
Arizonas new Imigration Bill(This has turned into a Rat Hole)

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Lobsterman - 5-11-2010 at 01:19 PM

I'm getting ready to comfortably retire in Feb 2011 after a work career spanning 6 decades. Here are some of my 1st jobs that gave me the work ethic, confidence in my abilities, leadership and experience that lead to better jobs and ultimately a successful career.

1st Job: 12/63 thru 5/64 (in high school)..Ricky's Drive-In, Scottsdale, AZ at 90 cents per hr

5/64 thru 9/67....many jobs, i.e. fash food, mow lawns all summer, bussboy, waiter, roach coach, Circle K, picked cantelopes in Yuma (jun-aug) lodged at POW encampment.

Melody a girl friend of mine at the time cleaned motel rooms for spending money. She ended up forming a company Melody Maids and bragged to her father when her gross earnings exceeded $1m/year.

These were jobs that today are routinely jobs taken by people not legally in this country. In my area there are few jobs for high school kids in the summer or as part-time jobs during the school year. That's my only gripe with this immigration issue. If we do not invest in our kids future by allowing them a better opportunity to find a job early in their career we are mortgaging their future earnings capacity not to mention their feelings of self worth. I talk from personal experience on this statement.

Let the other countries take care of there own instead of blaming the USA for not taking better care of them. Why is it our responsibilty to look after people who purposely break our laws and take jobs our kids need for their betterment in society?


[Edited on 5-11-2010 by Lobsterman]

oxxo - 5-11-2010 at 02:28 PM

Originally posted by Lobsterman
Why is it our responsibilty to look after people who purposely break our laws and take jobs our kids need for their betterment in society?

Exactly who gives those illegal aliens those jobs that US kids could be doing? Why aren't you angry at them?

(pumped gasoline in 1960 @ 25 cents an hour)

Santiago - 5-11-2010 at 04:46 PM

From this week's New Yorker

Bajafun777 - 5-12-2010 at 07:33 AM

Return after just doing seasonal work??? Well, if 12 million are now here after Regan let 4 million have the free wave of the magic stick of US citizenship, then I really do not see the seasonal work issue sticking,LOL. USA is a great Country and everybody wants it, needs it, and seeks it just need to fix it so everybody doesn't sink the boat. Whether you believe it or not our boat will not float with too many regardless of where they come from. Now, tell me when has Mexico waved that magic stick to give US citizens living in Mexico the same right to their citizenship which Mexico guards so closely? The same Mexico that then screams at USA for doing its enforcement to get some kind of possible handle on this illegal immigration issue. Ah, live is sweet but again our boat will not keep floating with adding too many from all of these Countries wanting what America has. I also do not want to keep having my taxes raised again and again like in California to pay for the extra services for all of the people "Coming To America Today." Let those that need it want it and seek it do it in legal way to which our USA recognizes then I just will get stuck with the bill for added services for add-ons that at least obeyed our laws. Just ask yourselves what would Mexico do with you if found living,working,marching against their government actions on immigration,demanding services no matter the cost and least we say housing too??? Later and Let Life Smile On All Of You Today, bajafun777

shari - 5-12-2010 at 07:48 AM

Originally posted by Bajafun777
USA is a great Country and everybody wants it, needs it, and seeks it

ummm...sorry amigo....I got news for ya...not EVERYBODY wants it, needs it or seeks it.

But I sure agree about fixing it.

Bajafun777 - 5-12-2010 at 08:22 AM

Sorry Sheri hate to burst your bubble but far more wants it, needs it and seeks it over any other Country just the facts nothing but the facts,LOL. Some may venture away for a while but all come home to USA sooner or later "Just The Way It Is." No other Country has as many people trying to immigrate in as the USA look at the facts nothing but the facts. Fixing it means keeping USA from going bankrupt and us paying for it taxed out of our homes. Let the USA just adopt the same immigration rules as Mexico across the board sound fair???? :saint::light::lol: Later-----------bajafun777

shari - 5-12-2010 at 08:45 AM

hey FUn....I agree that many want it, needs it and seeks it but you said EVERYONE...hate to burst your bubble but I sure know LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of people who dont...on both sides of your borders.
oh yeah and ALL do not come home sooner or later...there are LOTS of americans living in canada and abroad who will NEVER go "home". Just the the facts maam er...sir.

Mexicans would be ecstatic if the immigration rules were the same as's easy as pie to get a work visa here and getting easier all the time. Ooops forgot to get your tourist or work problema...paga la multa and your good to go.

Mexicorn - 5-12-2010 at 08:57 AM

Arizona gov. signs bill targeting ethnic studies

By JONATHAN J. COOPER, Associated Press Writer Jonathan J. Cooper, Associated Press Writer – Wed May 12, 6:23 am ET
PHOENIX – Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has signed a bill targeting a school district's ethnic studies program, hours after a report by United Nations human rights experts condemned the measure.

State schools chief Tom Horne, who has pushed the bill for years, said he believes the Tucson school district's Mexican-American studies program teaches Latino students that they are oppressed by white people.

Public schools should not be encouraging students to resent a particular race, he said.

"It's just like the old South, and it's long past time that we prohibited it," Horne said.

Brewer's signature on the bill Tuesday comes less than a month after she signed the nation's toughest crackdown on illegal immigration — a move that ignited international backlash amid charges the measure would encourage racial profiling of Hispanics. The governor has said profiling will not be tolerated.

The measure signed Tuesday prohibits classes that advocate ethnic solidarity, that are designed primarily for students of a particular race or that promote resentment toward a certain ethnic group.

The Tucson Unified School District program offers specialized courses in African-American, Mexican-American and Native-American studies that focus on history and literature and include information about the influence of a particular ethnic group.

For example, in the Mexican-American Studies program, an American history course explores the role of Hispanics in the Vietnam War, and a literature course emphasizes Latino authors.

Horne, a Republican running for attorney general, said the program promotes "ethnic chauvinism" and racial resentment toward whites while segregating students by race. He's been trying to restrict it ever since he learned that Hispanic civil rights activist Dolores Huerta told students in 2006 that "Republicans hate Latinos."

District officials said the program doesn't promote resentment, and they believe it would comply with the new law.

The measure doesn't prohibit classes that teach about the history of a particular ethnic group, as long as the course is open to all students and doesn't promote ethnic solidarity or resentment.

About 1,500 students at six high schools are enrolled in the Tucson district's program. Elementary and middle school students also are exposed to the ethnic studies curriculum. The district is 56 percent Hispanic, with nearly 31,000 Latino students.

Sean Arce, director of the district's Mexican-American Studies program, said last month that students perform better in school if they see in the curriculum people who look like them.

"It's a highly engaging program that we have, and it's unfortunate that the state Legislature would go so far as to censor these classes," he said.

Six UN human rights experts released a statement earlier Tuesday saying all people have the right to learn about their own cultural and linguistic heritage, they said.

Brewer spokesman Paul Senseman didn't directly address the UN criticism, but said Brewer supports the bill's goal.

"The governor believes ... public school students should be taught to treat and value each other as individuals and not be taught to resent or hate other races or classes of people," Senseman said.

Arce could not immediately be reached after Brewer signed the bill late Tuesday.

Copied from Associated Press.

My only question is what comes next book burning?
Is history condemed to repeat itself?

The U. N. ?

MrBillM - 5-12-2010 at 09:53 AM

That's the organization that condemns Arizona and embraces Human-Rights champions such as Libya and Iran along with Totalitarian Dictatorships like Cuba and Venezuela.

The U.N. is the biggest collection of International Thugs in one place on Earth. Their "Peace-Keeping forces" are both Incompetent and morally bereft. The biggest bunch of Rapists around. The U.N. should be exiled from the U.S. and the buildings leveled so that no memory remains.

It's no wonder that the Liberals love the U.N. It's EXACTLY their kind of Huge, Bumbling and Intrusive Bureaucracy attempting to control every aspect of human activity to their vision.

BURN the U.N. Down.

Mexicorn - 5-12-2010 at 10:03 AM

Please review:

Link from youtube.

[Edited on 5-12-2010 by Mexicorn]

Mexicorn - 5-12-2010 at 10:11 AM

Also one of Gov. Jans favorite tunes:

Copied from youtube.

Dave - 5-12-2010 at 10:27 AM

Originally posted by Mexicorn
Six UN human rights experts released a statement earlier Tuesday saying all people have the right to learn about their own cultural and linguistic heritage, they said.

After 50 years, I'm still traumatized by the lack of a Jewish studies program in my all Christian public school. My parents actually had to take up the burden. The horror. :rolleyes:

Cypress - 5-12-2010 at 10:52 AM

Yea, and what about the Scotch-Irish/German studies? My self-esteem is at risk and my identity is threatened. No one will learn of my rich heritage. Maybe a counselor could help?:lol:

Dave - 5-12-2010 at 11:04 AM

Originally posted by Cypress
Yea, and what about the Scotch-Irish/German studies?

A visit to the local bar for lots of German beer followed by dozens of Irish whiskey shooters should do the trick.

And don't forget not to tip. :rolleyes:

The Disappearing Boycott ?

MrBillM - 5-12-2010 at 12:35 PM

As the FACT settles in that canceling contracts and contacts with Arizona in a fit over a law that hasn't taken effect and specifically rules out bias and discrimination in enforcement, many cities, including Los Angeles are rethinking their stand on Lunatic Principle. Agencies directly involved in those contracts are warning against the possible illegality of canceling those contracts and the adverse economic effect on Los Angeles if they are.

While still remaining indignantly outraged and principled, the lawmakers are inserting into their resolution language words like "Where Practical" and "Where it doesn't create economic loss to the City".

Principles and Politicians.

An Oxymarooon ? Dealing with marooons.

Cypress - 5-12-2010 at 12:46 PM

Dave, What's a "tip"?:lol:

Mexicorn - 5-12-2010 at 01:48 PM

Please read on if you still dont think AZ Gov. Jan Brewer is a race baiter trying to sink that state. I have to ask myself when the state sanctioned book burnings on the steps of the State Capitol are going to take place.

I copied this from the LA times-

Arizona bill targeting ethnic studies signed into law

Gov. Jan Brewer signs the bill that bans schools from teaching classes designed for students of a particular ethnic group. School districts may appeal the law, which becomes effective Dec. 31.
Residents defend Arizona after immigration law
Both sides in Arizona's immigration debate use crime argument
First lawsuits filed to challenge Arizona illegal-immigrant law
Calls to boycott Arizona grow over new immigration law
By Nicole Santa Cruz, Los Angeles Times

May 12, 2010

A bill that aims to ban ethnic studies in Arizona schools was signed into law Tuesday by Gov. Jan Brewer, cheering critics who called such classes divisive and alarming others who said it's yet another law targeting Latinos in the state.

The move comes less than 20 days after Brewer signed a controversial immigration bill that has caused widespread protests against the state. The governor's press office did not return requests for comment Tuesday evening.

HB 2281 bans schools from teaching classes that are designed for students of a particular ethnic group, promote resentment or advocate ethnic solidarity over treating pupils as individuals. The bill also bans classes that promote the overthrow of the U.S. government.

The bill was written to target the Chicano, or Mexican American, studies program in the Tucson school system, said state Supt. of Public Instruction Tom Horne.

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School districts that don't comply with the new law could have as much as 10% of their state funds withheld each month. Districts have the right to appeal the mandate, which goes into effect Dec. 31.

Tucson Unified School District officials say the Chicano studies classes benefit students and promote critical thinking. "We don't teach all those ugly things they think we're teaching," said Judy Burns, the president of the district's governing board.

She has no intention of ending the program, which offers courses from elementary school through high school in topics such as literature, history and social justice, with an emphasis on Latino authors and history. About 3% of the district's 55,000 students are enrolled in such classes.

Horne has been trying to end the program for years, saying it divides students by race and promotes resentment. He singled out one history book used in some classes, "Occupied America: A History of Chicanos," by Rodolfo Acuna, a professor and founder of the Chicano studies program at Cal State Northridge.

"To begin with, the title of the book implies to the kids that they live in occupied America, or occupied Mexico," Horne said last week in a telephone interview.

Also last week, Augustine Romero, director of student equity in the Tucson school district, said it now had become politically acceptable to attack Latinos in Arizona.

Ethnic studies are taught at high schools and colleges nationwide, but the Tucson district officials say their 14-year-old program is unique because it's districtwide, offered to grades K-12, and can satisfy high school graduation requirements.

In Los Angeles, more educators have been attempting to build curriculums, teaching lessons or units in ethnic studies, especially with the growth of charter schools in the area, said Maythee Rojas, the president of the National. Assn. of Ethnic Studies. "I don't think it's uncommon anymore," she said.

In Tucson, the program is supported by a court-ordered desegregation budget, and is part of the district's initiative to create equal access for Latinos.

Board member Mark Stegeman said he believes the board needs to consider the program carefully and whether the courses, as taught, violate the new law. Perhaps an external audit could be done to assess that, he said.

Ethnic studies courses are sometimes controversial because people believe the programs are attempting to replace one voice with another, Rojas said.

The Tucson district plans to double the number of students in Chicano studies in the upcoming school year, said Sean Arce, the director of the program. Arce said that now that the bill has become law, he's waiting for direction from the district's legal department.

My Comment-
Arnold who's father was a brown shirt wont even stand behind dim wit Brewer on this one. way to sink your state Gov. Brewer-

My comment- Arizona's full of Mexican haters:fire:

Who's ?

MrBillM - 5-12-2010 at 01:56 PM

Yoo Hoo ! You All.

That's WHOSE, not Who's.

BTW, LATEST Pew Research Poll shows approval at 73 percent NATIONWIDE.

THAT'S a Lot of Haters. Are the Hispanics in favor "Self-Haters" ? How about the Blacks in favor ? Bunch of Haters, there ?

[Edited on 5-12-2010 by MrBillM]

Mexicorn - 5-12-2010 at 02:08 PM

Mr. Bill M, are you or have you ever been a member of the Arizona Minute Men or any gun toting, chaw spitten, cousin marryin or-gan-i-zation ?

And Sorry about the mis-spelling. I didn't know we were in a spelling bee.

Mexicorn - 5-12-2010 at 02:57 PM

Boycott Arizona!
Copied from youtube-

[Edited on 5-12-2010 by Mexicorn]

Not If They Are Informed

Bajahowodd - 5-12-2010 at 03:41 PM

Originally posted by MrBillM
Yoo Hoo ! You All.

That's WHOSE, not Who's.

BTW, LATEST Pew Research Poll shows approval at 73 percent NATIONWIDE.

THAT'S a Lot of Haters. Are the Hispanics in favor "Self-Haters" ? How about the Blacks in favor ? Bunch of Haters, there ?

[Edited on 5-12-2010 by MrBillM]

Amazing that one can shop for data that will support their position on just about anything. Truth is that right or wrong, in an economic downturn, with high unemployment, the average yokel, when not making a fool out of themselves on Leno's Jaywalking segments, is merely frustrated by the idea that jobs and allegedly tax dollars are going to someone else.

Seriously, how can anyone trust those numbers, given deceptive polling practices, and again referring to Leno, the amazing ignorance of a vast amount of our population. If people don't care about educating themselves through legitimate sources, how valid is a knee jerk poll?

BTW, in the panoply of late night hosts, Leno obviously appeals to the beer v. the champagne crowd. I try to watch Letterman when I can.

Cypress - 5-12-2010 at 03:52 PM

Bajahowodd, The "average yokel"? Look in a mirror.:biggrin:

Lobsterman - 5-12-2010 at 03:59 PM

Why is someone who supports the AZ immigration Bill labeled a racist or a latino hater. That is stereo-typing over half the hardworking, blue bloodied americans in this country. We have nothing against Latinos nor are we mexican haters. We are just normal people that take offense to people who circumvent our laws by entering our country illegally and we would like them to leave for various reasons, i.e. our scarce funding for social services, physical security, jobs, etc. We do not care if they are chinese, european, asian, etc. Just please leave our country and do not come back until you are invited back in. PERIOD


[Edited on 5-12-2010 by Lobsterman]

Mexicorn - 5-12-2010 at 04:13 PM

Originally posted by Lobsterman
Why is someone who supports the AZ immigration Bill labeled a racist or a latino hater. That is stereo-typing over half the hardworking, blue bloodied americans in this country. We have nothing against Latinos nor are we mexican haters. We are just normal people that take offense to people who circumvent our laws by entering our country illegally and we would like them to leave for various reasons, i.e. our scarce funding for social services, physical security, jobs, etc. We do not care if they are chinese, european, asian, etc. Just please leave our country and do not come back until you are invited back in. PERIOD


[Edited on 5-12-2010 by Lobsterman]

Then why on earth would you support a law that is based in racism. Reasonable suspicion- the true litmus test was that the color of the skin was my P.C.

Wake up! You say you love baja right you are here on this board so what do you say or you just here trying to stir the pot?

You know how the Mexican people feel about the fact that they are singled out for thier skin color in Arizona right?

How would you like it if you were singled out because of yours?

How can people be so ignorant?:fire:

Doesn't Help

Bajahowodd - 5-12-2010 at 04:20 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
Bajahowodd, The "average yokel"? Look in a mirror.:biggrin:

Because I'm a vampire!:lol::lol:

But, to get to Lobsterman's point, forget the racist allegations. Why many people are upset about this law strikes at the heart of our democracy. We have prided ourselves on our freedom and privacy. This law, however it may be enforced, case by case, officer by officer, flies in the face of how we have always viewed ourselves as a nation. Geez. Has anyone ever gone for a walk around the neighborhood, and not carried their wallet? It might just be me, but, the idea that I might be subject to questioning, and asked to provide ID just makes me nauseous. It's not the country in which I grew up. That's not a comment on the immigration problem. It's a comment on what this country has become; more so since 9/11, and the power grab of the Bush/ Devil administration.

Gun-Toter ?

MrBillM - 5-12-2010 at 04:22 PM

Yeah, you Betcha !

NRA Life-Member for the last Twenty Years.

OddOne ? Leno v. Letterman ? Where did that come from ?

I couldn't/wouldn't comment on what either says. From the ads, they're both Dipchits. The big difference seems to be how many staff members they've sexually Harassed.

Going back to the original (Jack Parr), including Steve Allen, Johnny Carson, bonehead Cavett, C-S Conan and whoever else, IF you were to total the minutes I've watched them all, you might get to an hour and THEN it would be because they've been on someplace else that I've been.

Back in my younger days, I DID enjoy watching Joe Pyne now and then and TOM DUGGAN was my hero. Followed him from channel to channel in L.A. and watched every chance I got. God, Guns and Guts Conservative Mick. What a guy. To this day, everytime I hear "Peg of my Heart", I think about that show.

Back on point, Pew Research "has' been a poll that the Lefty Louts respected. Of course, they don't choose to respect or believe ANY poll that doesn't reflect their warped beliefs. We'll see what they believe in November.

Speaking of which, another incumbent Dem got picked off by those Reactionaries.

And, Corny, don't feel bad that you can't spell. That's the result of a Liberal education. It's not your fault. As long as you've got great self-esteem, you don't actually have to KNOW anything.

Lefties prove that everyday.

Mexicorn - 5-12-2010 at 04:29 PM

So you are saying that you dont like the fact that you would have to carry your ID around with you at all time. "Your papers please."
I see what a great free country huh. So would the color of one's shoes also come into play as far as who and who is and who is not singled out for thier ID?

And lets not leave out Jan Brewer, under her hairline I hear there is a 666 tatoo.
PS Poizner is a wasted vote you GOP diehards! Ha Ha Ha!!!

monoloco - 5-12-2010 at 04:30 PM

Originally posted by Bajafun777
Sorry Sheri hate to burst your bubble but far more wants it, needs it and seeks it over any other Country just the facts nothing but the facts,LOL. Some may venture away for a while but all come home to USA sooner or later "Just The Way It Is." No other Country has as many people trying to immigrate in as the USA look at the facts nothing but the facts. Fixing it means keeping USA from going bankrupt and us paying for it taxed out of our homes. Let the USA just adopt the same immigration rules as Mexico across the board sound fair???? :saint::light::lol: Later-----------bajafun777
Somebody's welcome to take my place.

Cypress - 5-12-2010 at 04:30 PM

Mexicorn, Ignorant? :biggrin: Probably not.:D Just driving home your agenda. Lobsterman? Good luck! You're just being honest. And honesty will get you into a world of trouble.:D

Bajahowodd - 5-12-2010 at 04:33 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
Mexicorn, Ignorant? :biggrin: Probably not.:D Just driving home your agenda. Lobsterman? Good luck! You're just being honest. And honesty will get you into a world of trouble.:D

Ignorance will do it even more quickly.:P

Mexicorn - 5-12-2010 at 04:36 PM

Originally posted by MrBillM
Yeah, you Betcha !

NRA Life-Member for the last Twenty Years.

"And, Corny, don't feel bad that you can't spell. That's the result of a Liberal education. It's not your fault. As long as you've got great self-esteem, you don't actually have to KNOW anything."

Lefties prove that everyday.

Thanks Bill you make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
I cant belive I once crossed party lines and voted for W. Your right I'm an idiot!

Cant wait for my welfare check so I can spend it at the bar.
Thats Right I'm a Lefty-

Jack Parr- Your an old timer! You tote that gun around while down here in Old Mexico too?
Have you ever been to old Mexico or do you just stay there in Pheonix with your doors locked in fear of Mexicans?

Sharksbaja - 5-12-2010 at 04:47 PM

Originally posted by Dave
Originally posted by Cypress
Yea, and what about the Scotch-Irish/German studies?

A visit to the local bar for lots of German beer followed by dozens of Irish whiskey shooters should do the trick.

And don't forget not to tip. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Cypress
Dave, what's a tip?

Spoken like a true spud!;)

[Edited on 5-13-2010 by Sharksbaja]

bajaamy - 5-12-2010 at 04:56 PM

Well, I'll wade in with a few ideas that have helped me find direction in a very complicated issue. I work with immigrant farmworkers every day as an advocate and chaplain.

--Immigrant farmworkers are contributors to our economy and agricultural system. They pay taxes and pay into the social security system (although for obvious reasons the undocumented workers will not have that money returned to them). It is true that they use social services, but in our area, no one is getting rich on a migrant farmworker lifestyle. It is a lifestyle born out of desperation. It is a choice that many of us would make if faced with the same circumstances.

--Policies of wealthy nations like ours (including NAFTA) make it difficult if not impossible for farmers in rural areas in Mexico to stay on their land. The cost of planting is greater than the amount received in harvest. When forming an opinion about undocumented immigrants, it's important to also consider our nation's role in creating push factors that drive people north to survive.

--Mixing the role of local police and immigration creates danger (especially for women and children). No one will report domestic violence and abuse if they fear being detained and deported. I've personally observed many cases of undocumented mothers being separated from their U.S. citizen children. Do the needs of young citizens not count?

--Perhaps most important to me is the human concern. Take a moment and put yourself in the shoes of another. It's easy to comment on the issue from the perspective of relative wealth and security. The issue is very complicated and undocumented immigration is far from ideal for everyone. It is not "fair" for many reasons, but within the issue is a real human concern. For a long time I debated in my head about what was right legally. Finally I chose to help the person in front of me. I think we must debate policy, and fix policy, but in the meantime reach out to the human beings around us who haven't had even a fraction of the chances we've had.

My humble .02!

k-rico - 5-12-2010 at 05:06 PM

bajaamy!! :bounce:

Bajahowodd - 5-12-2010 at 05:09 PM

God bless you, Amy. Now, duck for cover!

Pheonix ?

MrBillM - 5-12-2010 at 05:15 PM

Never lived there. Or, even Phoenix ! But, who's spelling ?

I did live for a short time in Mesa working for one of my (many) Mormon relatives. THAT ranked up there with one of my bigger mistakes because I KNEW down deep that it was a mistake before doing it.

I thought Mesa was a beautiful town (in the 60s), but it's probably gone to scheisse like the rest of the area by now. That's it. Less than a year. My total time living in Arizona.

Naw, I'm a third-generation Native Angeleno Californicator who moved from L.A. in 1969 because I thought it had become a sewer. Being a Racist Bastard, I ended up in Indio and CHOSE to rent a house with Hispanics on either side of me. For that matter, when we sold out in Watts after 1966, we bought another house a little to the West in South L.A. with a BLACK family next door.

Old enough to remember when it was COMMON for California to elect Repugs.

ALSO old enough to remember when you DID have to show your I.D. when the officers asked you. Or, maybe go to jail. I never had a problem with it and thought it was just another example of that Commie Bastard Warren Court when they ruled otherwise.

As far as Baja goes, been going there since childhood. Ate at the Blue Fox (and a lot of others). Thanks to Tijuana, San Luis and South L.A., I've shagged more Senoritas than any other variety. Blacks coming in second. By the time I graduated from High school, I'd only had one White (steady) girlfriend. Fished Ensenada in the 50s. First went to San Felipe in 1966. Resided south of there since 1982, spending more time South of the Border since retirement (2002) than North.

Fer Christ sakes...

Dave - 5-12-2010 at 05:16 PM

Originally posted by Mexicorn
So you are saying that you dont like the fact that you would have to carry your ID around with you at all time.

Like it or not, who doesn't carry their ID? I'm asked for it nearly every time I make a credit purchase...And I appreciate being asked.

True Confessions, Eh?

Bajahowodd - 5-12-2010 at 05:26 PM

"Being a Racist Bastard"

Before you glorify the LAPD, you'll have to become an apologist for Parker and Gates, iconic racists. Your post was almost heart-warming, but for the sincerity. You can blather all you want, and insult me anyway of which you are capable, but, at the end of the day, despite your attempt at self-deprecation, you just confessed.:(

Cypress - 5-12-2010 at 05:42 PM

Bajahowodd, Only if you are unable to play the race card.:biggrin:

Mexicorn - 5-12-2010 at 06:09 PM

I love this! LOL! What a forum!

comitan - 5-12-2010 at 06:13 PM

Originally posted by Mexicorn
I love this! LOL! What a forum!

This is the guy a couple of days ago wanted this thread closed.:?::?::?:

gnukid - 5-12-2010 at 07:23 PM


So how can we protect illegal immigrants? What would be a solution? It seems that being in a catch 22 is not a workable circumstance, even without the silly arizona circumstance, there are 800 sanctuary cities in the USA where illegal aliens can not be prosecuted for failing to have a license, registration, insurance, gun possession, etc... so they can't leave the sanctuary city or they feel at risk, so there they are stuck in the city with no way to be legal and no way out?

The current federal policy isn't working to protect woman and children and it can't without a consistent application of the rule of law which would require some application of the law which is equal for all?

So what do we do?

Survey/Poll results

bajaguy - 5-12-2010 at 07:42 PM

bajaamy - 5-12-2010 at 08:20 PM

Originally posted by gnukid
there are 800 sanctuary cities in the USA where illegal aliens can not be prosecuted for failing to have a license, registration, insurance, gun possession, etc...

Hello there, gnu--

What the "sanctuary city" means is that municipal police do not ask about immigration status. It doesn't mean they don't arrest folks for other reasons.

For example, in our community, the police (usually) do not ask about immigration status. But if someone undocumented is arrested on charges and taken into custody, he will surely be deported, because immigration officials come daily to the jail and check everyone's status. So the agencies have different functions and those roles are kept separate.

Depending on the crime, the individual will either serve their time in a US jail and then be turned over to ICE for deportation, or just be sent directly to the detention center for deportation.

gnukid - 5-12-2010 at 08:44 PM

Originally posted by lencho
Originally posted by gnukid
... there are 800 sanctuary cities in the USA where illegal aliens can not be prosecuted for failing to have a license, registration, insurance, gun possession, etc...
I'm confused. Are you saying there are places where they do not have to abide by certain laws that U.S. citizens must follow? I can't have understood you correctly...


A sanctuary city is a city in the USA that uses a don't ask don't tell policy with immigrants-it isn't a law-its just a policy that the forbids law enforcement from processing and deporting illegals which has had far reaching affects on crime, the policy forbids a city to ask for federal assistance to require illegal immigrants to be processed and deported when they are found in the process of a crime.

So, if an illegal immigrant has no license, or no registration or no insurance or worse, has an unregistered weapon, and has an accident or commits a crime, the city will not contact federal enforcement of ICE or another division which would cause the person to be prosecuted with federal funds and subsequently sent back to their home country. A number of diversionary programs are developed to allow the person to stay in the city and avoid federal prison.

The problem is that since funds are not available, the city courts have no resources or ability to process the criminal and judges have few options, so in most cases diversionary probation is given. Unfortunately this has resulted in large numbers of gang members such as MS-13 members to be set free to commit more crimes immediately following arrest and release and flourish in large cities.

Many well known cases of murder have occurred only hours or days after a gang member was released without being processed resulting in the backlash of the Arizona legislation.

In San Francisco immigrants vehicles can not be impounded for a period of time without giving the immigrant time to call friends etc...

Because of sanctuary city policies, citizens are treated far more harshly than illegal immigrants.

I Confess

MrBillM - 5-12-2010 at 08:46 PM

That BajaOddBall is working his way up my list of Really Dip-Scheisse Liberals.

But. there's NO way to make number one (or even the top ten) as long as a number of others here and elsewhere are still alive.

Think positive, though. If enough of them die, The Oddity can stand out above those left.

The thing about the bonehead Libs is that they HAVE to resort to the idiotic Racist Label because they simply can't cope with any thought that differs from theirs (no matter how stupid) having any rational validity.

Credit where credit's due, though. I found one thing earlier in Mexicorn's Popping that I agree with.

That's Corndog's saying a vote for Steve (the) Pozer is wasted.

Although I doubt that either candidate can beat Polkadots and Moonbeam Brown in Commie California, polling indicates that Skanky Meg "could" possibly spend enough money to do it and she seems to be willing to become less than a Billionaire in the effort, so what the heck. Give her the chance. Dems seem enchanted with Fugly women in high office so they could vote for her on that alone. And, her extravagant pursuit of office is an economic benefit to a state in dire need.

After all, elections are often decided on trivial issues happening late in the campaign. Sam Yorty became L.A. Mayor because he promised to stop people having to separate their garbage. Gordo Gore closed the gap by Ten points in 2000 because of a teenage DWI. Stuff happens.

Who knows, somebody with a Cel Phone camera might catch Jerry Junior Boinging a Boy pal in the Bano (assume the Tilde) of an Oakland Gay Bar.

It "Could" happen.

[Edited on 5-13-2010 by MrBillM]

gnukid - 5-12-2010 at 08:55 PM


I have lots of mexican immigrant friends in San Francisco and though I am not one, I do feel for their plight. I have researched every avenue for legalization and I know its extremely difficult. Many of my friends who don't have visas can't come on vacation, they can't go back to Mexico, they don't even feel comfortable crossing to the next city to go to the beach.

I think you make a good point about the affects on woman and children who feel uncomfortable calling police in regard to abuses at home or at work, so I wonder why we would let this continue. It's wrong on all fronts. We must end illegal immigration which hurts everyone, both illegal immigrants and citizens.

Why do let the federal government create this circumstance?

wessongroup - 5-12-2010 at 09:52 PM

"Sanctuary city" .... I'm so old I really didn't know about this.... I think we need a "sanctuary city" for old folks like me... this other crap is so over my head that I don't even want to really think about it...

Maybe "Sun City" in AZ is a "sanctuary city" of sorts... or is fast becoming one.. from the looks of what the elected officals are DOING in that State

One may not agree with what they are DOING... but, by God they are doing something and that something has not been talked about nor given the light of day for a very long time...

Saw the numbers... has anyone done a breakdown on the demographics of the percentage, or does someone have the information... is it straight "party" lines... or is it "straight race" as we hear?

Would appear from the numbers it is race, that is sad.... however, perhaps this is what is really needed... the United States has been on a Human Rights course since 1964, when things were change in many ways for many people... throw in the birth control pill, affirmative action, and the changes which have occurred have been nothing sort of amazing... looking at the news casters of 1964 and compared to what is up for news today (I turned off my TV) find getting news from other sources far more enjoyable...

But, the race issue being used in a case of folks coming across another nations border without dealing with the required "procedure" to gain citizenship in the traditional manner that most must undergo... is something if not dealt with only causes more and more problems.. many of which we are seeing now...

If everyone keeps going at this pace ..... Folks in the states will be making what the guys at the Pemex Stations make... $10 dollars a day....

It called breaking down conditions.. why does that happen.. those that are starving will work for nothing...

If you think not... just look around.... I have seen these people who lived 20-30 in a vacant houses, with no water, sewer, gas, electric ... cooking on fires ..... and working in Agriculture within in the United States.. that was many years back... but, I know it has not changed, see the stories on the meat packers.. Who you think goes out from a rendering plant, and tosses a chain around a dead cows leg to winch it up into the truck... a Mexican.. or a really poor white ... they are the poor and starving.. those are the ones who are exploited to the highest degree.... always have always will...

Sanctuary city.... A nice thought ... think I will go find one that will fit my needs... maybe .....

Mexicorn - 5-12-2010 at 11:18 PM

Originally posted by MrBillM
That BajaOddBall is working his way up my list of Really Dip-Scheisse Liberals.

But. there's NO way to make number one (or even the top ten) as long as a number of others here and elsewhere are still alive.

Think positive, though. If enough of them die, The Oddity can stand out above those left.

The thing about the bonehead Libs is that they HAVE to resort to the idiotic Racist Label because they simply can't cope with any thought that differs from theirs (no matter how stupid) having any rational validity.

Credit where credit's due, though. I found one thing earlier in Mexicorn's Popping that I agree with.

That's Corndog's saying a vote for Steve (the) Pozer is wasted.

Although I doubt that either candidate can beat Polkadots and Moonbeam Brown in Commie California, polling indicates that Skanky Meg "could" possibly spend enough money to do it and she seems to be willing to become less than a Billionaire in the effort, so what the heck. Give her the chance. Dems seem enchanted with Fugly women in high office so they could vote for her on that alone. And, her extravagant pursuit of office is an economic benefit to a state in dire need.

After all, elections are often decided on trivial issues happening late in the campaign. Sam Yorty became L.A. Mayor because he promised to stop people having to separate their garbage. Gordo Gore closed the gap by Ten points in 2000 because of a teenage DWI. Stuff happens.

Who knows, somebody with a Cel Phone camera might catch Jerry Junior Boinging a Boy pal in the Bano (assume the Tilde) of an Oakland Gay Bar.

It "Could" happen.

[Edited on 5-13-2010 by MrBillM]

Bill you are not only a bigot! In your posts you beat up in anyone who's not exactly like you. A middle aged white male who feels that he has been passed by for promotions by better qualified people of color.
Dude it's not 1961 anymore, may I suggest an attempt at trying to comprehend "The NewYorker"
from time to to time in your illerate a-chasm?
Dude con todo respecto you area an old Petho Folically challanged white guy. Latino's will rule the vote en Novembre. You're a lost call, crying into the winds of the Pacific Ocean about how you were not given equality from the Brown Man.
Say hello to lil dog :lol::lol::P

Bajafun777 - 5-13-2010 at 12:51 AM

Illegal immigration, NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH LEGAL IMMIGRATION, along with quick replies of someone being racist or other name calling will not change the fact that the USA has to get this issue resolved. Hopefully, sometime within the next 20 years, only kidding Obama will take care of it next year after the elections. Shari, I did say everyone and probably should have been more specific like, "The USA is the Country that most all other Countries citizens want to get into." Now, Mexico being easy to get paperwork to work and live in, I do not think so. I spent quite a bit of money (had to hire a Mexican Attorney) helping my wife's cousin get her paperwork fixed even though she was a dual citizen of Mexico & USA. This was due to her mother being a Mexican citizen and her father being a USA citizen. Took money, a huge amount more than Mexico pays to get into USA and time well over 2 years. Even though she was actually entitled to citizenship in Mexico. She went to school there, lived there since her dad died while in Mexico, while she was only 2 years old and she still lives there. However she was having to work for even less money than those on $5 dollars a day. As soon as she got her paperwork fixed then she lost her job due to them not wanting to pay her even the $5 dollars a day. Every time I go further than Mexicali I get a visa, have my passport, and if in my car pay another fee for the vehicle just like I did for the tourist visa Mexico requires. I follow their laws and if I did not I would be arrested if caught. Further, I would get put in a crap hole of a jail that does not even come close to anything called a jail in the USA. No other Country is like the USA in helping other Countries but with the current economic issues of today, the USA cannot continue its load of these services to non-citizens or other Countries as the piggy bank is broke. In Mexico you have to have the Voter Card to get hospital care card, to work and to get their form of social sercurity monies. The voter card has your picture and finger print, so without this ID you become the walking invisiable ones. Yet this is one of the big issues with solving illegal immigration the use of an ID card with picture and finger print. Funny how so many illegals or those with resident cards scream this is wrong when their own country Mexico already does this. Even to vote in Mexico you must show it and again leave a finger print while voting. Our citizens already have to have a social security card so why not put the picture and finger print on it, I have no gripe with this. So, I do not know the real answer to this immigration issue or ID cards for just walking around in the USA. We have so many requirements now what is one more of having an ID to show as proof who you are and your legal right to be in the USA. I may not like it but times are a changing so get on the train or be standing out in nowhere. Now mind you, if we had no large scale illegal immigration we would not even be having this issue to worry about or as others do fight about. It will most definately cause more hard issues to occur because of illegal immigration and it is not a racist issue but a survival issue of our own USA economy. So, back to Shari to which I say point taken I should have not used the word everyone but should have used "most." However, please note that 12 million more illegal immigrants into the USA (since Regan's deal gone wrong with allowing about 8 million illegals then to be given ammesty) cannot be wrong. These events definately say "America is what everyone that is illegally entering wants, needs,seeks and returns to deportation after deportation."LOL It is what it is and none of us will have a voice in it changing. Unfortunately, wrongs and rights will not make anything different either, as we all have to rely on our elected officials doing the right thing. Elected officials doing the right thing, well damn we really are in trouble now it will never get fixed,LOL.:lol: Everyone, don't take yourselves so seriously as tomorrow it will be more of the same,LOL. It really is ok to "agree to agree we will have different opinions" which will not ever line up on the same side. That doesn't mean we have to get mad or try to force someone to do our same way of thinking, have you say then smile and go on. Hope all Nomads travel safe and families well. Shari, I may soon surprise you with a U2U to visit your place. I know you have a big heart for others,I love the pictures and short stories about your family just as most Nomads share similar life interests. Take care and hope to see many of you in my travels, as you just never know who will walk in with the "cold beer." " NO HURRY NO WORRY JUST FUN" bajafun777

capt. mike - 5-13-2010 at 06:04 AM

Mr. Bill M. - you crack me up. man!:D
ever notice how that new Supreme queen nominee looks just like Chasta, i mean Chaz Bono?!
why can't the dems get any good looking chicks with brains like the true American party can?? i mean....check out the Fox Chicks - all lookers! and the demo drabs they allow on to debate - can you say coyotes....??
i mean - Janet El Reno....Nappy Janet Napolitanitan.....and now Chaz!!??

dog city baby.. boww capital woww... arf...:yawn:

and bajafun777....need some paragraphs in your prose, bro...too hard to read with all those lines!:lol::lol::lol:

DENNIS - 5-13-2010 at 07:04 AM

Originally posted by capt. mike
nominee looks just like Chasta, i mean Chaz Bono?!

Yeah. She's gonna change the Supreme Court attire to plaid flannel robes and steel toed boots.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:- Don't ask...Don't Tell- :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

oxxo - 5-13-2010 at 07:21 AM

Originally posted by capt. mike
why can't the dems get any good looking chicks with brains like the true American party can??

You mean like Harriet Meyers? :wow:

shari - 5-13-2010 at 08:05 AM

thanks Bajafun...look forward to knockin back some cervezas with you or perhaps we can not talk politics in your jacuzzi!!!:saint::lol::bounce:
I just cant let those little words go's important to realize that not ALL other races or nationalities want to be in the states. I know you believe that your country is the greatest in the world...that's fine...but try to understand that EVERYONE in the world doesnt view it that way.

I do disagree(with all due respect and in a civil manner) about how easy/hard it is for foreigners to work in mexico. It is quite simply a matter of filling out a form and paying a small price...even people with criminal records get to work and live here..which annoys me. Compared with the states, it is extremely easy to do....and if you are here illegally...ooops...just pay the man por problema.

[Edited on 5-13-2010 by shari]

mtgoat666 - 5-13-2010 at 08:29 AM

Originally posted by Mexicorn
Bill you are not only a bigot! In your posts you beat up in anyone who's not exactly like you. A middle aged white male who feels that he has been passed by for promotions by better qualified people of color.

hey corndog:
bill is old aged, not middle age. he is poison, and responding to him is pointless

mtgoat666 - 5-13-2010 at 08:32 AM

Originally posted by capt. mike
why can't the dems get any good looking chicks with brains like the true American party can?? i mean....check out the Fox Chicks - all lookers! and the demo drabs they allow on to debate - can you say coyotes....??

capt cracker:
you are a fugly, overweight dude; you really are not one to open your pie hole and say anything about womens looks.

mr bile is pretty fugly too

[Edited on 5-13-2010 by mtgoat666]

capt. mike - 5-13-2010 at 09:41 AM

the goat sez....

"you are a fugly, overweight dude; you really are not one to open your pie hole and say anything about womens looks."

oh yes i am...:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
and i still say they're mudhens...
Harriet too - we have to have a little balance....just not too much.:yes:

Steel-Toed Boots

MrBillM - 5-13-2010 at 10:12 AM

Are standard attire for this NeoN-zi Left Administration.

All the better for them to keep those boots on the neck of their enemies until they get compliance as Boobie Gibbs said in a recent briefing.

But, according to the Noxious Scheisse being gassed by the Mexican Corndog Wienie and his Intimate Odd Pal (along with the Goatscheisse), that's just the opinion of a Bilious, Overaged and Overweight White Guy living out retirement embittered from being passed over time and again by Aborigines and other Ethnics.

I don't "exactly" remember it that way, but they say that the first thing to go is your memory.

Seriously, though, we CAN trade personal Vitriol all day long. OK by me. It stimulates the Neurons, does no harm and costs nothing. Something I've been doing well for a lot of years and will, no doubt, continue until the pump stops and they shovel in the dirt. While it's difficult to be truly defamatory while remaining original and not too often repetitive, it's worth the effort. Remember, Bile is a useful substance necessary to good health.

We'll see who's (Mexicorn note usage) right about November. I'm Optimistic.

Check those Papers.

"Head em up and move em out".

A-M-F you ALL !

[Edited on 5-13-2010 by MrBillM]

Mexicorn - 5-13-2010 at 12:07 PM

Originally posted by MrBillM
Check those Papers.

"Head em up and move em out".

A-M-F you ALL !

[Edited on 5-13-2010 by MrBillM]

How very eloquent BillM-

Shakira recently said:

"To the rest of the world, the United States represents the dream of a better life based on justice and freedom for everyone — no matter the color of your skin. This law goes against those values and against the principles of every American I know…This law not only hurts the whole state of Arizona but the fundamental core values of America, the fabric of society itself. The true victory of a democratic nation is when its people can walk the streets without fear… This law won’t bring safety or protect America; it will cause chaos. It won’t create unity; it will create division."

Something to think about fellow Nomads.

ALL law creates division

Dave - 5-13-2010 at 01:03 PM

Originally posted by Mexicorn
This law won’t bring safety or protect America; it will cause chaos. It won’t create unity; it will create division."

If everyone were in agreement there would be no need.

Cypress - 5-13-2010 at 01:27 PM

Division? So now we all have to agree? With whom?:lol: Arizona? New York? New Jersy? Ohio? Come on! I'll support Arizona. They're at "ground zero" and know what's going. The CA crowd?:lol::lol: They are famous for making poor choices.:lol: A great many of 'em would move to other places if they could unload their property.;D No buyers?:biggrin:

Shaka Who ???

MrBillM - 5-13-2010 at 02:56 PM

I'm familiar with Shaka Zulu, But I had to look up Shakira.

A Pop Singer ? Mexicorn Pimping the words and wisdom of a Pop Singer ?

Now, THAT should convince all of the error of their ways.

Bajahowodd - 5-13-2010 at 04:19 PM

Just wondering if, within the panoply of academia, there could be anything as absurd as

"Are standard attire for this NeoN-zi Left Administration."

Neo-N-zi left?

Call it what you may, and let's understand that you have somehow been influenced by the worst of this nation's past, (civil war comes to mind) But more cogent minds than yours, would find folly with that post. WTF?

Please tell it like you see it. There is a man of color in the White House. An intelligent man. An accomplished man. Somehow, you just continue to spew your bile about what will soon be a US society that is dominated by people who did not come over on the Mayflower. It's here. It's happening. Accept it or go away.

Mexicorn - 5-13-2010 at 04:30 PM

Capt. Mike, Bill M, Cypress I found the following snipppet on youtube It reminds me of you and your kind;

We all have to stand up to bullies like you guys.
Please review -Language is strong at times but the video really gives you an Idea of what guys like thses are all about.
Copied link from youtube.

Cypress - 5-13-2010 at 04:40 PM

Mexicon, I'm very happy to be put in the same group as Mike and Bill M. You, on the otherhand, are stuck with the likes of mtgoat666 and bajahowodd.:lol::lol: The 3 stooges comes to mind.:light: Won't waste my time with whatever you've scavenged up on you tube.

Mexicorn - 5-13-2010 at 04:57 PM

Here you go Cypress PS, Are you a member of the Truth Brigade?
Copied from you tube:

[Edited on 5-13-2010 by Mexicorn]

oldlady - 5-13-2010 at 04:58 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd

Please tell it like you see it........what will soon be a US society that is dominated by people who did not come over on the Mayflower. It's here. It's happening. Accept it or go away.

Maybe you're's not about equal opportunity, equal responsibility and equal justice under the law's about domination...."progressive?" Try regressive. The desire for domination and the struggle to resist it is as old as time.

Mexicorn - 5-13-2010 at 05:01 PM

Originally posted by oldlady
Originally posted by Bajahowodd

Please tell it like you see it........what will soon be a US society that is dominated by people who did not come over on the Mayflower. It's here. It's happening. Accept it or go away.

Maybe you're's not about equal opportunity, equal responsibility and equal justice under the law's about domination...."progressive?" Try regressive. The desire for domination and the struggle to resist it is as old as time.

Are you recomending a good old fashion race war?

Cypress - 5-13-2010 at 05:06 PM

Race war?:?:You're the only one talking about a race war.:O

Mexicorn - 5-13-2010 at 05:21 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
Race war?:?:You're the only one talking about a race war.:O

Yea I can see you standing out front with a pitch fork in your hands just waiting for the invasion of messiskins.:lol::lol:

oldlady - 5-13-2010 at 05:36 PM

Precisely, Cypress. The volatile language such as dominate, the hypothetical scenarios such as race war. The labels of racist and bigot.....all these move the focus of the discussion from the the tangible; facts and the issue(s) upon which intelligent people can acknowledge to exist to the murky mucus of emotional words that are not grounded in reality.
If the motive is domination, perhaps such tactics are useful. I don't see any solutions being offered by those who oppose the law, either in this thread, or in Washington. Very little acknowledgment that the status quo prior to 3 weeks ago was a problem/unacceptable. So, those of you who are using words like dominate and race that your agenda?

Mexicorn - 5-13-2010 at 05:44 PM

Originally posted by oldlady
Precisely, Cypress. The volatile language such as dominate, the hypothetical scenarios such as race war. The labels of racist and bigot.....all these move the focus of the discussion from the the tangible; facts and the issue(s) upon which intelligent people can acknowledge to exist to the murky mucus of emotional words that are not grounded in reality.
If the motive is domination, perhaps such tactics are useful. I don't see any solutions being offered by those who oppose the law, either in this thread, or in Washington. Very little acknowledgment that the status quo prior to 3 weeks ago was a problem/unacceptable. So, those of you who are using words like dominate and race that your agenda?

No more than this being your agenda...

Copied from you tube

oldlady - 5-13-2010 at 06:01 PM

I rarely click youtube links. I never post videos. I have no idea what you are trying to say, but it is off-putting. It was a simple figure out why you wanted to skirt it.

gnukid - 5-13-2010 at 06:03 PM

Mexicorn you're such a joker. That's funny, really silly. haha You should do like a scary puppet show with stupid angry characters.

k-rico - 5-13-2010 at 06:08 PM


great video, love when the one guy included midgets and of course the ending. :bounce:

Mexicorn - 5-13-2010 at 06:09 PM

I love you guys even the hard core right wingers. LOL!!!

Hussein's Boy Eric

MrBillM - 5-13-2010 at 09:41 PM

It was interesting to see A-G Eric weaseling in Congress today after all of his comments regarding the AZ Law.

When asked if he'd actually READ the law, he said "Uh, well I've glanced at it, but no, I haven't actually read it".

"Do you think it's Unconstitutional" ?

"Well, I can't say since I haven't yet been Briefed on it".

Typical Liberal Lout.

He wasn't asked if he intended to put his boot to the neck of Arizona until they relented.

Mexicorn - 5-13-2010 at 10:01 PM

The law is Unconstitutional.

Bajafun777 - 5-13-2010 at 10:33 PM

Wow, Mexicorn you need to pull back with the harsh words just because people do not agree to accept illegal entry and how it is out of control with the number of those entering illegally. What is right to you is your opinion but you have probably never even met those you are painting as the worst examples you can find on the web. Your examples are really off the charts and not even reflective of these people you have focused on. I could pull just a many videos off web showing some really bad examples of those entering illegally with the death,drama,crime,misfortune they create for others and themselves, however that would be just as bias as yours. I do not know you but I do know and have met a number of nomads here on this forum and you are trying without any luck of attempting to paint them as something they are not. Calm down man, sure express your views but without such hate you claim others are showing. Your tactics just do not read well nor does anything you throw out there when you get to acting out in such a manner. Show your videos but stop painting others you do not know as something they are not. You do not even know of the things these people have done in the past or even now to help others. Now, this may come as surprise to you but yes they have to which some have even been people in and from Mexico. Wow, how could that have occurred if they were such mean bad people. Let your own hate and self image issues go. Don't waste your time blasting me as it runs off like water,as you would again not know anything about me either. Not knowing what I contribute or do not contribute to any other country or different culture of people. Now, do I approve of any group, especially when tempers and emotions on issues such as illegal entry, being armed without the training or authority to go after such offenders not only NO but Hell NO!! I also accept that would only be my opinion. Others would quickly disagree like my friend who lives in the a border town area that had his 88 year old mother raped by an illegal, beat to a bloody pulp, and then robbed. Now, would I be right in saying all those that support illegal immigrants right to keep breaking our laws are the same lowlife piece of crap that did this to this sweet elderly woman, No I would not. Thus, you too are not right putting forth twisted tales to paint these people as something they are not. Let it go and hopeful everytime I see your name in the future it at least leans a little to letting others have their say, just like you want yours without attacking them. Well, I have said my part and I know you will have yours but this topic is through with me, as I do not have time to give any encouragement to someone attacking others they do not know. Hope the sunshine and smell of the Ocean or desert cleans your views or at least calms them down. Hope this finds all Nomads well and safe, travel on for the fun of "No Hurry, No Worry, Just Fun" part of a life that really can happen "Believe It Or Not,":biggrin:;D LOL. bajafun777

gnukid - 5-13-2010 at 11:09 PM

Here's the audio of Attorney General Eric Holder testimony

[Edited on 5-14-2010 by gnukid]

What Were They Thinking?

Lobsterman - 5-14-2010 at 07:55 AM

Here's an article in the San Diego paper this morning. Looks like California's public boycott of Arizona is going to hurt CA much much more than it does AZ. Now this summer I'll be able to go down to the coastal beachs in southern cal without having to bump into a "Zonie". There should be lots of specials for restaurants, Sea World, golf courses or weekend getaways at the hotels.

Unfortunately many people will have to be let go because of the potential 50% lose of revenues in the restaurant and other tourist industries not to mention more San Diego City layoffs because of the loss of revenues to its General Fund. Way to go politicians and city officials thinking with your emotions instead of your brain. Here's an excerpt of the article. Google it for the full article.

"Some in Arizona canceling trips to S.D.
Outrage over local censure votes may be a misunderstanding
FRIDAY, MAY 14, 2010 AT 12:04 A.M.

"San Diego tourism leaders and hoteliers fear they could lose a sizable chunk of business this summer from valued “Zonies” who are so angered by elected leaders’ recent censure of Arizona for its illegal-immigration law that they’re mounting an informal boycott of their own………………..Still struggling from the prolonged economic downturn, San Diego’s visitor industry can ill afford to lose any of the 2 million Arizonans it counts on annually, said ConVis President Joe Terzi……………….Terzi said. “This affects all the hardworking men and women who count on tourism for their livelihoods, so we’re saying, don’t do something that hurts their livelihoods.”…………………… “I’ve been approached by a number of hotels who are very concerned because they’ve received cancellations from Arizona guests,” said Namara Mercer, executive director of the county Hotel-Motel Association. “It’s a huge piece of business for not just the hotels but for all of San Diego. Everybody’s excited because they think occupancies will be stronger this summer, and now this.”…………………………. “Nothing against the Sofia; however, wanted to let you know that we were planning on coming out in August and staying for 10-14 nights,” read the letter. “Since San Diego decided to boycott AZ, we decided to do our part and vacation elsewhere. Really sorry since we truly like staying at your place and will miss it.”………………………………….. “So you see when people in government start to boycott it goes both ways,” said one e-mail. “You just lost our visits to our favorite places in your city and the $3,500 we had in our budget to spend there.”…………………. Charles Holladay, manager of the Ramada Plaza in Mission Valley, noted that as much as 50 percent of his summer business originates in Arizona, and he already has received a cancellation from a regular customer.……………..“I understand the City Council was being passionate about their politics, but I don’t think they thought it through,” Holladay said. “If it negatively impacts hotel revenue, it impacts the transient occupancy tax, and that goes right into the general fund, so they’ll have less money for their programs.”…… “It’s sad that people would cancel their plans to come here in reaction to that, but I still think we did the right thing,” Jackson said. “Certainly, we know how important tourism is to San Diego, and it wasn’t my intent to impact the tourism trade.”

The politicians and officials might skip going to a convention in AZ on the taxpayers dime to prove a point but they will still get the vacation meeting somewhere else. However, the boycotting of both CA and AZ of each others tourist industries will cause many layoffs of people in the following trades, bussboys, waiters, dishwahers, maids, landscaping and other employees in the tourist businesses in both AZ & CA. What is that saying? Stupid is as stupid does!

Will this help your cause? As the Emperor of Japan said after his country attached Pearl Harbor "We are awaking up a sleeping tiger!"

[Edited on 5-14-2010 by Lobsterman]

Mexicorn - 5-14-2010 at 08:04 AM

Originally posted by Bajafun777
Wow, Mexicorn you need to pull back with the harsh words just because people do not agree to accept illegal entry and how it is out of control with the number of those entering illegally. What is right to you is your opinion but you have probably never even met those you are painting as the worst examples you can find on the web. Your examples are really off the charts and not even reflective of these people you have focused on. I could pull just a many videos off web showing some really bad examples of those entering illegally with the death,drama,crime,misfortune they create for others and themselves, however that would be just as bias as yours. I do not know you but I do know and have met a number of nomads here on this forum and you are trying without any luck of attempting to paint them as something they are not. Calm down man, sure express your views but without such hate you claim others are showing. Your tactics just do not read well nor does anything you throw out there when you get to acting out in such a manner. Show your videos but stop painting others you do not know as something they are not. You do not even know of the things these people have done in the past or even now to help others. Now, this may come as surprise to you but yes they have to which some have even been people in and from Mexico. Wow, how could that have occurred if they were such mean bad people. Let your own hate and self image issues go. Don't waste your time blasting me as it runs off like water,as you would again not know anything about me either. Not knowing what I contribute or do not contribute to any other country or different culture of people. Now, do I approve of any group, especially when tempers and emotions on issues such as illegal entry, being armed without the training or authority to go after such offenders not only NO but Hell NO!! I also accept that would only be my opinion. Others would quickly disagree like my friend who lives in the a border town area that had his 88 year old mother raped by an illegal, beat to a bloody pulp, and then robbed. Now, would I be right in saying all those that support illegal immigrants right to keep breaking our laws are the same lowlife piece of crap that did this to this sweet elderly woman, No I would not. Thus, you too are not right putting forth twisted tales to paint these people as something they are not. Let it go and hopeful everytime I see your name in the future it at least leans a little to letting others have their say, just like you want yours without attacking them. Well, I have said my part and I know you will have yours but this topic is through with me, as I do not have time to give any encouragement to someone attacking others they do not know. Hope the sunshine and smell of the Ocean or desert cleans your views or at least calms them down. Hope this finds all Nomads well and safe, travel on for the fun of "No Hurry, No Worry, Just Fun" part of a life that really can happen "Believe It Or Not,":biggrin:;D LOL. bajafun777

All this from a person who lives in Brawley California?
Have you ever even been to Brawley?

PS I dont have to "Blast" you you're a bigot and it's clear as day in your writings.
You Whine and Whine saying Your not fair you've resorted to name calling and if it's not my opinion it doesn't count. Well my friend ( I do use that term loosly)you need to do some self interflection and ask why you dislike Mexicans so much.
This is 2010 not 1933 and the American peopple wont stand behind your racist Gov. and racist Sheriff Joe Arpiro. Nice try now isn't your shift watching that stretch of desert south of Yuma coming up. Dont forget your Bino's and maybe you can have some fun with the boy's removing those gallons of water out in the desert so people can die in the desert.
Your a fine patriot! Just keep telling yourself that!

[Edited on 5-14-2010 by Mexicorn]

Bajajorge - 5-14-2010 at 08:29 AM

IMHO all Arizona did was say they are going to enforce the US Immigration laws already in effect. So what's the big deal? What part of the word illegal does anyone need explained?

Bajajorge - 5-14-2010 at 08:32 AM

Originally posted by Mexicorn
The law is Unconstitutional.

Do you mean that police officers enforcing existing laws made by the US government is unconstitutional?????:?::?:

Mexicorn - 5-14-2010 at 08:37 AM

Originally posted by Bajajorge
Originally posted by Mexicorn
The law is Unconstitutional.

Do you mean that police officers enforcing existing laws made by the US government is unconstitutional?????:?::?:

Can you say R-A-C-I-A-L P-R-O-F-I-L-I-N-G of people or persons with Brown Skin? Who may not look anglo?

Is this the way Law Enforcement is leaning in The US? If so it is a sad trend. I'll bet most of you right wingers wont even look at this video I copied from youtube because it might interfere with your stedfast commitment to this outrageous new Racist law. Man I'm never going to Arizona again!

Here's another fine example Sheriff's Deputies have been instructed to pull over vehicles for minor traffic violations in order to check a persons immigration status. Now I wonder how they go about deciding which vehicle they will target for infractions.

Both copied from youtube-

[Edited on 5-14-2010 by Mexicorn]

oxxo - 5-14-2010 at 09:10 AM

Originally posted by Bajajorge
IMHO all Arizona did was say they are going to enforce the US Immigration laws already in effect.

States can't do that. Immigration responsibility and authority is limited to the Federal governement. The law is unconstitutional on that basis and for several other reasons.

DENNIS - 5-14-2010 at 09:12 AM

This arguement here has become ridiculous. the term, "Racist", has become so diluted from over-use, it has little meaning anymore. The word has become synonamous with "disagreeable."
When all of the dust settles over this issue and everybody has developed some weird sense of victory for their efforts, the larger problem will still be looming large in front of their eyes....the border. Illegal immigrant entry isn't the only thing burning trails through the back-country. The flow of drugs across the border is far more insidious than people who are looking for a job.
This point has been put aside recently, but it must be addressed. The border must be returned to our control.
I sure hope this doesn't sound racist, but I'm sure it will to somebody.

Cypress - 5-14-2010 at 09:17 AM

Racial Profiling? Maybe so, after all, most of the illegals in question are of Mexican origin. A better term might be "Reverse Affirmative Action".:yes:

mtgoat666 - 5-14-2010 at 09:19 AM

Originally posted by Lobsterman
Here's an article in the San Diego paper this morning. Looks like California's public boycott of Arizona is going to hurt CA much much more than it does AZ. Now this summer I'll be able to go down to the coastal beachs in southern cal without having to bump into a "Zonie". There should be lots of specials for restaurants, Sea World, golf courses or weekend getaways at the hotels.

Unfortunately many people will have to be let go because of the potential 50% lose of revenues in the restaurant and other tourist industries not to mention more San Diego City layoffs because of the loss of revenues to its General Fund. Way to go politicians and city officials thinking with your emotions instead of your brain. Here's an excerpt of the article. Google it for the full article.

"Some in Arizona canceling trips to S.D.
Outrage over local censure votes may be a misunderstanding
FRIDAY, MAY 14, 2010 AT 12:04 A.M.

"San Diego tourism leaders and hoteliers fear they could lose a sizable chunk of business this summer from valued “Zonies” who are so angered by elected leaders’ recent censure of Arizona for its illegal-immigration law that they’re mounting an informal boycott of their own………………..Still struggling from the prolonged economic downturn, San Diego’s visitor industry can ill afford to lose any of the 2 million Arizonans it counts on annually, said ConVis President Joe Terzi……………….Terzi said. “This affects all the hardworking men and women who count on tourism for their livelihoods, so we’re saying, don’t do something that hurts their livelihoods.”…………………… “I’ve been approached by a number of hotels who are very concerned because they’ve received cancellations from Arizona guests,” said Namara Mercer, executive director of the county Hotel-Motel Association. “It’s a huge piece of business for not just the hotels but for all of San Diego. Everybody’s excited because they think occupancies will be stronger this summer, and now this.”…………………………. “Nothing against the Sofia; however, wanted to let you know that we were planning on coming out in August and staying for 10-14 nights,” read the letter. “Since San Diego decided to boycott AZ, we decided to do our part and vacation elsewhere. Really sorry since we truly like staying at your place and will miss it.”………………………………….. “So you see when people in government start to boycott it goes both ways,” said one e-mail. “You just lost our visits to our favorite places in your city and the $3,500 we had in our budget to spend there.”…………………. Charles Holladay, manager of the Ramada Plaza in Mission Valley, noted that as much as 50 percent of his summer business originates in Arizona, and he already has received a cancellation from a regular customer.……………..“I understand the City Council was being passionate about their politics, but I don’t think they thought it through,” Holladay said. “If it negatively impacts hotel revenue, it impacts the transient occupancy tax, and that goes right into the general fund, so they’ll have less money for their programs.”…… “It’s sad that people would cancel their plans to come here in reaction to that, but I still think we did the right thing,” Jackson said. “Certainly, we know how important tourism is to San Diego, and it wasn’t my intent to impact the tourism trade.”

The politicians and officials might skip going to a convention in AZ on the taxpayers dime to prove a point but they will still get the vacation meeting somewhere else. However, the boycotting of both CA and AZ of each others tourist industries will cause many layoffs of people in the following trades, bussboys, waiters, dishwahers, maids, landscaping and other employees in the tourist businesses in both AZ & CA. What is that saying? Stupid is as stupid does!

Will this help your cause? As the Emperor of Japan said after his country attached Pearl Harbor "We are awaking up a sleeping tiger!"

[Edited on 5-14-2010 by Lobsterman]

I would like it if the racists would not visit San Diego. I hope they stay home and enjoy the heat and humidity of Aurgust in Zonieland. We in San Diego will start a new tourism campaign: "racists not welcome." Good people will flock to San Diego, and tourism businesses will thrive!


p.s. when you boycott someone and you hold the morally superior high ground, it is silly to care about the gutter trash threatening a reverse boycott.

DENNIS - 5-14-2010 at 09:28 AM

Originally posted by Mexicorn
Here's another fine example Sheriff's Deputies have been instructed to pull over vehicles for minor traffic violations in order to check a persons immigration status. Now I wonder how they go about deciding which vehicle they will target for infractions.

How can you continue to wonder why? You just told us why. Traffic violations. Haven't you ever been pulled over for a minor traffic violation?
You have to start answering some questions.

Cypress - 5-14-2010 at 09:30 AM

You liberals are really hung up on that racist thing. Protect the border, oh yea, racism. Not sympathetic towards lawbreakers, you got it, racism. Don't like refried beans, what else, must be a racist. This racism crapola has gotten old and mouldy.:biggrin:

Mexicorn - 5-14-2010 at 09:36 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by Mexicorn
Here's another fine example Sheriff's Deputies have been instructed to pull over vehicles for minor traffic violations in order to check a persons immigration status. Now I wonder how they go about deciding which vehicle they will target for infractions.

How can you continue to wonder why? You just told us why. Traffic violations. Haven't you ever been pulled over for a minor traffic violation?
You have to start answering some questions.

No problemo with the traffic infractions but if it's used to hunt for people of color that's the 2 ton elephant in the living room. Is the traffic infraction a fishing expedition with the underlying issue being He/She looks like a Mexican therefore look for the infraction or any reason to pull them over. The Deputy said it himself. Is this what we have been reduced to?
I wont have any part of it. I'll speak out against racism until I breathe my last breath. Dont kid yourself this isn't about anything else-;D

Copied from youtube.

[Edited on 5-14-2010 by Mexicorn]

Lobsterman - 5-14-2010 at 09:51 AM

You just do not get it. Zonies will go someplace else for a vacation they had planned and saved for all year. It just will not be in CA. And why are people who boycott CA a racist? They are just hard working, church going, responsible, law bidding americans who are going to spend their money where they are welcomed and/or not discriminated against by the actions of misguided politicians and elected officials.

A lot more Zonies go to CA then people in CA go to AZ. A lot more. The sleeping tiger is waking up.

[Edited on 5-14-2010 by Lobsterman]

mtgoat666 - 5-14-2010 at 09:54 AM

Originally posted by Lobsterman
They are just hard working, church going, responsible, law bidding americans who are going to spend their money where they are welcomed and/or not discriminated against.

yes, Californians are "responsible, law bidding americans who are going to spend their money where they are welcomed and/or not discriminated against." They will not be spending their money in zonie land where the locals discriminate against non-whites

Lobsterman - 5-14-2010 at 10:08 AM

Granted. You're correct in your reasoning, i.e. the 3 people in CA that had planned on visiting AZ for a vacation this year will probably not go. That's too bad cuz it'll hurt their economy some. Let's see how the reverse scenario plays out this summer.

toneart - 5-14-2010 at 10:09 AM

We are all racist to some degree. We are historically a majority Anglo Culture and our Nationalistic Vitriol often manifests in belligerism. However, most are just not aware of their own racism.

Some are self-admittedly racist. Some practice it surreptitiously. It is more prominent in some regions than in others.Peer groups support and propagate racism. For some it is lack of understanding, leading to intolerance of cultures that are different than one's own. For some, the color of one's skin is symbolic for their intolerance and that colors their psyche with hate.

By the way I was raised and by my life's experience in traveling, reading and socially interacting with people of many different cultures, I detest racism and racists. It makes me angry! One has to keep monitoring one's own reactions and attitudes when differences clash. You have to work at it...if you want to. Some have no desire to. And yes, "reverse racism exists too. How could it not?

When I see someone who is hurt emotionally as a victim of racism, I hurt too; bleeding heart, if you will. I also realize that by not being a victim of racism within my own culture, my hurt is not as debilitating as it is for the victim. Mine is more of an empathetic hurt.

While I clearly fall into one side of this debate, I don't want to get into the back and forth arguing. It is futile and non productive.

I do have friends who hold views different than my own and we try to find other common ground. I am practicing non-confrontational interactions and am trying to not be as outspoken as I have been in the past. Although this is not easy, it can be accomplished by occasionally biting my tongue. Most people have endearing, redeeming qualities outside of politics and religion. :light::coolup:

DENNIS - 5-14-2010 at 10:13 AM

Originally posted by Mexicorn
No problemo with the traffic infractions but if it's used to hunt for people of color that's the 2 ton elephant in the living room.

"IF" it is, as you say, I'll agree with you. But to this point it hasn't, at least not so you can prove it, so why do you condemn anybody or anything that hasn't happened as a matter of policy?
Allow me to paraphrase from one of the most illogical, wornout placard statements the libs like to clutter the streets with; No police officer is illegal.
That being the case, why do you treat them as condemned?

Mexicorn - 5-14-2010 at 10:18 AM

Tony you are wise past your years.
Also started looking for information regarding Sheriff Joe Arpaio since he seems to have an agenda against anyone who crosses him. What I found is a coward hiding behind a bagde.

Please review and also keep in mind that not all of his victims are of Latin decent.

Copied from youtube.

k-rico - 5-14-2010 at 10:49 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by Mexicorn
No problemo with the traffic infractions but if it's used to hunt for people of color that's the 2 ton elephant in the living room.

"IF" it is, as you say, I'll agree with you. But to this point it hasn't......

It doesn't go into effect until July 29th.

This is the part of the law I really don't like:

"makes it illegal to harbor, transport, conceal or shield someone you know or should know is in this country illegally"

So if a wife who is a legal citizen knows her husband is illegal and he is caught, is she also guilty of a crime. Perhaps they're both in a car, he's driving, gets pulled over for speeding and subsequently arrested for being illegal. Does she get arrested too?

If so, doesn't this go way beyond federal law?

DENNIS - 5-14-2010 at 11:11 AM

Originally posted by k-rico

This is the part of the law I really don't like:

"makes it illegal to harbor, transport, conceal or shield someone you know or should know is in this country illegally"

There's nothing new about this. Good Samaritans working in the desert distributing water to predetermined spots can't and won't take a person to a hospital if they find him almost dead from dehydration.
There is a lot of uglyness involved with this issue, but there can't be exceptions for every perceived occasion.

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