
Turtle bust

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TheColoradoDude - 7-27-2009 at 09:43 AM

In all crazy fairness, Ram made an extremely sane post in the Ejido thread. So who knows what to believe.

ramuma53 - 7-27-2009 at 09:44 AM

Sorry Jesse but I have no Socios in Tijuana, the only partners I have are in Mexico city and are all well known businessman, in fact one was named Businessman of the year in 1992 in Mexico city.
The only partner I had in Tijuana was the other owner of ABC newspaper who died last year Mrs. Carmen Arreguin, a very well known and honest Newswoman, who was always attacking drugdealers.
So I repeat, como out of your kitchen sometime, there is life outside I asure you.

ramuma53 - 7-27-2009 at 09:47 AM

I can tell you something, since this started, a lot of people have changed their point of view and a lot of facts are well known now and in fact yes it has helped my business and I can tell you something, now it is a lot more difficult to get Turtle stew in Bahia Concepcion than it used to be before this.

David K - 7-27-2009 at 09:49 AM

Look at any map of Baja and notice that Bahia Concepcion is a 25 mile long, 'dead end' bay (no other exit).

Buenaventura is over halfway down the bay and for drug runners to do business in there... boating by countless witnesses at Frambes, Narranos, Santispac, Coyote, etc. (at 3 am or anytime) is ludicrous (crazy).

Since customers of the hotel would also be customers of Olivia and Mark, it is dumb to think they would give anyone staying at the motel, a hard time.

Where are you ramuma53? Why are you not at Buenaventura as a good businessman doing what you can to make peace and good business there. I would have been happy to meet you and listen to you. Mark and Olivia did not even bring up any of this until I asked them and they did not speak bad of you, only the reported the basics.

It is what you type here on Nomad and things you say to my friends, like JESSE that spoils my opinion.

Can you just be happy that you have the motel now, and allow Mark and Olivia to provide food and drinks to your guests...? As you say, Mulege is far away to drive to. Just live and let live... Quality of life is important and since you cannot choose your neighbors, try and get along with them instead of making up these far-fetched stories to try and run them off.

Isn't Mexico supposed to be the Amigo Country? How about trying better at being amigos and be happy with what you have without trying to take away what someone else already has... It looks to me that since Mark and Olivia live there all the time, they would be better at operating their busness than you would be, from Tijuana or where-ever you are.

End this war and make that part of Baja a welcome destination... It would be GOOD for the motel if all of you could be happy and productive.

Thanks for listening Sr. Muñoz

tripledigitken - 7-27-2009 at 09:49 AM

Wonders never cease. By all means then keep posting if it has become a good business plan.


ramuma53 - 7-27-2009 at 09:53 AM

If you know them, name them, since I do not have any, I do not care and let see who is the stupid
Then maybe from there you have your ties with Olivia and her business and I mean her real business.

ramuma53 - 7-27-2009 at 09:59 AM

David K
you said it, you are new and I will explain it to you again.
Drugs come from sinaloa, cross the Cortez Sea and if they go around Cabos, they run in to the Navy there, so they have to cross the peninsula without going through an Army post, so they unload in Bahia concepcion where the easiest and more alone is Buenaventura and Requeson, there they go to La Purisima road that corsses the peninsula and go to the Pacific where they load again and go to Rosarito Beach, it was a sound plan before it was pubic here, now the Army has a post on that road too but can not close it for long.
I have told Olivia a lot of times to quit that business, in fact for me it would be a lot better if she gave a good service without selling drugs there, but I will ask you, would you allow a drug supply to operate beside your home or business?

ramuma53 - 7-27-2009 at 10:08 AM

Sorry again Jesse, but it was cleared then with everybody, the one who started to use my account was Eduardo Villa arellano, who actually live in Buenaventura and who Narc said was my bodyguard, then I started to write myself and correcting everything and nobody has used my account since then.
you should read this from the start or at least carefully so you do not make mistakes, because it looks like you have a special interest in defending people who kill sea turtles, would you prepare it in your kitchen too.

ramuma53 - 7-27-2009 at 10:21 AM

Well that is you opinion and I respect your opinion as everyone´s opinion and you can be sure my opinion on you is not the best also, so if you do not have anything to say, that is in your own experience, restrain yourself form saying really stupid things that clearly say you have an interest, because people without them like to hear from both sides.

David K - 7-27-2009 at 10:37 AM

Originally posted by ramuma53
David K
you said it, you are new and I will explain it to you again.

This is rich... so very rich. :lol:

Boats cannot motor down the length of Concepcion Bay and back out again, un-noticed... Iti s not possible and a Navy ship posted off Mulege would have been assigned if this was a credible report.

Folks, I tried... this guy doesn't want to solve the issues, just keep up the stories.

Lenin (I think) said: if a lie is told often enough, it becomes the truth.

What do I know... I am 'new' here, afterall!:lol::lol::lol:

ramuma53 - 7-27-2009 at 11:14 AM

David K
Again, you are talking about something you do not have experience with, a Navy boat has been stationed at the bahia concepcion entrance for months now, why do you think the Navy do that? just to see the scenery?
Also, a boat can go all the way in to Bahia concepcion, even big boats and causally, Olivia has a boat ramp, one of only 2 in Bahia concepcion, that she does not let anybody use and that they hide putting a truck in front of it always. Sorry David K, but you have to know before you talk.

Jesee, see that you are based on La Paz, if you are so interested in defining what is true and what is not, why don´t you go to the PGR and ask about the last week Army bust in Olivia´s restaurant? it is not a secret in La Paz at all, ask the Ejido also if they are happy having a narc Ejidataria because I know they are not.

La Purisma drug route

Sharksbaja - 7-27-2009 at 11:20 AM

Every time I've made the trip from BOC to La Purisma via the dirt road I have been stopped and inspected by the military .\

So apparently either the military is in cahoots with "youknowwho" or this story is "fullochit".

Methinks the latter.:rolleyes:

ramuma53 - 7-27-2009 at 11:29 AM

Why do you think the army is there now? because it wasnt before it was said here, it was after the Marine raid that the Army started to put the post on that dirt road that crosses the peninsula form just south of Bahia concepcion to Ejido La Purisima in the Pacific.
Also, you know it is a dirt road very difficult to negotiate, being used mainly for that purpose, cross the peninsula without going through Army posts, since you can go to La Purisima from constitucion on a paved road, so if you take the dirt road, you must have a very good reason.

toneart - 7-27-2009 at 11:32 AM

Something about the story that doesn't seem plausible: If there is so much heat on Olivia and Marc, why would they continue the 3AM operations, as alleged? Hard to believe.

I am not taking sides because I do not know. All we can do, since both parties are pleading their case here, is to look for clues and/or inconsistencies in their stories.

Cypress - 7-27-2009 at 11:41 AM

ramuma53, Your creditabillity is shot. You have no one to back up your slanderous claims. Mark and Olivia on the other hand, have the support of everyone who meets them, myself included. 'Bout time for you to tuck it up and crawl back into whatever hole you crawled out of.:biggrin:

dtbushpilot - 7-27-2009 at 01:08 PM

Hey DK, I agree with you....even though you are new here and don't know much about Baja. I know a bit about the Bahia Conception area and I agree that Buenaventura would be about the worse place for unloading drugs. There would be hundreds of better places on the peninsula to do it without having to motor down a box canyon with no way to escape in full view of potentially hundreds of people.....but then, I'm not a drug runner and really don't know that much about Baja either.

Hey DK, why do you suppose ramu knows so much more about drug running than we do?........dt

Sharksbaja - 7-27-2009 at 01:26 PM

Originally posted by ramuma53
Why do you think the army is there now? because it wasnt before it was said here, it was after the Marine raid that the Army started to put the post on that dirt road that crosses the peninsula form just south of Bahia concepcion to Ejido La Purisima in the Pacific.
Also, you know it is a dirt road very difficult to negotiate, being used mainly for that purpose, cross the peninsula without going through Army posts, since you can go to La Purisima from constitucion on a paved road, so if you take the dirt road, you must have a very good reason.

Yes, very good reasons, none the which were about drugs. Your inference is downright silly.

BTW, that army post has been operating up there for at least 5 yrs.


OLIGUACOMOLE - 7-27-2009 at 02:15 PM

Ok Munoz....enough of your rhetoric.

I can give you a first hand account of my meeting with Eddie (whomever). Last Wed. I was helping a man who was camping and about to leave load some tackle for his boat. Eddie was walking on the other side of the bridge that we made. I did called him cocaine Eddie. He started laughing and said he wanted to talk with me. I said come and talk. Here is what was said.

Eddie: Mark I want to talk to you about Rafael Munoz. He is a good person. He loves animals and he loves this place too. Mr. Corona asked me to look out after Munoz. I know Munoz is crazy but you can deal with me. Eddie says: know one likes Munoz in Mulege, but they like me. Let's make business Mark......make business, make money, there is lots of money to be made here.

I said; if you have to have this place then buy it! Show me lots of money, no payments and I don't think you have any money anyway.

Eddie; we have lots of money. You can deal with me and not Munoz. You do not understand how Munoz is nothing and he just represents the investors. All the money is here, I can get it for you!

Mark; I know I can never deal with a person like Munoz.

Eddie; Mark Mark we need to make business you have your side we have ours. I put much time in this hotel and need to make money. Together we can make money.

Mark; why would I want to do business with you? We are going to win in court. Terrorizing me for all these years. You have nothing and we have everything, why would I want to give the part of the beach to you? I know Munoz has lots of enemies, maybe that is why he is not here.

Eddie: Mark I have checked up on you. I have friends in San Diego, they have checked up on you. I know all about you and your family. It is better we do business, lets make business.

Mark: Well I guess you found nearly nothing, are you disappointed?

Later (15 min.)Eddie came over to the restaurant and wanted to talk more. I told him if we could talk later please because I had people at the restaurant. Eddie agreed. --We have not talked since.

Now Munoz about your allegations claiming I have sent three separate assassins for you, your wrong. I would never send anyone for that pleasure.


OLIGUACOMOLE - 7-27-2009 at 02:27 PM

Signs and Symptoms
Schizophrenia is a mental illness that usually strikes in late adolescence or early adulthood, but can strike at any time in life. The signs and symptoms vary from individual to individual, but all people with the disorder show one or more of the following symptoms:

1. Delusions: These are beliefs that are not true, such as feeling people are following or trying to hurt them, believing other people can read their minds, or beliefs that they have special powers or abilities.
2. Hallucinations: This usually takes the form of hearing voices that are not there, but people with schizophrenia may also see, smell, taste, and feel things that are not there.
3. Bizarre behavior: This can be expressed in many different ways. In short, the individual behaves in ways that seem inappropriate or strange to other people.
4. Disorganized speech: The individual speaks in ways that are hard to understand. For instance, sentences might not make sense, or topic of conversation changes with little or no connection between sentences. Sometimes speech is completely incomprehensible.
5. "Negative symptoms": This includes lack of motivation or interest, diminished cognitive functioning, and decreased emotional expression. Individuals may lose interest in attending to their own personal hygiene, have little interest in interacting with others, and rarely seem to feel or express strong emotions.

In addition to these above symptoms, people with schizophrenia suffer a decline in their level of functioning; for instance, they may not be able to work at a job that requires the same level of skill or concentration as the job they held before they became ill required, or they may lose all ability to withstand the pressures of the working world. They may show a decline in their ability to attend to household chores or all the demands of raising their children, and/or they may not be able to have a full social life anymore.

Sometimes schizophrenia is a chronic condition, and the individual afflicted is constantly experiencing hallucinations or other symptoms of the disorder. Other people have periods of time when they are relatively symptom-free but have periods of more acute psychosis. Every individual is different, and every person with schizophrenia experiences the disease in a different way.

ramuma53 - 7-27-2009 at 03:56 PM

Ok Narc and Oliguacamole or Olivia or Vaquera as you are known in the drug trade.
The first sentences may come from Eddie but as soon as you start with Mr. Corona, you are obviously lying, he cannot tell you that, because he has nothing to do with Corona nor has he access to him and Mr. Corona has nothing to do now in Buenaventura now and from there you just keep lying and I say lying because Eddie is not capable of saying that because he has nothing there beside living with Betty, so he has no interests there other than take care of his wife Betty and we all know he is a little pot head but he do not snort coke like you two do, he is just a pot head who live in dreams but who do not harm anybody but himself. so he does not represent me nor can and he does not care about money, he is an extremely good worker but he simply does not care about money, his dream is to live under a palm tree and that is it, so you are portraying hem wrongly, he is just a good guy without even the smallest ambition more than what he actually have.
So you are a liar and a coward, but we all know that, so those are not news.
The important thing is this, do you deny that you were detained by the Army a few days ago and spent 72 hours in jail because they found Cocaine on Olivia and you? And think about it because I can show proof here if you want, I always take care of having proof before saying something like that.
Or do you deny that you have several criminal investigations for armed robbery, damages, robbery, lying to judicial authority and of course cook and selling sea turtle?
Or do you deny that you sell alcoholic beverages in Federal zone without a federal permit or that you rent houses in Federal zone being that forbidden by law?
O that you unload drugs very often?
Just answer this with honesty because I will show proof that you do all those things.
And about the assasins, I will ask Eddie to tell me your exact words to put here, but it looks like you are as coward as always and you know I tell it to your face, every time I have the displeasure of looking at you when you run from me.
But don´t worry, I know you are a barking dog not a biting one, but as soon as we notice that you may have that tendency, we will take care of you like you deserve then.

ramuma53 - 7-27-2009 at 03:59 PM

And for those who ask why I know so much about the drug trade, just read all my published columns in the ABC newspaper since 1990 and also I can tell you that I was teaching at the National Army academy when I was 18 years old, just deduct the rest.

comitan - 7-27-2009 at 04:04 PM

Hold on I forgot to salt my popcorn, Ok. Now!

And now this brief interlude at Adelitas Bar in Tijuana

ELINVESTIG8R - 7-27-2009 at 04:07 PM

comitan - 7-27-2009 at 04:13 PM

Are you posting pornography again.:O:O

ELINVESTIG8R - 7-27-2009 at 04:17 PM

:lol: Yes!

KAT54 - 7-27-2009 at 04:18 PM

Narc Were you in jail for 3 days with Vaquera?
Mano Negro has proof.
And how did you get out so fast
having been caught with 6 pounds of the whie stuff.
DavidK says you were there and all was ok.
Were you set up with coke too?
Did you have separate cells?
Are you now members of the mile high cell club?

OLIGUACOMOLE - 7-27-2009 at 04:41 PM

No nothing has happened since the turtle set-up/bust.

----Eddie seemed very upset about ramuma53 using his name and posting in Eddie's name. Munoz maybe you can make a copy of what Eddie wrote.----He is asking me to supply copies and I feel it would be better if you gave them to him in person!

There is help for schizophrenia

OLIGUACOMOLE - 7-27-2009 at 04:46 PM

What treatments are currently available?
Just as different people with schizophrenia can experience different symptoms, the effective treatment for each person is different. Each individual's treatment program can include one or more of the following:

Medication: Finding the right medication can be difficult, and a trial-and-error process may have to occur. It is important to be open with the psychiatrist, reporting what symptoms and side-effects are occurring, so the doctor can help to find the best medication to meet individual needs of each patient. It is also important to learn the contraindications of certain medications, such as the effects of alcohol or sunlight on the effectiveness of the medication.
Education: The person with schizophrenia and his or her family members can benefit from learning all they can about the disorder, including how to diminish stress and conflict, which can sometimes help spark a relapse. It is also important to learn what resources are available in the community for treating mental illnesses.
Individual, group, and family therapy: This can help with problems that arise day to day, as well as setting realistic goals and defining strategies for reaching those goals.
Hospitalization: This is required during some acute phases of the illness or sometimes in order to make changes in medication in a well-controlled, monitored environment.
Support groups: These can be very important for those with schizophrenia and for their family members and friends. See below for a list of support groups.
Residential, day-treatment, and vocational programs: These programs can help the person with schizophrenia reach his or her highest potential and greatest level of independence. Staff in these programs become well-acquainted with their clients and can help find living arrangements, work, and recreational activities that are well-suited to each client's needs.

What help is available for the family and caretakers of individuals with schizophrenia?
There are a number of national organizations that provide information and support to individuals with schizophrenia and their loved ones. The internet site contains a comprehensive information source and referral service. You should also check with local agencies in addition to these national organizations:

Organizations and their websites: NAMI
( National Alliance for the Mentally Ill)
Mental Health Net
National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia
Open The Doors

arrowhead - 7-27-2009 at 05:16 PM

DENNIS - 7-27-2009 at 05:21 PM

Originally posted by OLIGUACOMOLE
What treatments are currently available?

Thorazine comes to mind. What may be considered uncomfy about the drug is that your arms will never swing again while you walk to your designated point, probably to the nurse that will give you just a bit more.
Have fun with that stuff. Write and tell us of your experience.

dtbushpilot - 7-27-2009 at 06:04 PM

Marc, I've been to your place a dozen or more times, camped at your beach, patronized your resturant and bar, shot the sh#t and felt like I was one of your trusted friends. I look like the kind of guy that has been around the block a time or two and knows his way around. Why haven't you or Olivia, in all these years (15 or so) offered me any pot or blow? What's wrong with me? Why have you excluded me and my beautiful wife from the wild parties where copious amounts of drugs and turtle soup are consumed. I have to tell you, I feel slighted, left out, shunned.......why Mark, why have you forsaken me all these years?.....:lol::lol::lol:.....dt

We'll be heading North around the end of August. We'll stop by for lunch and a visit. Hi to Olivia.....dt

KAT54 - 7-27-2009 at 06:19 PM

Mano Negro wrote:
"The important thing is this, do you deny that you were detained by the Army a few days ago and spent 72 hours in jail because they found Cocaine on Olivia and you? And think about it because I can show proof here if you want, I always take care of having proof before saying something like that"
Narc says NO JAIL
Mano Negro now is the time for TRUTH
Can you handle THAT

ramuma53 - 7-27-2009 at 07:09 PM

Here is some update
The Navy gun boat has been if front of Olivia´s restaurant for two days now and they are putting the lights on any car that go to the restaurant, but there has been nobody in the restaurant since yesterday, looks like they are watching Olivia very closely now; why would the Navy be doing that if they didnt know something.
Also, I talked with Eddy about his conversation with Narc and when he talked, his wife was near and she heard everything, so they said Narc is a known lyar, but Narc told him that he have been receiving a lot of stolen documentation belonging to me, from Armando Avakian Games, a known drug traficker in Tijuana that is their close friend and they are very mad about losing merchandise (3 kg Cocaine) that nobody but them, knew was under their TV at the restaurant in a hiden place.
Then they tried to invite Eddie for a drink at the Restaurant, but he wisely denied.
He remembered what happened to Jimmy, one of the Hotel guests, who was left for dead by Olivia and Narc and they have not served a day in jail also for those life threathening injuries.
Well, looks like Narc is lying as usual.

ramuma53 - 7-27-2009 at 07:16 PM

4 people, Stan Valentine, Eduardo Villa Arellano, Elizabeth Espinosa and her cousin saw when they werer arrested by the military and the amount of drugs confiscated was confirmed by Narc bodyguard.
I think that the Navy gun boat stationed in fgront of the hotel at this time is also proff that it happened, but lets get some documentation on that.
One fo the Americans who has been in the area has confirmed that Oliva has been running drugs since his husband Mick Jeorge used his airplane to bring drugs from mainland Mexico in shoe boxes since almost 20 years ago, when they had big boats and airplanes suposedly from selling hamburgers at the restaurant.
Well looks like a lot of people know what was and is happening, but was afraid to talk about this until it started to apear here.

ramuma53 - 7-27-2009 at 07:21 PM

maybe is you had told them you were a bush pilot, they may have let you carry some of their loads to the US and made a los of $$$$ like them

snowcat5 - 7-27-2009 at 07:38 PM

Dennis, Please don't leave us hanging.... what other thread? I've stopped at Olivias and Nark's place many times and haven't noticed anything, say, out of the ordinary. They've always treated me right.

David K - 7-27-2009 at 07:45 PM

Olivia's husband's name is MARK.

railbird - 7-27-2009 at 07:56 PM

Olivia's previous husband was Mike George at the time the cafe and hotel were built, over twenty years ago.

David K - 7-27-2009 at 08:04 PM

Originally posted by railbird
Olivia's previous husband was Mike George at the time the cafe and hotel were built, over twenty years ago.

Yes, and I was married before, too... so what? The current guy is Mark. If they aren't "married", then I apologize for the error.

dtbushpilot - 7-27-2009 at 08:21 PM

Originally posted by ramuma53
maybe is you had told them you were a bush pilot, they may have let you carry some of their loads to the US and made a los of $$$$ like them

Well, as a matter of fact ram-u, I knew Mike George pretty well, even went flying with him, once in his Navajo and again in his Aztec. He was well aware of the fact that I had a "bush plane" and that I knew the "out of the way" places in Baja. He never mentioned drug running to me or indicated in any way that he and Olivia had any such dealings. As a matter of fact I found him to be a hard working friendly guy just trying to make a living.

We talked about building a landing strip close to Bunaventura for the "fly in" customers etc. If there was any drug running going on I would have probably been asked to join in....I wasn't.

As I said in a previous post, Mark hasn't shared any of his drugs or drug running business with me. I can't imagine why, I've been a "tree top flyer" ever since the ink was dry on my pilots licence. I have landed on more dirt roads in Baja than air strips. Nobody has ever invited me to join in their drug running activity.

Maybe I look like a about it Nomads, those who know me, do I look like a narc?........maybe it's just me......dt

the perfect drug running bird, if they had only asked me:

ramuma53 - 7-28-2009 at 08:26 AM

Yes, exactly that is what they look for, but they work only with very well known people, they belong to the Baja Mafia, but they have associates of course and some are Americans like in El Coyote, but those are well known now by the military, maybe you are right and you look like a DEA agent because ther are plenty of those around.
Just check today the Restaurant, they have a Navy gun boat stationed permanently in front of the restaurant and nobody is there even to watch the place and of course is closed

dtbushpilot - 7-28-2009 at 09:19 AM

Originally posted by ramuma53
Yes, exactly that is what they look for, but they work only with very well known people, they belong to the Baja Mafia, but they have associates of course and some are Americans like in El Coyote, but those are well known now by the military, maybe you are right and you look like a DEA agent because ther are plenty of those around.
Just check today the Restaurant, they have a Navy gun boat stationed permanently in front of the restaurant and nobody is there even to watch the place and of course is closed

Yes ram-u, you're probably right, I don't have your connections in the drug business. Just as well, I'm not interested.

Maybe the Navy is there for the soup, I've heard it's pretty good:lol::lol:....dt

ramuma53 - 7-28-2009 at 01:30 PM

The good thing is that since the turtle bust happened, Sea Turtle has been unavailable, at least as easy as it was then, no restaurant in the area is offering it, even to known clients and I think that that fact alone accomplished something.
Having the boat there is as obvious as having the cat at the mouse wall entrance, waiting for it, but they must have their reasons and I think that the only logical answer is that they got information that an unloading operation was coming and they are just closing the door.
What I am sure is that they are going to say that I put the boat there to scare their customers.

[Edited on 7-28-2009 by ramuma53]

ELINVESTIG8R - 7-28-2009 at 01:40 PM

Until LisaR posted here
I did not realize how close everyone is to each other.

The beachfront is about 332 meters or 1,096 feet across which includes the little inlet.

I see the hotel and boat launch can someone fill in the rest.

[Edited on 7-28-2009 by ELINVESTI8]

KAT54 - 7-28-2009 at 01:42 PM

dtbushman says "Yes ram-u"
His name is "Mano Negro".
As for the "boat" it is probably a SHIP.
Most tourists like to see the Army or Navy.
It is the drug dealers that are afraid of them.
Is the restaruant closed?
Narc said it was open.
And how could you Mano Negro get the Navy to park a "boat" out front?
Maybe Mike George called them or his 16 year old wife

KAT54 - 7-28-2009 at 01:52 PM

Dead turtle in the restaruant
Look at the picture.

[Edited on 7-28-2009 by KAT54]

David K - 7-28-2009 at 01:58 PM

Originally posted by ELINVESTI8
Until LisaR posted here
I did not realize how close everyone is to each other.

The beachfront is about 332 meters or 1,096 feet across which includes the little inlet.

I see the hotel and boat launch can someone fill in the rest.

Hi David,

The restaurant is the square building on the right half on the beachfront. The clearing to the right is parking... then two homes. West of the restaurant is the long, narrow building which is a boat and storage garage. In my Day 5 report you will see photos from the highway as we drove by. In my Day 4 report is a sunset photo from infront of the restaurant and you can see that rocky point/ jetty where the arroyo meets the sea.

[Edited on 7-28-2009 by ELINVESTI8]

ELINVESTIG8R - 7-28-2009 at 02:05 PM

Thank you David K.

David K - 7-28-2009 at 02:06 PM

David, see Lisa's post 'Buenaventura' in the Photos forum!

tripledigitken - 7-28-2009 at 02:09 PM

Originally posted by KAT54
Dead turtle in the restaruant
Look at the picture.

[Edited on 7-28-2009 by KAT54]

Not only that but the rare and endangered Sea of Cortez Red Ocean Trout, Shark and last but not least the Jack-a-Lope. Somebody arrest them now!


mulegemichael - 7-28-2009 at 02:11 PM

yes, dt, you DO look like a cross between a drug runner and a cop...kind of a telly sevalas on meth..kind of...just kidding...rumamamama could probably use your expertise. You could do periodic flyovers and coordinate with the navy gunship out front...geez, whatta mess...

endless turtle

tehag - 7-28-2009 at 02:49 PM

What if it's all just another example of the saying, "There is no such thing as bad publicity."

CaboRon - 7-28-2009 at 04:38 PM

How about some pictures of the navy gunship ?

ramuma53 - 7-28-2009 at 06:00 PM

you don´t supose to publish Navy gun ships phoptos in any place.
about the pictures, you can say anything you like but the law says that you can not have any turtle, live or dead or any part of it and unless that turtle is a fake one, it is a law violation also; of course nobody will prosecute them for that, but non the less it is a law violation equal to the stew, that is why you have to be carefull with any part of a turtle, even an old one because the law does not make any distinction about parts of a turtle for any use.
Concerning the other aerial photos, the hotel and houses to the north all are part of the hotel, the first one to the North is where Eddie or Eduardo Villa Arterllano live with his wife, the the next one is where Stan Valentine live and the last to the North is wherte Thad Braxton live, all are in my property and rent.
Everything on the photo except the 40 mts strip of highway, the sea and 20 mts strip of Federal zone is my property.
what you see to the south is Olivias Restaurant El Sargazo and she is allowed in the 20 mts from the sea strip, but I allow her to cross my property to go to her restaurant and you can see that I can close that road any time I want, it is in my property.
Ok Lencho, send us your photo to put it there with the not allowed under any condition list.
At this time you will see the Navy ship just in front of the restaurant and during the night they are putting the laights on any car that aproach the restaurant, the restaurant the last 2 nights has been deserted and closed and this has never happened in the past, she always left somebody there to watch for her stuf, looks like we are going to watch them for her for a while and believe me, we will do, we are not like them.


toneart - 7-28-2009 at 06:14 PM

Originally posted by ramuma53
you don´t supose to publish Navy gun ships phoptos in any place.
about the pictures, you can say anything you like but the law says that you can not have any turtle, live or dead or any part of it and unless that turtle is a fake one, it is a law violation also; of course nobody will prosecute them for that, but non the less it is a law violation equal to the stew, that is why you have to be carefull with any part of a turtle, even an old one because the law does not make any distinction about parts of a turtle for any use.
Concerning the other aerial photos, the hotel and houses to the north all are part of the hotel, the first one to the North is where Eddie or Eduardo Villa Arterllano live with his wife, the the next one is where Stan Valentine live and the last to the North is wherte Thad Braxton live, all are in my property and rent.
Everything on the photo except the 40 mts strip of highway, the sea and 20 mts strip of Federal zone is my property.
what you see to the south is Olivias Restaurant El Sargazo and she is allowed in the 20 mts from the sea strip, but I allow her to cross my property to go to her restaurant and you can see that I can close that road any time I want, it is in my property.
Ok Lencho, send us your photo to put it there with the not allowed under any condition list.
At this time you will see the Navy ship just in front of the restaurant and during the night they are putting the laights on any car that aproach the restaurant, the restaurant the last 2 nights has been deserted and closed and this has never happened in the past, she always left somebody there to watch for her stuf, looks like we are going to watch them for her for a while and believe me, we will do, we are not like them.


arrowhead - 7-28-2009 at 07:56 PM

Originally posted by CaboRon
How about some pictures of the navy gunship ?


shari - 7-28-2009 at 07:58 PM bellylaugh I've had all week!

DENNIS - 7-28-2009 at 07:59 PM

Yeah....That was a good one, for sure.

ELINVESTIG8R - 7-28-2009 at 08:01 PM

Good one!

toneart - 7-28-2009 at 08:34 PM


JESSE - 7-28-2009 at 08:59 PM

Originally posted by arrowhead
Originally posted by CaboRon
How about some pictures of the navy gunship ?



duke62 - 7-28-2009 at 09:59 PM

That is good stuff! :lol:

BajaNuts - 7-28-2009 at 10:53 PM

there's the's all true........


JESSE - 7-28-2009 at 11:07 PM

That Mexican gun ship is about as real as ramumas escrituras.:lol:

Sharksbaja - 7-29-2009 at 03:20 AM

Arrowhead, you da man! :bounce:

.....and they all thought the F16s were claps of thunder!

snowcat5 - 7-29-2009 at 07:22 AM

Is that the infamous airstrip, in the water, off the shore? Or is this Ramuma53's new boat he bought at a San Diego auction? Is this the boat that off-loads at night? Maybe this is Mark's moving van and they're getting out? I wouldn't leave my stuff for Ramuma53 to take care of- something fishy might happen. If Ramuma53 wants to leave the hotel alone for a few days I'm sure Mark and Olivia will watch it for him- its the neighborly thing to do!

Hook - 7-29-2009 at 07:39 AM

Time for all parties concerned to start marketing their properties to Mexicans.

'Cause this thread has pretty much destroyed the faint possibility that any gringo would show up there any time soon.

What a clear case of both parties shooting themselves in the foot..............:rolleyes:

Of course, if the goal was to vacate the area for the continued trafficking of turtles and drugs, then it has been a smashing success.

DENNIS - 7-29-2009 at 08:16 AM

Originally posted by Hook
Time for all parties concerned to start marketing their properties to Mexicans.

'Cause this thread has pretty much destroyed the faint possibility that any gringo would show up there any time soon.

That may be the only way we can get rid of this monotonous thread.

ramuma53 - 7-29-2009 at 01:58 PM

Your appreciation of things are wrong and there are many opinions that sustain this, what you are seeing here is a battle between people who want to clean Mexico that do not accept having a drugs supply store next door and the ones that had it corrupted, abusing natural resources and violating justice and I can tell you because all my business is related to tourism and giving services to Americans mainly and I can tell you, that every American who really know the problem are with me, only pranks who are in to buying that stuff are against us.
Of course there are a lot of people who do not know anything and eat a fair hamburger and heard their problems and feel sorry for them, those are honest people who really think they are good people, but anyone who live there know the real thing.
Nobody of us liked very much Jimmy, an American veteran who drink, talked to much and too high, but one day he invited for a drink one of our employees to Olivia´s restaurant, the guy was new and didn´t knew anything so he went with Jimmy, they asked for drinks like any normal people but Olivia and Mark denied service to my employee and told him he was a dirty Mexican; of course my employee left but Jimmy felt insulted and as a big mouth as he is he defended the little Mexican and the next thing he knew was that Olivia, Narc and one of her employees attacked him, he is a tall fellow so they had problems and Narc took a machete and apen his head in half, he went down and they carried him to the sea but as soon as Jimmy felt the salt water in his wounds, he came back and asked for help. A lot of people from the Hotel came and all heard Olivia tell Narc to kill him fast but the people was there too soon and took Jimmy to the hospital, he was bleeding heavily and they din dot want to give him first aid in Mulege, they thought he was dying but he resisted a trip to Loreto and they patched him up, he went to the police and made a formal complaint, accused Olivia Mark and the employee, his injuries were the kind that left permanent scar in his head, put in danger his life and take more than 15 days to heal and that make the crime a heavy one. Olivia and Narc have never been in jail for that crime, the employee was found guilty and ordered to go to jail for 12 years but he has never been in jail even for 5 minutes and Olivia and Narc said they were not there and believed.
That is corruption of justice against an American in Mexico, that is what drive away tourism, not this forum; here we only want to show that we are changing Mexico´s ways.
Also, they were found in possession of Sea Turtle stew, in a restaurant, selling it and when they saw the military, Olivia got the stew pot and tried to dump it outside but was caught by a military entering on the back side door, he was caught with the stew pot in her hands trying to dump it, an internationally protected species, made soup and being sold in a restaurant, a species that has been driven to nearly extinction being sold as soup.
Now she and Narc were caught with 3 Kg. of Cocaine and spent only 72 hours in jail.
That is what we are against, that is what we want to stop, so more people even like Jimmy come back.

[Edited on 7-29-2009 by ramuma53]

Cypress - 7-29-2009 at 02:22 PM

ramuma53, You ever thought of getting professional help?

JESSE - 7-29-2009 at 02:51 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
ramuma53, You ever thought of getting professional help?

laplumaloca lives in his own little world.

ELINVESTIG8R - 7-29-2009 at 03:01 PM

Originally posted by ramuma53

...Nobody of us liked very much Jimmy, an American veteran who drink, talked to much and too high, but one day he invited for a drink one of our employees to Olivia´s restaurant, the guy was new and didn´t knew anything so he went with Jimmy, they asked for drinks like any normal people but Olivia and Mark denied service to my employee and told him he was a dirty Mexican; of course my employee left but Jimmy felt insulted and as a big mouth as he is he defended the little Mexican and the next thing he knew was that Olivia, Narc and one of her employees attacked him, he is a tall fellow so they had problems and Narc took a machete and apen his head in half, he went down and they carried him to the sea but as soon as Jimmy felt the salt water in his wounds, he came back and asked for help. A lot of people from the Hotel came and all heard Olivia tell Narc to kill him fast but the people was there too soon and took Jimmy to the hospital, he was bleeding heavily and they din dot want to give him first aid in Mulege, they thought he was dying but he resisted a trip to Loreto and they patched him up, he went to the police and made a formal complaint, accused Olivia Mark and the employee, his injuries were the kind that left permanent scar in his head, put in danger his life and take more than 15 days to heal and that make the crime a heavy one. Olivia and Narc have never been in jail for that crime, the employee was found guilty and ordered to go to jail for 12 years but he has never been in jail even for 5 minutes and Olivia and Narc said they were not there and believed. That is corruption of justice against an American in Mexico, that is what drive away tourism, not this forum; here we only want to show that we are changing Mexico´s ways...

Rafael I am not taking your side or Mark and Olivia's side but if what you say is true with respect to the above, I would like to hear from Jimmy if he is willing to come on here and tell his side of the story. Is Jimmy available to say what happened?

JESSE - 7-29-2009 at 03:13 PM

Originally posted by ELINVESTI8
Originally posted by ramuma53

...Nobody of us liked very much Jimmy, an American veteran who drink, talked to much and too high, but one day he invited for a drink one of our employees to Olivia´s restaurant, the guy was new and didn´t knew anything so he went with Jimmy, they asked for drinks like any normal people but Olivia and Mark denied service to my employee and told him he was a dirty Mexican; of course my employee left but Jimmy felt insulted and as a big mouth as he is he defended the little Mexican and the next thing he knew was that Olivia, Narc and one of her employees attacked him, he is a tall fellow so they had problems and Narc took a machete and apen his head in half, he went down and they carried him to the sea but as soon as Jimmy felt the salt water in his wounds, he came back and asked for help. A lot of people from the Hotel came and all heard Olivia tell Narc to kill him fast but the people was there too soon and took Jimmy to the hospital, he was bleeding heavily and they din dot want to give him first aid in Mulege, they thought he was dying but he resisted a trip to Loreto and they patched him up, he went to the police and made a formal complaint, accused Olivia Mark and the employee, his injuries were the kind that left permanent scar in his head, put in danger his life and take more than 15 days to heal and that make the crime a heavy one. Olivia and Narc have never been in jail for that crime, the employee was found guilty and ordered to go to jail for 12 years but he has never been in jail even for 5 minutes and Olivia and Narc said they were not there and believed. That is corruption of justice against an American in Mexico, that is what drive away tourism, not this forum; here we only want to show that we are changing Mexico´s ways...

Rafael I am not taking your side or Mark and Olivia's side but if what you say is true with respect to the above, I would like to hear from Jimmy if he is willing to come on here and tell his side of the story. Is Jimmy available to say what happened?


Why do you insist on giving this guy a chance when it has been proven many times ( by federal goverment agencies ), that he has invaded property that does not belong to him? using fake titles, not just once, but two times?

What more do you need to see it?

ELINVESTIG8R - 7-29-2009 at 03:36 PM

Jesse, the truth of the matter is that I do not know who is telling the truth. I am willing to give the benefit of the doubt to both sides up until the courts make a ruling for one side or the other. I would hate to say one side or the other is lying without proof. To me that is a *Just* position to take. I have been an investigator for over 30 years and you would not believe the crap I have been involved in. Just when you think you have all the answers *BAM* you get hit between the eyes and you are proven wrong. Believe me I have been duped a couple of times in my career. I am no virgin in that respect. I wish people here would not dump on either side until a verdict in a Court of Law is rendered.

ELINVESTIG8R - 7-29-2009 at 04:03 PM

Jesse I guess it begs to be asked. Why, if Rafael Munoz has been found guilty of possessing fake documents why has he not been thrown off the land? Can anyone answer that for me. Call me stupid, but would that not have happened if he was found guilty.

Edited to say: Those articles are dated during 2003. It seems to me that he would have been evicted long ago.

[Edited on 7-29-2009 by ELINVESTI8]

JESSE - 7-29-2009 at 04:12 PM

Originally posted by ELINVESTI8
Jesse I guess it begs to be asked. Why, if Rafael Munoz has been found guilty of possessing fake documents why has he not been thrown off the land? Can anyone answer that for me. Call me stupid, but would that not have happened if he was found guilty.

In Mexico, you can go into a house, take posession, and that will start a long and difficult process to get your property back.

1st thing.

Documents will be provided to show who the real owner is. At this point, documents have proven that ramuma does not own the land, and in fact, used faked documents to try to get it.

2nd thing.

Once this has been established, usually the invader understands he has nothing, and leaves. But, many choose to stay in the property and further the process.

3rd thing

Since this is considered a civil matter, now a judicial criminal process has to start in order to physically remove the invaders from the land. The invader can get a good lawyer, and he can delay the process for years, in wich time, he can trash your property and or break your finances. If the owner is tough, he will go tru this, spend as much money as possible, and finally win and put the invader in jail. If he is weak, he will just give up and leave the property to the invader, or give the invader a piece of the property in order to buy him off.

Guess at wich point this is at?

ELINVESTIG8R - 7-29-2009 at 04:40 PM

Jesse thank you for the information.

ramuma53 - 7-29-2009 at 04:54 PM

Well now I can tell you, you always looked like a coward, but now you are a liar, never a government agency has proved me anything, so from now on instead of Jesse I will call you liar, or I dare you to demostrate what you are saying and you are right I have a legitimate claim, only it is writen in a Government issued private property title that you can see in; now can you provide something so I do not call you in your face a coward and a liar??????

As a matter of fact, he is and that is why I remembered him, so how do you want to hear his story, narrated by Jimmy himself

ramuma53 - 7-29-2009 at 05:16 PM

Liar or who used to be named Jesse
you are a small time cook, stick to your kitchen, you do not know anything of the law.
when somebody invade a property, the legal owner go to the public attorney, who then go and face the invader and if the invader do not show proof of a legal right to be there, at that instant, the public attorney take him prisoner and leave the legal owner in possession while he prosecute the invader; before 1996 the invader had the right to leave the invaded property and the criminal case would die there, but in 1996 the law changed and he do not has that option anymore, he would be detained and prosecuted.
Second proved lie, my title was investigated by the Federal police and found legal and I was exonerated of any wrong doing and the document where the Federal Police exonerated me, is in the Public Registry in my title file since July 27, 2006, averiguacion Previa PGR/DDF/SPE-X255/06-01 and you can check it in your local PGR office.
Third lie, if I falsified a document, it would not be considered a civil matter, because the title is a Federal title and in consequence a Federal matter and offense and that is why the Federal Police PGR investigated it, so you are proved ignorant also.
But it is interesting why a small time cook would go to such lengths as to lie in public, if he does not have any interest, to me every day it looks more like you are in bed with those crooks in some way and it will be interesting to find out why; maybe you are not a cook but a crook.

nice to know you were an investigator also but you quality show in your writings.

ramuma53 - 7-29-2009 at 05:30 PM

Just as an added point for those who were wrongly informed by the liar named Jesse.
When somebody invade a property, it is called ´Despojo´ and even if the invader show some kind of legal right, it is the District attorney´s decision to leave the people who had the property initially in possession; having papers only give the invader the right to go to court, but the criminal act of ´Despojo´ will be prosecuted against him even if he wins; this is to protect the actual owner or possessor and to not provide a benefit in taking the law in your own hands.

JESSE - 7-29-2009 at 05:59 PM

Originally posted by ramuma53
Liar or who used to be named Jesse
you are a small time cook, stick to your kitchen, you do not know anything of the law.

Oh i have had disreputable people tried to screw me in similar fashion ramuma, and i know about these things more than you believe. You and i know these things are more about balls here in Mexico, than about the law.

Before you call me things, you should notice that i have also said i do believe there has to be some sort of legitimate claim to your statements, otherwise, you wouldnt be pushing so hard.

I will issue my own verdict on this:

A.- Why am i here.

B.- What the hell am i doing here.

C.- I better get the hell out of here.

See ya. No soup for anybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Edited on 7-30-2009 by JESSE]

ramuma53 - 7-29-2009 at 06:03 PM

Liar who used to be named Jesse
What the newspapers say is not a legal proof or authorizes you to repeat lies; that is called defamation and what I am providing to you, is a legal proof that what I am saying is a legal true, not a newspaper saying. Those newspapers claimed that, what they said was not their saying, it was Olivia´s saying, they just printed it, so you are repeating a Oliviá lie.
To your information Registro Agrario is only an Agrarian Public registry and is not an investigating entity, the investigating entity for any Federal matter is the PGR and the PGR after investigating those claims, found me innocent of falsifying documents and my title was found legal and true and you can check it on the PGR file I just provided you with in the PGR office in La Paz or in my Registro Publico de la Propiedad in Santa Rosalia where my title is legally registered.
Sorry, but the nonsense is coming from your now proved lies, do you understand that you are being exposed as a liar with bad faith?.

ramuma53 - 7-29-2009 at 06:07 PM

This is the best I have heard from you Liar named Jesse
No soup, well that was what initiated this, the turtle soup and it is good to know that you are not providing it anymore.

JESSE - 7-29-2009 at 06:09 PM

ELINVESTIG8R - 7-29-2009 at 07:06 PM

Originally posted by ramuma53
Well now I can tell you, you always looked like a coward, but now you are a liar, never a government agency has proved me anything, so from now on instead of Jesse I will call you liar, or I dare you to demostrate what you are saying and you are right I have a legitimate claim, only it is writen in a Government issued private property title that you can see in; now can you provide something so I do not call you in your face a coward and a liar??????

As a matter of fact, he is and that is why I remembered him, so how do you want to hear his story, narrated by Jimmy himself
Rafael, Now that I know Jimmy is alive I think that if he is willing to come on here and state in his own words what happened that day. I think it will go a long way to show people here that you are not just making up the story to hurt Mark and Olivia. That way after he says what he has to say Mark and Olivia can respond. It's just a thought and is in no way obligatory. As I have said all along I do not know the truth but am willing to give both sides the benefit of the doubt until the end.

The Jimmy story

meatpuppet - 7-29-2009 at 08:49 PM

This Jimmy fellow was a felon from the states who was staying at the hotel there as the guest of the fat gloved strawberry(Fresa). He was brought down to the hotel to try to intimidate Mark and Olivia by big guy but it backfired one night. Jimmy and one of his thug friends came in the bar one night and were causing trouble and were getting drunk. There were several gringos there from Coyote Beach having dinner as well as several mexican people. Jimmy, a large baldheaded chap covered in tattoos is 6-2 or so and around 220 lbs. He picked the wrong night to cause trouble and made the mistake of trying to do it drunk. He started swinging a pool cue at someone and the gringos from Coyote beat him within an inch of his life. The cops came and took him to jail and to get him medical attention. The big guy with the glove blames it on Mark but he did not touch him and big guys plan backfired.

This vile ,disgusting greasy spic has been ripping off both gringos and Mexicans for many years and is a legend in his own mind. He is the hero of everyone of his own stories and the fiction author of same.

He tries to outlast all of his victims as he has nothing else he can do for a living but plan these scams. The reason he hates Mark and Olivia so much is they are not scared of him and are standing up to this bully with no balls. The personal ad this vile greasy fat cowman posted about himself says it all as he wanted a bi women as he can not get it up with a hetero girl.

He is what he appears to be and thats a slimey insect that could not get flocked in a who rehouse with hundred dollar bills hanging out of his ears.....:lol::coolup:

[Edited on 7-30-2009 by sockcucker]

ramuma53 - 7-29-2009 at 09:10 PM

Fair and square, I will ask Jimmy to register tomorrow and write his own story.

Narc, you can say what you want under the name of sockcucker registered here today, but we know it is you.
The thing is that in the story you told to the police, you denied being there and now you accept that you were there, but do not touch him and at this time you and Olivia are still being prosecuted for that crime and your employee was sentenced to years in jail, also that you can bribe your way out, does not mean you did not do it to Jimmy and you can say what you want about him but to hit a man with a machete from behind, is not a brave man doing, also you carried him to the sea thinking he was dead and acted as the criminals you are, trying to hide your crime.
With your bad intentioned letter, you just confirmed that, what I said is true and that the Jimmy story is true, well nobody said that you were very bright anyway beside a coward of course.

I am not Mark(nark)

meatpuppet - 7-29-2009 at 09:17 PM

I am someone that knows you and your scams big boy and only someone as stupid as you would acuse me of being Mark. Mark is a bartender and is not as goodlooking as me ,gloved one.... Still buying the underage hookers in TJ big guy. We all know your fetish and its rough stuff with the underage girls. We call sickos like you pedophiles and even in Mexico they will catch up to you someday..:cool:

arrowhead - 7-29-2009 at 11:19 PM

sockcucker, I'm beginning to see why Dennis hangs out here just waiting for you to come around.

Very entertaining.

MarkR. - 7-30-2009 at 12:43 AM

Shoot Me $12

JESSE you're killing me!

Pescador - 7-30-2009 at 07:49 AM

Not to fan the flames, but where is Bruce Leech. He told me the story about Jimmy when this first happened and he has some knowledge about what was going on. I hate to say it but his story seems pretty close to the latest one.
I can't believe the "thought police" who want this story banned, it is far more interesting than Cabo Ron's whining about how bad Mexico treated him.

ramuma53 - 7-30-2009 at 08:54 AM

Ok, it is not Narc then it is his partner Armando Avakian Games, the only pedophile and homosexual related to them that I know; how is your pulse now that the Tijuana Mafias are behind you for being related and in business with them specificly El Loco Donas Otañes´´ who was killed by the mafia just before your ran, we also know all about your problems as pedophile in Cuernavaca too so don´t think you are under the radar of the intelligence and police corporations. We also know you have been recently in a drug rehabilitation program and that you have been sending stolen goods to Narc; are you more up to give your name now?
I have been under the most close scrutiny by the federal government since I was a Senate candidate for Baja California and as a Newspaper owner and my life as many say is an open book and I have never been related to any of those of your activities, like you did on the Tijuana Telvista scandal as pedophiles; don´t try to blame on other people what you are guilty of.
Also just check the thread Oliva put trying to relate me to a sex answering service, they put it here so just look for it, it now appear under the name of who put it up. Olivia Higuera Aguilar.
As an open book, I am a little difficult to discredit with lies.

ramuma53 - 7-30-2009 at 09:19 AM

I don´t understand, who want to ban Jimmy´s story? I haven’t´ seen anybody try to ban it.
The good thing about this is that, it looks like a lot of people know the Jimmy´s story and I am off the hook about making it up against Olivia, but any way I will get Jimmy to put it up here today or tomorrow at the most; he is now in San Diego and planning on go to Mulege to see how the criminal case against Olivia and Narc is, for his life threatening injuries. Also you should know that he spent almost a year in bed recovering from the injuries in the United States and only now has he been able to return to see the court case against Olivia and Narc.

OLIGUACOMOLE - 7-30-2009 at 11:06 AM

Originally posted by ramuma53
Ok Narc and Oliguacamole or Olivia or Vaquera as you are known in the drug trade.
The first sentences may come from Eddie but as soon as you start with Mr. Corona, you are obviously lying, he cannot tell you that, because he has nothing to do with Corona nor has he access to him and Mr. Corona has nothing to do now in Buenaventura now and from there you just keep lying and I say lying because Eddie is not capable of saying that because he has nothing there beside living with Betty, so he has no interests there other than take care of his wife Betty and we all know he is a little pot head but he do not snort coke like you two do, he is just a pot head who live in dreams but who do not harm anybody but himself. so he does not represent me nor can and he does not care about money, he is an extremely good worker but he simply does not care about money, his dream is to live under a palm tree and that is it, so you are portraying hem wrongly, he is just a good guy without even the smallest ambition more than what he actually have.

So it is OK for your employees to do drugs now! With your permission it is a sweet touch of legality! Corona is listed as your partner with the hotel......what happened there? You or he does not want each other anymore?
Maybe my ambition is to roll up my t-shirt and have a cold bottle of beer under the shade of the palm tree! Envision a tecate bottle in my hand, a sombrero pulled down to shade my eyes, my woman asking in the distance if I want another carne molida taco??? All the while realizing you are in the mental institution getting some kind of help. Friggin paridise!

Cypress - 7-30-2009 at 11:31 AM

About this Jimmy dude. Sounds like he shouldn't have started swinging a pool stick in a house where everybody else has a stick.:lol:

KAT54 - 7-30-2009 at 03:04 PM

So now, Jimmy is a drug guy just out of rehab?
He got beat up at the restaruant?
Almost killed with a machete?
He is in court with Narc and Olivia?
Narc and Olivia are in court still to get back the hotel?
Mano Negro is ready to lose the hotel?
The navy is parked offshore?
Lights are on every customer that goes to the restarunt?
Pounds of drugs were at the restraunt?
The hotel is open?
Mano Negro is not there?
Afraid if Narc?
What a place to visit!!!

Pescador - 7-30-2009 at 03:19 PM

Maybe, I can get a week in "Paradise" and get to meet all of the local color and characters if I just listen carefully. This has to be the wackiest story I have ever been witness to. Maybe Cypress and I can go fishing there cause I will bet that there are some real "whoppers" just waiting to get caught. I am sure the movie rights will sell for a lot but who could ever watch this thing while sober on not under the influence.
When I drove by in June to take my wife to the airport, I thought for about 3 seconds that I should stop in and try to get an impression, but figured that I did not really want to get my "brain dirty" with all of the ...... that seems to be flowing here.

Cypress - 7-30-2009 at 03:33 PM

Pescador,:tumble: Yea, I know all about those "whoppers". Good luck with all your trials and tribulations.:D

DENNIS - 7-30-2009 at 04:06 PM

Originally posted by KAT54
What a place to visit!!!

Hook said it....they're history.

ramuma53 - 7-30-2009 at 05:00 PM

I was told this morning that the gunship is no longer in front of your restaurant and you sudenly appear, Ok.
Will see who will en at a mental institution, only you at the criminaly insane.
Jimmy didnt swing a stick to nobody, he was caught cowarly form the back by Narc and that si what he declared to the police and sorry, but Jimmy is coming to see the governor and the Estate District attorney about your case and how it is possible that you are walking and selling drugs after your series of crimes.
But first he will publish here his story so everybody know who you really are, a couple of criminals just waiting to go to jail.

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