
Baja Real Estate advise

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wessongroup - 9-19-2011 at 09:19 AM

Must say Raphael's argument is very strong.. and would seem to be adding visibility to the "issues", yours included... which can only be positive... IMHO...

With the normal negatives to be expected .... keep safe .. both...

[Edited on 9-19-2011 by wessongroup]

Woooosh - 9-19-2011 at 09:25 AM

30% of construction companies in Baja have closed in 2011 due to lack of business. These people are really stealing the lives from their hardworking neighbors, nit just investment money from Americans and Canadians.

Tijuana .- The president of the Mexican Chamber of Construction Industry (CMIC) in Tijuana, Mendoza Javier Correa, said that so far this 2011 at least 30 percent of companies in the industry have had to close due to lack of work.

"We are talking that there are 170 in CMIC and closed 30 per cent since the start of the year, mainly because there has been private investment," he said.
He explained that public investment is that has kept alive the construction sector, because only this year, investments were made ​​over 2 thousand 560 million pesos in Tijuana.

"We are struggling to do the work the local businesses and the economic spillover to stay here, but most local companies do "he said.
He also said that although in the past two months have seen a slight increase in work, are still waiting to see the stabilization of the dollar, as we already have developed increases in materials, as in the case of structural steel and rod.

ramuma53 - 9-20-2011 at 10:44 AM

La Esmeralda
I was reading some of your blogs and it sounds like the Union Trib reporter never reported the whole story.
Is it Sandra Dibble you were working with?
The reason I’m asking is that she has interviewed us and the city about our cases and is about to print a story that
Will be more of the same.
She keeps asking me what the new angle should be and now I know but should I just let it lie or try to get her
To print more of the story???:?:

When Sandra Dibble interviewed us, I was the president for the Binational Coastal residents counsel in Rosarito Beach and I was representing a lot of Americans who were being evicted by Ejido Mazatlan and Hugo Torres Chavert behind it.
We investigated the Ejido Mazatlan and found that it was and is at this day a fraud and only a way to steal land.
Ejido Mazatlan was created by presidential decree in 1937 by expropriating land to the Machando Family who supposedly inherited it from Joaquin Machado.
We found out that Joaquin Machado was an American citizen, born in San Diego California, who died in 1910 also as an American and is buried in California as an American and in a legal consequence, he was unable to hold a national Land title.
We found out that Joaquin Machado siblings in 1916 where living in San Francisco California USA as USA citizens when the Mexican Revolution was ending and knowing that the new constitution would keep forbidding the ownership of more than 2500 Has. They promptly sold the Rancho El Rosarito to a company named Cia. Explotadora de la Baja California, with a social capital 99.8% Canadian and only 0.2% Mexican while 0.1% belonged to a Mexican who were living in Los Angeles California while the Mexican Constitution forbid foreigner to own on the 50 Km. coastal strips, the 1863 law forbid the ownership of more than 2500 Has, forbid the ownership to foreigners and Mexicans living on other countries, making the 1879 issued Rancho El Rosarito an illegal title, the sale by the Machados a nill sale and the Cia Explotadora de la baja Calfornia ownership legally impossible.
Then in May 7, 1917 was published a decree returning the Baja California lands that were being possessed or owned by foreigners to National property, closing any possibility that foreigners owned any part of Baja.
Then in 1937, when the ejido was created, they expropriated to the Machado Family who at that time owned nothing and as a consequence, nothing was given to the Ejido Mazatlan and to permanently close the case, The Ejido Mazatlan was never formally given any land, because when the public officials found out that the Machado Family owned nothing, they were unable to give them anything, anyway they started to grab land in informal way, and that situation exist to this day, but it is being investigated by the Federal Police and Military Federal Police.
We gave all this information to Sandra Dibble with a lot of documents to prove those facts and she went away promising us that she would print a whole San Diego Union Tribune page and she did, but showing a ½ page photo of Enrique Esquivel, the Ejido chief then and telling that the ejido was working hard in Rosarito and not a word of the Americans that were being robbed.

After that, think twice about trusting Sandra Dibble from the San Diego Union Tribune:fire:

[Edited on 9-20-2011 by ramuma53]

Woooosh - 9-20-2011 at 11:15 AM

I gave up on her for my problem as well. She is listed as a staff writer for the Baja Tourism board or something like that, so that should tell you something about the mission she is on. She is a Nomad however and reads the posts on this board. If she wants the truth, You and Raphael have just provided it. I'm with Raphael on this- she will print what she prints and most readers of the UT know she is far from unbiased on everything Torres. jmo

ramuma53 - 9-29-2011 at 07:37 AM

I established contact with the Congresswoman Roxana Soto in charge of the Machado hoax investigation, through a Rosarito newswoman Carmen Olga ******, who has been talking on the Rosarito radio and re telling what I said for years on the ABC newspaper, concerning the Machado Titles.

I found out that this Congresswoman has been a land reform fighter for years, her husband (El Mexico) was killed in jail because of that and hiskilling attributed to the Estate government; also a very important fact, she is the actual PRI political party president in Tijuana and is backed up by Fernado Castro Trenti (For you who do not know, one of the most powerful political operators and power borkers in Mexico, very close to Maglio Favio Beltrones, the may be, Next Mexico’s President or at least Interior Secretary).

This mean, that maybe this time they are actually trying to correct the problem in a serious way and I will provide this congress team with all the information about this official hoax to benefit a few and steal from the American customer.

[Edited on 9-29-2011 by ramuma53]

[Edited on 9-29-2011 by ramuma53]

Woooosh - 9-29-2011 at 09:03 AM

Great news Raphael. Things are moving fast. I did make the formal request to measure the Federal Zone in Rosarito (for the first time since 1976), and sent you a copy. I hope I laid the case our right for them to do it. The Director General of ZOFEMAT was kind enough to e-mail me directly and asked me to create the second presentation, which I did.

So now we have made progress on two fronts. You are taking the Machado claims forward to establish the legal land titles, while we are making progress to halt fraud on the direct coast.

The Union Tribune Article by Dibble concerning LA Esmeralda was on the front page of the Sunday paper.

"Baja Land Deals End in Lawsuits"

[Edited on 9-29-2011 by Woooosh]

wessongroup - 9-29-2011 at 09:30 AM

Outstanding Woooosh and Raphael ... very interesting topic ... for all

ELINVESTIG8R - 9-29-2011 at 01:26 PM

Rafael sure knows real estate... If you listen to him you will never get ripped off! Thank you Rafael for helping people.

ramuma53 - 10-2-2011 at 05:39 PM

Reading the recommended Story, that Sandra dibble published, may be misleading on the following facts:

*****Rule No. 1: Don’t pay for a property until you have the title. “Until you get the piece of the paper with the title, the home is not yours,” Hill said.*****

The first question is, what do you consider title in Mexico?:?:
What kind of paper will assure you, you have legal title and you are the actual owner?:?:

In Mexico, there is a capital difference with the English Property system.

In the English system, the public registry constitute a real right, it is the main property proof , if you are inscribed in it, you are the owner, the public registry inscription or scripture registered in it, is a total ownership´s proof .

In the Mexican law, the public registry is only the publication of a right, it does not constitute the right on itself or even prove it; if you are registered in it, you are not automatically considered the owner, and it does not prove beyond doubt that you are the owner. When you make and sign a private contract, a right is created, but only affect the signing parties, when you register it in the Public registry, it becomes public, but it does not mean the right exist at all or it is legal title, it only make public the fact, that you signed the contract, not that you are the owner; in other words, if your title has a defect, it will make public the fact, that you are now the owner of a title with a defect and since the seller was not the legal owner, you are also not the legal owner.

That is the main reason why the American buyers are so easily defrauded, they think that the law is the same and that the Public Registry inscription, make them the owners and that, was what happened in Punta Banda, Ensenada.

Then, what you need, is not a paper that looks official and say property title or an inscription on the public registry that say that you are the owner, even if signed in front of a Public notary.

What you need is to be sure, the real estate right you are acquiring, is the real thing and you cannot trust the:

a).- Real Estate agent who usually has very little legal knowledge and is more interested in you paying, than in protecting you.

b).- The Public notary who will only make sure, that you pay him, his royal share of the business and that, what you are buying, is in the Public Registry while he will never put in doubt any other public notary´s work, even if he know it is fraudulent and against the law.

c).- Officials at the public registry, that profit from the developers and contribute to their fraudulent goals, by misleading people assuring the developers are beyond doubt. That is why, you see there, public servants earning $1,200.00 dlls/month, wearing Narco style gold chains and owning apartment buildings in San Diego Ca.

d).- Baja Attorneys, who make deals among themselves, to assure their clients, that in Baja, all the Real Estate deals are safe while filling their pockets with the developer’s money, taken away from American buyers; also, most of them, know extremely little about the Mexican titles complexities wjile telling you they are experts at it.:fire:

e).- Title insurance companies that have attorneys who know nothing about Mexican real Estate laws and complexities and that have been issuing title insurance to every developer that pay them, because they do not insure you, against title defects. What else will you need them for?:fire:

What you need, is to know what you are doing, based on Mexican law, investigate yourself that the first title in a legal title chain is a national land title issued legally after 1917, not Ejido Land or Colonial title.

If you do your homework and do not trust the so called experts, you can get Baja property at bargain prices, properties that once the land legalization movement make a substantial effect will once more be valued at very high prices.:bounce:

Remember, if you are a smart buyer and do your own homework, you will always come on top.:saint:

For the Esmeralda case, there is an easy fix for a smart investor, since it is National Land, just buy is from the National Land office and be the real owner when the prices return to golden age levels.:light:


[Edited on 10-3-2011 by ramuma53]

[Edited on 10-3-2011 by ramuma53]

ramuma53 - 10-8-2011 at 11:58 AM

The Torres group supposedly owns La Joya del Mar and several others in Rosarito beach and they are offering an in house title insurance; they based in a fallacious security on the name of Hugo Torres Chavert, offer title insurance covered by the same company that sell the Real Estate and I agree with you, title insurance must be issued by a reputable independent company, but in Rosarito hundreds of American customers are covered by this kind of title insurance and I agree it is a fraud or at least part of the Rosarito Fraud.

Concerning the Machado Family titles (El Rosarito - Joaquin Machado hermanos y coherederos, El Gato, Mision del Descanso y El Descanso - Juan Machado).
If you saw the blog, you know that the El rosarito title was issued to Joaquin Machado Valdes in 1879 based on the 1863 National Land law and had an area of 19,300 Has. And 10 years after it was issued had only 1.2 people per hectare as population density.
1.- Joaquin Machado Valdes was born as Mexican in San Diego California Mexico, then was given the choice to be Mexican or American in 1849 when California became part of the USA and he chose to be American citizen, he lived and died as an American citizen and is buried in California as a California Resident and that make him a foreigner.
2.- The Mexican constitution existing at that time 1859 forbid the foreigners from owning land in the coastal strips and border strips.
The 1917 Mexican Constitution confirm the prohibition to own to foreigners but also say that all the land inside of Mexico borders are by origin National Property. In other words, every property has as origin or bases a national Land right and need a National Land to come out of it.
3.- The 1863 law became base for the Joaquin Machado title order as follow:
Article 2.- Foreigner are forbidden to own land in Mexico, also Mexican residents in a foreign country, also forbid to own more than 2500 Has.
Article 10.- Make the titles issued a conditional contract, because it obligated the title holder to have 10 people per hectare no more than 10 years after the title was issued (Colonization was the goal).
Article 28.- Order that in case of any violation to this law, the title became void and inexistent. (Before 1917, Inexistence of a legal act mean that the legal act, never started to have legal effects; after 1917 mean that it must be voided by a judge).
4.- The 1894 National Land law, allowed that sale of more than 2500 Has. As long as the 1863 law was obeyed exactly.
5.- In 1876, the Juan Machado title was voided and re sold to an American company by the Federal Government violating the 1863 law.
6.- In 1916 even when the Machado Family were inexistent and worthless, the titles were registered in the Public Registry to allow the Machado family to sell those real estate rights; they sold the Rancho El Rosarito to a Mexican Company named Cia. Eplotadora de la Baja California owned 99.8% by a Canadian national named Hugh Francis Collins and only 0.2% owned my 2 Mexican nationals, one living in San Diego California, the sale was registered on the Public Registry 1 to 21 book number 1 in Tijuana; the sale was executed in San Francisco California. From that point in time, the Machado Family owned nothing in Baja if you want to speculate that they owned something before.
7.- D.O.F. May 7, 1917, the Mexican President Venustiano Carranza issued a Presidential decree, returning to National Property all the land is Baja California owned or possessed by foreigners.
8.- November 7, 1952 a Presidential decree turn in to National Land all the lands between the Rosarito to Ensenada road and the Pacific Ocean, starting at Arroyo El Rosarito and ending on Punta Banda Ensenada.
9.- D.O.F. 1986 a Presidential decree turn in to National Land all the lands between the Mexico USA bodrer, Tijuana, Tecate and Ensenada triangle.
You can find the 1863 law on 5 siglos de Legislacion Agraria.
You can find the 1894 law on Ley de Terrenos Nacionales Editorial El Tiempo, Don Wistano Luis Orozco book.
You can find the Rancho El Rosarito sale at the Tijuana Public Registry book number 1 scriptures 1 to 21.

After that, please tell me how you can say that those lands are other thing but National Land.
And national land has these qualities:
You cannot acquire it any other way but through a National land title.
You cannot acquire it from any authority but the national land director signing by power of the Mexican president. NO precripciones or anything from a local judge.
You cannot posses it or gain any right by possessing land that is national land, no matter how long the time.

De: Ross E. Buck []
Enviado el: sábado, 08 de octubre de 2011 01:02 p.m.
CC: 'Dawn Nicoli';
Asunto: RE: Land titles in Rosarito Beach, B.C.

Mr. Munoz:

You have made specific statements regarding real estate which is located in the City of Rosarito Beach and State of Baja California. To reference Title Insurance in a development which is located in a different City, County and State does not appear to be relevant. We are only focusing on real estate which is located in Rosarito Beach.

You also asked me to check an “in-house title insurance issued by theTorres group”. I don’t know what you mean by “in-house title insurance which was issued by the Torres Group”. Title Insurance can only be issued by an insurance company? Please clarify and if there is a real title insurance policy which covers real estate in Rosarito Beach, please provide me a copy of the complete title policy which will list any exemptions to the policy.

Also, please continue to copy Bruce and Dawn on your correspondence with me as I don’t want them to be out of the loop regarding our correspondence.

Ross E. Buck - President
First Title Services

ramuma53 - 10-16-2011 at 12:04 PM

De: CWoooosh
Asunto: RE: last letter

It is an interesting process. I have read through the Ley General De Bienes Nacionales. Where do I find the exact laws about a Prescripcion Positiva not being “legitimate” for Federal Zone land? Can I find it on line somewhere? Is that an additional publication?

I will l send a separate letter and demand asking ZOFEMAT to re-measure the Federal Zone. I think that is what he wants from me. Step by step.
The Ley Federal de Reforma Agraria section national Land, it say that National land is not acquirable by any other mean, but through a national Land title issued by Terrenos Nacionales.

It also say that all the other authorities beside the National Land office does not have jurisdiction to give away in property National Land and in consequence, any such transaction is by law void and inexistent.

In the Ley General de Bienes Nacionales you will find that National property is – Inprescriptible, inalienable e inembargable. In other words, you cannot acquire it by any other legal procedure but the issuing of a National Land Title.

The Mexican Constitution article 27 main text say that all the land inside Mexico´s borders are by nature and to start National Land.

Also you will find out that there are two kinds of national Property, Public and private, Public is like a National park or the Government palace and also Federal Zone, you cannot acquire it by any lega procedure and I mean no legal procedure can give it away, also any such operation would be illegal, a fraud and void; the other kind is Private National Property like National Land that they can legally sell to you, but through a special procedure, named Enajenacion a titulo oneroso de Terrenos Nacionales.
Absolutely there is no other way, specially not through a civil lower court like the one that is knowing about a prescripcion positive.

Also you must know that Presripcion positive mean that they have a valid title and that is not true in your case; second, prescripcion mean that the judge name you as the owner in the mean while the true owner or a bigger right appear, that way, your never become the true owner, only in the mean while the true owner come forward and claim the property, in this case the nation.

As you see, this is just a way for them to try to establish a land right, not stable in time.

Also as soon as new measurement for Federal Zone is done, based on the law you give to me, it will come back to National property public kind Federal Zone. In other words, they have no way to win, they are just trying to stay there for a while, sustained only by corruption of local authorities.

ramuma53 - 10-16-2011 at 12:58 PM

Thanks Raphael.

Even without having the Federal Zone re-measured I think we have good legal points to make. ZOFEMAT moved the federal line all the way to the street in 2008. It is not official or published , but that is the line they are now issuing concessions against, and it works for this case. This means ZOFEMAT accepts that all claims to the “Ganados Al Mar” being “private property” were erased when the Federal Zone line moved over it in 2008. Ms. Ortiz did not have any legal claim in 2008- not until 2010 and that is for land that no longer exists. In 2008 the entire area was Federal Zone and she had no legal basis to claim that land as her private property. No legitimate land owner came forward to claim the Ganados al Mar prior to 2008 and the Prescripcion Positiva created in 2010 has no legal weight. That makes the land “National Public Land” since 2008.

I did see in the national land law where preference is given to conservation, recreation and public access. This land has been a public access point for the disabled since 2008 and future plans to use it for conservation and recreation are compatible with the objective of the National Land laws. Private development is not compatible with that objective.

If I win, this would do is take away her right to get it as private property and return it to national land. The land would be National Land again with no concession against it. Then anyone could apply for a concession and they should award it based on the preference for conservation, recreation and public access.

Did I get this right?

Terrenos ganados al mar, does not mean it become private property, it becomes National Land and you have to buy it from National Land.
Just remember that any, buy any land to start it is National Land and Terrenos Ganados al mar, mean the sea uncovered a piece of land, in other words, it start to exist as dry land and by that definition, it is National Land.
No, it make that land Private National Land and if it is defined as Federal Zone, then it becomes Public National Land.
The land is national >Land to start and has never been other kind, they may try to re define it, but they have no jurisdiction or power to do it, they are an administrative authority and only a Federal judge may have jurisdiction to recognize it as other kind.

The Federal Zone authorities have been corrupt for years and they move the Federal Zone line to your paid convenience; in the case of the Developments, they define the front row of houses as Federal Zone to allow the owners to avoid paying the development or they move the line to give more land to the development, it has been their business for decades, but if you uncover their doing, the law is very clear and measurements exact; they have no way of maintaining a unlawful situation for a long time.

Woooosh - 10-16-2011 at 03:36 PM

"The Federal Zone authorities have been corrupt for years and they move the Federal Zone line to your paid convenience; in the case of the Developments, they define the front row of houses as Federal Zone to allow the owners to avoid paying the development or they move the line to give more land to the development, it has been their business for decades, but if you uncover their doing, the law is very clear and measurements exact; they have no way of maintaining a unlawful situation for a long time."

This is the reason we are having problems in my area. ZOFEMAT has been issuing legal titles against imaginary map points- and told me they were doing so. I just didn't really know what they meant by it until recently.

How does the local ZOFEMAT Jefe play into this if all approvals come from the Director General in Mexico City? I haven't copied the local ZOFMAT office on anything due to a justified lack of trust.

Cypress - 10-16-2011 at 03:58 PM

I'm not buying anything south of the border. The best way to frame the property situation is "rent". You're renting the land! The guy that compared property ownership in Mexico to renting a lot in a trailer park in the US was spot on.:O

ramuma53 - 10-18-2011 at 01:33 PM

Remember that every director see the world through their technical people and they are the ones that measure the Z.F.M.T. the director just sign.
Of course he must be getting his share of the business and that is why the people on the Administracion de la Z.F.M.T. in Rosarito is so corrupt and nobody can touch them, because they generate money that the directors receive without even knowing how the money is earned.
They just go to you and say, Do you want to be in or out of Federal Zone and they they make the technical works to fit what you want and if the developer resist to give brive, they just go to the house tenant and offer him to be inside Federal Zone and to stop paying the Developer for the house. The Rosarito Coast has been pleagued for decades with this actions and I can not tell you that it has been always against Americans.
Their other source of revenue is to charge ort not for Z.F.M.T. on the cliffs and if you do not pay them, even if you are beside a cliff, they issue official documents saying you are inside Federal Zone.
Rememeber that the actual definition for Federal Zone is --- where the coast has a beach and the solid ground beside the beach has less than 30 degree slope, there a Federal zone will be measured and only there.

Woooosh - 10-18-2011 at 07:20 PM

I have heard about PROFEPA/ZOFEMAT trying to make cliff property Federal Zone. That is why so many people talk about the 30 degree slope rule.

It looks like Rosarito has 1,000,000 pesos to spend on the malecon project if they use it by 2012, but they now want to build a jetty by the Rosarito Beach hotel instead. Proyecto Playa Norte.

ramuma53 - 10-20-2011 at 03:50 PM

The 30 degree slope beside the beach, is the Law, not a rule, the rule talk about a different way to measure it, but a rule (reglamento) can not be over the law, that is why the law win and the 30 degree has not been overuled.

Woooosh - 10-20-2011 at 06:47 PM

Originally posted by ramuma53
The 30 degree slope beside the beach, is the Law, not a rule, the rule talk about a different way to measure it, but a rule (reglamento) can not be over the law, that is why the law win and the 30 degree has not been overuled.

Zeta Magazine requested an interview. If it gets rough, we'll send them your way. :tumble:

ramuma53 - 11-4-2011 at 10:08 PM

Ok, it will not be the first time

Woooosh - 11-5-2011 at 08:30 AM

The interview went fine. The reporter had all the documents we created. He is most interested in who is selling the federal zone to all these people (the condos, Ms. Ortiz and another lot we filed a denuncia against in 2009). We had a utility bill for the condo showing it is owned by Grupo Aries and the current real estate listing by Gustavo Torres- so that was his next stop. I thought there may be Zeta bias in favor of the sinaloans- but the current Zeta issue is very honest and says the Sinaloas now "own" all the security forces in Baja and let drug shipments through the Rosarito military checkpoints. We'll see. (No word back from Ing. Daniel Chavira yet)

wessongroup - 11-5-2011 at 08:37 AM

Great to see this moving along, and moving up the legal ladder

Hope ya get "headlines" on some of it .. Woooosh... would really kick it into overdrive... about now.,.. given current conditions in Mexico/Baja ... something all can understand ... property law in Mexico

Sinaloa call was spot on ..... till ya get to the "fence" ... then control changes once again.. which from a distribution standpoint makes sense ... if ya want to take that into consideration... factors which also impact real estate values.. and ones longevity IMHO

Best of luck, of course... and keep your head down... if that is possible :):)

Let us know when your going to be on TV... would like to see the old CT Yankee on TV... :lol::lol:

[Edited on 11-5-2011 by wessongroup]

ramuma53 - 11-14-2011 at 09:51 AM

You are buying a Real Estate rigth, that is not the dominium (The real estate rights are : Dominium or right to sell, Right to Use as in your case and usufructo that mean the right to own the product of the real este) because you are renting or getting the right to use that land and its buildings, you do not own any part of that property, not even the improvements and you should not pay any buying tax.

As you say, you have the right to inprove it and you are !!!buying!!!! the right to use the existing improvements; but in no way, you are buying the dominium over any of those objects.

That mean, you are just renting and the one who pay the taxes for the lease contract is the one who lease the property, not you, you just pay what the contract say you are obligated to pay, absolutely no taxes but the IVA (10% I think) for you.
Any tax concerning the property value should be paid by the dominium owner, not you, because he own the Real Estate not you, you have only the right to use it.

Even if you are !!!buying!!!! the existing improvements, you are not buying the improvement´s property, since your have a lease contract and the improvement´s property belong to the one whe lease to you, you are only getting the use of the improvements.

If you improve the property with your own improvements, automatically those improvement´s property or dominium go to the one who lease to you and at that time you are paying the IVA tax on the store where you buy the building materials already and that is the only tax that you should pay.
I am impressed with your knowledge concerning real estate purchases in Baja. I noticed that you list Mulege as your place of residence in Baja. I am considering buying some improvements on a piece of leased land in Mulege. The lease is satisfactory and from an upstanding person in Mulege. According to the lease, I have the right to sell the improvements during the course of the lease. I have no problem walking away from the improvements, without being able to sell them after the 10 year lease expires, if that happens. My question is concerning the taxes on the improvements. I have been told that taxes of 25% of the purchase price on the improvements will have to be paid to some taxing agency. I have been told that it is the buyer's responsibility to pay the taxes. The owner of the improvements has mentioned nothing of this. Are the taxes to be paid? We are not using a real estate agent and thus, I thought you might answer my question. Also, will I be subject to any annual taxes on the improvements? Thanks in advance for any information you can share on this subject.

ramuma53 - 11-14-2011 at 09:55 AM

Zenta almost never write anything against Hugo Torres Chaver or his group, hope that little fact change.

Woooosh - 11-14-2011 at 10:23 AM

Originally posted by ramuma53
Zeta almost never writes anything against Hugo Torres Chavert or his group, hope that little fact change.

Torres son is also the seller of the Playa Bonita condos... so if Zeta can find a legal justification for him selling them, they likely will. I think you are correct that it is the ZOFEMAT and PROFEPA local offices who manipulate the Z.M.F.T. lines to suit the needs of their "customer"- taking advantage of a 30 year old marine demarcation survey. That's a good enough story if they print it.

I have no heard back from the Director General of ZOFEMAT since the last letter to him (legal basis for not granting land to the squatter and requesting a hearing in person). The squatter Ortiz left the property last week and has not returned. A group of ten men walked around the area last Friday taking photos and pointing out the concession signs. They parked on a side street out of camera range which tells me they are likely Grupo Aries people- not PROFEPA or a gov't agency. The Zeta reporter has the CFE bill for the Playa Bonita condos that shows Grupo Aries as the owner.

Mayor Robles is moving the malecon project from here to downtown Rosarito and adding a jetty. He is having a hard time getting the Baja Governor to present the plan to Mexico City for some reason. He also recently failed to get an agreement with Ensenada on the boundary between Rosarito and Ensenada.

ramuma53 - 11-23-2011 at 11:45 AM

Major Robles is going to have serious problems, trying to move forward the Malecon Project, because he was put in power by Hugo Torres Chavert and Ejido Mazatlan and both are life enemies of the Real Estate Land legality correction.

Tha Malecon project was made by me, when Silvano Abarca was the Major; it was presented to him, by the Beach Commerce association who I was then directing; we presented it to him and he promptly adopted it as city goal, but he tried to show it as his own project.

The main problem for that project is that, the Real Estate Land legality problem, has to be corrected first, as first phase and my plan showed it that way, it start with that phase and with the cooperation of Mr. Jorge Duran, the National Land rights legal holder, but Hugo Torres Chavert and Ejido Mazatlan oppose it until it was cancelled.

You have to remember that Hugo Torres Chavert and Ejido Mazatlan have been living from the land legality problem, they are the most interested in the staus Quo; if the legalization start, everybody will know that Hotel Rosarito is national property and that ejido Mazatlan has been selling national land. While all the Torres group towers are overn National Land already sold to other people, not them.

All the towers that the Torres group has built, are over National Land.
Rosarito will never grow or become what it should be, as long as Hugo Torres Chavert has any power backed by Ejido Mazatlan; they together control all the political parties in Rosarito.

Now, it looks like Fernando Castro Trenty and PRI party, are looking in to the problem with a congresional investigation, finding that Rosarito will never grow as long as those entities are in power and they have been in power in Rosarito for decades through bribery, corruption and lately violence.

The new Estate Congress investigation is backed by Fernando Castro Trenty, but who is he????? Why he can do what others have not????.

He has been a power instrument for decades, he is a born politician and has always been a disciplined element to political power, even against his own political party, he was the executing hand when PRI decide to give away power to PAN in Baja and he acted then against his own party and now, he is one of the main men for Manglio Fabio Beltrones, who just renounced to run for Mexico´s president and that mean, that he most likely he will end up as Interior minister (Secretario de Gobernacion) in the next PRI administration and that mean, that Fernando Castro Trenty will end up on the top echelons of that ministry, equal to one of the most powerful men in Mexico.
On the local level, that means, that top power men in Mexico, are looking in to the Tijuana Ensenada corridor and are exploring the Real Estate problem solution.

[Edited on 11-23-2011 by ramuma53]

Woooosh - 11-23-2011 at 12:10 PM

Ramuma53- I have heard that you are getting threatening e-mails. I hope this isn't the reason your posts have dropped off recently.

ramuma53 - 11-26-2011 at 09:17 AM

At this time, Inmobiliaria Real de Mexico S.A. de C.V. the national land title legal holder, is promoting in Mexico city, the issuing of the National Land title, it may take several months before we see any action, but I think, taking in to account legal times, we will se legal actions worth first page news, by July next year, give or take 3 months.
Puerta del Mar is one of the easyest and as a consequence one of the fisrt to show legal consequences.
If you are there, try to move before that time.
Concerning legal suits, tell him to see the administrative procedure on the Rosendo Victorio Victorio National land title because when he receive the firt lgal suit, it will be a federal case for illegal use of Federal Property and it ill be to late for him and any of their real estate buyers.
Clearly he is lying about safety

ramuma53 - 11-26-2011 at 09:23 AM

I have not received any threat but it would not be a strange thing to me, I have been receiving them since I was 17 years old.
To this day they have not succeeded while of the issuers have gone down by their own actions.
People who issue threats, want to obtain a retreat just by scaring people, but usually they are unable to take any action, that is why they issue threats; people who act, do not issue threats, they just act.

ramuma53 - 12-20-2011 at 12:47 PM

Puerta del mar or Venustiano Carranza title will be issued January next year, the offical study just finished on the side of Rosendo Victorio Victorio.
That mean the new title is going to be issued very soon and a Federal Investigation will start to see who is usinf Federal land in an illegal way and that mean Puerta del Mar.

senorj3 - 12-20-2011 at 01:35 PM

Mr. Munoz, what is happening at Playa Buenaventura? Thanks for your reply

elgatoloco - 12-20-2011 at 03:19 PM

Originally posted by bajaeng
Thanks for the update. I will be watching the news for this. Still, everyone at PDM is saying there are no concerns. I guess they may be in for some unpleasant news soon.

wessongroup - 2-24-2012 at 09:07 PM

Originally posted by ramuma53
I have not received any threat but it would not be a strange thing to me, I have been receiving them since I was 17 years old.
To this day they have not succeeded while of the issuers have gone down by their own actions.
People who issue threats, want to obtain a retreat just by scaring people, but usually they are unable to take any action, that is why they issue threats; people who act, do not issue threats, they just act.

Thanks very much for stepping up to the plate on the law in Mexico and the structure and function of Agency

And for stating your position with supportive documentation and even "media" releases on events which impact you

Good luck, only hope there will not be any negative changes from the upcoming elections on your efforts, as it would set a new course for real estate transactions in Baja and all of Mexico, which would benefit many people both north and south of the border

[Edited on 2-25-2012 by wessongroup]

Woooosh - 3-7-2012 at 10:44 AM

Originally posted by Woooosh
I would like to explore the "Prescripcion Positiva" aspect more among our real estate expert group since Angel brought it up in the Mark and Olivia Thread where it was out of place. We'll go step by step to allow discussion by Angel and others.

Angel posts:

[Edited on 3-7-2012 by Woooosh]

There are several legal conditions needed to acquire a "Squatters Title" known as the "Prescripcion Positiva."

Article 1151. The possession necessary to prescribe:
I. Must be held in the concept of ownership for five years and be uncontested,
II. Must be Peaceful. When the possession is gained by violence the period for prescription is ten years for buildings, starting from the cessation of violence.
III. Must be Continuous (sole and permanent occupancy),
IV. Must be Public (marked or fenced)

Ms. Ortiz did not present a legal land title or any proof of payment when in April 2010 she asked the ZOFEMAT Director General to designate the land as her "private property" stating it was land she has "owned and occupied for over 20 years". If she had it, she would have presented it. That, and the fact she refused to present any other proof of ownership to Mr. Nava when he requested it- means she was attempting to acquire the land via the Prescripcion Positiva method.

Ms. Ortiz is claiming the fraccionamineto lot under the white house (Lot #5) AND the empty lot to the left designated by Mr. Nava as the Disabled Beach access (Lot #6). The house had previously been destroyed by the ocean and was vacant in 2005 as 14 neighbors have attested to in letters to ZOFEMAT and is clearly shown in photos taken in 2005.

The photo Angel refers to of Mr. Nava showing the Federal Zone concession Title to Ms. Ortiz in Jan 2010 proves the occupation by the squatter was contested prior to Ms. Ortiz accepting the Prescripcion Positiva in May of 2010. (There is also a YouTube video of this confrontation posted where the concession holder tells her she cannot do anything on his concessio). Still, Ms. Ortiz brought in police escorts for the truck carrying boulders, using the police to violate the legal rights Mr. Nava held for the concession- a federal crime.

In March 2010 Mr. Nava had a Red/white Federal Zone concession sign posted on the telephone pole directly in front of the house Ms. Ortiz now claims a legally acquired Prescripcion Positiva for. Since 2009, the pole has been within the bounds of concession DGZF-832/08 held by Mr. Nava. This shows Mr. Nava contested her presence prior to Ms. Ortiz accepting the Prescripcion Positiva in May 2010. It also shows the Federal Zone had already been moved by PROFEPA all the way to the street- Paseo del Mar. Ms. Ortiz illegally removed the sign, which is a federal crime. The legal notes concession DGZF-832/08 clearly stated the concession is "inperscriptable". Even still Ms. Ortiz went to the court and had the Prescripcion Positiva issued to her in May 2010 which is yet another federal crime.

In March 2010, Ms. Ortiz offered the two land parcels for sale to US investors for $199,000USD- claiming she had the legal title to sell it. In March 2010 she didn't even have the Prescripcion Positiva in hand yet, and since the complete area was now in the Federal Zone it would not be valid against the concession anyway. It is also a federal crime to sell federal zone land.

In November 2011 the PROFEPA delegate to Baja (Bernabe Esquer Peraz) issued a ruling that all of the land west of Paseo del Mar was either Federal Zone or Marine Zone (under water). This ended any doubt that the land could be acquired as private property by the Prescripcion Positiva of Ms Ortiz, even if the "PP" had been acquired legally.

So, in these two instances we see that the presence of Ms. Ortiz was contested at both properties she is claiming, BEFORE she accepted the Prescripcion Positiva. This is proof fraud was comitted by Ms. Ortiz in regards to condition #1.

... and we still have "PP" conditions 2,3, and 4 to go to prove the fraud by Ms. Ortiz was comprehensive.

[Edited on 3-7-2012 by Woooosh]

Woooosh - 3-8-2012 at 03:09 PM

Well, first of all PROFEPA already made its written 15 page decision in November 2011- so although there are always two sides to the story- PROFEPA has already decided the facts and made their decision in this matter. We can discuss and debate their written decision though.

ZOFEMAT provided us with the original letter Ms. Ortiz wrote in April of 2011, requesting that our concesion be voided due to fraud in the application process. In that document Ms. Ortiz wrote she had owned and lived there for over 20 years:

We provided photos from 2005 that showed it vacant and vandalized, and 14 neighbors wrote letters supporting that. One example:

Had Ms. Ortiz paid for the property or the two properties (she is claiming two land parcels of a fraccionamiento: Lot #5 and Lot #6) she could have provide a payment receipt, family photos, or a land title for at least one of them. I think that is a telling point. How can she claim to own both the house and lot next to it (ued as the disabled access) when two different families lived in them before the ocean destroyed them both- and she clearly was not one of them? She went to court in 2010 to get the "Prescripcion Positiva" so clearly that was all she had. She also did not disclose in her letter to the ZOFEMAT Director General the method she was using to claim ownership ("PP")- only that it was all she had in the world and had been her full time home and in her family for 20 years. She asked in the letter that these two lots be granted to her as "her private property". That is why this comes down to a challenge of a squatter against federal zone land. No title or proof of payment by her for either property.

In 2005 the large area we applied was all sand and west of the abandoned house and lot next to it (Lot #5, Lot#6) she is claiming. The application map proves that:

The problem was exactly as I stated earlier- the existing maps were from 1976 and still showed an area between the street and the Federal Zone as Ganados al Mar (where lots #5 and #6 are). The Playa Bonita condo was going up in 2005 (in the gandos al mar) and we certainly did not want development to spread down the coastline in front of our house. Who would? No apology from us for that. We applied for the large concession area, knew the Gandos al Mar was there (but that we could not apply for it) and waited for the concession title to be awarded. In the two years that passed, Ms. Ortiz showed up and those two years did no one a favor- to be sure. We have saved all our e-mails from her about the house being abandoned when she arrived and us offering to include that land in our concession if PROFEPA ever gave her a hard time about being there. Our concession was eventually granted in 2008 and, because PROFEPA had moved the line in those two years a little more to east towards the street, our concession was now over half of "her" lot which she had already fenced and began making unpermitted improvements on. She attempted to fence the beach access to the second lot, and had put a "private property" sign on it. We ordered her to remove the sign and to allow pedestrian access and she did. (She had still not been there long enough (5 years) to get the Prescipcion Positiva at that point).

This part is interesting: In 2009 someone fenced the part of the beach in front of our house and put a "For Sale" sign on it. Thinking it was part of our concession (concession titles have only the map co-ordinates so we really didn't know what exact area had been given to us) , we filed a denuncia with PROFEPA and Bernabe Esquer Peraz, the PROFEPA Baja delegate personally came to investigate. He showed us where our concession really was and we were not pleased that it was the area by Ms. Ortiz. We had intentionally applied for area away from that, but that is not what was granted in the title. When Bernabe asked us where we thought our concession was (we were only granted about 381m2 of the 1355m2 we had applied for), we told him that because the ocean water now came over the seawall into the street- that we thought we were awarded a three meter strip one hundred meters long (the top of the seawall basically). I produced a photo of the water coming over the seawall and touching our property. He asked that we sign and date that photo. That is the 2009 event that moved the FMZ line all the way to the street, but no the exact picture we signed:

The PROFEPA delegate himself did the investigation and moved the line. No shenanigans. Once he moved the line, the ganados al mar was gone. Our concession automatically moved to the street with it. So, we have the same PROFEPA delegate who personally investigated our denuncia making the final 15 page decision on this case two years later.

It is 100% absolutely true that when Ms. Ortiz "landed" on the property it was not in the Federal Zone. It is also true that with no land title or taxes being paid by her on either property (Lot #5 or Lot#6) there was no one legally to notify when the federal zone line did move.

Even with all this, we did not act on having Ms. Ortiz removed until we were ordered to do so by the Baja Jefe de ZOFEMAT who has his office right here in Villas del Mar. Mr. Villarreal told us if she was on our concession it was our contractual obligation to have her removed (condition of the title) and we could be prosecuted if we did not do so. So what choice did we have but to follow the course of action he told us to- go the PGR.

There is more complexity to this and I'm sure you'll have more questions for me once Tila gives them to you. Please just keep the conversation civil and I will tell you whatever you want to know and post whatever documents you want to see. We would do the same with her- but she was never interested in sharing her documents or talking about it with us.

It is a good story Joe. That is why we made the videos. It is also why Zeta magazine has come to our house to interview us and request documents.

[Edited on 3-9-2012 by Woooosh]

Cypress - 3-8-2012 at 03:39 PM

Baja real estate advice? Don't do it!;D

Woooosh - 3-8-2012 at 04:56 PM

I also want to add this whole mess is NOT the fault of Tila Ortiz or us. It is clearly the fault of PROFEPA/ZOFEMAT/SEMARNAT but they have told both of us this is a personal battle between us while they sit back and watch. They are making us two fight it out and for that they are wrong.

SEMARNAT/PROFEPA/ZOFMAT gave us none of the area we requested in the concession application. NONE. They sat on the application for two years and then awarded us the area over Lot #5 and #6 which had been the "Ganados al Mar" we were told we cold not apply for. They reserve the right to adjust your application map- and they did so. Why? Who knows. They did not tell us what they did, or offer show us what they adjusted on the concession map. It is true what Ortiz says that there was a building and foundations on the area they awarded us- so it is not "ornato." But that doesn't make it intentional fraud on our part as she claimed in her letter to SEMARNAT. We didn't even know until the PROFEPA delegate Bernabe told us in 2009. We didn't like it either. We had intentionally applied for the area west and south from there so we would not have a conflict with her or anyone. We just wanted to stop more construction from moving south down the beach in front of us. When ZOFEMAT/PROFEPA/SEMARNAT issues you a concession THEY are the ones who are supposed to make sure it is correct. To make us go back and remove the squatter Ortiz was wrong. That is their job and 100% their fault- but they will never admit it.

We did tell the inspector General we did not mind if they took the piece of our concession under the squatter Ortiz house (but not the other lot #6) and give it to her. But they cannot grant it to her as her "private property" because it is Federal Zone now and I doubt she wants to just protect it. She has already offered the land she claims (Lot#5 and Lot#6) for sale for $199K (claiming she had the legal land title) in March 2010- so the reason she wants it designated as "her private property" is simply to sell it. There is noting really wrong with that- except she was too late- it's gone:

We also told ZOFEMAT/SEMARNAT/PROFEPA if they were to cancel our concession based on the fact the concession area they awarded us did not match the application or area we applied for, we would re-apply. Because the water comes over the seawall and touches our property we are still #1 in line for it all should we have to re-apply. The Prescripcion Positiva held by Tila Ortiz can't legally allow them to grant her anything at this point. Only the legal land owner could claim it ahead of us, and that person does not exist. We are still waiting for a hearing date if they decide to go that route, but considering the mistake was theirs and Zeta Magazine will attend the hearing with us- I doubt it will happen.

What PROFEPA did in their 15 page decision was cover over the mistakes made by them and SEMARNAT/ZOFEMAT by just saying all the land west of the seawall is now Federal or Marine Zone and is already in a concession- ours. It rids them of the whole problem.

She's not the biggest victim if this though. Nor are we. The owners of Playa Bonita condos are. They built a gorgeous $5 Million USD building on that same "Ganados al Mar" three lots north of Ortiz and now can do almost nothing with it. Someone gave them the green light to build, but once they were done the land under is now Federal or Marine zone too. That did not stop them from trying to sell it to US investors last year claiming they had the clear land title and title insurance (when NO title exists at all), but we Nomads contacted PROFEPA and stopped the sale:

We don't want the house. It's a modular house and she can pull it anywhere she wants. We just want the beach to be sand for people to enjoy and for there to be room for lifeguards, residents and tourists to walk past on the beach. Just like the our video says.

[Edited on 3-9-2012 by Woooosh]

[Edited on 3-9-2012 by Woooosh]

JoeJustJoe - 3-8-2012 at 06:20 PM

Wooosh wrote: That's an important legal point and strategy. When our concession was potentially threatened by the squatter's false claims of "intentional fraud"on our part, we provided all the correct documents to refute those claims. In Mexico there is a cultural tendency to want to help your friends in any way possible without judging if what your friend did was right or wrong. Nothing wrong with that, but it slows the legal process because no one wants to say no- or that they can't help, even if their friend is unlikely to prevail. After six months of letters and e-mails (yes, even the Director Generals of ZOFEMAT and PROFEPA will e-mail you back these days if you ask respectfully) we did what we should have done right away- ask for the public hearing on the matter the law says we are entitled to before a concession can be taken away. We told the Director Generals we would travel anywhere at any time to attend this hearing to defend our concession. Not many people know that this is their legal right and it makes it very hard for them to ignore you once you ask for it.

Regarding this specific statement:
In Mexico there is a cultural tendency to want to help your friends in any way possible without judging if what your friend did was right or wrong. Text

Wrote wrote the above statement in the M&O thread but wants to discuss his issue over here in this thread. That's fine with me, and I don't even know if I want to discuss to discuss this issue fully yet, and try to look to look at both sides of this housing dispute. I am a licensed real estate agent in the USA not Mexico, and really I use my real estate license for investment purposes. So this is really out of area of knowledge, but I learn fast, and I have a keen understanding of human nature, and some of my focus is going to be on human nature side of this problem, and what's going on behind the scenes. I am not Tila, and I'm not here to fight her case for her in front of a 'Nomad" jury, but there are a few things I'm learning on my own, and with very good anonymous sources that I will not disclose at this time unless they give me permission to do so.

So while I play catch up and digest all this information. I want to quickly comment on Woooosh's Mexican stereotype comment he often makes, and he did so right now.

In every culture there is a tendency to help your family and your friends. This is something that's not just with Mexican norms and local culture customs. It's everywhere like that.

But no doubt Woooosh is an "outsider" here, as well as Tila who is an Mexican-American like JoeJustJoe, although Wooosh has his Mexican partner. I think Tila has the advantage here because she can pass as a local Mexican from what I heard and is just as smart as Woooosh or even smarter.

Woooosh also seems to think he has a slam dunk case, and everybody should take his side in this dispute, because he is right, and he has law and order on his side. Wooosh believes the only reason why he hasn't won this case is because some cultural thing in Mexican society. That's crazy! Because most of the time when you take on a legal case. It's far from a slam dunk, especially with collection the money or gaining the property when and if you win.

I give the edge to Tila, because I doubt she'll fall back to some stupid Mexican stereotype to win her case against Woooosh.

wessongroup - 3-8-2012 at 06:36 PM

Shoot the messenger ... now that helps...

Woooosh - 3-8-2012 at 07:01 PM

You just can't make a point without attacking? Please try harder. I stand by that statement- I also said in the very next sentence there was nothing wrong with that- just that it slows the legal process down. You running a super-PAC campaign or something?

Tila hates "gringo's". I do not know why. I certainly do not hate Mexicans. The first thing she yelled out when the Police Captain asked a question about me was "But he's a gringo!". I told her "Gringos are good here senorita". Her friend popped in with "He's a queer". So I mentioned to him that Hugo Torres, Hank Rhon and Bejamin Felix Arellnao are all alleged to be gay (and we have friends who have entertained at Hank's parties)- so what's the problem? The Captain laughed and clearly was amused by my sense of humor and candor.

Tila Ortiz Maldonado works for the California School System for the Eastside Union School System in Lancaster. She currently lives and pays property taxes in Sun City, CA (another reason her "PP" is fraudulent). Squatting is a financial hobby for her and how she makes extra cash. Nothing wrong with that- but in this case PROFEPA, not me - has said she missed the mark. All she has lost is time- she didn't pay for a thing as far as I can tell. (sound familiar?)

I hope you do a good job investigating this. I don't care who your sources are really, I speak the truth. The man that does cable TV shows in English here in Rosarito is a Nomad and has already posted that he "enjoyed talking to Tila" and thought the people she associated with were harmless. After I started sending him the documentation I also offer you he wrote back and said he wanted to do a story about this battle. I said "NO". The point of us doing the Beach Fitness Trail was to create a positive thing for Rosarito Beach. I asked him to wait until the Beach Fitness Trail was open and then do a pro-Baja story on it. I also told him I hope to add a "Dog Beach" next because that would be good for tourism too. But you think I hate all things Mexico and Mexican , huh?

Tila Ortiz is very very good at deceiving and manipulating people and never offers any documentation or proof of anything. She is a pro at it. In all my years in the casino business I have never run into a character like her- and I really thought I had seen it all. She has not one Mexican friend in the neighborhood because she doesn't need them and does not intend to stay here- she just wants to sell the land and get out. She hangs out with deportees and drug dealers because it is easy to turn them against us. She turned them against us and used the local police to make it through five years to get her squatter's title ("PP"). She even claims I pushed her to the ground and tried to kill her with a hammer! The truth is the established Mexicans in the area know she is squatter trying to sell their beach and want nothing at all to do with her. That's why they wrote the letters of support for us they did. They said we are the first people to do something good for the neighborhood and are blown away that we are doing all this. The local Mexicans (and most deportees actually) like us and after being here so many years they know us by our actions- not her words. The only one she has been successful with is an American tatooed skinhead drug dealer named Harlan Pankau- who is seen threatening us in the video after she sent him over to our house. Here's a photo of Harlan with Tila- and his rap sheet:

Please let me know what additional information or facts you need for your "investigation". Keep it factual and civil I will continue spending time responding. Thanks.

[Edited on 3-9-2012 by Woooosh]

[Edited on 3-9-2012 by Woooosh]

JoeJustJoe - 3-8-2012 at 08:51 PM

Before I get to the technical real estate aspects of your real estate fight Woooosh. Can you answer me this:

Did you get into a physical fight with Harlan the person in that picture you provided below?

Did you at any time get into a physical fight with Ms Ortiz, and either hit or push Ms Ortiz a women?

Woooosh have you ever verbally assaulted Ms Ortiz with the kind of words we can't write down on "Baja Nomads." Woooosh have you tried to intimidate Ms Ortiz with your five dogs or have you noticed if Ms Ortiz felt intimated by your five dogs? ( now I owned a Lab and Golden Retrieve before, and know at most those type of dogs will lick you to death, but people who never owned those type of dogs do sometimes fear those retrievers because they can be pretty big dogs, and they do have loud barks)

So what happened Woooosh on the physical side of this dispute? It seems like you already anticipated that I would ask about a physical altercation between you, and Ms Ortiz. I wonder why you first brought it up?

Did you Woooosh ever do any time in a Mexican jail for fighting, with Ms Ortiz or any friend or neighbor of Ms Ortiz who perhaps tried to help her with her legal fight against you Wooosh? Wooosh did the local police ever put you in back of their patrol car for any reason related to your legal case and that includes fighting? Did you ever have to see a local judge because of any physical alteration relating or extending from this real estate dispute.

Woooosh did you throw against this vato, and take the fight to the ground?:

[Edited on 3-9-2012 by JoeJustJoe]

JoeJustJoe - 3-8-2012 at 10:43 PM

Originally posted by Woooosh

Tila hates "gringo's". I do not know why. I certainly do not hate Mexicans. The first thing she yelled out when the DA asked a question about me was "But he's a gringo!". I told her "Gringos are good here senorita". Her friend popped in with "He's a queer". So I mentioned to him that Hugo Torres, Hank Rhon and Bejamin Felix Arellnao are all alleged to be gay (and we have friends who have entertained at Hank's parties)- so what's the problem? The DA laughed and clearly was amused by my sense of humor and candor.

Tila Ortiz Maldonado works for the California School System for the Eastside Union School System in Lancaster. She currently lives and pays property taxes in Sun City, CA (another reason her "PP" is fraudulent). Squatting is a financial hobby for her and how she makes extra cash. Nothing wrong with that- but in this case PROFEPA, not me - has said she missed the mark. All she has lost is time- she didn't pay for a thing as far as I can tell. (sound familiar?)

The point of us doing the Beach Fitness Trail was to create a positive thing for Rosarito Beach. I asked him to wait until the Beach Fitness Trail was open and then do a pro-Baja story on it. I also told him I hope to add a "Dog Beach" next because that would be good for tourism too. But you think I hate all things Mexico and Mexican , huh?

Tila Ortiz is very very good at deceiving and manipulating.She hangs out with deportees and drug dealers because it is easy to turn them against us. The only one she has been successful with is an American tatooed skinhead drug dealer named Harlan Pankau- who is seen threatening us in the video after she sent him over to our house.

Maybe Woooosh Ms Ortiz doesn't hate all gringos, but perhaps she isn't too fond of you Wooosh who happens to be a gringo.

Yeah that sounds pretty bad referring to you Woooosh as a gringo, and is gay. But again that's your word against her, and it's pretty obvious you are for sure bashing Ms Ortiz Woooosh. My guess it's going on with both sides.

I also understand Woooosh that you own a navy blue silk like pin striped suit that you wear with a red hankie, and you wear that outfit in a Mexican court? I hope it isn't true Wooosh, because you would indeed look out of place in a Mexican court or just about anywhere in Baja dressed like that.

Woooosh I don't see what Tila Ortiz working for a California school distinct has to do with your real estate legal case? Perhaps she is retired, and even if she wasn't retired. I have a hard time why you bring up her career choice or past career choices? The good news is that Ms Ortiz is unlikely to have any criminal record being employed by a school district, because every time you renew your credential the state checks for any new court convictions.

Are you trying to say she is not a Mexican citizen and therefore has no rights to Mexican beach property? Well Woooosh if you're a first or second generation Mexican-American you can probably gain Mexican citizenship through your parents. Even JoeJustJoe could probably get Mexican citizenship although I have no living relatives in Mexico. However when I was married my wife's parents were born in Mexico, and I could have received my Mexican citizenship indirectly.

Woooosh I see you're still focused on telling us your legal fight is for the benefit of Baja Mexican citzens than on your ocean view, and access to a open beach. I really which you would come clean here and tells us it's about you, your family and the dogs.

So according to you Woooosh, and your cameras. Ms Ortiz hangs out with deportees and drug dealers! Who do you hang out with Wooosh? And what does it matter who Ms Ortiz is hanging out with or you hang out with Woooosh?

I did see the Youtube videos, and perhaps I'll put them on this thread, or you can do that yourself. But it looks like to me the guy is reacting to something someone is doing from high on your house Woooosh.

What's really going on on that YouTube video and what are you Woooosh or someone from your house doing to provoke the guy on the video? Clearly there is some type of two way communication going on, and the guy is reacting.

What are the videos for Woooosh? Do you really need to record everybody that comes and goes on the street, and who Mr Ortiz talks too?

Woooosh - 3-8-2012 at 11:36 PM

Originally posted by JoeJustJoe
Before I get to the technical real estate aspects of your real estate fight Woooosh. Can you answer me this:

1.) Did you get into a physical fight with Harlan the person in that picture you provided below?

2.) Did you at any time get into a physical fight with Ms Ortiz, and either hit or push Ms Ortiz a women?

Woooosh have you ever verbally assaulted Ms Ortiz with the kind of words we can't write down on "Baja Nomads." Woooosh have you tried to intimidate Ms Ortiz with your five dogs or have you noticed if Ms Ortiz felt intimated by your five dogs? ( now I owned a Lab and Golden Retrieve before, and know at most those type of dogs will lick you to death, but people who never owned those type of dogs do sometimes fear those retrievers because they can be pretty big dogs, and they do have loud barks)

So what happened Woooosh on the physical side of this dispute? It seems like you already anticipated that I would ask about a physical altercation between you, and Ms Ortiz. I wonder why you first brought it up?

Did you Woooosh ever do any time in a Mexican jail for fighting, with Ms Ortiz or any friend or neighbor of Ms Ortiz who perhaps tried to help her with her legal fight against you Wooosh? Wooosh did the local police ever put you in back of their patrol car for any reason related to your legal case and that includes fighting? Did you ever have to see a local judge because of any physical alteration relating or extending from this real estate dispute.

Woooosh did you throw against this vato, and take the fight to the ground?:

[Edited on 3-9-2012 by JoeJustJoe]

You go Perry Mason! Quite the cross examination! LOL

Well Joe, this has nothing to do with the real estate side of the case- but let's go through it one buy one. I've got time to respond and obviously Tila's attention. Obviously she has no questions for you relating to the real estate topic so she is doing what she always does to garner sympathy for failing as a squatter- saying I used violence against her. This is exactly how she has gotten the American skinheads and deportee drug dealers to support her. Poor little her against the big bad "Gringo" who is trying to steal her lifelong house of 20 years from her. Poor little 200 pound me! You already know that part of her story is a lie- you read it from her own writing. So let' see if you fall for the rest too... Like I said, she is a true piece of work- a master manipulator. But actually Joe- I believe you will finally see through her.

We have two open PGJE cases against Otila Maldonado Ortiz, she has never filed one against us or she certainly would have given you that case number. We have been letting her make the mistakes (since being ordered by SEMARNAT in 2010 to have her removed "despojo" from the concession). We are doing it the correct, legal way, step by step and have made no mistakes ( but with no results either due to her many friends in the police and the local courts). If I had acted with violence against her- you can be sure she would have filed charges and given you that case number!

"1.) Did you get into a physical fight with Harlan the person in that picture you provided below?"

This case is still open at the PGJE. It is case number 712/10/207/AP against Otila Maldonado Ortiz and Harlan Pankau Jr.

I did not get into a physical fight with the man in the photo with the rap sheet, Harlan. I would be dead in a NY minute. Tila Ortiz sent him from her house to threaten my family (as shown in the photo below taken from one of our videos). A man she did not know was a Rosarito auxiliary policeman was also inside her house. Tila was peeking out the curtains while Harlan was walking to my house. My elderly mother in law was preparing Cabrillo in the kitchen at the time and in the video Harlan is pointing up at us in the second floor kitchen. When the police office turned to leave Tilas house to help us right away, she held the policeman's arm and asked him to wait. I was not there, but the policeman testified he then pushed past her and went outside to follow Harlan (a convicted wife beater). He immediately called his police dispatch from his cell phone. While Harlan was threatening us verbally the policeman signaled to us (we were watching from the upper window at Harlan and the policeman in disbelief) to stay inside for safety. The police did come and went directly to their friend Tila's house. (This is how she stalled for four years to get the squatter title). Photo Harlan Pankau threatening me and my family. BTW: This is Harlan's favorite video and is on his facebook page:

The police officer who was inside Tila's house, followed Harlan, called for the police back-up and signaled for us all to stay inside for safety was given an award by the city of Rosarito for protecting our family:

"2.) Did you at any time get into a physical fight with Ms Ortiz, and either hit or push Ms Ortiz a women?"

A petite 200 pound woman- really? What are you Perry Mason? LOL

On two occasions we had contact, but neither was a physical fight. The first time was a night when her boyfriend "Eduardo" called my partner (the concession holder) names (same ones we can't repeat) and then hit him. My partner hit back once, and is tough enough for a hairdresser- but that's another story. I pushed my partner aside and beat the crap out of Eduardo and was on top of him banging his head against the pavement. Someone reached between us to break up the fight and I bit down on that arm as hard as I could. It tasted like crap so I assume it was Tila's. She did not call the police because it was her boyfriend Eduardo who started the physical confrontation. We didn't call the police because we were too busy celebrating Eduardo being beat up by a hairdresser. LOL This is Eduardo. Quite the catch huh? Trust me, he was that ugly before I beat the crap out of him.

The second incident is much more complicated and incorporates most of your other cross examination questions. It occurred when Ms. Ortiz removed the legally posted concession sign with a pair of wire cutters in one hand and a hammer in the other. I was armed with a camera. When I saw her taking down the concession sign I went outside and told her what she was doing was a federal crime and was destruction of my personal property. I started taking photos of her doing it:

She turned to me with the sharp wire cutters in one hand and the hammer in the other:

Afraid she would cut me more by mistake than on purpose, when she turned to confront me I twisted the wire cutters from her hand and then tossed them into her yard. She continued back at the sign with the hammer but was reaching too high and was not able to do it. Since she had already damaged the sign- I told her to step aside and I walked back over and tore the rest of the sign off myself to keep it for evidence. I then went home and she went into her yard. The police came and we all agreed to go to the police station. I drove myself. When we got to the station we had the conversation with the Captain at the police station I mentioned in the earlier post (the "He's a Gringo!", "He's a Queer" one). I had the sign with me and I insisted it was our right to have posted it there on the telephone pole that is on our concession and that she had no right to remove it. She claimed she did not know the area was Federal Zone (seriously). Since neither of us would back down, we were BOTH transported to the PGJE in Popotla by police car and BOTH put into holding cells. Tila tripped on the curb going to the police car and fell hard and hurt herself. I yelled for them to call a vet, but they called an ambulance instead. In the end, she went to the PGJE in a police car too I believe. Tila claimed I tried to kill her by pushing her down and trying to hit her in the head with the hammer. She brought Harlan Pankau as her witness because he had been sitting in his yard across the street when the sign-coming-down incident happened (although he was too far away to see clearly and later admitted he never even saw the yellow clippers in her hand). Well, Harlan the convicted wifebeater speaks ZERO Spanish and had no idea what she was accusing me of, but went along with the story. My lawyer came and got me out right away. I was home before she was. There is video of the event from my security cameras. Had adrenaline not been rushing through my veins I would have thought to bring the cops into the house to replay the video. And had I known a confrontation was going to take place I would have wiped the water drops from my cameras. The resulting video is very hard to see, but is posted on YouTube. Although it is hard to make out the details- what you will NOT see is what she claimed happened- that I pushed her to the ground and tried to kill her with the hammer. Another important note: Do you really think the convicted wife-beater Harlan would have allowed me to do what she is accusing me of while he was right there watching? Nope. Me either.

Video link:

My dogs have never been near her- although they have all their shots just in case she bites them. Yeah, I've called her names- right after Eduardo said he was going to get a gun and kill me. Can you image what she would have gotten away with had I not had these cameras to show the truth? The concession is "our property." We pay for it and we have every right to aim the cameras at what is happening on it. She has cameras too.

She does not care who or how many people she takes down with her in her selfish bid to make $199K. Well- no chance of making that now. It was important to post she is actively employed, paying CA property taxes and a current resident of CA to prove her Perscripcion Positiva is fraudulent. You can't live two places full time at the same time- can you? She said that little white house was her only home and all she had in the world- didn't she? Wait until you see her self-incriminating e-mails. I'm sure she is glad she became a Nomad about now... lol

Tomorrow: Who are these local police. Ministerial Police and PGJE court people who are helping Tila Ortiz Maldonado? (with some very interesting photos her important friends won't be pleased to see posted online- although Zeta will be thrilled to see them). Her fault, not mine. She brought it here though... and you said she was smart.

[Edited on 3-9-2012 by Woooosh]

JoeJustJoe - 3-9-2012 at 01:26 AM

Joe"2.) Did you at any time get into a physical fight with Ms Ortiz, and either hit or push Ms Ortiz a women?"

WooooshA 200 pound woman- really?

What are you Perry Mason? LOL On two occasions we had contact, but it neither was a physical fight. The first time was a night when her boyfriend "Eduardo" called my partner (the concession holder) names (same ones we can't repeat) and then hit him. My partner hit back once, and is tough enough for a hairdresser- but that's another story. I pushed my partner aside and beat the crap out of Eduardo and was on top of him banging his head against the pavement. Someone reached between us to break up the fight and I bit down on that arm as hard as I could. It tasted like crap so I assume it was Tila's. She did not call the police because it was her boyfriend Eduardo who started the physical confrontation. We didn't call the police because were too busy celebrating Eduardo being beat up by a hairdresser. LOL This is Eduardo. Quite the catch huh? Trust me, he was that ugly before I beat the crap out of him.

Joe: So there was a little name calling and at least one blow between Alonzo your hairdresser spouse Woooosh and Edwardo a friend or lover of Tila Ortiz. And you Woooosh got in such a rage that you you could have killed Eduardo except for the fact that Tila a women broke it up before you bite her arm hard like a mad dog! In case you don't know Woooosh pounding a guys head on street asphalt could easily kill somebody, and with a witness you could have spent many years in Mexican jail without a ocean view.

I'm glad you came clean a little Woooosh. I'm no Perry Mason, but what I do use is " Statement Analysis" to see if there is any deception in your statements, and really look for unusual behavior/reactions in your statements. I could tell the way you responded there was some sort of physical altercation between you, Ms Ortiz, and her friends:

Now I understand there might have been another fight between you Woooosh and another party, but it didn't go well for you, and you ended on the bottom getting beat up, before that fight was broken up by Ms Ortiz again, and you Woooosh ended up bloody!

Now looking at the YouTube video you provided Woooosh I clearly see an assault by the concession holder you Woooosh against a women Ms Ortiz at the 28 second mark. At the 1:18 second mark you see a van pull up, and no doubt stopping because he is witnessing a heated fight. At the 1:25 mark you left, and look like you're thinking what to do next, and finally you return for another confrontation, and at the 2:10 mark you confront her again and physically take the sign away from the women while giving her a hand gesture.

Woooosh even if you were in the right, and had the law on your side. And I'm not saying you do have the law on your side, because this dispute is still in the courts.

You Woooosh had no right to physically grab Mr Ortiz and take tools away from her, and take her sign. It you Woooosh that confronted her. What you're suppose to do is let the police handle it, but I understand Woooosh that you also sued the Rosarito Police department! That was smart of you Woooosh.

If a Mexican national, Mexican-American, gangster, and most anybody sees a man manhandle a women. They very likely will take her side in a dispute, no matter if you have a clear legal case.

The smoking gun video that Woooosh thinks clears him of any wrong doing. I don't think this video helps Woooosh at all:

Here is another YouTube Video where Wooosh claims he and his partner are being threatened by a deported Mexican gang banger or Mexican-American gangster that doesn't even speak Spanish yet defends Ms Ortiz. According to Woooosh the police tell him to stay in the house.

If you ask me there is a two way conversation here, and it looks like the so-called gangster is probably likely being called names, or getting finger gestured, because the way he turns around in the video. Could the so-called Mexican gangster be a star in this video, and could Woooosh really be playing the Gangster as part of Woooosh's Public Relations campaign?( there was another video that shows this better, but this is the only one I could find now. The action is within the first minute around the 55 second mark.

Here is Wooosh main public relations YouTube video:

Rosarito Beach FMZ Concesion Video- Private

Woooosh puts a lot of effort to his all encompassing legal real estate case against Ms Ortiz. Woooosh even somehow got "Zeta Magazine" to write a negative article about Ms Ortiz and Woooosh's legal case against her. Why would "Zeta Magazine" even care about a small legal real estate squabble like this? Wooosh is very much carrying on like Raphael #53. I now have even less respect for "Zeta Magazine" than I did before. Zeta is beyond reproach? Yeah right.

[Edited on 3-9-2012 by JoeJustJoe]

Woooosh - 3-9-2012 at 02:23 AM

Originally posted by JoeJustJoe
Joe"2.) Did you at any time get into a physical fight with Ms Ortiz, and either hit or push Ms Ortiz a women?"

WooooshA 200 pound woman- really?

What are you Perry Mason? LOL On two occasions we had contact, but it neither was a physical fight. The first time was a night when her boyfriend "Eduardo" called my partner (the concession holder) names (same ones we can't repeat) and then hit him. My partner hit back once, and is tough enough for a hairdresser- but that's another story. I pushed my partner aside and beat the crap out of Eduardo and was on top of him banging his head against the pavement. Someone reached between us to break up the fight and I bit down on that arm as hard as I could. It tasted like crap so I assume it was Tila's. She did not call the police because it was her boyfriend Eduardo who started the physical confrontation. We didn't call the police because were too busy celebrating Eduardo being beat up by a hairdresser. LOL This is Eduardo. Quite the catch huh? Trust me, he was that ugly before I beat the crap out of him.

Joe: So there was a little name calling and at least one blow between Alonzo your hairdresser spouse Woooosh and Edwardo a friend or lover of Tila Ortiz. And you Woooosh got in such a rage that you you could have killed Eduardo except for the fact that Tila a women broke it up before you bite her arm hard like a mad dog! In case you don't know Woooosh pounding a guys head on street asphalt could easily kill somebody, and with a witness you could have spent many years in Mexican jail without a ocean view.

I'm glad you came clean a little Woooosh. I'm no Perry Mason, but what I do use is " Statement Analysis" to see if there is any deception in your statements, and really look for unusual behavior/reactions in your statements. I could tell the way you responded there was some sort of physical altercation between you, Ms Ortiz, and her friends:

Now I understand there might have been another fight between you Woooosh and another party, but it didn't go well for you, and you ended on the bottom getting beat up, before that fight was broken up by Ms Ortiz again, and you Woooosh ended up bloody!

Now looking at the YouTube video you provided Woooosh I clearly see an assault by the concession holder you Woooosh against a women Ms Ortiz at the 28 second mark. At the 1:18 second mark you see a van pull up, and no doubt stopping because he is witnessing a heated fight. At the 1:25 mark you left, and look like you're thinking what to do next, and finally you return for another confrontation, and at the 2:10 mark you confront her again and physically take the sign away from the women while giving her a hand gesture.

Woooosh even if you were in the right, and had the law on your side. And I'm not saying you do have the law on your side, because this dispute is still in the courts.

You Woooosh had no right to physically grab Mr Ortiz and take tools away from her, and take her sign. It you Woooosh that confronted her. What you're suppose to do is let the police handle it, but I understand Woooosh that you also sued the Rosarito Police department! That was smart of you Woooosh.

If a Mexican national, Mexican-American, gangster, and most anybody sees a man manhandle a women. They very likely will take her side in a dispute, no matter if you have a clear legal case.

The smoking gun video that Woooosh thinks clears him of any wrong doing. I don't think this video helps Woooosh at all:

Here is another YouTube Video where Wooosh claims he and his partner are being threatened by a deported Mexican gang banger or Mexican-American gangster that doesn't even speak Spanish yet defends Ms Ortiz. According to Woooosh the police tell him to stay in the house.

If you ask me there is a two way conversation here, and it looks like the so-called gangster is probably likely being called names, or getting finger gestured, because the way he turns around in the video. Could the so-called Mexican gangster be a star in this video, and could Woooosh really be playing the Gangster as part of Woooosh's Public Relations campaign?( there was another video that shows this better, but this is the only one I could find now. The action is within the first minute around the 55 second mark.

Here is Wooosh main public relations YouTube video:

Rosarito Beach FMZ Concesion Video- Private

Woooosh puts a lot of effort to his all encompassing legal real estate case against Ms Ortiz. Woooosh even somehow got "Zeta Magazine" to write a negative article about Ms Ortiz and Woooosh's legal case against her. Why would "Zeta Magazine" even care about a small legal real estate squabble like this? Wooosh is very much carrying on like Raphael #53. I now have even less respect for "Zeta Magazine" than I did before. Zeta is beyond reproach? Yeah right.

[Edited on 3-9-2012 by JoeJustJoe]

There you go again Joe. Someone hits my non-violent partner and I am supposed to allow that? Nope. He started it and I ended it. That's how street fights work. If I were in the wrong, she would have called the police. If he had died- it would have been his own fault. He's not really good for the gene pool anyway.

In the sign video you say I assault her? Disarming someone unstable that turns towards you with a sharp object is not assault- it is simple basic self defense. I was only holding a camera against her with the crazy eyes and an open pair of clippers in one hand and a hammer in the other when she turned towards me. You can tell in the video we both continued to stand side by side, so it was not a fight or physical altercation of any type. Why didn't she run away if she felt threatened? She was in the act of committing a federal crime and I had the right to protect the sign- my property. If I had done anything wrong- how come I was home before she was? The man in the van is a neighbor named Fernando. Do you think he just sat in his van and Harlan watched from the corner while I assaulted her (pushed her down and attacked her with the hammer as she claimed). Nope. Not a chance. Just not logical. Did you see me push her down or threaten her with a hammer. nope. It was certainly not my finest day, but I was justified in protecting myself and defending our concession and the court case was against her, not me.

There was no two-way conversation when the skinhead threatened me pointing at the house. In fact we could not hear what he was saying although the policeman testified Harlan was threatening to kill me if we did not leave Tila and her house alone. I didn't hear it. We kept the double-paned doors closed and I tried not to let my mother in law get upset. Harlan had two lookouts with him you can see in the video.

There is no dispute in the courts left to resolve. Tilas friends have them frozen. They can't close them- but they can stall and stall them forever down here. It's called corruption Joe- and that is what you are witnessing. That's how it works down here when you have friends.

Zeta is interested in the land fraud aspects because Ms. Ortiz, Playa Bonita Condos and the condos in between have all offered the properties for sale to US investors claiming a valid legal land title. The total value (Tila= 199K + Playa Bonita Condos = $5.4 Million + the old condo building in between for $625K, totals $6.2 Million- one of the largest land frauds in Rosarito History. All got the land the same way... using old maps to manipulate the ganados al mar.) They want to know who is selling this land, who permitted the construction and why these sales were allowed to continue even after the $30Million Trump fraud here. This is NOT a crime in Mexico until money actually changes hands. We have the USA investigating Tila Ortiz for cross border land fraud though because she is a US Citizen and used a US newspaper and her US cellphone to commit the crime. Yes, Dr. Joe it is a crime to sell what you don't own in the USA.

I think the other fight you are talking about happened the day after I beat up Eduardo, and it was again with Eduardo, not Harlan. That is the one in the video where a man comes out of Tila's house with a 2x4 to attack me but my nephew stops him. Yes I was bloodied and my shirt ripped, but Eduardo was treated by paramedics and had black eyes and fractured eye sockets. He attacked me first- so again- this was simple self defense. That is the second case we have against Tila Ortiz, and that one is still open too.

You should know that after these two incidents the Police commander Montero gave me his personal cell number to call him direct should I have any further problems with her or the police who had blindly support her. Same with Christian- the head of the Tourist police. Both 100% on our side after we invited them into our house to review the security videos with us. That speaks louder than any lies and exaggerations Tila will get you to believe.

So when are you doing the investigation of why Tila is still there Joe? When is she going to show you ONE document that shows she ever owned either lot? How does she explain trying to sell it fraudulently without a title? How does she explain how she got the squatter title in three years instead of five and met none of the other three conditions? How does she explain the lies in her letter to the Director General? She took this property by fraud and by manipulating others. The police bugged out as soon as they saw through her lies and distortions- and gave us their full support. Come back with one or two of those answers Joe.

All of these incidents happened after we were ordered by the Jefe of ZOFEMAT to have Tila Ortiz Maldonado removed from the concession. She should be blaming him, not us. And if anyone thinks they would behave better than me in these specific situations after dealing with this nutcase lady and her druggie friends for four years, think again. We have paid her rent all this time via the concession fees- $4,800 USD so far. Luckily the end for her is very near and the Beach Fitness Trail is getting closer to reality.

All we did was apply for a concession to protect the beach and look what we ended up with. Certainly a cautionary tale for anyone who reads this saga. No good deed goes unpunished. That goes Double down here.

[Edited on 3-9-2012 by Woooosh]

wessongroup - 3-9-2012 at 08:01 AM

"All we did was apply for a concession to protect the beach and look what we ended up with."

Yeah, and I bet ya never in a million years considered JOe as being relevant in this case HUH !!

Maybe this individual has hired JOe for a little PR ... might be something ya need to rule out, as nothing surprises me anymore ... :biggrin::biggrin:

Continue to request "documentation" to support the other side... either it is present or it is not ... if not, well then guess what ... nada

And JOe should know how to post it ... if he receives it from "his" source ...

Believe your source on this is known.... not sure with the other side... at this time.

Woooosh - 3-9-2012 at 10:28 AM

Originally posted by Woooosh

So when are you doing the investigation of why Tila is still there Joe? When is she going to show you ONE document that shows she ever owned either lot? How does she explain trying to sell it fraudulently without a title? How does she explain how she got the squatter title in three years instead of five and met none of the other three conditions? How does she explain the lies in her letter to the Director General? She took this property by fraud and by manipulating others. The police bugged out as soon as they saw through her lies and distortions- and gave us their full support. Come back with one or two of those answers Joe.

tic. tic. tic. Take your time our newest investigative reporter. She will send or show you nothing, she never has to anyone. All she will try to do is pick at my response above and continue her distraction by claiming we are the violent ones. Truth be told- the two fights with Eduardo were the first fight I have been into since a Hockey game at Denver University in 1974. Not my thing, but I will defend the ones I love without excuse.

What the posts above absolutely do prove is that her squatter's title "Prescripcion Positiva" is fraudulent because they all show her presence was not non-violent, nor was it uncontested by us.

We never posted the completed video in English because we didn't want to make this a "why not to move to Baja" video. That video in English you posted the link to was used by Nomads who helped me fine tune the content. The longer video you posted with the shirtless skinhead Harlan threatening our house has all the different camera angles, one after the other. You can see the off duty policeman follow Harlan and then sit on the seawall to call dispatch. It also shows one of Harlans partners, Chris walking by the policeman and overhearing him calling dispatch. Thanks for posting it. Sorry about my parrots squawking on the soundtrack.

Here's is a photo of Chris passing drugs to a buyer on the street. Last year Chris was penniless renting out umbrellas on the beach- this year he drives that nice white Mercedes. Must be mucho money the umbrella business, or he is what the photos show he is:

[Edited on 3-9-2012 by Woooosh]

mtgoat666 - 3-9-2012 at 10:39 AM

nomadlandia sure does put on some good soap operas!

Ateo - 3-9-2012 at 10:48 AM

Originally posted by mtgoat666
nomadlandia sure does put on some good soap operas!

This would make a great novela.;D

JoeJustJoe - 3-9-2012 at 11:58 AM

Originally posted by Roberto
So, Joe, tell is about your "source". This stuff if not anything you could find out except from ONE person - Tila. I completely understand her motivation in feeding you info. But yours is less clear. Is it just more of your attempt to discredit and damage someone on BN that you happen not to like - for whatever reason?

I could imagine Woooosh and Tila getting into it here, but apparently she finds it easier/more expedient to harness the idiot JoeJustJoe. I have no idea why this is permitted in the OT section, let alone the General Baja Discussion section. This place has most definitely turned into something far from what it was when it was started. I'm sure people who visit and see this kind of behavior are really motivated into staying. I would hope this had been considered, but you are somehow permitted to step over the line again and again. So what did you do Joe, U2U her when you saw her posting? And what, precisely, did you offer her? Come on Joe, come clean, just like Woooosh has. It is striking how open and willing to tell all Woooosh is in all this. A stark contrast to your underhanded ways, innuendo and other unsavory tactics.

I'm sorry Roberto but my sources are confidential, although I bet even you Roberto could tell my sources are impeccable, and JoeJustJoe doesn't make up things out of thin air like some people around here do. Again think of me as an investigative reporter doing a story here. Would you Roberto ask Sandra Dibble of the SDUT to give up her sources? ( I sure hope Ms Dibble is reading this and is shocked about Wooosh's behavior as I am?)

But don't think you know who my sources are Roberto. Often JoeJustJoe works on very little clues, and from that one clue I can find a wealth of information. For example, I found the YouTube videos on my own, and studied them very closely before I determined that Ms Ortiz was physically assaulted by Woooosh during the sign incident, and Woooosh already admitted to biting Ms Ortiz's arm during a deadly fight she tried to break up. Woooosh however had no admitted to pushing Mr Ortiz to the ground. However, when I was trying to verify if the fights truly took place. I found out that one of Wooosh's favorite line to Ms Ortiz is, " do you want this fag to beat you up again?!!!!!!!!

I have no real motivation to do this story Roberto. I was on the fence for the longest time. This story kinda fell into my lap.
I guess you could say JoeJustJoe likes a good human interest story. My education is really in the Psychology field, but I don't work in the field. I just always had a keen interest in human behavior, espeically the underbelly of man and society. What's Fulano's favorite line? Isn't it something like, things aren't always as they appear on the surface," or something like that?

For two years now I have been aware of Woooosh's statements here, on Maggie's and that Fulano hate forum. I think Woooosh is a bit of an RACIST, and for sure is a "ugly American" too. I'm sure he doesn't mean to be. I also don't like Woooosh's support of Fulano who often tries to hurt "Nomad" members. Woooosh turns a blind eye on all that. Like I have said a few times is Wooosh would turn to Satan himself, if the Devil will help Woooosh win his real estate dispute.

I also like an underdog, and I believe Ms Ortiz is the underdog here, because of all the sources and money Woooosh has, but make no mistake about it. I think in the end Ms Ortiz will win her case in court, and with my help perhaps she'll win her case in the public arena where Wooosh seems to be trying this case.

Another thing that irritates me a little about Wooosh is his negativity towards Mexican and Baja. To hear Woooosh talk it's all bad, and everybody is hiding behind their doors, windows, and under the sheets.

Well I find out that Woooosh is really projecting his feelings onto other Baja Mexican citizens, and it's Woooosh who is hiding behind the doors and windows. The only time Wooosh comes out is to walk the dogs, but most of the time Wooosh is locked in his house with expensive cameras spying on his neighbors, and worrying about his legal case.

If you ask me the Beach view isn't worth all of this. I have to go to the doctor and do other things. But when I come back I would love to continue this discussion, because I know Woooosh loves to talk about this situation. Now if I were Wooosh's friends I know I would tell Wooosh to just avoid, JoeJustJoe, and that would probably be good advice. But JoeJustJoe knows a thing about human nature, and knows Wooosh won't ignore this topic.

I hope I answered all your questions Roberto?

Cypress - 3-9-2012 at 12:14 PM

JoeJustJoe, Hang in there! Wooosh bit the lady!:biggrin: Good grief! Did she bite him back, scratch him? A real "cat fight". All too typical when dealing with real estate in Baja.:O

Woooosh - 3-9-2012 at 01:04 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
JoeJustJoe, Hang in there! Wooosh bit the lady!:biggrin: Good grief! Did she bite him back, scratch him? A real "cat fight". All too typical when dealing with real estate in Baja.:O

no worries , I've had my shots! And she is certainly no lady. Any fool who get's in the middle of a fist fight their boyfriend starts is certainly taking their chances. It was late at night and pitch black on the street. I really had no idea whose arm it was, I was on top and the arm came in over my shoulder. All I saw was a big chubby forearm in my face and chomped down. If I had known it was her arm they would be calling her "Lefty Ortiz" now! :)

You won't hear anything factual about the real estate side of this from Joe- because Tila Ortiz (Angel on Nomads) isn't going to tell him anything more or present any documents.

tic... tic... tic...

[Edited on 3-9-2012 by Woooosh]

Cypress - 3-9-2012 at 01:17 PM

Have been in a brawl or two. Can understand. You do what you have to do. But? This is about Baja real estate. Real estate in Baja reminds me of a street fight. You never know how it's gonna turn out, but you can bet your last dollar the neighborhood crowd is gonna come out on top. :spingrin:

mtgoat666 - 3-9-2012 at 01:19 PM

Originally posted by Woooosh
Originally posted by Cypress
JoeJustJoe, Hang in there! Wooosh bit the lady!:biggrin: Good grief! Did she bite him back, scratch him? A real "cat fight". All too typical when dealing with real estate in Baja.:O

no worries , I've had my shots! And she is certainly no lady. Any fool who get's in the middle of a fist fight their boyfriend starts is certainly taking their chances. It was late at night and pitch black on the street. I really had no idea whose arm it was, I was on top and the arm came in over my shoulder. All I saw was a big chubby forearm in my face and chomped down. If I had known it was her arm they would be calling her "Lefty Ortiz" now! :)

You won't hear anything factual about the real estate side of this from Joe- because Tila Ortiz (Angel on Nomads) isn't going to tell him anything more or present any documents.

tic... tic... tic...

[Edited on 3-9-2012 by Woooosh]

last time i bit someone in a fight, i was probably in preschool.
a while back i had a time teaching my toddler to not bite her sibling.
how often do y'all have brawls at the handicap ramp?

Cypress - 3-9-2012 at 01:25 PM

Been bitten a time or two. Ouch! :biggrin:

Woooosh - 3-9-2012 at 01:39 PM

Originally posted by mtgoat666
Originally posted by Woooosh
Originally posted by Cypress
JoeJustJoe, Hang in there! Wooosh bit the lady!:biggrin: Good grief! Did she bite him back, scratch him? A real "cat fight". All too typical when dealing with real estate in Baja.:O

no worries , I've had my shots! And she is certainly no lady. Any fool who get's in the middle of a fist fight their boyfriend starts is certainly taking their chances. It was late at night and pitch black on the street. I really had no idea whose arm it was, I was on top and the arm came in over my shoulder. All I saw was a big chubby forearm in my face and chomped down. If I had known it was her arm they would be calling her "Lefty Ortiz" now! :)

You won't hear anything factual about the real estate side of this from Joe- because Tila Ortiz (Angel on Nomads) isn't going to tell him anything more or present any documents.

tic... tic... tic...

[Edited on 3-9-2012 by Woooosh]

last time i bit someone in a fight, i was probably in preschool.
a while back i had a time teaching my toddler to not bite her sibling.
how often do y'all have brawls at the handicap ramp?

The last fight I had in life before moving to Rosarito Beach was in 1974 during a hockey game at Denver University. Almost 40 years. My nephews were far from impressed with my performance. Apparently you are supposed to knee them in the face once you have the handful of hair. I think they watch too much MMA. ;)

If you want to help the disabled in Rosarito Beach get better beach access - feel free to make a PayPal donation goat:

wessongroup - 3-9-2012 at 03:11 PM

"All too typical when dealing with real estate in Baja." :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

JoeJustJoe - 3-9-2012 at 06:18 PM

Originally posted by Woooosh
Originally posted by Woooosh

So when are you doing the investigation of why Tila is still there Joe? When is she going to show you ONE document that shows she ever owned either lot? How does she explain trying to sell it fraudulently without a title? How does she explain how she got the squatter title in three years instead of five and met none of the other three conditions? How does she explain the lies in her letter to the Director General? She took this property by fraud and by manipulating others. The police bugged out as soon as they saw through her lies and distortions- and gave us their full support. Come back with one or two of those answers Joe.

tic. tic. tic. Take your time our newest investigative reporter. She will send or show you nothing, she never has to anyone. All she will try to do is pick at my response above and continue her distraction by claiming we are the violent ones. Truth be told- the two fights with Eduardo were the first fight I have been into since a Hockey game at Denver University in 1974. Not my thing, but I will defend the ones I love without excuse.

What the posts above absolutely do prove is that her squatter's title "Prescripcion Positiva" is fraudulent because they all show her presence was not non-violent, nor was it uncontested by us.

We never posted the completed video in English because we didn't want to make this a "why not to move to Baja" video. That video in English you posted the link to was used by Nomads who helped me fine tune the content. The longer video you posted with the shirtless skinhead Harlan threatening our house has all the different camera angles, one after the other. You can see the off duty policeman follow Harlan and then sit on the seawall to call dispatch. It also shows one of Harlans partners, Chris walking by the policeman and overhearing him calling dispatch. Thanks for posting it. Sorry about my parrots squawking on the soundtrack.

Here's is a photo of Chris passing drugs to a buyer on the street. Last year Chris was penniless renting out umbrellas on the beach- this year he drives that nice white Mercedes. Must be mucho money the umbrella business, or he is what the photos show he is:

[Edited on 3-9-2012 by Woooosh]

Well Woooosh I might have seen a document on the Woooosh v Ortiz matter, but "Baja Nomads" is not a court of law, and it's not always in the best interest to show your ace in the hole, or try your case in the public. However, I'm willing to discuss a few legal issues, but like I said I need to get up to speed.

Another question I have for you Wooosh since you claim Ms Ortiz doesn't have a case, or any property rights to the house she is living in full time.( you claim she doesn't even live in Baja)

Woooosh the question is: have you ever offered to buy Tila Ortiz's property, the house across from you? If you ever offered to buy her house, why did you offer her money for the house if she doesn't have any legitimate claim to the house? I know if a squatter lived across from me, and I wanted them gone. I sure wouldn't offer them money to move out.

Wooosh you keep mentioning the empty lot next to Ms Ortiz's house. I understand that property belongs to somebody else, and they may want to reclaim their property. Do you really believe Ms Ortiz has claims to that empty lot now that she is retired, and the economy is shot, nobody is buying property in Baja, or at least Americans aren't buying Mexican property much.

Wooosh for somebody who claims they have a slam dunk legal case, and your case is just about in the bag. You sure spend a serious amount of time on public relations issues relating to this real estate legal fight of Wooosh vs. Ortiz.

It's fairly obvious to me Wooosh that you are fighting this legal case on many fronts especially on this forum, in Zeta, and in the different Mexican jurisdictions. Man Woooosh I never heard a man bash a women like you bash Tila Ortiz! You claim that Ms Ortiz has sex with up to 20 Rosarito Beach cops, and gang bangers! You talk to your dogs in front of Ms Ortiz telling the dogs horrible things about Ms Ortiz including not letting her putting her mouth near the dogs private parts!

Woooosh I know you have a legal case against Ms Ortiz, but why do you let it get so personal with all that non stop bashing you know that's not true?

This is why I wanted to cover the human nature elements of this case rather than the legal issues first, because what you're doing is beyond the pale Woooosh.

That other thread you started on the beach with the handicapped man in a wheelchair is just another one of your PR stunts, and no doubt staged. Everybody here knows there is not a large Mexican population of handicapped Mexican wanting beach access. I even doubt there is a heavy Mexican population of Mexicans that want a dog beach and exercise area. That's what you want Woooosh, and most of all you want a beach view. Just come clean and admit that Woooosh.

Drugs drugs, and more drugs.

Hey Woooosh tell us about your hairdresser married partner Alonso getting busted or at least harassed by the local police because of the marijuana he had? Did your married partner get his mota on the street like the photo you show above?

Don't the Rosarito Beach know about the new drug law about carrying small quantities of drugs, and how it's suppose to be decriminalized and they aren't suppose to arrest people with small quantities of illegal drugs like marijuana. But then again we don't know how much "mota" Alonso was carrying or if he had any other drug on him.

How about it Woooosh? Let us know the details here?

Woooosh - 3-9-2012 at 08:09 PM

Sadly Joe, your only "speed" is stuck on stupid. You just can't seem to fire on all four cyclinders (you'll never be a V-6 or V-8 Joe). So now you no longer want to continue playing Perry Mason? Now you say it is not fair to try this case on the internet? Then you have the guervos to ask me even more questions? You may not even be running on three cylinders.

Clearly Tila (Angel) hung you out to dry. I told you this is her MO but you fell for her "poor little scared me" story hook, line and sinker. She spreads lies and uses druggie and idiots like you to surround an insulate her. She's conned everyone, even the police- until they eventually "see what she is" (The Rosarito police Captains words after viewing the video, not mine). I told you she would show you nothing, and she didn't and she won't- because she doesn't have anything besides the fraudulent "Prescripcion Positiva" to show you: that is useless on the Federal Zone. But I'll post it here just so you have everything she does. I'll also post the "technical notes" for our concession where it says the "Federal Zone is inalienable and inpercriptable". THAT, is case closed- but PROFEPA already closed it last November. She just won't go away... Maybe Cypress' wife can tell us when she will.

This is what a Precripcion Positiva (squatters title) looks like:

In the Judicial notes "Nota Juridica" it states the Federal Zone is inalienable and inperscriptable (can't get it by squatting on it):

In case you doubt the concession line for DGZF-832/08 has ben moved all the way into Paseo del Mar, here is the concession map for that section:

Curious about that red dot? It is the marking location in the street that shows the Federal Zone Line well into Paseo del Mar. In the photo below, Tila Ortiz is being shown that exact point by the two men with her.

This is the actual series of 2009 photos which prompted PROFEPA Delagate for Baja- Bernabe Peraz Esquer to move the Federal Zone all the way to Paseo del Mar. In his Nov 2011 decision, he said some of this area may be "Zona Marina" (underwater). We have formally requested a measurement to determine which it is:

NOW, it is case closed Joe...

[Edited on 3-10-2012 by Woooosh]

[Edited on 3-10-2012 by Woooosh]

wessongroup - 3-9-2012 at 09:19 PM

Who ever said this was a "court of law" ... :lol::lol::lol:

However, if one makes a statement and wishes to support it with "factual documents" what's the big woof ...

This as YOU have asked others for "links" to support what they have posted.... :biggrin::biggrin:

Continue on ....:):)

[Edited on 3-10-2012 by wessongroup]

JoeJustJoe - 3-9-2012 at 10:49 PM

I love the beech pictures Woooosh.

That's a nice " Registro Publico"copy you have there Woooosh.

I'm beginning to think you don't have a Mexican lawyer, except for whatever free advice you are getting around here.

BTW Woooosh where are your documents? I would like to see your copy of your fraudulent concession, and your appeal for the revocation of the concession.

But the main thing I want to know is why is Ms Ortiz still in that house you claim she is squatting in? Why can't you get her out if you have such a great legal case, and all these spy photos?

I'm still at lost why you care so much about Tila Ortiz and that house across a street from yours? She isn't trying to kick you out of your house. It's you you wants her house just so the handicap and dogs can have their own beach.:lol:

You know Wooosh you sound like another rich guy who is concerned somebody might block his ocean view. I could care less about your ocean view, and I could care less about a dog beach with all kinds of dog poop. I even doubt you're rich, and no doubt you inherited money from your parents when they died separately a few years ago, and I bet you're running through that money.

So while we wait for you to show your legal copies regarding this real estate fight. I want to return to the side issues, of violence, beating of women, and drugs.

I understand Wooosh your mota supplier for the last 5 years has been the ex owner of "Tequila." Is that why you have all those cameras Woooosh? Are you also concerned about the drug competition of your main supplier?

There is a lot of hypocrisy with you Wooosh. You take pictures of Mexicans in the streets and call them gang-bangers and drug dealers, yet you and your spouse Alonzo have your own long time drug supplier.

You Wooosh talk about Harland the Mexican-American without a shirt in your pictures who is friends with Ms Ortiz and tells you to leave her alone, and he also tells you to stop taking pictures of his kids with your video equipment. You Woooosh call Harlan a wife beater! You Woooosh have called McFez a wife beater too! All this is based on dubious criminal records supplied and photoshopped by Fulano.

What about you Woooosh? You have admitted to a physical altercation with Ms Ortiz. In the video you supplied Woooosh you can clearly see you confronted her, and then assaulted her claiming it was her who was wild-eyed and threatening. It's you Woooosh who continue to harass , scare, and frighten Ms Ortiz. It's a shame she can't get a restraining order against you Wooosh.( I don't think Mexico offers "RO" to their citizens?) But you're scared too Wooosh aren't you? When is the last time you got out of the house Woooosh?

How is the ocean view Woooosh?

Oh one more question Wooosh. When you were in that Mexican jail over the fighting. Did you promise to cancel your legal fight and concession against Ms Ortiz in exchange that she dropped the charges against you? Did you go back on your word Woooosh?

[Edited on 3-10-2012 by JoeJustJoe]

JoeJustJoe - 3-10-2012 at 02:13 AM

Here is something interesting I pulled from this thread on page 3 while I'm doing my homework, and learning about the legal complexities of this real estate fight between Woooosh and Ms. Ortiz.

It looks like Woooosh already asked Ramuma about his legal case. Woooosh wanted to know if he would be legally in the right to just padlock Ms Ortiz's property since Woooosh has a "concession" for the beach property, although Ms Ortiz is challenging Woooosh in the Mexican court system.

Ramuma tells Woooosh it would be illegal to lock Ms Ortiz off her land if Wooosh filed a formal complaint......which means Woooosh has accepted the fact that she has an " possession"but that Woooosh is legally challenging.

Ramuma goes on to tell Woooosh that if he planed to pad lock the beach area when Ms Ortiz lives that Woooosh would be guilty of committing the crime called" despojo " and he could be prosecuted for that crime, espeically if Ms Ortiz had a little bit of money behind her legal actions.

I believe Wooosh also committed a crime when he went on Ms Ortiz's property, confronted her, and took away her sign on the edge of her property:

Here is the exchange:

Woooosh said:

If I wanted to be a troublemaker and put my locks on the gates the squatter has in place around the house sitting on our concession- how much trouble would I get in? Can I lock her off? Seems if she can paint over my concession signs and attempt to sell the concession land, I should be able to lock her off my concession. The concession title says I am the only one entitled to use it. Maybe it's time for me to put the pressure on her for a change.
Ramuma said:

Since you alrready started legal procedures and mande a formal comlaint accepting that he is there, that mean you accepted that he has posession, a posession that you claim is not legal and is yours, but you alrready accepted that he has an illegitimate posesion, then if you take that posesion away without a court order, you wuld be commiting a crime known as despojo and will be prosecuted for that crime.
If you hadn't accepted in a formal way her posession, then you would be right, because it is a lot less expensive to just defend your property and lock averybody out than go to court, but if you already made the formal complaint about her illegal ocupation, do not do it, she would be able to put you in jail and believe me, if she put a little money behind her legal actions, you would have given the property away.
If you acted legally, continue acting legally.

ELINVESTIG8R - 3-10-2012 at 06:28 AM

To the few who think they know better that the many and keep trying to dictate what can or cannot be written in here excluding Baja Nomad we have something to say to you...STFU!!!


ELINVESTIG8R - 3-10-2012 at 09:00 AM

Just so you know who I am, I am like the James Cagney’s character in White Heat where he portrayed a psychotic killer whose father died in an insane asylum. Cagney’s character was eventually cornered by the police, shot and subsequently died in a massive explosion in the end. This of course is a fictional tale.

My situation is not fiction. At my expense I recently found out that I have what is called the “Warrior Gene” (true statement) which when coupled with childhood trauma which I had, can develop someone into a psychopath. To date I have been able to control it so the psychopath does not come out. My psychopathic Step-Father Ervil died in a Utah State Prison where he was serving a life sentence for having several people murdered for insane reasons.

My psychopathic Step-Brother Heber is in a Texas State Prison serving a life sentence. He like his father Ervil, had people out killing others for insane reasons avenging the perceived wrongs done to his father. This included the murder of our brother Edward.

Granted I am not a product of Ervil but he is the one who traumatized me during his beatings of me when I was a little kid. This abuse plus the Warrior Gene can cause me to go into an almost uncontrollable psychopathic rage. To date, I have been able to control it and have done nothing that could even come close to what Ervil and Hyrum have done. I probably never will. I just do not like to be pushed around, so please do not push me around.

I have not personally attacked anyone without being attacked first. If I single you out by screen name to attack you first you have my expressed permission to attack me back without fear of personal reprisals. That’s fair. If I generalize about Chicken Coop Groupers without mentioning your screen name you have no reason to say anything to me. If you are not one of the “we” I mention you have no need to challenge me on the word “we.” You obviously are not one of the “we” if you have to challenge it. And no, I do not have a mouse in my pocket.

[Edited on 3-13-2012 by ELINVESTIG8R]

Woooosh - 3-10-2012 at 10:17 AM

Let's keep this civil and on track. I won't respond to the accusations and speculation in JJJ's rants. More bait-mail. He didn't keep his end of the deal. So sadly, it's back to the old Joe- attack, accuse, allege and abuse. He failed to verify basic facts from the two sides of the story before "going to print". A real reporter doesn't do what JJJ did- publish parts of the story from one side, then go back to the source to verify. You do that before you run the story Joe, not after. I provided the factual information, but his "confidential source" (Angel = Tila Ortiz) did not keep her part of the deal or answer any of the simple questions that are pertinent and relevant to the case. She played him to attack me and then hung him out to dry. But that doesn't stop JJJ from coming back, it should have- but it didn't. That's just Joe. JJJ doesn't want the truth to get in the way of a good story.

So once again JJJ: Here are the simple basic questions you need to come back with the answers to:

1. Provide even one document that shows Tila Ortiz ever owned either of the fraccionamineto lots she is claiming: Lot #5 (house), Lot#6 (Disabled Beach Access point). In her letter to the Director General (posted earlier) she claims more than 20 years there. We know she has no title or purchase documents because she obtained the Squatters Title- you can't legally have or need both. I have 14 neighbors who wrote letters saying her claim of occupancy is false. This claim of 20 years there made us roll our eyes right away because my worker was actually raised in that exact house and his mother later testified to that effect at the PGJE.

2. How does she explain advertising and trying to sell the house and disabled lot in 2010 for $199K? Her add says "its all legal, I have the title and all the papers." Show them. Show anything. She did not even have the squatter title ("PP") until three months later as the document shows. This was a clumsy attempt by her to defraud US investors, nothing less. Tila Ortiz is the head of curriculum development for the CA Public School system in Lancaster. She knows exactly what she is doing Joe. She's smart but she is twisted in her head and dishonest when she is in Mexico. Probably a model employee in the USA but what she does when no one is looking shows a total collapse of character. And she is also a Foster Child liaison? God help those poor kids.

3. How does she explain how she got the squatter title in four years instead of five or ten (it legally takes 10 years when violence is present- and we have certainly proven that violence existed). She also met none of the other conditions. I haven't posted the reasons she didn't meet the other conditions because the "Prescription Positiva" is no longer relevant now that the land has converted to Federal Zone. The only reason we documented each of these points (down to taxes, e-mails, employment history) was to provide the Director General of SEMARNAT evidence she had committed fraud by obtaining the "PP" the way she did. He has had the evidence since last October.

Hit me back when you get an answer to even one Joe.

JJJ wants to discuss the corruption in this case. He wants to know how she could still be there if she was proven to be wrong and did so many things illegally. That's really an excellent question. Welcome to the underbelly of Mexico Joe. On the M&O Playa Buenaventura thread accusations are being thrown back and forth about drug dealing and corrupt officials without proof. We have discussed in this long and comprehensive thread how corruption in Mexico has tainted the real estate system. That may be putting it mildly.

The next post I make will endanger my life, but I will show you how she did it. I want that post to be free-standing on its own, so I will do it as a fresh one... after I walk the dogs.

[Edited on 3-10-2012 by Woooosh]

JoeJustJoe - 3-10-2012 at 11:06 AM

Woooosh writes: Let's keep this civil and on track.

Then Woooosh bashes the hell out of Tila Ortiz!

But this is nothing compared to what Woooosh personally does to Ms Ortiz when for example he takes his five dogs to relieve themselves in front of Ms Ortiz's house while Woooosh tells the dogs to not get to close to Ms Ortiz or they will catch something!

Ms Ortiz lives in fear of Woooosh because there have been some physical altercations between the two in the past which landed Woooosh in jail.

Woooosh can't simple file his papers and let the Mexican legal system wheels turn slowly as they may. Woooosh is taking a pro-active approach and that's really an understatement. Woooosh is obsessed with his personal real estate fight and is doing anything to kick Ms Ortiz out of her house she been living in for many years, but Woooosh frames this fight between a coalition of Mexican neighbors, handicapped, and dogs against a lone squatter.

Woooosh even sits in his house looking and praying for a high tide, and then he calls out Mexican official to do another measurement that will turn private property to Federal land so Woooosh can get his hands on private property and guarantee he'll ensure a clear beach view for years to come. Talk about a loophole of getting beach front real estate for a few pesos.

Ask Woooosh how much he pays for the concession for beach front property?

But I think it's comically that Woooosh wants to keep it civil, but only on one side. We can't ask Woooosh any question, and bring up some of his questionable behavior and off the wall antics.

You have to ask yourselves why would somebody like Harlan that Mexican-American who looks like a Mexican criminal deportee, but really is a family man living in San Diego who owns property in Baja like many Mexican-Americans.

I think it's because guys like Harland, and the other guy Woooosh beat up and tried to kill. I think they believe that Wooosh is crazy and unhinged. I hear Woooosh even sued Harland in court for scaring Wooosh and pointing a finger at him! Woooosh claimed some type of psychology trauma caused by Harland. Woooosh even saw a Mexican psychologist to try to make his legal case against Harland.

I understand the judge dropped the case and gave Woooosh the riot act for wasting the courts time.

If JoeJustJoe wasn't an objective 3rd party I probably would take Ms Ortiz side and knock on Woooosh's door and tell him to cool it. But I'm trying to be fair here, and doing a investigate report and letting the chips fall where they may.

Again I ask Woooosh a question he refused to answer.

Woooosh did you ever offer to buy Ms Ortiz's property from her? If so why would you do that if she doesn't have legal title?

wessongroup - 3-10-2012 at 11:27 AM

Verbal contract ???? or was the offer in writing ???

Cypress - 3-10-2012 at 12:09 PM

Wooosh, Keep it civil? You took this south with all your un-called-for name-calling BS. ;D Maybe your house has a few ghosts that are affecting your mental processes. Just a thought?:biggrin:

Woooosh - 3-10-2012 at 01:07 PM

I had a great walk! See the next post!

But I will answer that one simple question first Joe. Did I try to buy that property? I hate that it takes me an hour to knock down one claim and many nomads have suggested I no longer reply to you at all. But, here goes. The last time. Your smoking gun is a blank Joe. As usual, you shoot blanks.

Before Ortiz arrived, there had been "For Sale" spray painted on that house and they were asking $30K for it I think. The people selling it were also squatters and had no paperwork (I previously told you my worker lived in that house and was raised there- so he knows the true history of it). So no one was interested in buying it. If she did buy it- it was from a person without a title to it which is why she went through the "Prescripcion Positiva" process to create one. If that's what she did it was risky, she took her chances, and lost to the ocean- not me.

When Ms. Ortiz arrived in October of 2006 we had already applied for our concession but it had not been awarded to us yet. We knew the vacant house she claimed was in the "Ganados Al Mar" because we had our application map. We had no idea of the legal land title of the house, but with the Playa Bonita condo tower going up fast four lots north on that same "gandos al mar" of our fraccionamiento I instinctively knew things weren't right there and anything was possible.

Tila and I exchanged e-mails right after she arrived. In fact, she was a friend in our house at one time. The house was vacant and abandoned and we had nailed the doors closed to keep the druggies and prostitutes out.

We exchanged e-mails with Tila to keep her updated on the house. Here's is the e-mail exchange (this is also in our SEMARNAT presentation and PGJE case). They are self explanatory.

BTW: Her arrival Date is proven right here at October 2006 and the "feche" date on her Perscripcion Positiva (I posted above) is November 13, 2009. That is three years to get something that by law must take 5 years. That proves the fraud with her own words and actions.

Read through this e-mail exchange that was part of our presentation against her.

[Edited on 3-10-2012 by Woooosh]

Woooosh - 3-10-2012 at 02:01 PM

My walk with the dogs was amazing. I am elated! I was thinking I would have to return to this keyboard and post damaging photos of the important people protecting Tila. Now I do not have to. During my walk I found out what is going on and why they have not done anything to her since we won the PROFEPA decision. The local and state people who are her friends are delaying her forced departure, but the Feds from Mexico City are coming soon to clear her off the land.

Since the Mexican revolution, the government is very leary of taking private property away from anyone. It is distasteful to them and it is the last thing they want to do to anyone- whether the person they take it from is right or wrong. No one wants to do it and no one wants to be the one to do it. Tila has important friends in very high places. They know she has lost, and committed fraud, but they don't want to be the ones to evict her- and they no longer have to be...


On my walk I noticed construction work on the north side of the condo tower. Today they were piling small boulders on the edge near the beach (to put into metal cages as a foundation). I had been seeing activity there for few weeks but was not sure what it was. Today I noticed they had chalked out an area to extend the under-street storm drain further west towards the water. They are extending that drain so the road and the Malecon can be built over top of it. I talked with the workers at two locations. One group was building cages for the rocks- I teased them that they must be fishing for some very large lobsters with traps that size. They confirmed the cages were to hold rocks. We talked about the Malecon Project being good for jobs and tourism. They opened up after a while of us talking about how badly Rosarito needed the construction jobs and tourism. They had the plans for the Projecto Norte too (Malecon). I then went to the guys chalking the beach for the drain extension and had a longer talk with them. Same plans and we talked for while about it and the positive impact for Rosarito.

So the bottom line is that the Rosarito Malecon is coming, and fast. They are going to make the turn south where the storm drain extension is and then continue Paseo del Mar all the way south with the Rosarito Malecon on the ocean side (of course). They will break down the wall the Playa Bonita condo people put up to block the street (and I harped about in my video) and continue working south. There are several houses beside Tila's that have to go and they said it will be distasteful to them, but necessary. So I don't think her friends need to do anything to force her out any sooner and they won't have to be the bad guys who do it- it will just happen as part of the construction project. That is the most logical reason she is still there.

Tilas house is modular and she can tow it across the street next to us and have a better location. If she's smart, she will buy that lot and do it quickly and still come out ahead financially.

[Edited on 3-10-2012 by Woooosh]

[Edited on 3-10-2012 by Woooosh]

Cypress - 3-10-2012 at 02:06 PM

You and the dogs.;D And you and the....

Woooosh - 3-10-2012 at 02:20 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
You and the dogs.;D And you and the....

Hey Cypress- ask your psychic wife how many fingers I am holding up!


wessongroup - 3-10-2012 at 02:25 PM

Say Woooosh... is the "Condo" leaning to the west ??? or were you tilting your camera... :lol::lol:

Looks like another nice day by the beach ...

comitan - 3-10-2012 at 02:29 PM

And then we have a new battleground and no winners.

wessongroup - 3-10-2012 at 02:30 PM

"Everybody here knows there is not a large Mexican population of handicapped Mexican wanting beach access."

Now that's a bold statement ... IMHO

Or, do you feel there is a set number that must be met to allow for handicap access to beaches ... just asking..

As I'm handicapped and would like to understand your thinking on this point...

Thanks in advance for your prompt response to the "question" posed ... :biggrin::biggrin:

[Edited on 3-10-2012 by wessongroup]

Cypress - 3-10-2012 at 02:33 PM

Woooosh, You and the dogs and you and the dogs.;D

Woooosh - 3-10-2012 at 02:39 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
Woooosh, You and the dogs and you and the dogs.;D

It was two fingers, peace. :biggrin:

Woooosh - 3-10-2012 at 02:45 PM

Originally posted by wessongroup
Say Woooosh... is the "Condo" leaning to the west ??? or were you tilting your camera... :lol::lol:

Looks like another nice day by the beach ...

The underground parking of that building fills up like a swimming pool from underground ocean seepage and whenever it rains. You think it is tilting?

Truthfully- I was so excited about the Malecon REALLY starting and was about to pee my pants and didn't put on my Depends- so maybe it was me tilting Wiley... LOL

JoeJustJoe - 3-10-2012 at 03:08 PM

Originally posted by wessongroup
Verbal contract ???? or was the offer in writing ???

Wesson if you're talking about Wooosh's offer to drop his concession and legal real estate fight against Ms Ortiz.

I believe it was a verbal promise. It's also pretty hard to get a offer in writing while you're in jail. Besides Wesson I think your confusing the issue. Yes it's true you should always get things in writing especially with real estate contracts, but this wasn't really about an offer to buy and sell. It was an offer to drop the case in exchange for the other side to drop the charges.

I believe Woooosh went back on his word, but again it turns into a he said, she said thing.

It's also more of a character issue, and I'm finding out more and more about Woooosh's character.

Here is another tidbit that blown my mind out Woooosh. I know that Ms Ortiz believes Wooosh is racist and greedy, but I didn't know how bad.

I understand that Woooosh's roof was leaking and so Woooosh calls A local Mexican that fixes roofs. The roofer found the problem, and instead of letting the roofer fix the roof. Woooosh instead asked for instructions on how to fix the leaky roof himself and only paid the roofer 20 pesos for his effort!

My blood was boiling when my investigative work came up with this tidbid. Woooosh takes cheap to a new level!:mad::mad:

If you know anything about leaking roofs. Half the battle is just finding the leak, and the other half is using your roofing knowledge patching it up. You really need an experience roofer to find and take care of your problem, or else the roof will leak again. I speak for personal experience with my own roof, and the thousands of dollars I spent to get the smalls leaks fixed. 20 pesos!!!!!Oh My GOD!

There is a picture on Wooosh's blog showing someone up on the roof making a repair, and it wasn't the roofer who was paid 20 peso, and so I'm pretty sure this is a true story.

[Edited on 3-10-2012 by JoeJustJoe]

wessongroup - 3-10-2012 at 03:40 PM

So let me see if I understand you correctly ... this case should be based on "character" and/or "personal opinions" .. not the Law and factual documentation ... as this appear to be the process you are using ...

Do you have any written guidelines how this is handled, is it a point system, is education used, contributions to the community, or is it just what someone said to another ... via a third party, YOU

Now that seems to be a novel approach ... which seems to play well in "media" NOB and on some internet sites .. but, not sure how that one works in "Court" while in Mexico, be it a Mexican or someone else ...

These types of situations do occur and I find these Legal land issues and their process of redress to individual involved educational, and since when did that become a bad thing.

Evidenced by the photo's Woooosh put up this morning from his walk... would appear things are changing in his immediate location, at this time, truthfully I would think what is desired, a nice beach area for the people is something which is very nice IMHO

And I would imagine Woooosh, already must have considered what this will do to PARKING around his area ... as increased accessibility would tend to increase the amount of use ..

Kinda like the beach down at La Mision, before there was the parking off the Toll road, and after ... with positives comes negatives too ... just saying ...

JoeJustJoe - 3-10-2012 at 04:27 PM

Originally posted by wessongroup
"Everybody here knows there is not a large Mexican population of handicapped Mexican wanting beach access."

Now that's a bold statement ... IMHO

Or, do you feel there is a set number that must be met to allow for handicap access to beaches ... just asking..

As I'm handicapped and would like to understand your thinking on this point...

Thanks in advance for your prompt response to the "question" posed ... :biggrin::biggrin:

[Edited on 3-10-2012 by wessongroup]

I know you're handicapped Wesson and this is a sensitive issue with you, but you're American Wesson and you're not Mexican.

Without trying to get too much into stereotyping because you'll find both Mexicans and American loving and hating the beach. But in general Wesson Americans go "ga ga" over the beach and beach front property. Mexican in general are indifferent towards the beach and think it's pretty stupid to lay out in the sun on the beach. Wesson you can even consult Fulano on this issue, because he himself pretty much said the same thing.

If you look at the Mexicans, and Mexican-Americans in the states they like the beach too, but they come later when the sun is down, and try as much as possible to keep out of the sun.

Now JoeJustJoe loves the beach, but that's because I have been Americanized, but I have lived by the beach before, and when you live by the beach for awhile. The beach is no big deal, and the sun is blocked out many days out of the years by clouds that don't burn off till much later in the day.

So believe me when I say most Mexican could care less about beach living or lying down in the sun getting sunburned. Most Mexicans are naturally dark, and a sun tan does nothing for them.

I rarely see the handicapped in the California beaches. I could only imagine very few handicapped wheelchair bound Mexican are going to get all excited about a beach ramp for the handicapped or handicap parking some citizen puts up and everybody ignores.

My guess the handicap beach projects is just another Wooosh Public relations attempt to cloud the real issue, and goal, and that goal is to have a beach front property at any cost.

In fact if Woooosh was truthful he would label hsi fund raising attempt as "Woooosh legal fund...... to keep his beach front property with a large beach view for Wooosh, and his American bred dogs."

wessongroup - 3-10-2012 at 05:44 PM

Would only offer this, when we were looking around for "property" when down.. that beach at La Mission was ALWAYS full on the week ends.. and they were Mexican folks as the majority ... as I believe that is the only easily accessed beach which has enough sand and area to take care of a "crowd" ..

And for what it is worth, two of my wife's uncles and their families used to live in the hills outside of Rosarito back in the late 30's and through the late 40's when they ALL were able to make it across the border ... and they all loved the beach ... especially the men...

They used to tell me stories about going down to the ocean in the morning to get what one used to be able to get really very easily ... ab's, bugs, and some fish ... had there own little "ranch" with corn, beans and the rest which was needed to get by ...

And my wife and the majority of the "family" would disagree with you on Mexican's not liking the beach... her cousin, who I met her through, also a Mexican was in the Navy, Scuba dived and surfed ... I taught him how to surf back in 63 ... and he loved the beach... including "Subic"(64)

Plus we used to go and get a large place at the State Parks along the coast for family gathering and campout ... they all seemed to be enjoying themselves .. and this was not just once a year...

As for guess's ... well now, were are into another realm ... IMHO

Will only say this about the Mexican people as it relates to old and handicapped ... I was treated with respect and had people help me up curbs, across streets, pick up my cane .. and even push my cart and put the stuff in the car .... and I don't even think they were doing if for a tip.. as many were security guards and some where just plain folks giving an old guy a hand ... something I don't have happen NOB all that much ..

Just to go a step further, the other day the wife was in Walmart shopping .. and this old guy in a wheel chair was trying to get something off the shelf ... no one was helping him at all... and there were people around ... the wife said to the guy" Hey you trying to get something ?? ... here let me help you... the old guy said "Well thanks a lot, my granddaughter just hates it when I bring home the wrong stuff"...

No one else gave a crap about this guy ... it may be a cultural thing .. which in my mind is a big plus for the Mexican people ... help older "viejo's" like myself ... and enjoy their beautiful county and it's beaches ...

They might be into them a bit more, if they had the money and time. ... IMHO

[Edited on 3-11-2012 by wessongroup]

Woooosh - 3-10-2012 at 06:40 PM

I did not read the above posts by JJJ or anyone but I scanned and caught the ugly drift of one topic. I have decided to post a "blind" response. By that I mean I am writing what happened that day without having read what others have written above. My fellow nomads will have to trust me on that. Let me know if it matches.

I have already told the first part of this story. It was from the day she tried to illegally take the sign off the concession. In that video you saw what you saw and there was no hammer attack. The video is not clear- but just the body positions prove she was not pushed down to the ground by me and then attacked with a hammer. In fact she kept working with the hammer after I took the shears from her.

I drove myself to the Police station with what was left of the sign. Tila went to the station with a stinky white guy who called me Queer, Harlan Pankau and the wife Harlan has been convicted of beating. Tila fell off the curb at the police station and an ambulance was called for her. We were both transported to the PGJE. I called my attorney by cellphone on the way and he met me at the PGJE. I told him right away I should have brought the police into the house to review the video, but I knew the system was up and running. My lawyer knows us and built my house- not someone from the phone book. He has my back. Harlan and is wife were in the waiting area to act as witnesses. Neither speak Spanish. Only Tila and the man who called me Queer (who had confronted me on the concession a month before so I recognized him) were in the back area where you talk with the DA’s. So was my Lawyer/realtor/builder Carlos Urrea, one of the best in Rosarito (and someone we gave a prized white lab to).

I was put in a cell and so was she. At first i thought I was there because she claimed I had illegally placed the concession sign on her house. (I had actually nailed it to the telephone pole in front- which was still within our concession on the day this happened). My lawyer came back to the holding cell to tell me I was there because Tila said I had pushed her down and tried to kill her with a hammer while trying to stop her from taking down the concession sign (gesturing like the Atlanta Braves fans used to). He asked if I was OK and I rolled my eyes and said, “Yeah the guy’s are pulling crystal out of their ass but they are sharing it with everyone”. True, but I passed. A minute later my lawyer and the guy with the keys took me out of the cell and brought me down the hall to the commandantes (grhs) office to wait in a chair there by his desk. I guess that was a room upgrade.

An hour or so later I went to a small office where my lawyer was waiting with the DA (a lady friend of his). My lawyer had already negotiated a deal with Tila and the stinky guy (a really bad cheap cologne type). He had a several page PGJE document in Spanish. I think Tila had already signed it. I didn’t attempt to read it, my lawyer was there. He said what Tila wants is the concession land, and not just the house but the land next to it (the disabled access lot). She doesn’t want just half, she want the whole thing. If I signed an agreement to leave her alone on the concession, she would drop all the charges. I told him I didn't try to kill her with a hammer. It was not my finest day to be sure- but I didn't do that and I likely had the video at home to prove it. He said "Craig, listen carefully. Forget about the video because it does not matter. What she is asking you to sign is not legal. You are an American and you cannot sign away any rights to a Federal Zone title held by Alonzo, even if you are married. Just sign the document and let’s get out of here.” And we were home before Tila was.

[Edited on 3-11-2012 by Woooosh]

wessongroup - 3-10-2012 at 07:49 PM

"You are an American and you cannot sign away any rights to a Federal Zone title held by Alonzo, even if you are married. Just sign the document and let’s get out of here.”

Pretty good point .. HUH !!

Nothing worse than a bad neighbor ...

And JOe, to exclude an opinion on the basis of "race and/or nationality" ... my, my, my ... :lol::lol::lol:

And I've had Mexican friends since the 4th grade ... plus on the 17th of this month is our 45th wedding anniversary, and my wife is a Mexican ... born in East L.A. ese dog !! .... "P" out

[Edited on 3-11-2012 by wessongroup]

Woooosh - 3-10-2012 at 08:05 PM

Today's Posts Have Put Angel into Panic Mode … and The Mayor’s Office arrives!

Tonight you have a front row seat to the Federal Zone and Rosarito Beach corruption folks... and just when I thought I would make it through the day without endangering myself.

Apparently Angel (Tila Otiz Maldonado) is concerned or upset about something posted here today. She called her most powerful friend to her house this afternoon. He arrived in Rosarito Police vehicle P-0634, which is an umarked Ram truck assigned to the head of security detail for Mayor Javier Aquire Robles. His driver was with him.

The first time I noticed this man was back in January. He came to her house late one night with another man. Too late for business hours. He took Tila outside with a manilla file in his hand and read her the riot act. He would yell at her, point to the papers, gesture more at her and then yell at her more. She was crying and stretching out her sweater arms pulling them around her hands to comfort herself. She reached out several times and physically touched him- she actually begged him for help. It was pathetic- but very compelling to watch. He made believe he had a phone call and went to the door, called his friend to come outside, and left. (My best guess is our new PGR neighbor had “pushed” our federal case against Ortiz for us and El Jefe had the “despojos” (eviction papers) for Tila Ortiz in the file). The next morning El Jefe showed up at the old condo building next to Tila and served some legal papers. I was told by a neighbor the papers were to evict a person who had not paid rent in six months.

I will call this powerful white mustached Man who frequently wears a black cowboy hat-" El Jefe for now. Who is this man and what does he do? How is he helping her and why?

Here is El Jefe and Tila at her house today, the official truck parked at her house, the license plates of the truck (same truck and plates in January and today) , the Driver, El Jefe yelling at Tila in January with the file in hand and El Jefe serving eviction papers in January to a neighbor. Now, I die. (Doubtful. This is way too public now with thousands of viewers, The PROFEPA/ZOEMAT/SEMARNAT Director Generals in Mexico City and Zeta Magazine. I kinda hope the UT is following it too. Kinda.

(There is no invasion of privacy in the photos below. All but the last photo are within concession DGZF-832/08. We have every right, and the contractual obligation to monitor what happens on our current, valid and legal Federal Zone concession)

Tila Maldonado Ortiz (Angel) and "El Jefe" (today):

The Mayors personal security truck parked at Angel's house (today):

Close up of Official vehicle License Plate (today) P-0634 (the "P" is for Policia) :

The Driver of El Jefe (today):

EL Jefe making Tila cry and beg him for help (January):

El Jefe serving Eviction papers at old condo building (January):

[Edited on 3-11-2012 by Woooosh]

elgatoloco - 3-10-2012 at 10:08 PM

"As The Palapa Turns, so do the .............."

JoeJustJoe - 3-10-2012 at 11:25 PM

Originally posted by Woooosh
I did not read the above posts by JJJ or anyone but I scanned and caught the ugly drift of one topic. I have decided to post a "blind" response. By that I mean I am writing what happened that day without having read what others have written above. My fellow nomads will have to trust me on that. Let me know if it matches.

I have already told the first part of this story. It was from the day she tried to illegally take the sign off the concession. In that video you saw what you saw and there was no hammer attack. The video is not clear- but just the body positions prove she was not pushed down to the ground by me and then attacked with a hammer. In fact she kept working with the hammer after I took the shears from her.

I drove myself to the Police station with what was left of the sign. Tila went to the station with a stinky white guy who called me Queer, Harlan Pankau and the wife Harlan has been convicted of beating. Tila fell off the curb at the police station and an ambulance was called for her. We were both transported to the PGJE. I called my attorney by cellphone on the way and he met me at the PGJE. I told him right away I should have brought the police into the house to review the video, but I knew the system was up and running. My lawyer knows us and built my house- not someone from the phone book. He has my back. Harlan and is wife were in the waiting area to act as witnesses. Neither speak Spanish. Only Tila and the man who called me Queer (who had confronted me on the concession a month before so I recognized him) were in the back area where you talk with the DA’s. So was my Lawyer/realtor/builder Carlos Urrea, one of the best in Rosarito (and someone we gave a prized white lab to).

I was put in a cell and so was she. At first i thought I was there because she claimed I had illegally placed the concession sign on her house. (I had actually nailed it to the telephone pole in front- which was still within our concession on the day this happened). My lawyer came back to the holding cell to tell me I was there because Tila said I had pushed her down and tried to kill her with a hammer while trying to stop her from taking down the concession sign (gesturing like the Atlanta Braves fans used to). He asked if I was OK and I rolled my eyes and said, “Yeah the guy’s are pulling crystal out of their burro but they are sharing it with everyone”. True, but I passed. A minute later my lawyer and the guy with the keys took me out of the cell and brought me down the hall to the commandantes (grhs) office to wait in a chair there by his desk. I guess that was a room upgrade.

An hour or so later I went to a small office where my lawyer was waiting with the DA (a lady friend of his). My lawyer had already negotiated a deal with Tila and the stinky guy (a really bad cheap cologne type). He had a several page PGJE document in Spanish. I think Tila had already signed it. I didn’t attempt to read it, my lawyer was there. He said what Tila wants is the concession land, and not just the house but the land next to it (the disabled access lot). She doesn’t want just half, she want the whole thing. If I signed an agreement to leave her alone on the concession, she would drop all the charges. I told him I didn't try to kill her with a hammer. It was not my finest day to be sure- but I didn't do that and I likely had the video at home to prove it. He said "Craig, listen carefully. Forget about the video because it does not matter. What she is asking you to sign is not legal. You are an American and you cannot sign away any rights to a Federal Zone title held by Alonzo, even if you are married. Just sign the document and let’s get out of here.” And we were home before Tila was.

[Edited on 3-11-2012 by Woooosh]

You know I been on a jury a few times and I remember a jury instruction very well from one judge. He said if the fact show or you feel the defendant is lying or not telling the truth. He said you could disregard other parts or even the rest of the defendants testimony because you feel the defendant is just not truthful.

I'm going to do the same thing with Woooosh's statements.

Who here believes Woooosh didn't read what I wrote? Wooosh is free of course to not to respond to my investigative report, but what's with the BS he didn't read what I wrote?

But lets say for a minute Woooosh is truthful with the above facts when Woooosh confronted Ms Ortiz about the "sign."

Before I start let me put up the definition of assault and battery:

Two separate offenses against the person that when used in one expression may be defined as any unlawful and unpermitted touching of another. Assault is an act that creates an apprehension in another of an imminent, harmful, or offensive contact. The act consists of a threat of harm accompanied by an apparent, present ability to carry out the threat. Battery is a harmful or offensive touching of another.

Clearly the video shows Woooosh is at least guilty of battery, a offensive touching of another. Woooosh is an American. He should know better to grab anybody from behind for whatever reason. You don't touch others, especially during a heated argument or somebody might be going to jail. ( Woooosh went to jail, and was charged with a crime)

Ramuma even warned Woooosh in page three of of this thread that he couldn't take control of Ms Ortiz's property because according to the law. It's considered her property, especially if he is making a legal claim to the property. The fight should be in the courts, not in front of Ms Ortiz's house, where Woooosh is putting up signs. Woooosh had no business putting up that sign, and for sure Wooosh had no business confronting Ms Ortiz and at the very least committing battery.

I don't think Ms Ortiz set Woooosh up, but if she wanted to set him up. She could have easily did that when Wooosh hot under the collar confronted Ms Ortiz and grabbed her from behind. ( look at the video again)

Woooosh must be the stupidest gringo in Mexico if he thinks he is going to get into it with a Mexican women, and if the Mexican cops are called to think the Mexican police are going to take Woooosh's side in the dispute.

So Woooosh finds himself behind bars, and Ms Ortiz has the upper hand because the judge, and cops are looking at Woooosh as the bad guy here. ( I think Woooosh is the bad guy here)

So Woooosh wants out of jail, and Ms Ortiz just wants Woooosh to leave her alone, and wants to live in her house accoss the street from Woooosh's house.

A deal is made. If Woooosh drops his concession. Ms Ortiz will will drop the charges against Woooosh.

So what does Woooosh do? What does Mr Right, aka Woooosh do. Woooosh has "right" on his side. Woooosh has the video tapes he claims could show he didn't assault Ms Ortiz, and if Wooosh fought his case in court. He could have easily won according to Woooosh or Wooosh is implying he could win.

Does Woooosh fight the court case? No he looks for another loophole,and before Ms Ortiz, the Judge, and God. Woooosh agrees to Ms Ortiz's demands, and is let out of jail.

What's the first thing Wooosh does? He reneged on his agreement! What a damn liar Woooosh is.

Why didn't Woooosh demand his day in court, and fight the assault charge? I'm sure Woooosh could have come up with the small bail, and fought the charges against Ms Ortiz if what Woooosh tells up is the truth, but Woooosh didn't do that. Wooosh took the easy way out. Wooosh lied, and took advantage of another loophole. Of course if Woooosh was really smart. He would have stayed home.

Woooosh - 3-11-2012 at 12:53 AM

I was hoping you would have been shamed into leaving the board again, You gullible fool. Join the ranks of dozens who have been conned by her. She is amazing and I have posted before that I had never met anything like her in my life. She will do anything and god help anyone who gets in her way.

So what about the above post with Mayors security people at her house today Joe? This is the lady you blindly, willingly, but stupidly defended? Ya know Joe, if you said "I was wrong big time on this one" people might actually respect you. Man up and you may be treated like one. She is a pro and there is no shame in being another victim of her- so was the Chief of Police and many others. I apologize when I am wrong- it feels good and is cleansing Joe. Liberating.

I truly did not read what you wrote before I typed my account. I still haven’t. I saw something in a post by WessonGroup about an agreement in writing about the land- and it clicked. I know many people who skip your posts Joe, but not many skip mine and I consider that when I post.

My lawyer knows my true character, he assessed the situation for the best course of action and he defended me brilliantly. Bravo! I am an America Joe. I own nothing in Mexico. I am here with an FM3 and you think it is legal for me to sign away the legal rights to a Federal Zone concession title being held by a Mexican National?

This is page 31 of the Baja Real Estate Advice thread and you haven’t learned that? This isn’t off–topic, it is a very much on-topic thread and your loco-legal rants backed by a total lack of knowledge is a distraction.

Why are you preaching Mexican real estate law to me on this thread when you don’t know it? One of the conditions of our concession is that we must defend it from intruders. We were specifically directed to have her removed from the concession by the Baja ZOFEMAT Jefe, Villarreal. I cannot legally sign that right away for a Mexican national. It was likely a federal crime for the PGJE to put together that agreement allowing me to sign away a Mexican national's Federal rights. Give that a thought for a second.

Tila just wanted that land and that is what she negotiated for. She would drop the charge of “attempted murder with a hammer” in return for me leaving her alone on the concession. Considering there was no murder attack and she hurt herself falling off the curb at the police station- she thought she struck gold… $199K worth. She should have brought a lawyer instead of a stinky old man who called me a Queer to the Police Captain. (My lawyer knew about that and what Tila was up to before I even got to the PGJE). He also worked on both federal zone concessions for us- making sure we had experts. When’s the last time you heard someone say they have good Mexican attorney? Sue me!

And what is this nonsense you talk about "demand my day in court"? That WAS court in Mexico Joe! There is no judge, there is no jury or a court date unless the other person isn't there. If you are are all there- it's show time. You talk with each other and the DA and they decide the outcome on the spot. Then they type up the summary, you sign it and you're done. That's it Joe. It is swift and actually refreshing because when you walk out the door it is over and done.

(They hold everyone in the large holding cells while the papers are being prepared Joe, it isn't jail... it's instant justice. Violent criminals sentenced to jail go out the back door directly to the TJ central jail. I walked out the front door with Carlos Urrea.

[Edited on 3-11-2012 by Woooosh]

JoeJustJoe - 3-11-2012 at 02:17 AM

Jesus Woooosh is so arrogant. It's no wonder I call Wooosh the insufferable Woooosh. It's no wonder so-called Mexican gang-bangers, neighbors, and even strangers want to help Tila Ortiz. It's because they all know that Wooosh is an eccentric neurotic nut, and I'm putting it nicely.

I thought Woooosh was faking it when he sued Harlan, the bad-boy looking Mexican with a shave head, tats on a thin frame with muscles. Woooosh said Harlan threatened to kill him if he keeps bothering Tila.( Didn't Woooosh also claim he didn't even hear Harlan?)

Anyway I hear Woooosh had his day in court, and all Woooosh wants to talk about is his legal case against Ms Ortiz. ( hello, you're suppose to be suing Harlan)

So the judge throws out the case and scolded Woooosh for wasting the courts time. But Woooosh wasn't happy with the result of his lawsuit against Harlan, and so Wooosh claims he is traumatized by Harlan( it must be Harlan's bad boy good looks) and can't get out of his house, and has psychological fears. So the court sent Woooosh to a psychologist in Tijuana to determine if in fact Woooosh is "traumatized" because Harlan screamed at Woooosh to leave Ms Ortiz alone. The psychologists finds no "traumatized" diagnosis, and says Wooosh is fine.

This must have been one pretty bad psychologist, because if it were me. I would have got the straightjacket out. I would have also asked Woooosh about his dreams, and if Harlan was in any of Woooosh's dreams.

Woooosh sues everybody. He also sued the Rosarito Beach police department.

Woooosh with his "concession" believes he is the Rosarito Director of Urban Planning. I think Woooosh sued the city's urban planning director too? ( Woooosh did you?)

Wesson Woooosh isn't the planning director or Rosarito Beach. I doubt too many people in the Mexican neighborhood
want a "dog beach." I doubt Mexican dogs the Chihuahua and Xoloitzcuintli care too much about playing in the water at the beach, and most Mexican mutt dogs don't care about the beach either, and would just be happy with a meal once in a great while.

The only dogs that would like a dog beach are Woooosh's five Labs. Retrievers just love water and are bred for water.

Wooosh does everything for his own self interest.

JoeJustJoe - 3-11-2012 at 02:30 AM

Woooosh what are you doing spying on Ms Ortiz again?

What do you think I talk to Ms Ortiz? I don't know everybody she talks too. But it's Saturday and pretty late. I don't think the government officials serve eviction notices so late on a weekend.

But if I were to guess. The guy with a black hat looks like a good friend. I doubt Ms Ortiz is leaving that house anytime soon.

Jesus Wooosh you only have a "concession.' You are not the landlord. Here is Ramuma53 concerned for you again Woooosh, and he explains exactly what a "concession" is:

Wooosh I would not want to see you in legal trouble.

Concession rights are just that a consession to use the land on the activity you asked permission to do, it does not mean you can forbid anybody else to cross or to use the land on any other use you are not concessioned to use it, It mean you are the only one allowed to use it that way, it does not mean any other people can not use it in another way, remember that after all you are in public property.

That mean you can not forbid anybody else to cross or use it in any other way different than the one you have. It is against the law to fence Federal Zone or forbid anybody else to cross the Federal Zone, it is not like private property, it is Public property where you are allowed to use it in a certain way only. So Fence it or forbid anybody to enter it is against Federal law and they will certainly prosecute for it.

I recommend you to just enjoy the Federal zone and forget about that lady and if she break the law, just throw the book at her, but do not allow her to do it at you.

Woooosh - 3-11-2012 at 03:40 AM

Originally posted by JoeJustJoe
Jesus Woooosh is so arrogant. It's no wonder I call Wooosh the insufferable Woooosh. It's no wonder so-called Mexican gang-bangers, neighbors, and even strangers want to help Tila Ortiz. It's because they all know that Wooosh is an eccentric neurotic nut, and I'm putting it nicely.

I thought Woooosh was faking it when he sued Harlan, the bad-boy looking Mexican with a shave head, tats on a thin frame with muscles. Woooosh said Harlan threatened to kill him if he keeps bothering Tila.( Didn't Woooosh also claim he didn't even hear Harlan?)

Anyway I hear Woooosh had his day in court, and all Woooosh wants to talk about is his legal case against Ms Ortiz. ( hello, you're suppose to be suing Harlan)

So the judge throws out the case and scolded Woooosh for wasting the courts time. But Woooosh wasn't happy with the result of his lawsuit against Harlan, and so Wooosh claims he is traumatized by Harlan( it must be Harlan's bad boy good looks) and can't get out of his house, and has psychological fears. So the court sent Woooosh to a psychologist in Tijuana to determine if in fact Woooosh is "traumatized" because Harlan screamed at Woooosh to leave Ms Ortiz alone. The psychologists finds no "traumatized" diagnosis, and says Wooosh is fine.

This must have been one pretty bad psychologist, because if it were me. I would have got the straightjacket out. I would have also asked Woooosh about his dreams, and if Harlan was in any of Woooosh's dreams.

Woooosh sues everybody. He also sued the Rosarito Beach police department.

Woooosh with his "concession" believes he is the Rosarito Director of Urban Planning. I think Woooosh sued the city's urban planning director too? ( Woooosh did you?)

Wesson Woooosh isn't the planning director or Rosarito Beach. I doubt too many people in the Mexican neighborhood
want a "dog beach." I doubt Mexican dogs the Chihuahua and Xoloitzcuintli care too much about playing in the water at the beach, and most Mexican mutt dogs don't care about the beach either, and would just be happy with a meal once in a great while.

The only dogs that would like a dog beach are Woooosh's five Labs. Retrievers just love water and are bred for water.

Wooosh does everything for his own self interest.

Wow. You got nuthin' and still won't go away with class... Everything you rant about above is Off-Topic Joe. Take it there. You have reverted back to the old JJJ I had on "ignore". Poof JJJ- after this post you are gone again. I will cheerfully respond to other nomads.

One interesting aspect of the Mexican judicial system is any time a person is assaulted, the victim is required to go the PGJE psychiatrist for a psychological interview. Standard procedure for every case. The PGJE detective saw the video and thought it was necessary. (seriously- who wants to look out their window on a Sunday afternoon with your family and see that skinhead pointing and yelling up at you?). In the interview I told them that although I was troubled by the impact on my mother-in-law and for the general peace of the neighborhood, I am a strong man and this incident didn't psychologically damage me. I repeated the exact same thing to the DA.

There are no judges who scold and few lawyers that sue in Mexico Joe. There isn't even a courtroom for time to waste. Mexico is not litigious like the states. If you are not happy with a public service or agency you file a "denuncia." You take two copies of your complaint letter to whatever agency you are filing the denuncia against. They will stamp a copy for your records and that gets you into their system. They do respond. How can you not know this? Outside of small claims, I have never filed suit against anyone on either side of the border.

BTW: If they had seen Harlan Pankau's conviction for domestic violence (I posted a few pages back)- he would have been bounced out of Mexico. He still might be. But Harlan and his gang didn't like the attention, the photos I posted here and putting his rap sheet on the internet. They have moved and they are all gone.

My last comment to you Joe is about integrity. You post as Joe Just Joe, an anonymous person out in cyberspace. It make you reckless sometimes and foolish the rest. I am not afraid to use my real name and state my mind with thought, responsibility and conviction. (Sometimes even with a sense of humor). I'm a true CT Yankee and very proud to have been raised that way- strong and loyal, much like my 5 labs. My values are very different from yours and I can understand why I make you feel the way you do towards me. We CT Yankees are revolutionary by nature and fight for the people. Look in the mirror and Man Up. Be something more.

wessongroup - 3-11-2012 at 10:44 AM

JOe, doesn't sound like Woooosh is an urban planner so much, rather as he wishes to insure that HIS concession be used in manner which affords individual's direct access to the 'Beach and/or HIS concession....

"Woooosh with his "concession", which is a quote from YOU .. One can only conclude that this is HIS concession !!!...

So you have stated it is his concession ... I don't see, at this time, there is any avenue of "legal redress" for this or any other legal entity on this particular "site", at this time.

I don't wish to see anyone loose their land, concession or to be injured physically or mentality over something like this ... much prefer a systematic investigation into the "history and use" of the "site" based on hard evidence developed through the investigate process, which supports the contentions made .. to the Court !! .... even if they are American ... :biggrin::biggrin:

wessongroup - 3-11-2012 at 11:30 AM

Originally posted by mcfez
When and where was this Joe? Was it a bodily threat towards me?

I don't need you Woooosh asking your racist psychopath friends is there something they can do to shut up JoeJustJoe and McFez.

Seems he's getting a little sloppy and stubbed his toe on this one

"I know you're handicapped Wesson and this is a sensitive issue with you, but you're American Wesson and you're not Mexican."

Hey, Fez ... you a Mexican ... if not watch out ... your thinking on anything is suspect ..

JoeJustJoe - 3-11-2012 at 11:52 AM

Originally posted by mcfez
When and where was this Joe? Was it a bodily threat towards me?

I don't need you Woooosh asking your racist psychopath friends is there something they can do to shut up JoeJustJoe and McFez.

I don't want to give any hate site free publicly, but you can guess where this was at. And Woooosh's post was directed at me, but the others insane nuts soon included you.

Something was suppose to be done by the end of the week that would make us disappear. I don't know what it was perhaps threats of embarrassing information or something physical! But these guys issue threats all the time. That's all they do is threaten Nomad members.

And I'm not holding it against Woooosh personally. I'm sure he was just taking out loud, and would just like me to quit this forum. But at the same time. Woooosh should know better. You don't ask these kind of insane nuts how to make JoeJustJoe keep his promise and retire from "BN." That's like asking Charlie Manson to go next door and ask the neighbors to politely keep it down. BTW McFez Roberto was also egging them on to do something about us.

JoeJustJoe - 3-11-2012 at 12:10 PM

Originally posted by wessongroup
JOe, doesn't sound like Woooosh is an urban planner so much, rather as he wishes to insure that HIS concession be used in manner which affords individual's direct access to the 'Beach and/or HIS concession....

"Woooosh with his "concession", which is a quote from YOU .. One can only conclude that this is HIS concession !!!...

So you have stated it is his concession ... I don't see, at this time, there is any avenue of "legal redress" for this or any other legal entity on this particular "site", at this time.

I don't wish to see anyone loose their land, concession or to be injured physically or mentality over something like this ... much prefer a systematic investigation into the "history and use" of the "site" based on hard evidence developed through the investigate process, which supports the contentions made .. to the Court !! .... even if they are American ... :biggrin::biggrin:

Wesson Ms Ortiz alleges that Woooosh received that "concession" fraudulently based on the fact Alonzo the real owner of the concession stated in writing there was an empty lot accross the street. This isn't true Wesson. There is a house that Ms Ortiz purchased and lived in at least part time many years, and lives there full time now. Mexico City would have never given Woooosh the concession if there was a house across the street and it was occupied

I believe Woooosh's recieved a letter that his concession is going to be revoked and so Woooosh has appealed this, and I think claims he won the appeal. But I don't think Woooosh is telling the truth. I believe this is still in the Mexican court system, and it takes years and years to unwind.

We also see that the man in the Black hat yesterday did not evict Ms Ortiz. It's just more wishful thinking on Woooosh's part.

Woooosh thinks he is the "urban planner." The Concession is for public use, but you only hear about Woooosh's ideas about a dog beach, and handicapped space.

Woooosh's fight is about pure greed and ocean views. This is all about Wooosh being able to have a ocean view plain and simple.

[Edited on 3-11-2012 by JoeJustJoe]

JoeJustJoe - 3-11-2012 at 12:55 PM

Woooosh wrote: One interesting aspect of the Mexican judicial system is any time a person is assaulted, the victim is required to go the PGJE psychiatrist for a psychological interview. Standard procedure for every case. The PGJE detective saw the video and thought it was necessary. (seriously- who wants to look out their window on a Sunday afternoon with your family and see that skinhead pointing and yelling up at you?). In the interview I told them that although I was troubled by the impact on my mother-in-law and for the general peace of the neighborhood, I am a strong man and this incident didn't psychologically damage me. I repeated the exact same thing to the DA.

What a big whopper about the standard procedure requirement about having to go to the PGJE psychiatrist for a psychological interview whenever there is an assault case.

This is something that Wooosh insisted on according to my anonymous sources.

I check with one of my Mexican online friends that used to be on another forum, and he laughed when I asked about the PGJE Psychiatrist interview being mandatory. He asked what is the guy smoking who told you this. I told my friend he often smokes good mota.

I understand that Woooosh sues everybody in Mexico. Woooosh should start a thread how to sue Mexicans.

Woooosh gets his way often too. I understand Wooosh the unofficial urban planner painted on a sea wall:

"Perros bienvenidos a la playa."

The local Rosarito beach residents though it was horrible, cause it sounds like he is calling people "dogs" welcome to the beach!" I hear the locals are still peeed about sea wall painting.

I wish I had a photo of this. Perhaps Wooosh could show us.

Woooosh's motto seems to be," don't dare block my beach front view, or I will destroy you."

Cypress - 3-11-2012 at 01:11 PM

Life goes on. And this whole thing? Is a thing.:lol:

greengoes - 3-11-2012 at 01:12 PM

Originally posted by JoeJustJoe
I understand that Woooosh sues everybody in Mexico. Woooosh should start a thread how to sue Mexicans.

1) Conseguir un buen abogado.


Woooosh - 3-11-2012 at 02:52 PM

Tila Ortiz Maldonado had her teaching license suspended and is not very good with kids. She won't be teacher of the year but probably good enough to teach Rosarito Police Spanglish.

Link to full document taking away her teaching certificate and branding any other certificate she may get for her lifetime:


She's not retired Joe. But she has a twin I guess. She moved from Texas to California. Tila Ortiz started working at the Eastside Union School District on June 18, 2007, having come from the El Tejon Unified School District. She was supposed to be a full-time squatter in Rosarito Beach. Same Otila Oritz Maldonado. Our SEMARNAT presentation had already included her residential, employment and property tax history dating back to Texas.

[Edited on 3-12-2012 by Woooosh]

JoeJustJoe - 3-11-2012 at 03:32 PM

You're too much Woooosh! One guess where you dug up that dirt?

Hi Fulano. I see you're up to your old games. Tell Woooosh he is not you, and one day somebody is going to take exception to this dirt you put out on people that's often made up.

Back to Woooosh.

The Tila Ortiz we know about is a teacher/administrator in California. Here is the website of the " California Commission on Teacher Credentialing." You can look up any teacher or administrator in California, and see for yourself if they have anything negative on their records. Now I don't post personal information on others like Fulano and you Woooosh, except if anybody tries to do that to me. So you'll have to search out Tila's name yourself:

Regarding the Texas thing. I don't trust Fulano, and I would never open one of his links.

Second, how do we know this is the same person? Ortiz is a common last name in both Texas and California.

Third, even if it was true, and I doubt it is. You didn't state a cause for the credential revoking. Bad teacher? Teaching Special education is something else, and is a very very tough job. JoeJustJoe knows a lot about special education in the classroom, especially with the rough kids with mental problems.

Texas is a backward state especially with regards to education. a couple of Texas school board want to stop teaching about Thomas Jefferson because he was basically a deist and was for the separation of church and state.

Perhaps we should look into Woooosh's background? ( but if it happens, I'll post it in the "OT" and see what we can find out about Woooosh.) But I'm tired, and I have other things to do today.

[Edited on 3-11-2012 by JoeJustJoe]

JoeJustJoe - 3-12-2012 at 01:27 PM

I still can't get over that cheap shot by Wooosh on Tila Ortiz regarding her teaching career.

So I researched it myself, and consulted a few sources including a hate forum, public records, and anonymous sources.

From the racist hate forum called "Baja No Mas" that really should be called," I hate Mexico, Mexicans, and Muslims."

I learned from Fulano who did the research for Woooosh. That Ms Ortiz had a contract dispute with the Texas School district, and they sued her because she was taking a new teaching job in California, and of course Fulano said a few other negative things that are suppose to be in that report.

But come on! We are talking about a contract dispute, and vindictive behavior by a school district after the fact she left.

What really impresses me is Ms Ortiz's job title in Texas. The director of Educational Services, and previous to that she held the title of director of curriculum and programs at another school district. Ms Ortiz also has a Masters in Education, and probably in administration too, but I don't have her resume in front of me.

Does Ms Ortiz sound like a low life Mexican street prostitute criminal squatter that services up to 20 Mexican men at one time in order to get them on her side against Woooosh?

Well that's the picture Woooosh tries to paint of Ms Ortiz a retired school teach, and administrator.

If you ask me. Woooosh is nothing but a misogynist women hater, and he also hates Ms Ortiz because she is Mexican, and has been successful in her career and is very smart. She is beating Woooosh too at his own game.

But my anonymous sources did confirm Fulano's public information check that Ms Ortiz also worked in Texas, and that she didn't want to work with high school emotionally disturbed students, because she really wasn't trained in that aspect of teaching, and her teaching degree wasn't in that field.

After Ms Ortiz resigned the Texas school board wouldn't accept it, and begged her to come back to the school district. When she refused. They suspended her teaching credential for one semester two or three years after the fact, and really amounted to a slap on the wrist.

The California Teachers Commission didn't bat an eye, and gave her a California teaching credential, and in fact gave her the administrative credential too which was like a promotion.

Mr Ortiz is kinda proud of the fact the Texas school district wanted her back, and went through all the hassle of suing her to get her back.

You just don't find too many Mexican-American women with the impressive teaching, education, and administrative background of Ms Ortiz.

Woooosh ought to be ashamed of himself for trying to malign Ms Ortiz's a beautiful women's (inside and out) character. Now I know Ms Ortiz calls herself an old women, but according to my sources. There are a few young Mexican men who want Tila's attention. However sadly there are a few young Mexican men that want Ms Ortiz's because she is an American, and would like to marry her to get US citizenship.

But no doubt Woooosh is right about one thing. I bet Tila Ortiz has a way with men.

Of course what I say in this post could be second, and third hand information, and so it would be wrong for anyone trying to create a time line here by information that would be considered hearsay in a court of law.

[Edited on 3-12-2012 by JoeJustJoe]

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