
'Double Wall Barrier' talk - Will GOP immigration rhetoric cost Latino votes?

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Cypress - 11-9-2011 at 04:28 PM

Skeet/Loreto, All good traits. I commend you. But, when dealing with liberal dems, I'd go for the juglar and step back. They'll squeel a little.:biggrin:

Iflyfish - 11-9-2011 at 04:32 PM

Originally posted by Alan
That seems to be the problem today with everyone thinking that everything is free and also that it is somehow owed to them. The freedoms we enjoy today didn't just happen, they were earned and fought for. Our National Cemetaries are filled with those who paid the ultimate price for our freedoms.

Why does anyone feel it is appropriate to penalize success and reward failure? Ultimately it robs people of their aspirations and rewards those who have surrendered their entire future to the goverment.

Those that know me will attest that I am always willing to lend a hand up to those in need but today that supporting hand-up has become a hand-out. Rather than teaching a man how to fish, our government has decided these people are too stupid to learn so they steal fish from all the other fisherman so this person will now become dependent on their generosity. There in lies the question, "Are you really being generous if it was never yours to give?"

"Our National Cemetaries are filled with those who paid the ultimate price for our freedoms."

And we have been saddled with the debt and drain on our treasury from the Viet Nam War, Iraq I, Iraq II, and a ten year war in Afghanistan and the rest of the mess that the Military Industrial Complex has gotten us into. Thank you Haliburton, Kellog Brown and Roote, Becktel, Raytheon etc. Thank you for the Abrams tanks and redundant aircraft that you built, the weapons that you have sold to other nations, the nuclear bombs that you have built and now are destroying, the nerve gas agents you are now burning and the list goes on. Do you think that these things are free? Do you think that Shock and Awe were free? Do you think it is Welfare cheats that got us into this mess? You got to be kidding!

We are paying for the decisions we have made as a nation and no party is with out blame. The problem as I see it is that now the people are left with fighting for the scraps and blaming each other for the problems created by our corrupt political system that allowed deregulation of the banks and Wall Street allowing them to bundle mortgages and sell them at inflated rates and bet against those bundles as they knew they were trash.

It is easy to kick people when they are down. It's easy to denigrate the unemployed and dependant. They are easy targets, especially if you are successful as you and I are.

What about the Hedge Fund Managers, Bankers and Wall Street CEOs who got bonuses after getting our money in the form of bail outs? Do you think that these guys and the Military Industrial Complex guys are owed any of your scorn? Do you think that the corrupt political situation that enabled these guys deserves any of your contempt?


Barry A. - 11-9-2011 at 04:44 PM

Originally posted by Iflyfish
Originally posted by Skeet/Loreto

I belong in the Honest, Moralistic, Kindness, Hard Working, with a beleif in Tempurence, Prudence, Foritude, and Justice.

and don't forget Rick Perry!

Wow, that went totally over my head, Fish. :?:


Skeet/Loreto - 11-9-2011 at 04:50 PM

Barry: Rick Perry, Our next president of the united States is a very Honest , Moralist person of Great character, sonthing that we really need right now in our Great country.

Barry A. - 11-9-2011 at 04:54 PM

Originally posted by Iflyfish
Originally posted by Alan
That seems to be the problem today with everyone thinking that everything is free and also that it is somehow owed to them. The freedoms we enjoy today didn't just happen, they were earned and fought for. Our National Cemetaries are filled with those who paid the ultimate price for our freedoms.

Why does anyone feel it is appropriate to penalize success and reward failure? Ultimately it robs people of their aspirations and rewards those who have surrendered their entire future to the goverment.

Those that know me will attest that I am always willing to lend a hand up to those in need but today that supporting hand-up has become a hand-out. Rather than teaching a man how to fish, our government has decided these people are too stupid to learn so they steal fish from all the other fisherman so this person will now become dependent on their generosity. There in lies the question, "Are you really being generous if it was never yours to give?"

"Our National Cemetaries are filled with those who paid the ultimate price for our freedoms."

And we have been saddled with the debt and drain on our treasury from the Viet Nam War, Iraq I, Iraq II, and a ten year war in Afghanistan and the rest of the mess that the Military Industrial Complex has gotten us into. Thank you Haliburton, Kellog Brown and Roote, Becktel, Raytheon etc. Thank you for the Abrams tanks and redundant aircraft that you built, the weapons that you have sold to other nations, the nuclear bombs that you have built and now are destroying, the nerve gas agents you are now burning and the list goes on. Do you think that these things are free? Do you think that Shock and Awe were free? Do you think it is Welfare cheats that got us into this mess? You got to be kidding!

We are paying for the decisions we have made as a nation and no party is with out blame. The problem as I see it is that now the people are left with fighting for the scraps and blaming each other for the problems created by our corrupt political system that allowed deregulation of the banks and Wall Street allowing them to bundle mortgages and sell them at inflated rates and bet against those bundles as they knew they were trash.

It is easy to kick people when they are down. It's easy to denigrate the unemployed and dependant. They are easy targets, especially if you are successful as you and I are.

What about the Hedge Fund Managers, Bankers and Wall Street CEOs who got bonuses after getting our money in the form of bail outs? Do you think that these guys and the Military Industrial Complex guys are owed any of your scorn? Do you think that the corrupt political situation that enabled these guys deserves any of your contempt?


Exagerations!!!! There are about 90% of the work force still working-------what "scraps" are you talking about??? My Gawd you would think we have slipped back into the stone-age listening to all this whining!!!

The "Military Spending" is part of the "spending" but that is required by the Constitution---you know, National Defense and all that :rolleyes:-------it is the GIVE-AWAY programs (for starters) that REALLY get ME upset. Some of what you mention is yes, a problem, but the REAL PROBLEM is the give away mentality and the redistribution of other peoples money by Government that has me REALLY upset!!!

Start getting THAT (the spending) under control and then we can discuss the other programs that need fixing (and there are lots of them).


Cypress - 11-9-2011 at 04:55 PM

It's always funny to see the hoops that liberals jump through to justify their illogical philosophy. They come out looking like pretzels.:biggrin:

please get back to topics at hand: immigration and OWS

mtgoat666 - 11-9-2011 at 04:56 PM

Originally posted by Alan
Our National Cemetaries are filled with those who paid the ultimate price for our freedoms.

But the 1% (or more like the top 25%) got deferrals or just did not enlist, people like GW Bush, Cheney, etc. (the term for them is "chicken hawk")

Barry A. - 11-9-2011 at 04:57 PM

Originally posted by mtgoat666
Originally posted by Alan
Our National Cemetaries are filled with those who paid the ultimate price for our freedoms.

But the 1% (or more like the top 25%) got deferrals or just did not enlist, people like GW Bush, Cheney, etc. (the term for them is "chicken hawk")

that's it, Goat, start throwing more stones-----that is a sure winning position. :rolleyes:


oxxo - 11-9-2011 at 05:40 PM

Originally posted by Barry A.
Here is another of those "stories" that Oxxo hates-------my paternal grandfather, a Naval Officer, was badly injured in an accident and forced to retire as a Lt. Cmdr. on disability at 43 and never was able to work again. He took a percentage of his pension and invested it in the Stock Market during the Depression, and ended up being a millionair, all from his gains in the Market. It took a while, but it sure payed off------------. But of course he was "just lucky". :rolleyes:

So much Cow Chips it's stinking up the place!

My paternal grandfather (the one who wanted to help his neighbors by extending credit during the Depression) was severly wounded in the Ardunne Forest (Burgandy Bell Bottoms Bill, please correct my spelling) in WWI. He was so wounded that they put him in the morgue to die. He was hit by a fragmentation bomb that was set to go off about 20 feet above the ground (German). All of his buddies around him were killed. Whenever, I asked him to talk about it, he would tear up. He was a tough old Irishman from Kansas and refused to die. He remained in a hospital in France for almost a year for physical rehabilitation. He could never wear a swimming suit or a short sleeve shirt again he was so badly disfigured. He was just a lowly cook in the Army that carried a rifle too. He never got to retire from the Army, they just sent him back to fend for himself and care for his wife and young son (my father). He never received a pension to invest and become a millionaire. He was severly wounded in the war so that some military brass hat could retire with a pension and become a millionaire. Although severely disabled HE went back to work. He was not one of those privileged who got a Socialistic pension to invest.

:fire:The arrogance and self-righteousness of some people really stink up this Forum. :barf:

Thanks Grandpa for your service to your country both during the war and after. I guess you were "just unlucky." :no:

Oxxo's granddad

Barry A. - 11-9-2011 at 09:05 PM

Oxxo--------for some reason I am unable to respond to your post on the political thread about "double border fence".

My response would be, "your granddad is a patriot of the highest order, and I am priveledged to hear his story. Thank you, Oxxo."


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