
Turtle bust

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Dave - 4-29-2009 at 08:18 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
gosh darn...........don't you have a job or something else to do?

Have you ever passed a Mexican driver?

It's kinda exactly like that. :rolleyes:

Byron - 4-29-2009 at 08:58 PM

He has a job and he's working very hard at it. Getting rid of Olivia and Mark and trying to win over public opinion!

fishingmako - 4-29-2009 at 09:30 PM

I really like the posts, It has become a real story book, I have learned a lot on watching and reading this, right or wrong, that is for you to look up and do your own research, if you read closely you can see Laws being set forward by both parties good and bad, that are not the real world laws, some may be or not, so I read and do my own research amazing the outcome.

I suggest those that keep saying boring, soap, get a life, I suggest you don't read it, by pass it, that is real easy, just don't peek.

Keep it coming I love it.

Alan - 4-29-2009 at 09:42 PM

Originally posted by ramuma53
Then you found a general problem that need to be corrected, one thing is what people do and other what the law says and we should do what the law says not what people do wrong.
Also there is a big diference between charging for services rendered and other control and forbid the use of public property to any person; is like if a bus driver just because he don't like you could forbid you boarding that bus.
The law says that public property is for public use and not concesionable; when there is a public option you can build a private marina and you can charge for the marina services, the actual act of puting a boat in the water by your own means must not be charged.
Of course we know that in a lot of places where there are a lot of marinas, people control the access to the property and that way they control the access to the marina, but you have to own the land and build the marina; here we are talking about a federal concession to be used as movable sales point, not with fixed structures only and even if you are allowed to use it that way, you can not forbid the use of public property.
Mayve if you know the law you can defend yourself when those guys charge you for something they should not.
Another fact is that in private marinas, the Federal Zone is only 3 mts. and those 3 mts. are public property and should have public access.
If you take a moment to review her post she stated they are welcome to launch on the beach.

I don't feel a need to protect myself from someone that charges for the use of a ramp that they paid to construct and continue to maintain. Those fees are what make these conveniences available to me. Without them I would need a much smaller boat that I could launch across a beach.

[Edited on 4-30-2009 by Alan]

soulpatch - 4-29-2009 at 09:59 PM

This all takes me back to my mantra of I won't invest more in Mexico than I can afford to walk away from without ever looking back.
I love it but it ain't my country and I don't have the money to buy the law.

fishingmako - 4-29-2009 at 11:06 PM


ELINVESTIG8R - 4-30-2009 at 05:22 AM

I am not taking sides as I do not know the truth. This is real life drama happening right now in a small place in Baja California between two Mexican Citizens and an American Citizen living in Baja California. I for one find it fascination to see what disputes crop up in Mexico between landowners. I think each of these three people have a right to come in here and voice their opinion or state their claim as long as Baja Nomad allows it to continue. I do not feel that any of us should demonize any one of them because none of us knows who is speaking the truth. I don’t care how well you think you know the players. I think that is fair to say. This is a good forum for them to come in and vent instead of having a blood feud. And no I have not forgotten about those sea turtles. I still want the vile and despicable turtle torturing Scum-bag including their accomplices to be duly prosecuted for their role in the turtle’s demise. Let the evidence and eyewitness testimony go where it goes and may the guilty parties suffer the severest of consequences. With respect to the land dispute I am sure it will be ironed out in court. Once it is I can only hope that the other respects the court’s decision.

ramuma53 - 4-30-2009 at 11:53 AM

Don’t worry people
We know that there are pranks who just comment because they don’t have the intelligence to make a useful contribution and say “YEA MAN” or I don't believe, but see how many people read this board, it’s over 3000 and that means that a lot of people read and think and don't say a word because they have their brains connected to their mouths or fingers if you like.
Here we own them respect and try to say the true facts and if anybody need more specifics, I can copy the Law articles and put them here; also you don’t need to buy the law, you can find the Mexican law in internet.
Also, some of you are right, since I have been publishing the threats Mark make continually, he have not done it again, so being in the spot is actually preventing a real problem; also a lot of what Oliguacamole have said here have been noticed by the authorities confirming that they did what they did to the sea turtles, because they were claiming now that it was fish stew. Then I think that the bloody shells caught in their possession, were fish bloody shells.

Skipjack Joe - 4-30-2009 at 12:16 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
gosh darn...........don't you have a job or something else to do?


It's Olivia this and Olivia that! On and on .... It just doesn't stop.

Go whine somewhere else, ramuma!

motoged - 4-30-2009 at 12:20 PM

What if Ramunna is right?

Sometimes the "Bad Guy" is right...

This issue is not a personality/ "I know them" poll, so let the info flow and appreciate the logic presented by Elinvest:light:

Sharksbaja - 4-30-2009 at 12:30 PM

I don't know David. Continually calling someone murderers or drug dealers and law breakers seems a tad more than just "venting".:(

It is viscious inuendo and nothing more.

I doubt they would speak like this in a court of law.

Skipjack Joe - 4-30-2009 at 12:38 PM

It's no longer a question of who's right or wrong. It's the endless badmouthing. Let them settle their differences in court rather than sling mud on one another here for 10 straight days. We will never have the facts so this is all pointless.

"You only fight with women"
"You ran when I approached you"
"Everyone in town knows what a scoundrel you are"

What does any of this have to do with the issue? I don't even know what the issue is any longer.

The whole thread belongs off topic.

fishbuck - 4-30-2009 at 12:39 PM

I can't take anymore! I'm going to go and eat a turtle!
See what you did now!:)

fishingmako - 4-30-2009 at 01:20 PM

Like I said before, Please! stay off of this thread if you don't like what is being said, there are those of us that like it, so why do you keep coming on here?
I realize the COURTS should be the place to take care of all matters involved, on the other hand I like the DRAMA.

fishbuck - 4-30-2009 at 01:35 PM

That's going to cost you two turtles!
And if you're not careful I will go to BOC and eat the fins off that whale shark!

[Edited on 4-30-2009 by fishbuck]


Skipjack Joe - 4-30-2009 at 01:58 PM

Board rules state:

You agree not to post or transmit any unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, profane, hateful, racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable material of any kind, including, but not limited to, any material which encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offense, violate the rights of others, or otherwise violate any applicable local, state, national or international law.

defamatory: harmful and often untrue; tending to discredit or malign.

Fishingmako, your right for the pleasure you seek has boundaries. And this thread overstepped them a long time ago.

Click on the hyperlink at the very top. The Off topic forum is for such pleasure seekers.

DENNIS - 4-30-2009 at 02:17 PM

Not too flattering to the Nomad community that what got our interest to begin with was a legitimate call for attention to a severe crime against nature and turned into an audience at a school yard fist fight.

[Edited on 4-30-2009 by DENNIS]

flyfishinPam - 4-30-2009 at 02:22 PM

I just have to say that this thread is an excellent example of why not to buy beach front property!! All potential buyers should take a close look at this thread especially non-Mexicans. Thank you participants for this ammo that strengthens our case against coastal over-development. One important lesson is if they want your land (if you are Mexican or non Mexican) they'll do just about anything to get it!


Dave - 4-30-2009 at 02:38 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Not too flattering to the Nomad community that what got our interest to begin with was a legitimate call for attention to a severe crime against nature and turned into an audience at a school yard fist fight.

Love Canal was a severe crime against nature. So was Chernobyl.

Someone killed, cooked and ate a turtle.

The horror. :rolleyes:

BajaGringo - 4-30-2009 at 02:45 PM

So how about them Dodgers???

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

KAT54 - 4-30-2009 at 03:52 PM

Here I sit on my ranch in Nebraska.
Wish I were back in the baja.
This is what I glean from all this.
Mike George and Roberto and Franca Meloni build the hotel on rented property from the edijo.
Later Oliva divorced Mike and she took over the hotel operations.
Munoz filed as a squatter in court, found a sympathetic judge and got a clouded or illegal title.
He took the land from the edijo.
They did not fight for the land at that time.
Maybe they will later.
Munoz paid nothing for the hotel.
Munoz kicked Olivia out of the hotel operations.
Now, Munoz wants the concession in front of the hotel to increase the value of the property.
He could have a buyer right now that wants both.
By showing the concession is being used for illegal operations
Munoz believes that the government will not renew or continue to grant Olivia’s concession.
Turtles were killed and cooked to set up the restaurant.
Without someone saying they paid for and ate turtle soup in the restaurant how was it for sale?
Who is really the criminal?
Oliva was probably set up.
A true judge will see through this scam.
Munoz says he pays $850k US Dollars a year in taxes for the hotel and his property.
That is about $2300 US Dollars a day in taxes.
He would need to fill all rooms every night and
get $100 a night per room just to pay for the taxes.
I wonder where the extra money is coming from to operate the hotel
since they only charge about $50 US Dollars a night for a room.
His hotel puts a lot of sewer water in the ocean.
I wonder what his septic system does with all the black water?
What other sea life is killed?
Who is the criminal?
Looking at google pictures of the hotel I wonder if the hotel is actually in the federal zone.
Looks pretty close.

DENNIS - 4-30-2009 at 04:11 PM

Originally posted by flyfishinPam
One important lesson is if they want your land (if you are Mexican or non Mexican) they'll do just about anything to get it!

Nobody could have said it better. Mexico is the land of predators. Thanks Pam.

vandenberg - 4-30-2009 at 04:19 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Mexico is the land of predators. Thanks Pam.

Mainly crooked gringo developer predators.:no::biggrin:

Don Alley - 4-30-2009 at 04:36 PM

There have been beachfront problems near Loreto, too. Someone in Juncalito rented a place from an individual, but it turned out to be Ejido land. Adios! And a couple near Ligui lost their place. Seems they were renting it from the Ejido, but the "real" (?) owner showed up and gave them the boot. Some guy named... uh... Munoz, I think.

flyfishinPam - 4-30-2009 at 06:12 PM

it was Rafael Munoz I remember reading it in the sudcaliforniano

cnelsoni - 4-30-2009 at 06:41 PM

Mr Munoz, I would like your response to the post by Kat54 on this page. Is it true that it was not your money that built the hotel? Is it true that the hotel was built on ejido land? It is difficult to believe that the ejido could lose land to a squatter through the Mexican court system. If you are an astute businessman and attorney, why did you grant Olivia power of attorney to the hotel property? Has Profepa inspected your septic system recently? If you could please also, sir, outline your involement in the beach closures on Armenta and La Perla. I am sure you made a typo mistake with your claim on taxes paid yearly....would you care to correct the amount before us all? Your comments will help those following this thread to gain a better understanding of your position and would be greatly appreciated.

DENNIS - 4-30-2009 at 06:44 PM

Yeah....I'm sure he'll be doing all that for ...uh...who are you?

ramuma53 - 4-30-2009 at 07:00 PM

You are not telling the true facts:
Roberto and Franca Meloni built the hotel under contract with me from the start leasing the land, they hired Oliva as a manager and then fired her because she was not giving them clear accounting.
Roberto and Franca sold to me what they had invested in a formal way and I have a notary public document signed by Olivia saying that Olivia did not put up any money and nothing in the hotel belongs to her.
Olivia when she has power of attorney, was asked to solicit the Federal Zone for the hotel and paid by the hotel, she paid it from the hotel but did it on her own name.
So if you lied about this it serves no purpose to answer your last comments but just so you know to who you are talking:
I was a candidate for the National senate in the 2000 elections, I own 50% of the shares of the Newspaper ABC in Baja California where I use to write “La Verdadera Historia de Rosarito” serie that won me several journalistic awards, I started the workers party in Rosarito beach and won a councilman seat the first elections, created the small land owners association in Rosarito beach, I build hovercrafts in La Paz, I have a industrial shop in Tijuana serving Maquiladoras and the smallest of my business is actually the hotel and the smallest of my land lots is that one. I served the Mexican Army as security consultant, the Mexican congress as security consultant for several congressmen.
For character reference: I started teaching Martial Arts classes in the National Army when I was 17 years old, I don’t even smoke and am against drugs all the way, use, selling or transporting them to the USA.
Then if you know so much about Olivia and Mike Jorge you must have known about what they were bringing from Mainland Mexico in their airplane, they were going back en Forth to Sinaloa and bringing 50 or more boxes filled with some dried plant stuff for exporting to the USA, she is the local Mafia chief relative and 2 of her brothers were killed in drug wars in Mexicali, where she used to work as a humble employee for the Electric company before coming to Mulege.
Now that I know that you like to cont and know where I earn my money, please explain how is it possible that from a small restaurant, they bought an airplane to go back and forth to Sinaloa, they are not from there, you know. Also, how is it possible that a restaurant that barely has one or two customer a day, has 4 employees, run a big 50 KW generator 4 gallons of fuel oil an hour for 24 hours, 365 days a year, buy the owners boats, several pickups, a bus and several cars every year, pay for constant trips to La Paz and Tijuana and on top of that pay for a Federal Concession; well the numbers just don’t add up, but *** must be one of their customers I think.
My hotel when full all summer, generates about $2000 dollars a day and we still have to save on diesel; the whole hotel is run by 3 employees including restaurant and bar.
Almost every week now the army is raiding their restaurant hoping to catch them in the act of unloading something; they must know something to do that.
The true is that they are narcs, they supply all the beaches around, we have caught Mark bringing the stuff to the people on other beaches like Requeson; they also supply the local small sellers, who get the order, run to her restaurant and bring the order to the guy in the beach; all this is documented and in the police hands.
Now that you know from where they get their money, and how I get mine, please with honesty if you have some, what would you do if you had a Narc supplier next door, from your house you were able to see how they unload boats at 3 Am in the morning every 3 weeks, next day all kinds of policemen came to collect for 2 minutes; see the cars coming to the restaurant for 2 minutes visits and come out full speed; the army runs all over the place with rifles in hand trying to catch them every week, the narcs threaten every one of your employees even women, invade your property every time they want; having 8 criminal procedures, the local police just keep losing the prosecution papers, in fact letting her commit any crime she want without fear of prosecution?????? What would you do?????

[Edited on 5-1-2009 by BajaNomad]

ramuma53 - 4-30-2009 at 07:05 PM

Do you believe everything that Sudcaliforniano say?????
I do not own any other property, nor in Loreto or Santa Rosalia; hope I own all those places they are saying I am getting, but no, I only have Buenaventura 1000 Has. lot, my other properties are in Rosarito Beach and La Paz and Los Cabos, so don't believe what Olivia say in that newspaper.

ramuma53 - 4-30-2009 at 07:32 PM

You are right, it is impossible for an Ejido, to lose property to a squatter and do you know why? Because they have their own court, Agrarian Court, where the judge is their attorney, if the judge forgets to offer a legal proof for them, proof they did not offer themselves or asked for, the whole procedure goes back to offering that proof and start again, it is called “Suplencia de la queja” it means that the judge must offer every possible proof in the Ejido benefit, but if you as a private proprietor, forgets to offer any proof, you are gone; they also have no time limitations but you do have them; when they give you a period to offer proof, Saturdays and Sundays count but not to them; they consider them as children and that is why it is almost immposible to win against an Ejido, almost because I did.
The Ejido La Purisima who rented some lot to Olivia, backed her up in Agrarian Court against me and asked for my property title to be void, believing Olivia and some of her friends and of course El Sudcaliforniano, that my title was false, but, after every proof there is, was offered by me and verified by the Federal Police and Federal judge, they found my Private property Title legal; also the “Reforma Agraria” informed the judge, that during my Title procedure, the Ejido had signed and sealed a document, agreeing to my boundaries, showing the official paper signed and sealed by them and as a consequence, the Ejido dropped their claims against me; I am not fighting the Ejido any more in court and since Olivia belong to the Ejido and it was proved that I am not in Ejido Land, she has no case against me; also and you can see it in her Ejido contract, the property she rented from them, is in Km. 94 and as you know, the Hotel is in Km. 93, so the lot she rented from them is 1 Km. North of my property and that is why she is only in Federal Zone there in Km, 93 and when she show that contract every time she accuse me, of invading her property, her charges are dismissed. She is only trying to collect money from 4 Americans in Agrarian court, all other claims have been dropped or proved false and one of them is Mr. Thad Braxton who was trying to put his boat in the water.

ramuma53 - 4-30-2009 at 07:39 PM

Well Bajabillibob
I am 55 years old but a martial arts master with 2 black belts LimaLama and Kung do Lama, would you repeat that in person???
Also if you want to talk to Mr. Roberto Meloni and Franca you can do it, they are in Italy and they are my friends if you do not believe that, just ask them
Well my friend, you just proved yourself a coward and a liar and do you know who is in the mirror in your photo? Olivia your favorite Narc.

bajabillybob - 4-30-2009 at 07:45 PM

I have met you in person and you are even less impressive in real life. Its been my experience in life that those you tell you all about their exploits to the point that you want to vomit are usually full of beans, as you are.
You sir,:lol: are full of mule droppings.

ramuma53 - 4-30-2009 at 07:49 PM

My friends o this billboard
You can all see how attacks are cowardly launched against me by people registered just 4 days ago and a lot of others that claim to know Olivia from long ago and who do not hear reasons; while I try to explain every question in a civil way.
Who do you think is truthful here???????

ramuma53 - 4-30-2009 at 07:54 PM

Well Bajabillybob
why didnt you say it when you met me??????
I am not impresive, I am a professional and civil person and I will remain that way even in front of people like you.
But most likely, Bajabillybo is Mark Burbey, the Narc

bajabillybob - 4-30-2009 at 07:57 PM

Sorry but I am no fan of Olivia or her bartender boyfriend. This may be toughfor you to take but I just do not like you. :lol:

Turtle Poo.

OLIGUACOMOLE - 4-30-2009 at 08:28 PM

I would like to say SOMEBODY set us up with turtle in our restaurant. I feel SOMEBODY wants to set me up with drug accusations or plant some to make it look like Olivia and Mark have a drug unloading business.

My statement is we have nothing to do with turtles, killing of turtles, or cooking of turtles. We have nothing to do with drugs or unloading of any kind of drugs here at Buenaventura. Never have and never will.

Rafael Munoz you are out of line, but desperately entertaining! With you, I have the JUDGE, JURY and EXECUTIONER all in one breath. I would appreciate you not saying false, evil statements about my wife. You can say whatever you want about me though!...... may I suggest you run to court with your latest evidence you say have.

Bajajack - 4-30-2009 at 09:02 PM

Well, I see things are being censored and deleted again so I guess there's not point in posting anymore.

Thanks Moderator, it's now clear who's side you're on.

fishbuck - 4-30-2009 at 09:05 PM

OOPS! I meant to say that I would KISS a turtle if we could find a peaceful happy ending to this dilemma.:bounce:

ramuma53 - 4-30-2009 at 09:17 PM

Well Bajabillybob then I respect your opinion

DENNIS - 4-30-2009 at 09:32 PM

Jeezo.....Can't anybody hijack this thread? Where's Hose A when you really need him.

ramuma53 - 4-30-2009 at 09:36 PM

Olivia and Narc
First you said that you were seving the turtle as a favor to some Ensenada families, now you say somebody planted the turtle.
But you forget that the stew was being heated in your restaurant stove, where nobody has access but you, only you; also, what about the bloody turtle shells they captured from you and the 2 severed turtle heads they found in your kitchen trash can; were those also planted also?.
That way of talking is why you have a criminal case open for lying to judicial authority.
Olivia must I remember you that you serve Turtle stew to other people too in the past, people we we both know from Tijuana, people who brought to me as an intended favor some stew that I refused, cooked by you; Or are you going to denie how Narc killed the pigy.
Or are you going to deny that 2 boats were being unloaded on April 4, 2009 at 3:30 AM, that day the hotel telephone was destroyed, the hotel truck's tires were punctured, but you were caught in the act by PGR intelligence officials, that were unable to communicate and then everybody ran so when the Marines finally arrived, everything was clean again but your restaurant was raided again; something that happened a couple of days ago again.
Why is the army making so many raids on your restaurant?
Do you think that they work for me or do anything I ask from them?
Or are you going to deny that you are a relative to the big Mafia guy in Mulege named by the DEA "El Gordo"

BajaNuts - 4-30-2009 at 09:42 PM

I've been trying to follow the dogma, and in recent threads, 2 things popped out-
a reference to "turtle being killed, cooked and eaten........."
I don't recall the stew actually being eaten, I thought the stew was on the stove when authorities came to the place...

and the next is-

Originally posted by ramuma53
Well Bajabillibob
I am 55 years old but a martial arts master with 2 black belts LimaLama and Kung do Lama, would you repeat that in person???

There is someone one this little known American TV show show called Survivor who claims to have been ambushed by native people while on a kayak trip at the headwaters of the Amazon river and he was tied up, tortured, cut his way out of the ropes, ran to his kayak, paddles for two days without a stop while being hunted by the native highland people.............

possible ... yes...

PLAUSIBLE............... NO!

55 years old, 2 black belts.............maybe so, but when did he get those belts? 20, 30 years ago? When was the last time Mr Blackbelt was in a gymnasium or arena?

sounds like a whole lot of kahones and not a lot of schtufff

BajaNuts - 4-30-2009 at 09:45 PM

PS- what's the forum record for number of posts, and number of views?
Guess I'll do a quick search and get back to y'all- - -

BajaNuts - 4-30-2009 at 09:56 PM

well, "Turtle Bust" has 18 pages of posts but only hase 347 replies, not even close to the top reply topic of over 1000 replies.

Hmmmm...not gonna be a record, good soap opera though,

Sharksbaja - 4-30-2009 at 10:19 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Jeezo.....Can't anybody hijack this thread? Where's Hose A when you really need him.

You mean you didn't see this coming?

ELINVESTIG8R - 5-1-2009 at 05:06 AM

You Internet Commandos crack me up. And I was not referring to ramuma53.

Just remember: "Old age and cunning, over comes youth and skill" every time.

For those of you who talk crap about his skills, etc. I would like to see you confront him in person. You would not know what the hell hit you.

I'm 56 years old and will be at Mama Espinoza's place on October 16 come ask for me if you do not like what I said.


OLIGUACOMOLE - 5-1-2009 at 08:31 AM

Originally posted by ramuma53
Olivia and Narc
First you said that you were seving the turtle as a favor to some Ensenada families, now you say somebody planted the turtle.
But you forget that the stew was being heated in your restaurant stove, where nobody has access but you, only you; also, what about the bloody turtle shells they captured from you and the 2 severed turtle heads they found in your kitchen trash can; were those also planted also?.
That way of talking is why you have a criminal case open for lying to judicial authority.
Olivia must I remember you that you serve Turtle stew to other people too in the past, people we we both know from Tijuana, people who brought to me as an intended favor some stew that I refused, cooked by you; Or are you going to denie how Narc killed the pigy.
Or are you going to deny that 2 boats were being unloaded on April 4, 2009 at 3:30 AM, that day the hotel telephone was destroyed, the hotel truck's tires were punctured, but you were caught in the act by PGR intelligence officials, that were unable to communicate and then everybody ran so when the Marines finally arrived, everything was clean again but your restaurant was raided again; something that happened a couple of days ago again.
Why is the army making so many raids on your restaurant?
Do you think that they work for me or do anything I ask from them?
Or are you going to deny that you are a relative to the big Mafia guy in Mulege named by the DEA "El Gordo"


I would like to comment about my turtle accuser karate accomplishments. Munoz used to post a resume about himself on the internet. He has since removed. This multi page resume lead or begins with his karate championship awards. Remember he is missing a hand. For fun I checked with the National Karate Association. Of all these awards he claims they showed record of him attending twice. He was not competing he just helped. The tournaments were for 11 year olds. Grand Master Champion of what.---Where or what party were you a senate candidate. Does this party even exist? ABC paper in Rosarito Beach. Show proof that it exists. ----Why don't you copy your resume you had on the internet and show all who you are!

How do you declare to have so much information about us and the turtle pot in our restaurant if you had nothing to with it? Why does it matter so much to you?

It is never too late to change and be a good person.


Dave - 5-1-2009 at 11:06 AM

I lied about having a black belt in karate.

When I was six-years-old.

I remembered because reading this thread feels like I'm in grade school. :rolleyes:

DENNIS - 5-1-2009 at 11:14 AM

Originally posted by OLIGUACOMOLE
It is never too late to change and be a good person.

What a crock of crap. You must have gone to a Catholic school. Do you think Hitler could have redeemed himself with a heartfelt confession? I hear six million voices saying, "NO."

Sharksbaja - 5-1-2009 at 11:17 AM

Originally posted by ELINVESTI8
You Internet Commandos crack me up. And I was not referring to ramuma53.

Just remember: "Old age and cunning, over comes youth and skill" every time.

For those of you who talk crap about his skills, etc. I would like to see you confront him in person. You would not know what the hell hit you.

I'm 56 years old and will be at Mama Espinoza's place on October 16 come ask for me if you do not like what I said.


ELINVESTIG8R - 5-1-2009 at 11:53 AM

Sorry, my testosterone supplement gave me an overload of testosterone which clouded my brain. I take back what I said. But if you don't accept that I'll meet you on the driveway of the Ejido Office across the street from Mama Espinoza's place at 12 noon on October 16 2009.

BajaGringo - 5-1-2009 at 12:05 PM


KAT54 - 5-1-2009 at 12:41 PM

Were the turtle heads found in the kitchen or outside?
The answer may change my view of things.

This question is for OLIGUACOMOLE
Do you smoke dope?

Sharksbaja - 5-1-2009 at 12:53 PM

Originally posted by ELINVESTI8
Sorry, my testosterone supplement gave me an overload of testosterone which clouded my brain. I take back what I said. But if you don't accept that I'll meet you on the driveway of the Ejido Office across the street from Mama Espinoza's place at 12 noon on October 16 2009.

Watch those supplements!:lol:

I'll be there! Here's what I'll look like> :cool:

A "real" Nomad!:lol::lol:

ramuma53 - 5-1-2009 at 01:04 PM

Olivia and Narc Oliguacamoles
ABC newspaper has been one fo the most respected newspapers in Baja California, “La Verdadera Historia de Rosarito” is known by any person in Rosarito where it helped a lot of people to defend their properties against squatters like you, just stop in Rosarito Beach, catch any people selling things on the beach and ask them, or say anything against me or do the same in any restaurant in Popotla or El Campito; all those people are there because we defended them trough the ABC Newspaper and it is still one of the most read newspapers in Rosarito and Tijuana.
You want to know about me, just ask my Grand Master Rigoberto Lopez in Tijuana or Tino Tuilosega in Los Angeles, I am one of their first black belts and teachers; also you don't need to be every day at the gymnasium to know Martial arts, it is like to know how to use a bicycle, once you know it, it is forever, but it is easy, just ask Nark, he went down at the first blow when he attacked me and never came up, the same happened to him with Juan; maybe we know one thing or another and I can tell you, I have never been in an unavoidable fight,that lasted more than one blow, that is Martial arts, not jumping around like in the movies.
Olivia, I have a lot of information about you, and every day comes more and more about your ties with organized crime, or I should refer to you new as "La Vaquera" as you are known in those circles and be sure, I know a lot more than I say here, or you don't remember your friend EL TEO who were last year in your restaurant.
Ok Vaquera and Narc, just check the 2000 elections to the National Senate and see who the candidates were for Baja California, of course you can check that in internet, we were at the and with PAN and Mr. Fox the new president and I am still the representative for “Nueva Republica”, hope you know what that is.
You will not be able to show that I lie in any word I am telling, Vaquera, just tell the true, as they say, it was a tradition to prepare and serve sea turtle, but now it is time you stop and everybody will get the message that, that tradition is over, also quit supplying the beaches with drugs and I don't think they will land on your place anymore with the heat you brought to them; just stay selling legal stuff at your restaurant and you will have peace, I will even help you, I don’t need your restaurant, but then you would not be able to pay for your NARC rtender, but he is no good anyway, just come out like the lady you are, you studied in La Paz catholic school in Tijuana like me. It is still the best private school there and a lot of actual government people were our schoolmates, don’t embarrass everybody going to jail.

ELINVESTIG8R - 5-1-2009 at 01:06 PM

Sharks I of course was not referring to you my brother!

ramuma53 - 5-1-2009 at 01:13 PM

The severed bloody heads I believe were found in the inside garbage can in her kitchen, the same for 2 bloody turtle shells plus a big pot being heated in her kitchen stove; the police confiscated everything and is now under PROFEPA custody.
What make it incredible that those were planted is that under no circunstances she allow anybody in her kitchen, only employees and her.
Everybody know La Vaquera uses a lot of cocaine even in public but some say that even crack, mariguana is easy for her, the same for NARC.
Also Vaquera, if I planted that, why would I miss the oportunity to plant Coke that is easier to conceal and get, or why if the Army have checked your place several times, they have found nothing; if I were planting things, I would do a lot better job than that; the true is that they were looking for drughs but caught you with Turtle; they were ther because of the April 4 incident when 2 boats were unloaded at your ramp at 3:30 AM and you were rided by the Marine Commandos.

[Edited on 5-1-2009 by ramuma53]

Martyman - 5-1-2009 at 03:20 PM

I have a turtle head

tripledigitken - 5-1-2009 at 03:22 PM


BajaGringo - 5-1-2009 at 03:58 PM

I can't say anything.

Fred already reprimanded me in another thread for my inappropriate observations...

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

lesliego - 5-1-2009 at 04:32 PM

bajagringo, where can I get a picture like yours to post, jeez louise, I love it! Guess I'll just have to get in trouble in TJ. BTW, isn't it avatar bean paroled? Just asking...

Cypress - 5-1-2009 at 04:37 PM

You gonna butcher turtles in the kitchen, cook 'em and dump the shells, heads etc. in the gargage can. Sell to the public? With all the "save the tortuga" sentiment(rightly so) and public awareness. Nobody is that stupid. :o

BajaGringo - 5-1-2009 at 04:50 PM

Originally posted by lesliego
bajagringo, where can I get a picture like yours to post, jeez louise, I love it! Guess I'll just have to get in trouble in TJ. BTW, isn't it avatar bean paroled? Just asking...

OK, might as well just hijack another thread since we are on a roll. Yes, spend a night in a TJ jail and you can have an avatar like mine. Actually I have had several. You can see them here and even vote on which one is really me...

Who is the REAL BajaGringo???

I do like the "Bean" angle...


Don Alley - 5-1-2009 at 05:15 PM

Some scary looking mug shots. We know you're not the most dangerous of the lot; that would be #6 but he's been neutralized. The next scariest looking is #3. The others just look like run-of-the-mill muggers and rapists, while #3 looks like a slick real estate con artist serial killer. :O

So I vote that you are #3.:biggrin:

So, by "voting," does this mean that you become whatever suspect receives the most votes? Are you really comfortable with that? Just in case, I promise I won't vote you into #6.:biggrin:

Glad to help hijack this thread.

TheColoradoDude - 5-1-2009 at 05:18 PM

Hands down it's creepy #2!

BajaGringo - 5-1-2009 at 05:27 PM

My mother will be so proud...


DENNIS - 5-1-2009 at 05:29 PM

Originally posted by Don Alley
Glad to help hijack this thread.

You have my sincere gratitude.

mulegemichael - 5-1-2009 at 05:44 PM

REALLY!...i know i for one, have had enough...let them sort it out among themselves...ohmygawd, is this a horrible mess!

BajaGringo - 5-1-2009 at 05:47 PM

I think I am number 11...

BajaNuts - 5-1-2009 at 06:12 PM

pssst...........the cat was let out of the bag a while back........

supposedly #9 is the real deal.

I haven't met Sr. Gringo in person, so I only have the word of other Nomads-

BajaGringo - 5-1-2009 at 06:14 PM

Are you going to believe Shari???

BajaNuts - 5-1-2009 at 06:17 PM

Hey, I gave the total disclaimer :saint:......"never met"............."supposedly"...........

Why? are ya worried?:lol::lol:

it's all good:spingrin:

BajaGringo - 5-1-2009 at 06:38 PM

Actually I wish I was as good looking as number 9!


Question of the Turtle Parts

OLIGUACOMOLE - 5-1-2009 at 07:49 PM

Originally posted by KAT54
Were the turtle heads found in the kitchen or outside?
The answer may change my view of things.

This question is for OLIGUACOMOLE
Do you smoke dope?

A guy from a group on one of the beaches brought in the covered pot. He personally brought it into the kitchen. They had eaten breakfast earlier in the day here. This is why we did not suspect anything. The pot was not being heated or on top of a fire. It was on the back of a stove we do not use because the burners need to be replaced.

The turtle parts were found in back of a trash truck we have parked behind the restaurant. They were in a plastic bag that we do not use. Inside there were two heads, two flippers, a tail and a bottom part of one turtle. No blood or guts. The other parts were not there. Whomever called in the report also said drugs were under my computer I leave on at the bar. None were found, but this is why the military showed wearing black masks. They(military) will only show if there is a report of drugs.

The report went as follows: There is a blue pot with turtle in it on the stove at Buenaventura. There are turtle parts in the garbage and drugs under the computer. We were not suppose to know this, but the officials did tell us.

No one was ever served any of the soup or stew. It would of smelled our whole restaurant if it was opened at all. I know the officials feel we were set up, but they have to follow through.

shari - 5-1-2009 at 07:53 PM

now THAT makes sense...I was really wondering how you didnt know it was turtle if it was cooking as it has a very distinctive .....ummm....aroma...really stinky actually. Living in Baja is so difficult sometimes and I know from experience, people WILL set you up to see you go is one of the worst things in the world when it happens to you.

24baja - 5-1-2009 at 07:54 PM

All I know Senior Bgringo, is that # 9 mugshot is totally hot!, I know we are both married but if I see ya on a street corner, I can't be held accountable for my actions......ooh man look out! Connie

ramuma53 - 5-1-2009 at 09:22 PM

Sorry Olivia or Vaquera, but here you said in your first participation this

" I was not selling “soup”, I DID NOT KNOW because the food was bring to my restaurant cooked and ready to be serve, I was not making money with it, it was for a group of Mexican families from Ensenada and they were going to pay for the drinks and service as well for the use of the facilities of the beach and restaurant."

This is not consistent with what you are saying now, you are lying now or then?? but clearly you are lying.

[Edited on 5-2-2009 by ramuma53]

I got the perfect song for this soap opera

JESSE - 5-1-2009 at 10:14 PM

[Edited on 5-2-2009 by JESSE]

Paula - 5-2-2009 at 06:41 AM



KAT54 - 5-2-2009 at 08:22 AM

You said all the turtle parts were in the kitchen.
If you do not know do not spread rumors.
You could be the set up guy.
If you got your title by petitioning the government were you not a squatter?
Do you deal in drugs?
Smoke dope?
Snort cocaine?
You are avoiding these remarks from Munoz.
Do boats land on the beach at 3 AM regularly?

BajaGringo - 5-2-2009 at 08:25 AM

Seems that "none of the above" is winning so far. Guess I am having an identity crisis of sorts...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

BajaGringo - 5-2-2009 at 08:29 AM

Originally posted by 24baja
All I know Senior Bgringo, is that # 9 mugshot is totally hot!, I know we are both married but if I see ya on a street corner, I can't be held accountable for my actions......ooh man look out! Connie

Connie, let me know whether you are currently up in Oregon or down in BOLA. I will get you the name and address of a good eye doctor. Obviously you need a checkup. Or perhaps did you put your glasses on backwards?

And by the way, Number Nine's ego secretly says thank you... ;)


OLIGUACOMOLE - 5-2-2009 at 09:32 AM

Originally posted by KAT54
Do you deal in drugs?
Smoke dope?
Snort cocaine?
You are avoiding these remarks from Munoz.
Do boats land on the beach at 3 AM regularly?

No I/WE do not deal drugs.
No dope smoking of any kind.
No snorting of coke.
I smoke cigarettes, that is all I inhale.
Boats of any kind do not unload drugs here. I have four dogs that bark if any boat comes close at night. Why Munoz keeps saying this is just plain stupid on his part.

I know why he says these things/lies. We are essentially playing a poker game. He has NO HAND and keeps bluffing trying to get someting out of his blunder. Now it is time to lay down the cards and see who has what! I am ok with this. We do not play dirty, we play honest. Olivia and I love this place. We love the people and the tourists. It has not been easy for us. You all read about the "turtle bust". We have had to deal with Munoz and his bizare tactics for nearly seven years. Please do not believe anything this mans says or writes.

ELINVESTIG8R - 5-2-2009 at 09:36 AM

Now that we had a brief comedic interlude may we please get back to the serious land drama at hand? Let’s not forget the sea turtles either.


Rafael Munoz
Olivia Higuera
Mark Burbey

ramuma53 - 5-2-2009 at 01:17 PM

Sorry Vaquera, but the Army is raiding your place for some reason and we have seen you a lot of times intoxicated with a lot more than alcohol, anybody who know you and are not your drug budy can say it here.
Also, it is interesting how easy some people want desperately against all evidence to believe any story you say, even if it is incosistent with what yourself said here.

ramuma53 - 5-2-2009 at 01:18 PM

ElINVEST8 glad you take it that way because the turtles will not be forgotten.

bajabillybob - 5-2-2009 at 01:22 PM

Beware of the short stubby fat little man with the black footjoy on his hand. He will make you give up your rights and land by beating a subject to death on a public forum.
Aaaaaahhhhaaaaaaaa I give up. You can have it alllllllllllll


ramuma53 - 5-2-2009 at 01:24 PM

KAT54 your questions are good and make this serve the purpose of information:
If you read the 27 article from Mexico’s Constitution, you will notice that, all the Mexican Private property, is born by a National Land title, you pay for the land to the government and they give you a title that is registered in the Public Registry; then when you sell, you go to a Public Notary; if any Mexican property is not based on a National Title, it is not legal; usually squatters just go to a local judge and ask to be declared proprietors, but Mexican law forbid any other authority beside the National Land Director from giving away land in Mexico; simply there is no other way; either you have a title like mine or the guy who sold land to you must have it, or you can go far behind, but you have to find it, if not, your property is without a solid foundation; when you investigate a property, you go back and try to find a National Land Title, but if you find that the first registry is from any other authority, but any other, judges, Governors, Government offices or anything, you are in trouble.
The Public Registry certificate for a property is not LEGAL PROOF that you are the proprietor, the only LEGAL PROOF is a Title and the only Titles that exist in Mexico are issued by “Terrenos Nacionales” name for the National Land office.
To buy National Land form Terrenos Nacionales, you have to show that you are Mexican, you had the land by other legal mean, back at least 5 years, then they check to see if you are not affected by any Ejido and all Ejidos around have to sign, that they have no claim on that land; then they evaluate and tell you the price, you have 3 months to pay for it and then once you paid, they review the whole procedure and after everything have been checked SRA and RAN and the National Land Office sign a release and then the President sign your title and only then they send it to the local public registry to cause effects against any third party. My original claim was in 1972, in 1985 they issued my first title, in 1992 they corrected my boundaries and my title, reviewed it and issued me another title with a little more area. In my file there are legal notifications to the Ejido La Purisima, they were there when the SRA measured my land, agreed to my boundaries, signed in conformity and stamped their seal; the same for every other neighbor. that is the most legal way to acquire land in Mexico and also the most difficult and reviewed by Federal authorities; that is why, when Olivia accused me of falsifying my title, the Federal Police investigated and a Federal Judge officially asked the SRA; since the SRA, RAN and Terrenos Nacionales found my title in their files, reviewed it and found it legal, they informed the PGR and the Federal Judge who ordered any doubt on my title to be removed and the Federal Police dropped the charges as false. At this time, my land is the most legally secure in Baja thanks to Olivia and really, it has helped me a lot to have my land so reviewed and found legal.

[Edited on 5-2-2009 by ramuma53]

ramuma53 - 5-2-2009 at 01:32 PM

Just before anyone correct me, there are also Ejido Tiles, but they have to be issued inside Ejido Land.
Also it used to exist Colonial Land Titles, but those were exchanged for National Land Titles back in 1992, they are no longer valid.

Udo - 5-2-2009 at 01:41 PM

Originally posted by ramuma53
Just before anyone correct me, there are also Ejido Tiles, but they have to be issued inside Ejido Land.
Also it used to exist Colonial Land Titles, but those were exchanged for National Land Titles back in 1992, they are no longer valid.

How did we get to this from the "TURTLE BUST" thread? :?::?::?::?::?::?::?::?::?::?::?::?::?::?::?::?::?::?::?::?:

ramuma53 - 5-2-2009 at 01:42 PM

BajaBillyBob I respect you right to say stupid things, but please next time you meet me in person, remind me of your opinions.

ramuma53 - 5-2-2009 at 01:43 PM

by asking questions related to what we are discusing here.

Bajajack - 5-2-2009 at 01:57 PM

It's gotten so deep here even Wading boots wont help.:rolleyes:

Hook - 5-3-2009 at 05:53 AM

Originally posted by JESSE I got the perfect song for this soap opera

[Edited on 5-2-2009 by JESSE]

You're mistaken, Jesse. This is a Soup Opera.

It appears that someone has deleted a number of their posts. This thread had at least 407 posts yesterday and ranked 3rd all-time. Quite a few less today. I dont have the time or interest to check back through 20 pages............what happened???

[Edited on 5-3-2009 by Hook]

shari - 5-3-2009 at 07:05 AM

this is indeed an excellent example of why we nomad addicts check in regularly...ya never know what juicy stuff you might miss. It's way fun to see the dirt before it gets deleted!!!!:lol::o
sometimes I even copy and paste the tidbits I KNOW wont last long.

[Edited on 5-3-2009 by shari]

BajaGringo - 5-3-2009 at 07:10 AM

Are you going to share them with the class???


Ford - 5-3-2009 at 08:35 AM

I can't spend time to read this entire story.....but I have learned one thing. Now I know why smart people always comment publicly on any accusations something like this "Due to pending litigation my councel has advised me not to comment!" The more you talk the deeper you get!

BajaGringo - 5-3-2009 at 09:00 AM

Sin comentarios...

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Bajaboy - 5-3-2009 at 09:07 AM

Please make this post go away....


ELINVESTIG8R - 5-3-2009 at 09:19 AM

Unfortunately it deals with a combination of human and sea turtle tragedies.
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