
Mexico Re-open?

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SFandH - 5-21-2020 at 04:31 PM

1918 pandemic waves.jpg - 38kB

[Edited on 5-22-2020 by SFandH]

David K - 5-21-2020 at 04:54 PM

As we have seen... what happened in New York and other urban jungles with subways, is not an indication of anything that happened or will happen in the rest of America.

Comparing health events from 100 years ago to today is like riding a horse-drawn wagon across the country compared to flying on a jet.

Nothing predicted came to pass... hospitals did not max-out (the original reason for the stay-home orders and small-business shutdowns).

As for a second wave... maybe, but there are plexiglass shields, mask wearing, hand washing, sanitizing routines in place now. Then we just heard today that a possible Covid shot will be available to 300,000,000 Americans in October. Operation Warp Speed is showing the world, once again, American greatness at coming together to solve a major problem.

How about some positive support of all that has been done to fight this horrible thing?

Skipjack Joe - 5-21-2020 at 06:26 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  

Then we just heard today that a possible Covid shot will be available to 300,000,000 Americans in October.

Can you provide a link to that?

What is a "Covid shot"? Vaccine? Cure?


High Hopes ?

MrBillM - 5-21-2020 at 06:37 PM


Yeah, sure, you betcha. We'll see.

So Far, Operation Warp Speed has generated a lot of Happy Talk. Time will tell whether it produces anything else.

Keep on dreaming, though. Maybe, that Miracle will show.

Give the reopening its incubation time and see where the numbers go.

SFandH - 5-21-2020 at 06:58 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Skipjack Joe  

Can you provide a link to that?

What is a "Covid shot"? Vaccine? Cure?


Nothing for sure. It's still at the "maybe" stage.

Developed at Oxford University, which bodes well IMO.

[Edited on 5-22-2020 by SFandH]

RFClark - 5-21-2020 at 07:12 PM

“Will Mex let us in during the 2nd wave?”

“Give the reopening its incubation time and see where the numbers go”

I can’t say that there won’t be a “dreaded 2nd wave”. The “whether” will depend on the changes in the virus and the progress in dealing with it. I can point to places that never “hid in place” and others that have been reopened for weeks. The countries that still give everyone multiple doses of the French version of the BCG T.B. Vaccine never had a serious problem with the Wuhan Virus in the 1st place. South Dakota never locked down and had a lower incident of cases than most states that did lock down.

What you can say is that in the face of vastly increased testing the daily number of new cases is still decreasing. The other thing you can say is those who Loath the President are painting the darkest picture of what’s going on and what in their opinion will be the disasters going forward!

Draw your own conclusions!

South Dakota A-OK ?

MrBillM - 5-21-2020 at 08:11 PM

U.S. News & World Report May 09, 2020

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) — The increase in COVID-19 cases in South Dakota continued to reflect results from a mass testing event in the Sioux Falls area, with nearly 250 positive cases reported Saturday by health officials.

The report showed that 232 of the 249 new cases were in Minnehaha County. State Department of Health officials spent the last several days sorting out results from testing employees at the Smithfield pork processing plant in Sioux Falls, along with their family members.

A total of 435 people have tested positive in Minnehaha County in the last two days, for a total of 2.767 cases in the county.

The total number of cases statewide now stands at 3,393. Three new deaths were confirmed on Saturday, all of them Minnehaha County residents over the age of 70. The state's death toll is up to 34.

Officials said 79 people are hospitalized with the virus.

For most people, the coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough that clear up in two to three weeks. For some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia.


BTW-Malapropism Check: The word is loathe rather than loath.

De Nada.

[Edited on 5-22-2020 by MrBillM]

JZ - 5-21-2020 at 08:12 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  

<irrelevant chart from 1918>

Stay home buddy. Read your history books and hide under your toilet paper.

[Edited on 5-22-2020 by JZ]

RFClark - 5-21-2020 at 08:23 PM


Today in S.D.

Cases: 4085 Deaths: 46

May 9

Cases: 3393 Deaths: 34

Not much of a “wave” and no lockdown! A majority of the cases are in meat packing Plants!

Carrying COVID in Carcass Carving Concerns

MrBillM - 5-21-2020 at 08:33 PM

Wherever they are, the dramatic spread of the virus in meat-packing plants DOES emphasize the hazardous effect of close association.

JZ - 5-21-2020 at 08:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by MrBillM  
Wherever they are, the dramatic spread of the virus in meat-packing plants DOES emphasize the hazardous effect of close association.

The sooner everyone gets it, the better. Speaking of the healthy, and under 60ish.

[Edited on 5-22-2020 by JZ]

SFandH - 5-21-2020 at 09:04 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JZ  

The sooner everyone gets it, the better. Speaking of the healthy, and under 60ish.

[Edited on 5-22-2020 by JZ]

Are you saying 100s of millions of people getting sick in the US, billions worldwide, is a good thing?

Do you really think so?

[Edited on 5-22-2020 by SFandH]

JZ - 5-21-2020 at 09:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  
Quote: Originally posted by JZ  

The sooner everyone gets it, the better. Speaking of the healthy, and under 60ish.

[Edited on 5-22-2020 by JZ]

Are you saying 100s of millions of people getting sick in the US, billions worldwide, is a good thing?

Do you really think so?

[Edited on 5-22-2020 by SFandH]

Hide under your TP.

100 million getting it in the US, yes. A very small fraction will get sick. Those at risk need to stay home.

Think about the lives of your kids and grand kids, and less about you.

SFandH - 5-21-2020 at 09:48 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JZ  
Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  
Quote: Originally posted by JZ  

The sooner everyone gets it, the better. Speaking of the healthy, and under 60ish.

[Edited on 5-22-2020 by JZ]

Are you saying 100s of millions of people getting sick in the US, billions worldwide, is a good thing?

Do you really think so?

[Edited on 5-22-2020 by SFandH]

Hide under your TP.

100 million getting it in the US, yes. A very small fraction will get sick. Those at risk need to stay home.

Think about the lives of your kids and grand kids, and less about you.

A very small fraction will get sick?

Table 1 in the link below shows 41.4 million adult Americans (21.2%) under the age of 65 are at risk of developing serious illness (needing special treatment) if infected. 92.5 million of all Americans over 18. (37.6%). Many, many more will get sick, just not seriously sick.

[Edited on 5-22-2020 by SFandH]

JZ - 5-21-2020 at 10:44 PM


“Doctors at John Muir Medical Center in Walnut Creek say they have seen more deaths by suicide during this quarantine period than deaths from the COVID-19 virus.

The head of the trauma in the department believes mental health is suffering so much, it is time to end the shelter-in-place order.

"We've never seen numbers like this, in such a short period of time," he said. "I mean we've seen a year's worth of suicide attempts in the last four weeks."

“What I have seen recently, I have never seen before," Hansen said. "I have never seen so much intentional injury."

"I think people have found themselves disconnected from the normal supportive networks that they have, churches and schools and book clubs, you name it," Tamura said.

Hansen says a focus on mental health is very important right "They intend to die," Hansen said. "Sometimes, people will make what we call a 'gesture'. It's a cry for help. We're just seeing something a little different than that right now. It's upsetting."

motoged - 5-22-2020 at 12:02 AM

Quote: Originally posted by JZ  
Hide under your toilet paper SFandH. Anyone saying stay at home has a govt. job, is part of the media, and / or is on a fixed govt. income and just doesn't want it to impact them.

Very selfish. Ppl who don't care about their kids or the future of America. They make me sick. I'd much rather die than screw my kids over.
[Edited on 5-22-2020 by JZ]

What is with your toilet paper thing? A bit of an obsessive reply isn't it ?

Your fantasy getaway doesn't seemed to have mellowed you out at all....needing more attention after dog pics?

I really wonder what sources of information you rely on....or is this just who you are?

Selfish for wanting to reduce and manage infection risks?
Your dog whistle call for "return to normal" seems to be a chant for those selfishly not being capable of considering the "greater good" notion.

But, hey, you are a bigshot .... and can read.....what are the stats for increasing infections in "reopening" hotspots in the states?

Your dog has better common sense than you.

mtgoat666 - 5-22-2020 at 06:22 AM

Quote: Originally posted by JZ


“Doctors at John Muir Medical Center in Walnut Creek say they have seen more deaths by suicide during this quarantine period than deaths from the COVID-19 virus.

The head of the trauma in the department believes mental health is suffering so much, it is time to end the shelter-in-place order.

"We've never seen numbers like this, in such a short period of time," he said. "I mean we've seen a year's worth of suicide attempts in the last four weeks."

“What I have seen recently, I have never seen before," Hansen said. "I have never seen so much intentional injury."

"I think people have found themselves disconnected from the normal supportive networks that they have, churches and schools and book clubs, you name it," Tamura said.

Hansen says a focus on mental health is very important right "They intend to die," Hansen said. "Sometimes, people will make what we call a 'gesture'. It's a cry for help. We're just seeing something a little different than that right now. It's upsetting."

Suicide is a choice.
Dieing from covid-19 is not something people choose (except for suicidal door know lickers).

Society/govt has chosen to protect people from covid-19,... society/govt can choose to protect people from suicidal thoughts by increasing the social safety net,... but the GOP doesn’t care to do that

A few suicides may have to be the collateral damage of protecting many, many lives from covid-19...

SFandH - 5-22-2020 at 07:56 AM

Also, as data indicate, the majority of people that get infected are either asymptomatic or perhaps just a bit sick. This is especially worrisome because these infected people will continue going to work or wherever as businesses and recreational areas open up.

An infected person, sick or not, is a host and is infectious for some period of time. Perhaps an allergy causes them to sneeze, spraying the virus. Perhaps they get a mild case of influenza or a common cold and cough. Who knows? They may inadvertently infect someone that will get seriously sick, or worse.

The danger is in infected people who don't know they are infected and are out in public.

[Edited on 5-22-2020 by SFandH]

JZ - 5-22-2020 at 08:02 AM

TSA screenings over 300K for the first time since March. Can't wait to get on a plane again.

Bajazly - 5-22-2020 at 08:33 AM

Quote: Originally posted by JZ  
... Can't wait to get on a plane again.

You keep threatening to do this, quit whining about it and just do it. I'm sure you have plenty of frequent flyer miles to take more than a few trips around the country.

JZ - 5-22-2020 at 08:46 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Bajazly  

You keep threatening to do this, quit whining about it and just do it. I'm sure you have plenty of frequent flyer miles to take more than a few trips around the country.

Flying to Philadelphia next month.

[Edited on 5-22-2020 by JZ]

It Is What It IS !

MrBillM - 5-22-2020 at 09:36 AM

"The Die has been cast", as they say.

Ease up on JZ. He's just being honest in that he doesn't care how many people die while we work towards that supposed "herd immunity

While I share an indifference to whatever occurs beyond MY control, I am not about to do (or promote) anything which I believe endangers unknown others. Should I end up being infected, there are a few on my list that I would happily infect, but at this time they're all out of reach.

This "reopening" business will inexorably go forward at varying pace from place to place modified by local developments and political considerations. The rate of [correctly reported] infections, hospitalizations and deaths will determine what course the relaxing of restrictions takes.

People are going to do whatever they think is in THEIR best interests. In any situation, most (nearly all ?) are constrained in their behavior ONLY by control and punishment.

The BEST (and only) thing that we can ALL do now is to maintain (to the extent possible) our own version of care and preparedness, including "snitching out" ANYONE that we encounter violating what prudent rules are still in place at any given time. To the extent possible, don't allow the "intimidation" of the scofflaws to create harmful situations. Worst case, be sure to have "Deadly Defense" handy where appropriate.

It may be YOUR life that you save.


Well, I'm off to Poppet Flats to feed the critters, munch KFC and enjoy a beautiful warm day. Staying as far away from as many people as possible.

Hope for the best. Expect the Worst and you can only be pleasantly surprised.

A - M - F

Paco Facullo - 5-22-2020 at 11:35 AM

In Tijuana, paramedics uncover a hidden death toll not captured in COVID-19 statistics

chippy - 5-22-2020 at 11:49 AM

Hey Paco that link makes me pay to see it. That aint gonna happen. Do you have another link?

Paco Facullo - 5-22-2020 at 11:58 AM

Not sure why I an getting access as I would NO WAY pay for the LA Times.

But here it is , cut and pasted

MAY 21, 20207:33 PM
MEXICO CITY — Researchers who reviewed emergency response records in Tijuana have discovered scores of possible coronavirus deaths that never made it into official statistics.
Over four weeks in April and May, paramedics encountered 329 people who died in their homes or in ambulances — more than twice the number that would be expected based on data from recent years.

Over the same period, the Mexican government reported just eight official COVID-19 deaths in Tijuana that occurred outside hospitals.

The study — which was published online this week by researchers at UCLA, Mexico’s Red Cross and several other institutions and has not been peer-reviewed — suggests the country may be missing large numbers of coronavirus victims in its official counts.

Most of the COVID-19 deaths tallied by officials occur in hospitals — whereas many people who die at home are buried without ever being tested for the disease.

The question of how many people are dying of COVID-19 in Mexico has sparked a heated debate, with government critics complaining that the country lacks a clear picture of a growing crisis.

In parts of the nation, hospitals are nearing capacity and funeral homes are struggling to keep up — anecdotal evidence that suggests the official confirmed death toll of 6,510 is too low.

Government authorities have acknowledged that some deaths are not counted because they have not been confirmed by tests, which have been in short supply.

In other countries, researchers have estimated the true toll by looking at deaths of all types during the pandemic and comparing that figure to the totals during the same months in previous years.

That approach has not been possible in Mexico, because the country has a two-year lag time in publishing data on deaths.

The authors of the new study realized there was another data source that might begin to help them answer key questions.

The Tijuana Red Cross, which handles 99% of emergency calls in the industrial border city of 1.8 million, maintains detailed logs of its activity.

In mid-April, it saw a spike in the number of people who had died in their homes, according to Dr. Eva Tovar Hirashima, medical director for the organization’s team of paramedics.

The rescuers also noticed an increase in patients with respiratory symptoms and with very low oxygen rates, she said.

Researchers began analyzing 911 data, basing their methodology on an academic study carried out in Italy’s Lombardy region during the coronavirus outbreak there. That report found that at-home deaths had increased by 58% during the peak of the epidemic.

In Tijuana, the researchers looked at at-home deaths as well as those in ambulances between April 14 and May 11 and then compared this year to the previous five years.

Excluding deaths that occurred in accidents, homicides or other forms of trauma, the average for those past years was 135 — or 95 fewer than in 2020.

When the researchers examined the data for the months of January and February, they saw no significant differences between 2020 and past years.

By mapping where most in-home deaths were occurring, researchers found that the rates of people dying at home highest in the city’s poorest neighborhoods.
The authors of the study shared their data with Baja California health officials, who responded by opening a new clinic in Mariano Matamoros, a neighborhood on the eastern edge of the city that saw the biggest increase in deaths compared with previous years. Primary care doctors at the clinic have been instructed to look closely at blood oxygen levels, which are an important indicator of COVID-19.

It’s unclear to what degree the results of the Tijuana study can be applied to the rest of Mexico.

Data analyzed by The Times showed that 10% of the country’s confirmed COVID-19 deaths occurred outside a hospital. That figure in Tijuana during the period of the study was just 3% — or 8 out of 262 officially confirmed deaths.

Still, Joseph Friedman, a medical student at UCLA who worked on the report, said he hopes the model will be expanded across Mexico and to other countries with low levels of testing and poor data collection.

“There’s not great mortality data for Latin America, but all kinds of cities could be doing this analysis,” he said. “This is something that could be done with EMS data any place that has electronic files.”

Brandon Brown, an epidemiologist at UC Riverside who was not involved in the study, said tracking emergency calls is one of the best techniques available.

“With the lack of reliable surveillance data for COVID-19 deaths in many locations across the world, estimating mortality with EMS data may be the best indicator we have right now for the excess deaths caused by the pandemic,” he said.

Tovar said Mexico needs rapid information about the true toll of COVID-19 to help officials make decisions about social distancing measures and how to best deploy doctors and nurses.

“In a country with a health system this fragile, you have to know overall deaths,” she said.

The study did not try to determine the cause of the extra deaths. But Red Cross data made clear that Tijuana is in the grips of the pandemic.

During the study period, paramedics responded to 321 patients suffering respiratory symptoms, compared with the 86 that would be expected based on previous years’ data. Blood oxygen levels for those patients averaged 78% this year, far worse than the 2019 average of 90%.

Many of the efforts to track COVID-19 deaths in Mexico have been anecdotal, and based on reviews of death certificates.

This week, a nonprofit anti-corruption group said it found 4,577 cases in Mexico City in which death certificates linked the coronavirus to fatalities between March 18 and May 12. The analysis counted cases where the disease was not confirmed but was described as a probable or likely cause.

The official number of confirmed and suspected COVID-19 deaths in Mexico City during that period was 1,060 — less than a quarter of the cases cited in the report.

The debate over data comes as the government begin a gradual reopening of the economy.

As of this week, municipalities where few or no coronavirus cases have been confirmed are allowed to resume commerce, school and other activities. And several major industries, including auto manufacturing and mining, that have been declared essential have been given the green light to reopen.

Juan Carlos Mendez, EMS chief for the Tijuana Red Cross, said his teams have responded to fewer patients who died in their homes over the last week compared with the weeks included in the study.

But that does not mean residents should ignore social distancing measures, he said. “We can’t let our guard down.”

Times staff writer Ryan Menezes in Los Angeles contributed to this report.

chippy - 5-22-2020 at 12:00 PM

Maybe cuz I´m down here? Thanks amigo.

[Edited on 5-22-2020 by chippy]

mtgoat666 - 5-22-2020 at 01:08 PM

Quote: Originally posted by chippy  
You are saying its lame to be in costco but yet its cool to fly in a flying incubator? Its the enclosed areas that have proven to be covid friendly.:light:

[Edited on 5-22-2020 by chippy]

risk of infection goes up with increasing duration of exposure.
a 4 hour flight seated next to a whole bunch of fat, sweaty, mouth-breathing strangers is riskier than 20 minute trip into costco.

the SADDEST thing about the pandemic is the costco samples disappeared. a trip to costco is just not the same without filling up on samples!

Skipjack Joe - 5-22-2020 at 02:22 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  

An infected person, sick or not, is a host and is infectious for some period of time. Perhaps an allergy causes them to sneeze, spraying the virus. Perhaps they get a mild case of influenza or a common cold and cough. Who knows? They may inadvertently infect someone that will get seriously sick, or worse.

The danger is in infected people who don't know they are infected and are out in public.

[Edited on 5-22-2020 by SFandH]

I suspect that's a big reason for the 2nd wave that will likely come in the fall. Asymptomatic people will start to sneeze more often due to a variety of ailments. It's almost June now and I can't remember hearing a sneeze in about a week. That's got to be a big factor in bringing down the covid cases this summer.

motoged - 5-22-2020 at 03:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  

.... SADDEST thing about the pandemic is the costco samples disappeared. a trip to costco is just not the same without filling up on samples! hotdogs.... clearly a sign of the end of the universe.....:biggrin:

chippy - 5-22-2020 at 03:39 PM

Quote: Originally posted by motoged  
Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  

.... SADDEST thing about the pandemic is the costco samples disappeared. a trip to costco is just not the same without filling up on samples! hotdogs.... clearly a sign of the end of the universe.....:biggrin:

We got hot dogs para llevar in PV 2 weeks ago. So civilized!

motoged - 5-22-2020 at 03:55 PM

Would they deliver to Canada por una grande propina ?

Con cebollas fritas y moustasa, pero sin crema, por favor.:saint:

SFandH - 5-22-2020 at 04:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Skipjack Joe  
Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  

An infected person, sick or not, is a host and is infectious for some period of time. Perhaps an allergy causes them to sneeze, spraying the virus. Perhaps they get a mild case of influenza or a common cold and cough. Who knows? They may inadvertently infect someone that will get seriously sick, or worse.

The danger is in infected people who don't know they are infected and are out in public.

[Edited on 5-22-2020 by SFandH]

I suspect that's a big reason for the 2nd wave that will likely come in the fall. Asymptomatic people will start to sneeze more often due to a variety of ailments. It's almost June now and I can't remember hearing a sneeze in about a week. That's got to be a big factor in bringing down the covid cases this summer.

I don't know if it is likely, but one scenario is that the infection rate stabilizes or even decreases over the summer, then there is another breakout in the fall.

As outside air temperatures rise, people will spend more time outdoors, not crowded indoors. Also, higher temperatures will decrease how long the virus survives outside the host, in the air and on surfaces. Over the summer people will stop wearing masks and forget about staying 6 feet apart. Hey, things are back to normal.

Then cold weather will set in and people will move indoors with the windows closed, not wearing masks, not social distancing, and the virus will reassert itself. Infections, sickness, and death will spike announcing the arrival of the second wave. This could happen right around election time.

This is exactly why influenza viruses are seasonal. Why should COVID-19 be any different?

[Edited on 5-22-2020 by SFandH]

lilymc - 5-22-2020 at 04:26 PM

I'm sorry for not reading this entire 18 page thread, but can someone give me a quick summary on the current situation with the border?

Are Americans allowed to visit Mexico? I live here in Baja, and a friend is planning to come visit me soon.

SFandH - 5-22-2020 at 04:45 PM

Quote: Originally posted by lilymc  
I'm sorry for not reading this entire 18 page thread, but can someone give me a quick summary on the current situation with the border?

Are Americans allowed to visit Mexico? I live here in Baja, and a friend is planning to come visit me soon.

I drove across the border into TJ today. Business as usual, I didn't have to stop, got the green light, just drove in.

sancho - 5-22-2020 at 06:13 PM

SFH, I assume you had some Immigration docs, do you
know if they are issuing fmm"s? Did you go to Ensenada, if
so was there a checkpoint near San Miguel to deter
casual tourists?

Bajazly - 5-22-2020 at 06:48 PM

Today at the military check north of San Felipe they were turning all around who didn't have SF paperwork.

SFandH - 5-23-2020 at 07:00 AM

Quote: Originally posted by sancho  
SFH, I assume you had some Immigration docs, do you
know if they are issuing fmm"s? Did you go to Ensenada, if
so was there a checkpoint near San Miguel to deter
casual tourists?

I have a 180 day FMM I obtained before the virus outbreak. I don't know if they are issuing new ones. I did not go south of TJ.

Has anybody here obtained an FMM recently?

Regular Folks Need Not Worry.

MrBillM - 5-23-2020 at 09:32 AM

Well, much, anyway.

Late afternoon yesterday, as I was putting the Town Car back in the garage, I hit the AM button and heard (on 920KGX) the Good News (for others) from Limbaugh-Clone Joe Pags that "for Regular Americans, the COVID-19 mortality rates are not 'so much dissimilar' than the yearly average for the flu".

He went on to point out that removing those in the target groups "susceptible" to infection made it clear that the "national crises" measures enacted were a great overreaction.

Notwithstanding that removing the irregulars from BOTH categories would still leave a fairly significant difference in the DEAD POOL and that the extraordinary restrictions (no doubt) reduced dramatically what those body counts would have been, the overreaction argument ignores the fact that those Regular Americans circulating freely in the populace without symptoms or few symptoms would have infected far more.

BUT, what do we Irregulars know ?

JZ - 5-23-2020 at 12:15 PM

"Today's update from the OHIO Covid-19 website:

70% of ALL DEATHS in the state of Ohio since the beginning of the pandemic due to covid-19 are in nursing homes or long-term care facilities. Add to that the problems they've had in prisons and that essentially means that there's been about 500 deaths in the general population in the state of Ohio since the beginning. This works out to be approximately .000045....or 4.5 deaths per 100k of the general population since the beginning of the pandemic in the state of Ohio.

Yesterday the state of Pennsylvania also reported similar percentages of the deaths as Ohio...and they also added the facts that PA. has had more deaths over the age of 100 than under the age of 45... and more deaths over the age of 95 than under the age of 60.

Additionally the CDC has just come out with the following:

Recently, the American CDC changed its guidelines with regard to touching contaminated surfaces. The danger is now considered comparable to other low-risk transmission methods, including "from animals to people" and "from people to animals."

"It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes," the CDC guidelines now read. "This is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads, but we are still learning more...”

Regarding concerns about transmission of the disease through food, the guidelines point out: "Currently, there is no evidence to support transmission of COVID-19 associated with food.

Studies have also shown the virus only lives for approximately 1 minute in sunshine and does not live in pool water with chlorine etc. Essentially there's very little chance of transmission outside, everything I've seen on any media outlet over the last two months shows no proven transmission of Covid19 outside at all.

Seems to me football in the fall should not be an issue for any state as long as their governors start actually paying attention to the science & the data instead of some Blue states run by loony liberal Governors saying they do, but in reality COMPLETEY IGNORING the actual science and data because they're on a power trip that they don't want to give up."

I'm OK, You're OK, They're OK ....................

MrBillM - 5-24-2020 at 09:36 AM

Well, OK, I'm not so sure about the rest of you. but W-T-F ?

We're back on track to standard, more or less.

At the Groceria ayer, the holiday Saturday crowd packed the place. The only difference was the masks. Which were down to about 50 percent. Expect THAT usage to continue declining.

Oh, yeah, the TP stock was up to about 1/3. Interestingly, ALL of the more expensive selections. Still, NO cans of Roast Beef Hash, though.

Out on 62, the traffic through town was a usual Holiday Heavy. Taking two signal cycles to get through many intersections.

Speaking of masses on the move, Friday up in Poppet Flats, the campground was on its way to capacity and there were crowds "UNdistancing" all over the place.

Except the Adult Pool complex.

Since reopening the Adult pool a week back with a reduced capacity of 20 (from 90) for the main pool, 5 for the Jacuzzi and 5 for the little rats, there hasn't been anything near that capacity whenever I've checked. Maybe those crowds are a bit uneasy about sharing that water ? The Family center pool was scheduled for reopening last Friday, but they were still doing some maintenance. It will be interesting to see what develops there.

Also interesting will be to see what the COVID numbers look like in 2-4 weeks.

This would be a good time to start one of those Dead Pools. Place some bets. This could be a profitable time. A great theme would be .............. "You Bet THEIR Life !"

Catchy ?

BobbyC - 5-24-2020 at 03:54 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JZ  
"Today's update from the OHIO Covid-19 website:

70% of ALL DEATHS in the state of Ohio since the beginning of the pandemic due to covid-19 are in nursing homes or long-term care facilities. Add to that the problems they've had in prisons and that essentially means that there's been about 500 deaths in the general population in the state of Ohio since the beginning. This works out to be approximately .000045....or 4.5 deaths per 100k of the general population since the beginning of the pandemic in the state of Ohio.

Yesterday the state of Pennsylvania also reported similar percentages of the deaths as Ohio...and they also added the facts that PA. has had more deaths over the age of 100 than under the age of 45... and more deaths over the age of 95 than under the age of 60.

Additionally the CDC has just come out with the following:

Recently, the American CDC changed its guidelines with regard to touching contaminated surfaces. The danger is now considered comparable to other low-risk transmission methods, including "from animals to people" and "from people to animals."

"It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes," the CDC guidelines now read. "This is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads, but we are still learning more...”

Regarding concerns about transmission of the disease through food, the guidelines point out: "Currently, there is no evidence to support transmission of COVID-19 associated with food.

Studies have also shown the virus only lives for approximately 1 minute in sunshine and does not live in pool water with chlorine etc. Essentially there's very little chance of transmission outside, everything I've seen on any media outlet over the last two months shows no proven transmission of Covid19 outside at all.

Seems to me football in the fall should not be an issue for any state as long as their governors start actually paying attention to the science & the data instead of some Blue states run by loony liberal Governors saying they do, but in reality COMPLETEY IGNORING the actual science and data because they're on a power trip that they don't want to give up."

And this in from Ohio just a day later - OOPS!

Coronavirus Ohio Doubles.jpg - 159kB

JZ - 5-24-2020 at 04:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BobbyC  

And this in from Ohio just a day later - OOPS!

Did you even bother to read pass the headline? The daily average didn't double. Do you think comparing one day's numbers to another day has some statistical relevancy?

Continue to hide under your TP.

SFandH - 5-24-2020 at 04:47 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JZ  
Quote: Originally posted by BobbyC  

And this in from Ohio just a day later - OOPS!

Did you even bother to read pass the headline? The daily average didn't double. Do you think comparing one day's numbers to another day has some statistical relevancy?

Continue to hide under your TP.

"Ohio reported 84 additional COVID-19 deaths Saturday"

"Ohio has reported an average of 575 COVID-19 cases and an average of 45 deaths over a 21 day period"

So 84 on Saturday as compared to a 21 day average of 45.

JZ - 5-24-2020 at 04:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  

"Ohio reported 84 additional COVID-19 deaths Saturday"

"Ohio has reported an average of 575 COVID-19 cases and an average of 45 deaths over a 21 day period"

So 84 on Saturday as compared to a 21 day average of 45.

Read what I wrote. A one day spike means nothing statistically. That's as dumb as some idiot getting on here posting numbers that it went down 50% on some random day (probably tomorrow).

Serious question, do you pray at night for things to get worse? Do you get excited when the death numbers go up? Beg for the 2nd wave that you read about in 1819 to come again?

Things are opening up. Deal with it and pray for ppl to live and the economy to come back saving millions more.

[Edited on 5-25-2020 by JZ]

SFandH - 5-24-2020 at 05:05 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JZ  
Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  

"Ohio reported 84 additional COVID-19 deaths Saturday"

"Ohio has reported an average of 575 COVID-19 cases and an average of 45 deaths over a 21 day period"

So 84 on Saturday as compared to a 21 day average of 45.

Serious question, do you pray at night for things to get worse? Do you get excited when the death numbers go up? Beg for the 2nd wave that you read about in 1819 to come again?

[Edited on 5-25-2020 by JZ]

No, no, and no. It was 1918 BTW.

Feathers - 5-24-2020 at 05:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  

"Ohio reported 84 additional COVID-19 deaths Saturday"

"Ohio has reported an average of 575 COVID-19 cases and an average of 45 deaths over a 21 day period"

So 84 on Saturday as compared to a 21 day average of 45.

Wow. So the incubation period is now 24 hours as of the last 24 hours? :?::?::?:

[Edited on 5-25-2020 by Feathers]

And the Score IS ................ ?

MrBillM - 5-24-2020 at 10:00 PM

I suppose that with major sports off for now (and maybe for a long while), following Covid killings is the best game in town and the sport has become a surrogate match between those on either side of the Jefe Naranja battle, BUT ............... have patience.

One day (or a few days) doesn't mean scheisse and anyone who professes to know which direction the corpse count is going to go is simply blowing guessing gas out his A.

On the bright (or dark) side, the hospitalization and death numbers will be known despite any attempts to spin those numbers and the voters will decide credit or blame.

JZ - 5-24-2020 at 10:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by MrBillM  
I suppose that with major sports off for now (and maybe for a long while), following Covid killings is the best game in town and the sport has become a surrogate match between those on either side of the Jefe Naranja battle, BUT ............... have patience.

One day (or a few days) doesn't mean scheisse and anyone who professes to know which direction the corpse count is going to go is simply blowing guessing gas out his A.

On the bright (or dark) side, the hospitalization and death numbers will be known despite any attempts to spin those numbers and the voters will decide credit or blame.

NBA is going to start playing around July 4th. In Orlando.

tOSU football team is reporting back to campus on June 8th. ND announced fall classes start the 2nd week in Aug. My daughter is a freshman, and will join her new soccer team in Florida in late July. Talked to her coach for 45 mins today.

Baseball would start soon, but their dipchit players are trying to get as much money as possible. We'll see about that.

Sports is coming back, very soon.

I posted numbers from the start of the out break in Ohio. A couple yahoos went nuts on a single day sample size.

The tide has turned. The world is getting better. Those who want to hide under their TP and beg for a 2nd wave be damned.

TMW - 5-25-2020 at 12:36 AM

I'm curious, does anyone here know of anyone personally, family or friend, that has come down with the covid19 virus? I don't. From the news reports I am familiar with the sports figures, actors and many others but nobody I am personally friendly with or is family. We have had over 1700 cases in Bakersfield of which 24 have died.

pascuale - 5-25-2020 at 03:06 AM

Quote: Originally posted by TMW  
I'm curious, does anyone here know of anyone personally, family or friend, that has come down with the covid19 virus? I don't. From the news reports I am familiar with the sports figures, actors and many others but nobody I am personally friendly with or is family. We have had over 1700 cases in Bakersfield of which 24 have died.

Ive had a few acquaintances come down with Covid. A family that had actually traveled to Cabo before everything was chit down in Feb. They returned to Colorado and all became ill when they got home. Everyone recovered.

I also had a friends daughter get it. She is in her 20's and recovered quickly with mild symptoms. This was in Florida.

TMW - 5-25-2020 at 07:57 AM


John Harper - 5-25-2020 at 08:30 AM

Quote: Originally posted by TMW  
I'm curious, does anyone here know of anyone personally, family or friend, that has come down with the covid19 virus? I don't. From the news reports I am familiar with the sports figures, actors and many others but nobody I am personally friendly with or is family. We have had over 1700 cases in Bakersfield of which 24 have died.

My good friend's husband went to visit his brother in Borrego Springs. Their sister was there too. She later tested positive for C-19, so did my friend's husband a few days later. He's now self isolated in his house and his wife is staying well away from him for the next two weeks. Neither her husband nor his sister developed serious issues, but you never know.


David K - 5-25-2020 at 08:35 AM

Quote: Originally posted by TMW  
I'm curious, does anyone here know of anyone personally, family or friend, that has come down with the covid19 virus? I don't. From the news reports I am familiar with the sports figures, actors and many others but nobody I am personally friendly with or is family. We have had over 1700 cases in Bakersfield of which 24 have died.

Zero... no family, no friends that I have heard from, nobody has caught it or tested positive for ever having it.

freediverbrian - 5-25-2020 at 08:36 AM

Quote: Originally posted by TMW  
I'm curious, does anyone here know of anyone personally, family or friend, that has come down with the covid19 virus? I don't. From the news reports I am familiar with the sports figures, actors and many others but nobody I am personally friendly with or is family. We have had over 1700 cases in Bakersfield of which 24 have died.

My son had covid. He thinks he got it at the last Duck hockey game at the pond before the shutdown. He is fine now but said it was a tough go. The is 29 and in good health

[Edited on 5-25-2020 by freediverbrian]

brucedog - 5-25-2020 at 08:42 AM

I have several friends who have been infected. One couple that lives near me in Baja were in Sun Valley, ID. they went to a dinner party and all 12 people got it. They were DOWN for 2 weeks. Another friend in SoCal got it from his daughter who had been in Spain.

pauldavidmena - 5-25-2020 at 09:13 AM

Quote: Originally posted by TMW  
I'm curious, does anyone here know of anyone personally, family or friend, that has come down with the covid19 virus? I don't. From the news reports I am familiar with the sports figures, actors and many others but nobody I am personally friendly with or is family. We have had over 1700 cases in Bakersfield of which 24 have died.

My 31 year-old son had it. He was called up by the Army Reserves and was assigned to provide security at a drive-up COVID-19 test site in The Bronx. Based on the symptoms he witnessed, he has a pretty good idea of how he got infected. He has asthma, so he had a few rough days, but he's otherwise in good health and avoided a hospital stay. After 14 days, he tested negative and went back to work. He's been living in a hotel in Upper Manhattan, away from his wife and three kids.

[Edited on 5-25-2020 by pauldavidmena]

Feathers - 5-25-2020 at 09:32 AM

Quote: Originally posted by pauldavidmena  

My 31 year-old son had it. He was called up by the Army Reserves and was assigned to provide security at a drive-up COVID-19 test site in The Bronx. Based on the symptoms he witnessed, he has a pretty good idea of how he got infected. He has asthma, so he had a few rough days, but he's otherwise in good health and avoided a hospital stay. After 14 days, he tested negative and went back to work. He's been living in a hotel in Upper Manhattan, away from his wife and three kids.

[Edited on 5-25-2020 by pauldavidmena]

Very glad your son has recovered!

I'm curious... what Personal Protective protocol did the Army institute? Masks? (What type?) Gloves? Hazmat suit?

Bad News - Good News !

MrBillM - 5-25-2020 at 09:36 AM

The Bad is a spike in Alabama filling the ICU beds.

The Good news is that its Alabama !

One thing is "Yeah, Sure, You Betcha" certain, though.

Around mid-June, this holiday weekend will have proved the theory for one side or the other.

Watching the a.m. news, the tourist-spot news videos make it clear that the Thundering (Blundering ?) Herds have forsaken any efforts at PPE or Social Distancing. Thankfully.

Either way, it's a great show. Assuming, of course, that one dodges the viral bullet. The downside is that the delay is sort of like waiting for your favorite series to return. Not sure what life is going to hold for "Jamie and Claire", etc and impatient for the next episode.

Stay Tuned.

Don Pisto - 5-25-2020 at 10:15 AM

I only know of one case, our campo owner in the puerto nuevo area spent a week in a tijuana hospital. im guessing around 60-65 and in good health.

Feathers - 5-25-2020 at 10:30 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Don Pisto  
I only know of one case, our campo owner in the puerto nuevo area spent a week in a tijuana hospital. im guessing around 60-65 and in good health.

When was that, Don Pisto?

mtgoat666 - 5-25-2020 at 10:48 AM

Quote: Originally posted by TMW  
I'm curious, does anyone here know of anyone personally, family or friend, that has come down with the covid19 virus? I don't. From the news reports I am familiar with the sports figures, actors and many others but nobody I am personally friendly with or is family. We have had over 1700 cases in Bakersfield of which 24 have died.

A friend in North Park (San Diego neighborhood) had it in March. Not hospitalized, but said it was a miserable experience, worse than any flu he ever had. He has no idea where he got infected.

Another friends kid is in school in NYC, the kid got it and said it was like a really bad flu, not fun.

Several San Diego friends had nasty “flu” in January, but recovered before the disease was well know or testing was available. They think they had it. Who knows?

JZ - 5-25-2020 at 10:53 AM

I think I got it in April. Was down for a couple days. They just started drive through testing out here and I was very close to getting tested but started feeling better.

Want to do the antibody test.

elgatoloco - 5-25-2020 at 11:01 AM

Quote: Originally posted by TMW  
I'm curious, does anyone here know of anyone personally, family or friend, that has come down with the covid19 virus? I don't. From the news reports I am familiar with the sports figures, actors and many others but nobody I am personally friendly with or is family. We have had over 1700 cases in Bakersfield of which 24 have died.

Wife's cousin and his wife in Dallas got it and recovered. They were in Puerto Rico in mid-February working on a rental property they own and flew home early after seeing that this was spreading. They had zero symptoms. It was 7-10 days later that they started feeling bad. He experienced loss of taste,and smell, fever with full body aches and she had similar except smell and taste but more breathing issues. They called their doctor and self isolated, then took a drive by test and got results two weeks after they recovered. They have donated plasma a couple times since.

My accountant of 39 years also had it in late February and was in hospital for a short while (she has underlying respiratory issues) and then was at home taking it easy for weeks. We just did a video conference last week to finalize our personal taxes and she looked good and told us she feels about 90% and was very worried when she struggled to get a full breath and wouldn't wish this on her worst enemy. She has given plasma twice so far. She is a member of a church with a fairly large congregation and folks that she knows have tested positive and had symptoms. She can't say for certain where or how she caught it but has an idea.

Wife has niece in San Fran and one of her college friends and family members were infected by the virus. Wife, husband, son and father all came down with it. She was 34 years old in good health (marathon runner). She, her 12 year old son and her husband were all in ICU for weeks. Husband went home after 3 weeks, son was out in about a week. The wife died and about a week later her father died too.

Take care. Be safe.

pauldavidmena - 5-25-2020 at 02:43 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Feathers  
Quote: Originally posted by pauldavidmena  

My 31 year-old son had it. He was called up by the Army Reserves and was assigned to provide security at a drive-up COVID-19 test site in The Bronx. Based on the symptoms he witnessed, he has a pretty good idea of how he got infected. He has asthma, so he had a few rough days, but he's otherwise in good health and avoided a hospital stay. After 14 days, he tested negative and went back to work. He's been living in a hotel in Upper Manhattan, away from his wife and three kids.

[Edited on 5-25-2020 by pauldavidmena]

Very glad your son has recovered!

I'm curious... what Personal Protective protocol did the Army institute? Masks? (What type?) Gloves? Hazmat suit?

I'm glad he's recovered too! You think you're safe from worry when your children leave the nest, but that's far from true!

Based on this photo, I think he had an N95 mask but no other protective ware. That makes sense given that he wasn't supposed to get "up close and personal" with any of the test subjects, but my understanding is that he was surprised by a walk-up "customer" who was showing obvious symptoms. I'll be happy when his deployment is over.

Feathers - 5-25-2020 at 03:09 PM

Thanks for responding, pauldavidmena. I wonder... can we assume his mask was ineffective?

Rhetorical question, of course, but given the draconian measures many are being forced to endure, it does give me pause.

JZ - 5-25-2020 at 04:44 PM

'The head of a California hospital’s trauma team says his area has seen more death from lockdown suicides than from the pandemic itself.

“We’ve never seen numbers like this, in such a short period of time,” Dr. Mike deBoisblanc of John Muir Medical Center in Walnut Creek, just outside of Oakland, told ABC7 of the apparent mental health crisis.

“I mean, we’ve seen a year’s worth of suicide attempts in the last four weeks,” he told the station.

Walnut Creek is in Contra Costa County, which as of Saturday had recorded 1,296 coronavirus cases, with 36 deaths.'

[Edited on 5-25-2020 by JZ]

Apples, Oranges and Exits

MrBillM - 5-25-2020 at 05:45 PM

There is NO valid equivalence between those who choose to hit the exit ramp and those who are forced over the edge by others.

If one decides he/she can't handle the rigors of continued existence ............ Okey-Dokey, Adieu, Hail and Farewell, Bon Voyage and A.M-F.

But, those who put unwilling and unknowing others at risk by their careless and dangerous behavior are would-be Assassins and should be treated as such.

JZ - 5-25-2020 at 05:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by MrBillM  
There is NO valid equivalence between those who choose to hit the exit ramp and those who are forced over the edge by others.

If one decides he/she can't handle the rigors of continued existence ............ Okey-Dokey, Adieu, Hail and Farewell, Bon Voyage and A.M-F.

But, those who put unwilling and unknowing others at risk by their careless and dangerous behavior are would-be Assassins and should be treated as such.

A lot of ppl would disagree strongly with that. Not everyone has the mental health to deal with the trauma of losing everything.

gnukid - 5-26-2020 at 03:42 AM

Everywhere I want to go is wide open wahooooo

IMG_3939 (1).jpeg - 100kB

gnukid - 5-26-2020 at 06:17 AM

Show me one case of a death caused by CV demonstrated by evidence of autopsy showing isolated CV virus and related cause of death, not one case exists anywhere in the world, just, conflation, fabrication, heresy, fantom, exaggeration, collusion to create fear and cause harm to mental, physical and financial health... Sad that plebes follow lemmings to their demise like sardines into the mouths of sharks... Though, you can see why Gates and Faushi could care less for your personal health and are happy to lead you to your own demise, not unlike Columbus or Cortez did to Indigenous People, they seek to kill, destroy for their imminent domain, you are their prey, you are the game and they are the hunter, they will consume you as fast as you let them catch you in their trap, and they are only the scouts for their chiefs, there are many hiding in wait to kill and destroy your tribe if you let them, only one option exists, be prepared.

The Gnudist KNOWS !

MrBillM - 5-26-2020 at 08:37 AM

What none others know.

There are dark "Fantom" forces at work the world over.

motoged - 5-26-2020 at 12:30 PM


Yes, but there may be more burros in the barn.... :lol:

Gnu Knowledge Nonsense

MrBillM - 5-26-2020 at 07:28 PM

Awhile back, I read a comment that I'm reminded of whenever he Gnudist launches into one of his Dark Forces diatribes:

Conspiracy theory is like a giant hairball. You can pick at individual strands all day long and never make headway unraveling it.

Which is the goal of those Hairball Hawkers like the Gnudist.

Continuously flooding the zone with innumerable "supposed" facts from questionable sources supporting their quirky claims, no matter how many one debates and debunks, the sheer volume remains mountainous and defeating.

Their thinking obviously is that (hopefully) most viewing the stack of "documentary excrement" generated will "assume" truth in the narrative nonsense.

It's Conspiracy Theory 101.

Their irritation, anger and insults directed at those who won't play (and simply poke fun at) their "Tit for Tat, This and That, Yada, Yada" endless back and forth is to be expected and laughed at.

AND, many thanks to those who often disagree and may consider me irascible and acerbic but not an idiot.

John Harper - 5-27-2020 at 04:58 AM

Quote: Originally posted by MrBillM  

AND, many thanks to those who often disagree and may consider me irascible and acerbic but not an idiot.

Your input is generally a welcome addition to the conversation.


SFandH - 5-27-2020 at 06:53 AM

Somebody is grumpy this morning. ^^^

BTW, IMO MrBillM is the best and wittiest writer on this message board.

[Edited on 5-27-2020 by SFandH]

gnukid - 5-27-2020 at 07:15 AM

A conspiracy theory, is any two people working together in secret for their benefit, which could be any transaction, in fact, conspiracy theory is a conspiracy theory, the term was invented by CIA in order to create cognitive dissonance among plebes who are confronted with truth in regard to government deception.

A couple points for those who can't pay attention to save their lives: We went to Viet Nam supposedly because we were attacked in the Bay of Tonkin, though in truth we never were attacked in Tonkin, that was a lie to get us into war, that killed many people and we achieved nothing. The Ship USS Liberty was attacked by Israel who attempted to blame it on Turkey to incite war, we never retaliated on Israel and accepted it as an error.

We traded arms for drugs with "rebels" in Nicaragua under the direction of Col Oliver North which resulted in death and destruction and a massive influx of crack cocaine to USA, Oliver North still works in the Gov.

We had advance knowledge of the plan to attack Pearl Harbor, news stories were written and printed in advance, but we allowed it to happen and people died so we could justify more war!

All of these debacles are conspiracy facts in the public domain, though many here prefer cognitive dissonance, and fail to see that war is a racket, played by globalists on both sides. Corona Virus is not isolated, not identified as a cause of death by autopsy, the numbers are all over the map, none confirmed, all suspected, not one case of death by Corona Virus is confirmed by Laboratory, though certainly flu-like symptoms exists in some people, though very few, no pandemic has been demonstrated, no apocalyptic catastrophe other than the draconian isolation, and face mask requirement, which are harmful to mental, physical and financial health. The true villains are globalists who preplanned and simulated Event 201 (Component of Agenda 21) with prewritten talking points and plans, for orchestrated pandemic to incite fear, which is the most harmful component to health. Virus is normal, common, thousands of viruses exist in our biosphere and our engagement is our strength, our biodiversity is our strength, we must engage virus in order to survive outdoors, and be strong, with shielding immunity. Faushi and Gates are colluding in a conspiracy to cause great harm for profit, control, pushing the edge of surveillance and control. Anyone who falls for the fraud, is contributing to their own health demise. Go Out. Harumph, cough cough, sneeze, errm errmmm cough cough you sneezer seniors, mind your business and get off my lawn!

[Edited on 5-27-2020 by gnukid]

Paco Facullo - 5-27-2020 at 07:17 AM

Quote: Originally posted by John Harper  
Quote: Originally posted by MrBillM  

AND, many thanks to those who often disagree and may consider me irascible and acerbic but not an idiot.

Your input is generally a welcome addition to the conversation.


Besides the above accolades I find you articulate and humorous to boot !

Now , my stuff, vary questionable , at best ?

Paco Facullo - 5-27-2020 at 07:29 AM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
A conspiracy theory, is any two people working together in secret for their benefit, which could be any transaction, in fact, conspiracy theory is a conspiracy theory, the term was invented by CIA in order to create cognitive dissonance among plebes who are confronted with truth in regard to government deception.

A couple points for those who can't pay attention to save their lives: We went to Viet Nam supposedly because we were attacked in the Bay of Tonkin, though in truth we never were attacked in Tonkin, that was a lie to get us into war, that killed many people and we achieved nothing. The Ship USS Liberty was attacked by Israel who attempted to blame it on Turkey to incite war, we never retaliated on Israel and accepted it as an error.

We traded arms for drugs with "rebels" in Nicaragua under the direction of Col Oliver North which resulted in death and destruction and a massive influx of crack cocaine to USA, Oliver North still works in the Gov.

We had advance knowledge of the plan to attack Pearl Harbor, news stories were written and printed in advance, but we allowed it to happen and people died so we could justify more war!

All of these debacles are conspiracy facts in the public domain, though many here prefer cognitive dissonance, and fail to see that war is a racket, played by globalists on both sides. Corona Virus is not isolated, not identified as a cause of death by autopsy, the numbers are all over the map, none confirmed, all suspected, not one case of death by Corona Virus is confirmed by Laboratory, though certainly flu-like symptoms exists in some people, though very few, no pandemic has been demonstrated, no apocalyptic catastrophe other than the draconian isolation, and face mask requirement, which are harmful to mental, physical and financial health. The true villains are globalists who preplanned and simulated Event 201 (Component of Agenda 21) with prewritten talking points and plans, for orchestrated pandemic to incite fear, which is the most harmful component to health. Virus is normal, common, thousands of viruses exist in our biosphere and our engagement is our strength, our biodiversity is our strength, we must engage virus in order to survive outdoors, and be strong, with shielding immunity. Faushi and Gates are colluding in a conspiracy to cause great harm for profit, control, pushing the edge of surveillance and control. Anyone who falls for the fraud, is contributing to their own health demise. Go Out. Harumph, cough cough, sneeze, errm errmmm cough cough you sneezer seniors, mind your business and get off my lawn!

[Edited on 5-27-2020 by gnukid]

This, gnukid, I certainly agree with MOST that you've written..

Sunshine, Fresh Air and Vegetables ?

MrBillM - 5-27-2020 at 09:46 AM

Well, two out of three ain't bad.

How about Sunshine, Fresh Air and KFC ?

With (usually) Ice Cream if the campground store is open.

Home is where the Heart is and I've followed my Heart to Poppet Flats every 2-3 days regardless of the daily COVID crisis. Among my many obligations are Squirrels to feed. Along with Crow, Mourning Dove, Sparrows y otras. Leaving (usually) chopped apples for the nightly Raccoons. Generally, I only put out something for the Coyotes on the nights that we're camping there.

In any case, those heavy responsibilities to those that have become expecting satisfy (including yesterday) a substantial dose of healthy outdoor recreation. With my trailer due out of the mandated storage en la manana another 30-days will be underway with 2-3 nights there twice each week. Even swimming in the pool if they can maintain that reduced occupancy.

As to the Vegetables ......................... Well, as I said "two out of three ain't bad".

Speaking of Health in Strange times, this a.m. (11:00) is our initial Quarterly Exam over the phone. I can't wait to see what THAT will consist of. I wonder if there's the usual $25.00 Co-Pay ?

BTW, to clear up any misunderstanding over "Gnudist Knowledge of the Dark Forces", I have to admit that I ENJOY Conspiracy Theories. Some, anyway.

As another wrote on a website regarding same:

"Conspiracy Theories are like Ghost Stories for Adults"

And/or, I might add "Sci-Fi fiction"

Mas Tarde. Say Hi to Fox Mulder should you see him.

msteve1014 - 5-27-2020 at 10:57 AM

translation.....I'm hiding from "the man"
Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
I intentionally post from 7 variable sources which is a landscape, you are welcome to your own opinion, the reality is that, many geriatric seniors here demonstrate myopia, because what was true in 1950 is not necessarily true now, but that requires evolution of mindset, which is hard. The truth is I am supporting you senile retirees by providing a broad perspective in order to help you along, to see the Korean War is over, Vietnam too, Cuban Missle crisis, Nicaragua, pfft, those were all boondoggles for profit, Arms for Drugs for Profit, even though Reagan said "I didn't know" he did know, Nixon resigned because his team wiretapped one phone, while, Obama wire tapped many, we are on a slippery slope, lazy incurious humans are the virus, lazy nomads who fail to integrate in Baja are harmful to the environment. Baja is beautiful but Nomads are too lazy and incurious and foul mannered to appreciate it's beauty and fail to respect the kind and gentle personality f it's people. If I can help one Nomad look in the mirror and see themselves as they are and make a change to be more kind, open minded and helpful to others, I have done my job. Lazy, Incurious, Loud, Obnoxious, Gringo, Nomads! Pffft

BajaMama - 5-28-2020 at 07:12 AM

Truly, gnu is the most paranoid conspiracy theorist on this site. But definitely entertaining. I shudder to think of the hours he spends on "dark-web" sites.

For those of us in the real world, how are things looking in Baja & BCS? How are hospitals coping in the heavily populated areas?

I sure am missing my summer visit to help my mi suegro. Should be paddle boarding Bahia Santa Inez this morning after a lovely run along the beach. Maybe mid-October can happen.... love those little roosters along the shore in the morning (single barbless only...).

gnukid - 5-29-2020 at 03:31 AM

Suggestion: Go Out Isolation causes mental depression, physical deterioration, stress, and delusions.

SFandH - 5-29-2020 at 05:01 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaMama  

For those of us in the real world, how are things looking in Baja & BCS?

SFandH - 5-29-2020 at 07:45 AM

It remains "red light" in BC: Jaime Bonilla

"Mexicali and Ensenada have increased their active cases; Tijuana remains stable, although the population should not "let their guard down" on sanitary measures, he announced."

Skipjack Joe - 5-29-2020 at 09:58 AM

Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  
It remains "red light" in BC: Jaime Bonilla

"Mexicali and Ensenada have increased their active cases; Tijuana remains stable, although the population should not "let their guard down" on sanitary measures, he announced."

Mexicali is now the 3rd highest city in Mexico. Mexico is still on a logarithmic upward growth trajectory.

Looks like 'Minnesota' was removed. We keep getting new accounts that appear for a day and get axed.

[Edited on 5-29-2020 by Skipjack Joe]

Getting the Economy back !

MrBillM - 5-29-2020 at 10:06 AM

During the last week's trips through the pass, it has been gratifying to see that the morongo casino complex has reopened and is (apparently) doing a brisk business. Having it back will prove invaluable to the average citizen.

I had often expressed the opinion that the casinos should have remained open as "essential charitable" enterprises given the substantial returns that they provide to their customers.

Having NEVER met one of those customers who didn't find their experience financially-rewarding, the casinos contribution to the local small businesses is impossible to deny.

I'm sure that it's no different elsewhere.

[Edited on 5-29-2020 by MrBillM]

John Harper - 5-29-2020 at 10:26 AM

Quote: Originally posted by MrBillM  
I had often expressed the opinion that the casinos should have remained open as "essential charitable" enterprises given the substantial returns that they provide to their customers.

Don't forget the additional revenue for the tobacco industry. Nothing says "'Murica" like puffin' grits and playin' slots!!!!

What a great way to spend that $1200 stimulus money.


[Edited on 5-29-2020 by John Harper]


MrBillM - 5-29-2020 at 09:36 PM

In Minneapolis tonight, they've rediscovered "grab and go" as a way to stretch their tight resources.

With the added economic bonus that rebuilding burned-out businesses will bring at a later date.

Unsurprisingly, "Social Distancing" is NOT being maintained by the partying crowds. They appear to be having a good time, though.

Law enforcement has decided to assist in the metro merriment by taking the night off. The common motto "to protect and serve" has been superseded by "leave a message. We'll be back when it's over".

BajaMama - 5-30-2020 at 08:11 AM

Quote: Originally posted by MrBillM  
In Minneapolis tonight, they've rediscovered "grab and go" as a way to stretch their tight resources.

With the added economic bonus that rebuilding burned-out businesses will bring at a later date.

Unsurprisingly, "Social Distancing" is NOT being maintained by the partying crowds. They appear to be having a good time, though.

Law enforcement has decided to assist in the metro merriment by taking the night off. The common motto "to protect and serve" has been superseded by "leave a message. We'll be back when it's over".

Unfortunately Oakland got the grab and go treatment last night. Along with the death on a federal officer.

Once Again ....................

MrBillM - 5-30-2020 at 08:36 AM

Those of us who long ago gave up the Urban Life see our decision reaffirmed.

Living in the Big City is a Riot.

Well, I'm off to feed the critters. Since the biggest urban area I'll be passing through is Banning, I think that we're pretty safe.

Thank God I'm a country boy!

AKgringo - 5-30-2020 at 09:04 AM

JZ - 5-30-2020 at 03:25 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BobbyC  

And this in from Ohio just a day later - OOPS!

Hey Bobby, get back in this thread.

As predicted, the following 3 days Ohio went down to 13, 14, and 15.

Where are you now??

pauldavidmena - 5-30-2020 at 06:45 PM

Quote: Originally posted by MrBillM  
Those of us who long ago gave up the Urban Life see our decision reaffirmed.

Living in the Big City is a Riot.

Well, I'm off to feed the critters. Since the biggest urban area I'll be passing through is Banning, I think that we're pretty safe.

My wife and I had a very brief fantasy of living in a loft in the city (in our case Boston) about 10 years ago. Sticker shock convinced us that we loved our big old suburban house after all. Last year we sold our house and moved full-time to our vacation home on Cape Cod. No riots here, although you should see how pouty the locals get when the herring aren't running.

mtgoat666 - 5-30-2020 at 08:06 PM

Quote: Originally posted by pauldavidmena  
Quote: Originally posted by MrBillM  
Those of us who long ago gave up the Urban Life see our decision reaffirmed.

Living in the Big City is a Riot.

Well, I'm off to feed the critters. Since the biggest urban area I'll be passing through is Banning, I think that we're pretty safe.

My wife and I had a very brief fantasy of living in a loft in the city (in our case Boston) about 10 years ago. Sticker shock convinced us that we loved our big old suburban house after all. Last year we sold our house and moved full-time to our vacation home on Cape Cod. No riots here, although you should see how pouty the locals get when the herring aren't running.

I live in a suburb. Luckily the city is nearby, because life in the burbs is pretty boring without going to the city once in a while. While San Diego is a poor imitation of a city (it’s arts and music scene is pretty chitty), it makes do for some city stuff, but LA is close for weekend getaways.

P.s. There would be no riots This week if there was no institutionalized racism.
The honkies that institutionalized racism are getting their karmic blowback.
This does not justify rioting, but you white people should be aware what happens when you tell your cops to treat blacks differently, and poorly.

[Edited on 5-31-2020 by mtgoat666]

JZ - 5-31-2020 at 06:49 AM

Quote: Originally posted by MrBillM  
Those of us who long ago gave up the Urban Life see our decision reaffirmed.

Living in the Big City is a Riot.

Well, I'm off to feed the critters. Since the biggest urban area I'll be passing through is Banning, I think that we're pretty safe.

Went out to dinner tonight.

Riots had zero impact.

I got a haircut!

AKgringo - 5-31-2020 at 08:52 AM

Barber shops were allowed to re-open in Nevada County this week. I have known my barber since high school days back in the 60s, and he is still cutting hair because retirement bores him.

There are no known cases of active covid19 infection in the county right now, so he gave me the option of "mask, or no mask" for both of us. For a brief time, things were back to normal!

bajatrailrider - 5-31-2020 at 09:04 AM

For those not living in Mexico small towns . Are opening up while the big city's still lock down as of today.

BajaMama - 6-9-2020 at 08:11 AM

Back to the topic at hand, I heard rumors that Cabo is opening June 16th. Any truth to that? Seems a little crazy to me since BCS is still seeing a rise is cases....or is the data a rumor, too?

[Edited on 6-9-2020 by BajaMama]

Alm - 6-9-2020 at 12:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaMama  
Back to the topic at hand, I heard rumors that Cabo is opening June 16th. Any truth to that? Seems a little crazy to me since BCS is still seeing a rise is cases....or is the data a rumor, too?

Looks like June 16. Ground crossings are still (officially) closed for tourists until midnight June 22. Airlines are operating.

Probably will reopen with social distancing measures like fewer tables in restaurants and/or somebody spraying your hands with Chlorox before entering the store.

Yes, crazy. Tourist businesses are crazy scared about loosing summer season. Money is a powerful factor.

No, data are not rumor - daily cases in Mexico are not dropping yet and probably are several times higher than officially reported. Don't know a reliable source for Baja Sur to look at dynamics. Link at the beginning of article shows current number of cases.

[Edited on 6-9-2020 by Alm]

JZ - 6-9-2020 at 12:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaMama  
Back to the topic at hand, I heard rumors that Cabo is opening June 16th. Any truth to that? Seems a little crazy to me since BCS is still seeing a rise is cases....or is the data a rumor, too?

[Edited on 6-9-2020 by BajaMama]

This is GREAT news.

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