for "anti-bodies" and tested positive. We both do have residual mild Covid symptoms still (long-haulers), but getting slightly better with each passing week and are functioning OK. It was not fun, but not "scary" or miserable. Due to our both having good "anti-bodies" still, we do not intend to get vaccinated for Covid at this time. I do get the seasonal vaccinations many get (flu, etc.), but not this new one for Covid since we already have Covid anti-bodies.

mtgoat666 - 4-15-2021 at 05:48 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Barry A.  
Both my wife (76) and I (83) had Covid early-Nov., caught in AZ on a road trip, probably infected at a mega-gas station near Needles, CA. Wife tested positive for Covid----I did not get tested. Both of us are healthy. For 2 weeks it was like a "bad case of the Flu", but we were up and about every day in-house. A month ago we were both tested for "anti-bodies" and tested positive. We both do have residual mild Covid symptoms still (long-haulers), but getting slightly better with each passing week and are functioning OK. It was not fun, but not "scary" or miserable. Due to our both having good "anti-bodies" still, we do not intend to get vaccinated for Covid at this time. I do get the seasonal vaccinations many get (flu, etc.), but not this new one for Covid since we already have Covid anti-bodies.

Long haulers got it rough.
The 2 most common symptoms in long haulers are fatigue and brain fog.
1/3 of covid infectees are long haulers.

gnukid - 4-15-2021 at 07:35 AM

Quote: Originally posted by caj13  
Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
18 Reasons I Won't Be Getting a Covid Vaccine

i have zero issues with you not getting the vaccine gnuey - kind of like darwin at work.
In the meantime - promise us you wont be whining and Kvetching when you cant attend an event or travel to a specific location because you do not have proof of vaccine.

You have every right to not get a vaccine. But their are consequences associated with that choice, and some of those consequences include you not being allowed into specific locations - I assume you are good with accepting the consequences of your decisions?

Highest quality immunity comes from natural immunity, anti-bodies developed over time.

The vaccine products clearly state they do not provide immunity, nor reduce transmission, so natural immunity is superior, while there are 100s of covid vaccine products in development they most often provoke increase of spike proteins, which has many potential negative effects, from blood clots in the brain, to immune system breakdown.

There is no question we are in the largest public drug trial experiment ever done, and the outcome is certain to include long term effects.

While those who got Covid and recovered are contributing to herd immunity, those who took vaccines are more likely to suffer long term consequences and may be super spreaders of variants.

It is far more likely that vaccinated people will have reduced mobility over those who got covid and recovered, for a variety of health reasons.

Keep in mind, there is no increase in macro influenza type illness year to year nor increase in macro deaths anywhere in the world, meaning no pandemic.

All flu, colds, pulmonary infections, pneumonia, heart disease, diabetes etc have been combined together into one supposed illness to be called covid, which is false.

Still, to date, neither CDC or WHO can produce isolated unique covid or flu evidence, on request.

Flu like illness is associated to lack of complete nutrition, stress and toxicity in the body that is generally a low risk, harmless cellular cleansing recovery process.

There is No Proof SARS-COV 2 Causes COVID-19

[Edited on 4-15-2021 by gnukid]

Barry A. - 4-15-2021 at 08:11 AM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
Quote: Originally posted by Barry A.  
Both my wife (76) and I (83) had Covid early-Nov., caught in AZ on a road trip, probably infected at a mega-gas station near Needles, CA. Wife tested positive for Covid----I did not get tested. Both of us are healthy. For 2 weeks it was like a "bad case of the Flu", but we were up and about every day in-house. A month ago we were both tested for "anti-bodies" and tested positive. We both do have residual mild Covid symptoms still (long-haulers), but getting slightly better with each passing week and are functioning OK. It was not fun, but not "scary" or miserable. Due to our both having good "anti-bodies" still, we do not intend to get vaccinated for Covid at this time. I do get the seasonal vaccinations many get (flu, etc.), but not this new one for Covid since we already have Covid anti-bodies.

Long haulers got it rough.
The 2 most common symptoms in long haulers are fatigue and brain fog.
1/3 of covid infectees are long haulers.

That is certainly true of us, MtGoat. Yes, "brain-fog" and "fatigue" comes and goes, and we also have intermittent loss of smell and taste, and we also are sleeping a lot, often 10 hours a night, all of which are very unusual for us before having Covid. We blame "Covid" for everything, but who knows how much our age has to do with how we feel?!?!? Slowly, we are returning to normal, we think.

David K - 4-15-2021 at 08:42 AM

So good to hear your both survived to tell us what and to just be around a little longer to share the Baja vibe with us on Nomad!

Barry A. - 4-15-2021 at 09:01 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
So good to hear your both survived to tell us what and to just be around a little longer to share the Baja vibe with us on Nomad!

Thanks, David. We are doing fine. All our travels are in the SW USA now, seeing things that we have not seen before, or just want to visit again. So much yet to see right here in the South West USA (-:


JZ - 4-15-2021 at 09:06 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Barry A.  

Thanks, David. We are doing fine. All our travels are in the SW USA now, seeing things that we have not seen before, or just want to visit again. So much yet to see right here in the South West USA (-:


We did the exact same thing last year.

Terry28 - 4-15-2021 at 09:34 AM

This topic is way past it's "use by date" time to move on......

David K - 4-15-2021 at 10:15 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Barry A.  
Quote: Originally posted by David K  
So good to hear your both survived to tell us what and to just be around a little longer to share the Baja vibe with us on Nomad!

Thanks, David. We are doing fine. All our travels are in the SW USA now, seeing things that we have not seen before, or just want to visit again. So much yet to see right here in the South West USA (-:


I agree Barry, there is so much to see in the USA. When we took a break from Baja-only travel, back in or around 2008, we saw many of the wonders here... Hoover Dam, Carlsbad Caverns, Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Meteor Crater, etc. So much more plus see more of what we just had a quick look at.

Bajabus - 4-15-2021 at 10:15 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Terry28  
This topic is way past it's "use by date" time to move on......

But wait, gnukid forgot to insert the usual 500 links on his last post. Lets give him the decency to correct that :saint:

John Harper - 4-15-2021 at 03:52 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bajabus  
Quote: Originally posted by Terry28  
This topic is way past it's "use by date" time to move on......

But wait, gnukid forgot to insert the usual 500 links on his last post. Lets give him the decency to correct that :saint:

This dead horse has become a crumbling skeleton.


Glidergeek - 4-23-2021 at 06:45 AM

Tested yesterday again for antibodies...still positive 9 mos since china virus.:cool:

Skipjack Joe - 4-23-2021 at 07:02 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Glidergeek  
Tested yesterday again for antibodies...still positive 9 mos since china virus.:cool:

That’s a good thing, right? I came down with Valley Fever in 2012 and am still positive for the antibody test.

pacificobob - 4-23-2021 at 07:14 AM

referring to the covid-19 virus as the "China virus " is such an overused, transparent
dog whistle cliche.... the use of which speaks volumes about the user.

caj13 - 4-23-2021 at 09:00 AM

Hows that mass dosing of the population with Ivermectrin working out for India, I assume they now have no problems with Covid?

Glidergeek - 4-23-2021 at 09:40 AM

"So you got an antibody test 9 months ago? What inspired that (and where did you get it)?"

No I didn't get an antibody test 9 mos ago. I got covid 19 (china virus) 9 mos ago.

I've been getting blood draws monthly (from my provider) since November in conjunction with my primary Dr. We want to see how long the antibodies last. (cause he don't know)

So more people that need a vaccination can get it instead of people like me that paid for the immunity the hard way don't need it, yet. We maybe will be immune until we die, when the antibodies are not detected in my blood I'll considder getting a Vac.

Bajabus - 4-23-2021 at 10:27 AM

Quote: Originally posted by lencho  
Quote: Originally posted by Glidergeek  
Tested yesterday again for antibodies...still positive 9 mos since china virus.:cool:

It's actually not from China, don't swallow the Cool-aid.

It was developed by the CIA at the request of You-know-who and planted in China knowing it would spread to the U.S. in order to resolve the Social Security financial crisis (cull the old folks), shifting blame to China in order to divert attention from the real culprits.

Don't forget that in a very special and unique arrangement, you know who obtained funding for this secret project from George Sorros. The CIA developed the virus in the Mar a Lago swimming pool and buffet line.

pacificobob - 4-24-2021 at 11:04 AM

and let's not forget the forest fire starting Jewish satellites and their roll in this.

BajaMama - 4-25-2021 at 07:33 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Barry A.  
Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
Quote: Originally posted by Barry A.  
Both my wife (76) and I (83) had Covid early-Nov., caught in AZ on a road trip, probably infected at a mega-gas station near Needles, CA. Wife tested positive for Covid----I did not get tested. Both of us are healthy. For 2 weeks it was like a "bad case of the Flu", but we were up and about every day in-house. A month ago we were both tested for "anti-bodies" and tested positive. We both do have residual mild Covid symptoms still (long-haulers), but getting slightly better with each passing week and are functioning OK. It was not fun, but not "scary" or miserable. Due to our both having good "anti-bodies" still, we do not intend to get vaccinated for Covid at this time. I do get the seasonal vaccinations many get (flu, etc.), but not this new one for Covid since we already have Covid anti-bodies.

Long haulers got it rough.
The 2 most common symptoms in long haulers are fatigue and brain fog.
1/3 of covid infectees are long haulers.

That is certainly true of us, MtGoat. Yes, "brain-fog" and "fatigue" comes and goes, and we also have intermittent loss of smell and taste, and we also are sleeping a lot, often 10 hours a night, all of which are very unusual for us before having Covid. We blame "Covid" for everything, but who knows how much our age has to do with how we feel?!?!? Slowly, we are returning to normal, we think.

There is some research that the vaccine will help clear up left-over covid infection symptoms that long haulers experience. You may want to research that if you are still feeling icky.

Barry A. - 4-25-2021 at 07:58 AM

Thanks, BajaMama, I really appreciate hearing that. I had not heard that about the vac. maybe helping "long haulers". Certainly worth looking into. My wife and I are somewhat better now, but I am still plagued with serious joint-pain and mild fatigue that I did not have before our Covid bout in early November, 2020. Trying lots of different OTC anti "pain and inflammation" pills that certainly help (ALEVE, Advil dual-action, Harvey's Raisins, etc.), but I hate becoming addicted to them long term. Whatever works is my guide, but used with caution. We will get another "anti-body" blood check nest month to see if we are still positive. Our Health Insurance (Medicare and Blue Cross) totally covers the "anti-body" tests, so far.. Barry A.

[Edited on 4-25-2021 by Barry A.]

John Harper - 4-25-2021 at 08:06 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Barry A.  
Thanks, BajaMama, I really appreciate hearing that. I had not heard that about the vac. maybe helping "long haulers". Certainly worth looking into. My wife and I are somewhat better now, but I am still plagued with serious joint-pain and mild fatigue that I did not have before our Covid bout in early November, 2020. Trying lots of different OTC anti "pain and inflammation" pills that certainly help (ALEVE, Advil dual-action, Harvey's Raisins, etc.), but I hate becoming addicted to them long term. Whatever works is my guide, but used with caution. We will get another "anti-body" blood check nest month to see if we are still positive. Our Health Insurance (Medicare and Blue Cross) totally covers the "anti-body" tests, so far.. Barry A.

Watch the ibuprofen. I had a buddy who used it regularly after workouts, ended up in the hospital one day. Kidney issues.


John Harper - 4-25-2021 at 11:19 AM

Quote: Originally posted by lencho  
Quote: Originally posted by John Harper  
Kidney issues.
A well-known risk of the medication. You have any idea of the dosages he was taking? :wow:

No, I do not. It surprised me because he's a workout and health freak.


[Edited on 4-25-2021 by John Harper]

willardguy - 4-25-2021 at 11:44 AM

Quote: Originally posted by John Harper  
Quote: Originally posted by lencho  
Quote: Originally posted by John Harper  
Kidney issues.
A well-known risk of the medication. You have any idea of the dosages he was taking? :wow:

No, I do not. It surprised me because he's a workout and health freak.


[Edited on 4-25-2021 by John Harper]

my two cents on the kidney deal....a year ago my yearly visit to the doc revealed poor kidney function, doc said it was diet soda's (these were my go to c-cktail mixers thinking I was cutting a fat hog), completely cut them out and kidney's running like a big dog now....and thats all I know about that:light:

Barry A. - 4-25-2021 at 12:39 PM

Thanks for the heads-up on dangers of "pills", John Harper-------it is scary.

I also use Nasaids (Aleve) with good results for joint inflammation, but only a couple times a week with one pill only, each day, and never with any other pain-pill at the same time. Works pretty good for me, usually.

On a decent "mixer" for c-cktails--------been using "7-up Zero-Sugar" for months now with good results on Kidney tests so far.


surabi - 4-25-2021 at 05:29 PM

Quote: Originally posted by lencho  
Quote: Originally posted by Glidergeek  
I got covid 19 (china virus) 9 mos ago.
Sorry I asked; that single phrase cancels any kind of credibility you might have had. :rolleyes:

Isn't it so cute how racists seem to have this compulsion to continually announce to everyone that they are racists. "In case you missed it the first time, let me use that racist dog whistle again, because nothing makes me prouder than being seen as a racist."

Glidergeek - 4-26-2021 at 07:35 AM

surabi you really are pursuing a weak argument.

"The traditional definition of race and ethnicity is related to biological and sociological factors respectively. Race refers to a person's physical characteristics, such as bone structure and skin, hair, or eye color. Ethnicity, however, refers to cultural factors, including nationality, regional culture, ancestry, and language.

An example of race is brown, white, or black skin (all from various parts of the world), while an example of ethnicity is German or Spanish ancestry (regardless of race) or Han Chinese. Your race is determined by how you look while your ethnicity is determined based on the social and cultural groups you belong to. You can have more than one ethnicities but you are said to have one race, even if it's "mixed race"."

I merely mentioned I got a virus that emanated from China, I never degraded any Chinese people. I didn't even blame an open air market or bats.

I can see that most people, not all, here are more interested in slandering and criticizing others than contributing constructively to to the subject(s) of this thread or any other threads here on the BN for that matter.

I promise you that I will not make any other comments to this thread for 5 more weeks to let the people that are interested in this threads subject about my immunity status.

In the meantime work on that hate thing you've got going on in your mind. :fire:

pacificobob - 4-26-2021 at 07:45 AM

spin it how you like. you make it abundantly clear who you are
and we believe you in that regard.

mtgoat666 - 4-26-2021 at 09:57 AM

California’s COVID-19 infection rates dip to nation’s lowest

California is safest state in the nation!

Gavin Newsom!

Don Pisto - 4-26-2021 at 10:57 AM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
California’s COVID-19 infection rates dip to nation’s lowest

California is safest state in the nation!

Gavin Newsom!

Business Insider
Staying 6 feet apart indoors does almost nothing to stop the spread of COVID-19, MIT study finds
we're still learning:light:

[Edited on 4-27-2021 by Don Pisto]

surabi - 4-26-2021 at 01:58 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Glidergeek  
surabi you really are pursuing a weak argument.

"The traditional definition of race and ethnicity is related to biological and sociological factors respectively. Race refers to a person's physical characteristics, such as bone structure and skin, hair, or eye color. Ethnicity, however, refers to cultural factors, including nationality, regional culture, ancestry, and language.

An example of race is brown, white, or black skin (all from various parts of the world), while an example of ethnicity is German or Spanish ancestry (regardless of race) or Han Chinese. Your race is determined by how you look while your ethnicity is determined based on the social and cultural groups you belong to. You can have more than one ethnicities but you are said to have one race, even if it's "mixed race"."

I merely mentioned I got a virus that emanated from China, I never degraded any Chinese people. I didn't even blame an open air market or bats.

I can see that most people, not all, here are more interested in slandering and criticizing others than contributing constructively to to the subject(s) of this thread or any other threads here on the BN for that matter.

I promise you that I will not make any other comments to this thread for 5 more weeks to let the people that are interested in this threads subject about my immunity status.

In the meantime work on that hate thing you've got going on in your mind. :fire:

And the point of your unnecessary explanation of the difference between race and ethnicity is? ( Your presumption that others are ignorant regarding this is offensive)

You are arguing semantics. You know exactly what your aim is in calling it the "china virus". You want to blame an entire country, and by extension its population, for a pandemic that no one has conclusively identified as to where and how it started.

This leads to anti- Asian sentiment, and many Americans don't even make a distinction between different Asian countries or their people.

It's very simple- unless you want to be seen as encouraging hate crimes against Asians, you stop calling it the "China virus". Is that concept so hard for you to grasp?

JZ - 4-26-2021 at 02:02 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
California’s COVID-19 infection rates dip to nation’s lowest

California is safest state in the nation!

Gavin Newsom!

How safe are women from hundreds of released domestic violence felons in Gavin Newsome's utopia?

What about the millions of kids who lost a year of education and suffer from anxiety and depression because Newsome didn't follow the science.

How many lost their businesses because Newsome wouldn't let them work?

Why are smart kids of all colors banned from learning advanced math in the name of equality under Newsome?

Who provided the vaccine to make the reduction in cases possible?

[Edited on 4-27-2021 by JZ]

JZ - 4-26-2021 at 07:44 PM

Regarding "China Virus" term. Not a fan of it. I think Trump was very dumb for saying it, especially how he said it.

That said, I don't find it racist and I don't believe it incites violence to Asians. I'm sure there are some corner cases out there.

Regarding Surabi/Skipjack and others throwing around the "racist" word so casually I find that very sad. The political Left is doing that to divide the country to gain political power. Don't be a pawn.

Every damn thing is racist now. Where the hell does it end.

[Edited on 4-27-2021 by JZ]

motoged - 4-26-2021 at 08:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JZ  

That said, I don't find it racist and I don't believe it incites violence to Asians. I'm sure there are some corner cases out there.

Well, your beliefs are limiting and you are tone deaf:

caj13 - 5-8-2021 at 05:20 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Mark_BC  
I'm pretty sure I caught it back in November. It came on fast and strong but I was prepared and dosed myself with !vermect!n immediately and within 2 days it had mostly gone away. This stuff really works, it basically provides full immunity from catching the disease and will cure it if you do catch it, even in later stages.

I hope this post doesn't get deleted, as this information could save many lives.

Edit: Here are some very interesting charts. Look at the US data, scroll down to daily deaths. It is around 3000.

Now look at India. About 150. Even though they have 4x the population of the US and live in very crowded societies, they have 20x fewer daily deaths.

Why the difference? Can you guess?

....... India is giving everyone the unmentionable drug above.

[Edited on 1-31-2021 by Mark_BC]

Hey Mark, How's that Ivermectrin working out for India. seems like i haven't heard anything lately, I'm sure you are up to date on the info on ivermectrin - so what's the scoop?

caj13 - 5-8-2021 at 05:27 AM

Quote: Originally posted by JZ  
Regarding "China Virus" term. Not a fan of it. I think Trump was very dumb for saying it, especially how he said it.

That said, I don't find it racist and I don't believe it incites violence to Asians. I'm sure there are some corner cases out there.

Regarding Surabi/Skipjack and others throwing around the "racist" word so casually I find that very sad. The political Left is doing that to divide the country to gain political power. Don't be a pawn.

Every damn thing is racist now. Where the hell does it end.
[Edited on 4-27-2021 by JZ]

when people start treating others as people who deserve respect and equal opportunity!- when people quit making judgements of others based on their skin color.

Thats when it ends JZ - and we are no where near that - so - the battle continues -
Calling people out and holding them accountable for their words and actions - thats what is going on.

But those not willing to own the consequences of their words and actions - they spout nonsense like "woke" culture and cancel culture as a smoke screen for their racism !

It's all about individual accountability JZ - I'm sure you agree with that!

John Harper - 5-8-2021 at 06:34 AM

Quote: Originally posted by JZ  

What about the millions of kids who lost a year of education and suffer from anxiety and depression because Newsome didn't follow the science.

IDK, I just administered the 2021 AP Exams last week at Del Mar Fairgrounds. Seems those 2000 or so kids we've tested so far did not lose a year of education. And, we still have 3 more weeks of AP Exams. I guess no one told the kids to stop learning.


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