
Westward bound, finally!

BoenBaja - 5-17-2024 at 07:43 AM

The second night at the Acadian Winery and Brewery ended up being a sh!tstorm of biblical proportions (at least to us). We ended up in the middle of a tornado warning (more impending than a tornado watch with a severe chance of a tornado). Our iPhones bleeped that we should find immediate cover, but we could do nothing but wait it out in our 5th wheel trailer (experts say it’s one of the worst places to be in this situation). We were so freaked out that the next day, although milder weather was forecast, we drove about half way through Kansas and found Fossil Creek RV in Russell KS that had a tornado shelter, which we camped right next to! Left early the next morning and got into Colorado where we spent the night at the Prairie Ridge Buffalo Ranch. We bought some bison burger and tri tip for a big bbq in Colorado Springs on Mother’s Day with my sister, her daughter Rebecca and her husband Tom, their daughter Rachel and her husband Memo and their two daughters Amelia and Mirabel, and Tom and Becky’s son Joey and his wife Christina. After spending three nights parked in their driveway, we said our goodbyes and headed north to Cheyenne WY for a one nights stay at the Terry Bison Ranch, then on to Hermosa SD for two nights at Heartland RV Park. Unhitched the 5th wheel and then spent the next day exploring the back hills, Custer State Park (lots of Antelope and Buffalo), the Crazy Horse Monument, and Mt. Rushmore. Then the next day it was off again through Sturgis and Spearfish SD and back into Wyoming to visit the Devil’s Tower National Monument (remember Close Encounters of the Third Kind?). We had lunch there and then camped at Empire Lodge in Pine Haven WY. Today we will drive to Peter D’s RV Campground in Sheridan for one night, then on to Wapiti State Campground for two nights (gotta remember to buy bear spray!). After that we spend one night at the Fishermen’s Bridge in Yellowstone National Park. That’s as far as we planned so far, more to come.

AKgringo - 5-17-2024 at 09:04 AM

Spending a night in a trailer with a tornado warning? I am reminded of the line from Dirty Harry, "Well how about punk, do you feel lucky?".

I hope the rest of your trip is smooth and delightful on your way back to earthquake country!

surabi - 5-17-2024 at 11:43 AM

I grew up in Kansas. Springtime is tornado time. We had tornado drills at school and there were at least a couple of evenings every spring where we holed up in the basement with our dinner, and a radio and flashlights, etc. waiting for an all-clear.