Originally posted by wilderone
I love watching Mike's progress and the maps are great. But let me tell you, the mileage is not straitforward. I'll provide more details and photos
later, but the first day we went from Baja's Best to Punta Baja - that was a 15 mile day for Mike. 11 miles for me - Graham picked me up when he came
by and we couldn't find a suitable camping spot, so we ended up all the way into the village, scouting a camping spot in the dark with the cold wind
blowing hard. A very long day for Mike - he was so tired he didn't fix any dinner. It took us 3 1/2 hours (over 4 miles) just to cross the arroyo
and traverse the town of El Rosario and get to the turnoff to Punta Baja - and then it was UPHILL - #$%^& - for 1.5 miles at least. The second
day we followed numerous trails and found ourselves at deep arroyo gorges that were impossible to cross, so had to backtrack several times. We
actually went about 8 miles that day. I took a "shortcut" once, Mike told me "see at the beach", and very fortunately, after I found out that "road"
I saw was just a smooth drainage, I hiked a ridge and saw Mike, and then we had to turn inland, and learned there never was a beach to meet up at!!
Lordy, would have been bad news to get lost out there. No more "shortcuts." We stopped about 3:30 pm that day and had a little R&R exploring the
beach and had a nice fire and hearty meal, with some wine, etc. (Don't know what the etc. of choice was for Mike). The third day was short for me -
about 5 miles to Agua Blanca - a very small fishing post where there was one person folding nets. He agreed to take me back to El Rosario, and the
prospect of me going further with Mike was diminished as my exit choices became more risky. I would have loved to stay on the trail and it was pretty
country and untrammeled - my kinda place. I loved every minute - Don-Kay and Solo are some of the sweetest animals. I'll post photos when I have a
chance later. |