
Arizonas new Imigration Bill(This has turned into a Rat Hole)

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DENNIS - 5-14-2010 at 11:15 AM

Originally posted by k-rico

It doesn't go into effect until July 29th. know that and I know that, but it seems some arn't going to wait till the horses have left the gate to cry foul. It's just so empowering for them to run around yelling, "Racist", and I am so sick of hearing it.

[Edited on 5-14-2010 by DENNIS]

Mexicorn - 5-14-2010 at 11:17 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by k-rico

This is the part of the law I really don't like:

"makes it illegal to harbor, transport, conceal or shield someone you know or should know is in this country illegally"

There's nothing new about this. Good Samaritans working in the desert distributing water to predetermined spots can't and won't take a person to a hospital if they find him almost dead from dehydration.
There is a lot of uglyness involved with this issue, but there can't be exceptions for every perceived occasion.

Very good point sir.

Cypress - 5-14-2010 at 12:08 PM

Zonies?:biggrin:Oh yea, another label for anybody that doesn't live in the areas deemed "enlightened". Sounds better than "racist". Why the heck are these CA liberals trying to sell their homes and move to "zonie" country?:biggrin:

Another GOOD reason to Visit Arizona

MrBillM - 5-14-2010 at 12:31 PM

You're GUARANTEED not to run into Mexicorndog, Bajaoddball, GoatScheisse or ANY other of the Liberal Rats since they're Boycotting. Hopefully, those among them that actually live in Arizona will be true to their principles and get out, making it a far better place to live.

We should DEMAND that EVERY Left-Winger stand true to those principles and go somewhere else. Don't compromise. GO !

As an aside, the safest place to be in Arizona should now be the Ice Cream Parlors since Offal Obi has warned the Illegals that taking their kids there will result in their being deported.

Bajahowodd - 5-14-2010 at 01:20 PM

I read something quite interesting this morning. While I understand that many factors and issues have fueled the AZ drive to pass and implement the law in question, no doubt a key element that has been voiced over and over is crime. So, what about it?

According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, violent crime rate changes 2002- 2008 for key US border towns and cities:

San Diego- -16%
Nogales- + 2%
El Paso- -30%
Laredo- + 1%
Brownsville- -33%

So, whatever the perception, or the spin, the numbers don't lie. And fundamentally, given the relatively small population base in Nogales and Laredo, the rate is statistically unchanged.

gnukid - 5-14-2010 at 01:49 PM

• In Los Angeles, 95 percent of all outstanding warrants for homicide (which total 1,200 to 1,500) target illegal aliens. Up to two-thirds of all fugitive felony warrants (17,000) are for illegal aliens.

Subsection 1324(c) of Title 8 specifically authorizes state and local officers "whose duty it is to enforce criminal laws" to make arrests for violations of 8 U.S.C. § 1324. There is also a general federal statute which authorizes certain local officials to make arrests for violations of federal statutes, 18 U.S.C. § 3041. The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has held that 18 U.S.C. § 3041 authorizes those local officials to issue process for the arrest, to be executed by law enforcement officers. See United States v. Bowdach, 561 F.2d 1160, 1168 (5th Cir. 1977).

Rule 4(a)(1) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure provides that an arrest warrant "shall be executed by a marshal or by some other officer authorized by law." The phrase, "some other officer," includes state and local officers. Bowdach, supra.

toneart - 5-14-2010 at 01:56 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
Zonies?:biggrin:Oh yea, another label for anybody that doesn't live in the areas deemed "enlightened". Sounds better than "racist". Why the heck are these CA liberals trying to sell their homes and move to "zonie" country?:biggrin:

I would think the driver is economics, not politics. California is screwed!
By the way, California is pretty well split between Conservatives and Liberals and has crazies of all stripes.:yawn:

mtgoat666 - 5-14-2010 at 02:02 PM

Originally posted by k-rico
"makes it illegal to harbor, transport, conceal or shield someone you know or should know is in this country illegally"

How does officer barney fife or sherriff jim clark determine that you "should know?"

Will cops now stop and hassle any and all people traveling with latinos?

Is no one safe in arizona?

[Edited on 5-14-2010 by mtgoat666]

DENNIS - 5-14-2010 at 02:09 PM

Originally posted by mtgoat666

Is no one safe in arizona?

Only the citizens....for a change.

Who let you out of your pen?

Cypress - 5-14-2010 at 02:16 PM

mtgoat666. "Barney Fife"? Wasn't he one of those 60's TV stars? Let me see? Let's do the math! That was 50 years ago.:o This is 2010, for God's sake! Is there any chance that times have changed?:lol:

amirravon - 5-14-2010 at 02:33 PM

How do i Unsubscribe from this never ending post ?

Cypress - 5-14-2010 at 02:41 PM

amirravon, :biggrin:

mtgoat666 - 5-14-2010 at 02:47 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
"Barney Fife"? That was 50 years ago.
This is 2010, for God's sake! Is there any chance that times have changed?

The friendly aspects of Barney Fife law enforcement are long gone in Arizona. Cops in Arizona are now like Sherriff Jim Clark.

DENNIS - 5-14-2010 at 03:01 PM

Originally posted by amirravon
How do i Unsubscribe from this never ending post ?

Vote with your feet. :lol:

oldlady - 5-14-2010 at 03:29 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
I read something quite interesting this morning. While I understand that many factors and issues have fueled the AZ drive to pass and implement the law in question, no doubt a key element that has been voiced over and over is crime. So, what about it?

According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, violent crime rate changes 2002- 2008 for key US border towns and cities:

San Diego- -16%
Nogales- + 2%
El Paso- -30%
Laredo- + 1%
Brownsville- -33%

So, whatever the perception, or the spin, the numbers don't lie. And fundamentally, given the relatively small population base in Nogales and Laredo, the rate is statistically unchanged.

And cities in Arizona?

Not heard anybody challenge the stat that Phoenix is number 2 in the world in kidnappings. Is it accurate or no?

Bajahowodd - 5-14-2010 at 04:42 PM

My friend. I agree that drug related and illegal immigrant crime is a major problem for the big cities where the majority of the drug sales are accomplished. I just think that in an overall view, big cities have a major incidence of felony crime, that would not necessarily be reduced by a much in the absence of the illegal thing. Because the overwhelming number of illegals are just seeking menial work. They are not standing on the corner hawking drugs for the cartels. They are at the Home Depot, looking for an honest day's work to feed their children.

Seeking Menial Work ?

MrBillM - 5-14-2010 at 09:30 PM

So far, I haven't seen a study done on EXACTLY what sort of menial work that the High proportion of Illegal Aliens in Prison were seeking.

It would be interesting to know that. Seems like the kind of work and workers to be avoided.

Bajaboy - 5-14-2010 at 09:51 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
My friend. I agree that drug related and illegal immigrant crime is a major problem for the big cities where the majority of the drug sales are accomplished. I just think that in an overall view, big cities have a major incidence of felony crime, that would not necessarily be reduced by a much in the absence of the illegal thing. Because the overwhelming number of illegals are just seeking menial work. They are not standing on the corner hawking drugs for the cartels. They are at the Home Depot, looking for an honest day's work to feed their children.

How do you know the guys at Home Depot are illegal? Are you profiling?

That's rich

Dave - 5-14-2010 at 10:17 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
They are at the Home Depot, looking for an honest day's work to feed their children.

I'm sure those doing the hiring will check SS#'s and pay appropriate taxes and withholding.

Mexicorn - 5-15-2010 at 12:22 AM

Is anyone out there? Would you please stand up? Even Dennis has let me down with his last post and he's almost a Mexican.

capt. mike - 5-15-2010 at 05:58 AM

most of the big box stores have come to their senses here in AZ and do not let the illegals loiter around pestering the customers and legitimate contractors shopping for materials....not human beans...

and - we have enforced laws against employing humans illegally - it all is SLOWLY working and the illegals who choose NOT to apply properly are going back to their own land, finally....
but new suckers are brought in by coyotes daily.
yesterday in Mesa cops busterd/arrested 6 coyotes and rescued 15 in a house who paid $2500 each for NOTHING! now they are going home.

the rest are criminals Mexico gladly wants over here, they are now in our prisons for VIOLENT crimes, not just dealing.
kidnapping, murder, DUI and killing drivers.
if you do not live in AZ you have NO idea how effed up this biz is.
we are taking back our state. if you don't like it STFU!!

oh....and i pay $22 every time i want to LEGALLY enter MEX like i will AGAIN on thursday...along with a plane permit at $65 a year.
10 trips a year and i paym them over $300.

DENNIS - 5-15-2010 at 07:29 AM

Originally posted by capt. mike
....and i pay $22 every time i want to LEGALLY enter MEX like i will AGAIN on thursday...along with a plane permit at $65 a year.
10 trips a year and i paym them over $300.

Just consider it a ticket into Disneyland. :light:

Bob and Susan - 5-15-2010 at 07:40 AM

welcome to disneyland...

One Day Admission
Adults $72.00

children are WAY cheaper...

Bajajorge - 5-15-2010 at 07:44 AM

The liberal left cry babies back in the 80s changed the Immigration law to what has caused this Immigration mess today. But, what the hell, let's all just increase our tax burden and support anybody that wants to come to the US, legal or illegal. God forbid someone should ask if you are legal or illegal. Politically correct, what a crock of crap.

oxxo - 5-15-2010 at 07:52 AM

Originally posted by Bajajorge
The liberal left cry babies back in the 80s changed the Immigration law to what has caused this Immigration mess today.

Gosh, wasn't that Reagan's watch? No presidential veto?

comitan - 5-15-2010 at 07:55 AM


oldlady - 5-15-2010 at 08:16 AM

Originally posted by oxxo
Originally posted by Bajajorge
The liberal left cry babies back in the 80s changed the Immigration law to what has caused this Immigration mess today.

Gosh, wasn't that Reagan's watch? No presidential veto?

Regan was president, the House was controlled by Dems and the Senate by Repubs. Illegal immigration problems very much like the situation today. Special interests in both parties were on both sides of the issue. The "deal" that was struck between the factions was agreement to change in immigration laws that would presumably stem illegal immigration if the law included amnesty for those who had been illegally in the US since 1982.

Every administration since then had responsibility for enforcing the law. Obviously, none of them did a very effective job.

If you want to make it a partisan thing...blame and credit them both.

[Edited on 5-15-2010 by oldlady]

oxxo - 5-15-2010 at 09:33 AM

Originally posted by oldladyIf you want to make it a partisan thing...blame and credit them both.

Then why are so many on this thread blaming the "liberals" and Obama for the current immigration situation? McCain is making it a partisan thing, "and complete the danged fence." :lol::lol::lol: Nepolitano was right, "show me a 20 foot fence and I'll show you a 22 foot ladder."

95% of this "problem" would go away if the US cracked down on those companies that employed illegal workers, - including those who hire outside of Home Depot. 95% of the drug problem would go away if the US cracked down on recreational drug users in the US. This is not partisan, this is common sense.

Hey Dumbies

MrBillM - 5-15-2010 at 09:50 AM

Liberals, that is. Of Course.

Go Ahead. BLAME Reagan. It's incorrect, BUT if you're blaming him, you're Proving OUR point.

The SAME thing that the Left WANTS to do NOW was done before and IT DIDN'T WORK.

They say that Insanity is trying the same thing over and over and expecting different results. That's certainly true here.

But, then, Liberals ARE Insane. It is, by definition, a Mentally-Deranged view of society.

As far as Fences go, the Fence in California is a big part of Arizona's problem today. Besides, that line about fences is pure BS. Israel knows how to make fences work. Maybe we should contract with them. IT'S ALL ABOUT ENFORCEMENT.

[Edited on 5-15-2010 by MrBillM]

Mexicorn - 5-15-2010 at 10:05 AM

Originally posted by MrBillM
So far, I haven't seen a study done on EXACTLY what sort of menial work that the High proportion of Illegal Aliens in Prison were seeking.

It would be interesting to know that. Seems like the kind of work and workers to be avoided.

Seems you have an inside track on this Prison thing MrBillM where did you do time?

Cypress - 5-15-2010 at 10:49 AM

In the south not too long ago they provided work for prisoners, was called a "Chain Gang". They got plenty of exercise, kept the roadsides clear of brush and trash. Had a friend or two that spent a little time on one. They didn't re-offend. :spingrin:

toneart - 5-15-2010 at 10:55 AM

Originally posted by Cypress
In the south not too long ago they provided work for prisoners, was called a "Chain Gang". They got plenty of exercise, kept the roadsides clear of brush and trash. Had a friend or two that spent a little time on one. They didn't re-offend. :spingrin:

...except maybe online? :lol::lol::lol:

Cypress - 5-15-2010 at 11:01 AM


oldlady - 5-15-2010 at 11:12 AM

Originally posted by Mexicorn
[Or is this just my libeial agenda just waiting to pounce on any who's a racist?

From your posts, doubt you'd know one if they walked around with a sandwich sign and the "r " word on it in red.

Doing Time

MrBillM - 5-15-2010 at 11:30 AM

The statistics are readily available AND of significant importance to those of us concerned with having criminals around us.

I KNOW that the Libs HATE to get into any debate over those in prison because they have such a "caring" attitude towards those incarcerated, including Rapists, Murderers and the usual Thugs. They're ALL victims and it's ALL somebody else's (probably an evil rich capitalist's) fault.

That said, having been born and living in California most of my life, I suppose that the experience could be compared to imprisonment since the Liberal Voice became predominant.

Of course, unlike a "Real" prison, I could have left years ago, but I suppose I was "Imprisoned" by my job and an unwillingness to start over in Arizona (or the like) .

capt. mike - 5-15-2010 at 11:46 AM

oh - i call everyone human beans instead of "beings" - just a joke and play on words.
just like when i say to people, "how ya bean"

just a little humus. you can see it many places in general comments past.
so Mexicorn - if that off put you am sorry and i see the bad connection. as in "beaners" which is what you're refering to.
not the intent at all.
i like mexicans...especially legal entries.
i have a ton of mexican friends. legal USA citizenry and of course those residing in Mexico. also persons of Hispanic ancestry.
i am not a racist and the law is not about racism - never was but the left wants to make a race thing out of it.
and i really like the ethnic food so i am going for tacos and beer today. woo hoo!!

DENNIS - 5-15-2010 at 12:41 PM

Originally posted by capt. mike
i am not a racist and the law is not about racism - never was but the left wants to make a race thing out of it.

That is literally all they have. If they couldn't throw that word around, they would be left mute. What encourages them to stick with it is that some who are targeted assume they have to defend themselves from the accusation.
Don't do that. Don't give it credence by responding to the lame charge. It's no more than a philosophical term and only means what you allow it to mean. It is meaningless unless you give it meaning.
If a stranger approached you and pointedly accused you of being a Philistine, would you go into a defense mode? I doubt it. More likely you would ignore him and with that choice you would be spared the guilt which he tried to pile upon you.
Do as much with the lame accusation, "racist." Ignore it if it doesn't apply to you and don't let some donkey on the internet tell you different.

Next lesson we'll learn how to embrace the term by extracting all of the good aspects of it and applying them to our lives to make us better persons.

Bajahowodd - 5-15-2010 at 01:15 PM

I realize that there are substantial numbers of people who regard the LA Times as something of a liberal/ lefty rag. Frankly, it probably was guilty of that charge to a certain extent when it was being run by Otis Chandler. However, prior to his time at the helm, it was anything but liberal. And, in my opinion, in recent years, especially with ownership changes, it has lost its liberal leanings. That said, I was quite surprised to see a long-winded editorial in today's edition urging Major League Baseball to relocate this year's All-Star game from Phoenix.

Anyone interested in their rationale can go here
and scroll down to the Opinion section to find it.

Cypress - 5-15-2010 at 01:37 PM

Mexicorn, Do I approve of Capt. Mike's terminology? Are you a member of the PC patrol? About cheap labor? Ever work on a real labor crew? They'd work us 20 minutes , then let us "cool down" for 20 minutes. Twenty on and twenty off, for 8 hrs. Being called a "human bean" or anything else was the least of my worries. You might need to reflect on how lucky you are.:biggrin:

DENNIS - 5-15-2010 at 01:38 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
a long-winded editorial in today's edition urging Major League Baseball to relocate this year's All-Star game from Phoenix.

It's my understanding that the request has been denied by someone who doesn't want to turn the All Star Game into a weapon.
A refreshing decision, isn't it.

Bajahowodd - 5-15-2010 at 01:46 PM

I wasn't taking sides. Fact is, it's only a game. Just as there were some who suggested that the Lakers should forfeit their series with the Suns.:o

DENNIS - 5-15-2010 at 01:51 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
I wasn't taking sides. Fact is, it's only a game. Just as there were some who suggested that the Lakers should forfeit their series with the Suns.:o

If the All Star Game is only a "game", so is the NYSE.

oldlady - 5-15-2010 at 01:55 PM

cynic. :D

We B PC ?

MrBillM - 5-15-2010 at 02:06 PM


Went down to Walmart to buy a few Gallons of paint. One of the (once) most common colors.


" Sorry. Don't have that color any longer in the database. There were certain names that were deleted and there is no cross-reference to what the color would be now".

Came home and rifled through file after file, but can't find a color swatch, although I have the OLD formula. Since all of their computerized-mixing gear is new, I'm not confident, but I'm heading back.

ALTHOUGH I have no way of knowing, I am suspicious as to the reason such a popular color ceased to exist (by that name).

BTW, While there standing in line for checkout, two "ladies" in the next line were talking to each other about what a terrible place Walmart was for not paying their employees a "Livable Wage", etc. I casually asked WHY they were shopping HERE.

"Well, the prices are so good".


Bajahowodd - 5-15-2010 at 02:11 PM

Builders and contractors moved away from that particular shade of white years ago. While I get your point, it's more likely there was no demand for it.

GrOUper-GAr - 5-15-2010 at 02:23 PM

--- Ethnic Group ---
...not enough genetic variation there.

Sharksbaja - 5-15-2010 at 02:42 PM


Wahhhhh :no::no::no:

Cypress, please stop deleting yourself every time you post on a race related subject.

You do that a lot, just seems chickenshi-t to me. Messes up any credibility you may have.:rolleyes:

Cypress - 5-15-2010 at 02:54 PM

Sharksbaja. Deleting myself?:?: Chickensh-t? :?:Glad you got that off your chest. Got anything in the smoker?:biggrin:

Call me a Doubting Thomas

MrBillM - 5-15-2010 at 02:58 PM

Or Bill. Or whatever.

It was there in late '09 when I bought two gallons. And, it's just a set of numbers in a database of THOUSANDS of colors at Walmart. Or was. At one time, it was on the shelf premixed, but first the Exterior and then the Interior disappeared. When it first disappeared from the shelf, the Paint manager at that time said they got daily complaints because it was so popular.

Looking for a close match, the Paint Gal pulled out a stack of color swatches six-inches long about three-inches thick on a steel-ring. A LOT of colors.

But, we'll probably never know. I just hope the numbers I've got can be translated. I'm not much for change.

[Edited on 5-15-2010 by MrBillM]

danaeb - 5-15-2010 at 03:07 PM

Here's a helpful hint Bill. Try googling 'Navajo White Paint'.

Cypress - 5-15-2010 at 03:18 PM

Sharksbaja, You've insulted me for no good cause. Have been "sucker punched" before. Just one of those things. You took your shot.:lol: Hope you're proud of yourself.:D

And the point would be ?

MrBillM - 5-15-2010 at 03:27 PM

Other than attempting to satisfy the "Why is it gone" (from Walmart) question ?

Which I had already done. Didn't find anything in that respect.

Although a (once very popular) standard color, I found (from '72 to present) that each brand differed somewhat in tint.

Oh Well. Shouldn't be using Racist Paint, right ?

Bajahowodd - 5-15-2010 at 04:37 PM

"Oh Well. Shouldn't be using Racist Paint, right ?"

In your case, it would be perfectly acceptable. And expected.

JaraHurd - 5-15-2010 at 04:48 PM

I wasn't going to chime in..but I couldn't help it. Can you believe that someone on Nomad is trying to convince us that the LA Times is not left-leaning? OMG......I am speechless...

capt. mike - 5-15-2010 at 05:11 PM

"This is your captain speaking and thank you for Flying screaming Eagle airlines. Now buckle you (sic) seat belts, and please speak only the Kings English while flying. Oh by the way Some of my best friends are Mexican beaners.... yuk...yuk...yuk...
Sorry Mike that doesn't cut it you've been outed homeboy"

outed? am i gay now too?? i admit to being happy....but sheesh??:rolleyes:

well sorry you think that but all who know me would disagree - especially the many disadvantaged mexican citizens i have flown to the states including Reina and her mother from Constitucion, she has a rare genetic bone disease and we have been bringing them to the states for pediatric surgery she can't get or afford in Baja - read all about her at
it's called Blount's Disease.

they speak NO english and i have personally escorted them thru CBP at Nogales AZ. do you REALLY think i would donate significant $$$s in my time and resources if i hated hispanics and Mexicans?? come on - get to know me - i cut up all the time and most here know to take it with a grain - salt or everclear.
look up, read random posts and you'll see i basically copywrited "human beans" long ago and not in posts reflecting references to any ethnic group - we are all human beans, get it??
guess not.
time for a glass - how about you?

All's Well that Ends Well

MrBillM - 5-15-2010 at 06:24 PM

With Paint, that is.

Got a different clerk. She input the supplied formula. No Problem.

Got my Native-American (War ?) Paint.

Mexicorn - 5-15-2010 at 09:01 PM

Originally posted by capt. mike
"This is your captain speaking and thank you for Flying screaming Eagle airlines. Now buckle you (sic) seat belts, and please speak only the Kings English while flying. Oh by the way Some of my best friends are Mexican beaners.... yuk...yuk...yuk...
Sorry Mike that doesn't cut it you've been outed homeboy"

outed? am i gay now too?? i admit to being happy....but sheesh??:rolleyes:

well sorry you think that but all who know me would disagree - especially the many disadvantaged mexican citizens i have flown to the states including Reina and her mother from Constitucion, she has a rare genetic bone disease and we have been bringing them to the states for pediatric surgery she can't get or afford in Baja - read all about her at
it's called Blount's Disease.

they speak NO english and i have personally escorted them thru CBP at Nogales AZ. do you REALLY think i would donate significant $$$s in my time and resources if i hated hispanics and Mexicans?? come on - get to know me - i cut up all the time and most here know to take it with a grain - salt or everclear.
look up, read random posts and you'll see i basically copywrited "human beans" long ago and not in posts reflecting references to any ethnic group - we are all human beans, get it??
guess not.
time for a glass - how about you?

Ok Ok Mike maybe I made a knee jerk reaction.

capt. mike - 5-16-2010 at 05:28 AM

"Ok Ok Mike maybe I made a knee jerk reaction.

no worries man!:cool: bad timing for me to use that euphanism i guess.
i can see how it would trip someone up if they didn't know me.
and hey! the tacos and beer were good yesterday!
i am going to do it again today!
why do we love Mexican food so much? easy - it is the Capsasian - it's a direct connector to endorphans - also why it is used in pain killers.
yes folks - tacos and hot sauce makes one high....well me anyway.:lol::yes:

monoloco - 5-16-2010 at 09:14 AM

Originally posted by capt. mike

just like when i say to people, "how ya bean"
Oh, now you're making fun of Canadians.:lol:

DENNIS - 5-16-2010 at 09:33 AM

Saw a shocking sight at the grocery store the other day. About twenty cans of Bean Soup.
Now somebody is suggesting that cannibalism is the answer to the problem? That is freakin' least I thought it was until I wandered down the aisle and came across a bigass display of Rosarito Bean Dip.
Jeeeeezo....I was flabbergasted. Yep...flabbergasted, and you all know what that's like. It aint fun.

Anyway, here's a recipe for what some call, "Fellow Traveler Stew."

................................Mississippi Red Beans....................................


1 pack of red kidney beans
3 teaspoons bacon drippings
4 cloves of garlic (chopped)
2 large ham hocks (raw, not smoked)
1 onion (chopped)
1 bell pepper (chopped)
1 package of sausage (preferably spicy)
cayenne or red pepper


Place beans in container with just enough water to cover.
Soak for 2 hours or until beans begin to plump and wrinkle.
In large pot, place the soaked beans, chopped garlic, bacon drippings, ham hocks and about 3 1/4 cups of water.
Bring to a boil.
Then, reduce heat and let simmer for one hour and thirty minutes or until the meat of the ham hocks begin to loosen from the bone.
At this point, add chopped onion, chopped bell pepper and sausage.
After, add salt and black and red peppers to your liking (because of the bacon drippings and ham hocks, only a moderate amount of salt is needed, the peppers depend on your tolerance of spicy food).
Turn up heat and bring to boil.
Then reduce heat and let simmer for another hour.
Let sit for about 15 to 20 minutes and then your ready for some "good ole red beans".

Comments: The secret to good, thick "bean gravy" is not to add any more water after the first three cups. Serve with rice and enjoy! And don't forget the cornbread.

Mexicorn - 5-16-2010 at 09:44 AM

I see this thread has met it's end. We have all vented and we are all still friends who love Baja.


Oh almost forgot Suns vs Lakers tomarrow evening on TBS-

[Edited on 5-16-2010 by Mexicorn]

wessongroup - 5-16-2010 at 09:51 AM

Mississippi Red Beans... that is looking damn good...

DENNIS - 5-16-2010 at 09:53 AM

Beanbag Chair???

How ya Bean?

Bean there..Done that

I've Bean to the mountaintop.........

Cypress - 5-16-2010 at 09:55 AM

Was raised on 'em. Hated 'em till I turned about 30, then for some reason began to really like 'em.;D

wessongroup - 5-16-2010 at 10:07 AM

There used to be an old guy from Louisiana that was on TV.. would cook up sausage, red beans, and all kinds of stuff down their way... used to drive me up the wall... was looking so good... no smell-a-vision but, have spend some time down south and some of that stuff is really good eating... boy!!

Ok back to immigation... of red beans.. is that racist? :lol::lol:

toneart - 5-16-2010 at 10:11 AM

Originally posted by Mexicorn
I see this thread has met it's end. We have all vented and we are all still friends who love Baja.


Oh almost forgot Suns vs Lakers tomarrow evening on TBS-

[Edited on 5-16-2010 by Mexicorn]

'bout time...hope you're right! :bounce:

Originally posted by capt. mike

why do we love Mexican food so much? easy - it is the Capsasian - it's a direct connector to endorphans - also why it is used in pain killers.
yes folks - tacos and hot sauce makes one high....well me anyway.:lol::yes:

Oh yeah! :bounce::yes:


toneart - 5-16-2010 at 10:15 AM

Will Shortz today on NPR presented a word puzzle: What major oil brand, if you remove the first and last letters, forms another major oil brand? The answer: Wesson>>>Esso :light::coolup:

comitan - 5-16-2010 at 01:09 PM

Jump on this!!!!!


Cypress - 5-16-2010 at 01:15 PM

Red beans, rice and all the trimmings. :biggrin: Good stuff!:biggrin:

wessongroup - 5-16-2010 at 01:35 PM

Originally posted by toneart
Will Shortz today on NPR presented a word puzzle: What major oil brand, if you remove the first and last letters, forms another major oil brand? The answer: Wesson>>>Esso :light::coolup:

Tone... you just showed me other example of my name not doing me any good at all... all my life... are you related to Wesson Oil.. yeah, that's why I'm painting your house, are you related to Smith & Wesson, yeah, that's why I'm taking your order ... and now, I find I'm somehow related to Esso... and that's not going to do me any good either...

What a raw deal.. a name with juice (for some) and all I got was the seeds...

Thanks though it's always good to learn things.. it is a daily event, and tells me I'm not dead yet...

Keep up the good thoughts and sounds too, if you still play... and stay out of those fist fights .... a good lip is hard to play with ..... when it's been "crunched" a bit.. :lol::lol:

[Edited on 5-16-2010 by wessongroup]

toneart - 5-16-2010 at 01:40 PM

Originally posted by comitan
Jump on this!!!!!


Hey! I'll make the bumper stickers. Send the money to me instead. :lol::lol:

Bajahowodd - 5-16-2010 at 02:11 PM

Language a bit over the top. I hadn't realized that the guys hanging out at the Home Depot parking lot were foreign invaders that were destroying our country. Learn something new every day. Although, given what's been going on for the last several decades, I'd say that it's closer to what Walt Kelly posited in Pogo, when Pogo said, "We've met the enemy, and the enemy is us." Somehow, it appears that we haven't really needed foreign invaders to destroy our country.

Barry A. - 5-16-2010 at 02:18 PM

Posted without comment other than as a final word from me on THIS subject------Barry

Bajahowodd - 5-16-2010 at 02:35 PM

There is no way that the US or any country, for that matter, can absolutely prevent either entry of foreigners, or another terrorist attack. If you build a 15 foot high fence, someone will come along with a 16 foot tall ladder. Just recently, a government watchdog report criticized a couple of Bush era anti-terrorist programs, including the multi-billion dollar virtual fence developed by Boeing, as being ineffective, inasmuch as it could not detect the difference between a human walking the desert or a blowing tumbleweed.

I give our guys out there on the front line all the credit in the world for accomplishing what they have. But, if anyone thinks there are means and resources to completely seal out foreigners, they are dreaming.

capt. mike - 5-16-2010 at 03:12 PM

"I give our guys out there on the front line all the credit in the world for accomplishing what they have. But, if anyone thinks there are means and resources to completely seal out foreigners, they are dreaming. "

that's what you think - lame, very lame - and cowardly.:barf:
the difference between defeatist fatalism and a never give up attitude.
you should watch Pearl Harbor.
i just did.

sure, lets just admit defeat and throw in the towel.
wrong attitude, wrong time.
rock on AZ.
rock on.
let em in legally - anyone from any land. But.... make em respect our border, our country, our LAWS. :light:

Barry A. - 5-16-2010 at 03:13 PM

------not a "black and white" issue---------NOBODY that I have heard says that ALL illegals will be stopped, but we SURE can do better than we have been doing if this country (this Administration) provides the tools and infrastructure to address it, and it has the responsibility to do so.


Cypress - 5-16-2010 at 03:15 PM

capt. mike! You're right!:bounce:

k-rico - 5-16-2010 at 03:16 PM

Originally posted by capt. mike
let em in legally - anyone from any land.

like the 9/11 terrorists? :o

[Edited on 5-16-2010 by k-rico]

Cypress - 5-16-2010 at 03:26 PM

k-rico. No.

DENNIS - 5-16-2010 at 03:34 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd

if anyone thinks there are means and resources to completely seal out foreigners, they are dreaming.

Legal immigration, if properly managed, might just be the ticket. I wonder if the US will ever give that an honest effort.
In the meantime, we have to keep the ideal objective in mind and not be content with the results of our failures.

Packoderm - 5-16-2010 at 03:41 PM

Nobody ever mentions the desired population for the U.S.. Currently the U.S. population is 309,287,043. Is there a point where the quality of life would be diminished for those living here? California is already feeling a bit crowded - especially in the cities and their outlying suburbs. Perhaps we could let in the same amount of people from each country as the number of Americans that move to these particular countries - a citizen exchange program if you will.

k-rico - 5-16-2010 at 03:45 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
k-rico. No.

Of course. I was just poking Capt. Mick

I wonder what has caused the US more grief, legal or illegal foreigners?

Barry A. - 5-16-2010 at 03:49 PM

Illegals---------hands down!!!! Legal immigrants are a 97% positive addition, as has almost always been the case.


Mexicorn - 5-16-2010 at 03:53 PM

Originally posted by Barry A.
Posted without comment other than as a final word from me on THIS subject------Barry

I know everyone wants to believe all these terrorists are crossing into the US via Mexico but didnt all the 9-11 Terrorists enter through Canada?

I mean please how difficult would it be for some right wing nut casses to stragically place prayer rugs and other sorted anti-american propaganda on this ranchers land? That's not saying he didn't do it himself he looks like a "Good Ole Boy huh?"

Changing points here that nut that just attempted to bomb Times square last month how did he get back into the US after attending pakstani terrorist training camp(incidently he must graduated at the bottom of his class).

Looka here, I know that you AZ Minute men will do anything to drive your point home about foreniers entering illegally into the US via Mexico but I have not heard one of you say "Lets build a fence between the US and Canada."

No this all about keeping the jack boot of facisim on the neck of the brown man.

In a way I hope you guys build a great big fence around the country and no one illegal ever gets in again. I can see you guys out there toiling in the sun picking cucumbers in the Arizona sun for minimum wage.

So what say you Oh great white hope?

Will you be the one to work at the Holiday inn in Scottsdale cleaning rooms for minimum wage. I think not.

The united States is addicted to cheap labor and illicit narcotics.

face it a fence just isnt cut it and I have yet to hear a comprehensive immigration bill being put forth by either side.
It's all political posturing and the GOP has never looked so bad and so muck like a party of racists.

Arizona seems to be run by Taminey hall politicos.

And Rome burns while Nero fiddles away.

[Edited on 5-16-2010 by Mexicorn]

DENNIS - 5-16-2010 at 04:06 PM

Originally posted by k-rico
I wonder what has caused the US more grief, legal or illegal foreigners?

Put together a Poll....fifteen languages, please.

k-rico - 5-16-2010 at 04:06 PM

Originally posted by Barry A.
Illegals---------hands down!!!! Legal immigrants are a 97% positive addition, as has almost always been the case.



Right but I wasn't thinking percentage wise, more in absolute terms. The 9/11 guys were all here legally as was the guy in the recent Times Square incident.

Here's some more info along the lines of the video you posted, which I thought was sensationalized.

P.S. I bought F-250. Moving the camper onto it this week, somehow.

comitan - 5-16-2010 at 04:08 PM

You just have to enforce the laws that are in place you then not need a wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No work no illegals.

k-rico - 5-16-2010 at 04:09 PM

Originally posted by Packoderm
Nobody ever mentions the desired population for the U.S.. Currently the U.S. population is 309,287,043. Is there a point where the quality of life would be diminished for those living here?

Plenty of room in Arizona!! :lol:

DENNIS - 5-16-2010 at 04:12 PM

Originally posted by Mexicorn
Changing points here that nut that just attempted to bomb Times square last month how did he get back into the US after attending pakstani terrorist training camp(incidently he must graduated at the bottom of his class).

He got back in because he has citizenship. He also earned an MBA. They don't give those away.

Bajahowodd - 5-16-2010 at 04:13 PM

Rupert Murdoch is a legal immigrant who became a citizen. He's probably more responsible for the acrimonious climate in this country than anyone I can think of. If it wasn't for the money and the ego gratification, he ought to head back to Australia and destroy their comity.

Mexicorn - 5-16-2010 at 04:13 PM

Last Mexican American in Arizona dont forget to turn off the lights!

DENNIS - 5-16-2010 at 04:14 PM

Originally posted by k-rico
P.S. I bought F-250. Moving the camper onto it this week, somehow.

Somehow??? How far away are you from Home Depot? :lol::lol:

Bajahowodd - 5-16-2010 at 04:25 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by k-rico
P.S. I bought F-250. Moving the camper onto it this week, somehow.

Somehow??? How far away are you from Home Depot? :lol::lol:

Do they have a bunch of illegal Americans hanging around the parking lot?:lol::lol:

k-rico - 5-16-2010 at 04:35 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by k-rico
P.S. I bought F-250. Moving the camper onto it this week, somehow.

Somehow??? How far away are you from Home Depot? :lol::lol:

Do they have a bunch of illegal Americans hanging around the parking lot?:lol::lol:


the closest home depot is Rosarito, maybe Woooosh will be hanging out. Just kidding Wooosh.

And I can't go to the Chula Vista HD, Mexican plates, no driver license, and no insurance. I guess I'm adjusting to living in Mexico. ;D

DENNIS - 5-16-2010 at 04:50 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd

Do they have a bunch of illegal Americans hanging around the parking lot?:lol::lol:

It wouldn't surprise me if they did. There are so many between the border and Maneadero.

DENNIS - 5-16-2010 at 04:53 PM

Originally posted by k-rico

And I can't go to the Chula Vista HD, Mexican plates, no driver license, and no insurance. I guess I'm adjusting to living in Mexico. ;D

You've reached the point of no return. I'll bet you're even drinking Mexican beer and eating spicy food. :lol:

k-rico - 5-16-2010 at 04:58 PM

Not yet, but it is Molinero time!

cya - tkt

[Edited on 5-16-2010 by k-rico]

Mexicorn - 5-16-2010 at 05:58 PM

Sara Palin throws her support behind Gov Brewer

Copied from the Arizona Republic

I cant wait for the Saturday night live skit thats in the works...

"I can see Russia from my front yard..."

Sorry right wingers your cause is doomed ! LOL!!!!

Cypress - 5-16-2010 at 06:02 PM

Too many California lifers down in Baja. Don't blame the Mexicans for crossing into Arizona. They're looking for some sanity.:yes:

Post from another Blog

Stickers - 5-16-2010 at 06:21 PM

"Oklahoma passed a similar law in 2007, that they're now considering rescinding. According to the one Republication who opposed it, "You really have to work hard at it to destroy our state’s economy, but we found a way. We ran off the workforce.” In Oklahoma two years ago I saw areas in the cities that rivaled anything I've seen in Mexico for desperate poverty".
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