
Baja Real Estate advise

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Woooosh - 3-31-2011 at 10:49 AM

Originally posted by ramuma53
El Oasis was originally sold to El Oasis, by Roberto Ballin De Leon, he acquired it from Moreno y Cia. Suscesores, the Daisy Moreno estate, they do not have a National Land title, but they in the 1990 were being evicted by Ejido Maztlan and they contacted me and my technical team, we did the Ejido Mazatlan basic documents study and found out that they had a virtual execution, their topographical plans were a bad joke and actually had absolutely no land because their expropriation was against the Machado Family that had actually no land at all.
We proved all those facts in Federal court and won the case in favor of El Oasis, later the ruling was confirmed in Supreme Court.
About that property, even if they are still over National land, they only have to regularize by paying the nation and the property will be absolutely clear, so I don´t think the investors have anything to worry about, they have a supreme court ruling backing up their right.

It is good to know that NAOS is a safe investment from a land title perspective. Whether or not it is a good economic investment is up to the buyers. The owners are building NAOS with their own money without the need for advance deposits- unlike Trump Baja, so the project will be completed. Whether or not they sell, and at what price they sell- is up to the real estate market. Thanks Ramuma53.

I think eventually we will end up with a list of projects in Rosarito that either have or do not have land title problems. Then investors can still feel confident to invest in those projects and areas where their investment, from a title perspective- is safe. If investors still choose to buy in an area with known title problems- they can negotiate the sales price downward to match their future risk of losing it. There will always be people who will invest in risky projects no matter how much information they have. You can't fix stupid.

ramuma53 - 3-31-2011 at 01:13 PM

I think that you are right in the money

My only concern is that people buy in to old, complex land problems unaware of the problems or because they are induced in to believing, that everything is ok forever and no legal problem is in the horizon or that if you go to were mostly Mexicans have bought in the past, you are safe.

That way, if people buy, they will not be able to say that Mexico is a mess against foreigners or that Mexico take advantage of them, because they knew that there were standing problems and that developers are trying to hide land problems that they intend on dumping on them while walking away with a big bag of money.

Also I want to make clear, that buying where Mexicans have bought in the past do not prevent you from having problems, because they are in the same problem and subjected to the same developers lie and that is the case of all the Ejido Mazatlan developments where there are very few Americans.

Also Venustiano Carranza being a mostly Mexican town, have been having problems for decades even if they have their National Land title, because that only guarantee that they will recover their land in the near future while taking away houses that already were sold to Americans.

This is not an easy problem, that is why the almost fanatic response to desperately try to keep it hided against all fairness to the buyer.

Look at the developers advocates message:

I.- Disregard this information as false and given away by a crook that try to take away other peoples land.
II.- Everything is fine with land titles in Rosarito and developers are based on old titles that are good.
III.- Go buy where other people has bought and you will be completely safe because Mexicans with political and money power will protect you against the law.


jenny.navarrette - 3-31-2011 at 10:15 PM

Originally posted by Dave

You do realize we're talking Mexico here...

Not Shangri-La.

More like Shinaloa-law?

Cypress - 4-1-2011 at 05:27 AM

Rent! Spend some time in an area. You'll save yourself some grief on down the line. The Baja of today isn't the same as the Baja of 30 or even 10 yrs. ago. Not many places are.

wessongroup - 4-1-2011 at 06:38 AM

Thanks for the four bullet points for doing the title aspect of the transaction, it is very helpful to cull down to a couple of simple points, easily understood..

Agree also in the identification and disclosure of those properties and/or areas which have "imperfect titles" ..

The development of simple steps to accomplish the goal of purchasing property in Baja (with reduced risk) would be of benefit to all.. both for the Mexican people, and the foreigner purchasing "property" in Baja...

Looked at a lot of real estate while down in one year... found some that we liked, but... when it came down to where the rubber met the road... I found "non performance" in suppling documents by seller's to be my stopping point...

Either you have clear title, or your don't..... and if someone "owns" a asset which is real estate, but doesn't have a valid "plot" map .. or clear title to the asset .. or can't not supply.... Take a hike... be they lawyer, priest, or mayor of the town... money talks and BS walks....

Coulda, woulda, shoulda..... the title comes before all the rest... ya can't sell what ya don't own by Mexican Law... legally ... I might be wrong, but I don't think so.... that is seems to be one thing that works on both sides of the border... legal ownership of a property, supported by a clear title to the site.

And if ya don't think title is important.... ask all those lenders NOB ... trying to clean up the mess they have with all those transactions in their portfolios which are unsupported by title... :o:o

[Edited on 4-1-2011 by wessongroup]

JESSE - 4-1-2011 at 01:19 PM

Originally posted by jenny.navarrette
Originally posted by JESSE
What???? theres plenty of middle, upper middle, and wealthy Mexican neighborhoods in Baja. And no, we usually don't have loud music until the wee hours, or lose everything that isn't tied down.:rolleyes:

Oh, were your cats tied down? Why don't you save lookingandnotbuying a lot of time and just tell him where the middle and upper middle class Baja neighborhoods are where you don't have to listen to loud music all night? Be sure to list only those neighborhoods where the real estate titles are secure.

Gonna be a very short list.

Not at all, in fact, theres way too many to mention. Here in La Paz theres Fidepaz, Lomas de Palmira, Pedregal, and a couple of others i don't know their name. And that is only La Paz.

wessongroup - 4-1-2011 at 04:31 PM

Sanborn maps of Mexico... they are from the Library of Congress... additional coverage may be available through same...

ramuma53 - 4-2-2011 at 01:35 PM

Here, I provide a map, showing all the old titles that were issued against the 1863 law while several of them were affected by the May 7, 1916 presidential decree
From those titles only the Rancho Tijuana tha is covered by Tijuana city is completely out of the woods.

Any other place should be checked to see if it has a National Land title as first documentnt in the Title chain

If someone need this in a more detailed profesional way, I can provide the same in an AutoCad drawing, exact to the mm

[Edited on 4-4-2011 by ramuma53]

[Edited on 4-13-2011 by ramuma53]

SDRonni - 4-2-2011 at 02:31 PM

Where is the map?

ramuma53 - 4-4-2011 at 07:40 PM

Looks like our friend Jesus Chavez Partida alias Jeese the known liar, has not been using his real photo here, while operating Las Tres Virgenes restaurant in La Paz, but, strange that when he was in Rosarito, he was just an employee and now he apear as luxury restaurant owner.
Interesting where the investment money came and why his hate ? but we are just starting uncovering his motivations.

[Edited on 4-5-2011 by ramuma53]

ELINVESTIG8R - 4-6-2011 at 05:03 AM


Keep up the good work Rafael!

ramuma53 - 4-6-2011 at 11:35 AM

I see that people here, want to have a concrete short list of facts that will help them to acquire Real Estate in Baja.

I will give you a short directive and a long reason plus a way to protect you:

Directive 1.- Do not buy, under any reason or sales motivations, on the Tijuana Ensenada strip, between the Road and the Federal Zone, unless they show you the first document in the title chain that should be a recent National Land title, not one issued before the Mexican Revolution (1876-1917).

Reason: That area is covered by the 1952 Presidential Decree declaring that land National Property not acquirable by any other mean but a National Land Title. It start at Arroyo El Rosarito just south of Rosairto Hotel and ends at Punta banda in Ensenada.
The 1879 title´s rights were sold in 1915 to a foreign company, and then returned to National Property in May 7, 1917 and that National Land property turned in to National Land in November 1952.
Absolutely, in 20 years, nobody have been able to deny those arguments in a legal way, there are a lot of legal precedents already ruled by Supreme Court.
If you acquire land in that area that is not covered by a National Land Title issued legally, you would be liable for using, buying, making commerce acts illegally on National Property, a Federal offense.
Ignorance of the law does not excuse you for breaking it.
Title insurance only cover you financially on the amount covered, absolutely do not protect you against losing the land.

Way to protect you:
If you already bought on one of those developments, ask for your money back.
If you are unable to get your money back, stop your payments and let them sue you, then use the reasons I gave you here, to justify stopping your payments, then ask for the National land office to defend your case, being an irregular user of National Land. (Actually you discovered that the people selling you real estate, was not the real owner.). And to keep you there, ask the National Land office to sell you the land through a Mexican Corporation, you can do this on a group).
If you are planning to buy, look for the place you like, ask the apparent owner for the National land title, if as in most cases, the owner does not have it and just tell you he is covered by a very old title, negotiate with the information I have provide you with here. (Estudios Baja, the Titanic studios, bought the Popotla land, for USD$7.00 dlls/m2 when the Cadastral value was USD$200.00 dlls/m2 and then, sold it back for the same price, to get out of National Land problems). Once you bought the land for pennies because you are just buying the National Land irregular possession, go to the National Land office and pay the real price for the land to the Nation. (Do it legally through a Mexican Corporation). Remember on the buying contract, to say, that you are just buying the irregular possession to avoid committing a federal crime.

Directive 2.- Do not under any motivation or price buy from an Ejido, much less Ejido Mazatlan in Rosarito.

Ejido Mazatlan expropriated its lands to the Machado family and is a legal consequence to the inexistent title and in a legal consequence, its rights are inexistent.
Most ejidos in Baja but not in Mexico don´t know where their lands are, because they do not have legal technical maps because they received the land in an illegal act known as Virtual execution of a presidential decree that created them; the Ejido´s creation act is not discussed, but the act of giving them physical lands is, because they did not received, in a legal way any land; to receive the land legally they would have had to notify all the neighbors and they would have had to sign the legal technical act and since at that time the Agrarian department didn´t have the technical staff to do it, they just jumped the legal act, giving them what is known as Virtual execution and the Supreme Court has declared Virtual Executions as Nonexistent executions and that mean, they have not received any but any land and as a legal consequence they cannot sell or give away any land.

Way to protect you:
At this time the Ejidos can sell their land, but to do it in a legal way, they have to approve the separation of the land lot subjected to the intention to sell and to do that they have to make the decision in a legal meeting, being there the public notary, SRA representative, Agrarian procurator and every one of them have to legally testify that ejido members were there personally; sound easy but it is not.
Then they have to go through a SRA approval that may take years and need the ejido to be debt free, no legal actions pendent and certify that all their technical works are correct. (In Baja an impossibility with very rare exceptions, one of them, Primo Tapia).
Then they would have land lot separated legally from the ejido lands and then and only then, they can close the sale to you and hope you have not given any money to them or they will ask for more.
If you see, a very difficult and time consuming option, so I would just stay clear of Ejido lands or just rent from them and build what you can afford to lose at any time.
To sue an ejido in Agrarian court, would be a futile act for you, Agrarian Courts work for the Ejidos, think of them as their employees and to find an attorney that know about agrarian law and will defend you, is an illusory act, because they are bulk clients and most likely all the attorneys in town work for them.

As in the Art of War from Sun Tzu, follow this rules and you will be safe and maybe make money, do not follow them and you will lose money and time.

[Edited on 4-6-2011 by ramuma53]

bryanmckenzie - 4-6-2011 at 07:39 PM

Okay, after spending the better part of 3 days trying to get caught up (about 8 hours of reading), let's take a look at the overall scoreboard leaders. As you can see we have a neck-and-neck race going on between los santos y los diablos (you decide which is which).

ramuma53 _______________ jesse
Woooosh ________________ mtgoat666
lookingandbuying __________ jenny.navarrette
ELINVESTIG8R (dang, why won't these names line up in 2 nice colums?)

So that I can place my bet at the Baja real estate lottery window, I have to SEPARATE the MESSAGE from the MESSENGER (which several Nomads much wiser than I have attempted to do). That results in just a few simple questions ...

... aww, horsefeathers!, as Colonel Potter used to say.

I had a set of reasonably intelligent YES / NO questions to post. But why enter the fray at this point. It's turned pretty ugly. Heck, it turned ugly 3 pages ago. I'm gonna sleep on that idea. It really won't improve on where this thread has gone.

For my own selfish curiosity, I do have some property-specific questions for ramuma53 that I'll post separately after this concerning other locations in Baja.

[Edited on 2011-4-7 by bryanmckenzie]

QUESTIONS for ramuma53

bryanmckenzie - 4-6-2011 at 07:55 PM

(1) You mention the East Cape. With respect to title problems, please elaborate on the proposed (crazy) Cabo Cortes project in Cabo Pulmo and the huge chunk of land there; I know about the utter lack of water and the significant environmental catastrophe this project would cause. Ref.:

(2) You mention Maravia Country Club Estates north of La Paz; yet another huge chunk of land already being developed. Please elaborate on specific title problems. Ref.:

(3) And there is another Maravilla south of Todos Santos also being planned. Since you mention Todos Santos has title problems, does this apply here also. Ref.:

(4) And one last question ... what is the title status of a "sand spit" formed by water runoff in Bahia de la La Paz and a project-in-progress called Paraiso del Mar? Did this sandbar feature even exist 150 years ago? Ref.:

[Edited on 2011-4-7 by bryanmckenzie]

ramuma53 - 4-7-2011 at 10:05 AM


(1) You mention the East Cape. With respect to title problems, please elaborate on the proposed (crazy) Cabo Cortes project in Cabo Pulmo and the huge chunk of land there; I know about the utter lack of water and the significant environmental catastrophe this project would cause. Ref.:

South Baja has both kind of problems, Title defects and Ejido land defects:
In south Baja we have Colonial Titles that cover most of South Baja and when you look up the Title chain, you find one of those titles and those titles are worthless today.
Why? Because those titles are not full private property titles, those are more like a concession, because they carry a set of conditions that have to be continually met to continue existing and in case you fail to met them for 3 years, they just disappear, among those conditions are:
The whole colony must exist.
The Colonial must obey the Colony rules and meet requirements continually.
The Colonial must exploit the land as authorized by the SRA and REPORT THE EXPLOITATION EVERY YEAR.
In 1992 those titles disappeared and were exchanged for Full National Land titles, but this apply only for the ones that were being exploited according to the law, those that had previously failed and disappeared, were not.

As a legal consequence, any property based on one of those titles are groundless and are basically National Land that you must purchase from the Nation through the National Land office.

Ejido Land is the same in the whole Baja, almost all the ejidos have Virtual executions and in a legal consequence upheld by the Supreme Court, they have no land at all in a legal way and in consequence they cannot sell any land.

(2) You mention Maravia Country Club Estates north of La Paz; yet another huge chunk of land already being developed. Please elaborate on specific title problems. Ref.:

Maravia that belong to an Englishman named Curtis, based its property rights exactly in a Colonial title, but this is a nightmare case, because the National Land office, sold that land to another person 20 years ago, and the title are ready to being issued, but I know deals are being made For Maravia to purchase the land, from the actual owner Maria Elizabeth Espinoza Montaño from Los Cabos; they are covered by First American Title insurance, but with a lot of small print that include exception if there are title defects and that mean, that no title coverage exist there.
The actual title cover Cachimba, Azul and II and Coyote because it cover 2370 Has.

(3) And there is another Maravilla south of Todos Santos also being planned. Since you mention Todos Santos has title problems, does this apply here also. Ref.:

I did not mention that Todos los Santos has problems, because there are some titles that are legal, also some Colonial titles that are not and some very old titles out of the 1876 1917 era that may be legal but are subjected to validation, there you have to check the exact case.

(4) And one last question ... what is the title status of a "sand spit" formed by water runoff in Bahia de la La Paz and a project-in-progress called Paraiso del Mar? Did this sandbar feature even exist 150 years ago? Ref.:

Those projects have legal titles, because they had the wisdom to bring them to legal status, they were based on old titles and corrected their situation. A lesson that must be learned in Rosarito.

ramuma53 - 4-8-2011 at 03:16 PM

I have been receiving a lot of questions, concerning La Puerta del Mar, in Rosarito, actually in Km. 54-55 Tijuana to Ensenada old road.

That land belong to Rosendo Vicotrio Victorio, the Venustiano Carranza town leader, he bought that land from the National Land office in 1994, but latter, Banamex who has a Fideicomiso, managed for the Title to be voided, using a technicality, because during the procedure, it was not formally notified and the title has been on the making since then.

Lately the Venustiano Carranza title, has been moving and investigations finished, the title will unavoidably be issued in a few of months, while Banamex who voided the title because it argue that the title affect 20,000 m2 of its lands, will be formally notified and will have to show legal proof, that the land covered by the Fideicomiso is not National Land (something immposible).

According to our investigation, Banamex and La Puerta del Mar, will lose the land, back to Rosendo Victorio, no way around that, because La Puerta del Mar, is not even protected by the Banamex´s fideicomiso.

Banamex, voided the 970,000 m2 title, for its over position of 20,000 m2 only and that mean, the other 950,000 m2, have not been contested and are solid and La Puerta del Mar is under those 950,000 m2.

La Puerta del Mar, was built after the title was voided, taking advantage, that at that time, the real owner, was not in position to legally defend himself for lack of title, but as soon as the title is re issued, the land will be automatically back to him and since La Puerta del Mar is there, it is also a Federal offense committed by the developers.

This is one of the best examples, for the Baja Developers irresponsibility and lack of honesty; there the Developers are the Lagos group, related to the Yagues group. Also one of the best examples, that powerful and wealthy Mexicans, are not over the law and do not give any more protection than a poor Mexican, because Lagos is one of the Wealthiest Mexicans in Baja and Yagues one of the most powerful politically guys, the kind of guys who call the Baja Governor, to do their dirty work, but remember, that in Punta Banda, it was the Baja Governor´s cousin, the one who lost; Mexico is law abiding country, it takes its time, but law prevail and will prevail.

This will be the second Punta Banda, but only the second of many, so buyers should be aware of this kind of problems in the making for years and it is not fair that they, be kept in the dark until the problem explode on their faces.:fire:

The developer should not have sold houses to Americans in that development, built over National land that was already proved National Land and a title issued but void, because that only mean, that it is National Land, that would be re titled to the owner again, sooner or later, but the buyers were kept ignorant of the underlying problem.:O

The Developer, Grupo Lagos, built grounding its rights, over a title chain, that end in a Public Notary writing in 1959, where the Public Notary say, in its legal writing, specifically that:
The bunch of people, claiming that he recognized the sale by Juan Machado to them, who was already dead, did not show any legal title and some of the contracts were written over tortilla paper.
They did not show to him, any but any, official paper, showing Juan Machado as the legal owner.
The addition of all the sale contracts was an area over 200´000,000 m2 or 20,000 Has. Way over the 2500 Has. legal limit, while they claimed that Juan Machado had a 5,000 Has title, but only claimed, because they showed no legal proof to him.
Also, he says in his legal writing, that to avoid a public problem, his legal writing would be recognized as a legal title. (He does not say, recognized by who???)

That legal writing, is a joke, and give absolutely no property right, because Public notaries or in fact, absolutely NO public official, can give away National land and the law specifically, since 1863, up to today, say, that any land appropriation obtained by any public official, would be void if not done by the National Land office in a legal way and by paying the Nation, never free.

That mean, that La Puerta del Mar, is one of the worst cases and most similar to Punta Banda, that will have a similar ending and any American who bought there, the best action he may take, is to ask for their money back, to the Lagos Group; please do not just sell the unit to another unsuspected buyer, because you would be selling National Land and it would be a Federal Felony.

Other developments in the same situation, are the ones over Playa Encantada Km. 29.5 to 30, also waiting for a title to be issued on another name, different to the developers and the two towers that belong to the Torres Chavert group ,also waiting for a title to be issued on another name, Popotla where the Studios Baja were, are covered by another title on another name different to the ones who claim to be the owners.

As I say, this is only the tip of the iceberg, the developers have created, by keeping the buyers in the dark, while taking their money and most of them, are American buyers.
Those are the worst cases, while there are many, who are on National land, but have no underlying National Land title, waiting to be issued, those may just pay for the land and continue selling, those are the easy ones.

The easy ones are also resisting, because they do not want to pay the land to the Nation, but if they are selling the units, at a USD$3,500.00 dlls./m2, I do not see why, they cannot pay USD$100.00 dlls/m2, that the land legally cost, but you know wealthy and powerful people, they prefer to spend a lot more fighting, than to just do the right thing and I do not care if they fight to the end of time, but they should not be putting Mexico´s name in jeopardy to earn a little bit more.:fire:

[Edited on 4-8-2011 by ramuma53]

MitchMan - 4-8-2011 at 03:21 PM

What about title to land (lotes) in Loreto that was sold by Fonatur? Does the purchaser of Loreto lots from Fonatur have good title?

[Edited on 4-8-2011 by MitchMan]

ramuma53 - 4-8-2011 at 03:28 PM

The Federal Government took care of that, before giving that land, to Fonatur and from them to the now owners.
This mean, that the titles issued by them are good forever and if you look at the title chain, you will find a National Land title legaly issued by the Federal Government.

MitchMan - 4-8-2011 at 03:33 PM

Yahoo! Thanks, ramuma53.
If I may impose upon you, sir. If a person owns land in south La Paz, say in Chametla or Centenario that was once upon a time ejido property, but say a Mexican citizen bought a lot ten years ago and built a house on it and then sold it to an American a few years ago, what condition might the title that American has be? That is, if the American bought it via a fideicomiso with American title insurance on it, might that title be in trouble? If so, any suggestions as to what the American can do to fix a title problem?

Very grateful for any light that you may be able to shed on this "hypothetical" problem.

I am staring at my computer right now, and I am not blinking.

[Edited on 4-8-2011 by MitchMan]

[Edited on 4-8-2011 by MitchMan]

wessongroup - 4-8-2011 at 03:37 PM

blink... your eyes will dry out.... or flies will land

Cypress - 4-8-2011 at 04:13 PM

At one time I seriously considered buying(whatever that means?) property down in Baja. Tried to, but at that time, '07-'08, it was a sellers market. Couldn't afford what they were asking. Thank you Jesus!!!:D

MitchMan - 4-8-2011 at 04:22 PM

Cypress, it's a buyer's market now, especially for the properties in Mexican neighborhoods. You just have to look around, take your time, ask a lot of people (especially locals) if they know of any places for sale, and you will find unbelievable deals. Going to a fancy shmancy real estate office and it will be a lot harder to find a really good deal. You'll get shown a bunch of homes at "market price" which is quite a bit higher than what you could find on your own.

Cypress - 4-8-2011 at 04:37 PM

Mitchman, Thanks for the info. If the fishing hadn't gone to hell I'd still be down there.

MitchMan - 4-9-2011 at 07:09 AM

With regard to fishing, I wonder if there are any safe, accessible places anywhere in Baja Sur to buy a low costing 600 -1000 sq ft casita on the beach (Sea of Cortez side) where it is easy to beach launch a small boat and the fishing is great for most of the year. I have heard good things about Los Barriles

grizzlyfsh95 - 4-9-2011 at 10:30 AM

Originally posted by MitchMan
With regard to fishing, I wonder if there are any safe, accessible places anywhere in Baja Sur to buy a low costing 600 -1000 sq ft casita on the beach (Sea of Cortez side) where it is easy to beach launch a small boat and the fishing is great for most of the year. I have heard good things about Los Barriles

Try Cardinale (N. of Barriles)

drarroyo - 4-9-2011 at 11:31 AM

Originally posted by grizzlyfsh95
Originally posted by MitchMan
With regard to fishing, I wonder if there are any safe, accessible places anywhere in Baja Sur to buy a low costing 600 -1000 sq ft casita on the beach (Sea of Cortez side) where it is easy to beach launch a small boat and the fishing is great for most of the year. I have heard good things about Los Barriles

Try Cardinale (N. of Barriles)

El Cardonal (sp) is still rather pricey (proximity to Los Barilles), so you have plenty of time to research if it's an appropriate locale, and then by the time you're ready to commit.... prices will be lower. (ie it's not going UP any time soon. Good time to be looking IMHO)

[Edited on 4-9-2011 by drarroyo]

elgatoloco - 4-9-2011 at 12:49 PM

Originally posted by ramuma53
I have been receiving a lot of questions, concerning La Puerta del Mar, in Rosarito, actually in Km. 54-55 Tijuana to Ensenada old road.
[Edited on 4-8-2011 by ramuma53]

Do you know if the other property at K55 aka Campo Lopez,Punta Mesqutito, have any issues other then the ugly battle between Machado and Negrete families over management?


ramuma53 - 4-9-2011 at 04:12 PM

If a Mexican bought from an Ejido, that does not make the ejido legal, the fact is that, almost all of the Baja´s Ejidos, have a virtual execution and that is a problem that has not been corrected and that mean that they have no physical land gave to them in a formal way and that mean, they were not able to sell in a legal way to a Mexican or American.
The fact that you have title insurance and a fideicomiso, only mean that a bank is the one holding the title, with any defect it may have and the Title insurance, only say that they didn´t find any title problems, but it doesn’t mean, that no title defects exist, only that their attorneys didn’t find any.

The fact that a title defect exist, does not mean automatic problems, for the actual owner; problems arise when legal problems exist in court, between two people claiming to be the owners.

If you are not being contested in court, my advice is: Not to do anything, because the Ejido sooner or later, will have to correct that problem and yours at the same time, without your direct action.:saint:

ramuma53 - 4-9-2011 at 04:41 PM

Do you know if the other property at K55 aka Campo Lopez,Punta Mesqutito, have any issues other then the ugly battle between Machado and Negrete families over management?

Campo Lopez, it is a fact, belong to National Land property, it was legally notified in 1992 to Mr. Aguilar, the then possessor, but he never bought it from the Nation and that mean, it is unclaimed National Property, ready to be sold to the first Mexican who ask for it.

Punta Mezquite is another problem.
Punta Mezquite and La Puerta del Mar, are under the Rosendo Victorio Victorio 97 Has. National Land title, that also covers the Venustiano Carranza town on the other side of the road.

The title was issued in 1994 for 97 Has. But later, Banamex thorough an amparo, voided the title on 2 Has. But the 95 Has. Left, have not been titled again to Rosendo Victorio, but the title as I know, will come issued out again, in a few months, on the name of Rosendo Victorio, that is unavoidable.

The 2 Has. Voided by Banamex, are the extreme North West area between the road and the Federal Zone, those 2 Has. Are already covered by houses, built by Medio Camino and sold to American buyers.

Those 2 Has. are being subjected, to an administrative trial, between Banamex and Inmobiliaria Real de Mexico, that belong to Miguel Del Rio Torres, a Mexico city, casino chain owner and I will bet for Miguel Del Rio, because he formally bought from Rosendo Victorio Victorio, the national land title holder.

On La Puerta del Mar, just run if you can, that will be the second Punta Banda exactly alike problem. If you bought, ask for your money back or claim your fideicomiso back or claim your title insurance back, because that land will be returned to Rosendo Victorio and from them to Inmobiliaria Real de Mexico S.A. de C.V.

The actual La Puerta del mar developers, the lagos group, will be happy if they manage to stay out of jail, because they built the development on the voided title land, knowing that the title would be re issued in the future and that mean, they sold houses on National Land that was already sold by the Nation to Rosendo Victorio and that is a clear and present Federal offense.

If there are hot points, in Rosarito coastal strip. This would be the hottest, followed nearly by Popotla, Playa Encantada (La Joya del Mar) and all the Torres Chavert developments. On these hot points, just try to recover as much money as you can, as soon as you can.:wow:

MitchMan - 4-9-2011 at 04:42 PM

Thank you, ramuma53. Very, very helpful. The property in question was originally owned by the neighbor who had it for generations. He sold it to a Mexican citizen about 12 years ago who sold it to another Mexican citizen, and then sold it to the American several years ago. There has never been any contesting by anyone, not even the original owner/neighbor. From all appearances, the seller to the American is an unsophisticated housewife recently divorced who just wanted to get out from under the property, left it vacant for 2 years, and just wanted the money so that she could move back to the mainland, which she did. She was so eager to sell that she agreed to lower the price quite a bit below market value.

The American owner has read the posts in this thread and I think he wants to pursue if there is a way to pay the government to get a National Land Title just to be safe.

Thank you, ramuma53.

[Edited on 4-9-2011 by MitchMan]

ramuma53 - 4-10-2011 at 09:01 AM

I think the best way in that situation, is to just wait and do nothing, because the problem comes from an Ejido defect and the Ejido will have to correct that problem in the future or may never correct it, but if they dont do it, they are open to problems, in other words, people who know (mainland big developers) can just take any land they want from them as long as they have defects and if this happen, your friend may be on the way, but if this doesent happen, nothing will happen.
In Mulege, Carlos Slim, just played arround with the Ejido owning Santispak and when the ejido, backed by the Baja Governor refused to sell to them, he just got the place paying even less, trough a Spanish company that ended up being his.

ramuma53 - 4-10-2011 at 09:50 AM

The law orders, that the Public Notary, the Cadastral officer and the Public Registry official, must check with the National Agrarian Registry, to see if the property, have any problems (like being National land or an Ejido) and check with the local public registry (it must check, but Baja registry does not), but in Baja, they just do not do it and refuse to do it.
They argue that they must blindly trust another public notary´s work, but the fact is, that old Baja public notaries, just didn´t act legally and their work cannot be taken as legal true, but since public notaries in Baja, are family businesses, inheritable to sons, they are protecting their old relatives actions.
That is why, I advise you to do it yourself and do not accept any excuse, just know the law and see that it is obeyed yourself in your own benefit.
On this case, it is clear that the advice, some people gave, about buying where powerful Mexicans buy, is not a good advice, Grupo Lagos who built Puerta del Mar, is one of the biggest developers in Baja, they are related to Ismael Yagues Ames, also one of the wealthiest Mexicans in Baja, that have been acquiring big chunks of land in Baja, by the very illegal way of buying the Real Estate rights, that were supposedly owned by the 1880s American Surveyor companies and trying to put them on his name, in the public registry and I mean 100s of 1000s of Has. So much that they stopped him, but he managed to do it for a while, causing that the Tijuana public registry is no longer trustable.
Ismael Yagues perfectly know, about the national property issue, because one of his main technical people, Rolando Salazar, worked for the national land office as a supervisor for the National land commission in 1992.
In this case, since the National land office, formally sold to Rosendo Victorio Victorio, that 97 Has. Land lot, there is absolutely no way, the title will not be re issued, because the Banamex amparo voided it, only for 2 Has. Being a 97 Has. Title, and the balance, returned to him. La Puerta del Mar, was built after the problems and the title was voided; this is an absolute irresponsibility by the developer and the worst advocate, is the professional, you sent to find the title defects.
When a title is voided, it cease to have legal effects and that mean, that, if the land was formally sold by the Federal Government, as National Property, it just returned to being National Property, not acquirable by any other mean and everyone in Tijuana, Rosarito Ensenada, knows about the problems Rosendo Victorio had with the developers, who put him in jail several times, using their influence with the Estate Governor, who used the police as their personal white guard, because the whole Venustiano Carranza town went to the Tijuana streets to claim for Rosendo to be liberated.
Rosendo Victorio family are as poor as any Mexican labor worker can be, but he will prevail, because Mexico is a laws Nation, the developers trying to steal his land, may delay the process, but they cannot stop it and American buyers should not be the ones to loose, because that is the developer´s intention and way to press the government, in to leave things as they are, let me do it, or there will be another Punta Banda.
That have not worked for 20 years and the dam is about to break, please don’t be in the way, so later you do not blame Mexico.
Greedy people exist all over the world, only in Mexico they are able to get away with it for a little while longer.

Woooosh - 4-11-2011 at 07:54 AM

Originally posted by bajaeng
Thank you for sharing this very valuable information about the TJ-Ens stretch along the coast. It is quite an eye opener and now I know why one real estate office advised us to rent due to all the many possible uncertainties.

A real estate office is now advising people to rent, not buy? That's interesting and likely the next step to getting this land title problem solved for Rosarito. The internet will not allow the corrupt to maintain the status quo, or put their genie back in the bottle. Most owners now do their real estate research on the web and the Realtors are all aware of these problems because their clients are now asking about them. For Rosarito to move forward and grow the land title problems needs to be solved sooner, rather than later. Now is the time. If not, when the economy and real estate market does start to rebound the buyers will go elsewhere and Rosarito will wonder what happened...

ramuma53 - 4-11-2011 at 03:25 PM

Right on the money

The market will rebound in 2 years and that will be a sellers market because of all the Baby boomers that have not bought, in this period and that will then try to buy at the same time as the freshly comeing baby Boomers.
Then people will not care that much about the problems and that mean that people must know now and press the developers to correct the problems or in two years, they would have won and just pass the developments with problems and all to the buyers.

elgatoloco - 4-11-2011 at 04:51 PM

Ok. So it sounds like K55/Campo Lopez which is different then K55/Puerta Del Mar has no Banamex issues.

ramuma53 - 4-11-2011 at 05:02 PM

Yes you are right, Campo Lopez has no Banamex issues, but it is National land.
As National Land, nobody should be chargingn for rent or anything, because then, they are renting Federal property and commiting a federal felony.
In my opinion, La Puerta del Mar has a clear way of correcting the problem, because they can buy from Rosendo Victorio, but Campo Lopez has to buy from the Nation and at this time, nobody has claimed that land.

elgatoloco - 4-11-2011 at 10:40 PM

Originally posted by ramuma53
Yes you are right, Campo Lopez has no Banamex issues, but it is National land.
As National Land, nobody should be chargingn for rent or anything, because then, they are renting Federal property and commiting a federal felony.
In my opinion, La Puerta del Mar has a clear way of correcting the problem, because they can buy from Rosendo Victorio, but Campo Lopez has to buy from the Nation and at this time, nobody has claimed that land.

There are mexican nationals who own their homes and the land they are on in that campo. The rest of the gringos "own" their homes and pay rent for the land to the Machado and Negrete (by way of marriage to a Machado) clans. The two clans have a longtime argument and do not get along, from what I hear.

Crappy beach and lousy polluted surf breaks make on eownder why anyone would want to be there anyway? :rolleyes:

Thank you for the info.

ramuma53 - 4-12-2011 at 12:44 PM

You say that they own, but they absolutely does not OWN that land, they are just irregular possessors of National Land, in other words, just squatters in national land.
They cannot give away any right to those lands, they cannot rent it or lease it or anything without a formal Federal permission, any other way it is a Federal Offense.
Remember that the Machado sold whatever they had in 1915 to a foreign owned company and since then they are just irregular possessors, without any right to the property.
To use or possess any national land, you need a permit issued by the National land office, any other way, it is a Federal felony.

I say this without even a doubt, because I know that Mr. Aguilar was formally notified about the National Land property in 1992.

Many people get induced to think that to have an inscription on the Public Registry, mean that Property is assured, but let me tell you, that the Public Registries, are only declaratory, and it mean, that it is only to inform people about a fact, it absolutely does not prove the property right, it only publicly inform of of a fact, true or false, but it does not prove it in any way.

That means that having a right in the Tijuana, Rosarito and Ensenada Public Registries books, does not prove they are the owners, and in this case, it is not true what the Public Registries inform.:?:

Why, because the Local Public registries have an obligation to check and be coordinated with the national Public registries, being these: National Agrarian Registry (RAN), National Agrarian Cadastral office, National Property Public Registry and can say, that those National Registries do not check or are coordinated with the local public registries and since they are not legally coordinated as the law order, the public notaries and local public officials do not check with them as the law orders.

That is the Baja California problem, the local public registries, show different data, than the national Registries, but the National Registries are superior authorities to the local Registries and in a legal consequence, the true right is what exist in the National Registries and in this case in the National Registries, the National Property exist on those registries while in the local Registries, you can find the Machado rights, in a contradiction to themselves that have also the Machado sale to the Foreign Company in 1915.:?:

Yes, I know what you are going to say, that it is an abominable official mess and you are right, but the Developers press the government, in to not correcting anything and they just let them exist that way in an absolute irresponsibility that nobody want to accept or make public.:fire:

If the land rights basis were national titles, issued according to the law, time would have corrected the problem, but being National Lands, time does not have any effect and the problem just exist until someone with the information want to take advantage of it.:o

Let me give an hypothetical example:
At this time, Campo Lopez is unclaimed National Land, that is being occupied by irregular squatters and I do not care how they want to justify that possession or for how long the possession time.

If any person, being a Mexican entity (physical or company) go to the national land office and offer to buy Campo Lopez, they will see that Mr. Aguilar was notified in 1992 and did not exercised his right to buy, then the first one who want to buy it, will be next in line and they will just sell it to him.:?:

Then you will have a true owner that does not have the physical possession, but that is not that difficult, because you are buying from the Federal Government and the SRA will have an obligation to give you the physical possession and since they will go and find squatters, they will order an investigation to the Federal Police to see why are those squatters there.

The Federal Police will just go and take the people they find there to Mexico city, like criminals and at their offices in front of the Revolution monument in Mexico city, they will ask them to show the permit issued by the national Land office to use Federal Property, since nobody have one of those, they will be in deep Federal problems that will land them in a Federal penitentiary until they give the possession away to the National land office and then derve prision for as much time as the judge say.:(

The SRA will just give to the legal buyer the land free of any problem.:saint:

This is something that the Developers do not want anybody to know, but it has been happening time and time again, the last I know is for Animale disco in Rosarito Beach downtown.

In other words, if the hard headed developers, do not correct the National land issue, they are open for entrepreneurs that use the law, to take away the land they want and when that happen, they cry like children, saying that they were robed and that they have a moral right to own that land, in other words, they are waiting for some public official, to just come and give away that land for free to them, but in 20 years that have not happened, because public officials are not allowed by law, to do it for free, the minimum price allowed by law, is the cadastral value and they do not want to pay it.:lol:

We have some hard headed people, that want to get land for free to sell it to Americans at US$3500.00 dlls./m2 built; the right way to do it, would be for them to pay US$100.00 to the lawful owner (The Nation) and then sell with the law on their side at US$3500.00 but they don’t want to pay.:?:

Well, then let Mainland entrepreneurs, come and take away their built already developments and see if when that has happened several times, the other 200 will open their hard head a little or better said, their hard wallet.

This will be a mega business for someone, the mainland developers or the now hard headed local developers; the only difference, is that the local developers want the land for free and the American buyer to hold the risk forever.:?:

I would go for the mainland developers.:light:

[Edited on 4-13-2011 by ramuma53]

Woooosh - 4-14-2011 at 11:30 AM

Originally posted by bajaeng
one thing I am wondering is if there are all these potential land issues due to "National Title", then why does the federal govt ignore places that build and live or do illegal transactions on land not given national title? it seems they should have the equivalent of "Bureau of Land Management" like the US has.

and follow the model of the California Coastal Commission- nothing over 30 feet within a mile of the coast.

Cypress - 4-14-2011 at 03:06 PM

Baja real estate advice? Go for it! You'll have some interesting stories and it'll probably more fun than playing the slot machines at some funky old casino.:biggrin:

ramuma53 - 4-14-2011 at 05:44 PM

That suposed to be the Reforma Agraria Secretary (SRA), but they are a very ineficient and corrupt bunch, that try to charge you for every thing you try to do and their job, is to make everything more difficult to be able to charge more.
Also, the Public Notary, the Cadastral officer and the Public Registry are in charge to watch that their files are equal and the same as the federal registries, but they have a tradition to ignore this obligation in Baja.

As you say, that attitude must generate a lot of problems and you are right, Baja is one of the places in Mexico where the land problems are choking the tribunals; what they are doing, is choking every one of them but not even that way, they understand and that happen, because the strongest is getting all and devouring the samllest developers.

A problem cannot exist if the people that are in charge do their job with efficiency, but in this case, those people are not doing their job according to the law and should not be trusted with your money.
As you see, people come here to insult the massager, but not to give arguments against what I say and that is because there are no legal arguments.
I have been warning the Estate Government, the city government and the developers for 20 years, but since those entities are composed of the people with money, they are more interested in protecting their buddies wallets, than to correct a very old and unpopular problem, a problem that will cost them a bunch of dollars, but they are getting form the American buyer, a lot bigger bunch of dollars, or at least they were getting it.

Woooosh - 4-14-2011 at 07:14 PM

Ramuma53: I am curious about something. You have been fighting this fight for 20 years. It would seem that your efforts are gaining momentum. Do you think the internet has made this possible? Do you think YouTube has made Mexico change much more rapidly than it would have liked to? A recent poll said 20% of all Mexico households have high speed internet access.

[Edited on 4-15-2011 by Woooosh]

ramuma53 - 4-14-2011 at 08:59 PM

Sincerely, this is a last resort measure and I am doing it, because advising the Estate Government only made some of them very rich, advising the public officials, only made then try to land me in jail, advising the Real Estate Agents, only made them hate me and advising the Developers, made the few that were immediately benefited, appreciate my efforts, but most of them, only hated me for trying to help them, they absolutely do not want any help that may cost them money or contradict the land buys they have made through very doubtful ways; this because most of them, just appropriated the land by time limitation (Prescripciones) or just plainly stole the land from old occupants by using their political muscle.

Do you know that to be a called a leader is a crime in Baja California? In any other part of the world, it is a compliment and you are honored when they call you that, not in Baja, they land you in jail and that is because they like the status quo, never move or inform the people because then you are a criminal for them.

Of course Internet help on this issue and in any other, because it is difficult for them to stop the information, just see how ferocious were the Jesse attacks or the other new lady, but at the end, many people recognize that they were not providing sound advice and they were not able to just shut me up or steal the newspaper copies like they used to do to ABC or the Gringo Gazette.

Nancy, the Gringo Gazette reporter, was the only American reporter that listened to my arguments and took the time to investigate and corroborate my information and that is why, she started to write about the land problem, but as soon as the then Rosarito major Hugo Torres Chavert, leaned of it, he ordered the Gringo Gazette to be taken away from stores as soon as it was provided to them.

She was forced out of Rosarito by stealing her newspapers and by attacking her in criminal court so many times that she was not able to justify it to her bosses and they just abandoned Rosarito; some people laugh about this, but I think it is shameful for the Rosarito´s people.:no:

At one time, I tried it with the San Diego Union reporter and she received the whole information, interviewed many Americans, who knew about the problem and at the end, she did not print a letter about that, when she told us, she was going to print our story, she printed the Ejido Chef saying that in Rosarito everything was fine and never called us back and later, started to attack us, clearly she was convinced by the dark side$$$$$$$.:fire:

To do this now is impossible, to jail me for doing it would be an international scandal and they just cannot deny the arguments and the information finally is reaching the people who affect directly, they are not being able to shut it up, thanks to the fact that Mexico is not China.
This will be here and will reach the people who need it or at least I hope so, because as some of them told me by email that Gringos remember only a couple of years and then it will be business like usual.

It is up to people in this forum to let that happen or not.

Some of you are questioning my motives by email?
I am doing this because I own land in the Tijuana Rosarito strip and I was spending more time in courts than developing my properties, I was forced to investigate the place history up to the last details to protect my properties and even after that, I cannot develop them because developers do not want to buy land, they want to steal it or nothing.

Once I was convinced that to protect my land, it was necessary to buy it to the Federal Government, I did it against all the developers opinion; most of them thought that if this information became public, they will have to pay for all the land they had and most of them had a lot, obtained by frankly fraudulent ways and at that time I started to split myself from them.

I predicted the Real Estate crisis in 1992, I predicted that Rosarito would follow Ensenada and everybody told me I was crazy, that it would never happen in Rosarito because at that time, you were not able to walk on the streets because of the amount of American visitors, but Ensenada was a clear warning that if you take advantage of your customer, they will just go to other places.

At this time, I want to clean Rosarito before I can invest or develop my Rosarito properties, I refuse to just fallow those 200 developers that built without the minimal land legality, just hoping to sell before everything exploded.

I tried all the normal ways and I started to escalate until there were no more people in higher places, who listened about the problem and its consequences and as in any business, then, the only option, was the boss, the only guy on top of the business and government directors, the customer, because he is the only one, who can force all those money and political guys, to recognize that they have a problem, that is no longer concealable and they have finally to correct it, because in this case, time will not correct it as they hoped and to dump it on the customer is no longer acceptable or hided.

[Edited on 4-15-2011 by ramuma53]

Woooosh - 4-14-2011 at 10:02 PM

Ramuma53- Well, I think for maximum effect your next step is to produce a simple YouTube video series of your information. People will watch YouTube and they believe what they can see with their own eyes. Charts and Maps scan easily into a video too. Mexican gov't workers have access to YouTube on their desks because that's what they use for training and communication videos. The YouTube video series and information will forever be there on the web for anyone who wants to see it in the future.

BTW- Regarding our concession: A PGR investigator came to the house yesterday to investigate the denuncia we filed against the squatter. He said they were also contacted by SEMARNAT on this specific concession issue. He spent half an hour walking around the area before he came up to the house. He asked how much we paid for it per year (11,000 pesos) and why we wanted to protect it (as a free beach for the people of Rosarito). He said he would open a file and we would be called into the office to show our title papers. (maybe the video had some impact?)

[Edited on 4-15-2011 by Woooosh]

ramuma53 - 4-16-2011 at 11:03 AM

you are right about YOuTube, I will start working on it

Concerning your concession, your legal answer to that question should be - Hornato it means that you want that area just to keep it as a good view for your pleasure and it can not be concessioned to any other person for other purposes, like a restaurant or something.

I will leave the tools here also, I will start to put up the key documents on this story in a way that people can use it to uphold their questions and requesto to developers with a documental base, something that can not be denied or say it is a theory.

Cypress - 4-16-2011 at 11:48 AM

I'm getting the idea that a Gringo buying property down in Baja/Mexico from another Gringo or a Mexican or anybody else for that matter, might as well be rolling the dice. And the dice aren't normal dice, they've got to be read by a whole crew of lawyers, local mucky mucks and anybody else that comes down the pike. I'll pass.

Can't Tell Your Players Without a Scorecard

jenny.navarrette - 4-16-2011 at 01:17 PM

OK, here is the score so far in this Chinese Fire Drill:

1. Hugo Torres Chabert. Mr. Hugo Torres Chabert is the developer of La Jolla del Mar. This condominium development is owned by three investors, including Hugo Torres. Torres is also the owner of the Rosarito Beach Hotel, the Oceana towers development, the local Rosarito newspaper Ecos de Rosarito, and the Baja Tourist Guide. He is a two-time former Mayor of Playas de Rosarito.

2. The Corona Family. The Coronas are an old Rosarito family that own the Hotel Corona, Castillos del Mar, and many other properties in Rosarito. They claim to be the real owners of the La Jolla del Mar property. The Coronas and the Torres have been in litigation over the La Jolla del Mar for more than 20 years. If the Coronas win their lawsuits, title to the La Jolla del Mar property could revert to them.

3. Mr. Rafael Muñoz MartinezMr. Rafael Mr. Rafael Muñoz is the director of The BiNational Commission of Coastal Residents. This group is an advocacy coalition that has been involved in many past property disputes, including those in Popotla, El Capito, Venustiano Carranza, the artisan's market, Castillo del Mar, and Punta Banda. In some of these other disputes, they have opposed actions taken by Mr. Hugo Torres. Rafael Muñoz is a former newspaper publisher and also was a candidate for the Baja State Senate in 2000. Mr. Munoz's mother sold the land underlying the La Jolla del Mar condominiums to the Coronas, a fact that Mr. Muñoz has failed to state in his over 425 posts on BajaNomads. Nor has Mr. Muñoz ever mentioned how his mother came to have title to the property in the first place and has not stated whether her chaim of title has the vitally important National Land deed at the bottom. We will just have to wait for that.

4. Ejido Mazatlan. An ejido is a group of communal landowners that enjoy special land rights and legal protections under Mexican law. The Ejido Mazatlan owns huge tracts of land in and around the Rosarito area. Both the Ejido and Mr. Hugo Torres claim that the La Jolla del Mar property was originally ejido land.

5. Fernando Gomez Chavez. Mr. Gomez Chavez obtained the La Jolla del Mar property indirectly from Ejido Mazatlan, and re-sold the property to Hugo Torres. The validity of Mr. Gomez's title is a major issue in the lawsuits. Mr. Gomez worked as lawyer for The BiNational Commission of Coastal Residents -- directed by Rafael Muñoz Martinez -- and represented the Corona family in a related lawsuit on the Castillos del Mar property against Ejido Mazatlan, which also claimed ownership of the Castillo del Mar property. For some strange reason, in all his 425 posts on BajaNomads, Mr. Muñoz omitted saying that Mr. Gomez Chavez was his former employee. Mr. Muñoz claimed that Mr. Gomez Chavez turned traitor and cut a deal with Ejido Mazatlan to purposefully lose the lawsuit for his clients, the Coronas. The duplicity was discovered and Mr. Muñoz fired Mr. Gomez Chavez and the Coronas won the lawsuit. The Mexican Supreme Court ruled that the Ejido's version of the survey map showing the boundaries of the Ejido property was null and void and therefore the Ejido had no claim to the Castillo del Mar property. The Ejido's claim to ownership of the La Jolla del Mar parcel is also based on that same map, which the Supreme Court has already denied. In spite of the fact that the Corona's won the lawsuit, Mr. Gomez Chavez somehow acquired the La Jolla del Mar property from Ejido Mazatlan anyway and resold it to Hugo Torres.

As far as I can see, nobody owns legitmately any of these properties. It's just a bunch of landgrubbers fighting each other over it.

ramuma53 - 4-16-2011 at 04:08 PM

As I told you, buying property is not an easy thing here or any place in the world; more because in the USA or Australia or England, the Public Registry show and is a proof of property, while in Mexico, it is only an informative tool; to have an inscription there does not mean you have full or doubtless property.

Also I am telling you, that if you approach buying property like you do in the USA, just trusting other people to do your investigation, you will have problems.

That you can buy in Baja, but you have to be careful and rootles, do not confide in the sellers, just ask for the whole title chain up to the first document and it should be a National Land title issued after 1950 in the Rosarito Area and after 1917 every other place in Baja.
That you can buy real Estate at reduced prices and fix the problem you know exist and make a bundle of money.
Of course, this is not for the people that want easy things or just turn key houses; if you want that, just pass over Rosarito or look for the very few places that already have fixed the problem.
If you buy on El Morro area, you will never have a problem, they have National Land titles since the 1950 and they will gladly show it to you, only people who are trying to hide something and make a< fool out of you, get insulted by the buyer when he ask for what he should have but do not have. Remember that the crook always get insulted when you doubt or test his honesty; honest people even get glad that you ask for what he already has. Only crooks tell you that their reputation is beyond doubt and offer you in house title insurance.

ramuma53 - 4-17-2011 at 01:17 PM

Of course you can tell Your Players Without a Scorecard, but, you have to say the true facts.

OK, here is the score so far in this Chinese Fire Drill:


Hugo Torres Chavert, you accept built and is actually selling La Joya del Mar, ¨you say¨, he owns Hotel Rosarito, Oceana and was 2 times Rosarito major, but:

How come, you accept that he is in litigation, with the Coronas over La Joya del Mar, while at the same time, he is selling La Joya del Mar, without disclosing that capital fact, to American buyers??????? And giving In House title insurance on it??????? That is not an honest thing to do!!!!!

Why are you, not denouncing the fraud also????:fire:

Is he telling his buyers that he is in litigation? And, that he may very well have to return the property to the Coronas in the near future??????????????????

Is this very important fact, being fully disclosed to his buyers when they buy at La Joya del Mar???? as it should be in any Real Estate sale???????????????.

If not, you must accept, he is a crook, trying and actually commiting fraud against the American Real Estate buyer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For the same reason I have proved here, he absolutely does not OWN the Rosarito hotel, he is holding the concession of it, for the waiter and bar tender union only, only a concession, because it is National Property, that has never been sold by the Nation, in other words, it is National Property only a concession granted to the union, he is just a big fraud.

He has never been 2 times major, he has been elected only once, the first time he was named by the PAN Estate government, to head the counsel, holding it until elections were held and when he was elected major, the crime soared to heights that has never been observed in Rosarito, pollution was hided and newspapers stolen to hide the true from the Rosarito people, he is nothing to be proud of, instead he is a shame to Rosarito, because a honest people will never sell a property that is in jeopardy by lawsuits, while not disclosing that to the American buyers.

Oceana is built also over National Land, named Rancho Costa Azul, that belong to a third person and litigations are also on the going, while I have never heard, that a buyer on those developments, had those fact disclosed to them!!!.


Sorry but the Coronas are not an old Rosairto Family, they an old Tijuana and Ensenada family, but new to Rosarito.
They do not claim to own La Joya del Mar, they were claiming to own Playa Encantada, the place that Hugo Torres and partners through Fraud and buying the Playa Encantada attorneys, managed to get possession from Tomas Corona and the real owner, but later, Tomas Corona Recognized that Playa Encantada is National land, owned by another person that is in litigation in Mexico city to get back that land form La Joya del Mar.

Playa Encantada was national Land until 1992, when it was sold by the nation to the actual owner, who bought it, grounding her possession, on a right to buy National Land, that my mother legally received in 1952, advising the one receiving the right, that it was National Land and giving her, the right to possess National Land, legally and formally issued to her in 1952 by the Agrarian Department, now the SRA, on proof that she was possessing it, since 1949, because on good faith, she publicly bought it from Rosa Machado, in other words, a perfectly legal way to buy and prove possession.

Then, since Tomas Corona, who own Castillos del Mar next door to Playa Encantada, own it because they bought it from the National Land office on my advice, claimed also Playa Encantada to the National Land office, then, he was advised by the SRA, that Playa Encantada was already claimed before and with more force, by the actual owner; learning that, he in an honest gesture, recognized the actual owner right to Own Playa Encantada and is with this person, with whom La Joya del Mar, is in litigation, not with the Coronas, but that does not change the fact, that Hugo Torres Chavert, is acting with dishonesty and falsehood, toward the American buyer, when he does not fully disclose those legal problems, that he will certainly lose in the near future, subjecting the American buyer to another Punta Banda.


The BiNational Commission of Coastal Residents was created by me and others in 1992 to help al the small land owners, American and Mexican alike, with the procedure to legalize their land, through the National Land office, bringing them in to full land ownership legality, then they elected me the first president, yes, we gave all this information to all the social groups and that was the fact, that the big land owners and developers didn´t like and the one who were heading the big land owners and developers, was and is no other than Hugo Torres Chavert and Ismael Yagues Ames (Lagsa).

Yes, and I would do it again, We protected the Venustiano Carranza from the developers who were trying to steal their possessed land since 1940, Protected the Fisherman from Hugo Torres Chavert and his cousin and helped Casillos del Mar against Ejido Mazatlan, El Oasis, El Morro, El Campito, the Rosarito Beach Merchants, the Horse Renters Association from Hugo Torres Chavert, Mercado Benito Juarez from Hugo Torres Chavert, Playa Encantada from Hugo Torres Chavert and Ejido Mazatlan and several Rosarito colonies that were being defrauded by Ejido Mazatlan with the help of the then major Hugo Torres Chavert.

We managed to obtain for our members, a lot of National Land titles and procedures, at a very low price and those are the only Private property titles in the coastal strip, beside the El Morro titles that were issued in 1950, but Hugo Torres Chavert with the big land owners and developers influence, managed to close without a legal reason the SRA federal office, that was issuing the titles, to every person that asked for them and proved real possession.

Concerning my mother, Sorry, but my mother gave away the possession rights she bought in 1949 to another person, who is also recognized by Tomas Corona as Playa Encantada legal owner.

To clear what you ask, my mother Juana Martinez de Muñoz and my aunt Mercedes Martinez de Velilla, who at that, time was District Federal Judge, they bought Playa Encantada in 1949 from Rosa Machado, who claimed was one of the inheritants to Joaquin Machado Valdes and later in 1952 learned that the sale was a fraud, because the national Land office, in 1952 gave them notice that the land was actually national Land.

Mercedes Martinez de Velilla, my aunt, then Federal Judge, was the first woman graduated from the Jalisco University and the one who initiated most of the Mexican woman attorneys professional bars associations, was also known as the Iron Judge because together with the Iron District Attorney the legendary Mr. Tocacangas, closed all the casinos in Baja, on the Mexico´s president orders, one of them, the one illegally operated by Hugo Torres Chavert and his aunt.:light:

Both of those very active ladies, had as their good father, the then Mexico´s president Lazaro Card##as del Rio, while one of my uncles, was the president´s personal doctor.

Both of those ladies, were helped on building Playa Encantada by my cousin, Aida Baltazar Martinez, that in 1965 became Tijuana councilwoman and one of the most respected popular leaders in Tijuana, who founded several of the biggest colonies, like Obrera Primero de Mayo or Postal and many others and her daughter, Mercedes Herdman Baltazar, has became 2 times Tijuana councilwoman, Estate congresswoman and later Federal congresswoman for Baja California and at this time, she has a high post in new PRI Tijuana Administration.

I tell you this to show that, we are an old local family, that are dedicated do build Tijuana and Rosarito on the long run, not to commit fraud against the American buyer.


Hugo Torres Chavert claim it was Ejido, but he being Rosarito major, know, that the parcel 58 B, that they claim is on top of Playa Encantada, was expropriated and paid to them in full, to the Ejido in 1986 and is located on the East side of the old road, not to the west and that fact, prove that he commited fraud against Playa Encantada, helped by the Ejido Mazatlan and Fernando Gomez Chavez.

In 1937 the Mexico´s president expropriated land to the Machado Family ??? in an error, the never made the legal steps to give them any physical land; they got what is known as Virtual execution of a Presidential decree that the Supreme Court has found illegal and nonexistent ad as a consequence, Ejido Mazatlan own some land taken from the Machado Family that nobody know where it is and that they have never received in a legal way; also all their topoghraphical plans are a joke made at the order, with absolutely no technical grounds and as a consequence, they absolutely cannot prove where Ejido Mazatlan is in nature, fact that allowed us to win Castillos del Mar, El Oasis, and soon Playa Encantada.

5. Fernando Gomez Chavez. Mr. Gomez Chavez obtained the La Jolla del Mar property indirectly from Ejido Mazatlan, and re-sold the property to Hugo Torres. The validity of Mr. Gomez's title is a major issue in the lawsuits. Mr. Gomez worked as lawyer for The BiNational Commission of Coastal Residents -- directed by Rafael Muñoz Martinez -- and represented the Corona family in a related lawsuit on the Castillos del Mar property against Ejido Mazatlan, which also claimed ownership of the Castillo del Mar property. For some strange reason, in all his 425 posts on BajaNomads, Mr. Muñoz omitted saying that Mr. Gomez Chavez was his former employee. Mr. Muñoz claimed that Mr. Gomez Chavez turned traitor and cut a deal with Ejido Mazatlan to purposefully lose the lawsuit for his clients, the Coronas. The duplicity was discovered and Mr. Muñoz fired Mr. Gomez Chavez and the Coronas won the lawsuit. The Mexican Supreme Court ruled that the Ejido's version of the survey map showing the boundaries of the Ejido property was null and void and therefore the Ejido had no claim to the Castillo del Mar property. The Ejido's claim to ownership of the La Jolla del Mar parcel is also based on that same map, which the Supreme Court has already denied. In spite of the fact that the Corona's won the lawsuit, Mr. Gomez Chavez somehow acquired the La Jolla del Mar property from Ejido Mazatlan anyway and resold it to Hugo Torres.

Fernando Gomez Chavez (sorry but I cannot call him neither Mr. or attorney) in 1992, Fernando Gomez Chavez was the Public Defender in Rosarito, almost dying of starvation; he owned no land or any kind of property in Rosarito, he was just arriving from Guadalajara Jalisco where the mafia was looking for him and for what I know they are still waiting for him. In other words a pennyless guy in 1992. Take note:light:

Then, another attorney, friend of mine, referred him to me, to fill the The BiNational Commission of Coastal Residents attorney post, I talked to him and found him a very brilliant guy, we hired him and he started to fight all the legal battles against Ejido Mazatlan, Hugo Torres Chavert and the big landowners with the Machados behind, he won the Castillos Del Mar trial on National Land grounds and by demonstrating that Ejido Mazatlan is a fraud but very important for the near future, he demostrated that Parcel 58 B is on the East side of the highway, not over Castillos del Mar or Playa Encantada.

He, with my information and direction, won the Benito Juarez market against Hugo Torres Chavert and several others, but then Hugo Torres Chavert started to call him and invite him to make a deal with the Mazatlan Ejido, he proposed that to us and all the The BiNational Commission of Coastal Residents´s meeting, denied the deal, but he just went alone and sold himself to Hugo Torres Chavert and the Ejido Mazatlan, turning coats on the Corona Family and Playa Encantada, he just sold those cases, but the corona Family acting fast, got another attorney and corrected what he was selling, but not Playa Encantada, where he suddenly appeared as an old ejidatario, owning for decades the false parcel that supposedly affect Playa Encantada and he in a cynic legal charade, gave the land to the Ejido, then received the same land as payment and then sold it to Hugo Torres Chavert and La Joya del Mar for only USD$500,000.00 plus a condo.

It is easy to prove the Fernando Gomez Chavez and Hugo Torres Chavert connection, because as part of his traitor deal, he received a condominium on one of the Hugo Torres Chavert towers, where at this day, he is living with his cousin-wife, in other words, he is still living on Hugo Torres Chavert supposed property, because that is the kind of people, Torres Chaver love in more than one way.:?:

The only problem is, that Playa Encantada, is at this day, National land already sold, to the actual owner and since time limitations do not affect National land, the problem is still on the going and I predict on legal grounds, that in the near future, Federal criminal charges will be filled against Fernando Gomez Chavez and the return of La Joya del Mar, to the real Playa Encantada owners, while La Joya del Mar, will disappear and the in house title insurance, will have to be delivered to the actual American buyers and it is up to them and the nation, to fill criminal charges against them for fraud.


On this your last statement, I agree with you, The Nation own them, the only people who escape from this mess, is the people who bought legally from the national Land office, like Castillos del Mar, Venustiano Carranza, El Oasis, El Morro and Playa Encantada (not La Joya del Mar or La Puerta del Mar).

As you see, this is a legal problem in the going and American buyers should know, what they are buying in to, I ABSOLUTELY DEPLORE, what La Puerta del Mar, La Joya del Mar, LAGSA, Hugo Torres Chavert and the supposed Machado-Crostwhite are doing, by misleading the American buyer in to buying illegally acquired properties, that are subjected to legal problems, that will surely affect them in the form, of losing their bought houses, bought with hard earned money, along their lives and through what, I can call, a Fraud against the buyer, the Nation and the original possessors.

Also Jenny.navarrete if you know all those facts, how come you are not disclosing them to the American buyer and denouncin publicly the gigant fraud you know about.??????:?:
If you do it, you will find that you are not alone.

[Edited on 4-17-2011 by ramuma53]

wessongroup - 4-17-2011 at 04:20 PM

Some great information, and a good bottom line question

ramuma53 - 4-17-2011 at 08:19 PM


It looks like a lot of people, know about this heavy problem, but choose just to be in bed with the developers, getting the easy money from the American buyer and trying to hide what they should be telling to every prospected buyer.

Jenny.navarrete is a newcomer Nomad, and she is certainly a Real Estate agent based in Rosarito and that mean, that every Real Estate Agent in Rosarito, know the problems in detail, but just want to hide the problem, so they can keep on selling to unsuspected American buyers.

We need to create a honesty conscience among the Real Estate Agents, so they start protecting the buyer all the way, even if that mean low sales to start, but they have to create a honesty base, that regain the buyer confidence.
If they do not start doing that soon, they will end like the Ensenada Real Estate agents, selling for pennies what they used to sell for dollars.

[Edited on 4-18-2011 by ramuma53]

Woooosh - 4-18-2011 at 10:31 AM

Originally posted by ramuma53

It looks like a lot of people, know about this heavy problem, but choose just to be in bed with the developers, getting the easy money from the American buyer and trying to hide what they should be telling to every prospected buyer.

Jenny.navarrete is a newcomer Nomad, and she is certainly a Real Estate agent based in Rosarito and that mean, that every Real Estate Agent in Rosarito, know the problems in detail, but just want to hide the problem, so they can keep on selling to unsuspected American buyers.

We need to create a honesty conscience among the Real Estate Agents, so they start protecting the buyer all the way, even if that mean low sales to start, but they have to create a honesty base, that regain the buyer confidence.
If they do not start doing that soon, they will end like the Ensenada Real Estate agents, selling for pennies what they used to sell for dollars.

[Edited on 4-18-2011 by ramuma53]

100% correct and this thread is the beginning of the public discussion to bring awareness and hopefully the change. The buying has stopped and won't start in Rosarito again until people feel safe in their investments. People will build, but few will buy.

wessongroup - 4-18-2011 at 11:05 AM

Would say this thread is doing more good than bad...

Excellent information on: history, essential check points for doing one's own due diligence and the relevant Agency's which "hold" the proper documentation and the means to obtain same..

Thanks for all the help .... I believe there are at least three or four who have already benifited from this thread .... which is really a happy ending ... and I really like happy endings....

Find it really great for someone to share all this information on this subject for way less than 6%

Thanks again... my notes continue to grow, as does my knowledge... :):)

rgbajabob - 4-18-2011 at 06:29 PM

This guy Ramuma53, aka rafael munoz is so full of it his eyes are brown!! Stop listening to you can tell he loves to have an audience....has anyone actualy checked out his "facts" I doubt it. have any of you met him? I doubt it as well...Why not ask the americans whose homes he has confiscated with dubious paperwork??? They exist, he even listed them on the turtle bust thread. He is just a salesman for himself and loves any chance to discredit Torres, who he was suing ( and lost!) again...This is all a stage for him to bring attention to his attempts to win his court in rosarito and in Mulege where he is still being sued although he denies it (check the turlte thread)
He just quotes "facts---his facts" and expects you to believe him...he never presents solid evidence just spouts off verbage and it seems some of you buy it and actually thank him...amazing......It's like taking cooking lessons from Hannibal Lector.....You are just encouraging him to build his soap box higher and higher! Funny, among all the lawyers and legal experts he is the only one to have this is all a big plot and he is the only one with the answers....doesn't this seem strange to any of you?? I know, he only wants to help everyone.....ssshhhsssh!

krafty - 4-18-2011 at 07:03 PM

And how do you know this, rgbajabob? Just curious.:?:

ELINVESTIG8R - 4-18-2011 at 07:07 PM

How about some proof rgbajabob!

ramuma53 - 4-18-2011 at 10:43 PM

Yes my name is Rafael Muñoz Martinez, I do not hide my identity or my background or even my family, can you do the same?

A lot of people know me in Rosarito and Mulege and La Paz and Los Cabos; I dare you to just go in to the Rosairto´s Beach and ask any but any of the merchants there, if they know me, or do the same at the Popotla fish market or the Bernito Juarez market or El Campito fisherman´s town or Venustiano Carranza town or any of the Rosarito´s newsman, just stop the first person you find on those places and they tell you who I am; can we do the same with your name?

Sorry but I have never sued Hugo Torres Chavert and of course I never lost any sue against him, so you are openly lying or just don´t know what you are talking about.

Also, I am sorry to tell you, I do not have any court case that is mine, open in any court at this time and I can tell you, I have been accused in criminal court of many things, but I have always been found innocent, I have never been found guilty in any court, ever.

Sorry, but I am not being sued, nor in Rosarito nor in Mulege and in the Turtle thread, the one in criminal court is Olivia Higera Aguilar, not me, so please at least read and think before you write, if you can of course.

On the facts I mention, I mention articles of the Mexican law, that anyone can check on any law library and feel free, to ask me for any law, you cannot find, so you are wrong about me not showing solid evidence.

No, I do not claim, to be the only one, who have this information, a lot of people have it and that is the problem.
I am just one of the few that make it public, I cannot claim to be the only one, because I have heard that some lady in a Rosarito Radio Station, is talking openly about this, the problem is, it is in Spanish and in a Mexican radio station, that no American listen to. Also, I have to mention Nancy Conroy from the Gringo Gazette, who made this public until Hugo Torres Chavert stole his newspapers and sued her out of town, in a great insult to the liberty of information and expression and of course to the Rosarito´s people.

The problem is that from all those people, who know about this, all the 1000s of attorneys, public notaries, real estate agents and public officials, who attended my public lectures, at the COPLADEN official meeting, in the Tijuana city hall or at the Tijuana Commerce Chamber, none of them is denouncing the fraud being committed against the American buyer, not even the San Diego Union reporters who had all the information.

I am not talking about a theory, I am talking about articles of the law in action today and at the time of the legal events, I am talking about Public Registry annotations that you yourself, can go and check, after all, it was the first 20 annotations on the first book in the Tijuana´s books, that even you can check yourself.

You claim to know a lot, how come you do not share what you know, I cannot be more open if you have real questions.

At this time, you are acting just like the other Hugo Torres Chavert and developer´s advocates, a lot of words, but very few content, insulting in the sadows and talking like if you knew more, than the people who take the time to read this thread and do some investigation, that will help other American buyers, because that is the issue here, to share information that will be useful to people and help them on how to spend judiciously their hard earned money.

If you have information that helps people on that issue, feel free to share it here, even if you can uncover me in any wrong doing, or discredit with arguments what I say here, but, be aware, that many people have tried before and failed always, even high level professionals have failed to disprove what I say, but try, why not one more.

[Edited on 4-19-2011 by ramuma53]

Exactly what was said

wessongroup - 4-19-2011 at 09:34 AM

Originally posted by rgbajabob
This guy Ramuma53, aka rafael munoz is so full of it his eyes are brown!! Stop listening to you can tell he loves to have an audience....has anyone actualy checked out his "facts" I doubt it. have any of you met him? I doubt it as well...Why not ask the americans whose homes he has confiscated with dubious paperwork??? They exist, he even listed them on the turtle bust thread. He is just a salesman for himself and loves any chance to discredit Torres, who he was suing ( and lost!) again...This is all a stage for him to bring attention to his attempts to win his court in rosarito and in Mulege where he is still being sued although he denies it (check the turlte thread)
He just quotes "facts---his facts" and expects you to believe him...he never presents solid evidence just spouts off verbage and it seems some of you buy it and actually thank him...amazing......It's like taking cooking lessons from Hannibal Lector.....You are just encouraging him to build his soap box higher and higher! Funny, among all the lawyers and legal experts he is the only one to have this is all a big plot and he is the only one with the answers....doesn't this seem strange to any of you?? I know, he only wants to help everyone.....ssshhhsssh!

Don't think there has been a lack of disclosure on one individuals posts.. rather quite a bit of "information" on a number of issues relating to "land ownership" in the State of Baja, and Mexico also...

Just for the record... this is what this one individual has posted in this "thread" ... if you wish I can post all.. it's 192 pages of posts from this one individual.. as I have been taking notes.. for my own information on Real Estate due diligence in Mexico..

Has been very informative for me.. know how it works in the States to get the history and use of a site .. but, learning the neceassary Agency's to contact to document a "sites" history is a great asset in any real estate transaction... and if your buying land in Baja and/or Mexico ... why would this not be good information to develop..

As for verification of what has been stated, thus far, I have not found anything which would negate what has been posted as it relates to determination of Title by the Laws and Agency's of Mexico and/or Baja, to date.. I will continue with this project as it is something which effects many people .... including Mexican Nationals ... I would imagine .... plus i don't really have anything pressing, at the moment...

One addition, this individual is a Mexican National, who posts in ENGLISH... meaning, he can speak and write clearly in another language.. which to me means a lot, as I have a hard time with just english... thanks for the help...

posted on 1-9-2011 at 13:32
Baja Real Estate advise

For those that have questions about Real Estate aquisition in Baja.
The real thing, not for the people who think that, just having confidence on a public notary si enough.
Baja is considered all ver Mexico as a very difficult place to buy for foreigners and nationals alike.
The lack of confidence has scared most of the would be buyers in Baja California on the Ensenada Tijuana strip and the local authorities, have taken advantage of this problem instead of correcting it, if you have questions about the real state of afairs on Real Estate, make your questions here.
I am the "La Verdadera Historia de Rosarito" and "Cronica de un fraude a la Nacion" author, publications on the ABC Estate newspaper and several national publications, concerning the Real Estate problem in Baja, 30 years experience on the subject.
posted on 1-9-2011 at 17:54

Yes of course I know about that problem and I advised the authorities about that particular problem several years ago and you know by their inaction that the problem building just finished construction.
The guy who is talking in the video, is fundamentally wrong about one thing, the building is not inside the Federal Zone, because it is out of the Federal zone legal line (The sea took ground after the legal line was established in 1976 because of the CFE breakwater); I know that the building looks, like just on top of the beach, but the Federal zone legal line is west of the building and that is why Federal Zone can not intervene, also about the access for the impaired, the Federal Zone law say, that there must be at least one beach access, every 800 meters and clearly there are beach accesses inside the 800 mts.
The Federal Zone office can and must correct the legal line defining the Federal Zone in that area, according to the law, as ground gained by the sea, but that procedure has never been done, it must be done, but in the mean while the building is not inside the Federal Zone and not wrong about that issue.
The real reason that building is wrong, is because it is in National Land being subjected at this time, to a sale procedure by the SRA, file 507710 by the National Land office, being legally sold to another person, not related to the guy who built the tower and that is true also for the other beach front towers south of there.
I can tell you what is going to happen there in the future: when the sale procedure, for Rancho Costa Azul finishes, the Federal police will bring anyone they find in the building, to Mexico city to be prosecuted for illegal use of National Land, that already happened 2 years ago to the guy who said he was the owner of the disco Animale in Rosarito downtown.
This is only one of hundreds of problems in the Rosarito area that will erupt in the near future, like the one in Playa Encantada, the one near the Corona Hotel and a lot others.

posted on 1-9-2011 at 18:47

Also, bout what you can legally do, about that problem?
As any Mexican can do, ask the Federal Zone to re define the boundary line, defining the Federal Zone in that area; they may not want to accept your petition, but if they do not accept it, just mail it to them officially with copy to every authority in the chain of command up to the President.
It may take years and a lot of effort, but you can do it, also do what you are doing, raise the issue publicly as often as you can, to hurry up the process.
What will you accomplish with that? That the line, be redefined and the building included in the Federal zone, they will have to pay for the Federal zone from that point at a very expensive price and that may make the building not rentable.
Also when they start having legal problems with the real owner, together with criminal charges by the Federal authorities, they may just settle for leaving the place as too expensive and then the building will be demolished.
I agree, it is not right to be there, but legally it is right at this time, but if you do not do the right thing and confront the authorities, they will just go on, because we know the Federal Zone authorities in Rosarito are very crooked.
posted on 1-10-2011 at 15:07

As you say, either way the buildings are still illegal. We hold the federal concession title and pay every year for it (11 pesos per square meter)- we just don't have control of it's use- as our concession title requires us to. The SEMARNAT Jefe required us to file charges against the squatter Ortiz with the PGR. I do hope they start prosecuting others as you say. Great insight. If you know of people who can move the prosecution process forward on this, U2U me. PROFEPA, SEMARNAT, JPGE and the PGR all have active files on this specific concession area: DZGF 832/08 and DZGF 477/10. Much thanks! Hope to here from you! Woooosh

Your charges against the squater are one of the best ways to get back the use of theFederal Zone, but you must press it every step of the way, but if you hold the concession you have the legal use of that area, then, the act of taking it away from you, is a criminal act with federal jurisdiction.

You are doing the right legal thing, but you must know the Mexican Justice system, it is difficult to move, but once you make it move, it will do the job very effciently and to make it move you have to step on their toes.
posted on 1-10-2011 at 16:26

Mexico is not different from other places concerning buying real estate, but Foreigners buying real estate do not know the Mexican complexities concerning property titles and let me explain you a little bit, because there are different kind of property titles:
And that “Only” is a very problematic “only”, because there is absolutely no other way, and that mean, that no judge, governor or any but any other authority can give you a title that is legal over National land, also there is no status of limitations that affect National Land.
We have then, TITLES ISSUED BY THE NATIONAL LAND OFFICE (SRA) and those are the best kind of private property titles AND EVERY PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHT, MUST HAVE ONE OF THOSE AS PRECEDENT, the problem is that, in Baja, most lots don't have one as precedent and the public notary supposed to be the one to advise the buyer about that critical fact, but the other problem in Baja, is that they don’t, like most of the Rosarito developments, especially the ones built by the Hugo Torres Chavert group.
We also have, EJIDO TITLES and those titles, say on them, FULL DOMINIUM, but it is only partially true, because, to be able to buy property, coming from one of those titles, you have to follow up, a very difficult and lengthily process (up to 10 years) that include an authorization by the Ejido group, whose assembly have to meet, with a majority of the ejidatarios, a public notary have to be there and certify that they did it legally and a federal representative must be there for the same purpose. Believe me, it is very difficult to put that together, also, the ejido must be free of any civil or administrative procedure and free of debt; once you put that together, they can give you an authorization to bring that lot, out of the Ejido land, take that authorization to Mexico city and get a SRA authorization to take it out of Ejido Land and only then, it is private property, any other way it is still Ejido Land and that mean, you have to obey the Ejido rules while they are able to get the property back for any reason without giving you money back and of course, be a Mexican; Since all the Baja Ejidos, are all wrong and do not have legal technical works, the ejidos do not know what their land is (of course they say they do) and have not received any land, in a legal way and as a consequence, NO EJIDO IN BAJA CAN SELL YOU LAND FREE OF PROBLEMS; as a consequence, I will never advise any people to buy from a Baja Ejido; that is what doomed the American buyers in Punta Banda, they bought from the Ejido, believed the Baja Governor, that they will not have problems and lost against a National Land title; you may say, that they didn’t knew the complexities, but I personally advised the American Consulate in Tijuana what will happen, they consulted the Baja Governor who told them, there would be no problems and you know what happened.
We have also COLONIAL TITLES that say on them, PROPERTY TITLES, but then, in small letters, say that the owners, must obey the Colonial Law and a whole lot of problems come from those letters.
Colonial titles are not really property titles, they are very similar to a free land concession, that the Mexican government gave to people, to motivate them, to go exploit and live on the land and have those conditions to be met, some people went and registered them as private property titles on the public registry and have been selling for many years as private property but:
Colonial titles are not full private titles, are conditional property titles and are the owner property as long as those conditions were met and if you failed to exploit, live and demonstrate to the land office every year, that you were living and exploiting the land, they simply disappeared and didn’t gave the owner any legal property right and that mean that, if the original owner did not report the exploitation for 2 years, the title became worthless; that is the case for a lot of Ensenada, San Quintin, La Paz and Los Cabos titles, like the Maravia title.
If you were living and reporting he exploitation, you were able to sell those titles, to a third person, but not as normal private property, you had to follow a special procedure, to be able to do it legally; you were obligated to tell the buyer the kind of title he was buying, because he had to obey the same rules, bring him to the SRA and land office, to execute the sale with them, then they issued another new title on the name of the new buyer, obligated to the same rules; and that mean, that nobody can say, that he have one of those titles as precedent, because to be a legal title, the title must be on his name, no way around this.
Those titles were so problematic, that most of the Baja Colonies never started and most titles were void, then in 1994, all the Colonial titles were void and the very few, that were complying with the law and colony rules, were exchanged by National Land titles and that mean, nobody under any circumstances, can say, that their property, have as precedent, a Colonial title and that is the case for Maravia development in La Paz and be aware, that they claim to have a Stewart title insurance and also an American title insurance, but they simply do not have a legal title and are immersed in legal problems because of that.
But the main problem I see in Baja, is that, the public notaries, who are the government delegates to check the property for you, on those matters and responsible for advising you about any problems, simply in Baja, they do not do it, they just check if another public notary made the last inscription and no more, raising the very real and problematic fact, THAT MOST PROPERTIES IN ROSARITO, ENSENADA, LA PAZ AND LOS CABOS HAVE VOID TITLES AS PRECEDENT, casing the problems you face.
But, of course, the public notary will not lose his life savings, if the precedent tile is questioned in court, you will, then, you must check the precedents in what is known as the devil test and that mean, that when you are going to buy a property in Baja, you must check all the property’s precedents, all the way to the National Land office title THAT MUST BE AT THE BOTTOM, and, if you find any other kind of title, just walk away and do not let the public notary or any other people, say otherwise. Not even the American Consulate or the Baja Governor, as Punta Banda “owners” found out the hard way.
posted on 1-10-2011 at 16:50

Beside doing the right thing I will give you one of the best advices I can give for your problem, look for an engineer named Daniel Martinez Chavira at the Engineers club in Rosarito and use him as your expert witness, he is one of the best technical experts in the Rosarito's Federal Zone and once he is on your side, he will fight like a dog for you, without making any concessions; he know that particular area problem very well and is very respected in Rosarito by all Rosarito’s authorities.
He is authorized by the Federal Zone and all the Baja courts as a technical expert, he won the CFE against the ejido case and most of the big cases in Rosarito.
He is eccentric but not expensive.
posted on 1-10-2011 at 22:38


If I wanted to be a troublemaker and put my locks on the gates the squatter has in place around the house sitting on our concession- how much trouble would I get in? Can I lock her off? Seems if she can paint over my concession signs and attempt to sell the concession land, I should be able to lock her off my concession. The concession title says I am the only one entitled to use it. Maybe it's time for me to put the pressure on her for a change.

Since you alrready started legal procedures and mande a formal comlaint accepting that he is there, that mean you accepted that he has posession, a posession that you claim is not legal and is yours, but you alrready accepted that he has an illegitimate posesion, then if you take that posesion away without a court order, you wuld be commiting a crime known as despojo and will be prosecuted for that crime.
If you hadn't accepted in a formal way her posession, then you would be right, because it is a lot less expensive to just defend your property and lock averybody out than go to court, but if you already made the formal complaint about her illegal ocupation, do not do it, she would be able to put you in jail and believe me, if she put a little money behind her legal actions, you would have given the property away.
If you acted legally, continue acting legally.
Do not worry about being a troublemaker, if you have legal reason, the troublemakers are the only ones who win in court, because if you are not a troublemaker, then you allow corruption on the other side to act, but if you are a troublemaker for the authorities, then it become expensive for the other side and cheap for you and that fact may be the descisive point.

posted on 1-11-2011 at 10:52


Ok I told you he is a little eccentric and that fact is because he is one of the best engineers in Baja, he only work on the cases he likes, actually he has a master degree and a lot of credential, he does not have a cell phone, only a nextel radio 152*15*5874 and his email is and that is it, tell him I refered you to him, because he does not accept many cases, but you can be sure, he will accept yours.

Talk to him about your problem without any compromise, he will give you his opinion and a proposed way of action and believe me, when he has to fight, he does it better than any other but he know a lot of ways concerning Federal Zone.
posted on 1-11-2011 at 10:57


That is the right way to work in Mexico and the only way to get results, the public offivcials at first hate you and will try to block you but when the heat get high on them, they become your friends, sorry but that is the mexican way and I preffer not to complain about it, just use it to the full extent.
Also Mother nature will hrelp you, that building will not last the next big storm, it is actually dangerous to its ocupants.
posted on 1-11-2011 at 11:00


You are right here in Mexico and any other place in the world, but now that you know how to obtain results in Mexico, it is only a matter of doing it when you need it and that is this thread's goal.
You are wrong about the fact that when you make a lot of noise, it becomes expensive for the noisy party, it works the other way, noise save you money and corruption offers, they actually start to fear you and become your friends, helping you at the same time, remember that they are there as a business and they will not jeopardize their business for any deal in particular, even if they received money, they prefer to go to the side making the most noise and have the legal reason.

posted on 1-11-2011 at 13:27

I am not a realtor and have never been.
I am civil Engineer and attorney at Mexican law, plus 25 years experience as expert withness on those matters, that is why I know the good and bad expert withnesses.
Yes I was 50% owner of ABC Baja Estate newspaper where I wrote La Verdadera Historia de Rosarito and Cronica de un Fraude a la Nacion, series articles that lasted 5 years and 122 whole pages, exactly about that problem in Rosarito.
Now I consider myself just a developer.

Yes you may be a just a gringo in Rosarito, but remember that almost 80% of the Rosarito's income and taxes comes direct or indirect from Gringos and I learned that when I ran for the Natinal Senate office for Baja.
posted on 1-11-2011 at 13:33

For people who need it.
I have a personal documents file, starting in 1825, that is better than most public offices, concerning the Tijuana to Ensenada corridor, incluiding official newspapers and official federal zone maps, that you can not get any other place and I can provide that for specific problems.
posted on 1-11-2011 at 13:49

Concerning the Rosarito's realtors, I am sorry to say it, but you can not trust most of them, they are in bed with the people who caused the problems and their only interest is in getting your money and get their commision, not to protect your life savings.
Public notaries, are not the solution, they are part of the problem.
Attorneys? be extremely carfull, only 1 in 10 are good and know what they are talking about concerning Federal Zone and National land.
Public officials? no way, they are itersted in maintaining the problems.
Who to trust? nobody, trust your own knowledge and follow your instinct.

I am going to tell you an attorney's joke.

On the question on how to diferentiate a good from a bad attorney.

Take a cat with you the first time you meet with him.
if the cat gets angry and try to attack him, do not use him.
if the cat is afraid of him, use him.
Because if the attroney is a rat, the cat will attack him and if he fight like a dog, the cat would be afraid of him.
make yourown conclusions.
posted on 1-13-2011 at 19:57


La verdadera Historia de Rosarito is the True Rosarito history.
The reason to write a true history is because the History a lot of people invented was a fairy tale and on that fairy tale, they were trying to base the Real Estate sales in Rosarito.
The first article was ¨Cronica de un Fraude a la Nacion¨ or ¨fraud against the Nation story¨ and was motivated on the Fraud that a lot of realtors and big land owners were trying to execute in harm to the national land property.
The then accepted history was that Joaquin Machado was the Rancho Rosarito owner in 1879 and supposedly he inherited the property from his father Don Juan Machado who received it from the Governor don Jose Maria Echendia in 1825, but I discovered the legal root to demonstrate that that Property right was inexistent and as a consequence, all the Rosarito Area was in 1995 National Land and not private property as everyone assumed.
posted on 1-16-2011 at 16:48

The fideicomiso is a glorified lease contract, collateralized by the bank, the bank serve as the legal rights depository for the life of the fideicomiso and being a lease contract, it has no limit but the constitutional one for 2500 has or 25'000,000 m2, I know a lot of fideicomisos a lot bigger than that and dealing with tourist kind of lot, they have lower limit of 400 m2 but no upper limit.
The lot sizes depend o the Fraccionamiento law or land development law and that law say that a 2000 m2 lot is called granja failiar or family lot but that is a minimum also no upper limit for family lots and being categorized like that mean that the developer is not obligated to put pavment or concrete on the streets, he is obligaed only to the bare bones public installations.
posted on 1-16-2011 at 17:13

If you rent or lease you will not have problems, but the usual situation in Baja is that the American guy, rent long term to be able to build a house that he is planning to use for his golden years walking the beach.
The problem with National Land is that they do not have any hurry to start the problems, they usually wait untill the area is developed and then the problem start, that is exactly the case for Punta Banda in Ensenada, and that was the case that exploded the Real Estate crisis in the Tijuana Ensenada coastal strip, because the Supreme Court ruled for National Land.
After that, it is only a matter of time, it is a big time bomb and local politicians have tried to hide that fact for 20 years now, but for National Land rights there is no status of limitations or any time limit, they can start today or in 20 years when the strip would be full of towers bought and paid by Baby Boomers,
Just see the 3 tower complexes built by the Hugo Torres Chavert group; the 3 are on National Land already sold by the nation to another people.
To be able to sell while many people know about the very high risk, they invented the in house title insurance, in other words, the same company based in Islas del Caiman in the Caribbean, sell the insurance, well even the company is named Los Gatos or the cats, and I think that they did it to mean that they will be very hard to catch when they start running.
That is why Hugo Torres Chavert has been so interested in occupying city offices at all costs.
My first article on the public press in Baja was Cronica de un fraude a la Nacion and that story has not ended yet.
To avoid this problem, in 1992, I maneuvered in Mexico city to convince the National Land department to come to the Rosarito area to regularize the land ownership and I managed to bring a small commission, but they expected to acquire 20 or 30 files and sent personnel for that job; then in 3 months they received 5,500 files and almost went crazy working 20 hours a day.
Then the first PAN governor, Governor Ruffo, asked the President to end the land regularization in Rosarito, because it was too conflictive and tourist would be scared away if they knew all the land lots and condominiums were not really owned by the people receiving the money from them and managed to close the commission with only 4 or 5 titles issued while at the same time in Puebla they issued 16,000 to an area with the same problems and let me tell you, that area now has no problems while Rosarito is in a Real Estate chaos.
Yes that made me a very popular guy in Rosarito, with the big land owners and developers who were tying at all cost to put the national land issue under the rug and they succeeded, with the actual situation resulting.
I was unpopular with them, but gained me the nomination to the National senate for Baja, I lost of course because I was issued $10,000 pesos for my whole campaign, money that was lost and never arrived anyway, but I managed to bring the highest number of votes in any estate for that party, most of them in the Rosarito Area.
The Rosarito Story has not ended, it will, with a lot of Punta Bandas and I hope that, with this information, many Americans avoid getting entangled in that problem, saving Mexico another fiasco.
posted on 1-23-2011 at 09:16

Baja Guy
That Project is just an example, of the kind of problems in that area, but the problem is not that complex.
Rule 1.- Do not buy in the Tijuana, Ensenada Coastal strip, unless they show you the national land Title, they will tell you 1000 excuses, but No national Land title, no buy, that is easy and I warn you, there are very few and none of the big developments have one, specially the La Joya del Mar development in Rosarito or the one you mention Esmeralda del mar.
Why? They are over National land that has not been cleared by the courts or formally sold by the National Land offcice and at this time is National land, that is why they offer the ¨in house title insurance¨, exactly the legal act that defines that area as national Land is ¨Declaratoria de Terrenos Nacionales 1952¨ they will tell you that the Torres group has an impeccable reputation, but it is not true, all their developments are in national Land or irregular properties and under very unreliable companies, like ¨Los Gatos¨ a Caiman island company, that hold the one in Rosarito downtown, they claim to have bought the land from the Ejido Mazatlan but they certainly know they bought National Land on false grounds and remember that National Land has no status of limitations, anyone who buys there, should be aware that they are in line for another Punta Banda.
In Mexico City the National Land office has procedures that in time will take back that land, to the rightful owners, they take a long time but they certainly end one day, like Punta Banda.
On that strip, The key to buy land, is, National land title or no buy, do not hear the public notary or public officials, they are the source of the problem, not the people who will correct it, they are very interested in hiding the National Land issue, but it has surfaced again and again for 25 years and it is not going out.

Some people will question what use is to know history about a place and let me tell you why.
Sun Tzu wrote in the art of war, that, if you do some things, you will be sure to win a conflict and if you do not do those things, you would be sure to lose the conflict, this is the case, if you follow that rule, you will be able to buy safely in Baja. You will be asked to violate this rule by many people you should be able to trust, do not.

They certainly know of the problem, they know of the correcting action they need to take, but since they are over national Land, they do not want to buy from the nation the land again, mostly because the price is about USD$100.00 dlls/m2, but they are selling it to you, at over USD$3,500.00 dlls/m2 built, they surely have room to correct the problem, but so far, they have been trying to hide the fact at all costs. In my opinion a stupid act, but that is the actual situation.
posted on 1-23-2011 at 09:32

Key factors to buy in Baja
1.- Do not buy from Ejidos unless you are prepared to spend years in courts.
2.- Do not buy from Colonial Titles, no exceptions.
3.- If you only are show a Public Notary scripture, follow it back untill you find the property´s source, it must be a national Land title, no exceptions, no court orders, no court rullings, no historic titles issued 1879-1917 even if National land titles, No national land titles 1965-1969.
4.- do not hear public notaries or public offcials asuring you everything is right, only trust your knowledge.

Now, oportunities
Most people do not know that the Federal Zone laws changed in 1992 and the 20 mts. from the sea strip rule do no apply anymore.
The new Federal Zone definition is:
Where the coast show a beach and the solid ground beside the beach has a slope of 30 degrees or less, a federal zone will be measured.
That mean, that if you are beside a cliff, the slope is well over 30 degrees and no Federal Zone exist consequently you should not be paying for it.
Do not belive the Rosarito public officials on this issue, Rosarito beach city income, come 25% from Federal zone charges and 90% of those charges are to properties beside cliffs, that have no Federal Zone.
We have won a lot of cases for people who were being charged for a Federal Zone that does not exist and this apply all over Mexico since the Federal Zone law is a Federal one.
posted on 1-23-2011 at 09:52

How to recover your money once you bought land and problems explode when some people claim to own that land specially if they have a National Land title and the developer not.

You may be covered by a Title insurance issued by First American Title insurance or Stewart title insurance, most others are just sellers for those two; if you do try to ask them to pay for your house, but be aware that they put a lot of fine print to protet themselves, so when you buy, read the fine print and check yourself the property papers, don not fully trust them, they make a lot of mistakes, just see the Maravia development in La Paz or La Joya del mar in Rosarito with an in house title insurance.
If not, you will be paying for not following the rules to buy in Baja and you will be crying like the Punta banda guys.
posted on 1-24-2011 at 18:22

Yes I know, but our authorities are to blame for this one, they make things so difficult, that difficulties pile up and nobody wants to do things the right way.
This make buying property in some of Mexico´s Estates very difficult, if not impossible, like Baja Norte and a little less Baja South, but most of Mexico Estates have the property ownership well established and that make easy to buy and sell property, but in Baja Norte, in 1992, when the PAN party took the estate, they made of property stealing a way of getting funds for the party and made a mess of the public registry in Baja Norte.
In 1992 Governor Ruffo took the Estate and his cousin started Punta Banda making deals with an ejido, you know the Punta Banda embarrassment for Mexico and Pan party is about to go out of power everywhere.
That year or 1992, I sent a report to the Federal government, about the Tijuana Ensenada coastal strip land ownership problem, and they knowing that that strip was very important for tourism, immediately sent a National Land office commission, to correct the problems and make the property ownership less cucumber some and dangerous, they sent a 5 person team expecting to get a few files a month, but they got 6000 the first month, they informed Mexico city and expected urgent help, reporting my report true and a chaos in the land ownership, because most of the land was still National Land and almost everybody was a squatter including the Rosarito town leaders like Hugo Torres Chavert, who where basing they supposed property in titles declared nil by the Constitution.
Instead of help, Governor Ruffo asked the Mexico President Salinas to take out that commission, because he had land on the coast, that they claimed was national Land; The president knowing that Ruffo was the first Pan and non PRI Governor, just took off the commission and land ownership froze in Baja Norte with the actual situation erupting, letting him hang himself and his party and at the same time punishing the first estate who voted PRI out of power.
Governor Ruffo was trying to avoid paying to the nation for his illegally acquired land and put the whole estate in jeopardy, jeopardy that turned in to real danger and damage today.
Pan will certainly lose power in the Estate in 3 years more, but we start to see signs that the government want to correct the problem and recognize that almost all the Tijuana to Ensenada coastal strip is National Land and now ask for that commission that started work in 1992 to finish their job.
That will make easy and safe to buy land in Baja north.
Until then, I can only warn you and tell you how to avoid the dangers, it is possible, but you have to know how, also remember that when you have a knowhow and things are difficult, that open a door of opportunity for the one who know.
posted on 1-25-2011 at 20:13

----- Original Message -----
From: William J. Casey, Jr.
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 12:31 PM
Subject: Please call me at 686.577.6228 or in U.S. at 408.868.4992

We are a group of 200+ “buyers” of real estate that have been defrauded in San Felipe.

You can see the story written by ZETA on 2JAN2011.

We are trying to work with the new Mexicali Major “Pancho” Tejeda, but it seems like he will do nothing to help us.

We have forums on Facebook, Yahoo Groups and EONS.

Maybe we could work together to get action on the rampant developer and government corruption in Baja California.

The zeta article is not visible at the URL you sent me, but I will look for it, thank you.

Regarding that problem, you are right, even if the new majors are PRI party now, I do not expect them to start correcting a problem that started when Governor Ruffo started.

I do not know what legal avenues are you taking, but if you let me know, I will certainly advise you on the exact legal way you will need to acquire legal land status and that mean legal title that will stand in time.

I know about the land property problem in that area, since most of that area is national land but with titles issued in several ways, so please send me the exact problems and I will be able to send you the exact title concerning that site, because that area is known as El Moreno and there are a lot of titles with 100 Has. each, I am sending you one of those titles to see if we are talking about the same area.

There are several options depending on your exact information:

1.- You problem arises from a lack of a National land title

Then you are in a Federal Fraud against the nation a against you of course, but the main player would be the federal government and you the help, but in that case you can ask for your money back, as a compensation, name a Mexican national representative and holding your absolute confidence, sign contracts with him and make him claim that property to the National Land office, it takes time and follow procedures, but you will end up with a legal ownership through a fideicomiso if you are foreigner or direct ownership if you are a Mexican national, also you must know that if your lot is near the sea, the price you will pay to the nation will be about USD$100.00 dlls/m2.

2.- Your problem arises from the existence of a national title but lack of development permits and that mean lack of F1, F2, F3 and F4 permits, the last one signed by the governor.

That mean you are going to follow the Estate law and common criminal case as Fraude Equiparado against the developer, who would be responsible for fraud and must return your investment plus damages; that is the law, but if the guy know what he is doing, he can extend that for 10 years until you all forget about him, unless you press hard on the international press.

Hope this will help you but this is as much as I can help with the information you give me.

Ing. & Lic. Rafael Muñoz Martinez
posted on 1-25-2011 at 20:21

If the title they are showing, is the national Land title, known as the Orendain title that cover most of San Quintin town but not the coastal area, you may have hope, but if not, you will certainly will be over National land, that may have been a Colony and have colonial titles, that at this time, are worthless, the titles may say on them, Property title, but if you see the fine print, you will find ¨issued under the Colony Law¨or Ley de Colonias and if you find that law you will see why those titles are worthless, they also disapeared in 1994 and few that were exploited acording to the law, were exchanged by National land titles, with full property rights so, the colonial titles that exist now, even if registered as private property, are worthless and the only way to acquire real ownership would be to obtain a National Land title based on posession only.
posted on 1-26-2011 at 08:53

From: William J. Casey, Jr.
To: 'Rafael Munoz'
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 12:36 AM
Subject: RE: Please call me at or in U.S. at

The Baja Property owners cooperative is made up of fraud victims from over 17 developments in and around San Felipe.

Attached please find one “title” for one such development: Vista Bella

Like most other frauds in san felipe, this “developer” took money and did not deliver individual titles or the utilities or roads, and He is not working to get the f4.

Mr. William Casey

If they received money, before having the F4 permit that include the governor signature, with title or without it, it is called FRAUDE EQUIPARADO and has a 6 to 12 years criminal penalty in Baja California.

This felony is committed by any person who make any kind of development (roads, services etc.) before the F4 permit.

The F4 permit, is the definitive land development authorization issued by the Estate government, signed by the Estate governor, authorizing the definitive shape the development will hold, assuring the future buyers that there will be no future changes in urban design, including green areas and donation to the government that total about 10% of the saleable area;defining the roads and services authorization by each of the services providers, water, sewage disposal and electricity with also the Estate land usage permit and Federal environmental permit; all those have to be issued before the F4; meaning that when you have F4, you are in developer´s heaven and if not, you are in developer´s hell and maybe in jail.

To get the F4, may take years or never, while you legally are liable for Fraude Equiparado, if you even try to sell, or make development works, in any way before you have F4, liable for 6 to 12 years in jail penalty.

This is designed to protect the buyer from urban or lot changes or buying in a place that does not have all the qualities for urban development and that may be your case.

I think that, they may be lacking legal title or federal enviromental permit and in consequence, the F4 permit has not been issued while may never be and they are in between a rock and a hard place with you, because they cannot give you legal title or development acts (roads or services), because if they do it, they would be instantly liable for criminal acts and they prefer to deal with you instead of the Estate government.

I know part of that area, has been rendered Biosphere reserve and in consequence, not usable for development and that may be the problem for the issuing of the F4 permit, but that does not change the fact that you are the victim in a Fraude Equiparado, a common law criminal act, but if you put on the table, the National Land factor and the Biosphere reserve prohibition, you may well be, also before some Federal crimes.

I think that the best way of action for your group is to file individual criminal charges, but keep them together, because you should know that in Mexico there are no class actions and criminal or civil charges must be filled by each person, because any ruling will benefit only the ruled party.

I expect you to have very little help from the Estate authorities and some from the city authorities, but this case should be under Estate jurisdiction and or Federal Jurisdiction and in both cases they may be in bed with the developers while the City official may not.

Concerning attorneys, I would consider getting a Mexico city law firm without ties to Baja California and using the fact that you have federal crimes involved, use the Mexcio city judges and police to investigate the case with help form the American embasy.

Also, as you are Foreigners, you should be protected by Fideicomisos and that mean that the bank is the one that should be the legally interested party, because they are the ones who will have to give you back your money in case of the fideicomiso default.

If you are not under a fideicomiso, you are in deep troubles but that mean we will have to find other ways and believe me, there are a lot of ways.

Ing. & Lic. Rafael Muñoz Martinez
From: William J. Casey, Jr.
To: 'Rafael Munoz'
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 11:09 AM
Subject: RE: Please call me at 686.577.6228 or in U.S. at 408.868.4992

At the Mexicali Urban Department under the previous Municipal Presidente, (2) administrators (Magana and Sanchez) were known to be corrupt. They did not stop the 17+ developers from selling without permits.

Some of the failed “developments” are in the biosphere, but this has not stopped urbanization from issuing F4s in this area (El Dorado Ranch and Playa De Oro for example).

We have filed 50++ complaints with PROFECO, but they have done nothing to help. We worked with both PROFECO-Mexicali and PROFECO-Mexico City.

The problem is that the PGJE and the court system in San Felipe is also known to be corrupt. Several of our members have won their case, their appeal and also the Supreme Court challenge… yet the judge NEVER has awarded any of them with clear title to the land they paid for!


· Feds have done nothing (we have even been in contact with the Mexican Ambassador in D.C.)

· BC state has done nothing (we worked with the Director of the BC Tourism for several months with no success), and

· Mexicali has done nothing

The person that the Urban Administration has “put in charge” of the San Felipe land scams is now Monica Perez. Monica is the niece of Ascolani (Mayor Pancho Tejada’s #1 advisor) and is also believed to have been the secretary for Miguel Sanchez, who was #2 at Mexicali Urban Administration when all the frauds were allowed to happen due to lax enforcement of all municipal regulations.

Unless we get the government to crack down, the crooked “developers” will continue their fraud.

We will be ramping up our campaign to involve our contacts in the U.S. Congress and the press.

We should talk.
Mr. Casey
I know Magana and definitively he is corrupt and of course, that was their business, allowing illegal developments and making it difficult for land developers to get the F4, so they would have to pay them for it, big amounts and even a few development blocks.

PROFECO has only recommendation powers, will not solve anything by itself but it is possible it may help.

Criminal charges will never get you clear title, only prosecute the developer; you only hope may be to recover your money through your fideicomiso.

The North Baja PGJE is not only corrupt like few in the world, it depends on the Estate District attorney who may very well re define the word corruption and will remain so while the PAN is in power, because they protect their officers against all law or logic.

The supreme court in Baja is known as the Persian Market, that mean, you will have to pay for a ruling and the problem is not only that it is corruption, it is a biding market, if the developer bids more than you, they get the ruling and against that ruling there are no legal recourses.

The whole system is corrupt and designed that way to protect criminal who pay and that is the real enemy, that is why Baja is being reported all over the world as a none fit place to buy.

The only way I have found to go around them is to use Mexico city courts using federal law and I do not mean that Mexico city courts are honesty examples, only it is a lot more difficult for the developers to buy them all and at the same time their influence is low, while corruptions is less expensive.

That is why I advise you to use a well known Mexico city law firm to put all the cases together and on different courts while using the embassy and press, believe me, that will put them in jeopardy while in Baja they are secured by the system they know corrupt and under their spell.

Mr. Casey, I would be happy to talk to you on the phone at any time, I am in Mexico city, my cell phone is 554 373 8603 and in the past I have advised the USA Embassy and Baja Consulate, concerning this kind of problems like Punta Banda, but by experience I prefer the email for bulk communications, because it will be useful for you to have all this in writing.

I can also help you by referring you to professionals who are corruption proof and have been fighting this system for 20 years and wining, because you should know that Baja’s attorneys are also very adept to making deals between them and very ignorant about National land issues.

I use Mexico´s law firms to handle all my cases in both Bajas, it cost me in traveling expenses, but not as much as to lose cases because corruption among attorneys.

Ing. & Lic. Rafael Muñoz Martinez
posted on 1-26-2011 at 20:53

my respects for you, I wish every American were as carefull as you were when they buy property in Mexico, specially in Baja, but I have found that they suspend logic and some times, intelligence, just assuming that everything in Mexico is crooked naturally and then allowing the most buizarre things to happen in front of them.
I think you should be their advisor.
posted on 1-27-2011 at 18:43

The only title, you as foreigners can have on the forbiden by the Constiotution strips is through a Fideicomiso, there is no other legal way.
North of San Felipe, there are a lot of national Titles in an area named El Moreno, but that strip has been declared as biosphere reserve and the Estate is witholding any construction permit until that matter is cleared, but they are taking years to do it and in the mean while, they do not let the developers give legal title or make development works.
We hope that will change soon, but you never know.
El Dorado Ranch is south of that area and has a national land as precedent, the owner has been trying for years to finish his development legally, but it looks like he has a lot of problems doing it.
posted on 1-27-2011 at 20:45

La Verdadera Historia de Rosarito
Since we want to learn from other people experience, instead of committing the same mistakes, I will let you know, the True Rosarito Story published by me, on the ABC newspaper and please let me tell you, that every single fact, I mention here, is backed up, by legal documents, that have been tested and sustained already in Federal courts.

Around 1810, there was a Penal colony in San Diego California Mexico and the guys who guarded it, were called the LEATHER JACKETS, whose Captain was a fellow named Don Juan Machado, who made such a good work and impressed so much the territory Governor, that in 1825 the Governor Jose Maria Echendia, gave him for his services, 2 big cattle sites that had about 19,311.61 Hectares in El Rosario, now Rosarito Beach.
As you know, in 1848 California changed from being Mexico to part of the USA and people born in San Diego, was given the chance to say what country they wanted to belong, Mexico or USA and Don Juan Machado with his family became USA citizens.
In 1863, the national Land law, was issued by Mexico´s President Benito Juarez, you can consult that law in a book named ¨5 siglos de Legislacion Agraria de Manuel Fabila ¨ From that law:
Article 2 say, that it was forbidden to any of Mexico´s authorities to give away or sell National Land, specially the Estates governors also that it was forbidden to any person to own more than 2,500 Hectares, also that it was forbidden to any foreigner and Mexican not living in Mexico, to own any property in Mexico.
Article 10 say, that if the person who claimed National Land, did not make use of the land by putting on the land, at least 1 person for each 10 hectares, the title will become void.
Article 27 say, any violation to any article of this law rendered the title void and inexistent.
Then Benito Juarez died, the Second Empire Raised and fell and President Porfirio Dias took power in 1876, ending the chaos and starting the civil government in Mexico.
In 1878, the son of Don Juan Machado, Joaquin Machado Valdez, knowing that his father title was void, claimed the El Rosario Ranch with 19,311 hectares from National Land office, in 1879 the title was issued by the President Porfirio Diaz and the title registered in 1885.
In 1889, a delegate was sent to Rancho El Rosarito owned by Joaquin Machado Valdez, brothers and co proprietors, to check if they had complied with the law, having at least 1 person for each 10 hectares, or at least 1,931 people, they failed for 500 people bringing even children and the failure to complain with the law documented officially.
In 1894, President Porfirio Diaz, issued a new National Land law (Ley de Terrenos Nacionales de Don Wistano Luis Orozco), allowing people to own more than 2,500 hectares of land, but in the exceptions to the law chapter, he say, that you can own as much land you needed, but not more than the amount of land allowed by the Benito Juarez 1863 law.
President Porfirio Diaz did this, to make a joke of a deal, he had made with American companies that were given ½ of the land, they surveyed in Baja California, named Compañias Deslindadoras; the American companies, went ahead and surveyed the whole Baja, expecting to own ½ Baja, but the law didn´t allow them to own more than the 2500 hectares limit, but they didn’t know it and measured the whole Estate, only latter knew of the law prohibition, but by then the Federal government had already the survey works.
In 1910 Mexican Revolution erupted, Civil war everywhere, to try to overthrow the dictator Porfirio Diaz, who had governed Mexico then for 34 years, war went over for 5 years, up to 1915.
In 1915 Porfirio Diaz was almost finished and had to go to France in disgrace and without money.
Then, everybody was commenting that the land limit will remain like in 1863, no more than 2,500 hectares will be allowed and the word went all the way to San Francisco California, where the Machado Family lived away from war, as American citizens.
Joaquin Machado had died as American citizen and is buried that way in California USA.
The then Machado family composed of 11 of Don Joaquin Machado Valdez sons and daughters started to sell the Racho El Rosarito 19,311 Has. In San Francisco, through the Mexican Consul there; they sold it to a Mexican company born in 1915 in Mexicali B.C. named ¨Compañia Explotadora de la Baja California¨whose main stock holder, holding 99.8% of the company stock was a Canada Born person named Danzinger, the 2/10 % was owned by 2 Mexicans and one of them lived in San Diego California, I should add, that they never got a permit to own stock in a Mexican company.
The sales are registered in the number one of Tijuana Public Registry´s book, scriptures number 1 through 19.
In 1916, The named President Carranza, having finished the Revolucion and having overthrown the Dictator Porfirio Diaz, published a presidential decree (Official newspaper May 7, 1917) declaring that all the Baja California Lands, that were in foreigners hands, returned to the national Land dominium and property, like the Hartford Connecticut company, making an example of that company.
In 1917, the new constitution was published by The Mexico´s President Don Venustiano Carranza, and it´s 27 article, it say that all the titles issued between 1876 and 1917 were subjected to revision by the national land office to avoid validate any title that violated the 1863 law.
Knowing that he had just lost all the just acquired land, the Canadian owner of Rancho El Rosarito promptly gave away the El Rosarito Ranch, to his wife, named Daisy Moreno, an Spanish actress, expecting, that nobody will notice she was not a Mexican, with the name being similar to a Mexican name.
As you see, The Rancho El Rosarito´s area violate the 1863 law, making it, and object outside of the law, not fit to be given away by any authority.
The 1894 law, did not validated that sale, and that mean, that the Joaquin Machado Valdez was inexistent, according to the 1863 law article 27 and inexistence in those years, was the fact that the legal act, affected by it, never started to exist, in other words, the Joaquin Machado Valdez title, never started to exist, also, if it ever existed, by violation of the article 10 of the same law, it suffered again of in existence. Simply, there is no way to argue, that that title exist or have any legal effect, after that, but if something else were needed, when the Machado family sold the land to a foreign owned company, it came under the effect of the Venustiano Carranza decree, returning those lands to the National Property, if we want to speculate that at any time, it came out.
I should mention, that when I exposed this information to the COPLADEN official meeting in Tijuana´s Presidential palace, being present at that meeting, the Tijuana Major Hector Osuna (Now Senator) and all of the Tijuana public notaries, one of them, argued that the May 7, 1917 decree was not legitimate, because it was not issued by an elected President; remembering that Venustiano Carranza was named, not elected and under that light, all of the Venustiano Carranza´s acts, would be voided also, but then, I counter argued, that if that was the case, then being all of the Venustiano Carranzas legal acts, voided, then if he was the President that by his act, put in effect the Mexico´s actual constitution, then Mexico would not have an acting Constitution and no law was in effect in Mexico at that time; being that an absurd, everybody accepted the 1917 decree as legal and in effect.
This lecture was also issued at the Tijuana´s Commerce Chamber the next year by me, to all of the public officials and Real Estate agents and public notaries, so nobody can claim not knowing.
posted on 1-31-2011 at 21:26

I would not want to see you in legal trouble.
Concession rights are just that a consession to use the land on the activity you asked permission to do, it does not mean you can forbid anybody else to cross or to use the land on any other use you are not concessioned to use it, It mean you are the only one allowed to use it that way, it does not mean any other people can not use it in another way, remember that after all you are in public property.
That mean you can not forbid anybody else to cross or use it in any other way different than the one you have.
It is against the law to fence Federal Zone or forbid anybody else to cross the Federal Zone, it is not like private property, it is Public property where you are allowed to use it in a certain way only.
So Fence it or forbid anybody to enter it is against Federal law and they will certainly prosecute for it.
I recommend you to just enjoy the Federal zone and forget about that lady and if she break the law, just throw the book at her, but do not allow her to do it at you.
posted on 2-1-2011 at 07:37

Mexican justice is a little slow and need pushing, but sooner or latter it will fall like a ton of bricks on her head.
The help needed is that when you make a complain, make it with copy to every authority related to the problem and if needed to the ¨Oficina de atencion a la ciudadania de la Presidencia de la Republica¨ we say, it is not what you say but to who you say it; then every authority you sent copy, ask the authority for an official report and it is very difficult for them to just accept corruption money.
So Complain legally every time she make a mistake and do it again and again with copy to everybody and soon it will form a paper wave that will wash her away.
Also do not make mistakes yourself, just trust the legal system and it will work, not easy but will work.
posted on 2-2-2011 at 19:25

I likeyour way of action, but, please make a letter to the person who told you that, saying in wrhting what he promised you and thanking him for doing it, please send copy to the Semarnap Secretary and to the Mexico´s president
If he does what he promise, he will be a hero, if he doesent he will be in a hot spot
posted on 2-2-2011 at 19:29

Please send your letter to Juan Rafael Elvira Quesada
Secretario de SEMARNAP, and to the same person who told you that, take that letter and make two copies, take it to SEMARNAP and ask them to sign the copy for both authorities, the guy who told you that and the Secretary copy
posted on 2-2-2011 at 19:32

I forgot the president, but include him also, If they do not want to receive the letter, just go to the mail office and mail it to them
posted on 2-2-2011 at 19:40

What he should do and can do for you
He can make the promised letter, ask the marines commander to deliver it and if the marines find somebody as a squater, they can just take him to federal custody untill he prove he has a legal right, if he do not do this, he will be just giving you the Mary go arround
Authority has to do what the law order them to do, no other way
posted on 2-3-2011 at 10:19

Now back to our Rosarito Story
The Rosarito history is very important, because, as I just demonstrated, the old titles were all issued against the then prevailing law, mainly the 1863 Benito Juarez law.
Then that mean, that all the land on the Tijuana to Ensenada coastal strip has never came out in a legal way, from the National Land dominium and up to this day, nobody has ever been able to provide legal proof that those titles were legal and as a consequence, those titles should not be used as precedent for any property but sadly most of the developers are trying to do just that.
The only legal titles today, are the ones based on National Land titles and as we know, there are very few of those, mainly in the El Morro area, issued in 1951.
A lot of pressure has been put on authorities to validate those titles, they have used a lot of pseudo arguments, up to the moral owners concept but as you see, no legal argument has ever been sustained in court that allow anybody to use one of those titles as property precedent.
There is also an argument frequently used, based on legal history ignorance, mainly used by new attorneys: that those titles are valid as long as a Federal Judge have not issued a ruling specify ruling every specific title void.
That argument is based on the modern concept of declaring a legal act void where Inexistence is not a legal fact, there are absolute voidance or relative voidance and both require a judge ruling to be effective, but that is true only on modern legal acts (1917 to date), you have to apply the law existing at the time of the legal act execution and that mean, you have to apply to that 1879 title, the law being applied at that time and at that time, Inexistence was a legal concept meaning that the legal act affected by Inexistence, has never started to exist, that concept changed in 1917, but at that time, the titles were already affected by Inexistence and never started to exist acodrding to the 27 article of the 1863 law, so, it is impossible to argue that they exist or caused any legal act, giving ground to any property right.
Then at this point I assume everybody has grounds to know that all those old 1879 titles, were no good for any legal act or give base to any legal property right.
These are not concepts I just invented, those are concepts issued by the Reforma Agraria office to all public officials, I gave public lectures to all the public notaries and real estate agents in Tijuana and nobody can argue of not knowing those legal facts, all of them have already being tested in Federal courts and have never been discredited.
posted on 3-2-2011 at 09:47

Knowledge is not useful if it is hidden, the only way we can avoid making the same mistakes again and again, is by knowing the place´s history and how we solved those same problems in the past.
I am very confident that with Engineer Chavira knowledge, the beach problem will be solved soon and fairly, I know he has several high cards up his sleeve, just in case.
I sent the investigation we did on San Felipe to the guys with the problem there, but that is just a case where the authorities are the ones to blame, together with the developers, who build without the needed permits.
In San Felipe the problem is a conflict between the environmental authorities who want to preserve that area development free and the crooked Estate authorities who allow the development and then are unable to grant the development permits while the developers being over confident on their influence on the crooked Estate officials, develop the land and then are unable to give the buyers their clear title.
All this is a clear criminal case named ¨Fraude Equiparado¨ committed by the developers against the buyers; a crime that the Estate District attorney must prosecute, but a crime they do not want to prosecute. There is the problem.
Advise.- Hit the Estate District attorney with everything you can, until he solve the problem via prosecuting the developers or obtaining the legal permits and granting the clear titles.
posted on 3-2-2011 at 10:03

Thank you for your comments.

Buying property in Baja is something that American people need and will do more and more in the near future.
I believe that they can do it safely if they are armed with the right knowledge that allow them to avoid becoming the usual victim to public officials and crooked developers and I agree at this point, it is almost a sport to do that in Baja.

Just remember that when something is difficult, the ones armed with the knowledge to do it, have an advantage.
That is the case on Baja, if you know what you are doing, you can buy property safely and without future problems and when most of the buyers become smart buyers, the crooks will have to become honest people or go out of business.
posted on 3-2-2011 at 21:34

My benefit is a second hand benefit, I have land in Baja and most of it, is undeveloped because there are no investors around, to develop them and that is happening, because of the bad developers who want to save pennies, while charging prices like USD$3500 dlls/m2 built, to retiring Americans. I do not mind to do a good business, but you need to respect the customer, if you are planning to stay in business for a long time and I just saw most of Baja commit economical s

ramuma53 - 4-23-2011 at 01:53 PM

Baja Times and Ecos belong to Hugo Torres and are his personal way to stablish his narcicist image and hide every dark business he gets involved in, mainly his efforts to obtain by all means property of all the land in Rosarito.

Reality is that, 60% of the land problems in Rosarito Beach are related to him and his associates or family, the other 40% to people he promote and protect.

Actually, I consider that he is the main Rosarito problem together with the Ejido Mazatlan.

They are the real cause that Rosarito is not a first world town like Los Cabos, or just explain to me, why a beach front city, 20 miles south of the border with the Richest Estate, that belong to the richest nation in the world, is still a third world town, while Cabo San Lucas 1000 miles south is a tourist boom.

You want the cause? Hugo Torres Chavert and Ejido Mazatlan are the factors that have kept Rosarito down thorough political influence and ilegality while taking advantage from the tourist.

I also blame the Rosarito´s whealty people, that have cogregated arround those two entities and condone every illegal act.

[Edited on 4-23-2011 by ramuma53]

Woooosh - 4-23-2011 at 09:09 PM

Ramama53- Some familiar family names (from this thread) in this Rancho Del Mangle Real Estate battle in Rosarito Beach. Looks like the local courts made a decision this week in a messed up land sale from 2010. What's the story on this?

ramuma53 - 4-24-2011 at 12:12 PM

Hope you know who Moreno Berry is, he is one of the main persons in the PT political party, beside being director for some of those popular organizations and his strong arm in Tijuana Rosarito is Mercedes Maciel.


This guy is a professional squatter, the kind that invade properties, but know what he is doing, almost always better than the people he invade. This is the main danger to remain illegal on your property.:O

This guy know that most of Tijuana and Rosarito have land legality problems and he know that he can invade almost any land and find ways to show that he is the real owner and not the guy who has a Public Registry scripture.:saint:

Why does this guy know more than many others? Because I was the founder and first president for PT party in Rosarito and I was responsible for motivating a lot of people to vote for this party and elect the first councilman from another party beside PAN or PRI and at that time 1998-1999, I was trying to promote land legality, through that party and made available to that party´s directors, all my information on why most of the land in Tijuana and Rosarito was based on false legal grounds and most of it is National Land.:light:

Then Ejido Mazatlan and Hugo Torres Chavert, got to Mercedes Maciel, bought her and I quit that party, with most of the people following me, about 95% and that party since then, have never again, been able to elect any public official in Rosarito Beach.

But the studies and information remained on the heads of that party´s directors and they certainly have been taking advantage of it.:fire:

Remember that Hector Castellanos Muñoz, from PAN party did the same, so it is not the party to blame, but the rotten guys in them.:fire:

How can you take advantage of the information I provide?:?:

By just invading any land in Tijuana or Rosarito, after making a legal claim to the National Land office.:light:

Then you would be the one with the strongest legal right to that land and the guy possessing it, would have only the extremely weak Machado Crostwhite rights, that you know, you can beat in court.:P Of course, they using illegal means will try to put you in jail.:o

But the main issue, is that you can invade any land and by showing that you have a legal ground, they cannot take you in, for invading, they will have to take you to court, while you get a hold on the land and since it can take years to go through the legal process, by that time a judge issue a ruling, the place could be covered by 1000s of small houses, impossible to dislodge without creating a social problem, in other words, the weak owner lost in practice, even if he win in court, case closed.:bounce:

This is how Rosarito and Tijuana are developing, by guys who know how to do it, invading properties while the people who supposedly own it, have weak legal grounds, that let them hanging in the cold, but those people do not understand, that the only way to evade this destiny, is to have a fully legalized property.:yes: The solution is there in front of everybody, but they are just too hard headed and like to take advantage in disorder, while the professional invaders do not want anything to change.

That is why; they sometimes accuse me of invading or causing to invade properties, because I provided publicly the tools to do it. But I am providing the same tools to you and most of you, are not going to run and invade land lots, it is up to each person to know what to do, based on his or her own ethics.

It is the classic dilemma, thief that steals from a bandit, have 1000 years pardon and end up being rich and legal.

Anyway, the ones causing the problem, are the people who are hard headed and do not understand that they are open for problems as long as they keep their property illegal and I do not accept, that they take the American buyer and Mexico off the cliff with them.

The worst kind are people like Moreno Berry, Hector Castellanos Muñoz, Ismael Yagues, Hugo Torres Chavert and Ejido Mazatlan, that have made fortunes out of invading properties through quasi legal ways, they are the same, only Moreno Berry, do it to get the vote of 1000s of people and political power on the side, while Hector Castellanos Muñoz, Ismael Yagues, Hugo Torres Chavert and Ejido Mazatlan just do it for money and power.

Who have made those people millionaires and politically powerful? The careless miss informed American buyer, who trust the property system as if it were the USA or Australia, that have strong property laws.

Without knowing, the American buyer has created several monsters, that now control the political parties, the courts and the government, just like with drugs.:fire:

Hugo Torres Chavert brags openly, that he controls the Courts all the way to the Estate Supreme Court and sadly, it is true; at all levels, it is known that he can get from the Supreme Court in Baja, any ruling he likes even if it is illogic and illegal and that mean, that even if you are legally right, he can win at the end.:(

This has happened for decades, bringing the legal system to a cynic state that have Baja in the actual disorganized state.

Who can control and make this right? Only the American Buyer, because he is the one providing the fuel for all this corruption and when the fuel flow stop, so the corruption.

Public officials preffer to proffit from the problem, the developers just want to continue getting properties for free while selling those at very high prices to American buyers and the American buyer just dont have a way to know what he is doing, untill another Punta Banda ocurs, everybody else, just dont care.

I know, Baja need the money, I know the American buyer need his dream beach house, but not at all cost, because the American buyer will be left hanging from thin air at the end, while the developers just go to another more safe area and wait for them again.:saint:

[Edited on 4-25-2011 by ramuma53]

ramuma53 - 4-28-2011 at 06:56 AM

Since I am receiving via email a lot of request for copy of the documents that give ground to my statements, I will start to publish them here one by one with an explanation about its legal implications

ramuma53 - 4-28-2011 at 04:32 PM

Jay Garcia our friend garcia 666
Guess who this guy is?
I just received this email, looks like this guy 666 want to take it to the next level.

Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2011 16:50:58 +0000
Subject: Fw: stop

----- Original Message -----

From: jay garcia

Sent: 04/28/11 11:34 AM


Subject: stop

You post your bullchit stuff on nomads you will be getting a visitor, SCUMBALL. No more exposes on you on my blog From now on it will be up close and personel, dirtbag

X-Spam-Flag: NO
X-Envelope-From: bajad***
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Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
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From: "THE GULL" <bajad***>
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Subject: FW: stop
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2011 12:56:39 -0400
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[Edited on 5-25-2011 by BajaNomad]

wessongroup - 4-28-2011 at 05:04 PM

Another form of "full disclosure"....

jenny.navarrette - 4-28-2011 at 05:45 PM

Originally posted by ramuma53

X-Originating-IP: []
From: "THE GULL" <bajad***>

That email was sent from the IP, which is in Central Florida and belongs to Henry Thomas G*******. Known to BajaNomads as Bancoduo. He lives in the area of New Smyrna Beach, Florida. He has always had a hard-on for TheGull.

His real email address is on this advertisement.

No hay de que, Rafael.

[Edited on 5-25-2011 by BajaNomad]

wessongroup - 4-28-2011 at 05:51 PM

thanks for the clarification .. I think... I do not know how that whole thing works..

It all helps...

Woooosh - 4-28-2011 at 07:04 PM

Originally posted by ramuma53
Hugo Torres Chavert brags openly, that he controls the Courts all the way to the Estate Supreme Court and sadly, it is true; at all levels, it is known that he can get from the Supreme Court in Baja, any ruling he likes even if it is illogic and illegal and that mean, that even if you are legally right, he can win at the end.:(

What happened to the whole "Mexico is a country of real estate laws" thing? I thought your position was the person who knows the laws best (as misunderstood as they are) wins. Except for Rosarito Beach?

[Edited on 4-29-2011 by Woooosh]

wessongroup - 4-28-2011 at 07:29 PM

zero risk in _____________ :biggrin:

ramuma53 - 4-28-2011 at 08:52 PM

Gracias and you must know that some people told me it was you, but of course, writing analysis tell me it doesn’t come from you.

ramuma53 - 4-28-2011 at 09:11 PM

Rosarito Beach is a very special place, where the strangest things happen and that is because corruption has been on the loose for so long.
What I say, is what I believe and my hope, but in Rosarito, it is an on the going battle that lawfulness is still not winning fully today, we need to bring Hugo Torres, Ejido Mazatlan and some developers down to meet justice, to be able to say that Rosarito is a lawful place.
It happened in 1959, Tocacangas, the iron district attorney and the Iron judge did it, they closed down all the illegal casinos against all odds including Hotel Rosarito, then threats to their life were issued as now will happen and all the money poured over many people did not work then and will not work now, then President Lazaro Card##as will, was solid and it happened, that is what is needed now, a president with a solid will to bring down the bad guys, they came down in 1959 and will come down in the near future.
Why now? Because gangsters went over the line, Rosarito´s developers are over the line also and Tourism will not return unless we clean our house; people in this forum are right, tourist should be treated as royalty, because they are guests and customers and also because our whole economy need the tourism business.
Tourism will always go up, if we have a clean house, if we don’t steal from our customers, if we don’t give them false titles and if we treat them as royalty while petroleum revenues will inevitably go down. That is why it will happen in the near future and tourism will not return if it doesn’t happen.

ramuma53 - 4-28-2011 at 09:19 PM

We are still waiting for you to denounce the fraud you know against the American buyer, committed by Hugo torres Chavert and Fernando Gomez Chavez together with Ejido Mazatlan.
When will that happen, you seem to know a lot.:?:

Woooosh - 4-28-2011 at 09:45 PM

Rosarito needs to get it's price point down for real estate and stop competing to be the most expensive and exclusive. The goose that laid the golden egg is dead and cooked, and the chickens that will come to replace them have scratch to spend. Start slow and build the market up again.

I wonder what kind of deal buying a condotel unit in Hugo Torre's Rosarito Beach Hotel turned out. If you let them rent it out like a hotle room, they waived the $900/month HOA. With a year open now I wonder what income the buyers are getting from their investments? How are buyers using the units they bought? I never hear anything about that part of the RBH operation.

krafty - 4-28-2011 at 10:27 PM

Great question, Woooosh-Cannot believe they are not losing dinero. Did you post about sales in Rosarito? There are sales in our hood that are very reasonable, whatever that means.? Think this spring summer will say alot-

ramuma53 - 4-29-2011 at 08:22 AM


Rosarito not only have to bring down its prices, because they are giving the American Buyer a false legal title chain; false things should not be cheap, but forbidden; how cheap would you pay for a falsified art piece, or how much would you pay, for a falsified USD$7.00 dlls bill; I do not think the main issue is price for Rosarito, because I do not see anybody, complaining about the prices; what they want, is security in their investments and for themselves, more when it involve the house where they are planning to spend their golden years, walking on the beach; a beach, that now, they cannot walk, because of insecurity, a house that now they are afraid they may lose to legal problems.

Certainly American buyers are not willingly paying for that, but they are doing it today, because they did not know.

Rosarito need to clean its act, now or it will become another Ensenada ghost town.

Rosarito need to start doing a real business in a business way, and that mean not giving the real estate customers false titles and legal problems on their dream homes and of course handling the tourist, like royalty.
Rosairto need to clean the Real Estate legal problems, caused by the stubbornness to upheld the Machado Crostwhite false story and get rid of Ejido Mazatlan, through an expropriation and then establish a way to show clear title to the customer, based on a National land title, in a way that later is not challengeable; what I call, property rights stable in time.
In other words, establish a clean title chain, down to a national Land title as the law asks for.

Ejido Mazatlan have profited for decades from Rosairto by selling land, that does not belong to them or is for sale or legal, it is big corruption source, that benefit only a bunch of guys that just bring the money to San Diego California Wells Fargo Bank, because most of the ejidatarios, are USA citizens and California residents, what we call ejidatarios Naylon. It is time for them to bring them to justice and let Rosarito develop in to the place it should be.:fire:

Concerning Hugo Torres businesses, I am going to tell you, a related story, that will tell you how they get their money.:light:

I know the guy who was then operating Chicks & beer table dance, he represented Miami beach Fl. not very clear capital; he proposed to build the Rosarito pier, he showed me the plan to build it in front of the Rosarito Beach Hotel.

As an engineer, I know that the worst place you can find to build a breakwater or a pier, is on the sea side of a storm stream, a stream that very seldom carry any water, but when it does, it not only carry a lot of water but a lot of stones and dirt.

I explained it to him and even published a related article in ABC with a technical explanation, why it was not a viable project, at least not at that place; the pier may be built any other place on Rosarito Beach, but the worst place would be the Rosarito Beach hotel´s beach front.

As all of you know, the pier was built anyway and what I predicted, materialized right away, only one boat was able to anchor on it and the sea bottom, having changed from the time of the technical works, because the Rosarito stream had carried a lot of stones, sand and dirt; Nature did its thing and the boat hit the bottom and was unable to sail in time and almost sank; as you know, no other boat returned to Rosarito and the pier is only an expensive place to fish and everybody thought that somebody would end up dead or broke.

I asked the Chikks & Beer guy, how wise it had been, to throw several million dollars away on the pier project and he just told me, that Hugo Torres didn´t care about the money, that building the pier, enabled them to move capitals from Miami beach to Mexico and they had already earned their money, the Rosarito pier, was just a way to do it, in other words, to clean money and you can see all that money as towers now.

When you see people throwing money to the trash can and doing supposedly stupid acts but end up rich and building towers, it is because you don´t really know their real business; do you see Hugo Torres Chavert suffering for lack of money? And he is only an employee to the bartender and waiters union, the real Rosarito Hotel real owners.

Please, don´t be naive, everybody knows what Hugo Torres real business is.

ramuma53 - 4-29-2011 at 09:23 AM

Fulano Arrowhead and he had an ex wife named Jenny Navarrette. So Fulano came to this site using both Jay Garcia and Jenny Navarrette

Woooosh - 4-29-2011 at 10:13 AM

Well we all know El Teo was "hiding in plain sight" in Rosarito and had a house in Popotla. During the crime wave and El Pozolero days a few years back there were nights when then Mayor Torres would be out drinking at the bar across from the Rosarito Beach Hotel and El Teo and his entourage were eating at Macho Taco a block away. That is fact. I figured both men wanted to live another day, and they obviously weren't afraid of each other- so did they have some sort of gentlemen's agreement? Would you take it a step further to say Torres and the Sinaloas (El Chapo Guzman) launder money together? Is that the business you really think he is in Ramuma53? Can't he just steal enough money from Real Estate without that?

jenny.navarrette - 4-29-2011 at 11:22 AM

Originally posted by ramuma53
Fulano Arrowhead and he had an ex wife named Jenny Navarrette. So Fulano came to this site using both Jay Garcia and Jenny Navarrette

So then, Fulano is Jihad E. Salman, who married Jenny Navarrette. What a revelation.

Have you ever seen this, Rafael?

How come you didn't know about that?

ramuma53 - 4-30-2011 at 06:32 PM

very interesting and evidence is piling up.





October 5, 2009

To whom it may concern,

This is to advise all interested parties that a comprehensive draft of this letter will be released to all media centers in California -including San Diego, Orange County, Los Angeles, and beyond including Nevada, Arizona should this situation not be resolved immediately.

I have recently (Since August 2008) attempted to sell my condominium unit at La Jolla de Rosarito that I purchased through Desarolladora de las Californias S.A de C.V – Developer of Oceana Condominiums, Oceana Casa del Mar, La Jolla de Rosarito, Oceana Plaza and possibly other developments around Rosarito Beach and Baja Mexico.

The property has been paid off in full, but apparently has a lien against it which the developer Desarolladora de las Californias S.A de C.V took out a secondary loan against the property without my knowledge or consent.

Furthermore I and the buyer have a purchase/sell agreement being handled through escrow in Baja Mexico and we have been waiting for over 220 days for the lien to be released in order to move forward with the closure of the sale. Due to this excessive delay I have come to the conclusion that what we in the US expect from escrow, is not what you get in Mexico from escrow it’s simply a name used in Mexico to give US investors false security that their dealings will be handled in an honest and safe manner.

Desarolladora de las Californias S.A de C.V represented by C.P. Julio Cesar Mendivil A. received the final payment balance owed on the property $57, 337.00 USD. On September 4th, 2008 as a pre condition they set prior to the lien being paid off by them, which they have not turned over to the bank holding title and security mortgage on the property as of this date.

I met personally with C.P. Julio Cesar Mendivil A. on October 22, 2008 to discus why things were taking so long and he blatantly told me that he had spent the money that was turned over to him on other commitments. I immediately contacted the bank holding the title directly to explain the situation and spoke to the branch manager and the person directly in charge of the Desarolladora de las Californias S.A de C.V account who expressed to me that they could do nothing for me since their client is Desarolladora de las Californias and that I must deal with them directly or by legal means as he stated I had all the necessary elements to file a lawsuit.

I highly urge all interested parties to help resolve this situation immediately in order to avoid yet another plague of bad press directed towards Rosarito Beach Baja California, Mexico. In order for potential investors in Mexico to have confidence in the system this type of unprofessional action must stop.

Today is October 5, 2009 and yet absolutely no progress!

Below I have included the contact information for the legal representative of the developer:

C.P. Julio Cesar Mendivil Arguelles

Desarrolladora de Las Californias, S.A. de C.V.

Nextel 152*133193*12

Tel. 100-61-40 al 43

If I have not finalized this transaction in a professional and satisfactory manner by February 28, 2009 – I will continue to send press releases to all media outlets indefinitely.

Feel free to forward this email to any and all parties that may be interested, affected or may be of assistance in resolving this issue.

Current Owner

Owner - La Jolla de Rosarito

This only confirm that what I have been saying is true; this guy Mendivil, is just the Hugo Torres Chavert Front and the one who together with Fernando Gomez Chavez created the fraudn to try to steal Playa Encantada

But this only confirm also that you have very good information that would be very usefull to the american buyer and the Federal Police about Inmobiliaria de las Californias and Hugo torres Chavert.
Why arent you denouncing the fraud?:?:

ramuma53 - 4-30-2011 at 07:05 PM


One of the main uses, Rosarito has for the narco, is as landing place for all the drug boats that land every day, carrying each 3 tons of drugs and from Rosarito it goes to Tijuana or direct to the USA.
It has been happening for years and increases every time Hugo Torres Chavert takes office; they need the city police absolute control.

Also several of the Rosarito fortunes, are based on those revenues and those fortunes are all related or derived from him.
When I had a house in Playa Encantada, the Port authority was there also and some nights, we were able to see, during the night, how fast boats stopped on the sea all lights off, just in front of the port authority and unloaded packages, to guys on marine motos and guess who was renting those marine motos just beside Hotel Rosarito and from renting marine motos, this guy went to owning one of the biggest discos in Rosarito, worth millions of dollars and guess who gave him the land lot and for who he worked from the start? Also guess who was this guy male lover?
Rosarito, when Hugo Torres started as major, became a base for the CAF cartel and I don´t think that has changed a bit.
When Teo was moving freely in Rosarito, he belonged to the CAF cartel, later he changed coats and became the Sinaloa Cartel strong arm against the CAF and Hugo Torres started to use escorts and bullet proof cars; then every time the boats were unloaded, the police patrol cars became the operation guards and stayed guarding the entrance until the boats were gone.
Also, would you in one of your wildest dreams, believe that with just the Rosarito Hotel revenues, he would be able to build that many towers at once while throwing millions to the trash can on the pier project? And stay alive and in business after the sales stopped?
No my friend, Hugo Torres Chavert main business is not the Rosarito Hotel and what you see in all the towers he built, are just the other businesses revenues.

Did you know that Mendivil was kidnapped and Hugo Torres Chavert paid millions of dollars to get him back???:O
That is why they have no money on Inmobiliaria de las Californias and now you know, where the American buyer´s money on those projects is going.:!:

They started as illegal casino operators, in other words, GANGSTERS; in 1959 the Federal Government stopped them, but they just came back and have never changed their status or line of business.
That is why this guy´s fixation on making himself look like a political leader in ECOS, his egocentric media tool; that is why he make deals with every political party and has earned the Hugo 1000 political caps nick name, because he has no fixed political alliance; his goal is to clean his image or make everybody believe that his image is clean and protect his real business; just study the Al Capone history and you will find several parallels, only this guy did it in a small scale because his intellectual limitations.
Then he claim that his reputation is beyond doubt and that is why he sell in house title insurance!!!

That is why I say that Rosarito need urgently to clean his business and people who make business in Rosarito. You can not put the Rosarito´s American customer in this kind of hands and hope the best for Rosarito.

[Edited on 5-1-2011 by ramuma53]

ELINVESTIG8R - 4-30-2011 at 07:23 PM

Send in the Marines to Rosarito now!

ramuma53 - 4-30-2011 at 07:32 PM

Nice to see that you are still arround.
Some times I think that what you propose, may be the best solution, but after observing how the representative for the San Diego Union acted on Rosarito, I think that they may just substitute the city police on guarding the unloadings.:fire:

JoeJustJoe - 6-2-2011 at 11:17 PM

I haven't heard from Ramuma on Baja real estate matters for awhile. Although I was shocked in the Turtle thread that I found most interesting. I think Ramuma's real estate knowledge is unmatched around these parts on "Nomad" land.

I wanted to get his advice on the "Las Gaviotas" area in Baja. I know he said it's a disputed land area or something like that in a previous post in this thread, but I don't want to go back and look for it, because this thread is too long as it is.

But I was interested in the "Las Gaviotas" area because I know this acquaintance not a friend, but I know a lot about him. I know he has this 3 bedroom two bath place in Las Gaviotas, but I don't think he even visits Mexico anymore because he is too scared of the violence as he scares easy. I know he tries to rent this place out, but it rents for about 30 percent less than other places in the area, and he is probably not renting it too much.

I wanted to make a offer on the place because in two years I want to semi retire and I'll have a lot more time to visit Baja if I have a place to live down here.

But I want a run down again on the problems in the area in terms of Mexican real estate. I don't want to hear about the violence in Mexico because that's overrated, and as long as I"m not involved in illegal activity with the drug cartels I should be alright.

I sure hope that Ramuma could come back and answer a few questions I have about the area and what price should I offer or not offer because it's too risky to buy in the area?

[Edited on 6-4-2011 by JoeJustJoe]

Woooosh - 6-3-2011 at 10:24 AM

Originally posted by JoeJustJoe
I haven't heard from Ramuma on Baja real estate matters for awhile. Although I was shocked in the Turtle thread that I found most interesting. I think Ramuma's real estate knowledge is unmatched around these parts on "Nomad" land.

I wanted to get his advice on the "Las Gaviotas" area in Baja. I know he said it's a disputed land area or something like that in a previous post in this thread, but I don't want to go back and look for it, because this thread is too long as it is.

But I was interested in the "Las Gaviotas" area because I know this acquaintance not a friend, but I know a lot about him. I know he has this 3 bedroom two bath place in Las Gaviotas, but I don't think he even visits Mexico anymore because he is too scared of the violence as he scares easy. I know he tries to rent this place out, but it rents for about 30 percent less than other places in the area, and he is probably not renting it too much.

I wanted to make a offer on the place because he two years I want to semi retire and I'll have a lot more time to visit Baja if I have a place to live down here.

But I want a run down again on the problems in the area in terms of Mexican real estate. I don't want to hear about the violence in Mexico because that's overrated, and as long as I"m not involved in illegal activity with the drug cartels I should be alright.

I sure hope that Ramuma could come back and answer a few questions I have about the area and what price should I offer or not offer because it's too risky to buy in the area?

Why not start a fresh thread and give Ramuna53 a heads-up via U2U?

[Edited on 6-3-2011 by Woooosh]

Lobsterman - 6-3-2011 at 06:42 PM

"The Gull must be ecstatic about having you as a potential neighbor"

Now that's funny!

ramuma53 - 6-16-2011 at 04:45 PM


I finally was able to meet with the abogado that a real estate firm in rosarito uses to give advice to potential buyers ... I met with him for 2 hours yesterday.

I shared with him the concerns that you have told us about. He seemed sincerely interested in addressing these and he spent a good week preparing. I would like to share his feedback with you so you can see what the so called professionals are telling people. I will list them but that does not mean I believe him or accept his advice.

1. First, he said the issue of "National Land" is false and that there is no such thing as "National Land Title". I referred him to the Article 27 of the constitution and he challenged me to show him where it says there must be national title. I was not able to show this, so he says it is just a scare tactic.

2. He said there is no entry with any Registro Publico for any current lawsuit by the Mexican Company you said that is currently suing in Mexico City to get the land back. He said that if there was such a case, the people suing would definitely register their complaint with the public registry.

3. He showed paperwork of some large transactions after the year 2000 and said that places would not invest those large sums of money if there was any chance of there being any potential risk with the title.

4. He showed the paperwork of a legal case started by Sr Corona, of the Corona Hotel, that he lost in trying to get the land.

5. He showed some paperwork of a permit to build a water treatment plant and it shows that that there are no liens on any of the property.

6. He showed more history of the land going back to 60s and how the transactions were all fine. He showed the transactions after 1994 and it was too complex for me to follow. I remember Machado family being mentioned, Elize family a company called PDI which then changed its name ... it was very technical for me to understand

He then tried to explain the title history. It was very complex and technical. He mentioned a "Master Title Trust" held by Bancomer. And he mentions that Grupo Lagza has retained a block of land inside puerta del mar for future development and that they are not going to sell this block of land and that it is separate from the master trust. He says that people who have bought, then get title from Bancomer and are then not in the master trust once they get their title. He mentioned that the company who owned the land was not able to pay property taxes for about 5 years and that Bancomer stopped issuing titles because of this. Now he says that a group of owners paid Bancomer the back taxes owned and now they are issuing titles.

This is all very technical for me. I decided to only rent for now. If you have time, I would be very interested in your responses that this attorney made.

Thank you,

My friend
Mexican Constitution, in its article 27 in its main text say[ All the land inside of Mexico´s borders, by origin belong to National Property} that mean, that any land lot inside of mexicos border, is National Property; there are two kinds of national property, Public National property and Private National property; Public National Property is like the Federal Zone, they can give you a concession, but they cannot sell it to you, because it is public property; Private National Property is land that belong to the nation but that the nation is able to sell it to create the private property and this is the kind it of national land the strip between the Rosarito to Ensenada old highway and the Federal Zone is, National land; there is a Presidential decree dated October 7, 1952, that state this Strip as national land, it was published in the Official newspaper dated November 13, 1952, and this you can look at in any public office in Rosarito or Tijuana.
Also, to confirm this and giving constitutional ground to the Presidential decree, Constitutional Article 27, section XVIII, state that any title issued between the years 1876 and 1917 is subjected to review by the Presidential decrees named Declaratorias Globales de Terrenos nacionales like one I mentioned above; please note that the Machado title was issued in 1879, exactly in the period mentioned in this Constitutional article.
There I am demonstrating that the attorney lied to you and that he does not even know what Mexico´s Constitution say.
Also I should mention that The Juan Ernesto Corona lawsuit, was declined by the courts, because he showed no direct connection to Rosendo Victorio Victorio, a fact that Inmobiliaria Real de Mexico S.A. de C.V. does have registered at the Public Registry and is undeniable.

wessongroup - 6-16-2011 at 04:50 PM

Next !!! ... thank you for your time...

ramuma53 - 6-16-2011 at 04:55 PM

Concerning Las Gaviotas
That place is also included in the strip mentoned a National Land and is a place that perfectly know that land is National Land because I told them personally; I also helped them with their Federal Zone problem and using my advise, they were able to avoid paying to the Federal Zone.

They are certainly in national land and they should not be able to sell the land, but, that place have been ther for decades and the posesion is well stablished, proved and very importan not disputed by any other party yet.

They can at any time, just ask to buy the land from the National land office and correct the problem and nobody will ever even know, but they have not done it to this day; why? it is amistery to me that people invest heavily and not check the land legality and when they know a problem exist, they do not correct it and just wait for the problems.

Let me tell you what kind of problems:
Let say that you get greedy and decide to buy the whole Las gaviotas place, through a Mexican national you ask to buy it to the national Land ofcie in Mexico city; they will look and find no other people asking for it and certainly they will sell it to you and then you will show up as the legal owner and that will be a legal true; the ones who claim to own it today, will cry to heaven, but you will certainly have the legal reason and after a legal battle like the Punta Banda one, you will be exactly at that point, getting the land from everybody.

That is the kind of problems this people are open today, just waiting for the wise guy to show up with the legal title and they they will try to correct the problem, but too late.

ramuma53 - 6-16-2011 at 04:59 PM

Thank you, but it is not necessary, since I was seeing no interest in the thread, I was not giving more, but, now that I see there is an interest and actually making a difference to some people who are avoiding being robbed by the illegal developers, I will continue.

This people when they answer the questions raised here, just go deeper and expose themselves as the fraud they are.
For me it is easy, because I have the law on my hand and I can show it to them.

Paladin - 6-16-2011 at 06:41 PM


First....thank you very much for your time and expertise in helping us Gringos.

Second....please do not go away

Lastly a question.

My understanding that town/village "maps" subdivisions were done before the ejidos came into existence and therefore do not carry any of those (ejido) potentional problems.

Using San Bruno as an example; I'm assuming title problems are easier to find by just having good title research done in
in the "County Court House" in Santa Roseilia???

Sorry for my use of Gringo terms and spelling.

Thanks again for your time and knowledge.

Terry....Fresno CA...

bajatravelergeorge - 6-16-2011 at 09:43 PM


You stated in an earlier post that most colonial titles in Baja had been voided. I can't find any other reference to that in english on the web. Can you go into a little more detail about how and when they were voided and where I can find the documentation to back this up.

Thanks in advance for your help.

ramuma53 - 6-18-2011 at 12:00 AM

Mulege area is plagued with Ejido problems; just ask Mr. Johnson at Serenidad Hotel and you will find a horror story; do not buy on anything that has as precedent an ejido, it is just too complicated for an American and you will be too open for fraud; Mexican law handle Ejidatarios as children not mentally fit and the reality is that most of them are very healthy and just take the opportunity that the Mexican law give them to take a big advantage of you.
To complicate that, Baja is a Real Estate horror zone and please take note that this does not apply to every ejido in Mexico, Baja Ejidos are a special legal horror case.:mad:

All, but absolutely all ejidos in Baja, were created in the 1940s, during President Lazaro Card##as time in officer and he created so many ejidos and Baja was then so far away, that they simply did not have the technical staff to do all of them in a legal way and Baja Ejidos were the farthest.

But they had a presidential order and they had to comply with it, General Card##as was not the kind of guy, you may tell him, that you had too much work to accomplish all his goals, so the technical staff, just started to do them in bunches’ without any but any legal formality or respect for the neighbors; an engineer came to Baja, for an afternoon and executed 10 ejidos without notifying anybody but the ejido people and executed them all together, right there at the airport or while drinking a beer.

Let me explain to you, that to execute an ejido, you had to draw an exact topographical map, locate it through astronomical observations, walk each of its sides accompanied by the neighbor, who you by law, had to notify in advance, so he was able to be there, with his own engineer to be sure his limits were respected, make them sign the official paper and then, when every party agreed with the measurements, the Ejido was formally executed; of course it is completely impossible for an engineer to execute formally 10 ejidos in an afternoon; those technical legal works may take months each, so they simply invented the VIRTUAL EXECUTION and just did them in bunches, just hoping that in the near future, with more time on their hands, they would be able to return and do it the lawful way; well, 70 years have gone by and they are still unable to do the legal work and most ejidos in Baja today, are based on virtual executions and that mean, that they have no formal technical works and they did not follow legal procedure.:o

Legal precedents, named in Mexico Jurisprudencia, are Supreme Court ruled and executed cases, that are already legal precedents, and those precedents say that an Ejido Virtual execution is NO EXECUTION at all, because they did not respected the neighbor´s rights consagrated on the 14 and 16 Constitutional articles, when they didn´t allow the neighbors to be notified and agree with the measurements.

That mean, that almost no ejido in Baja is legal and in fact has no land, because the government never gave them the land in a formal lawful way; the ejido exist, but they have no land at all.

When the Ejido La Purisima sued me, I just proved that they have a Virtual execution and in a legal consequence, they have no land and their land simply cannot be over any other land, because their land does not exist; they simply dropped the case and avoided suing me again.:?:

I am sorry, but Baja need a lot of legal and technical work to be able to provide trouble free titles and that is why I advise Americans to buy only from titles issued by Terrenos Nacionales, not issued between 1876 and 1917 and the 1963 to 1967 periods.
In the mean while, if you do not find a national Title at the end of the title´s legal chain, simply walk away and do not trust the attorneys and sellers who tell you to go ahead and buy problems.:light:

[Edited on 6-18-2011 by ramuma53]

ramuma53 - 6-18-2011 at 12:42 AM

Colonial titles, were a kind of concession, not really a private property title, like a kibut in Israel.
Why, because they were issued free of any cost.
Mexican Constitution forbid to give away land to create private property, it has to be sold at market prices.
So Colonial titles were created where people was not interested in buying because it was then too far from the civilization; they were created to colonize land too far away; and because of that, they created the Colonial Law; you can find it in the ´Ley Federal de Reforma Agraria´ issued in 1950; the new 1992 Agrarian law, no longer consider Colonial land and the Colonial law no longer is included in it.

They created a lot of colonies in Baja, mostly Ensenada to San Quintin Area and La Paz and Los Cabos were covered by Colonial titles.

Since they created colonies to colonize the land, the law, obligate the colonial to live and work, the received for free land; but, to acomplish its goals, the law obligated them to permanently live there and report land exploitation at least every year; you were unable even to change the kind of plant you were growing, you had to ask permission to make any change and if you failed to do it or report for 3 years, the rights that the title gave you, simply disappeared.

Most of Baja´s colonies just disappeared because they were abandoned and the land never were exploited and the colonials of course never reported the exploitation; but many wise guys, simply registered the titles as private property at the local public registry, were of course the registrars were to ignorant to note any difference with normal titles and that was exacerbated by the fact that the Colonial titles say on them PROPERTY TITLE and then is small print they say, under the Colonial Law were all the conditions to exist were expressed.

That fact actually mean that Colonial titles are never a solid private property right, it was a conditional right, that existed only, while you fulfilled all the conditions specified in the Colonial Law and actually disappeared as soon as you stopped fulfilling the conditions.

The land use right disappeared, but the anotation on the Public registry did not because it should hve not be there from the start or appear with the warning anotation, but nobody cared to annotate that it was only a conditional right or that it existed only as long as the conditions were fulfilled.:fire:

To sell one of those rights, it was not the same as with a private property title, that you just went to the public notary and state that you wanted to sell and the other party to buy; with Colonial Titles, the Colonial law order a special procedure. You had to bring the buyer with you to the Agrarian Department and make the contract there with the SRa as part of the contract, after demostrating that you always fullfiled the conditions specified in the Colonial law; then your title was voided and a new Colonial title was issued to the buyer and that mean, that you cannot simply go to the public notary to sell land coming from a Colonial title and if you do it, the act was nil under the law and the public notary must know that.

But of course the public notaries and public registrars in Baja didn’t do it that way, they simply started to create a title chain, where people just sold and bought land based on Colonial titles, but tiles that were voided long ago; after all, nobody cared about Baja then.

Now, tell me, can you legally buy land that at the bottom of the title chain is grounded on a Colonial title that no longer exist or has any legal effect, what right are you buying???? Nothing, zilch, zero, nix, but you can find that kind of property transactions all over Baja and the funny part is, that some of them have American title insurance.:?:

Here a fact that confuses people, is a difference in Mexican and American law and as a matter of fact, with all countries under England based law; it is a Napoleonic remembrance; in Mexico the Public Registry IS NOT an irrefutable proof of land ownership by itself, while in USA, Australia and England, IT IS a land ownership legal irrefutable proof.:light:

In Mexico, it is only a partial legal proof that need and absolutely need, other partial legal proofs to constitute an irrefutable legal proof; mostly it has to be supplemented with the Agrarian Public Registry, demonstrating that your land is no part of an Ejido, or the National property Registry that prove that your land is not National property; but of course, it is an obligation for a Public registrar and a public notary to know that and check on those, before allowing a sale, but in Baja, they just conveniently forget about those formalities.
It is the old fact, that in Mexico you have to demonstrate that you are innocent and considered guilty until you prove your innocence. In this case you have to demostrate that your land does not belong to some ejido or the Nation before it is acepted that it is legally yours.:saint:

[Edited on 6-18-2011 by ramuma53]

Paladin - 6-18-2011 at 12:45 PM

It seems that the colonials (non ejideos) that make up the little villages are as somewhat unsafe to buy but not as much as ejideos.

I'm just trying to get a "translation" that I understand.

I hear all the time about 2000 (plus/minus) meter lots in San Bruno, Mulege, Asuncion and San Lucas being bought and sold with no real problems.

As far as Johnsons problem in Mulege I thought his property south of the river was eijdo land whereas the town lots north of the river in Mulege proper were different????

Please help clear up a dense Irish head....thanks again.

Cypress - 6-18-2011 at 01:07 PM

Paladin, Does a can of worms have any meaning to you?

ramuma53 - 6-19-2011 at 06:58 AM

Colonial titles, even if bought and sold as if nothing is happening, is a nonexistent right to the land and are a lot worse than ejido transactions, because you are buying a nonexistent right to the land.

Ejido land on the other hand, is extremely difficult and dangerous, but it is a right to some land, it is a real right that can materialize after some legal work. It is difficult because it needs some very complex legal works that expose you to possible fraud, when they simply change their mind after receiving your money, but this does not happen every time, there are some honest people out there.

All Ejidos around Mulege have the problem, that the SRA never corrected the Virtual Execution capital problem and now it is extremely expensive to complete those technical legal works, I have notice that they would have to pay up to USD$500,000.00 to do it and take up to 1 year to complete while it may only be a year or it may take 10 years, but I think that they will find 1000s of problems with private property neighbors, not agreeing with their technical legal works and every problem would have to be settled before the technical work ends and the Ejido is formally executed.

It is so difficult, that they may go for other options instead of going that way; just selling their rights as is and let the buyer solve the problems and that is what they are actually doing, but if you buy in to that can of worms, be prepared to spend years in Agrarian court but you will and with a real right to some land if you do not have a conflict with a private property title and that of course if you are a Mexican national by birth.

Based on Colonial rights are impossible,

Based on Ejido rights are difficult.

Based on recently issued National land private property titles are safe.

Based on historical National land private property titles issued on the period 1876 to 1917 are correctable, but dangerous because they are reviewable and may be nil, if not issued according to every article on the 1863 national land law (find it in 5 siglos de legislacion Agraria, Manuel Favila) specially not over 2500 Has.

Based on National land private property titles issued on the period 1963 to 1967 are dangerous because those may be falsified (signed by Adolfo Lopez Mateos President) those were signed by a machine and a lot were falsified, so many that those titles were declared nil, also during that era, the law forbid the national Land sale to private citizens.


ramuma53 - 6-19-2011 at 07:10 AM

A can of worms is an ugly place to swim, but if you are a wise guy, you can use it to get a ton of fish.

Problems are out there, we cannot deny it and we should not hide it, like in Rosarito are trying unsuccessfully to do, but if you have the right tools and information, you can come on top of the problems and get a property that you will not be able to get any other place in the world.

Problems are there to be solved not to run from them, but if you do not have the right information, other people may take advantage of you or you may simply be fortunate and never have any problem.

What I do not condone, is that people with title chain problems, just sell the land without correcting the problem and in fact committing a fraud to the buyer and that crime is even worst when people take advantage from American tourist that think the law is like in their country.

That is like the dog that bites the hand that gives him food.

ramuma53 - 6-19-2011 at 07:52 AM

On the web you will find nothing about that, in fact, you will find it difficult to find an attorney in Mexico that know about this knowledge area and in Baja, it is almost impossible; to solve the legal problems I had, I had to became an attorney at Mexican law and spend years investigating and then years in court.
To disentangle the Rosarito´s problem, I spent a lot of years and money; when I started, the Machado title was upheld as the true thing, Ejido Mazatlan everybody thought was a legal ejido.
As an example: Some old people knew that ´Compañia Explotadora de la Baja California´ bought the Machado title rights, but that was it.
I investigated and found the place where that Mexican company was created, in Mexicali B.C. and found that the partners were not Mexicans, that the social capital was 99.8% owned by a Canadian born named Hugh Francis Collins, that the 0.2% was owned by 2 Mexicans but one was living in San Diego California.
I also found the 1863 National land law on a book that is only sold in Mexico City and there only outside the SRA and only from time to time; the 1894 National Land law I found in a very old book that I found in a very old library in Mexico City.
The fact that Joaquin Machado Valdes was born in San Diego and died as an American citizen by birth and is buried in California as an American, California resident, took me years to learn.
Those facts, that were buried in history and mostly forgotten, had a legal consequence, that the Joaquin Machado Valdez, that cover Rosarito Beach violated the 1863 law in several articles and was in consequence nil.
When I started, nobody even at the SRA knew there was a presidential decree, issued in 1952 that declared national Land the strip between Rosarito beach and Punta Banda in Ensenada, between the old highway and the Federal zone.
Those legal historical facts were investigated and learned by me at my cost, were exposed on my newspaper ABC and now are the base to correct the land legality in Rosarito Beach, but after years demonstrating that those facts were true and sustainable in court, the Estate government choose to hide them to avoid a panic and then Punta Banda exploded.
But I found out, that the people being harmed but the lack of information was not the Mexican guy, the real harm was being done to the American buyer and nobody, including me, was paying much attention to inform the American buyer.
The only one, brave enough to disseminate the information and to inform the American buyer about the problem, was Nacy Conrroy from the Gringo Gazette and you know her sad story on the hands of Hugo Torres Chavert; even the San Diego Union reporter was bought by the Ejido Mazatlan.
To this day, this is the only place, where you will find this information and if any one of you needs where to find in the public record, legal proof for any fact I give here, I will direct you to it or I will provide it for you.

Phil S - 6-19-2011 at 09:35 AM

Your a treasure chest of knowledge, and experience. You should be teaching classes to interested buyers for reasonable rates, where you live.
do you practice 'other' law beside 'land use'?????
I hope that you are having a great Fathers Day today, and with your family.
God Bless!!

baja1943 - 6-19-2011 at 10:05 AM


Just curious, You come across as a philanthropic angel who devotes his life to advising americanos "at your own expense" on mexican land issues. Just wondering where you derived the wealth in order to make this your life cause. In other words do you have a vested interest in all this?

MitchMan - 6-19-2011 at 10:17 AM

Originally posted by ramuma53
The fideicomiso is a glorified lease contract, collateralized by the bank, the bank serves as the legal rights depository for the life of the fideicomiso.

Who is the lessor?

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