
San Diegan To Hike Baja Peninsula

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goldhuntress - 12-12-2010 at 12:29 AM

I just read this whole post, the good, the bad, and the ugly. I really enjoyed it! Very entertaining! You Nomads are quite the cast of characters:) I wish Mike the best on his awesome adventure. Some of you have wondered about snakes. I was not too far from where Mike is now in Nov. and I spent 3 weeks doing tons of hiking daily and saw no snakes. In April I was in the same area and saw 8 snakes. So, time of year thing? In April there were several GIANT swarms of bees but none in Nov. Snakes I don't care for but those bees freaked me out. Hopefully Mike, Don Kay and Solo avoid both these things. I tried to attach a pic of a rattlesnake I took but even compressed it's way too big:(

David K - 12-12-2010 at 12:34 AM

There are instructions for ways to post photos on Nomad posted in the Baja Photography Forum here... I hope you are able to figure it out okay, I would like to see them... and welcome to Nomad! Use the Search feature at the top of the page and search 'How To Post a Photo'

goldhuntress - 12-12-2010 at 08:38 AM

OK, compressed and shrunk.

[Edited on 12-12-2010 by goldhuntress]

P1000201(1).JPG - 50kB

tripledigitken - 12-12-2010 at 09:19 AM

beautiful snake

Dec. 12, 2010

David K - 12-12-2010 at 06:29 PM

About mid-day today, Mike sent out a signal just east of yesterday's... Now at the Y intersction for Guerrero Negro...

Graham - 12-12-2010 at 07:29 PM

Mike just called on his cell phone. Said he took advantage of an offer by a rancher to shoe Don Kay and give him a place to rest .

So having reached Baja California Sur, Mike and Co. will be enjoying a well earned break for 2-3 days.

somomule - 12-12-2010 at 07:33 PM

There are kind people everywhere and in every country! Let his, well deserved rest be memorable and his accomplishments unforgettable.

Originally posted by Graham
Mike just called on his cell phone. Said he took advantage of an offer by a rancher to shoe Don Kay and give him a place to rest .

So having reached Baja California Sur, Mike and Co. will be enjoying a well earned break for 2-3 days.

DENNIS - 12-12-2010 at 07:50 PM

When will the army of Paparazzi be buzzing around him like he's Mr. Gaga? :O

BAJACAT - 12-12-2010 at 08:33 PM

I wonder if Mike, is going back to the coast line, maybe BA and then off to La Bocana.

David K - 12-12-2010 at 11:16 PM

Originally posted by Graham
Mike just called on his cell phone. Said he took advantage of an offer by a rancher to shoe Don Kay and give him a place to rest .

So having reached Baja California Sur, Mike and Co. will be enjoying a well earned break for 2-3 days.

Thanks Graham...

Is there a hint if he is going to go the long way around to Bahia Asuncion along highways or short-cut across the desert via Ojo de Liebre spring?

Bajaboy - 12-13-2010 at 07:25 AM

We're headed down to our place in BA on Saturday. We'll keep our eyes posted for Mike. Graham, let me know if Mike needs anything or a place to stay.


Santiago - 12-13-2010 at 07:59 AM

Is DonKay being re-shoed (shod?) or is this his first pair? Hope they look like Chuck Taylor's high-top Allstars.:D

shari - 12-13-2010 at 08:04 AM

I thought he might stop and visit "Maruchan" at the cowboy ranch at the "Y"...they are a friendly bunch.

Diver - 12-13-2010 at 08:17 AM

Originally posted by shari
I thought he might stop and visit "Maruchan" at the cowboy ranch at the "Y"...they are a friendly bunch.

If Mike makes it to BA, he is welcome to set up on our lots and let Don Gay graze away !!
It probably hasn't been grazed since Martio roamed .....

wilderone - 12-13-2010 at 09:24 AM

Interesting update. Don Kay didn't have shoes - Mike says shoes make their hooves slip on rocks. But maybe best for the task at hand now. Goldhuntress - where exactly were you where you found 8 snakes? In 35 years of Baja travel, I've only seen 2 snakes. Mike sure didn't stick around long in GN. So glad he's doing well.

David K - 12-13-2010 at 09:32 AM

Originally posted by wilderone
Interesting update. Don Kay didn't have shoes - Mike says shoes make their hooves slip on rocks. But maybe best for the task at hand now. Goldhuntress - where exactly were you where you found 8 snakes? In 35 years of Baja travel, I've only seen 2 snakes. Mike sure didn't stick around long in GN. So glad he's doing well.

I think it is the month of April that you must be there... In all the years of my trips... I have only seen rattlesnakes in April on our Spring Break trips... In 2003, we saw three rattlesnakes, in one trip! Remember the one Sarah is playing with, on the stick?

The first rattlesnake I recall seeing in Baja was April, 1974 while walking from Mision San Fernando to the rock art cliff just west of it.

Although, we did come upon a dead rattlesnake in June, 2006 the day after the Baja 500...

Here is Roy (The Squarecircle) checking it out...

[Edited on 12-13-2010 by David K]

Natalie Ann - 12-13-2010 at 09:57 AM

You wanta encounter rattlesnakes - lots of 'em?
Go to the 'mountains' above San Bartolo in early May. That's rattlesnake mating season and in some areas it's difficult to walk 30-40 feet without seeing yet another snake. They're also kinda hyped up right then, so ya gotta be very alert.

When JR was building his Bamboo Parque up there, he laid stone steps leaving a hollow behind/beneath each step. Big mistake. One day we're having a rest in camp when one big mother rattlesnake slithers through the center of us like nobody's business, then takes up residence beneath the stone steps.

JR's right hand man Flaco proceeded to make a 'snake-catcher' - a sturdy stick with a 'y' on one end. He carefully approached those steps and kinda poked at the rattler until its head was in the right position.... then - whap! - Flaco slams that 'y' part of the stick just behind the head of the snake, pinning it to the ground. After that he cut off its head with a machete. A very impressive sight, it was indeed. Later that day construction for closing up those stairs was begun.:lol:


Curt63 - 12-13-2010 at 10:08 AM

In June 2006 at Punta Baja on the first night of my first Baja trip after many years, I set up my cot with my head about 12" from the rear wheel for a windbreak.

When we were pulling out the next morning, someone noticed a small rattler had crawled up on my warm brake drum (the one I slept next to) for the evening.:wow:

somomule - 12-13-2010 at 10:27 AM

Originally posted by David K
Originally posted by wilderone
Interesting update. Don Kay didn't have shoes - Mike says shoes make their hooves slip on rocks. But maybe best for the task at hand now. Goldhuntress - where exactly were you where you found 8 snakes? In 35 years of Baja travel, I've only seen 2 snakes. Mike sure didn't stick around long in GN. So glad he's doing well.

True story, shoes can cause an animal to slip on rocks although they do pretty well in them and figure it our quickly. Smaller Donkeys, large standards like Don-Kay are rarely shod because the distance from the white line of the hoof to outside of the lamine is very thin and troublesome to hold nails if they are not put in just right. If a shoe starts to come off it may be necessary to pull it and he may not find another Farrier to re-set it. Then Don-Kay will be on three tires instead of four so-to speak. Mike would need a clinch cutter to break the nail clinches and a shoe puller to pull a bad shoe.

Don Kay could make the trip fine without shoes as long as Don-Kay's load does not exceed 20% of his weight and if Mike has a farrier rasp and knows how to taper up the hoof every couple of days.

Farrier-Tucson School of Horseshoeing 1996

Graham - 12-13-2010 at 11:17 AM

On the recommendation of a couple of ranchers I had my burro shod a month into my six month Baja burro journey.

Cost me a gallon of cheap tequila. They did a great job. Shoes lasted till they became so thin they more or less fell off three months later when they'd pretty much done their job.

Mision was not overly excited by the idea of having nails hammered into his hooves.

mtgoat666 - 12-13-2010 at 11:27 AM

Originally posted by David K
rattlesnakes.. the one Sarah is playing with, on the stick?

most people get bit when "playing" with them. what kind of parents encourage their kids to play with rattlesnakes??

leave them alone and they will leave you alone. rattlesnakes are fine creatures, leave them alone.

Von - 12-13-2010 at 04:02 PM

So cool! What an adventure! and its only half way! DAM!

TMW - 12-13-2010 at 04:23 PM

I agree with leaving rattlesnakes alone. I've seen a few over the 30+ years I've lived out west and I've found that if you leave them alone they will leave you alone. Surprises do happen but when you hear that rattle stop and back off and let them be.

goldhuntress - 12-13-2010 at 06:15 PM

wilderone- I was in the mountains east of GN. The picture I posted was the only rattlesnake I saw. I was a baby and I saw it sleeping in the same spot two afternoons in a row.(no it wasn't dead) I don't know what kinds the others were. It was a lot of snakes to run into and I don't know why, just my luck I guess. Yes, David K, it was last April and I know there was a lot of rain last winter and at first I thought maybe that was why but I don't think that could increase the snake population, not that quickly. Maybe lots of rain for a few years could? I also saw my first horny toad, well, that's debatable:)

[Edited on 12-14-2010 by goldhuntress]

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David K - 12-13-2010 at 07:49 PM

No signal was transmitted today (so far), but I think he is still in Guerrero Negro getting prepared for the next part of his adventure!

Skipjack Joe - 12-13-2010 at 11:01 PM

Had some free time tonight, so wrote this song for Mike and his burro:

I pulled into Nazareth, I was feelin' about half past dead;
I just need some place where I can lay my head.
"Hey, senor, can you tell me where a man might find a bed?"
He just grinned and shook my hand, and "No!", was all he said

wilderone - 12-14-2010 at 04:24 PM

I hope there's a second verse. With a happy ending.

Dec. 14, 2010

David K - 12-14-2010 at 04:48 PM

Signal sent today, still by the Y intersection, Guerrero Negro.

Skipjack Joe - 12-14-2010 at 07:11 PM

Just line up the cross-hairs and ... bombs away.

woody with a view - 12-14-2010 at 07:26 PM

i love that intersection. it feels like being a kid again, and staying up past my bedtime, every time i pass it on the way south....

Graham - 12-14-2010 at 08:10 PM

For a Happy Ending? I like this poem by G.K.Chesterton.

When fishes flew and forests walked
And figs grew upon thorn,
Some moment when the moon was blood
Then surely I was born.

With monstrous head and sickening cry
And ears like errant wings,
The devil's walking parody
On all four-footed things.

The tattered outlaw of the earth,
Of ancient crooked will;
Starve, scourge, deride me: I am dumb,
I keep my secret still.

Fools! For I also had my hour;
One far fierce hour and sweet:
There was a shout about my ears,
And palms before my feet.

Referring, of course, to Christ's "Triumphal Entry" into Jerusalem on a young donkey.

Matthew 21: 1-11

"The Tattered Outlaw of the Earth"

Mulegena - 12-14-2010 at 09:35 PM

What an exquisitely exciting poem, Graham. Thank you.
In my sparse American education I've never read the author before now.

The lowly beast of burden depicted first as a mythical monster yet one with a secret gift to fulfill. Love it. In four short stanzas, Chesterton conveys a strong reminder about self-worth and the need to break free of society’s view of us.

The first stanza describes the night the donkey was born. The mood is frightening and magical. "As fish are flying, trees are walking and the moon is red in color,..." Its a strange night when the natural order and the balance of things are off-kilter big time. Yet we find that moments like this are necessary in the grand scheme of life.

And the second to describe what he looked like. With a “monstrous head” and “ears like errant wings” its clear that he wasn’t a beautiful baby animal. He admits to have uttered a “sickening cry” as he was born.

He is “The tattered outlaw of the earth, Of ancient crooked will”. This is my favorite phrase of the whole poem-- its great and really feels like Baja to me. He talks about his character, that people “Starve, scourge, deride me” as he is “dumb” and thus unworthy of care or respect... or is he just plain-axx stubborn (not like me, of course).

In the fourth line he states, “I keep my secret still.” What is this secret? What secret lies in each of our hearts that makes us special, makes our lives have meaning, defines what we bring to the world?

We see in the final stanza that this donkey is no ordinary donkey. The poet finally comes 'round to telling us just who this donkey really is (read: who we really are). It becomes clear that this monstrous beast carried Jesus through Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, “There was a shout about my ears, And palms before my feet.” Its supposed that hours before his entrance into the city Jesus asked two of his disciples to fetch a donkey from a neighboring village that had never been ridden or wanted. He knew that only an outcast like himself could properly handle the job and be deserving of such an honor.

Aside from the historical and religious context, this is a poem about self-worth. Like the donkey, we all have been abused and made to suffer unkindness, and yet we have our moments in life where we know why we are where we are and what our purpose is, our Secret that makes life worthwhile.

I think we might all feel that connection to the underlying pulse of life when we're walking closer to the earth. The Donkey is the perfect symbol of the indomitable spirit, this common thread that we share in our love of Baja.

[Edited on 12-15-2010 by Mulegena]

Skipjack Joe - 12-14-2010 at 11:34 PM

You mean, that despite all of the abuse the donkey knows his own merit: he brought the King of Kings into Jerusalem?

Stickers - 12-14-2010 at 11:44 PM

Originally posted by Mulegena
What an exquisitely exciting poem, Graham. Thank you.
In my sparse American education I've never read the author before now.

The lowly beast of burden depicted first as a mythical monster yet one with a secret gift to fulfill. Love it. In four short stanzas, Chesterton conveys a strong reminder about self-worth and the need to break free of society’s view of us.

The first stanza describes the night the donkey was born. The mood is frightening and magical. "As fish are flying, trees are walking and the moon is red in color,..." Its a strange night when the natural order and the balance of things are off-kilter big time. Yet we find that moments like this are necessary in the grand scheme of life.

And the second to describe what he looked like. With a “monstrous head” and “ears like errant wings” its clear that he wasn’t a beautiful baby animal. He admits to have uttered a “sickening cry” as he was born.

He is “The tattered outlaw of the earth, Of ancient crooked will”. This is my favorite phrase of the whole poem-- its great and really feels like Baja to me. He talks about his character, that people “Starve, scourge, deride me” as he is “dumb” and thus unworthy of care or respect... or is he just plain-axx stubborn (not like me, of course).

In the fourth line he states, “I keep my secret still.” What is this secret? What secret lies in each of our hearts that makes us special, makes our lives have meaning, defines what we bring to the world?

We see in the final stanza that this donkey is no ordinary donkey. The poet finally comes 'round to telling us just who this donkey really is (read: who we really are). It becomes clear that this monstrous beast carried Jesus through Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, “There was a shout about my ears, And palms before my feet.” Its supposed that hours before his entrance into the city Jesus asked two of his disciples to fetch a donkey from a neighboring village that had never been ridden or wanted. He knew that only an outcast like himself could properly handle the job and be deserving of such an honor.

Aside from the historical and religious context, this is a poem about self-worth. Like the donkey, we all have been abused and made to suffer unkindness, and yet we have our moments in life where we know why we are where we are and what our purpose is, our Secret that makes life worthwhile.

I think we might all feel that connection to the underlying pulse of life when we're walking closer to the earth. The Donkey is the perfect symbol of the indomitable spirit, this common thread that we share in our love of Baja.

Professor Mulegena - nicely done!


Bob H - 12-14-2010 at 11:54 PM

Originally posted by Stickers
Originally posted by Mulegena
What an exquisitely exciting poem, Graham. Thank you.
In my sparse American education I've never read the author before now.

The lowly beast of burden depicted first as a mythical monster yet one with a secret gift to fulfill. Love it. In four short stanzas, Chesterton conveys a strong reminder about self-worth and the need to break free of society’s view of us.

The first stanza describes the night the donkey was born. The mood is frightening and magical. "As fish are flying, trees are walking and the moon is red in color,..." Its a strange night when the natural order and the balance of things are off-kilter big time. Yet we find that moments like this are necessary in the grand scheme of life.

And the second to describe what he looked like. With a “monstrous head” and “ears like errant wings” its clear that he wasn’t a beautiful baby animal. He admits to have uttered a “sickening cry” as he was born.

He is “The tattered outlaw of the earth, Of ancient crooked will”. This is my favorite phrase of the whole poem-- its great and really feels like Baja to me. He talks about his character, that people “Starve, scourge, deride me” as he is “dumb” and thus unworthy of care or respect... or is he just plain-axx stubborn (not like me, of course).

In the fourth line he states, “I keep my secret still.” What is this secret? What secret lies in each of our hearts that makes us special, makes our lives have meaning, defines what we bring to the world?

We see in the final stanza that this donkey is no ordinary donkey. The poet finally comes 'round to telling us just who this donkey really is (read: who we really are). It becomes clear that this monstrous beast carried Jesus through Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, “There was a shout about my ears, And palms before my feet.” Its supposed that hours before his entrance into the city Jesus asked two of his disciples to fetch a donkey from a neighboring village that had never been ridden or wanted. He knew that only an outcast like himself could properly handle the job and be deserving of such an honor.

Aside from the historical and religious context, this is a poem about self-worth. Like the donkey, we all have been abused and made to suffer unkindness, and yet we have our moments in life where we know why we are where we are and what our purpose is, our Secret that makes life worthwhile.

I think we might all feel that connection to the underlying pulse of life when we're walking closer to the earth. The Donkey is the perfect symbol of the indomitable spirit, this common thread that we share in our love of Baja.

Professor Mulegena - nicely done!


Bravo on the poem Graham...

Bravo Mulegena with your response... WOW! Is all I can say.

Mulegena - 12-15-2010 at 12:28 AM

Originally posted by Skipjack Joe
You mean, that despite all of the abuse the donkey knows his own merit: he brought the King of Kings into Jerusalem?

Well Igor, religious discussion aside... being a donkey, a lowly beast of burden destined to carry heavy things and people about one's whole life might be considered a better life than those of us who have the IRS riding our a@@.

Graham - 12-15-2010 at 12:54 AM

Thanks for that detailed analysis Mulegena – insightful and thought provoking.

I’m sure with Mike’s donkey experience he’ll have a deeper appreciation of the Biblical stories of the Triumphal Entry, Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem, and their escape to Egypt with the newborn Jesus.

When I finished my Journey With a Baja Burro in Loreto, describing lifting off the pack for the last time, I wrote:

“The old images flowed before me – Bethlehem, Egypt, Jerusalem… Jesus looking down, hands on the dark cross [made by the lines marking the burro’s back and shoulders], struggling with his desperate loneliness, aware that the time for his final test had come.”

“Knowing that the fickle crowd would soon turn on him, what a comfort it must have been for him to run his hands along the soft, wooly neck and shoulders of the young donkey – to feel his warmth and gentleness and nervousness… to be at once the comforter and the comforted.”

wilderone - 12-15-2010 at 09:03 AM

"Bravo on the poem Graham...

Bravo Mulegena with your response... WOW! Is all I can say"

Ditto - and how timely. Thank you.

BajaRacer420 - 12-15-2010 at 10:12 AM

ran into him last week, hopefully u can see this link of Don k and Mike somewhere in Baja last week,

Skipjack Joe - 12-15-2010 at 10:21 AM

Got this msg on the video:

This video either has been removed from Facebook or is not visible due to privacy settings

Mulegena - 12-15-2010 at 11:33 AM

Originally posted by Graham
I’m sure with Mike’s donkey experience he’ll have a deeper appreciation of the Biblical stories of the Triumphal Entry, Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem, and their escape to Egypt with the newborn Jesus.

When I finished my Journey With a Baja Burro in Loreto, describing lifting off the pack for the last time, I wrote:

“The old images flowed before me – Bethlehem, Egypt, Jerusalem… Jesus looking down, hands on the dark cross [made by the lines marking the burro’s back and shoulders], struggling with his desperate loneliness, aware that the time for his final test had come.”

“Knowing that the fickle crowd would soon turn on him, what a comfort it must have been for him to run his hands along the soft, wooly neck and shoulders of the young donkey – to feel his warmth and gentleness and nervousness… to be at once the comforter and the comforted.”

When I first read the poem, it seemed incomplete, unfinished. I was tempted to dash off a few lines in what I would hope would be a complimentary "voice". With your words here I realize Chesterton crafted this very response from the reader for just this effect.

The poem is couched in Biblical garb but its really a metaphor for life itself. The donkey is each of us, the path he walked is our discreet individual lives. The conclusion is personal, ours and ours alone to make as we live our lives.

Thanks again, Graham.

David K - 12-15-2010 at 10:32 PM

Just an update, Mike is still at Guerrero Negro, Dec. 15, 2010.

dtbushpilot - 12-15-2010 at 10:47 PM

Maybe he found a "friend" at Los Bombas....

David K - 12-15-2010 at 10:57 PM

Originally posted by dtbushpilot
Maybe he found a "friend" at Las Bombas....

Sounds like a Mike Humfreville story???:light:

rts551 - 12-16-2010 at 05:44 PM

Talked to Mike today 10 miles south of GN. He spent 4 days or so there because his partner needed new shoes...and they all needed a little rest. He said to say he is on he way and doing well. His itinerary may change do to delays (no Asuncion-Abreojos trek).

They all look rested, happy, and ready to go.


DENNIS - 12-16-2010 at 06:08 PM

I thought he just got shod. Couldn't have gone through them that fast...could he?

BajaGringo - 12-16-2010 at 08:18 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
I thought he just got shod. Couldn't have gone through them that fast...could he?

I think Don-Kay is making them go just one hoof per day...


BajaBlanca - 12-16-2010 at 08:27 PM

can someone ask Mike if he plans on coming to La Bocana ????? oh man, will we be disappointed if he doesn't :(

Dec. 16, 2010: On the move again!

David K - 12-16-2010 at 08:29 PM

Mike, Don-Kay and Solo walked 14 miles and are about 2 miles from the El Arco junction with Mex. 1.

rts551 - 12-17-2010 at 03:28 PM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca
can someone ask Mike if he plans on coming to La Bocana ????? oh man, will we be disappointed if he doesn't :(

At this point he plans to go straight to San Ignacio. He lost too much time on the coast by Catarina and at GN. He can tell the whole story later.


vandenberg - 12-17-2010 at 03:44 PM

Originally posted by rts551
He lost too much time on the coast by Catarina and at GN.

:?::?::?::?: He's got a hot date somewhere.:?::?::?::?:

Dec. 17, 2010

David K - 12-17-2010 at 07:30 PM

Mike and company walked approx. 13 miles along Hwy. 1 today...

Russ - 12-18-2010 at 05:49 PM

Saw he and his troops walking 6 miles north of Viscaino about 3:30 this afternoon.

Dec. 18, 2010

David K - 12-18-2010 at 06:54 PM

Mike and company about 2 miles north of Vizcaino... following a 13 mile walk today.

BajaBlanca - 12-19-2010 at 09:04 PM

hi all ... we ran into mike today as we were driving past vizcaino..he is healthy and happy and we gave him some burritos and mango juice and cookies as he was very hungry !!

i hope he got in touch with shari ' as that was his plan. he wanted to see if they could put don kay somewhere and have her pick him up for some r and r in asuncion. if she can hang onto him there for a week, we can defintely take him after that. he is ready for a couple weeks rest...

pics tomorrow .. welaso met antonio at baja cactus ... what a busy day

David K - 12-19-2010 at 09:36 PM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca
hi all ... we ran into mike today as we were driving past vizcaino..he is healthy and happy and we gave him some burritos and mango juice and cookies as he was very hungry !!

i hope he got in touch with shari ' as that was his plan. he wanted to see if they could put don kay somewhere and have her pick him up for some r and r in asuncion. if she can hang onto him there for a week, we can defintely take him after that. he is ready for a couple weeks rest...

pics tomorrow .. welaso met antonio at baja cactus ... what a busy day

No signal was transmitted today, so I can only guess they only walked the 2+ miles to Vizcaino today...:?:

[Edited on 12-20-2010 by David K]

zforbes - 12-20-2010 at 05:31 AM

Shari said last night that Juan was in Vizcaino to pick up Dave and Don-Kay. Today we will gather for potluck and stories. Lots of interest here. To add to our celebrations, we are coming up to the winter solstice, a time of new beginnings and reaffirmation. Clear skies last night, and the moon still shines brightly. A time to be thankful for all that has been given us in our Baja states of mind. Welcome Dave!

David K - 12-20-2010 at 07:57 AM

Oh, great to hear Zoe! Keeping the family all together sounds great! Thank you for the news. I guess I will have a break from making maps for a couple of weeks?

Merry Christmas!


bajaguy - 12-20-2010 at 08:05 AM

Originally posted by zforbes
Shari said last night that Juan was in Vizcaino to pick up Dave and Don-Kay.

Hmmmmmm, wonder what happened to Mike.....and what about Solo?????........PS: Who is Dave????

shari - 12-20-2010 at 08:17 AM

Well...not sure who Dave is but he's welcome here anyway!!!:lol::lol:

Morning dear Nomads...whew...yesterday was quite an adventure. Juan set out on a mission to find Mike and his entourage and finally found them...I shant divulge all the juicy details...but shall let you all know that Mike, Don Kay and Solovino are resting in they didnt come by panga either!!!

Last night some folks gathered at the Beach House for a welcome Mike BBQ (no not burro) and I can tell ya it was pretty lively! That Mike is a FUN guy...and was ready to we rose to the occasion and ignored our 8:00 bedtime. I do have a wee headache this morning ...wonder how MIke feels? He was warmly welcomed last night and glad for the english speaking company. Solovino got some lovin and carne asada and we had lots of laughs hearing some of Mike's stories...more of that to come at the solstice gathering.

Solo vino is one of the most beautiful dogs I have EVER met...she is a gem and sooooo soft and sweet.

Donkay was the star of the show though...he arrived much sooner than Mike which is another funny story...and a mexican adventure. So we loved him up, fed him apples and carrots and he enjoyed a dessert of baby palm tree.

thanks so much to everyone who participated in helping bring Mike, Don kay and Solo vino here for Christmas.

If anyone wants to give him a call, the number is 615-160-0320.

[Edited on 12-20-2010 by shari]

David K - 12-20-2010 at 08:23 AM

Thank you Shari... I am so happy that Mike is there because I know how well you treat guests at Bahia Asuncion, having been one myself!

I was really worried after reading Ralph's post that Mike was going to blow off the Vizcaino Peninsula detour and walk to San Ignacio without experiencing your hospitality!

Merry Christmas! Happy Eclipse Tonight, too!

shari - 12-20-2010 at 08:30 AM

Yeah...we were pretty bummed when we read he was going to bypass asuncion which is why we put plan B into action...just go get him! I'm sure it will be a hilarious few days.

David K - 12-20-2010 at 08:38 AM

:lol::lol::lol: Good for you Shari! A Canadian kidnapping plan... or is that BURROnapping?

desertcpl - 12-20-2010 at 09:47 AM

what a nice story,, Shari you and Juan are one in a million

BajaGringo - 12-20-2010 at 09:52 AM

That is just awesome Shari! I know that Mike and company will share a memorable holiday season with you guys. Give Mike our best...

wilderone - 12-20-2010 at 10:05 AM

I'm very happy that Mike, et al. will be in goods hands and subject to making merry.
PS: Solo's name is Solo Vieno (I come alone)
Give that doggie a big hug for me - and tell Mike I said HI.
Merry Christmas to you all

TMW - 12-20-2010 at 10:15 AM

Shari thank you for sharing and the wonderful pictures. May you all have a merry Christmas and happy New Year and I wish Mike, Don-Key and Solo the very best when they continue their journey.

Barbareno - 12-20-2010 at 10:39 AM

Originally posted by shari
Yeah...we were pretty bummed when we read he was going to bypass asuncion which is why we put plan B into action...just go get him! I'm sure it will be a hilarious few days.

We are so glad to hear you put Plan B into effect Shari. Sure hope they stay a week and take advantage of the town's hospitality.

Tell me something....does Redmesa still have Nieve? Think that's how you spell it.


Mike's December Miles (so far)

David K - 12-20-2010 at 10:44 AM

I just spoke with Mike on the phone from Bahia Asuncion... and he sounds so happy to be there! Great job Juan in finding the trio at Vizcaino!

Mike was asking about the daily distance figures...
1: past Punta Lobos: 11 miles
2: past Punta Prieta (on the coast): 13 miles
3: to Santa Rosalillita: 7 miles
4: 0
5: to Punta Rosarito: 10 miles
6: 0
7: to El Tomatal road: 12 miles
8: to near Jesus Maria: 11 miles
9: to Laguna Manuela: 6 miles
10: 12 miles
11: to Guerrero Negro: 6 miles
12-15: 0
16: to near Benito Juarez road: 14 miles
17: 13 miles
18: to 2 miles from Vizcaino: 13 miles.
19: to Vizcaino where Juan found him: 2 miles?

Total for December, so far: 130 miles... 13 walking days = 10 miles per day average miles per walking day.

Diver - 12-20-2010 at 11:16 AM

Yeehaa !! or is that Yeehaw !?
Shari, again, you are one in a million and we are glad to know you !!
Best holiday wishes to you all !!

Bump for Mike

David K - 12-20-2010 at 11:24 AM

Originally posted by David K
On Nov. 1 Mike began his day 3 miles south of Colonia Vicente Guerrero (12 miles north of San Quintin).

The miles are from point to point and estimated, not included are side trips, etc.

11-1: 12 mi. (arrive near San Quintin Bay rd.)
11-2: 5 mi.
11-3: 8 mi.
11-4: 6 mi.
11-5: 8 mi.
11-6: 4 mi. (arrive El Rosario)
11-7: 0
11-8: 0
11-9: 11 mi. (arrive Punta Baja)
11-10: 3 mi.
11-12: 10 mi. (arrive Punta San Antonio)
11-13: 0
11-14: 9 mi.
11-15: 8 mi. (arrive Punta San Carlos)
11-16: 2 mi.
11-17: 4.5 mi.
11-18: 1.5 mi.
11-19: 3 mi. (SPOT assistance needed signal)
11-20: 2 mi.
11-21: 6 mi. (arrive Puerto Catarina)
11-22: 0
11-23: 0
11-24: 0
11-25: 16 mi.
11-26: 14 mi.
11-27: 14 mi. (arrive San Jose Fish Camp)
11-28: 10 mi.
11-29: 16 mi.
11-30: 14 mi. (arrive near Punta Maria)

Total November estimated miles of progress: 187 miles. 23 walking days. Average miles per walking day: 8.1.

A big jump in the daily miles occured after arriving at Puerto Catarina... those 6 days averaged 14 miles per day!

Bump for Mike...

David K - 12-20-2010 at 11:28 AM

Originally posted by David K
Good Morning, as today is Nov. 1... and Mike began his walk with Don-Kay on Oct. 1, I thought I would estimate the miles he has walked in the first month.

I am using the AAA map as it has mileages on all the roads, and Mike has almost always been on or parallel to the roads. The mileage numbers are rounded up to the next whole number.

As you know, he has rested on a few days... so the total is an average for both the days walking and days not walking.

Oct. 1 - Oct. 7 = 39 miles
Oct. 8 - Oct. 14 = 48 miles
Oct. 15 - Oct. 21 = 61 miles
Oct. 22 - Oct. 28 = 49 miles
Oct. 29 - Oct. 31 = 22 miles

Total for October = 219 miles

Daily average = 7.06 miles.

The most miles in one day is approx. 14

Naturally, there could be much more walking than just the point to point distances on a map. Perhaps Mike is keeping a GPS log for each day's distance?

Good job Mike!

At this pace, he should be in the Seven Sisters region at the end of November (Punta Blanco to Santa Rosalillita) or beyond if his pace increases?

Maybe Bahia Asuncion to Punta Abreojos region by the end of November?

Just estimates, naturally!

OCT. 219 miles
NOV. 187 miles
DEC. 130 miles (so far)

Total: 536 miles!

[Edited on 12-20-2010 by David K]

Skipjack Joe - 12-20-2010 at 12:31 PM

The donkey ate your palm tree? That's hilarious.

redmesa - 12-20-2010 at 04:44 PM

Barbareno! Nieve is free on the desert with a promise to me that she will never be machaca. However, I collected Don Kay and we had a nice walk on the playa and he got to much some salt grass. He is now in our compound looking ready to go a roamin' again. I hope there is an alfalfa delivery soon.

Think I will get out that bottle of Kahlua you left me and make up some paralyzes tonight's solstice party.

somomule - 12-20-2010 at 05:59 PM

Hi Everyone,

I just spoke to Mike on the Phone at 6:35 p.m. Central Time. He say's hello to everyone and said he is doing great and happy to be spending the holiday with friends and Don Kay getting a well deserved rest.

We talked about Don Kay, his shoes and pack gear. I mentioned to Mike how to tell when the shoes show signs of excessive wear and when they need to come off. He turned the half bred around also.

Mike said he is staying until the 24th and then on the road again. I heard folks in the background so I am sure he has lots of company!

it is important to remember that mileage a day is not the issue and Mike and Don Kay cannot exceed their capacity based on terrain and weather. It is only important that they arrive wherever and whenever safely.

Don-Kay had a hard time being gone from his ranch for the first two weeks of the trip and had never crossed water before. He is a seasoned veteran of both now.

Don Kay is a Mexican Donkey and will most likely remain in Mexico when the trip is over but I hope to work on a U.S. Donkey for Mike that he can keep on our farm in Southern Missouri. Mike and I discussed making a U.S. trip in the future..... hopefully we can put that together.

I called him at 52-160-0320 on my Skype Phone and it worked great.

Shari, Mike gave me your number. Please stay in touch if I can help.

Mike remains humble and wonderful as the day is long and enjoying the festive skys.


David K - 12-20-2010 at 07:01 PM

Glad you talked to him Ken, when we talked earlier today, I told him that one of the items was on backwards per you reply a couple weeks ago. So, I am glad you gave him the correct info.

BajaBlanca - 12-20-2010 at 07:09 PM

Shari ! Tell Mike to hang in there and walk to la bocana... we shall be back in la bocana on the 27th ...

his dog is the kindest animal .... just sweet as can be.

and I had never been near a donkey and boy - they are loving too.

somomule - 12-20-2010 at 07:15 PM

Hi David,

You bet David, it's was all good! I was delighted to get the chance to visit with him. Mike has transcended in a few months what it takes some packers much longer to accomplish!

I was truly in awe of the pack animal experience he spoke of as if he had been doing it much longer. He spoke as if he had been doing it for years but ever so humble. Truly impressive.

I think the hardest thing in life is just doing it and Mike has!


Originally posted by David K
Glad you talked to him Ken, when we talked earlier today, I told him that one of the items was on backwards per you reply a couple weeks ago. So, I am glad you gave him the correct info.

Graham - 12-20-2010 at 09:06 PM

Wonderful news Mike's there with Shari and Juan.

Enjoy the eclipse and the solstice you lucky guys. Sounds like a fun party in Asuncion. And a well earned rest for Mike, Don Kay, and Solo... and David can also take his well earned rest from months of assiduous map-making.

I hope somomule got that wrong about staying till the 24th and then hitting the road again??? Hope Mike has beautiful hospitality through Christmas and then on to La Bocana to spend time with BajaBlanca.

Get the dynamic trio well rested and ready for the next 500 miles or so.

somomule - 12-20-2010 at 09:11 PM

Correction on the number i reached Mike on. It was:
52-615-160-0320 via my Skype Phone.

I missed the 615 in my post...

Originally posted by somomule
Hi Everyone,

I just spoke to Mike on the Phone at 6:35 p.m. Central Time. He say's hello to everyone and said he is doing great and happy to be spending the holiday with friends and Don Kay getting a well deserved rest.

We talked about Don Kay, his shoes and pack gear. I mentioned to Mike how to tell when the shoes show signs of excessive wear and when they need to come off. He turned the half bred around also.

Mike said he is staying until the 24th and then on the road again. I heard folks in the background so I am sure he has lots of company!

it is important to remember that mileage a day is not the issue and Mike and Don Kay cannot exceed their capacity based on terrain and weather. It is only important that they arrive wherever and whenever safely.

Don-Kay had a hard time being gone from his ranch for the first two weeks of the trip and had never crossed water before. He is a seasoned veteran of both now.

Don Kay is a Mexican Donkey and will most likely remain in Mexico when the trip is over but I hope to work on a U.S. Donkey for Mike that he can keep on our farm in Southern Missouri. Mike and I discussed making a U.S. trip in the future..... hopefully we can put that together.

I called him at 52-160-0320 on my Skype Phone and it worked great.

Shari, Mike gave me your number. Please stay in touch if I can help.

Mike remains humble and wonderful as the day is long and enjoying the festive skys.


David K - 12-20-2010 at 11:15 PM

Thanks Ken... Just fyi, you can go back to any of your posts on Nomad and fix errors or add/ subtract content by pushing the 'edit' icon next to your post... I make typos and add maps and stuff... so it is handy.

shari - 12-21-2010 at 06:54 AM

Well, I tell ya, Mike is waaaaaay more entertaining than any silly old eclipse(it clouded over about an hour before it started)!!! Our little solstice gathering was full of belly laughs...I think I even had one of those laugh till ya cry fits...he is one hilarious guy...never mind a book...he should do stand up comedy.

Don Kay has shacked up with Red Mesa and happy to be there...solo vino is a most excellent perra and very stealth at stealing pot luck food!!!

Today's mission is to try to figure out how to repair Mike's packs which took a beating and need some serious that will be a challenge...they are really thrashed...too bad somomule couldnt send some new ones down for the next half of the em in.

Now that we assknapped Don Kay...we are keeping him till after Christmas so Mike can continue on if he wants but Don Kay is staying!!!

Next appearance...Don Kay goes surfing.....

BajaGringo - 12-21-2010 at 04:55 PM

Originally posted by shari
Next appearance...Don Kay goes surfing.....


somomule - 12-21-2010 at 04:58 PM

Originally posted by David K
Thanks Ken... Just fyi, you can go back to any of your posts on Nomad and fix errors or add/ subtract content by pushing the 'edit' icon next to your post... I make typos and add maps and stuff... so it is handy.

Okay thanks Dave!

Graham - 12-22-2010 at 03:17 PM

I just spoke to Mike there at Asuncion, sounds like he’s having a fantastic time and being well looked after, and mentioned something about Santa Claus parading around on Don Kay. Can’t wait to see the photos.

He definitely found room at the Inn this Christmas, thanks to Shari and Juan.

And he’s been attending to his pack which took a beating against the granite and cactus spines, etc… and he now has that repaired with sail material found on his beachcombing and a little work with a rivet gun and hot glue gun.

Yep, Baja beat the heck out of all my burro equipment, and most of it was held together with duct tape and bungees long before I reached Loreto. And I was inside my seventh pair of boots when I completed my walk around the coast.

woody with a view - 12-22-2010 at 03:35 PM


Now that we assknapped Don Kay...



i don't think we wanna know the details.......

now that Mikey has exited the badlands, from now on 'tis all downstream/downhill until cabo. have fun Mikey!

Happy Festivus!

PS: take the burro with you! i know what happens to 'em in them thar parts of the coast!!!!:light:

Nan&D - 12-22-2010 at 05:40 PM

Santa, his Don Kay, and surfers oh my!

IMG_1875-1.JPG - 25kB

David K - 12-22-2010 at 06:23 PM


woody with a view - 12-22-2010 at 06:56 PM

the resemblance is uncanny!

OH, MY!!!!

shari - 12-22-2010 at 07:43 PM

just got home from a big day with Don Kay, Mike & Solo who attended the Surf Party here in town...Don Kay was a real hit posing for photos and giving rides to the! and santa! I'm sure many of you will recognize some of the folks in the photos.

Here is wee Maximo...Juanita's nieto enjoying his ride!

roberto's sweet girls and some nomads in the background

Izaak gets his first burro ride too

I had a blast riding Don Kay to the beach too

the waves werent big but it was a fun local event anyway...thanks to Nan&;D for making the chicken salad tostadas for the competitors.

[Edited on 12-23-2010 by shari]

woody with a view - 12-22-2010 at 07:56 PM

Solo looks like he/she/it wants to be anything but....:light:

shari - 12-22-2010 at 08:05 PM

solo vino was so sweet all she is enjoying the view....hahahaha:saint:

desertcpl - 12-22-2010 at 08:22 PM


LOL,, some things never change, thanks for being your self, way to much fun

Feliz Navidad

Graham - 12-22-2010 at 08:56 PM

Great pictures.

Looks like Don Kay really did have "a big day." :lol:

David K - 12-22-2010 at 10:32 PM

Great!!! Nobody should miss a visit to Bahia Asuncion... at least once in your life! :biggrin:

tripledigitken - 12-22-2010 at 11:49 PM

Originally posted by Graham
Great pictures.

Looks like Don Kay really did have "a big day." :lol:

That was a "Jolly Good" one Graham!

Barbareno - 12-23-2010 at 05:46 AM

Looks like so much fun. Can hear the laughter from here. So glad that the three are getting a well deserved rest.

shari - 12-23-2010 at 08:12 AM our soltice soiree, we really missed you and in your honour Suzanna made Paralysers with that bottle of Kahlua you left this toast was for you guys! and Mike's first taste of our local favorite special beverage...cheers amigos.

DSC07008-3.JPG - 38kB

Barbareno - 12-23-2010 at 08:18 AM

I'm gonna cry.

wessongroup - 12-23-2010 at 08:26 AM

Want to look ten years younger.... take a walk with a donkey over 500 miles..

Wow does Mike look healthy...

Good he has a place to get rested and have a nice christmas ..... and all get a break from tear down and set up every day...

And to be with some nice folks..... a nice Christmas present to all

Merry Christmas.. Happy New Year...

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