
Gary Patton - Updated Jan. 5, 2015

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bajaguy - 10-19-2013 at 08:57 AM

Originally posted by shari
the best tech in this case would be to have flyers everywhere...especially in the places he is known to frequent.... which it appears they are definitely not.

I suggest either the family send someone down to do that or have someone already in baja do the job which includes talking to locals in every place they ask to put up flyers. You really have to personally put them up not just leave them with someone.

I second Shari's assessment.

There has been no valid or verified information since September 3rd. The longer one waits, the less clues or information are available.

There needs to be a concentrated and coordinated effort to work the area between the border and at least Loreto.

It is time for professional help. The family needs to hire someone who has experience, who lives here, who has the connections and who knows what to do and how to do it.

If anyone of my family or friends went missing in Mexico, my first call would be to Lizard Lips (Dan) and I would hire him immediately.......the Patton family should do likewise.

[Edited on 10-19-2013 by bajaguy]

BajaDixon - 10-19-2013 at 09:49 PM

I agree that it would help to have a coordinated effort to canvas the peninsula. There have been a lot of people helping out but without someone overseeing the efforts the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing. I think that is why there are so many areas where there are not flyers.

What we in SAR....DO !!

captkw - 10-19-2013 at 10:20 PM

And start looking backwords/forwards from the last Anything...

mcfez - 10-20-2013 at 07:11 AM

Absolutely good advice here

Originally posted by bajaguy

It is time for professional help. The family needs to hire someone who has experience, who lives here, who has the connections and who knows what to do and how to do it.

If anyone of my family or friends went missing in Mexico, my first call would be to Lizard Lips (Dan) and I would hire him immediately.......the Patton family should do likewise.

EnsenadaDr - 10-20-2013 at 07:59 AM

Maybe they don't have the $10,000 upfront to give him.

DENNIS - 10-20-2013 at 08:09 AM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
Maybe they don't have the $10,000 upfront to give him.

I believe there was a pro bono offer of assistance on the table. That may no longer be the case.
None the less, Dan's business dealings should be kept out of this. They aren't our affair.

bajaguy - 10-20-2013 at 08:20 AM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
Maybe they don't have the $10,000 upfront to give him.

Dan NEVER said HE would charge them $10,000. He said that would PROBABLY be the fee a private investigator would charge.

And since you brought this up........what would you pay if it was your son or daughter???

[Edited on 10-20-2013 by bajaguy]

EnsenadaDr - 10-20-2013 at 08:23 AM

Dennis, in all honesty, I think it is our affair in the sense that people are on the bandwagon for the family to hire Lizard Lips, and it could be a financial reason that the family doesn't want to hire him at this time and not for a perceived apparent lack of motivation to find Gary.
Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
Maybe they don't have the $10,000 upfront to give him.

I believe there was a pro bono offer of assistance on the table. That may no longer be the case.
None the less, Dan's business dealings should be kept out of this. They aren't our affair.

[Edited on 10-20-2013 by EnsenadaDr]

tripledigitken - 10-20-2013 at 08:28 AM

They were talking about mounting an air search, which obviously is an expensive undertaking.

EnsenadaDr - 10-20-2013 at 08:31 AM

I am just saying that finances might figure into the equation here. My son was kidnapped to Australia for 4 years by his paternal grandmother when he was 13. I did not have the money to hire expensive attorneys but I did go to court against his father's attorney that was educated at Brown University and George Washington Law school. The attorney was from La Jolla, California and was probably quite pricey. I also would not have been able to hire ABG a group that specializes in recovery of kidnapped children either but I did all I could do at the time within the means of my budget and placed considerable pressure on the Australian government and the California Family Court system which did finally order the father to give me visitation rights. The upshot of all this was the grandmother came back to California to die from terminal lung cancer and my son called me one day to say "Mom I'm back in the US" which probably was the most joyous and at the same time shocking phone call I have ever received in my life.
[Originally posted by bajaguy
Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
Maybe they don't have the $10,000 upfront to give him.

Dan NEVER said HE would charge them $10,000. He said that would PROBABLY be the fee a private investigator would charge.

And since you brought this up........what would you pay if it was your son or daughter???

[Edited on 10-20-2013 by bajaguy]

EnsenadaDr - 10-20-2013 at 08:35 AM

You could probably hire a plane for a few hours for a few hundred dollars, or am I quoting too low?
Originally posted by tripledigitken
They were talking about mounting an air search, which obviously is an expensive undertaking.

mcfez - 10-20-2013 at 10:15 AM

Running around posting flyers and all that is great. Not hiring out someone that knows the a mistake.

Flying around in a plane would take HOURS. Not only do you have to follow the Mex 1.......but every offshoot road and beach shore from TJ to BoLA.

What is bothersome is the fact that this gentleman carried a wad of cash.

I encourage the family to look for a private investigator. Perhaps contacting ELINVESTIG8R (seriously stated) would be a good idea...he has experience and he partially grew up in Mexico.


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Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
Maybe they don't have the $10,000 upfront to give him.

[Edited on 10-20-2013 by mcfez]

CaboMagic - 10-20-2013 at 11:55 AM

... continuing to think good thoughts ..

A question for the Pattons - has Gary ever been gone for extended periods of time before?

JoeJustJoe - 10-20-2013 at 01:05 PM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
Dennis, in all honesty, I think it is our affair in the sense that people are on the bandwagon for the family to hire Lizard Lips, and it could be a financial reason that the family doesn't want to hire him at this time and not for a perceived apparent lack of motivation to find Gary.
Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
Maybe they don't have the $10,000 upfront to give him.

I believe there was a pro bono offer of assistance on the table. That may no longer be the case.
None the less, Dan's business dealings should be kept out of this. They aren't our affair.

[Edited on 10-20-2013 by EnsenadaDr]

If it was me I'd rather put up the $10,000 dollars for an reward leading to the finding and location of Gary, than paying a Private detective. This way you'll have hundreds of people helping you, although it would probably attract a few nuts and false alarms, but I think there have already been those types of things happening in this thread.

I would also put the reward poster in Spanish, not English like I have been seeing in this thread with the flyer.

There seems to be a lot of concern here for Gary, and I'm sure many Nomad posters would be willing to kick in a few dollars for the reward?

There are a few unanswered questions that I have. Did Gary carry a debit or credit card, and if so, were they used since his disappearance?

I know it's a family matter, and the family's call. But without knowing more about Gary's mental condition and how functional he is, it just makes it much harder to try to determine what happened. For example, if he was suffering from some type of Alzheimer's, disease and has wondered off before? This would be scary, but at least you would know there was a better chance of finding him, where he was last seen. If Gary is 80 to 100 percent lucid, you could be dealing with a whole range of issues especially if there was no rhyme or reason for his disappearance.

[Edited on 10-20-2013 by JoeJustJoe]

EnsenadaDr - 10-20-2013 at 01:13 PM

Joe the family did mention that there was no activity on his bank card since the disappearance. The other thing is they don't know Lizard Lips only from word of mouth, like most of us do reading this board and knowing his background. I have met him in person, and his father Ed is a very standup type of guy. If they are just hearing of him for the first time, they might be hesitant to hire south of the Border. However, They could contact Dennis for a reference on him and allay their doubts. I would imagine they don't come down to Mexico themselves either for fear or being employed full-time. In any case, I am sure they are doing their best. Contacting this board was a good first step. I think all of us should consider getting SPOT and giving a close family or friend member access to it just in case.

lizard lips - 10-20-2013 at 01:45 PM

I have only talked to the Patton family on one occasion and that was to offer my help and give them advise on what to do initially to find Gary and that was posted earlier in this thread. It appears that they may have done some these things but I have not heard about it. For those who do not know me my experience with investigation started with my father who was a Private Investigator when I was born. When I obtained my drivers license at age 16 my dad had me on surveillance watching Thrifty Drug Store employees who were suspected of employee theft. I went to work for my father after my military and college working on everything related to Private Investigation. We also were involved in many serial murder cases in Souther California. When I moved to Baja 25 years ago I began working for US life insurance companies only doing foreign life investigations and now I have worked in 92 countries and all of the Mexican states. I have worked many missing person cases in the US as well as Mexico and a few other countries. The Patton's asked me what it would cost to help them and I told them it could cost as much as 10k. This is where the $10,000 came from and I never asked them for that to start my investigation. The way I have always worked is to obtain a payment and work within that payment and when the funds are close to being depleted to ask for more only after a complete report is forwarded to the client. After the client reviews my first report then they can decide if my work is satisfactory and want to continue. PI's now charge as much as $150.00 per hour. I would never charge that amount on a case like this and also would not charge for down time such as having a meal, during sleep, and just a minimum for drive time however many investigators do charge for this. My experience and ethics in dealing with clients is always up front and honest. I would never guarantee a positive out come. I am not a wizard but if you know what to do and are tenacious you can get the job done. My dad always told me that investigation is like walking down a long hallway with all the doors open. When you complete certain necessary work close that door and go to the next door and keep closing doors until you feel satisfied you have done everything you can.

If the Patton's decide not to pursue hiring an investigator then what needs to be done is to coordinate those of you who have offered to help to close doors.

When I worked a missing person case in Baja with Bajaguy, who was the interpol operative for the state of Nevada, I did everything I could and learned a lot of what to do and who to contact in Baja. I even spoke with a doctor down south who had reported that two people were found in a ravine dead and that one of them was a woman. Because the doctor said it was a woman, and we were looking for two men, I continued to search. What happened, I later learned, was that the doctor said it was a woman because she had long hair. I assumed the physician knew what he was doing but apparently he missed a few medical classes when it came to bone structure and it was a man with long hair and was our guy. If I would have had our missing guys dental records with me it would have been over. That is why I put in my first post that the dental records are necessary NOW.

Again, I am not attempting to solicit my help in a monetary manner. I have offered the Patton's my help in anything I can do for them and my thoughts however they have decided not to call on me. I don't know why? What they need to do right now is to post everything that has been done to date. Where they have gone and also what you guys have done so that a concentrated effort on what has been missed is completed. Time is so important and immediate contacts with all in government is necessary. The longer this goes on the harder it will be.

Hiring a plane with an observer is costly and will not turn up what is needed unless the plane is flying over every square inch of Baja. You need boots on the ground and to send out a sense of urgency to those you speak with.

Since September 04-05, which has been 46 days, there has been no confirmed sightings of Gary which leads me to believe that either he does not want to be found or has met his demise.

If the Patton's want my help I am here and you have my phone number. As I said many times already I will do what I can from here and also if you want to send down another family member to search please call me and I can tell you what I would do and help you. Lets keep hope alive for Gary. My prayers are just not enough right now.

DENNIS - 10-20-2013 at 01:51 PM

Remember this case?

TripleA - 10-20-2013 at 03:35 PM

The Baja 1000 pre running starts Oct 25th. There will be lots of folks down there in some remote areas. Maybe a Flyer, Photos in Ensenada at Registration or where the racers hang out might be helpful.

DENNIS - 10-20-2013 at 03:43 PM

Originally posted by TripleA
The Baja 1000 pre running starts Oct 25th. There will be lots of folks down there in some remote areas. Maybe a Flyer, Photos in Ensenada at Registration or where the racers hang out might be helpful.

Good thought, AAA. Welcome to BajaNomad as well.

Maybe a flyer to the organizers so they can put out a heads-up in advance.

bajaguy - 10-20-2013 at 06:56 PM

This is the case Lizard Lips was referring to......

"When I worked a missing person case in Baja with Bajaguy, who was the interpol operative for the state of Nevada, I did everything I could and learned a lot of what to do and who to contact in Baja. I even spoke with a doctor down south who had reported that two people were found in a ravine dead and that one of them was a woman. Because the doctor said it was a woman, and we were looking for two men, I continued to search. What happened, I later learned, was that the doctor said it was a woman because she had long hair. I assumed the physician knew what he was doing but apparently he missed a few medical classes when it came to bone structure and it was a man with long hair and was our guy. If I would have had our missing guys dental records with me it would have been over. That is why I put in my first post that the dental records are necessary NOW.

tripledigitken - 10-20-2013 at 07:03 PM


Were the culprits every caught? Did you know the guy from Gardnerville?


bajaguy - 10-20-2013 at 07:07 PM

Originally posted by tripledigitken

Were the culprits every caught? Did you know the guy from Gardnerville?


Yes....the posters we put up developed a lead on their truck which led to the suspect

And no....however during the investigation I got to know the families quite well,

tripledigitken - 10-20-2013 at 07:12 PM

Good job Bajaguy, and of course Lizard Lips!!!!!

[Edited on 10-21-2013 by tripledigitken]

bajaguy - 10-20-2013 at 07:30 PM

Originally posted by tripledigitken
Good job Bajaguy!!!!!

Didn't do it alone, Lizard Lips was THE GUY!!!

David K - 10-21-2013 at 08:50 AM

Lizard Lips IS the guy! :light: Seriously Patton Family...

SoCalPattonCrew - 10-21-2013 at 09:01 AM

Yesterday we wrote to the moderator of the Baja 1000 race and explained the circumstances of Gary and are awaiting a response from them.

EnsenadaDr - 10-21-2013 at 12:28 PM

Is it possible for any family members to get down to San Quintin and try and trace Gary's steps?
Originally posted by SoCalPattonCrew
Yesterday we wrote to the moderator of the Baja 1000 race and explained the circumstances of Gary and are awaiting a response from them.

DENNIS - 10-21-2013 at 12:35 PM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
Is it possible for any family members to get down to San Quintin and try and trace Gary's steps?

Which direction from Jardines should they go? Since nobody knows where he went, or even if he went anywhere, it's the "needle in the haystack."


[Edited on 10-21-2013 by DENNIS]

bajaguy - 10-21-2013 at 12:51 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
Is it possible for any family members to get down to San Quintin and try and trace Gary's steps?

Which direction from Jardines should they go? Since nobody knows where he went, or even if he went anywhere, it's the "needle in the haystack."

[Edited on 10-21-2013 by DENNIS]

Like I said above, .....

It is time for professional help. The family needs to hire someone who has experience, who speaks Spanish fluently, who lives here, who has the connections and who knows what to do and how to do it.............

And that has not been done.

This needs to be a coordinated effort and that has not been done.

A haphazard disconnected approach to something like this is a feel good effort but wastes everybody's time and really does not accomplish anything.

[Edited on 10-21-2013 by bajaguy]

Skeet/Loreto - 10-21-2013 at 01:18 PM

Did Gary Patton ever indicate that he might want to go Missing and Change his Life???
If he talked about it to a member of the Family or Friend he may have decided do do Just That, going to Baja and then returning under a new Name etc.. The sighting in Rosarita and his Talking does indicate that he is still around somewhere.

Sure hope that he is found and the Family can rest in Peace.

DENNIS - 10-21-2013 at 03:29 PM

Originally posted by Skeet/Loreto
The sighting in Rosarita and his Talking does indicate that he is still around somewhere.

That report is questionable. Seems the reporter has credibility well as fashion discrepancies.

I'm sorry I ever commented on her report. I now believe it was booolsht.

EnsenadaDr - 10-21-2013 at 06:29 PM

He started out at the Jardines Hotel. That might be a good start.
Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
Is it possible for any family members to get down to San Quintin and try and trace Gary's steps?

Which direction from Jardines should they go? Since nobody knows where he went, or even if he went anywhere, it's the "needle in the haystack."


[Edited on 10-21-2013 by DENNIS]

EnsenadaDr - 10-21-2013 at 06:31 PM


Your heart took over your head for a moment. You just can't resist a woman in PJ's!!

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by Skeet/Loreto
The sighting in Rosarita and his Talking does indicate that he is still around somewhere.

That report is questionable. Seems the reporter has credibility well as fashion discrepancies.

I'm sorry I ever commented on her report. I now believe it was booolsht.

Zapotec - 10-21-2013 at 06:43 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by Skeet/Loreto
The sighting in Rosarita and his Talking does indicate that he is still around somewhere.

That report is questionable. Seems the reporter has credibility well as fashion discrepancies.

I'm sorry I ever commented on her report. I now believe it was booolsht.

My hat off to you. Takes a real man to admit what you just did. I admire you for that....not that it matters that you have my respect for that. though.


mooose29 - 10-21-2013 at 11:08 PM

Guys it was posted that he always stopped at Momma's and loved the place. Has the guest sign in book in the restaurant been looked at for the date range in question to see if he signed it. I know my family always signs it when there. and has anyone spoken to señora Rolle. She knows many of us that have been going there for years maybe she will remember seeing him if he stopped there since he sounds like a regular.

Also to the Patton family you can go down to contingency the day before the Baja 1000 with a stack of fliers. Every race crew will be there and most will have spent the previous week pre running so fliers with pictures of him and the truck could stir some memories and turn up more leads.


BajaBlanca - 10-22-2013 at 06:36 AM

Such a good idea for the baja mil guys to post flyers!

redmesa - 10-22-2013 at 02:04 PM

Jeez...I guess flyers certainly can't hurt and may help but I think we are getting beyond that now. I guess someone just might spot his car out in a remote desert areas. He either wants to be gone or he is in very serious trouble. I agree with others that if it were me I would be getting some qualified, experienced help to scour Baja....quadrant by quadrant starting at last known location.

DENNIS - 10-22-2013 at 03:04 PM

Originally posted by redmesa
Jeez...I guess flyers certainly can't hurt and may help but I think we are getting beyond that now. I guess someone just might spot his car out in a remote desert areas. He either wants to be gone or he is in very serious trouble. I agree with others that if it were me I would be getting some qualified, experienced help to scour Baja....quadrant by quadrant starting at last known location.

Sometimes it's hard to say what needs to be said, as you just did, but hope has to give way to reality.

BajaBlanca - 10-23-2013 at 06:16 PM

To LIzard Lips:
Would you mind sending our flyer to your contacts you mention even though they are in Ensenada, perhaps they have contacts in San Quintin and south?

One of my good friend for over 20 years is Marco Novelo who was just voted in as "Delagado" (Federal Congressman) and his office is located next to the City of Ensenada "Presidencia" just south of the city. He is also the owner of Las Rosas Hotel in Ensenada. His congressional area is from the city of Ensenada to BOLA. You MUST contact Marco and ask for a letter from him that can be presented to city, state, and federal facilities that need to be contacted. These letters go a long way and especially now with tourism on the re-bound and Marco as well as his staff will be very helpful. Marco speaks English. No one in government wants to see tourism decline and I assume they will be more than helpful. Marco could get a flyer to every Mexican Federal Government employee from Ensenada to BOLA.

My brother in law here in Ensenada owns the largest tow facility in the city and is contracted by the Federal de Caminos (Mexican Highway Patrol) to tow for them.

California license plate 4 VUZ 284 (2-wheel drive w/OEM roof rack) -- see page 1 this site for pictures.

Thank you for your offer!

DENNIS - 10-23-2013 at 06:32 PM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca
To LIzard Lips:
Would you mind sending our flyer to your contacts you mention even though they are in Ensenada, perhaps they have contacts in San Quintin and south?

One of my good friend for over 20 years is Marco Novelo who was just voted in as "Delagado" (Federal Congressman) and his office is located next to the City of Ensenada "Presidencia" just south of the city. He is also the owner of Las Rosas Hotel in Ensenada. His congressional area is from the city of Ensenada to BOLA. You MUST contact Marco and ask for a letter from him that can be presented to city, state, and federal facilities that need to be contacted. These letters go a long way and especially now with tourism on the re-bound and Marco as well as his staff will be very helpful. Marco speaks English. No one in government wants to see tourism decline and I assume they will be more than helpful. Marco could get a flyer to every Mexican Federal Government employee from Ensenada to BOLA.

My brother in law here in Ensenada owns the largest tow facility in the city and is contracted by the Federal de Caminos (Mexican Highway Patrol) to tow for them.

California license plate 4 VUZ 284 (2-wheel drive w/OEM roof rack) -- see page 1 this site for pictures.

Thank you for your offer!

I don't understand why this family can't make their requests on a personal basis. They have appealed to me, through Blanca, for attention to my posts on this matter, but although the methods are clear to them for personal requests, they insist on going through Blanca.
Things like this only add to the mystery that has prevailed in this issue from the beginning.

And...who is this well connected "K" ? Why haven't these connections been called into play before now?

This is getting say the least.

[Edited on 10-24-2013 by DENNIS]

lizard lips - 10-23-2013 at 06:39 PM

Done and done again recently. Delegado Novelo has a lot of racers staying at his hotel and I just saw him yesterday. Before I could ask him he brought up Gary and if he had been found. He said he would notify the guys to be on the lookout.

Tow companies and Federal de Caminos will be tomorrow and the tow company where I have a relative will be contacted by email tonight.

I sent the So. Cal. Patton Crew a U2U early yesterday offering my help here in Ensenada and they still have not opened it up. I told them if they were coming down for the race to get the word out I would be there for them. No contact from them in several weeks. I told them I would do everything I could here in Ensenada and meet with them for direction however they apparently have opted out of me helping them.

I just got back from a working trip in Canada and seeing relatives so I am open right now with not much to do. I will do everything here in Ensenada and of course not charge them-OF COURSE-But if they want something down south I would at the very least need to meet my expenses. What I am doing is NOT for them - It's for Gary.

[Edited on 10-24-2013 by lizard lips]

EnsenadaDr - 10-23-2013 at 08:14 PM

You aren't doing anything wrong, and stop being so paranoid!! I have asked why they don't want to travel to Mexico to look for Gary personally and have had no response. Finances are the only thing I can think of that is standing in their way, of course from So. Cal. it wouldn't be prohibitive to come down for a few days. You did your best, don't worry about it!!

BajaNomad - 10-23-2013 at 10:05 PM

Originally posted by lizard lips
Done and done again recently. Delegado Novelo has a lot of racers staying at his hotel and I just saw him yesterday. Before I could ask him he brought up Gary and if he had been found. He said he would notify the guys to be on the lookout.

Tow companies and Federal de Caminos will be tomorrow and the tow company where I have a relative will be contacted by email tonight.


I just got back from a working trip in Canada and seeing relatives so I am open right now with not much to do. I will do everything here in Ensenada and of course not charge them-OF COURSE-But if they want something down south I would at the very least need to meet my expenses. What I am doing is NOT for them - It's for Gary.

No surprise here really, but over and over again.... you ROCK!

Thank you.

Peenie Wallie had a clue

EnsenadaDr - 10-24-2013 at 10:21 PM

Peenie Wallie said Gary was headed across the Punta Prieta desert to Bahia Los Angeles. I would have thought someone might have driven a vehicle along that route to look for him because there is only one main highway down south from San Quintin, which is highway 1 and then cut over to highway 12. Peenie heard this from someone, I don't even know who he is but he seemed to have heard the route Gary was going to take. I think starting out on that highway and looking for clues on the side of the road since there is only one main road, would have been an excellent start.

tripledigitken - 10-24-2013 at 10:34 PM

The notion he might be headed to bola was posted here on page 2, 9/13/13. That's probably where Peenie got it from.

David K - 10-24-2013 at 10:42 PM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
Peenie Wallie said Gary was headed across the Punta Prieta desert to Bahia Los Angeles. I would have thought someone might have driven a vehicle along that route to look for him because there is only one main highway down south from San Quintin, which is highway 1 and then cut over to highway 12. Peenie heard this from someone, I don't even know who he is but he seemed to have heard the route Gary was going to take. I think starting out on that highway and looking for clues on the side of the road since there is only one main road, would have been an excellent start.

See the post in this thread on 9-28-13 by 24baja

BajaNomad - 10-24-2013 at 11:05 PM

Peenie Wallie is separately in direct contact with the Patton family.


lizard lips - 10-25-2013 at 08:16 AM

Anyone who has done anything (put up posters, talked to people, checked roads and campsites) please u2u me with that info so we can keep a log and a map of who, what, where and when.

Just want an accounting for right now so we know what has been done.


EnsenadaDr - 10-25-2013 at 09:12 AM

At first I thought Peenie might be a Baja person but it showed on the website that he had a picture of Jennifer (I assume the Jennifer Patton mentioned in this thread) with a new Jeep in Colorado. Peenie might be her significant other. It states that Peenie and Jennifer bought the new Jeep October 8th, 2013.

Originally posted by BajaNomad
Peenie Wallie is separately in direct contact with the Patton family.


[Edited on 10-25-2013 by EnsenadaDr]

BajaBlanca - 10-25-2013 at 09:29 AM

I am K - Kim, and Elliott is my son, and we are Gary's immediate family -- SoCalPattons represent Gary's sister, brothers, nephews, cousins. May I just emplore your site folks, that all of Gary's family are trying desperately to reach Gary, to know he is okay, and doing so without a guide book. Learning we have no rights by law as to his whereabouts by the US government, no help from our cell phone provider (a dead end, please leave it, it's been exhausted), then limited in any hopes of reaching him otherwise, has been devastating for us WE've reached out to all our family, friends, and folks that know Gary referring them to your bajanomad PLEASE consider your comments about our family when posting because we're trying not to drive folks away, but encourage input. There are many more viewers than contributors, and can we request some tolerance and empathy toward the family, since maybe, we're not following the textbook model of how a "missing person's family" is supposed to react, perform, and respond in this situation, nor on your forum here, but we're doing what we can with what we have and lack. Focusing on finding Gary is what we're hoping, praying for, with all your help and advice here.
We're doing our best, managing at our worst --
We're working on newspaper ads during the Baja 1000, and we've got a posting on Score 1000 now. We're also working to enlist desert angels, border angels, and green angels, -- nothing hurts to try. More of you that pass on the flyer, the urgency we're faced with, ANYTHING, word of mouth is our best, maybe our only weapon Please avoid judgements bout us and worst case scenarios, just help find Gary.

P.S.- If you know anyone in the La Chorera beach area, please forward them the flyer because that area, and again near Bahia de Los Angeles are perhaps the only places Gary may have been seen last ---and perhaps stranded; both these areas are legitimate places Gary could've gone.

Bless all of you for your kindest regards in our mission to find Gary,
Kimberly & Elliott Patton

Ateo - 10-25-2013 at 09:50 AM

I just printed some flyers, and will be down there for a few days during the Baja 1000, quite possibly on some back roads. I will keep an eye out.

BajaBlanca - 10-25-2013 at 10:49 AM

The family posts thru me cause I offered to post here. I an no expert, but if my posting makes life easier...... I am more than willing to help out! All I keep thinking is that if this were my loved one, I would be asking everyone to help out in any way they could.

All of our eyes and ears will find Senor Gary.

SoCalPattonCrew - 10-25-2013 at 12:46 PM

Our sincere thanks to the many posts that continue to keep Gary in their vision, we can't thank you enough. Our family is very grateful for your help.

BajaLuna - 10-25-2013 at 01:22 PM

We've got flyers printed out too and will distribute them on our way down to Bahia Asuncion and will keep an eye out too!

If there's any other help I can lend on our trip down, let me know!

Blanca, thanks for all you are doing in helping to get info passed along!

Stay strong Patton family!

TimeTraveler - 10-25-2013 at 11:35 PM

OK, we have been down the pacific side and distributing flyers. Have yet to see any others posted. I think that this is very strange? We have talked to checkpoint staff and taco stands, general stores and every Pemex we see... One of my other chase crews a day behind us who noticed that even in areas that I personally posted flyers were removed the day after being posted. HUGE RED FLAG. The vibe I am getting is that someone may be tampering with our efforts? Does this sound feasible to anyone with more understanding then myself?

1. Has anyone checked with Cocos corner? I am trying to think of a destination that he may have heard about and is enjoying himself so much that he has yet to leave. Cocos came to mind. Even Mikes Sky Ranch?

2. I don't want to beat this into the ground anymore... But this alleged source in Rosarito that spotted him and talked to him. Was there any type of information supplied by her that would only be known if she had really met MR. Patton? From everything described on BN "being very talkative" was very well established personality trait of his. If (and I am not accusing) someone were to (a). trying to redirect the search area. (B). have another agenda, this would be an easy method to convince it was a real encounter... It was a very clear trait of his. SO bottom line - was there anything that he mentioned that has not been posted that would indicate she really had a conversation with him... 45 minutes I am sure that he would have mentioned something personal that would not have been mentioned in the online posts...I am asking because I will have time to kill on my return and am willing to canvas areas more northern (Ensenada, local playas, Puerto Nuevo, Rosarito and even TJ).

Over the next couple days I will be heading north into Puertecitos and towards San Felipe. I will cover these areas as well. We have been locating wrecking yards and posting flyers at these locations. I will also be rolling through any remote camping areas that we encounter. Pete's camp ECT.

If anyone has detailed information of what has been searched I would appreciate a heads up so I can save time. I have not been able to stop at all if the blind corners on the Mex 1 like I wish I could. We are in a group and my teammates are focused on the race and getting tired of my sleuthing. I am doing what I can though. I honestly believe (as has been mentioned by many others) that this may be one of the most important avenues so thoroughly assess. If any family has time to go down for a few days roll slow and check ALL THE TURNS!!

3. Not to pry as this information is personal but as a medical professional I am curious. Is he concerned with taking his meds? (If he ran out would he seek more?) Does anyone know what type of supply he might have taken with him? I ask this because I was considering trying to cover the pharmacias and asking if anyone has purchased these types of meds and showing them pictures. Additionally checking with some clinics if this medication is not available without a doctors note. Some meds are fairly controlled and cardiac meds tend to be one of them (Yes even in Baja...I know vicodin is OTC but some heart meds are very specific. The further south you go the more legit the pharmacies seem to be). Additionally I would contact his physician and see if there has been any inquiry into his medical history recently. Since cardiac meds are sold under different names he may have contacted the physician to figure out what brand he needs...

I did take the painstaking hours to read everything that has been done, so as not to offer ideas that have been suggested.

I actually think that I may personally know this family so I am trying to do everything possible.

We have a small fixed wing aircraft heading to Lapaz Sunday. I am a USAR task force member and have a friend who is USCG. We will be spotters and try to follow the coast as low and slow as we can. The pilot will not alter course significantly but it is still worth a try...

Other then that has anyone checked Erindera beach areas>? I love this area and if I was going to relax and camp this would be my choice?

SORRY for the novel but I figured I would puke all over you guys and gauge the responses.

BajaBlanca, your dedication to this has been thorough and amazing. You are a solid person!! Kudos to you for sticking by this. You are Baja Family. I have been a lurker here for quite a while but have not had a lot to contribute, so this is my 1st post. My internet will be spotty over the next few days, but I will check for replies.

Cheers to all,
TT out

EnsenadaDr - 10-26-2013 at 12:18 AM

Vicodin is not "over the counter". It is a controlled substance unless you are paying a pharmacy a 'mordida" and getting them illegally. He would be concerned about taking his meds if he was well enough to get around, but no one has seen or heard from him for a long time. If he is taking cardiac meds, he probably has been established on them for a while, so I don't think he would have contacted his physician as to what he needs. As far as the Rosarito sighting, forget it. The woman was contacted and she never responded. I wouldn't waste my time there.
Originally posted by TimeTraveler
OK, we have been down the pacific side and distributing flyers. Have yet to see any others posted. I think that this is very strange? We have talked to checkpoint staff and taco stands, general stores and every Pemex we see... One of my other chase crews a day behind us who noticed that even in areas that I personally posted flyers were removed the day after being posted. HUGE RED FLAG. The vibe I am getting is that someone may be tampering with our efforts? Does this sound feasible to anyone with more understanding then myself?

1. Has anyone checked with Cocos corner? I am trying to think of a destination that he may have heard about and is enjoying himself so much that he has yet to leave. Cocos came to mind. Even Mikes Sky Ranch?

2. I don't want to beat this into the ground anymore... But this alleged source in Rosarito that spotted him and talked to him. Was there any type of information supplied by her that would only be known if she had really met MR. Patton? From everything described on BN "being very talkative" was very well established personality trait of his. If (and I am not accusing) someone were to (a). trying to redirect the search area. (B). have another agenda, this would be an easy method to convince it was a real encounter... It was a very clear trait of his. SO bottom line - was there anything that he mentioned that has not been posted that would indicate she really had a conversation with him... 45 minutes I am sure that he would have mentioned something personal that would not have been mentioned in the online posts...I am asking because I will have time to kill on my return and am willing to canvas areas more northern (Ensenada, local playas, Puerto Nuevo, Rosarito and even TJ).

Over the next couple days I will be heading north into Puertecitos and towards San Felipe. I will cover these areas as well. We have been locating wrecking yards and posting flyers at these locations. I will also be rolling through any remote camping areas that we encounter. Pete's camp ECT.

If anyone has detailed information of what has been searched I would appreciate a heads up so I can save time. I have not been able to stop at all if the blind corners on the Mex 1 like I wish I could. We are in a group and my teammates are focused on the race and getting tired of my sleuthing. I am doing what I can though. I honestly believe (as has been mentioned by many others) that this may be one of the most important avenues so thoroughly assess. If any family has time to go down for a few days roll slow and check ALL THE TURNS!!

3. Not to pry as this information is personal but as a medical professional I am curious. Is he concerned with taking his meds? (If he ran out would he seek more?) Does anyone know what type of supply he might have taken with him? I ask this because I was considering trying to cover the pharmacias and asking if anyone has purchased these types of meds and showing them pictures. Additionally checking with some clinics if this medication is not available without a doctors note. Some meds are fairly controlled and cardiac meds tend to be one of them (Yes even in Baja...I know vicodin is OTC but some heart meds are very specific. The further south you go the more legit the pharmacies seem to be). Additionally I would contact his physician and see if there has been any inquiry into his medical history recently. Since cardiac meds are sold under different names he may have contacted the physician to figure out what brand he needs...

I did take the painstaking hours to read everything that has been done, so as not to offer ideas that have been suggested.

I actually think that I may personally know this family so I am trying to do everything possible.

We have a small fixed wing aircraft heading to Lapaz Sunday. I am a USAR task force member and have a friend who is USCG. We will be spotters and try to follow the coast as low and slow as we can. The pilot will not alter course significantly but it is still worth a try...

Other then that has anyone checked Erindera beach areas>? I love this area and if I was going to relax and camp this would be my choice?

SORRY for the novel but I figured I would puke all over you guys and gauge the responses.

BajaBlanca, your dedication to this has been thorough and amazing. You are a solid person!! Kudos to you for sticking by this. You are Baja Family. I have been a lurker here for quite a while but have not had a lot to contribute, so this is my 1st post. My internet will be spotty over the next few days, but I will check for replies.

Cheers to all,
TT out

BajaNomad - 10-26-2013 at 01:54 AM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
As far as the Rosarito sighting, forget it. The woman was contacted and she never responded.

Never responded to whom? As noted in this thread, she's been in communication with Gary's family:

Originally posted by SoCalPattonCrew

Our sister-in-law Kim, has phoned Gretchen from the tallartist post on the sighting of Gary. We are so appreciative of her input and have passed this latest news to our family members.

Originally posted by BajaBlanca (for Kim)

I spoke to tallartist in Rosarito near Obrera...

I know you care, and want to help. Thank you. Be careful on what's communicated/stated/etc. - as it can affect credibility. Thank you again so very much for your care and concern for Gary's situation.


[Edited on 10-26-2013 by BajaNomad]

BajaNomad - 10-26-2013 at 02:08 AM

TimeTraveler - 10-26-2013 at 02:36 AM

I was not implying Vicodin was legitimately available OTC... But it is one of the meds that the pharmacies will easily sell without question. I was trying to alleviate the reply that "prescriptions are not needed in Baja" I know that you are totally correct in your statement though. As for contacting the physician since the meds are sold under different brand/generic names he may possibly try to confirm an equivalent medication to purchase. I agree, long shot, not likely but if he is "vacationing" it may be possible. Probably a waste of time but it was just a thought.

Back to the topic:
I "think" read in one post from the Patton group that they believe that it was a legit sighting based on a conversation she had with the family. (if I remember that statement correctly??)
I personally agree with your feeling that this was a... "mistake" by someone attempting good Samaritan and thank you for saving me this time and expense.

I will try to make a post on and maybe tomorrow.


Is there any BN members with some clout on Race-desert that could do this? I am more of an observer there and someone respected would get a more benevolent response. If not I will do it... This will notify all of the race crews that are prerunning and racing. I will also try to get Mikes sky rancho to post the flyer on their FB as well.

I have very high hopes that with all of the astute racers and the remote areas that will be canvassed we can produce some viable information. The racing community is close knit and some will be willing to assist. Maybe with a little luck we can get some of the big boys to look around from their helicopters while traveling on their already planned routes. Some of these camera guys that film from the air have mil background and astute eyes. This whole area will be covered and in many cases, the salvage yards are scoured for race car/chase truck parts. This could be very beneficial.

I am praying for rescue VS recovery but in either situation closure. From the sound of it, he had a fairly significant amount of $$ with him and MAY have planned to live the Baja Life for a while.
I had a close friend who just wanted to drop off the grid (due to stress and personal factors) He took an extended vacation in Mexico to clear his head. Popped back up on his own timeline safe and sound. (with a much better outlook on life). This would be a best case scenario.

Thank you for the follow up.

shari - 10-26-2013 at 07:04 AM

time, thank you so much for your interest and input and boots on the ground approach...and the air search is a great idea. I think the best chance for finding Gary will be with the race people and resources. I hope someone DOES post this on their forum as there will be thousands of extra eyes in baja for the race and making Gary's search part of it is a great idea.

wilderone - 10-26-2013 at 07:20 AM


EnsenadaDr - 10-26-2013 at 08:30 AM

Hi Doug,

Thanks for clarifying the situation. I know several posters on the thread were wondering why Tallartist never got back to this thread itself to give more information (I believe TallArtist on Nomads is also the same TallArtist Gretchen Smith unless you have more information on that topic). Coupled with her sensational tale of her incarceration at the Mexican jail, (some of it is true I am sure) I wasn't too sure and knew nothing of her communication with the family. "Just the facts"is just as important as 'considering the source". No harm, no foul.
Originally posted by BajaNomad
Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
As far as the Rosarito sighting, forget it. The woman was contacted and she never responded.

Never responded to whom? As noted in this thread, she's been in communication with Gary's family:

Originally posted by SoCalPattonCrew

Our sister-in-law Kim, has phoned Gretchen from the tallartist post on the sighting of Gary. We are so appreciative of her input and have passed this latest news to our family members.

Originally posted by BajaBlanca (for Kim)

I spoke to tallartist in Rosarito near Obrera...

I know you care, and want to help. Thank you. Be careful on what's communicated/stated/etc. - as it can affect credibility. Thank you again so very much for your care and concern for Gary's situation.


[Edited on 10-26-2013 by BajaNomad]

EnsenadaDr - 10-26-2013 at 08:40 AM

Vicodin is not easily sold by pharmacies without question. I know even in hospitals in Ensenada post-Caesarean and post-op patients get only ibuprofen to relieve pain, as well as terminal cancer patients. Controlled substances require a special license to write a prescription for them. One lady I referred to Dr. Esquer in Ensenada because she needed Ambien (the drug is not sold in many pharmacies in Mexico and in the one it was sold in you needed a special prescription). For 30 10 mg. Ambien tablets she paid $1000 MX. She was very angry and said the same amount in the US is $20 American. This was with a prescription. I don't know what a pharmacy would charge without a prescription. I did hear that there was a pharmacy on La Bufadora that sells controlled substances without a prescription but I never have been there to see if that was a true story.
Originally posted by TimeTraveler
I was not implying Vicodin was legitimately available OTC... But it is one of the meds that the pharmacies will easily sell without question. I was trying to alleviate the reply that "prescriptions are not needed in Baja" I know that you are totally correct in your statement though. As for contacting the physician since the meds are sold under different brand/generic names he may possibly try to confirm an equivalent medication to purchase. I agree, long shot, not likely but if he is "vacationing" it may be possible. Probably a waste of time but it was just a thought.

Back to the topic:
I "think" read in one post from the Patton group that they believe that it was a legit sighting based on a conversation she had with the family. (if I remember that statement correctly??)
I personally agree with your feeling that this was a... "mistake" by someone attempting good Samaritan and thank you for saving me this time and expense.

I will try to make a post on and maybe tomorrow.


Is there any BN members with some clout on Race-desert that could do this? I am more of an observer there and someone respected would get a more benevolent response. If not I will do it... This will notify all of the race crews that are prerunning and racing. I will also try to get Mikes sky rancho to post the flyer on their FB as well.

I have very high hopes that with all of the astute racers and the remote areas that will be canvassed we can produce some viable information. The racing community is close knit and some will be willing to assist. Maybe with a little luck we can get some of the big boys to look around from their helicopters while traveling on their already planned routes. Some of these camera guys that film from the air have mil background and astute eyes. This whole area will be covered and in many cases, the salvage yards are scoured for race car/chase truck parts. This could be very beneficial.

I am praying for rescue VS recovery but in either situation closure. From the sound of it, he had a fairly significant amount of $$ with him and MAY have planned to live the Baja Life for a while.
I had a close friend who just wanted to drop off the grid (due to stress and personal factors) He took an extended vacation in Mexico to clear his head. Popped back up on his own timeline safe and sound. (with a much better outlook on life). This would be a best case scenario.

Thank you for the follow up.

DENNIS - 10-26-2013 at 08:46 AM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
I did hear that there was a pharmacy on La Bufadora that sells controlled substances without a prescription but I never have been there to see if that was a true story. know, without asking, that's counterfeit junk. A sack full of Percodan for 20 bucks?

EnsenadaDr - 10-26-2013 at 08:56 AM

You gotta believe in the power of placebos, and certainly a sack of placebos is better for that person anyway if they kill the pain.
Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
I did hear that there was a pharmacy on La Bufadora that sells controlled substances without a prescription but I never have been there to see if that was a true story. know, without asking, that's counterfeit junk. A sack full of Percodan for 20 bucks?

DENNIS - 10-26-2013 at 09:00 AM

Originally posted by TimeTraveler
OK, we have been down the pacific side and distributing flyers. Have yet to see any others posted. I think that this is very strange? We have talked to checkpoint staff and taco stands, general stores and every Pemex we see... One of my other chase crews a day behind us who noticed that even in areas that I personally posted flyers were removed the day after being posted. HUGE RED FLAG. The vibe I am getting is that someone may be tampering with our efforts? Does this sound feasible to anyone with more understanding then myself?

So much water has gone under the bridge. Can these flyers be put up here [again]?
Are they bi/lingual?

I can't imagine anyone following the "flyer trail" removing them. I can, however, imagine them being removed for lack of understanding, or a gesture of Gringo hatred. Don't think for a minute, that sentiment isn't out there.

BajaDixon - 10-27-2013 at 11:58 AM

Just returned from our backcountry trip. We left Vicente Guerrero last Sunday. Passed through Meling Ranch, Mikes Sky Rancho, San Martia, San Felipe, Puertocities, Gonzaga Bay, Cocos corner, and on into LA Bay. In Bahia we thoroughly checked every campo from town out to La Gringa and then south of town. We hung flyers and talked with a lot of people. Today we are checking Cape San Quintin and the surrounding area. Unfortunately, no results. No one that we talked with has seen him or the Toyota.

I need to head back to Cali Tuesday. When I return next week I'll be pretty busy pre running the 1000 so not sure how much more time I'll have to search for Gary.

If anyone has the time and inclination to search the area on the Pacific from El Rosario and down through Punta Baja and Punta San Antonio that would complete the search on the coast that covers approximately 50 miles North and South of Jardines Hotel.

BajaBlanca - 10-27-2013 at 12:12 PM

Time Traveler! You were great at synthesizing all the info.

Baja Dixon, if anything ever happens to me, I sure want you on my team!

All of us are doing our parts, whether it is giving ideas, spreading the word, asking people if they saw him or hanging up flyers! Kudos to all, really.

It is so odd that the flyers would be removed.....but I had that same thought when it was first mentioned that my flyers at the gas stations were not there when someone else was coming south. Why? And .dennis is right when. He says there is anti- gringo sentiment out there .... some here in town seem to forget that I was born in the States and boy do they get an earful when I hear discrimination in any form coming out of their mouths ((((:

DENNIS - 10-27-2013 at 12:16 PM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca
and boy do they get an earful when I hear discrimination in any form coming out of their mouths ((((:

Go gettem, Blanca. :biggrin: you know? Are all of these flyers bi-lingual?

DENNIS - 10-27-2013 at 02:12 PM

Does anyone know if the flyers are bi-lingual? it's a pretty simple question.

Keri - 10-27-2013 at 02:22 PM

Dennis the ones I saw in San Quintin were bilingual,k

willardguy - 10-27-2013 at 02:23 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Does anyone know if the flyers are bi-lingual? it's a pretty simple question.
yes. you can view the flier over at talk baja (which came from dougs facebook)

DENNIS - 10-27-2013 at 03:34 PM

OK....thanks. I may have seen one there, but didn't remember that detail.

SoCalPattonCrew - 10-27-2013 at 03:48 PM

The Patton family continues to be amazed by the compassion that people have shown in the search for our Brother, Uncle, Dad, Grandfather and friend. Thank you for your invaluable support.

BajaBlanca - 10-27-2013 at 05:42 PM

The ones I put up were bilingual.

BajaNomad - 10-28-2013 at 09:15 AM

Originally posted by willardguy
you can view the flier over at talk baja (which came from dougs facebook)

(which came from earlier in this same thread - on Sept 16)


David K - 10-28-2013 at 09:27 AM

Originally posted by BajaNomad
Originally posted by willardguy
you can view the flier over at talk baja (which came from dougs facebook)

(which came from earlier in this same thread - on Sept 16)


Which is also:

EnsenadaDr - 10-28-2013 at 10:25 AM

Of course!! If you want breaking news, it's at Baja Nomad!!
Originally posted by BajaNomad
Originally posted by willardguy
you can view the flier over at talk baja (which came from dougs facebook)

(which came from earlier in this same thread - on Sept 16)


rdrrm8e - 10-28-2013 at 10:44 AM

I just saw this flyer in a prominent place at Jardines last friday night.

Just an FYI....the federales at the checkpoint by el rosario were taking passport numbers and checking photo ids. They have a written log with names and vehicle year of mfg and plate numbers..

Don't know what it would take to see their logs......but might be worth a try

RnR - 10-28-2013 at 01:54 PM

Originally posted by rdrrm8e
I just saw this flyer in a prominent place at Jardines last friday night.

Just an FYI....the federales at the checkpoint by el rosario were taking passport numbers and checking photo ids. They have a written log with names and vehicle year of mfg and plate numbers..

Don't know what it would take to see their logs......but might be worth a try

Same thing going on at the San Ignacio checkpoint yesterday afternoon.

However, the notetaking seems to vary during the day.

Just came through El Rosario checkpoint at 9:00 am yesterday morning. Just waved through and no real inspections or notetaking. Only three soldiers, two northbound and one southbound. About 15 soldiers were marching from the barracks/mess to the actual checkpoint so, probably in full operation in another ten or fifteen minutes.....

DENNIS - 10-28-2013 at 02:00 PM

Are these federales or soldiers? I thought they were going to do away with most of the military checkpoints as they did on the Tecate Road?

David K - 10-28-2013 at 02:02 PM

Some tourists think the military (army) and federales (Federal Police)are the same thing, that's all.

rdrrm8e - 10-28-2013 at 02:10 PM

Sorry....Military and there are twice as many checkpoint s as last year at the same time

DENNIS - 10-28-2013 at 02:12 PM

Originally posted by rdrrm8e
Sorry....Military and there are twice as many checkpoint s as last year at the same time

Thanks. I guess they're just shifting them around.

chuckie - 10-28-2013 at 02:15 PM

I came down Saturday and Sunday and the only one operating was at San Ignacio, and that was a wave through.......


bajaguy - 10-28-2013 at 04:29 PM

Shari.....check your FB p/m

Originally posted by shari
time, thank you so much for your interest and input and boots on the ground approach...and the air search is a great idea. I think the best chance for finding Gary will be with the race people and resources. I hope someone DOES post this on their forum as there will be thousands of extra eyes in baja for the race and making Gary's search part of it is a great idea.

SoCalPattonCrew - 10-28-2013 at 08:00 PM

Has anyone been in the surfing area known as 7 Sisters lately, is the road fit for a 2 wheel drive vehicle? This is one of the areas my brother Gary has visited in the past.

TimeTraveler - 10-28-2013 at 08:03 PM

Hi to all,
Well nothing really to report from our travels except a blown transmission on my truck and a long trailer-journey home... I have some friends still down pre running and they will keep the flyers posted and their eyes open. Once I get a transmission I will be heading back down South.

My friend flew into LaPaz yesterday and back this afternoon. We had a friend that is USCG as a spotter as previously mentioned... I just received an email that there was nothing out of the ordinary. They observed one vehicle in a remote area that was a general match but upon further inspection it was a ford explorer with a roof rack. 8(

So as stated... nothing to report. There are some people down south still working for the common goal.

One more note, as no one here seems to have affiliation with RDC... I did make a post on and have received some assistance from the folks over there. For those who may not know almost every Baja racer is an RDC member. So just having the 4 runner in the back of their minds while on the back roads could lead to something...

I will also be taking stacks of flyers to contingency for the Baja 1000.

If I hear anything from our people running around the peninsula I will keep you advised.
Cheers till then,

SoCalPattonCrew - 10-28-2013 at 09:08 PM

Time Traveler - amazing effort on your part, thank you so much for your contribution and for passing out the flyers. We have been so moved by the generosity of people helping our family.

bufeo - 10-29-2013 at 08:53 AM

Originally posted by TimeTraveler...One more note, as no one here seems to have affiliation with RDC... I did make a post on ...

There are quite a few Nomads who are members on RDC as well. There was a thread started on that forum on Sep 20. Is that where you posted?

I think the general trend in situations like this is to add information only when there's something of interest to report forgetting that it's also often important to report blind alleys.

Sometimes even knowing a specific area of search/recovery is not enough.

Allen R

TMW - 10-29-2013 at 10:23 AM

I've reached out to our group of race people who will be pre-running the 1000 course starting this weekend to be on the lookout for Gary, especially the Pacific Coast side. I posted this page so they could print a picture of him and his car.

TimeTraveler - 10-29-2013 at 10:37 AM

HI Bufeo,

Yes, that is where I posted. I just re-stated that this is an ongoing effort and asked people to keeps their eyes open. I figured it would be worth while to keep it fresh in their mind after getting lost in the mix. We got some feedback from people that are willing to help out. If I hear anything I will post here.

bufeo - 10-29-2013 at 12:55 PM

Originally posted by TimeTraveler
HI Bufeo ... I figured it would be worth while to keep it fresh in their mind after getting lost in the mix...

...and that's all good.

Allen R

micah202 - 10-30-2013 at 08:17 AM

Originally posted by rdrrm8e
I just saw this flyer in a prominent place at Jardines last friday night.

Just an FYI....the federales at the checkpoint by el rosario were taking passport numbers and checking photo ids. They have a written log with names and vehicle year of mfg and plate numbers..

Don't know what it would take to see their logs......but might be worth a try


....maybe a plate of sandwiches:biggrin:

Ateo - 10-30-2013 at 08:24 AM

Originally posted by SoCalPattonCrew
Has anyone been in the surfing area known as 7 Sisters lately, is the road fit for a 2 wheel drive vehicle? This is one of the areas my brother Gary has visited in the past.

We're coming out of the off season for the 7 sisters. Starting now there will be more people in the area. Plus the Baja 1000 will be heading thru there soon. I would try and get as many race teams the flyer so they can keep an eye out.

sandpoint - 10-30-2013 at 10:53 AM

Originally posted by Ateo
Originally posted by SoCalPattonCrew
Has anyone been in the surfing area known as 7 Sisters lately, is the road fit for a 2 wheel drive vehicle? This is one of the areas my brother Gary has visited in the past.

I just got back from the Sisters. We went in Saturday in the dark to Punta Rosarito via the northern spider road that's below Rosarito on the 1. Couldn't see much. We drove the coastal track north to Punta Santa Rosalillita. There is a flyer posted at the town's gas vendor by the basketball court. We moved north along the more costal track to Punta San Andres (Alejandros) with a detour along the road that heads out over the hills about even with Isla Adelada. We came out through the canyon to the main road and went north to El Cardon. There looks to have been a big rain event in the recent past and the washboard was pretty rough. We came back out Wednesday mid morning and the grader had made it up to about Lobo, working it's way northward. We did not see the 4-runner. There weren't any fliers at the military checkpoints that we could see nor anywhere to post them. One or two were in construction areas without something to mount it to. They were not writing down our passports and did not appear to be checking plates when we went through. The road is fit for a 2wd but rough north of where the grader has stopped. Let a lot of air out-we rattled a set of Yakima's apart.

BajaBlanca - 11-1-2013 at 05:43 PM

To All Bajanomads,
Would you comment back to this post if any of you have seen or noticed any newspaper or radio ads and/or announcements with our Flyer, or our missing person report on Gary Patton? And if so, which ones and when approximately? We're trying to plan a media blitz in the next week, and you're input/ideas are gold to us in this effort, when none of us are down there. We do have someone who can get this process going however, so please contribute any ideas.

Also, regarding Baja 1000, is there a radio or TV station in particular that everyone tunes into for race updates, news flashes, etc.? Any details here too, please share!

Thanks to all of you staying vigilant with us for Día de Muertos weekend..

rhintransit - 11-1-2013 at 05:59 PM

drove down a few days ago and noted them everywhere we stayed/ate.

Kgryfon - 11-2-2013 at 05:47 PM

I keep checking back here hoping to hear some good news. Alas...

liknbaja127 - 11-2-2013 at 06:59 PM

Blacna, the score web page has all invo on the race, also
has a lot of invo. Google score desert racing. good luck.

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