
Gary Patton - Updated Jan. 5, 2015

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SoCalPattonCrew - 1-1-2014 at 03:43 PM

Durelll -- the sighting in Rosarito could be accurate, haven't been able to confirm. It still is a sighting from a month ago, but if we string all the Rosarito sightings together, and hope they are true, then Gary would've been in Rosarito the end of September, end of October, and before Thanksgiving in November. We've had our contacts in that town for two months and are trying hard to get more information. Naturally, we are all hopeful he's there. We've got our teams of viewers, and his sister that went down this weekend in hopes of finding him, but so far, nothing else to confirm. Red Cross has nothing (and they say they would record name of any person they assist), and police have no records of him or his vehicle, still, all this time (although, I'm told if nothing was serious, they may not record name and license plates).
All of you that have friends, family, acquaintances in Rosarito, please pass along Gary's pictures from this website on these pages (vehicle rack, pg 14 -- Closeup pg. 19, and of course pg 1 is the flyer), and/or current issues of Baja Times has the flyer as well (and the spanish version), which is what people are noticing in Rosarito.
Thank you for staying concerned, and keeping us in mind. We know your help is the only way this can work successfully: one person tells another, who tells another, and then someone hears that's just seen him. All we can continue to do is hope for real time sighting, and we can only stay vigilant, pushing to keep the information out there.
Best to you and all of you, with your families, may 2014 be a new beginning for all nomads,
the Pattons

akshadow - 1-12-2014 at 12:30 PM

Post on a san felipe facebook page had notice of older man grey hair, beard, and mustache. may be same person, but I do not know how to show picture here.

"The picture you see is of a lost person. He was found near La Joya condominiums in Rosarito.

He says his name is LARRY GARVER.

Unfortunately, that is all we know. He had no id with him.

If you know him contact us as soon as possible. He is fine , not harmed... just scared.

Please post this . , we appreciate it.

661 614 9600"

go to face book to see picture

akshadow - 1-12-2014 at 01:06 PM

What an Amazing Story

Gypsy Jan - 1-12-2014 at 01:30 PM

A loved family member goes missing, many others join in to help find him.

Nobody is giving up.

My heart goes out to the Patton family.

fandango - 1-12-2014 at 01:52 PM

I think that is Gary.

Skipjack Joe - 1-12-2014 at 02:11 PM

This is the facebook image that could be Gary. Does this look right?

1521231_10151757409681706_198949330_n.jpg - 31kB

fandango - 1-12-2014 at 02:15 PM

Thanks for posting that photo here.
I can't find a telephone number in this post for the pattons, they need to have a look at this.
Larry was found in Rosarito and Gary was sighted in Rosarito twice.

Pompano - 1-12-2014 at 02:30 PM

Kudos to all on this endeavor. As this thread shows, BN is a very worthwhile forum for helping folks in need.

Justbozo - 1-12-2014 at 02:31 PM

Patton phones

Jennifer (714) 656-8879
Dave Patton (714). 429-9040

I don't have phone service.

fandango - 1-12-2014 at 02:35 PM

Thanks bozo.
They've been contacted.

grace59 - 1-12-2014 at 03:19 PM

Oh my gosh! It is difficult to tell looking back at the original photos posted of Gary, but I hope that it is him!! If not, then I hope someone who is related to this person finds him.

SoCalPattonCrew - 1-12-2014 at 03:46 PM

Thank you so much Skipjack Joe for the photo, sadly that is not Gary. But more importantly thanks for keeping our search active. It only takes one photo or sighting to complete our search for Gary. Our family continues to extend our appreciation for all the nomad's efforts. Gary's photos are on Page 1.

BajaNomad - 1-12-2014 at 04:12 PM

Originally posted by SoCalPattonCrew
...sadly that is not Gary.

Thank you for the quick-look.

Seems that while there are similarities, there are certainly some things that are not quite that similar.

Hope answers come sooner rather than later.

garypX3.jpg - 50kB

Kgryfon - 1-12-2014 at 04:28 PM

Darn. I was hoping that he had been found.

BajaBlanca - 1-12-2014 at 04:41 PM

Just checking in right now and no, that is not Gary .... but it is important that we all keep our eyes and ears open, could have been him - safe/unharmed/confused.

grace59 - 1-12-2014 at 04:42 PM

I was so hoping that this was Gary. So sad that it isn't. I hope that whoever this lost person is that he is soon reunited with his own family.

grace59 - 1-12-2014 at 04:42 PM

I was so hoping that this was Gary. So sad that it isn't. I hope that whoever this lost person is that he is soon reunited with his own family.

SoCalPattonCrew - 1-12-2014 at 04:43 PM

Thank you BajaNomad Super Administrator for the trio of pictures. It only takes one good sighting or photo to find Gary. Our family extends our appreciation to everyone for their contributions. Additional phone numbers: Gary's son Elliott: 714 329-4700 and Elliott's Mom, Kim: 949 697-9285. An additional photo of Gary is found on Page 19.

BajaNomad - 1-12-2014 at 04:48 PM

Originally posted by SoCalPattonCrew
An additional photo of Gary is found on Page 19.

renebruz - 1-13-2014 at 10:21 AM

So my question, is what is the story with Larry ? Anyone find out where he's supposed to be etc ????

Mulegena - 1-13-2014 at 10:39 AM

Originally posted by renebruz
So my question, is what is the story with Larry ? Anyone find out where he's supposed to be etc ????

See this thread noted above or on Facebook San Felipe News Group for Mr. Garver. Thanks.

SoCalPattonCrew - 1-20-2014 at 12:56 PM

We would like to inform everyone that we are continuing to publish Gary's Missing Person flyer in the Baja Times both English and spanish versions in the next upcoming issue. Thank you for continuing to help us find Gary.

BajaBlanca - 1-20-2014 at 07:07 PM


please contact Kim for important info, that I hope is a false lead ))):

Marla Daily - 1-21-2014 at 06:38 AM

Hi Baja Blanca,

What are you talking about? Many of us appreciate any information, as we keep up our vigilance in trying to help this family.

BajaBlanca - 1-21-2014 at 09:42 AM

I sent them a link to the vizcaino article on a dead male body found in the desert.

SoCalPattonCrew - 1-21-2014 at 02:47 PM

Subject: RE: Newspaper Report today of unidentified body found
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 09:44:08 -0800

I was talking with Vizcaino District Attorney Office ( Agencia del Ministerio Público ), they confirm me that the body found was a young man 17 or 20 years old.

My Best Regards


Kgryfon - 1-21-2014 at 03:21 PM

I had the same thought and am glad to hear that it was not Gary.

rts551 - 1-21-2014 at 03:58 PM

I certainly hope so. I would keep an eye on the news though. Out of the way places have made mistakes before when dealing with bodies in advanced decomposition.

EnsenadaDr - 1-21-2014 at 06:58 PM

You certainly have an interesting way with words RTS!! you handled that statement very delicately and with consideration.
Originally posted by rts551
I certainly hope so. I would keep an eye on the news though. Out of the way places have made mistakes before when dealing with bodies in advanced decomposition.

BajaBlanca - 1-22-2014 at 11:45 AM

From Kim:

Thank you, Blanca, for everything! The body in the newspaper is confirmed to be a young man, 17 to 20.

"Willardguy"s sighting turned out not to be Gary's car.

We'll be running the flyer ad again in Baja Times and the spanish paper, forget the name.

Just truly thankful we still have so many folks trying hard for us. Bless you all!


BajaBlanca - 1-22-2014 at 04:39 PM

ood day, Blanca,

Yes, absolutely appreciate Willardguy, and the others on the site offering help, looking for him or his car.

I've been thinking we might call out that this time of year, Gary would definitely be near Whale watching locales, whale shark lagoons, and/or wherever there are fishing boats. He could live off of fresh fish, indefinitely. So maybe we should be noting to those Nomads that frequent these places, or know others that do, to be on special lookout for him and/or his car. He also carries a very nice Canon camera and would have it with him if whale-watching, maybe even if on a fishing boat, or just taking pictures along the beach and cliff areas. I'm particularly focused on areas around San Quintin down the coast south, perhaps Guerrero Negro and San Ignacio. On east coast I guess near BLA.

These are places I think are hardest for us to search because they're remote, visitors come and go there, and to workers, Gary might look like every other older white guy. Just anxious to try other avenues, you know?

Feel free to post part or partial of these thoughts...

Appreciate you, and hope all's good by you,
Best Regards,

David K - 1-22-2014 at 05:11 PM

Nomad from Florida 'Bryan McKenzie', don't forget, really made an effort to pass out flyers on his vacation ... I think everyone who can help is or has, and that is really special about the Baja Nomads.

Poster sightings

Whale-ista - 1-25-2014 at 10:31 AM

I saw a few posters last week at Pemex stations and Oxxo stores. Also kept an eye out for the vehicle while driving and camping at lagoons.

What's the most efficient way to notify someone of news? If I had seen something of value, who would I call?

lizard lips - 1-25-2014 at 10:44 AM

Send me or the So. Cal. Patton Crew a u2u.


BajaBlanca - 1-25-2014 at 12:05 PM


. Additional phone numbers: Gary's son Elliott: 714 329-4700 and Elliott's Mom, Kim: 949 697-9285. An additional photo of Gary is found on Page 19.

ligui - 1-30-2014 at 07:08 AM

Has anyone tried to get this on the TV NEWS ?


rayfornario - 1-31-2014 at 12:55 PM

Originally posted by ligui
Has anyone tried to get this on the TV NEWS ?


I have asked this question too. It is very...surprising that there is no mention of this ever. Also, I contacted the family regarding a possible sighting well over a month ago via email. Never heard back from them...makes me wonder....:?:

Pompano - 1-31-2014 at 01:42 PM

Sorry to say it, but it's probably due to the high amount of missing persons reports every year. Now approaching 900,000 so far in the USA. Around 2,300 per day, including children and adults...tough to get all that on tv.

We wish for the best possible coverage and outcome.

[Edited on 1-31-2014 by Pompano]

BajaBlanca - 1-31-2014 at 04:23 PM

Ray, that sounds quite odd....could you send me the info via U2U and I will make sure someone checks it out. Thanks.

ligui - 2-1-2014 at 06:49 AM

BajaBlanca , seems when ever an american goes missing in the baja it's big Tv news .

I'll ask again , has anyone spoken to the news media ? Seems like this is just the story that they would jump on .

They love to bash mexico about all of the bad things .

DENNIS - 2-1-2014 at 08:37 AM

Originally posted by ligui

I'll ask again , has anyone spoken to the news media ? Seems like this is just the story that they would jump on .

They love to bash mexico about all of the bad things .

I don't see news as bashing if it's factual. We all deserve to know everything.
Unfortunately, with this issue, facts have been scarce.......not to mention old at this point.

SoCalPattonCrew - 2-1-2014 at 08:54 AM

My sincere apologies to Ray, (rayfornario) for not responding to his email he sent to me. At that time we did have family in Baja, and in my haste to pass on the information in a timely manner I neglected to respond to Ray. Without the eyes and ears of our Bajanomad Community, we would be lacking vital information in the search for Gary. Our family has always appreciated your efforts in keeping Gary in your vision. Thank you again Ray for taking the time to relay the possible sighting of Gary in Tijuana.

BajaBlanca - 2-1-2014 at 12:45 PM

And ligui is correct, perhaps a TV spot on the Mexican news channels?

SoCalPattonCrew - 2-5-2014 at 06:09 PM

Updating all that the family had reached out to our Congressman (Dana Rohrbacher in our CA district) for their official involvement in whatever capacity they may provide: after contacting his office last October and December, and finally receiving a call-back in January, we submitted their authorization forms and a report of our activities to his office. His office personnel said they can write a letter to their official contacts in Baja asking what information they have or have not learned, what may have been done etc., to find Gary, then report back to us what they learn.

Because we have contacted the Embassy, the Tourism board in San Quintin, officials in Ensenada via our detective, the Red Cross, the Flying Samaritans, we're not expecting much information to be returned from this effort, and certainly will not be timely (they're mailing a letter to request information).

Someone out there knows something, and we need to make it comfortable for that person(s) to come forward. We are taking up the suggestions to pursue TV again. There were announcements made back in September/October from southern Baja that spanish TV ran our announcements, so we will try again to refresh that effort. And, the flyer is running in BajaTimes and the spanish affiliated papers.

You all here remain the greatest thing that helps us, truly. What we receive from you all here, talking it up, keeping Gary in mind, asking personnel at gas stations, pay-phone locations, food markets, liquor stores, restaurants and fish taco street vendors, and of course, where the whales are, and where the surfers go, and fisherman for hire, makes you all our best resource. We just need to be sensitive so we do not scare people off, explaining it is family looking for him not the authorities for any crime or illegalities.

Please continue to come forward with your ideas and checking in with us whether we have reported back on suggestions or sightings. We will answer any and all -- Thank you all !!!

ligui - 2-6-2014 at 07:32 AM

I've sent an e-mail to CNN with this story asking for help for the family .

Lets see .

bent-rim - 2-6-2014 at 10:06 PM

Too bad he didn't have his Grandpa's shotgun with him. Bill O'Reilly would be all over this story.

absinvestor - 2-10-2014 at 01:48 PM

Ligui- I am curious about your email to CNN. I was just watching Fox news and there was a story about a retired hedge fund type exec that has only been missing for 2 weeks?? He evidently emailed his mom about 2 weeks ago saying the military was requiring him to leave the area etc. I didn't catch exactly what part of Mexico that he was in but wondering how his story got media coverage when only missing for two weeks??? Maybe if you contact Fox News vs CNN we can get Gary's disappearance covered. It might be excellent timing since they have another missing Mexico traveler as part of their current news. Let's hope!!

absinvestor - 2-10-2014 at 01:58 PM

The link to the fox news story is :

DENNIS - 2-10-2014 at 03:16 PM

Originally posted by absinvestor
It might be excellent timing since they have another missing Mexico traveler as part of their current news. Let's hope!!

Good idea. It may even prompt others with missing friends or relatives to come forward. [I would go all in saying there's many more than the current two.]

Then we can sit back and watch those with tourism interests throw in the "Mexico Bashing" cards.

805gregg - 2-10-2014 at 07:00 PM

This guy isn't found yet, what are the percentages that he will be? There is a lot of desert in Baja

chuckie - 2-11-2014 at 04:32 PM

Very helpful, thanks...

BajaBlanca - 2-19-2014 at 10:55 AM

We agree with Nomads' suggestions to get our missing person information to the television stations but our attempts for months now are going unanswered and frankly, been frustrating and time-consuming. Wondering if any of you could help us contact the local stations to ask if we could email them our flyer, the pictures we have from the bajanomad site here, OR by getting a television person's name, contact number, email of someone specific, and we'll work to see if they're willing to get our search televised.
I am only guessing as to the appropriate network(s) and whether those stations broadcast in the SanQuintin, Baja and surrounding areas. Anything any of you can offer or find out, please reply. We will pursue any and all leads to try to get on television and radio.
In the states here, most televised reporting for the missing is dedicated to children. The case of the recent missing person reported on CNN etc. we also heard about, who is a Hedge fund Executive with obvious financial and rich family connections. Unfortuately we cannot match that in Gary's case, since he is only a retired Vietnam veteran living on his pension.
So please any ideas, specifics, there must be some way we can get this done... thank you everyone, again --

DENNIS - 2-19-2014 at 11:25 AM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca
since he is only a retired Vietnam veteran living on his pension.

Information, such as this, could have inspired some suggestions a long time ago.
Contact a "Vet Center" and try to get the assistance of a counselor or advocate. Perhaps Gary has been involved with one of the centers in the past. If so, that would be the best one to contact.
These centers are part of the VA system and when they talk, people listen.

BajaBlanca - 2-20-2014 at 06:13 PM

very good suggestion by Dennis. I had no idea he was a vet either ....

EnsenadaDr - 2-22-2014 at 05:26 PM

Funny I read that Dennis and Muhammad Ali are around the same age. Makes you feel years younger when you are compared with "The Champ"!!
Originally posted by BajaBlanca
very good suggestion by Dennis. I had no idea he was a vet either ....

SoCalPattonCrew - 2-25-2014 at 04:40 PM

Want to reply to the post about the VA and our television efforts:
Guess it was not clear about the television effort we have done versus what we're trying to do. Early on in this nightmare, we were able to get coverage but, other than in Baja Sur, we were not sure anything was televised because no one ever commented on seeing the TV reports on Gary. We did hear from folks in the Cabo area that they saw Gary's televised report. So the problem is we can't confirm from here whether anything is being televised nor where it is being televised. So please don't assume we didn't do what we could to get TV coverage, but do assume that we have not been able to confirm any TV coverage, especially in Ensenada thru San Quintin local TV broadcasting areas.
Secondly, as a veteran, the VA was the first entity we went to for assistance and were sadly met with where most of our efforts have ended up: privacy laws. If anyone does not believe the rigidity of these regulations, call your own account-holders and ask. They'll tell you that they will not share your information with family,spouse or children unless you have a health &/or financial Power of Attorney. And we do not.
Lastly, we have new listings in the following online publications:

These are in addition to Baja Times and Ecos (spanish version) still running our flyer.

Thank you for remaining vigilant and hopeful with us ...


SoCalPattonCrew - 3-6-2014 at 10:45 PM

Our family received a call from the US Embassy asking for any updates or news about Gary, to which I replied, we've sadly have had no clearly informative reports that panned out to anything, either way, good or bad, regarding Gary even after a private investigator was employed. And, nothing even on his vehicle which I find strangest in that he always was meticulous about getting Mexican car insurance. The Dept employee said he called to inform me that he received a letter from our Congressman (Orange County-finally), four months after our first reach-out to him, with them asking the State Dept about what they had done regarding this case. So, at least we know our Congressman did reach out in an official capacity to 'check in' on what was going on, eventually, although the State Dept could only reply that they'd done everything they could as far as options at their disposal. I'm not sure what else will come from our Congressional Representative.. I share this more as informational for those of you that suggested our congressional representation could help us, well this is it.
He also wanted to assure me that when he recently traveled to Guerrero Negro, he noticed our flyers at the hotel Catavina and nearby gas station. To this, our family thanks all of you treasured Nomads once again for all your unrequited efforts in helping us find Gary, especially as time seems to continually wear down on our resources and ideas, as to what we can do next, what we might've missed in our search. If any of you travel to Hotel Jardinis or Ole Mill nearby, maybe ask again about Gary, because these are his last known locations, AND please be friendly and SAFE as there is absolute reason to fear making inquiries because if there has been wrong-doing, we absolutely do not want anyone endangering themselves just by asking questions. The staff at the hotel Jardines know the entire situation, but please be mindful if strangers are within ear-shot of your conversations, because you just do not know what has happened here and we plead that you be sensitive to danger in this and any similar situational inquiries. Gary is an innocent that is not the point, we just want you all to be safe yourselves because we do not know why Gary is missing and making inquiries if there was an endangerment, may endanger you. I hope I can assume you are aware of what I speak here about being discreet.

I've also made inquiries to the local airport in San Quintin airport should they be able to monitor with their special viewership. We continue to try to keep the flyer in the Baja Times but it has become costly so please keep issues you have with the ad for reference.

Bless you all for your continued vigilance ... I am thankful every day for your viewership.. may you all be blessed in yours... your frequent monitoring is so appreciated especially when we are so far away..... K

BajaBlanca - 3-7-2014 at 07:45 AM

Thanks for posting an update. Sad to hear there is no good news but your Congressman sure deserves a big thank you ... Good on him!

absinvestor - 3-7-2014 at 07:50 AM

Everyday we watch for a post with good news- I know it is hard but keep the faith ie miracles do happen!!

mtgoat666 - 3-7-2014 at 11:48 AM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca
Thanks for posting an update. Sad to hear there is no good news but your Congressman sure deserves a big thank you ... Good on him!

:?::?::?::?: why would you thank the congressman? it took him 4 months to respond!

SoCalPattonCrew - 3-11-2014 at 11:11 PM

To those expressing views about our Congressmen Rohrbacher, I share both views equally, because I feel we have to. I am not impressed that it took months to even receive a phone call from their office, but once it came, wit their apologies, we had to use whatever assistance they offered, and at least they did do one thing they said they would.

I have not heard from their office after they reached out to the State Dept., so I will be doing that soon to find out if they did anything else besides that obvious, easy task. I do not have high expectations, but it's become very hard to have any expectations.

Gary's birthday will be April 14th, he'll be 65.

Bless you all for your continued expressions of good thoughts, hope and efforts.

MMc - 3-12-2014 at 07:38 PM

Looking at the other thread this is just that harder to read. I hope something turns up.

SoCalPattonCrew - 3-18-2014 at 10:16 AM

URGENT update to our fellow nomads.
Late last night we received a phone call from a police commander in Catavinia that Gary's ​4r​unner had been found. Articles in the vehicle appear to confirm it is Gary's.. We are franticly trying to confirm and gather more information this morning, making plans to travel there tomorrow.
At this point, there is still no information on Gary himself but we are hopeful. The vehicle was found by the ocean, not sure where, but we'll report back as soon as we know more.

Please pray with us that Gary is safe, and that we'll find him now.

SoCalPattonCrew - 3-18-2014 at 10:20 AM

The post above should read "Gary's 4 runner Toyota has been found. The remainder of the post is the same.

DianaT - 3-18-2014 at 10:23 AM

Originally posted by SoCalPattonCrew
URGENT update to our fellow nomads.
Late last night we received a phone call from a police commander in Catavinia that Gary's ​4r​unner had been found. Articles in the vehicle appear to confirm it is Gary's.. We are franticly trying to confirm and gather more information this morning, making plans to travel there tomorrow.
At this point, there is still no information on Gary himself but we are hopeful. The vehicle was found by the ocean, not sure where, but we'll report back as soon as we know more.

Please pray with us that Gary is safe, and that we'll find him now.

Sending lots of good thoughts your way---- hoping for the best! Good Luck and travel safe.

Taco de Baja - 3-18-2014 at 10:31 AM

I would have thought finding a 4Runer in Baja would have been easier than finding a lost 777, especially if it's near the location Gary was last known to be....I will definately send good thoughts for a happy outcome.

Barbareno - 3-18-2014 at 10:42 AM

Hoping that your prayers are answered soon.

absinvestor - 3-18-2014 at 10:50 AM

Wow, it's been a long dry spell with little or no information. Many prayers for a positive outcome!!

gallesram - 3-18-2014 at 10:58 AM

The police commander in Catavina is a good guy (I think his name is Jose) and he speaks very good English. He knows that area very well so hopefully he'll be able to help you now that you have a solid lead. Good luck; we're all hoping for a good outcome for you and your family.

Whale-ista - 3-18-2014 at 11:33 AM

I hope this is the start of good news and answers to so many questions.

It was surprising to read this info came from authorities in Catavina, which is central/inland, yet they report the car was found near ocean.

Does anyone know how Catavina authorities became involved? Does their jurisdiction extend to the coast?:?:

Kgryfon - 3-18-2014 at 03:22 PM

Oh, I hope this is good news! I gues any news is good news at this point! Thoughts are with you and your family!

David K - 3-18-2014 at 04:24 PM

To help visualize the Pacific Coast nearest Cataviña:

The 'Fish Camp' without a name is San José (San José de la Piedra on the Mexican topo maps). It is at the end of the arroyo with Rancho San José about 10 miles upstream. The turnoff from Hwy. 1 is signed 'Faro San José' and is about 8 miles north of Cataviña... at km. 168. The topo map shows this as a graded road, and about 41 miles long. I traveled on some of it back in 2007, and some of it was a good graded road, but some deep dust near the coast.

Best wishes for closure on this mystery!

[Edited on 3-18-2014 by David K]

vgabndo - 3-18-2014 at 04:58 PM

On the branch of that coastal access road at Km 171 on the southern entry there was a sign last year offering public accommodations at a rustic resort of some kind. Something like 40 clicks out there. There are excellent campsites on that south road before the fork.

This is a good mystery. (if one's heart is not being broken) There should be some answers found in/on/about his vehicle. Certainly it didn't have to be him who drove it there. It would be good if something really indicated that he had, then we could mount a search with some hope of success.

woody with a view - 3-18-2014 at 05:59 PM

There is a woman named Sra Mercedes, her son Isreal who are at the top of the ejido heirarchy at San Jose de la Paloma (Piedra) (this is Elsa's mom and brother from another long ago thread) that you should look up if you head out that way. they will know every thing there is going on out there, good and bad.

willardguy - 3-18-2014 at 06:16 PM

then again, word was he may have been headed towards LAbay. either way its a tantalizing lead and lets hope it pans out!:yes:

BajaBlanca - 3-18-2014 at 06:20 PM

just logging on after a busy last couple days ..... vehicle being found is HUGE!

hanging in there just waiting to hear some good news.

dtbushpilot - 3-18-2014 at 06:41 PM

We will be going north through Catavina Friday afternoon, let me know if there is anything we can do to help.

Mulegena - 3-18-2014 at 11:51 PM

Originally posted by dtbushpilot
We will be going north through Catavina Friday afternoon, let me know if there is anything we can do to help.
Oh yes, please consider speaking with the police captain in Catavina if at all possible. I was at Mama Espinosa's this morning in El Rosario but closed my computer shortly before the family posted this crucial update. Had I read it I'd have made every effort. I read this thread now late at night, having arrived safely to home in Mulege. Best of efforts, family and friends.

bajaguy - 3-19-2014 at 06:23 AM

How about NOT speaking with the police. The family said they were going down, so let them handle it.

I'm sure they will let us know what the story is

Originally posted by Mulegena
Originally posted by dtbushpilot
We will be going north through Catavina Friday afternoon, let me know if there is anything we can do to help.
Oh yes, please consider speaking with the police captain in Catavina if at all possible. I was at Mama Espinosa's this morning in El Rosario but closed my computer shortly before the family posted this crucial update. Had I read it I'd have made every effort. I read this thread now late at night, having arrived safely to home in Mulege. Best of efforts, family and friends.

SoCalPattonCrew - 3-19-2014 at 08:48 AM

We need to ask the nomads for some patience ... people are going to go the police dept is sounds like, and we do not need that. Guess we should've held off updating the site. If you want to add anything, please ...

There's a map that DavidK posted and it's very good, easy to read.

The family asks that you nomads to give us today, Wednesday, to do our own followup on these reports, by not going to any police departments or stepping in just now.

Our family needs to get with officials tomorrow and understand exactly what we're dealing with, so for now, the fewer folks that are not family in the area the better. We appreciate that you all are on-hand to help, and a God-send to be standing by. If we can just ask that you do just that for today ...stand by. Please consider that we do not know what exactly we are dealing with, good-bad-or ugly, and as hopeful as we are, until on-scene, our family needs time to learn first and then process whatever it is we have to deal with. You have all been terrific, beyond any of our expectations, in your kindness and willingness to pitch in, drive all over, post flyers. Today we just need a little time to assess this situation, and then report back to you all with whatever news there is. Please just gives us a little leeway to make confirmations.

It's been more than 6 months, it can't be too much to ask folks to wait another day or two. Please.... you must realize how fragile this moment is for us right now. Thank you all for being there for us, just please stand by for today...

absinvestor - 3-19-2014 at 08:57 AM

Thanks for your post. I'm sure all Nomads will understand and do nothing (other than good wishes) until you ask for assistance.

BajaBlanca - 3-19-2014 at 11:03 AM

I agree with abs, surely no one will intentionally disrespect your wishes.

Please let us know any news, good, bad or ugly as soon as you can.

Mulegena - 3-19-2014 at 03:33 PM

Of course, no one would interfere or act in any other manner than pure respect and support of the Patton family.

Please let us know how we can continue to assist you, friends.

SoCalPattonCrew - 3-19-2014 at 06:13 PM

Thank you all for your well wishes. We will post an update as soon as we receive more information from our family currently in Baja.

Islandbuilder - 3-19-2014 at 08:13 PM

There is a realtor in San Quintin, Jonathan Mendez, who is fairly active in the area west of Catavina. He may have some personal contacts out there that will help you. I don't know how to post links, but he should pop up in a google search with his name and San Quintin.

He is a very good guy, and speaks excellent English.

Do I remember correctly that this was one of the areas Gary was thought to have headed to in the beginning?

I do so hope that this is a solid lead and will yield results!

lizard lips - 3-20-2014 at 10:27 AM

I have been in contact with the family ever since they received the call from the Catavina Police the night before last. Garys son and brother drove down early yesterday morning and met with officials from San Quintin and they were kind enough to drive both of them to Catavina where they finally saw Garys 4 Runner. The vehicle had been towed to the Village of Catavina. The vehicle was located in a remote area and apparently was stuck in the sand. Local men on horseback found the vehicle with Garys expensive camera, surfboard, clothes, and an ice chest full of rotten food.

I don't know the exact location where the 4 Runner was found but I'm assuming it was off a dirt road, hidden from view, and several miles from Hwy. 1. When the family has the exact location it will be posted. Garys vehicle was in very good condition and apparently had not been ransacked and the horsemen were the first to find it.

Garys son and brother are now in San Quintin preparing to get the vehicle in running condition and bring it back across the border.

The last photo taken by Gary was dated 09/05/2013. This is the day he checked out of Hotel Jardines in San Quintin and was last seen.

I was asked by Garys sister to write this post and inform you all of what has currently taken place. She asked me what I would do now that we have the vehicle and it's last know location. I told her I would go to where the vehicle was found and start out from there and search for Gary.

In September, especially early in the month, it is extremely hot in this area. I am assuming Gary went looking for help to get his vehicle out of the sand and met his demise.

I have never been involved in a search operation like this before and I am sure someone on this board would have ideas on how this can be accomplished. The family has never given up hope that Gary would eventually be found and now, knowing what we know, a search effort definitely needs to be conducted.

The family does not have the funds to perform a search hiring professionals to do this but if we can somehow put together a search party with Nomads and others who have done this before it would put this issue to rest once and for all. I know if it was one of my family members I would never give up attempting to find out what exactly happened and have my loved ones remains returned to me. I think all of you can appreciate that being said.

Please give your thoughts about what I have posted and lets put an end to this tragic disappearance.

As soon as I know, or the family knows, more information it will be posted immediately.

As far as myself and the family you all have been more than kind with your well wishes and never ending concern regarding this man that loved Baja, it's people, and his adventurous spirit.

BajaBlanca - 3-20-2014 at 10:34 AM

Lizardlips, it sounds like you have a good plan and I sure hope others join you in the hunt.

Please be sure to take up island's suggestion and ask the realtor to help.

The desert is as brutal as it is beautiful, pls be careful.

lizard lips - 3-20-2014 at 10:39 AM

I forgot to mention that the keys for the vehicle were found inside and his wallet was not found.

Until we know the exact location where the 4 Runner was found then we can discuss contacting others for help on the next step.

David K - 3-20-2014 at 10:47 AM

I am wondering why the rush to tow the vehicle away from where it was found, unless the scene was gone over to see evidence of what direction he walked from the 4Runner? Any good trackers here on Nomad?

lizard lips - 3-20-2014 at 10:52 AM

There are still a lot of questions that need to be answered David so until we receive a copy of the police report and discuss this with the authorities involved we can move forward.

absinvestor - 3-20-2014 at 10:55 AM

One would think that depending on how far off the main road the vehicle was found that he would have made a decision to back track or to proceed ahead but in either instance to stay on the road where he would most likely find help? We had all hoped for a happier ending but I think the family is getting close to some answers.

David K - 3-20-2014 at 10:57 AM

10-4 Dan, thank you!

Taco de Baja - 3-20-2014 at 11:05 AM

With all the surfers and Mexican fishermen that use those roads to get to the coast, I'm really surprised it was not found sooner. He must have pulled well off the main dirt road and headed up a sandy wash looking for a good camping place for the night and gotten stuck. There aren't too many sandy areas for camping along that rocky road to the coast; when you need one and see a sandy wash you take it. Drive far enough and your vehicle is hidden.

rts551 - 3-20-2014 at 11:11 AM

I am not the expert, but Hopefully we have one person coordinate a search (knowing where everyone is and marking off searched areas on the map).

With a little advance notice I am sure that we can have ATV, motorcycle, and capable off-road vehicles join the search.

Communication gear (radios and GPS's) will be expert will know the drill. don't need others getting lost.

David K - 3-20-2014 at 11:17 AM

All good advice... and once again a good time to remind everyone... if you get stuck in sand, no matter 2WD or 4WD vehicle... let the air out of all 4 tires... to ~10 psi for starters if you are stuck, and if you don't have a gauge, then when you see tire tires bulging. Clear any built up sand from in front of the tires so there won't be any 'hill' holding you from rolling forward. Don't spin the tires if you stop moving... because then you are only going to move DOWN... and will need to dig out more sand.

BajaBlanca - 3-20-2014 at 11:27 AM

Spot on Ralph......the thing of it is, you guys have to find the exact location where the vehicle was and with the winds we have been having, there are no tracks for miles and miles. It will indeed have to be a coordinated hunt.

mtgoat666 - 3-20-2014 at 11:44 AM

Originally posted by rts551
I am not the expert, but Hopefully we have one person coordinate a search (knowing where everyone is and marking off searched areas on the map).

With a little advance notice I am sure that we can have ATV, motorcycle, and capable off-road vehicles join the search.

Communication gear (radios and GPS's) will be expert will know the drill. don't need others getting lost.

if the car was found in catavina boulder fields, you will get farther on foot, atvs will just get you down roads and easy paths, but wont help in following logical hiking paths.

suggest you search the logical paths from stuck car back to civilization. keep in mind that if he was following road or wash back to highway to seek help, he probably cut corners to shorten walking distance, so you will want to hike the logical hiking short cuts along vehicle route. also he may have been overlanding away from vehicle path if he thought that shorter

at this time it is a body search, so no rush. Get a map of location where car was found, then you can start planning. not much point in planning if you don't know location car was found.

sad conclusion, but at least he died doing something he enjoyed, eh?

Taco de Baja - 3-20-2014 at 11:54 AM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca
Spot on Ralph......the thing of it is, you guys have to find the exact location where the vehicle was and with the winds we have been having, there are no tracks for miles and miles. It will indeed have to be a coordinated hunt.

Cataviña also gets pounded with thunder storms (been in several in that area over the years) those too will wash away any tracks. Plus, there are a lot of cattle, horses and donkeys out there. Sadly, given the time that has passed, all that can really be done is attempt to find a body by walking systematic transects in the area of the vehicle, and possibly along the sides of the main dirt roads.

BooJumMan - 3-20-2014 at 12:09 PM

Post says the car was found by the Ocean. I am surprised it hadn't been found earlier. This year was very busy with surfers in that area. (Most I have ever seen by far).

I'm curious on the exact location. I spent 14 days in the area this winter and did a lot of driving around. Also, this area experienced a lot of rainfall this past summer as the lowlands were full of water and lots of mud.

I would be willing to travel down for a few days in help search, please PM me if needed.

lizard lips - 3-20-2014 at 12:10 PM

There are many that think that when your in Mexico the police and locals are corrupt and will take advantage of any type of situation that leaves you helpless.

What has recently happened with finding Garys vehicle and all of the valuables left inside I take my hat off to those that were involved and allowing the family to recover what was found.

This information needs to get past this Nomads site and show that Mexico, it's officials, and citizens are honest and respectful.

Bad things happen anywhere in the world but honesty and respect for others is still alive and well here in Mexico.

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