
'Double Wall Barrier' talk - Will GOP immigration rhetoric cost Latino votes?

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mtgoat666 - 11-2-2011 at 12:47 PM

Originally posted by BajaGringo
Originally posted by mtgoat666
the point is that the US is now a democracy on paper only. the campaign financing system and money influence in politics has caused the government to morph into a corporate/special interest oligarchy.

I 100% agree which is why I have lost all hope for a political solution for the country. It truly saddens me to admit that but the deck is stacked...

revolution is only solution.

Mengano - 11-2-2011 at 01:00 PM

Originally posted by mtgoat666
the point is that the US is now a democracy on paper only.

The US is not now, nor has it ever been a democracy. It was designed and created as a constitutional republic by a lot of smart people who feared the tyranny of kings. In a democracy, two foxes and a chicken can vote on what's for lunch.

The balance of power in the US -- between the uber liberal socialists like you, and the conservatives -- is actually fairly well balanced. You can tell because everybody on all sides of politics are complaining. Nobody is getting everything they want. That defines fairness.

Mengano - 11-2-2011 at 01:04 PM

Originally posted by mtgoat666
revolution is only solution.

Yeah, right. That will solve all your perceived problems and make everybody happy again. The losers of the revolution and the families of all the dead people will just shrug it all off and go back to work for the good of the nation, right?

I cannot believe you are actually entrusted to educate people and are paid with taxpayer dollars. You should be a bicycle repairman and leave the heavy thinking for others.

Skeet/Loreto - 11-2-2011 at 01:10 PM

There is one sure way to stop the Payment of money to Congress.

The people of this Great country should stop buying anything that they donot absolutly need. Cars, Food, Clothes.
If the people would buy only the bare necessities soon the Congressman would be coming to them and asking "What can we do for you??"

We as a People have let GREED take over and control our Destiny. From the lowest Paid to the Richest.

I can well remember when it was different and have watched over the years as the Peoples greed have let the "Sellers" of Goods talk us in to More and More!!
The Govt has turned into the same thing in selling each of us that Bull Puckey" We will take care of you! Just Dial 911.

We must start practicing" Circumscribe our Desires and keep our Passions within Due Bounds"!!

Iflyfish - 11-2-2011 at 01:11 PM

Originally posted by BajaGringo
All this talk of class warfare is a bit off base IMHO. I would never suggest to anyone that I am a spokesperson for the 99% but I do think this represents what a lot of us out here feel...

Exactly. This is where I think that the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street overlap in their anger toward government.

This is why I have been encouraging people to view/listen to Buddy Roemer, a 4 time Congressman and Republican Governor who is the ONLY candidate focusing on this issue, it is his primary issue and needs exposure. He only accepts $100 donations so he is not able to get on a number of state ballots or debates. I would love to see this guy change the fucus of the national political debate to this issue, the fundamental one in my view.

Check out or put his name in YouTube and see what he has to say.

If Buddy Roemer could get some national exposure he could well change the entire political landscape as he named names and described the system to the general public. None of the traditional candidates will touch this golden goose with a ten foot pole. Let others know about this guy.

I personally would not vote for him due to his domestic agenda, but man is he right on about how money has corrupted our political system.


Cypress - 11-2-2011 at 01:40 PM

Seems like everyone's dissatisfied with the status quo. Liberals blame conservatives and visa-versa. Words from an old song "Something's happening here and it's not exactly clear... everybody's right and nobody's wrong...". Wall street isn't the problem!!!!:O It's our leadership:o We have nobody in a postion of power that has the gonads to put a stop to the insanity of throwing money down one "rat hole" after another.

MitchMan - 11-2-2011 at 02:28 PM

Geez, can't disagree with BajaGringo, Goat, Mengano, Cypress, Iflyfish, or Skeet.

""Something's happening here and it's not exactly clear... "


Iflyfish - 11-2-2011 at 04:30 PM

Originally posted by MitchMan
Geez, can't disagree with BajaGringo, Goat, Mengano, Cypress, Iflyfish, or Skeet.

""Something's happening here and it's not exactly clear... "


There's something happening here
What it is ain't exactly clear
There's a man with a gun over there
Telling me I got to beware

Copied from

I think you are right MitchMan. It is very hard to see the man behind the curtain.

The gal in the scooter saw the man. She is not asking for a handout or government subsidy. She is pointing out that Washington is OWNED by Corporations and their Lobbyists who purchase these Public Servants and Candidates. These same interests decide what issues the Corporate Media will focus on during the election cycle.

Corporate Media will decide which candidates will be in debates, which questions are asked and what the narrative will be. Corporate Media will make millions selling air time to Candidates who are owned by Corporations who are funneling their money into shadow campaign funds.

What happened to Public Service?? It is now Corporate Service and the woman in the scooter got it.

I think that the frustration that we all feel is rooted in this problem, one that it has taken us a good deal of discussion to come to. The fact that Corporate Money owns Washington means that our Public Servants serve their masters, not us. Their interest is not ours, their interest is in filling campaign coffers and getting re-elected so they can enrich themselves.

Both political parties have betrayed the trust of the people. Both Democrat and Republican Presidents have spent like drunk sailors. Presidents now govern with one eye on their re-elections and their campaign coffers. All have lied to the American people and we know it. Our infrastructure, one the pride of the world, is deteriorating. Our Congress is immobilized by polorization. A majority in Congress is no longer a majority.

I beleive that it serves the Corporate interest to have us pitted against each other and drama sells air time. If we are fighting each other then we will not focus on what the real problems are.

Both parties have put us into huge debt. Both parties have supported four major wars in the past 40 years that have nearly bankrupted our economy. We would not be in the debt crisis that we are now in if the Military Industrical Complex had not had their sway over Congress. They make money each time an bullit or rocket is touched off. They make money on the build up to war and the reconstruction after war.

Dwight David Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander and President of the USofA, a Republican, warned us of this force and the very real cost of each plane they built, each rocket they built, each tank they built and what each would buy us if that money went to support our nation at home.

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron."
-Dwight Eisenhower

If you have not listened to Dwight D. Eisenhower's farewell address, I would encourage you to do so. He saw very clearly what would happen if the Military Industrial Complex and their Corporations took over the government.

Here find the full address:

War: A theft from those who hunger:
An indepth analysis of how Corporations profit from war making:

What Eisenhower saw 45 years ago has metastasized into a gargantuan military juggernaut whose cost exceeds the arms expenditures of all other nations combined. Eisenhower would be stunned at the growth of this beast now sucking wealth, life, and democracy out of America. It has become the tail that wags the dog, a force so huge and thoroughly ingrained in our culture and political institutions that some believe its dominance has become irreversible.

Consider that there are currently over 700 U.S. military bases spread around the globe, a modern equivalent of the Roman legions once covering a huge portion of the known world. The cost of such a smothering presence is intentionally obscured to divert attention from the scope of our military program. The announced Pentagon budget of $439 billion dollars per year is pure pixie dust. Iraq and Afghanistan war costs (another $120 billion this year) are not even included in the figure but covered by supplemental requests to Congress. Absent this and other means of budgetary sleight of hand, the real cost of our military probably approaches three quarters of a trillion dollars per year. Even in America, that should be viewed as an impressive number.

How did we reach such an unsustainable and perilous point in our history?

"As the memorable line goes in "All the President's Men," "Follow the money." Simply put, war is profitable. Although it is hell for people, it is good for business. Think Halliburton, Northrop, General Dynamics, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon.... and the thousands of smaller companies feeding the insatiable maw of our military appetite. Ships, tanks, Hummers, planes, helicopters, drones, missiles, atomic bombs - all the high tech toys to delight the hearts of our war lords. And all produced by companies bloated with unconscionable profits derived from cost plus contracts and anemic federal oversight.

These manufacturers, representing one of the few sectors of the American economy not to be outsourced, work hand in glove with the Pentagon, always developing newer, more complicated weapons, whether appropriate or not for today's challenges.

But this alliance between the Pentagon and industry has gone beyond what Eisenhower envisioned. It now includes Congress. Again, follow the money. Politicians, always in a race to finance the next reelection campaign, have become addicted to the perks supplied by lobbyists of the defense industry. Former Congressman Duke Cunningham may be the most visible symbol of a venal politician accepting bribes of cash, oriental rugs, antique cars, and shady real estate transactions, but he was certainly not the only member in on the take.

And the Pentagon has made sure that defense contracts are spread far and wide to sweeten the deal for politicians and their constituents back home. For example, the B2 bomber has suppliers in all fifty states of America. Those defense plants create sorely needed jobs, and by cleverly scattering them throughout the country, the Military-Industrial-Congressional complex assures that all communities will jealously protect the plants against future closings. So people have work, politicians get credit for enhancing the economies of their states and districts, the manufacturers get the chance to put their hands in the honey jar, and the Pentagon brass get support for the new weapon systems they crave. It is a complex, cozy, corrupting symbiosis."

We have lost three of the past four wars. A major cost of the Viet Nam War was that it took two parents to support a family. That was the hidden cost. Along with that cost came single parent families and a decline in real wealth and the middle class. Corporations make tons of money building up to and waging war. We the people paid for it. TTen years of war in Afghanistan in addition to fighting an arms race with the US finally bankrupted Russia and caused its demise. Could this be happening to us now? Who profits from war? Is this part of our national debate during this election season? Is anyone really talking about these costs?

Again I would encourage all of you to learn about Buddy Rhoemer, the only candidate who is addressing these issues and the only one who could bring them to national attention.


TMW - 11-2-2011 at 05:10 PM

What exactly does she want? She is most likely on social security and medicare so her scooter is paid for. Is that an oxygen tube she is breathing on? That too is paid for by medicare. So why does she care who bought the government? Lobbyist have been around forever and special interest groups have been around forever. Do you libs want to stop the Sierra Club from lobbying congress? Is Al Gore and his group lobbying congress? Is President Clinton doing it? They all are, nothing new. The local farmers lobby their congressperson to get more water for their crops should that be outlawed? Sounds to me like you only want to stop the lobbying that you don't want.

David K - 11-2-2011 at 05:23 PM

Is she addressing the labor unions???:lol::wow:

oxxo - 11-2-2011 at 05:43 PM

Originally posted by Barry A.
and I see her there in the picture & am making an assumption since she obviously is a OWS--------in my opinion, she would not be there unless she is "confused"......................I actually don't have any opinion of the OWS folks


BajaGringo - 11-2-2011 at 06:27 PM

Originally posted by TW
What exactly does she want? She is most likely on social security and medicare so her scooter is paid for. Is that an oxygen tube she is breathing on? That too is paid for by medicare. So why does she care who bought the government?

You should care - we ALL should care...

Lobbyist have been around forever and special interest groups have been around forever. Do you libs want to stop the Sierra Club from lobbying congress?

Yes, I want ALL lobbying stopped where money/goods/services/favors are given to our elected representatives. BTW, I am neither a Republican or Democrat - both parties have screwed us over.

Is Al Gore and his group lobbying congress? Is President Clinton doing it? They all are, nothing new. The local farmers lobby their congressperson to get more water for their crops should that be outlawed? Sounds to me like you only want to stop the lobbying that you don't want.

See my answer above...

[Edited on 11-3-2011 by BajaGringo]

Iflyfish - 11-2-2011 at 07:59 PM

Originally posted by TW
What exactly does she want? She is most likely on social security and medicare so her scooter is paid for. Is that an oxygen tube she is breathing on? That too is paid for by medicare. So why does she care who bought the government? Lobbyist have been around forever and special interest groups have been around forever. Do you libs want to stop the Sierra Club from lobbying congress? Is Al Gore and his group lobbying congress? Is President Clinton doing it? They all are, nothing new. The local farmers lobby their congressperson to get more water for their crops should that be outlawed? Sounds to me like you only want to stop the lobbying that you don't want.

Corporations now have unlimited right to contribute to politicians and to form "shadow" PACs and run campaigns outside of reporting laws. The difference now is that the place is run by those folks. Sierra Club, Kock Brothers, they all pay own Congressmen and women. Now the more money, the more you own these guys.

The problem as I see it is that the interests of the common working person is not represented any more in this system.

As an example check out my previous post on what Eisenhower said about the Military Industrial Complex.

Think about Dick Chaney, Head of Halliburton, the major No Bid Contractor in Iraq.
Here is a chronology, history, of Chaney's involvement with Halliburton.

You don't see any problem with this?

There is 6-18 BILLION US dollars missing in Iraq.

You don't see a problem with that?

Obama is on the payroll of Wall Street

Do you not see a problem with that as he was involved in the bail out?

Check our how many Goldman Sachs employees were/are in the Bush/Obama administrations?

This is not just your farmer talking with his local Rep about water issues, this is millions of dollars spent to buy influence and now with no oversight and unlimited resources. You don't see a problem with this?

How much clout does a farmer talking with his Rep have if that Rep is being paid millions by special interests who oppose the farmer's need for water?

Washington is OWNED by these folks and the lady in the scooter got it right.


BajaGringo - 11-2-2011 at 09:54 PM

Iflyfish - 11-2-2011 at 10:00 PM




1,000 folks, one San Fran beach, and 1 hard-to-ignore message…

mtgoat666 - 11-3-2011 at 07:04 AM

mtgoat666 - 11-3-2011 at 07:17 AM

because it is amusing

[Edited on 11-3-2011 by mtgoat666]

mtgoat666 - 11-3-2011 at 07:22 AM

David K - 11-3-2011 at 07:37 AM

Originally posted by mtgoat666

The 1% already pay almost 40% of the taxes and nearly 50% of Americans pay 0 taxes.

Are these people without any brains or are they following the communist method where if you tell a lie enough times, it becomes the truth?

Cypress - 11-3-2011 at 07:41 AM

Raising the taxes of 1% of the US population is the remedy for our economic ills? When that doesn't fix the problem, and it won't, what next? You got it! Raise taxes more. These guys are "one trick ponies". :)

oxxo - 11-3-2011 at 07:53 AM

Originally posted by David K
The 1% already pay almost 40% of the taxes and nearly 50% of Americans pay 0 taxes.

:?: In California, everyone, regardless of income, pays an approximately 8% State sales tax on most items. This is an example of a regressive tax (like a flat tax rate).

As far as Federal income tax, I would rather pay 15% tax on a million dollar income, rather than 0% on a $15,000 income. This is an example of a progressive tax.

Alan - 11-3-2011 at 08:24 AM

One of my favorites quotes that I believe is attributed to Margret Thatcher is ...

"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money":lol:

David K - 11-3-2011 at 09:28 AM

Originally posted by Alan
One of my favorites quotes that I believe is attributed to Margret Thatcher is ...

"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money":lol:


MitchMan - 11-3-2011 at 10:50 AM

So why does she care who bought the government?

TW, are you hereby agreeing that government has been “bought”? Because, if you are, then you are in substantial agreement with her.

Lobbyist have been around forever and special interest groups have been around forever.
The magnitude of the lobbying industry has grown exponentially by 1,000s and 1,000s of percentage points since Reagan’s presidential election primarily due to and by right wing zealot leadership from the likes of Jack Abramoff, Ralph Reed, Grover Norquist and Karl Rove, et al. While lobbyists and special interest groups have been around for quite some time, nothing in the proportions fostered by the right wing since 1980 and Reagan’s election.

Do you libs want to stop the Sierra Club from lobbying congress? Is Al Gore and his group lobbying congress? Is President Clinton doing it? They all are, nothing new. The local farmers lobby their congressperson to get more water for their crops should that be outlawed? Sounds to me like you only want to stop the lobbying that you don't want.

The lady in the wheel chair’s primary message is that she is not against the wealthy, she just doesn’t like the circumstance of their having “bought” the government. She is making no distinctions between the purchasers being libs or pubs (pronounced “pyooobz” as in “pubes”).
You, TW, YOU are.

This is just another example of “confused” and warped thinking, pi$$ poor logic, and an another brazen attempt to base a wrong conclusion on a trumped up false/non-existent premise. Ever heard of the "Strawman" faulty argument, TW?

TW, you are starting to set a pattern for yourself.

[Edited on 11-3-2011 by MitchMan]

TMW - 11-3-2011 at 11:02 AM

Originally posted by Iflyfish

Corporations now have unlimited right to contribute to politicians and to form "shadow" PACs and run campaigns outside of reporting laws. The difference now is that the place is run by those folks. Sierra Club, Kock Brothers, they all pay own Congressmen and women. Now the more money, the more you own these guys.


Todays paper "Pro-Obama group begins 3rd anti-Romney ad campaign". A PAC that backs President Obama's re-election is starting a social media advertising blitz against Romney one year before before the election. Priorities USA Action, a so-called super committee that takes unlimited donation checks and is run by former Obama aids, is buying the ads on Facebook, Google and Googles You Tube.

So much for just the corporations money. I smell George Soros here.

TMW - 11-3-2011 at 11:18 AM

Everybody can lobby government officials and the people doing it have their own agenda. BajaGringo has a good point "Yes, I want ALL lobbying stopped where money/goods/services/favors are given to our elected representatives." But I believe there are laws on the book about what an elected official can take and some have been censored, tried and convicted in such cases. Lobbyist have also been convicted. I'm sorry but I think lobbying a government official is as American as Apple Pie. A government official must make up his or her mind based on all sides of an issue and lobbyist provide both sides. I think the libs on here think that only the conservative lobbyist are bad but the Lib lobbyist are good. I don't think either side is good or bad but have a viewpoint that the decision maker should hear. I also don't think they should accept gifts be it money or otherwise for doing their job, although a free ticket to the Superbowl could be OK.

BajaGringo - 11-3-2011 at 11:39 AM

Originally posted by TW
I'm sorry but I think lobbying a government official is as American as Apple Pie. A government official must make up his or her mind based on all sides of an issue and lobbyist provide both sides. I think the libs on here think that only the conservative lobbyist are bad but the Lib lobbyist are good. I don't think either side is good or bad but have a viewpoint that the decision maker should hear. I also don't think they should accept gifts be it money or otherwise for doing their job, although a free ticket to the Superbowl could be OK.

You and I are in basic agreement then.

I don't care if somebody wants to lobby their elected representative - I just think it is morally wrong (should be legally) to let said representative allow "more" access to some lobbyists solely based on the size of their campaign contribution or perk/gift/money/etc.

That is what is happening today and why I believe that ALL of our elected representatives (right AND left) are sold out to the highest bidder...

Mengano - 11-3-2011 at 11:53 AM

Originally posted by oxxo
In California, everyone, regardless of income, pays an approximately 8% State sales tax on most items. This is an example of a regressive tax (like a flat tax rate).

Where you live in Baja it is an 11% sales tax and even more regressive because a far wider range of goods and services are taxed than in California. They even charge sales taxes on home rents.

MitchMan - 11-3-2011 at 12:21 PM

OK, now we are getting somewhere.

I think that the part of the direct lobbying efforts that sway votes and compliance of congressmen and other government officials that is due to campaign contributions, promise of future lucrative lobbying jobs (revolving door), and perqs is bad and a ruinous thing to the country and to the functioning of a true democracy. It appears that we are all in agreement on that.

For the record, as a Liberal, I do not approve of any such lobbying by either libs or pubs (pronounced "pyoobz"). It is just plain wrong, no matter who does it, period! And, giving corporations recognition as a person with regard to campaign contributions is just as wrong.

While, conceptually, lobbying a government official may be as American as Apple Pie, the current level of lobbying goes way,way beyond that and has reached an excessive level; its affect has now become corruptive and corrosive to a point where its result is not a government reflecting the will of the people, but instead the will of the special interests.

I think it is silly to spend energy asserting that the opposing political persuasion to you own political persuasion is a hypocrit because they publicly pronouce their opposition to lobbying per se while secretly approving of their own friendly lobbying. Both sides are guilty of that.

mtgoat666 - 11-3-2011 at 01:33 PM

Originally posted by TW
I also don't think they should accept gifts be it money or otherwise for doing their job, although a free ticket to the Superbowl could be OK.

a superbowl trip for elected official and family is $10K+ gift.

regular govt employees can't accept such, so why should elected official?

there is not a single politician in the US that is not owned by his campaign donors.

the only solution is to ban all campaign donations over $200, limit gifts in office to total of $40/month, ban on lobbying for first 5 years out of office, elimination of defined benefit pensions (perhaps replaced with defined contribution plans). the job of a politician should be short term (not a career), so they really should not need pension plan at all.

mtgoat666 - 11-3-2011 at 01:47 PM

mtgoat666 - 11-3-2011 at 01:50 PM

MitchMan - 11-3-2011 at 01:53 PM

You tell 'em, goat.

tripledigitken - 11-3-2011 at 01:56 PM

I don't see the slot for anarchists? You know, the ones the police are monitoring in Oakland.

You predicting revolution, must be just thrilled with the events from Oakland last night. Surprised you aren't cackling today.

Originally posted by mtgoat666

MitchMan - 11-3-2011 at 02:29 PM

David K
Is she addressing the labor unions???

I don’t know if she is addressing labor unions. Do you know, David K? Because if you do, please cite your sources of information as to what is exactly in her mind. Or, are you just guessing… again… still?

David K
The 1% already pay almost 40% of the taxes and nearly 50% of Americans pay 0 taxes.

The top 1% own 40% of the nation’s wealth while the bottom 50% you speak of own less than 4% of the wealth. The amount of money the top 1% have left over after they pay that 40% of the taxes you mention is well over $923,000 and the bottom 50% have less than $15,000. Put that in your greedy right wing pipe and smoke it. Sorry, David K, based on these facts, really hard for me to feel pitty for the top 1% and animosity toward the bottom 50% as you apparently do. Wow, the right wing mindset as represented by David K here, what a piece of work!

Here is some more reality for you. The top 1% own over $15,000,000 per capita wealth. The bottom 40% own only $2,400 per captia!

David K
Are these people without any brains or are they following the communist method where if you tell a lie enough times, it becomes the truth?
What a coincidence, I was just thinking that about your people.

David K
Right, it is class warfair plain and simple... An Obama method to try and gain votes and win sympathy from the media. .
Again, it is the right wing exclusively who cries “Class Warfare”, not the left. The right wing is using that cry as a cheap dishonest inflammatory ruse to excite their simple minded hoards. Now who is using “tell a lie enough times, it becomes the truth”?
For sure, that is something that you keep doing.

David K
The 1% is not only where nearly 40% of the tax revenue comes from, but also where jobs and products or services we need and use come from... Yah, lets punish them more... ? Good Grief...
Good Grief! How is leaving a 1% taxpayer with over $923,000 after tax a punishment? Oh, poor babies. This economy and the particularly the tax rates are just killing them off, one by one. Oh my God, somebody, please help them before it's too late. We don't want David K to commit suicide over his grief and pity over the plight and destitution of the top 1%, do we?

Ah, finally, somebody brought this one up.

Guess what, genius, the top 1% is NOT where jobs and products and services come from. Jobs (that produce products and services) come from the ECONOMY. That’s right, the ECONOMY as a whole. Remember, no economy, then no jobs, hence no products and services. BTW, a job is defined as a “filled job”, not an unfilled job opportunity.

There are 5 things that have to exist before any job can come into meaningful existence.
Adequate and sufficient and existent:
1) market for the product
2) qualified labor pool
3) infrastructure
4) government/governance
5) entrepreneur to provide business management and production resources

You take anyone of the five elements away and you have NO JOB nor creation of a JOB. Just as Elizabeth Warren said, jobs are not created by the wealthy or by the entrepreneur in a vacuum. If there is no market or people to buy the product, entrepreneurs will not organize a business to produce that product. If there is no qualified labor pool available to hire, then no “filled job” can possibly occur. If there are no roads, traffic lights, utilities, drainage and water treatment, maintenance, etc., etc., etc., in short, no infrastructure, no business can be conducted. If there is no government to provide governance such as national security, fire and police protection and law enforcement, judicial system, management of infrastructure, interstate jurisdiction, coordination, international representation, watchdog services over economic externalities such as consumer protection, waste disposal, building codes, safety standards, etc., etc., etc., no business would or could sustain existence.

Lastly, I say LASTLY because 1 thru 4 have to exist in good shape first, then and only then can the entrepreneur enter the stage to take advantage of the existing resources of 1 thru 4 and then put to work his production resources and management. No David K, neither the entrepreneur nor the 1% create jobs, they are just part of 1 of 5 cogs of a wheel that participate together to form an economy and it is only the economy with all five components in place before any job can be created.

It is the right wing that perpetuates the lie that the rich are the job creators by using “… the communist method where if you tell a lie enough times, it becomes the truth”.

David K
We need business to grow the economy.
The vast majority of economists on both sides of the aisle agree and assert that the problem with business right now is lack of demand. Based on that reality, the problem is the market, not business creation. Have you noticed the vacancies in shopping centers? Why did those consumer businesses go away? Anybody who has any economic sense at all can see that those businesses went away because people, consumers stopped buying their goods and services. That is what most all economists have been saying. I don’t know if you have noticed, but people don’t have any money since losing their jobs, being underemployed, and unable to borrow on the home equity while food, gasoline, electricity, healthcare, and education costs continue to climb. There isn’t enough money in the pockets of the working class (bottom 97%) to sustain the market demand. But, have you heard, the wealthy are getting wealthier? Ooooo, sounds like a weird economy that keeps rewarding the top 1% while the rest of America keeps losing ground. You know, the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy are still in effect and have been in effect since the tax cut. Well, because of the Bush tax cuts and runaway deregulation, the top 1% keep getting wealthier, but, David K, where are the jobs that they were supposed to create over the last 3 years, heck, during the Bush era? Where are they, they’ve got unpaid tax money, have been getting it all along. Where are the jobs?

David K A LOT of people paying a little tax gives the treasure MUCH MORE money than a few corporations paying a ton of tax!!!
Well, David K, do you want to tax the bottom 50% ? I told you that they only have $15,000 per year left after paying what little tax that they do pay while the 1% have $923,000 after paying that “ton of tax” you talk about. How much more do you want from each of the bottom 50%? What you don’t understand about the economics is mind boggling and reflects a breathtaking ignorance. Each of the 1% people are using the economy much more than the bottom 50% are individually and the 1% are getting economically rewarded inordinately while the working class is getting under rewarded. That is a function of a dysfunctional economic structure. Not getting the proper reward is bad enough, but then to go after the bottom 50% or even after the bottom 95% for more tax dollars is economic injustice and morally unconscionable; but the right wingers would love to do it, even alot of those dum ones in the bottom 97%.

[Edited on 11-3-2011 by MitchMan]

[Edited on 11-3-2011 by MitchMan]

GOP has done it again

desertcpl - 11-3-2011 at 02:41 PM

5608382.jpg - 47kB

Barry A. - 11-3-2011 at 02:55 PM

Some reading material for MitchMan.

Your Welcome, Mitch.


mtgoat666 - 11-3-2011 at 03:22 PM

Originally posted by MitchMan
David K
Right, it is class warfair plain and simple... An Obama method to try and gain votes and win sympathy from the media

Again, it is the right wing exclusively who cries “Class Warfare”, not the left. The right wing is using that cry as a cheap dishonest inflammatory ruse to excite their simple minded hoards. Now who is using “tell a lie enough times, it becomes the truth”?
For sure, that is something that you keep doing.

dk: the class warfare started way back in last century when "trickle down" tax cuts started. it is about time that the poor and middle class fight back against the dirty actions of republican politicians doing the biding of the 1%.. the gop illegally declared war several decades ago!

[Edited on 11-3-2011 by mtgoat666]

mtgoat666 - 11-3-2011 at 03:27 PM

when the 1% have stolen the government from the 99%, perhaps class warfare is only solution.

MitchMan - 11-3-2011 at 03:28 PM

Raising the taxes of 1% of the US population is the remedy for our economic ills? When that doesn't fix the problem, and it won't, what next? You got it! Raise taxes more. These guys are "one trick ponies".

Raising taxes on the 1% will not remedy all the economic ills, but it's a start and it is only a partial remedy. However, it is definitely the right moral and correct economic thing to do.

There are many more things that need to be done to fix the economy. This thread has many posts pinpointing that specific aspect. However, your view as represented in the quote herein reflects your myopia and narrow take on things. I personally haven't heard anyone say that raising taxes on the 1% is the fix all remedy. Certainly not any economists.

I think that you are caught up the adversarialness of the political discussion and that you are babboting something you heard someone else say. One question. Do you listen to Rush Limbaugh? Sounds like something he would say. Or did you come up with it on your own in a desperate effort to simplify things for yourself?

MitchMan - 11-3-2011 at 03:37 PM

Barry A.
Actually, thanks for the link. I will read it. Actually, I am studying a link on Supply Side economics that Iflyfish posted yesterday. His link is 26 pages and is very thorough. I am always open to more information.

MitchMan - 11-3-2011 at 03:45 PM

Originally posted by David K
Statistically impossible for the 1% tax hikes Obama proposes to solve anything.. and he knows it... This is all election talk... liberal nonsense...

No one is saying that a higher tax rate on the 1% is the complete remedy. That's just your disingenuous spin. I thought I told you to look up "Strawman" false argument. You desperately need the education. While you are at it, look up "ad hominem".

Barry A. - 11-3-2011 at 04:07 PM

Mitch-------Fish is a good man, and probably an excellent teacher, whether he is one, or not (??). He wisely normally avoids denigrating those he is trying to teach, or reach. I always listen to those that show mutual respect, and give them my full attention-------conversely, I pay little attention to those that attack, use insulting language, and generally display arrogance and a lack of any respect for those that don't agree with them. You appear to be educated and skilled, and don't have to resort to insults and attempted intimidation, it seems to me.

But, of course, that is your choice.

No 'supply sider' that I am familiar with says it is "the only answer", but aspects of the theory do work, have worked, but it certainly is not without flaws-------and all Supply-siders admit that including John Taylor, Larry Kudlow, Art Laffer, etc... To be using ONLY Keynesian ideas is a mistake, and the recent history tho certainly not very long, tends to confirm that (again).


[Edited on 11-3-2011 by Barry A.]

wessongroup - 11-3-2011 at 04:17 PM

Good stuff ... thanks to all...

Cypress - 11-3-2011 at 04:35 PM

MitchMan, Yea, I tune in to Rush Limbaugh every now and then. He's an interesting individual. Who do you listen to, CNN, Chris Matthews AKA "tingle up my legs"? So you haven't personally heard anyone say raising taxes will fix our economy? Good for you. So why raise 'em?:yes:

MitchMan - 11-3-2011 at 05:01 PM

David K, will you stop with “communism/socialism” BS? Your posts are starting to sound like rants from a nut job.

Please look up ‘Strawman” argument. Please. If you want to preserve what little credibility you have left, you have to stick to the facts and a lot more accurately comment on posts in this thread. You are drifting. It’s like the synapses of your brain are firing frantically and all signals are short circuiting to the “communism and socialism” sore spot in your head.

David K
Why does anyone get to live here free and you want 50% of all the adult people to have the benefits of living here free?
The bottom 50% don’t live for free. Who said that? Show me who said that. What I did say is that the economy doesn’t reward the working class enough and over rewards the 1%. Also, due to the under rewarding of the bottom 50%, they don’t have enough money (only $15,000 after tax) to pay more, if any, federal income taxes, let alone for necessities. Furthermore, I said that the 1% are not only over rewarded by the economy, they have on average $923,000 left over after paying their federal income taxes. Also, I am saying that kind of money left over for that many taxpayers, especially when compared to the meager subsistence money in the hands of the bottom 50% that is left over after taxes, is in large part prima facie evidence of being over compensated. Hence, their much, much more grossly/insanely/profanely/noncomensurately larger economic benefit should be taxed more in line with the magnitude of that benefit. It makes sense morally, quantitatively, and economically.

David K
The people or corporations that make 150,000,000 also create tons of jobs.
What? Are you just plain thick? I already told you that entrepreneurs don’t create jobs, the ECONOMY does. If you want to debate that, let’s get to it. Your repetition is proof of nothing.

Lowering taxes on corps or the 1% only increases tax revenues under certain specific conditions, not all conditions. Lowering taxes has not always increased production and tax revenues to make up for the lost tax revenues due to the lower rate. Now, you are really starting to get in way over your little pointy head. I mean, do you, David K, know which side of the Laffer curve our tax rates are right now? Because, if you do, please send your findings and data supporting your contention, in good form, to the CBO. They are working on it right now, and it has always proven to be really hard and difficult to get it right ever since 1976. You know what the Laffer curve is, right? I mean, you are the one talking about lower taxes increase tax revenues and because of increased production and that is all about the Laffer curve.

Also, there you go again, talking about socialism and communism. Strawman BS. Get a grip, will you? You’re starting to sound like a fringe lunatic, way off base.

David K
A government that governs least is one that governs best... Give people their freedom back... take away the taxes and regulations that have almost destroyed us.
You left one out: “Government’s not the solution to our problem; government is the problem”.

Boy, you right wingers love your slogans. If it weren’t for slogans, you people wouldn’t have any philosophy at all. I know, I know, if you can’t simplify, you lose your focus. It’s obvious.

Taxes and regulations haven’t almost destroyed us, but lack of enough progressivity in the tax rates and deregulation by the right wing has almost destroyed us and we almost took down the rest of the globe. Maybe you haven’t heard, but, it wasn’t regulation that caused this great recession crisis, it was deregulation. Pull your head out of the dirt (I’d say sand, but it seems your head is stuck) and read a little. Even Greenspan (Reagan’s lap dog) admitted that, so did Bernanke, and Paulsen, and most all economists on both sides of the political aisle.

Cypress - 11-3-2011 at 05:09 PM

MitchMan, Slogans?:yes: Speaking of slogans. Progressivity as related to taxes.:yes:? That's a nice word. What does it mean?:yes:

Barry A. - 11-3-2011 at 05:21 PM

Jeeezo----Talking to Mitch is like talking to a rattle snake, with about the same amount of comprehension!

It is a losing proposition.



desertcpl - 11-3-2011 at 05:43 PM

David K, will you stop with “communism/socialism” BS? Your posts are starting to sound like rants from a nut job.

good god, DK do you still carry your John Birch card

On Socialism Pond...

Ken Cooke - 11-3-2011 at 05:49 PM

Originally posted by David K
Because the goal of socialism is to ruin capitalism so an ever growing government monster will swallow up all remaining bits of freedom and prosperty and sink us into the gloom of stateism, communism and equal poverty with government as our master and savior. [Edited on 11-3-2011 by David K]

David - As you know, I visited Finland in 2006 (before my Copper Canyon 4X4 run), and the people there were living better than most people here in the USA. The only homeless people I saw were addicts that didn't want help from their country's socialized medicine. (Imagine that!)

Having a toast with new friends in Finland

The floating bar in Finland (only one, btw)

MitchMan - 11-3-2011 at 05:52 PM

Barry A
Mitch-------Fish is a good man, and probably an excellent teacher, whether he is one, or not (??). He wisely normally avoids denigrating those he is trying to teach, or reach. I always listen to those that show mutual respect, and give them my full attention-------conversely, I pay little attention to those that attack, use insulting language, and generally display arrogance and a lack of any respect for those that don't agree with them. You appear to be educated and skilled, and don't have to resort to insults and attempted intimidation, it seems to me.

But, of course, that is your choice.

Good comment. I am taking heed. I generally try to match vitriol with a little more vitriol and I think that I do not cast the first stone. I am a fighter, and I believe in fighting fire with more fire. In my view, I don’t start fights, I answer them. I could be wrong about not starting a confrontation where none was started by someone else, but I don’t think so. I will watch for that, though.

When I take someone to task, I stick to the facts and I stick rigorously to exactly what they have written, verbatim. What I do not do is make declarative unfounded statements without a foundation. However, I do see others make numerous and repeated unfounded statements, accusations, state a wholly unfounded premise and then summarize their position by declaring a denigrating judgment which was totally based on the unfounded premise. I see that over, and over, and over again and again. That, to me, does not show mutual respect, and I thereby do not show respect for them. I will try hard to watch the insults, though.

I read your post after I made my last post.

Barry A
No 'supply sider' that I am familiar with says it is "the only answer", but aspects of the theory do work, have worked, but it certainly is not without flaws-------and all Supply-siders admit that including John Taylor, Larry Kudlow, Art Laffer, etc... To be using ONLY Keynesian ideas is a mistake, and the recent history tho certainly not very long, tends to confirm that (again).

The bottom line, as far as I can tell, is that both supply side and Keynesian economics have strengths and weaknesses. I think it is and has been a mistake to wholly adhere to one and entirely ignore the other. What my research is showing so far is that there are so many dynamics in the economy that working the economy should be a fluid exercise, not a rigid one where either Keynesian or Supply Side is used completely to the exclusion of the other. One of the problems is in the near impossibility to account for all the facets and dynamics without mistakenly leaving one or more of them out or miscalculating a facet’s magnitude. The government and economists and business do their best to come up with some kind of modeling so that they can predict the outcome of a given tax or given monetary or fiscal policy, but that has shown to be too great a task so far. They are getting better, though. When they did get it right, in hind sight it often appears to been in large part luck.

With regard to recent events, Keynesianism was discredited in the mid 70s but then again revived after Supply Side failed to prevent the recent Great Recession that we are in and produced a ruinous disparity of wealth and income which has served us up this sick economy with such an anemic demand that no entrepreneurs are willing to produce due to obvious lack of demand. Europe and the USA found that they had to abandon the supply side approach to stop the damage as supply side clearly wasn’t working and provided no stop gap remedy to the impending decline precipitated in 2007/8.

[Edited on 11-4-2011 by MitchMan]

[Edited on 11-4-2011 by MitchMan]

Cypress - 11-3-2011 at 06:03 PM

I see! Strengths and weaknesses. Disparity of wealth. You're marching right in step with the OWS crew. Solutions? No. Accusations? Yes. Blame? Let me guess.:biggrin:

MitchMan - 11-3-2011 at 06:05 PM

I said that I hadn't heard anyone say that raising taxes is the ONLY fix necessary to fix the economy. Please, read a little more carefully.

By progressivity, I mean making the tax rates for income taxes different for different strata of income. As an example, 10% for the first $15,000 of taxable income, 15% for the next $25,000, 25% for the next $35,000 and so on. A progressive tax is a tax rate that increases as the next level of taxable income goes higher. I thought everyone knew that.

MitchMan - 11-3-2011 at 06:13 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
I see! Strengths and weaknesses. Disparity of wealth. You're marching right in step with the OWS crew. Solutions? No. Accusations? Yes. Blame? Let me guess.:biggrin:

What are you trying to say? Are you saying the OWS group has no solutions, and that they make accusations and cast blame and that is all that they are doing?

Well, my guess is that there are those in the OWS group that posit no real solutions and some that do have valid solutions. I am quite sure that many make accusations and cast blame. That is what protesting usually involves. No surprise there. That is commonly what all protesters do, that is what a protest consists of.

What's your point?

MitchMan - 11-3-2011 at 06:30 PM

Cypress, don't listen to Rush, he's an uneducated blow hard. YOu will learn nothing real from him. If you are going to listen to right wing pundits, find intelligent, studied, well credentialed ones. I do. May I suggest, Hugh Hewitt, Dennis Praeger, and especially Michael Medved. There are many others out there with good knowledge base, studied points of view, logical points.

Iflyfish - 11-3-2011 at 06:38 PM

Originally posted by Ken Cooke
Originally posted by David K
Because the goal of socialism is to ruin capitalism so an ever growing government monster will swallow up all remaining bits of freedom and prosperty and sink us into the gloom of stateism, communism and equal poverty with government as our master and savior. [Edited on 11-3-2011 by David K]

David - As you know, I visited Finland in 2006 (before my Copper Canyon 4X4 run), and the people there were living better than most people here in the USA. The only homeless people I saw were addicts that didn't want help from their country's socialized medicine. (Imagine that!)

Having a toast with new friends in Finland

The floating bar in Finland (only one, btw)

I very much appreciate your post. Those are really lovely images and I am grateful you shared them with us. It seems to me that Socialism is indeed a Straw Man here in this thread and in America. Few have traveled enough to understand what you have personally experienced and are sharing with us. I too have had the very sort of experience you are having with your "Socialist" friends with people that live in “Socialist Countries. Anti-Communism and Anti-Socialism have been consciously used to scare the American People and give them a common enemy.

The reality is that All countries, including Finland, have mixed economies as does the USofA. I very clearly outlined that fact in a prior post and got NO response. Words like Socialist, Communist, and Liberal have all become pejoratives in our society and so throwing that label at someone is a way to discount EVERYTHING they have to say. Too Bad. That is a very limiting thing to do with theories that may have inherent in them some of the very solutions that we need right now.

It is difficult for many people to tolerate ambiguity and therefore they need to bifurcate the world into good/bad, black/white, liberal/conservative, socialist/capitalist, Christian/Muslim etc. The world simply is not this way. I believe that many in the US live in a bubble and are unaware of the larger world around them and their views are shaped by a Corporate Media that thrives on conflict.

I also think that fewer and fewer people read and so have limited access to broader perspectives. It is just easier to adopt a dogmatic position and maintain that position even in the face of new information. The Theory of Cognitive Dissonance holds that if one repeats something often and long enough you will believe it even in the face of irrefutable evidence to the contrary.

One more comment and that is on the current state or our economy. I have posted and documented that business owners say that it is the lack of customers, not regulations that are their major problem right now. I have already documented this in a prior post on this thread. It is also a fact Corporations have big assets on the sidelines right now as there is confusion in the market place. Corporations are unclear as to what the regulations will ultimately be and whether or not Congress can get their act together and provide enough stability to create a safe investment environment. I may have documented this, I am not sure. I am at the coast salmon fishing/crabbing, so don’t have the time to do more research right now, but that information is out there and beyond refute.

It is also clear that there is a problem with deficits however there is a very real disagreement as to which would stimulate the economy more, creating government jobs via funding infrastructure thereby putting money in the hands of worker/consumers who will spend that money on goods/services vs. the argument that providing more tax breaks for Corporations and the wealthy will give them more incentive to invest and create jobs for workers.

It would appear to this reader that the quickest way to jump start the economy is to get people to work and our infrastructure needs upgrading. There is also a serious issue with the debt but lowering debt will not directly stimulate jobs, but is actually more likely to shrink the economy and that would make things worse. I am not denying the reality of a debt crisis. I have already amply bloviated on my views as to the source of this debt.

There is clearly disagreement on which approach is best. I think both are needed and more. I don’t think the solutions are binary.

Thanks again for your wonderful post, a breath of fresh air and a unique perspective that had not yet surfaced in this dialogue.


Iflyfish - 11-3-2011 at 06:39 PM

Originally posted by MitchMan
Cypress, don't listen to Rush, he's an uneducated blow hard. YOu will learn nothing real from him. If you are going to listen to right wing pundits, find intelligent, studied, well credentialed ones. I do. May I suggest, Hugh Hewitt, Dennis Praeger, and especially Michael Medved. There are many others out there with good knowledge base, studied points of view, logical points.

Indeed. Well said as with many of your other posts.


Cypress - 11-3-2011 at 06:43 PM

My point? Just an opinion, everybody has one. Pundits? Rush? Hewitt? Praeger?Medved? Got any idea which one has the most listeners? OK! There's a reason for that. :biggrin:

tripledigitken - 11-3-2011 at 06:53 PM

Originally posted by Iflyfish
Originally posted by MitchMan
Cypress, don't listen to Rush, he's an uneducated blow hard. YOu will learn nothing real from him. If you are going to listen to right wing pundits, find intelligent, studied, well credentialed ones. I do. May I suggest, Hugh Hewitt, Dennis Praeger, and especially Michael Medved. There are many others out there with good knowledge base, studied points of view, logical points.

Indeed. Well said as with many of your other posts.


Sounds like he's talking to a child to me. To presume that Cypress hasn't heard of Hewitt, Praeger, or Medved is pompous.

Cypress - 11-3-2011 at 07:13 PM

Yea, Those liberals are indeed pompous. And cumbersome as well.:biggrin:

MitchMan - 11-3-2011 at 07:33 PM

Tripledigitken and Cypress,
back to the "drive by" one or two line accusations. What a way to buid a case. Profound, impressive, certainly persuasive.

Barry, I didn't start this one! All I did was post an earnest suggestion.

mtgoat666 - 11-3-2011 at 07:36 PM

Originally posted by desertcpl
David K, will you stop with “communism/socialism” BS? Your posts are starting to sound like rants from a nut job.

good god, DK do you still carry your John Birch card

let him kep opening his yap. nothing wrong with socialism, communism or liberalism. he thinks they are bad words. he does not understand that most of western world likes the words. the dirty words are conservative and capitalist :lol:

MitchMan - 11-3-2011 at 07:54 PM

Forgot to mention something when I first posted the below. Day before yesterday, John Boehner, when asked why the OWS were doing what they were doing, he responded, in pertinent part, that he understood their desperation and said "...the economy was not creating jobs...". He didn't say, "the 1% were not creating jobs", he didn't say "the wealthy weren't creating jobs", he didn't say "business was not creating jobs".

Just thought I would mention that.

The top 1% is NOT where jobs and products and services come from. Jobs (that produce products and services) come from the ECONOMY. That’s right, the ECONOMY as a whole. Remember, no economy, then no jobs, hence no products and services. BTW, a job is defined as a “filled job”, not an unfilled job opportunity.

There are 5 things that have to exist before any job can come into meaningful existence.
Adequate and sufficient and existent:
1) market for the product
2) qualified labor pool
3) infrastructure
4) government/governance
5) entrepreneur to provide business management and production resources

You take anyone of the five elements away and you have NO JOB nor creation of a JOB. Just as Elizabeth Warren said, jobs are not created by the wealthy or by the entrepreneur in a vacuum. If there is no market or people to buy the product, entrepreneurs will not organize a business to produce that product. If there is no qualified labor pool available to hire, then no “filled job” can possibly occur. If there are no roads, traffic lights, utilities, drainage and water treatment, maintenance, etc., etc., etc., in short, no infrastructure, no business can be conducted. If there is no government to provide governance such as national security, fire and police protection and law enforcement, judicial system, management of infrastructure, interstate jurisdiction, coordination, international representation, watchdog services over economic externalities such as consumer protection, waste disposal, building codes, safety standards, etc., etc., etc., no business would or could sustain existence.

Lastly, I say LASTLY because 1 thru 4 have to exist in good shape first, then and only then can the entrepreneur enter the stage to take advantage of the existing resources of 1 thru 4 and then put to work his production resources and management. No David K, neither the entrepreneur nor the 1% create jobs, they are just part of 1 of 5 cogs of a wheel that participate together to form an economy and it is only the economy with all five components in place before any job can be created.

[Edited on 11-4-2011 by MitchMan]

Iflyfish - 11-3-2011 at 08:31 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
Yea, Those liberals are indeed pompous. And cumbersome as well.:biggrin:

Exactly, why even pay any attention to liberals when you can listen to Rush Limbaugh and he will tell you exactly what to think. Ditto! Sure glad he isn't pompous like those liberals. Those liberals are always calling us names rather than providing providing any documentation for what they say. The world after all is composed of liberals and conservatives and what is important is to identify who is the liberal so we don't have to even address what they are saying. They are just liberals and so we know that everything they say is bs.

It's either them or us. Those liberals are the enemy and they are out to destroy us and our great country. They don't love this country like we do. I wish they would just shut up and not be so cumbersome, I have trouble with their cumbersomeness:
cumbersome [ˈkʌmbəsəm], cumbrous [ˈkʌmbrəs]
1. awkward because of size, weight, or shape cumbersome baggage
2. difficult because of extent or complexity
See, I know big words too!! you pompous liberals!


You're welcome!

Ken Cooke - 11-3-2011 at 08:33 PM

In my opinion, the greatest education is global travel. :bounce::light:

Originally posted by Iflyfish
Originally posted by Ken Cooke
Originally posted by David K
Because the goal of socialism is to ruin capitalism so an ever growing government monster will swallow up all remaining bits of freedom and prosperty and sink us into the gloom of stateism, communism and equal poverty with government as our master and savior. [Edited on 11-3-2011 by David K]

David - As you know, I visited Finland in 2006 (before my Copper Canyon 4X4 run), and the people there were living better than most people here in the USA. The only homeless people I saw were addicts that didn't want help from their country's socialized medicine. (Imagine that!)

Having a toast with new friends in Finland

The floating bar in Finland (only one, btw)

I very much appreciate your post. Those are really lovely images and I am grateful you shared them with us. It seems to me that Socialism is indeed a Straw Man here in this thread and in America. Few have traveled enough to understand what you have personally experienced and are sharing with us. I too have had the very sort of experience you are having with your "Socialist" friends with people that live in “Socialist Countries. Anti-Communism and Anti-Socialism have been consciously used to scare the American People and give them a common enemy.

The reality is that All countries, including Finland, have mixed economies as does the USofA. I very clearly outlined that fact in a prior post and got NO response. Words like Socialist, Communist, and Liberal have all become pejoratives in our society and so throwing that label at someone is a way to discount EVERYTHING they have to say. Too Bad. That is a very limiting thing to do with theories that may have inherent in them some of the very solutions that we need right now.

It is difficult for many people to tolerate ambiguity and therefore they need to bifurcate the world into good/bad, black/white, liberal/conservative, socialist/capitalist, Christian/Muslim etc. The world simply is not this way. I believe that many in the US live in a bubble and are unaware of the larger world around them and their views are shaped by a Corporate Media that thrives on conflict.

I also think that fewer and fewer people read and so have limited access to broader perspectives. It is just easier to adopt a dogmatic position and maintain that position even in the face of new information. The Theory of Cognitive Dissonance holds that if one repeats something often and long enough you will believe it even in the face of irrefutable evidence to the contrary.

One more comment and that is on the current state or our economy. I have posted and documented that business owners say that it is the lack of customers, not regulations that are their major problem right now. I have already documented this in a prior post on this thread. It is also a fact Corporations have big assets on the sidelines right now as there is confusion in the market place. Corporations are unclear as to what the regulations will ultimately be and whether or not Congress can get their act together and provide enough stability to create a safe investment environment. I may have documented this, I am not sure. I am at the coast salmon fishing/crabbing, so don’t have the time to do more research right now, but that information is out there and beyond refute.

It is also clear that there is a problem with deficits however there is a very real disagreement as to which would stimulate the economy more, creating government jobs via funding infrastructure thereby putting money in the hands of worker/consumers who will spend that money on goods/services vs. the argument that providing more tax breaks for Corporations and the wealthy will give them more incentive to invest and create jobs for workers.

It would appear to this reader that the quickest way to jump start the economy is to get people to work and our infrastructure needs upgrading. There is also a serious issue with the debt but lowering debt will not directly stimulate jobs, but is actually more likely to shrink the economy and that would make things worse. I am not denying the reality of a debt crisis. I have already amply bloviated on my views as to the source of this debt.

There is clearly disagreement on which approach is best. I think both are needed and more. I don’t think the solutions are binary.

Thanks again for your wonderful post, a breath of fresh air and a unique perspective that had not yet surfaced in this dialogue.


Cypress - 11-4-2011 at 01:42 AM

MitchMan and Iflyfish, Both of you have written lengthy posts filled with "facts" and for some reason you seem to be obsessed with Rush Limbaugh. Ever heard the saying "Living rent-free in your head"?:biggrin: Do you really think your posts are going to change anybody or anything?

Iflyfish - 11-4-2011 at 07:30 AM

Originally posted by Cypress
MitchMan and Iflyfish, Both of you have written lengthy posts filled with "facts" and for some reason you seem to be obsessed with Rush Limbaugh. Ever heard the saying "Living rent-free in your head"?:biggrin: Do you really think your posts are going to change anybody or anything?

Rush Limbaugh pioneered the art of bloviating, aggressive talk radio that has poisoned our national dialogue and filled it with lies and hubris. Much of the nation is indeed fixated on his rhetoric. He has had an audience of millions and has influenced the thinking of much of the right. He is very dangerous and destructive man who has a LOT of power.

I don't know if what I write here will influence anyone to think, read more, get the facts and stop using one line talking points to address well thought out perspectives. I beleive we are all powerless against a Corporate run govenment unless we use our voices, it is what we do have. I intend to use mine.

There have been a number of comments made on this thread that indicate that what I have written has been read and in some cases even thought about. That is enough. Some have responded with useful insights, points of view and experiences that have broadened our discussion and that in my view is a good thing. I value dialogue and learning.

Now, out for some Salmon and Dungeness Crab!

Keep your tip up!


Iflyfish - 11-4-2011 at 07:36 AM

Originally posted by Ken Cooke
In my opinion, the greatest education is global travel. :bounce::light:

Originally posted by Iflyfish
Originally posted by Ken Cooke
Originally posted by David K
Because the goal of socialism is to ruin capitalism so an ever growing government monster will swallow up all remaining bits of freedom and prosperty and sink us into the gloom of stateism, communism and equal poverty with government as our master and savior. [Edited on 11-3-2011 by David K]

David - As you know, I visited Finland in 2006 (before my Copper Canyon 4X4 run), and the people there were living better than most people here in the USA. The only homeless people I saw were addicts that didn't want help from their country's socialized medicine. (Imagine that!)

Having a toast with new friends in Finland

The floating bar in Finland (only one, btw)

I very much appreciate your post. Those are really lovely images and I am grateful you shared them with us. It seems to me that Socialism is indeed a Straw Man here in this thread and in America. Few have traveled enough to understand what you have personally experienced and are sharing with us. I too have had the very sort of experience you are having with your "Socialist" friends with people that live in “Socialist Countries. Anti-Communism and Anti-Socialism have been consciously used to scare the American People and give them a common enemy.

The reality is that All countries, including Finland, have mixed economies as does the USofA. I very clearly outlined that fact in a prior post and got NO response. Words like Socialist, Communist, and Liberal have all become pejoratives in our society and so throwing that label at someone is a way to discount EVERYTHING they have to say. Too Bad. That is a very limiting thing to do with theories that may have inherent in them some of the very solutions that we need right now.

It is difficult for many people to tolerate ambiguity and therefore they need to bifurcate the world into good/bad, black/white, liberal/conservative, socialist/capitalist, Christian/Muslim etc. The world simply is not this way. I believe that many in the US live in a bubble and are unaware of the larger world around them and their views are shaped by a Corporate Media that thrives on conflict.

I also think that fewer and fewer people read and so have limited access to broader perspectives. It is just easier to adopt a dogmatic position and maintain that position even in the face of new information. The Theory of Cognitive Dissonance holds that if one repeats something often and long enough you will believe it even in the face of irrefutable evidence to the contrary.

One more comment and that is on the current state or our economy. I have posted and documented that business owners say that it is the lack of customers, not regulations that are their major problem right now. I have already documented this in a prior post on this thread. It is also a fact Corporations have big assets on the sidelines right now as there is confusion in the market place. Corporations are unclear as to what the regulations will ultimately be and whether or not Congress can get their act together and provide enough stability to create a safe investment environment. I may have documented this, I am not sure. I am at the coast salmon fishing/crabbing, so don’t have the time to do more research right now, but that information is out there and beyond refute.

It is also clear that there is a problem with deficits however there is a very real disagreement as to which would stimulate the economy more, creating government jobs via funding infrastructure thereby putting money in the hands of worker/consumers who will spend that money on goods/services vs. the argument that providing more tax breaks for Corporations and the wealthy will give them more incentive to invest and create jobs for workers.

It would appear to this reader that the quickest way to jump start the economy is to get people to work and our infrastructure needs upgrading. There is also a serious issue with the debt but lowering debt will not directly stimulate jobs, but is actually more likely to shrink the economy and that would make things worse. I am not denying the reality of a debt crisis. I have already amply bloviated on my views as to the source of this debt.

There is clearly disagreement on which approach is best. I think both are needed and more. I don’t think the solutions are binary.

Thanks again for your wonderful post, a breath of fresh air and a unique perspective that had not yet surfaced in this dialogue.


Indeed Ken, travel can indeed be a great mind opener. I notice that none of the talking pointers have found it even necessary to consider or comment on what you have said. The silence is deafening and telling. You have made what to me is one of the most salient points on this thread and the response...............

I have noticed too that no one has responded to my assertion that ALL nations have mixed economies. I find this too interesting. Maybe it is easier to argue them/us, socialist/capitalist etc. than to base thinking on this fact.



desertcpl - 11-4-2011 at 09:37 AM

I know I shouldnt bother but

when you drive to Baja on the nice freeway, did you ever wonder how that came about?

I know you enjoy going to Anza Borrego state park, did you ever wonder how that came to be

none of this would never happen under a truly Capitalist economy

JoeJustJoe - 11-4-2011 at 09:52 AM

Originally posted by David K
Yah, isn't Finland where millions of U.S. tax dollars is going to build an electric sports car (from money Obama said would create American jobs)!?:no::no::no:

Finland, and other Euro-Socialist nations will soon and many have already abandoned the cradle to grave government baby-sitter/ care programs... Because they RUIN the country! The working people get tired of paying the tab for the ever growing lazy people... who demand 3 months or more a year paid vacation (hey we all can't be teachers)!

We have higher productivity in America, because (until recently maybe) we like to work to make things or to help people. We don't expect to get more than 2 weeks off a year until we have been at the job for a few years.. and then if we are off more than a month a year, we get itchy to get back to work...

A former British Prime Minister (Margaret Thatcher) said it best... : The problem with socialism is that one day you run out of other people's money!

What do think is happening in Greece, anyway? You want that here??

Well I rather have my tax money going to build electric cars in Finland which will find there way back to the USA than using my tax money to pay for Israel's defense which takes up a lot more of our tax dollars.

And speak for yourself. I rather live in a country or work for a company that one average gives their workers 6 weeks of vacation a year than one like US companies that on average gives a two-week vacation. Why should the CEO and only Senior Management gets all the perks?

Many European corporations with foreign operations in the USA view the USA like we view cheap 3rd world countries.

Here is a great example comparing the Ikea's factories in Sweden to their factory in Danville, Virginia where the same product(s) are made.

Gee what a tough choice. Do I want to work in Europe and make a good starting wage, and actually having a life, or should I pick the US and pick the slave wage, and have no life working 50 weeks out of the year?

Though company factories in Sweden produce the same bookcases as the plant in Virginia, the Times notes that “the big difference is that the Europeans enjoy a minimum wage of about $19 an hour and a government-mandated five weeks of paid vacation [while] full-time employees in Danville start at $8 an hour with 12 vacation days”—and that doesn’t count the one-third of Danville workers who are paid even less because they are deliberately subcontracted through temp agencies.

[Edited on 11-4-2011 by JoeJustJoe]


desertcpl - 11-4-2011 at 10:22 AM

I knew this was a waste of time,

Fascism, unbelievable :?::?::?:

so your for government, but just on your terms, so you can pick and choose what part fits your beliefs and individual needs

David K - 11-4-2011 at 10:29 AM

Originally posted by desertcpl
I knew this was a waste of time,

Fascism, unbelievable :?::?::?:

so your for government, but just on your terms, so you can pick and choose what part fits your beliefs and individual needs

Not at all... I am for government that doesn't break the nation's laws... The Constitution! That document and its ammendments is the legal law of the land. It is why America was the greatest country and why people from all other countries came here.

rts551 - 11-4-2011 at 10:51 AM

Originally posted by David K
Originally posted by desertcpl
I knew this was a waste of time,

Fascism, unbelievable :?::?::?:

so your for government, but just on your terms, so you can pick and choose what part fits your beliefs and individual needs

Not at all... I am for government that doesn't break the nation's laws... The Constitution! That document and its ammendments is the legal law of the land. It is why America was the greatest country and why people from all other countries came here.

And you, my friend, have the real interpretation of that document. Right?

desertcpl - 11-4-2011 at 10:54 AM

Originally posted by rts551
Originally posted by David K
Originally posted by desertcpl
I knew this was a waste of time,

Fascism, unbelievable :?::?::?:

so your for government, but just on your terms, so you can pick and choose what part fits your beliefs and individual needs

Not at all... I am for government that doesn't break the nation's laws... The Constitution! That document and its ammendments is the legal law of the land. It is why America was the greatest country and why people from all other countries came here.

And you, my friend, have the real interpretation of that document. Right?

Really, I am sure he does :lol::lol::lol:


desertcpl - 11-4-2011 at 11:04 AM

so the constitution and amendments are only for Republicans?.

are you saying that when Democrats vote on a bill that is illegal

the last time I looked we had 2 partys, should you and you pals make the Democrats mute and unable to vote and pass bills unless they get approval from the Republicans

David K - 11-4-2011 at 11:10 AM

Ralph: The constitution is in English and needs no interpretation... but because some try to read more into it, we have the Supreme Court.

desertcpl: What does any political party have to do with this? Either you are a conservative and believe in defending the constitution or a liberal and believe in changing the constitution... and there are liberal Republicans and there are conservative (or Reagan) Democrats...

[Edited on 11-4-2011 by David K]

e pluribus enum? not in teabag-landia

mtgoat666 - 11-4-2011 at 11:21 AM

the problem with this country is people think and that say stupid things like this:

Originally posted by David K
What does any political party have to do with this? Either you are a conservative and believe in defending the constitution or a liberal and believe in changing the constitution...

desertcpl - 11-4-2011 at 11:22 AM

so tell me what part of the Constitution did Obama change

rts551 - 11-4-2011 at 11:24 AM

Originally posted by David K
Ralph: The constitution is in Englih and needs no interpretation... but because some try to read more into it, we have the Supreme Court.

desertcpl: What does any political party have to do with this? Either you are a conservative and believe in defending the constitution or a liberal and believe in changing the constitution... and there are liberal Republicans and there are conservative (or Reagan) Democrats...


I was woried their fur a wile. that it mite be in English.

Cypress - 11-4-2011 at 11:25 AM

About those electric cars. They use to call 'em "golf carts", granted they're fancy golf carts. But, and this a big but, golf carts don't cost $50K+, I wouldn't pay a fraction of that for one of 'em. The Fins can make all they want. Finland isn't that big, you could probably put-put all around Finland in a golf cart.

rts551 - 11-4-2011 at 11:31 AM

David, the Constitution of the USA has been interpreted since day one. and the Supreme Court does more than rule on the constitutionality of things. Did you ever think of night school?

David K - 11-4-2011 at 11:32 AM

Originally posted by rts551
Originally posted by David K
Ralph: The constitution is in Englih and needs no interpretation... but because some try to read more into it, we have the Supreme Court.

desertcpl: What does any political party have to do with this? Either you are a conservative and believe in defending the constitution or a liberal and believe in changing the constitution... and there are liberal Republicans and there are conservative (or Reagan) Democrats...


I was woried their fur a wile. that it mite be in English.

Thanks Ralph, I didn't proof my post and missed the TYPO... It has been fixed for your friends who may use me as a spelling guide for English (but shouldn't!)... :lol::lol::lol:

desertcpl - 11-4-2011 at 11:51 AM

Originally posted by David K
Originally posted by desertcpl
so tell me what part of the Constitution did Obama change

Oh, he doesn't change it... he avoids it and does what the hell he wants... that is why he must be defeated... other dictators slowly grabbed more power than they were supposed to have, the same way... Check German history of the 1930s. :light:

I cant believe you, your saying that Obama is a dictator? and you equate him with Hitler,
but DK I was under the impression( the last time I looked) that we was a Democracy and our Constitution was well and good

I know lets get Bush back in office, he will fix every thing for us like he did before.

Bajafun777 - 11-4-2011 at 12:01 PM

One thing all of us Nomads can agree on is "Death & Taxes" LOL!! Again, I will say that immigration is easy to get under control. We need to be making people trying to get into the USA follow whatever their Country's immigration laws are to our citizens. If those trying to get in don't like it, then they need to get their immigration laws changed first before trying to come here!!

I like FAIR but when it comes to citizens from the USA, it is never FAIR NOR EQUAL as others hold our citizens to different laws than for their own citizens coming to the USA. Just give USA citizens an equal footing on immigrating to other countries like property rights, voting rights, all laws available to all when in that Country, etc, etc. Take Care&Travel Safe-----"No Hurry, No Worry, Just FUN" bajafun777

rts551 - 11-4-2011 at 12:04 PM

Can't do that... Bush used the Supreme Court to get elected and David doesn't see the need for a Supreme Court.

Originally posted by desertcpl
Originally posted by David K
Originally posted by desertcpl
so tell me what part of the Constitution did Obama change

Oh, he doesn't change it... he avoids it and does what the hell he wants... that is why he must be defeated... other dictators slowly grabbed more power than they were supposed to have, the same way... Check German history of the 1930s. :light:

I cant believe you, your saying that Obama is a dictator? and you equate him with Hitler,
but DK I was under the impression( the last time I looked) that we was a Democracy and our Constitution was well and good

I know lets get Bush back in office, he will fix every thing for us like he did before.

MitchMan - 11-4-2011 at 12:10 PM

MitchMan and Iflyfish, Both of you have written lengthy posts filled with "facts" and for some reason you seem to be obsessed with Rush Limbaugh. Ever heard the saying “Living rent-free in your head”? Do you really think your posts are going to change anybody or anything?

If you don’t believe that our posts are filled with facts, then why haven’t you proven that? If we got the facts wrong, then why haven’t you provided citations that directly prove that our facts weren’t facts?

You know, proving our facts wrong will do two things in your favor: 1) discredit our contentions, 2) prove your contentions. There are only 3 possible reasons you haven’t done so: 1)our facts are indeed factual which totally discredit your contentions 2) you don’t have the knowledge to disprove 3)you are too incredibly lazy to disprove and make your case.

Which is it, Cypress?

We are not obsessed with Rush Limbaugh, you are. We just refer to him because he is an easy classic example of the right wing dregs.

Our liberal posts will not change any right wing non-deliberative, non-objective, uneducable, incurious Nomads. However, our sharing of well written, fact supported contentions and rebuttals will further advance our liberal solidarity and strengthen our positions and hopefully influence the more deliberative Nomads.

Furthermore, I am sick and tired of seeing the right wing crap go unchallenged.

[Edited on 11-4-2011 by MitchMan]

mtgoat666 - 11-4-2011 at 12:25 PM

Originally posted by David K
Originally posted by desertcpl
so tell me what part of the Constitution did Obama change
Oh, he doesn't change it... he avoids it and does what the hell he wants... that is why he must be defeated... other dictators slowly grabbed more power than they were supposed to have, the same way... Check German history of the 1930s.

crikey! you are full of nonsense!

Barry A. - 11-4-2011 at 01:15 PM

This article by Marybeth Hicks sums it up for me, too. It's a shame as I do sympathize with the protestors frustrations, but things are badly going astray.

By the way, I almost never listen to the talk radio guys and gals, but somehow I often come to the same conclusions they do, I have heard. When I do tune in, they say the same things I am thinking, so why bother to listen to them?


Some belated parental advice to protesters-----
By Marybeth Hicks

Call it an occupational hazard, but I can't look at the Occupy Wall Street protesters without thinking, "Who parented these people?"

As a culture columnist, I've commented on the social and political ramifications of the "movement" -- now known as "OWS" -- whose fairyland agenda can be summarized by one of their placards: "Everything for everybody."

Thanks to their pipe-dream platform, it's clear there are people with serious designs on "transformational" change in America who are using the protesters like bedsprings in a brothel.

Yet it's not my role as a commentator that prompts my parenting question, but rather the fact that I'm the mother of four teens and young adults. There are some crucial life lessons that the protesters' moms clearly have not passed along.

Here, then, are five things the OWS protesters' mothers should have taught their children but obviously didn't, so I will:

. Life isn't fair. The concept of justice - that everyone should be treated fairly - is a worthy and worthwhile moral imperative on which our nation was founded. But justice and economic equality are not the same. Or, as Mick Jagger said, "You can't always get what you want."

No matter how you try to "level the playing field," some people have better luck, skills, talents or connections that land them in better places. Some seem to have all the advantages in life but squander them, others play the modest hand they're dealt and make up the difference in hard work and perseverance, and some find jobs on Wall Street and eventually buy houses in the Hamptons. Is it fair? Stupid question.

. Nothing is "free." Protesting with signs that seek "free" college degrees and "free" health care make you look like idiots, because colleges and hospitals don't operate on rainbows and sunshine. There is no magic money machine to tap for your meandering educational careers and "slow paths" to adulthood, and the 53 percent of taxpaying Americans owe you neither a degree nor an annual physical.

While I'm pointing out this obvious fact, here are a few other things that are not free: overtime for police officers and municipal workers, trash hauling, repairs to fixtures and property, condoms, Band-Aids and the food that inexplicably appears on the tables in your makeshift protest kitchens. Real people with real dollars are underwriting your civic temper tantrum.

. Your word is your bond. When you demonstrate to eliminate student loan debt, you are advocating precisely the lack of integrity you decry in others. Loans are made based on solemn promises to repay them. No one forces you to borrow money; you are free to choose educational pursuits that don't require loans, or to seek technical or vocational training that allows you to support yourself and your ongoing educational goals. Also, for the record, being a college student is not a state of victimization. It's a privilege that billions of young people around the globe would die for --- literally.

. A protest is not a party. On Saturday in New York, while making a mad dash from my cab to the door of my hotel to avoid you, I saw what isn't evident in the newsreel footage of your demonstrations: Most of you are doing this only for attention and fun. Serious people in a sober pursuit of social and political change don't dance jigs down Sixth Avenue like attendees of a Renaissance festival. You look foolish, you smell gross, you are clearly high and you don't seem to realize that all around you are people who deem you irrelevant.

. There are reasons you haven't found jobs. The truth? Your tattooed necks, gauged ears, facial piercings and dirty dreadlocks are off-putting. Nonconformity for the sake of nonconformity isn't a virtue.. Occupy reality: Only 4 percent of college graduates are out of work. If you are among that 4 percent, find a mirror and face the problem. It's not them. It's you.

Marybeth Hicks, a wife of more than 20 years and mother of four children, lives in the Midwest. She uses her column to share her perspective on issues and experiences that shape families nationwide.

Cypress - 11-4-2011 at 01:38 PM

MitchMan, Get a grip. Take a couple of deep breaths. Everything is gonna be OK. All you have to do is? You tell me?

mtgoat666 - 11-4-2011 at 01:40 PM

Originally posted by MitchMan
MitchMan and Iflyfish, Both of you have written lengthy posts filled with "facts" and for some reason you seem to be obsessed with Rush Limbaugh. Ever heard the saying “Living rent-free in your head”? Do you really think your posts are going to change anybody or anything?

If you don’t believe that our posts are filled with facts, then why haven’t you proven that? If we got the facts wrong, then why haven’t you provided citations that directly prove that our facts weren’t facts?

You know, proving our facts wrong will do two things in your favor: 1) discredit our contentions, 2) prove your contentions. There are only 3 possible reasons you haven’t done so: 1)our facts are indeed factual which totally discredit your contentions 2) you don’t have the knowledge to disprove 3)you are too incredibly lazy to disprove and make your case.

Which is it, Cypress?

We are not obsessed with Rush Limbaugh, you are. We just refer to him because he is an easy classic example of the right wing dregs.

Our liberal posts will not change any right wing non-deliberative, non-objective, uneducable, incurious Nomads. However, our sharing of well written, fact supported contentions and rebuttals will further advance our liberal solidarity and strengthen our positions and hopefully influence the more deliberative Nomads.

Furthermore, I am sick and tired of seeing the right wing crap go unchallenged.

[Edited on 11-4-2011 by MitchMan]

cypress is from n idaho. need i say more?

MitchMan - 11-4-2011 at 01:51 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
MitchMan, Get a grip. Take a couple of deep breaths. Everything is gonna be OK. All you have to do is? You tell me?

What a lazy response.

David K
We don't expect to get more than 2 weeks off a year until we have been at the job for a few years.. and then if we are off more than a month a year, we get itchy to get back to work...
So, David K, when you were looking for a job, if you were to have gotten two equivalent job offers except that one offered you 4 weeks of paid vacation instead of 2, you would have taken the job with only 2 weeks of paid vacation, all else being equal? I’m just curious, you know, with your work ethic and all.

It has been my observation in business that most rational prospective employees would most always opt for more vacation time than less if the annual pay was the same. In fact, one way an employer sweetens the deal for a salaried executive contract is to offer more paid vacation and personal time, even flexible hours. How does that square with your concept … David K?

David K
… former British Prime Minister (Margaret Thatcher) said it best... : The problem with socialism is that one day you run out of other people's money!
Boy, you guys sure love your slogans. I think this is the second time, at least, that it has been posted in this context. As I said before, if you guys didn’t have slogans, you’d have no philosophy at all.

David K
... I am not an anarchist, I believe in government... constitutional government, not the facism of the Obama administration who pits Americans against Americans with his class warfair…
Glad to see that you are not an anarchist and that you believe in constitutional government; that’s a relief.

But… there you go again with the hyperbole and hysterics and drive by accusations of ‘facism’ [sic] and ‘class warfair’ [sic] without support.

I will tell you this, what I consider class warfare is the right wing’s:

1) dismantling of collective bargaining, especially in but not limited to education, police and fire protection which only serves to reduce the compensation of the working class

2) action in those certain states that have recently changed the voter ID process to effectively target and exclude 5 million of the poorer voters in the 2012 presidential election

3) promotion of privatization of the healthcare industry (HMO/PPO) that has resulted in reducing the number of people insured, claim payments, and treatments covered while increasing premiums to price prohibitive levels that serve to increase profits, owner/CEO and executive compensation, sales commissions, and administrative costs well beyond levels prior to privatization, all of which that has resulted in 50 million working class Americans uncovered by health insurance

4) deregulation and privatization of the electricity energy utility industry that has resulted in higher utility costs for consumers
5) near total refusal and resistance to raising the minimum wage

6) deregulation of the financial sector that directly caused the great recession of 2007/8 that has profoundly and disproportionately devastated the working class financially and economically while resulting in and even higher lopsided concentration of wealth and income at the top while further reducing real earnings of the working class and increasing unemployment

7) deregulation and intent to defund the government agencies that serve the public interest by undermining the EPA, the various and many Consumer Protection agencies, Social Security and Medicare, anti trust enforcement and legislation, the FDA, SEC, FTC, WFTC, et al

8) promotion of the punishingly and devastatingly inequitable flat tax that would serve to further the poverty of the working class while providing a windfall to the top earners

9) deregulation of commodity and oil market exchanges that result in higher commodity and oil prices due to speculation trading

[Edited on 11-4-2011 by MitchMan]

[Edited on 11-4-2011 by MitchMan]

Cypress - 11-4-2011 at 02:00 PM

And life go's on.:biggrin:

TMW - 11-4-2011 at 02:15 PM

[1) dismantling of collective bargaining, especially in but not limited to education, police and fire protection which only serves to reduce the compensation of the working class]

I think all government unions should be done away with. The worse thing for the state of CA was allowing collective bargaining by prison guards etc. and for cities the police and firemen. It will bankrupt the cities and counties if not corrected. I do not think they deserve 100% retirement at age 50+ (3% at 50). I also don't think they should pad their income with OT the last three years to get even more. The percentage should be based on their regular pay. I also don't think they should accumulate vacation time so when they do retire they get paid for a year of vacation, 30 days max. I don't care how many bad guys they caught.

Cypress - 11-4-2011 at 02:31 PM

TW, You think? Yep. Me to.

rts551 - 11-4-2011 at 02:36 PM

Originally posted by TW
[1) dismantling of collective bargaining, especially in but not limited to education, police and fire protection which only serves to reduce the compensation of the working class]

I think all government unions should be done away with. The worse thing for the state of CA was allowing collective bargaining by prison guards etc. and for cities the police and firemen. It will bankrupt the cities and counties if not corrected. I do not think they deserve 100% retirement at age 50+ (3% at 50). I also don't think they should pad their income with OT the last three years to get even more. The percentage should be based on their regular pay. I also don't think they should accumulate vacation time so when they do retire they get paid for a year of vacation, 30 days max. I don't care how many bad guys they caught.

Just so I understand. At what age should they retire? and what percentage?

Cypress - 11-4-2011 at 02:40 PM

Life is good, and it's getting better.:biggrin:

mtgoat666 - 11-4-2011 at 02:40 PM

Originally posted by TW
[1) dismantling of collective bargaining, especially in but not limited to education, police and fire protection which only serves to reduce the compensation of the working class]

I think all government unions should be done away with. The worse thing for the state of CA was allowing collective bargaining by prison guards etc. and for cities the police and firemen. It will bankrupt the cities and counties if not corrected. I do not think they deserve 100% retirement at age 50+ (3% at 50). I also don't think they should pad their income with OT the last three years to get even more. The percentage should be based on their regular pay. I also don't think they should accumulate vacation time so when they do retire they get paid for a year of vacation, 30 days max. I don't care how many bad guys they caught.

i agree. jerry brown is about to fix the situation in CA

Cypress - 11-4-2011 at 02:47 PM

When it's all said and done. Who the "f'' is Jerry AKA dumb as a rock Brown?

MitchMan - 11-4-2011 at 02:49 PM

cypress is from n idaho. need i say more?


[Edited on 11-4-2011 by MitchMan]

mtgoat666 - 11-4-2011 at 02:59 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
When it's all said and done. Who the "f'' is Jerry AKA dumb as a rock Brown?

he is da man!

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