
Ron Hoff/Bajagringo attacked

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DENNIS - 9-13-2011 at 03:10 PM

Originally posted by angels4
Thanks Dennis for sharing the article very insightful and factual.

That was compliments of akbear. I thank him as well.

Yes, I will sneak in a few chocolates, but hopefully Ron won't snatch them for himself.

If you're going there tomorrow, I can assure you he won't do that.
Besides....chocolate it hard on a broken jaw.

tiotomasbcs - 9-13-2011 at 03:18 PM

"miraculous" recovery?? "mucho Mejor"?? I hope I'm wrong about the bad feeling I have about Ron's situation?! His daughter doesn't seem to feel the urgency that most of us do. Heavenly Father, please help us.. Tio

[Edited on 9-13-2011 by tiotomasbcs]

vjfamily - 9-13-2011 at 03:52 PM

I just got off the phone with Carol at DiscoverBaja. I made a donation via my credit card. DiscoverBaja is doing a great community service helping to get cash to Ron and Cristina, many thanks to them. Joanna

comitan - 9-13-2011 at 03:56 PM

Positive thoughts everybody, just think positive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

astrobaja - 9-13-2011 at 04:06 PM

Just got back from visiting Chava to give him so money to tide him over, both my Wife Pamela and I talked to Christina via viber a couple hours ago. She is trying to login here and I put her into contact with Doug. She was having a meeting with the bank at 2 to see if they can help. Barring that I suggested setting up a Paypal account for donations (best I could come up with on the spur of the moment if someone has a better idea please chime in) She texted me that she has done so. Lets wait for her appearence here to give us the particulars. BTW on top of all this she has a sick 5 year old, so please quit with 2nd guessing her! She does not want to move Ron!

[Edited on 9-13-2011 by astrobaja]

fdt - 9-13-2011 at 04:29 PM

During the day 've been in touch with the hospital in Ensenada, have talked to Sirenita once and I just got off the phone with Christine for the second time today, once in the morning and then just now. To clear things up, her dad is sedated and has a breathing tube because of the broken jaw, so he wont shoke on his saliva and should be in the operating room soon to fix his jaw. Originaly the operation was scheduled for around 8am but the person that had to sign the authorization had mechanical problems in getting to the hospital so it was rescheduled. as you can read on facebook they are recuperating fast and should be out soon.
The only decision taht counts regarding Ron's care at this point is that of Christine, his daughter and it is very clear that #1 She does not want to run up a $$$$ medical bill in the US, since Ron has no US insurance. #2 She considers that her dad is receiving the proper medical treatment at this point in Ensenada.
There have been offers to help financialy in order to get Ron to the US side. As it stands right now he will be cared for in Ensenada but there are still medical expenses. As i posted before she paid when she was here about $37,000 pesos and there were about $25,000 more due. At this point it's $5,000 more. So the financial need is there and I'm sure it has a daily hospital rate. There were about 15 posts with offers here to help out financialy and Christine does not have a PayPal available or any way for her to access any moneys Ron might have in the US since no power of attorney was in place for that.
I am the one that told her of the offers and yes, she would very much appreciate the financial help that could be given for this cause.
I have commited to Christine to go to Ensenada and personaly deliver or make whatever payments are necesary, of course getting the proper receipts and making everything accountable and transparent. The question now is who is still wanting to help with the medical expenses since it's not going to be for an ambulance transfer. I don't have a PayPal acct. but there are other ways to do this. If someone is interested, please let me know publicly or via U2U.

SFandH - 9-13-2011 at 04:31 PM

Glad to hear, via the news article, that they're both getting better. I don't know Ron but I've read many posts describing what a "together" person he is. Plus I've read a bunch of his posts. It makes me think of the old saying "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree". I bet his daughter is making the right decisions. Plus I'm sure, if asked, he would want to stay there, close to his wife. Sounds like the medical personnel in charge saved his life. Good for them and all involved.

[Edited on 9-13-2011 by SFandH]

fdt - 9-13-2011 at 04:33 PM

Originally posted by SFandH
Glad to hear, via the news article, that they're both getting better. I don't know Ron but I've read many posts describing what a "together" person he is. It makes me think of the old saying "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree". I bet his daughter is making the right decisions. Plus I'm sure, if asked, he would want to stay there, close to his wife. Sounds like the medical personnel in charge saved his life. Good for them and all involved.


ELINVESTIG8R - 9-13-2011 at 04:38 PM

Fernando I have $1,000.00 to send. Can someone open a Mexican bank account so we can wire transfer money. If other arrangement are made just let us know.

latina - 9-13-2011 at 04:52 PM

Last year we sent money to someone in Ensenada from our Bancomer account to his Elektra account. Apparently it is very easy for a person (Ron's daughter or wife if she is recovered) to set up an Elektra account and then money could be wired from the U.S. to that account via Western Union, for example. It can take up to 5 days to get money through PayPal. Apparently WalMart also offers this service. Maybe someone else knows more about it, but the person we dealt with got his money the next day at Elektra in Ensenada.

vjfamily - 9-13-2011 at 04:53 PM

Send it to Carol at Discover Baja she will give to Bob to deliever. See above posts.

ELINVESTIG8R - 9-13-2011 at 04:57 PM

Here is a news article from Fulano's web site!

DENNIS - 9-13-2011 at 05:03 PM

One day, soon I would hope, he'll have to be transported. My offer stands to be waiting at the Del Carmen door with my credit card in hand to cover that expense.

By the way.....if he doesn't have VA coverage, which it seems he may not, he can be transported directly to any emergency room in the states and they will admit him. The fewer his assets, the better the view.
This should be considered before the well runs dry with Del Carmen or he is kept there long enough to no longer be considered an emergency case in the states.

fdt - 9-13-2011 at 05:07 PM

Originally posted by vjfamily
Send it to Carol at Discover Baja she will give to Bob to deliever. See above posts.

Great idea, I tried calling right now but they are closed, I'll try again tomorrow and maybe we can get the payment down there before friday, I sure hope so.

angels4 - 9-13-2011 at 05:07 PM

Elinvestig8r we leave tonight. I can pickup the funds and give to Christine or make a direct payment to the hospital and drop off the receipt on our way back. U2U me and I can give you my info.

fandango - 9-13-2011 at 05:12 PM

i have wired money to ensenada before. i used western union and my friend picked it up. at that time there were 2 services to wire to. my friend preferred one over the other but i can't remember the name of the service. it may have been a better location for him or a safer service. maybe someone has done this before and knows more. i remember that the recipients name must be exact, matching the identification.

similar to latinas idea, but i'm not familiar with elektra.

if FDT is in charge of these funds it may be a convenient answer, in addition to discover baja.

fdt - 9-13-2011 at 05:12 PM

Originally posted by ELINVESTIG8R
Fernando I have $1,000.00 to send. Can someone open a Mexican bank account so we can wire transfer money. If other arrangement are made just let us know.

The best and fastest wy right now is via Western Union to San Ysidro were I can go across, pick up and head for Ensenada. My full name is Fernando Garcia Obeso

Chrissie_Hoff - 9-13-2011 at 05:23 PM

First of all I wanted to say thank you for all the prayers and good wishes sent to my dad and Cristina.

At this time I'm trying to get everything in line in order to go back to see them, right now Cristina family and a family friend are with them and I know tomorrow more friends will be with them.

Like my dad always said to me nobody is perfect, I know I'm not. I'm just human and trying to get everything going for the best for my dad and Cristina.

I know that they will not want to be separated. Cristina is trying to get out of the hospital just to be next to my dad and my dad will want to have Cristine right next to him when he is out of the hospital too! Only way to do that is by keeping them in Mexico.

Sorry for any grammar or spelling.

ELINVESTIG8R - 9-13-2011 at 05:33 PM

Originally posted by angels4
Elinvestig8r we leave tonight. I can pickup the funds and give to Christine or make a direct payment to the hospital and drop off the receipt on our way back. U2U me and I can give you my info.

Angels Thank you so much for offering and I would take you up on it but I won't have it available until tomorrow afternoon sometime. Fdt has resolved my dilemna. Thanks again for offering.


DENNIS - 9-13-2011 at 05:35 PM've been up there for ten minutes and no one has even said hello.
Hi Chrissie.....this is for certain a difficult time for you and the tough decisions are the most painful. Hang in there. You're doing fine.

angels4 - 9-13-2011 at 05:36 PM

Chris- It is Laura, I am glad that you finally were able to login and share your thoughts. There are many amazing Nomad's here who are willing to help your daddy. I'll call you before we leave. Need to take care of the boys and buy the pet food and supplies for Cristina. Hugs and blessings.

fdt - 9-13-2011 at 05:41 PM

Bienvenida a Baja Nomad Christine.

Woooosh - 9-13-2011 at 05:50 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS've been up there for ten minutes and no one has even said hello.
Hi Chrissie.....this is for certain a difficult time for you and the tough decisions are the most painful. Hang in there. You're doing fine.

seconded. Welcome- wish it was under better circumstances.

[Edited on 9-14-2011 by Woooosh]

David K - 9-13-2011 at 05:52 PM

Hi Christine, I hope to see your Dad up and kicking real soon.

The idea of contacting the governor of Baja is excellent and at least one person here has tried via email.

Ron is a V.I.P. in more ways than one.

I am on standby...

astrobaja - 9-13-2011 at 05:54 PM

Hi Chrissie: its Mike and Pamela, glad you got registered here, welcome! Theres a few other very good ideas beside Paypal so give them a read!
Chava says to hello, hes going to be here in the sierra for a few days.

hang in there


ELINVESTIG8R - 9-13-2011 at 06:01 PM

Hi Chrissie I am a friend of your dad and Cristina. I love them both. The picture above is when they came to my mom's 103rd birthday party in El Rosario. I invite them every year. Your dad is one of the most giving people I know and has helped many who needed help. I pray for them every day that they get stronger and stronger so they can get back to the life they love.

David *******

DianaT - 9-13-2011 at 06:03 PM

Originally posted by Chrissie_Hoff
First of all I wanted to say thank you for all the prayers and good wishes sent to my dad and Cristina.

At this time I'm trying to get everything in line in order to go back to see them, right now Cristina family and a family friend are with them and I know tomorrow more friends will be with them.

Like my dad always said to me nobody is perfect, I know I'm not. I'm just human and trying to get everything going for the best for my dad and Cristina.

I know that they will not want to be separated. Cristina is trying to get out of the hospital just to be next to my dad and my dad will want to have Cristine right next to him when he is out of the hospital too! Only way to do that is by keeping them in Mexico.

Sorry for any grammar or spelling.

You are doing GREAT and you have NOTHING that needs to be explained to anyone! Continue to follow not just your thoughts, but your heart and what you know is the heart of your father----it sounds like Cristina will be able to be by his side very soon, which is great----it means she is healing well, and her presence will heal your father. Travel safe, and saludos to you and ALL of your family.

And we will just continue to follow what the best method is for getting funds to help with the expenses. Right now, is sounds like Discover Baja is the place.

David K - 9-13-2011 at 06:07 PM

Thaqnks Dennis for the direct link to Sandra's article in Sign on San Diego:

An American citizen living in the Baja California community of San Quintin was severely beaten, along with his wife, on Saturday after he tried to stop a crime in progress near his house, the Baja California Attorney General’s Office reported.

Ron Hoff and Cristina Montes Monjo were being treated on Tuesday at separate hospitals in Ensenada for injuries sustained near their residence in the outskirts of this farming and fishing community located about 180 miles south of the border.

News of the incident has resounded across the expatriate community. Since moving to Baja California in 2003, Hoff, a 54-year-old freelance web designer and Long Beach native, has become known through his message board, and website, He has written lovingly about Baja California, praising the kindness and warmth of its residents.

“This is a guy who really walks the talk as far as helping people down there,” said Doug Means, owner and administrator of another message board,, whose members have been intensely following the developments in the case. “That’s why there are so many people who are very involved.”

Three suspects were in custody in connection with the incident: Jesus Humberto Aguirre Montes, 24, Jose Luis Quintero Montes, 24, and Edgar Gerardo Quintero Montes, 21. They face charges of attempted murder and car theft, aggravated by gang activity.

The incident took place Saturday afternoon in a sparsely settled area on the outskirts of San Quintin near the Pacific Ocean known as La Chorera. According to the report, the incident began when Hoff approached the suspects as they were dismantling a vehicle.

Hoff has not been able to talk about the incident. But Cristina Montes told his daughter, Christine Hoff, that Hoff had heard some noise at a neighbor’s unoccupied house, and drove down to investigate. Watching from her window, Cristina Montes saw the beating and called for help, then went to help her husband after the assailants drove off.

Ron Hoff and Cristina Montes Monjo But the suspects, who had driven away in Hoff’s SUV, returned and grabbed Montes as she tried to flee, hit her with a rock, and pulled her into the vehicle, the daughter said. Inside the vehicle, one of them tried to cut her throat, but only was able to inflict a surface wound. At one point, they threw her out of the vehicle and fled.

The suspects were captured a couple of hours after the incident following a chase in the neighborhood known as Colonia Benito Juarez, according to the Baja California Attorney General’s Office.

“It’s not something that only happens in Mexico, this could have happened anywhere,” Christine Hoff said. "The next time he’ll be more careful to see what happens across the street, he’ll probably check with a neighbor and maybe take his dog,” she said. She praised the quick actions of authorities in catching the suspects.

Hoff has been collaborating in an abalone farm being set up in La Chorera as an informal advisor to the project, said Reyes Guerrero Sandoval, the company’s owner. When the incident occurred, neighbors in the fishing community trailed and helped chase down the assailants, Guerrero said.

In a 2008 column, Hoff wrote about his love for Baja California. “The countless examples of generosity and hospitality to me are part of the very essence that makes Mexico the number one-travel destination for the USA,” he wrote. “The Baja California peninsula is my home and where I hope to spend the rest of my life, God willing.”

Means said Hoff has no insurance coverage for his treatment at the private hospital, and friends and family members are trying to raise funds.

Montes is being treated at a public hospital in Ensenada and was expected to be released today, Christine Hoff said. Hoff was undergoing surgery for a broken jaw, his daughter said. Both “are recuperating in a miraculous way,” she said.

shari - 9-13-2011 at 06:15 PM

Hola chrissie and thanks for coming onto this forum to help your Dad. We love him and Cristina very very much and want to help as best we can. My daughter sirenita doesnt have internet today but told me to tell you she has a spare bedroom if you want to stay with her...I wanted to call you and talk to you but thought you may be getting bombarded with strangers calling. we are all just trying to help out as best we can because we know ron has or would help us in our time of need.

Thank you for coming down so quickly to get things sorted out and I completely understand why you had to leave so quick too after talking to Laura...try to be patient with us as in our flurry to help, sometimes things can get confusing.

I think it may be good to have several options for getting funds together...western union works well but make sure you send the wire #, paypal is OK, and it sounds like Carol at Discover Baja is making it easy for people to quickly get money down...sirenita will help with that too.

Keep the faith and again, thanks for being there for your dad.

Santiago - 9-13-2011 at 06:26 PM

Originally posted by fdt
My full name is Fernando Garcia Obeso

aka "Flowers"

DENNIS - 9-13-2011 at 06:31 PM

Originally posted by Santiago
Originally posted by fdt
My full name is Fernando Garcia Obeso

aka "Flowers"

"My name.............................."

Udo - 9-13-2011 at 06:33 PM

I could not have stated this any better.
We were planning on seeing them when we come by Christmas week.

Originally posted by Woooosh
Ron and Cristina are golden. This is tragic to happen to anyone, let alone two of the nicest people on this earth. They put everything on the line for Baja and their abalone project. I know they have several dogs that will need caring for until they recover. Is anyone near enough to their place in SQ do that? Too bad he didn't take his Dobie with him to investigate. Just tragic, I'm stunned.

comitan - 9-13-2011 at 07:33 PM

Has anyone noticed that Christina's last name is Montes and the 3 suspects have the last name of Monte's. Maybe just a mistake.

[Edited on 9-14-2011 by comitan]

woody with a view - 9-13-2011 at 07:35 PM

hang em high.:fire:

Woooosh - 9-13-2011 at 07:55 PM

Originally posted by woody with a view
hang em high.:fire:

Three wannabe brothers and their cousin. Just trying to pay for their narco-fashion shirts. Hang the parents first for breeding to create this trash.

Beat the bastards!

Ken Cooke - 9-13-2011 at 07:59 PM

Originally posted by woody with a view
hang em high.:fire:

Mudhen - 9-13-2011 at 08:09 PM

What an amazing group of people. I am floored.

Does the hospital still need blood?

I am in La Fonda.

24baja - 9-13-2011 at 08:43 PM

Christina, We here at the Nomads board applaud your courage and pray for your strength. You are doing a great job in helping your Dad and Cristina. If you need to talk all of us are here for you, if you you need to cry all of us are here for you, just like your dad has been here for many of us at on time or another. Here on this board and in life we are a family. God Bless and be strong in the days ahead. Connie & Brett

TheColoradoDude - 9-13-2011 at 09:11 PM

My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you. Send me an email if anyone needs credit on their cell phone. I am also prepared to donate 500 dollars, just send me the information on how to do this.


SiReNiTa - 9-13-2011 at 09:13 PM

Phew...ok back online!
Great to see Christine is on Nomad (Big warm welcome to you!) and that now that we can all be on the same page, we can get things done.

Just a quick observation from something my mom posted a few pages back about the Hospital General's visiting options, I was mistaken in saying it was at 5 pm, I spoke to the person at the desk this morning and though she would not share any information on Cristina's health, she did say that those of us interested in visiting are welcome to do so any time after 11 a.m. at this point it's up to the doctor's that are over seeing her case to allow people in, they DO allow non family members in IF there are no family members present at the time, 1 person allowed in only at a time.

I will be heading down there tomorrow morning to join Laura and who ever else shows up :)

Glad to hear things are clearing up, I'm still available to help in any way I can. As far as handeling money I'd rather not but if there is no other option of course I'll help.

BajaBlanca - 9-13-2011 at 09:24 PM

can someone explain to me what we want the Governor for ? I can get him.

[Edited on 9-14-2011 by BajaBlanca]

Chrissie_Hoff - 9-13-2011 at 09:29 PM

Thanks so much for all the support!!!!!!!!!

Woooosh - 9-13-2011 at 09:35 PM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca
can someone explain to me what we want the Governor for ? I can get him.

[Edited on 9-14-2011 by BajaBlanca]

He's a little busy being taken out of office tonight...

but, He met Ron when they gave the award for the abalone project. Maybe he can make sure the family gets a fair shake on the financials. Ron is a Mexican citizen and has Seguro Popular insurance. Yeah, I know he was sent to a private hospital where they don't take that insurance, but he is the Governor and Ron has been one of his best Baja ambassadors. Even if he could just ask his staff to review the treatment charges for Ron to be sure they are fair- that would be more than any of us could do. I know a lot of Nomads are concerned about overcharges (including the MRI). For Ron I think the Baja Governors office would do everything they could to help the family. They want this story to have a happy ending too. jmho

BajaBlanca - 9-13-2011 at 09:36 PM

Nice to see you here Chrissie - be prepared for overwhelming tons of advice and love and prayers for your dad and Cristina :DDDDD

You know how I feel about moving yr dad north because of head injury possibility, but I totally respect your decision to keep him south ... if you need advice on anything written by someone here, privately - there is a little blue U2U tab that is the same as sending an email ONLY TO THAT INDIVIDUAL. and to read YOUR private messages, click on the U2U tab, which is under your name in blue, at the top right of each page.

welcome to bajanomadland !

JESSE - 9-13-2011 at 09:37 PM

I dont like the look of those criminals, they clearly are not crackheads like i tought they where. The shirts they have are expensive and like someone already mentioned, narco fashion.

BajaBlanca - 9-13-2011 at 09:37 PM

ok woooosh. I will get a message to him and see if he can head over.

woody with a view - 9-14-2011 at 05:49 AM

good luck Ron and Cristina. seems you have a great, and unbeknownst to you, extended family that has your back!

this should make for some good reading while you recover, sipping dinner through a straw as your broken jaw heals!

Santiago - 9-14-2011 at 06:20 AM

Originally posted by JESSE
I dont like the look of those criminals, they clearly are not crackheads like i tought they where.

I wondered about that too.

The shirts they have are expensive and like someone already mentioned, narco fashion.

Polo shirts are narco????? What do golfers wear?

Katiejay99 - 9-14-2011 at 06:44 AM

Good Morning Chris and welcome to our very caring community. We may argue and spit at each other from time to time, but when push comes to shove - we all group together with love and pure caring in our hearts.

Chris: Perhaps you could help us understand better the condition of your father. My biggest question is: Has he regained consciousness at all since the attack? Is he still fully out of it? Have they perhaps done a CAT scan? Has the brain swelling gone down significantly?

I am sure that once Cristina can be by his side with her soothing words that he will respond very positively. We are all praying for him.

willyAirstream - 9-14-2011 at 06:45 AM

Polo shirts are narco????? What do golfers wear?


[Edited on 9-14-2011 by willyAirstream]

Cypress - 9-14-2011 at 06:47 AM

About those "narco" shirts. They probably stole 'em.

SiReNiTa - 9-14-2011 at 07:13 AM

The kind of shirts they are wearing are the kind that most preppy kids wear...popular brands...the thing that does have me wondering are the last someone has already noticed, all three of them have the same last name as Ron's wife Cristina...Hmmmmmmmmm!

Dr. Janene Caracaus post #3

Skipjack Joe - 9-14-2011 at 07:28 AM

She's still having trouble connecting but wants to give you all this message -

Getting your personal Emergency Response System in order

Whew, folks, been banging my head against the wall trying to figure out how to get timely, efficient and effective emergency response to our fellow Americans. I am thinking that a pre-arranged ambulance service, with instructions might be the answer. For example, Dianamed is the ambulance service that will take you directly to the US Border in an emergency in Ensenada. I think everyone should have instructions as to where they want to go in an extreme emergency and have the arrangements in place. These instructions should be kept on a website for everyone to see in case immediate family is not available, and pre-contact with the ambulance service, along with immediate payment arrangements with them, if you don't want to go prepaid, should be made. Visit your local ambulance service and find out who would take you to the Border, and make these arrangements NOW!! For not so serious emergencies, the Cruz Roja is available to take you and I think it might be reasonable to conclude that if you got to know the locals they would respond in a timely manner, especially if you made prepaid or conveniently acceptable payment arrangements with them, service might be expedited. What hospital would you like to go to locally if the US is not an option? Get to know the personnel there BEFORE an emergency happens, and give them all your personal data, and someone designated as an emergency contact who could hand over payment immediately in case you are not able.

[Edited on 9-14-2011 by Skipjack Joe]

DENNIS - 9-14-2011 at 07:29 AM

Originally posted by SiReNiTa
The kind of shirts they are wearing are the kind that most preppy kids wear...popular brands...the thing that does have me wondering are the last someone has already noticed, all three of them have the same last name as Ron's wife Cristina...Hmmmmmmmmm!

Small town phenomena. Many inhabitants are related.

robt65 - 9-14-2011 at 07:32 AM

Hello Doug,

I would like to respectfully correct an inaccurate statement made by you. You said: Ron will have no USA coverage, including the VA/etc.

This is simply not true. ANY Veteran, service connected or not can, and will be cared for by the VA Health Care System.

True it is done on a co-pay basis, but I am here to tell you that I had an amputation and continued care for that amputation for the past 20 years at no cost to me. I was involved in an accident and lost all financial capability. I was accepted without question (so to speak) and cared for quite well for all related health care for this medical procedure. I was in fact cared for at the VA La Jolla Facility. I never paid a dime for the great care. That premise is still in effect today, during my aftercare.

Sure the administrative portion of the initial intake is like any government entity . . . . . . . a pain in the butt. When that is complete, and you are “in the system”. The care is the best.

I am thinking of his aftercare now. Just because he has opted to take out Mexican citizenship does not negate this option, as one can never give up their American citizenship unless they petition the U.S. Government to specifically do so. Very few Ex Pats take this route and I doubt that Ron has done that.

After he is home and is capable of travel, I would not hesitate to take him to the La Jolla VA and get all necessary MRI, neurological evaluations done, especially if he is having any residual complications, such as seizures, lost memory, mood swings, etc.

I would urge those who have contact with his family to at least get this information to him and or his wife. What would that cost? Nothing! And what could it provide? Possibly a lot of extended life. At least let his family know there are options out there for American Veterans, with service connected injuries or not service connected injuries, capable of paying or not capable of paying.

If you, or a family member of Ron wishes to speak to me about this possibility, they can u2u me and I will provide my phone number to them or you.

A Grateful Viet Nam Era Navy Veteran

Originally posted by BajaNomad
Hopefully this will be short.

The family is aware of many of the things that have been brought forward in this thread. They've looked into much of it. It is their determination (and like it or not, it's only THEIR determination to make) that Ron is getting better where he is at - and he's not going to be transferred anywhere right now. Sounds like Cristina will be well enough to start being the person making determinations for Ron in the next few days.

Unless you convince THE FAMILY that something's amiss, he's going to be treated where he's at. Right now, they are comfortable and satisfied with the treatment being received.

BTW... Ron's in surgery right now for his broken jaw - at least, that's my understanding.

Ron will have no USA coverage, including the VA/etc.

Now what?

What the family could certainly use - for those that would (still) want to - is help with medical expenses at the current private hospital that is treating Ron. If there are people that wish to assist with this, the challenge is how to get funds quickly to someone on the ground there - and to whom?

Whomever it is will need to keep good records/receipts, because there will be an expectation of transparency for how those funds are spent. The responsibility does not come lightly.

I'd say it's time to stop battling the family decisions (or else find a diplomatic solution to change these decisions if you don't like or agree with them), or otherwise decide you're going to support the decisions they're making for him at this time.

Any further tug-of-war in here now is just an exercise in futility IMHO.

If you want to help Ron and Cristina, your efforts and comments from here-on should continue to be solutions-focused.

Who's going to do what?

Doug Means

[Edited on 9-13-2011 by BajaNomad]

[Edited on 9-14-2011 by robt65]

DENNIS - 9-14-2011 at 07:36 AM

Originally posted by robt65
I would like to respectfully correct an inaccurate statement made by you. You said: Ron will have no USA coverage, including the VA/etc.

This is simply not true. ANY Veteran, service connected or not can, and will be cared for by the VA Health Care System.

Originally posted by Roberto
From his daughter, Ron was never in the Navy. He was part of some nuclear training program or something, but he never was actually in. So, that leaves the VA out. FYI.

robt65 - 9-14-2011 at 08:05 AM

Hello Dennis,

Thanks for the clarity. You are correct then as any such VA benefits would not include Ron. Thanks again for the heads up. Still it is good information for any other Ex Pat Veterans.


shari - 9-14-2011 at 08:08 AM

buenos dias amigos...I sure was hoping to find a wee update on ron's condition this morning. today is a new day and angel should be there by now and hopefully cristina is well on her way to being released to be by ron's side...i hope she knows how to make a cadillac margarita and has some bendy straws...look forward to a good day on this thread.

latina - 9-14-2011 at 08:15 AM

A sidebar for Ex Pat Veterans: My neighbour in La Paz, who is an ex pat veteran with three tours of duty, had a pretty serious condition requiring a week-long hospital stay. Previously he had always gone to the popular American style and expensive Fidepaz hospital in La Paz. Instead a Mexican friend took him to the Military hospital in La Paz where he received top-notch round the clock attention in a private room for virtual peanuts, because he is a Veteran. It's worth checking out the militarty hospital in your location ahead of time, if you are a vet...

DENNIS - 9-14-2011 at 08:19 AM

Here's a note from Dra. Janene who could dismantle your heart and put it back together, but can't seem to get signed in here. :lol: [jes funnin' wicha, Dr.J]

MRI's are NOT available in any hospital in Ensenada..

If you end up having severe head injury, MRI's are NOT available in ANY of the
hospitals here in Ensenada, and to find out if you have a fractured skull,
hematoma, or stroke, there is Burboa Radiologists but to be transferred from any
hospital to get an MRI there would be at best, life threatening in an extreme
emergency, so please folks if you need an MRI go to the US if you have
insurance, there have been two cases in the past month of Americans assaulted
and having severe head trauma, and one made it to the states, the other
didn't...who knows what real extent of the damage is in the second one because
he is too critical to take a cruise over to Burboa's from ICU at this point...

Canexican - 9-14-2011 at 08:25 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by SiReNiTa
The kind of shirts they are wearing are the kind that most preppy kids wear...popular brands...the thing that does have me wondering are the last someone has already noticed, all three of them have the same last name as Ron's wife Cristina...Hmmmmmmmmm!

Small town phenomena. Many inhabitants are related.

It's very possible there is no relationship between them at all. The name Montes originates from Spain and is fairly common in Mexico and elsewhere. For example, there are several listed in our Telmex directory (not on the Baja). Cristina's apellido paterno is Montes. These thugs paternal surnames are Quintero and Aguirre, with Montes being their apellido materno.

[Edited on 9-14-2011 by Canexican]

DENNIS - 9-14-2011 at 08:25 AM

Originally posted by latina
It's worth checking out the militarty hospital in your location ahead of time, if you are a vet...

Again, from Dra. J who used to work in the Hospital Militar: they will no longer admit non-Mexican Military patients. They may treat you, but you can't check in.
In fact, the local Military Hospital won't even allow civilian owned vehicles on base as they used to. They have to be parked outside on the street.

I doubt this is a local policy.

tripledigitken - 9-14-2011 at 08:40 AM

I hope that when Ron has recovered to the extent that he is close to release, that consideration be given to have an MRI completed in TJ. Just sayin.

latina - 9-14-2011 at 08:41 AM

About the polo shirts those low-lifes were wearing....

DENNIS - 9-14-2011 at 08:43 AM

Originally posted by tripledigitken
I hope that when Ron has recovered to the extent that he is close to release, that consideration be given to have an MRI completed in TJ. Just sayin.

Well...he can get one here. Just not in a hospital.

DENNIS - 9-14-2011 at 08:47 AM

Originally posted by latina

About the polo shirts those low-lifes were wearing....

These guys are real smart, arn't they. Just like heavy drinkers who put HUSSONG'S bumper stickers on their cars.

tripledigitken - 9-14-2011 at 08:52 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by tripledigitken
I hope that when Ron has recovered to the extent that he is close to release, that consideration be given to have an MRI completed in TJ. Just sayin.

Well...he can get one here. Just not in a hospital.

All the better, there should be no reason not to have one done.

Katiejay99 - 9-14-2011 at 08:55 AM

I think someone mentioned earlier that a CAT scan is best for head injuries. just sayin - either way, it would be nice to know if he has had ANYTHING other than just blood tests and the basics.

And how he is doing after his surgery yesterday.

[Edited on 9-14-2011 by Katiejay99]

shari - 9-14-2011 at 09:22 AM

just much was the MRI in get an idea in case they charged ron for some and for future reference well as the address &/or hone # of the clinic you went to...thank you

mtgoat666 - 9-14-2011 at 09:29 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by latina

About the polo shirts those low-lifes were wearing....

These guys are real smart, arn't they. Just like heavy drinkers who put HUSSONG'S bumper stickers on their cars.

while narco fashion does exist, the fashion choices of narcos are also choices of many others.
i am amused that nomads are fashionistas! so aware of the trends and whims of youth!

bigjohn - 9-14-2011 at 09:33 AM

The whole MRI business still smells a little fishy to me all the way up to Orange County..........

Woooosh - 9-14-2011 at 09:53 AM

Originally posted by Cypress
About those "narco" shirts. They probably stole 'em.

Coppel knockoffs or border counterfeits no doubt. I have a lot of these rugby team shirts and it ticks me off I can't wear them in Mexico any more for fear of being mistaken for a narco.

robt65 - 9-14-2011 at 10:00 AM

Hello Again Dennis,

Latina, you are correct, the Mexican military hospitals are excellent both for emergency and after care.

Dennis, you said:" . . . . . . . "they will no longer admit non-Mexican Military patients. They may treat you, but you can't check in." . . . . . . . . "I doubt this is a local policy".

They not only will take vets from the USA but also civilians as well. . . . . . . . all depends upon the base commander. Here on the Mainland of Mexico there are many recent reports of ex pats getting medical attention and care from the military hospitals, in several different states. You are still required to pay for the services rendered; however there have been reports of a few folks paying nothing at all. It is my understanding it is entirely the call of the Base Commander, so that makes it a local policy. I suspect it also just maybe has to do with whether it is an Army, Marine, Navy or Air Force base.

I would also suspect that a personal visit to the military base hospital near you would also be a good idea, if for no other reason than to meet the Base Commander and thank them for their service. Diplomacy can go a long way, especially in Mexico, I would suspect including in Baja.

Remember . . . . . . . the only thing for sure in Mexico, is that nothing is for sure! (smiling)


Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by latina
It's worth checking out the militarty hospital in your location ahead of time, if you are a vet...

Again, from Dra. J who used to work in the Hospital Militar: they will no longer admit non-Mexican Military patients. They may treat you, but you can't check in.
In fact, the local Military Hospital won't even allow civilian owned vehicles on base as they used to. They have to be parked outside on the street.

I doubt this is a local policy.

DENNIS - 9-14-2011 at 10:05 AM

Originally posted by DianaT
It is too bad it is not possible at the ISSTE hospital or it would have been free!

ISSSTE....Social Security. :(:(:( More body-bags come out the back door of that place than at Walter Reed in the early seventies.

Know your medical provider.

chrisx - 9-14-2011 at 10:07 AM

There is a Western Union at the Elektra store on Gastelum between AV Benito Juarez and Cuarta in zona central Ensenada.

It is between the Calimax and the Waldo.

If the family wants to accept money they could collect it there, only a few blocks from the hospital.

Giving your money directly to a family member would be the safest way to see it go to the intended purpose.

Note: There are organized thieves in Ensenada. Don't collect a big batch of money and walk down the street alone!

DENNIS - 9-14-2011 at 10:12 AM

Originally posted by shari
just much was the MRI in get an idea in case they charged ron for some and for future reference well as the address &/or hone # of the clinic you went to...thank you

We didn't go to a clinic. We went to Dan's Bro In Law's xray lab. Extremely successful, but without MRI capabilities as well.
The MRI Lab, Burboa Radiologists on Rayon, can answer your questions. I don't have their contact info.

DENNIS - 9-14-2011 at 10:15 AM

Originally posted by robt65
Dennis, you said:" . . . . . . . "they will no longer admit non-Mexican Military patients. They may treat you, but you can't check in." . . . . . . . . "I doubt this is a local policy".

They not only will take vets from the USA but also civilians as well. . . . . . . . all depends upon the base commander.

OK...fine. Go any place you want. I've about had it with this thread.

ELINVESTIG8R - 9-14-2011 at 10:26 AM

I just sent mine to Fernando Garcia Obeso to be picked up in Ensenada.

Edit to add: Western Union

[Edited on 9-14-2011 by ELINVESTIG8R]

David K - 9-14-2011 at 10:29 AM

Originally posted by ELINVESTIG8R
I just sent mine to Fernando Garcia Obeso to be picked up in Ensenada.

Edit to add: Western Union

[Edited on 9-14-2011 by ELINVESTIG8R]

When is Ferna going to Ensenada?

ELINVESTIG8R - 9-14-2011 at 10:32 AM


I'm not sure. My best guess would be when he finds out who is sending him money so he can pick it up at one time. That's just a guess. Please U2U him for a concrete answer.

Edit: I think he would have preferred that I send it to Tijuana but Dummy me sent it to Ensenada.

[Edited on 9-14-2011 by ELINVESTIG8R]

shari - 9-14-2011 at 10:37 AM

please hang in here with us Dennis...we need you amigo...please dont bail.
I was asking dianne for info to add to my growing medical info file.

I just got a phone call from our reporter on site...sirenita & angel laura have been to see Cristina..she is in rough shape but is now talking and drinking water and beginning to remember a bit...she will need to see a neurologist for her head trauma as well.

they are now with Ron...apparantly people can go in and see him. The jaw operation DID NOT happen yesterday and is scheduled for today..they now have enough blood donors thank you.

ron has regained conciousness and the tubes are out and he is doing much better...i shall keep you updated as reports come the way, sirena needs more phone minutes if anyone can help out...she is making lots of calls...thank you

[Edited on 9-14-2011 by shari]

ELINVESTIG8R - 9-14-2011 at 10:48 AM

Hi All, if you can financially, please send Fernando Garcia Obeso money via Western Union to help with Ron’s Hospital bill. You can u2u him to give him the MTCN so he can pick it up. I sent mine to Ensenada but I think he would have preferred it at Tijuana. Oh well at least when he goes to Ensenada he can get it.


[Edited on 9-14-2011 by ELINVESTIG8R]

Bill Collector - 9-14-2011 at 10:52 AM

Shari, can you explain again how to transfer funds from my Telcel to Sirena? To far to donate blood, can help with Sirena phone bills. Keep up all the good work, Dennis don't leave your very important here

bigjohn - 9-14-2011 at 10:58 AM

Where is Lizard Lips when you need him??

TheColoradoDude - 9-14-2011 at 10:59 AM

Originally posted by Bill Collector
Shari, can you explain again how to transfer funds from my Telcel to Sirena? To far to donate blood, can help with Sirena phone bills. Keep up all the good work, Dennis don't leave your very important here

text to 7373

example: 6221032002 100

In the message field just enter the number then a space and then the amount. I think you can only send up to 100 at a time.


fdt - 9-14-2011 at 10:59 AM

PLEASE!!!!! Do not scare peopl;e like that Shari.
Ron does not have the tubes, right But it is not an emergency for tyhe blood! Yes, a blood donor is needed for when the surgery to the jawe that was not performed yesterday ios performed today, hop[efuly by 2PM. You can corroborate this with either the hospital, monica, Reyes's wife or Sirena!
Ron is doing much better and Cristine is out of IC since yesterday ande has been moved to a regular floor. She is now beeing given soft meals but all tyhree in a day.

shari - 9-14-2011 at 11:01 AM

to send someone saldo (minutes) you go into your message box and creat a new message and type in (by holding down the individual numbers so they dont make letters) sirena's phone # then a space and the amount you want to send up to 99 pesos then push send and type in 7373 and off it goes....I will U2U her phone # and a big thankyou

fdt - 9-14-2011 at 11:03 AM

Shari, please read your U2U's!

shari - 9-14-2011 at 11:06 AM

sorry about the scare.... but the message I received was they wont operate on Ron till they have a blood i thought that was pretty important to get the operation asap as the bills are mounting the longer things get put I edited the prevous post...i dont mean to scare anyone and am relaying info I get from those actually at the hospital now....I thought I conveyed that ron is off the tubes and cristina was doing better???

LATEST UPDATE...sirenita is there at the hospital with Ron and the blood they needed was just to replace what ron will need in his operation this afternoon and there are donors there already.

[Edited on 9-14-2011 by shari]

jbcoug - 9-14-2011 at 11:08 AM

I would like to make my contribution by credit card through Discover Baja. Is this still a practical option and is a there a means in place to get that money south quickly?


Still with you Ron and Cristina, best wishes.

fdt - 9-14-2011 at 11:15 AM

Originally posted by jbcoug
I would like to make my contribution by credit card through Discover Baja. Is this still a practical option and is a there a means in place to get that money south quickly?


Still with you Ron and Cristina, best wishes.

Yes, I just spoke with carol @ DiscoverBaja and they will be accepting donations for this up until friday.

fdt - 9-14-2011 at 11:16 AM

thank you Shari

shari - 9-14-2011 at 11:55 AM

latest update from Sirenita...she just left Ron's side...he is concious, cant talk because of his jaw but is trying hard to scribble things on the pad...por supuesto que es muy desesperado... Sirena asked me to convey that Ron doesnt know what happened to them and for his own good was told he had an accident and that Cristina is just away from the hospital for a bit but fine... so any visitors are being asked to please be aware of this.

the operation should take place this afternoon and that they still need a couple more blood donors of any blood type please.

Chrissie_Hoff - 9-14-2011 at 11:58 AM

Thanks Shari I was typing the same message right now.

I just talk to Angel and she is waiting to get in to see Cristina. Once she is out and I get any other news I will post.

Katiejay99 - 9-14-2011 at 12:02 PM

I hear a collective sigh of relief that Ron is awake! Yea!
Please send our utmost thanks to Serena (and Angel, too) for all they are doing to keep us informed.

Woooosh - 9-14-2011 at 12:03 PM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca
ok woooosh. I will get a message to him and see if he can head over.

Blanca- I just got this from the Governor's Office. (We're Facebook friends-lol). You wanna take it from here since you know them and I don't?

[Edited on 9-14-2011 by Woooosh]

Capture8.JPG - 35kB

Chrissie_Hoff - 9-14-2011 at 12:18 PM

I'm trying to get the news channels and newspapers from Bakersfield to see if I can get more funds.

Thanks for all the prayers and support my frinds!

shari - 9-14-2011 at 12:32 PM

maybe Fdt can help get through to the governor?

Woooosh - 9-14-2011 at 12:57 PM

Originally posted by shari
maybe Fdt can help get through to the governor?

The Governors office has seen the news reports about the incident and are now waiting for "us" to contact them. Since Blanca said she had the connection- I'll let her follow through using the contact I provided a few posts back. That should work.

DENNIS - 9-14-2011 at 01:07 PM

Tell the governor it would be a good PR move with plenty of press time.
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