
Turtle bust

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arrowhead - 6-1-2009 at 09:31 AM

Here's my baby picture:



And Raphael, you're getting close, but I'm no friend of Hugo Torres Chabert. He's just another real esate huckster, but he covers it up better than you.

[Edited on 6-2-2009 by BajaNomad]

TENGOMIEDO - 6-1-2009 at 09:37 AM

Pienso que la mala persona es una mujer también.

Saludos de San Quintin, Ensenada, Baja California.

rpleger - 6-1-2009 at 10:35 AM

Saludo yourself TENGOMIEDO

ELINVESTIG8R - 6-1-2009 at 06:50 PM

Hey Tengomiedo when did you pop up?

ramuma53 - 6-2-2009 at 01:14 PM

After my La Paz visits to the Estate oficials, denouncing the Mulege District attorey lack of cation against Olivia Higuera Aguilar and Marck Jerome Burbey, who are at this time under 7 criminal investigations, one civil conviction and one federal Investigation for the turtle killings, the District attorney had reluctantly to ask Olivia to render testimony on Friday and continue with the criminal investigation that he was holding since October 2008 without any action, also one of her attorneys has to appear in court.
Looks like they are going to start acting on all the criminal investigations since 2003 against them and some are self proved for falsehood in court.
Also looks like all the Estate Oficial including the Estate Security Secretary know about the drug activities in the trestaurant El Zargazo, covered up by SEMARNAP officials and the Estate District attorney; they are very worried because of the recent capture of 8 city majors in Michoacan for narcotics relationships; looks like the President is acting and soon in South Baja too.

ramuma53 - 6-2-2009 at 01:21 PM

And arrowhead thanks for putting my basic school holoween picture here, you saved me the tie to do it myself, but that picture is only in my Tijuana house; the others are very new and taken by myself with my camera.
Don't worry, I will know who you are sooner or latter but looks like it will be sooner.
Also, check the adultfriends reference you put in here too, the real author photo is now there too; computers are a blessing when you act straight but very bad to cover things up.

ramuma53 - 6-2-2009 at 01:36 PM

you say that maybe I have problems with several of my properties and all have drugs related problems.
I wish you were not right, but not only mine but almost all of the costal properties in Baja, have that kind of problems and a lot of people just accept the easy money for letting them unload their drugs; my problem is that I do not only have refused but attacked them, Hugo Torres have promoted thaose unloadings and now he or better said she can not go out of his house without 20 people and a bullet proff car while I can still go everyplace alone and unarmed.
Yes we both have very large land holdings, the only difference is that I paid for my land to the Federal Government while he don't want to pay for the lots and steal some, just ask the Popotla restaurant group in Rosarito Beach or the Mercado de Artesanias Benito Juarez; those are groups of people that were being staeled from by Hugo Torres Chavert and I defended them with information and support and that at this time, they have their business and hoses because of me and I know you know about those cases.
Do you like to put up history, why don't you publish my articles "La Verdadera Historia de Rosarito" in my newspaper ABC or "Cronica de un Fraude a la Nacion" in many newspapers;that has been very beneficial information for people in Rosarito Beach; if you do not have a copy, I will leave a copy on my dinner table, I know you have who has access to my house anyway.

ELINVESTIG8R - 6-2-2009 at 01:40 PM

Rafael can you reveal the name of Arrowhead? Is Arrowhead a woman? If you have a picture please post it. That would be a hoot!

ramuma53 - 6-2-2009 at 06:31 PM

I am still not completely sure, but I am very close to be sure, fore sure it is very small group of people who can do that and get access to those photos

bajamigo - 6-2-2009 at 09:08 PM

Somebody shoot me.

bajaguy - 6-2-2009 at 09:16 PM

Originally posted by bajamigo
Somebody shoot me.

Wait till Saturday

bajamigo - 6-2-2009 at 09:31 PM

When the Captain is safely it! By the way, what are naming him?

bajaguy - 6-2-2009 at 09:38 PM

I thought he had a name,,,,,,,,,,,or a rank

BajaNuts - 6-2-2009 at 09:39 PM

I thought the turtles are dead.............shouldn't this thread be also?

All the rest of this torocaca is irrelevant to the original post about possible turtle stew and resulting prosecutions of the offenders if it is proven that they were actually guilty of the crime.

Get back to me when the results of the investigation are published...........

ramuma53 - 6-3-2009 at 12:36 PM

you are right all the way
At this time every single Estate official has been informed of the Turtle stew business done in the Olivia's restaurant El Zargazo, we hope justice will be done for those log gone turtles, but we now know that the lady who sold the live turtles to the restaurant was caught too and wistled on the restaurant in exchange of letting her go, she was caught with a big stew pot herself, she is the aunt of the mafia "El Gordo" guy relative to Olivia, so everything was in the family.
Also, we found out the new way Olivia is working to unload boats; now a big boat was anchored in front of the restaurant for 3 nights, all laights off and a lot of small boats came to the big boat several times during the night every night; curiously the Navy boat closing the Bay was gone for those 3 days and when the big boat was gone, the Navy boat came back to its post closing again the bay.
We reporte that tho the Organized crime unit but the cavalry came too late when the big boat was gone already, hope next time they are faster.

tripledigitken - 6-3-2009 at 12:59 PM


How about you write a book, publish it, then post where we can buy it if so inclined? This thread really has nothing to do with turtles, rather a feud between two families.

Why not stop airing your dirty linen for the enjoyment of the few voyeurs who seem to get off on it. Everytime I check in here hoping for some resolution it's just more of the same name calling and ridiculous scenerios which are beyond belief.

I just hope to hell that when we move to Baja we don't get involved in the kind of drama which seems to follow you around.

Have a good life.


KAT54 - 6-3-2009 at 01:37 PM

Now there is a big boat out front of thehotel unloading drugs for 3 nights and there no pictures for ud to see.
It is hard to beliive.

bajamigo - 6-3-2009 at 01:51 PM

Originally posted by tripledigitken

How about you write a book, publish it, then post where we can buy it if so inclined? This thread really has nothing to do with turtles, rather a feud between two families.

Why not stop airing your dirty linen for the enjoyment of the few voyeurs who seem to get off on it. Everytime I check in here hoping for some resolution it's just more of the same name calling and ridiculous scenerios which are beyond belief.

I just hope to hell that when we move to Baja we don't get involved in the kind of drama which seems to follow you around.

Have a good life.


Tripledigitken for president! Thank you for devising a solution that hopefully all the principals in this melodrama can live with. And may they steal quietly into the night...

[Edited on 6-3-2009 by bajamigo]

Bajaboy - 6-3-2009 at 02:02 PM

Hey ramuma53

Are all of your posts on this thread?

DENNIS - 6-3-2009 at 02:08 PM

Originally posted by Bajaboy
Hey ramuma53

Are all of your posts on this thread?

He may not know. He posted on two occasions, 4/29 and 4/15 this year on other threads and twice in 2004. That's it.

bajamigo - 6-3-2009 at 02:15 PM

Man, this guy's life is an open book. Sure wish somebody would close it (the book, that is).

DENNIS - 6-3-2009 at 02:16 PM

Originally posted by bajamigo
Man, this guy's life is an open book. Sure wish somebody would close it (the book, that is).

A "Bathroom Book"...maybe.


tehag - 6-3-2009 at 02:31 PM

When I posted the beginning of this thread, I thought I was informing some Baja fans that the authorities were making an effort to enforce their regulations. I had no idea what a Pandora's box of sitcom/soap episodes was going to gush out. I'd be a little embarrassed if I felt at all responsible for what the thread has become.

For those who wish it gone I have a suggestion: quit pushing the button that lets you see it. Pretend it's gone, and for you, it's gone. For the addicted fans of the ongoing rubbish fight, hey, it's somethin' to do, ain't it?

ramuma53 - 6-3-2009 at 08:02 PM

NO, I particiapated in others, afew but in some others, mostly I read what other say and write only when I have something to say.

[Edited on 6-4-2009 by ramuma53]

ramuma53 - 6-3-2009 at 08:08 PM

don't worry, those pranks are poping up just to be able to say something from anonimity, just ignore them; violence is the recourse of the weakminded

ELINVESTIG8R - 6-8-2009 at 05:12 AM

ramuma53 - Rafael

OLIGUACOMOLE - Olivia and Mark

Any new developments from anyone?

tripledigitken - 6-8-2009 at 08:49 AM

Rambo is writing his memoires don't disturb him.:cool::lol::lol::lol::cool:


ramuma53 - 6-8-2009 at 02:56 PM

Looks like Olivia disapeared forom the beach last week, everything calm on the front, no more unloadings and I tought that we were the only ones to notice the big boat and small boats in front of the restaurant, looks like one of the intelligence agencies noticed it and the ausence of the Navy boat the same days; they bare making an inquire on that and we were happy to corroborate the fact to them.
Anyway, the District attorney started to call Olivia on all the criminal investigations he have sleeping since years ago, looks like the letters to the Estate and Federal officials start taking action, slow but action.
I remainded the Esate officials about the restaurant being open and they said that after the calm will be action. when???????????????????

JESSE - 6-8-2009 at 02:58 PM

ELINVESTIG8R - 6-8-2009 at 03:34 PM

Rafael, Thank you for your update.

Olivia and Mark anything from your side?

Gangway me be Hangin da Jib...

OLIGUACOMOLE - 6-8-2009 at 10:32 PM

Originally posted by ramuma53
Looks like Olivia disapeared forom the beach last week, everything calm on the front, no more unloadings and I tought that we were the only ones to notice the big boat and small boats in front of the restaurant, looks like one of the intelligence agencies noticed it and the ausence of the Navy boat the same days; they bare making an inquire on that and we were happy to corroborate the fact to them.
Anyway, the District attorney started to call Olivia on all the criminal investigations he have sleeping since years ago, looks like the letters to the Estate and Federal officials start taking action, slow but action.
I remainded the Esate officials about the restaurant being open and they said that after the calm will be action. when???????????????????

ARRRGH! De boats arrgh wieghin de anchoring off me beach. Shiver me Timbers, me thought de were tourists. Me was thinkin de touists was commin to Splice the Mainbrace with me! For de Munoz with his eyepiece must be a catchin what me been missin. Accordin to Messdeck Munoz seems to be a scallywag fer me and me family. Accordin to Messdeck on the Poopdeck me be walkin da plank soon. Heave to Munoz, for ye been Black spotted and ye won't get me Booty.

Me place is now known as de SMUGGLERS COVE and de ARRRGH Bar!......Come into de ARRRGH Bar fer ya a Clap of Thunder or ye may go to ye Munoz for a Bilge Water. ARRRRGH!

BajaNuts - 6-8-2009 at 10:45 PM

okaaaaayyy........ "AAAARRRRGGGGHHH!"...............
hmmmmm........that was funny................. but really had a NOB twang to it. Don't know what to make of that.................
doesn't sound consistant with other Oli- posts.

(maybe I missed the new poster using the Oliguacamole name with one letter different or something?)

[Edited on 6-9-2009 by BajaNuts]

ELINVESTIG8R - 6-9-2009 at 03:19 AM

Olivia and Mark

Thank you for that update mateys!

KAT54 - 6-9-2009 at 11:39 AM

Are you part of the lad grab here:
Your name came up in the discussion.
Are these relations of yours?
Are the drugs still being unloaded?
Has Olivia taken a bath yet?
Is she still drunk?
Mark sure sounds drunk.
Is he a prirate?

ELINVESTIG8R - 6-17-2009 at 04:10 PM

ramuma53 - Rafael

OLIGUACOMOLE - Olivia and Mark

Any new developments from anyone?

Oso - 6-17-2009 at 06:42 PM

AAAAARRRGGHHH! Talk about night of the living dead! Why won't this thread die?:rolleyes:

mulegemichael - 6-17-2009 at 07:43 PM

just chatted with mark this past week...he set my mind at ease...rumama, or whatever, is full of vaca me..

Why won't this thread die?

Howard - 6-17-2009 at 08:08 PM

With the exception of a dead turtle which is a true shame and lives that have apparently been turned upside down which also is a shame, this is better than going to the movies!

Where else can you go for free and be so entertained with such BS by at least one of the parties?

So my advise for those that can't take it any more, just don't look at it any longer. When this thread actually dies I might have to go buy a book and get edjamacated.

Sorry about the Tortuga and the heartache that this has brought some of the parties, but I for one find it entertaining, anyone else feel this way? I guess I am one sick puppy for feeling this way.

Bajajack - 6-25-2009 at 01:40 PM

OK, it's time for some answers or at least some closure.

Who's in jail or out, what's the latest scam.


motoged - 6-25-2009 at 01:58 PM

BJ, just opened up what was closed for over a week:o

Bob H - 6-26-2009 at 06:30 AM

25 pages on this thread... you've got to be kidding me. More than JR's passing.
Bob H

Hook - 6-26-2009 at 08:37 AM

Taken in the context of a legal/illegal land grab, this post still has relevance to many of us.

The turtle soup issue.................not so much.

DENNIS - 6-26-2009 at 08:54 AM

This thread is chronic. Only an act of mercy from the administration will put it to rest.

elgatoloco - 6-26-2009 at 10:19 AM

I just got here and don't have much time. Can someone do a quick recap in 20 words or less? :saint:

bajamigo - 6-26-2009 at 10:20 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
This thread is chronic. Only an act of mercy from the administration will put it to rest.

That would be censorship.

DENNIS - 6-26-2009 at 10:22 AM

Originally posted by bajamigo

That would be censorship.

I was thinking more in the line of execution.

bajamigo - 6-26-2009 at 10:22 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by bajamigo

That would be censorship.

I was thinking more in the line of execution.

That would be mercy.

DENNIS - 6-26-2009 at 10:26 AM

Originally posted by bajamigo
Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by bajamigo

That would be censorship.

I was thinking more in the line of execution.

That would be mercy.

Don't worry. It's only a pre-Sharky's sentiment.

CaboRon - 6-26-2009 at 11:24 AM

Originally posted by Howard
With the exception of a dead turtle which is a true shame and lives that have apparently been turned upside down which also is a shame, this is better than going to the movies!

Where else can you go for free and be so entertained with such BS by at least one of the parties?

So my advise for those that can't take it any more, just don't look at it any longer. When this thread actually dies I might have to go buy a book and get edjamacated.

Sorry about the Tortuga and the heartache that this has brought some of the parties, but I for one find it entertaining, anyone else feel this way? I guess I am one sick puppy for feeling this way.


Skipjack Joe - 6-26-2009 at 12:54 PM

Let sleeping dogs lay.

KAT54 - 7-14-2009 at 11:49 AM

Just got a phone call up here in Nebraska.
My buddy was fishing in Cabo this week.
He said the Benaventura Hotel is closed.
Munoz had a little trouble with the authorties.
Is this true?
Can anyone down there confirm this?

DENNIS - 7-14-2009 at 11:57 AM

This is the day of the living dead. It's back.

ELINVESTIG8R - 7-14-2009 at 12:04 PM

ramuma53 - Rafael

OLIGUACOMOLE - Olivia and Mark

Any new developments from anyone?

Bajahowodd - 7-14-2009 at 01:46 PM

Blame it on KAT. Should have started a new thread.

rts551 - 7-14-2009 at 02:18 PM

Troll.. Read Kitty's other posts on this thread

[Edited on 7-14-2009 by rts551]

wilderone - 7-14-2009 at 03:46 PM

Just thought I'd be No. 45,000

KAT54 - 7-15-2009 at 05:42 PM

My friend said the hotel was closed.
The restruant is open.
He said there was a complaint how the hotel was run.
The government shut it down.
Is it closed?
I am a little far away to see myself.
Doesn't someone know?
Is the hotel closed?

24baja - 7-15-2009 at 05:55 PM

Maybe they are both in jail

norte - 7-15-2009 at 06:52 PM

or banned

ligui - 7-15-2009 at 06:54 PM

Is their know end to this.....? doesn't anyone have control ??: :P

vandenberg - 7-15-2009 at 07:03 PM

Originally posted by ligui
Is their know end to this.....? doesn't anyone have control ??: :P

Who nos ??:biggrin::biggrin:

mtgoat666 - 7-15-2009 at 07:16 PM

Originally posted by ligui
Is their know end to this.....? doesn't anyone have control ??: :P

the story is not done. what's going on now? when is the trial? did the grudge lead to shooting yet?

don't tell me to go back and read about it -- i need a recap and status report! elvis8, are you out there?

Hook - 7-15-2009 at 07:20 PM

Originally posted by KAT54
My friend said the hotel was closed.
The restruant is open.
He said there was a complaint how the hotel was run.
The government shut it down.
Is it closed?
I am a little far away to see myself.
Doesn't someone know?
Is the hotel closed?

Hard to tell. No one ever really went there anyway, did they?

Damn it, I am going to be part of history on this post. :P

toneart - 7-15-2009 at 09:51 PM

Originally posted by vandenberg
Originally posted by ligui
Is their know end to this.....? doesn't anyone have control ??: :P

Who nos ??:biggrin::biggrin:

Who nose? :spingrin:

DENNIS - 7-16-2009 at 05:56 AM

Originally posted by norte
or banned

Nope...Not banned.

shari - 7-16-2009 at 07:45 AM

I heard an interesting story related to this thread yesterday....Newmads (newbie nomads) Mark & lisa R are here...because of this thread. Lisa remembered a neat looking little hotel on the beach in Bahia Conception and was googling it and came upon this thread...and like many of us..became hooked...and decided NOT to make reservations at the hotel.

But, they are heading down that way today and have promised to provide an onsite report complete with stay tuned nosey nomads!

BTW...those of you who are gonna hook up with these two are in for a real folks!!


OLIGUACOMOLE - 7-16-2009 at 10:24 AM

Well since this has returned I will provide some more poop.
Maybe these statements are all related to the "turtle bust".

About our day in court concerning turtle stew in our kitchen, and parts of turtle in the outside trash is still scheduled. We hope the charges will be dropped in the light of the evidence.
First, the witnesses/tourists have made written statements of the man and woman who entered the restaurant with the blue pot placing it in our kitchen.
Second, statements from the Mexican Marines who claim their "investigator" received prior to the raid free nights in the hotel Munoz occupies. These are the marines who wear black masks. My thanks to the honest Marines my congratulations to you.
Third, we await the answer why a order of inspection was issued in Mazatlan on the 8th of April specifically issued for this restaurant and how it made it here by the 11th with two inspectors direct from Mazatlan. According to top Sagarpa/Conapesca officials in La Paz, this just does not happen. Investigations orders are issued from La Paz.
Fourth, how is it that a anonymous phone call was made two hours before the raid on our restaurant. This phone call claimed there was turtle in a blue pot in the kitchen, turtle parts in our outside trash and drugs under our computer that is on the bar.

At the time no drugs were found under the computer. I would like to make this statement of what happened the other day.
We were cleaning around the bar and we found a black bag. Inside this bag were lots of little bags of drugs, made up evidently for sale or to made to look for sale. Many bags of cocaine and pot were found. We do not know if this was here when the anonymous report was made and the Marines ransacked, but we feel it was and with some miracle it was not found.

SOMEONE planted this chit in our restaurant trying to set us up for selling drugs.

Now you may ask...what have we did we get here?.... Six and one half years ago we were forced to take Rafael Munoz Martinez and American homeowners at Buenaventura to Agrarian Court in La Paz. Munoz for two false titles and illegally possessing our hotel and the homeowners for breaking their contract with Olivia. These homeowners who had contracts with Olivia seemed to side with Rafael Munoz and give him power of attorney showing in person in court with Munoz.

Now after many years of court Olivia is going to win the battle over this dispute and after this apparent fact, we feel this has been the reason for planting of turtle stew in our restaurant, turtle parts in our trash, drugs in the bar at Buenaventura and the arresting of Olivia and our cook Bertha. We have to deal with people that are willing to do anything to win......ANYTHING!

We are not proud of this situation, but maybe it may help others some day in similar situations.

Cypress - 7-16-2009 at 11:21 AM

OLIGUACOMOLE, Thanks for the update and good luck with your trials and tribulations.:yes:

DENNIS - 7-16-2009 at 11:52 AM

Originally posted by shari
....Newmads (newbie nomads)

I like that. Sure sounds better than NOOB.

toneart - 7-16-2009 at 01:14 PM


Is the hotel and restaurant open for business? If so, it would be good for people who wish to stay there to know. It is a real shame this is cutting into your business. Regards to Olivia and best wishes in your trial. I'll stop in to see you next winter, when I arrive for the season.

Who Know's

OLIGUACOMOLE - 7-16-2009 at 02:09 PM

Originally posted by OLIGUACOMOLE
Originally posted by toneart

Is the hotel and restaurant open for business? If so, it would be good for people who wish to stay there to know. It is a real shame this is cutting into your business. Regards to Olivia and best wishes in your trial. I'll stop in to see you next winter, when I arrive for the season.

Well our hours are most of the time open, and sometimes closed. If you could imagine these kind of things that have happened take the fun out of running a business. Wary of who people are, why they are here. We are open type of restaurant hosts hiding nothing.
We are going to close more of the time due to the situation.
Put yourself in a situation where someone would plant bags of drugs on your property to have you arrested.
We feel it is better to close unless we are on location.
What a way to run/have a business!!!! Viva Mexico!

KAT54 - 7-16-2009 at 03:27 PM

OLIGUACOMOLE are not you right next door in the restruant?
Is the hotel open or shut?
You know.

OLIGUACOMOLE - 7-16-2009 at 05:18 PM

Every other night there seems to be someone or a car or truck at the hotel. Almost always it is a one night stay with the customers leaving at the break of dawn.
The air conditioners needed to be replaced before Munoz showed seven years back. The hotel is made of local rock and this time of year it gets very hot, like a sauna. Also, people complain about no water or lack of water pressure. There is a huge amount of smoke that comes out of the generator for the hotel. It looks like a giant BBQ is happening at Buenaventura. I am more cautious with people from the hotel.
As far as I know the hotel is open.

LisaR. - 7-19-2009 at 10:37 PM


As Shari mentioned, Mark and I stopped by Playa Buenaventura. We went into the restaurant and had a couple of GREAT hamburgers. The beach there is beautiful and the bar is really cool. We talked to Marco and he was very friendly and outgoing. We told him that we had read about the situation on BajaNomad, and he told us about the drugs they found under the computer. The next day we came back and rented a kayak from him.

We also went by the hotel. We were met by a very friendly woman who showed us a couple different rooms. They were nice. They looked clean and well kept. We told the woman that we were thinking of staying there another time (which is definitely true, if the whole mess gets cleared up). It is a shame that such a beautiful property is in such a contentious situation, because, honestly, that beach looks like paradise on Earth if the whole thing gets cleared up.

Sorry that I can´t add any new ¨juicy¨information to the story. Everyone we talked to seemed very nice, and it is just a gorgeous beach. We took some pictures and will post them when we get home in a week and set up on photobucket. We will also be posting a trip report!

ramuma53 - 7-24-2009 at 04:08 PM

Sorry I was out of contact but looks like there were news from La Paz about the Turtle kooking by Olivia and her Narc beach boy Marck Jerome Burbey.
Today the officials told me that last week, they raided the Restaurant El Sargazo again and catched Olivia and Merk wit 3 Kg and that is more than 6 Lb of COCAINE, they were in jail for 36 hours, this time Mark and Olivia.
Well looks like the first guys were not making a mistake after all this is becoming an habit, and I mean for them staying in jail.
Of course they again say that I panted the stuf again.
Today Mark Burbey went to the hotel yelling and accusing my employees of planting 3 Kg. of Cocaine in their possession and telling them that his Padrino was very upset at us denouncing and making them lose merchandise, that now they have 3 teams of assassins looking for me in Tijuana and Buenaventura and that my family is in jeopardy also.
Well this guy see a lot of TV or what:O
I just don´t believe this obviously not too bright narc, but the habit of now a different branch of the military catching them with drugs is becoming an habit, but the estrange thing is that they are still free aand walking our beaches; this time they were cached by the Army they said to me.
O and Olivia, Oliguacamole or Vaquera as you are known, I do not need to move all the armed branches in Mexico to catch you, if they keep visiting your place they are going to keep finding illicit stuff, I see that your problem is that you are mad because police that supposedly are under your control keep visiting you and finding drugs, well that is not estrange since even your employees know how you operate and do business, I repeat, just get out of that business in time, you are too old for that, leave it to your beach boy, he is becoming a nice TV narc.
Oh and if I were you, I would change your teams of assassins, because it is real easy to find me, well at least buy them glasses or something.

ramuma53 - 7-24-2009 at 04:25 PM

O and for our guests, the Hotel Buenaventura is open and always will be and all oru Air conditioning units are only one year old and every room has one, but sorry, weather is really hot, but I think you know that about Baja. Everybody is welcome

JESSE - 7-24-2009 at 04:57 PM

NOT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CaboRon - 7-24-2009 at 05:14 PM

Originally posted by toneart
Originally posted by vandenberg
Originally posted by ligui
Is their know end to this.....? doesn't anyone have control ??: :P

Who nos ??:biggrin::biggrin:

Who nose? :spingrin:

The nose noses :lol::lol::lol::lol:

CaboRon - 7-24-2009 at 05:18 PM

Originally posted by OLIGUACOMOLE
Every other night there seems to be someone or a car or truck at the hotel. Almost always it is a one night stay with the customers leaving at the break of dawn.
The air conditioners needed to be replaced before Munoz showed seven years back. The hotel is made of local rock and this time of year it gets very hot, like a sauna. Also, people complain about no water or lack of water pressure. There is a huge amount of smoke that comes out of the generator for the hotel. It looks like a giant BBQ is happening at Buenaventura. I am more cautious with people from the hotel.
As far as I know the hotel is open.

I love a good BBQ :lol:

BajaNuts - 7-24-2009 at 05:33 PM

Where's the self-destruct button when you need it?:?:

I think ramuma is really HAL

where's Dave....Dave? what are you doing, Dave?

bajamigo - 7-24-2009 at 08:51 PM

3 kilos of coke merits 36 hours in jail? Something doesn't ring true about that latest update. Anyway, let's keep this fresh and original thread going...I'm aiming to be the 50,000th post!

duke62 - 7-25-2009 at 01:11 AM

I am sorry, ramuma53, but your use of the word "estrange" just put me over the edge. You are not real. No person, even English as a second language student , would type out, "estrange," in place of, "It is strange." I know my Spanglish. Sad....

fishbuck - 7-25-2009 at 01:23 AM

You are so right!

Really "estrange" man.

arrowhead - 7-25-2009 at 01:41 AM

Originally posted by duke62
I am sorry, ramuma53, but your use of the word "estrange" just put me over the edge. You are not real. No person, even English as a second language student , would type out, "estrange," in place of, "It is strange." I know my Spanglish. Sad....

Duke, "estrange" is not Spanglish. ramuma is just writing phonetically. It is very common for Spanish speakers who pick up English later in life -- not from early school learning -- to use the "es" sound where the English and Spanish words are similar to begin with.

Common examples are:
estamp = estampia
eschool = escuela
estranger = extranjero

You need to hang with some Mexicans.

JESSE - 7-25-2009 at 12:26 PM

This guy manonegra is "estranger" than fiction.

ramuma53 - 7-25-2009 at 02:19 PM

Sorry for the extra e I just overlooked it and I don´t see the point in correcting it now, that it has generated so many friendly responses.
Well Bajamigo, that is what they told me in the PGR in La Paz and my employees saw when they were arrested and taken away by the Army this time (Last time were the Marines) and somebody corrected me also, Mark Jerome Burbey and Maria Olivia Higuera Aguilar were detained 72 hours not 36 but the amount of drugs was correct 3 Kilos and yes it is extremely strange that they were able to come out free after just 72 hours, but you know how things happen and the illegal drugs end up being just gypsum or even sugar after careful examination$$$$$$$$
It may sound not true, but a lot of what is happening, I may not have believed it just a few years back, but now, I know that anything is possible in Baja with this lady.
But one thing is true, her story that all that is happening to her, is fabricated by me and she is framed honest nice lady, is becoming incredible, because I would have to be able to control the Navy, Army, Propesca, Marines and Mexican FBI (PGR) just to put her in jail a few days and if I really were able to do that, she for sure would be in jail by now.

KAT54 - 7-25-2009 at 04:49 PM

LisaR was just there and said the place looked normal.
3 kilos of drugs is 6 pounds
That is alot of coke.
If they were in jail then why is the restruant still open.
The people involved would be in jail still.
Munoz, are not you getting ready to lose the hotel.
And, when I was there this winter the air conditioners were older than 1year old.
I think you are desparate because you are ready to lose the hotel.
This is why you are spreading these rumors without any facts to back them up.
Olivia will soon have a case against you.
Soon tourists will not come to the hotel or restruant.
It looks too dangerous.
We will just drive by.

David K - 7-26-2009 at 12:22 AM

I believe this is the first time I posted in this thread...

The restaurant is open and has customers... we went there twice last week on different days.

Baja Angel and I met Mark & Olivia a few days ago and had really great cheeseburgers and fries a couple days ago. What a great place to eat/ drink/ socialize with nice folks. What they have been put through is a crying shame.

Mark (Oliguacomole) said I could post his photo in my trip report of our trip... HE is a REAL person, there all the time... I found them both to be quite believable and wish them a quick end to the nightmare.

[Edited on 7-26-2009 by David K]

duke62 - 7-26-2009 at 02:18 AM

Arrowhead. My brothers and I were in bilingual education. Mi hermano now teaches Spanish at a high school in San Diego, and was a translator for Mexican officials for some time. I am not as good as him, but, I know Spanish, and Spanglish. "Estrange" for "It is strange" is not either. Your examples do not fit what I was commenting about. Which was, the changing character of this person's dialogue/voice.

All of us have read this story with curious facination, but it is only watching a car/train wreck. Dios mio, I am so sorry I posted on this thread. Paz.

KAT54 - 7-26-2009 at 02:32 PM

DavidK did you ask if Narc and Olivia was in jail 3 days?
Did you get any part of the 6 pounds of coke?
After eating the cheese burgers were you up all night?
Were there boats unloading drugs at 3AM?
Was Mano Negro there?
Is he ever there?
Did you look at the hotel?
Are the rooms in bad shape?
Does the generator really look like a bbq?
Are Narc and Olivia really out to get Mano Negro?

rts551 - 7-26-2009 at 03:34 PM


You are falling......into the great internet abyss .... and don't challenge the gurus

cabobaja - 7-26-2009 at 04:03 PM

Kate, if you are so concerned, interested...........why do you not go and see for yourself?

BajaNuts - 7-26-2009 at 04:05 PM

shucks, can't think of anything funny to say to be post #800

David K - 7-26-2009 at 07:18 PM

Originally posted by KAT54
DavidK did you ask if Narc and Olivia was in jail 3 days?
Did you get any part of the 6 pounds of coke?
After eating the cheese burgers were you up all night?
Were there boats unloading drugs at 3AM?
Was Mano Negro there?
Is he ever there?
Did you look at the hotel?
Are the rooms in bad shape?
Does the generator really look like a bbq?
Are Narc and Olivia really out to get Mano Negro?

My reply in this thread is to give Baja Nomads (who know me or know why I am on Nomad) a FIRST HAND impression of my meeting Mark and Olivia... who have been operating a business there long before anyone ever heard of the other person, whose accusations are so wild that anyone should be able to see through this mud slinging.

I didn't intend to go there and report on the meeting, it happened quite naturally thanks to a visitor of Bob & Susan's resort, while we were in the pool there.

Since I was invited to drop in, I did... and I am sharing with you what my impressions of them are. They impressed me as good people who have been wronged by an outsider who wants to have what they worked so hard to build and maintain.

That's all folks!

ramuma53 - 7-27-2009 at 08:46 AM

David K
I do not dispute that specially Olivia is a nice person with Americans, because you cannot say the same with Mexicans who go to her restaurant, even Narc is sometimes something like a nice person, especially when he is complaining against us, but be there a 3 AM in the morning when they make their real business, see all the AK47 and then you tell me if they are good persons; they are there to appear to be nice persons, but the drugs that are unloaded there are on their way to the USA and fuel the corruption on local authorities.
Please find a person who have been in my hotel and have heard somebody complaining against Olivia, you won’t, because I forbid my employees to even talk about Olivia or Narc.
Their main source of complain is a policy I have in my hotel and that is, to allow any member of the police or armed forces, to stay there for free for as long as they want, I have lent rooms for whole groups of Federal Police, Army and Navy during their normal operations in the area; I do this because my hotel is 30 miles from town and that way I always have a police enforcer around, you will never know what police force have members there, at what time and that is exactly why I do it and what I want, for our own security, but being there all the time, they as policemen or soldiers, have noticed the Olivia´s restaurant illicit activities at night and the way they supply the beaches with narcotics, through the local curiosidades mobile sellers and the big unloading operations every 3 to 4 weeks, also the coming and going of American cars during the night with lights off but, everything really started, when a Navy intelligence official and a PGR intelligence official were there and witnessed an unloading operation at 3 AM and noticed how our telephone was destroyed that same day, but they only had their side weapons with them and didn´t want to confront several people armed with AK47 being unable to call for help; that was the first night that the restaurant was raided by the Marines a few hours later when they were able to report to the Navy headquarters and the turtle issue came just a few days later and really they were caught because the Marines were looking for the drugs, not the turtles, and that is why at this time, in any police agency is well informed about the drug unloading operation they have and that is why they will keep on raiding their place and catching them with small quantities until they catch what they want, a big load.
But during the day, their work is to appear as nice people and complain and complain.

[Edited on 7-27-2009 by ramuma53]

ramuma53 - 7-27-2009 at 09:05 AM

A liar as always, the air conditioning units at the hotel, were repalaced last summer and almost all rooms have a new unit now, the only old A/C units we have now, are there, because they work better than the new ones and there is no reason to replace them, they are old but good and will be replaced the day they fail, we have replacements there waiting, so if you do not know anything about our hotel, please do not lie to nice people, because guest, do not have a reason to know why you have so many things to complain, mostly for being put in jail for drug trafficking.

ramuma53 - 7-27-2009 at 09:15 AM

you look like cook, but I see that you think like a small one; why is it that you are not permeable to facts, Olivia and Narc are being put in jail for drug possesion, for selling sea turtle, for robery, damages, lying to the judicial authorities, for renting federal zone, for selling alchool in Federal zone and they are being put away not by me, by your own government and police forces and I mean Marines, Fisheries, Army and PGR, not me, why don´t you understand what our president is doing when he is facing the narcotics industry?, you do not understand that we are like Chicago in Balentine´s day, that we all have to push the drug dealers back.
Please go out of your kitchen some time and see that we as businessman, can not get employees that are not in to drugs, that the corruption it generates send away tourism, taking the customers out of your restaurant.
That kind of thinking is what allows Mexico to be this way and we need to change it, like our president is trying to do now.

How's Business?

tripledigitken - 7-27-2009 at 09:28 AM


Do you think your posts here help convince anyone of your point of view and or help your business?


ramuma53 - 7-27-2009 at 09:31 AM

If you do not know by yourself, please don´t say other people´s lies.
I have not even one problem with authorities or even an investigation open on me, Buenaventura hotel is open for business and has never been closed by the government or even by us, it is open for business as it has allways been and ready to receive our guests.
The only place that has been closed is El Sargazo restaurant, when they caught them selling sea turtle and a week ago, when they caught them with 3 Kg. of COCAINE and were put in jail 72 hours, but the Olivia´s restaurant has nothing to do with Buenaventura Hotel, it is in Federal Zone, out of my property.
So please people, try to say here only what you know by first hand, by your own experience.

ELINVESTIG8R - 7-27-2009 at 09:42 AM

I have never taken one side or the other because I do not know the truth. I do in fact like hearing from both sides because it gives them a place to vent or explain their side even though this is not a court of law and nothing can get resolved here. I would like to continue hearing from each side until their issues are resolved in court.
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