
Ron Hoff/Bajagringo attacked

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DENNIS - 9-12-2011 at 09:14 PM

Originally posted by astrobaja
So yes LET IT GO and back off a bit! the offers of help are in place a Nomads commando raid is NOT needed now!!!!

No way, Mike. We keep the issue alive. We speculate and we hope and pray.
When we lose our voice, we lose our motivation to participate.
We don't want that.

Thanks for your thoughts though. I usually give them very high marks.

fdt - 9-12-2011 at 09:26 PM

here's the story:
I spoke to Christine, Ron's daughter and she as oposed to what has been stated here has been with her dad and yes, they, her and her husband have gone back to the states to take care of their child as Sirenita stated and will return on friday. If for any reason Christine was not seen at Ron's bedside is that this young lady had to go and be also with Cristina, remember Ron's wife. So she was back and forth between hospitals. Did whoever did all this checking on Mri's or none do the same? I personaly have spoken with Christina and I believe what she is telling me, she sounds like a very centered young woman who is keeping her cool, way better than some others. s much as I'd like to be in solidarity with Sirenita and just not post on this subject in order to avoid beeing called one with false information, for Ron and Cristina I will continue monitoring and reporting. There bare more people involved that are in charge of Ron and Cristina. According to Christine (daughter) her dad IS doing much better, his swelling in the face has gone down and he has had an MRI. She, even thou not physicaly in Ensenada will be in constant contact with the doctor in charge of Ron and viceversa. If Ron does get released in three days there is someone there looking after him and will take care of him and the transport. As for Cristina's condition, it is also much better, she was drinking water already.
Now as for the moneys; The $5,000 dollars is the total estimate. Christine spent $10,000 pesos yesterday, $20,000 pesos today at the hospital and $7,000 for lab expenses (maybe the alleged MRI?) and yes, part of that was paid with a debit card. The balance is about $25,000 pesos, so all in all there you have the roughly $5,000 dollars.
It could be more so that is why this young woman and her husband went back to the US, to see if Ron had some funds available that they could get to pay for all this mess.
I recomend strongly that instead of putting someone down or critisizing for helping as much as posible, you should aplaud them for making the right decisions for the best interest of her dad and Cristina. They DID NOT JUST LEAVE, they left someone in charge!
Now Christine is aware of the monetary offers made here BUT NO, NO ONE IS MONITORING THIS THREAD TO HIKE UP THE BILL! She is aware of it because I told her! So now what, it aparently won't be for a transfer but to pay the hospital. If you all want, I can go as soon as mañana.
We were doing just fine in the afternoon with the good news that they are both getting better. What went wrong? Why can't it be possible? Why must they be the same or worse?

Woooosh - 9-12-2011 at 09:33 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Hate to say this but they could be calculating the bill following the fund raising on this site.


My two cents. It's too bad Ron's family couldn't follow this thread. It would seem the hospital (and press) took Ron for a US Citizen and charged him $5000 in treatment expenses. What they could have done is what this thread presented- that Ron and Cristina are both Mexican citizens with catastrophic health care through the Serguro Popular insurance plan. There should be no $5000 expense. Ron and Cristina planned for this event and accepted that the Seguro Popular and Mexican hospital system was good enough for them in a catastrophe. His family chooses to keep them where they are without being transported. None of our good intentions as Nomads trump that of his family. Many Nomads could not have a family member there that quickly- if at all. It is those Nomads who would continue to benefit from all our additional advice. Ron is in good hands with his family and we need to accept that they are making the decisions on treatment. We should just support them all we can for now and hang back a bit. But let's also make sure they don't get fleeced. jmho

[Edited on 9-13-2011 by Woooosh]

Mulegena - 9-12-2011 at 09:34 PM

Originally posted by shari
Originally posted by J.P.
I have noticed on this thread there has been a lot of talk about Ron, Very little about his Wife. On previous threads I have read he has quite the extended family in the local community' apperantly some of then are well conected.

well where the heck are they all??? Sirena nor Lizard lips saw anyone there for them...ron should have an advocate there by his side round the or not.
I agree with Shari's statement wholeheartedly; however, I do agree that we need to calm down and regain some reason here, kind people. Storming the castle isn't the tone that needs to be set now.

In u2u's there've been attempts to pass on to the daughter(s) generic information about head trauma injuries and some tough questions that need to be posed to the medical staff. Don't think this has been successful, which is very unfortunate.

Having been in all three roles-- as a medical professional, as a hospital patient and family-member of hospital patient-- I absolutely agree that there needs to be a patient advocate to do for that incapacitated person what he or she is unable.

This may be the tough stuff like quietly but firmly standing up and questioning the authority of a physician, i.e. saying "No" or asking succinct questions, or equally important-- and I can't emphasis this enough-- giving physical comfort to the sick individual, holding his/her hand, gently speaking or reading to the patient (yes, even an unconscious patient receives this and responds).

It would be in Ron & Cristina's interests to arrange for visits.
Could the daughters give permission for this?

AmoPescar - 9-12-2011 at 09:34 PM


I agree with eveything you just said. I don't feel right about what is going on....NOT ONE LITTLE BIT!

There should be someone there at ALL TIMES! I still cannot believe the daughter left for home, 5 year old or not. Doesn't she have a best friend or relative who can watch him!

AND YES...I would like to be there myself if I could. I'm getting frustrated reading these posts and what seems like a lack of action!

I'll say it again, if Celia of Binational is called, she may be able get a temporary visa for Cristina to accompany Ron to the SD VA hospital. This type of emergency situation/problem is what she is an expert in working out. MY gosh.....she has worked out situations where she has convinced Mexican and US officials to allow C-130's and Coast Guard helicopters to cross into Mexico to evacuate injured/sick Americans!

Let's not give up yet!

Miguelamo :mad: :yes: :?: I said in an earlier post, If I could be there I would be. Sadly, I do
not have transportation to get me there, or I would be there in an instant with my toothbrush and a couple of changes of Tidy Whities!

bigjohn - 9-12-2011 at 09:48 PM

Amo, Do you mean tighty whities? Just thought I would inject a little extra humor into a tense thread!

JESSE - 9-12-2011 at 09:52 PM

Seguro popular is NOT in any way the coverage you want to get when a major health issue happens to you. Even Mexicans don't do it if they have a choice of taking a loved one to a private hospital.

David K - 9-12-2011 at 09:52 PM

Originally posted by AmoPescar

I agree with eveything you just said. I don't feel right about what is going on....NOT ONE LITTLE BIT!

There should be someone there at ALL TIMES! I still cannot believe the daughter left for home, 5 year old or not. Doesn't she have a best friend or relative who can watch him!

AND YES...I would like to be there myself if I could. I'm getting frustrated reading these posts and what seems like a lack of action!

I'll say it again, if Celia of Binational is called, she may be able get a temporary visa for Cristina to accompany Ron to the SD VA hospital. This type of emergency situation/problem is what she is an expert in working out. MY gosh.....she has worked out situations where she has convinced Mexican and US officials to allow C-130's and Coast Guard helicopters to cross into Mexico to evacuate injured/sick Americans!

Let's not give up yet!

Miguelamo :mad: :yes: :?: I said in an earlier post, If I could be there I would be. Sadly, I do
not have transportation to get me there, or I would be there in an instant with my toothbrush and a couple of changes of Tidy Whities!

Doug posted that Cristina and Ron were both in the U.S. together not long ago... so I would call that having legal status here.

I also posted early in this thread that I in formed Doug by phone that I have a vehicle with an annual Mexican auto insurance already on it should the need arrise that I and another Nomad + (room for 3-4 paasengers) could go from here to Ensenada or San Quintin.

JESSE - 9-12-2011 at 09:54 PM

Originally posted by David K
Originally posted by AmoPescar

I agree with eveything you just said. I don't feel right about what is going on....NOT ONE LITTLE BIT!

There should be someone there at ALL TIMES! I still cannot believe the daughter left for home, 5 year old or not. Doesn't she have a best friend or relative who can watch him!

AND YES...I would like to be there myself if I could. I'm getting frustrated reading these posts and what seems like a lack of action!

I'll say it again, if Celia of Binational is called, she may be able get a temporary visa for Cristina to accompany Ron to the SD VA hospital. This type of emergency situation/problem is what she is an expert in working out. MY gosh.....she has worked out situations where she has convinced Mexican and US officials to allow C-130's and Coast Guard helicopters to cross into Mexico to evacuate injured/sick Americans!

Let's not give up yet!

Miguelamo :mad: :yes: :?: I said in an earlier post, If I could be there I would be. Sadly, I do
not have transportation to get me there, or I would be there in an instant with my toothbrush and a couple of changes of Tidy Whities!

Doug posted that Cristina and Ron were both in the U.S. together not long ago... so I would call that having legal status here.

I also posted early in this thread that I in formed Doug by phone that I have a vehicle with an annual Mexican auto insurance already on it should the need arrise that I and another Nomad + (room for 3-4 paasengers) could go from here to Ensenada or San Quintin.

David, by law you cannot transport patients in anything less than an ambulance.

Ken Cooke - 9-12-2011 at 09:56 PM

Originally posted by Woooosh

My two cents. It's too bad Ron's family couldn't follow this thread.

I forwarded this thread location to Ron's daughter in Argentina. I'll probably hear from Ron's son (also in Argentina) tomorrow. Just trying to help out.


David K - 9-12-2011 at 09:57 PM

I didn't offer to transport a patient... I offered to go to Mexico with other Nomads to offer support if it can help...

AmoPescar - 9-12-2011 at 09:58 PM

NOT SURE John...

Yes, maybe a little humor is needed. That was exactly why I wrote that. Things have been getting a bit too serious here, myself included! I guess it's the frustration.

Re: the whities...I've never known for sure what that even meant...LOL!!

Are briefs Tighties?

I always thought it was 'Tidy' as in 'neat or clean'

Miguelamo :lol: :D :yes:

bigjohn - 9-12-2011 at 10:05 PM

Now you've got me cracking up! Of course "briefs" are "tighties"!

Everyone now.......... a deep breath! and exhale!

AmoPescar - 9-12-2011 at 10:08 PM

Just wondering...

I've been wondering since the beginning if maybe the ambulance was "in cahoots" with Sanatorio Del Carmen? Maybe they get a little something extra for bringing them 'Gringo Cash Cows'!!

Just saying!

Miguelamo :?: :?: :?:

shari - 9-12-2011 at 10:13 PM

muchas gracias for responding Ferna...your input is very very critical here as you are Cristina's "voice" here and I value your input, observations and opinion...any chance of you physically getting down to see Ron & Cristina tomorrow? What do YOU make of the MRI inconsistancies?

I am glad to hear there is "someone" in charge and surely hope the mystery person is better informed than we are....we are only trying to do our best to assess the situation in order to help the best way we if it is by letting go and having faith in who was left in charge...OK...but that wont change my strong desire that someone needs to be there with Ron.

I hope tomorrow is a better day with clearer information and of course continued recovery from their injuries.

this whole nightmare has inspired me to really get cracking to organize our group of friends here to make up an emergency plan complete with everyones info like family contact numbers, meds, allergies, blood types, health issues, insurance plans, notarized list of possible people to make decisions in the absence of family, person's personal wishes for treatment/burial...stuff like that so that in the event of a catastrophy, we could resond quicker and more efficiently...less confusion....alot to think about here and lots of good lessons learned...nighty night all and thanks again...keep those prayers and energy flowing.

fdt - 9-12-2011 at 10:14 PM

I had the ambulance in place and am in no way related with either Del Carmen or the ambulance people

AmoPescar - 9-12-2011 at 10:14 PM


Thanks for clearing that up for me! Now I can scratch that off my I ALWAYS WONDERED list!! LOL!


Originally posted by bigjohn
Now you've got me cracking up! Of course "briefs" are "tighties"!

Everyone now.......... a deep breath! and exhale!

JESSE - 9-12-2011 at 10:18 PM

Originally posted by AmoPescar
Just wondering...

I've been wondering since the beginning if maybe the ambulance was "in cahoots" with Sanatorio Del Carmen? Maybe they get a little something extra for bringing them 'Gringo Cash Cows'!!

Just saying!

Miguelamo :?: :?: :?:

I don't see anything weird, usually and depending on the severity of the injuries, ambulances do transport patients to certain hospitals. I wouldn't doubt there was a comission involved, but as long as the hospital has the capacity to deal with the injuries, then its ok. If the hospital wasnt equiped to deal with the injuries of a patient, and he was sent there only because of $$$ issues, then its a different matter. $5,000 dollars is a lot of money, but not unusual for a private hospital. A Mexican friend of mine just spent $30,000 pesos for two days in a private hospital and only for a severe infection. There are two things that do concern me and that i would ask questions about it:

1.-Why was his wife taken to a different place?

2.-If the doctor says an MRI was taken, i would want to see it.

AmoPescar - 9-12-2011 at 10:19 PM


Not what I meant!

YOU didn't drop them off at Del Carmen! A facility that from all reports was NOT well equipped to handle this type of serious injury!! Why did they take him there??

I don't think Celia is an Ambulance chaser either! She, like you, is ONLY wanting to help!


Originally posted by fdt
I had the ambulance in place and am in no way related with either Del Carmen or the ambulance people

fdt - 9-12-2011 at 10:20 PM

A neighbor of mine was in a private hospital for 3 days here in Tijuana and it was 10,000 dollars.

DianaT - 9-12-2011 at 10:20 PM

Originally posted by soulpatch
With all that is being stated here are any of you aware of Ron and his wife having advanced directives in place?
His daughter may have her hands tied if there is.
Also, to cast stones at a daughter for taking care of her child? Really? Do you walk in her shoes?
And, really, is the VA a huge step up? Not in San Diego county, that's for damn sure.
There are a lot of issues at play here and it is not the family's responsibility to monitor this site, as much as we would all love that.
Hopefully the induced coma and ventilation are doing what they are supposed to be doing and the TX for his wife is effective, as well.
Health care is, after all, a personal and family responsibility.
It is my hope that Ron and his wife make a full recovery soon.
Having had may dialogs with Ron I think he had most eventualities pretty buttoned down.
I hope so for his sake.

So very well written--

We continue to pray for a full recovery for both of them and we do hope that everyone will support the family in whatever financial and or emotional way available,

AND respect the family in their decisions and understand that it is different for everyone and every family. If they choose to communicate here, OK, and if not, that is also OK----very much OK.

Ken Cooke - 9-12-2011 at 10:35 PM

Originally posted by fdt
A neighbor of mine was in a private hospital for 3 days here in Tijuana and it was 10,000 dollars.


You are doing a great job -- Don't get frustrated, and see you in January at Dia de los Reyes! :bounce:

AmoPescar - 9-12-2011 at 10:39 PM

Fernando / Jesse...

That same stay in a U.S. hospital would probably be 2 to 4 times that!

In 2006, Mike Humfreville was in an Ensenada hospital for 3 days. His TOTAl bill for the stay...$1200! Doctors, drugs, IV's blood work, everything! In the U.S. it would have been at least 20 times that amount!

Originally posted by fdt
A neighbor of mine was in a private hospital for 3 days here in Tijuana and it was 10,000 dollars.

JESSE - 9-12-2011 at 10:47 PM

Originally posted by AmoPescar
Fernando / Jesse...

That same stay in a U.S. hospital would probably be 2 to 4 times that!

In 2006, Mike Humfreville was in an Ensenada hospital for 3 days. His TOTAl bill for the stay...$1200! Doctors, drugs, IV's blood work, everything! In the U.S. it would have been at least 20 times that amount!

Originally posted by fdt
A neighbor of mine was in a private hospital for 3 days here in Tijuana and it was 10,000 dollars.

I went to the emergency room one time i was in Bellingham Washington, i spent about 15 minutes in there, got 4 pills, gotr checked out really quick, and was charged $375 :lol:

I was in shock when i got the bill.

fdt - 9-12-2011 at 10:49 PM

So, do I go tomorrow?

AmoPescar - 9-12-2011 at 11:20 PM


I think you should! It would be good to see his condition for yourself...and as Shari and some of us have said, HE needs an advocate to be there for him. If he IS getting better by then, maybe they'll allow visitors for brief periods of time.

I was thinking...It would be interesting to find someone on the street and ask them to walk into Del Carmen and say they were there for their MRI and "where do I go for it" Then they could walk back out and give you the answer as to whether they actually have one or NOT!!

So, do I go tomorrow?

AmoPescar - 9-12-2011 at 11:24 PM


My prayers to Ron, Cristina, their families and wisdom for the doctors!

Michael :yes: :saint: :yes:

Skipjack Joe - 9-13-2011 at 01:08 AM

Originally posted by fdt

So, do I go tomorrow?


Please confirm or deny lizard lips observations once and for all. It would give us a measure of peace.

oladulce - 9-13-2011 at 01:20 AM

Originally posted by fdt
... According to Christine (daughter) her dad IS doing much better, his swelling in the face has gone down and he has had an MRI.

Along with his broken jaw and head injury Ron must have a lot of facial swelling. It distorts facial features, looks terrible, and can be very upsetting for family members to find their loved-one nearly unrecognizable. Anxious, frightened, and unsure of what else to look for to gauge their patient's condition, facial swelling becomes a focus for friends and family because it's something they can see.

But a swollen face isn't dangerous. A swollen brain is. Hopefully there is no misinterpretation when the doctor reports "the swelling has gone down".

The elusive MRI....
maybe it's a mobile unit, always on the move :rolleyes:

Lots of talk about the "MRI", but remember it's just a tool not a treatment. Nice keepsake images to put in your scrapbook, but the machine does not treat the injuries that cause bleeding or swelling in your brain.

An MRI is really not the diagnostic tool of choice for head trauma evaluation. A ol' fashioned CT scan remains the gold standard for visualizing the brain.

If your friend or family member is in the hospital, I always recommend someone stays at their bedside. Doesn't matter what country you're in, if it's a big Uni hospital, or a little podunk place- stuff happens no matter how good the level of care usually is. You don't have to have medical knowledge, just being there will improve the quality of their care. If a loved-one was unresponsive, intubated and in a non-US hospital I would not blink for fear of missing something.

I'm so sorry we are 2 days drive away, but we will gladly pitch in to pay for a round-the-clock private duty nurse or someone to sit at Ron's bedside so he is not left alone, if someone is able to coordinate that.

Possible VA Medical Assistance for Ron

robt65 - 9-13-2011 at 04:40 AM

- Ron has helped me via posting on another (MexConnect) site in regards to construction of my own home in Queretaro. I never had the pleasure of meeting Ron personally. I have read with great sadness of Ron & Cristinas misfortune. I have read every thread of all 27 pages regarding this medical problem.

I have a few questions myself. Being a 90% disabled Navy Veteran living in Mexico and married to a Mexicana, I have some information that may be able to help . . . . . . or not. Does anyone know for sure if Ron is a "service connected disabled" or if he is a "Retired Navy" Veteran? The VA does have a "Foreign Medical Program in effect in Mexico. It really is a pretty good program with several good options that could possibly save Ron & Cristina a bunch of money. Here is the VA site:

Many Military Vets living in Mexico have no idea of this program. For those of you ready to run and get the information from this post, let me assure you that it takes a disabled vet who has been under the care of the VA System to begin to understand this program. There is a phone number listed on this VA site and I would suggest that Ron's close friends or "SiReNiTa" or "fdt" get this information to Ron's family for further consideration.

"SiReNiTa" or "fdt" or “oladulce” or "Morgaine7" and some others have very valid points. Losing one's head at times such as this for whatever reason only complicates matters. That sure isn't needed at times like these. Ron, I am sure will be reading these threads in the future as Morgaine7 has said. The last thing needed now is a bunch of we expats going off the deep end and hijacking Ron from a Mexican hospital.

Seems to me that "SiReNiTa" or "fdt" or “oladulce” are good contacts for now. Ron's daughter sure doesn't need any additional stress at this time. None of us knows her situation at this point, and I am sure it is none of our business what his personal relationship is or is not with his daughter. Push comes to shove, she is still his blood and I am sure (at times such as these) his daughter will do all she can for her father. If not she would not have come on a moment’s notice in the first place. What do any of us know of her circumstances? Nada!
"Just saying".

The VA has one of the very best medical centers in La Jolla just a short drive North of the border. How do I know this . . . . . . . I was there for some serious medical care. It is staffed by some of the very best doctors from the University of California, La Jolla part and parcel of the VA La Jolla Medical Center complex. retired or not, Service Connected or not, The VA will care for him there at no cost to him if needed. They have a Spinal Care Injury unit there with some of the very best Neurologists in the world practicing there.

Someone please get this information to Ron's daughter for consideration.

Get well soon Ron & Cristina, you still owe me some answers on my house remodel and addition. (smiling) You're in my prayers.

I apologize if I am not posting this correctly, as I have just joined today and I am not familiar with the way this site works yet.

Anyway . . . . . . . God Speed Ron & Cristina.


Originally posted by fdt
here's the story:
I spoke to Christine, Ron's daughter and she as oposed to what has been stated here has been with her dad and yes, they, her and her husband have gone back to the states to take care of their child as Sirenita stated and will return on friday. If for any reason Christine was not seen at Ron's bedside is that this young lady had to go and be also with Cristina, remember Ron's wife. So she was back and forth between hospitals. Did whoever did all this checking on Mri's or none do the same? I personaly have spoken with Christina and I believe what she is telling me, she sounds like a very centered young woman who is keeping her cool, way better than some others. s much as I'd like to be in solidarity with Sirenita and just not post on this subject in order to avoid beeing called one with false information, for Ron and Cristina I will continue monitoring and reporting. There bare more people involved that are in charge of Ron and Cristina. According to Christine (daughter) her dad IS doing much better, his swelling in the face has gone down and he has had an MRI. She, even thou not physicaly in Ensenada will be in constant contact with the doctor in charge of Ron and viceversa. If Ron does get released in three days there is someone there looking after him and will take care of him and the transport. As for Cristina's condition, it is also much better, she was drinking water already.
Now as for the moneys; The $5,000 dollars is the total estimate. Christine spent $10,000 pesos yesterday, $20,000 pesos today at the hospital and $7,000 for lab expenses (maybe the alleged MRI?) and yes, part of that was paid with a debit card. The balance is about $25,000 pesos, so all in all there you have the roughly $5,000 dollars.
It could be more so that is why this young woman and her husband went back to the US, to see if Ron had some funds available that they could get to pay for all this mess.
I recomend strongly that instead of putting someone down or critisizing for helping as much as posible, you should aplaud them for making the right decisions for the best interest of her dad and Cristina. They DID NOT JUST LEAVE, they left someone in charge!
Now Christine is aware of the monetary offers made here BUT NO, NO ONE IS MONITORING THIS THREAD TO HIKE UP THE BILL! She is aware of it because I told her! So now what, it aparently won't be for a transfer but to pay the hospital. If you all want, I can go as soon as mañana.
We were doing just fine in the afternoon with the good news that they are both getting better. What went wrong? Why can't it be possible? Why must they be the same or worse?

[Edited on 9-13-2011 by robt65]

ELINVESTIG8R - 9-13-2011 at 04:43 AM

I will call the VA Hospital in San Diego this morning to see if they will admit Ron as a U.S. Navy Veteran without his DD-214.

Is Ron conscious/alert enough to write down or say where his DD-214 is located so his daughter or someone can get it if the VA Hospital says they need that document first?

The DD-214 is a document that proves Ron was in the U.S. Navy. He will also need some government identification i.e. Driver’s License, etc.

EDIT TO ADD: Whoever gets the above information, can you also get his Social Security Number so if the VA wants to check to see if he is a registered veteran they can check with that.

[Edited on 9-13-2011 by ELINVESTIG8R]

BajaNomad - 9-13-2011 at 06:02 AM

Can someone contact me via privately via u2u with contact info (tel#) for Reyes in San Quintin?

Thank you.

Edit to add: I've got a handful of #'s for him, but would appreciate it I can confirm one of these as being the best # for him. Thank you.

[Edited on 9-13-2011 by BajaNomad]

Mexitron - 9-13-2011 at 06:08 AM

Originally posted by shari

this whole nightmare has inspired me to really get cracking to organize our group of friends here to make up an emergency plan complete with everyones info like family contact numbers, meds, allergies, blood types, health issues, insurance plans, notarized list of possible people to make decisions in the absence of family, person's personal wishes for treatment/burial...stuff like that so that in the event of a catastrophy, we could resond quicker and more efficiently...less confusion....alot to think about here and lots of good lessons learned...nighty night all and thanks again...keep those prayers and energy flowing.

Sounds like a good plan Shari (you could probably even write a book about it)

[Edited on 9-13-2011 by Mexitron]

angels4 - 9-13-2011 at 06:19 AM

Baja Nomad- Someone will contact you with Reyes info. Best regards.

ELINVESTIG8R - 9-13-2011 at 06:39 AM

If the San Diego VA Hospital says they will accept Ron and Ron’s daughter says it’s ok to transfer Ron can someone in Ensenada open a bank account in Ensenada so those who pledged money can deposit money from our bank accounts so it can be withdrawn to get Ron out of the Ensenada hospital?

mtgoat666 - 9-13-2011 at 06:56 AM

Originally posted by ELINVESTIG8R
If the San Diego VA Hospital says they will accept Ron and Ron’s daughter says it’s ok to transfer Ron can someone in Ensenada open a bank account in Ensenada so those who pledged money can deposit money from our bank accounts so it can be withdrawn to get Ron out of the Ensenada hospital?

why do you think money is the issue? for all we know he may have insurance in USA or sufficient money of his own.
the issue appears to be that daughter has medical power of attorney and daughter thinks he is fine where he is.

SFandH - 9-13-2011 at 07:05 AM

Wouldn't his wife be the decision maker if she is physically capable? I understand she was injured, one or more bad cuts, but maybe she's fully conscious and on the mend. Anybody know about her condition?

baronvonbob - 9-13-2011 at 07:26 AM

The VA program for this is for treatment of the existing Service Connected Disability, not new.

Originally posted by robt65
- Ron has helped me via posting on another (MexConnect) site in regards to construction of my own home in Queretaro. I never had the pleasure of meeting Ron personally. I have read with great sadness of Ron & Cristinas misfortune. I have read every thread of all 27 pages regarding this medical problem.

I have a few questions myself. Being a 90% disabled Navy Veteran living in Mexico and married to a Mexicana, I have some information that may be able to help . . . . . . or not. Does anyone know for sure if Ron is a "service connected disabled" or if he is a "Retired Navy" Veteran? The VA does have a "Foreign Medical Program in effect in Mexico. It really is a pretty good program with several good options that could possibly save Ron & Cristina a bunch of money. Here is the VA site:

Many Military Vets living in Mexico have no idea of this program. For those of you ready to run and get the information from this post, let me assure you that it takes a disabled vet who has been under the care of the VA System to begin to understand this program. There is a phone number listed on this VA site and I would suggest that Ron's close friends or "SiReNiTa" or "fdt" get this information to Ron's family for further consideration.

"SiReNiTa" or "fdt" or “oladulce” or "Morgaine7" and some others have very valid points. Losing one's head at times such as this for whatever reason only complicates matters. That sure isn't needed at times like these. Ron, I am sure will be reading these threads in the future as Morgaine7 has said. The last thing needed now is a bunch of we expats going off the deep end and hijacking Ron from a Mexican hospital.

Seems to me that "SiReNiTa" or "fdt" or “oladulce” are good contacts for now. Ron's daughter sure doesn't need any additional stress at this time. None of us knows her situation at this point, and I am sure it is none of our business what his personal relationship is or is not with his daughter. Push comes to shove, she is still his blood and I am sure (at times such as these) his daughter will do all she can for her father. If not she would not have come on a moment’s notice in the first place. What do any of us know of her circumstances? Nada!
"Just saying".

The VA has one of the very best medical centers in La Jolla just a short drive North of the border. How do I know this . . . . . . . I was there for some serious medical care. It is staffed by some of the very best doctors from the University of California, La Jolla part and parcel of the VA La Jolla Medical Center complex. retired or not, Service Connected or not, The VA will care for him there at no cost to him if needed. They have a Spinal Care Injury unit there with some of the very best Neurologists in the world practicing there.

Someone please get this information to Ron's daughter for consideration.

Get well soon Ron & Cristina, you still owe me some answers on my house remodel and addition. (smiling) You're in my prayers.

I apologize if I am not posting this correctly, as I have just joined today and I am not familiar with the way this site works yet.

Anyway . . . . . . . God Speed Ron & Cristina.


Originally posted by fdt
here's the story:
I spoke to Christine, Ron's daughter and she as oposed to what has been stated here has been with her dad and yes, they, her and her husband have gone back to the states to take care of their child as Sirenita stated and will return on friday. If for any reason Christine was not seen at Ron's bedside is that this young lady had to go and be also with Cristina, remember Ron's wife. So she was back and forth between hospitals. Did whoever did all this checking on Mri's or none do the same? I personaly have spoken with Christina and I believe what she is telling me, she sounds like a very centered young woman who is keeping her cool, way better than some others. s much as I'd like to be in solidarity with Sirenita and just not post on this subject in order to avoid beeing called one with false information, for Ron and Cristina I will continue monitoring and reporting. There bare more people involved that are in charge of Ron and Cristina. According to Christine (daughter) her dad IS doing much better, his swelling in the face has gone down and he has had an MRI. She, even thou not physicaly in Ensenada will be in constant contact with the doctor in charge of Ron and viceversa. If Ron does get released in three days there is someone there looking after him and will take care of him and the transport. As for Cristina's condition, it is also much better, she was drinking water already.
Now as for the moneys; The $5,000 dollars is the total estimate. Christine spent $10,000 pesos yesterday, $20,000 pesos today at the hospital and $7,000 for lab expenses (maybe the alleged MRI?) and yes, part of that was paid with a debit card. The balance is about $25,000 pesos, so all in all there you have the roughly $5,000 dollars.
It could be more so that is why this young woman and her husband went back to the US, to see if Ron had some funds available that they could get to pay for all this mess.
I recomend strongly that instead of putting someone down or critisizing for helping as much as posible, you should aplaud them for making the right decisions for the best interest of her dad and Cristina. They DID NOT JUST LEAVE, they left someone in charge!
Now Christine is aware of the monetary offers made here BUT NO, NO ONE IS MONITORING THIS THREAD TO HIKE UP THE BILL! She is aware of it because I told her! So now what, it aparently won't be for a transfer but to pay the hospital. If you all want, I can go as soon as mañana.
We were doing just fine in the afternoon with the good news that they are both getting better. What went wrong? Why can't it be possible? Why must they be the same or worse?

[Edited on 9-13-2011 by robt65]

Osprey - 9-13-2011 at 07:33 AM

Shari, we keep all that stuff in a computer folder and my wife and I both have flash cards on our keychains with that stuff updated. Hope is that wherever one could find medical attention there would probably be computers close by to pull it up, use it, copy it, email it, etc. etc. Just a thought.

Iflyfish - 9-13-2011 at 07:34 AM

I have been following this thread. This is a tragic situation, one that generates strong feelings of compassion, confusion, fear and anger, all reflected in the body of this thread.

Medical care is a complex issue and when you add cultural differences to the mix you have a real ball of yarn. Of similar complexity is understanding the medical resources available to people, including Xpats, in Mexico. The myriad levels of immigration status also complicate the picture. Issues of medical insurance, both foreign and domestic are another set of issues. Powers of attorney for medical and financial care are also significant issues.

Nomads are a wonderful source of compassion and support as one can easily see from this thread. We should all be grateful that we have this collective resource available to us. I know I am.

It is very difficult in a situation like this to get a clear picture of what is really going on. This is why having a medical advocate is so important. Wonderful, generous people on this site have been jumping into the breach to try to provide this support. It is however difficult to do this without having access to the whole picture. This is why it is so important to have someone at our side, who knows us and our wishes, when we are in the hospital. Aside from the emotional support this presence offers they act as an outside set of eyes and ears for the us when we are in that bed.

There are reasons for consent forms, rules about who has access to medical information and who has the legal right to make medical decisions for the patient. You would not want someone making life/death/economic decisions for you that you did not know and trust.

We all enter the medical system as patient, friend, or advocate with different levels of knowledge, awareness and trust of medical personnel. It is a powerful emotional experience and requires a great deal of thought in an extremely complex and emotionally loaded environment. We all vary in our capacities to deal with situations like this. It is my belief and experience that most in this situation, with all the knowledge, information, experience that they have, at the time, try to make the best decisions possible. People in this position may be naive, ignorant, misinformed, and gullible or emotionally not up to the task. However it is important to recognize that most people are doing the best they can for the people they love and are doing so in the most extreme situation they may ever experience in their lives. Caution is required in second guessing people who step up to the plate and who have the legal responsibility to make decisions for those they love who are unable to advocate for themselves.

I have been in discussion with Shari and believe there are object lessons here for all Nomads.

Originally posted by shari

"this whole nightmare has inspired me to really get cracking to organize our group of friends here to make up an emergency plan complete with everyone’s info like family contact numbers, meds, allergies, blood types, health issues, insurance plans, notarized list of possible people to make decisions in the absence of family, person's personal wishes for treatment/burial...stuff like that so that in the event of a catastrophe, we could respond quicker and more efficiently...less confusion....a lot to think about here and lots of good lessons learned....."

I would encourage all Nomads to make sure you:
1. Know the medical system in Mexico. It is complex. Sometimes the most popular hospital is not the best. Sometimes the public is better than the private and visa versa. Identify a doctor of record for yourself if possible. There is no stronger advocate for you than your own doctor.
2. Write up a clear document that lists all of your vital information for medical purposes i.e. full name, date of birth, place of birth, mother’s maiden name, social security number, health insurance plan name, your plan number, name and contact information for your medical advocate, copy of signed medical power of attorney (there is an equivalent in Mexico), names, addresses and phone numbers of family members to contact (be sure to use proper country and area codes.
3. With the document above list all of your medical conditions, medical history including all prior diagnosis, medical conditions and medications, include any allergies.
4. Have these documents translated by a person with sufficient language skills to be able to clearly and correctly translate what you have written. Remember that different people have different levels of knowledge of medical/legal jargon.
5. Make sure there are people who you know and trust that have copies of these documents in both English and Spanish.
6. Explore Mexican private insurance. It is available and can be very reasonably priced. Be sure you have coverage for evacuation if this is needed.
7. Know your resources. Familiarize yourself with the medical resources around you. Know what services are available at your local clinic. Do they have a defibrillator? Do they have x-ray, CAT, MRI? What sort of problem can they handle? If more care is needed what is the best resource? What is the best hospital that you can use given your insurance, capacity to cover your expenses? Remember that consumers are only one source of this information, talk to local Mexican medical insurance agents. See if you can get a Mexican medical insurance policy, maybe set up a group policy. Having a medical insurance agent in Mexico can be a great source of support in negotiating the system.

This list is not exhaustive and it would at some point be helpful for a bicultural group in your community to clarify the many issues addressed here. It is important to have a PLAN. Time is of the essence in medical care. Too little too late can be deadly.

My heart goes out to Ron and Christine in the long road they will have in their recovery and re-adjustment to their new circumstances. I extend my very best wishes to them and their families. Healing will need to happen on many levels and I hope they know from reading this thread that they are loved and cared for. I send my best wishes for a speedy recovery.



woody with a view - 9-13-2011 at 07:36 AM

Just one or two questions. If Ron and Cristina have Seguros Popular why can’t they make a deal with the hospital? Why do they need to pay out of pocket if they have insurance? It was not their choice to go to the hospital Red Cross delivered them to.
They should tell the hospital to bill Seguros Popular for any money owed that has not already been paid.

On another note, why isn’t the police getting involved as they have the turds in custody who committed the crimes? Aren’t the turds liable for damages (medical bills, at a minimum!) to Ron and Cristina? Shouldn’t the turds be paying the bills, just like if it was an auto accident?

Roberto - 9-13-2011 at 07:39 AM

Originally posted by fdt
So, do I go tomorrow?

My personal opinion is no. If non-medical people who are not relatives start to show up there, there's a possibility that additional problems could be created at the hospital or with Ron's daughter. If you spoke to her first and she gave the green light, that would be another story.

Regardless of what our personal opinion might be, we need to give the daughter room while being available if needed. Certainly that's what I would want in her shoes.

ELINVESTIG8R - 9-13-2011 at 07:49 AM

Does anyone have the name a telephone number of Ron's Daughter? Please send it to my e-mail @ Thank you!

ELINVESTIG8R - 9-13-2011 at 08:12 AM

Originally posted by ridge
Originally posted by ELINVESTIG8R
Does anyone have the name a telephone number of Ron's Daughter? Please send it to my e-mail @ Thank you!
I believe both Fernando(fdt) and Sirenita do.

Thank you. Can someone call them and ask them to send it to my listed e-mail @

I am on hold with the VA Hospital right now.

latina - 9-13-2011 at 08:55 AM

Granted my experience was in Canada, but nonetheless we have some experience with being in the situation that Ron, Cristina and Ron's family are in right now. Two years ago my step-daughter was in Critical Care on life-support for two weeks suffering from pneumonia and septic shock.

The shock and fear is overwhelming to friends and family. For two weeks, only her immediate family was allowed to enter the room, with masks and gloves (high probability of infection) and to be at her bedside for 5 minutes maximum once a day. The sight of a once healthy and vibrant young woman hooked up to tubes was horrifying.

I am telling my story because what happened outside the critical care ward in the waiting room added more stress than you can imagine to my husband and I. Because people felt helpless they started questioning the quality of care and the doctor's apparent lack of skill to bring our daughter back to "life". We were asked to consider having her air transported to Mayo Clinic by other family members, to call in famous doctors outside of the hospital for consultation, and on and on. I can't begin to tell you how hard it was to keep the faith and not start adding guilt and fear that we should move her, to our long list of emotions!

Miraculously after two weeks of touch and go, she was taken off all the mechanical apparatus and was on the road to recovery.

The way it worked in Canada was that we could all be in the waiting area 24 hours a day praying for her, but only her mother, father, sister, myself and her husband could be in her room, one at a time for 5 minutes. There was one nurse assigned to her bedside 24 hours a day. Every few days the doctor would schedule a meeting with the immediate family and review the situation. If there were tests done, he showed them to the immediate family and explained them to us. The only person who had the legal right to make any decisions about her care or even worst case scenerio was her husband of 5 months!

I think the folks on this forum are amazing and the support for a fellow Nomad shows what you are made of. I just wanted to say that maybe what is happening with Ron and is wife isn't that much different than what our experience was in Canada. Someone mentioned that his daughter had seen the test results, which should have determined the extent of swelling or bleeding around the brain... After suffering the kind of head trauma Ron has suffered, there could be a long road to recovery. If the daughter is the only relative near Ron, and has faith in the doctors and what they told her about being home in 3 days she may have had no choice but to return to the states, get her child and pack for a possibly long stay with her father and step-mother, helping them to recover... Just a thought... Cathy

David K - 9-13-2011 at 09:01 AM

I hope the hospital knows the World Wide Web is watching them and how they treat Ron... They sure could benefit from doing the right thing, and lose if they are indeed using Ron as a cash cow.

I have a couple of repairs to see to, but will check back this afternoon... Ferna and others have my cell pnone number if I can be of assistance.

Canexican - 9-13-2011 at 09:04 AM

I've been following this discussion closely since I read of it on Mexconnect. I know Ron from his time on Mexconnect and his contributions. He has shared a lot about his beloved daughter Olivia, who passed away unexpectedly and how close he was to her, and that always touched everyone. He spoke of her frequently, and we assumed she was his only child. Thankfully that's not the case.

In this situation, if Cristina has recovered to the point she can do it, she is the one with the legal right to make decisions on Ron's behalf and the one he would want to do that. She is local, knows the systems, and also knows their medical coverage. Are there any updates on her condition? Fingers crossed that both are going to be okay. It is clear Ron has very good friends looking out for him. Our prayers are with both Ron and Cristina.

[Edited on 9-13-2011 by Canexican]

shari - 9-13-2011 at 09:10 AM

there is a duty nurse in Ron's room round the clock.

Sirena just called and said she has no internet probably until tonight and so U2U me to get her a message or call her cell...Ferna can you please call her? She did mention that the receptionist commentd to her that Ron sure had alot of friends and Sirena explained to her that Ron is a pretty high profile guy..not just some gringo tourist that got beat up... so they are probably aware they may be under more scrutiny.

fdt - 9-13-2011 at 09:12 AM

Originally posted by ELINVESTIG8R
Originally posted by ridge
Originally posted by ELINVESTIG8R
Does anyone have the name a telephone number of Ron's Daughter? Please send it to my e-mail @ Thank you!
I believe both Fernando(fdt) and Sirenita do.

Thank you. Can someone call them and ask them to send it to my listed e-mail @

I am on hold with the VA Hospital right now.

Sorry but you and 20 or so otheres are asking for this info. perdon David

ELINVESTIG8R - 9-13-2011 at 09:16 AM

I spoke to San Diego area VA Hospital in La Jolla CA. I explained to him the situation about Ron and him being a U.S. Navy veteran and his circumstances in Ensenada. He is finding out if they will accept Ron and will call me back.

ELINVESTIG8R - 9-13-2011 at 09:28 AM

I am on hold with the National Military Records Center to see if they will send the VA San Diego confirmation that Ron is a U.S. Navy Veteran

Woooosh - 9-13-2011 at 09:30 AM

Originally posted by woody with a view
Just one or two questions. If Ron and Cristina have Seguros Popular why can’t they make a deal with the hospital? Why do they need to pay out of pocket if they have insurance? It was not their choice to go to the hospital Red Cross delivered them to.
They should tell the hospital to bill Seguros Popular for any money owed that has not already been paid.

On another note, why isn’t the police getting involved as they have the turds in custody who committed the crimes? Aren’t the turds liable for damages (medical bills, at a minimum!) to Ron and Cristina? Shouldn’t the turds be paying the bills, just like if it was an auto accident?


Woooosh - 9-13-2011 at 09:34 AM

Originally posted by shari
there is a duty nurse in Ron's room round the clock.

Sirena just called and said she has no internet probably until tonight and so U2U me to get her a message or call her cell...Ferna can you please call her? She did mention that the receptionist commentd to her that Ron sure had alot of friends and Sirena explained to her that Ron is a pretty high profile guy..not just some gringo tourist that got beat up... so they are probably aware they may be under more scrutiny.

Ron and his Abalone project were handed a check for 5 Million pesos by the Governor of Baja few months back. The Governor knows who he is and how important he is to Mexico. He would def get involved if he knew about it.

Canexican - 9-13-2011 at 09:55 AM


Ron and his Abalone project were handed a check for 5 Million pesos by the Governor of Baja few months back. The Governor knows who he is and how important he is to Mexico. He would def get involved if he knew about it.

Under the circumstances, that's a very good idea to let the Governor know about this as soon as possible.

ELINVESTIG8R - 9-13-2011 at 09:58 AM

I just got off the telephone with the National Military Records Center to see if they will send the VA San Diego confirmation that Ron is a U.S. Navy Veteran.

They told me they cannot release any information without written authorization. They also need his Social Security Number to even look for the records.

Sweetwater - 9-13-2011 at 09:59 AM

I have been a medical provider for 35 years at a University hospital here is the states. Emergencies will happen to us all, preparation and organization are your best options. We all become overwhelmed when an emergency occurs and having the information readily available will not change the emergency but it might change the stress and outcome.

Originally posted by shari "this whole nightmare has inspired me to really get cracking to organize our group of friends here to make up an emergency plan complete with everyone’s info like family contact numbers, meds, allergies, blood types, health issues, insurance plans, notarized list of possible people to make decisions in the absence of family, person's personal wishes for treatment/burial...stuff like that so that in the event of a catastrophe, we could respond quicker and more efficiently...less confusion....a lot to think about here and lots of good lessons learned....." I would encourage all Nomads to make sure you: 1. Know the medical system in Mexico. It is complex. Sometimes the most popular hospital is not the best. Sometimes the public is better than the private and visa versa. Identify a doctor of record for yourself if possible. There is no stronger advocate for you than your own doctor. 2. Write up a clear document that lists all of your vital information for medical purposes i.e. full name, date of birth, place of birth, mother’s maiden name, social security number, health insurance plan name, your plan number, name and contact information for your medical advocate, copy of signed medical power of attorney (there is an equivalent in Mexico), names, addresses and phone numbers of family members to contact (be sure to use proper country and area codes. 3. With the document above list all of your medical conditions, medical history including all prior diagnosis, medical conditions and medications, include any allergies. 4. Have these documents translated by a person with sufficient language skills to be able to clearly and correctly translate what you have written. Remember that different people have different levels of knowledge of medical/legal jargon. 5. Make sure there are people who you know and trust that have copies of these documents in both English and Spanish. 6. Explore Mexican private insurance. It is available and can be very reasonably priced. Be sure you have coverage for evacuation if this is needed. 7. Know your resources. Familiarize yourself with the medical resources around you. Know what services are available at your local clinic. Do they have a defibrillator? Do they have x-ray, CAT, MRI? What sort of problem can they handle? If more care is needed what is the best resource? What is the best hospital that you can use given your insurance, capacity to cover your expenses? Remember that consumers are only one source of this information, talk to local Mexican medical insurance agents. See if you can get a Mexican medical insurance policy, maybe set up a group policy. Having a medical insurance agent in Mexico can be a great source of support in negotiating the system. This list is not exhaustive and it would at some point be helpful for a bicultural group in your community to clarify the many issues addressed here. It is important to have a PLAN. Time is of the essence in medical care. Too little too late can be deadly. My heart goes out to Ron and Christine in the long road they will have in their recovery and re-adjustment to their new circumstances. I extend my very best wishes to them and their families. Healing will need to happen on many levels and I hope they know from reading this thread that they are loved and cared for. I send my best wishes for a speedy recovery. PLAN NOW! Iflyfish

Bajatripper - 9-13-2011 at 10:03 AM

This certainly isn't the type of news I hoped to find on Nomads on my first day back. What a terrible thing to have happen, and even worse when the people involved are among the nicest.

My best thoughts for a speedy recovery to the both of them.

redmesa - 9-13-2011 at 10:27 AM
It is impossible to prepare for every eventuality , as I personally know, but this card is a simple way that we all could be a little bit secure. Leaving your pertinent information with trusted friends and family is the first step. Tragedies and accidents can happen anywhere at anytime.

robt65 - 9-13-2011 at 10:35 AM

It is important for one to read what is printed and not what one wishes to read or read into another’s posting. This is precisely why I asked if anyone knew if Ron has a “service connected” disability or medical condition that would allow him to participate in this VA “Foreign Medical Program”.

While this program is not very new, it is a program that is not commonly known about, even at the VA’s that are NOB. I have been a 90% disabled Vet for numerous years and (for example) I never heard of this program until a year or so ago. When I asked at my VA about the program, I was told everything from “there is no such program” to “Yes, there is such a program but I don’t know anything about it.”

It is a very good program from everything such as “secondary” medical events (sometimes to the laymen considered “new” to the “original service connected disability”), such as I had some necessary eye surgery that was a secondary event to the medicines I was being prescribed for my “Asbestosis”, which started making me go blind in my left eye. Then my depth perception was affected and I fell exiting my travel trailer and broke my knee cap, no my left leg. Both of the latter were considered “secondary events” to my original “service connected” disability, therefore they qualified as being serviced connected and were entered into my VA medical records. Both the two eye surgeries and the emergency medical treatment for my broken kneecap were considered “secondary” (new injury to me) and were both treated and paid for by the VA. They were also entered into my medical record for future reference to be considered now as part of my original “service connected” disability.

I highly doubt that anyone, except the Veteran themselves would have such knowledge at hand, except maybe the spouse. This is why it is important that as soon as Ron is capable to comprehend and well enough to make decisions, he can then check, if he is “service connected” and would even be reimbursed for such emergency care. For example if Ron has a service connected hearing disability and that was aggravated as a result of this confrontation, then he could be covered under the “service connected” portion of this program, even as a possible secondary event. When you are talking thousands of dollars for original care and more thousands of dollars for after care . . . . . . . including medications this can be an economically advantageous for the affected veteran.

I don’t even know if Ron is a “retired vet” with 20 or more year’s service. Does anyone else know this? Did he have some “serviced connected” medical condition? Does anyone else know this? The answers are usually “not sure”. We all tend to keep our medical or health issues pretty private. It is possible that not even his wife would know for sure.

All I can tell you is that since I have found out about this VA program it has saved me many thousands of dollars and time away from my family and home in Mexico. I no longer will have to travel over 650 miles to get to a VA clinic or hospital in the states to get care. Before this program, I was (every three months) having to go NOB to get my VA care and my meds. That travel usually total costs for travel alone, were about $1000 USD round trip, not to mention hotels if overnight was, and usually is, needed.

That is why I have offered this information to Ron and his family. I would suggest he (Ron) contact the following information numbers (toll free) from Mexico to find out for sure. No local VA has correct information regarding this VA Foreign Medical Program. Any reliable information can only be had by contacting the VA “Foreign Medical Program” offices in Denver, Colorado.

Anyone trying to call the VA and get ANY information about a Veteran isn’t really thinking straight. This information is highly confidential and will remain so, even to spouses or direct family. The VA must have on hand a specific “Power of Attorney” or a “Living Will” to share such information and only with the named person.

A cool and competent head at times of emergency, go father to assist than off the wall reactions.


VA TOLL FREE Phone Service
If you are traveling or reside in one of the following countries: USA, Canada, Germany, Australia, Italy, UK, Mexico, Japan, Costa Rica or Spain, use the following numbers to contact the FMP Office in Denver, Colorado

Country Number
USA and Canada (877) 345-8179
Germany 0800-1800-011
Australia 1 800 354 965
Italy 800 782-655
UK 0800-032-7425
Mexico 001-877-345-8179
Japan 00531-13-0871
Costa Rica 0800-013-0759
Spain 900-981-776

You can call the FMP Office Monday through Friday, 8:05 AM to 6:45 PM Eastern.

Change of Address

The HAC needs your help - if you change your address, it is vital that you let us know your new address. You can mail the information to PO BOX 469061, Denver, CO, 80246-9061. You can call us at 303-331-7590. Please help us keep our records up to date!

Originally posted by baronvonbob
The VA program for this is for treatment of the existing Service Connected Disability, not new.

Originally posted by robt65
- Ron has helped me via posting on another (MexConnect) site in regards to construction of my own home in Queretaro. I never had the pleasure of meeting Ron personally. I have read with great sadness of Ron & Cristinas misfortune. I have read every thread of all 27 pages regarding this medical problem.

I have a few questions myself. Being a 90% disabled Navy Veteran living in Mexico and married to a Mexicana, I have some information that may be able to help . . . . . . or not. Does anyone know for sure if Ron is a "service connected disabled" or if he is a "Retired Navy" Veteran? The VA does have a "Foreign Medical Program in effect in Mexico. It really is a pretty good program with several good options that could possibly save Ron & Cristina a bunch of money. Here is the VA site:

Many Military Vets living in Mexico have no idea of this program. For those of you ready to run and get the information from this post, let me assure you that it takes a disabled vet who has been under the care of the VA System to begin to understand this program. There is a phone number listed on this VA site and I would suggest that Ron's close friends or "SiReNiTa" or "fdt" get this information to Ron's family for further consideration.

"SiReNiTa" or "fdt" or “oladulce” or "Morgaine7" and some others have very valid points. Losing one's head at times such as this for whatever reason only complicates matters. That sure isn't needed at times like these. Ron, I am sure will be reading these threads in the future as Morgaine7 has said. The last thing needed now is a bunch of we expats going off the deep end and hijacking Ron from a Mexican hospital.

Seems to me that "SiReNiTa" or "fdt" or “oladulce” are good contacts for now. Ron's daughter sure doesn't need any additional stress at this time. None of us knows her situation at this point, and I am sure it is none of our business what his personal relationship is or is not with his daughter. Push comes to shove, she is still his blood and I am sure (at times such as these) his daughter will do all she can for her father. If not she would not have come on a moment’s notice in the first place. What do any of us know of her circumstances? Nada!
"Just saying".

The VA has one of the very best medical centers in La Jolla just a short drive North of the border. How do I know this . . . . . . . I was there for some serious medical care. It is staffed by some of the very best doctors from the University of California, La Jolla part and parcel of the VA La Jolla Medical Center complex. retired or not, Service Connected or not, The VA will care for him there at no cost to him if needed. They have a Spinal Care Injury unit there with some of the very best Neurologists in the world practicing there.

Someone please get this information to Ron's daughter for consideration.

Get well soon Ron & Cristina, you still owe me some answers on my house remodel and addition. (smiling) You're in my prayers.

I apologize if I am not posting this correctly, as I have just joined today and I am not familiar with the way this site works yet.

Anyway . . . . . . . God Speed Ron & Cristina.


Originally posted by fdt
here's the story:
I spoke to Christine, Ron's daughter and she as oposed to what has been stated here has been with her dad and yes, they, her and her husband have gone back to the states to take care of their child as Sirenita stated and will return on friday. If for any reason Christine was not seen at Ron's bedside is that this young lady had to go and be also with Cristina, remember Ron's wife. So she was back and forth between hospitals. Did whoever did all this checking on Mri's or none do the same? I personaly have spoken with Christina and I believe what she is telling me, she sounds like a very centered young woman who is keeping her cool, way better than some others. s much as I'd like to be in solidarity with Sirenita and just not post on this subject in order to avoid beeing called one with false information, for Ron and Cristina I will continue monitoring and reporting. There bare more people involved that are in charge of Ron and Cristina. According to Christine (daughter) her dad IS doing much better, his swelling in the face has gone down and he has had an MRI. She, even thou not physicaly in Ensenada will be in constant contact with the doctor in charge of Ron and viceversa. If Ron does get released in three days there is someone there looking after him and will take care of him and the transport. As for Cristina's condition, it is also much better, she was drinking water already.
Now as for the moneys; The $5,000 dollars is the total estimate. Christine spent $10,000 pesos yesterday, $20,000 pesos today at the hospital and $7,000 for lab expenses (maybe the alleged MRI?) and yes, part of that was paid with a debit card. The balance is about $25,000 pesos, so all in all there you have the roughly $5,000 dollars.
It could be more so that is why this young woman and her husband went back to the US, to see if Ron had some funds available that they could get to pay for all this mess.
I recomend strongly that instead of putting someone down or critisizing for helping as much as posible, you should aplaud them for making the right decisions for the best interest of her dad and Cristina. They DID NOT JUST LEAVE, they left someone in charge!
Now Christine is aware of the monetary offers made here BUT NO, NO ONE IS MONITORING THIS THREAD TO HIKE UP THE BILL! She is aware of it because I told her! So now what, it aparently won't be for a transfer but to pay the hospital. If you all want, I can go as soon as mañana.
We were doing just fine in the afternoon with the good news that they are both getting better. What went wrong? Why can't it be possible? Why must they be the same or worse?

[Edited on 9-13-2011 by robt65]

[Edited on 9-13-2011 by robt65]

JESSE - 9-13-2011 at 11:09 AM

Originally posted by woody with a view
If Ron and Cristina have Seguros Popular why can’t they make a deal with the hospital? Why do they need to pay out of pocket if they have insurance? It was not their choice to go to the hospital Red Cross delivered them to.
They should tell the hospital to bill Seguros Popular for any money owed that has not already been paid.

Seguro popular is not really an insurance even do the name says insurance. Seguro popular is just basic medical coverage designed for poor people in Mexico. And it only works in a seguro social clinic, you can't go to a private hospital and bill seguro popular because like i said, it is not insurance, its more like a program for poor people that can't afford regular medical coverage.

BajaNomad - 9-13-2011 at 11:28 AM

Hopefully this will be short.

The family is aware of many of the things that have been brought forward in this thread. They've looked into much of it. It is their determination (and like it or not, it's only THEIR determination to make) that Ron is getting better where he is at - and he's not going to be transferred anywhere right now. Sounds like Cristina will be well enough to start being the person making determinations for Ron in the next few days.

Unless you convince THE FAMILY that something's amiss, he's going to be treated where he's at. Right now, they are comfortable and satisfied with the treatment being received.

BTW... Ron's in surgery right now for his broken jaw - at least, that's my understanding.

Ron will have no USA coverage, including the VA/etc.

Now what?

What the family could certainly use - for those that would (still) want to - is help with medical expenses at the current private hospital that is treating Ron. If there are people that wish to assist with this, the challenge is how to get funds quickly to someone on the ground there - and to whom?

Whomever it is will need to keep good records/receipts, because there will be an expectation of transparency for how those funds are spent. The responsibility does not come lightly.

I'd say it's time to stop battling the family decisions (or else find a diplomatic solution to change these decisions if you don't like or agree with them), or otherwise decide you're going to support the decisions they're making for him at this time.

Any further tug-of-war in here now is just an exercise in futility IMHO.

If you want to help Ron and Cristina, your efforts and comments from here-on should continue to be solutions-focused.

Who's going to do what?

Doug Means

[Edited on 9-13-2011 by BajaNomad]

DENNIS - 9-13-2011 at 11:43 AM

This thread is going at machine gun speed and I haven't had a chance to read back and catch up, but I will. So if I cover something that was said earlier, excuse me.

Lizard Lips/Dan and I went to see Ron this AM. We saw Ron, but he didn't see us. He is tubed and wired to the max as well as out of it.
He looks like someone who went through the windshield of a car on collision. He's a mess and won't be going anywhere any time soon.

As to the MRI issue....Del Carmen doesn't have one and it's impossible to believe he has been transported to any place that does. It just didn't happen and I would bet there isn't a receipt that says it did....regardless of what anyone has been told.

He's in an ICU with a nurse at his side, but no doctor at the early hour, 8:30, we were there. It's a waste of time to ask a nurse for a prognosis. They'll refer you to the doctor. Fair enough.

We were told nothing about the pending surgery.

sanquintinsince73 - 9-13-2011 at 11:45 AM

Angels4, check U2U.

sanquintinsince73 - 9-13-2011 at 11:47 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
This thread is going at machine gun speed and I haven't had a chance to read back and catch up, but I will. So if I cover something that was said earlier, excuse me.

Lizard Lips/Dan and I went to see Ron this AM. We saw Ron, but he didn't see us. He is tubed and wired to the max as well as out of it.
He looks like someone who went through the windshield of a car on collision. He's a mess and won't be going anywhere any time soon.

As to the MRI issue....Del Carmen doesn't have one and it's impossible to believe he has been transported to any place that does. It just didn't happen and I would bet there isn't a receipt that says it did....regardless of what anyone has been told.

He's in an ICU with a nurse at his side, but no doctor at the early hour, 8:30, we were there. It's a waste of time to ask a nurse for a prognosis. They'll refer you to the doctor. Fair enough.

We were told nothing about the pending surgery.

Thanks for the update, Dennis. Finally, a report that is fair and balanced.

Katiejay99 - 9-13-2011 at 11:48 AM

Dennis and Doug - thank you for the updates. Does anyone know how Cristina is doing? Anybody with her, going to see her?

BajaNomad - 9-13-2011 at 11:49 AM

Originally posted by oladulce
...we will gladly pitch in to pay for a round-the-clock private duty nurse or someone to sit at Ron's bedside so he is not left alone, if someone is able to coordinate that.





DENNIS - 9-13-2011 at 11:50 AM

Originally posted by Katiejay99
Dennis and Doug - thank you for the updates. Does anyone know how Cristina is doing? Anybody with her, going to see her?

Gawd...I was just thinking about that. I feel she's been neglected.

BajaNomad - 9-13-2011 at 11:51 AM

Originally posted by Katiejay99
Dennis and Doug - thank you for the updates. Does anyone know how Cristina is doing? Anybody with her, going to see her?

My understanding is that Cristina is going to be (relatively?) fine.

redmesa - 9-13-2011 at 11:52 AM

Who locally will set up a PayPal account?

BajaNomad - 9-13-2011 at 11:54 AM

Originally posted by redmesa
Who locally will set up a PayPal account?

One of the potential problems of a PayPal account that needs to be taken into consideration is the delay involved in getting funds into someone's hands promptly.

Just a consideration is all.


redmesa - 9-13-2011 at 11:57 AM

I was thinking that someone could have the PayPal account and use that as a collateral for loaning money out. Hmmm...I would do it if I live in Ensenada area.

BajaNomad - 9-13-2011 at 11:57 AM

The people on the ground really right now are Sirena and FDT. If there's nobody else to consider, these two will need to juggle between their family responsibilities.

I would guess FDT would take on the responsibilities noted, and - just a guess - that Sirena would be happy to have him do so.

Just me "thinking out loud".

ELINVESTIG8R - 9-13-2011 at 11:59 AM

Ok I will stop!

Katiejay99 - 9-13-2011 at 12:02 PM

If Cristina is awake and functioning couldn't funds be deposited directly into their bank account which she could have access to?

Perhaps someone could drop in and ask her about this.

[Edited on 9-13-2011 by Katiejay99]

willyAirstream - 9-13-2011 at 12:07 PM

If someone already has a Paypal act With a PayPal atm, money can be withdrawn instantly if it was sent from another Paypal act, but there are daily limits on the atm, Paypal can up the limits, but one needs to call them, fairly easy to do.
Others who pay into a paypal act using a CC will also clear instantly.
If you are going to make a deposit into a Paypal act from your bank, then it takes 3-5 days to clear.
Ideally, there is someone close by that already has a paypal acct who could handle the "fund" act.
I pledge $100 to be used however the family wishes.

angels4 - 9-13-2011 at 12:15 PM

Doug we are going to the hospital tomorrow and will make a cash payment to Ron's hospital. If it works for us tomorrow then those who are interested and can make it to the hospital should do the same. Just obtain a receipt and hopefully one that has a running total. Cristina just wants to get better ASAP to be with Ron and we know that will help him in his recovery. Thank you all for the outpour of support and prayers. They are working.

sanquintinsince73 - 9-13-2011 at 12:33 PM

I've been trying to find some words to say about Ron but like many I too am in a state of shock. Being a former United States Marine, not many things can cause my tears to flow. Even now I am finding it difficult to focus on my screen. Please excuse my lack of eloquence.

I first knew of Ron maybe about two years ago. After joining his web-site I decided to pay him a visit on my next trip to San Quintin. It was exactly 8:02 pm when I first met the man. I remember the time because as he was yelling at me I remember looking down at my watch to check the time. Anyway, I always stay at Don Alvaro's house which is about a 2-minute dirt-road drive to Ron's house. I asked Don Alvaro to show me where Ron lives and he agreed to take me. I pulled in to Ron's property and pulled up to his house but I noticed that there were no lights on. I figured his windows were tinted thus giving the appearance of "lights-out". I started honking and yelling "Ron!!, Bajagringo!!". I figured he'd be happy to see someone from the states so I continued my honking while holding a six-pack of ice-cold tecate out the window. A few minutes later he comes tearing out his front door yelling "who the hell are you?!" and I replied "hey it's me, Bahiafalsa from your web-site". He replied "I don't give a sh*t, get out of here, I have to be on the road at 3:00 am". So with beers in hand I went back to Don Alvaro's house and enjoyed the rest of my stay.

I chatted with Ron a few days later and he apologized as did I. I know many people who know Ron and it is difficult to find someone that has anything bad to say about him. I have so much respect for this man. He has helped many people in his community. I recall a story he told a while back where he and Cristina were headed back home after a very late evening in town. From town to Ron's place it is about 9 miles of nothin' much, just dirt road. He got a flat and had problems with the spare, I believe. He got on his cell phone and within 20 minutes had 3 different pick-ups with his friends at his location all ready to render assistance.

Ron didn't just settle in San Quintin, he made it his home. He found the perfect spot with a magnificent view of the Pacific Ocean with San Martin Island as a backdrop. Ron became one with San Quintin and it's people. He didn't build humongous walls around his place to isolate himself. Just a modest little wall around his property probably to keep his dogs in. If I had to describe Ron in one word I would say he is
"Mr. San Quintin".

Just wanted to post a few words about Ron. God bless him and Cris.

angels4 - 9-13-2011 at 12:46 PM

My memory of Ron is playing fetch with his Doberman and he said, "Becareful this girl will make you do that all day long if you let her". I said well I don't mind. We were on the roof of his house and he kept admiring his view and said, "This is my paradise". Soon I realized how right he was about the Dobie fetching all day long. He grabbed the stick put it in his pocket and said "She is going to go nuts right now trying to find it". I laughed histeracally as his dog was going nuts trying to find the stick. I told him "come on Ron! Stop torturing her" then he threw the stick as far as he could over the new construction and said, "You see what I mean? Esta perra no se cansa, esta loca!" He showed us the solar panels that he put all by himself, the upcoming outdoor kitchen and bar, the wind panel and how he was able to get internet acces in such a remote location. I just knew that this was his and Cristinas paradise. He gave me hope to one day build a house next to him. I started thinking about how awesome it would be to be his neighbor. We bought the property many years ago and then when he built next to us we were just delighted! Now... I am not so sure that I can ever go back... I suppose only time will tell... But one thing I do know... That everyone in that town loves Ron and my brother in law. We went to the beach and my cousin's truck got stuck on the sand. Immediately a fisherman came to the rescue and pulled him out... There are so many beautiful stories about this place that it would take many post and days to cover them all. We are doing something very powerful here... PRAYER, please keep them going, they are working.

shari - 9-13-2011 at 12:57 PM

I just talked to sirena and she says visiting hours start at 5:00 at the hospital where Cristina is at and she would go if someone could go with her because they wont let you in with a baby...she is going to call to see if cristina can have visitors anyone who may be able to either go with sirena can call sure would be nice if someone could take the time to check on cristina and report back.

Roberto - 9-13-2011 at 01:03 PM

Originally posted by BajaNomad
The people on the ground really right now are Sirena and FDT. If there's nobody else to consider, these two will need to juggle between their family responsibilities.

I would guess FDT would take on the responsibilities noted, and - just a guess - that Sirena would be happy to have him do so.

Just me "thinking out loud".

Given that Ferna is in TJ, how do you expect that to work. Lizard Lips has been there three times so far, but I guess there's a reason he's not on your list as someone to ask. Seems one of the more dependable people to me. As someone else said, I would sure want him on my side. Just askin'?

lizard lips - 9-13-2011 at 01:11 PM

I would do more if I could but I can't. I am leaving for work in Honduras and Cuba in a few days and don't want to take on something I can't finish.

DENNIS - 9-13-2011 at 01:12 PM

Originally posted by Roberto
Given that Ferna is in TJ, how do you expect that to work. Lizard Lips has been there three times so far, but I guess there's a reason he's not on your list as someone to ask. Seems one of the more dependable people to me. As someone else said, I would sure want him on my side. Just askin'?

LL is out of town more often than not. I don't think he would consider it.

:lol: Posting all over each other.


[Edited on 9-13-2011 by DENNIS]

BajaNomad - 9-13-2011 at 01:18 PM

I trust Lizard Lips, and certainly value his input and opinions. Because his schedule is frequently like that noted above, I was not going to assume anything. Happy to hear any other suggestions as well. Maybe even try to get a couple of people - to possibly ensure some "checks and balances".

I'd only mentioned two people that had already gotten involved, as well as established a connection with daughter Christine already.

Open to any thoughts. How about Dennis, who's certainly demonstrated his concerns here as well for the welfare of Ron and Cris? I'd hate for this topic to have to go on for another 5-10 pages though... as well as resulting in no action/activity. Just sayin'....


DENNIS - 9-13-2011 at 01:23 PM

Originally posted by angels4
Doug we are going to the hospital tomorrow and will make a cash payment to Ron's hospital.

It would be of exceptional interest if MRIs are noted on the receipt.
Please insist on an itemized accounting.

If there is mention of MRI....please make mental note of it and don't question it in their office.


[Edited on 9-13-2011 by DENNIS]

Skipjack Joe - 9-13-2011 at 01:37 PM

It's crystal clear now that Ron did not, and is not getting the best possible care for his injury. And the "tug of war" is occuring because of the frustration over that knowledge and not being able to do anything to change it.

Whether the care he's receiving is adequate we will only know after it's over. But there were better options and nomads were willing to pay for them.

AmoPescar - 9-13-2011 at 01:39 PM

Just ONE last thing and then I'm DONE here...I've already said too much and been too outspoken!!

Has anyone called The Governor of Baja yet?

Would probably be easiest to call from within Baja.

Does anyone have a phone number or personal e-mail for Antonio/Baja Cactus? I think he has many connections to Baja's Tourism officials and maybe even the Governor.

Miguelamo / Michael

DENNIS - 9-13-2011 at 01:43 PM

On a lighter just occured to me that being a Nomad is just like having an insurance policy. Pretty cool, huh.

shari - 9-13-2011 at 01:43 PM

perhaps money could be electronically transferred to angel & doug's bank account as they are going to be paying bills when they arrive tomorrow...perhaps U2U angel for details and to give financial assistance.

I understand that Ron's daughter is making decisions based on her investigations and am confident she is able to do that...that being said...her decisions are based upon what is being reported by the doctor. Please dont judge her as there are mitigating circumstances we werent aware of in her life and she did the best she could at the time. It also sounds like Cristina's family are there with her which is great.

It would be fantastic if LL could stop in for another visit this evening to see how Ron's jaw operation went today..cant hurt to have some live on scene reporting....keep those prayers coming folks.

DENNIS - 9-13-2011 at 01:48 PM

Originally posted by shari
perhaps money could be electronically transferred to angel & doug's bank account as they are going to be paying bills when they arrive tomorrow...perhaps U2U angel for details and to give financial assistance.

It would be nice to have some numbers to consider.

Roberto - 9-13-2011 at 01:49 PM

Originally posted by BajaNomad
I trust Lizard Lips, and certainly value his input and opinions. Because his schedule is frequently like that noted above, I was not going to assume anything. Happy to hear any other suggestions as well. Maybe even try to get a couple of people - to possibly ensure some "checks and balances".

I'd only mentioned two people that had already gotten involved, as well as established a connection with daughter Christine already.

Open to any thoughts. How about Dennis, who's certainly demonstrated his concerns here as well for the welfare of Ron and Cris? I'd hate for this topic to have to go on for another 5-10 pages though... as well as resulting in no action/activity. Just sayin'....


What is needed now (and I think that is what you are saying) is for someone to organize a fund-raising. Not a promise of pledges, but actual money in an actual account. It is my understanding that is what the family needs most at this point. Personally, I think it would be useful to that end, for Ron's daughter to confirm that, but if she is not comfortable doing so, someone should take on that task as a proxy for her. I cannot be that person, for many reasons. What I can do is bring down cash from any account that does get set up if it is on this side.

Please U2U me with any requests, etc., I don't think I will be posting on this thread any longer.

Katiejay99 - 9-13-2011 at 01:51 PM

For whatever it is worth, I went to the Baja California Governor website and sent a message to the Governor.

Hopefully he will get it.

Oggie - 9-13-2011 at 01:59 PM

I am driving south to BOLA on Friday. I just talked to Carol at Discover Baja travel and insurance. She is willing to hold any money you would like to donate, for me to take to Ensenada on Friday. I will need to set a meeting place to give the money to some one, since i am towing a boat a will not be very maneuverable.

Link to their site:

DENNIS - 9-13-2011 at 01:59 PM

Originally posted by Roberto
I don't think I will be posting on this thread any longer.

:lol::lol: Sure you will. You're an involved type of person.

angels4 - 9-13-2011 at 02:14 PM

I live too far to be a good advocate or handle anyones finances, and can only leave my little boys for two days maximum. But, when I get there tomorrow, I will talk to Cristina's family about a bank account for funds to be transfered. I know that every amount donated regardless of size will be appreciated and all prayers as well. I also don't have any authority to inquire into medical procedures. And if HIPAA laws down in Mexico are anything like the ones we have here it will be nearly impossible for the hospital to disclose that to a family friend. But, again we will do our best to provide asistantance to the family as much as it is allowed.

Woooosh - 9-13-2011 at 02:15 PM

Any chance to tap into the account with the 5 million pesos Ron got for the abalone project a few months back? Seems the abalone won't need it if Ron isn't there.

baja1943 - 9-13-2011 at 02:22 PM

Originally posted by angels4
I also don't have any authority to inquire into medical procedures.
NEVER SAY NEVER, it won't hurt to try. Somebody has to find out what the hell is going on down there, before Ron no longer has need for financial help.:mad:

DENNIS - 9-13-2011 at 02:24 PM

Bring the receptionist a big box of gooey chocolates and she'll share her most guarded secrets. Honest.

akbear - 9-13-2011 at 02:26 PM

Story about Ron & Cris at:

[Edited on 9-13-2011 by akbear]

DENNIS - 9-13-2011 at 02:34 PM

Originally posted by akbear
Story about Ron & Cris at:

angels4 - 9-13-2011 at 02:41 PM

Thanks Dennis for sharing the article very insightful and factual. Yes, I will sneak in a few chocolates, but hopefully Ron won't snatch them for himself. Baja1943 I didn't say I wouldn't put my reporter hat on... I just know that there will be some limitations.
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