
Baja Real Estate advise

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ramuma53 - 5-30-2013 at 08:49 PM

Just ask the Ejido before you buy for their execution legal Works and if you find Virtual execution, just walk away and you will find that on every Baja ejido.

If you have any doubt look for Mexican supreme court precedents (jurisprudencia) under Virtual execution (ejecución virtual e ejidos) ejidos and you will fnd out that it means no execution at all and no execution mean that they received no land so they own nothing and can sell nothing in a legal way.

They will argue against this forever, but supreme court rullings are there toi follow.:yes:

[Edited on 5-31-2013 by ramuma53]

805gregg - 6-1-2013 at 05:26 PM

Just rent, don't get stuck into buying

ramuma53 - 4-23-2014 at 12:36 PM


Lista del acuerdo publicado el día 21 de abril del 2014
Principal 762/2012 Rafael MUñoz Martinez Juez Mixto de Primera Instancia Santa Rosalia B.C.S. 15/04/2014 Sentencia Unico LA JUSTICIA DE LA UNION AMPARA A LA PARTE QUEJOSA

This mean, that the Federal Justice protected me against the arbitrary actions commited by the South Baja Estate authorities.
Also this mean, that the South Baja Estate Authrities are now open for a civil lawsuit for damages to my name and hotel and we estimate the damages over 100 million dollars.
This also mean that all the potos pulicly displayed here, are now proof that the Estate commited a crime of authority abuse against me and my hotel.
Well. this mean, that we have justice in Mexico, even if it Works slowly.:fire:

Now the Estate authorities and the citizens that elected are going to have to pay a very big amount in damages, since the Federal authorities found all the acusations groundless.

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