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toneart - 10-11-2008 at 01:19 PM

Originally posted by jdtrotter
Dang, sure hope Mulege does not get hit hard again.

Good luck and stay safe


Hey, a vote of empathy. Whodda thunk it? Well, you can expect it from Diane. Thank you.:yes:

Bob and Susan - 10-11-2008 at 01:20 PM

where the rain is at 2pm

Untitled.jpg - 40kB

flyfishinPam - 10-11-2008 at 01:24 PM

Another cell moving through now

vandenberg - 10-11-2008 at 01:26 PM

Blustery wind from the north here with still off and on heavy rain. Must be the back end of the storm with winds from the north. Seems like the eye crossed somewhere south of Agua Verde, around Isla San Jose ?
End result: nowhere as severe as anticipated.

Bruce R Leech - 10-11-2008 at 01:26 PM

it seems like the upper level winds or sheer are tearing it apart real fast

Mulege - Coyote Bay

Pompano - 10-11-2008 at 01:28 PM


Rio normal so far...

0130 hrs - brief rain shower - wind 5-10mph - everyone is ready for Norberto. Lots of storm stocking going on. Saul was happy.

Had Saturday carnitas as usual at Antonio y Lorena's...delicious as ever.

Rain started as we left town....

Near the highway Pemex police had set up a roadblock barring traffic heading south from Mulege, but Bay and area residents were allowed through.

Coyote Bay: Temp 86 - Wind 5-8mph - 2 minor rain showers so far.

So far, so good!

vandenberg - 10-11-2008 at 01:31 PM

Blustery winds from the north here with off and on heavy rain. Since the winds are from the north, the storm has passed and should be out to sea. Eye must have passed somewhere south of Agua Verde, around Isla San Jose?
End result: not nearly as severe as anticipated.
Sometimes you get lucky. Pheeeeewwww!!!!:biggrin:

Bob and Susan - 10-11-2008 at 01:32 PM

so far for mulege (at least) it was "all bark and no bite"

Bruce R Leech - 10-11-2008 at 01:35 PM

it is realy moving fast, soon it will be gone

[Edited on 10-11-2008 by Bruce R Leech]

Sharksbaja - 10-11-2008 at 01:50 PM

I feel much better now, thanks Roger and you other reporters on the ground! Thank the rain gods for us as well.

bajajudy - 10-11-2008 at 01:55 PM

According to the lates bulletin, Norbert is now in the Sea of Cortez having already passed over our narrow peninsula

shari - 10-11-2008 at 01:57 PM

many of us are empathetic and very glad Mulege was spared this time! but our hearts go out to those in the central Loreto municipio and Mag Bay area.
Oddly enough the wind picked up the last hour to 25 knots plus from the NW...very dry hot wind and lots of blowing sand...yuck!

flyfishinPam - 10-11-2008 at 02:03 PM

We may be ahead of the eye as in it may change direction
So far mild storm

BigWooo - 10-11-2008 at 02:06 PM

Non event for us...but it's sure raining out there somewhere!

vandenberg - 10-11-2008 at 02:06 PM

Originally posted by flyfishinPam
We may be ahead of the eye as in it may change direction

Don't think so.
On the way by, it winked at me as if to say " Gotcha ":biggrin:

Cajones - 10-11-2008 at 02:11 PM

El Sudcalifornia reports that Magdelena Bay caught the worst of it and that the eye passed about 60 miles south of Loreto. Hurricane force winds only extened to a radius of about 35 miles from the eye.

Hook - 10-11-2008 at 02:18 PM

Starting to rain over here in San Carlos, Sonora for the first time. Projected path has it making landfall some where near Topolobampo early this evening.

Russ - 10-11-2008 at 02:25 PM

From what I see on the satellite the eye is in the SOC. I hope that means all is well with folks south of Mulege. Here we've hardly had a shower... so far. Winds have been all over the place the last 2 hours put have been steady out of the NNE at 10 mph for awhile now. I'll be really happy tomorrow morning when the sun come out in all it's glory. Any report on the Mulege river? I do worry about rain in the mountains. Good thoughts to all those the storm did effect!

shari - 10-11-2008 at 02:25 PM

Here is our bay a few minutes ago...some big sets starting to come in now. Wind at 30 knots from the NW.

DSC00677-1.JPG - 49kB

Bajagypsy - 10-11-2008 at 02:28 PM

Shari, Looks like your in for some rain.....

longlegsinlapaz - 10-11-2008 at 02:45 PM

3:40 PM Centenario - La Paz area....Sporadic low level wind gusts here now with very light rain. Comitan or others in this area can correct me if I'm senile, but IMO, Norbert was a much lighter moisture-ladened storm than anything since Hurricane Marty. So hopefully that'll be true for the mountains above Mulege's Rio.

Todos Santos 1546

CaboRon - 10-11-2008 at 02:46 PM

Todos Santos, aside from some debries, and a tree that fell across Topete (in front of La ARCA and has been cleared) is in good shape.

Just took a drive into the pueblo to check on things and low and behold, Barajas was open, so I had a nice lunch on the best carnitas I know of.

Looks like it's over for us and the crowning of the princess will go forward tonight at the festival .....

Wishing you all the most minimal of evenings as this thing moves over to the mainland.


Skeet/Loreto - 10-11-2008 at 02:46 PM

Has anyone heard any report about Constitution?? Appreciate any report. Thanks Skeet.

Baja-Brit - 10-11-2008 at 04:10 PM

Hurricane batters Western Mexico

- Mexican troops have helped to evacuate people from vulnerable areas.

Hurricane Norbert has struck Mexico's Baja California Sur peninsula with heavy rains and 103mph (165km/h) winds.

The Category 2 hurricane made landfall near the city of La Paz, blowing down roofs and uptrooting trees. Residents have been fleeing to shelters.

Forecasters say Norbert will cross the Gulf of California, before making a second landfall on Mexico's north-western mainland.

It is expected to hit the agricultural states of Sonora and Sinaloa.

Reports say the storm is creating 13ft (4m) waves.

People evacuated

Baja California Sur's civil protection chief, Jose Gajon, said about 1,000 people were in shelters and more were expected.

"If it is necessary, we will use authorities to take to shelters those who refuse to go," he added.

Rescue teams have already evacuated people from homes made from wooden boards and sheet metal in low-lying areas.

The wind uprooted palm trees and water rose knee-high in some streets of the town of Puerto San Carlos.

"We left our house because we were scared. Our house is pretty poor and the water was already coming in," said Maria Espinosa, 54, who arrived at a school with her daughter and two grandchildren.

Norbert is not expected to strengthen significantly as it crosses the Gulf of California, the US National Hurricane Center said.

It is forecast to weaken once it moves into north-western Mexico on a path towards Arizona.

Earlier, meteorologists downgraded Hurricane Norbert from Category 3 to 2 but said it remained "life-threatening".

Source: BBC

As you were.

[Edited on 11-10-2008 by Baja-Brit]

Norbert and Mulege

Mulegena - 10-11-2008 at 04:42 PM

We got a miss this time, sooo...

we're going home to rest up so we can put the house back together again-- thankfully!

Best wishes to folks further south, and thanks to everyone for your concern.

Photos La Paz about 13:00 hrs. today

Cervisin - 10-11-2008 at 05:27 PM

Some photos from today.
La Paz around lunchtime

2 videos will be posted in while

backninedan - 10-11-2008 at 06:05 PM

It's all over here in Loreto. I measure 5 inches of rain in my very un-official rain gauge.

Winds were moderate, I'm guessing in the 50 mph range. The arroyo south of town is still to flooded to drive across but should be passable by tomorrow morning.

The arroyo cuts me off from town, so I don't have any info on flooding or damage there. No info on hwy conditions.

It could have been much worse.

much love for all in the path of norbert!

bajarasta1 - 10-11-2008 at 06:24 PM

the rasta surf cult is deffinately feelin for you'all and we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. stay high and dry down there. we will see you'all in november!
one love, and strength,

Brianinloreto - 10-11-2008 at 09:20 PM

Really nice to hear that Mulege got spared any extra rain. You guys need a break.

2 short video clips La Paz

Cervisin - 10-11-2008 at 09:59 PM

Malecon and Marina

Bob and Susan - 10-12-2008 at 05:10 AM

i do hear there was some water in the city of constitution and flooding
mulege is normal...

the rain was just enough to keep the desert GREEN for the next month

no wind here
clear skies
78 degrees

surf is making noise this morning:spingrin:

Hurricane "Snorebert" in Todos Santos

BCSTech - 10-12-2008 at 09:29 AM

Wind gusts up to 45. A little rain. Power went off for a few hours.

The Festival was packed last night. Life goes on...

vandenberg - 10-12-2008 at 09:49 AM

Originally posted by backninedan
It's all over here in Loreto. I measure 5 inches of rain in my very un-official rain gauge.

Here in Nopolo we had about 6 inches.
I use a 2 lb. coffee can for measuring. Figure as long as it doesn't taper, any container should do. Probably wrong.
Anybody?? do they figure accurate rainfall officially???

Rain gauge

thebajarunner - 10-12-2008 at 11:20 AM

At the risk of stealing the thread (sorry Norbert)

You can buy a cheap rain gauge at any hardware store, our OSH has several varieties.

I went on line couple years ago and found one for $25 that is incredibly accurate, down to the 100ths of an inch.

Just make sure to mount it at a location that is in the open, does not either get sheltered, or receive extra drips and drops.

Great fun to have one that is accurate,
even here in Central Cal where we get 12 inches of precip per year.

CaboRon - 10-12-2008 at 12:35 PM

I have never seen an OSH in Baja California ...

This is a forum about Baja California ...

What possible good does that information do us in BCS ??

Calling Jack Swords!!!

thebajarunner - 10-12-2008 at 12:56 PM

Jack, did you ever figure out how to put tiresome people on "ignore"???

ah, probably not, mores the pity

vgabndo - 10-12-2008 at 01:04 PM

Do you have a freeking coffee can Mr. Negativity? Accurate to within 100th. of an inch, DOES NOT REQUIRE EVER LEAVING BAJA, third world low tech. Perfect!

When it is full you can pour it on your blanket. Sheesh.

I'm happy for BAJA, that so few people in BAJA felt much of an impact of the storm that crossed BAJA, but these reports probably discount the suffering of native BAJA CALIFORNIANS who live outside the major BAJA tourist areas.

Another reason to have an "ignore list". I just got sucked into responding to a negative post...thereby demonstrating negativity. Sheeeeeeeeeesh

[Edited on 10-12-2008 by vgabndo]

socalrat - 10-12-2008 at 01:40 PM

Will be heading down to Los Barriles in December. Anyone have any report on how this area rode out the storm? From reading the posts here, it sounds like there was generally little substantial damage or flooding....

thanks in advance.


Rain gauge- Part II

thebajarunner - 10-12-2008 at 03:07 PM

With all the excitement generated by my first post, well it is only fair that I give the website where you too may purchase an accurate gauge....

And, the best part, the company uses workers with disabilities, which is sort of a "feel good" place to buy and assist.

And yeah, at our cabin in the Sierras we too use a coffee can.
Pretty hard to measure snow in a precision gauge.

Final note- We too are immensely relieved that the storm did not cause the devastation we had all feared.
That could have been a disaster, and from all reports it is just a big annoyance, and for that we can be grateful.

shari - 10-12-2008 at 03:30 PM

Yes, I am glad many Nomad places were spared but I'm sure the people in Mag Bay, Lopez Mateos etc. who's houses fell down and roofs flew off thought it was a bit more than an annoying. I heard on the radio yesterday that 90% of the roofs there were destroyed and several houses as well...flooding about 4' inside their homes etc. It seems Norbert was not widespread but did damage where it was a direct hit.
Good practise though in preparation and my hats off to the authorities in BCS who were very well prepared.
I for one appreciate people who tell us where one can buy things we ask about even though it isnt' in Baja....we can get someone coming down to buy stuff for cedar plugs and little freezers...which are on their way to our humble village.

LancairDriver - 10-12-2008 at 09:38 PM

Thankfully spared most of Baja this time. However, after crossing the Sea of Cortez, it wreaked havok on Alamos. Loss of life, heavy destruction of roads, bridges, and people swept from their homes. Baja Bush Pilots are waiting for word to see what assistance can be given.

toneart - 10-12-2008 at 10:05 PM

Originally posted by LancairDriver
Thankfully spared most of Baja this time. However, after crossing the Sea of Cortez, it wreaked havok on Alamos. Loss of life, heavy destruction of roads, bridges, and people swept from their homes. Baja Bush Pilots are waiting for word to see what assistance can be given.

Oh, that's terrible! I hope you can get in there. Alamos is a cool town. The music festival there is really a huge event.

Does anyone know if there is an organized effort by the army or civilians to go to those areas in Baja, from Mag. Bay and on across, for an assessment of need?

capt. mike - 10-13-2008 at 07:37 AM

LancairDriver is correct. From what is being posted at BBP the town is devasted not unlike what Juan did to Mulege in 2006.
20-25 unaccounted for. Town cut off no access in or out.
airport wrecked (was just newly improved).

we are waiting on info as to what help might be asked for.
might entail an airlift but with bigger cities close by i hope Mexico can get it done.

sounds like for much of baja it was not the event feared.

dtbushpilot - 10-13-2008 at 07:43 AM

We may need to change our plan from flying down to driving down to Buena Vista:no:. Does anybody have info on road conditions South of Loreto, particularly in the Constitution area?


[Edited on 10-13-2008 by dtbushpilot]

capt. mike - 10-13-2008 at 03:39 PM

DT - our clinic coordinator lives in Lopez just outside constitucion.

here's what she sent:

*Well, The day began with a little rain and light winds. Of course when I say began one must understand I am an early riser. Like 3:45 am. "Normal" After daylight the light rain turned to heavy rain and light winds turned to strong with stronger gusts. In the neighborhood of 30 to 40 gusting to 50 at times. Naturally the power went out this morning and is still out this evening. But it's out region wide. The rain quit here a couple hours ago as the eye of Norbert entered the Sea of Cortez. But the winds are still strong with gusts to 45 kts.

i don't think where you're headed they got too much. but if you drive around Loreto there must be some road damage?
past La Paz i bet it is ok. where were you landing? pecadero? they should be dry by now.

keep the light on for me! i might head to Costa Baja in La Paz right after the new year and detour to east cape too.

Pescador - 10-13-2008 at 04:00 PM

The Mexican Newspaper El Sudcalifornian, reported that 3,000 people from Insurgentes, Constitucion, and San Carlos are still in temporary shelters. Schools will not repopen until they are able to send the people back home to their houses. Gov. Agundez was there and in Loreto to assess the damage. Massive amount of trees toppled, power lines down, phone and water still days from being restored. The poor people of Constitucion have been hit twice this year.
From what I read, the roads are passable with no problems but watch out from flood debris in the bottom of the vados, and elec trucks everywhere.

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